Magnetic Levitatio1
Magnetic Levitatio1
Magnetic Levitatio1
Submitted by
Priya Meghana (1510110223)
Srishti Panwar (1510110404)
Under supervision of
Dr. Amit Bakshi,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Shiv Nadar University
This is to certify that Priya Meghana (1510110223) and Srishti Panwar (1510110404),
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, have successfully completed the project titled
“Magnetic Levitation” under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Amit Bakshi.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the
possibility to complete this project. A special gratitude to our 7th semester project supervisor,
Dr. Amit Bakshi, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped
us to coordinate our project especially in writing this report.
Further, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the staff
of Mr. Kataria, who gave the permission to use all required equipment and the necessary
material to complete the task “Magnetic Levitation circuit.” Last but not the least, I would
like to thank the TAs who have invested their full effort in guiding the group in achieving the
goal. I also thank the panel members for their guidance and advice especially in our project
1510110223 1510110404
1.1 Definition
1.2 Use
1.3 Issues
4.1 Electromagnet
4.1.1 22 gauge wire
4.2 Hall Effect sensor
4.3 Microcontroller
4.4 Mosfet
4.4.1 Mosfet as a switch
4.5 Voltage Regulator and capacitors
4.6 Diode
4.7 Frame
4.8 Neodymium magnets
4.9 LED and Resistors
Magnetic levitation, also known as maglev, is used to suspend objects in air without any
support, using magnetic field. Magnetic force is used to counteract the effect of gravitational
acceleration. This technology is becoming more popular due to its frictionless and contactless
properties as it removes energy losses due to friction. In addition to supporting loads
(levitation), it can dampen vibration, apply precision force, and move objects precise
distances all with no contact between surfaces and essentially no friction. This type of
actuation can be used in harsh environments (corrosive, vacuum, etc.) where traditional
mechanical or hydraulic actuators might not survive. A magnetic actuator can operate in ultra
clean environments without the hazard of producing contaminants from its use. Magnetically
levitated stages are a better alternative for positioning systems because of their more robust
nature. The intent is to construct the system in low cost and low precision components and
still be able to levitate the magnet with high precision.
1.2 Applications
b) Maglev cars are supposed to be under development. These cars won’t require a track but
would fly in air.
c) NASA is working on a maglev catapult that is predicted to reduce the costs and launching
problems of a spacecraft.
d) Also, Maglev elevators are already made and soon be put to use in Japan and China.
e) It can be used in high precision instruments, also absence of friction gives way to no
mechanical wear and tear of moving parts which results in high longevity e.g. Maglev
1.3 Issues:
The two primary issues involved in magnetic levitation are lifting force: providing an upward
force enough to counteract gravity, and stability: ensuring that the system does not
spontaneously slide or flip into a configuration where the lift is neutralised.
2. Equations
L( x) L1
1 x / a
1 L0 2
W ' (i, x) L1 i
2 1 x / a
W ' 1 L0
f i2
x 2a 1 x a 2
When the sphere is in static equilibrium, the gravitational force is balanced by this force:
1 L0
Mg I2
2a 1 d a 2
Given the current I, the equilibrium position d is determined. Perturbations z' from the
equilibrium lead to a perturbation current i'; that is,
x d x'
i I i'
f x, y f a, b f x a, b x a f y a, b y b f a, b x a 2 f xy a, b x a y b f yy y b
2 2
using the above, we get
L0 I2 2 x' I 2 2 Ii '
2a 1 d a 2 a 1 d a 3 1 d a 2
d 2x
m mg f
dt 2
The incremental equation of motion comes out to be this
d 2 x' L0 I 2 L0 Ii '
M 0
dt 2 a 2 1 d a 3 a 1 d a 2
For the system analysis, in generalised form, we get eqn a as the following
2Ci02 2Ci02
f1 2 i1 3 x1
x0 x0
e1 Ri1 L
d 2 x1
m f1
dt 2
f 0 mg C 0
F1 ( S ) k I1 ( S ) 0 X 1 ( S )
E1 ( S ) R LS I1 ( S )
mS 2 X 1 ( S ) F1 ( S )
k 2C
3. Schematic Diagram
Block Diagram:
Circuit Diagram:
4. Components
4.1 Electromagnet
We slipped 2 one and a half inch washers on a three-inch bolt and screwed a nut all the way
to the end. We lined the bolt with black tape to keep the washers apart, and then wound 22
gauge magnet wire back and forth until it was the same diameter as the washers.
