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Variable speed drives.

A Guide to
Supply harmonics
and other low-frequency

1 Overview 4
2 Regulations 5
2.1 Regulations for installations 5
2.2 Regulations and standards for equipment 6
3 Harmonic generation within variable speed drives 7
3.1 A.c. drives 7
3.2 D.c. drives 10
4 The effects of harmonics 11
5 Calculation of harmonics 12
5.1 Individual drives – D.c. 12
5.2 Individual drives – A.c. 13
5.3 Systems 13
5.4 Isolated generators 15
6 Remedial techniques 16
6.1 Connect the equipment to a point with a high fault level (low impedance) 16
6.2 Use three phase drives where possible 16
6.3 Use additional inductance 16
6.4 Use a lower value of d.c. smoothing capacitance 20
6.5 Use a higher pulse number (12 pulse or higher) 21
6.6 Use a drive with an active input converter 23
6.7 Use a harmonic filter 23
7 Typical harmonic current levels for a.c. drive arrangements 24
8 Additional notes on the application of harmonic standards 25
8.1 The effect of load 25
8.2 Choice of reference current, application of IEEE Std 519-1992 26
9 Interharmonics and emissions up to 9kHz 27
10 Voltage notching 27
11 Voltage dips and flicker 28
12 References 30

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1 Overview

Supply harmonics are caused when the a.c. input current to the load departs from the ideal
sinusoidal waveshape. They are produced by any non-linear circuit, but most commonly
by rectifiers.

The supply current waveform is generally measured in terms of the harmonics of the supply
frequency which it contains. The harmonic current flowing through the impedance of the supply,
causes harmonic voltage to be experienced by other equipment connected to the same supply.

Since harmonic voltages can cause disturbance or stress to other electrical equipment, there
are regulations applying to public supply systems. If installations contain a high proportion of
power electronic equipment such as Uninterruptible Power Supplies or variable speed drives
then they may have to be shown to satisfy the supply authorities’ harmonic guidelines before
permission to connect is granted. As well as obeying regulations, users of drives need to ensure
that the harmonic levels within their own plant are not excessive.

In the general realm of electronic equipment design and regulation, harmonics are considered
to be just one of the many aspects of the discipline of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
For variable-speed drives, because of the high power levels involved and the intimate
connection between the basic design principles and the harmonic behaviour, the subject
of harmonics is normally considered independently from other EMC aspects, which are
predominantly concerned with high-frequency effects.

Some of the practical problems which may arise from excessive harmonic levels are:
➜ Poor power factor, i.e. high current for a given power
➜ Interference to equipment which is sensitive to voltage waveform
➜ Excessive heating of neutral conductors (single-phase loads only)
➜ Excessive heating of induction motors
➜ High acoustic noise from transformers, busbars, switchgear etc.
➜ Excessive heating of transformers and associated equipment
➜ Damage to power factor correction capacitors

An important property of harmonics is that they tend to be cumulative on a power system.

That is to say, the contributions of the various harmonic sources add up to some degree
because they are synchronised, and only their phase angles differ. It is worth emphasising this
difference from high-frequency electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) effects, which may cause
interference in sensitive data and measuring circuits through unintended coupling paths. High-
frequency effects tend to be localised and not significantly cumulative, because the various
sources are usually uncorrelated. It is important to be clear that with few exceptions,
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if harmonics cause disturbance it is through direct electrical connection and not through stray
paths. Shielding is rarely a remedial measure for harmonic problems.

It is necessary to consider the effect of supply harmonics both from the point of view of the
possible effect of harmonic emissions from drives on other equipment, and also their possible
effect on the drive. However since most a.c. drives use a simple rectifier at their input, their
immunity to harmonics is inherently good and requires no special attention here.

In addition to harmonics, consideration is also given to other possible low-frequency effects

on the mains supply, i.e. interharmonics, voltage notching and lighting flicker.

2 Regulations

Regulations may exist to protect the public power network from excessive harmonics, or as
part of wider EMC regulations. Although the category of “low frequency” for EMC standards
extends officially up to 9kHz, in most cases only harmonics up to order 50 are considered
which is 2.5kHz on a 50Hz supply and 3kHz on a 60Hz supply. There are currently no limits
to emission in the range from 2.5kHz/3kHz to 9kHz.

Measurements should be made using equipment which conforms to the current IEC standard
for harmonic measuring instruments, which at the time of writing is IEC 61000-4-7:2002.
The use of a correctly specified instrument is particularly important in the presence of
fluctuating quantities.

There are two kinds of regulations which may be relevant:

2.1 Regulations for installations

These are imposed by the electricity supply authority to protect other electricity consumers
from the effects of excessive harmonics. They are usually based on an agreed level of voltage
distortion which can be tolerated by correctly designed equipment. This is specified in
terms of a total harmonic distortion (THD), which is the ratio of the harmonic voltage to the
fundamental expressed as a percentage. (Where there are a number of harmonic voltages
present it is usual to calculate the total harmonic voltage as the square root of the sum of
the squares. Alternatively if the r.m.s and the fundamental voltages are known then the
harmonic voltage is calculated as the square root of the difference between the squares of
these values).

