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Test Booklet No.

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DEC - 30213 (To be filled by the Candidate)

Time Allowed : 1¼ Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates fo|kF;k±lkBh egŸokP;k lwpuk
1. Write your Seat No. and OMR Sheet No. in the space provided 1. ifj{kkFkh±uh vkiyk vklu ÿekad ;k i`"Bkojhy ojP;k dksiÚ;kr fygkok-
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2. This paper consists of 50 objective type questions. Each question rlsp vki.kkal fnysY;k mŸkjif=dspk ÿekad R;k[kkyh fygkok-
will carry two marks. All questions of Paper-II will be compulsory, 2. lnj iz'uif=dsr 50 cgqi;kZ; iz'u vkgsr- izR;sd iz'ukl nksu xq.k
covering entire syllabus (including all electives, without options). vkgsr- ;k iz'uif=dsrhy loZ iz'u lksMfo.ks vfuok;Z vkgs- lnjps iz'u
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Mathematical Science
Paper II
Time Allowed : 75 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 100
Note : This paper contains 50 multiple choice questions, each carrying
Two (2) marks. Attempt All questions.

1. If 2. Let

f(x) = x3 − 3 x + 1 for x ∈ [ −1, 1] .

f : ( a, b) → R
Then, by the mean value theorem,

is differentiable, then the derivative the value of such that the

of f at is given by : tangent to at x = c is
((1, =1
1, af−(1,
f(f(− −b)1))
,(x1))) f (c + h) − f (c − h)
±f '(c) = lim
2 h→0 h parallel to the chord joining the

(A) points and is

given by :

f (c + h) − f (c − h)
(B) f '(c) = lim (A) 1
h→ 0 2h

(B) 0
f (c + h) − f (c − h)
(C) f '(c) = lim
h→ 0 3h (C)

f (c + h) − f (c − h) (D) ±
(D) f '(c) = lim 3
h→ 0 4h

3 [P.T.O.

3. If f ( x) = ( x − 1) ( x − 3) on [1, 3], then 6. Let A and B be non-empty subsets

the suitable c in (1, 3) for the Rolle’s of a vector space V. Suppose that
theorem such that is : A ⊆ B . Then :
(A) c = 2
(A) If B is linearly independent,
(B) then so is A

(C) (B) If B is linearly dependent, then

so is A
(D) (C) If A is linearly independent,
4. If f(z) is an entire function such that then so is B
Re ( f ( z) ) is bounded, then which one (D) If B is a generating set, then
of the following is true ? so is A
(A) f is not a constant 7. Let
(B) f is the identity function
(C) f is a constant be the linear transformation defined |
(D) for some entire by :
function T( x, y) = ( x, x + y)
5. For any two complex numbers z1 Then the matrix of T with respect

and z 2 if | z1 + z2 | = | z1 | + | z2 | to the standard basis is :

holds, then, which one of the

following is true ?
1 0
(A) z1 = t z2 , where t ≥ 0 (B)  
1 0
(B) where t ≤ 0
1 0
(C) z 1 and z2 are linearly (C)  
1 1
independent over R
0 0 
(D) (D)  
1 1 


8. Let A be an m × n real matrix. The 11. The amount of calories in a chocolate

space of solutions of the linear
bar is normally distributed with an
system AX = 0 has dimension :
(A) m average of 250 calories. If 99.7% of
(B) at most minimum of m and n all the bars have between 205 and
(C) m + n
295 calories, then the standard
(D) at least m – n
deviation (in calories) is :
9. Let A be an n × n matrix over R
such that the rows of A form an (A) 90
orthonormal basis of Rn. Then : (B) 45
(A) the columns of A are linearly
(C) 15
(B) the rows of A are linearly (D) 10
dependent 12. Which of the following cases has
(C) A is singular
s = {a, b, c} constitute a probability
(D) the columns of A form an
orthonormal basis of Rn space ?
10. Let A and B be similar matrices. (A) p(a) = 0.5, p(b) = 0.2, p(c) = 0.3
Then : (B) p(a) = 0.5, p(b) = 0.3, p(c) = 0.3
(A) rank A = rank B but the nullity
(C) p(a) = 0.5, p(b) = 0.7, p(c) = –0.2
of A need not be the same as
the nullity of B (D) p(a) = 0.5, p(b) = 0.2, p(c) = 0.2
(B) rank A = rank B and nullity of 13. If X and Y are independent, then
A = nullity of B
which one of the following is not
(C) the nullity of A need not be the
same as the nullity of B and the true ?
rank of A need not be the same (A) E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y)
as the rank of B
(B) E(XY) = E(X) E(Y)
(D) nullity of A = nullity of B but
the rank of A need not be the (C) E(X – Y) = E(X) – E(Y)

same as the rank of B (D) E(XY) = E(X) + E(Y)

5 [P.T.O.

