CMB 847
CMB 847
CMB 847
FIGURE I. A CF-100 "Canuck" all-weather, long-range interceptor as used by the Royal Canadian Air Force. This aircraft is equipped with two
Orenda turbo-jet engines.
December 7, 1953.
Director, Mines Branch.
Preface iii
VI. Metallurgy 38
VII. Consumption and Use 48
High temperature alloys 48
Stellites 53
Permanent magnets 53
High speed and hot work steel 64
Radioactive cobalt 66
Cemented carbides 68
Ceramics and porcelain enamels 68
Paints and driers 74
Animal nutrition 75
Miscellaneous 77
X. Bibliography 87
APPENDICES A. Canadian Incentive Price Schedule during World War ll 93
D. Canadian Incentive Price Schedule during Korean emer-
gency 94
C. Canadian Incentive Price Schedule during Korean emer-
gency 95
D. United States Government Stockpile Specifications 95
FIGURES ( coed) XIX. Worn Bores of Drill Chucks Rebuilt with Stellite Facing . 54
XX. Discs and Rings of an 18-inch Valve for 0i/ Pipe Line,
Faced with Stellite 55
XXIV. An 8 .00 per cent Cobalt Too/ Bit Making a Deep Hogg-
ing i-inch Cut the Full Length of a 15 foot Steel Bar
on a Large Planer 65
XXV. Cobalt 60 and Lead Container Used in Industrial
Radiography 66
TABLES (cont'd) 9. Products of the Deloro Smelter 44
New Caledonia, a French island in the South Pacific, enjoyed a monopoly
of the world cobalt ore markets for many years by reason of its large nickel-
cobalt reserves. However with the discovery of the silver-cobalt ores of
Cobalt, Ontario, in 1903 it was suddenly supplanted in these markets by
Canada. Production from New Caledonia which exceeded 2,360 metric tons
in 1908, fell to 548 tons in 1909, to 54 tons in 1910 and to nothing in 1911.
The sudden influx of Canadian ores caused the prices of cobalt compounds
to fluctuate wildly. In 1905 the price offered for cobalt contained in 6 per cent
ore fell from 65 cents to 35 cents a pound. Between 1905 and 1909, 10 cents
a pound was paid for cobalt in 6 per cent ore or over, except when it contained
more nickel than cobalt. Consumption of cobalt during this period was confined
mainly to the ceramic trade and in the manufacture of the cheaper varieties
of whiteware as a corrective for the yellowish tone of the ware and to impart
a clearer hue to white goods.
Between 1909 and the outbreak of World War I cobalt was almost
unsaleable, except in high-grade ores. Producers received nothing for the
cobalt content of their lower grade ores; consequently the cobalt veins
remained more or less unmined and output of the Cobalt camp dropped very
sharply from 1909 to 1915.
However, Mr. Elwood Haynes, President of Haynes Automobile Company,
Kokomo, Indiana, had begun experimenting with cobalt and chromium alloys.
Because of the great impact his work was to have on the future demand and
uses of cobalt, his statement in The Iron Trade Review of August 4, 1910 is
quoted in part:
A pocket-knife b/ade and several table-knife blades were made from
this material and were found to be satisfactory in every respect. One of
these table-knife blades has now been in use for more than two years in
the kitchen, where it was used for all sorts of purposes, such as cutting
bread, turning griddle cakes, peeling and paring vegetables, and for,
various other purposes, such as are known only to the culinary art. After
all this use and abuse, the knife shows not the slightest trace of tarnish,
and has held its lustre so wel/ that when exposed to the sun it shows a
reflection which dazzles the eyes. . . . An alloy of 75 per cent cobalt and
25 per cent chromium, to which small quantities of other metals are
added, is not only sufficiently hard for good edge tools, but is quite tough
and can, be bent much beyond its elastic limit without cracking; resembling
in this respect the alloy steels, but, generally speaking, it is much harder.
89218-2 ;1
OF SILVER 1911-1952
uj 100
Z 90 OF 25 CENTS IN DEC. 1932.
0 80
1911 1915 1920 1925 . 1950 1935 1940 1945 1950
w 2.00
CC l• 50 —
00 um- FIGURE Ill
1912. - 1953
• 0.501--
ilt „ I III ti ll
air was simply piped to the leasing operations and the operators paid for the
amount of air by metered consumption. Aid was also forthcoming from the
Ontario Government which set up the Temiskaming Testing Laboratories. This
plant operated as a sampling, assaying and weighing agent for the producers.
Nearly all shipments of cobalt ore were handled by the Temiskaming Testing
Laboratories who also weighed and loaded the assayed concentrates into
railway cars for shipment. The weight and assay certificates of the Labora-
tories became acceptable to all buyers of ore.
About 1920, the Union minière du Haut Katanga began to recover cobalt
from the copper-cobalt ores of Katanga in the Belgian Congo. In 1926 the
Belgian Congo became the leading producer and its production is still increasing.
Production was commenced from the high-grade copper deposits of the Rhokana
Corporation Limited at Nkana, Northern Rhodesia in 1932, the same year that
production was commenced from the nickel-gold-silver-cobalt ores of
La Société minière de Bou Azzer et du Graara at its property near Bou Azzer,
French Morocco.
In the early 1930's, Deloro Smelting and Refining Company, Limited at
Deloro, Ontario, and the Union minière du Haut Katanga established an agree-
ment to control the marketing of their products and to maintain the cobalt
price. When the Rhodesian and Moroccan producers entered the market they
also entered the Cobalt Association. During 1935 the Association, which then
consisted of Union minière du Haut Katanga, Deloro Smelting' and Refining
Company, Rhokana Corporation, Limited and La Société minière de Bou Azzer
et du Graara, signed a trade pact with the Association of German Cobalt
Producers in respect to the marketing of cobalt and cobalt salts. The German
producers were dependent upon the importation of foreign low grade ores for
their raw material and the trade pact supplied facilities for selling their output
in the world market. In 1936, the Finnish Corporation, Osakeyhtio Vucksen-
niska Aktiebolag of Vucksenniska, Finland joined the association which then
controlled almost 90 per cent of the world output. The agreement was
renewed in August, 1936 for a further five-year period but was dissolved
during the early part of World War II, following which the Union minière du
Haut Katanga became the principal producer and its quoted price became the
established world price, now generally followed by all producers of the metal.
During the early years of World War II the Cobalt, Ontario ores and
concentrates were marketed for the most part with United States chemical
firms and the remainder was stockpiled at the Deloro smelter. No Canadian
concentrates were treated, as the Deloro smelter was operating mainly on
cobalt-copper-iron alloy residues from Northern Rhodesia plus a supplementary
supply from the Belgian Congo.
To stimulate Canadian production when supplies of cobalt from Africa
and other overseas points were being seriously threatened by the German
U-boat fleet, a contract was entered into between Metals Reserve Company
of the United States Government and the Canadian Crown Company, War
Supplies Limited, under which War Supplies Limited appointed Deloro Smelt-
ing and Refining Company, Limited as its buying agent for cobalt ores from
Cobalt, Ontario. The producers were advised that all their output of cobalt
concentrates up to a total of 7,000 tons would be purchased at premium prices
and stockpiled for the account of Metals Reserve Company. Under this
contract, slightly more than 3,000 tons were delivered between April 1, 1942,
and February 22, 1944, when the contract was cancelled as the period of
emergency had passed.
The prices effective under this contract were f.o.b. rail cars, Cobalt, Ontario
as follows:
Price per lb. of
Cobalt Content Contained Cobalt
8.00-8.99% $0.88
9.00-9.99% 0.99
10.00 and over 1.10
Payment for the nickel and silver content of the ores was also provided
for, with a penalty for copper content exceeding 1.5 per cent.
• Upon termination of the Metals Reserve Company's contract, the uncer-
tainty as to the intentions of the United States Government regarding the
stockpile of its accumulated cobalt ore at Deloro, Ontario, coupled with the
fact that the Deloro smelter had accumulated for its own account a large
stockpile of untreated ores, resulted in an unsettled market and a number of
operators closed their mines pending stabilization. Only one carload of
cobalt ore left the Cobalt area in 1944 following termination of the contract,
and it was exported to Shepherd Chemical Company of Cincinnati, Ohio.
During 1947 and 1948, the United States Government withdrew its stockpile
froih Deloro, Ontario to New Jersey.
Following World War II, production from Cobalt, Ontario remained at a
low level with most of the output coming from the Agaunico mine of the
Silanco Minirig and Smelting Company. In August, 1943 this company took
over the mines and 100-ton concentrating plant of Cobalt Products Limited and
in 1945 began the erection of a cobalt smelter 5 miles south of Cobalt, on the
Ontario Northern Railway. The company had stockpiled all its concentrates
in anticipation of the erection of its smelter, which was to operate as Cobalt
Chemical and Refining Company, Limited. However, j -ust as the smelter had
reached the production stage it was destroyed by fire in April, 1950, and
operations were suspended.
In 1940 International Nickel Company of Canada, Limited, commenced the
recovery of cobalt at its nickel refinery in Clydach, Wales, from nickel matte
shipped from Canada. Such output has not been reflected as part of Canadian
production in any statistics issued by various sources. In June, 1947, the
company also began. extracting an impure cobalt oxide at Port Colborne,
Ontario which it shipped to Clydach for refining into salts. In July, 1952,
Falconbridge Nickel Mines, Limited, began the production of electrolytic cobalt
at its refinery at Kristiansand, Norway from nickel-copper matte produced
at its Falconbridge, Ontario smelter.
Production of cobalt ores and concentrates from the Cobalt area was at a
low ebb at the beginning of 1951. In order to stimulate further production to
meet future defence and essential requirements in the light of the Korean
emergency, the Right Honourable C. D. Howe, Minister of Trade and Commerce,
announced in the House of Commons on February 15, 1951 that the Canadian
Government would purchase concentrates for a period of three years on the
following basis:
Price per lb. of
Cobalt Content Contained Cobalt
10• 00 — 11 •99% $1.35
1200-13.99% 1.40
14-00 and over 1.45
The Deloro Smelting and Refining Company, Limited, Deloro, Ontario, was
appointed governmental agent and authorized to purchase ores and concentrates
on the basis of assay and weight determinations by the Temiskaming Testing
By the end of 1951 it became apparent that cobalt production was not
sufficient to meet the Government's requirements and accordingly on December
28, 1951 the Minister of Defence Production announced that effective January 1,
1952 and until 600,000 pounds of recoverable cobalt metal had been accumulated
or until March 31, 1954, thé premium prices paid to producers would be set
as follows:
Price per lb. of
Cobalt Content Contained Cobalt
7.00— 7.99 0/ $1.20
8.00— 8.99% 1.50
9.00— 9.99% 1.80
10.00 and over 2.00
It was further stipulated that in the event that the 600,000 pounds of
recoverable cobalt metal was accumulated before March 31, 1954, the price
schedule would revert to that in effect prior to January 1, 1952, up until
March 31, 1954.
