Standard Form Contract
Standard Form Contract
Standard Form Contract
b) The fact that one party stands in a position where the terms
dictated by it can be imposed upon the other, notwithstanding
the will of the other, and since the terms of such bargains are
known to the former even prior to the entry into the contract,
the former prints it out and keeps it ready, waiting for the
persons to come forward and enter into such contracts; and
1. First reason why people accept SFC, they don’t read the
contract clauses thoroughly as even after reading they
don’t find it worthy of giving so much time in writing
down the clauses.
5. The major point SFC’s are that they are take it or leave
basis, so they don’t have any choice but to accept the
Reasonable Notice
A reasonable notice must be given by the person delivering the
document to give adequate information about the terms and
condition laid down in the contract. This principle was
propounded in the case of Henderson V. Stevenson from House
of Lords. Case facts were that, a person buy a ship ticket on face
of it only boarding place and arriving place was written on it but
on its back side there were certain terms and conditions which
party didn’t see nor anything was written on face of it to turn
over and look at the back of ticket. Simple reason given by court
was that a person cannot agree to a term if he had not seen it
or is not told of it
Contractual Document
For a standard form of the document, there must be a
contractual document signed between the parties in order to
make it enforceable in court. The basic problem lies between
identifying the document as a contract document or as a receipt.
Different between these two is, if the document clearly explains
the express and implied a condition in the document then it is a
contractual document if not then it is a receipt. The contract
must be signed by the person accepting the terms and conditions
mentioned in the document.
Misrepresentation, Fraud, Mischief and other elements which
makes a contract void should not present in the contract in order
to make an agreement enforceable by law.
It’s one of the tools to protect the weaker party from exploitation
through this theory. What happens in theory there is a core or
fundamental of the contract which is bounding on both parties
to follow them and if that is not followed then there will be a
breach of contract. In the case of breach of contract, the weaker
party will not be bound to follow the contract in case of breach
of contract by other party. Test of fundamental breach of
contract can be done through sec 11 of 1977 unfair contract act
which says the contract will be void if it will not satisfy the
reasonableness of the contract.
Case law
Rule in L. Estrange v. Graucob Ltd.
FACTS: Mrs. L signed an agreement without reading it under which she
purchased a cigarette vending machine. Agreement excluded all kinds of
defects. Machine was totally defective.
• HELD: “It is true that the dt’s practically made no efforts to bring the
defects to the knowledge of the pt. but where a document containing
contractual term os signed unless there is some fraud or
misrepresentation, the party signing it is bound and it is wholly
immaterial whether he read them or not”
• Analysis: weaker party was exploited by the business community.
Individuals deserve some protection against possibility of exploitation
inherent in such contracts. Hence courts have evolved some protective
devices .
Standard Form Contracts Protective Devices
Reasonable notice
HELD: Pt was entitled to recover his loss from the Co. inspite of
exemption clause.
Henderson v. Stevenson
OBSERED: Pt could not be said to have accepted the a term which he has
not seen, of which he knew nothing and which is not in any way
ostensibly connected with that which is printed and written upon the face
of the contract presented to him. The result would have been otherwise, if
words like “for conditions see back” had been printed on face of the ticket
to draw the passengers’ attention to the place where the conditions were
PRINCIPLE: “Where a written document is presented to a party for
acceptance, a reasonably sufficient notice shall be given of the presence
of terms and conditions. Notice will be regarded as sufficient if it will
convey to the minds of people in general that ticket contains conditions.
Parker v. South Eastern Railway Co.
FACTS: Pt. deposited a bag at railway station and received a ticket – on
the face words “see back”, on the back, “the co. will not be responsible
for any package exceeding the value of $10.” – a notice to the same
effect was also hung up in the cloak room – pt.'s bag lost – claimed full
value of the bag which was more than $10 – co relied on the exemption
clause. Pt. contended – although he knew there was some writing on the
ticket, he did not see what it was as he thought that the ticket was a
mere receipt for the money paid by him.
HELD: Pt. knew that there was there was writing on the ticket but he did
not know or believe that the writing contained conditions. Nevertheless,
he would be bound because there was reasonable notice that the writing
contained conditions.
Some more Examples
Obliterated instruction – no notice
Instruction in French language –valid notice
No defense of illiteracy and unable to read
FACTS: Pt. on a beach hired two chars from the Council – received
two tickets, glanced and slipped them into pocket – while siting on a
chair he had the misfortune to through canvas with result that he
suffered injury – tickets carried the words “Council will not be liable
for any accident or damage arising from hire of chairs”
Pt. argued he had no idea that there were any conditions on these
FACTS: Pt. delivered a white satin wedding dress to the dts for
cleaning. On being asked to sign the receipt while signing on her
enquiry she was told she shall take the responsibility for sequins
and beads – she then signed the receipt without reading the
conditions – receipt in fact contained condition “co. is not liable for
any damage howsoever caused “ - when the dress was returned
there was a stain on it. On sued by the pt. dt’s claimed defense of
exemption clause
Lord Denning: “By the failure to draw the attention to the width of
the exemption clause the assistant created the false impression that
the exemption only related to beads and sequins and that it did not
extend to the material of which the dress was made. This was
sufficient to disentitle them from relying on exemption clause.
4. Contemporaneous Notice
HELD: Hotel was liable for the loss as the notice was not part of the
• FACTS: pt gave dress for cleaning with a dry cleaner – clause, “no
liability for loss arising from necessary handling and liability limited
to 10 times the cleaning charges” - dress was lost
FACTS: pt. sent his car to garage fro repairs – dt. carried out the
services to the car 3-4 times in the last 5 yrs. – on each occasion pt.
signed an invoice which excluded liability for damage caused by fire
– this occasion he did not sign any document but this time the car
was destroyed by fire due to negligence of the dt. Pt sued the dt for
loss- dt. argued course of dealing in the past established a perfect
contract which excluded liability for loss due to fire.
REASONS: 3-4 dealings over last 5 yrs was not sufficient to create
such course of dealing between the parties as to amount to notice of
terms. The term if accepted to be noticed, might have excluded
liability for loss due to fire but not liability for loss due to fire by
FACTS: pt. hired a bi-cycle from the dt., who agreed to maintain it
in working order – clause, “nothing in this agreement shall render
the owners liable for any personal injuries” - while the pt was riding
the cycle the saddle tilted forward and he was thrown and injured. Pt
claimed compensation – dt relied on exemption clause
HELD: term was unreasonable and against public policy hence liable
to pay the full value of the saree Lord Denning: “there is always the
vigilance of the common law, which while allowing freedom of
contract, watches to see that it is not abused”
With the evolution of legal system the courts had found different
kinds of method and tools to protect the basic right of the weaker
party by applying the principles of natural justice, precedent of
different cases helping in protecting interest of weaker section.
As through transformation these kind of contract are made on
daily basis in enormous number, that’s why proper scrutiny and
providing a lengthy procedure will not work best thing can be
done is to provide awareness about the rule so that the parties
entering into the contract will read the clauses and try to
understand and ask question on certain clauses if they are not
able to understand it.