The internationally accepted maximum THD “compatibility level” in a low voltage system
is 8%, and to achieve this with a high degree of confidence it is usual to aim for a rather lower
level as the “planning level”, typically 5%. Individual harmonics are also subject to limits.

Some relevant standards and regulations are given in the References and source of information section.
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From the point of view of the supply authority, the relevant harmonic voltage is at the
point of common coupling (PCC) with other power consumers. The harmonic voltage
levels within the consumer’s premises may be higher because of the impedance of cables
and transformers. In large installations measures may be necessary to prevent harmonic
problems within a site. Since there are no statutory requirements, a relaxed version of
the authority limits can be applied internally. It is not advisable to allow the 8% THD
compatibility level to be exceeded, because the majority of equipment will have been
designed to be immune only up to this level.

Predicting the voltage distortion for a proposed installation by a calculation can be an

expensive undertaking, because it requires existing harmonics to be measured over a period
of time, the system parameters such as source impedances to be derived, and the effect of
the planned new load to be estimated. For a large installation with a high proportion of the
load comprising electronic equipment, it may be cost-effective to complete this exercise in
order to avoid either initial overdesign, or the application of unnecessary remedial measures.
For simpler cases a full analysis would be burdensome.

Regulations such as the UK Energy Networks Association recommendation G5/4-1 provide

simplified “staged” procedures to permit connection based only on harmonic current data,
which can be obtained quite readily from the manufacturers’ technical data. This involves
making some simplifying assumptions biased in a cautious direction. If the simplified stage
does not permit connection, the full calculation procedure has to be applied.

2.2 Regulations and standards for equipment

A further simplification of the guidelines can be made if a product conforms to a relevant
harmonic standard, when it can be connected without reference to the supply authority.
The international standard for equipment rated at less than 16A is IEC 61000-3-2, the
corresponding CENELEC standard being EN 61000-3-2. These are applied to consumer
products and similar equipment used in very large numbers, where individual permission to
connect would not be practical. In the EU, EN 61000-3-2 is mandatory for equipment within
its scope. Small variable speed drives rated at less than about 650W shaft power fall within
the scope of this standard, and can be made to conform to it by the application of suitable
measures. However where they are used in large quantities in a single installation it may be
more cost effective to assess their total current and obtain permission to connect from the
supply authority.

A further more recent standard IEC 61000-3-12 (EN 61000-3-12) covers equipment rated
up to 75A and is mandatory in the EU for equipment within its scope.

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3 Harmonic generation within variable speed drives

3.1 A.c. drives

Harmonic current is generated by the input rectifier of an a.c. drive. The only exception is for
an active input stage (“Active Front End”, AFE), where PWM is used to create a sinusoidal back
e.m.f., and there is, in principle, no harmonic current. The only unwanted current is at the PWM
carrier frequency, which is high enough to be relatively easy to filter. This arrangement
is discussed later.

The essential circuit for a typical a.c. variable speed drive is shown in Figure 1. The input is
rectified by the diode bridge, and the resulting d.c. voltage is smoothed by the capacitor and,
for drives rated typically at over 2.2kW, the supply current is smoothed by an inductor. It is
then chopped up in the inverter stage which uses PWM to create a sinusoidal output voltage
of adjustable voltage and frequency. Supply harmonics do not however originate in the
inverter stage or its controller, but in the input rectifier.

Figure 1 Essential features of a.c. variable speed drive

1 or 3 Ф

The input can be single or three phase. For simplicity the single phase case is covered first.
Current flows into the rectifier in pulses at the peaks of the supply voltage as shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2 Typical input current waveform for a 1.5kW single phase drive (with supply voltage)

400V 80A

200V 40A

Supply voltage
0V 0A

-200V -40A

-400V -80A
0 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms

Figure 3 Corresponding harmonic spectrum for Figure 2




0kHz 0.4kHz 0.8kHz 1.2kHz 1.6kHz 2.0kHz

Figure 3 shows the Fourier analysis of the waveform in Figure 2. Note that all currents shown
in spectra are peak values, i.e. √2 times their r.m.s. values. It comprises lines at multiples of
50Hz. Because the waveform is symmetrical in the positive and negative half-cycles, apart
from imperfections, even order harmonics are present only at a very low level. The odd order
harmonics are quite high, but they diminish with increasing harmonic number. By the 25th
harmonic the level is negligible. The frequency of this harmonic for a 50Hz supply is 1250Hz
which is in the audio frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum and well below the
radio frequency part which is generally considered to begin at 150kHz. This is important,
because it shows that supply harmonics are low frequency effects, which are quite different
from radio frequency EMC effects. They are not sensitive to fine details of layout and
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shielding of circuits, and any remedial measures which are required use conventional electrical
power techniques such as tuned power factor capacitors and phase-shifting transformers.
This should not be confused with the various techniques used to control electrical interference
from fast switching devices, sparking electrical contacts etc.

Three phase drives cause less harmonic current for a given power than single phase drives.
Figure 4 shows the input current waveform for a 1.5kW three phase drive. The line current is
less in any case, and there are two peaks in each mains cycle each of about 20% of the peaks in
the single phase drive.
Figure 4 Typical input current waveform for a 1.5kW three-phase drive





0 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms

Figure 5 Corresponding harmonic spectrum to Figure 4




0kHz 0.4kHz 0.8kHz 1.2kHz 1.6kHz 2.0kHz

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Figure 5 shows the corresponding harmonic spectrum for the current waveform in Figure 4.
Compared with the single phase case the levels are generally lower, and the triplen
harmonics (multiples of three times the supply frequency) are absent.