The Temiskaming Testing Laboratories shipped 484,186 pounds of contained
cobalt during 1952 in cobalt ore shipments weighing 4,382,820 pounds and
also containing 140,843 ounces of silver, 202,807 pounds of nickel and 37,483
pounds of copper. The main producers of cobalt ore during 1952 were Silver
Miller Mines Limited and Silanco Mining and Refining Company Limited with
the following making smaller shipments: Mensilvo Mines Limited, Harrison
Hibbert Mines Limited, Norbert Silver Mines Limited, Penn Cobalt Silver
Mines Limited, Cross Lake Lease, Siscoe Metals of Ontario Limited, Shag
Silver Mines Limited (Nipissing O'Brien), J. H. Sutherland and C. Tasse, Jr.
Cobalt ore shipments to the Deloro smelter under the premium price plan
during the first quarter of 1953 were 264,435 pounds of contained cobalt plus
37,778 ounces of silver, 126,483 pounds of nickel and 24,694 pounds of copper
contained in 2,328,089 pounds of concentrate. This amount of cobalt plus 1952
shipments was more than enough to make up the 600,000 pounds of recoverable
cobalt metal and hence during the first quarter of 1953, the incentive price
schedule was reduced to that in effect prior to January 1, 1952, to remain in
effect until March 31, 1954.
Since the beginning of 1951 and until January, 1953 the Canadian Govern-
ment did not grant permits for the export of cobalt in the form of ores and
concentrates. The principal reason for this ban was to assure the stockpiling plan
of the Government and to prevent cobalt from reaching undesirable outlets.
per pound
January, 1921 $5.10
February, 1921 4.50
April, 1921 4.20
May, 1921 4.00
July, 1921 3.12
January, 1923 2.85
June, 1923 3.00
February, 1924 2.50
September, 1937 1.92
January, 1940 2.11
October, 1944 1.50
July, 1947 1.65
April, 1949 1.80
January, 1951 2.10
September, 1951 2.12
October, 1951 2.40
November, 1953 2.60
Safflorite (CoAs,..).
Safflorite is the second cobalt mineral of the Cobalt, Ontario area. It has
a hardness of about 4.5 with a specific gravity of about 7. It has a bright
metallic colour but tarnishes quickly. Safilorite has a cobalt content of 28.2
which is decreased when iron is present.
Skutterudite (CoAs3 ).
This mineral has a cobalt content of 20.8 per cent and occurs in the ores
of Cobalt, Ontario.
Smaltite (CoAS2 ).
Smaltite is the last cobalt mineral in order of abundance in the Cobalt,
Ontario, ores. It has a hardness of 5.5 and a specific gravity of about 6.5. It
is steel grey in colour when fresh but tarnishes to a darker grey. The cobalt
content is 28.2 per cent.
. 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950
Erythrite (CoAs208.8H20).
Erythrite, or cobalt bloom, is a mineral of secondary origin, found com-
monly in the upper weathered portion of cobalt-bearing deposits. It is soft,
having a hardness of about 2, and a specific gravity of about 3. It contains
29-5 per cent cobalt. It serves as a valuable indication of mineral outcrops
containing cobalt, and has a characteristic peach-red colour.
Linnaeite (Co.S.).
Linnaeite is another important ore mineral of the Katanga and Nkana
deposits. It contains from 30 to 40 per cent cobalt, depending upon the amount
of iron, nickel or copper that may be available to replace cobalt. The mineral
in the form of Co3S4 has a hardness of 5 and a specific gravity of 4-6.
Carrollite (CuCO2S4) is a variation of linnaeite.
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9. Sudbury District 0 •
3. Eldorado Mine 4- • \ e / .
50 ‘9 4‘.--..
11. Gowganda Area \
.. .
Cobalt Area
Lynn Lake Mine
13 fr
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1. Little Gem Mine ,.
2. Nickel Plate Mine -N. / ; 4 / - --i - - _ _.efIF=5
Hedley Mascot Mine . /O .t.,-/ t„,
4. B.M. Group
5. Francois River 7...E I T 0
6. Goldfields-Beaverlodge '40
Lake Area
8. Werner Lake
10. Massey Claims
13. Kluane Lake •
14. Estella Mine / `-'''
,,,... •S„...
15. Victoria Mine . As . MAN .
16. Hart Township Q ue. I9 .,.. ' "' ... \
Area e4S.
22. Palmer Township s ..
23. Otter Township :
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Sudbury Nickel District (9)
Cobalt is believed to occur in the ores of the Sudbury district as a complex
suite of cobalt-nickel-iron arsenides and is closely associated with the nickel
mineral, pentlandite. Minerals that have been identified are cobaltite and
gersdorffite. No analytical control is carried out by the operators in respect
to cobalt content of the ores, as this element is determined with nickel. How-
ever, the average content of some of the ores of the district is roughly about
0•07 per cent.
Recovery of the cobalt present in nickel matte from Sudbury was com-
menced in 1940 by Mond Nickel Company, Limited at Clydach, Wales. The
Clydach nickel refinery of Mond Nickel Company was erected in 1902 and
produces nickel by the carbonyl process developed by the late Dr. Ludwig
Mond. Cobalt produced from this source has never been included in official
Canadian statistics.
Since 1947, International Nickel Company of Canada, Limited has recovered
cobalt oxide from the electrolyte at its nickel refinery at Port Colborne,
Ontario. The cobalt is separated by precipitation and is shipped as an impure
cobalt oxide, containing approximately 71 per cent cobalt, to the Clydach
works of the Mond Nickel Company, Limited. This crude oxide together
with that produced at the Clydach nickel refinery forms the feed for the
chemical salts plant at the Clydach works for the production of high grade
black and grey cobalt oxides and an extensive range of cobalt salts including
sulphate, hydrate, acetate and chloride. The cobalt output of the Clydach salts
plant is sold to consumers in the United Kingdom and many foreign countries.
Production of electrolytic cobalt metal was commenced in mid-1952 from
the nickel-copper matte exported by Falconbridge Nickel Mines, Limited to
its nickel refinery at Kristiansand, Norway. The nickel-copper matte is
refined by the Hybinette process. The separation of cobalt involves the precipi-
tation and removal of an impure nickel-copper product from the nickel electro-
lyte. The cobalt content of this product is increased by chemical treatment
and the resultant product is dried, melted and cast into cobalt anodes which
are refined electrolytically.
A large proportion of the company's production for some years has been
sold to the United States Government. The rest is sold commercially, mainly
in the United States.
The largest known commercial reserves of cobalt in Canada are contained
in the nickel-copper deposits of the Sudbury district.
r !Aid&
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IsOu•ào cmurs
'ff.*. SSE CI
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• IS
Key Mill
Name of " Original Name Ore Custom
Map Operator Capacity Notes
Reference Property of Property Milled By
in Tons
Exploration Companies
22 Mayfair Mines, Limited Mayfair John Black 75
23 Juno Metals Corporation Juno White
Temiskaming Silver Cobalt Area (11, 12)
The town of Cobalt is situated about 100 miles north of North Bay, Ontario
on the main line of 'the Ontario Northland Railway. The ore-W:1131es at Cobalt
were discovered in 1903 during the construction of the railway. Other ore-
bodies were found in areas some distance from the town in South Lorrain
(south-east of Cobalt), in Casey township (15 miles north-east), and Gowganda,
27 miles west of Elk Lake lying 40 miles north-west of Cobalt.
Most of the mines at Cobalt were grouped within an area of about 6
square miles. A sill of Nipissing diabase about 1,000 feet thick intrudes the
gently dipping strata of the Cobalt series -which are laid down on steeply
folded Keewatin lavas, tuffs, and iron formation. The Nipissing diabase sill
dips gently east, and erosion has removed part of it so that the western part
of the area is occupied by Keewatin and Cobalt strata that lie below the sill,
whereas the eastern part is underlain by the sill itself, together with some
areas of Keewatin or Cobalt strata that overlies the sill.
The silver-cobalt ores emanated from the diabase sill. All the ores were
found within a few hundred feet of the diabase contact. About 80 per cent of
the production veins occurred in the Cobalt series within 100 to 200 feet of
the Keewatin contact the remaining 20 per cent being divided between the
Keewatin and Nipissing diabase.
The high-grade veins contained a great variety of minerals, of which the
chief were calcite, cobaltite, smaltite, niccolite, and native silver. Typical
high-grade ore averaged about 10 per cent silver, 9 per cent cobalt, 6 per cent
nickel, and 39 per cent arsenic. Some silver ores ran as high as 7,000 ounces
to the ton.
J. A. Reid in his "Special Report on the Mineral Resources of the
Temiskaming Silver-Cobalt Area" written in 1943, gives an interesting table
on the character of the ore, as under:
Element Percentage
Arsenic 42.6
Silver 14.0 (4183.3 oz. per ton)
Sulphur 10•6
Cobalt 10.0
Iron 7.8
Nickel 6.9
Lead 3-5
Copper 2.6
Antimony 1-2
Zinc •8
Total 100 •0
Table 2 and Figure VII give the location of operating companies of the
area together with the original name of the property being worked, the
capacity of the mill, or where the ore from the mine is milled on a custom basis.