14. Which of the following is the solution 16. Which of the following statements
to the LP problem of maximizing
is false ?
z = x1 + x2 subject to :
(A) If the primal is a minimization
x1 + 2 x2 ≤ 7, 3 x1 + x2 ≤ 6,

x1 , x2 ≥ 0 ? problem, its dual will be a

(A) (0, 7/2) maximization problem.

(B) (2, 0)
(B) For an unrestricted primal
(C) (1, 3)

(D) (2, 3) variable, the associated dual

15. If P and Q are dual of each other, constraint is an equality.

find values of a, b and c.
(C) If a constraint in a
P : Max 2x1 + ax2 subject to :
maximization type of primal
2 x1 + x2 ≤ 3

bx1 + 2 x2 ≤ c problem is “less-than-or-equal-

x1 , x2 ≥ 0 . to” type, the corresponding dual

Q : Min 3u1 + 4u2 subject to :
variable is non-negative.
2u1 + 4u2 ≥ 2
(D) Columns of the constraint
u1 + 2u2 ≥ 5

u1 , u2 ≥ 0 . coefficients in the primal

(A) (a, b, c) = (5, 4, 4) problem become columns of the

(B) (a, b, c) = (4, 4, 5)
constraint coefficients in the
(C) (a, b, c) = (5, 5, 4)
(D) (a, b, c) = (4, 5, 4)


18. If {an} is a sequence of positive real

17. If {I n } is a decreasing sequence of
numbers such that an+1 < r an for

closed and bounded intervals in R some r ∈(0, 1) and for all ,

then which of the following is
such that inf {bn − an } = 0 , where
true ?
I n = [ an , bn ] (A) {an} is divergent
(B) {an} converges to 0
then which one of the following is
(C) {an} is strictly increasing
true ? (D) {an} converges to a non-zero real

(A) ∩I n is empty number

(B) ∩I n has exactly one point
If a constant 10 is subtracted from
(C) ∩I n has exactly two points each observation of X and Y, then
the regression coefficeint of X on Y
f f∈
|n :( xR
N →f R
)− − y|∩
( y)| ≤ | x(D) 2I
n has infinitely many
is :
(A) Reduced by 10 percent
Or (B) Unchanged
(C) Increased by 10 percent
If the AM and GM of a set of two
(D) Reduced by 20 percent
observations are 9 and 6 respectively, 19. Let R be the set of real numbers.

then HM of this set is : Let be such that

, for all
(A) 3
x, y ∈ R . Then f(x) is :
(B) 4 (A) a constant
(B) the identity map
(C) 1.5
(C) x 2
(D) 3 6 (D) f is not differentiable on R

7 [P.T.O.

Or Or
Let X be a random variable on
Let X 1 and X 2 be independent
whose cumulative
random variables each assuming
distribution function (cdf) FX has a

Lebesgue probability density values +1 and –1 with probability

function FX and FX(C) < 1, where ½. Let X3 = X1 X2. Which of the

C is a fixed constant. Let
following statements is true ?
Y = min {X, C}. Then, the cdf of Y
(A) X1 and X3 are dependent
is given by :
(B) X2 and X3 are dependent
(C) Xi and X3 are independent for

 c if x<c i = 1, 2
(B) FY ( x) = F ( x) if x≥c
 X
(D) X1, X2 and X3 are independent
(C) FY ( x) = 1 − [1 − FX ( x)]
21. Let for all n ∈ N . Then
(D) FY ( x) = FX ( x)
which one of the following is true ?
20. Let A and B be non-empty subsets
of R, such that A ⊂ B . Then which
(B) lim sup an ≤ lim inf an
one of the following is true ?
(C) lim sup an and lim inf an do
not exist
(D) lim sup an = 1 and
lim inf an = − 1


Or Or
Let X1, X2, ...... be independent
Let X1, X2, ...., Xn be independent
random variables with Xi distributed
random variables having common
as Bernoulli (pi, 1), 0 < pi < 1,
probability density function i = 1, 2, ..... Which of the following
. Then the statements is false ?
characteristic function of
(A) ∑ E|X i − E(X i )|3 ≤ 2
Sn (X1 + X 2 + .... + X n )
= converges n
n n
∑ var (X i )
to : i=1

(A) e− t2 /2 n n
(B) ∑ (X i – pi ) ∑ var (Xi )
(B) et2 /2 i=1 i=1

(C) e|t| d
→ Z , where Z ~ N (0, 1)
x)<=11 (1 − cos x) /(D)
|f∞nz(| −||t
(π xe2 )
∑n n i
z =var , n
(X ≥) →2 ∞
(C) as n → ∞
i =1
i= 22. Let Q be the set of rational numbers

and R be the set of real numbers.