The actual magnitudes of the current harmonics depend on the detailed design of the drive,
specifically the values of d.c. bus capacitance and inductance. Therefore the supplier must
be relied upon to provide harmonic data.

3.2 D.c. drives

There is no difference in principle between the harmonic behaviour of a.c. and d.c. drives,
but the following aspects of d.c. drives are relevant:

➜ The current waveform is not affected by the choice of design parameters

(inductance and capacitance) in the drive. It does not therefore vary between drive
manufacturers. It can be calculated from knowledge of the motor armature
inductance, source inductance and pulse number.
➜ The phase angles of all harmonics change with the rectifier-firing angle which during
the constant torque region of operation up to the base speed of the motor is
approximately proportional to the inverse cosine of speed. For multiple drives,
unless their speeds are co-ordinated, the phase angles are effectively random
and the harmonic amplitudes do not add up arithmetically.
➜ Today d.c. drives tend to be most often used at relatively high power levels, and often
a dedicated transformer is required, so 12-pulse and higher pulse numbers are more
readily provided.

Effect of loading
In the case of an a.c. drive, the input current is proportional to the load power, i.e. the product
of motor shaft torque and speed. As the load power falls, all of the main harmonics also fall,
but not as rapidly as the fundamental. In other words, the THD deteriorates as the load falls.
This applies whether the power reduction is through reduced speed or torque or both.

In the case of a d.c. drive, the above applies for variations in output current, and hence motor
shaft torque. However for a given torque the current does not fall significantly as the speed
falls. At light load the waveform may improve somewhat at low speed if the d.c. current
becomes discontinuous, but at full torque, low speed the harmonic structure is much the
same as at maximum speed.

The highest harmonic current for a given drive invariably occurs at maximum load, but in
a system with multiple drives it may be necessary to look in detail at the effect of various
possible load combinations.

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4 The effects of harmonics

Some of the effects of harmonics were summarised in section 1.

Figure 6 shows a voltage waveform where a distribution transformer is loaded to 50% of its
capacity with single phase rectifiers. It shows the characteristic flat top effect.

Figure 6 Supply voltage waveform with single phase load of 50% supply capacity





60ms 70ms 80ms 90ms 100ms

Although this waveform looks alarming, most modern electronic equipment is undisturbed
by it. However the harmonic content can cause excessive stress in components, especially
capacitors, connected directly to the supply.

The diode bridge input circuit in a single phase a.c. drive is the same as used in a very wide
range of electronic equipment such as personal computers and domestic appliances. All of
these cause similar current harmonics. Their effect is cumulative if they are all connected at the
same low voltage (e.g. 400V) supply system. This means that to estimate the total harmonic
current in an installation of single phase units, the harmonics have to be added arithmetically.

Phase-controlled equipment such as lamp dimmers and regulated battery chargers causes phase-
shifted harmonics which can be added by root-sum-squares to allow for their diverse phase angles.

In a mixture of single and three phase loads, some of the important harmonics such as the fifth
and seventh are 180° out of phase and actually mutually cancel. Sometimes this information can
be very helpful even if there is no certainty that the loads will be operated simultaneously - for
example, in an office building which is near to its limit for fifth and seventh harmonic because of
the large number of single phase computer loads, the installation of three phase variable speed
drives will certainly not worsen the fifth and seventh harmonics and may well reduce them.
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Over-loading of neutral conductors is a serious concern in buildings containing a high density of
personal computers and similar IT equipment. It is caused by the summation of triplen harmonics
in the neutral conductor – the neutral current can equal or even exceed the individual phase
currents, whereas it is common for the conductor to be of reduced cross-section. Single phase
a.c. drives would have a similar effect, but it is unusual for them to be used at such a high density.

5 Calculation of harmonics

5.1 Individual drives – D.c.

The calculation of the input current for a controlled rectifier is covered in most of the standard
textbooks of power electronics. A particularly clear and comprehensive account is given in IEEE
Std 519-1992.

The basic analysis for the controlled rectifier assumes an infinite inductance load. Then for a
p-pulse rectifier the input current has a stepped waveshape with p regularly spaced steps in
each cycle. This can readily be shown to contain no even harmonics, and only odd harmonics of
the order n = kp±1 where k is any integer.

The amplitudes of the harmonics follow the simple rule for a rectangular wave being inversely
proportional to the harmonic number:

For some purposes this simple calculation is sufficient, but the influence of
finite inductance on the d.c. side should be taken into account, and the a.c.
side inductance may also have a significant effect.