Ore Ore Cobalt Content Silver Content Nickel Content Copper Content Total
Year Raised and Conc. Value
Tons Shipped $
Tons EDS. S OZ. S EDS. S UDS. 8
1904 475 158 32,500 19,960 75,693 96,296 27,679 3,467 119,723
1905 2,598 2,084 326,300 100,015 2,451,356 1,355,306 79,885 9,030 1,464,351
1906 7,708 3,531 448,964 82,017 5,401,766 3667,551 20,000 3,000 3,752,568
1907 32,180 14,739 354,675 93,315 9,996,887 6,146,904 65,557 1,255 6,241,474
1908 52,310 19,670 1,083,874 110,342 19,430,393 9,130,083 9,240,425
1909 109,147 27,774 1,030,788 92,957 25,779,150 12,531,425 118 14 12,624,396
1910 257,218 26,034 616,279 53,052 30,099,367 15,227,483 15,280,535
1911 254,935 . 16,416 ,
29,981,423 15,183,449 15,183,449
1912 361,275 28,293 2,900 174 28,607,083 16,465,616 7,920 396 16,466,186
1913 489,700 43,746 33,380 3,324 28,177,232 15,653,116 15,666,440
1914 618,014 52,996 13,428 1,609 24,110,786 12,297,397 12,299,006
1915 555,543 43,743 58,600 7,967 23,811,588 11,688,986 11,696,953
1916 467,884 75,714 674,712 75,205 18,960,372 12,039,316 12,114,521
1917 59,013 914,046 138,187 18,327,258 15,224,478 4,058 203 15,362,868
1918 51,950 877,163 199,410 16,482,824 16,506,512 16,705,922
1919 18,016 322,211 120,316 10,285,027 11,722,801 11,843,117
1920 77,074 811,170 523,287 . 10,402,124 10,224,525 10,747,812
1921 342,922 87,777 138,881 28,071 7,664,304 5,149,034 5,177,105
1922 243,352 8,709 322,407 147,037 9,226,809 6,653,452 25,170 1,950 6,802,439
1923 401,215 18,795 506,898 113,230 7,257,460 4,660,267 - 65,512 5,210 4,778,707
1924 353,775 56,332 560,635 153,515 6,719,140 4,534,205 22,543 1,572 4,689,292
1925 261,851 63,838 418,041 . 93,585 7,193,782 4,954,138 114,114 13,794 5,061,517
1926 248,723 62,419 369,468 103,667 5,706,426 3,477,507 15,840 1,567 3,582,741
1927 208,066 54,055 324,876 90,718 4,526,427 2,603,652 31,077 2,364 2,697,481
1028 180,003 62,556 333,416 89,652 3,934,021 2,297,561 20,412 1,526 2,370,749
1929 151,424 52,471 384,440 140,884 4,819,571 2,512;241 7,800 1,014 2,654,139
1930 139,168 32,708 689,206 328,199 5,240,077 • 1,946,616 2,567 250 33,054 3,728 2,278,793
1931 114,434 6,638 1,105,819 511,790 3,706,619 1,173,374 57,941 5,438 1,592,618
1932 38,941 2,886 130,711 48,122 3,261,715 1,007,915 36,714 2,152 1,058,953
1933 29,293 1,594 121,182 36,862 2,397,118 864,428 1,861 350 38,052 2,802 904,927
1934 32,545 2,691 255,898 76,330 1,989,973 910,726 24,745 86 987,187
1935 30,959 7,815 498,273 154,402 2,678,974 1,711,176 137,519 20,025 35,969 234 1,891,101
1936 34,174 5,761 583,815 210,615 1,504,953 664,593 137,593 15,874 37,644 3,445 895,240
1937 34,215 8,504 227,217 115,350 1,060,073 470,533 3,677 576 45,910 6,057 593,687
1938 31,799 4,242 194,521 112,357 814,787 351,386 21,367 3,714 29,822 2,910 470,974
1939 33,995 2,556 330,519 279,341 920,963 354,053 63,446 7,648 20,821 528 641,694
1940 15,414 2,835 558,139 522,995 785,867 263,124 158,966 9,779 10,832 699 796,662
1941 11,299 2,515 427,278 369,280 345,772 106,463 112,635 3,945 479,688
1942 6,173 3,394 403,338 400,519 512,076 169,728 127,091 4,064 53,687 3,758 578,069
1943 2,750 2,409 411,963 427,844 450,439 166,068 104,881 3,256 56,462 5,383 602,551
1944 2,687 757 174,472 154,212 242,175 93,365 63,951 10,964 22,644 317 258,858
1945 34,965 680 130,834 96,560 107,569 46,490 71,300 10,631 6,297 629 154,310
1946 29,939 982 76,537 72,328 287,013 234,412 30,601 5,508 10,455 1,338 313,586
1947 13,464 756 181,853 55,756 321,970 223,764 30,095 7,223 12,350 2,099 288,842
1948 5,837 872 142,282 209,844 362,412 313,943 8,537 1,651 525,438
1949 16,778 361 91,708 43,562 707,775 522,674 566,236
1950 37,719 1,485 78,136 34,857 2,625,996 2,190,595 9,870 1,081 12,186 3,104 2,229,637
1951 87,960 3,424 276,811 633,986 3,195,873 3,021,758 39,121 21,829 51,069 14,137 3,691,710
1952 67,441 3,492 613,698 1,441,985 2,502,129 2,089,887 37,246 20,373 90,403 25,800 3,578,045 bD
Source: Ontario Dept. of Mines
Includes (1) Shipments from the Deloro Smelter of Ontario ores as metal, oxides and salts.
(2) Export shipments of Ontario ores.
(3) Cobalt oxide shipments from International Nickel Company since 1947.
(4) Cobalt metal production from Falconbridge matte since 1952.
Source: Ontario Dept. of Mines
Great Bear Lake Area (3)
The Eldorado mine, which lies about 35 miles south of the Arctic circle, at
Port Radium on Echo Bay, Great Bear Lake, was discovered by G. Labine
and E. C. St. Paul in May, 1930.
Associated with the pitchblende-silver veins is a system of cobalt-nickel-
bismuth-copper-quartz veins. These usually cut across the pitchblende veins
and the metallic minerals occur in the carbonate filling of small vugs in the
quartz. Cobalt occurs as skutterudite and smaltite-chloanthite.
In 1932 shipments of pitchblende and high grade silver ores were com-
menced. A refinery was completed at Port Hope, Ontario early in 1933, when
concentrates from Great Bear Lake were first shipped out. The concentrates
shipped later were (1) pitchblende-silver, (2) silver-copper, (3) cobbed pitch-
blende-silver, and (4) cobbed cobalt ores. The pitchblende-silver concentrates
were treated at Port Hope, while copper-silver concentrates went to Tacoma,
Washington for treatment. A cobalt-copper-nickel speiss was later produced
at the refinery and shipped together with hand-cobbed cobalt ores to Deloro,
By Order in Council P.C. 535 of January 27th, 1944 the Canadian Govern-
ment expropriated all the issued stock of the then operating Company, Eldorado
Mining and Refining Limited and then by a further order in council set up a
Crown company, Eldorado Mining and Refining (1944) Limited to operate
the mine, plant and refinery as a source of urgently required uranium.
The Port Hope refinery residue now contains 3-5 per cent cobalt from
which a speiss is produced averaging 12-7 per cent cobalt. This is shipped to
the plant of Deloro Smelting and Refining Company, Limited for refining. A
small amount of hand-cobbed ore is occasionally shipped, the last being in 1951.
Lynn Lake Area (7)
The Lynn Lake deposit of Sherritt Gordon Mines, Limited is located in
Northern Manitoba, 10 miles south of the 57th parallel and 36 miles from the
Manitoba-Saskatchewan border.
The first discovery was made in 1941 by Austin McVeigh who noticed a
small exposure of sulphides. In 1945 a diamond drilling program outlined a
large orebody. By, the end of 1952; 14,055,000 tons of ore containing 1.223
per cent nickel, 0.618 per cent copper and some cobalt had been blocked out.
Present plans call for the mining and milling of 2,000 tons of ore per day.
Professor F. A. Forward of the University of British Columbia commenced
an investigation during 1947 on a leaching process to treat the nickel concen-
trate. It was f ound that a concentrate with the following analysis gave the
best economic return:
nickel 10-14%
copper 1-2%
cobalt 0.3-0.4%
iron 33-40%
sulphur 28-34%
insolubles 8-14%
Precious Metals—less than 0.02 oz. per ton.
Pilot plant work has shown that 50 to 75 per cent of the Cobalt contained
in the nickel concentrate should be recovered.
Quill Creek, Kluane Lake (13)
This deposit, known as the Wellgreen property, was discovered in June,
1952 by prospectors of Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company.
Work during 1952 consisted of building a 10 mile rough road into the
property from the Alaska Highway, erecting camp buildings, carrying out
geological mapping and a limited amount of diamond drilling. During 1952,
five diamond drills were at work. Early channel samples yielded the following
assays: •
nickel 3.2%
copper 2.2%
cobalt 0.14%
plus some platinum group metals.
However the drilling results of 1952 work outlined a conservative 67,000
tons of ore having average assay values as follows:
copper 1-33%
nickel 1.96%
cobalt 0.056%
gold 0.004 oz. per ton
platinum 0.078 " " "
palladium 0.053 " " "
Nickel Plate Mine, Hedley (2)
The Nickel Plate Mine, operated by Kelowna Mines Hedley Limited, is
situated 4 miles north of Hedley, Osoyoos Mining Division, and has been in
production since before 1900. The company ships a gold-copper flotation
concentrate averaging 1.1 ounces of gold, 1.1 per cent copper, 0.6-0.8 per cent
cobalt, 30 per cent arsenic, and 20 per cent sulphur, the balance being- iron,
silica and insolubles. The flotation concentrate is shipped to the Tacoma,
Washington smelter of the American Smelting and Refining Company. The
company receives payment for the gold and copper content of the concentrate,
but the cobalt is not recovered. It is estimated that about 70,000 pounds of
cobalt is lost yearly.
The ore deposits lie in the upper portion of Nickel Plate Mountain where
basic igneous rock has intruded inclined sedimentary beds of Triassic age.
The ore is of the contact metamorphic type and replacement has played an
important part in determining the position and size of the ore shoots.
Cobalt in the Nickel Plate ore occurs as cobaltite and Safflorite.
A considerable amount of work was done in the laboratories of the
University of British Columbia at Vancouver during the war in an endeavour
to recover this cobalt. A process of roasting and leaching the flotation concen-
trates was devised whereby up to 90 per cent of the cobalt and 95 per cent of the
copper could be abstracted, with the acid-leached residue going to the cyanide
circuit to recover the gold.
However a problem was raised by the effect which the fumes from the
roaster would have on the fruit districts near the mine and also the disposition
of a sizeable quantity of arsenic, plus capital cost of equipment.
During 1950 an investigation was carried out in the Mines Branch Labora-
tories, Ottawa to check the chemistry of the process used in the laboratories
of the University of British Columbia. The récoveries of copper, cobalt and
gold claimed for the process were substantiated.
Cobalt occurs in a similar manner at the Hedley Mascot mine adjoining the
Nickel Plate Mine. This also is not recovered.
It was claimed that this process would recover about 90 per cent of the
cobalt and 98 to 99 per cent of the gold.