(D) as n → ∞
Then which one of the following

statements is true ? 23. Let f be an analytic function in

, having zeros at
(A) Q is not an ordered field

(B) Q is a complete ordered , (an integer). Then

field which one of the following is

(C) R is not a complete ordered true ?

(A) f is a non-zero constant
(B) f is the identity map
(D) R is a complete ordered
(C) f(z) = z2
field (D) f ≡ 0 on

9 [P.T.O.

Or 25. If C is the circle |z| = 1, then :

Let X be a random variable with
finite expectation µ and finite ∫ z− 2
variance σ2 and distribution (A) 0
function FX. What will be the value (B) π i
of ∫ [F( x + a) − F( x)] dx ? (C)

(A) µ (D)

(B) 0 Or
(C) a + µ If X1 and X2 be a random sample
(D) a of size two from exponential
24. If a Mobius transformation has distribution with parameter λ, then
three fixed points, then which one
the distribution of would
of the following is true ?
(A) f ( z) = − z be :
(B) (A) U (0, 1)

(C) (B) G (2 λ)
(C) Exp (λ)
(D) f ( z) is a constant
(D) None of the above
26. Let f be an entire function such that
If X i , are independent
| f ( z)| > M , for all for some
Poisson variates, then the
M > 0. Then, which one of the
conditional distribution of X1 given
following is true ?
is :
(A) f is an identity map
(A) Poisson
(B) f(z) = z2
(B) Binomial
(C) f is a constant
(C) Negative Binomial
(D) Geometric (D) f(z) = z3


Or 28. In any neighbourhood of an isolated

If X ~ N p (µ, ∑ ) then the distribution essential singularity, f assumes :
% % −1
of (X – µ)' ∑ (X – µ) will be :
% % % % (A) no complex number
(A) N p (O, I)
% (B) all complex numbers with at
(B) N p (O, ∑)
% most one exception
(C) χ p
(C) only finitely many complex
(D) None of the above

27. Let f be an entire function such that numbers

1  (D) all complex numbers

f ( z) = f  z  , for all z ∈ . Then
2 
f(z) =
Let X1, X2, ...., Xn be a random
(A) z
(B) 2 sample from :
Y ~ F (n, m) 1 z
P[X > a] + P[Y > ]
(C)a const F( x) = e− ( x −θ) , x ≥ θ
(D) ez Consider the statements :
(i) X(1) is complete sufficient for θ
If X ~ F (m, n) and ,
(ii) X(1) is the UMVUE of θ
then for any a > 0,
(iii) X(1) – 1/n is the MLE of θ

Which of the following is true ?

should be equal to :
(A) (i) and (ii)
(A) 0
(B) (i) only
(B) ∞
(C) 1 (C) (iii) only

(D) None of the above (D) (ii) and (iii)

11 [P.T.O.

29. Let f be a conformal self map of the

30. Let . Then z = 0
unit disc with f(0) = 0. Then :
is a :
(A) f is a rotation
(A) removable singularity of f
(B) f is an identity map (B) isolated essential singularity
(C) f(z) = z2 of f
(C) non-isolated singularity of f
(D) f(z) = z3
(D) pole of f
Let X and Y be two random variables Let X1, X2, ....., Xn be a random
such that Y has Binomial (π, N), sample from Binomial (n, p),
0 < p < 1, n known. Then :
0 < π < 1 and given Y = y, X has
(A) 1 / X is an unbiased estimator
Binomial (p, y), 0 < p < 1, N-known.
of 1/p
Then : (B) n / X is an unbiased estimator
(i) (X, Y) is minimal sufficient for of 1/p

