Evaluation of Financial Performance Analysis of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Evaluation of Financial Performance Analysis of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Evaluation of Financial Performance Analysis of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study is conducted to evaluate the financial financial statement of a firm used by management creditor,
performance of commercial bank of Ethiopia, in terms of investors and others to make judgment about the operating
Capital adequacy, assets quality, management capability, performance of the firm(Foster G,1978). So, this study
earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk. In this focuses on the evaluation of financial performance of
study the data were collected from secondary data sources. Commercial bank of Ethiopia to measure its profitability and
The secondary data are taken from the audited financial other related risks and also it shows banks strength and
statement of commercial bank of Ethiopia. The collected weakness. Generally, the main purpose of this study is to
data have been analyzed and presented using different measure profitability, liquidity and credit management of
ratios. The findings of the study revealed that the financial commercial bank of Ethiopia, to discussed the financial ratio
performance of the bank for the period under study was measurement and analysis, and also to assess the overall
reasonably good when it is evaluated using audited financial performance and condition of the bank.
financial statements. Since debt is known as a cheapest
source of fund for business entities than other sources, the A. Statement of the Problem
bank shall try to increase debt ratio to a reasonable extent If management of a firm helps to maximize bank
and raise additional finance to expand the business as well performance it takes advantage of the banks strength and
as increase profitability. correct its weaknesses. In this regard the management body of
the bank highly on through figures of financial statement.
Keywords:- Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Financial However the absolute amount of priority or asset and
Performance, Financial Analysis. liabilities shown in accounts are not usually a particular
meaning full criterion on for evaluating financial performance.
I. INTRODUCTION Appropriate techniques of financial performance evaluations
are rare to see in the bank. Therefore information required for
The evaluation of financial performance was the subject management, like if the bank profitable, whether the bank
of how will a firm can use asset from its primary mode of employs effectively its resource and if the bank borrows
business and generate revenue. If properly analyzed and beyond its capacity or limit (Hempl, G, 1999). At large the
interpreted financial statements could provide valuable insight accounting profession focuses on how financial statement can
into the firm’s performance. Analysis of financial statement is be used for financial performance evaluation. Therefore the
the interest of lenders (short term as well as long term), analyzed financial statement helps the manager to assess the
investors, security analysis, managers and others (Chandra, current, past as well as the future financial strength and
2001). The study emphasis on different aspect that would be weakness of firm and makes appropriate decision (Gitman, L.
considered as key factors for evaluating the financial condition G 2004).
and performance of most business organization, some of these
factors are site and ranking a growth records, financial Accordingly, the study focuses on evaluating the bank’s
performance, and quality of management, location, labor financial performance and financial position both in firm’s
management relations, liquidity, leverage, profitability and position in time and on its operation over the period under
pattern of exiting stock holding. Each of those factors has their study. Furthermore, to the best of the researcher’s knowledge,
own contribution on general growth of company, therefore to only few studies have been conducted on evaluation of
check overall growth of the company consistent evaluation of financial performance of financial institution in Ethiopia in
each factor need to be vital (Sinha, 2010). general and commercial bank of Ethiopia in particular in the
Pre and post financial liberalization. Thus, this study
Financial analysis involves methods of reclassifying and attempted to fill this gap by evaluating the financial
interpreting financial data contained in financial statement performance of commercial bank of Ethiopia.
using help of different tools of analysis. By using the financial
performance more important as starting point for planning
actions that affects future event information contained in the
1. The Overall income analysis of commercial bank of Ethiopia annual report of the income analysis:
Interest 16,769 21,444 23,467 27,771 4,675 2,023 4,304 27.9% 9.4% 18.3%
Service charge 2,759 3,033 2,085 3,389 274 (948) 1304 9.9%% (31.3%) 62.5%
Gain on forex 1,962 1,360 2,303 2,089 (602) 943 (214) (30.7%) 69.3% (9.3%)
Other income 2,743 2,407 2,168 3,253 (336) (239) 1085 (12.2%) (9.9%) 50%
Total 24,233 28,244 30,023 36,502 4,011 1,779 6,479 16.6% 6.3% 21.6%
2. Expense analysis that are interest expense, salary and benefit expense, other expense and doubtful debts are list below;
2015 2016 2017 2018 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
Interest 4,884 6,422 6,642 6,785 (1538) (220) (143) (31.5%) (3.4%) (2.2%)
Salary exp 3,337 4,418 3,325 4,085 (1081) 1093 (760) 24.7% (14%) (22.9%)
Other expense 534 760 686 945 (226) 74 (259) (42.3%) 9.7% (37.8%)
Total 8,755 11,600 10,653 11,815 (2845) 947 (1,162) (32.5%) 8.16% (10.91%)
3. Deposit analysis of Commercial bank of Ethiopia such as demand deposit, saving deposit and fixed deposit are collected from of
annual report of bank are;
Demand 120,183 133,820 135,207 148,252 13,637 1,387 13,045 11.3% 1.04% 9.6%
Saving 108,788 142,626 177,615 198,289 33,838 34,989 20,674 31.1% 24.5% 11.6%
Fixed time 13,527 12,160 10,246 9,912 (1,367) (1,914) (334) (10.1%) (15.7%) (3.3%)
Total 242,498 288,606 323,068 356,453 46,108 34,462 33,385 19% 11.9% 10.3%
5. The annual report of Commercial bank of Ethiopia EBIT, Net income and total debts are show below;
( in million birr)