Figure 7 Six pulse converter Figure 7 shows

– Variation of line current harmonic content with ripple current
the effect of d.c.
5th current ripple on
Typical practical values the four dominant
40 harmonics of a 6
pulse drive.
% Harmonic current

The fifth harmonic

increases steadily
with increasing
7th ripple, whereas for
moderate ripple
10 levels the other
11th harmonics fall.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140%
Peak to peak current as % of Id.c. (Av.)
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Figure 8 Variation of line harmonic content with line impedance - ɑ = 0° Figure 8 shows the effect of
supply inductance on these
25 harmonics for a firing angle
of zero and a ripple of 25%. All
20 of them fall with increasing
inductance, particularly the
% Harmonic current

11th and 13th. However the
benefit is reduced at large firing
angles because of the more rapid
10 commutation. So for operation at
high torque and low speed (low
voltage) the benefit of supply
inductance may be minimal.
11th Further information is given in
IEEE 519.
0 5 10 15 20 25
% Line impedance

5.2 Individual drives – A.c.

Whereas for a d.c. drive the harmonics are determined largely by external circuit parameters,
for an a.c. drive they are determined mainly by the internal inductance and capacitance.
It is therefore not usually practical for the user to calculate the harmonic current for an a.c.
drive, and it is the responsibility of the drive manufacturer to provide harmonic current
data. This should be provided at least for full load, and preferably at part load also. Linear
interpolation of the harmonic currents as a proportion of the fundamental can then be used to
estimate other loadings.

For small a.c. drives with no internal inductance, the supply impedance has a considerable
influence. IEC 61800-3 recommends that the fault level be assumed to be 250 times the drive
input current rating. Data should also be provided for where line reactors are fitted.

With large drives the IEC 61800-3 fault level is unrealistic, and a fault level such as 16kA,
which corresponds with the capability of widely available switchgear, may be used.

5.3 Systems
The impact of a harmonic current on the power system can be estimated by calculating the
resulting harmonic voltage at a point in the supply system shared with other equipment.
The power supply companies have a duty to control the quality of the power delivered to
consumers, so their interest is at the point where the supply is shared with another consumer -
the point of common coupling (PCC). The basic equivalent circuit for this calculation is shown
in Figure 9.

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Figure 9 Supply system, showing point of common coupling

Point of common coupling

c1 Consumer 1

c2 Consumer 2

c3 Consumer 3

The impedance ZS is usually dominated by the reactance of the distribution transformer,

but cable and line inductance may also be a significant contributor.

For the study of harmonics, the principle of superposition is used which means that the mains
source is turned off and the consumer being studied is considered as a source of harmonic
current, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Supply system arranged for harmonic analysis

Harmonic current

c1 Consumer 1

c2 Consumer 2

Harmonic voltage c3 Consumer 3

at PCC

Each harmonic is considered in turn. The voltage is

simply the product of the current and the impedance
of the supply system upstream of the PCC.
The impedance at 50Hz (or other mains frequency) where V is the voltage between
can be found from the declared fault level of the supply, lines, and
which should be available from the supply company. Zs is the positive-sequence
If it is expressed in MVA then the impedance in ohms fault impedance
at mains frequency can be calculated as follows:

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The impedance is assumed to be predominantly inductive, as is the case with high power
circuits, so that for a harmonic of order n the impedance is nZs.

This calculation is required for assessment against Stage 3 of the UK Energy Networks
Association recommendation G5/4-1. It is widely accepted as giving a valid basis for
assessment of harmonic penetration. The presence of substantial capacitance from high
voltage cables or power factor correction capacitors causes a more complex situation where
resonance causes the impedance to rise at certain frequencies. If these coincide with odd
harmonics where substantial currents exist, a higher harmonic voltage than estimated can
occur. Fortunately this is an unusual situation, as it can be expensive to cure.

Note that in Figure 10 the harmonic voltage within the premises of consumer 1 will be higher
than that at the PCC, because of the voltage drop in ZC1. Meeting G5/4-1 at the PCC is therefore
no guarantee of tolerable harmonic levels within the system of the consumer generating the

In order to analyse a practical system, the known harmonic data for all the rectifiers and other
distorting loads must be combined to predict a total current. In general, each harmonic from
each unit is a vector quantity which can only be added to the others through vector addition.
Usually the phase angle is unknown, and in the case of phase angle controllers, such as those
used in d.c. drives, it varies with the operating condition.

For uncontrolled rectifiers, the phase angles of the dominant harmonics will be similar, and the
amplitudes add directly.

For controlled rectifiers, the phase angles can be treated as random and the amplitudes add

Diversity of loading is also an important issue. In some installations only a small part of the
possible load on each drive can occur simultaneously. This must be considered to avoid an over
estimate of the harmonic loading.

5.4 Isolated generators

If the system is supplied by isolated generators not connected to a grid, the impedance of
the generators must be determined. The relevant parameter is the direct axis sub-transient
reactance, xd’’. (Strictly the quadrature axis impedance should also be considered, depending
on the load angle. In practice they are usually similar). Typical values are between 14% and
20%, compared with the 5% of a typical distribution transformer, so generators are less able
to tolerate harmonic current than the public supply network.

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6 Remedial techniques

The first point to make is that harmonics problems are unusual, although with the steady
increase in the use of electronic equipment, problems may be more common in future.
The situations where problems have occurred most frequently are in office buildings with a
very high density of personal computers, and in cases where most of the supply capacity is
used by electronic equipment such as drives, converters and UPS.