(p, π) (C) 1 / X 1 is an unbiased estimator

of 1/p
(ii) X is sufficient for p when π is
(D) 1/p is not an estimable
known parametric function
(iii) Y is sufficient for p when π is 31. Let G be a group. Then G :
known (A) is isomorphic to a permutation
group only if G is finite
(iv) (X, Y) has a distribution from
(B) is always isomorphic to a
exponential family subgroup of a group of
(A) (i) and (iv) are true permutations
(B) (i) and (iii) are true (C) is never isomorphic to a
permutation group
(C) (ii) and (iv) are true
(D) is isomorphic to a permutation
(D) (iii) and (iv) are true group only if G is infinite


Or Or
Let X1, X2, ....., Xn be a random Consider the problem of testing
H0 : θ = 0 Vs. H1 : θ > 0 when
sample from N(θ, 1). For |a|< 1,
(X1, X2) is a random sample from
define, . Let
 X if |X| > n−1/4
Tn = 
aX if |X| ≤ n
Then : 1 if X1 + X 2 > C
φ 2 (X 1 , X 2 ) = 
(A) The asymptotic variance of 0 if otherwise

n Tn is equal to one for all θ If φ 1 and φ2 has the same size

(B) The asymptotic variance of α = 0.05, what will be the value
of C ?
n Tn is equal to a2 for θ = 0
(A) 1 − 2
(C) The asymptotic variance of Tn
(B) 2 + 0.1
is smaller than the Cramer-Rao
(C) 2 − 0.1
U (θ, θ + 1)1 if X1 >lower
0.95 bound (D) 1 + 2
φ1 (X 1 ) = 
0 if (D) The asymptotic variance of Tn
33. Let R be a ring with unity. For
is always larger than the S ⊆ R Mn(S) denotes the set of
Cramer-Rao lower bound all n × n matrices with entries
32. Let from S :
(A) If A is an ideal in the ring
G = {1, –1, i, –i}
Mn(R), then there exists an
Then G with multiplication as a ideal I of R such that
binary operation is : A = Mn(I)
(A) not a group (B) If S is a subring of R, then
(B) is a group isomorphic to Mn(S) need not be a subring of
(Z2 × Z2, +)
(C) If R is commutative, then
(C) is isomorphic to a subgroup of Mn(R) is commutative
(Z8, +) (D) M n (S) is always non-
(D) is a subgroup of ( C , + ) commutative

13 [P.T.O.

Or Or
To test hypothesis about mean of a
A major automobile manufacturer
normal population with a known
has had to recall several models standard deviation, we can
from its 2012 line due to quality compare :
(A) The observed value of x with
control problems that were not
the critical value of z
discovered with its random final (B) The observed value of z with the
inspection procedures. This is an critical value of
example of : (C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) The observed value of z with the
(A) Type-II error
critical value of z
(B) Type-I error 35. Consider the ring R[x], where R is
(C) Both Type-I error and Type-II the field of real numbers. Let I be
the principal ideal in R[x] generated
by the polynomial x2 + 1. Then :
(D) Neither Type-I error nor (A) I is a maximal ideal in R[x]
Type-II error (B) I = R[x]
(C) I is not a prime ideal in R[x]
34. Let F be a field and
(D) I = (0)
Suppose we wish to test whether a
Then the set : population mean is significantly
larger or smaller than 10. We take
 0 b  a sample and find . What
M =   / b ∈F 
 0 0   should our alternative hypothesis
(A) is isomorphic to F be ?
(B) is an ideal of R but not a (A)
maximal ideal
(C) is a field
(D) cannot be determined from the
(D) is a maximal ideal of R information given


36. Consider the groups Z12 and Z30. Or

The number of homomorphisms from
In Mann-Whitney U test, a
Z12 to Z30 is :
particular sampling distribution
(A) 6
(B) 12 for U has a mean of 15. One
(C) 30 value of U is calculated as
(D) 3
equals 22.5. Can we immediately
The sequence of C, D, C, D, C, D,
C, D, C, D would probably be rejected conclude that the value of
by a test of runs as not being truly n1n2 + n2 (n2 + 1) − R 2 in this
random, because : situation, is :
(A) The sequence contains too
(A) 10 ?
many runs
(B) The sequence contains too few (B) 15 ?
runs (C) 12.5 ?
n1n2 + n1 (n1 + 1) / 2 − R1
(C) The sequence contains only two (D) 7.5 ?
38. Let X and Y be similar matrices.
(D) The pattern C, D occurs only five
times Which of the following statements

37. Which of the following is a basis for is not true ?

the vector space of polynomials in (A) X and Y have the same
R[x] of degree ≤ 3 ?
(A) 1 + x + x2, 4 – x,
(B) X and Y have the same
11 + x + x2 + 4x3
(B) 1, 3 + x, x2 + x3, characteristic polynomials
4 + x + 2x2 + 2x3 (C) X and Y have the same
(C) x3 + x, x2 + x, x + 1,
x3 + x2 + 3x + 1
(D) X and Y have the same
(D) 3, 4 – x, 2 + 3x + x2 + x3,
4 + 7x + x3 eigenvectors

15 [P.T.O.

