(Ara Kirakosyan, Peter B. Kaufman) Recent Advances (BookFi) PDF
(Ara Kirakosyan, Peter B. Kaufman) Recent Advances (BookFi) PDF
(Ara Kirakosyan, Peter B. Kaufman) Recent Advances (BookFi) PDF
Ara Kirakosyan Peter B. Kaufman
University of Michigan University of Michigan
1150 W. Medical Center Dr. 1150 W. Medical Center Dr.
Ann Arbor MI 48109-0646 Ann Arbor MI 48109-0646
[email protected] [email protected]
Plant biotechnology applies to three major areas of plants and their uses: (1) control
of plant growth and development; (2) protection of plants against biotic and abiotic
stresses; and (3) expansion of ways by which specialty foods, biochemicals, and
pharmaceuticals are produced. The topic of recent advances in plant biotechnology
is ripe for consideration because of the rapid developments in this field that have
revolutionized our concepts of sustainable food production, cost-effective alter-
native energy strategies, environmental bioremediation, and production of plant-
derived medicines through plant cell biotechnology. Many of the more traditional
approaches to plant biotechnology are woefully out of date and even obsolete. Fresh
approaches are therefore required. To this end, we have brought together a group of
contributors who address the most recent advances in plant biotechnology and what
they mean for human progress, and hopefully, a more sustainable future.
Achievements today in plant biotechnology have already surpassed all previous
expectations. These are based on promising accomplishments in the last several
decades and the fact that plant biotechnology has emerged as an exciting area of
research by creating unprecedented opportunities for the manipulation of biological
systems. In connection with its recent advances, plant biotechnology now allows for
the transfer of a greater variety of genetic information in a more precise, controlled
manner. The potential for improving plant productivity and its proper use in agricul-
ture relies largely on newly developed DNA biotechnology and molecular markers.
A number of methods have been developed and validated in association with the
use of genetically transferred cultures in order to understand the genetics of specific
plant traits. Such relevant methods can be used to determine the markers that are
retained in genetically manipulated organisms and to determine the elimination of
marker genes. As a result, a number of transgenic plants have been developed with
beneficial characteristics and significant long-term potential to contribute both to
biotechnology and to fundamental studies. These techniques enable the selection
of successful genotypes, better isolation and cloning of favorable traits, and the
creation of transgenic organisms of importance to agriculture and industry.
We start the book by tracing the roots of plant biotechnology from the basic
sciences to current applications in the biological and agricultural sciences, indus-
try, and medicine. These widespread applications signal the fact that plant biotech-
nology is increasingly gaining in importance. This is because it impinges on so
viii Preface
many facets of our lives, particularly in connection with global warming, alternative
energy initiatives, food production, and medicine. Our book would not be complete
unless we also addressed the fact that some aspects of plant biotechnology may have
some risks. These are covered in the last section.
The individual chapters of the book are organized according to the following
format: chapter title and contributors, abstract, introduction to the chapter, chapter
topics and text, and references cited for further reading. This format is designed in
order to help the reader to grasp and understand the inherent complexity of plant
biotechnology better.
The topics covered in this book will be of interest to plant biologists, biochemists,
molecular biologists, pharmacologists, and pharmacists; agronomists, plant breed-
ers, and geneticists; ethnobotanists, ecologists, and conservationists; medical prac-
titioners and nutritionists; and research investigators in industry, federal labs, and
x Contents
xii About the Authors
books dealing with plant biotechnology and molecular biology. He is second author
of the best-selling book, Natural Products from Plants, 2nd edition (2006). Ara
Kirakosyan is a full member of the Phytochemical Society of Europe and European
Federation of Biotechnology. He serves as an editorial board member in the Open
Bioactive Compounds Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, and as an editor as
part of the editorial board of 19 scientific domains journals, Global Science Books
(GSB), Isleworth, UK. He has received several awards, fellowships, and research
grants from the United States, Japan, and the European Union.
Peter B. Kaufman, Ph.D., is a professor of biology emeritus in the Department
of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) at the University
of Michigan and is currently senior scientist, University of Michigan Integrative
Medicine Program (UMIM). He received his B.Sc. in plant science from Cornell
University in Ithaca, New York, in 1949 and his Ph.D. in plant biology from the Uni-
versity of California, Davis, in 1954 under the direction of Prof. Katherine Esau. He
did post-doctoral research as a Muelhaupt Fellow at Ohio State University, Colum-
bus, Ohio. He has been a visiting research scholar at University of Calgary, Alberta,
Canada; University of Saskatoon, Saskatoon, Canada; University of Colorado, Boul-
der, Colorado; Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; USDA Plant Hormone
Laboratory, BARC-West, Beltsville, Maryland; Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan;
Lund University, Lund, Sweden; International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) at Los
Banos, Philippines; and Hawaiian Sugar Cane Planters’ Association, Aiea Heights,
Hawaii. Dr. Kaufman is a fellow of the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science and received the Distinguished Service Award from the American
Society for Gravitational and Space Biology (ASGSB) in 1995. He served on the
editorial board of Plant Physiology for 10 years and is the author of more than
220 research papers. He has published eight professional books to date and taught
popular courses on plants, people, and the environment, plant biotechnology, and
practical botany at the University of Michigan. He has received research grants
from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) BARD Pro-
gram with Israel, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Xylomed Research, Inc, and
Pfizer Pharmaceutical Research. He produced with help of Alfred Slote and Marcia
Jablonski a 20-part TV series entitled, “House Botanist.” He was past chairman
of the Michigan Natural Areas Council (MNAC), past president of the Michigan
Botanical Club (MBC), and former secretary-treasurer of the American Society for
Gravitational and Space Biology (ASGSB). He is currently doing research on nat-
ural products of medicinal value in plants in the University of Michigan Medical
School in the laboratory of Steven F. Bolling, M.D. and serves on the research staff
of UMIM.
Soo Chul Chang University College, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Korea,
[email protected]
Moshe Kostyukovsky ARO, the Volcani Center, Department of Food Science, Bet
Dagan, 50250, Israel, [email protected]
xiv Contributors
Today, when science and technology are progressing at ever increasing speeds and
humankind is experiencing both positive and negative feedback from this progress,
the presentation of an overview of modern plant biotechnology concepts is highly
germane. Inherently, plant biotechnology, along with animal biotechnology, phar-
maceutical biotechnology, and nanotechnology, constitutes a part of what we term
biotechnology. An unprecedented series of successes in plant science, chemistry,
and molecular biology has occurred and shifted plant biotechnology to new direc-
tions. This means that the newer aspects of plant biotechnology seen today are
vastly different from our understanding of what constitutes the earlier, more tra-
ditional aspects of this field. The earlier ventures in biotechnology (traditional
biotechnology) were concerned with all types of cell cultures, as they were sources
of important products used by humans. These ventures included the making of beer
A. Kirakosyan (B)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0646, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
and wine, the making of bread, cheese, yogurt, and other milk products, as well as
the production of antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines.
What has radically changed since these earlier discoveries in plant biotechnol-
ogy? With the advent of recombinant DNA technology and new approaches that
utilize genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and systems biology strategies (Cseke
et al., 2006), it may now be possible to re-examine plant cell cultures as a reasonable
candidate for commercial production of high-value plant metabolites. This is espe-
cially true if natural resources are limited, de novo chemical synthesis is too com-
plex or unfeasible, or agricultural production of the plant is not possible to carry out
year-round. Indeed, a study of the biochemistry of plant natural products has many
practical applications. Thus, specific processes have now been designed to meet the
requirements of plant cell cultures in bioreactors. In addition, plant cells constitute
an effective system for the biotransformation involving the addition of various sub-
strates to the culture media in order to induce the formation of new products. The
specific enzymes participating in such biotransformation processes can furthermore
be isolated and characterized from cells immobilized on various solid support matri-
ces, such as fiber-reinforced biocers (e.g., aqueous silica nanosols and commercial
alumina fibers) that are now used in bioreactors.
Modern plant biotechnology research uses a number of different approaches that
include high-throughput methodologies for functional analyses at the level of genes,
proteins, and metabolites. Other methods are designed for genome modification
through homologous and site-specific recombination. The potential for including
plant productivity or agricultural trials is directly dependent upon the use of the new
molecular markers or DNA construct technology. Therefore, plant biotechnology
now allows for the transfer of an incredible amount of useful genetic information
in a much more highly controlled and targeted manner. This is especially important
for the use of GM (genetically modified) organisms, in spite of risks and limita-
tions that have been voiced by individuals and organizations not in favor of this
technology. It is noteworthy that a number of transgenic plants are being developed
for long-term potential use in fundamental plant science studies (Sonnewald, 2003).
Some of these transgenic plants also have significant and beneficial characteristics
that allow for their safe use in industry and agriculture. Biotechnological approaches
can selectively increase the amounts of naturally produced pesticides and defense
compounds in crop plants and thus reduce the need for costly and highly toxic pes-
ticides. This applies also to nutritionally important constituents in crops. The new
techniques from the gene and metabolic engineering toolbox will bring forth many
viable strategies to produce phytochemicals of medicinal and industrial uses.
Plant biotechnology research is, by nature, multidisciplinary. Systematic botany
and organic chemistry, for example, aim to elucidate the systematic position and
the evolutionary differentiation of many plant families. For instance, accurate and
simple determination of chemotaxonomy can be attributed to the science of describ-
ing plants by their chemical nature. This interdisciplinary scientific field combines
molecular phylogenetic analysis with metabolic profiling. Furthermore, it helps to
investigate the molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of plants and to investigate the
structural diversity of unique secondary metabolites found only in endemic species.
1 Overview of Plant Biotechnology 5
Agricultural Industrial
Agronomic plants
Plant Biotechnology
Food Flavors
quality and
Ornamental Insecticides
specifically involved in the pathway is more appropriate and has been carried out
successfully. It is also quite common that blockage of one pathway leads to diver-
sion of the substrate to alternative pathways. This would make it very difficult to
identify the rate-limiting step in synthesis of a particular metabolite. It may also be
that the pathway is subject to developmentally controlled flux at entry, as for exam-
ple, through the activity of transcription factors. This kind of research must, there-
fore, focus on metabolic regulation by first establishing the pathways at the level
of intermediates and enzymes that catalyze their formation. The subsequent step is
the selection of targets for further studies at the level of the genes. This knowledge
is also of interest in connection with studies on the role of secondary metabolism
for plants and may contribute to a better understanding of resistance of plants to
diseases and various herbivores. In addition, cell suspension cultures are used for
biotransformation of added substrates, in order to search for new compounds not
present in the intact plant, and finally to use plant cells for the isolation of enzymes
that are responsible for the important metabolic pathways and to use them in chemi-
cal synthesis of natural products (reviewed by Alfermann and Petersen, 1995). Such
complex studies that are based on molecular regulation of metabolite biosynthesis
and on the creation of a systems biology type of information base may eventu-
ally lead to transgenic plants or plant cell cultures with improved productivity of
the desired compounds (Fig. 1.2). Plant cell culture may therefore be a reasonable
candidate for commercial realization if the natural resources are limited, de novo
synthesis is complex, and the product has a high commercial value.
The biochemical capability of cultivated plant cells to transform exogenously
supplied compounds offers a broad potential and can make an interesting contri-
bution toward the modification of natural and synthetic chemicals as well. This
attribute of plant cells is designated as in vivo enzymatic bioconversion. In many
cases, the enzymes involved in this process can be identified, purified, and immo-
bilized, and this accomplished by what is termed in vitro bioconversion. Then, the
enzymatic potential of the plants can be employed for bioconversion purposes. The
bioconversion process thus involves enzyme-catalyzed modification of added pre-
cursors into more desired or valuable products, using plant cells or specific enzymes
isolated from plants. This type of metabolite modification is particularly accurate
and is not so labor intensive. The biocatalyst may be free in solution, immobilized
on a solid support, or entrapped in a matrix. Systems applied for bioconversion can
consist of freely suspended cells, where precursors are supplied directly to cultures;
immobilized plant cells, which are useful especially for secondary metabolite pro-
duction but still need development to elicit an increase in the half-life of the cells;
and finally enzyme preparation and further usage, which take into account prob-
lems connected with enzyme stability and sufficiency. In bioconversions elicited by
whole cells or extracts, a single or several enzymes may be required for an action to
In the same context, as described above, two biocatalytic systems can be
employed in biotechnology. First, the catalysis of specific foreign substances, either
chemically prepared or isolated from nature, can be carried out by enzymatic con-
version outside the organisms. Second, bioconversion of a particular product uses
1 Overview of Plant Biotechnology 9
Desired plant
Plant Cell
5.0 7.5 Biotechnology
Transcriptiomics Proteomics Metabolomics
End Product
Blocking competitive pathway or Amplification of target gene
introducing new pathway OH O OH
Fig. 1.2 Plant cell biotechnology for the production of high-value metabolites. The general steps
presented involve the creation of an information base with the application of functional genomics,
genetic and metabolic engineering of plant cells, and cultivation of modified plant cell lines in
bioreactors for high-value secondary metabolite production
either plant cell cultures or whole plants. Improved metabolite production can be
achieved by the addition of precursors to the culture medium. The advantages
here are that the pharmaceutical, agricultural, and speciality chemical industries
are increasingly requiring molecules that have distinct left- or right-handed forms,
so-called chiral compounds. For example, the production of single left- or right-
handed forms is not easy, and it is apparent that no single approach is likely to
dominate. Scientists must continue to draw upon the entire range of chemical, enzy-
matic, and whole-organism tools that are available to produce chiral compounds.
Despite some duplication in activity amongst enzymes, there is a need to charac-
terize more of them in order to exploit their unique specificity and activity. In this
10 A. Kirakosyan et al.
regard, plant enzymes are able to catalyze regio- and stereo-specific reactions and
therefore can be used for the production of desired substances. Stereospecificity con-
cerns high optical purity (100% of one stereoisomeric form) of biologically active
molecules being catalyzed by plant enzymes. Regiospecificity allows for more pre-
cise conversion of one or more specific functional groups into others or, in the case
of precursor molecules, selective introduction of functional groups on nonactivated
In studies with the above-described plant cell cultures and their applications, we
must, however, emphasize that not all aspects are clear and well-studied. Fundamen-
tal and practical researches are ongoing because problems related to monitoring the
production of secondary metabolites in cell cultures still exist.
The priorities are given for processing tomatoes with improved viscosity (thick-
ness and texture, meaning fewer tomatoes for the same amount of catsup), higher
soluble solids, better taste, improved color, and higher vitamin content. It also may
include enhancing overall flavor, sweetness, color, and health attributes. Calgene
was the first company to introduce a genetically improved tomato that ripens on
the vine without softening and has improved taste and texture. Here, antisense gene
technology was introduced to inhibit the polygalacturonase enzyme, which degrades
pectin in the cell wall. The classical example here is the first genetically engineered
slow-ripening tomato plant. It was commercially developed by Calgene Corp. in
Davis, CA, and was called “FlavR Saver.” This tomato has two distinct advantages
over other tomato cultivars: first, it has a longer shelf life in storage, and second, the
fruit of this tomato could be left on the plant until optimally ripe. Because of these
attributes, FlavR Saver tomatoes are sold for premium prices.
Another successful marketing initiative was concerned with oilseed crops.
Canola-producing laurate is the world’s first oilseed crop that has been genetically
engineered to modify oil composition. Similarly, Calgene isolated the gene responsi-
ble for laurate production from the California laurel (Umbellularia californica) tree.
This gene was then engineered into canola (Brassica napus and B. rapa), resulting
in the production of oil containing approximately 40% laurate – a fatty acid that is
found in the seed oils of only a few plant species, mostly coconut and palm ker-
nel oil from tropical regions. Laurate possesses unique properties, which make it
desirable in edible and industrial products. Lauric oil is ideal for use in the soap and
detergent industries, as it is responsible for the cleansing and sudsing properties of
shampoos, soaps, and detergents.
Other examples of transgenic agricultural crops include many plants, such as
potatoes with more starch and less water to prevent damage when they are mechan-
ically harvested, crops with low saturated oils, sweet mini-peppers, modified lignin
in paper pulp trees, pesticide-resistant plants, and frost-resistant fruits.
One of the important directions in plant biotechnology is the introduction of
genetically engineered organisms (GMOs) to the market. This is based on a desire
by consumers for more tasty and more healthy foods. It is also based on a prefer-
ence for products grown without using pesticides or other soil additives. However,
the choice of companies to keep the public ignorant of these genetic changes led to
a great scare in the public once people found out what was going on. It would have
been better if companies had informed the public prior to releasing any GMOs. As
a consequence of these events, the regulatory requirements and safety assessment
studies are far greater, not only in the United States but also worldwide.
An improvement in the quality or the composition of animal products has also
been achieved through modern plant biotechnology. This has resulted in increased
feed utilization and growth rate, improved carcass composition, improved milk pro-
duction and/or composition, and increased disease resistance.
Modern plant biotechnology is also playing a role in “clean” manufacturing. Nev-
ertheless, various types of chemical manufacturing, metal plating, wood preserving,
and petroleum refining industries currently generate hazardous wastes, comprising
volatile organics, chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, and heavy met-
12 A. Kirakosyan et al.
als. No one single plant species can handle all contaminants in any given environ-
ment. Rather, unique species have been found that can deal with a single or a few
contaminants in a particular medium. For example, plants have been found that can
break down or degrade organic contaminants (similar to microbes), while others are
able to extract and stabilize toxic metal contaminants by acting as traps or filters.
The ramifications of these phenomena for environmental cleanup (i.e., phytoremedi-
ation) were quickly realized. In theory, by simply growing a crop of the appropriate
plant at a given polluted site, the contaminant concentration could be lowered to
environmentally acceptable levels. This may involve several rotations of the plants,
and indeed, it may even be possible to use a combination of plants (and microbes,
too) to treat sites polluted with both heavy metals and organics. Chapter 7 discusses
these several aspects of phytoremediation in detail.
These and other advances in plant biotechnology not only allow us to gain knowl-
edge to answer fundamental questions in plant science but also make it possible for
us to create new applications in response to threats of global warming, evolution of
new resistant pests, development of new crop and forest species/cultivars and their
products, and changes in market/consumer demands and needs.
For human health benefits, new technologies are required to introduce more nat-
urally produced pharmaceuticals and vaccines. These may be possible if all aspects
of plant natural product chemistry, including the biosynthetic pathways and pos-
sible biotransformation reactions, are included. This is true also for health issues
where in-depth knowledge of molecular immunology, pharmacology, or related dis-
ciplines is required. Thus, plant biotechnology has a huge contribution to make for
the world economy, largely through the introduction of DNA or RNA technologies
to the production of biopharmaceuticals.
In summary, plant biotechnology concentrates much attention on the complex-
ity and interrelatedness of plant biology, with such targets as agricultural and
pharmaceutical biotechnology. Needless to say, and subject to clarification of cer-
tain ethical and public acceptance issues, plant biotechnology is also set to make
an indelible contribution to human health and welfare well into the foreseeable
Alfermann, A.W., Petersen, M. 1995. Natural product formation by plant cell biotechnology. Plant
Cell Tissue Organ Cult 43: 199–205.
Braun, A.C. 1974. The biology of cancer. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, MA.
Cocking, E.C. 1960. A method for isolation of plant protoplasts and vacuoles. Nature 187:
Cseke, L., Kirakosyan, A., Kaufman, P., Warber, S., Duke, J., Brielmann, H. 2006. Natural products
from plants, 2nd ed. Taylor-Francis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Kirakosyan, A., Sirvent, T.M., Gibson, D.M., Kaufman P.B. 2004. The production of hyper-
icins and hyperforin by in vitro cultures of Hypericum perforatum (Review). Biotechnol Appl
Biochem 39: 71–81.
Miller, C.O., Skoog, F. 1953. Chemical control of bud formation in tobacco stem segments.
Am J Bot 40: 768–773.
1 Overview of Plant Biotechnology 13
Murashige, T., Skoog, F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco
tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 15: 473–497.
Power, J.B., Cummins, S.E., Cocking, E.C. 1970. Fusion of plant protoplasts. Nature 225:
Rein, D., Schijlen, E., Kooistra, T., Herbers, K., Verschuren, L., Hall, R., Sonnewald, U., Bovy, A.,
Kleemann, R. 2006. Transgenic flavonoid tomato Intake reduces C-reactive protein in human
C-reactive protein transgenic mice more than wild-type tomato. J Nutr 136: 2331–2337.
Sonnewald, U. 2003. Plant biotechnology: from basic science to industrial application. J Plant
Physiol 160: 723–725
Verpoorte, R., van der Heijden, R., Hoge, J.H.C., ten Hoopen, H.J.G. 1994. Plant cell biotechnol-
ogy for the production of secondary metabolites. Pure Appl Chem 66: 2307–2310.
White, P.R. 1943. Handbook of plant tissue culture. The Ronald Press Co., New York.
White, P.R. 1963. The cultivation of animal and plant cells, 2nd ed. Ronald, New York, 228p.
Zenk, M.H., El-Shagi, H., Arens, H., Stockigt, J., Weiler, E.W., Deus, B. 1977. Formation of
indole alkaloids serpentine and ajmalicine in cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus.
(Barz, W., Reinhard, E., Zenk M.H., editors). In Plant tissue culture and its biotechnological
application. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 27–43.
Chapter 2
The Use of Plant Cell Biotechnology
for the Production of Phytochemicals
A. Kirakosyan (B)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0646, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
improved more than 100-fold using multifactorial screening strategy (Roberts and
Shuler, 1997). Such progress, however, is not universal and many trials with differ-
ent cell cultures initially failed to produce high levels of the desired products. The
failure to produce high levels of desired metabolites by cell factories is still due to
our insufficient knowledge as to how plants regulate metabolite biosynthesis.
Earlier, Zenk and coworkers (1997) suggested a strategy to improve the pro-
duction of secondary metabolites in cell cultures that is now being used by many
researchers. This strategy includes the following general steps: (1) plant screening
for secondary metabolite accumulation; (2) use of high producer plants for initia-
tion of callus cultures; (3) biochemical analysis of derived cultures for their vari-
ability and productivity; (4) establishment of cell suspension cultures; (5) analysis
of metabolite levels in cell suspension cultures; (6) selection of cell lines based on
single cells; (7) analysis of culture stability; and (8) further improvement of product
How does this strategy work and does it raise the bars of current modern plant
biotechnology? Here, we will trace in detail the main points of such a strategy in
order to show how these steps may work and what limitations may still occur when
they are employed in modern plant biotechnology. As a part of such strategy, the
primary effort has been devoted to the development of cultures from elite germplasm
so as to take advantage of the wide range of biosynthetic capacities within cultures.
This has been achieved either by selection or by screening germplasm for highly
productive cell lines, as for example, in production of Taxol from Taxus cell cultures
(Kim et al., 2005). On the other hand, several limiting factors can play crucial role
for successful use of plant cell cultures in biotechnology. These limiting factors can
include light intensity and quality; temperature; length of culture period, including
kinetics of production; concentration and source of major limiting nutrients such as
phosphate, carbon, and nitrogen; and concentration and source of micronutrients,
vitamins, and plant growth regulators.
The other point concerns optimization of cell culture conditions. This has been
carried out for a variety of media formulations and environmental conditions. The
Plackett and Burman technique was particularly useful in these cases. It allows
for testing of multiple variables within a single experiment (Plackett and Burman,
1946). This method relies on the following characteristics: (1) each variable is tested
at a high level in half of the test cultures, or at a low level or not at all in the other
half; (2) any two variables are tested in 25% of the test cultures; (3) both will be
excluded in 25%; and (4) only one variable is tested in the remaining 50% of the test
cultures. Since the production of secondary metabolites can be followed by HPLC
or GC, a medium can be selected that supports good cell growth and production
of secondary metabolites. The role of the cell cycle in plant secondary metabolite
production must also be considered.
Screening of cell cultures for metabolite high productivity is carried out on sev-
eral levels. In some cases, high-producing cell clones are obtained from single cells,
and subsequently, these are used for screening high-producing strains. For rapid
selection of high-producing cells, some simple techniques are applicable. A good
example is flow cytometry, which may be useful. This technique is based on the fact
18 A. Kirakosyan et al.
that cells contain fluorescent products (e.g., thiophenes), and therefore, it is possible
to separate these (marked) cells from others. However, some problems may occur
with cell line stability, especially as a result of cell differentiation or morphogene-
sis. Therefore, such stability problems of cell lines have probably made researchers
reluctant to develop extensive screening programs, leaving this as the last step prior
to an industrial application (Verpoorte, 1996). The fluorescent proteins from a wide
variety of marine organisms have initiated a revolution in the study of cell behavior
by providing convenient markers for gene expression and protein targeting in living
cells and organisms. The most widely used of these fluorescent proteins, the green
fluorescent protein (GFP), first isolated from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, can be
attached to virtually any protein of interest and still fold into a fluorescent molecule.
Fluorescent proteins are increasingly being employed as noninvasive probes in liv-
ing cells due to their ability to be genetically fused to proteins of interest for investi-
gations of localization, transport, and dynamics. Martin Chalfie, Osamu Shimomura,
and Roger Y. Tsien share the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discovery and
development of molecular probe uses of the green fluorescent protein. To date, many
plant cells, along with other organisms, have been selected using GFP as a marker
for gene expression.
Alternatively, selection of high-producing cell lines by culturing cells on media
containing certain additives, such as biosynthetic precursors or toxic analogues, also
may be applied (Verpoorte, 1996). In this case, some instability of many precursors
or toxic effects of some constituents on the cells is, however, possible. Therefore, it
is not possible to use a universal screening platform for plant cell cultures. Instead,
a specific screening for a particular plant cell culture must be employed in order to
produce specifically desired metabolites.
Whether with plant cell cultures or with intact plants, the key to success in dis-
covering naturally occurring phytochemicals rests on bioassay-guided fractionation
and purification procedures. Generally, screening of both natural products and syn-
thetic organic compounds has led to impressive advances in the identification of
active agents. High-throughput screens and sensitive instrumentation for structural
elucidation have greatly reduced the amount of time and the sample quantity that
are required for analysis.
Still, the main criterion for future biotechnological success is connected to the
biosynthetic capacity of cell factories. It is well known that the biosynthesis of
plant secondary metabolites could be up- or downregulated by biotic and abiotic
factors. In order to unravel the regulation of plant metabolism by such environmen-
tal stimuli, it is important to elucidate the factors that control the accumulation of
secondary metabolites in plants. Therefore, nowadays, scientists are carrying out
intensive research efforts to identify and apply limiting factors that can ultimately
increase plant cells’ biosynthetic capacities. With such research, attention has also
been given to the accumulation and storage of desired secondary metabolites in
plant cells. Secondary metabolites in plants, and perhaps in tissue cultures, are
usually stored intracellularly, as for example, in vacuoles or multicellular cavities.
Thus, transporters probably play an important role in the sequestration of secondary
metabolites (Kunze et al., 2002).
2 Use of Plant Cell Biotechnology 19
Biotic factors are among the environmental factors that affect to a large extent
the production of phytochemicals. Therefore, it is highly probable that there is a
relationship with defensive responses that is manifested either in phytoalexin pro-
duction or in the production of compounds produced along one of the signal trans-
duction pathways. An approach to characterize the biotic parameters that may elicit
the plant’s defensive mechanisms may be revealed by an analysis of the expression
of certain genes involved in the process and by correlation of gene induction with
particular metabolite levels.
In addition to the strategy described above, new approaches based on genetic
and metabolic engineering have been successfully introduced (Verpoorte and
Alfermann, 2000). Consequently, the development of an information base on
genetic, cellular, and molecular levels is now a prerequisite for the use of plants
or plant cell cultures for biotechnological applications for the following reasons.
First, a better understanding of the basic metabolic processes involved could provide
key information needed to produce high-value metabolites. Second, many biosyn-
thetic pathways in plants are extensive and complicated, requiring multiple enzy-
matic steps to produce the desired end-product. So, when engineering secondary
metabolism in plant cells, the primary aim should be to increase the content of
desired secondary compounds, to lower the levels of undesirable compounds, and
finally to introduce novel compound production into specific plants. This kind of
research must, therefore, focus on metabolic regulation by first establishing the path-
ways at the level of intermediates and enzymes that catalyze secondary metabolite
formation (metabolic pathways profiling). The subsequent step is the selection of
targets for further studies at the level of genes, enzymes, and compartments. Such
studies on regulation of metabolite biosynthesis might eventually lead to the deriva-
tion of transgenic plants or plant cell cultures with an improved productivity of
the desired compounds. Aside from practical applications with such organisms,
the knowledge gained will be of interest in connection with studies on the adap-
tive/functional roles of secondary metabolism in plants. These are covered in the
next section that deals with functional genomics.
Reconstruction experiment
sequences simultaneously. The affixed DNA segments are known as probes. Thou-
sands of identical probe molecules are affixed at each point in the array in order to
make the chips effective detectors. Many microarrays use PCR products, genomic
DNAs, BACs (bacterial chromosomes), plasmids, or longer oligos (35–70 bases)
instead of short oligonucleotide probes of 25 bases or less. RNA microarrays are
used to detect the presence of mRNAs that may have been transcribed from dif-
ferent genes and that encode different proteins. The RNA is converted to cDNA or
cRNA. The copies may be amplified by RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase-polymerase
chain reaction). Fluorescent tags are enzymatically incorporated into the newly syn-
thesized strands or can be chemically attached to the new strands of DNA or RNA.
A cDNA or cRNA molecule that contains a sequence complementary to one of the
single-stranded probe sequences will hybridize, or stick, via base pairing (more so
for DNA) to the spot at which the complementary probes are affixed. The spot will
then fluoresce, or glow, when examined using a microarray scanner. The major com-
ponents, then, of a functional genomics approach include bioinformatics (the global
assessment of how the expression of all genes in the genome varies under chang-
ing conditions), proteomics (the study of the total protein complement expressed
by a particular cell under particular conditions), and reverse genetics (deducing the
function of novel genes by mutating them and studying mutant phenotypes).
Functional genomics, used as a means of assessing phenotypes, differs from more
classical approaches, primarily with respect to the scale and automation of biologi-
cal investigations. A classical investigation of gene expression might examine how
the expression of a single gene varies with the development of an organism in vivo.
Modern functional genomics approaches, however, can examine how 1,000–10,000
genes are expressed as a function of development.
The massive expansion of available genomic information in plants allows
researchers to push the limits as to what can be produced by a chosen organ-
ism. Such technology continues to hold great promise for the future of plant
22 A. Kirakosyan et al.
Plant metabolic engineering treats the cell as a factory and adds or optimizes kinds
and amounts of metabolites within the cell for some specific design purpose. In
other words, metabolic engineering refers to a targeted metabolic pathway being
2 Use of Plant Cell Biotechnology 23
elucidated in plant or bacterial organisms with the purpose of unraveling and uti-
lizing this pathway for future modification of a plant’s end-products. It is generally
defined as the redirection of enzymatic reactions so as to improve the production of
high-value constituents, to produce new compounds in an organism, to mediate the
degradation of environmentally toxic compounds, or to create plants that become
resistant to environmental stress factors. In addition, metabolic engineering may
include not only the manipulation of endogenous metabolic pathways but also the
transfer of metabolic pathways into new host organisms.
The main goals of metabolic engineering in industry or agriculture are the stim-
ulation of the production of secondary metabolite end-products, biosynthetic pre-
cursors, polymers that have plant origin, and the derivation of new plant organisms
with high salt or drought resistance in agriculture. It is not surprising that metabolic
engineering applications in plant biotechnology in recent years have had incredible
achievements in agriculture, industry, and medicine.
This multidisciplinary field draws concepts and methodologies from molecular
biology, biochemistry, and genetics, as well as biochemical engineering. In addi-
tion, the extension of metabolic engineering to produce desired compounds in plant
organisms may answer many fundamental questions applied to plant development,
physiology, and biochemistry. For example, plant metabolic flux analysis in the pri-
mary carbon-based metabolic pathways presents fundamental information on the
application of plant metabolic engineering that is based on a thorough knowledge
of plant biochemistry and plant physiology. Plant metabolism itself concerns thou-
sands of interacting pathways and processes that are regulated by environmental
and genetic stimuli. Therefore, engineering even known metabolic pathways will
not always provide the expected results. Despite major advances in metabolic engi-
neering, still only a few secondary metabolic pathways have been enzymatically
characterized and the corresponding genes cloned. In this context, the biosynthetic
pathways for alkaloids, flavonoids, and terpenoids are presently the best character-
ized ones at the enzyme and gene levels. More successful cases of gene discovery
have also been considered for the lipid biosynthetic pathway, where most genes in
plants encoding enzymes for fatty acid biosynthesis have been cloned. This informa-
tion was applied for eventual manipulation through modification of many fatty acids
in transgenic plants by means of metabolic engineering. As for targeting metabolite
manipulation, DellaPenna advocated the conversion or chemical modification of an
existing compound(s), rather than attempting to increase flux through a metabolic
pathway. Another example, he cites, claims that modifications made in the end-
products or secondary metabolic pathways have been generally more successful
than in cases where manipulation of primary and/or intermediary metabolic path-
ways is attempted (DellaPenna, 2001). Recent achievements have been made in the
altering of various pathways by use of specific genes encoding biosynthetic enzymes
or genes encoding regulatory proteins (Verpoorte and Memelink, 2002; Maliga and
Graham, 2004). Most current metabolic engineering studies have focused on manip-
ulations of enzyme levels and the effect of amplification, addition, or blockage of
a particular pathway. A new area is the manipulation of cofactors, which play a
major role in plant biochemistry and physiology and in the fermentation process
24 A. Kirakosyan et al.
4 HS CoA4 CO2
4 CoA-S-C
OO +
3 Malon y -l Co A
3 HS CoA, 3CO 2
anti-sense gene
3 H O, HS CoA, CO
2 2
CH 3
3 ’ - C - A - G -T -G -A - A - A - C -G -T - T- 5 ’
R=CH hypericin
3 HO R
R=CH OH pseudohypericin R=CH3 emodin
HO CH3 R=CH OH -hydroxyemodin
R=COOH e mod ci acid
New pathway
3. introduced
CH 3 B
A Modification of
B product to C
4. Catabolic
Enzymes B
Plant C
Fig. 2.2 Approaches in metabolic engineering: (1) increase in the total carbon flux at the branch
point; (2) decrease in the flux through competitive pathways or introduction of an antisense gene
of the competing enzyme; (3) regulation of desired metabolite yield either by competitive path-
way determination and targeting of rate-limiting steps or by introduction of a new pathway; and
(4) blocking catabolism either by increasing the transport of metabolites into the vacuole or by
downregulation of catabolic enzymes
and may be generally applicable to plant systems that are based on the conversion
of an endogenous metabolite. There are several examples that have been reported
for well-characterized rate-limiting enzymes of plants and their controversial role in
the regulation of pathway flux (for review, see DellaPenna, 2001).
Analysis of a wide range of secondary metabolites has significant advantages as
compared to a study of final product(s) accumulation. However, this approach may
require fairly comprehensive study, because it is based on complex mathematical
formulations for metabolite network analysis. The data are gathered from extracel-
lular measurements of biomass composition, quantification of secreted metabolites,
substrate utilization, and intracellular measurements of carbon partitioning. Such
flux analysis may have some limitations due to the complexity of mathematical
A very interesting model that organizes the flux analysis by grouping metabolites
of similar biosynthetic origin has been proposed by Morgan and Shanks (2002).
