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Understanding the Nature of Religion

What does it mean to be religious and spiritual?

As we all know, when one prays, he or she actively seeks an affinity to

divine beings or supernatural entities that are beyond the purely natural

Religion- is the pursuit of transformation guided by a sacred belief system. It

is also an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a
god or a group of Gods (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2014).

Kinds of Religion

 Monistic (Monism) Religion- they asserts that there is no genuine

distinction between God and the universe. Example of monistic is the
belief in Pantheism.

Two implications that arise from this belief:

a) Firstly, it contends that god is dwelling in the universe as part of it.

b) Secondly, the universe does not exist at all as a reality but only as a
manifestation of God.

 Monotheistic Religion- they claims that there is only one God who could
have designed and created the universe. There is one supreme God who is
both personal and moral, and who seeks a total and unqualified response
from humans ( Hick, 1990). Example of monotheistic religion include
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

 Polytheistic Religion- are common among early people recognize many

principal gods among whom no one is supreme. These include the ancient
religions of Egypt, Greece, and Rome wherein people worship a multitude
of personal gods.
 Agnostic Religion- agnostics deny the possibility for man to acquire
knowledge of the existence of God.

 Atheistic (Atheist) Religion- atheists deny the existence of God.

Understanding Beliefs and Worldviews

Worldview- is a collection of beliefs about life and the universe being held by
people (The Free Dictionary , 2014).

Kinds of Belief System

 Monism- there is no real distinction between god and the universe

 Polytheism- the belief and worship of many gods

 Monotheism- the doctrine or belief in one supreme god

 Atheism- disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god

 Agnosticism- god cannot be known

Definition and Nature of Religion

 Religion- defined as “an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and

rules used to worship a god or a group of gods” (Merriam-Webster
Dictionary, 2014)

 The Latin word religio refers to “something done with overanxious or

scrupulous attention to detail” (Bowker, 1997). This term may have
probably been derived from the Latin verb religare which means “to tie
together, to bind fast”.

 Quite later, religion was used to designate formal belief systems and
tenets. The term was eventually applied to what we now call as religion
because of the manners in which people performed rituals during those
days (Parrinder, 1971).

Name of Social Scientist Background View on Religion

Edward Burnett Taylor English anthropologist, The belief in spiritual beings

(1832-1917) founding figure of the
science of social

James George Frazer Scottish social a propitiation or conciliation

anthropologist; one of the of powers superior to man
founding figures of modern which are believed to control
anthropology and direct the course of
nature and of human life

Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski An eminent 20th-century A body of elf-contained acts

(1884-1942) Polish anthropologist being themselves the
fulfillment of their purpose;
an affair of all, in which
everyone takes an actice and
equivalent part.

David Emile Durkheim French sociologist, father of A unified system of beliefs

(1858-1917) sociology and practices relative to
sacred things

Different Characteristics that are common to most Major Religions;

 Belief in a deity’s relationship with the world

 Places and people believed to be holy and sacred

 Rules followed as a result of beliefs

 Way to worship a deity

 Belief in a deity
Origins of Religion

 Numerous theories have been postulated to explain the origin of religion

while looking at primitive societies for ideas concerning the development
of belief systems (Hendry, 1999).

 Archaeologists believe that they have discovered elements of religious

belief practised by Homo Sapiens almost 60,000 years ago (Ember &
Ember, 1996).

 Through field research, observations, and analysis of historical

documents, scholars formulated a number of theories that have endured
well into the present time.
Exploring Spirituality

 Spirituality is derived from the Latin word “spiritus”, it’s verb root is
“spirare” which means “to breathe” literally. (Grassie, 2010)

 A comparative analysis of major religions reveals that an important

characteristic of their belief system focuses on the longing for value in
life (Parrinder, 1971).

 This is where the concept of spirituality comes in with term “spiritual”

being defined as “relating or affecting the human spirit or soul as
opposed to material or physical things” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014).

 One author points out that it is quite common for people to say that they
are “spiritual, not religious” (Grassie, 2010)

 Religions are frequently viewed as set of ideals practiced and followed

by organized groups, “spirituality is something an individual can have
without being implicated in the ambivalent complexity of human societies
and institutions” (Grassie, 2010).

 Many people assert that personal spirituality can grow separately from
religion. One may find inner peace, satisfaction, and contentment in life
that are truly independent of religious dogmas and tenets.

 In the study of religion, there are basic concepts that need to be

understood such as theology, philosophy of religion, and spirituality.

a) Religion- refers to any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices

concerning a supernatural power

b) Theology- involves the systematic study of the existence and nature of

divine. It deals with the study of the nature and purpose of God that
may be undertaken using a particular perspective. Theology is a study,
not a formulation of religious beliefs.

c) Philosophy of Religion-deals primarily with issues concerning religion,

which include analysis on the existence of the divine being or on sacred

d) Spirituality- is something an individual can have without being implicated

in the ambivalent complexity of human societies and institutions (Grasie,
2010). Hence, one can be spiritual without being religious.

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