Or Or
Neon lights in an industrial park are
Operations Research techniques are
replaced at the rate of 100 units per
not applicable in the following day. The physical plant orders the
situation : neon lights periodically. It costs
Rs. 100 to initiate a purchase order.
(A) Objective can be defined for
A neon light kept in storage is
maximization or minimization estimated to cost about Re. 0.02 per
(B) Sufficient input data is day. The lead time between placing
available for formulating the and receiving an order is 12 days.
What should be the order quantity
economically per order of neon
(C) Scientific methods, techniques lights ?
and tools may be applied (A) 1,00,000
(B) 10,000
(D) Resources available are
(C) 1,000
unlimited (D) 100
39. The characteristic equation of a 40. Let v1 , v2 , ...., vr be eigen vectors
corresponding to eigen values
matrix is,
c1 , ...., cr , respectively, of a linear
x3 − 2 x 2 − x + 1 = 0 . transformation.
If λ1 , λ 2 , λ 3 are eigenvalues of the (A) If v1 , ...., vr are distinct, then
matrix, then c1 , ...., cr are distinct
(B) If c1 , ...., cr are distinct
λ12 + λ22 + λ23 then v1 , ...., vr are linearly
is equal to : (C) If v1 , ...., vr are linearly
(A) 3 independent, then c1 , ...., cr are
(B) 5
(D) The vectors v1 , ...., vr are
(C) 6 linearly independent iff
(D) 8 c1 , ...., cr are distinct


Or 41. Let W be a subspace of the

In the context of queueing theory,
Euclidean space E. Then :
which of the following is not
(A) W = W ⊥
correct ?
(B) W = W ⊥ ⊥
(A) In the generalized queueing

model, an arrival can be (C) W ⊥ ⊥ is a proper subset of W

considered as births, whereas a (D) W ∩ W ⊥ ⊥ = {0}

departure can be looked upon
as a death
Five jobs J1, J2, J3, J4 and J5 are
(B) The distribution of waiting time
to be processed on three machines
is not related to queue discipline

used in selecting the waiting E, F and G in the order EFG. The

customers for service timings of the jobs are :

(C) When the waiting customer
(30, 40, 70), (80, 50, 90), (70, 10, 50),
becomes impatient and decides
(50, 20, 60) and (40, 30, 100).
to leave the queue, the customer
The optimum sequence would be :
is said to have renege

(D) The probability of a n-customers (A) J4 → J1 → J3 → J2 → J5

arriving during a time interval (B) J4 → J1 → J5 → J2 → J3

t, according to Poisson law is
(C) J1 → J4 → J5 → J2 → J3
−λt n
e (λt)
pn (t) = ; n = 0, 1, 2, ....
n! (D) J1 → J4 → J5 → J2 → J3

17 [P.T.O.

42. Which of the following matrices is Or

In a Game theory which of the
diagonalisable ?
following is correct ?
5 6 7  (1) Every two-person zero-sum
 
(A) 0 8 9  game cannot be represented by
0 0 10
a pair of linear programming
0 1  problems with primal dual
(B)  
0 0  relationship
1 0 (2) The constant value, if added to
(C)  
1 1 each element of the pay-off
matrix to formulate the given
1 0 0 
  problem as a linear
(D) 0 2 1 
0 0 2 programming problem, should
be substracted from the value
of the game, determined from
Dual Simplex method is applicable
to those linear programming the solution to the linear

problems that starts with : programming problem

(A) An infeasible but optimum (3) Any two person game can be

solution formulated and solved as a

(B) A feasible and optimum linear programming problem
solution (4) In a 2×n or m×2 game, each of
(C) A feasible solution the player’s can mix at most two
(D) An infeasible solution strategies if the multiple
43. Let A be a Hermitian matrix. Then : optimum solution do not exist
(A) det A is a real number (A) (3), (4) and (2)
(B) A is positive definite (B) (3), (4) and (1)
(C) A is unitary (C) (1), (2) and (3)
(D) A is symmetric (D) (1), (2) and (4)