They have quantified temporal profiles of metabolites from several branches of
the indole alkaloid pathway in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Madagascar
pink) hairy root cultures and were able to examine the distribution of flux around
key branch points. As a result, this analysis provides crucial information, such as
an estimate of total flux for all the secondary metabolites produced in a multi-
branched pathway. Another good example is the regulation of metabolic flux to
cellulose, a major sink for carbon in plants, as reported by Delmer and Haigler
(2002). As for many pathways, it is still unclear where carbon flux is rate-limited
in the complex cellulose biosynthetic pathway. Cellulose is an important compo-
nent of the cell walls of higher plants. As a major sink for carbon on the earth,
possible means by which the quality or the quantity of cellulose deposited in
various plant parts might be manipulated by metabolic engineering techniques is
a worthwhile goal (Delmer and Haigler, 2002). Thus, putative mechanisms for
regulation-altered flux through this pathway, as well as multiple genes for cellulose
biosynthesis and their regulation, provide targets for metabolic manipulations. How-
ever, possible variation in flux control under environmental influences must also be
The most important aspects in metabolic engineering are to identify enzymes that
may be involved in intermediate biosynthesis and subsequently to determine if
any of these may occur at regulatory steps, or as now named rate-limiting steps.
Such determinations may play a key role in future manipulation of secondary
metabolite biosynthesis, because rate-limiting steps can be considered as docking
For known metabolic pathways, the single-gene approach is an excellent way
to find out where a rate-limiting step occurs. However, if pathway architecture is
quite complicated, it raises the bar from the linear to a complex network. The anal-
ysis should therefore start with a step-by-step identification of all enzymatic activ-
ities that are specifically involved in the pathway. As we have mentioned, blockage
of one pathway may lead to diversion of the substrate to alternative pathways. In
such a situation, the identification of the rate-limiting step for biosynthesis of a par-
ticular metabolite may be difficult and become a “fishing expedition.” Therefore,
pathway architecture is one of the important factors that will allow one to deter-
mine the most suitable approach for engineering plant cells. It may also be that
the pathway is subject to developmentally controlled flux at entry, as for example,
through the activity of transcription factors. Several other factors, such as regula-
tory mechanisms or compartmentation, can also play a significant role. Thus, reg-
ulatory mechanisms such as feedback regulation may affect secondary metabolite
28 A. Kirakosyan et al.
yield in plants. This is especially relevant with the single-gene approach. In con-
trast, with heterologous gene overexpression, a heterologous enzyme is shown to
be operative and, because of this, may have no feedback inhibition by downstream
products. Such an enzyme may be introduced from another source (Chartrain et al.,
2000). Compartmentation also plays a major role in the regulation of secondary
metabolite pathways because some important pathways occur in compartments
(Verpoorte et al., 1999). for example, the biosynthesis of terpenoid-type indole
alkaloids requires at least three compartments: the plastids for the terpenoid moi-
ety and tryptophan, the cytosol for decarboxylation of tryptophan, and the vacuole
for the coupling of tryptamine with secologanin (Verpoorte et al., 1999). Simi-
lar rules are shown for plant folate biosynthesis pathway, where it is split among
cytosol, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. For example, in pea leaves, folate is dis-
tributed among mitochondria (highest concentration), chloroplasts, and a fraction
consisting of the cytosol, nucleus, and vacuole (Gambonnet et al., 2001). Folates
and their biosynthetic intermediates must therefore move in and out of organelles,
thus requiring unraveling of its transport mechanisms. Since nothing is known about
folate or its precursor carrier, identifying and cloning some transporters have been
considered to be a priority for metabolic engineering of plant folate biosynthesis
(Basset et al., 2005). It may be based either on modification of folate transport
or on compartmentation. The engineering of folate transport, as reported by the
same authors, is also a potential strategy to prevent and stockpile folate within
an “inert” compartment like the vacuole. As the folate biosynthetic enzymes are
not present in the vacuole, it may be possible to accumulate folate without feed-
back inhibition of its synthesis by directing folate import into this organelle (Basset
et al., 2005).
Another example concerns plant polyketides and their biosynthesis. The plant
polyketide synthases, like most enzymes, display broad substrate specificity. Using
alternative substrates is the most straightforward and powerful approach to gener-
ate new polyketides in vitro. Initial efforts here also focus on how active site vari-
ation among enzymes making various molecules leads to product specificity. For
example, modification of the octaketide-producing polyketide synthase from Aloe
arborescens Mill. leads to a variety of octaketide products, which were produced by
certain bacteria polyketide synthases (for review, see Yu and Jez, 2008). Similarly,
three substitutions in chromone synthase, which make a pentaketide, triple the vol-
ume of the active site and result in synthesis of the nonaketide naphthopyrone from
nine malonyl CoA molecules (Yu and Jez, 2008).
Deletion of a key biosynthetic enzyme can severely affect metabolite flux within
a pathway. For example, the flow of precursors into the disrupted pathway often
results in the accumulation of one or more intermediates upstream of the blocked
step. This is because elevated concentrations of the substrate for the missing enzyme
boost nonenzymatic background reactions and favor the appearance of enzyme vari-
ants with low substrate affinity. Such problems can be minimized, or even elim-
inated, through metabolic engineering, where, for example, excess substrate can
be efficiently removed from cellular metabolism by providing a second enzyme to
channel it away from the blocked step (Kleeb et al., 2007).
2 Use of Plant Cell Biotechnology 29
Improving resistance against pests or diseases also leads to improved yields. For
resistance against pathogenic microorganisms, metabolic engineering can program
for the expression of high levels of defense compounds, such as phytoalexins, or for
pest resistance, improve the production of endogenous defense compounds (e.g.,
pathogenesis-related proteins), or introduce genes that produce new toxic com-
pounds (e.g., the “B.T.” gene from Bacillus thuringiensis that produces a toxic crys-
talline protein that interrupts digestion in many types of feeding insect pests) into
plants to control insect predators.
Apse, M.P., Aharon, G.S., Snedden, W.A., Blumwald, E. 1999. Salt tolerance conferred by
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Kasuga, M., Liu, Q., Miura, S., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K., Shinozak, K. 1999. Improving plant
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21: 700–707.
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PNAS 104: 13907–13912.
Kunze, R., Frommer, W.B., Flügge, U.I. 2002. Metabolic engineering of plants: the role of mem-
brane transport. Metabolic Engineering 4(1): 57–66.
2 Use of Plant Cell Biotechnology 33
Maliga, P., Graham, I. 2004. Molecular farming and metabolic engineering promise a new genera-
tion of high-tech crops. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 7: 149–151.
Morgan, J.A., Shanks, J.V. 2002. Quantification of metabolic flux in plant secondary metabolism
by a biogenetic organizational approach. Metabolic Engineering 4: 257–262.
Ohmiya, A., Kishimoto, S., Aida, R., Yoshioka, S., Sumitomo, K. 2006. Carotenoid cleavage
dioxygenase (CmCCD4a) contributes to white color formation in chrysanthemum petals. Plant
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neering of a zeaxanthin-rich potato by antisense inactivation and co-suppression of carotenoid
epoxidation. Metabolic Engineering 4: 263–272.
Rontein, D., Basset, G., Hanson, A.D. 2002. Metabolic engineering of osmoprotectant accumula-
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Chapter 3
Molecular Farming of Antibodies in Plants
3.1 Introduction
R. Fischer (B)
Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME), Forckenbeckstrasse 6,
52074 Aachen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
and even transplant rejection (Gavilondo and Larrick, 2000). As well as having
biomedical applications, antibodies can also be exploited to prevent diseases in
plants (Schillberg et al., 2001), to detect and remove environmental contaminants,
and for various industrial processes such as affinity purification and molecular tar-
geting (Stoger et al., 2005b).
With such a diverse spectrum of uses, the potential market for antibodies is
extremely large and there is considerable interest in high-capacity production tech-
nologies that are robust, economical, and safe. Over the last 15 years, plants have
emerged as convenient, economical, and scalable alternatives to the mainstream
antibody production systems which are based on the large-scale culture of microbes
or animal cells (Chu and Robinson, 2001; Wurm, 2004). In this chapter, we dis-
cuss the advantages and disadvantages of plants for antibody production, the diverse
plant-based systems that are now available, and factors governing the success of
antibody production in plants. We begin, however, with a brief overview of recom-
binant antibody technology.
Fig. 3.1 Structure of a typical mammalian serum antibody, comprising two identical heavy chains
(gray) and two identical light chains (pink). Solid black lines indicate continuation of the polypep-
tide backbone (simple lines indicate the constant parts of the antibody, curly lines indicate the
variable regions, and thick sectionsrepresent the hinge region). Antibody domains are indicated by
colored circles. Disulfide bonds are represented by gray bars
3 Molecular Farming of Antibodies in Plants 37
Fig. 3.2 Structure of a mammalian secretory antibody, comprising a dimer of the typical serum
antibody and including two additional components, the joining chain (blue disc) and the secretory
component (green disc). Heavy chains are shown in gray and light chains in pink. Solid black lines
indicate continuation of the polypeptide backbone (simple lines indicate the constant parts of the
antibody, curly lines indicate the variable regions, and thick sectionsrepresent the hinge region).
Antibody domains are indicated by colored circles. Disulfide bonds are represented by gray bars
38 R. Fischer et al.
Antigen 1
Antigen 2
Fig. 3.3 Structure of recombinant antibody derivatives and atypical antibody formats, most of
which have been expressed in plants. Heavy-chain derivatives are shown in gray and light-chain
derivatives in pink. Solid black lines indicate continuation of the polypeptide backbone (simple
lines indicate the constant parts of the antibody, curly lines indicate the variable regions, and thick
sections represent the hinge region). Antibody domains are indicated by colored circles. Disulfide
bonds are represented by gray bars. The red disc indicates a new functional protein domain in the
scFv fusion protein
sialic acid residue N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA), while rodents produce a mix-
ture of NANA and N-glycosylneuraminic acid (NGNA) (Raju et al., 2000). There
are many disadvantages to mammalian cell cultures, including the high setup and
running costs, the limited opportunities for scale-up, and the potential contamina-
tion of purified recombinant antibodies with human pathogens. Bacterial fermenta-
tion systems are more cost-effective than mammalian cell cultures and are therefore
preferred for the production of Fab fragments and scFvs, since these derivatives
are not glycosylated. Even so, the yields of such products in bacteria are generally
low because the proteins do not fold properly (Baneyx and Mujacic, 2004). The
main reason for sticking to these systems is that they are well characterized and
established and conform to the strict and extensive regulatory systems governing
biopharmaceutical production.
Several alternative production systems have been explored, some of which are
now well established while others are still experimental. In the former category,
yeast and filamentous fungi have the advantages of bacteria (economy and robust-
ness), but they do have the tendency to hyperglycosylate recombinant proteins
40 R. Fischer et al.
(Gerngross, 2004), while insect cells can be cultured in the same way as mam-
malian cells (although more cheaply) and also produce distinct glycan structures
(Ikonomou et al., 2003). A more recent development is the production of antibodies
in the milk of transgenic animals (Dyck et al., 2003). A disadvantage of animals, in
common with cultured mammalian cells, is the existence of safety concerns about
the transmission of pathogens or oncogenic DNA sequences. Finally, hen’s eggs
could also be used as a production system since they are protein-rich and already
synthesize endogenous antibodies, but they remain a relatively unexplored potential
expression system (Harvey et al., 2002). Plants offer a unique combination of advan-
tages for the production of pharmaceutical antibodies (Twyman et al., 2003, 2005;
Ma et al., 2003; Basaran and Rodriguez-Cerezo, 2008). Their main benefit is the
low production costs, reflecting the fact that traditional agricultural practices and
unskilled labor are sufficient for maintaining and harvesting antibody-expressing
crops. Also, large-scale processing infrastructure is already in place for most crops.
Scale-up is rapid and efficient, requiring only the cultivation of more land. There are
minimal risks of contamination with human pathogens.
The general eukaryotic protein synthesis pathway is conserved between
plants and animals. So plants can efficiently fold and assemble full-size serum
immunoglobulins (as first demonstrated by Hiatt et al., 1989) and secretory IgAs
(first shown by Ma et al., 1995). In the latter case, four different subunits need
to assemble in the same plant cell to produce a functional product, even though
two different cell types are required in mammals. The posttranslational modifica-
tions carried out by plants and animals are not identical to those in mammals, but
they are very similar (certainly more so than in fungal and insect systems). There
are minor differences in the structure of complex glycans, such as the presence in
plants of the residues α-1,3-fucose and β-1,2 xylose, which are absent from mam-
mals (Cabanes-Macheteau et al., 1999). These residues are immunogenic in sev-
eral mammals, including humans, but curiously not in mice and only after multiple
exposures in rats (Gomord et al., 2005; Faye et al., 2005). However, as discussed
in more detail below, there are now many studies that show how the glycan profile
of proteins produced in plants can be “humanized.” As well as full-size antibod-
ies, various functional antibody derivatives have also been produced successfully in
plants, including Fab fragments, scFvs, bispecific scFvs, single-domain antibodies,
and antibody fusion proteins (see Twyman et al., 2005).
The most widely used strategy for antibody production in plants is the nuclear trans-
genic system, in which the antibody transgenes are transferred to the plant nuclear
genome. The advantages of this approach when used in our major terrestrial crop
species include the following: (1) transformation is a fairly routine procedure in
many plant species and can be achieved by a range of methods, the two most com-
mon of which are Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and the delivery of DNA-
coated metal particles by microprojectile bombardment; (2) a stable transgenic line
3 Molecular Farming of Antibodies in Plants 41
can be used as a permanent genetic resource; (3) among the various plant systems, it
is the simplest to maintain (once the producer line of transgenics is available) and is
ultimately the most scalable; (4) it is possible to establish master seed banks. Disad-
vantages, compared to other plant systems, include the relatively long development
time required for transformation, regeneration, analysis of transgenics, selection and
bulking up of the producer line, the unpredictable impact of epigenetic events on
transgene expression (e.g., posttranscriptional gene silencing and position effects),
and the potential for transgene spread from some crops through outcrossing. A range
of different crops have been explored for antibody production, and the main cate-
gories are described below.
Leafy crops have two major benefits: they have a large biomass, which translates
to large product yields, and flowering can be prevented (e.g., genetically or by emas-
culation) to avoid the spread of transgenic pollen. On the other hand, leaf tissue is
very watery such that proteins are expressed and accumulate in an aqueous environ-
ment in which they are subject to degradation. This means that antibody-containing
leaves generally have to be processed soon after harvest or otherwise frozen or dried,
which can add significantly to production costs. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
has the longest history as a pharmaceutical production model crop system, having
been used to express the very first plant-derived antibodies and many of the others
since (Table 3.1). The major advantages of tobacco are the well-established technol-
ogy for gene transfer and expression, the high biomass yield (over 100,000 kg/h for
close cropped tobacco, since it can be harvested up to nine times a year), and the
existence of large-scale infrastructure for processing that does not come into con-
tact with the human or animal food chains. Particularly due to the yield potential
and safety features, tobacco could be a major source of plant-derived recombinant
antibodies in the future. Another leafy crop that has been evaluated for antibody
expression is alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). This has been developed as a production
crop by the Canadian biotechnology company Medicago Inc., and they have secured
a robust IP portfolio covering the use of expression cassettes for biopharmaceutical
proteins in this species. Although not as prolific as tobacco, alfalfa nevertheless pro-
duces large amounts of leaf biomass and has a high leaf protein content. Alfalfa also
lacks the toxic metabolites produced in many tobacco cultivars, which are often
cited as a disadvantage, but instead it contains high levels of oxalic acid, which
can affect protein stability. Alfalfa is particularly useful because it is a perennial
plant that is easily propagated by stem cutting to yield clonal populations. Although
alfalfa has been put on the biosafety “hit list” by the regulators because it outcrosses
with wild relatives, this does not detract from the excellent properties of this species
for antibody production under containment, as in greenhouses or programmed plant
growth chambers. Alfalfa has been used for the production of a diagnostic IgG that
recognizes epitopes specific to the constant regions of human IgG (Khoudi et al.,
1999) and for several other antibodies in development by Medicago Inc.
The problem of protein instability in leafy tissue (see above) can be overcome
by expressing antibodies in the dry seeds of cereals and grain legumes. Several dif-
ferent species have been investigated for antibody production including four major
cereals (maize, rice, wheat, and barley) and two legumes (soybean and pea). The
Table 3.1 Recombinant therapeutic or diagnostic recombinant antibodies produced by molecular farming in plants and reported in the scientific litera-
ture (many antibodies in commercial development remain undisclosed until IP rights have been secured). Antibodies with alternative applications, such as
phytomodulation or the prevention of plant disease, are not listed
Antigen format Production system Comments References
HIV gp120 (2F5) IgG Tobacco, maize, tobacco Maximum yield ∼75 μg/g seeds Floss et al. (2008), Sack
suspension cells et al. (2007)
HIV gp120 (2G12) IgG Tobacco, maize Maximum yield ∼100 μg/g seeds Rademacher et al. (2008),
Ramessar et al. (2008c)
B-cell lymphoma, murine scFv Virus vectors in tobacco Maximum yield 30.2 μg/g leaves McCormick et al. (1999)
38C13 leaves
Carcinoembryonic antigen scFv, IgG1 Tobacco agroinfiltration Directed to apoplast or ER. Maximum yields 5 μg scFv/g Vaquero et al. (1999)
dAb Tobacco, agroinfiltration leaves, 1 μg IgG/g leaves Vaquero et al. (2002)
and transgenic plants
scFv Rice, rice cell cultures Directed to apoplast or ER. Maximum yields 3.8 μg/g Torres et al. (1999), Stoger
callus, 29 μg/g leaves, 32 μg/g seed et al. (2000)
scFv Wheat Directed to apoplast or ER. Maximum yields 900 ng/g Stoger et al. (2000)
leaves, 1.5 μg/g seed
scFv Pea Directed to rER. Maximum yield 9 μg/g seed Perrin et al. (2000)
CD-40 scFv fusion Tobacco suspension Secreted into apoplast. Yield not reported Francisco et al. (1997)
Colon cancer antigen IgG Virus vectors in tobacco Yield not reported Verch et al. (1998)
Epidermal growth factor IgG Tobacco Aglycosylated antibody was directed to the ER and binds Rodriguez et al. (2005)
receptor (EGFR) to EGFR expressed on the surface of human tumor cells
Human creatine kinase IgG1, Fab Tobacco and Accumulated in nucleolus or apoplast. Maximum yield De Neve et al. (1993), De
Arabidopsis leaves 1.3% TSP Wilde et al. (1998)
R. Fischer et al.
Antigen format Production system Comments References
scFv Tobacco leaves Directed to cytosol or apoplast. Maximum yield 0.01% Bruyns et al. (1996)
Rhesus D antigen IgG1 Arabidopsis leaves Reacted with RhD+ cells in antiglobulin technique and Bouquin et al. (2002)
elicited a respiratory burst in human peripheral blood
mononuclear cells
Ferritin scFv Tobacco leaves Semenyuk et al. (2002)
Hepatitis B virus surface IgG Tobacco leaves Up to 25 mg antibody per kilogram biomass Valdes et al. (2003ª,b)
antigen IgG Tobacco suspension Complement-dependent cytotoxicity demonstrated Yano et al. (2004)
scFv Tobacco Four different targeting constructs used, ER targeting Ramírez et al. (2002)
Molecular Farming of Antibodies in Plants
Antigen format Production system Comments References
Streptococcal surface sIgA Tobacco leaves Secreted into apoplast. Maximum yield 500 μg/g fresh Ma et al. (1995)
antigen (I/II) weight
IgG1 Tobacco leaves Directed to plasma membrane. Maximum yield 1.1% TSP Vine et al. (2001)
in leaves
IgG1 Secretion from tobacco Up to 11.7 μg per gram dry root weight per day Drake et al. (2003)
Substance P VH Tobacco leaves Secreted into apoplast. Maximum yield 1% TSP Benvenuto et al. (1991)
Tetanus toxin C IgG2a fused Tobacco Animals immunized with recombinant immune complex Chargelegue et al. (2005)
to tetanus without adjuvant were fully protected against lethal
toxin C challenge
Tumor-associated IgG Tobacco Secreted into the apoplast. Binding activity to colon cancer Ko et al. (2005)
antigen EpCAM cells and tumor inhibition activity in nude mice
R. Fischer et al.
3 Molecular Farming of Antibodies in Plants 45
idea is that such crops would be beneficial for production in developing countries,
where on-site processing would not be possible and a cold chain could not be main-
tained. The accumulation of recombinant antibodies in seeds allows for long-term
storage at ambient temperatures because the proteins accumulate in a stable form
(Ramessar et al., 2008a). Seeds have the appropriate molecular environment to pro-
mote protein accumulation, and they achieve this through the creation of specialized
storage compartments such as protein bodies and storage vacuoles that are derived
from the secretory pathway. Seeds are also desiccated, which reduces the level of
both nonenzymatic hydrolysis and protease degradation. It has been demonstrated
that antibodies expressed in seeds remain stable for at least 3 years at ambient tem-
peratures with no detectable loss of activity (Stoger et al., 2005a).
As well as their advantages in terms of product stability, seed expression might
also be beneficial in terms of downstream processing. This is because seeds have
a relatively simple proteome (therefore minimizing the likelihood that endogenous
proteins would be copurified) and lack the phenolic compounds abundant in leaves
that can interfere with affinity purification. The restriction of recombinant protein
accumulation in seeds also helps to avoid any potentially negative effects on the
growth and development of vegetative plant organs and on humans, animals, and
microorganisms that interact with the plant or feed on its leaves.
Disadvantages of seed crops include the lower overall yields that have been
obtained. The intrinsic yields are in a few cases higher than tobacco (e.g., on a
kilogram-per-kilogram basis of harvested material, rice grains can accumulate more
antibody than tobacco leaves; Stoger et al., 2002), but the vast abundance of har-
vested biomass per hectare from a tobacco crop far outweighs this. Also, seeds
are regarded as viable genetically modified organisms in their own right. So while
the transport of harvested transgenic tobacco leaves should not cause any problems,
the transport of seeds could fall afoul of national and international regulations on the
transport of GMOs (Sparrow et al., 2007; Spök et al., 2008); the seeds would have
to be crushed to flour beforehand and this might offset the advantage of increased
product longevity.
Maize (Zea mays L.) seeds have been investigated as an antibody production
vehicle by Prodigene Inc. following successful demonstrations of the economi-
cal production of other valuable proteins using this system, including avidin and
β-glucuronidase. Initial findings for the expression of a secretory IgA in maize
showed that the four chains were expressed, directed to the cell wall matrix, and
assembled correctly. The product accumulated to 0.3% of total soluble protein
in the T1 seeds, and based on previous results, significant improvements were
anticipated through selective breeding (Hood et al., 2002). An antibody deriva-
tive used for HIV diagnostics has been expressed in barley and has achieved a
yield of 150 μg/g. More recently, the HIV-neutralizing antibody, 2G12, was pro-
duced in maize seeds with a yield >100 μg/g for use as a potential microbicide
(Ramessar et al., 2008c).
Finally, antibodies have also been produced in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.),
although in this particular case, it was expressed constitutively and isolated from the
leaves rather than from the seeds (Zeitlin et al., 1998). Soybean has been investigated
46 R. Fischer et al.
(Magee et al., 2004). However, antibodies have been expressed successfully in algal
chloroplasts (see below).
Transient expression assays are generally used to evaluate the activity of expres-
sion constructs or to test the functionality of a recombinant protein before com-
mitting to the long-term goal of generating transgenic plants. However, transient
expression can also be used as a routine production method if enough protein can be
produced to make the system economically viable. The advantages of this approach
include the minimal setup costs and the rapid onset of protein expression, but
scaling-up is expensive and impractical. So this type of system is particularly useful
for the production of high-value proteins such as therapeutic antibodies, which have
specialized markets and are required in small amounts.
An example of a transient expression system is the agroinfiltration method, where
recombinant Agrobacterium tumefaciens is infiltrated into tobacco leaf tissue under
vacuum and milligram amounts of protein can be produced within a few weeks
(Kapila et al., 1997). This system has also been developed in alfalfa by Med-
icago researchers (D’Aoust et al., 2004) and is applicable in many other leafy
species. Although stable transformation occurs at very low efficiency, many cells
are initially transiently transformed, only for the exogenous DNA to get diluted
and degraded. However, before this happens, most cells contain the T-DNA and can
express any transgenes carried therein. As extrachromosomal constructs, these unin-
tegrated T-DNAs are free from position effects and epigenetic silencing phenomena
that often reduce or abolish the expression of integrated nuclear transgenes.
A number of different antibodies and their derivatives have been produced by
agroinfiltration, including the full-size IgG T84.66 along with its scFv and diabody
derivatives (Vaquero et al., 1999, 2002) and a chimeric full-size IgG known as PIPP
along with its scFv and diabody derivatives, which recognizes human chorionic
gonadotropin (Kathuria et al., 2002).
Plant viruses are advantageous for the production of antibodies because viral
genomes are easier to manipulate than plant genomes, and the infection of plants
with recombinant viruses is a very simple process compared to the regeneration of
transgenic plants (Yusibov et al., 2006; Yusibov and Rabindran, 2008). Potentially,
plants carrying recombinant viruses can be grown on the same scale as transgenic
plants, but with a much shorter development time. Viral infections are generally
systemic, so infected plants carry the virus in all cells and can produce the antibody
systemically, resulting in potentially very high yields. A further advantage of viruses
is that mixed infections are possible, making it a simple process to express, for
example, the multiple chains of a full-size immunoglobulin. Although the transgene
is carried on a viral genome rather than on the plant genome, the expressed protein
is processed in the same manner as it would be in transgenic plants, meaning that
appropriate folding, targeting, and modification of antibodies are possible. The viral
system is therefore uniquely simple, flexible, and efficient, and it has the potential
for protein manufacture in both contained and open facilities (Canizares et al., 2005;
Yusibov et al., 2006).
There are two types of expression systems based on plant viruses, one for full
polypeptides and one for peptide epitopes displayed on the virion surface. Both have
48 R. Fischer et al.
been used to express antibodies. In the polypeptide expression system, the antibody
is encoded by a discrete transgene and accumulates as a soluble protein within the
plant cell. In the epitope display system, a small antibody derivative such as an scFv
is expressed as a fusion with the viral coat protein in such a way that the antibody is
displayed on the surface of the virus particle.
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) has a monopartite RNA genome of 6.5 kb encoding
four proteins all of which are essential for systemic infection. The normal strategy
for polypeptide expression is to place the transgene under the control of an addi-
tional coat protein promoter, although not a perfect copy of the endogenous coat pro-
tein promoter, as this is an unstable configuration that leads to transgene elimination
(Donson et al., 1991). Many antibodies have now been expressed in TMV-infected
plants. McCormick et al. (1999) produced an scFv fragment based on the idiotype of
malignant B cells of the murine 38C13 B-lymphoma cell line. When administered
to mice, the scFv stimulated the production of anti-idiotype antibodies capable of
recognizing 38C13 cells, providing immunity against lethal challenge with the lym-
phoma. This has been developed into a personalized therapy for diseases such as
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, where antibodies capable of recognizing unique mark-
ers on the surface of any malignant B cells could be produced for each patient. Up
to 15 such antibodies were tested in phase I and phase II clinical trials by the US
biotechnology company Large Scale Biology Inc., before they went into liquidation.
Additionally, Verch et al. (1998) produced a full-length IgG in transgenic tobacco
plants by infecting them with two TMV vectors, one expressing the heavy chain and
one the light chain. This study showed that viral coexpression was compatible with
the correct assembly and processing of multimeric recombinant proteins.
Potato virus X (PVX), the type member of the Potexvirus family, has a 6.5-kb
monopartite RNA genome rather like that of TMV. Also, like TMV, PVX vectors
contain extra subgenomic promoters to drive transgene expression, but in this case,
the lack of a closely related alternative means that transgene elimination by homolo-
gous recombination is unavoidable. PVX vectors have been used for the expression
of several different antibodies, but none of medical relevance. Single-chain Fv anti-
bodies have been expressed, specific for proteins from potato virus V (Hendy et al.,
1999), tomato spotted wilt virus (Franconi et al., 1999) and against granule-bound
starch synthase I (Ziegler et al., 2000).
In addition to the use of complete viruses carrying additional foreign genes,
another strategy uses deconstructed viruses that cannot spread systemically in the
plant. The magnifection strategy, developed by Icon Genetics (now part of Bayer
CropSciences), renders the systemic spread of the virus unnecessary through the use
of A. tumefaciens as a delivery vehicle (Marillonnet et al., 2005; Gleba et al., 2005).
The bacterium delivers the viral genome to so many cells that local spreading is suf-
ficient for the entire plant to be infected. Like the infection stage, systemic spread
is a limiting function, often one of the primary determinants of host range. Taking
the systemic spreading function away from the virus and relying instead on the bac-
terium to deliver the viral genome to a large number of cells allow the same viral
vector to be used in a wide range of plants. The system has been used to express anti-
gens and antibodies at high levels in tobacco and other plants (Gleba et al., 2004).
3 Molecular Farming of Antibodies in Plants 49
The above systems all involve the use of whole plants as the expression plat-
form. Even if antibody production is limited to specific tissues, such as seeds
or leaves, these are harvested from the whole plant at the beginning of down-
stream processing. An alternative is to culture the specific organs or cells that pro-
duce the antibody and either isolate the antibody from these cells or tissues or
collect it from the culture medium. A number of different culture systems have
been developed, although most research has focused on cell suspension cultures.
In most cases where nuclear transgenic plants have been used for the production
of recombinant antibodies, the product has been extracted from plant tissues. An
alternative is to attach a signal peptide to the recombinant protein, thus direct-
ing it to the secretory pathway. In this way, the protein can be recovered from
the root exudates or leaf guttation fluid, processes known, respectively, as rhi-
zosecretion and phyllosecretion (Borisjuk et al., 1999; Komarnytsky et al., 2000).
Although not widely used, the secretion of recombinant antibodies into hydroponic
culture medium is advantageous because no cropping or harvesting is necessary.
The technology is being developed by the US biotechnology company Phytomedics
Inc. A monoclonal antibody was shown to be secreted into hydroponic culture
medium resulting in a yield of 11.7 μg antibody per gram of dry root mass per day
(Drake et al., 2003).
Other systems are based on the culture of plant organs. Hairy roots are neoplastic
structures that arise following transformation of a suitable plant host with Agrobac-
terium rhizogenes. If the plant is already transgenic, or if the transforming A. rhi-
zogenes strain is transgenic, and transfers the foreign gene to the host plant during
the process of transformation, then hairy root cultures can be initiated, which will
produce recombinant antibodies and secrete them into the growth medium (Sharp
and Doran, 2001b). Hairy roots grow rapidly and can be propagated indefinitely
in liquid medium. Thus far, hairy root cultures have been used to produce a rela-
tively small number of antibodies (Sharp and Doran, 2001a), mainly because of the
relative ease with which multisubunit proteins can be produced. The cultures can
be initiated from transgenic plants already carrying multiple transgenes, wild-type
plants can be infected with multiple A. rhizogenes strains, or established hairy root
cultures can be supertransformed with A. tumefaciens. A clonal root system based
on a similar principle has been developed as a commercial platform by the Fraun-
hofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology in Newark, Delaware. In this case, the
root system is combined with the use of viral-derived vectors for high-yield anti-
body expression in sealed vessels. A tissue culture system has been developed from
shooty teratomas, which are differentiated cell cultures produced by transformation
with certain strains of A. tumefaciens (Subroto et al., 1996). Thus far, there has been
only one report of pharmaceutical protein production in teratoma cultures, and the
levels of antibody were very low (Sharp and Doran, 2001a,b).
As stated above, most of the work in this area has focused on suspension cell cul-
tures, which are individual plant cells and small aggregates thereof growing in liquid
medium in a fermenter (Hellwig et al., 2004; Doran, 2006). Suspension cell cultures
are usually derived from callus tissue by the disaggregation of friable callus pieces in
shake bottles and are later scaled up for fermenter-based production. Recombinant
50 R. Fischer et al.
After promoter choice, the next most important aspect of construct design is the
inclusion of sequences that control subcellular targeting of the protein. This is a
general method to increase the yield of recombinant proteins because the compart-
ment in which a recombinant protein accumulates influences its folding, assembly,
and posttranslational modification (Ma et al., 2003; Schillberg et al., 2003). Com-
parative targeting experiments with full-size immunoglobulins and single-chain Fv
fragments have shown that the secretory pathway is a more suitable compartment
for folding and assembly than the cytosol and is therefore advantageous for high-
level protein accumulation (Zimmermann et al., 1998; Schillberg et al., 1999). The
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) provides an oxidizing environment and an abundance
of molecular chaperones, while there are few proteases. Proteins are directed to
the secretory pathway using either a heterologous or an endogenous signal peptide,
located at the N-terminus of the native protein. Such proteins are cotranslationally
imported into the ER and are eventually secreted into the apoplast, a supracellu-
lar network of interlinked compartments underlying the cell wall. Depending on its
size, a protein can be retained in the cell wall matrix or can leach from the cell.
Although the majority of recombinant proteins are generally more stable in the
apoplast than the cytosol, they are even more stable in the ER lumen. Therefore,
antibody expression levels can be increased even further if the protein is confined
to the ER using an H/KDEL C-terminal tetrapeptide tag in addition to the signal
peptide (Conrad and Fiedler, 1998). Accumulation levels are generally two- to ten-
fold greater compared with an identical protein lacking the KDEL signal (Schillberg
et al., 2002). As an added benefit, antibodies retrieved in this manner are not mod-
ified in the Golgi apparatus, which means they possess high-mannose glycans but
not plant-specific xylose and fucose residues (Sriraman et al., 2003). Interestingly,
recent experiments with antibodies expressed as fusion proteins with elastin-like
peptides (ELPs) showed that the ELPs also had an impact on trafficking, albeit only
in seeds. Two HIV-neutralizing antibodies expressed in tobacco seeds, namely 2F5
(Floss et al., 2008) and 2G12 (Floss et al., unpublished), were secreted into the
apoplast when expressed as naked molecules bearing a KDEL tag, but initiated the
formation of novel protein bodies that budded directly from the ER when expressed
as ELP fusions. Aberrant antibody localization has also been reported in Arabidop-
sis seeds (Van Droogenbroeck et al., 2007).
Although the protein synthesis and folding pathways are highly conserved
between plants and animals, there are some differences in the capacity for posttrans-
lational modification. Plants do not, for example, hydroxylate proline residues in
recombinant collagen. There are also various differences in glycan structure: plant-
derived recombinant human glycoproteins tend to contain the carbohydrate groups
β(1→2) xylose and α(1→3) fucose, which are absent in mammals, but generally
lack the terminal galactose and sialic acid residues that are found on many native
human glycoproteins (Fig. 3.4). Since glycan structures can impact on the solu-
bility, stability, immunogenicity, and biological activity of recombinant proteins,
the “humanization” of glycan structures produced in plants has been an important
topic of research and debate in the scientific community. There has been consid-
erable interest in modifying the plant glycosylation pathway to humanize the gly-
can profile of recombinant proteins. Several changes in the pathway are required
54 R. Fischer et al.
β(1−3) N-Acetylglucosamine
β(1−4) β(1−4)
α(1−3) Fucose
β(1−3) β(1−2) α(1−3)
B) β(1−2)
β(1−4) β(1−4)
β(1−2) α(1−3)
Fig. 3.4 Two glycan structures produced in plants. (A) Galactose-extended complex glycan.
