Prediksi Soal Un 2015

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General Directions :
This test is designed to measure your language ability
The test is devided into two section : listening and Reading
In this section of the test, you will have the change to show how well you understand spoken
English.there are three parts to this section, with special direction for each part.

Part 1
----------------------------------------------------------Question 1 to 6
Direction : in this part of the test, you will hear some dialogue or question spoken in English. The
dialogue or question will be spoken two times.they will be printed in your test book, so you must liten
carefully to understand what the speaker say.
After you hear a dialogue and the question about it. Read the five possible answers and decide
which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Now listen to a sample question :
You will hear :
Man : well, I’m very glad to have you with me. By the way, my name’s james Bond. How do
you do ?
Women : how do you do? I’m barbara.
You will also hear :
Narrator : what do we learn from the dialogue ?
TRY OUT will read
Sample answer :
your test book :

A. the man has never met Barbara before.

B. The man never knows James Bond
C. Barabara has met the man before
D. Barabara met James bond yerterday
E. Barabara meets James Bond every day
The best answer to the question is “the man has never met Barbara before “
Therefore, you should choose answer (a ).
1. ….
A. The man was satisfied with the shirt.
B. The man disliked the shirt.
C. The women chose the shirt for the man
D. The women went to the store with Cyntiah.
E. The women was very fond of the shirt.
2. …
A. An X- ray
B. The women’s forearm
C. The man looks swollen.
D. The women looks swollen.
E. The stairs look swollen.
3. …
A. To Paris
B. To new York
C. To Paris and New York
D. To the man’s house
E. To some place warmer
4. …
A. The museum
B. The government building
C. The commercial district
D. The commercial district and the government building
E. Bus stop
5. …
A. Doing nothing
B. Enjoying good time


C. Gardening
D. Fishing
E. Killing time

6. …
A. While mr. Smith was on the plane
B. While mr. Smith worked
C. While mr. Smith was out
D. The caller phoned at 2 p.m
E. The caller phoned after lunch time
Part 2
---------------------------------------------Question 7 to 10
Direction :
In this part of the test, you will hear several question or statements spoken in English. The question and
respnses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speaker say. You have to choose the best responses to each question
or statement.
Now listen to a sample question :
You will hear :
Women: well, I’m very glad to have you with me. By the way, my name’s Lucy Liu. How do you do ?
Man : ………
You will also hear :
A. How do you do ? I’m Setiawan.
B. I am fine, thank you
C. Let me introduce myself.
D. How do you know me
The best answer to the question “ how do you do? “ is choice (a), “ how do you do? I’m Setiawan”
Therefore, you should choose answer (a ).

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3
----------------------------------------question 11 to 15
Direction :
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two times.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker
say. After you hear a monologue and the question about it. Read the five possible answers and decide
which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

11. …
A. To persuade the listener
B. To entertain the listener
C. To describe a dolphin
D. To make a criticism about a dolphin
E. To explain how a dolphin talks to man
12. …
A. Dolphin are fish
B. Dolphins’ hearing is very sharp
C. Dolphin are friendly animals.
D. Dolphin understand man’s language
E. Dolphin often endanger ships.
13. …
A. How to boil water with sugar
B. How to make jelly
C. How to heat the jelly powder
D. The materials needed to make jelly
E. How to boil the jelly powder
14. …
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
15. ..
A. A nice day
B. A camera
C. A hat
D. A ticket
E. A report


In this section of the test, you will have the change to show how well you understand written English.
Some tests and question will be given in this section. Read then carefully and answer the question.

Text 1
-----------------------------------------------question 16 to 19

Taj mahal is one of the seven wonder of the world. It impresses many people because it
is the symbol of love from a husband to his wife.

Taj mahal stands is in the city of agra, in the northern indian state of uttar Pradesh, on
the banks of the yamura river. It was built in the memory of the beautiful mumtaz
mahal, who won the heart of a Mughal prince, sha jahar. Muntaz mahal died during the
birth of their child, Gauhara begum. The construction of taj mahal was begun soon after
mumtaz’s death.

The focus of Taj mahal is the white marble tomb. Four minarets frame the tomb.
Menwhile, the main chamber houses the cenotaphs of muntaz mahal and her husband,
with their graves located on lower level..

16. what is the purpose of the text above ?