44. Consider the differential equations : 45. Which one of the following is not
xy " + (sin x) y = 0 ...... (1)
..... (2) true ?
then x = 0 is the :
(A) The eigen functions of Sturm-
(A) Singular point of both the
equations (1) and (2) Liouville problem belong to two
(B) Ordinary point of both the
different eigen values are
equations (1) and (2)
(C) Ordinary point of the equation orthogonal
(1) and regular singular point
(B) The eigen values of Sturm-
of the equation (2)
(D) Regular singular point of Liouville problem are real
the equation (1) and
(C) The two eigen functions
irregular singular point of the
equation (2) corresponding to the same
eigen value are linearly
In the assignment problem which of
the following is correct ? independent
(1) For every prohibited
(D) The eigen functions of Sturm-
x2 y " + (sin x) y = 0 assignment, the given cost
element is replaced by M, which Liouville problem can be
is a very large value
(2) Multiple optimal assignment normalized
schedules may have different Or
objective function values
(3) The dual variables for an The probability of a specified unit
assignment problem are given being included in the sample is :
by u i and v j values of the
optimum solution to the 1
transformed transportation (A)
(4) The variables of the dual 1
(B) N
problem of a given assignment
problem may be unrestricted in
sign. n
(A) (1), (2) and (3) N
(B) (2), (3) and (4) 1
(C) (3), (4) and (1) (D)
(D) (4), (1) and (2) Nn

19 [P.T.O.

46. Let φ1, φ2 be two linearly

47. The initial value problem y' = 3 y 2 / 3 ,
independent solutions of the
equation y" + a2(x) y = 0. Then the y(0) = 0 in has :

Wronskian of φ1 and φ2 at any point

(A) unique solution
in the interval I :
(A) is zero for all x
(B) two solutions
(B) is constant for all x
(C) is a linear function of x
(C) infinitely many solutions
(D) is a quadratic polynomial in x
Or (D) no solution
The systematic sampling is more
precise than simple random Or
sampling if :
(A) The variance within the The bias in the ratio estimator

systematic samples is less than

becomes zero if :
the total variation in the
population (A) The line of regression is a
(B) The variance within the
systematic samples is more than straight line

the total variation in the

(B) The line of regression passes
(C) The variation between the through the origin
systematic samples is less than
the total variation in the (C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Both (A) and (C) (D) None of the above


48. The complete integral of the 49. A function f(x, y) on a region

partial differential equation R satisfies Lipschitz condition

is : provided :
(A) f(x, y) is bounded and
(A) F (x, y, z, a, b) = 0, a, b are
continuous and R is closed
(B) F (u, v) = 0, where u = a, (B) f(x, y) and are continuous
v = b are independent solutions
and R is an open disc in R2
of ∂f
(C) ≤ K, ∀ ( x, y) ∈ R :
(C) The eliminant of a and b from
| x − x0 | ≤ a,| y − y0 | ≤ b,
the equations z = F (x, y, a, b),
Fa = 0, Fb = 0 a, b > 0

(D) The envelope of the one

(D) f(x, y) and are continuous
f( x, ydy q) = 0
, z, p,dz parameter family of solutions of
= =
∂Py Q R and R is a closed bounded
f (x, y, z, p, q) = 0
F ratio contains : If we have large enough sample
(A) Two estimates of the population sizes, we can discard which of the
variance assumptions associated with
ANOVA testing ?
(B) Two estimates of the population
(A) Each population has the same
mean variance
(C) Two estimates of the population (B) Each population has the same
median median
(C) Each population has the same
(D) One estimate of the population
mean and one estimate of
(D) The samples are drawn from a
population variance normal population

21 [P.T.O.

50. Let φ1, φ 2 be two differentiable Or

functions on an interval I, then :

In a single-factor ANOVA problem

(A) W (φ1 , φ 2 ) ( x) = 0 ∀ x ∈I ⇒ involving five populations, with a

random sample of four observations

are linearly dependent
from each one, it is found that

(B) φ1 , φ 2 are linearly independent

SSTr = 16.1408 and SSE = 37.3801.

then W (φ1 , φ 2 ) ( x) ≠ 0
Then the value of the test statistic

is :
(C) W (φ1 , φ 2 ) ( x0 ) ≠ 0 for some x0

in I iff φ1 , φ 2 are linearly

(A) 2.316

independent on I

(B) 0.432

(D) φ1 , φ 2 are linearly dependent

(C) 1.522
functions on an interval I, then

W (φ1 , φ 2 ) ( x) = 0 ∀ x ∈ I (D) 1.619


23 [P.T.O.


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