(B) Long-chain complex glycan. The xylose and α(1,3) fucose residues are not found in mam-
to produce proteins with typical human glycan structures (Warner, 2000; Gomord
et al., 2005; Faye et al., 2005). Strategies used include the in vitro modification of
plant-derived recombinant proteins by purified human β(1,4)-galactosyltransferase
and sialyltansferase enzymes (Blixt et al., 2002) and the expression of human β(1,4)-
galactosyltransferase in transgenic plants to produce recombinant antibodies with
galactose-extended glycans (Bakker et al., 2001). In the latter case, 30% of the anti-
body was galactosylated, similar to the proportion found in hybridoma cells. In vivo
sialylation will be more difficult to achieve because plants lack the precursors and
metabolic capability to produce this carbohydrate group. A more recent report doc-
umenting sialylation in A. thaliana suspension cells has been challenged, although
the subject remains a matter of controversy (Shah et al., 2003, 2004; Seveno et al.,
2004). To remove the nonmammalian β(1→2) xylose and α(1→3) fucose residues,
some researchers have explored the possibility of inhibiting the enzymes responsi-
ble for synthesizing these groups, while in one case, this goal has been achieved in
whole A. thaliana plants by gene knockout techniques (Strasser et al., 2004). As dis-
cussed above, the moss P. patens can also be modified by gene targeting to eliminate
these enzymes (Decker and Reski, 2004). Another approach is to prevent the gly-
coproteins passing through the Golgi so that only high-mannose glycans are added.
This can be achieved simply by adding a KDEL C-terminal tag to the antibody, as
demonstrated by Sriraman et al. (2004) and Triguero et al. (2005). This issue has
been reviewed by Gomord et al. (2004).
3 Molecular Farming of Antibodies in Plants 55
3.4 Conclusions
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Chapter 4
Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins to Engineer New
4.1 Introduction
Development of crops with higher productivity, nutritional value, or potential for
biofarming is a major goal of plant biotechnology. Direct transfer of plant genes
has resulted in new varieties with improved properties. However, this approach is
limited by the genetic stock of extant plant species. Therefore, the use of bacterial
genes to engineer crop and model plants has become commonplace, with expres-
sion of the Bt toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (milky spore bacterium) being the
most conspicuous case of worldwide application to agriculture (for a recent review,
see Jube and Borthakur, 2007). There are also limitations to the use of heterolo-
gous genes in transgenic plants, with important implications for the effectiveness of
the desired manipulation. Several factors play a role in the success of this strategy,
including the expression level of the transgene in the alien environment, successful
interaction with suitable endogenous partners, availability of substrate if the trans-
gene product is an enzyme, compartmentalization, and codon usage. In this sense,
cyanobacteria offer special opportunities for crop improvement due to both impor-
tant similarities with and differences from the plant genetic system. With respect to
the former aspect, it is worth noting that many plant metabolic, regulatory, and dissi-
pative pathways, especially those concerning chloroplast physiology, were evolved
from cyanobacterial ancestors “enslaved” after the successful endosymbiosis that
gave origin to photosynthetic eukaryotes. Many of these routes have not diverged
much, thus allowing productive interactions of the transgenic products with the cor-
responding endogenous systems. At the same time, an unknown number of regu-
latory networks that complicate handling of transgene expression are newcomers
in plant development and are not present in cyanobacteria, permitting a more cus-
tomized manipulation of the engineered traits. The sequence divergence between
plant proteins and their cyanobacterial counterparts also prevents in most cases the
undesired consequences of gene silencing and cosuppression. Finally, a few genes
of cyanobacterial origin have disappeared from the plant genome or have been pro-
foundly modified. Their introduction into plants opens unpredictable possibilities to
regain some of the adaptive advantages that allowed cyanobacteria to flourish and
spread at the beginning of aerobic times on Earth.
The upcoming challenge for the scientists is to use specific genes from various
sources to achieve a broad tolerance of plants to rapidly changing environmental
conditions. In general, the final goal is to develop plants with higher yields or tol-
erant to unfavorable stress situations. It is also an important aim to generate plants
with high-quality food properties or capable of producing renewable products (bio-
farming) (Fig. 4.1). Despite the many potential advantages of cyanobacterial genes,
their use has still been relatively limited. We review herein the various existing
4 Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins 67
Fig. 4.1 Summary of current advances in plant biotechnology using cyanobacterial genes. Gene
mining on cyanobacteria offers a promising opportunity as a tool for biotechnological approaches
examples, highlighting the cases in which their employment was particularly suc-
cessful (Table 4.1).
Table 4.1 A summary of recent publications related to the use of cyanobacterial proteins in plants to improve growth properties
FBP/SBPase Synechococcus Nicotiana tabacum, Carbon assimilation Avoidance of endogenous Miyagawa et al.
PCC 7942 Chloroplast-targeted (Section 4.2.1) regulation Bifunctional (2001)
(Calvin cycle) enzyme Increased
photosynthetic capacity
ictB Arabidopsis thaliana Carbon assimilation Increased photosynthetic Lieman-Hurwitz
PCC 7942
Nicotiana tabacum (Section 4.2.1) capacity and growth et al. (2003)
(Calvin cycle)
SPS Synechocystis Nicotiana tabacum, Sucrose metabolism Avoidance of endogenous Curatti et al. (1998)
PCC6803 Solanum lycopersicum, (Section 4.2.2) regulation Increased sucrose
Oryza sativa (Sucrose synthesis) synthesis
PEPC Corynebacterium Vicia narbonensis Sugar utilization Avoidance of endogenous Rolletschek et al.
glutamicum Arabidopsis thaliana (Section 4.2.3) regulation Increased protein (2004)
Synechococcus (aminoacid content Chen et al. (2002)
vulcanus biosynthesis)
9 -desaturase Anacystis nidulans Nicotiana tabacum Lipid desaturation Novel desaturase. Cold Ishizaki-Nishizawa
Chloroplast-Targeted (Section 4.3) tolerance et al. (1996)
Acyl-lipid Synechococcus Nicotiana tabacum Lipid desaturation Cold tolerance Orlova et al. (2003)
9 -desaturase vulcanus (Section 4.3)
6 -desaturase Synechocystis Nicotiana tabacum Lipid desaturation Polyunsaturated fatty acid Reddy and Thomas
(Section 4.3) synthesis (1996)
(γ-linolenic acid
M.D. Zurbriggen et al.
Table 4.1 (continued)
CAO Prochlorothrix Arabidopsis thaliana Pigment manipulation Avoidance of endogenous Hirashima et al.
hollandica (Section 4.4) regulation (2006)
Change in pigment
β-Carotene Synechocystis Solanum tuberosum, Pigment manipulation Novel compounds Gerjets and
ketolase Nicotiana glauca (Section 4.4) (astaxanthin) Sandmann (2006)
(ketocarotenoid Zhu et al. (2007)
Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins
Fd-PCB Synechocystis Arabidopsis thaliana Phytochrome perception Shift in phytochrome Kami et al. (2004)
reductase PCC6803 (Section 4.6) reaction spectra
(synthesis of PCB)
Fld Anabaena PCC7119 Nicotiana tabacum Electron transport Multiple stress tolerance Tognetti et al.
(Section 4.7) (2006, 2007)
Zurbriggen et al.
Cyt c 6 Porphyra yezoensis Arabidopsis thaliana Electron transport Improved metabolism Chida et al. (2007)
(Section 4.8)
DnaE intein Synechocystis Arabidopsis thaliana Protein splicing Novel biotechnological Yang et al. (2003)
PCC6803 (cytosol and (Section 4.8) tool Chin et al. (2003)
70 M.D. Zurbriggen et al.
Fig. 4.2 Schematic presentation of the interaction between source and sink tissue
in plants. Some crucial regulatory steps are indicated in red. Abbreviations: 1,3diPGA,
1,3-diphosphoglycerate; Fru, fructose; Glc, glucose; G1P, glucose 1-phosphate; GAP, glyceralde-
hyde 3-phosphate; Ru5P, ribulose 5-phosphate; S7P, sedoheptulose 7-phosphate. Other abbrevia-
tions are given in the text
72 M.D. Zurbriggen et al.
either the unique enzyme FBP/SBPase or the single gene SBPase not only allows
one to predict rate-limiting steps within the CO2 fixation pathway but also leads to
improvement of metabolic activity and thus to an increase in photosynthetic capac-
ity and biomass production of plants.
In a further attempt to improve photosynthetic performance, Lieman-Hurwitz
et al. (2003) expressed the ictB gene in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants. ictB is
supposed to be involved in HCO3 − accumulation within the cyanobacterium Syne-
chococcus sp. PCC 7942. Characterization of a mutant of this strain with high CO2
requirements revealed that the ictB gene is highly conserved among cyanobacteria
and is probably involved in inorganic carbon accumulation (Lieman-Hurwitz et al.,
2003). Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco plants expressing the ictB gene
showed enhanced photosynthesis and growth at limiting CO2 levels. The increased
photosynthetic rate is thought to be due to a higher Rubisco activity. Similar results
were also reported for the transgenic plants expressing the Synechococcus fructose-
1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (FBP/SBPase) in order to increase the level
of Ribulose-1,5bisP and thereby the photosynthetic rate (Miyagawa et al., 2001).
Taking this possibility into account, ictB was shown to be a potential useful tool
to enhance the yield of C3 plants, specially under specific conditions such as low
humidity in which stomatal closure may lead to CO2 limitation and thus to a retar-
dation of growth (Lieman-Hurwitz et al., 2003).
sucrose synthesis, but it is not the only step of regulation between sucrose and
starch partitioning. All these observations led to the assumption that an increase
of SPS might result in an enhanced rate of sucrose biosynthesis and thus to a higher
final yield of plant productivity. Overexpression of maize SPS in transgenic tomato
(Solanum lycopersicum) resulted in a three- to sevenfold increase in SPS activity
(Galtier et al., 1993), while overexpression of spinach SPS led to a two- to three-
fold increase in SPS activity in transgenic tobacco and potato plants, respectively
(Krause, 1994). A detailed investigation of the transgenic plants revealed that only a
small stimulation of sucrose synthesis occurred in transgenic tobacco plants. Deter-
mination of the activation state showed that most of the excess SPS was deacti-
vated, presumably due to posttranslational modifications. On the other hand, Curatti
et al. (1998) identified and characterized a gene encoding SPS from Synechocys-
tis PCC6803, whose product was insensitive to G6P and only weakly inhibited
by phosphate. In addition, Synechocystis SPS lacks all the known phosphoryla-
tion sites found in plant SPS (Lunn et al., 1999). Expression of this nonregulated
SPS in tobacco, tomato, and rice (Oryza sativa) under the control of the constitutive
cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (CaMV 35S) promoter for tobacco and tomato, and the
constitutive maize Ubi1 promoter for rice, resulted in a two- to eightfold increase
in transcript levels (Lunn et al., 1999). In spite of these high expression levels, no
evidence could be found that the enzyme was active in leaf extracts (Lunn et al.,
2003). Interestingly, purified Synechocystis SPS from transgenic tobacco and rice
plants showed full catalytic activity. Based on these results, the authors proposed
that Synechocystis SPS expressed in plants is inherently active, but it is inhibited in
vivo by interacting with an endogenous plant protein. The nature of this protein, as
well as the mechanism of its interaction with SPS, has not yet been elucidated.
was enhanced and an increase (ca. 20%) in protein content of dry seeds could be
achieved (Rolletschek et al., 2004).
In a similar study using svPEPC, Chen et al. (2004) generated three different
types of transgenic Arabidopsis plants: type-I was retarded in growth and leaf devel-
opment; type-II displayed reduced leaf growth; and type-III was apparently normal.
Biochemical analysis of the different plant types revealed that a switch in amino
acid metabolism and growth recovery was observed by the addition of aromatic
amino acids to the growth medium. Based on their results, the authors proposed
that svPEPC is able to efficiently exert its activity in the plant cell environment
(Chen et al., 2004).
Interestingly, cyanobacterial genes not only can be used to accelerate a specific
metabolic route but could also be used to answer relevant biological questions. In
this regard, Ryu et al. (2008) demonstrated that a cyanobacterial glucokinase, which
has both a catalytic and a sugar-sensing activity in Escherichia coli, yeast, and
mammals, can complement the glucose-sensing function of Arabidopsis hexoki-
nase1 (HXK1). The gene encoding cyanobacterial glucokinase was overexpressed in
the background of an Arabidopsis glucose-insensitive2 (gin2) mutant. This mutant
lacks the normal specific physiological function of hexokinase (HXK1) in the
plant glucose-signaling network. Noteworthy, the transgenic plants showed glucose-
sensitive phenotypes with glucose-induced decreases of chlorophyll and transcript
levels of the Rubisco small subunit (Ryu et al., 2008).
Many plant species, including several important crops such as rice, maize (Zea
mays), and soybean (Glycine max), are injured or killed by exposure to low non-
freezing temperatures in the range of 0–15◦ C. Low-temperature photoinhibition is
one of the major factors that limits plant productivity. It has been shown that low
temperatures cause a decrease in the fluidity of biological membranes. The capabil-
ity of cells to acclimate to cold is largely determined by their ability to synthesize the
unsaturated fatty acids that fluidize the lipid bilayer and prevent lipids from undergo-
ing cold-induced phase separation (Orlova et al., 2003). Polar lipids containing only
saturated fatty acids display phase separations in the range of 30◦ C, but the pres-
ence of a single centrally positioned cis-double bond in the fatty acid decreases the
transition temperature to about 0◦ C, providing the membrane lipids with enhanced
molecular motions at low temperatures. Plant chloroplasts have a soluble desat-
urase that introduces double bonds at the 9 position of saturated fatty acids linked
to the acyl carrier protein (ACP) (Fukuchi-Mizutani et al., 1998; Orlova et al.,
2003). It is believed that desaturation occurs largely in the chloroplast stroma by
the acyl-ACP desaturase, limiting the cell’s ability to respond to temperature shifts
through desaturation of fatty acids already incorporated into membranes (Ishizaki-
Nishizawa et al., 1996). Transformation of tobacco plants with a 9 -desaturase gene
from Anacystis nidulans under the control of the CaMV 35S constitutive promoter
4 Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins 75
(80 μmol photons m−2 s−1 ) but underwent severe damage at the level of photosys-
tem II at higher irradiations ranging from 300 to 1,000 μmol photons m−2 s−1
(Hirashima et al., 2006).
Carotenoids constitute a vast group of lipophilic pigments synthesized by
microorganisms and plants, in which they participate in light capture and photo-
protection. Typical carotenoids contain 8 isoprenoid units (40 carbon atoms) and
an extended conjugated polyene system, which may carry hydroxyl, epoxy, or keto
groups. The ketocarotenoids, one type of carotenoids, are especially light stable
and display high antioxidant capacities (Guerin et al., 2003; Higuera-Ciapara et al.,
2006). They impart a distinct reddish color to tissues that accumulate them, such as
the flesh of salmon and crustaceans, and their antioxidant effects are of particular
interest in the food, nutraceutical, and aquaculture industries. Recent research has
demonstrated their anticancer and antibacterial properties, as well as potential bene-
fits in boosting the immune system and preventing cardiovascular disease, cataracts,
and tissue damage from ultraviolet radiation (Guerin et al., 2003; Higuera-Ciapara
et al., 2006).
Astaxanthin is one of the most important commercial ketocarotenoids derived
from β-carotene by 3-hydroxylation and 4-ketolation at both ionone end-groups
(Sandmann, 2001). Most of its demand is met by chemical synthesis; yet, natu-
ral sources are becoming more important (Guerin et al., 2003). The hydroxyla-
tion reaction is widespread in many organisms, but ketolation is restricted to a
few bacteria (including cyanobacteria), fungi, and unicellular green algae. Plants
are devoid of ketocarotenoids, but a cyanobacterial ketolase gene has been intro-
duced in both potato tubers (Gerjets and Sandmann, 2006) and tobacco (Nicotiana
glauca) flowers and leaves (Zhu et al., 2007). In the first case, plants were trans-
formed with a Synechocystis β-carotene ketolase gene, crtO, and ketocarotenoids
represented 10–12% of total carotenoids in leaves and tubers of the transformants
(Gerjets and Sandmann, 2006). In the second case, the same gene was introduced
in N. glauca, a species containing highly carotenogenic flowers, potentially repre-
senting new sources of ketocarotenoids. Upon transformation, high levels of keto-
carotenoids were found in all flower parts and leaves, with no concomitant decrease
in carotenoid contents accounting for an upregulation of total carotenoid quantities
(Zhu et al., 2007).
Plants are being widely used as bioreactors for the industrial production of bioactive
peptides, vaccines, hormones, antibodies, and other proteins (Fischer et al., 2004;
Gomord et al., 2005; Hellwig et al., 2004; Twyman et al., 2003). Biopharming is also
an environmentally acceptable and competitive way of producing several chemical
compounds used as raw material for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
An increasingly important challenge is the manufacture of biodegradable polymers
in transgenic plants, such as polyamino acids, to replace petrochemical compounds,
4 Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins 77
which tend to become expensive and scarce (Neumann et al., 2005). Among them,
polyaspartate is a soluble, nontoxic and biodegradable polycarboxylate widely used
in many industrial, agricultural, and medical applications (Oppermann-Sanio and
Steinbüchel, 2002). Polyaspartate is the backbone of the cyanobacterial carbon
and nitrogen storage material cyanophycin, a zwitterionic copolymer of L-aspartic
acid and L-arginine. It is produced via nonribosomal polypeptide biosynthesis by
the enzyme cyanophycin synthetase, encoded by the cphA gene, which is present
in many cyanobacterial and some noncyanobacterial eubacteria (Hühns et al., 2008;
Krehenbrink et al., 2002; Ziegler et al., 2002). Cyanobacterial cyanophycin is poly-
disperse (25–125 kDa), water insoluble, and stored in granules without membranes.
No organism produces polyaspartate; consequently, its industrial production has
relied either on chemical synthesis or on the hydrolysis of purified cyanophycin
obtained from cyanobacteria, after expensive and resource-consuming growth and
harvest of the microorganisms. Lately, a highly water-soluble polymer similar to
cyanophycin has been produced in E. coli cells expressing a cyanophycin synthetase
from Desulfitobacterium hafniense (Ziegler et al., 2002). Nevertheless, the need for
cost-intensive bioreactors reduces the cost-effectiveness of this production proce-
dure (Neumann et al., 2005).
Neumann et al. (2005) succeeded in producing cyanophycin in transgenic
N. tabacum plants expressing the coding region of the chpA gene of Thermosyne-
chococcus elongatus BP-1 in the cytosol under the control of the CaMV 35S pro-
moter. The transgenic tobacco plants were found to produce up to 1.1% dry weight
of both a water-soluble and a water-insoluble form of the polymer of size, com-
position, and structure very similar to those of the cyanobacterial cyanophycin.
Afterward, they used the same technology in order to develop transgenic potato
(S. tuberosum) plants with the aim of synthesizing cyanophycin in tubers. Har-
vesting of the polymer from the residues of starch isolation would conform to a
high yield and a cost-effective method. However, the authors obtained a decreased
content of cyanophycin in leaves (0.24% dry weight) in comparison to tobacco
and could only demonstrate the presence of cyanophycin in tubers by electron
microscopy. For both species, the resulting transgenic plants exhibited a deceler-
ated growth rate, variegated leaves, and changes in chloroplast morphology. These
undesired consequences could be related to exhaustion of the amino acid resources
of the plant due to cyanophycin production or to the presence of cyanophycin
aggregates in the cytoplasm, which could interfere with the normal metabolism of
this compartment (Neumann et al., 2005). To overcome these limitations, and at
the same time to increase polymer accumulation, Hühns et al. (2008) generated
tobacco transgenic plants in which the gene of the cyanophycin synthetase was
fused in-frame to a chloroplast-targeting sequence in order to direct the enzyme
to this organelle. The resulting plants were able to produce 6.8% dry weight
cyanophycin together with reduced stress symptoms. Achievement of higher poly-
mer accumulation in chloroplasts than in cytoplasm could be due to the similitude of
plastids with cyanobacteria, in which cyanophycin is synthesized naturally without
causing any deleterious effects. What is more, the building blocks of cyanophycin,
i.e., L-arginine and L-aspartate, are directly available in chloroplasts because
78 M.D. Zurbriggen et al.
the synthesizing enzymes are located in this compartment (Hühns et al., 2008;
Chen et al., 2006). Transgenic plants expressing specific cyanobacterial enzymes
catalyzing new reactions could be utilized to produce renewable resources. In
this example, plant-produced cyanophycin could provide for a nonexpensive and
environment friendly production of polyaspartate, which could be a most likely
biodegradable substitute for polycarboxylates and polyacrylates for the industry.
Light quality, quantity, and duration influence nearly every stage of plant growth
and development. In vascular plants, red (R) and far-red (FR) lights are sensed pri-
marily by the phytochrome family of photoreceptors (Casal et al., 2003). The cova-
lently bound phytochromobilin (PB) prosthetic group is required for the diverse
activities of all members of the family. Mutant lines that are unable to produce PB
display aberrant photomorphogenesis with pleiotropic phenotypes that are most pro-
nounced under R and FR illumination. Interestingly, green algal and cyanobacterial
phytochromes employ the more reduced linear tetrapyrrole phycocyanobilin (PCB),
which displays a slightly different action spectrum (Frankenberg et al., 2001). The
difference is based on the existence of a distinct stock of enzymes in the two types
of organisms: a PB synthase in plants that converts biliverdin into PB and a
ferredoxin (Fd)-PCB reductase in algae and cyanobacteria that yields PCB as end-
To determine if PCB could be assembled in plant phytochromes and as a
result to change the light quality responses of plants, Kami et al. (2004) intro-
duced the Fd-PCB reductase gene of Synechocystis PCC6803 into an Arabidopsis
mutant line that lacked PB synthase activity and was therefore unable to synthe-
size the normal phytochrome chromophore. The resulting transformants restored
phytochrome activities to WT levels, albeit with blue-shifted absorption maxima.
Expression of the cyanobacterial enzyme rescued phytochrome-mediated R and FR
responses, and only the high-irradiance FR response was shifted to shorter wave-
lengths (Kami et al., 2004). This result indicates that PCB can function in vascular
plants. It also allows dissection of functional features in the chromophore molecule.
4.7 The Case for the Lost Genes: Flavodoxin and Multiple
Stress Tolerance
Environmental adversities such as drought and extreme temperatures, exposure to
human-produced chemicals, and nutrient-poor soils usually affect plants growing in
natural habitats (Vij and Tyagi, 2007). Among nutritional deficits, iron deprivation
ranks at the top, as it is required for the function of a great number of metalloen-
zymes that are central to plant energetics and metabolism. Iron limitation is espe-
cially critical in the widespread alkaline calcareous soils where its bioavailability
4 Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins 79
is highly restricted (Guerinot, 2007; Kim and Guerinot, 2007). These factors place
major limits on plant growth and yield, and they account for much of the extensive
losses to agricultural production worldwide (Boyer, 1982). To overcome these lim-
itations and to improve production efficiency in the face of a world with increasing
food demands, more and better stress-tolerant crops must be developed.
Plant adaptation to environmental stresses is dependent upon the activation of
cascades of molecular networks involved in stress perception, signal transduc-
tion, and the expression of specific stress-related genes and metabolites. There-
fore, responses to abiotic stresses are multigenic and thus are difficult to control and
engineer (Vinocur and Altman, 2005). Past efforts to improve plant stress tolerance
through breeding and genetic engineering have had limited success precisely due to
this genetic complexity (Cushman and Bohnert, 2000). In addition, many projects
involving manipulation of endogenous plant genes faced intrinsic limitations such
as cosuppression and misregulatory phenomena. One approach that has not yet been
explored to any great extent is to take advantage of the tools available from plant
ancestors, namely the cyanobacteria.
Ferredoxin (Fd) is an iron–sulfur protein present in all photosynthetic organisms
ranging from cyanobacteria to plants. It is the final electron acceptor of the pho-
tosynthetic electron transport chain (PETC) and is essential for the distribution of
low-potential reducing equivalents to central metabolisms like CO2 fixation, nitro-
gen and sulfur assimilation, amino acid synthesis, fatty acid desaturation, as well
as many regulatory (e.g., thioredoxin (Trx) redox regulation system) and dissipa-
tory pathways (Fig. 4.3, see Hase et al., 2006). Fd levels experience a considerable
decrease in response to environmental stresses and other sources of reactive oxy-
gen species (ROS) production as a consequence of tight transcriptional and/or post-
transcriptional regulatory systems operating under these conditions (Singh et al.,
2004; Zimmermann et al., 2004). Likewise, iron deficiency also leads to dimin-
ished Fd levels. This affects central metabolisms as well as defense and regulatory
mechanisms, thus compromising cell survival (Fig. 4.3, see Thimm et al., 2001;
Erdner et al., 1999). Photosynthetic microorganisms like cyanobacteria and cer-
tain algae deploy an adaptive response meant to tackle Fd decrease upon stress by
synthesizing an isofunctional electron carrier, flavodoxin (Fld). Fld contains flavin
mononucleotide instead of iron as prosthetic group, is resistant to ROS inactiva-
tion, and is able to engage in most Fd reactions, albeit with somehow less effi-
ciency. Fd substitution results in the restoration of electron delivery to produc-
tive pathways, therefore preventing misrouting of reducing equivalents to O2 and
the concomitant ROS production. The net outcome is augmented tolerance toward
various sources of stress in algae and cyanobacteria (Erdner et al., 1999; Singh
et al., 2004; Palenik et al., 2006). As a matter of fact, Fld induction has been
used for many years as a reliable marker of iron deficiency in the oceans and
constitutes a key selective advantage for colonization of iron-poor waters by phyto-
plankton (Erdner et al., 1999). Fld is absent in the plant genomes; it was lost some-
where in the evolutionary transition from green algae to vascular plants, rendering
the latter unable to put into use such an efficient adaptive mechanism of defense
(Zurbriggen et al., 2007). Nevertheless, some plant enzymes, whose cyanobacterial
80 M.D. Zurbriggen et al.
Fig. 4.3 Cyanobacterial Fld is able to substitute for chloroplast Fd functions. Chloroplast Fd
plays a central role in the distribution of reducing equivalents generated during photosynthesis.
Electrons originating in the PETC may be transferred via Fd to FNR for NADP+ photoreduc-
tion, generating the NADPH necessary for the Calvin cycle and other biosynthetic and protective
pathways. Reduced Fd is also the electron donor for nitrite and sulfite assimilation via nitrite and
sulfite reductases, for fatty acid desaturation by fatty acid desaturase, and for glutamate synthesis
mediated by glutamate–oxoglutarate aminotransferase (GS-GOGAT). Still other Fd molecules will
participate in Trx reduction via Fd–Trx reductase (FTR). Reduced Trx will then activate key tar-
get enzymes through reduction of their critical cysteines (–SH/–S–S– exchange), resulting in the
maintenance and/or stimulation of the Calvin cycle, the malate valve process, and other metabolic
routes. Dissipative systems requiring Fd include regeneration of active peroxiredoxins, the most
abundant peroxidase of chloroplasts, and of ascorbate. Fd also regulates the distribution of reduc-
ing equivalents between lineal and cyclic electron flow via Fd-ubiquinol reductase. Finally, it par-
ticipates in developmental processes through the synthesis of phytochromobilin, the chromophore
of the light sensor phytochrome, by donating electrons to two key enzymes of the pathway: heme
oxygenase and phytochromobilin synthase. On exposure to iron-deficit or adverse environments,
Fd levels are downregulated and the foreign Fld is proposed to take over electron distribution to
Fd redox partners in chloroplasts. Abbreviations: Ac-CoA, acetyl-coenzyme A; AGPase, ADP-
glucose pyrophosphorylase; DAHP, 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate; G6PDH, glu-
cose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; GWD, α-glucan water dikinase; MDH, malate dehydrogenase;
MGDG, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase; OPPP, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway;
PRK, phosphoribulokinase. Other abbreviations are given in the text. Adapted from Zurbriggen
et al. (2008)
4 Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins 81
counterparts used Fld as substrate (including Fd-NADP+ reductase (FNR) and Fd-
Trx reductase), are still able to engage with the flavoprotein in the electron transfer
reactions normally performed by Fd (Fig. 4.3) (Tognetti et al., 2008; Zurbriggen
et al., 2008). These observations triggered the obvious inquiry to evaluate if Fld
introduction into plants could improve tolerance to abiotic stress and iron defi-
ciency, as it occurs in microorganisms. Transgenic tobacco plants constitutively
expressing the Fld gene from Anabaena under the control of the CaMV 35S pro-
moter were thus engineered. A plastid-targeting sequence was fused in-frame to
the Fld gene to direct the protein to chloroplasts (pfld lines). Several indepen-
dent transformed lines were therefore obtained and selected for Fld expression lev-
els. It is worth noting that transgenic plants from the different lines grown under
normal conditions exhibited no significant phenotypic differences in relation to
WT individuals with respect to growth rate, flowering time, and seed production
(Tognetti et al., 2006).
Plants expressing 60 μM Fld (a level similar to endogenous Fd) were able to
survive and even to increase in height, fresh weight, and dry weight when subjected
to iron-deficiency protocols, whereas WT specimens exhibited the typical symp-
toms of this nutrient scarcity such as interveinal chlorosis, growth retardation, and
high lethality rates. The transgenic plants failed to improve iron uptake or accre-
tion and even developed a normal response to iron shortage, including induction of
different genes involved in metal uptake, mobilization, and storage (Tognetti et al.,
2007). Fld expression prevented the general decrease in CO2 fixation capacity and
downregulation of metabolic activities manifested by the nontransformed plants.
Moreover, it preserved the activation state of key plastidic enzymes that depend
on the Fd–Trx system like phosphoribulokinase (PRK) and FBPase. As a result,
the levels of many central metabolites belonging to the Calvin cycle, energy stor-
age, and anabolic routes, as well as the contents of most amino acids, were signifi-
cantly higher in the transformants (Tognetti et al., 2007). Taken together, the results
indicate that Fld expression could compensate for Fd decline occurring upon iron
deficiency by successfully engaging in at least some of the Fd-dependent pathways
of plant chloroplasts. It is tempting to consider that reallocation of available iron
to other demanding routes probably contributes to the general welfare of the iron-
starved pfld plants.
Plants expressing Fld in plastids were also able to withstand a remarkable range
of environmental stresses, including high temperature, chilling, drought, high light
intensities, UV radiation, and exposure to the redox-cycling herbicide methyl violo-
gen (MV), all having as a common feature ROS buildup and the establishment of an
oxidative stress condition (Tognetti et al., 2006). These stresses cause Fd downreg-
ulation independently of a general protein content breakdown, leading to potential
malfunction of the electron transport pathways and systems dependent on the iron–
sulfur protein. Tolerance was evidenced in the transformants by preservation of leaf
turgor, cellular and membrane integrity, and plastid ultrastructure. Fld expression
also preserved photosynthetic capacity, thus maintaining high levels of CO2 fix-
ation. Buildup of various ROS was impaired and there was little photooxidative
damage to PETC components. These observations have direct implications for the
82 M.D. Zurbriggen et al.
with an adaptive response toward nutrient deficiency analogous to the Fld/Fd sys-
tem (see Section 4.7). The coexistence of both transporters in some cyanobacteria
and algae conveys metabolic adaptability to the extremely changing environments
they face living in seas, lakes, and rivers (De la Rosa et al., 2002). Plants lack
this adaptive versatility, as Cyt c6 was evolutionarily eliminated from their chloro-
plasts. However, the introduction in A. thaliana of a Cyt c6 gene from Porphyra
yezoensis, a red alga, fused to a luminal targeting sequence has led to the creation
of transgenic lines exhibiting enhanced growth (height, root, and leaf length) and
to an increase in the efficiency of photosynthetic electron transfer and CO2 fixa-
tion rates. In this connection, the amounts of some energy-related metabolites such
as NADPH, ATP, and storage sugars were higher in the transgenic plants than in
WT siblings, suggesting an explanation for the improved growth of these plants
(Chida et al., 2007).
Inteins are sequences within a protein that mediate posttranslational protein
splicing. The intein element in a protein precursor catalyzes a series of reactions
to remove itself from the precursor and ligate the flanking external protein frag-
ments (“exteins”) into a mature protein (Perler, 1998). The first and only natu-
rally split intein identified so far is the DnaE intein of Synechocystis PCC6803.
Many sequences potentially coding for inteins have been found in cyanobacteria,
but none in plants. Inteins can be split into an N-terminal part and a C-terminal
portion, which when fused to different polypeptides are able to perform a trans-
splicing reaction assembly of the two separate precursors into a mature hybrid
molecule, both in vivo (assayed on E. coli cells) and in vitro (Yang et al., 2003,
and references therein). Yang et al. (2003) used the DnaE intein to reassemble
the divided fragments (which would be the exteins) of β-glucuronidase (GUS) in
transgenic Arabidopsis plants. The trans-splicing reaction resulted in a full-length
GUS protein with catalytic activity, indicating accurate ligation and refolding of
the enzyme throughout the entire plant without leaving any footprint. Chin et al.
(2003) extended this approach to chloroplasts using the naturally split DnaE intein
in which both intein fragments were incorporated into the chloroplast genome
or separately in the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. As far as intein expres-
sion and excision in chloroplasts is concerned, the aadA gene and a soluble ver-
sion of modified GFP (gfp ) were ligated to sequences coding for the N- and
C-terminal residues of the DnaE intein, respectively, and a chimeric polypeptide
AAD-smGFP (soluble modified GFP) assembled. The strategy was further refined
with respect to transgene containment by splitting the herbicide resistance gene
5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) into two halves and inte-
grating them separately into nuclear and chloroplasts genomes after ligating to cod-
ing sequences for split inteins. The functional, full-size EPSPS gene product was
reconstituted either by crossing tobacco plants carrying split genes or by retrans-
forming nuclear-transformed plants with a chloroplast transformation construct
carrying C-terminal residues of both EPSPS gene and intein (Chin et al., 2003).
These findings demonstrated intein usage in plant organelles and also explored the
possibility of intein-mediated protein trans-splicing for limiting the environmental
impact of herbicide resistance, by separating parts of the gene in plastid and nuclear
84 M.D. Zurbriggen et al.
genomes while assembling the mature gene product in the stroma of chloroplasts
(Khan et al., 2005).
