Slave Dynasty

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Slave dynasty

education society

Uid:0204180050 roll:711558750
The concept of equality in islam and muslim traditions
reached its climax in the history of south asia when slaves
were raised to the status of sultan.ṭhe slave dynasty ruled
the sucontinent for aout 84 years. It was the first muslim
dynasty that ruled india.
After conquering india muhammad ghori had no successor
or children hence,he made his slave as successor

-Yaldauj (ruler of gazni)

-Quacha (ruler of multan and sindh)
-Aibak (ruler of north india)
-Bakhitiyaruddin khilji (ruler of eastern part of india)

*His favourite slave was yaldauz whom he made caretaker

of his capital gazni.
Most ugly slave was Bakhityaruddin khilji because he burnt
the Nalanda university.
Md. Ghori died in 1206 Ad. After his death struggle for
throne arised among all four slaves and ultimately Aibak
won and estalished delhi sultanate
Qutuuddin aibak
He was the 1st turk ruler of delhi sultanate.
Ghori gave him the title of Amir-E-Aakhur(incharge of
stables) he did not took the title of sultan.
Problem faced by Aibak-
1.yaldauz was creating many prolems for aiak to acquire
the throne of delhi sultanate.he attacked on punjab but
was defeated.Aibak decided to attack ghazni to stop
yaldauz and also won gazni in 1208. On this occasion Aibak
also freed himself from slavery by taking letter from
Giyasuddin (nephew of ghori) in 1208.

2.Qubucha was also considering himself successor of ghori

So to stop him Aibak made matrimonial relations with
him by marrying his sister to him.

3.Bakhitiyaruddin khilji was also creating prolems for Ainak

ut he was killed by a turk sardar Ali mardan and after
killing khilji. Ali mardan come to Aibak for help as during
this time Mohmmad shera captured Bengal. Aibak and
Awadh governor kaimaz rumi along with Ali mardan to
defeat mohammad shera and made Ali mardan the ruler of
Bengal and made him tax payee.
Aibak died in 1210 while playing chaugan after falling from
Contribution of Aibak in art and culture
of delhi sultanate-
-Aibak was a patron of scholars and a creative man. He
took interests in art works
-he estalished 1st city of delhi i.e meharauli
-he built indias 1st mosque QUTUB UL ISLAM in delhi 1192
Whose material was of jain temple.on pillars of the
mosque imageg of living eings were there ecause they
were earlier art of jain temple.
-he also constructed Adhai din ka johpra mosque in ajmer
which was earlier a hindu math. This hindu math was
made y chauhan king vishaladeva.
Harakeli play was found written on the walls of adhai din
ka jhopra when it was destroyed and changed it remain
-he made Qutuminar in delhi in the memory of sheikh
Qutub-ud-din bakhtiyar kaki( 2nd sufi saint of chisti silsila)
Which was completed y Iltutmish.
Main reason for constructing qutub minar was for giving
Marshall called it victory tower of islam.

Aaram shah(1210-1211)
Successor of his father Aibak but not an efficient king,
When aaram shah ecame king ,all amirs revolted and
declared themselves independent.yaldauz claimed
independence over indian territories, Qubuchha
conquered sindh and multan.Ali mardan declared himself
independent king of Bengal and bihar.
In these conditions Amir Ali Ismail invited
Iltutmish(governor of badayun) to become emperor who
defeated Aaram shah in the battle of zood.

Shamsuddin Iltutmish was an ilabari turk, his father ilam
khan sold him to Aibak so he was a slave of slave.
Aibak gave him post of sar-e -jaandar(chief of bodyguards)
Later on because of his abilty he became
Amir-e-shikhur(master of hunt)
He performed well in battle of gwalior (1200 a.d.) and after
battle he was made governor of badayun and Aibak
married his daughter to Iltutumish.

-ILtutmish time period is divide into 3 parts

1.Supression of his rivals
2.Time terror of changez khan
3.Period of actual expedition

1. Supression of his rivals(1211-1220)

Yaldauz proceeded towards lahore after defeat from
khwariz shah of persia.then 3rd attle of terrrain took
placeetween Iltutmish and yaldauz in 1215. Iltutumish took
yaldauz to adayun and killed him then Iltutmish appointed
there son Nasirudin mahmud as governor of lahore
2. Time terror of changez khan(1221-1227)
In 1221 first time entry of mongols took place in india
with changez khan(mongol emperor) chasing jallaludin
mangarni(khwarizm prince)
Jallaludin asked for shelter from iltutmish but he was
refused as Iltutmish neither had desire nor had power to
face such a powerful a major disaster was
prevented in india.
Mangurni defeated Qubucha at sindh which harmed the
latters power and it helped iltutmish to defeat qubucha in
1228. Iltutmish conquered saraswati bathinda lahore
depressed qubucha jumped into river sindh and commited
suicide in 1228 A.D

