Car 145

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CAR 145

1. Hangar is not required for line maintenance except in certain

cases like rain and should be mentioned in MOE.
2. For small organisation quality monitoring is /may be contracted
that should be defined in MOE.
3. For large organisation no contracts for quality monitoring since
they should have a separate group for it.
4. CA Form 4 – For post holders and contracted persons.
5. According to CAR 145 full time means 2 persons
a. Certifying staff.
b. Quality audit engineer (anyone of these
persons can be Accountable manager).

6. Any issue or variation for approval shall be made to DGCA in a

form (CA Form 2) and manner established by DGCA. The
application shall be accompanied with para wise CAR 145
compliance report.
7. Tools, equipment’s & environmental conditions are made in
maintenance data.
8. Accountable manager is appointed by the organisation and
Quality manager is appointed by Accountable manager.
9. Accountable manager is having basic knowledge on CAR 145.
10.Quality manager has direct access to Accountable manager.
11.Component certifying staff CAR section 2 Series L part X.
12.For NDT & Specialist task CAR section 2 series L part XIV.
13.NDT is done by category A and B1.
14.Certain base maintenance can be done by line maintenance
personnel defined in MOE and fulfilling the requirements of
15.Line maintenance task is certified by B1 and B2 license holders.
16.B1 and B2 license holders are support staff in base maintenance.
17.Category C license holder issues CRS for base maintenance.
18. One Off Authorisation:
1. Experience requirement 5 years
2. It should be issued reported to DGCA within 7
days of issuance.
3. Large aircraft
4. Issued by quality control.
19.Limited certificate authorisation:
a. Issued to CPL holders, ATPL holders and
Flight engineers with FE license.
b. Valid for 12 months.
c. Issued by Quality control manager.
d. Practical training 35 hours.
e. Theoretical training for 100 hours.
20.Full time person means working not less than 35 hours excluding
vacation in a week.
21.Maintenance man-hour plan should be reviewed every 3 months,
short fall not less than 25%.
22.Continuation process is a two-way process.
23.Trouble shooting is conducted every 2 years conducted by the
organisation itself, contracted or DGCA.
24.Syllabus is reviewed every 24 months. It should be given to all. It
should be within 6 months of joining.
25.Human factors training is based on quality audit finding and
internal and external source of information.
26.NDT-AAC 2 0f 2017
27.Continuation training/Human Factor-AAC of 2000.
29.Boroscope test and coin tap test comes under Non-Destructive
30.Organisation having category A, B&C can do NDT.
31.If a component is removed from aircraft for maintenance & fitted
back then it is known as Aircraft maintenance and not component
maintenance. It should be entered in aircraft log book.
32.Uplift of hydraulic fuel is considered as maintenance (de-icing and
anti-icing fluid)
33.Some maintenance is done by pilots which does not require any
special tools and it comes under Limited certificate authorisation.
34.One of authorisation is not issued to a person whose knowledge
level can exceed the required certification process.
35.Engine run up test can be thought using stimulator or live aircraft.
36.The certifying staff and support staff must be involved in at least 6
months of that aircraft or component in ant 2n consecutive years.
37.For giving certification or authorisation to pilot or maintenance
personnel is given only by QCM.
38.Approval is always given only by DGCA.
39.Fine details of a personnel should not be kept by the organisation.
40.Minimum age for certifying staff and support staff is 21 years.
41.Any record in CAR 145 should be maintained for 3 years.
42.If any person leaves the organisation his records should be
maintained for 3 years.
43.If the maintenance specifies some tools and equipment’s and if it
is not available in the organisation then the DGCA can give the
alternate tool instead of that tool and defined in MOE.
44.Tools which are not frequently used can be contracted and
defined in MOE.
45.Docking of aircraft is given in maintenance data.
a. Service life has expired.
b. Can be extended through repair solution.
a. Certified limit has reached.
b. It should be discarded.
48.Consumable materials:
Which cannot be reused again cement, paint, solvent,