This technology opens up important biotechnological applications. Thus, it might
be possible to construct intein–extein fusions under the control of chemically
inducible or tissue-specific promoters in order to perform the reconstitution of pro-
tein trans-splicing in plants. They could then be used as a molecular switch to
turn on a gene expression mechanism or a metabolic pathway through reassem-
bly of gene regulators or enzymes. In order to diminish the environmental impact
of some transgenic products, different traits can be stacked in parental plants and
brought together upon crossing. As explained before, it could also be possible to
take advantage of the potential for trans-splicing of transgenes using inteins in con-
junction with plastid engineering to provide for a more effective transgene con-
tainment strategy to yield transformed plants with greatly reduced risk of genetic
Cyanobacterial genes display both important similarities with and differences from
plant genes, and both could be exploited to improve plant productivity and stress tol-
erance by means of genetic engineering. Compared to other prokaryotes, many bio-
chemical and physiological pathways from cyanobacteria, especially those related to
chloroplast function, have been retained in plants. Therefore, transgenic cyanobac-
terial products could interact productively with plant routes and substrates, a con-
dition that may be critical in an important number of cases. On the other hand,
sequence divergence between cyanobacterial genes and their plant homologues pre-
cludes, in most situations, the unwanted consequences of silencing and cosuppres-
sion. Moreover, plants have evolved novel regulatory networks that are not present in
cyanobacteria. Expression of a cyanobacterial gene product instead of overexpres-
sion of a plant counterpart can circumvent these endogenous regulatory constrains,
thus allowing for a more customized manipulation of the introduced trait. Finally,
a few cyanobacterial genes related to adaptive value for survival in hostile environ-
ments have been lost somewhere in the evolution of vascular plants. The case of
Fld and Cyt c6 shows that reintroduction of these genes in the proper subcellular
compartment of model and crop plants restored some of the selective advantages
that allowed photosynthetic microorganisms to thrive in hostile habitats. The exam-
ples described in this chapter illustrate the potential of gene and data mining in
cyanobacterial genomes and physiology as a biotechnological tool for the genera-
tion of crops with increased yield and performance in the field, which are needed
to feed an increasing world population. In addition, it shows the contribution of this
strategy to the development of plants with biofarming potential in the frame of a high
demand of natural and ecologically accepted sources of renewable compounds and
4 Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins 85
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4 Use of Cyanobacterial Proteins 87
Hiroaki Hayashi
Abstract Licorice (roots and stolons of Glycyrrhiza plants) is one of the most
important crude drugs from ancient times, and its major constituent is an oleanane-
type triterpene saponin, glycyrrhizin, which is a well-known sweetener as well as
a pharmaceutical. We are using Glycyrrhiza glabra (common licorice) as a model
plant to elucidate the regulation of triterpene biosynthesis in higher plants. Cultured
cells of G.glabra do not produce glycyrrhizin but produce two structurally different
triterpenoid constituents, namely betulinic acid and soyasaponins. Glycyrrhizin is
localized exclusively in the woody parts of thickened roots, whereas soyasaponins
are localized mainly in the seeds and rootlets. Betulinic acid, a lupane-type triter-
pene, is localized in the cork layer of the thickened roots. The cultured licorice
cells converted exogenously administered glycyrrhetinic acid, the aglycone of gly-
cyrrhizin, into seven biotransformation products, but formation of glycyrrhizin was
not detected among the biotransformation products. To elucidate the regulation of
the triterpene biosyntheses in G.glabra, cDNAs of squalene synthase and three oxi-
dosqualene cyclaces were cloned and characterized. mRNA levels of these enzymes
were differently regulated in the cultured cells and intact plants of G.glabra. Exoge-
nously applied methyl jasmonate (MeJA) stimulated soyasaponin biosynthesis in
cultured cells, and mRNA levels of squalene synthase and β-amyrin synthase were
upregulated by MeJA.
5.1 Introduction
Roots and stolons of Glycyrrhiza plants (Licorice) are important crude drugs
from ancient times, and the name Glycyrrhiza comes from Greek words meaning
“sweet root” (Nieman, 1959; Gibson, 1978; Shibata, 2000). The sweet constituent
in licorice is an oleanane-type triterpene saponin, glycyrrhizin, which is used
in large quantities as a well-known natural sweetener as well as a pharmaceu-
H. Hayashi (B)
School of Pharmacy, Iwate Medical University, 2-1-1 Nishitokuta, Yahaba, Iwate 028-3603, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
O glycyrrhizin O
O licorice-saponin B2 COOH
O licorice-saponin C2
licorice-saponin E2 COOH
O licorice-saponin G2 COOH
O licorice-saponin H2
Fig. 5.1 Structure of glycyrrhizin, licorice-saponin B2, licorice-saponin C2, licorice-saponin E2,
licorice-saponin G2, and licorice-saponin H2
Callus and cell suspension cultures were established from various organs
of G.glabra, but they failed to produce detectable amounts of glycyrrhizin
(Hayashi et al., 1988). However, the cultured licorice cells produced two struc-
turally different triterpenoid constituents, namely soyasaponins (Hayashi et al.,
1990b) and betulinic acid (Hayashi et al., 1988). Soyasaponins were isolated from
various legumes, such as Glycine max (Kitagawa et al., 1974), Pisum sativum
(Yokota et al., 1982), Medicago sativa (Kitagawa et al., 1988), and Wisteria
brachybotrys (Konoshima et al., 1992), suggesting that soyasaponins are com-
mon saponins in leguminous plants. Soyasaponins are reported to possess antivirus
(Nakashima et al., 1989; Hayashi et al., 1997; Kinjo et al., 2000), hepatoprotective
(Ohminami et al., 1984: Kinjo et al., 1998), and antitumor-promoting (Konoshima
et al., 1992) activities. On the other hand, betulinic acid, a lupane-type triterpene, is
distributed widely in plant kingdom and was also isolated from licorice roots (Saitoh
and Shibata, 1969; Hattori et al., 1986). Derivatives of betulinic acid were reported
to be potent anti-HIV agents (Mayaux et al., 1994; Kashiwada et al., 1996), and one
of them, 3-O-(3 ,3 -dimethylsuccinyl)-betulinic acid (Bevirimat), is now undergoing
clinical trials in the United States(http://www.panacos.com/index.htm).
92 H. Hayashi
mevalonic acid
OO glycyrrhizin HO
R=CH2OH soyasaponin I
R=H soyasaponin II
between the contents of soyasaponins and betulinic acid. It is also noteworthy that
yeast extract promoted betulinic acid accumulation, whereas soyasaponin accumu-
lation was suppressed, indicating that the regulation of soyasaponin biosynthesis
was different from that of betulinic acid biosynthesis (Hayashi et al., 2005a).
Table 5.1 Contents of glycyrrhizin, soyasaponin, and betulinic acid in various organs of G. glabra
(Hayashi et al., 1988, 1993a, 2004)
The cultured licorice cells do not produce glycyrrhizin but do produce soyasaponins,
which are also oleanane-type triterpene glucuronides like glycyrrhizin. Thus, we
examined whether or not the cultured licorice cells can convert exogenously sup-
plied glycyrrhetinic acid, the aglycone of glycyrrhizin, into its glucuronide, gly-
cyrrhizin (Hayashi et al., 1990a, 1992). The structures of seven biotransformation
products derived from exogenous glycyrrhetinic acid administered to the cultured
licorice cells were determined and are shown in Fig. 5.3. However, formation of
glycyrrhizin was not detected among the biotransformation products.
glycyrrhetinic acid
Fig. 5.3 Structures of biotransformation products derived from exogenous glycyrrhetinic acid
administered to cultured licorice cells
Studies on time course for the production of metabolites as well as the pattern of
chemical conversion of intermediate metabolites showed that hydroxylation of C-24
methyl group of glycyrrhetinic acid occurs at the first step of biotransformation,
which is followed by glucuronylation (Fig. 5.4). Furthermore, glycyrrhetinic acid
24-hydroxylase activity was detected in the microsomal fraction prepared from the
cultured licorice cells, and the participation of cytochrome P-450 in the reaction
was shown by inhibitor experiments (Hayashi et al., 1993b). The 24-hydroxylation
of glycyrrhetinic acid was prerequisite for glucuronylation in the cultured licorice
cells. The glucuronosyltransferase activities for 24-hydroxyglycyrrhietinic acid and
soyasapogenol B were also detected in the microsomal fraction of the cultured
licorice cells, whereas the glucuronosyltransferase activity for glycyrrhetinic acid
was not detected (Hayashi et al., 1993b, 1996). Since soyasapogenol B is the
aglycone of soyasaponins I and II, the glucuronosyltransferase activity for soyas-
apogenol B would be responsible for biosynthesis of soyasaponins in the cultured
5 Molecular Biology of Secondary Metabolism 95
glycyrrhetinic acid COOH
24hydroxy- HO HO
glycyrrhetinic acid O
licorice cells. Although the glucuronosyltransferase for glycyrrhetinic acid was not
detected in the cultured cells, the glucuronosyltransferase for glycyrrhetinic acid
should be involved in the biosynthesis of glycyrrhizin, which is localized to the
thickened roots and stolons of Glycyrrhiza plants.
glycyrrhizin COOH
macedonoside C
licorice-saponin H2 COOH macedonoside A
G. glabra
G. echinata
G. uralensis G. macedonica
G. inflata G. pallidiflora
G. lepidota
Fig. 5.5 Structures and distributions of glycyrrhizin, licorice-saponin H2, macedonoside C, and
macedonoside A in seven Glycyrrhiza species
Since G. glabra produces various triterpenes and triterpene saponins, this plant is
an excellent model plant to study triterpenoid biosynthesis. Our next interest thus
focuses on the gene expression of enzymes involved in triterpenoid biosynthesis
(Fig. 5.6). Squalene synthase (SQS, EC catalyzes the condensation of two
molecules of farnesyl diphosphate into squalene, a common precursor of sterols and
5 Molecular Biology of Secondary Metabolism 97
Fig. 5.6 Squalene synthase and oxidosqualene cyclases involved in the biosynthesis of triter-
penoids in licorice. Squalene synthase (SQS), β-amyrin synthase (bAS), lupeol synthase (LUS),
and cycloartenol synthase (CAS)
triterpenoids. Although the SQS genes of yeast and human was reported to be single-
copy genes (Jennings et al., 1991; Robinson et al., 1993), two SQS genes are orga-
nized in a tandem array in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, a model plant used
for genomic studies (Kribii et al., 1997). Since plants accumulate not only sterols
but also various triterpenes and triterpene saponins, the regulation of the SQS gene
might be different from that of mammals. Thus, cDNA for SQS was screened from
a cDNA library of the cultured licorice cells to isolate two SQS cDNAs, designated
GgSQS1 and GgSQS2 (Hayashi et al., 1999). The deduced amino acid sequence
of GgSQS1 was 88% identical to that of GgSQS2. SQS activity was found in the
cell-free extracts of Escherichia coli transformed with the expression plasmids for
GgSQS1 and GgSQS2, indicating that the cultured cells of G. glabra produce two
functional isozymes for SQS, which may play an important role in the regulation
of biosynthesis of the different triterpenoids. Genomic Southern blot analysis sug-
gested that there are three SQS genes in the licorice genome.
Oxidosqualene cyclases catalyze the cyclization of 2,3-oxidosqualene, a
common intermediate of both sterols and triterpenes (Abe et al., 1993;
Haralampidis et al., 2002). To elucidate the regulation of the triterpenoid biosyn-
theses in G.glabra, cDNAs of the three oxidosqualene cyclases, β-amyrin synthase
98 H. Hayashi
(bAS), lupeol synthase (LUS) and cycloartenol synthase (CAS), which are situ-
ated at the branching step for biosynthesis of oleanane-type triterpene saponins
(glycyrrhizin and soyasaponins), lupane-type triterpene (betulinic acid) and phy-
tosterols, respectively (Fig. 5.6), were cloned and characterized (Hayashi et al.,
2000a, 2001, 2004). These three oxidosqualene cyclases cloned from G.glabra were
monofunctional triterpene synthases, each of which produces a sole major triter-
pene product. However, a multifunctional triterpene synthase, producing multitriter-
pene products, has been cloned from other leguminous plants (Morita et al., 2000;
Iturbe-Ormaetxe et al., 2003; Sawai et al., 2006).
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thase (CAS) mRNAs in thickened main roots of licorice (Hayashi et al., 2005a). Reproduced with
permission from Biol. Pharm. Bull. 27(7) Copyright (2004), Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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Chapter 6
New Developments in Agricultural
and Industrial Plant Biotechnology
A. Kirakosyan (B)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0646, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
soil productivity and control pests. Organic farming is often contrasted with con-
ventional, or mainstream, farming (Adeyemi, 2000). Advantages include high con-
sumer acceptance of organically grown products and willingness to pay a higher
price for such food items; enhanced soil fertility and water-holding capacity, espe-
cially long term; gradual purging of the soil of toxic pesticides that may have been
used previously after several years of instituting organic farming practices; organic
certification of the grower as a certified organic farmer once organic standards have
been met; enhanced value of the farmer’s land once it has qualified for organic
certification; fewer health-related problems for the organic grower because of the
practices he/she uses; lower incidence of crop insect pests because of increased
incidence of insect predators. Disadvantages include higher production costs and
greater problems with weeds; hence lower yields over the short term. Reasons for
implementation of organic farming practices include (1) consumer demand; (2)
loss of soil fertility; (3) health problems for the conventional/corporate farmer who
is exposed to a multitude of toxic chemical pesticides – herbicides, insecticides,
fungicides, nematicides, and fumigants; (4) increased profits for the farmer/grower
who grows certified organic crops; and (5) improved adherence to soil conservation
Regarding GM crops (see Chapter 13), the absolutist position taken by organic
farming adherents against any use of GM crops is currently meeting immense oppo-
sition worldwide from crop biotechnology proponents. The center of the contro-
versy lies in European Union (EU) countries. The latest test comes in the following:
The Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI), a worldwide effort of public
sector scientists involved in research and development of biotechnology for the pub-
lic good, have sent an open letter to the members of the European Commission to
aid them in their orientation discussion on biotechnology. PRRI has expressed deep
concern about the effects of the political situation in Europe affecting genetically
modified (GM) foods and crops.
The initiative notes, that despite clear EU rules and The European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA) conclusions of GMOs not having adverse effect on human and
animal health or the environment, EFSA opinions continue to be ignored. As a result
of this situation, detrimental impacts have been felt both inside and outside the EU,
particularly in developing countries.
Plant pathologist, Pamela Ronald, from the University of California at Davis,
CA, believes that a combination of the two approaches – implementation of organic
farming protocols and inclusion of GM crops – will be important for the future of
global food production. Her view is that genetically modified seeds, when grown
by the use of organic agricultural methods, can significantly increase yields, and
at the same time, reduce the use of environmentally damaging chemicals. This
hypothesis is not dissimilar from the conclusion of the recently published IAASTD
(International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for
Development) report. This 2-year intergovernmental project is designed to
investigate the role that agricultural science, knowledge, and technology can play
in world poverty. The report concludes that a complete agricultural revolution is
needed where agriculture is no longer thought of as production alone.
6 Agricultural and Industrial Plant Biotechnology 109
As of 2003, in the United States, there were only 20 major agricultural products
(these are listed in a table along with amounts produced) in commercial production
(Table 6.1).
The only other crops to ever appear in the top 20 in the last 40 years were, com-
monly, tobacco, barley, and oats, and, rarely peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds
(in all, only 26 of the 188 crops the FAO tracks worldwide). Both alfalfa and hay
would be in the top 10 in 2003 if they were tracked by FAO.
This has resulted in a major loss in agricultural product diversity as compared
with that which existed in the 1800s. For example, concerning vegetable crop diver-
sity, according to the Rural Advancement Foundation (now called ETC Group),
75 types of vegetables, or approximately 97% of the varieties available in 1900,
are now extinct (Kimbrell, 2002). Accompanying this decrease in crop diversity of
vegetable and most other types of crops is the trend for small farms to disappear and
for existing farms to become much larger.
What are the attributes of this trend? Corporate agribusiness is the current model
and has ended up controlling farming practices. Linked to this is the fact that
monocultures have become most common. Furthermore, chemical agriculture is the
primary system in use. As a result, we have increased production costs. Fewer peo-
ple are engaged in farming. There is an increase in the incidence of crop pests. And,
there is a reduction in quality of the crop products produced. As a consequence of
these events, we might ask, is there any trend toward outsourcing crops from the
United States to other countries? No, this is really not the case because we are sim-
ply now using more of crops, such as banana, papaya, mango, star fruit, and kiwi,
that are only grown in other countries.
With the advent of organic agriculture (see above), and because of consumer
demand, we are now witnessing a steady increase in crop diversity on American
farms. Consumers are demanding more nutritious products and foods that are health-
ier for them. This is driven, in part, by a parallel increase in the use of integrative
medicine and preventive medicine in our health system.
What are some of the less common edible crops, not included in the top
20 major crop species that account for this increase in crop diversity? They
include teff (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.),
grain amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.), wild rice (Zizania aquatica L.),
canola/rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.), giant
pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo L.), culinary herbs, heirloom vegetables (see Seeds of
Change, www.seedsofchange.com), cassava, taro, kiwi, and many edible fruits that
include new cultivars of grapes (Vitis spp. L.), blueberries, (Vaccinium spp. L.),
sour cherries (Prunus cerasus L.), Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbatum Thunb.),
elderberry (Sambucus canadensis L.), thornless blackberries (Rubus canadensis L.),
Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L), chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Pers. and
A. melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott), and hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC.
and C. monogyna Jacq.). Reasons why a wide spectrum of colored fruits and veg-
etables, like many of the above, are desirable for significantly improved health are
described in “The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan for Optimum Health”
by Joseph et al. (2002).
Grow gardens refer to collections of vegetables and flowers that are grown in rela-
tively small plots in urban environments. The increasing presence of grow gardens
in many cities in the United States, Europe, and Asia is one of the hallmarks of urban
agriculture at work. The impetus for this activity is to satisfy the need to obtain our
food locally rather than via world commerce, to save energy, to lower production
costs, to improve human health, and to obtain fresher produce. Grow gardens allow
urbanites to know where their food comes from, to be able to grow food crops
without the use of toxic pesticides, to learn how it is grown and harvested, to
get good exercise (and thus, to help fight a growing problem of obesity), to pro-
vide a greater diversity of foods in the diet, to promote human interactions, and to
reduce urban crime. Grow gardens have also helped to restore the work ethic among
urbanites. One other spin-off is that urban crops sequester carbon dioxide, and thus,
help to reduce global warming. They also mitigate high summer temperatures via
evaporative cooling from leaves of the crops grown (via the process of transpiration
or water evapo-transpiration from the leaves).
Many grow gardens are now being developed as “rooftop gardens” where grow-
ing space is limited. They are also being located at ground level near churches and
6 Agricultural and Industrial Plant Biotechnology 111
schools, in parks, botanical gardens, and arboreta, and in lots where old houses and
commercial buildings have been removed. It is essential that they should not be
located in brown fields where the soil is contaminated with toxic residual chemicals
and waste products.
Additionally, given the fact that only 10 years ago top hydroponics producers were
producing around 400,000 pounds per acre, the increase in yields with improve-
ments in growing practices has been truly phenomenal. Similar production figures
can be quoted for other agricultural produce like cucumbers with 10,000 pounds
per acre for field production and 200,000 pounds per acre for hydroponic green-
house yields. Hydroponic lettuce and pepper yields too average around four times
the corresponding yields of agricultural production.
In terms of global production, according to recent estimates, countries hav-
ing substantial commercial hydroponics production include Israel − 30,000 acres,
Netherlands − 10,000 acres, United Kingdom − 4,200 acres, and Australia and
New Zealand – around 8,000 acres between them. The fastest growing area for com-
mercial vegetable greenhouses is Mexico. There are several reasons for this. They
include free trade and favorable winter conditions that attract vegetable growers in
large numbers. Mexico has summers that are considered to be hot in the summer,
but with greenhouses located at the right altitudes, vegetables can be grown in the
hot summers as well as in the cold winters.
Biodegradable plastics derived from plant sources are now being developed in the
United States, Europe, and Asia from renewable resources such as corn, wheat,
and potato starches as substitutes for conventional and petroleum-based plastics.
Examples are provided in Table 6.2.
The term biodegradable means that a substance is able to be broken down into
simpler substances by the activities of living organisms, and therefore, is unlikely
to persist in the environment (Gross and Kalra, 2002). There are many different
standards used to measure biodegradability, with each country having its own stan-
dards. The requirements range from 90 to 60% decomposition of the product within
60–180 days of being placed in a standard composting environment.
The reason traditional plastics are not biodegradable is because their long poly-
mer molecules are too large and too tightly bonded together to be broken apart and
assimilated by natural decomposer organisms. However, plastics based on natural
plant polymers derived from wheat or corn starch have molecules that are readily
attacked and broken down by microorganisms (Fig. 6.1).
CO2, Photosynthesis
Synthesis of Bioplastics
Decomposition of plastic by
within 45 days. Conventional plastics, in contrast, can take over 100 years just to
begin the degradation process.
Starch is a natural storage polysaccharide-type polymer made up of α-(1,4)-
linked glucose (amylose or straight-chain starch) or α-(1,4) + α-(1,6)-linked glucose
(amylopectin or branch-chain starch) (see Cseke et al., 2006). It is a white, granu-
lar carbohydrate produced by plants during photosynthesis and it serves as one of
the plant’s energy stores. Grains of cereal plants and potato tubers normally con-
tain starch in large proportions. Starch can be processed directly into a bioplastic,
but because it is soluble in water, articles made from starch will swell and deform
when exposed to moisture, thus limiting its use. This problem can be overcome by
modifying the starch into a different polymer. First, starch is harvested from corn,
wheat, or potatoes, then microorganisms transform it into lactic acid, a monomer.
Finally, the lactic acid is chemically treated to cause the molecules of lactic acid to
link up into long chains or polymers, which bond together to form a plastic called
polylactide (PLA).
PLA has been commercially available since 1990. Certain blends have proved
to be successful in medical implants, sutures, and drug delivery systems because
of their capacity to dissolve away over time. However, because PLA is significantly
more expensive than conventional plastics, it has failed to win widespread consumer
Biodegradable plastic products currently available in the market are from 2 to 10
times more expensive than traditional petroleum-based plastics. Environmentalists
argue that the cheaper price of traditional plastics does not reflect their true cost
when their full impact is considered. A case in point is this: when we buy a plastic
bag, we do not pay for its collection and waste disposal after we use it. If we included
these kinds of associated costs, then traditional petroleum-based plastics would cost
more and biodegradable plastics might be more competitive.
Another way of making biodegradable polymers involves getting bacteria to pro-
duce granules of a plastic called polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) inside their cells.
Bacteria are simply grown in culture in bioreactors and the plastic is then harvested.
Going one step further, scientists have taken genes from this kind of bacterium and
transferred them into corn plants, which then manufacture the plastic in their own
Unfortunately, as with PLA, PHA is significantly more expensive to produce.
As yet, it is not having any success in replacing the widespread use of traditional
petrochemical-based plastics. Perhaps as the price of oil increases and supply dwin-
dles, biodegradable plastics will come into more favor benefit to our environment.
If cost is a major barrier to the acceptance of biodegradable starch-based plas-
tics, then the solution lies in investigating low-cost options to produce them. In
Australia, the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for International Food Manu-
facture and Packaging Science is examining ways of using basic starch, which is
cheaper to produce, in a variety of blends, with other more expensive biodegradable
polymers to produce a variety of flexible and rigid plastics. These are being made
into film-molded and injection-molded products, such as plastic wrapping, shop-
ping bags, bread bags, mulch films, and plant pots. Depending on the application,
116 A. Kirakosyan et al.
scientists can alter polymer mixtures to enhance the degradative properties of the
final product. For example, an almost pure starch product will dissolve upon con-
tact with water and then biodegrade rapidly. But, by blending quantities of other
biodegradable plastics into starch, scientists can now make a waterproof product
that degrades within 4 weeks after it has been buried in the soil or composted
(Fig. 6.1).
In the United States, the primary company manufacturing bioplastics is Nature-
Works, owned by Cargill. They can produce 300 million pounds a year of a plastic
called PLA or poly lactic acid that is made from corn grown in Nebraska and Iowa.
Starch from the corn is extracted and converted into its basic monomer, D-glucose,
and then into lactic acid by fermentation. The lactic acid is further refined into pel-
lets that can be made into different end-products. This is actually a much better use
of non-feed corn than the production of ethanol. It gives more and is much more effi-
cient. Other companies manufacturing plant-based plastics include Dupont, BASF,
Eastman, Proctor & Gamble, and Cereplast. The end plastic products, indistinguish-
able from those derived from petrochemicals, are used to create food packaging, dis-
posable cups and forks, water bottles, auto parts, carpeting, compact disks, bedding
materials, and other consumer products.
In Europe, bioplastics are even more popular. Consumption doubled between
2001 and 2003. An Italian company called Novamont manufactures a plant-based
plastic called Mater-Bi that is used in many similar applications to PLA, including
food packaging and disposable food service items. Production is expanding across
the globe where capacity for bio-based plastics is around 800 million pounds and is
expected to top 1.3 billion pounds in 2008.
Despite numerous environmental and health benefits of plant-based plastics, sig-
nificant environmental challenges need to be addressed. These include the impacts
of industrial agricultural production, the use of harmful additives, and the impact
on recycling infrastructure and markets. Conventional corn production uses signifi-
cant amounts of toxic pesticides that can adversely impact groundwater and surface
water, leads to soil erosion, and impacts soil production and wildlife habitats. In
addition, much of the corn made into NatureWorks’ plastic is genetically modified.
Many environmental organizations are working to address the use of genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) in NatureWorks’ feedstock.
One concern raised by recyclers is the impact that bioplastics have on the recy-
cling of conventional plastics. Bio-based plastics, such as PLA, cannot be mixed
with conventional plastic such as PET/PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) because
these materials are not compatible for recycling purposes. PLA itself can be recy-
cled, but at present, the infrastructure to separate and recycle this material does not
exist in the United States. Until these problems are solved, the most sustainable dis-
posal option for bio-based plastics is composting. Clear labeling of bio-based plas-
tics is critical to ensuring that these materials are properly disposed of in composting
facilities. The technology is a step in the right direction in terms of responsible use
of plastics.
6 Agricultural and Industrial Plant Biotechnology 117
Adeyemi, A. 2000. Urban Agriculture: An Abbreviated List of References and Resource Guide
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center. National Agricultural Library, Agricultural
Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, 10301 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD
Cseke, L., Kirakosyan, A., Kaufman, P., Warber, S., Duke, J., Brielmann, H. 2006. Natural products
from plants, 2nd ed. Taylor-Francis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Gross, R.A., Kalra, B. 2002. Biodegradable polymers for the environment. Science 297:
Joseph, J.A., Nadeau, D.A., Underwood, A. 2002. The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan
for Optimum Health. Hyperion, New York.
Kimbrell, A. 2002. Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture. Published by Foundation
for Deep Ecology, 1062 Fort Cronkhite, Sausalito, CA 94965.
Leveque, C., Mounolou, J. 2003. Biodiversity. John Wiley, New York.
Mason, J. 2000. Commercial Hydroponics. Simon & Schuster, Australia.
Resh, H.M. 2001. Hydroponic Food Production: A Definitive Guide of Soilless Food-Growing
Methods, 6th ed. Woodbridge Press Publishing Co., Beaverton, OR.
Ronald, P.C., Adamchak, R.W. 2008. Tomorrow’s Table. Organic Farming, Genetics, and the
Future of Food. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Chapter 7
Phytoremediation: The Wave of the Future
Abstract As the industrial age developed, societies have allowed large amounts
of contaminants to enter the environment unchecked. As a result of this neglect,
the incidence of heavy-metal contaminated sites has been on the rise. These sites
are polluted with toxic hydrocarbons and radionuclides, as well as heavy met-
als, such as cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc
(Zn). The result is unsightly areas left untreated, undeveloped and are accurately
referred to as “Brown Fields.” Heavy metals in the soil can create a contaminated
and possibly toxic top layer ranging 2–5 cm deep in addition to the possibility
of entering the food chain. The typical and most common method of removing
contaminants is to excavate the soil by mechanical means and store it at off-site
Phytoremediation is an innovative, emerging technology that utilizes plant species
to remove contaminants from the environment using a distinct set of plant-based
technologies. Four types of remediation technologies have been employed: (1) phy-
tostabilization is the use of a plant’s root system to stabilize the metal-contaminated
soil thus preventing the spread of the contaminant; (2) phytodegradation is the pro-
cess of using plants to convert toxic contaminants into less toxic forms; (3) rhi-
zofiltration is the process of using plants to clean aquatic environments; and finally,
(4) phytoextraction is the practice of using plants to take up metals from the soil
and translocate them to the above-ground tissues which can then be harvested. By
utilizing phytoremediation techniques, the environmental disruption is minimized,
soil fertility is maintained, secondary air- and water-borne wastes are reduced, and
these techniques are well received by the public as in situ methods. This chapter will
discuss the use of multiple plant species in each of the listed remediation techniques
for the goal of rejuvenating Earth’s ecosystems.
7.1 Introduction
During the industrial age, humans have allowed large amounts of contaminants to
enter the environment unchecked. As a result of this neglect, many toxins have been
permitted to accumulate in our soils and water systems. Since this neglect was
allowed to continue for so long, the incidence of heavy-metal contaminated sites
has been on the rise. The public is made aware of this issue through the media. In
most cases, the media have a tendency to paint a very grim picture of how these
contaminated sites will affect humans and animals alike (Environmental Protection
Agency, 2007). For the most part, their interpretation of the situation is correct. Con-
taminated sites do exist and are polluted with toxic hydrocarbons and radionuclides,
as well as heavy metals, such as cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead
(Pb), and zinc (Zn) (Amaya-Chavez et al., 2006). This heavy-metal contamination
is a result of anthropogenic activities such as metal mining and smelting, agricul-
ture, sewage sludge, fossil fuel combustion, and chemical manufacturing (Alloway,
1995). In addition to manufacturing types of activities, recreational sports such
as the use of shooting ranges and improper storage techniques add to the list of
sources (Alloway, 1995; Ebbs and Kochian, 1997). Often these sites of contamina-
tion become unsightly reminders of the lackadaisical attitude people take toward the
These large, unsightly areas are often left untreated, undeveloped and are accu-
rately referred to as “Brown Fields.” Brown fields, or any other smaller toxic sites,
are subject to wind-blown dispersion if the soil is disturbed and the heavy metal
is set free. As the wind blows across the disturbed soil, soil particles and associ-
ated contaminants can be blown into the upper atmosphere and travel rather large
distances, thus contaminating locations, such as playgrounds, parks, and yards thou-
sands of miles from the original site (Xei et al., 1999). In addition to wind dispersal,
when a heavy metal such as lead contacts the soil, it becomes tightly adsorbed to the
soil particles. This can create a contaminated and possibly toxic top layer of soil that
ranges 2–5 cm deep (Sharma and Dubey, 2005), where, in playgrounds or backyards,
it becomes a threat to human health. Another concern for heavy-metal contaminated
sites is the possibility of it entering the food chain. Although animals, plants, and
microbes have no biological need for certain specific heavy metals, they can be
taken up and sequestered in the cells of living organisms. Furthermore, these heavy
metals can be moved from plants to animals as they graze on contaminated sites.
Once the heavy metal enters the food chain, secondary and tertiary predators can be
adversely affected by the quantities of metal present (Taylor and Crowder, 1983a).
As these organisms in the higher trophic levels continue to consume heavy-metal
contaminated foods, the toxic level within these organisms also increases (Taylor
and Crowder, 1983a,b). This process is known as bioaccumulation.
In response to public outcry, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has spent billions of dollars on Superfund site cleanup projects across the nation
(Bouchier and Lu, 2002; USEPA, 1993). As public awareness increases, so have
the questions concerning how safe areas such as playgrounds, homes, and gardens,
are for plants and animals (including humans). The largest concern regarding the
7 Phytoremediation: The Wave of the Future 121
Taking into account the above-listed remediation techniques, the first thoughts
that come to mind are cost and how environmentally sound the phytoremediation
practices are at removing the contaminant from the environment. Traditionally,
contaminated sites are remediated by physical, chemical, or biological processes
(McEldowney et al., 1993). In the aftermath of the destructive treatments, irre-
versible effects may occur to soil properties. The destruction of biodiversity can
render soils useless for the growth of plants that could potentially remove remaining
contamination (Padmavathiamma and Li, 2007). By utilizing phytoremediation
techniques, the environmental disruption is minimized, soil fertility is maintained,
secondary air- and water-borne wastes are reduced, and these techniques are well
received by the public as in situ methods (Tian et al., 2007; Amaya-Chavez
et al., 2006; Padmavathiamma and Li, 2007). In some cases, phytoremediation
may be the only solution for reducing contaminated soil and water systems that
cover hundreds of thousands of square kilometers as a result of human activity
(Meagher, 2000). The harvesting of plants that have accumulated large quantities
7 Phytoremediation: The Wave of the Future 123
of usable metals in their tissues, such as nickel, zinc, and copper, could be recy-
cled and used for other purposes, thus producing an economic incentive for using
phytoremediation (Ow, 1996). In addition to being environmentally friendly, the
phytoremediation process may also be cost-effective (Padmavathiamma and Li,
2007; Zhuang et al., 2007a,b; Yang et al., 2005). In the recent past, the cost to handle
contaminated waste was approximately $100 m−3 for incineration, $60–$300 m−3
for landfill, $200–$700 m−3 for special landfill requirements, and $1,000–$3,000
m−3 to dispose of radionuclides per year (Cunningham et al., 1995). Using the
techniques of phytoremediation, these costs are reduced remarkably to levels of
only $5–$40 t−1 and $0.02–$1.00 m−3 per year (Padmavathiamma and Li, 2007;
Cunningham et al., 1995).
Fig. 7.1 Chemical structures of organic contaminates that are environmental risks to humans and
Current research suggests that there are two different ways by which organic
contaminants can be removed from soil- and water-based systems, namely, phy-
todegradation and rhizofiltration. First we look at phytodegradation (Fig. 7.2), the
process that utilizes plants and their associated microflora to convert hydrocarbons
to non-toxic forms (Cunningham et al., 1995).
The conversion of contaminants by plants takes place in the following manner:
First the plant releases root exudates that include organic and inorganic substances
into the rhizosphere (soil–root–microorganism interface zone) during metabolism.
These root exudates act as substrates for soil microorganisms, thus enhancing the
uptake and degradation of toxic organic compounds by the plants. This principle
has been used to remediate crude oil, motor oil, and diesel fuel from soils (Chaineau
7 Phytoremediation: The Wave of the Future 125
Fig. 7.2 Phytodegradation of organic contaminants. (Used with permission from Mueller et al.,
et al., 2000). In a field study conducted by Palmroth et al. (2006) over a 39-month
growth period, the initial soil concentration of contaminants was 11,400 mg kg−1
hydrocarbons in soil (dry weight). This soil contaminant component consisted of
two-thirds lubricating oil, and the remaining one-third, diesel fuel. The field area
was divided into four plots with two being fertilized with municipal biowaste,
one plot with NPK fertilizer (16.6:4:25.3), and in the remaining plot, no fertil-
izer was used. The target concentration of phytoremediation was set at a level of
1,500 mg kg−1 hydrocarbons in dry soil, which translates to a reduction of hydro-
carbons by 87% (Palmroth et al., 2006). Initially the hydrocarbon concentration did
not decrease significantly in non-amended soil; however, there was a 30% decrease
in the original concentration during the last 4 months of the experiment. In soil
amended with either NPK fertilizer or biowaste compost, 65 and 60% of the hydro-
carbons were removed, respectively, using a mixture of grasses (red fescue, Festuca
rubra; meadowgrass, Poa pratensis; and ryegrass, Lolium perenne), Dutch white
clover (Trifolium repens), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), and poplar seedlings (Pop-
ulus deltoides x Wettsteinii). Ultimately, 57% of the hydrocarbons were removed in
the plots amended with biowaste, clover, and grasses. Approximately 60% of the
hydrocarbons were removed in the plot with grasses, clover, and trees. For the plot
using NPK fertilizer, increased hydrocarbon removal was recorded compared to the
biowaste plots, but during the last 4 months of the study there was no significant
difference between the two amendments (Palmroth et al., 2006). This study shows
positive potential for phytodegradation with approximately 50% or more of the
hydrocarbons being removed by plants and associated microflora from contaminated
126 J.S. Succuro et al.
soil. The length of time for remediation can take several years to achieve treatment
goals. It should be noted that in this study, the goal of achieving the 1,500 mg kg−1
hydrocarbons in dry soil weight was not achieved. This, however, does not mean
that the process of phytodegradation is a non-viable technique; it does confirm the
need for further research into optimizing the phytoremediation process and possibly
using genetically modified (GM) plants.