A. To entertaint people about Taj Mahal
B. To persuade people about the beauty of Taj Mahal
C. To describe Taj Mahal
D. To inform the readers about Taj Mahal
E. To retell the story behind the building of Taj Mahal.
17. why does Taj Mahal become so famous?
A. Because Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders in the world
B. Because Taj Mahal is the symbol of love from a husband to his wife
C. Because Taj Mahal stand in the city of Agra
D. Because Taj Mahal was built in the memory of the beautiful mumtaz Mahal
E. Because Taj Mahal is the place to show a man’s love
18. which the statement is not true based on the text ?
A. Taj Mahal is only foud in india
B. Many people in the world are impressed by Taj Mahal
C. Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra
D. Gauhara begum was the wife of shah Jahan
E. There are four minarets in Taj Mahal
19. “ the focus of Taj Mahal is the white marble tomb.”
The underline word has the same meanings as …..
A. Grave
B. Chamber
C. House
D. Marble
E. Symbol
-----------------------------------------------question 20 to 23
What young published women are thinking, saying and doing
(By : Sherry’s Handle and Blue Jeans press)
It’s a wonderfully inspirational book on young women’s issues. The topics covered are so varied
starting from how to boost self-confidence and self image, to struggle, and to get success.A
collection of essay, artcles, and stories taken from a magazine by, from, and for a young women
called blue jean. This book is so worthy to be read because it inspire young women to be outspoken,
independent and self-sustainable. Considering that the top culture has promoted unrealistic and
artificial life style which yoaung women are often victims, this book is a worthwhile alternative.
20. What might the writer think about the book ?
He / she might think that the book. ….
A. Is independent
B. Is too various in content
C. Will give a lot of information to young women
D. Is the only alternative book
E. Will make young women become the victims
21. what is the purpose of text 2 ?
A. To persuade the readers to buy the book
B. To inform the readers about the book
C. To evaluate the book
D. To retell the events in the book
E. To explain the process involved in the making of the book
22. why does the writer think that the book is awortwhile alternative ?
Because. …….
A. It’s a wonderfully inspirational book
B. The topic covered is so varied
C. It makes young women to be outspoken
D. The pop culture has promoted unrealistic and artificial lifestyle.
E. It prevents young women to be the victims of the top culture.
23. “ considering that the top culture has promoted untealistic and artificial lifestyle………..”the
underline word is synonymous with the word…..
A. Fake
B. Man-made
C. Natural
D. Unique
E. Distinctive
--------------------------------------------------------------question 24 to 26


NEW YORK- madonna has sued the people who run her luxury co-op building overlooking central
park, complaining they won’t let her buy a neighbor’s apartement.
Madonna claims in court papers that the co-op’s board of directors wrongfully blocked her
purchase of the seventh-floor apartement at 1 w.64 th street on the upper west side.The material
Girl actress, who already owns a large apartement in the bilding, is asking the court to let the sale go
through and award her legal fees, according to a a notice filed Wednesday in Manhattan’s state
spreme Court. The 49 – year-old singer moved into the building after she was rejected by the board
at the Ritzy san Remo co-op in 1985 presently home to u2 frontman, Bono.
Midboro management inc., the company that manager the west 64th street building,
refused to give comment on the dispute, and the co-op board president did not answer a call Friday
for comment.
(taken from : “the Jakarta Post”’ 2007 )

24.who owns the apartement building at the Ritzy San Remo now ?
A. Bono
B. Madonna
C. Manhattan Co-op
D. Midboro Management Inc.
E. The Material Girl actress
25. Why did Madonna sue the Manhattan Co-op Board ? Because. …..
A. She wanted to sell the sevent-floor apartement at 1 W.64TH Street
B. They sold apartement at 1 W.64th Street to Bono
C. They prevent her from buying the apartement at upper West Side
D. They rejected Madonna at the Ritzy San Remo in 1985
E. Midboro Management Inc. managed the W.64th street building wrongfully
26. “ the company that manages the W.64th street building refused to give comments on the
dispute. ….?
The sentences above means. ……..
A. They keep silence to the press
B. They prosecuted Madonna on court
C. They rejected Madonna’s sue
D. They sold the building at the Ritzy San Remo to Bono
E. They complained about Madonna’s sue
--------------------------------------------------------------question 27 to 30

Have you ever got stuck in a cable car? Well, I have. Last February, I went on a ski trip to
Switzerlend. What a trip to remember !