As a general rule, if the total rectifier loading (i.e. variable speed drives, UPS, PC etc.) on a
power system comprises less than 20% of its current capacity then harmonics are unlikely to
be a limiting factor. In many industrial installations the capacity of the supply considerably
exceeds the installed load, and a large proportion of the load is not a significant generator of
harmonics – uncontrolled (direct on line) a.c. induction motors and resistive heating elements
generate minimal harmonics.

If rectifier loading exceeds 20% then a harmonic control plan should be in place. This requires
that existing levels be assessed, and a harmonic budget allocated to new equipment.

Calculations using the techniques described in section 5 may be required to predict the effect
on harmonic voltage from connecting additional equipment.

If necessary, the following measures, which are discussed with reference to a.c. drives unless
otherwise specified, can be used to reduce the harmonic level. Most techniques are applicable
to d.c. drives but consideration of the speed dependent phase of the harmonics is necessary.

6.1 Connect the equipment to a point with a high fault level (low impedance)
When planning a new installation, there is often a choice of connection point. The harmonic
voltage caused by a given harmonic current is proportional to the system source impedance
(inversely proportional to fault level). For example, distorting loads can be connected to main
busbars rather than downstream of long cables shared with other equipment.

6.2 Use three phase drives where possible

As shown above, harmonic current for a three phase drive of given power rating is about 30%
of that for a single phase drive; and there is no neutral current. If the existing harmonics are
primarily caused by single phase loads, the dominant fifth and seventh harmonics are also
reduced by three-phase drives.

6.3 Use additional inductance

Series inductance at the drive input gives a useful reduction in harmonic current. The benefit is
greatest for small drives where there is no d.c. inductance internally, but useful reductions can
also be obtained with large drives.

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a) Additional a.c. supply line inductance
The addition of a.c. input inductance to the single phase drive improves the current waveform
and spectrum from those shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 to those shown in Figure 11 and
Figure 12 respectively. It is particularly beneficial for the higher order harmonics, but the fifth
and seventh are reduced by a useful degree. Only the third harmonic is little improved.

Figure 11 Input current waveform for single phase drive as Figure 2 but with 2% input inductor

400V 80A

200V 40A

Supply voltage
0V 0A

-200V -40A

-400V -80A
0 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms

Figure 12 Corresponding harmonic spectrum for Figure 11




0kHz 0.4kHz 0.8kHz 1.2kHz 1.6kHz 2.0kHz

Since the three-phase rectifier has no third harmonic current, the a.c. inductor is even more
beneficial, as shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14.

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Figure 13 Input current waveform for three phase drive as Figure 4 but with 2% input inductors





0 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms

Figure 14 Corresponding harmonic spectrum for Figure 13





0kHz 0.4kHz 0.8kHz 1.2kHz 1.6kHz 2.0kHz

In these examples the value of the a.c. inductor is 2% (i.e. 0.02 p.u.). Values higher than
this need to be applied with caution, since the drive output voltage at full load begins to be
reduced significantly.

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b) Additional d.c. inductance
A.c drives rated at 4kW or more usually have three phase input and include inductance built in
to the d.c. bus or the a.c. input circuit. This gives the improved waveform and spectrum shown
in Figure 15 and Figure 16 respectively, which are for a hypothetical 1.5kW drive for ease
of comparison with the previous illustrations.

Figure 15 Input current waveform for a three phase 1.5kW drive with d.c. inductance





0 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms

Figure 16 Corresponding harmonic spectrum for Figure 15





0kHz 0.4kHz 0.8kHz 1.2kHz 1.6kHz 2.0kHz

Further improvement is possible by adding a.c. inductance as well as d.c., as shown in Figure 17
and Figure 18. This represents the limit of what can be practically achieved by very simple
low-cost measures.
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Figure 17 Input current waveform for a three phase 1.5kW drive with d.c. and 2% a.c. inductors



0 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms

Figure 18 Corresponding harmonic spectrum for Figure 17





0kHz 0.4kHz 0.8kHz 1.2kHz 1.6kHz 2.0kHz

6.4 Use a lower value of d.c. smoothing capacitance

For a three phase rectifier, the capacitance value can be much reduced provided that
the inverter is adapted to compensate for the resulting voltage ripple. The input current
waveform is then improved and tends towards the “ideal” case with a large d.c. inductance,
where the current is approximately constant during the 120° conduction period.

This is a useful technique for a cost-sensitive application where harmonic current is a critical
factor. There are disadvantages resulting from the reduced capacitance, in that the d.c. bus
voltage becomes more sensitive to transient conditions, both from rapid variations in load
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and also from supply disturbances. This approach is therefore most attractive in applications
where the load does not exhibit highly dynamic behaviour.

Another practical factor is that the capacitor now has a high ripple current relative to its
capacitance value, so that a conventional aluminium electrolytic capacitor cannot be used
and a relatively large and expensive plastic dielectric type is required.

6.5 Use a higher pulse number (12 pulse or higher)

Standard three phase drives rated up to about 200kW use 6 pulse rectifiers. A 12 pulse
rectifier eliminates the crucial fifth and seventh harmonics (except for a small residue caused
by imperfect balance of the rectifier groups). Higher pulse numbers are possible if necessary,
the lowest harmonic for a pulse number p being (p-1).

Individual a.c. drives may be supplied with d.c. from a single bulk 12 pulse rectifier, or where
the loading on drives is known to be reasonably well balanced individual 6 pulse drives may
be supplied from the two phase shifted supplies.