Au Ag As Mo Co Zn
Year Tons
oz./ton oz./ton % - % % ito
B.M. Group (4)
The B.M. group of sixteen claims is 80 miles east of Yellowknife, and 4
miles northwest of Sachowia Point on the north shore of the east arm of
Great Slave Lake. The claims were staked in August, 1940 on behalf of the
Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Limited. The property
is reported to contain a small deposit of cobalt and nickel arsenides.
Goldfields-Beaverlodge Lake Area (6)
This area is situated near Goldfields, about midway along the north shore
of Lake Athabasca.
. Uranium is the principal mineral of the various deposits and occurs as
pitchblende in veins and uraninite in pegmatites. Variable amounts of cobalt-
nickel minerals occtir in the complex pitchblende deposits. The main operator
of the district is the Crown-owned, Eldorado Mining and Refining Limited
which brought its Ace-Fay property into production in 1953. However cobalt
will not be recovered by the company from this operation.
Maskwa and Oiseau River Areas (21)
Cobalt occurs in the nickel-copper occurrences of the Maskwa River and
Oiseau (Bird) River areas, Lac du Bonnet Mining Division, southeast Manitoba.
Maskwa Nickel Chrome Mines, Limited a subsidiary of Falconbridge Nickel
It was found that the ore responded readily to table concentration and
that with flotation of the table tailing, a recovery of 90 per cent of the cobalt
could be expected.
The metallic minerals were examined by polished sections and were found
to be smaltite-chloanthite, native bismuth, niccolite, and erythrite in order
of decreasing abundance.
, The ore was tested by flotation, table concentration and a combination
of both but these tests were unsatisfactory because it was impossible to
separate the bismuth from the cobalt and nickel, or to obtain a satisfactory
recovery of any of the metals.
Mount Wright (19)
This occurrence which was examined during the past three years by
Quebec Cobalt and Exploration Limited in cooperation with Quebec Metal-
lurgical Industries Limited lies about 185 miles north of Seven Islands in
New Quebec. Nickel and a small amount of gold and silver occurs with cobalt
as cobaltite. Some trenching was carried out in 1951 and 1952 but it is under-
stood that the results were not encouraging.
Canada (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
These producers have been described in a preceding chapter.
C:1 1 0,000
I— 8000
0 7000
0 5000
I- • À
4000 Y
W 2000 /CANADA
2 /
— Oe ..
1000 „ *../ ■........,-,,,c,....--:::...
\ — --/
iiii i s+--7- 7-; - - ï -- kr -1"
1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950
In 1902, the Ontario Government commenced the building of a railway with
the object of opening up the clay belt of Northern Ontario for colonization.
During the summer of 1903, workers employed by the construction companies
discovered silver ores at Long Lake, later called Cobalt Lake.
Prior to 1904 the only recorded production of cobalt was a small amount
which had been derived from the nickel-copper ores of Sudbury, Ontario. In
1906, the Canadian Copper Company established near its nickel-copper smelter
at Copper Cliff, a plant for the treatment of cobalt-silver ores from Cobalt,
Ontario. The plant closed down in 1913 because of the extended treatment
of silver ores in cyanide plants at the mine sites. Cobalt and nickel oxides
produced by this company from Cobalt, /Ontario ores amounted to 2,318,916
pounds of contained cobalt and 1,585,712 pounds of contained nickel.
The smelter at Deloro, Ontario which had been operated as an arsenic
refinery by Canadian Goldfields was refurnished with new equipment in 1907
and commenced to produce mixed nickel-cobalt oxides in 1910. The smelter's
main work was the smelting of ores and concentrates from the O'Brien and
Miller-Lake O'Brien Mines at Cobalt and Gowganda, respectively, although it
processed purchased ores and concentrates in order to run the smelter at
The early exports of cobalt were to England, France, Germany and the
United States in the form of oxide and mixed nickel-cobalt oxide. The Euro-
pean buyers in turn refined the oxides and sold the final oxide in the world
market as their own brand. The producers at Cobalt were usually paid only
for the silver content of the ores and concentrates and consequently the cobalt
veins were either incompletely developed or entirely disregarded.
With a view to encouraging the production of refined nickel, refined cobalt
metal, oxides, and salts, the Ontario Government in 1907 passed the "Metal
Refining l3ounty Act" under which a bounty of six cents a pound was payable
to smelters on the cobalt content of their finished products. The Act was in
force for five years until April 20, 1912 at which time it was extended for a
further period of five years until its expiry in April, 1917.
The quantity of the various cobalt products upon which the bounty was
paid was as follows:
oxide 1,209 long tons
metal 203 " "
sulphate 38 ,c ‘‘
stellite 53 ei
carbonate 3 ‘‘
hydroxide 3 4t it
Courtesy Detoro Smelting and Refining Co. Ltd., Detor°, Ont.
FIGURE X. Plant of Deloro Smelting and Refining Company, Limited, at Deloro, Ontario.
As may be seen from the foregoing table several new cobalt refineries came
into being during the term of the Act although it cannot be claimed that the
bounty was the main cause but rather the large rise in production of silver and
cobalt ores.
In 1907, the Coniagas Reduction Company, Limited commenced the erec-
tion of a smelter at Thorold, Ontario, a site chosen because of the abundant
cheap power available in the Niagara Peninsula. Smelting commenced in May,
1908 on ores from the Coniagas Mine at Cobalt. The company produced refined
silver, cobalt metal, cobalt oxide, nickel oxide, and white arsenic. The plant
closed down in 1925.
During the early part of 1911 the plant of Canadian Smelting and Refining
Company, Limited, at Orillia, Ontario commenced the production of refined
silver, white arsenic and mixed cobalt-nickel oxide. Capacity of the plant
was 13 tons of ore per day. The plant was destroyed by fire in 1913, rebuilt in
1914 and closed down sivirtly afterwards.
Dominion Refineries, Limited at North Bay entered the field of cobalt
oxide recovery in 1912. This company went into bankruptcy and the smelter
was taken over by the Standard Smelting and Refining Company, Limited
during 1914. The plant was moved to Orillia in 1915 and closed down in 1916.
Metals Chemical, Limited erected a plant during 1913 at Welland, Ontario.
It had a capacity of 30 tons of ore per day and the products were refined silver,
cobalt oxide, cobalt carbonate, cobalt sulphate, nickel oxide, nickel sulphate,
and white arsenic. This plant was sold in March, 1920 to Ontario Smelters
and Refiners Company, Limited, who operated the plant until 1922 when it
closed down.
After the Coniagas plant at Welland was closed in 1925, the Deloro
Smelting and Refining Company, Limited at Delora, Ontario remained as the
only smelter in Canada capable of treating the Cobalt, Ontario ores. This
plant operated on ores and residues from Cobalt, Ontario and residues from
the refining of radium ores at Port Hope, Ontario until the outbreak. of
World War II in 1939. Prior to 1939 only very minor amounts of foreign cobalt
ores and residues had been treated in Canada, but in order to assure a con-
tinued supply of refined cobalt from the copper-cobalt-iron alloy residues of
the Northern Rhodesian copper mines, it was decided to trat these residues
at the Deloro smelter. The Deloro smelter erected a new plant which com-
menced production in 1940. The residues from Africa contained about 40 per
cent cobalt as compared with 10 per cent in the ores from Cobalt, Ontario, and
Courtesy Deloro Smelting and Refining Co. Ltd., Deloro, Ont.
no arsenic. In 1940 the Deloro smelter changed its whole plant over to the
treatment of Northern Rhodesian residues because the supply of cobalt ores
and concentrates from Cobalt, Ontario was not sufficient to keep the plant
ope ating at capacity. Rhodesian supplies were augmented by imports of a
similar alloy from the Belgian Congo. The Deloro smelter continued operating
on these materials until May, 1946, when imports ceased and production ended
in 1047. The Deloro smelter then commenced to draw from its stockpile of
Canadian concentrates and in 1948 arranged a contract to treat ores from
French Morocco containing about 9-12 per cent cobalt, 50 per cent arsenic and
a little gold. This contract is still in effect.
In 1952 the Deloro smelter also entered into a contract with the United
States Government for the treatment of Canadian ores and concentrates which
were mined at Cobalt, Ontario during 1942-1944, purchased by the Metals
Reserve Company of the United States Government, and moved from Deloro
to New Jersey in 1947 and 1948. They were returned to Canada in 1952 and
1953 for this purpose.
Quebec Metallurgical Industries, Limited are at present engaged in the
rehabilitation of the smelter which was operated by Cobalt Chemical and
Refining Company, Limited 5 miles south of Cobalt, Ontario, and destroyed by
fire in April, 1950. Unfortunately nothing is available as to the plans and
metallurgical processes of the company.
Ores are crushed in jaw and cone crushers to 2-inch and sampled by a
Vezin sampler which cuts about sixty pounds from a fifty ton lot.
The crushed ore and concentrate are charged to a 36 x 72-inch Traylor
blast furnace with coke, iron scrap, limestone, or silica as required. Arsenic
fume and dust are collected in a bag house and purified by sublimation in a
small reverberatory type furnace to yield 99 per cent As.O, and a residue of
silver, cobalt, lead and nickel, returnable to the blast furnace.
The slag runs continuously from the furnace on to an inclined bucket
conveyor delivering to waste. Slag percentage composition is approximately
26 • 5 SiO2, 13 • 0 Fe, 20 • 0 CaO, 12 • 0 A12O, 7- 0 MgO with under 1 per cent Co
plus Ni. Speiss, matte, and bullion are tapped together into pots to separate into
layers, bullion on the bottom, speiss next, matte on top. On cooling, the layers
can be broken apart and separated.