27. what kind of experience did the writer have in the text ?
A. Sad experience
B. Funny experience
C. Happy experience
D. Frightening experience
E. Exciting experience
28. “ I have had enough of cable cars for a lifetime.”
What does the writer imply from the sentences ?
A. The cable car so wonderful
B. He will ride a cable car for the rest of his life
C. He does not want to have another experience with cable cars
D. He enjoyed the esperience so much
E. He will never miss the experience
29. “………and it was quit everywhere.”
The underlined word has the same meaning as. ….
A. Noisy
B. Tranquil
C. Spooky
D. Scary
E. Interesting
30. text 4 is in the form of a. …….
A. Report
B. Description
C. Narrative
D. Spoof
E. Recount
--------------------------------------------------------------question 31 to 34
31. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. To persuade the readers
B. To entertain the readers
C. To describe Sahala’s life
D. To retell the event happened in Sahala’s life
E. To explain how to break a promise

32. Why couldn’t Sahala keep his promise ? Because He. …..
A. Was very angry
B. Was very hungry
C. Did not love his wife
D. Did not like his daughters
E. Did not get his meal
33. What moral lesson can we take from the story ?
A. A husband should be loyal to his wife
B. Children should pay respect to their parents
C. A man should take care of his family well
D. A man should keep his promise well
E. A women is sometimes too emotional
34. “once upon a time, there was a fisherman named Batara Guru Sahala who lived in Batak Land.
One day, he caught a fish that could talk.”
This part of the text is called the. …..
A. Orientation
B. Complication
C. Description
D. Re-orientation
E. Resolution
--------------------------------------------------------------question 36 to 38

35. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To persuade the readers about the importance of joining a beauty pageant.
B. To retell the event of the beauty pageant
C. To describe the beauty pageant
D. To present two apposing opinions about beauty pageant
E. To explain the adventages of joining a beauty pageant
36. What is the last paragraph called ?
A. Reorientation
B. Reiteration
C. Conclusion
D. Resolution
E. Source

37. the following statement are true based on the the text, except. …..
A. Joining Miss Universe Contest is still very controversial in Indonesia.
B. Yayasan Putri Indonesia strongly demands to send Putri Indonesia
C. Some people object to one of the requirements in Miss Universe contest
D. Sending Putri Indonesia to miss Universe Contest gives both adventages and disadventages
E. People finally give their approval about sending Putri Indonesia to Miss Universe Contest.
38. text 6 is called a/an. ….
A. Exposition
B. Discussion
C. Explanation
D. Description
E. Report
--------------------------------------------------------------question 39 to 42

39. How does the writer feel about the Graft Eradication Commission commitment to eradicate graft
at the Religius Affairs Ministry ? The writer feel. ……
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Surprised
D. Disappointed
E. Bored
40. Which statement is not true based on the text ?
A. The Religious affairs ministry is most corrupt ministry in the country
B. Middle rank officers in the religious ministry can be very rich
C. There was cancellation of haj pilgrimage
D. The religious affairs ministry has taken care the pilgrimage professionally
E. The writer suggests that a swift action need to be taken over the leakage in the ministry.
41. :……..the Graft eradication commission has resolved to eradicate graft at the religious affairs
The underlined word has almost the same meaning as. ….
A. Stop
B. Generate
C. Disseminate
D. Substitute
E. Destroy
42. then organization of the text 7 consist of …..
A. Issue – arguments for (+) – arguments against (_) – conclusition
B. Thesis – argument – reiteration
C. Thesis – arguments – recommendation
D. General statement – a sequence of explanation – closing
E. General claasification – description
--------------------------------------------------------------question 43 to 45

43. What is the text about ?

A. The plan of governor sutiyoso to help other people
B. The project development on fishing villages
C. The annual bonus of high – ranking officials
D. The donation of the annual bonus for the development of fishing villages
E. The paying out of the donation will be conducted in September
44. What do you call the first paragraph of the text ?
A. Orientation
B. Thesis
C. Newsworthy event
D. General classification
E. Identification
45. Which statement is not true based on the the text ?
A. There is a project helping develop fishing villages
B. Some high-ranking city officials had agreed to donate their annual bonus
C. Governor Sutiyoso supported the program
D. The donation would be channeled directly to the needy
E. The paying out will be conducted in September

--------------------------------------------------------------question 46 to 48

46. What does the text mostly tell about ?

A. The women and her cat
B. The policemen and the cat
C. The women and her clever losing cat
D. The police and the losing cat
E. The description of a women about her losing cat
47. what is the last paragraph called ?
A. Reorientation
B. Twist
C. Conclusion
D. Resolution
E. Reiteration
48. how did the policemen feel when the women said that her cat almost talked ? He felt……
A. Sad
B. Disappointed
C. Tired
D. Excited
E. Happy

--------------------------------------------------------------question 49

49. the product advertised above says that. ….

A. It can remove the scars on the face
B. It can cure pimples, whitheads and blackheads
C. It can whiten your complexion
D. It can’t smoothen your rough skin
E. It can’t glow your shabby skin

--------------------------------------------------------------question 50

50. study the sign above and decide which sentence best describe the sign.
A. Use this door in case of fire
B. Use this door to leave your room
C. Use this door in case of emergency
D. Use this door to enter the building
E. Use this door to go to the dinning-room

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