7.3 Rhizofiltration
Fig. 7.3 Rhizofiltration of organic or inorganic contaminants. (Used with permission from Mueller
et al., 2001)
7 Phytoremediation: The Wave of the Future 127
chlorophyll a/b ratio was 2.8. After 10 days of exposure to MeP, no significant dif-
ferences were shown in either total chlorophyll content or chlorophyll a/b ratio at the
different MeP exposure levels (Amaya-Chavez et al., 2006). As a result, T. latifolia
shows a low level of toxicity as a result of MeP uptake and a higher level of toler-
ance than other macrophytes tested to date. This higher tolerance could be due to
T. latifolia’s ability to produce higher biomass with its rhizomatous/fibrous root sys-
tem. As a result of these studies, T. latifolia has been determined to be quite efficient
at removing MeP from water and sediment systems. Glick (2003) surmises that this
efficiency could be due, in part, to a rhizosphere root/microorganism association
that aids in the organic contaminant degradation with T. latifolia’s extensive rhi-
zomatous/fibrous root system. Finally, given T. latifolia’s ability to tolerate a range
of MeP concentrations without any loss of removal efficiency and minimal toxic
effects to the plant, it should be seriously considered for remediation practices.
Fig. 7.4 Phytoextraction of inorganic contaminants. (Used with permission from Mueller et al.,
range of lead a plant can accumulate is between 6.3 and 9.9 mg kg−1 (Outridge
and Noller, 1991). Lead becomes toxic to the plants at levels above 27 mg kg−1
(Beckett and Davis, 1978). In addition to lead uptake, some plants are tolerant to
increased levels of zinc, an essential mineral element. The mean level is 66 mg kg−1
and becomes toxic at levels of 230 mg kg−1 and higher (Borkert et al., 1998;
Long et al., 2003). In some cases, plants can be classified as hyperaccumulators
because of their ability to accumulate extremely high levels of the metal contami-
nant into their tissues. Hyperaccumulator status is achieved when a plant accumu-
lates more than 1,000 mg kg−1 or 0.1% of the metal by dry weight for lead and
10,000 mg kg−1 or 1.0% of the metal by dry weight for zinc (Brooks et al., 1977).
One example of a hyperaccumulator plant is Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. or Indian
Mustard. B. juncea has been known to accumulate 1.5% Pb (lead) by dry weight
with the addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), a synthetic chelating
agent used to increase the solubility of lead when grown in media that had a large
quantity of lead available (Blaylock et al., 1997; Bouchier, 2003). Another plant
that receives much attention as a hyperaccumulator of zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd)
is Thlaspi caerulescens J. & C. Presl. or alpine penny cress. Research conducted
by Baker et al. (1994, as cited in Brown et al., 1994) has shown that field sam-
ples collected at sites contaminated with cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) had shoot
concentrations as high as 164 and 21,000 mg kg−1 dry weight, respectively. Addi-
tionally, Brown et al. (1995) showed that when grown hydroponically in solutions
containing 650 mg L−1 Zn and 22 mg L−1 Cd, T. caerulescens could accumulate Zn
and Cd in shoots up to 33,600 and 1,140 mg kg−1 dry weight, respectively. These
7 Phytoremediation: The Wave of the Future 129
Fig. 7.5 Phytostabilization of inorganic or organic contaminants. (Used with permission from
Mueller et al., 2001)
systems that prevent soil erosion by protecting the soil from human contact and
rain. In addition, the root systems should reduce the incidence of water percolation,
thus immobilizing the contaminant(s). Further considerations include these plants
being poor translocators of heavy metals to the above-ground tissues (to reduce risk
of entering the food chain via herbivory), their rapid growth rates, and their high
transpiration rates that allow for more effective removal of soil water (Berti and
Cunningham, 2000).
A study by Tang and Fang (2001) was conducted to determine the usefulness
of two perennial herbs from the Polygonaceae family, Polygonum microcephalum
D. Don (Red Dragon) and Rumex hastatus D. Don (Curly Dock), as plants that
could be used for phytostabilization. Plant and soil samples (from the root zone)
were taken from three different heavily contaminated copper mines of the Yunnan
Province in China for analysis. Results showed that P. microcephalum accumulated
high concentrations of copper in roots, stems, and shoots, averaging 491, 110, and
133 mg kg−1 , respectively. On the other hand, R. hastatus accumulated lower con-
centrations of copper in roots, stems, and shoots, averaging 33, 42, and 45 mg kg−1 ,
respectively. This, however, does show that both species can accumulate copper into
tissues when grown in a copper-contaminated soil (Tang and Fang, 2001). Since
P. microcephalum accumulated more copper in its tissues than R. hastatus, this
could indicate that P. microcephalum has a higher level of tolerance than R. hastatus.
When considering the higher levels of copper accumulated by P. microcephalum
and lower accumulation amounts in R. hastatus, one can infer from these data that
R. hastatus is excluding copper from the shoots. The result of the soil analysis
revealed that copper concentrations for P. microcephalum and R. hastatus, averaged
1,494 and 2,105 mg kg−1 dry weight, respectively, confirming that these species
can grow in highly contaminated soil. It should also be noted that there was a lack
of soil fertility as confirmed by low soil organic carbon (humus). In conclusion,
P. microcephalum appears to be more of an accumulator with respect to copper-type
contaminants, whereas R. hastatus is more of an excluder based on the compari-
son of shoot/root metal ratios (Tang and Fang, 2001). This evidence shows that two
species can grow side by side even though they have different uptake and trans-
port characteristics, thus providing the potential for phytostabilization (Tang and
Fang, 2001).
There is also the concern today about how plants respond to air pollution and how
they might be used to help alleviate this problem. This occurs mainly in urban areas
as a result of industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels (Park et al., 2006).
A large contributor to this pollution is the automobile, causing roadside damage to
both plants and the underlying soil (Park et al., 2006). As fossil fuels are burned in
the engines of vehicles, many greenhouse gases are emitted, including sulfur dioxide
(SO2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (Kulshreshtha et al., 2003).
132 J.S. Succuro et al.
Since plants provide a large leaf surface area that is in contact with the surrounding
environment, absorption, adsorption, and accumulation of these air pollutants can
occur, thus reducing pollution’s negative effect on the environment (Kulshreshtha
et al., 2003; Sharma et al., 2005). Research conducted by Kulshreshtha et al. (2003)
evaluated 30 species of plants to determine the tolerance to air pollution in a road-
side (heavily polluted) environment and a park/garden (non-polluted) environment.
In order to determine the tolerance of the plants, several factors were investigated.
These included chlorophyll and ascorbic acid contents, relative water content, and
leaf extract pH. These tolerance measures were then converted to an Air Pollution
Tolerance Index (APTI) (Kulshreshtha et al., 2003). Plants that had an APTI that
was high were considered to have a tolerance to pollutants, whereas plants with an
APTI that was low indicated plants were not as tolerant to the pollutants. Of the
30 plants that were investigated, species that had an APTI of 30 or greater included
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don or Madagascar periwinkle (37), Ficus religiosa L.
or Sacred fig (35), Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. or Bougainvillea (32), and Ficus
glomerata Roxb. or Bonsai tree (32), while plants that showed less tolerance (an
APTI of 5 or less) to air pollution included Delbergia sissoo Roxb., or Shisham
tree (3) and Cansa carendes (3). Further research with the plants that had high
APTI value should be considered for the reduction of roadside pollution in urban
Sharma et al. (2005) compared the use of bougainvillea plants as a means of
reducing air pollution along roadsides in both high- and low-traffic areas. Plants
of 11 cultivars grown in pots were subjected to a low-traffic-density area (LTDA)
represented by the NBRI Botanical Garden and a high-traffic-density area (HTDA)
represented by a median dividing roads in a high-traffic area (Sharma et al., 2005).
To determine the effectiveness of the bougainvilleas at removing pollutants from
the air, several different foliar aspects of health were studied. These parameters
included cuticle, stomata, subsidiary cells, and trichomes. In the LDTA the cuti-
cle was smooth, granular, or striate having inconspicuous wax at certain locations
while the stomata were globose and present at the same level as other cells. The
subsidiary cell walls were clear but slightly raised and the trichomes were non-
glandular, uniseriate, and multicellular with a bolbus base and globular tip (Sharma
et al., 2005). The HTDA foliage showed that the cuticle was wrinkled and stria-
tions were not present, while the stomata were raised from the surface of other cells
and present in larger numbers. Subsidiary cell walls had fused and were irregularly
shaped, while the number of trichomes increased, their overall length had decreased,
and the cuticle over the trichomes had become cracked (Sharma et al., 2005). It was
determined that because of morphological, anatomical, and physiological changes
within the foliage, absorption of toxic pollutants was confined to the cell sap which
neutralized these toxins, thus forming a stable complex within certain cellular com-
partments, thus allowing greater tolerance to pollutants. The conclusion reached was
that bougainvilleas with their relatively thick leaves of large surface area can trap
more dust and pollutants in the surrounding area of high traffic, reducing pollution,
while at the same time, presenting a pleasing environment since these plants provide
a wide array of flower colors (Sharma et al., 2005).
7 Phytoremediation: The Wave of the Future 133
7.5 Conclusions
Since the beginning of time, humans have left their mark (in some cases, irre-
versibly) on the environment. During the industrial revolution, no one stopped to
think about the long-term ramifications of constantly polluting air, water, and soil.
The thinking during this period was that Earth’s environment is going to be around
forever and that it can clean itself. In addition to the industrial age releasing huge
amounts of contaminants into the environment, the consumption of fossil fuels also
increased as motor vehicles continued to grow in size and number. When humans
discovered that the oil used for the production of gasoline was in short supply, they
began to realize that our resources are limited. The same chain of events can be said
about the logging industry, fishing industry, and the mining industry, just to name
a few. As the realization became transparently clear, new ways to save our natural
resources and to help repair the environment began to be developed. One of the out-
comes of this greening revolution was the field or technology of phytoremediation,
whereby plants that are already here can be used to assist in the rejuvenation of
Earth’s ecosystems. Through phytoremediation techniques, the environment can be
“cleaned” in less destructive and most cost-effective ways by the virtue of the ability
of plants’ adaptation to many different types of contamination across many different
ecosystems. Although phytoremediation seems like it is the answer to many prob-
lems of pollution, it is subject to some limitations such as requiring supplemental
nutrients, having extended time requirements for remediation to occur, and only
removing contaminants within the root zone (rhizosphere). However, the picture is
not bleak because current research (from many different fields of study) is now com-
ing together as a multidisciplinary effort for the discovery of new ways to better the
phytoremediation processes. As long as there is a need for remediation (and there
may likely be from now on), scientists will continue to come together and to work
diligently to solve the problems of contamination in an attempt to make the world a
safer and more healthy place to live.
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Chapter 8
Biotechnology of the Rhizosphere
Beatriz Ramos Solano, Jorge Barriuso Maicas, and Javier Gutierrez Mañero
Abstract This chapter deals with the management of the rhizosphere as a living
system, paying special attention to one of the three partners that define the rhizo-
sphere: beneficial microorganisms (termed PGPR or the plant growth-promoting
rhizosphere bacteria) that inhabit it. After that, several biotechnological approaches
for management of the rhizosphere will be presented. These approaches relate to
environment friendly agricultural practices, the production of high-quality foods
with bioactive compounds (phytonutrients), and applications in the pharmaceutical
The rhizosphere refers to the soil region that is subject to the influence of plant
roots and their associated microorganisms. Among these microorganisms are plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria which are beneficial for plant health in many ways:
by improving plant nutrition, protecting against other microorganisms, producing
plant growth regulators, or enhancing plant secondary metabolic pathways that are
directly related to a plant’s defense. In some plant species, these secondary metabo-
lites are useful to human health.
The biotechnology of the rhizosphere covers a wide array of applications that
deal with sustainable agriculture (intensive or extensive): lowering of chemical
inputs due to fertilizers and pesticides; improving crop productivity in saline and
non-fertile soils; improvement of plant fitness for reforestation of degraded soils;
and improvement in the bioactive levels of metabolites in medicinal plant species,
among others. In this connection, the identification of elicitors (molecules that stim-
ulate any of a number of defense responses in plants) appears to be an alternative to
PGPR for unraveling limiting steps of secondary metabolism pathways.
8.1 Introduction
The German agronomist Hiltner first defined the rhizosphere, at the end of the nine-
teenth century, as the “effect” of the roots of legumes on the surrounding soil, in
terms of higher microbial activity, due to the organic matter released by the roots
(Lynch, 1990). Until the end of the twentieth century, this “effect” was not consid-
ered to be an ecosystem in which the three components (plant, soil, and microor-
ganisms) define a unique environment (Barriuso et al., 2008a). This environment
changes depending on the conditions set up by the three components. Therefore, a
deep knowledge of the interactions between the plant, the soil, and the microor-
ganisms is vital to our understanding of how this complex rhizosphere system
In this context, a second concept that needs to be addressed here is what we shall
term biotechnology of the rhizosphere (Fig. 8.1).
Among the three components of the interaction shown in Fig. 8.1, microorgan-
isms appear as the easiest element to manipulate, since we will usually select the
plant of interest and the soil to work with. Microorganisms that inhabit the rhizo-
sphere play a key role in plant physiology by affecting either directly or indirectly
the plant’s metabolism. These bacteria may increase nutrient availability in the soil,
which will be reflected in better growth of the plant (indirect mechanisms), or may
affect the plant’s hormonal balance or its secondary metabolism (direct mecha-
nisms) (Ramos Solano et al., 2008a). When secondary metabolism is affected, the
plant’s defense against pathogen or insect attack may be improved for better fitness.
At the same time, in medicinal plant species, levels of phytopharmaceuticals are
altered. In this case, either known metabolites increase or even new molecules may
appear (Poulev et al., 2003). This role involves not only the direct effect of a sin-
gle bacterial strain but also that of the molecular dialogue established among soil
microorganisms and between microorganisms and the plant (Barriuso et al., 2008c).
A short review of the most relevant mechanisms follows and will be integrated
into the subsequent case studies section later in this chapter.
and not used by the bacteria is taken up by the plant, forming an extra supply of
nitrogen. This relationship is described as an unspecific and “loose” symbiosis. Bio-
logical nitrogen fixation is a high-cost process in terms of energy. Bacterial strains
able to perform this process do so to fulfill their needs, and thus, little nitrogen is
left for the plant’s use. However, difficulties may be overcome by biotechnological
approaches based on genetic manipulations and other strategies to improve colo-
nization capacities.
However, growth promotion caused by nitrogen-fixing PGPR was erroneously
attributed to nitrogen fixation for many years, until the use of nitrogen isotopes
occurred. This technique showed that the benefits of free nitrogen-fixing bacteria
are due more to the production of plant growth regulators than to nitrogen fixation
(Baldini, 1997). This kind of production of plant growth regulators is discussed later.
nutrition at the same time that certain pathogens are controlled, resulting in lower
chemical inputs due to pesticides and fertilizers.
Direct mechanismsare those that occur inside the plant and directly affect the
plant’s metabolism (Ramos Solano et al., 2008a) by involving the plant’s defensive
metabolic processes, which transduce the signal sent from the bacteria that influence
the plant. Plant growth regulators can be considered as participants in the principal
PGPR mechanism, together with the induction of systemic resistance (ISR), which
has in recent years become an important issue. Both involve the existence of bac-
terial eliciting molecules, receptor binding, and further signal transduction. When
bacteria release a plant growth regulator, all three stages are known, because this
process is the same in plants and bacteria. However, this is not the case for induc-
tion of systemic resistance, in which the eliciting molecules, the receptor, and the
signal transduction mechanism, as a general rule, are still unknown.
8 Biotechnology of the Rhizosphere 143
cell division (Salisbury, 1994) and have recently been reported in free-living bac-
teria (Arkhipova et al., 2007). Concerning gibberellins, there is little information
regarding microorganisms that produce this type of plant growth regulator. How-
ever, it is known that symbiotic bacteria that form nodules in the plant to fix nitro-
gen (Rhizobia) are able to produce gibberellins, auxins, and cytokinins in very low
concentrations when the nodule is forming at the time of high cell duplication rate
(Atzorn et al., 1988). However, the production of gibberellins by PGPR is rare, with
only two described strains able to produce gibberellins in relevant concentrations:
Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus licheniformis (Gutiérrez Mañero et al., 2001).
Auxins are derived from tryptophan metabolism, and their effects depend on the
concentration, the organ affected, and the physiological status of the plant. Aux-
ins synthesized by the plant and the microorganisms only differ in the biosynthetic
pathway, depending on the plant and/or the microorganisms. More than 80% of soil
bacteria in the rhizosphere are capable of producing auxins. Thus, the potential of
these microorganisms to affect the endogenous levels of this regulator, and therefore
their effects on plant growth, is remarkable.
The reason there are so many bacteria in the rhizosphere that are able to produce
auxins is still unknown. Some authors suggest that these bacteria have a tryptophan-
related metabolism and that auxin biosynthesis represents a detoxification mecha-
nism (Bar and Okon, 1992). Other authors propose that auxins have some cellular
function because a clear relationship has been observed between auxin and cyclic
AMP (adenosine monophosphate) levels, which regulate many metabolic processes
(Katsy, 1997). However, the anthropomorphic view of this fact could be correct,
namely, that auxin synthesis improves plant growth that results in more exudation
and more nutrients for rhizobacteria. This hypothesis explains a mutualistic ben-
eficial association between rhizospheric microorganisms and the plant. The plant
controls the energy flux in the system because it has more genetic information and
contributes most of the organic matter to the rhizosphere.
Auxins released by rhizobacteria mainly affect the root system, increasing its
size and weight, branching number, and the surface area in contact with soil. All
of these changes lead to an increase in the ability of roots to extract nutrients from
the soil, therefore improving plant nutrition and growth capacity (Gutiérrez Mañero
et al., 1996). Another important result of inoculation with auxin-producing bacteria
is the formation of adventitious roots, which are derived from the stem. The auxins
induce dedifferentiation of the stem tissues to dedifferentiate as root tissue. All the
above effects can vary considerably depending on the auxin levels that reach the
root system, including an excess, which could be inhibitory. In order to explain
these inhibitory auxin effects, the relationship of auxin with ethylene has to be
Ethylene is another growth regulator whose levels alter PGPR, in turn affect-
ing physiological processes in the plant. It primarily functions in regulating plant
development processes, including seed germination, root growth, leaf abscission,
fruit development and ripening, as well as defense systems and stress responses.
Factors such as light, temperature, salinity, pathogen attack, and nutrition can cause
marked variations in ethylene levels. The influence of abiotic factors in ethylene
8 Biotechnology of the Rhizosphere 145
levels was deduced some time before biotic factors were discovered (Abeles et al.,
1992; Morgan and Drew, 1997).
As ethylene levels decrease, root systems increase their growth, with the benefits
already mentioned. Using PGPR to reduce ethylene levels in the plant could be an
interesting method to improve certain physiological processes in the plant. Ethy-
lene biosynthesis starts in the methionine cycle; one aminocyclopropanecarboxylic
acid molecule (ACC) results from each turn of the cycle. The enzyme responsi-
ble for ACC production is ACC synthase, whose expression level and activity are
regulated by a large number of signals such as auxin, ethylene, and environmental
factors. The ACC is the substrate for ACC oxidase, also called ethylene-forming
enzyme (EFE). This enzyme has been cloned from numerous species and belongs
to a multigenic family which produces different types of ACC oxidases depending
on the plant organ and development state.
The model proposed for ethylene regulation in the plant by PGPR is based on
the ability of some bacteria to degrade ACC, the direct precursor of ethylene (Glick
et al., 1994a). The degradation of this compound creates an ACC concentration gra-
dient outbound, favoring its exudation and, hence, a reduction of the ethylene level
inside. This, in combination with auxins that may be produced by the same microor-
ganism, has a considerable impact on important physiological processes, such as
root system development, since the bacterial ACC deaminase competes with the
plant’s ACC oxidase. This ACC deaminase enzyme has been isolated and identi-
fied in several bacterial and fungal genera, all having the ability to use ACC as the
sole nitrogen source. Curiously, no microorganism has yet been found that is able
to form ethylene from ACC (Glick et al., 1994b). Since ethylene and auxins are two
related types of growth regulators and since the balance between them is essential
for the formation of new roots, some effects attributed to auxin-producing bacteria
are actually due to ACC degradation.
PGPR that reduce ethylene levels in plants are also able to improve nodule forma-
tion in legumes and mycorrhizae formation in many other types of plants. A tem-
porary reduction of ethylene in the earlier stages of either of these processes is
Case study: The aim of this case study involving two separate studies (Gutiérrez
Mañero et al., 1996, 2001) is to highlight the synergistic effects of bacterial strains
producing two types of plant growth regulators.
These bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of A. glutinosa and produc-
tion of IAA-like compounds in the culture media was demonstrated by bioassay.
This bioassay was set up by adding bacteria cultures media free of bacteria to alder
seedlings in two different concentrations. When a bacterial strain tested positive
for enhancement of shoot and root growth, the results were plotted against data
for plants that were grown on media containing increasing concentrations of IAA
(Gutiérrez Mañero et al., 1996). However, addition of synthetic IAA to plants did
not reproduce exactly the same effects as obtained for compounds released by bacte-
ria, when their growth parameters were studied. Higher shoot surface suggested the
presence of gibberellin-type compounds. Hence, a second study was carried out to
detect these compounds. First, a bioassay was performed and second, identification
146 B.R. Solano et al.
tobacco, tomato, and radish, with different PGPR and pathogens, and an increasing
number of signal transduction pathways. This finding is fundamental because it pro-
poses an “immune” response in the plant, raising the possibility of “vaccination” for
the plant.
The plant can also acquire immunity after a pathogen attack. This response has
been described before the ISR. The acquisition of resistance by the plant after a
pathogen attack, causing little damage or localized necrosis in response to a fur-
ther pathogen attack, has been known for many years. The phenomenon is called
systemic acquired resistance (SAR) (Ryals et al., 1996). During a pathogen attack,
reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced in necrotic areas, causing tissue death.
If the plant survives the challenge, it remains protected for life.
In A. thaliana, the SAR and ISR responses are regulated by distinctly different
pathways. SAR is associated with an increase in salicylic acid levels and the transla-
tion of an ankyrin-type protein called NPR1, located in the nucleus, which induces
the transcription of the pathogenetic-related (PR) genes. These genes codify the PR
proteins that are responsible for systemic resistance in the plant (Lawton et al., 1991;
Uknes et al., 1993). In the ISR response, salicylic acid levels are not altered, but
the response is mediated by other two growth regulators, namely, ethylene and jas-
monic acid, which act as signal transductors and not as stress hormones. In ISR, the
NPR1 protein is also involved. But here, it induces the expression of other proteins
different from PRs (Conrath et al., 2002). In addition to these pathways, research
with new beneficial agents and different pathways are being described, especially
since the ability of a PGPR to induce systemic resistance depends on the plant-
beneficial bacteria–pathogen system. There is evidence of certain PGPR that are
able to elicit systemic protection against P. syringae DC3000 in A. thaliana involv-
ing the SA-mediated pathway (Ramos Solano et al., 2008b).
SAR and ISR responses lead to plant protection against different pathogen
species, but there are species which overlap. However, both responses can coex-
ist in the same plant at the same time (van Wees et al., 2000). Thus, the use of
PGPR or PGPR mixes able to trigger both responses at same time would result in
an important advance in the improvement of pest defense systems.
The induction of defense metabolism, in fact, involves an induction of sec-
ondary metabolism developed by sessile organisms that are adapted to survive any
changes of a biotic and abiotic nature. Therefore, some PGPR may trigger secondary
metabolism against pathogens that at the same time may also be effective against
biotic stress, such as saline conditions in soils, a frequent situation in agriculture.
Furthermore, when a medicinal plant is used, phytopharmaceutical levels may also
be increased or even new molecules may appear. This topic will be discussed in
Section 8.4.
The use of PGPR in agriculture is one of the most interesting alternatives for improv-
ing sustainable agricultural practices, as well as for recovering degraded ecosys-
tems (Vessey, 2003). PGPR can be used for a wide range of purposes that include
148 B.R. Solano et al.
The above case study shows that nutrient-related traits are not always useful for
growth promotion (indirect mechanisms). Inoculation of nutrient-mobilizing bacte-
ria will only result in positive results where nutrients are scarce. Therefore, bacte-
rial strains showing nutrient-related traits should be used to increase productivity
in areas with low yields due to lack of nutrients, not in rich cropping soils where
chemical fertilizers are used and would result in “silencing” of the bacterial effect.
In these latter soils, they should be used to lower the input of chemical fertilizers
into the system.
However, the same PGPR strain may act by several mechanisms or may use
different ones. The following case study illustrates another aspect of agriculture
where plant nutrition cannot be further improved and the bacterial strain is able to
improve yield under intensive greenhouse conditions. This strain is able to produce
plant growth regulators using direct mechanisms.
Case study: The aim of this case study is to show how the inoculation of one
PGPR strain is able to produce plant growth regulators (gibberellin and auxin types),
using intensive culture, that improve productivity and protect the plant. It is within
the aim of this study to show that inoculation of such biologic agents can be useful
and feasible in current agricultural practices.
The effects of inoculation with a strain of B. licheniformis on the growth of
pepper and tomato were investigated in three experiments. Before field trials, the
survival of the strain against pesticides used in greenhouse production was tested
to discard any possibility of failure due to pesticides; the bacterium was tolerant
to most of them, leaving a possibility to be a part of integrated pest management
(IPM). Of the three experiments, one was carried out under seedbed conditions and
two under greenhouse production conditions. In the first experiment, the bacterium
significantly increased the height of the plants and the leaf area in both species
and in both cultivars. This is interesting for the production of plantlets with bet-
ter adaptative capacities that will have better performance when transplanted to
production greenhouses. Effects were more marked on pepper than on tomato,
revealing certain specificity between the strain and the plant species. In the sec-
ond experiment, seedlings growing in sand and in hydroponic culture were stud-
ied. The number and diameter of tomato fruits produced in sand and in hydroponic
medium were increased significantly by PGPR inoculation, revealing the effects of
gibberellins released by the PGPR. Given the physiological effects of this PGPR
on flowering, it is interesting that flowering took place 15 days earlier in inocu-
lated plants. This would result in the fruit reaching the market 2 weeks before the
expected time. Hence, one can see the putative benefits for producers using these
types of inoculants. In addition, PGPR-treated plants showed a lower incidence of
disease than non-treated plants (no pesticides were used in either block), reveal-
ing a systemic induction of defensive metabolism by the PGPR. The effect could
also be attributed to the simple colonization that could be impeding soil pathogen
colonization (termed niche exclusion). In the third experiment, the total weight
of pepper fruits harvested from PGPR-inoculated plants increased significantly as
compared with non-inoculated controls. In light of the considerable colonization
150 B.R. Solano et al.
and competitive ability of this PGPR strain and its effects on growth and plant phys-
iology, it could be used as a biofertilizer or biocontrol agent without altering nor-
mal management in greenhouses. This would allow for lower chemical inputs for
pathogen control.
However, the effects reported for greenhouse production have been validated
only for those conditions per se (that is, extreme nutrient control and hydroponic
or sand support). When this same bacterial strain is inoculated into soil contain-
ing its natural communities, the effect can be different. As a matter of fact, among
the number of studies conducted on this topic, two will specifically be addressed
in the third case study. But the general rule is that a strong alteration of native soil
communities results in a lack of effect on plant growth, while a slight alteration
of soil communities after PGPR inoculation is coupled with good results for plant
Case study: This study is concerned with the influence of an indigenous European
alder (A. glutinosa L. Gaertn) rhizobacterium (B. pumilus) on the growth of alder
and its rhizosphere microbial community structure in two soils (Ramos et al., 2003).
The aim of this study is to show that alteration of native communities of soils is neg-
atively related to biological effects. European alder seedlings were inoculated with a
suspension of the putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) B. pumilus
(CECT 5105), or left non-inoculated (controls) in two different soils, and grown
under controlled conditions. Soil A showed a coarse texture, was slightly acidic,
and possessed a high nitrogen content, while soil B showed a fine texture, was basic
in pH, and possessed a lower nitrogen content. The bacterium was isolated from
soil A. At each sampling time, over an 8-week period, shoot and root systems of
the plants were measured, determining shoot and root length and surface area; the
number of nodules produced were counted. In addition, changes in the microbial
rhizosphere structure were evaluated by the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profile
after extracting directly from the rhizosphere soil.
The increases detected in shoot surface were significant only in soil A, while the
root system was affected in both soils, revealing the ability to produce auxin-like
compounds of this strain that elicited better growth of the root system. However,
while in soil A inoculation with B. pumilus caused a perturbation that subsequently
disappeared, the rhizosphere community structure was seriously altered in soil B.
This effect is based on the different profiles of phospholipids/fatty acids that indi-
rectly reveal changes in the composition of microbiota. All biometric parameters
were enhanced to a greater extent in soil A, in which the PGPR inoculum did not
alter the existing rhizosphere communities, and nutrient availability was better. This
is consistent with the previous hypothesis that release of auxin-type plant growth
regulators by inoculated PGPR will result in better growth of the root system, which
improves plant nutrient absorption potential. If this is coupled to enhanced nutrient
availability, plants will show an increase in their growth parameters. Also, results
were worst in soil B, in which case the PGPR strain had been isolated from soil
A. In addition to the problems that inoculation caused in rhizosphere communities,
there might be a nutrient dependence from the original soil that could condition the
synthesis of growth regulators or any other factors that could affect growth.
8 Biotechnology of the Rhizosphere 151
As a concluding remark from this case study, it is clear that the influence of
the soil cannot be discarded as a factor that has a negative influence on the benefi-
cial effects of PGPR. Thus, it should be considered so as to increase success when
releasing inoculants in soils. Although this case study was developed for a tree, not
an agronomic or vegetable crop, this concluding remark applies to any crop species
where the soil nature may condition the success of an added biofertilizer.
regular phytochemical treatments and the other without any addition of chemicals.
Interestingly, the addition of bacterial treatments, once in the seed and then fol-
lowed by several aerial inoculations during the growing season, resulted in a small
increase in yield, but in addition, caused a large decrease in disease incidence under
natural conditions. It is striking that the combination of the two strains achieved
the best results. In light of these results, a combined strategy is going to be pro-
posed for their use in integrated pest management. In this case, chemical pesticides
can be applied if disease incidence runs out of control when the biological agent
is used.
Special interest has been paid to plant species of medicinal interest due to their
role in human health. Ever since plants have been used for healing, plant collectors
have selected those with a better effect on health. These differences, in effect, are
attributable to either higher levels of phytopharmaceuticals or differences in their
relative contents, which most of the time are affected by environmental conditions
when harvested from the field. A third possibility to explain this is that, for a known
medicinal plant species, new molecules with pharmacological interest may appear
when it is grown under a new set of environmental conditions or with a stress fac-
tor. Therefore, this would account for the improvement in its beneficial effects for
human health.
The variability of secondary metabolism is a problem for the pharmaceutical
industry since field production is uncertain and may condition availability of final
products. Sometimes, the problem may be solved by chemical synthesis, but it is not
always possible or at least it usually lacks economic feasibility. Another alternative
is cell culture, but for some plant species, it is not feasible, or yields achieved are
too low because secondary metabolism is not necessary under such controlled and
undifferentiated conditions. Therefore, one of the main goals in industry now is to
obtain reproducible extracts of plants grown in field production or, even more chal-
lenging, grown in plant cell cultures. For this purpose, the use of elicitors appears
to be an encouraging alternative (Radman et al., 2003). In support of this last state-
ment, a recent study by Poulev et al. (2003) has reported the potential of elicitation
to discover new molecules with pharmacological interest. But this study not only
reports the presence of new molecules but also the use of elicitors has been able
to duplicate the presence of these molecules and to increase the concentration of
known compounds. Hence, unraveling the nature of elicitors and the elicited path-
ways remains an exciting challenge for the pharmaceutical industry.
Among these putative elicitors, PGPR appear as good candidates for upregulating
secondary metabolism. The following case study (Gutiérrez Mañero et al., 2003)
illustrates how PGPR strains isolated from the rhizosphere of wild populations of
Digitalis are able to enhance levels of cardenolides in high-yielding varieties of
Digitalis lanata Ehrh., grown either in field production or as in vitro cell cultures.
8 Biotechnology of the Rhizosphere 153
Case study: The 480 isolates from a bacterial screening assay carried out in the
rhizosphere of two Digitalis species in two physiological stages were characterized
at the generic level. Bacillus was the dominant genus in all cases. Fifty percent of the
Bacillus strains isolated from each species were analyzed by PCR-RAPDs. At 85%
similarity, 12 groups separated out for D. thapsi L. and 18 for D. parviflora Jacq.
One strain of each group was selected for biological assay on high-yield selected
varieties of D. lanata Ehrh., kindly provided by Boehringer Mannheim (Spain).
The evaluated parameters were growth promotion and cardenolide content in leaves.
Inoculation was performed in the root system so as to obtain a systemic induction
of secondary metabolism. Only 17 strains caused significant increases in at least
one of the parameters evaluated. The most striking result was that some strains pro-
moted growth and increased cardenolide content at the same time. This effect was
detected in leaves, while inoculation was carried out in roots. Interestingly, these
two parameters are not enhanced simultaneously under regular conditions of pot
culture or in tissue cultures. This result shows that the biotic agent employed was
able to upregulate the plant’s metabolism. Moreover, it was striking that bacterial
strains selected from wild species were able to upregulate secondary metabolism in
selected varieties, especially for terpenes and cardenolides. The implication of this
study is that identification of eliciting agents may now make it possible to enhance
secondary metabolism in undifferentiated tissue cultures. This could be of major
economic importance for the pharmaceutical industry because it would make possi-
ble either field production with higher yields or biotechnological production in vitro
with good yields.
Biotic elicitors are classified into several groups that include proteins, polysac-
charides, lipopolysaccharides, and volatile compounds. Polysaccharides are the
most frequent elicitors described. Identification of these elicitors is essential for
the practical application of defense responses both for agricultural and industrial
purposes, since some of the defensive compounds are molecules with pharmacolog-
ical activity. Furthermore, they can be used to elicit plant tissues in vitro, opening a
promising window for biotechnological production of phytopharmaceuticals.