Form of Cobalt
— —AIR
L-BNYe - -
L_ Ni 0.6-1.40%
Cu 0.2-0.25%
NH 3 Co 0.12-0 • 25V
Cu 70%
Ni 0.9%
N H 3 -----1
.A I R
Co 99 • 6%
Fe 0.20%
Ni 21%
S 25.1%
High speed steel 224,049 223,148 283,391 283,496 235,227 316,064 208,957
Other steel 201,949 386,354 503,082 472,193 252,885 79,885 104,014
Permanent-magnet alloysl 1,463,539 1,016,147 1,352,371 1,194,920 2,834,040 2,052,042 1,664.842
Soft-magnetic alloys f 42,965 37,552 58,652 18,727
Cast cobalt-chromium-tungsten molybdenum
alloys 526,504 642,452 826,329 928,528 2,226,199 4,899,591 6,414,352
Alloy hdrd-facing rods and materials. 53,874 71,545 116,313 82,965 260,371 575,268 505,132
Cemented carbides 45,100 51.917 85,314 118,522 136.935 297,751 610,750
Other metallics 81,988 99,476 115,255 116,344 208,574 276,222 132,730
Total Metallic 2,597,003 2,491,039 3,288,055 3,239,933 6,191,783 8,555,475 9,659,504
Ground-coat frit 412,766 607,316 613,745 424,051 683,358 448,983 308,217
Pigments 170,662 207,928 232,725 188,606 262,441 50,073 75,582
Other Nonmetallies 39,596 51,439 66,699 84,336 43,826 60,462 42,410
Total Nonmetallic 623,024 866,683 913,169 696,993 989,625 559,518 426,209
0 NOZZLE box
FIGURE XVII. Cross-section of an Orenda turbo-jet engine. Cobalt-base alloy is used in the nozzle guide vanes. Each engine contains
about 27 pounds of cobalt.
Courtesy Deloro Smelting and Refining Co. Ltd., De/oro, Ont.
power to the turbine wheels which, in some cases, rotate at speeds up to 10,000
r.p.m. Such parts as the linings of the combustion system and nozzle box, and
the tail cone are also subjected to high temperatures.
Turbine blades are manufactured by forging, by sintering metal powders
and by the precision or investment casting method depending upon the alloy
Due to the ease of manufacture, elimination of machining operations, and
low scrap loss in the investment casting method, mass production of blades and
certain other components is carried out by this process. It is an adaptation
of the lost wax process which has been practiced on other metals and alloys
for centuries. The first step in the process is to make a master pattern of steel
or some other metal. From this pattern the expendable patterns of wax or
plastic are made and placed in a very fine refractory slurry. The assembly
of pattern and feeders are placed in a cylinder which is then filled with refrac-
tory material. The refractory material is allowed to cure and the molds are
then placed in a furnace which causes the wax or plastic pattern to evaporate,
leaving a well-defined and clean cavity in the mold.
The molds are pre-heated and the molten alloy is then poured into the
mold by static, centrifugal or pressure means. After a controlled cooling
period the ceramic material is removed and the gates sawn or ground from
the casting. The casting is then cleaned by sand blasting or a caustic base salt
bath and inspected by radiograph.
The Deloro Smelting and Refining Company Limited, Deloro, Ontario, manu-
factures a wide range of cobalt-base products by the investment casting method
both for high-temperature and other uses. Among their products are nozzle
guide vanes for jet engines, cams, valve rotors, extrusion die inserts, die cores
and components for small arms.
Stellites are a group of cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloys containing about
2 per cent carbon together with a small amount of silicon and iron. Chromium
imparts hardness and strength, tungsten gives red hardness and cobalt renders
stellite more resistant to oxidation.
Stellite is produced by melting cobalt, chromium and tungsten metal in an
electric furnace together with the required quantity of carbon. In order to
obtain the required crystal structure the metal is cast into graphite molds which
causes the stellite to cool rapidly. Any further work required on the cast alloy
is done by grinding.
In Canada, stellite is produced by Deloro Smelting and Refining Company,
Limited who supply three types of welding rod chiefly used for hard facing.
The application of stellite on a metal surface is carried out with either an oxy-
acetylene torch or electric arc. It is used for the surfacing of such equipment
as drill chucks, drill sharpening dies, dipper teeth, bucket lips, pump shafts
and sleeves and other parts of machinery which are subject to rapid wear.
Another grade of Deloro stellite is used in the manufacture of high speed
cutting tools and cutting tool bits for machining cast iron and steel.
Permanent Magnets
Two types of permanent magnets are in use today, namely the magnet
steels which contain carbon as a hardening constituent, and the more recent
magnet alloys which are free from carbon.
Commercial types of magnet steels contain from 8 to 41 per cent cobalt,
1 to 9 per cent tungsten, 2 to 9 per cent chromium, 0.30 to 0.90 per cent
manganese and carbon up to 0.90 per cent. Magnet steels are generally made
in a similar manner to tool steels.
Tungsten steels were used as magnets in the early part of the century
but were replaced with chromium steels during World War I due to the high
price of tungsten at that time. In 1916 it was discovered that by replacing
part of the iron in a tungsten magnet steel with cobalt, a much better perman-
ent magnet material could be produced. This led to the development of the
cobalt magnet steels which produced much stronger magnets than those used
before and permitted the use of smaller magnets.
Until the early 1930's this type of magnet was used almost exclusively,
when it was found that certain carbon-free permanent magnet alloys were
even stronger than the cobalt magnet steels. The first of these alloys was
"Alnic" which contained no cobalt, only iron, nickel and aluminum. This
alloy was developed into the "Alnico" group by the replacement of part of the
nickel with cobalt. It was then found that by increasing the cobalt content
still further and adding a little copper, the coercive force could be increased
further; this resulted in Alnico 2. From these initial alloys a whole series of
Alnico magnets were developed. They are now made by the sintering process
and the precision-cast process.
Courtesy Deloro Smelting and Refining Co. Ltd., Deloro, Ont.
FIGURE XIX. Worn bores of drill chucks rebuilt with Stellite facing.
' Courtesy Deloro Smelting and Refining Co. Ltd., Deloro, Ont.
FIGURE XX. Discs and rings of an 18-inch valve for oil pipe line, faced with Stellite.
Composition-Per cent
Designation Rockwell
Co Ni Cr W Mo Fe Si "C" Scale
No. 1 Welding Rod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50•0 33-0 13.0 2•0 2•0 1•0 54-56
No. 6 « « .............................
« 64•0 25•5 4•7 2•5 1•0 1-7 39-42.
No. 12 « ............................. 58•0 29•0 9-0 1-5 1-8 1•5 48-51
Cutting Alloys (Grade 100) ...................... 42-48 30-35 15-19 1-5 ].•75-2•5 1-5 59-68
Grade 4 ........ ................... ....:........ 50-65 28-32 5-15 1-5 0•75-1•25 1•0 45-50
Alloy "C". .................................... 17-5 5•0 5•5 0-20 0-80
Delfer ......................................... 16•5 13-50 5-50 52-50 2-50 0.80 55-60
Dental .............:....................:..... 58•0 29•0 I......... 0•80 0-40 0-30 30-32
Alloy Designation Grade 1 Grade 12 Grade 6 Grade 100 Grade 4
Yield Strength-p.s.i .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .............. .............. .............. ............. ......... .....
Tensile Strength-p.s.i .......................................... 79,550 95,400 118,300 60,700 ..............
Elongation- % ............................................... 0 0 1-2 0 0-1•0
H ar d ness-Roc k we ll "C" -Grap hite Cast . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 59 54 44 66 50
Sand Cast ............................ 56 51 42 62 47
Density lb./cu in ............................................ 0•315 0-303 0-303 ........ .....
Specific Gravit,y ............................................... 8-50 8-43 8 - 39 8 - 70
Melting Point °C ........................................ ....... 1250 1263 1275 1290 ...............
Specific Heat, Cal per Deg. C .................................. 0•0983 0-0978 0-1010 ...... ........ .......... ....
Thermal Exp. Coeff. x 10-Weg. C. 25-100°C ..................:.. 1•09 1-15 1•29 .............. ....:........ .
100-200°C ..................... 1•11 1-21 1•42 1-37 ............. .
Thermal C.oriductivity (32-212°F), Btu/sq. ft./hr./°F/in........... ... . 102-7
Electrical Rèsistivity (25°C) Ohms per cm. cube .................. 94 x 10-6 88 x 10"1 84 x 10"6 111 x 10-1 87 x 10-6
Young's Modulus of Elasticity x 101 p.s.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 • 95 . 30-4 40 • 95 32 • 27
Torsional Modulus of Elasticity x 101 p.s.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8 . . 12 • 75 .
Impact-Charpy -Izod Notch-ft.lbs. 20°C .................... 1•08 1•80 2•53 ............ 1•45
250 .................... 1•O8 145 2•90
Electrical conductivity compared to copper at room temperature- jo 1• 74 1 84 1 85 15
FIGURE XXI. Pouring Alnico magnet alloy from induction melting furnace into a stack of cores.
Ni 0-75%
Fe O-35%
Cu O- 10%
Zn Trace
The process used by the company is as follows:
Preparation of Molds—Sharp core sand, with synthetic resins as a •
Ma.gnetiz- Magnetic Residual a"m mum Minimum External Energy
Typical Chemical ing Force Induction Induction Coercive Maxi- Commercial
. Magnet Material Composition Percent Form Occurs at mum Methours of
H max B max Br * Force II* (Bdlid) Permea-
Oersteds Fabrication .
GaussesGausses Oersteds m„* B H bility
Carbon Steel 1 C, 0-5 Mn, Bal. Fe.. Bar 300 14,800 8,600 48 180,000 6,000 25 110 Hot Forge,
Machine, Punch
Tungsten Steel 5W, 1 C, Bal. Fe Bar 300 14,500 10,300 70 320,000 7,400 50 120 Hot Forge, Cast,
- Machine, Punch
(Thin Sections)
Chromium Steel 3.5 Cr, .1 C, Bal. Fe. Bar 300 13,500 9,000 63 290,000 6,000 35 105 Hot Forge, Cast,
Machine, Punch
- (Thin Sections)
36% Cobalt Steel.... 36 Co, 3•5 Cr, 3W, 0.85 Bar 1,000 15,500 9,000 210 936,000 6,300 140 35 Hot Forge, Cast,
C, Bal. Fe Machine, Punch
Alnico 1 12 Al, 20 Ni, 5 Co, Bal. Cast 2,000 12,350 7,100 400 1, 300, 000 4,200 300 14 Cast, Grind
Alnico 2 10 Al, 17 Ni, 12.5 Co, Cast 2,000 12,600 7,200 540 1, 600, 000 4,500 365 11 Cast, Grind
6 Cu, Bal. Fe
Alnico 2 10 Al, 17 Ni, 12-5 Co, Sintered 2,000 12,000 6,900 520 1, 430, 000 4,300 350 12 Sinter, Grind
6 Cu, Bal. Fe
-Alnico 3 (Cross Sec- 12 Al, 25 Ni, Bal. Fe... Cast 2, 000 12,000 6,700 450 1, 380, 000 4,300 320 12 Cast, Grind
tion under e x n
Alnico 4 12 _91, 28 Ni, 5 Co, Bal. Cast, sintered. 3,000 11,850 5,200 700 1, 200, 000 3,000 380 6 Cast, Sinter,
Fe Grind
Alnico 5 8 Al, 14 Ni, 24 Co, 3 Cu, Cast 2,000 15,700 12,000 575 4,500,000 9,050 500 18 Cast, Grind
Bal. Fe
Alnico 6 8 AI, 15 Ni, 24 Co, 3 Cu, Cast 3,000 14,300 10,000 750 3,500,000 7,000 475 11 Cast, Grind
1-25 Ti, Bal. Fe
Alnico 12 6 Al, 18 Ni, 35 Co, 8 Ti, Cast 3,000 12,800 5,800 950 1,500,000 3,000 500 4 Cast, Grind
Bal. Fe
Cunife (under 0.155" 60 Cu, 20 Ni, 20 Fe.... Wire, strip 2,400 8,400 5,400 550 1,500,000 4,000 375 8 Cast, Cold Roll,
diarneter) Machine, Punch
Cunico 50 Cu, 21 Ni, 29 Co.... Strip, rod, wire, 3,200 8,000 3,400 660 800,000 2,000 400 3-8 Machine, Punch,
cast Cast, Cold Roll
Vectolite 30 Fe2Oi Sintered 3,000 4,800 1,600 1,000 600,000 900 670 3 Sinter, Grind
44 Fe304
26 Co203
Silmanal 86 •75 Ag, 8-8 Mn, 4.45 Rod, strip, 20,000 20,830 550 550 76,000 275 275 1-11 Cold Roll,
Al sheet t t Machine, Punch
Bi =830 Hi-- 6,000
Carbon Steel Bar Hard, relatively 0.280 C-60 35 High aging and loxv coercive
strong force offset very low cost
- except where space permits
very large magnets.
