Top 2018-03-02 FC Expo Nel Final

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Wide Spread Adaption of Competitive

Hydrogen Solution
Nel Hydrogen

Jon André Løkke

90 years
..of hydrogen technology
experience and excellence

Hydrogen Fueling Hydrogen Solutions


• Global, listed, pure-play hydrogen company – facilities in Norway, Denmark and the U.S.
• Significant foothold in fast-growing markets & a solid backlog

• World-leading on hydrogen electrolyzers and fueling equipment – unrivalled performance and track-record
• Complete range of products optimally positioned for large market opportunities

• Capable of delivering solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy – serving industry, energy
and gas companies
• >3500 hydrogen solutions delivered in ~80 countries world wide since 1927
Three business

Hydrogen Electrolysers Hydrogen Fueling Hydrogen Solutions

Significant increase in hydrogen market activities

• Total value of offers amounted to Historical, compound value of budget offers sent from Nel & Proton

~130 ¥ billion in 2017 140,0

Value (¥ billion)
• Often long lead times between offer and 120,0
order 100,0
• From a few quarters to… 80,0
• …a few years
• Continued good lead generation is key to 40,0
continued commercial success 20,0

2014 2015 2016 2017

Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser
Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser
Production and installation of water electrolysers for hydrogen production

• Global leader in electrolysis based hydrogen production plants

• highest uptime, lowest conversion cost, robust and reliable

• Unrivalled track-record with >3500 hydrogen solutions delivered in >80 countries world wide since 1927

• Scalable production capacity for industrial and energy/transport applications – small scale to large scale solutions

Solar Grid Wind

Containerized solutions Alkaline and PEM electrolyzers Large scale plant solutions
Up to 1000kg/day Scalable and modular Up to any capacity

Nel Hydrogen Fueling
Nel Hydrogen Fueling
Production of hydrogen fueling stations for cars, buses, trucks, forklifts and other applications

• Global leader within hydrogen fueling solutions for

Dispenser assembly 5-stage H2Station® assembly
vehicles, adapted to latest fueling standards
• Delivered >30 stations in 8 countries across Europe
since 2003, expanding into US & Asia
• Highest reported availability and innovative, in-
house developed technologies

World’s largest
35MPa facility for

35MPa 300 station per

year capacity

Opening of the first fueling with Nel-technology in Japan
Nel Hydrogen Fueling

Ribbon cutting ceremony

• Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha (MKK) purchased the
rights to manufacture Nel hydrogen stations
based on a license
• Design adapted to Japanese regulations and local
• Opened in Kawasaki City on October 5th, 2017

Nel Hydrogen Solutions
Nel Hydrogen Solutions
Utilizing market opportunities across the Nel group and offers complete solutions to customers

• Unified delivery of complex renewable hydrogen solutions, efficient system integration, project development and
sales across segments

• Sole provider of integrated solutions along the entire

value chain:
1. Fueling Networks
2. Renewable Hydrogen & Storage Solutions

Fossil parity
renewable hydrogen from electrolysis reaching a
tipping point
Global hydrogen market
General market update

Large opportunities for electrolysis within existing hydrogen market

• ~55 million ton/year market (~150 BUSD) Global hydrogen market, by end-use:
• 15% merchant market (5 – 15 $/kg)
• 85% on-site (~2$/kg)
• Only 1% from water electrolysis today, rest from SMR/gasification
• Large potential for growth, driven by increasing focus on:
• climate and renewable energy
• decreasing electricity prices
• decreasing electrolyser CAPEX
• Special focus on refineries and green ammonia
• Account for ~80% of market
• Assuming that total market is supplied by electrolysis, annual market potential
would be >20 B$/year Ammonia Refineries
Methanol Other

Overall hydrogen market set to grow 10x by 2050
General market update

If high share of renewables, electrolysis market ... and an IEA study confirms the
can potentially grow >1000x... competitiveness of renewable hydrogen

Report authored by the Hydrogen Council,

consisting of senior executives of 18 companies in
different industries, supported by McKinsey & Co

Electrolysers outcompeting fossil alternatives
General market update

CapEx: Electrolysers from Nel - becoming OpEx: Renewable energy already enables
competitive with SMR fossil parity for hydrogen


Offshore wind
Cost split of H2/Kg 7,3


Onshore wind

SMR – CapEx range
CapEx* OpEx**

Solar PV
2015 2020 2025

Large scale steam methane reformers 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0
Nel large scale alkaline electrolysis Source: Pareto Securities
EUR/USD: 1:1.2