3. .Actual exedition started by Iltutmish

Iltutmish expand his empire from 1227Ad. As changez
khan died in 1226 which resulted in end of his terror
- Iltutmish first started expedition of bengal Ali mardan was
killed by Giyasuddin and ecame ruler of bengal.Iltutmish
conquered southern bihar and entered bengal ut without
any war Giyasuddin surrendered efore efore Iltutmish, so
Iltutmish appointed Malik Zani as governor of bihar and
made Giyasuddin the governor on the condition that he
would pay tax to Iltutmish.
- when Iltutmish came delhi giyasuddin again declared
himself Independent. Iltutmish did not take the situation
lightly and killed giyasuddin in 1227 a.d and appointed
Nasiruddin as governor of bengal so, bengal was
assimilated to delhi sultanate.

Important works of iltutmish

- he replaced Amir and Maliks appointed by Aibek with
turk-e-chalgan(group of 40 loyal soilders)
- he shifted his capital to delhi and thus he was the first
sultan to rule from delhi.
- he started iqutadari system which means land grants
were given to major officials instead of cash salary.
-Iltutmish tried to make sultanate hereditary as he
appointed his daughter Razia sultana as his successor
because he knew all of his son were incapable of ruling.

Iltutmish died in 1236 ad.

Razia sultana (1236-1204A.d)
-Razia sultana succeded shah turkan
There were various conspiracies in the court and 100s of
people died due to this people were fed up from the
internal unrest and they supported Razia to became sultan
- Turk-e chalgan were against her and the only weakness
she had was that she was a woman. The turkish slave could
not tolerate concentration of power in the hand of Razia so
they started conspiracies against her
And as the outcome when Razia reached Bathinda to
supress a revolt that is done by Altunia(governor of
Bathinda) she were imprisoned.
And later on she were killed on 13th oct 1240

Bairam shah(1240-1242)
-he was 3rd son of Iltutmish and became the ruler after
Razia sultana
-Under him the power of Noles increased a new post of
Naib-i-mamaliquat was created to satisfy the aspirations of
Nobles.this post was first taken by Aitgin
-Bairam shah wanted to free himself from Aitgin and from
other turk nobles so he indulged in a conspiracy against
Aitgin and other nobles.he started killing Nobles and every
nobles started feeling of getting killed by Bairam shah at
any time.
-In 1241 A.D mongols attacked india under taayar bahadur
turk noles were searching for this type of opportunity ,so
they assimilated in court to make strategy against mongols
and killed Bairam shah in 1242 A.D

Masud shah(1242-1246 A.D)

He was son of Rukuddin who was son of shah turkan
Balban gaining power in masud shah regime,he gave title
of ulugh khan to balban.
Masud shah remained a puppet in the hands of nobles
Masud shah was dethroned by balban and other nobles
Nasir-ud-din was made the next ruler.

Nasiruddin mahmud shah(1246-1266A.D

-He was son of Iltutmish who was known as darvesh king
due to his habits, he ecome idol of simplicity and devoted
all his time to prayers and making copies of Quran
therefore he lost diginity of sultan.
-he remained a nominal sultan as he gave all the powers to
Balban . Even Balban was using chattar of sultan which was
a symol of sovereignty.
-during his time,Balban became nai-i-mamaliquat which
was the most powerful post after sultan. Balban himself
was the member of chalgani.
Balban married his daughter to Nasiruddin and gained
power. According to fakhuruddin(a history of bahmani
kingdom) Balban poisoned Nasiruddin and occupied
throne in 1266A.D
Ghiyasuddin Balban(1266-1286 a.d)
-he was 1st sultan who adopted kingship theory.he restored
the power of sultan which was lost during Nasiruddin
mahmuds regime due to his activities.
*Measures adopted by Balban to restore the power of
1. He gave kingship theory very 1st time he defined sultan
as zil-e-ilahi and niyamat-e-khudai which means king’s
orders can never e disobeyed
2. He dissolved turk-e-chalgan as they became group of
conspirators and started comparing Balban with
3. He started tradition of sijda.
4. He also started celerating navrauz festival on the ewe of
new was to celebrate sultan’s birthday for 9 days.

Death of Balban-
In 1286 A.D mongol under Taimur attacked in which
Balbans’s shezada MD. Died. Balban was growing old and
death of his son completely broke his heart Balban died in

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