Case study: Ramos Solano et al. (2008b) have recently reported on systemic
disease protection elicited by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains
in order to examine the relationship between metabolic responses, systemic disease
protection, and biotic elicitors. They were able to demonstrate that a fraction of the
bacterial cell wall is able to reproduce the defensive effect of the whole bacteria
inoculated on plant roots.
The rationale of this study was first to evaluate the ability of three PGPR to
elicit defensive metabolism in the model plant A. thaliana Col 0 against P. syringae
pv. tomato DC3000, focusing on the putative induction pathway by biochemical
and molecular markers. Second, it was carried out in order to demonstrate that
bacterial cell wall surface molecules were able to reproduce the effect of the bac-
terial strain. The PGPR employed included C. balustinum (AUR9), Azospirillum
brasilensis, and P. fluorescens (AUR6). All three strains decreased disease severity
when applied to A. thaliana prior to pathogen challenge. At a biochemical level,
each of the three strains induced ethylene (ET) biosynthesis when incubated with
1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) as well as salicylic acid produc-
tion in the plant. Plants treated with each of the three strains showed lower levels
of salicylic acid after pathogen challenge compared to untreated controls, reveal-
ing a previous contact with an eliciting agent, as described for plants that have
survived a pathogen attack (SAR). This effect was more marked in plants treated
with C. balustinum AUR9, the strain most effective in decreasing disease sever-
ity. When this response was evaluated at the molecular level, the expression level
of PR1, a transcriptional marker of the SA-dependent pathway, in C. balustinum
AUR9-treated plants is four-fold that of controls, while the expression of PDF1.2,
a transcriptional marker for the SA-independent pathway, is not induced. This sug-
gests that this PGPR strain is inducing the plant defensive pathway that is dependent
on SA and one that has traditionally been associated with pathogenic microorgan-
isms. Once this systemic protective effect was demonstrated in vivo, inoculating the
bacterial strain C. balustinum on roots and evaluating disease incidence on leaves,
cell wall lipopolysaccharides were tested as putative bacterial elicitor molecules
on axenic cultures of A. thaliana (L.) Heynh. Putative elicitors were dissolved in
the culture media and were able to reproduce this systemic induction effect at low
doses (5 μg·mL–1 ), but failed to reproduce the effect at higher doses (50 μg·mL–1 ).
From these observations, we can hypothesize that certain PGPR strains are capa-
ble of stimulating different systemic responses in host plants. With C. balustinum
AUR9, the SA-dependent pathway is stimulated first, as indicated by increases in SA
levels and PR1 expression, followed by induction of the SA-independent pathway,
as indicated by the increases in ET concentrations. The effects on both pathways
156 B.R. Solano et al.
has resulted in the development of additional QSI compounds that could be used
to control pathogenic bacteria. Furthermore, the creation of transgenic plants that
express bacterial QS genes is yet another strategy that could be utilized to interfere
with bacterial behavior (Fray, 2002).
Case study: In a study on transgenic tomato plants that alter quorum sensing in
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), Barriuso et al. (2008d) showed that
growth promotion and salt resistance are mediated by QS. This, then, extends the
roles of QS and reinforces the concept of disruption of QS to control plant pathogen
attack or to induce protection effects against different kinds of stresses. Details on
this study are provided in the following account.
Two gram-negative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), designated as
M12 and M14, affiliated with Burkholderia graminis, could produce a variety of
N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) signaling molecules. The involvement of these
molecules in plant growth promotion and induction of protection against salt stress
was examined. AHL production was evaluated in vitro by thin-layer chromatogra-
phy and bioindicator detection as well as by LC-MS/MS. In situ production of AHLs
in the rhizosphere of A. thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants was detected by GFP (green flu-
orescent protein) biosensor constructs and confocal laser scanning microscopy. To
determine if plant growth promotion and protection against salt stress were mediated
by quorum sensing (QS), these PGPR were assayed on wild-type (wt) tomato plants
as well as their corresponding transgenics expressing YenI (short-chain AHL pro-
ducers) and LasI (long-chain AHL producers). In wt tomato plants, only M12 pro-
moted plant growth, and this effect disappeared in both transgenic lines. In contrast,
the strain M14 did not promote growth in wt tomatoes, but did in LasI. Resistance
to salt stress was induced by strain M14 in wt tomato, but this effect disappeared
in both transgenic lines. Strain M12, however, did not induce salt resistance in wt
tomato, whereas it did in LasI tomato plants. These results reveal that QS AHL sig-
nal molecules mediate the ability of both PGPR strains, M12 and M14, to promote
plant growth and to induce protection against salt stress.
Rhizosphere metagenomics examines the total DNA extraction from the rhizo-
sphere, the preparation of a clonal library with this DNA, and the screening of the
clones to select the genes of interest among the vast genetic reservoir derived from
soil microbial communities.
The metagenomic approach has already been used for the identification of new
biomolecules based on the finding of genes codifying proteins with new activities.
This strategy has been validated by the isolation of novel genes that encode degrada-
tive enzymes (Henne et al., 1999), antibiotic resistance (Riesenfeld et al., 2004), and
antibiotic production (Wang et al., 2000). However, association of a certain gene
with its activity is quite difficult, and sometimes, the limiting factor is that the genes
in question may not be expressed at detectable levels. Despite the tedious and long
process of gene isolation and identification, rhizosphere metagenomics appears to
be a very promising field to find new genes with novel activities and high biotech-
nological value, but also implicit are its own technical limitations that have to be
overcome to assure new technical advances in the future.
The relevance of this perspective is fully described in Chapters 2 and 12. Neverthe-
less, a short discussion is needed here to examine the role of bacterial elicitors in
metabolic engineering. Despite the efforts devoted to increase and diversify bioac-
tive compounds in plants, it is still a challenge as to how to increase their content in
vivo and, as mentioned before, how to obtain reproducibility of bioactives under
field production conditions. These efforts rely on transgenic and non-transgenic
approaches which involve complex regulation mechanisms that are required for
increasing the levels of functional metabolites in plants. Bacterial elicitors may be
used to determine the key genes limiting a metabolic pathway once the limiting
step is identified. Transgenic approaches may allow us to overcome the low levels
of target compounds produced. Finally, and this is a very attractive and encouraging
challenge, upon elicitation, new molecules may appear after the activation of a given
metabolic pathway.
The future of PGPR research should involve all aspects that are highlighted in this
chapter. One of them is the selection of PGPR or PGPR mixes to help solve current
agricultural problems, including limiting the use of highly contaminating pesticides
and fertilizers and allowing for crop cultivation in low-fertility soils.
Although sustainable agriculture is directly related to human health, the use of
PGPR to enhance levels of secondary metabolites that directly affect health through
the diet may lead to the creation of functional foods, that is, foods having a benefi-
cial effect on human health, that are superior to the benefits ascribed to their simple
nutritional value.
8 Biotechnology of the Rhizosphere 159
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Chapter 9
Plants as Sources of Energy
9.1 Introduction
Through the process of photosynthesis, plants have the capacity to capture and uti-
lize energy, derived from the Sun, along with carbon from the Earth’s atmosphere
and nutrients from our soils to generate biomass. This biomass, in the form of roots,
stems, leaves, fruits and seeds, is also consumed by animals and microorganisms,
which in turn, generate their own forms of biomass. Manure, leaf litter, wood, gar-
den waste, and crop residues are all common examples of biomass. Consequently,
one definition of biomassis any organic/biological material which contains stored
sunlight in the form of chemical energy. Typically, humans release this energy by
burning the material, and humans have used biomass as an energy source in the form
of solid biofuels for heating and cooking since the discovery of fire.
Bioenergy is energy made available from organic materials and is often used as
a synonym to biofuel. However, an important distinction between bioenergy and
biofuel is that biomass is the fuel/biofuel and bioenergy is the energy contained
in that fuel (Anderson, 2003; Agarwal, 2007; Drapcho et al., 2008). Biofuel can
be broadly defined as any solid, liquid, or gas fuel derived from recently dead
organic/biological material. This distinguishes it from fossil fuels such as coal, oil,
and natural gas, which are derived from long dead, subterranean deposits of biolog-
ical material. Unlike fossil fuel resources, which have an inevitable finite supply,
biofuels are largely renewable energy sources based on a balance within the Earth’s
carbon cycle. As the human population continues to expand, and the demand for
fossil fuels exceeds its supplies, pressure is mounting to find efficient and effective
methods to produce renewable biofuels. Various plants and plant-derived materials
are currently used for biofuel manufacturing, and biofuel industries are expanding
in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Agriculturally produced biomass fuels, such
as biodiesel, bioethanol, and bagasse (often a by-product of sugarcane cultivation)
can be burned in internal combustion engines and cooking stoves (Agarwal, 2007).
However, there are many criticisms and concerns surrounding current practices for
the production of biofuels. Consequently, research into more sustainable methods of
generating biofuels will depend largely on the creation of environmentally respon-
sible policies in farming, processing, and transporting of biofuels.
This chapter examines some of the pros and cons in the current methods used for
generating various types of bioenergy, namely, energy derived from solid biomass,
bioalcohol, biodiesel, biogas, and presents a critical look at how biotechnology can
help to solve the world’s current and future energy needs.
Biofuels were the first form of fuel used by human cultures around the world. Even
up to the discovery of electricity and the start of the industrial revolution, fuels such
as wood, whale oil, manure, and even alcohol were the primary sources of energy
for heating, cooking, and lighting. However, the discovery and use of fossil fuels,
including coal, oil, and natural gas dramatically reduced the emphasis on biomass
fuel in the developed world (Peters and Thielmann, 2008). In the United States, for
example, large supplies of crude oil were discovered in Pennsylvania and Texas in
the mid- and late 1800s. This allowed petroleum-based fuels to become inexpensive.
Because of these low costs, fossil fuels were widely used to promote the growing
industrial age, especially for the production of power used to run factories and auto-
Despite the huge increase in the use of fossil fuels, most of the world continued
to depend upon and make use of biofuels. Even in the United States, during the high-
energy demand seen during wartime periods of World War II, biofuels were valued
as a strategic alternative to imported oil. However, during the peacetime postwar
period, inexpensive oil from the Middle East helped to trigger a worldwide shift
away from biofuels. Since then, there have been a number of “energy crises” around
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 165
the world, caused by a variety of social and political factors. An energy crisisis any
large-scale bottleneck (including price rises) in the supply of energy resources to an
economy. Two of the best known ones occurred in 1973 and 1979, when geopolit-
ical conflicts in the Middle East caused OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Export-
ing Countries) to cut exports. Consequently, non-OPEC nations experienced a very
large decrease in their oil supply. This crisis resulted in severe shortages and a sharp
increase in the prices of high-demand oil-based products, most notably gasoline.
Throughout history, the fluctuations of supply and demand, energy policy, military
conflict, and environmental impacts have all contributed to a highly complex and
volatile market for energy and fuel. On the other hand, such problems always resur-
rect the principles of green energy and sustainable living. This has led to an increas-
ing interest in alternate power/fuel research such as bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas,
fuel cell technology, hydrogen fuel, solar/photovoltaic energy, geothermal energy,
tidal energy, wave power, wind energy, and fusion power. Heretofore, only hydro-
electricity and nuclear power have been significant alternatives to fossil fuels, which
still dominate as energy sources (Fig. 9.1).
Although technology has made oil extraction more efficient, the world is having
to struggle to provide oil by using increasingly costly and less productive methods,
such as deep sea drilling and developing environmentally sensitive areas such as the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In addition, the world’s population continues to
grow at a rate of ∼250,000 people/day, and while a small part of the world’s popu-
lation consumes most of the resources, the people of developing nations continue to
Coal, 23%
Natural gas, 24%
Biomass, 47%
Renewable energy,
6% Hydroelectric, 45%
Nuclear, 8%
Geothermal, 5%
Wind, 2%
Solar, 1%
Petroleum, 39%
Total 190
Fig. 9.1 Estimated world energy use from different sources. From the state energy conservation
office web site (http://www.seco.cpa.state.tx.us/re_biomass-crops.htm). Source: The US Depart-
ment of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Information Agency (EIA), used with their permission
166 L.J. Cseke et al.
adopt more energy-intensive lifestyles. Currently, the United States, with its popula-
tion of 300 million people, consumes far more oil than China, with its population of
1.3 billion people. But, this is also beginning to change, leading to an ever increasing
demand for energy around the world. Many energy experts have concluded that the
world is heading toward an unprecedented large and potentially devastating global
energy crisis due to a decline in the availability of cheap oil and other fossil fuels
and a progressive decline in extractable energy reserves.
To add to this problem, carbon emissions, including greenhouse gasses like carbon
dioxide (CO2 ), have been increasing ever since the industrial revolution. It is well
documented that atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen by ∼30% in the last
250 years. Data from monitoring stations, together with historical records extracted
from ice cores, show that atmospheric CO2 is now at a level higher than at any
time in the last 650,000 years (Meehl et al., 2007). Such increases in CO2 appear
to be driven, in part, by the addition of 6–8 Pg (one Pg [petagram] = 1 billion met-
ric tonnes = 1,000 × 1 billion kg) of carbon/year from human-derived sources,
especially the burning of various fossil fuels which power our electricity and auto-
mobiles. Atmospheric CO2 is predicted to continue to rise an additional 50% by
2050 (Meehl et al., 2007), and such rising levels of CO2 are at the heart of the
concerns over global warming and many of the associated environmental problems.
Biofuels and other forms of renewable energy aim to be carbon neutral or even
carbon negative. Carbon neutral means that the carbon released during the use of
the fuel is reabsorbed and balanced by the carbon absorbed by new plant growth
during photosynthesis (Fig. 9.2). The plant biomass is then harvested to make the
next batch of fuel, thus perpetuating the cycle of carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere
without adding to the problem. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) estimates that between 46 and 56% of terrestrial carbon is found in for-
est biomes and that actions to preserve and enhance this carbon sink would likely
increase the global terrestrial carbon by 60–87 Pg C by 2050, thereby offsetting
ca. 15% of the anthropogenic emissions predicted for the same period (Saundry
and Vranes, 2008). Using biomass to produce energy can reduce the use of fos-
sil fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce pollution and waste man-
agement problems (Agarwal, 2007). Therefore, carbon-neutral fuels, in theory, can
lead to no net increases in human contributions to atmospheric CO2 levels, thereby
reducing the potential human contributions to global warming.
In addition to these arguments for biofuels, one of the strongest political drivers
for the adoption of biofuel is “energy security.” This means that a nation’s depen-
dence on oil is reduced and substituted with use of locally available sources, such
as coal, gas, or renewable bioenergy sources. While the extent to which bioenergy
can contribute to energy security and carbon balance will remain in active debate, it
is clear that the dependence on oil is reduced. The US NREL (National Renewable
Energy Laboratory) says that energy security is the number one driving force behind
the US biofuels program (Bain, 2007) and the White House “Energy Security for
the 21st Century” makes clear that energy security is a major reason for promoting
bioenergy. Whether the driving forces behind a need for bioenergy is energy secu-
rity, rising oil prices, concerns over the potential oil peak, greenhouse gas emissions
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 167
Fig. 9.2 The carbon cycle. Gigatons of carbon (GtC)/year, stored at various sites along the cycle.
Illustration courtesy of NASA Earth Science Enterprise, available at Wikipedia public domain
(causing global warming and climate change), rural development interests, or insta-
bility in places such as the Middle East, it is clear that at some point, our global
society is going to have to embrace the use of biofuels as a more stable, sustainable
means of meeting our energy needs.
While there are many potentially positive aspects to bioenergy and biofuels, there
is growing international criticism because many biofuel energy applications take up
large amounts of land, actually create environmental problems, or are incapable of
generating adequate amounts of energy. While the plants that produce the biofuels
do not produce pollution directly, the materials, farming practices, and industrial
processes used to create this fuel may generate waste and pollution. Large-scale
farming is necessary to produce agricultural biofuels, and this requires substantial
amounts of cultivated land, which could be used for other purposes such as grow-
ing food, or left as undeveloped land for wildlife habitat stability. The farming of
these lands often involves a decline in soil fertility. This is due to a reduction of
organic matter, a decrease in water availability and quality due to intensive use of
crops, and an increase in the use of pesticides and fertilizers (typically derived from
168 L.J. Cseke et al.
petroleum). The need for more energy crop land has been cited to cause deforesta-
tion, soil erosion, huge impacts on water resources and is implicated in the disloca-
tion of local communities. Proponents of biofuels, however, point out that while the
production of biofuels does require space, it may also reduce the need for harvesting
non-renewable energy sources, such as vast strip-mined areas and slag mountains
for coal, safety zones around nuclear plants, and hundreds of square miles being
strip-mined for oil/tar sands.
As an example of such issues, the current alcohol-from-corn (maize) production
model in the United States has come under intense scrutiny. When one considers
the total energy consumed by farm equipment, soil cultivation, planting, fertiliz-
ers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides made from petroleum, irrigation systems,
harvesting, transport of feedstock to processing plants, fermentation, distillation,
drying, transport to fuel terminals and retail pumps, and lower ethanol fuel energy
content, the net benefit does little to reduce unsustainable imported oil and fossil
fuels required to produce the ethanol in the first place. The June 17, 2006, edito-
rial in the Wall Street Journal stated, “The most widely cited research on this sub-
ject comes from Cornell University’s David Pimental and University of Californa,
Berkeley’s Ted Patzek. They’ve found that it takes more than a gallon of fossil fuel
to make one gallon of ethanol from corn – 29% more. That’s because it takes enor-
mous amounts of fossil-fuel energy to grow corn (using fertilizer and irrigation), to
transport the crops and then to turn that corn into ethanol.” Ethanol is also corro-
sive and cannot be transported in current petroleum pipelines; so, more expensive
over-the-road stainless-steel tank trucks need to be used. This not only uses fuel but
increases the cost to the customer at the pump. In addition, the subsidies paid to fuel
blenders and ethanol refineries have often been cited as the reason for driving up
the price of corn, in farmers planting more corn, and the conversion of considerable
land to corn production, which generally consumes more fertilizers and pesticides
than many other land uses and also leads to serious environmental consequences
such as dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico (Ahring and Westermann, 2007).
There are many concerns that, as demand for biofuels increases, food crops are
replaced by fuel crops, driving food supplies downward and food prices upward.
This is especially true for biofuels derived from food crops such as corn and soy-
bean, which impacts food security and food prices, especially in poorer countries
where the inhabitants have barely enough money to purchase their food let alone
any fuel for cars or even stoves they cannot afford. There are those, such as the
National Corn Growers Association, who say biofuel is not the main cause of food
price increases and, instead, point to government actions to support biofuels as the
cause. Others say increases are just due to oil price increases.
Some have called for a freeze on biofuels. Others have called for more fund-
ing for second generation biofuels which should not compete with food production.
Alternatives such as cellulosic ethanol or biogas production may alleviate land use
conflicts between food needs and fuel needs. Instead of utilizing only the starch
by-products from grinding corn, wheat, and other crops, cellulosic ethanol and/or
biogas production maximizes the use of all plant materials. Critics and proponents
both agree that there is a need for sustainable biofuels, using feedstocks that min-
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 169
imize competition for prime croplands. These include farm, forest, and municipal
waste streams; energy crops engineered to require less water, fertilizers, and pes-
ticides; plants bred to grow on marginal lands; and aquatic systems such as algae
used to produce alcohol, oil, and hydrogen gas (Ahring and Westermann, 2007). In
short, biofuels, produced and utilized irresponsibly, could make our environmen-
tal/climate problems worse, while biofuels, done sustainably, could play a leading
role in solving the energy supply/demand challenges ahead.
There are several common strategies of producing biofuels. Each strategy is derived
from growing an “energy crop.” This is a type of plant grown at low cost and low
maintenance that is converted into solid, liquid, or gas biofuels. Where the energy
crop will be burned directly to exploit its energy content, woody crops such as Mis-
canthus, Salix, or Populus are widely used. Liquid biofuels can be generated from
energy crops that are high in sugars (sugarcane, sugar beet, and sweet sorghum)
or starch (corn/maize) by using yeast (Saccharomyces) alcoholic fermentation to
produce ethyl alcohol (ethanol). It is also possible to make cellulosic ethanol from
non-edible plants (switchgrass, hemp, and timber) and plant parts (rice husks, corn
stalks, or grass clippings). Other liquid biofuels are derived from plants that con-
tain high amounts of vegetable oil, such as oil palm, soybean, Jatropha or even
algae. When these oils are heated, their viscosity is reduced, and they can be burned
directly in diesel engines or they can be chemically processed to produce fuels such
as biodiesel (Agarwal, 2007). In fact, the diesel engine was originally designed to
run on vegetable oil rather than fossil fuel. Finally, biogas (methane, CH4 ) has been
produced for hundreds of years from waste materials including manure and crop
residues. If high carbohydrate content is desired for the production of biogas, whole-
crops such as maize, sudan grass, millet, white sweet-clover, wood, and many others
can be made into silage and also be converted into biogas.
Depending on geographic location in the world, the type of energy crop grown
often varies. These include corn, switchgrass, and soybeans, primarily grown in the
United States; rapeseed, wheat, and sugar beet primarily grown in Europe; sugar-
cane in Brazil; palm oil and Miscanthus grown in Southeast Asia; sorghum and
cassava in China; and Jatropha in India. In many locations, biodegradable outputs
from industry, agriculture, forestry, and households can also be used for biofuel
production, either by the use of anaerobic digestion to produce biogas or by the
use of second generation biofuels to make use of straw, timber, manure, rice husks,
sewage, and food waste. It is unfortunate that most governments appear fixated on
the liquid fuel paradigm. Refocusing and balancing policies and communications
to support the development of other technologies, including biogas and methods to
extract the most energy out of plant and waste material would be very prudent. How
to use biotechnology to better access this stored energy is a hot topic in science
these days.
170 L.J. Cseke et al.
plants in the wood and paper products industry use wood waste to produce their
own steam and electricity. This saves these companies money because they do not
have to dispose of their waste products and they do not have to purchase as much
Another advantage of solid biofuels is that the net carbon dioxide emissions that
are added to the atmosphere by the burning process are only derived from the fos-
sil fuels that were used to plant, fertilize, harvest, and transport the solid biomass.
Likewise, chip combustion contributes less pollution and is a renewable resource.
Modern woodchip combustion also gives the opportunity to use mill waste and lower
grade wood from thinning operations. Wood chip fuel produced from such residues
is cheaper than cordwood and pellet fuels. While the capital costs of wood chip
heating systems are higher than oil-based systems, the operating costs are lower.
9.4.2 Bioalcohol
The most abundant source of ethanol is the hydration of ethylene (CH2 =CH2 )
derived from petroleum and other fossil fuels. While bioalcohols (especially
bioethanol) have been in use for hundreds of years, it is only relatively recently that
ethanol from biological sources has become more substantial. Ethanol fuel is now
the most common biofuel worldwide, particularly in Brazil and the United States.
Alcohol fuels are produced by fermentation of sugars derived from energy crops,
such as corn, sugarcane, sugar beets, sorghum, wheat, or any sugar or starch that
alcoholic beverages can be made from, including potatoes and fruit waste. Creation
of ethanol starts with the energy of the Sun, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
and nutrients from soil, which allow the feedstocks to grow. Plants produce sug-
ars such as glucose through the process of photosynthesis (6CO2 + 6H2 O + light
→ C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 ). During ethanol fermentation, performed primarily by yeast
(Saccharomyces spp.), glucose is decomposed into ethanol and carbon dioxide
(C6 H12 O6 → 2C2 H6 O + 2CO2 + heat). During combustion, ethanol reacts with oxy-
gen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat (C2 H6 O + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2 O +
heat). Since two molecules of ethanol are produced for each glucose molecule, there
are equal numbers of each type of molecule on each side of the equation, and the
net reaction for the overall production and consumption of ethanol is simply (light
→ heat). The heat of the combustion of ethanol can be used to drive the piston
of an internal combustion engine (Agarwal, 2007). Ethanol is considered “renew-
able” because it is primarily the result of conversion of the Sun’s energy into usable
The most common steps in the production of bioalcohols are as follows:
(1) enzymatic digestion (to release sugars from stored starches); (2) fermentation
of the sugars through the action of microorganisms (yeasts that generate alcohol in
the process); (3) distillation (to concentrate the alcohol); and (4) drying (to remove
residual water that can prevent the liquid from being used as a fuel). The distillation
process, in particular, requires significant energy input as heat (often using natural
gas from fossil fuels). Likewise, we have already discussed some of the concerns
over the amount of land needed to produce ethanol fuel crops and how land used
for this purpose seems to be adversely impacting usable land for food resources (see
Sections 9.2 and 9.3).
More recently, attention has focused on making use of non-food crops or the
waste biomass leftover from other crops. Plant biomass high in cellulose (including
wood and paper waste) can also be tapped for its stored sugar content. Once the
cellulose is broken down through the action of enzymes and microorganisms (e.g.,
cellulose-decomposing fungi), it can be used as a starting material for fermenta-
tion and alcohol production. However, since cellulose is extremely stable, it is very
difficult to break apart. In addition, it is commonly linked to lignin (another support
molecule found in the cell walls of plants), and the resulting “lignocellulose” is one
of the toughest plant materials to decompose. One good example of a plant high in
both sugars and cellulosic biomass is sugarcane. The cane can be pressed to extract
its juice which has high levels of sugar. The leftover bagasse, the waste left after
174 L.J. Cseke et al.
sugarcane is pressed, can also be dried and used as a solid biomass to provide heat
for the distillation process after fermentation.
Ethanol can be used in automobile engines as a replacement for gasoline
(Agarwal, 2007). It can be mixed with gasoline to any percentage; however, most
existing automobile gasoline engines can only run on blends up to 15% bioethanol
with petroleum/gasoline. Gasoline with ethanol added has a higher octane, which
means that the engine can typically burn hotter, more efficiently, and more cleanly.
In high-altitude (thin air) locations, some states mandate a mix of gasoline and
ethanol as a winter oxidizer to reduce atmospheric pollution emissions (Agarwal,
2007). The top five producers of ethanol for fuel are the United States, Brazil,
China, India, and France. Brazil and the United States accounted for ∼70% of
all ethanol production, with total world production of 13.5 billion US gallons (40
million tonnes).
between 18 and 22 cents/US gallon, and at the same time, alcohol fuel prices
rose to around 25–30 cents/US gallon. Because of the struggle between the mar-
kets for alcohol and gasoline, Henry Ford introduced his Ford Model T in 1908.
It had an engine that could run on either ethanol or gasoline or a mix of both.
Ford continued to be an advocate for ethanol as a fuel, even during the prohibi-
tion. But in 1919, the prohibition police destroyed virtually all corn-alcohol stills,
putting what appeared to be an end to the use of alcohol as a fuel in the United
It is interesting to note that in many other parts of the world, people believed that
ethanol would be the fuel that would eventually replace petroleum. Experiments on
the use of alcohol as fuel continued in these other parts of the world because there
continued to be a battle between the prices of ethanol and gasoline. For example, in
1923, the price of alcohol from molasses was less than 20 cents/US gallon, while
retail gasoline prices had reached an all-time high of 28 cents/gal. At about the same
time, Standard Oil Co. experimented with a 10% alcohol/90% gasoline blend to
increase octane and stop engine knocking. By the mid-1920s, ethanol blended with
gasoline was standard in every industrialized nation except the United States. By
1925, France, Germany, Brazil, and other countries had already passed “mandatory
blending” laws. During this time, Ford Motor Co. was building cars that could be
changed slightly to run on gasoline, alcohol, or kerosene. It is noteworthy that the
situation changed in the United States. In 2007, Portland, Oregon, became the first
city in the United States to require all gasoline sold within city limits to contain
at least 10% ethanol. As of January 2008, three states – Missouri, Minnesota, and
Hawaii – require ethanol to be blended with gasoline motor fuel. Many cities are
also required to use an ethanol blend due to non-attainment of federal air quality
In 1933, faced with the 25% unemployment rate of the Great Depression, the
US government considered tax advantages that would help ethanol production to
increase employment among farmers. The “farm chemurgy” movement, supported
by farmers, Republicans, and Henry Ford, searched for new crop-based products
from farms (such as soybean-derived plastics) and supported alcohol fuel. From
1933 to 1939, The American Petroleum Institute argued that such government help
would hurt the oil industry, reduce state treasuries, and cause an unhealthy criminal
“bootlegger” atmosphere around fueling stations. They claimed alcohol fuel was
in every way inferior to gasoline, and eventually, the government did not pass any
alcohol fuel incentives. Pressure from the oil companies has also been blamed for the
demise of various ethanol fuel companies. For example, in 1937, Agrol, an ethanol-
gasoline blend, was sold at 2,000 service stations in the United States. Agrol plant
managers complained of sabotage and bitter infighting elicited by the oil industry
that resulted in cheaper gasoline prices. At this time, alcohol was 25 cents/gal, while
gasoline was 17–19 cents/gal. In 1939, Agrol production shut down because of a
lack of a viable market, and by 1940, the US Midwestern alcohol fuel movement
had disintegrated.
Fuel pressures that arose during World War II resulted in yet another revival
of alcohol as fuel, and new technologies were developed to make use of such a
fuel. For example, on October 14, 1947, legendary test pilot Chuck Yeager became
176 L.J. Cseke et al.
the first man to fly faster than Mach 1, the speed of sound. He was piloting the
Bell X-1, a bullet-shaped rocket plane (powered by liquid oxygen and alcohol
fuel) that was the first in a series of secret high-speed research aircraft that were
flown out of California’s Edwards Air Force Base in the late 1940s and 1950s.
Another boost for ethanol came in 1973, when a worldwide energy crisis began.
This caused ethanol to once again become cheaper than gasoline. Gasoline contain-
ing up to 10% ethanol has been increasing in use in the United States since the
late 1970s. By the mid-1980s, over 100 new corn-alcohol production plants had
been built, and over a billion US gallons of ethanol were sold for fuel each year.
However, the tide would turn against ethanol again when, in the late 1980s and
1990s, new oil wells were discovered and the price of gasoline once again became
much cheaper than alcohol fuel. This time, however, ethanol plants were able to get
subsidies from the US government to support farmers who were growing energy
Between 1997 and 2002, three million US cars and light trucks were produced
which could run on E85, a blend of 85% ethanol with 15% gasoline (Agarwal,
2007). Ford, DaimlerChrysler, and GM are among the automobile companies that
sell “flexible fuel” cars, trucks, and minivans that can use gasoline and ethanol
blends that range from pure gasoline up to 85% ethanol (E85). Such flex-fuel vehi-
cles are now having a significant impact on an attempted alcohol fuel transition
because they allow drivers to choose different fuels based on price and availabil-
ity. The primary problem, however, is that there are almost no gas stations that
sell E85 fuel, and the ones that do are mostly located in the Midwest part of the-
United States. During this time, the invasion of Iraq, and the subsequent turmoil it
caused, allowed Americans to become aware of their dependence on foreign oil. In
addition, the demand for ethanol fuel produced from field corn was spurred by the
discovery that methyl tertiary butyl ether (MBTE) was contaminating groundwater.
MBTE was the most common fuel oxygenate additive used to reduce carbon monox-
ide emissions. The groundwater contamination issue eventually led to MTBE being
banned in almost 20 states by 2006. In 2003, California was the first state to start
replacing MTBE with ethanol, and other states start switching soon afterward. This
switch thus opened a new market for ethanol fuel, the primary substitute for MBTE.
This event, coupled with worry over climate change, caused the leading alternative
energy sources, including bioalcohol, solar and wind power, to expand ∼20–30%
each year (Agarwal, 2007). At a time when corn prices were around US $2 a bushel,
corn growers recognized the potential of this new market and delivered accordingly.
Since 2003, crude oil prices have risen by as much as 80%, and gasoline and
US diesel fuel prices have risen by as much as 50%, only to fall again in highly
volatile markets. These rises are caused by hurricane damage to oil rigs in the Gulf
of Mexico, attacks on Iraqi oil pipelines, disruptions elsewhere, and rising demand
for gasoline in Asia, particularly as Asians buy more cars. Gasoline prices rise as
ethanol prices stay the same, due to rapidly a growing ethanol supply and federal
tax subsidies for ethanol production. In 2008, the United Nations urged that there be
a cessation in the provision of subsidies for food-based biofuels, including ethanol,
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 177
due to rising controversies over fuel price fluctuations, production costs, and sup-
ply/demand variables.
The problem here is that current processes for the production of ethanol from
corn use only a small part of the corn plant. The corn kernels are taken from the
corn plant and only the starch is transformed into ethanol. Corn is typically 66%
starch and the remaining 33% is not fermented. This unfermented component is
called distillers grain, which is high in fats and proteins, and makes good animal
feed. US corn-derived ethanol costs 30% more because the corn starch must first be
converted to sugar before being fermented into alcohol. Here enzymes are required
to first liquefy the starch. A second enzyme converts the liquefied starch to sugars,
which are fermented by yeast into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The released CO2 can
also be captured and sold for use in carbonating beverages and in the manufacture of
dry ice; however, this is not always done. Despite the cost differentials in production,
in contrast to Japan and Sweden, the United States does not import much Brazilian
ethanol because of US trade barriers corresponding to a tariff of 54-cent/gal – a
levy designed to offset the 51-cent/gal blender’s federal tax credit that is applied to
ethanol no matter its country of origin.
Table 9.1 Composition of various types of cellulosic biomass material (% dry weight)
chemicals that can pose risks to wildlife. Their extensive roots improve soil quality,
reduce erosion, and increase nutrient capture. Herbaceous energy crops reduce soil
erosion by greater than 90%, when compared to conventional food crop production.
This can translate into improved water quality for rural communities. Additionally,
cellulosic energy crops add organic material to depleted soils and can increase soil
carbon as long as the land being used is not totally stripped of plant material. In addi-
tion, the price per ton of the raw cellulose material is much cheaper than for grains
or fruits, and since cellulose is the main component of plants, the whole plant can
be harvested. This results in much better yields per acre, up to 10 t, instead of 4 or 5
t for the best crops of grain. Thus, production of ethanol from lignocellulose has the
advantage of having abundant and diverse resources that do not require agricultural
effort or costs for growth; however, it does require a greater amount of processing
to make the sugar monomers available to the microorganisms that produce ethanol
during fermentation.
The first attempt at commercializing a process for ethanol from wood was under-
taken in Germany in 1898. It involved the use of dilute acid to hydrolyze the cel-
lulose to glucose and was able to produce 7.6 l of ethanol/100 kg of wood waste
(18 gal/t). The Germans soon developed an industrial process optimized for yields
of around 50 gal/t of biomass. This process soon found its way to the United States,
where two commercial plants were put into operation in the southeast during World
War I. These plants used what was called “the American Process,” a one-stage dilute
sulfuric acid hydrolysis of wood products and waste. Although the yields were half
that of the original German process (25 vs. 50 gal of ethanol/ton), the output of the
American process was much higher. However, a drop in lumber production forced
these ethanol plants to close shortly after the end of World War I. In the meantime, a
small, but steady amount of research on dilute acid hydrolysis has continued at the
USDA’s Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, WI.