If the transformer rating matches the total drive rating reasonably closely then its inductance
gives a very useful additional reduction of the higher order harmonics. For ratings up to
about 1MW it is unusual to require pulse numbers greater than 12.

A 12 pulse system is illustrated in Figure 19. The star and delta windings (or zig-zag
windings) have a relative 30° phase shift, which translates to 180° at the fifth and seventh
harmonics (as well as 17, 19, 29, 31 etc.), so that flux and hence primary current at these
harmonics cancels in the transformer.

Figure 19 Basic twelve-pulse rectifier arrangement

Phase shifting transformer


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The transformer input current waveform and spectrum are shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21

Figure 20 Input current waveform for 150kW drive with 12-pulse rectifier





0 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms

Figure 21 Corresponding harmonic spectrum for Figure 20





0kHz 0.4kHz 0.8kHz 1.2kHz 1.6kHz 2.0kHz

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6.6 Use a drive with an active input converter
An active input converter using PWM generates negligible harmonic current, as well as
permitting the return of power from the load to the supply.

The input current for an active input converter contains negligible harmonic current if the
supply voltage is sinusoidal. There are two side effects which must be considered:
➜ The input stage PWM frequency causes input current, which will usually have to
be filtered. This is in addition to the radio frequency filter.
➜ Existing voltage harmonics in the supply will cause some harmonic current to flow
into the drive. This should not be mistaken for harmonic emission.

6.7 Use a harmonic filter

Three types of harmonic filter can be distinguished:

(a) Passive parallel filter

The traditional form of filter is typically based upon a power factor correction capacitor.
By the addition of series inductances the filter can be made to have a very low impedance
at key harmonics such as 5 and 7 or 11 and 13. This kind of filter is a natural choice for a
d.c. drive since it provides the necessary power factor correction as well as attenuation of
key harmonics. It is less suitable for a.c. drives which inherently have a displacement factor
close to unity.

The parallel filter is applied close to the origin of the plant power supply, and attenuates the
harmonic voltage arising from all sources of harmonic current. As it presents a low
impedance at these harmonics, it sinks harmonic current from existing harmonic voltages
at the supply source. In extreme cases this can cause over loading of the filter, resulting in
operation of the necessary over current protection device. The selection and application of
this kind of filter requires a careful survey of existing harmonic voltage and an estimate of
the resulting loading on the filter.

(b) Passive series filter

This type of filter is designed specifically for use with drives or similar distorting loads.
The filter is connected in series with one or more defined loads, and reduces their harmonic
current emission by offering a low-pass characteristic, possibly with additional attenuation
at the 5th and 7th harmonics by a notch in the frequency response.

The benefit of the series filter is that it is largely unaffected by existing supply harmonics.
It may also offer improved performance with an unbalanced three phase supply, when
compared with high pulse number rectifiers.

www.controltechniques.com 23
Some possible disadvantages include:
➜ A tendency to excessive voltage drop in the d.c. bus with increasing load
➜ A significant standing capacitive current which may exceed the stability limit for a
local synchronous generator
➜ Possible disturbance to the control systems for thyristor input stages, as used in some
drive designs for input inrush current control.

These disadvantages have been overcome by ingenious design. The remaining

disadvantage is cost, since the series filter has to carry the entire supply current, whereas
the parallel filter carries only the harmonics. At the time of writing, series filters have been
found to be cost effective for drive power ratings up to about 400kW.

(c) Active parallel filter

The active filter uses power electronic techniques to generate harmonic current in
opposition to that generated by the load. It can be arranged to target only the load current,
and it has current limiting so that in the presence of excessive harmonic current it will
operate up to the limits of its capability and not trip due to over-loading. Currently the cost
of such filters is high and they are only used in critical situations.

7 Typical harmonic current levels for a.c. drive arrangements

Harmonic current as % of fundamental

I3 I5 I7 I11 I13 ITHD

Single phase, no inductance 97 91 83 62 51 206

Single phase, 2% inductance 90 72 50 13 6 130

Three phase no inductance 01 89.5 80.0 56.3 43.9 145

Three phase 3% inductance 01 35.0 12.2 7.4 3.9 38

12 pulse 01 1.8 0.6 4.5 3.1 5.8

Active Input Converter 01 1.4 0.3 0.5 0.2 3.3

Note 1: For a balanced supply

24 www.controltechniques.com
8 Additional notes on the application of harmonic standards

The requirements of individual standards are beyond the scope of this book. However, some
issues recur frequently and are worth highlighting. In particular, questions relating to harmonic
behaviour and testing at a variety of loads often occur, as do questions relating to the correct
base or reference current by which to refer to harmonic currents.

8.1 The effect of load

For most equipment, the harmonic current becomes larger as a proportion of the overall
current as the load is reduced. This is particularly so with rectifiers, since at reduced load the
inductances become proportionally smaller and the capacitances larger relative to the load.
This is illustrated in Figure 22, for an a.c. drive.

