Steel Tempering

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(A separate CHTA datasheet relates to “Hardening and Tempering of Engineering Steels”)


Tool and die steels are covered in BS 4659:1989, Most tools and dies must be protected from oxidation and
although both American nomenclature and a variety of decarburisation during treatment. The heat treater uses
trade names are also in use. Available in high-quality four basic types of furnace with various processing media
grades, these specifically-designed steels can be grouped to meet this requirement:
broadly according to their intended application: • Salt baths - the traditional route capable of treating the
• High-speed steels (BM and BT series in BS 4659) for complete range of tool steels with tight control.
drilling/cutting, with an ability to retain hot hardness. • Fluidised beds - a more recent development capable of
treating a wide range of tool steels other than those
• Cold-work steels (BA, BD and BO series) for stamping,
requiring high hardening temperatures.
blanking, pressing and forming.
• Sealed-quench furnaces - applications restricted by
• Hot-work steels (BH series) for hot forming and preci- lower hardening temperatures and the choice of oil
sion die casting. quenching or “still” gas cooling.
• Plastic-moulding steels (BP series) for plastic-moulding • Vacuum furnaces - the cleanest route, mainly employ-
and highly-polished dies, where toughness is required. ing gas quenching; the recent introduction of high-pres-
• Shock-resistant steels (BS series) for chisels, punches sure gas quenching has widened the range of steels
and tools subject to impact loading. which can be successfully treated.
The table lists the capabilities of these furnaces in relation
• Hammer die steels for cold forging, hammering and
to some commonly-used BS 4659 steels.
Furnace capabilities for tools and dies.
Steel Salt Vacuum Fluidised Sealed-quench
All tool and die steels must be heat treated to develop type baths furnaces beds furnaces
optimum properties in terms of hardness, strength, tough- BA2 ✔ ✔ ✔ -
ness and wear resistance. Almost all are hardened and BD2 ✔ ✔ ✔ L
tempered. BD3 ✔ L ✔ L
BO1 ✔ L ✔ ✔
Hardening involves controlled heating to a critical tem- BO2 ✔ L ✔ ✔
perature dictated by the type of steel (in the range 760- BS1 ✔ L ✔ ✔
1300°C) followed by controlled cooling. Dependent on the BW2 ✔ - ✔* -
type of material, appropriate cooling rates vary from very
BP20 ✔ L ✔ ✔
fast (water quench) to very slow (air cool).
BH11 ✔ ✔ ✔ -
Tempering involves reheating the hardened tool/die to a BH12 ✔ ✔ ✔ -
temperature between 150-675°C, depending on the steel BH13 ✔ ✔ ✔ -
type. A process which controls final properties whilst BM1 ✔ ✔* - -
relieving stresses after hardening, tempering can be com- BM2 ✔ ✔* - -
plex; some steels must be subjected to multiple tempering BM15 ✔ ✔* - -
operations. BT1 ✔ L* - -
In some cases, a sub-zero treatment can be incorporated BT15 ✔ L* - -
into the hardening and tempering cycle in order to devel-
op maximum hardness and optimise dimensional and ✔= capable; - = not capable;
metallurgical stability. L= limited capability; * = speak to heat treater

Published by The Contract Heat Treatment Association

Secretariat: c/o WHTC, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK
• Incorrect heat treatment.
The measure of a steel’s ability to harden in depth, hard- The latter should not occur if a specialist CHTA heat
enability can vary widely depending on the type of tool treater is employed. He will also advise on avoiding the
steel used. For example, low-hardenability BW grades will other factors if consulted at an early stage.
only harden to a depth of a few millimetres, even with a
severe water quench, whilst high-hardenability steels, HOW CAN I ENSURE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT?
such as BH grades, can harden through a section in
excess of 1 metre with gas quenching. • Do use good-quality steel from a reputable supplier.
Considered in conjunction with section size, steel harden- • Do design for heat treatment by eliminating features
ability can limit the choice of processing route. It is recom- such as sharp corners and abrupt changes in section.
mended that requirements be discussed with the heat • Do talk to your heat treater before design and specifi-
treater at an early stage. cation are decided.
• Do specify a steel capable of giving the required hard-
Hardening temperature ness in the section size involved.
Some high-speed steels require extremely high hardening • Do remove all “black” and decarburised layers and sur-
temperatures which can restrict the processing route face defects - ensure the initial section size is large
options. enough to allow this.
• Do consider intermediate stress relieving to minimise
Physical size distortion.
Contract heat treatment furnaces come in a variety of • Do allow for any post-heat-treatment grinding, etc.
sizes, as do customer’s jobs. Always check the availability when the tool/die is produced.
of appropriate capacity at an early stage. • Do use a specialist tool steel heat treater.
• Do ensure all your requirements are specified correctly.
Distortion of hardened and tempered tools and dies can If uncertain, consult your heat treater before producing a
arise from a variety of factors. Many of these are outside specification. Always include:
the control of the heat treater who cannot therefore accept • The material used, quoting the BS grade, other
responsibility for its prediction or its consequences. standard designation or trade name.
Complex shapes and sharp changes in section will gener- • The hardness required (HRC, HB or HV), quoting a
ate stress, and hence distortion, during rapid cooling for realistic range.
hardening. If it is impossible to avoid such stress-raisers, • The processing route required, if this is relevant (e.g.
select a high-hardenability steel so that slower cooling “vacuum treat” or “salt-bath treat”).
rates can be utilised. The possibility of distortion can also
• Any special requirements (e.g. “area to be kept soft”,
be reduced by specifying stress relieving prior to final
“press temper to keep flat”).
• Any area where testing must or must not be applied.
Cracking • Any special certification or testing requirements.
Cracking usually results from factors such as:
• Poor-quality or incorrect steel. WHERE DO I GO?
• Defects in the steel.
• Decarburisation - usually because of insufficient or In order to locate contract heat treaters offering specialist
unequal metal removal during initial machining of hardening and tempering services for tools and dies, con-
“black” billet. sult the current edition of CHTA’s Buyers Guide. It is
• Poor design and material selection. important to involve your heat treater at an early
• Poor post-heat-treatment practice, such as incorrect stage before commencing manufacture.

This datasheet is compiled in good faith solely to assist others to evaluate the heat treatment techniques described.
Users do so entirely at their own risk. Neither CHTA nor the presenter is responsible for any consequences from any such
use. Datasheets shall not be used for contractual purposes neither directly nor by implication.

c Contract Heat Treatment Association 1996

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