Figure 5 Functional Block Diagram of Hall-Effect sensor
We have used OH49E linear Hall Effect sensor which is pretty inexpensive.
About OH49E:
OH49E Linear Hall-effect sensor is small, versatile linear Hall-effect device that is operated
by the magnetic field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. The linear sourcing
output voltage is set by the supply voltage and varies in proportion to the strength of the
magnetic field. The integrated circuitry features low noise output, which makes it
unnecessary to use external filtering. It also includes thin film resistors to provide increased
temperature stability and accuracy. The linear Hall sensor has an operating temperature range
of -40 °C to 85 °C appropriate for commercial, consumer and industrial environments.
Miniature construction
Low-Noise Output
4.5V to 6V Operation
Magnetically Optimized Package
Linear output for circuit design flexibility
Temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C
Typical Applications:
Motor control
Magnetic code reading
Ferrous metal detector
Current sensing
Position sensing
Output characteristics:
When there is no outside magnetic field, the output voltage is one-half the supply voltage in
general. If a south magnetic pole approaches to the front face of the Hall effect sensor, the
output voltage will go higher. Contrary, a north magnetic pole will drive the output voltage
lower. The variations of voltage level up or down are symmetrical.
The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a
16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset
Microcontroller ATmega328
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage (recommended)7-12V
Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins 6
DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Clock Speed 16 MHz
When the MOSFETs are required to function as switches, they should be biased in
such a way that they alter between cut-off and saturation states. This is because, in
cut-off region, there is no current flow through the device while in saturation region
there will be a constant amount of current flowing through the device, just mimicking
the behaviour of an open and closed switch, respectively.
Mosfet used in the circuit – IRFZ44N
Characteristics of IRFZ44N:
I. It is a power Mosfet.
Power Mosfet show high switching speed
III. Like other transistors, it has three terminals named as Gate, Drain andSource. They
are denoted by the alphabets G, D and S respectively.
IV. Its features include very low on state resistance, high speed processing technology,
completely avalanche rated etc.
Figure 9 IRZ44N Pinout
IRFZ44N Ratings:
4.5 Voltage Regulator and capacitors:
Used- LM7805
Capacitors are used to filter the residual AC noise. Voltage regulators work efficiently
on clean DC signal being fed. The bypass capacitors help reduce AC ripple. Essentially, they
short AC noise from the voltage signal and allow only DC voltage into the regulator.
A diode is a device which allows current flow through only one direction. That is the current
should always flow from the Anode to cathode. For 1N4007 Diode, the maximum current
carrying capacity is 1A it withstands peaks up to 30A.
4.7 Wooden frame
We built a wooden frame to mount our electromagnet. The electromagnet was mounted on
the frame by bolting it through the top with a nut. The bolt was 7.62cm in which around 2 cm
was nutted. Therefore, the height of the wooden frame was around 20cms and the width was
around 10cms. The below box had around 10cms height and around 20cms width.
Neodymium magnets are a member of the Rare Earth magnet family and are the most
powerful permanent magnets in the world. They are also referred to as NdFeB magnets, or
NIB, because they are composed mainly of Neodymium (Nd), Iron (Fe) and Boron (B).
A Red LED along with resistor(1.2 k ) was connected to the gate of the Mosfet to check if
there is a gate drive.
Wavelength- 630-660nm
VF at 20mA is 1.8V
5. Parameters
5.1 Finding R:
A DC voltage was provided and the DC current was observed. We know that,
2 0.34 5.88
0.5 0.1 5
1.5 0.25 6
1 0.18 5.55
2.5 0.42 5.95
5.2 Finding L:
AC Supply was given to the solenoid. Through an ammeter the current was found out.
0.31 15.04 48.51
0.50 22.16 44.32
0.4 18.65 46.48
Z R 2 wL2
46.48 8.42 2 x3.14 x50 xL
We know that, T=L/Rs; Rs considered was 47ohms. For 63% of Imax, time is 300microsec.