Figure 22 Variation of input current harmonics and THD as a percentage of fundamental current with variation
of load power, for an a.c. drive (I1 as % of rated I1)




60 I5
50 I 11
I 13
40 I1




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Load power (%)

With a simple rectifier the key harmonic currents (3, 5 and 7) fall in absolute terms as the load
is reduced. Only some of the higher harmonics may increase over some parts of the load range.
This is illustrated in Figure 23 for the same arrangement as for Figure 22.

Note that for an a.c. drive it is the load power which determines the input current, including its
harmonics. With d.c. thyristor drives it is the load current.

www.controltechniques.com 25
Figure 23 Variation of input current harmonics and THD as a percentage of rated fundamental current with variation
of load power, for an a.c. drive

120 35 THD
100 30 I 11
I 13
25 I1




0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Load power (%)

Product standards such as IEC 61000-3-12 make it clear that the equipment must be tested at
the rated load, and that harmonics are measured as a proportion of the rated input current.
However with drives used in machinery it is often difficult to operate the machine at rated
load in an EMC test environment. Frequently the rated load can only be achieved briefly. It is
common for measuring instruments to indicate harmonics and THD as a proportion of the
fundamental current at the same instant as the measurement, i.e. not taking account of the
equipment rated current. This can result in a wrong conclusion (apparent failure to pass the
test). Only the data at rated load must be used, and if rated load cannot be achieved then the
results must be corrected to refer to the rated fundamental current of the equipment.

8.2 Choice of reference current, application of IEEE Std 519-1992

For a product test there is a clearly defined reference current which is the manufacturer’s
declared rated current. For an installation assessment, a reference current must be established.
In IEEE Std 519-1992 this is referred to as the “maximum fundamental load current” for a
particular electricity consumer at the PCC. This is calculated as the average current of the
maximum demand for the preceding 12 months. The intention is to choose a reference current
which is representative of the relative size of the consumer, so that the harmonic absorption
capability of the power network can be fairly apportioned. Harmonic limits are then set by
reference to this maximum current, and the term “Total demand distortion” (TDD) is used to
express the ratio of the r.m.s. harmonic current to the maximum current.

IEEE Std 519 is often applied as a contractual condition for the purchase of power equipment,
and it is not uncommon for the reference current to be taken as the rated current for a specific
item of equipment. This results in a very stringent limit on harmonic current, which can only
26 www.controltechniques.com
be achieved by using a special harmonic reduction technique such as a 12-pulse or 18-pulse
rectifier. Harmonic emission is minimised, but at the cost of many unnecessary phase-shifting
transformers and filters.

9 Interharmonics and emissions up to 9kHz

Low-frequency emission may occur with a frequency which is not an integer multiple of the
supply frequency. This is referred to as an interharmonic if it lies within the range from zero to
the 50th harmonic. There is no agreed terminology for higher frequencies.

Excessive interharmonics can result in undesirable modulation effects leading to lighting

flicker and modulation of d.c. supplies derived by rectification of the a.c. supply. Excessive
higher frequencies can result in telephone noise on analogue telephones, and disturbance to
waveform-sensitive equipment such as UPS systems.

A conventional drive is usually not a significant source of interharmonics or of the higher


An active input converter will be a source of emission at frequencies related to both the PWM
switching frequency and the supply frequency. The same applies to an active filter. Although
there are no agreed limits for such emissions, a sensible practical limit would be the same as is
applied to the highest order harmonics, e.g. adapting the limits from IEC 61000-2-2 would give:

where f = frequency of emission considered

For example, emission at 2.9kHz, which is a dominant modulation product from a 3kHz switching
frequency and a 50Hz line frequency, would be limited to 0.4%. The cost of a filter to achieve this
is much less than for a harmonic filter, though not insignificant.

10 Voltage notching

Notching is an effect specifically associated with naturally commutated thyristor rectifiers, as

used in d.c. drives. During the overlap interval where commutation between the semiconductor
switches takes place, the voltage between lines at the drive terminals is forced to zero, and it
recovers abruptly at the end of overlap, so that the line-to-line voltage has a notch. Whilst this
phenomenon also occurs with a diode rectifier, it happens at the zero crossing point so there is
no initial step change of voltage and the recovery is slow.

Notching can disturb equipment sharing the supply. The rapid voltage steps can induce high
pulse currents and voltage overshoots. Oscillatory effects in the power system can result in
multiple zero-crossings which may affect equipment which detects them. Although theoretically
www.controltechniques.com 27
the notches can be represented by harmonic series, it is the abrupt change in the time function
which causes the disturbance, and this is the reason for distinguishing this phenomenon.

Typical limits to notch depths are 40% for industrial supplies, as given in IEC 60146-1-1 and IEC
61800-3, and 20% for residential supplies as given in G5/4-1.

For heavy plant with large d.c. drives a local depth of up to 80% might be tolerated, but the
thermal effects of notches are cumulative so care must be taken where many such drives are

Notch depth is controlled by using input inductances with the drive. The notch depth at the
supply is given by:

where Zs is the supply impedance and Zc is the impedance of

the added inductance.

To estimate the notch depth at the supply PCC the value of Zs would be the same as is used for
harmonic voltage calculations. Within a given plant, allowance must be made for the inductance
of cables and any transformers.