Currently, corn stover (leaves and stalks of maize left in the field after harvest),
switchgrass, miscanthus, and woodchips are some of the more popular cellulosic
materials for ethanol production. For example, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is
a native prairie grass, known for its hardiness, rapid growth (from 2 to 6 ft tall), and
high cellulose content. It can be grown in most parts of the United States, including
swamplands, plains, streams, and along the shores and interstate highways. Since
switchgrass yields twice as much ethanol per acre than corn, less land is needed
for production, helping to prevent habitat fragmentation. It is unfortunate, how-
ever, that typical municipal practices discard the majority of cellulosic biomass. It
is estimated that over 320 million tons of cellulose-containing raw materials, which
could be used to generate ethanol, are thrown away each year. According to the
International Energy Agency, this includes 36.8 million dry tons of urban wood
wastes, 90.5 million dry tons of primary mill residues, 45 million dry tons of for-
est residues, and 150.7 million dry tons of corn stover and wheat straw. Likewise,
organic waste makes up 71.5% of all landfill wastes deposited each day, consisting
of large amounts of wood, envelopes, newsprint, grass, leaves, food scraps, office
paper, corrugated cardboard, and agricultural composites as well as small amounts
of manures, glossy paper, and paper ledger. All of these materials can be converted
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 183
into fuels, and transforming such leftovers into ethanol can actually reduce solid
waste disposal costs and provide as much as 30% of the current fuel consumption in
the United States. Thus, the raw material to produce cellulosic ethanol is basically
free, and it may actually have a negative cost, where ethanol producers can get paid
to take it away.
To date, the available pretreatment techniques include acid hydrolysis, steam
explosion, alkaline wet oxidation, ozone pretreatment, and ammonia fiber expan-
sion. Besides effective cellulose liberation, an ideal pretreatment has to minimize
the formation of degradation products because of their inhibitory effects on sub-
sequent hydrolysis and fermentation processes. The presence of inhibitors will
not only complicate ethanol production, but also, increase the cost of produc-
tion by adding detoxification steps. Even though pretreatment by acid hydrolysis
is probably the oldest and most studied pretreatment technique, it produces sev-
eral potent inhibitors including furfural and hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) which
are toxic compounds present in lignocellulosic hydrolysate. Ammonia fiber expan-
sion (AFEX) is currently the only pretreatment which features promising efficiency
with no inhibitory effect in resulting hydrolysate, although experiments using fun-
gal organisms that naturally breakdown the biomass are showing some promise
for the release of cellulose polymer from lignocellulose. In the hydrolysis process,
these polymers are broken down to free the sugar before it is fermented for alcohol
There are two primary approaches to cellulose hydrolysis (cellulolysis): a chem-
ical approach using acids, or an enzymatic approach. In the traditional method,
hydrolysis is performed by attacking the cellulose with an acid. Dilute acid may
be used under high heat and high pressure or more concentrated acid can be used at
lower temperatures and atmospheric pressure. The product from this hydrolysis is
then neutralized and yeast fermentation is used to produce ethanol. As mentioned,
a significant obstacle to the dilute acid process is that the hydrolysis is so harsh
that toxic degradation products can be produced that can interfere with fermenta-
tion. In enzymatic hydrolysis, cellulose can be broken into glucose molecules by
cellulase enzymes. Such enzymes are commonly found in the digestive systems
of ruminants, such as cows, sheep, and termites, where a collection of enzymes
are produced by bacteria. They are also found in naturally occurring fungi and
soil bacteria that are part of the global carbon cycle. Using a similar enzymatic
system, lignocellulosic materials can be enzymatically hydrolyzed under relatively
mild conditions (50◦ C and pH = 5), thus enabling effective cellulose breakdown
without the formation of by-products that would otherwise inhibit enzyme activ-
ity. To be viable for large-scale fuel production, all major pretreatment methods,
including dilute acid pretreatment, require some type of enzymatic hydrolysis step
to achieve the high sugar yields required for ethanol fermentation. Various enzyme
companies have already contributed significant technological breakthroughs in cel-
lulosic ethanol production through the mass production of various cellulase enzymes
at competitive prices. Iogen Corporation, for example, is a Canadian producer
of enzymes for an enzymatic hydrolysis process that uses “specially engineered
184 L.J. Cseke et al.
Traditionally, baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has long been used in the
brewery industry to produce ethanol from hexoses (6-carbon sugars). Yeast cells are
especially attractive for cellulosic ethanol processes because they have been used in
biotechnology for hundreds of years. They are tolerant to high ethanol and inhibitor
concentrations, and they can grow at low pH values, which avoids bacterial contam-
ination. Due to the complex nature of the carbohydrates present in lignocellulosic
biomass, a significant amount of xylose and arabinose (5-carbon sugars derived from
the hemicellulose portion of the lignocellulose) is also present in the hydrolysate.
For example, in the hydrolysate of corn stover, approximately 30% of the total fer-
mentable sugars are xylose. Thus, the ability of the fermenting microorganisms to
utilize the whole range of sugars available from the hydrolysate is vital to increase
the economic competitiveness of cellulosic ethanol.
In recent years, metabolic engineering for microorganisms used in bioethanol
production has shown significant progress. Besides Saccharomyces, bacteria such
as Zymomonas mobilis and Escherichia coli have been targeted for metabolic engi-
neering to improve their fermentation abilities, and thus, improve cellulosic ethanol
production. Likewise, genetically engineered yeasts have been described that effi-
ciently ferment xylose and arabinose sugars. Some species of bacteria have also
been determined to be capable of the direct conversion of cellulose into ethanol.
One example is Clostridium thermocellum, which utilizes a complex cellulosome to
breakdown cellulose and synthesize ethanol. However, C. thermocellum also pro-
duces contaminating by-products during cellulose metabolism, including acetate
and lactate, in addition to ethanol. While this lowers the efficiency of the process,
further research into the ethanol-producing pathways of such organisms holds great
potential for future improvements in the generation of bioalcohol. Enzymes from
thermophilic organisms are also particularly well suited for industrial applications
because they are typically thermostable and relatively tolerant of other stresses such
as pH extremes. Genes for a variety of thermostable cellulase enzymes from both
bacteria and fungi are currently being assessed for their ability to improve cellulosic
ethanol efficiency.
Similarly, much effort has been devoted to developing transgenic plants as biore-
actors to produce heterologous proteins, including industrial cellulase enzymes
(Park et al., 2003). Such plants, expressing genes from other species, are typ-
ically fertile and grow normally, and they supply easy access to the enzymes
needed when cellulose is to be broken into sugars. Manufacturing heterologous cel-
lulases in crop plant bioreactors could significantly reduce costs associated with
enzyme production and could offer a potentially high-volume alternative to tradi-
tional enzyme production methods. Other plant biotechnology approaches aim to
improve the lignocellulose characteristics of the biomass crops themselves. This has
been done in switchgrass, where alteration of gene expression in the lignin biosyn-
thesis pathway has both increased and reduced the amount of lignin within the plant
(Fig. 9.4A). The reduction of lignin in plant tissues allows easier access to the cellu-
lose; however, the amount of reduction has to be carefully tailored so as not to cause
the growing plant to collapse due to lack of support structure. Other approaches to
improved cellulosic crops include more traditional breeding programs that identify
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 185
Fig. 9.4 Examples of improvements in cellulosic biomass. (A) Modifications in gene expression
can result in both increased and decreased deposition of lignin in switch grass. (B) Genetic-based
breeding programs can improve biomass in switch grass. Modified from Vermerris (2008) Genetic
Improvement of Bioenergy Crops, Springer
useful traits to help develop superior varieties, including those that have enhanced
biomass production (Fig. 9.4B).
It should be noted here that, while most efforts have focused on acid pretreat-
ment and enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose, gasification of the lignocellulosic
raw material into gaseous carbon monoxide and hydrogen is also useful for ethanol
production (Ahring and Westermann, 2007). The gasification process does not rely
on chemical decomposition of the cellulose chain (cellulolysis). Instead of breaking
the cellulose into sugar molecules, the carbon in the raw material is converted into
wood gas (also called synthesis gas), using what amounts to partial combustion.
The resulting carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen may then be fed into
a special kind of fermenter. Instead of sugar fermentation with yeast or bacteria,
this process uses a bacterium named Clostridium ljungdahlii. C. ljungdahlii will
ingest (eat) carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen and produce ethanol
and water. The ethanol can then be distilled and dried as usual. More recently, C.
thermocellum (a thermophilic bacterium) has been found to be twice as efficient in
making ethanol from carbon monoxide as C. ljungdahlii. Alternatively, the synthe-
sis gas from gasification may be fed to a catalytic reactor where the synthesis gas is
used to produce ethanol and other higher alcohols through a thermochemical pro-
cess. Such technology development and the use of biotechnology will likely be key
to the development of truly sustainable fuel sources in the future.
186 L.J. Cseke et al.
9.4.3 Biodiesel
Biodieselis another type of liquid biofuel, commonly produced by the trans-
esterification of the vegetable oil or animal fat feedstocks. This biofuel can be used
directly in modern diesel engines. However, it is common to use various percentages
of biodiesel blended with petroleum diesel (also called petrodiesel) so that modifica-
tions to the diesel engines can be avoided. Much of the world uses a system known
as the “B” factor to state the amount of biodiesel in any fuel mix. Fuel containing
20% biodiesel is labeled B20, while pure biodiesel is referred to as B100. Blends of
20% biodiesel with 80% petrodiesel (B20) are generally used in unmodified diesel
engines. Biodiesel can also be used in its pure form (B100), but may require cer-
tain engine modifications to avoid maintenance and performance problems. In many
European countries, a 5% biodiesel blend is widely used and is available at thou-
sands of gas stations (Agarwal, 2007).
A variety of plant oils can be used to produce biodiesel. Currently, rapeseed
or canola (Brassica napus L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) oils are most com-
monly used, where soybean oil alone accounts for about 90% of all biodiesel in
188 L.J. Cseke et al.
the United States. Other plant crops can also be used, including oil palm (Elaeis
guineensis Jacq. and Elaeis oleifera Jacq.), sunflower (Helianthus annus L.), flax
(Linum usitatissimum L.), mustard (Brassicaspp.), mahua (Madhuca longifolia) (J.
Konig, J.F. Macbr.), Jatropha, cotton (Gossypium spp.), hemp (Cannabis sativa L.),
field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.). Waste vegetable oil is also a useful start-
ing material for biodiesel, as are animal fats including tallow, lard, yellow grease,
chicken fat, and the by-products derived from the production of omega-3 fatty acids
from fish oil. Each of these oils can, in theory, be used as fuel; however, to ensure
that the fuel injectors atomize the fuel in the correct pattern for efficient combus-
tion, vegetable oils must be heated to reduce its viscosity to that of diesel (Agarwal,
2007). This typically is done with electric coils or heat exchangers.
The trans-esterification step used to produce biodiesel generates a lower vis-
cosity fuel that has combustion properties very similar to those of petroleum
diesel. Chemically, trans-esterified biodiesel is a mix of mono-alkyl esters of long
chain fatty acids. Thus, its chemical name is fatty acid methyl (or ethyl) ester
(FAME). There are several methods for carrying out the trans-esterification reaction
(Lachenmaier-Koelch and Meyer-Pittroff, 2005). These include the common batch
process, supercritical processes, ultrasonic methods, and even microwave meth-
ods. In the most commonly used method, oils are mixed with sodium hydroxide
and methanol (or ethanol), and the resulting trans-esterification reaction produces
biodiesel and glycerol. Methanol (converted to sodium methoxide in the reaction)
is normally used to produce methyl esters, as it is the cheapest alcohol available.
However, ethanol can be used to produce ethyl ester biodiesel, and higher alcohols
such as isopropanol and butanol have also been used. In addition, one part glycerol
is produced for every 10 parts biodiesel, and this by-product can be used as a starting
material for other processes. The glycerol by-product can be used as a humectant
(hygroscopic moistening agent), solvent, sweetener, and food preservative and as a
starting material in the production of nitroglycerin.
Biodiesel can also be used as a heating fuel in domestic and commercial boil-
ers, where it is sometimes known as bioheat. In countries such as the United States,
where more than 80% of commercial trucks and city buses run on diesel, biodiesel
offers a promising alternative to petroleum-derived diesel. Since the feedstocks con-
tain very little sulfur, biodiesel is a cleaner burning fuel than petrodiesel. Likewise,
the solvent characteristics of biodiesel tend to keep engine deposits from forming,
thus maintaining cleaner operation.
was shown at the World Fair in Paris, France, in 1900, where it received the Grand
Prix (highest prize). This engine stood as an example of Diesel’s vision because it
was powered by peanut oil – a biofuel. While peanut oil is not trans-esterified to a
true diesel fuel, Rudolf Diesel believed that the utilization of biomass fuel was the
real future of his engine. In a 1912 speech, Diesel said, “the use of vegetable oils for
engine fuels may seem insignificant today but such oils may become, in the course
of time, as important as petroleum and the coal-tar products of the present time.”
During the 1920s, diesel engine manufacturers altered their engines to utilize the
lower viscosity of petrodiesel, a fossil fuel, rather than vegetable oil, a biomass
fuel. The petroleum industries were able to penetrate the fuel markets because
their fuel was much cheaper to produce than the biomass alternatives at the time.
The result, for many years, was a near elimination of the biomass fuel production.
Only recently, environmental impact concerns and decreasing price differences have
made vegetable oils an appealing alternative. Despite the widespread use of fossil
petroleum-derived diesel fuels, interest in vegetable oils as fuels in internal combus-
tion engines is reported in several countries during the 1920s and 1930s.
Later, during World War II, Belgium, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portu-
gal, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, and China have been reported to have tested
and used vegetable oils as fuels. As mentioned above, operational problems were
reported due to the high viscosity of vegetable oils as compared to petroleum diesel
fuel, which resulted in poor atomization of the fuel in the fuel spray and often leads
to deposits and coking of the injectors, combustion chamber, and valves. Attempts
to overcome these problems included heating of the vegetable oil, blending it with
petroleum-derived diesel fuel or ethanol, pyrolysis, and catalytic cracking of the oils
(Agarwal, 2007).
On August 31, 1937, G. Chavanne of the University of Brussels in Belgium was
granted a patent for a “Procedure for the transformation of vegetable oils for their
uses as fuels” (fr. ‘Procédé de Transformation d’Huiles Végétales en Vue de Leur
Utilisation comme Carburants’ Belgian Patent 422,877). This patent described the
trans-esterification of vegetable oils using methanol and ethanol in order to separate
the fatty acids from the glycerol by replacing the glycerol by short linear chain
alcohols. This appears to be the first account of the production of what is known
as “biodiesel” today. More recently, in 1977, Brazilian scientist Expedito Parente
produced biodiesel using trans-esterification with ethanol and filed a patent for the
same process. Research into the use of trans-esterified sunflower oil, and refining
it to low viscosity diesel fuel standards, was initiated in South Africa in 1979. By
1983, the process for producing fuel-quality, engine-tested biodiesel was completed
and published internationally.
Since then, the benefits of the technology have been spreading. An Austrian com-
pany, Gaskoks, obtained the technology from the South African Agricultural Engi-
neers. This company erected the first biodiesel pilot plant in November 1987 and
the first industrial-scale plant in April 1989 (with a capacity of 30,000 t of rape-
seed/year). Throughout the 1990s, biodiesel plants were opened in many European
countries, including the Czech Republic, Germany, and Sweden. France launched
local production of biodiesel fuel (referred to as diester) derived from rapeseed oil,
190 L.J. Cseke et al.
which is mixed into regular diesel fuel at a level of 5%, and into the diesel fuel used
by some public transportation at a level of 30% (Agarwal, 2007). During the same
period, nations in other parts of the world also saw local production of biodiesel
starting up, and by 2000, over 21 countries had commercial biodiesel projects.
In September 2005 Minnesota became the first US state to mandate that all
diesel fuel sold in the state contain part biodiesel, requiring a content of at least
2% biodiesel. The world’s first biofuel-powered commercial aircraft took off from
London’s Heathrow Airport on February 24, 2008, and touched down in Amsterdam
on a demonstration flight, hailed as a first step toward “cleaner” flying. The “BioJet”
fuel for this flight was produced by Seattle-based Imperium Renewables, Inc.
In summary, Biodiesel is a clean burning fuel for diesel engines made from
domestically produced, renewable fats and oils such as soybean oil. Biodiesel has
no sulfur or aromatic compounds and already meets the new Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA) ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel mandated for introduction in 2006.
Biodiesel can be used in existing diesel engines without modification. Biodiesel
burns substantially cleaner than petroleum-based diesel fuel. It is a powerful option
for improving our environment while reducing dependence on foreign oil, stretching
our fossil fuel reserves, and providing value-added markets for agricultural products.
Non-food crops, such as mustard, Camelina, and Jatropha, are used for biodiesel
and can thrive on marginal agricultural land where many trees and crops will not
grow, or would produce only slow growth yields. Specially bred mustard varieties
can produce reasonably high oil yields and are very useful in crop rotations with
cereals. Mustards have the added benefit that the meal leftover after oil has been
extracted can act as an effective and biodegradable pesticide. Camelina (Camelina
sativa L. Crantz) is virtually 100% efficient. It can be harvested and crushed for oil
and the remaining parts can be used to produce high-quality omega-3-rich animal
feed, fiberboard, and glycerin. Most camelina is grown in areas that were previ-
ously not utilized for farming. For example, camelina can be grown in areas that
receive limited rainfall that cannot sustain corn or soybeans without the addition of
Jatropha is a genus of approximately 175 succulent plants, shrubs, and trees
(some are deciduous, like Jatropha curcas L.) from the spurge family, Euphor-
biaceae. The name is derived from (Greek iatros = physician and trophe = nutri-
tion), hence the common name physic nut. These plants are drought resistant and
can share space with other cash crops such as coffee, sugar, fruits, and vegetables.
It is well suited to semi-arid lands and can contribute to slowdown desertification,
according to its advocates. The hardy Jatropha produces seeds containing up to 40%
oil. When the seeds are crushed and processed, the resulting oil can be used in stan-
dard diesel engines, while the residue can also be processed into biomass to power
electricity plants (Agarwal, 2007). However, estimates of Jatropha biodiesel yield
vary, primarily due to a lack of research data, genetic diversity of different species,
the range of environments in which the plants are grown, and Jatropha’s perennial
life cycle. Seed yields under cultivation can range from 1,500 to 2,000 kg/ha, corre-
sponding to extractable oil yields of 540–680 l/ha (58–73 US gallons/acre).
Jatropha is native to Central America and has become naturalized in many trop-
ical and subtropical areas, including India, Africa, and North America. Originating
in the Caribbean, Jatropha was disseminated as a valuable hedge plant to Africa
192 L.J. Cseke et al.
and Asia by Portuguese traders. Cultivation and fruit picking by hand is labor inten-
sive and needs ca. 1 person/ha. So, in parts of rural India and Africa, this provides
much-needed jobs. About 200,000 people worldwide now find employment through
the production of Jatropha. Moreover, villagers often find that they can grow other
crops in the shade of Jatropha trees. Currently, the oil from Jatropha curcas seeds is
used to make biodiesel in the Philippines, as promoted by a law authored by Philip-
pine senators Miriam Defensor-Santiago and Miguel Zubiri. Likewise, Jatropha oil
is being promoted as a biofuel crop in hundreds of projects throughout India and
other developing countries. One good example of its ability to grow on marginal
lands is its use along the railway lines between Mumbai and Delhi in India, where
the train itself runs on 15–20% biodiesel. In Africa, cultivation of Jatropha is also
being promoted and it is grown successfully in countries such as Mali.
Since food crops are not efficient sources for oil-based fuels, often having less
oil content and requiring more input energy for growth, energy crops that can be
grown on marginal lands may have higher oil content and thus be a much better
Perhaps the most profound problem with biodiesel is that worldwide production
of vegetable oil and animal fat is not yet of sufficient magnitude to replace liquid
fossil fuel use. As described in Section 9.3, some people object to the vast amount
of farming required for such crop-based biofuels and the resulting fertilization, pes-
ticide use, and land use conversion that would be needed to produce the additional
vegetable oil. Transitioning fully to biodiesel would require immense tracts of land
if traditional food crops (such as rapeseed (canola) or soybean) are used. The prob-
lem would be especially severe for nations with large economies, where energy con-
sumption is proportional to economic output. If using only traditional food plants,
most of such nations do not have sufficient arable land to produce biofuel for the
nation’s vehicles. Nations with smaller economies (hence, less energy consumption)
and more arable land may be in better situations. However, many regions cannot
afford to divert agricultural land away from food production.
In some regions of the world, a combination of increasing demand for food,
and increasing demand for biofuel, is causing deforestation and threats to biodiver-
sity. The best reported example of this is the expansion of oil palm plantations in
Malaysia and Indonesia, where rainforest is being destroyed at alarming rates to
establish new oil palm plantations to keep up with growing biodiesel demand in
Europe and other markets. It is an important fact that 90% of the palm oil pro-
duced in Malaysia is also used by the food industry in a wide variety of food
products; therefore, biofuels cannot be held solely responsible for this deforesta-
tion. Palm oil is also used in the manufacture of detergents and in electricity and
heat generation both in Asia and around the world. So, there is a pressing need
for sustainable palm oil production for both the food and fuel industries. Fortu-
nately, many organizations, such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels, are
working to define criteria, standards, and processes to promote sustainably produced
Many biodiesel advocates suggest that waste vegetable oil and animal fats are
the best sources of oil to produce biodiesel, but since the available supply of these
oils is drastically less than the amount of petroleum-based fuel that is burned for
transportation and home heating in the world, this local solution can only account
for a very small percentage of petrodiesel usage. It is likely that biodiesel sources
that make use of marginal lands (where food crops cannot be grown) would make
much more sense as a solution to land use issues (e.g., palm oil nuts grown along
roads or Jatrophagrown along rail lines, see Section
9.4.4 Biogas
Unlike natural gas derived from fossil fuels, biogas is a renewable “natural gas” that
is produced from organic/biological materials as they decay. There are two primary
types of biogas. The most common biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion or
fermentation of organic/biological materials such as manure or sewage, municipal
waste, and energy crops through the action of anaerobic bacteria. The resulting bio-
gas is comprised primarily of methane (also called biomethane) and carbon dioxide.
194 L.J. Cseke et al.
Methane bacteria are responsible for such biological sources of methane, including
symbiotic relationships within other life forms such as termites, ruminants, and cul-
tivated crops. Another type of biogas is wood gas (also called synthesis gas), created
by the gasification of wood, wood chips, or other carbon-rich biomass. This type of
biogas requires a gasifier or wood gas generator. This biogas is comprised primarily
of nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide, with trace amounts of methane. These
gasses can be combusted with oxygen present in the atmosphere to release energy,
thus allowing wood gas to be used as a fuel.
Both types of biogas can be utilized for cooking, space heating, and water heat-
ing. They can also be utilized in modern waste management facilities to run heat
engines that generate either mechanical or electrical power (Fig. 9.5). If compressed,
they can replace compressed natural gas for use in vehicles, where they can fuel
internal combustion engines or fuel cells. Biogas can be produced easily and cost-
effectively from current waste streams, such as paper production, sugar production,
sewage, and animal waste. It is most commonly produced using agricultural waste,
such as plants and manure. The gas can also be produced by separating organic
materials from waste that otherwise goes to landfills. Using materials that would
otherwise generate no income, or even cost money to dispose of, improves the prof-
itability and energy balance of biogas production. Similarly, the solid by-product
or digestate derived from the biogas process can typically be used as a biofuel or
natural fertilizer. It is important to point out; however, that both carbon monoxide
and methane are potent greenhouse gasses. Methane in particular is 21 times more
reactive as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (CO2 ), and it is normally released
into the atmosphere at most waste treatment facilities and landfills. Modern methods
of biogas production have the advantage of keeping such gasses contained, avoid-
ing potential environmental issues. Thus, biogas is considered to be one of the most
climate-friendly sources of fuel.
connected to a kitchen fireplace through control valves, and the flammable methane
gas generated out of this apparatus is largely odorless and smokeless. The residue
left after the extraction of the gas is commonly used as fertilizer for crop plants.
Owing to its simplicity in implementation and use of cheap raw materials in the
villages, it is often quoted as one of the most environmentally sound energy sources
for rural needs.
Similar biogas digesters are now used extensively in rural regions around the
world, including China, Costa Rica, Nepal, and Vietnam. The Government of
Pakistan provides 50% of funds needed for the construction of moveable gas cham-
ber biogas plants. Farmers around the world are making use of such small-scale
units to convert plant and animal wastes into a useful combustible gas like methane.
In Colombia, experiments with diesel engine generators partially fuelled by bio-
gas demonstrate that biogas can reduce electricity costs by 40% as compared with
purchase from regional utilities.
Although based on the same principles as employed in the simple digesters
above, larger municipal plants generate biogas in more advanced anaerobic digesters
that recover the recyclable elements of household waste, sewage sludge, food
wastes, farm wastes, or energy crops (such as maize silage) and process the
biodegradable fraction in the anaerobic digesters. The methane contained in the
resulting biogas can be concentrated to the same quality standards as fossil natu-
ral gas (typically called biomethane). If the local gas utility network grants permis-
sion, the producer of the biogas may then be able to utilize the local gas distri-
bution networks to deliver the gas to consumers. Such biomethane, however, must
be very clean and be of the correct composition to reach pipeline standards. Car-
bon dioxide, water, hydrogen sulfide, and particulates must therefore be removed
if present. Biomethane can also be concentrated and compressed for use in vehicle
transportation. Compressed biogas is becoming widely used in Sweden, Switzer-
land, and Germany as a renewable fuel source.
Sweden is cited as a particularly good example of a global leader in converting
biowaste (largely agricultural material and residues) into usable biomethane. Facing
oil shortages, waste management problems, and lacking any natural gas reserves of
its own, Sweden was motivated to develop its biomethane industry under the Kyoto
Accords. The resulting biogas is now used to generate electricity, residential heating,
and transportation fuel. According to the Swedish Gas Association, more than 50%
of the methane used to power Sweden’s natural gas vehicles now comes from bio-
logical sources. More than 8,000 vehicles in Sweden are powered by a combination
of natural gas and biomethane. The vehicles include transit buses, refuse trucks, and
more than 10 different models of passenger cars. There are more than 25 biomethane
production facilities in Sweden and 65 filling stations. A biogas-powered train has
even been in service since 2005.
the landfill, this prevents oxygen from penetrating the waste. As a consequence,
anaerobic microorganisms like methane bacteria thrive under such conditions. One
problem with such clay-capped landfills is that the resulting biogas builds up and is
slowly released into the atmosphere. This gas contains a large portion of methane,
which is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide. Therefore,
uncontained landfill gas which escapes into the atmosphere may significantly con-
tribute to the effects of global warming. In addition, volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) contained within landfill gas contribute to the formation of unhealthy pho-
tochemical smog. However, if engineered properly, landfill sites can be made to
capture such gases via pipes inserted into the clay cap that deliver the gases to gas
clean-up and combustion facilities.
The European Union presently has some of the strictest legislation regarding
waste management at landfill sites called the Landfill Directive. The United States
legislates against landfill gas as it contains these VOCs. The US Clean Air Act
and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) require landfill owners to
estimate the quantity of non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs) emitted. If the
estimated NMOC emissions exceeds 50 t/year, the landfill owner is required to col-
lect the landfill gas and treat it to remove the NMOCs, which is usually done though
The composition of biogas varies depending upon the origin of the anaerobic
digestion process. There are literally thousands of different types of anaerobic bac-
teria living in landfills. Their differing interactions, types of available waste, and
resulting products generate different amounts of usable gas. Landfill gas typically
has methane concentrations around 50%; however, advanced waste treatment tech-
nologies can produce biogas with 55–75% methane. This gas can be used to heat
on-site buildings or to power engines for the generation of electricity, which can,
in turn, be sold back to electricity utility companies for renewable energy sub-
sidies. However, because of the remoteness of landfill sites, it is sometimes not
economically feasible to produce electricity from this biogas. Still, it is estimated
that a 3 MW landfill power plant can power 1,900 homes and at the same time
prevent 6,000 t/year of methane from entering the environment. This is equiva-
lent to eliminating 18,000 t/year of CO2 derived from fossil fuel use or removing
25,000 cars from the road, planting 36,000 acres (146 km2 ) of forest, or not using
305,000 barrels (48,500 m3 ) of oil/year.
700◦ C or 1,292◦ F): an exothermic reaction, where carbon burns to CO2 ; and an
endothermic reaction, where carbon reacts with steam to produce carbon monoxide
(CO), hydrogen (H2 ), and carbon dioxide (CO2 ). Wood gas is flammable mainly
because of the carbon monoxide and hydrogen content, but it also contains nitrogen
and small amounts of methane, which is also flammable (Ahring and Westermann,
The first wood gasifier was apparently built by Bischof in 1839, and as a result,
gasification became an important and familiar nineteenth and early twentieth cen-
tury technology. “Town gas,” produced by centralized gasifiers, was once quite pop-
ular and used primarily for lighting purposes. By the time World War II arrived in
United States, large numbers of such generators were constructed and commercial
generators were in production both before and after the war. The applicability of
wood gas to the internal combustion engine was well understood from its earliest
days of development, and the first vehicle powered by wood gas was built by Parker
in 1901. Internal combustion engines were initially fueled by town gas during the
nineteenth century; however, wood and wood chips can also be used to power cars
with ordinary internal combustion engines if a wood gasifier is attached. This was
actually quite popular during World War II in several European and Asian countries
because the war prevented easy and cost-effective access to oil. Many of these early
gas generators had the problem of generating soot and tar, which would in turn clog
the engines if not first removed from the gas. This problem has only recently been
solved through the use of modern heat-resistant filters that can separate practically
all the particles, allowing easy disposal of clean, dry ash.
Modern gasifiers, especially those used to power gas turbines or fuel cells for
the production of electricity, are quite efficient. The gasification process in modern
designs is usually preceded by pyrolysis, where the biomass or coal is initially con-
verted to char, releasing methane (CH4 ) and tar rich in polycyclic aromatic hydro-
carbons (PAH). This pyrolyzed char is then fed into another gasifier to generate
the gasses described above. Such staged gasifiers, where pyrolysis and gasification
occur separately, can also be engineered to produce essentially tar-free gas (less than
1 mg·m−3 ), while single reactor fluid-bed gasifiers may exceed 50,000 mg·m−3 tar.
Contrary to general belief, exhaust gas emission levels of internal combustion
engines are significantly lower for wood gas than for gasoline. The efficiency rate
of the gasifier system is relatively high: it converts about 75% of fuel energy content
into combustible gas that can be used directly as fuel for the engine. Based on long-
term studies, comparing otherwise unmodified vehicles during real transportation
and under similar driving conditions, the energy consumption for wood gas has
been determined to be 1.54 times greater as compared to the energy demand of the
same car powered by gasoline (not including the energy needed to extract, transport,
and refine the oil from which gasoline is derived).
The primary disadvantages of wood gas generators are their typically large size
and relatively slow starting speeds. In addition, while the carbon monoxide is an
intentional fuel-product that is subsequently burned to safer carbon dioxide in the
engine, it is poisonous to humans, even in small to moderate concentrations. How-
ever, if the system is well maintained, the chance of exposure to CO is extremely
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 199
low. Wood gas generators have several key advantages over other sources of fuel.
They are relatively easy and inexpensive to build and can be used directly to run
internal combustion engines using wood and other forms of carbon-rich biomass.
This can reduce dependency on fossil natural gas, gasoline, and oil. Such generators
have a closed carbon cycle. This means that the carbon released from the gener-
ator, in the form of CO2 , is absorbed by plants that via photosynthesis convert it
to biomass. Gasifiers are also far cleaner burning than equivalent burning processes,
such as a wood fire or even a gasoline-powered engine (without emissions controls).
In more recent times, wood gas has been suggested as a clean, cheap, and effi-
cient method to heat and cook in developing countries or even to produce electricity
when used in internal combustion engines, gas turbines, or fuel cells for maximal
efficiency. Gasifiers have been built for remote Asian communities using rice hulls,
which in many cases has no other use except for being utilized as a strengthener
type additive in concrete. One installation in Burma uses an 80 kW modified diesel
engine to supply power for about 500 people who are otherwise without power. The
ash is also used as an efficient fertilizer.
So, in summary, it is clear that wood gas generators represent a promising tech-
nology based on its utilization of renewable biomass. Once improvements in this
technology result in improved efficiency, their uses are expected to expand greatly.
natural gas resources. Sweden currently obtains 51% of its methane from biogas,
and Switzerland, 37%. Countries such as France, Norway, Germany, and Austria
use smaller amounts for vehicles. China, India, Korea, the Ukraine, Spain, and Italy
are other examples of countries now initiating projects where biogas will be used as
a vehicle fuel.
When viewed in a broader perspective, biogas has an outstanding potential
to help solve current environmental problems, including urban and agricultural
waste management, water purification, and the need for cleaner air. By converting
biomass waste, such as municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, crop residues, energy
crops, and manure, into biogas, governments can address energy and environmen-
tal problems in a sustainable manner (Ahring and Westermann, 2007). However,
most governments, including the United States, are perhaps too focused on liquid
fuels to support the development of a biogas infrastructure. It is very unlikely that
any one technology will come close to solving global energy needs. A combina-
tion of all technologies will therefore be required to address such problems, and
the development of new technologies will clearly play an important role in this
algae for prolonged durations, and they have been successfully used for producing
large quantities of microalgal biomass. A tubular photobioreactor consists of an
array of straight transparent tubes that are usually made of plastic or glass. This
tubular array, or the solar collector, is where algal broth is circulated from a reser-
voir and where sunlight is captured. Such reactors can be constructed in areas that
are not suitable for plant growth (such as deserts), and they hold great promise for
the large-scale production of algae oil and biohydrogen.
Oil content in some algae species can exceed 80% by weight of dry biomass. Since
many common algae (e.g., Chlorella vulgaris) have a natural oil content greater
than 50%, they have a high potential to be low-input, high-yield feedstocks useable
for biofuel production (Chisti, 2007). Oil-based algae fuel, also called oilgae or
sometimes third generation biofuel, is a biofuel derived from oil content of algal
biomass. A self-published article by Michael Briggs, at the UNH Biodiesel Group,
offers estimates for the realistic replacement of all vehicular fuel with biodiesel by
utilizing algae, which Briggs suggests can be grown on algae ponds at wastewater
and sewage treatment plants. These oil-rich algae can then be extracted from the
system and processed into biodiesel, with the dried remainder further reprocessed
to create ethanol.
Algae fuel yields have not yet been accurately determined; however, the US
Department of Energy is reported as saying that algae yield 30 times more energy
per acre than land crops such as soybeans. The DOE estimates that if algae fuel
replaced all of the petroleum fuel in the United States, it would require only 15,000
square miles (38,849 square km), which is roughly the size of Maryland. These esti-
mates are very promising; however, algal oil is difficult to extract, and more research
needs to focus on the development of efficient extraction protocols.
Many companies are pursuing algae bioreactors for various purposes, including
high-yield oil production that can scale biodiesel production up to commercial lev-
els. Alternative fuel companies such as Solazyme (South San Francisco, CA) and
Solix Biofuels (Fort Collins, CO) are using algae to produce biodiesel (Fig. 9.6).
While the cultivation of algae to harvest oil for biodiesel has not yet been undertaken
on a commercial scale, one of the most appealing aspects of alga-culture is that –
unlike crop-based biofuels – it does not entail a decrease in food production, since
it requires neither farmland nor fresh water. Unfortunately, like ethanol, biodiesel
(including that extracted from algae) attracts water and thus cannot be shipped in
existing pipelines. Both ethanol and biodiesel also have lower energy density than
traditional gasoline and diesel fuels.