300 x106
L 300 x106 x 47
L 0.0141H
6. Working of the circuit
The electromagnet is used to produce magnetic field to help levitate the object. The current
flowing into the electromagnetic coil will generate electromagnetic force to attract the
neodymium magnets. The physics behind it is to simply provide a magnetic force which is
equal and opposite of the gravitational force on the object. The net force between the
electromagnetic force and gravitational force will induce an up or down motion of the
We mounted the electromagnet on the frame by bolting it through the top with a nut. We put
a piece of thermocol as the spacer and on the bottom of it is the Hall Effect sensor. The
spacer keeps the magnetic field of the electromagnet from disturbing the readings on the Hall
Effect sensor. We ran the output of the electromagnet and the three wires of the Hall Effect
Sensor down to the base.
This project uses a Hall Effect sensor to measure the distance between an electromagnet and
the permanent magnet. A microcontroller (Arduino) reads the Hall Effect switch and controls
the electromagnet to keep the magnet levitated. The face of the Hall Effect switch is sensitive
to a South Pole magnet. So when the South Pole magnet comes closer to the face of the Hall
Effect switch, it will output a voltage to pin 3 which is 2 millivolts per Gauss. So as the
permanent magnet is coming closer and closer to the face of the Hall Effect switch, it could
determine how far away it is by the intensity of the Gauss measurement.
This levitation circuit is powered by 10 volts. On the left is a 5-volt regulator 7805 that is
feeding 5 volts to power the Arduino and feeding 5 volts up to power the linear Hall Effect
sensor. The output of the Hall Effect sensor is fed into the A0 of the Arduino. The Analog
pins of the Arduino can take values between 0-5V. This is converted to digital which ranges
from 0 to 1023. The digital output is then fed to the gate of the MOSFET.
The electromagnet is also powered by 10 volts and it’s turned on and off by the MOSFET
transistor IRFZ44N which is being driven by the GPIO output pin 6 of the Arduino. An LED
is connected to the gate of the MOSFET to indicate the gate drive which is energizing the
electromagnet. There is a freewheeling diode used with the solenoid which gives the current
through the solenoid a path to continue until the energy in the solenoid has dissipated.
In order to find the levitation point, we connected the electromagnet to the power supply of
10 V and read the ADC value of the Hall Effect sensor where the magnet was in equilibrium
position. This is the levitation point which we have used for our project. The magnet moves
above the levitation point, the gate is turned off i.e. the switch is open, and the electromagnet
is de-energized. As the magnet goes below the levitation point, the gate is turned on and the
electromagnet again attracts the magnet towards itself. Hence, a PWM pulse is observed in
which the turn on time indicates the time until which the switch is on. Therefore, we observe
the magnets to be oscillating around the levitation point.
7. Observations
When the magnet goes below the levitation point, there is a current at gate of 10mA
which energizes the solenoid with 10V. We observe a current of 1.5A flowing through the
When the magnet is above the levitation point, the current through the gate is zero
because of which the mosfet is not turned on and there is no current through the circuit.
When there is no magnetic field and a supply voltage of 5V is given, the hall effect sensor
output read a value of around 2.5V.
When the south pole of the permanent magnet was approaching the hall effect sensor, the
output read a value of around 4.5V
When the north pole of the permanent magnet was approaching the hall effect sensor, the
output read a value of around 0.5V
8. Arduino Code
void setup()
pinMode(digPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
anaVal = analogRead(anaPin);
if (anaVal<levVal)
digVal = HIGH;
else // if (anaVal>levVal)
digVal = LOW;
digitalWrite(digPin, digVal);
9. References
[1] T.H. Wong, “Design of a magnetic levitation control system – an
undergraduate project,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 29, November
1986, pp. 196–200.
[2] Katie A Lilienkamp and Kent Lundberg, “Low-cost magnetic levitation
project kits for teaching feedback system design,” American control conference,
[3] H. H. Woodson and J. R. Melcher.,”Electromechanical Dynamics: Part I
Discrete Systems,” New York: Wiley, 1968. pp. 193–200.