locking wire… no CA form is raised for this.
49.Fabrication requires TC and STC approval design and diagram
should require DGCA approval no CA form is raised it should be
only for organisation purpose.
50.Fabrication can be done only to secondary structures.
51.If a organisation maintains a component for its own use no CA
form should be raised.
52.Component should be accepted according to:
a. CA form 1.
b. CAR 21 subpart Q.
c. FAA 8130-3.
d. Bilateral agreement between two countries.
53.Identification of unsalvageable components refer page 48 CAR
54.Airworthiness directives given by DGCA if not accomplished ARC
will be cancelled.
55.SB’s, SI’s, SL’s are issued by manufacturers DGCA will mandate
those SB’s, SI’s, SL’s which are most necessary to maintain aircraft
in airworthy conditions and this is known as Airworthiness
56.Maintenance of aircraft;
Performance and carried out – maintenance data.
57.Maintenance should be readily available where the maintenance
is done/performed.
58.Data should be available in close proximity to the aircraft being
maintained for supervisors, mechanics, and certifying staff to
59.Authorised person is appointed by organisation and he is not
necessary to be a certifying staff.
60.A sign off is statement issued by authorised person.
61.Independent inspection is one of the error capturing method.
62.CRS is issued only after independent inspection.
63.Reinspection is also an error capturing method.
64.CRS is issued on behalf of the organisation by an authorised
65.A component without CRS can fly for 30 flight hours or 1st landing
to base.
66.Endangered to flight safety includes:
a. Burning.
b. Cracking.
c. Deformation.
d. Electrical arcing.
e. Fuel leakage.
f. System failure.
67.CRS also has export certificate.
68.For used and crashed components CRS is issued after overhauling.
69.component involved in crash should be kept for minimum 2
70.CRS is issued in multiple copies.
71.If maintenance of component is recorded it should be maintained
for 3 years from the day of release of the componentfrom the
72.If the maintenance data is backed up in a computer it should be
updated for every 24 hours.
73.If an aircraft is dismantled for spares it is considered as
maintenance activity and should be under the supervision of
Quality Control Manager.
74.Occurrence reporting is any unsafe condition that seriously
hazards the flight safety.
75.Within 72 hours it should be reported to DGCA.
76.Occurrence reporting is established by the organisation and
defined in MOE.
77.Occurrence reporting is a closed loop system.
78.Essential element of the quality system is the independent audit
and it is carried every 12 months, and it may be contracted for
small organisation.
79.Quality feedback system may not be contracted.
80.All recorded independent quality audit and quality feedback
should be retained for 2 years.
Part 0: General organisation.
Part 1: Management.
Part 2: Maintenance procedure.
Part 2: Additional line maintenance procedure.
Part 3: Quality system.
Part 4: Contracted.
Part 5: Sub contracted.
Part 6: Operator maintenance procedure.
82.Minor amendment in MOE can be done through indirect approval.
83.MOE should be signed by Accountable Manager.
84.MOE is approved by DGCA.
85.LEVEL 1 Finding: Seriously hazards the flight safety and should be
rectified within 7 days.
86.LEVEL 2 Finding: Possibly hazards the flight safety and should be
rectified within 30 days.
87.Small organisations may combine various items to form a simple
88.Independent audit is carried once in a year for large organisation
and twice in a year for small organisation.


1. Large aeroplane means TC for passenger capacity 30 or more maximum
payload capacity 7500 lbs (3402 kg) cargo or more.
2. Phase 1 Training
a. It includes training for QM and quality personnel.
b. Training for officers of regulatory authority
c. Phase 1 training should be given within 6 months of joining
organisation without supervision.
3. Phase 2 Training
a. It is given within 12 months of joining organisation.
b. This training is given by any CAR 145 approved organisation approved
by DGCA.
c. It should be internal or external course.
d. It should not be in form of training bulletin or self-study.
e. The pass mark of examination is 75%.
f. Duration of phase 2 is 8 hours.
4. The syllabus for continuation training is given in CAME.
5. To whom an organisation can contract is given in CA form 14 by DGCA.

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