*incl. service, maintenance & operation 12

Current markets served by electrolyzers
General market update

Food Industry Glass Industry Polysilicon Industry Laboratories Transport Sector

Chemical Industry Steel Industry Power-To-X

Power Industry Life support
(renewable hydrogen)

Historical market New markets

New markets, Power-To-X
General market update

Unparalleled position of electrolysis in producing other green energy forms


• Hydrogen from electrolysis will be
key in producing large quantities POWER-TO-POWER (ENERGY STORAGE)
of sustainable energy in various
• Ability to adapt to diverse and
intermittent renewable energy POWER-TO-CH3OH (GREEN METHANOL)
+ CO2
sources becoming increasingly
+ CO2

Project develop.: 400MW renewable H2 plant to outcompete natural gas reforming
General market update

• Progressing on mega scale concept for renewable hydrogen production to

outcompete natural gas reforming
• International industrial client

• Have developed “cluster design” to reduce CapEx

8-Cluster Electrolyzer

• Benchmark CapEx ratio:

• 450 $/kW

Fossil parity in the transport sector achievable
General market update

Centralized production can use low cost RE and achieve high scale – Onsite prod. eliminates costs for distribution

Centralized vs Onsite depends on power availability and pricing in the specific market

<40 US$ | 5,500¥/MWh is needed for central production together with 50/70MPa trailers

<60 US$ | 8,200¥/MWh is needed for onsite

5 US$ /kg
<40 US$/MWh
680 ¥/kg

Hydrogen is becoming relevant in all forms of transportation
General market update


Recent survey increases the importance of hydrogen as a fuel
General market update

Fuel cell electric mobility is now the

#1 trend until 2025

“There will not be a single solitary drivetrain

technology: Executives project a split by 2040
for BEVs (26%), FCEVs (25%), ICEs (25%) and
hybrids (24%).”

KPMG Global Automotive Executive Survey is the compound input from 1000 executives from the automotive industry

Project examples
Showcase Denmark
Project examples

The world’s first country-wide network in daily operation:

• Nel constructed entire network

• Nel undertakes service, maintenance and surveillance
• Collaborating with leading oil, energy and gas companies*

Key facts:
• 100% of hydrogen from electrolysis
• 6 stations with onsite electrolysis
• 5 stations with centralized Nel electrolysis
• All stations approved by OEM’s

Renewable power:
2015: 42%
2035: 100%


* Partners: Air Liquide, OK, Strandmøllen, Vestforsyning

Additional support from Enova to Uno-X Hydrogen fueling stations
Project examples

20 MNOK support for establishment of 2 additional HRS in Akershus in 2018

• Uno-X Hydrogen received support to establish 2 new hydrogen

fueling stations in Ås & Hvam, Akershus
• After installation, JV will operate 5 HRS in Southern Norway
• Åsane, Bergen opens formally 26th of January 2018
• Currently ~90 FCEVs in Norway, annual sales growth of >2x
• Total of 4 HRS in Norway in 2017, 8 HRS in 2018

Supplying fueling stations to Shell in California
Project examples

Shell hydrogen stations in Northern CA

Exclusive framework contract with Shell
• Nel has exclusive framework contract with Shell (in partnership with
Toyota and Honda) for supply, construction and maintenance of
hydrogen stations San Francisco CA
• Initial purchase order received Q1’17 with value of NOK ~140 million
• Received additional purchase order with value of NOK ~50 million during Q3
• H2Station® modules expected to ship in H1’18

• Shell has issued an RFI for additional 100 hydrogen stations to

• Visibility on deliveries will help the industry to reduce costs

Locations where Shell receives CEC grants from current 22

round of funding
PEM electrolyzer and H2Station® for bus fueling in California
Project examples

High capacity station for 25 buses in CA

• First integrated Nel/Proton product offering

• One M-400 2 MW Proton PEM electrolyzer
• Two H2Station® for buses
• Total contract value of USD >8 million
• Delivery during 2018


2 MW PEM electrolysis Hydrogen storage Station module Dispensers

Fueling station for hydrogen trucks in Trondheim, Norway
Project examples

First ever triple-dispenser station

• For ASKO, Norway’s largest grocery wholesaler

• Onsite renewable hydrogen from electrolysis
• Connected to rooftop solar on warehouse
• Containerized turn-key C-150 electrolyser
• H2Station® for trucks, cars and forklifts



Electrolyzer Hydrogen storage Station module Dispensers

Fueling station for buses and cars in Riga, Latvia
Project examples

High capacity station for 20 buses in Riga

• Bus depo facility in Riga, Latvia

• Onsite reforming of natural gas
• H2Station® for busses and cars
• 10 busses and 10 trolley busses