Tungsten Steel Bar Hard, relatively 0.292 C-65 35 Highest Br for lowest cost but
strong generally replaced by chrome
steel with slight loss of
quality but considerably
lower cost.
Chromium Steel Bar Hard, relatively 0.281 C-65 45 Low cost material for magnets
strong of comparatively good mag-
netic external energy and
uniformity where space or
weight is not too limited.
36% Cobalt Steel Bar Hard, relatively 0.296 C-56-64 76 Used where good magnetic
strong quality combined with ma-
chinability is required, but
Alnicos are less expensive.
Alnico 1 Cast, grind.... Hard, brittle.... 0.249 4,100 13,900 C-45 12.6 75 General purpose grade of cast
Alnico having good magnet
qualities at reasonable cost.
Alnico 2 Cast, grind.... Hard, brittle.... 0.256 3,000 7,200 C-45 12.4 65 Better magnetic qualities than
Alnico 1 at slight additional
Alnico 2 Sintered, grind Hard 0.243 65,000 70,000 C-43 12.4 68 For small or complicated
Alnico 3 (cross section Cast, grind.... Hard, brittle.... 0.249 12,000 22,500 C-45 13.0 60 Lowest cost grade of cast Al-
under F x r) nico commercially available.
Alnico 4 Cast, grind.... Hard, brittle.... 0-253 9,100 24,000 C-45 13-1 75 High coercive force grade of
low cost Alnico. TJsed where
short magnets are required.
Alnico 4 Sintered, grind Hard, brittle.... 0.232 60,000 85,000 C-42 13.1 68 For small or complicated
Alnico 5 Cast, grind.... Hard, brittle.... 0.264 5,450 10,500 C-50 11.3 47 Highest external energy and
residual flux Alnico. Mag-
• netically directional.
Alnico 6 Cast, grind.... Hard, brittle.... 0.268 23,000 45,000 C-56 11.4 50 Higher coercive force than
Alnico 5, with lower residual
induction and external energy.
Magnetically directional.
Alnico 12 Cast, grind.... Hard, brittle.... 0-264 39,500 50.000 C-58 11-0 62 Highest coercive force of Alni-
co:3. Should be cast to size
as material is very difficult
to work.
Cunife (under 0.155 Wire, strip Ductile, malle- 0.311 120,000 B-73 14.0 22 Good fabricating properties
inches in diameter) able combined with magnetic
hardness. Magnetically di-
rectional in direction of work-
Cunico Strip, rod, wire, Ductile, malle- 0.300 85,000 B-95 14.0 32 Readily workable, highly co-
cast able ercive force alloy.
Vectolite Sintered Low strength, 0.113 2,600 8.5 225 x 105 High coercive force, low resi-
brittle 4,000* dual, high resistivity mate-
rial. Light weight. Mag-
netically directional. Per-
mits short magnets with long
air gaps.
Silmanal Rod,strip,sheet Workable 0.325 B-95 19, Extremely high coercive force
• and permanency. Low resi-
dual and relativity high cost.
Limited applicability for spe-
cial purposes.
are allowed to cool down to almost room temperature and are then put in a
draw furnace for an extended period of time depending upon the size. The
time is in the order of one hour at a temperature of 1100°F.
All steps in the heat treatment are of the utmost importance in developing
good magnetic properties. In general during the initial heating cycle the
aluminum is taken into solid solution and upon cooling to room temperature
most of the aluminum stays in solid solution. The re-heating actually produces
a form of secondary hardening and results in the controlled precipitation of
aluminum particles within the grains.
Products—The company is producing Alnico 1, Alnico 2, Alnico 3 and
Alnico 5, and are in a position to 'produce Alnico 4 and Alnico 6. These
magnets are supplied to Canadian customers for radio speakers, watt hour
meters, instruments, magnetos, alarm systems, television focussing assemblies,
telephones and toys.
Type (A) steel is recommended for heavy cuts and feeds at high speeds
on hard, gritty or scaly metals as well as for the machining of material such
as the austenitic stainless steels, which work harden under any form of stress
Courtesy Atlas Steels Limited, Welland, Ont.
FIGURE XXIV. An 8.00 per cent cobalt tool bit making a deep hogging i-inch cut the full
length of a 15-ft. steel bar on a large planer. The heat generated turns the steel
chips dark blue, yet the cutting edge of the tool remains sharp even alter it becomes
visibly red after repeated cuts.
The company manufactures one cobalt bearing hot work steel which
contains the following:
Co 50% .
Mn 0-30
Si 1.00
Cr 5-00
Va 0-30
Mo 0.30
This steel is especially suitable for extrusion mandrels, accurate jobs such
as certain die casting and extrusion dies, and intermittent water-cooled jobs
such as shell piercing tips.
Radioactive Cobalt
The radioisotope cobalt 60 is finding an increasing use in the field of indus-
trial radiography and in beam therapy units in the war against cancer.
Courtesy Defence Research Board, Department of National Defence, Canada.
The main value of these isotopes is the radiation which they emit. In
the case of industrial radiography the isotope is placed on one side of the
material to be checked such as a weld, forging, casting, etc. and photographic
film is placed on the other side. Flaws permit more radiation to penetrate the
material being tested and cause greater film exposure. Cobalt 60 has certain
advantages over radium, chief of which are its lower cost and the fact that
its container is much smaller and therefore more easily placed in out-of-the-
way or difficult locations.
At the Naval Research Dockyard Laboratory at Halifax, Nova Scotia, the
source of radiation for checking the new all-welded naval vessels is, a cylin-
drical pellet, 1 94 mm. in diameter and consists of 503 mgms. of cobalt 60.
This is enclosed in an aluminum container which in turn is enclosed in a
hexagonal durai container. It has a radiation output equivalent to that pro-
duced by 621 mgms. of radium filtered with inch of lead and inch of
aluminum. A comparable radium source would cost about $10,300.00 whereas
the cobalt 60 costs $600.00. Special lightweight aluminum tools are used to
handle the material because of the radiation hazard. Cobalt 60 has a half-life
of 53 years.
Courtesy Defence Research Board, Department of Nationat Defence, Canada.
In the case of cobalt 60 used in place of radium in the cure for cancer,
the radiation source consists of a small cylinder of metal about inch high and
1 inch in diameter. In Canada the metal is exposed to the radiations of the
atomic pile at Chalk River, Ontario, which produces the radioactive isotope.
The isotope is then placed in a beam therapy unit in which it is surrounded
by over a ton of lead in order to control the radiation emitted in all directions.
Experiments have also been conducted on the use of cobalt 60 as a means
of controlling bacteria in meat and milk.
Cobalt 60 is sold in Canada to industry and hospitals by Eldorado Mining
and Refining Limited, Ottawa, Ontario.
Cemented Carbides
Cobalt is used as a cement or binder for particles of tungsten, molybdenum
and tantalum carbides.
.In the case of tungsten carbide, cobalt oxide or a cobalt salt is reduced to
cobalt metal powder by means of a reducing gas such as hydrogen. The powder
is added °ïo tungsten carbide powder in varying proportioris of from 3 to 25 per
cent of the total weight of the mixed tungsten carbide powder, and thoroughly
mixed in a porcelain or stainless steel ball mill.
The mixed powder is then treated with a small amount of paraffin wax
dissolved in, carbon tetrachloride in order to assist in pressing. Pressing is
accomplished in hydraulic presses at a pressure of from 10 to 40 tons per
square inch. The ingots so produced are then prefired at a temperature varying
from 700° to 1000°C. for about one-half hour, which strengthens them and
enables them to be handled and worked more easily, besides removing the wax.
The shaped ingots are cut to a size which will allow a shrinkage of approxi-
mately,.- 2A,° per cent during final sintering and also to allow a small oversize
allowarice`iii the sintered product.
The-!. shaped pieces are then packed in alundum, in graphite boats and
are sintered in an electric furnace with a hydrogen atmosphere at 1400° C, for
about 30 minutes; the exact period of sintering depends on the composition of
the piece. This operation causes the cobalt to fill the cavities between the
carbide particles and, on cooling, cements the tungsten carbide product.
Tungsten carbide inserts are used in detachable bits for mining drills, tips
for high speed` é' utting tools, drawing• dies, drills, lathe and grinder centres
and wear-resistant parts such as gripping discs for gauge tips, valve balls and
Another important use and a large 'consumer of cobalt in wartime is the
tungsten-carbide armor piercing shell core. A cavity in the body of the shell
contains the core, covered by a nose-piece which in turn is covered by a
windshield. Such cores were used during World War II and were successful
in penetrating the armor of German Tiger tanks in France. The Afrika Corps
of the German Army however had made prior successful use of thesé projectiles
against British tanks in North Africa.