In practice it can be difficult to obtain the relevant impedance data, and many d.c. drives are
operated with a “rule of thumb” 2% line inductance without any practical difficulties. Good
practice dictates that some inductance must always be incorporated, since 100% notches can
cause widespread malfunctions, and the thyristor switches within the drive itself might be
subjected to excessive di/dt stress if there are capacitors connected to the same supply without
any added inductance.

11 Voltage dips and flicker

It is often not appreciated by drive users how great an advantage the use of variable frequency
gives in starting an induction motor. Direct on line starting a standard cage induction motor
draws a current of typically 5 times its rated full-load current. Furthermore, the power factor
of this current is very low because the actual power delivered is small (high torque but low
speed). The voltage drop caused in the mainly inductive supply source impedance is therefore
at a maximum. This can affect other loads, causing disturbance to electronic systems as well as
lighting flicker, and it can cause difficulty in starting the motor if the load has significant static
friction. Starting a motor by a correctly adjusted variable speed drive causes a current in the
motor not exceeding its short-term rated operating current, giving torque equal to the short-
term rated value, whilst the drive input current begins at nearly zero and rises with the actual
delivered shaft power. The drive itself supplies the reactive current for the motor, so the voltage
drop caused in the inductive supply impedance is minimal.

28 www.controltechniques.com
“Flicker” refers to the effect of supply voltage fluctuations on lighting levels. Whereas occasional
lighting fluctuations are tolerable, the human eye and brain are very sensitive to periodic flicker,
especially with frequency in the region of 5 – 20 Hz. Supply companies operate guidelines to
assist them in case of complaints, and standards such as IEC 61000-3-3 and IEC 61000-3-11 lay
down limits on permissible voltage fluctuations when equipment is connected to a supply with
a defined source impedance. There is a curve which defines the permissible flicker limits over
a range of frequencies up to 25Hz. There is also a much less stringent limit for single voltage
changes, such as that occurring at switch on.

The effect of a drive on flicker is largely neutral, in that a fluctuating load will generally result in
a fluctuating drive input power because the stored energy in the drive is insufficient to provide
smoothing. The improved displacement factor of an a.c. drive when compared with a directly fed
induction motor gives some reduction in the resulting voltage fluctuation, and the controlled
motor starting and controlled inrush current of the drive reduce single voltage changes.

Direct a.c. to a.c. converters such as cycloconverters and matrix converters may cause flicker at
certain speeds even with a steady load, because of modulation effects. This must be taken into
account if they are considered.

There are some applications such as low-speed reciprocating pumps where the load torque
inherently pulsates at a frequency within the sensitive range. It may be possible to use an a.c.
drive to reduce the resulting flicker by deliberately allowing the speed to vary by more than the
usual speed regulator would allow. Better use is then made of the system inertia to smooth the
fluctuations in power flow. The details depend upon the drive design, but one example would be
to use a negative value for the slip compensation parameter.

www.controltechniques.com 29
12 References

This document contains material taken, with permission, from the 2nd edition of
“The Control Techniques Drives and Controls Handbook” published in 2009 by
The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

References and sources of information

Note that most IEC standards have European Harmonised equivalents with the prefix EN
replacing the IEC. They are published by CENELEC and available from standards bodies in EU
member states. The technical texts are identical with the IEC versions.

Publication Title Publisher

Product emission standards:

Limits for harmonic current emissions IEC
IEC 61000-3-2
(equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker IEC
IEC 61000-3-3 in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated
current ≤16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker IEC
IEC 61000-3-11 in public low-voltage supply systems - Equipment with rated
current ≤75 A and subject to conditional connection
Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment IEC
IEC 61000-3-12 connected to public low-voltage systems with input
current >16 A and ≤75 A per phase

Immunity standards - test methods:

Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short IEC
IEC 61000-4-11
interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests
Testing and measurement techniques - Harmonics and IEC
IEC 61000-4-13 interharmonics including mains signalling at a.c. power port,
low frequency immunity tests
Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short IEC
IEC 61000-4-34 interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for
equipment with input current more than 16A per phase

30 www.controltechniques.com
Standards for power systems and installations:
Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances IEC
IEC 61000-2-2
and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-frequency IEC
IEC 61000-2-4
conducted disturbances
Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances IEC
IEC 61000-2-12
and signalling in public medium-voltage power supply systems
IEC/TR Assessment of emission limits for the connection of distorting IEC
61000-3-6 installations to MV, HV and EHV power systems
Recommended practices and requirements for harmonic IEEE
IEEE 519
control in electrical power systems
Planning levels for harmonic voltage distortion and the ENA (UK)
G5/4-1 connection of non-linear equipment to transmission systems
and distribution networks in the United Kingdom
Planning limits for voltage fluctuations caused by Industrial, ENA (UK)
Commercial and Domestic equipment in the United Kingdom

Product standard for emission and immunity:

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - EMC require- IEC
IEC 61800-3
ments and specific test methods

Measurement techniques:
General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements IEC
IEC 61000-4-7 and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment
connected thereto
Testing and measurement techniques - Flickermeter - Functional IEC
IEC 61000-4-15
and design specifications
Testing and measurement techniques - Power quality IEC
IEC 61000-4-30
measurement methods
Power electronic converter harmonics - multipulse methods for clean power. IEEE
Derek A Paice. ISBN 0-7803-1137-X Press

www.controltechniques.com 31
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