70 MPa
Reforming Hydrogen storage Station module Dispensers

Awarded contract for combined fueling solution in Estonia
Project examples

Received PO of EUR 4.5 million from NT Bene in Estonia

• Combined solution with PEM electrolyzer and H2Station® will have
hydrogen capacity of >400 kg/day
• To be installed in Pärnu, Estonia, where it will serve cars and a fleet
og buses and trucks
• Expected delivery and installation during 2019


1 MW PEM electrolysis Hydrogen storage Station module Dispensers

Hydrogen trains
Project examples

Exchanging diesel with hydrogen trains makes environmental and business sense

• Rather than high CapEx electrification, hydrogen can be used at a

fraction of the investment
• Opportunities in Norway:
• Raumabanen (114 km)
• Rørosbanen (384 km)
• Nordlandsbanen (729 km)
• Newly launched ALSTOM train has 600 - 800 km range, capacity for
300 passengers
• More than 50 trains already ordered by regions in Germany Coradia iLint – world’s first hydrogen train by
ALSTOM, will go into operation during 2018
• Infrastructure can be shared with other transport modes

Hydrogen ferry project
Project examples

Nel part of the Norwegian project “HYBRIDskip”

• Purpose of project: establish knowledge base for longer

journeys/operational times in bigger vessels, based on battery
and hydrogen technology
• Target to realize a hybrid-ferry in operation by 2020
• Nel role: provide information on fueling/bunkering, techno-
economical analysis and safety considerations

Fiskerstrand FV Hydrogen powered – Zero emission

Hyon AS, a one-stop-shop for complete hydrogen energy solutions
Project examples

Scandinavian powerhouse on hydrogen

• Joint venture between Nel ASA, Hexagon Composites ASA and

PowerCell Sweden AB
• Utilizes each partner’s respective world-leading technologies and
competencies to manage and develop projects for effectively
integrating and optimize zero-emission power solutions for the
• Main, initial focus: maritime sector
• Strong maritime competence in Hyon, and high focus on zero-
emission maritime solutions in Norway
• Also targeting hydrogen energy storage projects

Delivering mega-scale hydrogen fueling stations for Nikola
Project examples

Entered into exclusive partnership with Nikola Motor

• Sole equipment supplier to create the largest hydrogen fueling

network in the world
• 16 mega-scale stations covering 2000 miles & up to 450 ton/day
• Signed PO for first two demo stations
• 14 commercial stations with capacity of up to 32 ton/day
• Installation during 2019 – 2021
• Contact potential equivalent to ~1,000 MW of electrolysis and
>250 hydrogen fueling dispensers

Nikola: 14 commercial stations – from 8 to 32 ton/day at each site
Project examples

8 ton/

32 ton/

Cluster 8-Electrolyzer Low pressure Storage High pressure storage

and dispensing
Other large, industrial opportunities
Project examples

Exchanging coal with hydrogen as a reduction agent

• If employed at Tizir, currently the largest CO2-emitting source

in Norway (in one location)
• Reduces emissions drastically, ~90%
• Needs ~30 tons of hydrogen per day
• Equivalent of 60,000 vehicles
• Applicable for several other industries, e.g. large steel mills,
TiZir plant in Tyssedal

Potential large scale energy storage project in Fredericia, Denmark
Project examples

Multi-value stream project in Denmark

• Potential project of ~20 MW electrolysis

• Renewable hydrogen for multiple purposes:
• Replace fossil hydrogen used in refinery process
• Energy storage and power generation
• Hydrogen used for transportation purposes

• Other value streams:

• Oxygen used locally within refinery
• Heat used for city district heating

• Solution relevant for oil refineries across the globe

Shell oil refinery in Fredericia, Denmark

World’s largest power-to-gas project planned for France
Project examples

700 MW electrolyser plant for power-to-gas in Northern France

• H2V PRODUCT (FR) will inject hydrogen into natural gas grid in France
• In dialogue with French government on incentive scheme to realise the
• Largest power-to-gas project in history
• 700 MW | 380 M$ project
• Direct injection of hydrogen and biogas in natural gas grid
• Design is ready & land secured
• Project phase during 2018 – 2025
• Location: Les Hauts and Normandie-regions in France
• Planning for significant expansion of electrolyser manufacturing

How to maintain a leading cost
Evaluating 10x capacity increase to maintain leading cost position
How to maintain leading cost position

Scaling production capacity by 10x puts Nel in first-mover/pole position for next growth cycle

• Evaluating a total 10x capacity increase, from 25MW to Available Capacity Scaling Status
250MW 2017 25MW +15MW Completed

• Production capacity ramp-up reduces production cost 2018 40MW +210MW Preparing

by >30% 2019 250MW

Number one by nature

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