Several companies such as Canadian General Electric Company, Limited,
Toronto, Ontario; A. C. Wickman (Canada) Limited, Toronto, Ontario; and
Kennametal of Canada Limited, Victoria, B.C., manufacture tungsten carbide
products from imported mixed tungsten carbide powder.
Kennametal Incorporated of Latrobe, U.S.A. has established its Macro
Tungsten Refinery at Port Coquitlam, B.C. where tungsten carbide powder is
produced directly from tungsten ores. No doubt when this operation has
progressed beyond the development stages, cobalt metal powder will be
consumed in the manufacture.of mixed tungsten carbide powder.
cobalt sulphate is consum.ed at the rate of 1 pound per ton of clay to decolourize
whiteware. The cobalt sulphate as purchased is dissolved in warm water, the
non-solubles are removed by decantation, and the sulphate is introduced into
the liquid clay "slip".
Cobalt oxide is also used in larger proportions than for its neutralizing
effect for colouring pottery bodies various shades of blue. More generally a
coloured "slip" or film of coloured clay is applied over a non-coloured body.
An example of this is the famous Wedgewood jasper which is obtained by add-
ing cobalt oxide to a body containing a large proportion of barium compounds.
In combination with oxides of manganese, chromium, and nickel all shades of
blue and green slips may be made with cobalt oxide.
The batch is carefully weighed out in 600 lb. lots and charged into a ball
mill with porcelain lining and porcelain grinding balls, and ground with a large
proportion of water, usually 60% to 70%. Grinding is continued for several
hours in order to obtain a homogeneous admixture of a high degree of fineness.
The slurry is discharged from the mill and dried in trays in a forced air drier,
using electrical heating elements to heat the air. When completely dry, it is
removed and broken into small fragments which are placed in porous refractory
(fire clay) saggers, each containing about 30 lbs. of material.
A number of loaded saggers are placed in a kiln heated by electricity, gas
or oil, and heated up to a predetermined temperature usually between 1000°F.
and 2500°F. It is soaked at this temperature long enough to attain the desired
degree of chemical combination. Temperature cycle and soaking time must be
carefully controlled to consistently produce the desired tone and hue of colour.
The batch is cooled in the saggers, where it has formed a fairly hard cake
during the calcining operation. It is broken out of the saggers into small pieces
which are charged into a porcelain-lined ball mill and ground with an appro-
priate amount of water to a fineness of 100% passing a 325 mesh sieve.
The slurry is removed from the mill and allowed to settle in porcelain
enamelled steel drums, and surplus water, which contains soluble salts, is
removed by syphoning. It is then washed by decantation with hot water
several times till soluble salts have been removed. In some cases this opera-
tion is carried out on an Oliver Filter.
The material is then dried and put through a micropulverizer, which pro-
duces the colour as a fine homogeneous powder. Two or more base colours may
be. mechanically blended to produce a wide range of colours.
In the enamelling plant, the colour is added to the ball mill along with the
frit and clay in an amount to give the desired colour. In the case of pastel
blues, an opaque frit is used, and, for medium blues, a semi-opaque frit. For
very dark blues, normally a blue frit would be used which would not require
any colour, at the mill.
In the pottery industry, glaze stains are added at the mill in the same
way, though in this case the glaze may be either fritted or raw glaze, or a
A minimum of 99 per cent must pass a 100 mesh screen while 98 and 96
per cent must pass 150 mesh and 200 mesh screens, respectively.
Porcelain enamels are made by melting a glass-forming batch in a
furnace at temperatures ranging from 2200°F. to 2500°F. At the end of the
smelting cycle the molten mass is poured slowly over a stream of running
cold water which shatters the molten chemicals to form a frit, which is the
basic ingredient of porcelain enamels applied as a protective vitreous coating
to sheet steel and cast iron articles, chiefly household appliances (stoves,
refrigerators, washing machine tubs, driers), kitchen utensils, sanitary ware,
and outdoor signs.
In the most modern method of production, the molten enamel glass is
passed through water-cooled steel rolls which form a vitreous sheet which is
subsequently broken down into flakes. The enamel frit is subjected to a milling
or grinding operation with clay, water, chemicals, and sometimes inorganic
colouring pigments to produce an enamel "slip". The "slip" is applied to the
ware, ustially by means of dipping or by a spray gun, and the water is removed
in a drier. The dried, biscuit-like coating remaining on the steel is then fused
in a furnace at approximately 1500°F. to a thin, smooth, glossy coating.
The ground coat, between the steel article and the cover coat, may be
considered as a clear glass that has been coloured by the addition of low per-
centages of metallic oxides, the most important being that of cobalt. It is
usually used in conjunction with nickel oxide and very often also with man-
ganese dioxide. Though the cobalt oxide colours the glass a deep blue, which
is darkened by the green and brown colouring effects of the nickel and man-
ganese oxides, respectively, the enameller does not think of them in this role,
as colouring materials, but as "adherence-promoting oxides". Without the
cobalt, the ground coat would have little or no adherence to the metal, and
could be easily knocked off. The addition of some nickel oxide usually improves
the adherence-promoting properties of the cobalt. Manganese oxide some-
times improves the adherence, but it is not essential for this purpose, and is
often added to darken the colour of the fired ground coat.
There are a number of théories, all supported by some experimental evid-
ence, as to how cobalt oxide in ground coat enamels promotes their adherence
to the steel. However, the following facts seem firmly established:
(1) The steel surface becomes oxidized during the firing process before
the enamel melts. The formation of this oxide film is essential to
good adherence.
(2) Part of the iron oxide film is taken into solution by the enamel while
in the molten state.
(3) There is a precipitation of metallic particles at the iron-enamel inter-
face. The metallic cobalt may be formed by chemical reduction of the
cobalt oxide by the iron in accordance with the formula:
2 Fe ++ -f-pozoo Fe902 + 2 Co
It has also been suggested that the cobalt may be plated out of the molten
enamel glass by electrolytic action.
Several companies in Canada such as General Steel Wares Limited, Lon-
don, Ontario; Ferro Enamels (Canada) Limited, Oakville, Ontario and Standard
Sanitary & Dominion Radiator Company, Limited, Toronto, Ontario manu-
facture ground coat frit. Ferro Enamels (Canada) Limited manufactures the
material for sale to porcelain enamelling plants who do not make their own
frit. The source of supply of cobalt oxide consumed by General Steel Wares
Limited is the Deloro Smelting and Refining Company and that of Ferro
Enamels (Canada) Limited is the Deloro Smelting and Refining Company and
the Mond Nickel Company, Limited, Clydach, Wales.
The company states that the newer process produces a purer and more
uniform drier as, with the former process, it was impossible to eliminate entirely
the sodium sulphate from the finished product. The cobalt content of the cobalt
drier produced is 6 per cent.
Anünal Nutrition
The great grassy ranges of coastal Australia and central New Zealand
contain very valuable pasture lands. However, for geological reasons these
areas are deficient in cobalt which causes the "coast" or "bush sickness" in
cattle and sheep and also the "pining disease" which causes the animals to
go off their feed. However, it was found after many years of scientific
research that additions of cobalt nitrate, cobalt sulphate or cobalt acetate
to fertilizers for top dressing of pasture lands overcame this condition in the
animals. Once overcome a small amount of cobalt given in animal feed or
licks was sufficient to prevent recurrence of the disease.
In Canada, certain areas of pasture land are deficient in cobalt and the
discussion of this subject has been made possible through the courtesy of
S. R. Haskell, Animal Husbandry Division, Central Experimental Farm,
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.
J. E. Bowstead states that interest in cobalt as a nutrient in the feeding
of ruminants in Canada began, following the discovery in 1938, at the Univer-
sity of Alberta, that the feeding of cobalt to breeding ewes cured the debilitat-
ing symptoms that developed after a seven-to-nine month period of non-
leguminous rations.
The clinical symptoms of sheep fed on cobalt-deficient rations appeared
to be similar to those of malnutrition. Reproduction was seriously impaired
in that lambs from affected ewes were smaller and weaker than lambs from
unaffected ewes. Ewes that became unthrifty on cobalt-deficient rations pro-
duced insufficient milk to nourish their lambs, and also produced fleeces that
were weak in fibre. With the development of the deficiency symptoms there
was a decrease in the cobalt content of certain tissues. This corresponds
with results reported from areas elsewhere known to be deficient in cobalt.
remainder being pure salt. The light blue coloured salt is sold in loose form
in 100 pound bags, in 50 pound salt blocks and in 5 pound licks. A large
amount is exported to New Zealand and Australia.
Miscellaneous Uses
Glass Manufacture—A small amount of cobalt in the form of oxide is used
to neutralize yellow discolourization, where this is objectionable, in the end
use of glass. In addition, cobalt oxide is used to produce royal blue glass,
an example of which is the well known bromo seltzer bottle.
• The colouring power of cobalt oxide is very strong and as little as one
part in 5,000 produces a characteristic colour. For this reason it is customary
to use cobalt oxide in the diluted form known as "powder blue" which is a
glass or enamel containing about 5 per cent cobalt oxide. Another method
of adding cobalt is to dilute the oxide with sand or ground feldspar. This
procedure enables an even distribution of cobalt oxide throughout a batch
of glass.
Electroplating—During World War I a government sponsored research
program was set up under Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus at Queens University,
Kingston. Kalmus and his associates carried out fundamental research on the
subject of electro-plating with cobalt. However, due to the price of cobalt in
relation to nickel and chromium, this application has not been put to extensive
use, although cobalt is now added to nickel for plating purposes in a number
of special applications where more than normal hardness and ductility of
the plate is essential.
Beryllium Copper—Low-berryllium copper contains 97 per cent copper,
2.6 per cent cobalt and 0.4 per cent beryllium while normal beryllium copper
contains 1.'75 to 2.5 per cent beryllium, up to 0.5 per cent cobalt plus nickel
and other elements.
These alloys are noted for their fatigue resistance, toughness, hardness
and low sparking. They are used for springs, non-sparking tools and strong
mechanical parts and are very important in aircraft-component assemblies,
communication equipment, signalling devices, and various ordinance accessories.
Sealing Wires in Glass—Several alloys have been developed for sealing
into glass. These alloys have a coefficient of expansion which approximates
the glass in which they are sealed. Fernichrome containing 25 per cent cobalt,
30 per cent nickel and 8 per cent chromium is used for sealing into soft glass
while Kovar and Fernico containing 17 and 18 per cent cobalt and 29 and 28
per cent nickel, respectively, are used for sealing into hard glass. Cobalt
improves the "wetting" characteristic of these alloys.
Perminvar—This alloy, containing from 20 to 75 per cent nickel, 5 to 40
per cent cobalt, and sometimes molybdenum, is used in the loading of long
submarine telegraph and telephone cable, because of its high resistivity.
Another alloy which has similar uses is Permalloy, containing 78 per cent
nickel, 21 per cent iron and 0.37 per cent cobalt, also used in telephone relays
and telephone and radio transformers.
Catalysts in Petroleum Processing—Cobalt is used in catalysts in
desulphurization, hydrogenation, catalytic cracking, polymerization, Fischer-
Tropsch synthesis, etc. In general it is not as important as nickel in these uses
but for certain specific uses is better.
One form of catalyst is a solid cylindrical pellet about inch in diameter
by inch in length, containing 10 per cent cobalt molybdate in an aluminum
oxide base. It is used as a desulphurization and hydrogenation catalyst.
In the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons from water gas, a cobalt-
thoria catalyst is used.
Cobalt has, perhaps its most important use in promoting desulphurization
and hydrogenation processes. As the petroleum refiner is forced to utilize
more of the low grade, high-sulphur oils for the production of quality distillate
types of products, processes which will remove all types of organic sulphur
compounds and other objectionable non-hydrocarbons will become increasingly
Cobalt catalysts show much promise in techniques which "permit de-
sulphurization and up-grading operations on high sulphur crudes as well ,as
stocks derived from shale and bituminous sands. Thus cobalt is a key material
in research programs directed towards the increased utilization of low grade
crudes and in the development of other sources of hydrocarbons for petroleum
fuels manufacture.
Such research developments are of major importance to the petroleum
fuels industry in Canada, particularly in their effect on the greater utilization
of western Canadian heavy crudes of high sulphur content. The Mines Branch
of the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys is presently conducting a
research program in Ottawa on the Athabasca bituminous sands and is
working on the problem of desulphurization using a cobalt molybdate process.
Imports of cobalt ores during the period 1937-52 are given graphically in
Figure XXIX. Table 17 shows imports of cobalt ores and oxides during the
same period. Prior to these years imports of cobalt ores and concentrates
were relatively small. The graph would be misleading without some further
explanation because of the types of material imported from various sources.
For instance the material imported during the period 1939 to 1946 consisted
mainly of a copper-cobalt-iron alloy from the electric furnaces of Rhokana
Corporation, Northern Rhodesia. This product assayed about 40 per cent
cobalt, 15 per cent copper and 45 per cent iron.
During the period 1948 to 1952 the imported material consisted of ores
from La Sociètè minière de Bou-Azzer et du Graara, French Morocco, which
averages from 9 to 12 per cent cobalt, and Canadian ores re-imported from the
United States averaging about 10 per cent cobalt.
The imports of cobalt oxides shown in Table 17 are small compared with
Canadian consumption and were imported mainly for ceramic use.
Source: Trade of Canada
Ores Oxides
lbs. lbs.
During the years prior to 'World War II most Canadian exports of cobalt
ores went to Germany and France. The Japanese purchased some ores during
the early years of World War H, but from 1941 to 1952 nearly all the exported
cobalt ores were sent to the United States. The large export to the United
States in 1948 was mainly the ores purchased lz Y the Canadian government
for United States government account during World War II and stockpiled
until 1947-48.
The large exports of cobalt metal during World War II are the result of
the conversion of the Rhokana alloy by the Deloro Smelting and Refining
Company, Limited, and well illustrate the importance of that smelter during
emergency periods.
LLI 15
0 14
1937 - 1952
3 e
ne• • •
1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 19 50 19 51 I 952
0 CO
I I 1 1
1,0 0 0,000 COBALT METAL
5 00,000
.4, 17:11
1926 . 1930 1935 940 1945 1950 1952
4 00,0 00
3 00,00 0
0 200,000
100,0 0 0
sten____CM Olb xha__ESI
1926 1930 1940 1945 1950 1932
1935 YEAR
I 1 1 1 I
W11 •
500,000 e_
0 `
The International Materials Conference
In the summer of 1950 the raw materials markets of the world were
disrupted by a rush of buying set off by the war in Korea. The surge in
demand came in part from speculation, in part from emerging defence require-
ments, and from consumers' efforts to lay in stocks against future shortages.
Prices rose steadily during the summer and autumn of that year.
The British Prime Minister and the President of the United States met in
Washington in late 1950 and reached tentative agreement upon plans for an
intergovernmental organization designed to handle the problem. The govern-
ment of France also entered into the discussions and as a result invitations
were sent to other free world countries, and the International Materials
Conference was born.
Membership in each Committee was limited to those countries which
had a substantial producing or consuming interest in the commodities con-
cerned. The Manganese-Nickel-Cobalt Committee first convened on March
12, 1951, and its membership at first consisted of Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
Cuba, France, Federal Republic of Germany, India, Norway, Union of South
Africa, United Kingdom, and United States. The task of the committee was
defined as follows:—"To consider and to recommend to governments the
specific action that should be taken in the case of each commodity in order
to expand production, increase availability, conserve supplies and to ensure
the most effective distribution of supplies among the consuming countries."
In the case of cobalt, each producing country submitted their forecast of
production for a future quarterly period and each consuming country submitted
their requirements for a similar period. After careful study of the supply
and demand position, the committee then established a plan of allocation
which was recommended to participating governments. An allocation plan
was adopted commencing with the fourth quarter of 1951. The supply and
demand situation improved steadily during 1952 with a result that cobalt
was not allocated by the International Materials Conference after the end
of the fourth quarter of 1952.
4th Quarter 1st Quarter 1st Half 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
Country 1951 1952 1952 1952 1952
Materials Survey Cobalt, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Mines, 1952.
Perrault, R.: Le Cobalt. Dunod, Paris, 1946.
Young, R. S.: Cobalt. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1948.
Kennedy, J. de N.: History of the Department of Munitions and Supply, Vol. II,
pp. 108, The King's Printer, Ottawa, 1950.
Kidd, D. F.: A Pitchblende-Silver Deposit, Great Bear Lake, Canada. Economic
Geology, Vol. 2'7, No. 2, 1932.
Knight, C. W.: Geology of the Mine Workings of Cobalt and South Lorrain
Silver Areas. Annual Report of the Ontario Department of Mines, Part II,
Miller, W. G.: The Cobalt-Nickel Arsenides and Silver Deposits of Temiskaming
(Cobalt and Adjacent Areas). Annual Report of the Ontario Bureau of
Mines, Part II, 1913.
The Cobalt-Nickel Arsenides and Silver Deposits of Temiskaming.
Annual Report of the Ontario Bureau of Mines, Part II, 1905.
Reid, J. A.: Mineral Resources of the Temiskaming Silver-Cobalt Area. Ontario
Department of Mines,. Bulletin 134, 1943.
Royal Ontario Mining Commission. Report, 1944.
Spence, H. S.: Occurrences of Pitchblende and Silver Ores at Great Bear Lake,
Northwest Territories. Memorandum Series No. 5, Department of Mines,
Ottawa, October, 1931.
Radium and Silver at Great Bear Lake. Mining and Metallurgy, 1932.
Temiskaming Mine Operators Association, Cobalt, Ontario. October, 1953,
personal communication.
Thomson, E.: A Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of the Ores of
Cobalt, Ontario. Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Series,
Vol. 25, 1930.
Francois River—
Lord, C. S.: Mineral Industry of District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories.
Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 261, 1951.
Ontario Occurrences—
"Concentration Tests on a Sample of Cobalt Ore from Massey, Ontario".
Investigation No. 1181, Ore Dressing and Metallurgical Laboratories,
Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa, 1942.
"Concentration Tests on a Sample of Gold-Bismuth-Cobalt-Nickel Ore from
the Bico Mines, Limited, at Thessalon, Ontario". Investigation No. 1525,
Ore Dressing and Metallurgical Laboratories, Department of Mines and
Resources, Ottawa, 1943.
Osborne, F. F.: The Cartier-Stralak Area, District of Sudbury. Annual Report
of the Ontario Department of Mines, Part VII, 1929.
A Diabase Contact Metamorphic Mineral Veposit in Ontario. Journal
of Economic Geology, November, 1929.
Quebec Occurrences-
"Copper-Nickel Ore from Calumet Island, Pontiac County, Quebec". Investi-
gation No. 504, are Dressing and Metallurgical Laboratories, Department
of Mines, Ottawa, 1933.
Ellsworth, H. V.: Nickel-Cobalt Minerals on Calumet Island, Quebec. Cana-
dian Mining Journal, Vol. 51, 1930.
For ores or concentrates containing 8 per cent but less than 9 per cent
cobalt, the price shall be 880 per pound contained cobalt.
For ores or concentrates containing 9 per cent but less than 10 per cent
cobalt, the price shall be 990 per pound contained cobalt.
For ores or concentrates containing 10 per cent and over cobalt, the price
shall be $1.10 per pound contained cobalt.
Provided the nickel content is 5 per cent or over, the nickel shall be paid
for at the rate of 5.50 per pound of contained nickel.
Provided the silver content exceeds 50 ounces, it will be paid for on the
basis of 50 per cent of the content at the average price quoted for silver
by Handy & Harman and printed in the weekly E. & M.J. Metal & Mineral
Markets Service covering the months during which delivery of the ore
is made. No payment will be made for silver over a content of 500 oz.
per short ton of ore. The above price for silver content is made effective
as and from September 1, 1942.
Copper Penalty
When the copper content exceeds 1 • 5 per cent a penalty of 24 . 75¢ per
pound of copper shall apply on the excess copper over 1.5 per cent.
Payments shall be made by the buyer on receipt of weight and assay certi-
ficates in quintuplicate except in the case of silver payments which of
necessity have to be delayed until the end of each month when the average
price as specified can be determined.
Statement on Cobalt by the Right Hon. C. D. Howe,
Minister of Trade and Commerce, in the House of Commons,
February 15, 1951
In order to stimulate further production of cobalt to meet future Defence
and essential requirements for the metal, the Canadian Government will pur-
chase Northern Ontario concentrates for a period of three years on the following
For ores and concentrates
containing 10-11.99% cobalt—$1.35 per lb. of cobalt contained
containing 12-13.99% cobalt—$1.40 per lb. of cobalt contained
containing 14% or over cobalt—$1.45 per lb. of cobalt contained
Department of Defence Production
National Stockpile Specification P-13-R
10 March 1953
(Supersedes issue of
11 December 1951)
General Services Administration
Emergency Procurement Service
Washington 25, D.C.