Some companies, such as Sapphire Energy (formally launched in May of 2007)
have developed molecular platforms that converts sunlight and CO2 into renewable,
carbon-neutral alternatives to conventional fossil fuels without the numerous down-
sides of current biofuel efforts. The end product is not ethanol – and not biodiesel.
The end product is “green crude,” which is chemically identical to molecules in
202 L.J. Cseke et al.
Fig. 9.6 Colorado’s Solix Biofuels tackles the difficult task of harvesting algae for oil with a field
of bioreactors that take a kind of painter’s drop cloth (inset) to bubble CO through its system.
From Popular Mechanics online article “Pond-Powered Biofuels: Turning Algae into America’s
New Energy” 2007 (http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/earth/4213775.html)
crude oil, making the products entirely compatible with the current energy infras-
tructure. Such green crude is said to have the same energy density as gasoline and
can be shipped in existing pipelines and refined the same way gasoline and diesel
are. Such technologies are at the forefront of an entirely new industry with the poten-
tial to profoundly change America’s energy and petrochemical landscape. However,
the use of such technology will be dependent on the enactment of government poli-
cies that pressure oil companies to turn their attention away from foreign oil.
9.5.2 Biohydrogen
Hydrogen is regarded as the fuel of the future, being easy to handle and extremely
clean burning. The efficiency of conversion of hydrogen to useable energy is espe-
cially high in fuel cells for the production of electricity, with water being the sole
end product. Presently, hydrogen is produced from fossil reserves with the con-
comitant release of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Therefore, new hydrogen pro-
duction technologies, making use of renewable resources such as the production
of biohydrogen from biomass through the action of microorganisms, are being
In 1939, a German researcher named Hans Gaffron, while working at the
University of Chicago, observed that the algae he was studying, Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii (a green alga), would sometimes switch from the normal production of
oxygen to the production of hydrogen. Gaffron never discovered the cause for this
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 203
change and for many years other scientists failed in their attempts at its discovery.
However, in the late 1990s professor Anastasios Melis, a researcher at the University
of California at Berkeley, discovered that if the algae culture medium is deprived
of sulfur it will switch from the production of oxygen (normal photosynthesis) to
the production of hydrogen. He found that the enzyme responsible for this reac-
tion is hydrogenase, but that the hydrogenase is not functional in the presence of
As a result of these findings, photobioreactors, harboring various algae species,
are currently being used for biological hydrogen production (Rupprecht et al., 2006).
Initially, the yields were not very high; however in 2006, researchers from the
University of Bielefeld and the University of Queensland used genetic modifica-
tions to changed C. reinhardtii in such a way that it produces an especially large
amount of hydrogen, producing five times the volume made by the wild form of the
algae with up to 2.0% energy efficiency. Later in 2007 while studying mutants of
C. reinhardtii, Anastasios Melis achieved 15% energy efficiency, demonstrating that
truncated chlorophyll antenna size would minimize wasteful dissipation of sunlight
by individual cells. Such results hold great promise for alternative fuels, but other
areas of research need to be address, including the development of oxygen-tolerant
hydrogenases and increasing hydrogen production rates through improved electron
Biohydrogen can and is also produced in bioreactors that utilize feedstocks other
than algae, the most common feedstock being waste streams. The hydrogen is
produced by bacterial species such as Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Enterobacter
cloacae through dark fermentation either by mixed cultures of hydrogen-producing
sludge or pure cultures of anaerobic bacteria, such as Clostridium butyricum. This
process involves allowing the bacteria to feed on hydrocarbons under anoxic condi-
tions so that they release hydrogen and CO2 . Under natural conditions, this hydro-
gen is usually consumed as soon as it is being produced by methanogenic bacteria,
releasing methane as the end product. However, under bioreactor conditions, the
CO2 can be sequestered successfully by several methods, and the methanogens can
be omitted from the system, allowing hydrogen gas to be captured. A prototype
hydrogen bioreactor using waste as a feedstock is in operation at Welch’s grape
juice factory in North East, Pennsylvania.
By uncoupling methane production from hydrogen production, more hydrogen
can be harvested. In such systems, hydrogen and acetic acid are first produced from
biomass by thermophilic bacteria. Then in a second stage, the acetic acid in the
effluent is converted to hydrogen by purple non-sulfur bacteria (Zheng et al., 2008).
Biohydrogen can also be produced from glucose in upflow biofilm reactors with
plastic carriers under extreme thermophilic conditions (>70◦ C). Biological hydro-
gen production derived from these systems is also promising but needs to address
the following issues: (1) conversion of biomass from an energy crop or an organic
waste stream to fermentable feedstock; (2) selection of thermophilic and/or photo-
heterotrophic microorganisms and design of optimal growth and production condi-
tions; (3) design of an integrated bioprocess; and (4) development of recovery and
purification methods for upgrading the gas to fuel cell specifications.
204 L.J. Cseke et al.
Fig. 9.7 Progressive cycles of technology: 1780–2080 CE based on the work of Nikolai Dim-
itriyevitch Kontratyev (CE refers to “common era” that replaces “AD”)
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 205
traits, however, is poorly understood and impedes the full exploitation of sorghum
for bioenergy production.
Consequently, research is being directed toward identification of regions of the
genome (through quantitative trait loci [QTL] and genomics) that contain genes
associated with the sweet sorghum trait and other traits of interest for bioenergy
production. In addition, identification of the genes that are responsible for the accu-
mulation of sugars in the stem (through genetic mapping, cloning, and elucidation
of biochemical functions) will aid in the understanding of the brown midrib trait.
Without an understanding of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms behind
such traits, improvements to subsequent ethanol production are limited.
Perhaps the most major improvements can be made at the front end of bioenergy
production, i.e., improvement of cellulosic biomass/cell wall production in herba-
ceous grasses such as sorghum, sugarcane, and switchgrass. Likewise, improve-
ments to woody biomass may include the manipulation of wood productivity and
carbon sequestration as well as improved cellulose biosynthesis in poplar trees (Pop-
ulus species) for use as energy crops (Joshi and Mansfield, 2007). Attention to front
end production is especially important because it can benefit multiple types of bio-
fuels at the same time, including the production of solid biomass, bioalcohol and
There are a number of traits that are especially beneficial for the biological
improvement of bioenergy. An ideal energy crop plant would have a combination
of (1) a high yield of biomass resulting from a high rate of growth and high pho-
tosynthetic capacity; (2) a higher fuel to mass ratio resulting from efficient nutrient
uptake from the soil and high levels of stored sugars or oils; (3) reduced need for
soil nutrients and soil moisture resulting from the growth of deep roots; (4) resis-
tance to pests, disease, and the extremes of cold and hot temperatures; (5) tolerance
to salt, high and low pH, and heavy metal contaminants in the soil; (6) a peren-
nial grow habit to allow collection of biomass each year without fresh planting; and
(7) the silencing of flowering to help avoid the spread of foreign genes to native
populations (Fig. 9.8). Many of these traits have already been studied in model
plant species such as Arabidopsis, rice, soybean and poplar trees, and some of the
genes that are orchestrating molecular events behind such traits have been identified
(Fig. 9.9). Therefore, the stage is already set for the use of plant biotechnology to
genetically engineer plants.
While genetic modification of algae has received little attention until just
recently, metabolic engineering will also likely have an impact on improving the
economics of biomass, oil production, and biohydrogen formation from algae
species. Molecular level engineering can be used to potentially (1) increase the pho-
tosynthetic efficiency to enable increased biomass yield and rate of production; (2)
improve temperature tolerance to reduce the expense of cooling within photobiore-
actors; (3) eliminate the light saturation phenomenon so that growth continues to
increase in response to increasing light level; (4) reduce photoinhibition that actu-
ally reduces growth rate at midday light intensities; and (5) reduce the suscepti-
bility to photooxidation that can damage the cells; and (6) increase oil content in
9 Plants as Sources of Energy 207
Fig. 9.8 Traits of the perfect energy crop. Modified from Ceres Technologies “The Promise of
Dedicated Energy Crops” 2008
Drought recovery Nutrient utilization Root growth Cold germination Increased biomass
Fig. 9.9 Traits for which genes have been identified that offer improvements in biofuel production.
Modified from Ceres Technologies “The Promise of Dedicated Energy Crops” 2008
can be made for increasing oil content and composition in oil crops. For exam-
ple, triacylglycerol (TAG) is the plant oil product that is chemically most simi-
lar to fossil oil and therefore has the most potential to replace petroleum-based
oil (Agarwal, 2007). Thus, manipulation of the biosynthetic pathways leading to
TAG is a useful endeavor. In addition, the study of high-yield oil crops that can
be grown on marginal lands, such as Camelina, mustard, and Jatropha, will also
be important (Table 9.2). These crops offer benefits to small-scale farmers, espe-
cially those in under-developed countries, by providing new sources of income
using land that they would otherwise not have developed. Since oil biosynthesis
pathways and genes that can be manipulated to improve oil yield and composi-
tion have been tested in model crops such as soybean and castor bean, the applica-
tion of altered oil biosynthesis can now be implement in new marginal land energy
While there are still limitations on the widespread application of plant biotech-
nology for bioenergy production, expanding information on the genes involved in
plant biosynthetic pathways, compartmentation of intermediates within plant cells,
and the genomics of bioenergy-producing plant species are helping to design new
approaches for improving yields and composition in a variety of plant species (Allen
et al., 2007). It remains to be seen if such a push can be accomplished. However,
it is clear that the world is moving in the direction of bio-based energy, focus-
ing on renewability and efficiency in energy consumption. Genetic improvements
of energy crops require knowledge of desired quality attributes; the relative eco-
nomic value of the quality parameters in relation to yield, genetic variation for
the desired traits, or for molecular breeding; knowledge of genes to suppress or
add; and knowledge of any associated negative consequences of biomass quality
manipulation. Finding the optimal direction forward in the new biological age will
certainly require a multidisciplinary approach that combines and spans many differ-
ent fields of research (Fig. 9.10). Because plant bioenergy technology is still under
development, desirable plant feedstock characteristics have not yet been completely
delineated, but there is no question that plant biotechnology and modern biological
techniques (such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and fluxomics) will be at
the heart of the improvements to bioenergy.
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Cheremisinoff, N.P., Cheremisinoff, P.N., Ellerbusch, F. 1980. Biomass: Applications, Technology,
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Demirbas, A. 2005. Bioethanol from cellulosic materials: A renewable motor fuel from biomass.
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Drapcho, C., Nghiêm, N.P., Walker, T. 2008. Biofuels Engineering Process Technology.
McGraw-Hill Book Publishers, New York.
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Current Opinion in Plant Biology 10: 220–226.
Lachenmaier-Koelch, J., Meyer-Pittroff, R. 2005. Food recycling oil-methyl ester: A biodiesel fuel
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Taylor, K.E. 2007. The WCRP CMIP3 multi-model dataset: A new era in climate change
research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88: 1383–1394.
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Chapter 10
Interactions of Bioactive Plant Metabolites:
Synergism, Antagonism, and Additivity
Abstract Drugs are commonly used in mixtures, also called cocktails, to treat dis-
ease, particularly cancer and viral infections. Any two or more drugs, or for that
matter, two or more bioactive plant compounds, will either interact in some way
or fail to interact. If an interaction produces an effect greater than that expected
for each individual drug, the interaction is termed synergistic. If the effect is less
than expected, it is termed antagonistic. If the effect is equal to the expected effect
(i.e., there is no interaction), the interaction is termed additive (see Greco et al.,
1995; Spelman, 2007, in Cseke et al., 2006). In most therapeutic situations, the hope
is that mixtures will produce a synergistic effect, but additivity can also be useful
and should not be neglected.
Our focus in this chapter is on interactions between bioactive plant compounds
used in food and medicine. In particular, we are interested in plant compounds that
have potential therapeutic effects, but also exhibit low systemic toxicity, and thus
do not pose a high risk of producing adverse effects. Thousands of such compounds
are known to exist, and more are being discovered each year. Even a single plant
can contain dozens of bioactive compounds. With such a large pool to draw from,
there is nearly an unlimited number of ways in which compounds can be combined,
either with each other or with market-approved drugs. Clearly many opportunities
exist to find mixtures that exhibit synergism or additivity.
In the following sections we explore physical models of drug interaction, discuss
a mathematical model that can be used to assess interactions, and provide a number
of examples of plant compounds that have been shown to interact in a synergis-
tic fashion. In particular, we look at ways by which mixtures of plant compounds
may bind to proteins and affect signaling pathways, as well as ways by which plant
compounds could alter receptors indirectly by affecting the plasma membrane. The
mathematical model discussed provides an accurate method to estimate interaction
indices as well as to construct confidence intervals of the indices. An interaction
index is of little use if it is not accompanied by confidence intervals. Technical
J. Boik (B)
Department of Statistics Clark, Room S.264, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
aspects of the model are presented in order to provide a full description, but publi-
cally available software for the model can be used without a complete understanding
of the mathematics involved.
10.1 Introduction
We start this chapter by noting that most drugs approved for the market were not
developed with synergism in mind. The conventional regulatory process requires
that the safety and efficacy of a drug be based on the merits of the drug used alone. It
is only after market approval that assessment of synergistic interactions with other
approved drugs begins in earnest. The current guiding philosophy in drug devel-
opment is one of targeted therapy, whereby a single drug is designed to affect a
single protein target. This target could be a cell surface receptor or an intracellular
protein. The goal is to develop drugs that bind with high affinity to a target, but
have little affinity for off-target proteins. In this way, some adverse effects can be
When developing bioactive plant compounds as drug mixtures, nutraceuticals, or
medicinal foods, an alternative philosophy is needed. The development process for
a mixture of plant bioactive compounds must necessarily be different from that for a
single-target drug. At least four primary differences between the two types of prod-
ucts stand out. First, rather than a single active constituent, there could be several or
even many dozens of active constituents in a plant extract. Indeed, a given meal rich
in plant compounds could contain hundreds of bioactive compounds, albeit in small
doses. Second, within the class of (reasonably) nontoxic plant compounds that are
the focus of this chapter, the binding affinity for known drug targets is often modest
to low. Rather than using a low dose of a single high-affinity compound, the opti-
mal clinical effect for many of these plant compounds might be seen when either a
relatively high dose of a single compound is administered or, as preferred, modest
doses of numerous compounds are given in a complex mixture that takes advantage
of additive and synergistic effects. Third, many plant compounds are promiscuous,
in that they bind with multiple targets, which may exist in different signaling path-
ways within the cell (Frantz, 2005; Aggarwal and Harikumar, 2009). Fourth, many
bioactive plant compounds, such as flavonoids and curcuminoids, are not soluble in
water, are metabolized to less-active conjugates or other products after oral adminis-
tration, or in some other way exhibit nonideal absorption, distribution, metabolism,
or excretion (ADME) characteristics. The fact that many bioactive plant compounds
bind with relatively low or modest affinity to known targets, bind with multiple tar-
gets, and/or exhibit poor pharmacokinetics rules them out as useful drugs according
to the conventional mode of thinking.
However, this does not mean that bioactive plant compounds do not and could
not play a highly useful role in health and medicine. Indeed, in spite of the fact that
most do not resemble a “silver bullet” drug, it is likely that such compounds are
responsible for much of the disease-prevention effects seen in human populations
that consume a diet rich in plant compounds (Liu, 2003). To understand how their
10 Interactions of Bioactive Plant Metabolites 215
beneficial properties can best be exploited, we must redefine, or at least expand, our
definition of a model drug.
Within the class of nontoxic bioactive plant compounds, the characteristics that
appear to limit their use in medicine also provide us with opportunities. The fact
that a plant extract or mixture of extracts may have a large number of bioactive
constituents means that there are abundant opportunities for additivity and syner-
gism. It should be emphasized that although synergistic interactions tend to receive
the most research attention, additive interactions are more common, and in large
mixtures they may play an even more important role than synergism. For example,
in a cytotoxicity study on doxorubicin and nine natural compounds against human
lung cancer cells, Boik and Newman (2008) found that synergism in smaller mix-
tures could allow a tenfold reduction in the concentration of doxorubicin needed to
produce a given effect level. Importantly, larger mixtures that exhibited less syn-
ergism (and more additivity) allowed a similar degree of reduction in doxorubicin
concentrations. In the larger mixtures, each drug was used at a lower concentration.
Additivity and synergism arise in mixtures through their ability to affect multi-
ple targets. The importance of affecting multiple targets cannot be overemphasized
when dealing with complex diseases such as cancer, chronic inflammatory diseases,
chronic viral infection, and many others. In these diseases, numerous macro home-
ostatic systems may be affected, as well as numerous intracellular and intercellular
signaling pathways. A large number of proteins can be involved, and each may be
considered as a potential target. For complex diseases, acceptance is growing in the
pharmaceutical industry for the design of mixtures or drugs capable of affecting
multiple targets (Tortora et al., 2004; Roth et al., 2004; Frantz, 2005; Zimmermann
et al., 2007).
Taking common solid tumors as an example, multiple signaling pathways can
be critically under- or overregulated (Chandran et al., 2007; Chan et al., 2008). As
tumors progress, the genetic machinery of tumor cells tends to become increasingly
unstable. When this occurs, more proteins can become involved and the tumor pop-
ulation becomes better able to adapt to drug therapy, immune attack, or other obsta-
cles to growth. It would seem unlikely that any single drug, particularly a drug that
affects a single target, would have a lasting effect on such a flexible cell population.
If the drug does not kill 100% of cells, there is a reasonable chance that the surviv-
ing cells will reestablish a population resistant not only to the applied drug but also
to other drugs. This characteristic is termed multidrug resistance. Cells may become
resistant through gene amplification and overproduction of the target protein, pro-
duction of proteins that pump the drug out of the cell, underproduction of proteins
that allow the drug to enter the cell, improved repair of drug-induced DNA damage,
production of proteins that inactivate the drug, and/or production of proteins that
serve the same function as the target protein but that are not affected by the drug.
Literally, hundreds of proteins could be involved in the progression of cancer and
developed resistance to drugs.
While plants may offer a rich source of bioactive compounds for use in mixtures,
do these compounds need to bind to their targets with high affinity in order to be
effective? Csermely et al. (2005) have proposed that in some cases, partial inhibition
216 J. Boik et al.
mechanisms. For example, if the protein were an enzyme that binds substrate S, the
drug could bind near the active site of the enzyme, thereby sterically inhibiting the
binding of S. If the enzyme contains an allosteric binding site, distant from the active
site, the drug may bind to the allosteric site and thereby affect the conformation of
the active site and its ability to bind S. When multiple drugs affect a single protein,
the complexity of binding patterns and the mechanical alteration of protein function
will influence the type of interaction produced: additive, synergistic, or antagonistic.
If multiple proteins are involved, the complexity of the (signaling) network in which
the target proteins exist will also influence the type of interaction produced.
As a simple example, targets could be two intracellular enzymes serially con-
nected in a signaling pathway. In this case, inhibition of an enzyme by each drug
in a binary mixture might produce additive effects. In more complex cases, drugs
may affect multiple proteins in a signaling pathway that contains positive and/or
negative feedback loops or drugs may affect proteins that are involved in distinct
but connected signaling pathways. As the number of bound proteins and the com-
plexity of the signaling pathways increase, there are increasing opportunities for
antagonistic or synergistic interactions.
In addition to intracellular proteins, drugs may also bind to protein targets on the
plasma membrane. In particular, they may bind to transmembrane receptors embed-
ded in the lipid bilayer. Many signals that originate outside of the cell enter the cell
via cell surface receptors. Growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF),
are an example of an extracellular signal. Extracellular EGF binds to EGF receptors
(EGFR) on the plasma membrane, and the resulting signal is propagated into the
cell, eventually reaching the nucleus and causing proliferation.
Drugs can directly bind to receptor proteins on the plasma membrane, in some
cases stimulating signal transduction and in other cases inhibiting it. For exam-
ple, plant compounds that bind weakly with estrogenic receptors may physically
block the binding of more potent ligands, thereby producing an antiestrogenic effect.
Genistein, from soybean, is reported to act in part by this mechanism in some experi-
mental models (Kogiso et al., 2006). If multiple therapeutic compounds are used and
multiple receptor types are affected, downstream signaling pathways may interact
in additive, antagonistic, or synergistic ways.
The interaction of drugs can be influenced by the properties of the plasma mem-
brane that contains the receptors. Although the membrane has been described as a
system driven by thermodynamic equilibrium (Aon et al., 1996), it is more accu-
rately seen as an emergent structure consisting of highly asymmetrical structures
and undergoing dynamic transitions (Perillo, 2002). Typically, mammalian cellular
plasma membranes consist of about eight major classes of lipids (Simons and Vaz,
2004) and also include a variety of proteins embedded in the bilipid structure. The
plasma membrane serves a number of purposes, including protection, endocytosis,
signaling, and mechanical stability. It must be rigid enough to protect the cell and
offer stability, but at the same time, it must be dynamic and pliable enough to allow
cell deformation and promote adaptation to diverse environmental messages. Either
directly or indirectly, the characteristics of the lipid membrane affect nearly every
activity that occurs in a cell.
218 J. Boik et al.
One way that the membrane affects signaling is by supporting the dynamic cre-
ation and movement of lipid rafts (also known as membrane rafts), which are clus-
ters of proteins that horizontally “float” in the membrane. One report has identified
as many as 250 proteins that exist in lipid rafts (Patra, 2008). A good number of these
proteins, including ras (ras is a signal transduction protein that belongs to a large
superfamily of low-molecular-weight G proteins) and EGFR, are cell surface recep-
tors. Several authors have postulated or shown that receptors in a raft can cooperate
to affect each other’s conformation, thereby coordinating the overall response to a
ligand (Duke and Bray, 1999; Graham and Duke, 2005; Fuxe et al., 2008; Sourjik,
2004). For example, consider a receptor that switches probabilistically between two
conformations, active and inactive, and binding of a ligand stabilizes the active state.
Certain cellular responses, such as chemotaxis, in response to a chemoattractant, are
most useful if they are binary. For example, it might be beneficial if a cell moves
toward a weak stimulus with the same force that it moves toward a stronger stimu-
lus. This requires that as a group, the receptors act like an on/off switch. One way to
accomplish this is by allowing adjacent receptors in a raft to influence the confor-
mation, active or inactive, of one another. Above a critical but low ligand concentra-
tion, a small percentage of receptors are bound, but these cause unbound receptors
to switch to the active conformation. In a more complicated scenario, receptors may
simultaneously bind two ligands, and in this case, receptor–receptor interactions
may produce the equivalent of AND/OR logic gates. For example, if a cell senses
both poison and chemoattractant in the same location, it is beneficial if the cell does
not move toward the chemoattractant.
The switching characteristics mentioned above are dependent on receptor–
receptor interactions, which in turn are dependent upon the characteristics of lipid
rafts. The notion that membrane characteristics may influence the type of drug inter-
action (additive, antagonistic, or synergistic) begs the question of whether some
drugs may act directly on the plasma membrane itself, in addition to or in con-
trast to protein binding. Indeed, this seems to occur for a good number of drugs
and bioactive plant compounds. It is well known that hydrophobic drugs tend to
interact with biological membranes (Schreier et al., 2000). At high concentrations,
they can act like detergents and disrupt membranes, while at low concentrations,
they tend to stabilize membranes, such as protecting red blood cells from hemol-
ysis. Many bioactive plant products are also hydrophobic and can be expected to
interact with membranes. For example, some flavonoids have been shown to affect
lipid viscosity. In addition, flavonoids preferentially located in the hydrophobic por-
tion of the bilayer have been shown to initiate the formation of raft-like domains,
whereas those located in the polar interface region can fluidize membranes and have
a raft-breaking effect (Tarahovsky et al., 2008). In a study on human colon cancer
cells, the flavonoid quercetin was shown to induce the accumulation of cell death
receptors in lipid rafts and thereby facilitate apoptosis (programmed cell death) in
response to death-inducing signals (Psahoulia et al., 2007). Adachi et al. (2007)
reported that EGCG from green tea inhibited the binding of EGF to EGFR and the
subsequent activation of EGFR by altering membrane organization related to lipid
rafts. As a last example, omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, and DHA,
10 Interactions of Bioactive Plant Metabolites 219
docosahexaenoic acid) have been shown to inhibit the proliferation of human breast
cancer cells in vitro, in part by reducing EGFR levels in lipid rafts (Schley et al.,
In summary, the type of interaction produced by a drug mixture is influenced
by the complexity of protein binding patterns, the complexity of the network in
which the bound proteins interact, the degree of receptor–receptor interactions, and
the effects of drugs on the plasma membrane, particularly on the formation and
composition of lipid rafts. In the interest of brevity, other mechanisms by which a
drug can affect cellular function have not been discussed. For example, some drugs
can bind directly to DNA molecules. Many of these drugs, however, tend to exhibit
high systemic toxicity. Drugs can also affect cellular function by acting as pro- or
10.3.1 Background
Over the last few decades, several mathematical methods have been proposed to
assess synergism between drugs in a mixture.1 All of these are based on some index
of additivity (or null interaction). There has been disagreement on a strict math-
ematical definition of additivity and reviews have been published discussing the
various proposals (Berenbaum, 1989; Greco et al., 1995; Merlin, 1994; Tallarida,
2001). Two indices that have gained widespread acceptance are those for Loewe
additivity and Bliss independence (Greco et al., 1992). The Loewe additivity index
forms the basis for the present work, as well as the basis for isobolograms (Poch,
1990), which are graphical assessments of additivity. In contrast to other indices,
particularly that of Bliss independence, the Loewe index produces the intuitively
reasonable result that a sham mixture, a mixture of a drug with itself, is additive.
In the MixLow method, developed by Boik et al. (2008), estimation of the Loewe
index is a three-step process: (1) estimate parameter values that define the shape of
concentration–response curves for the mixture and its component drugs; (2) use the
estimated parameters in calculating the Loewe index; and (3) generate confidence
intervals of the index.
Methods to assess synergism can be distinguished not only by the interaction
index used but also by the experimental design used to obtain data, the model used
to estimate parameters of the concentration–response curves, and the dimensions
of the resulting interaction index plot (two- or three-dimensional). Experimental
designs are usually either factorial, where concentrations of each drug are crossed
(or partially crossed) with concentrations of other drugs, or fixed-ratio, where con-
centrations of all drugs are fixed at a constant ratio. If fixed-ratio concentrations in a
two-drug mixture are graphed, where each axis represents the concentration of one
drug, then the plotted points fall on a straight line, or ray, extending out from the
origin. With the fixed-ratio design, synergism can be assessed either along one ray
or along a three-dimensional response surface based on a series of rays. The current
MixLow method assesses data from a single ray.
The factorial design is used primarily when a three-dimensional response surface
(additivity surface) is desired. An example of a factorial design is given by Martinez-
Irujo et al. (1996). Examples of response surface methods for multiray data include
those by White et al. (2003, 2004), Minto et al. (2000), and Fidler and Kern (2006).
While response surface methods do provide more information than can be obtained
from the analysis of single-ray experiments, they require that more data be collected.
For this reason, single-ray experiments remain common.
The de facto standard for assessing synergism in single-ray experiments is
the median-effect method of Chou and Talalay (1984). This method estimates
concentration–response curve parameters by using log linearization and ordinary
least squares. The method presented here, dubbed the MixLow (Mixed-effects
Loewe) method for convenient reference, is similar to the median-effect method
in that it assesses data from single-ray experiments, presents results in graphical
form (as a plot of fraction affected versus combination index; see below), and uses
the Loewe index to define additivity. Unlike the median-effect method, however, it
employs a mixed-effects model to estimate parameters of concentration–response
curves. This approach allows more accurate estimation of concentration–response
curve parameters and can also produce confidence intervals with improved cover-
age. Coverage is the probability that a confidence interval method captures the true
parameter. If the coverage differs markedly from the nominal confidence coefficient
(typically 0.95), then the confidence intervals are of questionable value. Confidence
intervals for the interaction index, as well as accurate parameter estimators, are vital
to fully assess whether drugs in a mixture interact synergistically, antagonistically,
10 Interactions of Bioactive Plant Metabolites 221
Let the random variable Fa signify the fraction of cells affected by a drug concen-
tration. Define φ = E [Fa], where E [•] is the expected value. In some contexts, φ
is estimated based on concentration–response data, and in other contexts, a concen-
tration is estimated that results in a fixed value of φ. Denote by ψd,φ the φ-effective
log concentration of drug d. This is the log concentration that produces a fraction
2A sigmoidal pattern is relatively flat at high and low concentrations, with a smooth transition
linking the two. The overall shape is that of an elongated S.
222 J. Boik et al.
affected equal to a fixed φ. For example, the log concentration of drug d that inhibits
proliferation of a cell population by 10% relative to controls is denoted by ψd,0.1 . By
convention, exp (ψd,0.1 ) is referred to as the IC10 (10% inhibitory concentration).
The MixLow method fits a sigmoid curve to concentration–response data and
uses the resulting parameter estimates to estimate an interaction index. The sig-
moidal curve is parameterized by two constants, ψd,0.5 and a shape parameter
denoted by γd . The shape parameter indexes the steepnessof the concentration–
response curve. At the IC50, the slope of the curve is 0.25γd exp (ψ d,0.5 ).
The Loewe index, which is used by both the median-effect and the MixLow meth-
ods, provides a measure of drug interaction. For two drugs, the Loewe index and its
estimator3 are
exp (md,φ )
exp (m̂d,φ )
Lφ = and L̂φ = , (10.1)
exp (ψd,φ )
exp (ψ̂d,φ )
φd,t,w = 1 − , (10.3)
exp (cd,t,w ) γd
1+ exp (ψd,0.5 )
3 Throughout this discussion the hat notation is used to denote parameter estimators and estimates.
10 Interactions of Bioactive Plant Metabolites 223
and the subscripts d, t, w refer to the dth drug, tth tray, and wth well, respectively.4
Here, drug d could refer to a single drug or a mixture, and cd,t,w refers to the log of
the drug concentration for the dth, tth, and wth observation, a known constant. The
expected value of exp (μ + bt ) refers to the expected mean of control wells from all
trays, where bt is a random deviate specific to tray t. Values {bt } are independently
distributed as bt ∼ N(0, σb2 ). The error terms in Model (10.2) are independently
distributed as εd,t,w ∼ N 0, f (σ 2 , E Yd,t,w |bt ) , where f(•) is a function discussed
Differences in control-well means across trays occur for a variety of reasons. For
example, if one tray in a group of replicates is seeded with a higher density of cells,
the responses in the tray will tend to be higher than those of the other trays. Dif-
ferences can also occur because of differential handling of trays, differential growth
conditions (e.g., incubating trays on different days), differential assay procedures
(e.g., allowing one tray to incubate for a slightly longer time before reading results),
and/or random biologic variations in cell proliferation.
Having explained the model, the procedures for calculating the Loewe index and
its confidence intervals are described. An n-drug generalization of the Loewe index
in (10.1) is given by
Lφ = exp md,φ − ψd,φ = τd exp ψm,φ − ψd,φ , (10.4)
d=1 d=1
where ψd,φ is the φ-effective log concentration of drug d alone, ψm,φ is the
φ-effective log concentration of the mixture, and τd is the fraction of the mixture
that is composed of drug d. Note that md,φ = log (τd ) + ψm,φ .
If cd,t,w in (10.3) is equated to the φ-effective log concentration, ψd,φ , then φd,t,w
becomes φ. That is,
φ =1− . (10.5)
exp (ψd,φ ) γd
1+ exp (ψd,0.5 )
To write the Loewe index as an explicit function of ψd,φ , first solve (10.5) for
ψd,φ to obtain
φ γd
ψd,φ = log + ψd,0.5 . (10.6)
Second, substitute the expression for ψd,φ in (10.6) into (10.4) to obtain
4 Thenotation (1 – φ) is used to denote the expected fraction unaffected, rather than introducing a
new symbol for the latter. The exponent term in Model (10.2) is used to ensure that the expected
response in control wells is always positive.
224 J. Boik et al.
L̂φ = τd exp ψ̂m,φ − ψ̂d,φ
1 , (10.7)
φ γ̂m φ γ̂d
= τd exp log 1−φ + ψ̂m,0.5 − log 1−φ − ψ̂d,0.5
Confidence intervals
of L φ can be based on the standard error of L̂φ or its log
transformation SE log (L̂φ ) . The latter approach ensures that confidence interval
limits are positive and this is the approach used here. The standard error of the
transformed index is obtained using the Delta method as follows:
⎛⎛ ⎞T ⎛ ⎞⎞ 1/2
∂ log (L̂φ )
∂ log (L̂φ )
SE log(L̂φ ) ≈ ⎝⎝ ∂ log
∂ˆ ⎠ vâr ψ̂ ⎝ ∂ ˆ ⎠⎟
∂ log (L̂φ ) ⎠
, (10.9)
(L̂φ ) γ̂
∂ γ̂ ∂ γ̂
where the superscript T refers to transpose. The term vâr ψ̂γ̂ is obtained from the
observed information matrix, which is produced when Model (10.2) is fit by maxi-
mizing the likelihood function. The confidence interval for the Loewe index at φ is
calculated as
exp log (L̂φ ) ± tdf ,1−α/2 SE log (L̂φ ) , (10.10)
where tdf ,1−α/2 . is a multiplier obtained from the t-distribution with df degrees of
freedom and α significance level.
errors for
cytotoxicity data tend to be heteroscedastic, with smaller
errors at low E Yd,t,w |bt values and larger errors at high ones. To allow for
this, the
error term in Model (10.2), εd,t,w , can be modeled as a function of σ and E Yd,t,w |bt .
Table 10.1 lists four error functions, e1–e4, which are useful for cytotoxicity data.
Note that all functions listed belong to a single family of functions. For example, e4
and e3 are identical when βd is equal to 1.0 for all drugs. The error functions listed
e1 σ
e2 σ αd
, where the scaling parameter αd is drug dependent
e3 σ E Yd,t,w |bt
e4 σ E Yd,t,w |bt d , where the power parameter βd is drug dependent
10 Interactions of Bioactive Plant Metabolites 225
in Table 10.1 stem from straightforward application of variance options for the nlme
function in R (http://cran.r-project.org/).
1 1
φd,t,w =1−
γ , φd,t,w = 1 −
γ , (10.12)
d d
exp (cd,t,w ) exp (cd,t,w )
exp (ψd,0.5 )
1+ )
exp (ψd,0.5
If cd,t,w in (10.12) is equated to the φ-effective log concentration ψd,φ , then φd,t,w
becomes φ and
(1 − λd ) λd
(1 − φ) =
γ +
γ . (10.14)
d d
exp (ψd,φ ) exp (ψd,φ )
exp (ψd,0.5 )
1+ )
exp (ψd,0.5
(1–λd) curve 1
3000 λd curve 2
10–8 10–6 10–4 10–2 100 102 104
Log concentration
)γd , b = (λ − φ) exp (ψ
where a = (1 − φ − λd ) exp (ψd,0.5 γd
d d,0.5 ) , and
)γd exp (ψ
c = − exp (ψd,0.5 γ
d,0.5 ) d φ. Equation (10.15) has at most one real
root because the weighted sum of curves is monotonic decreasing by con-
To obtain an estimator
of ψd,φ , namely
ψ̂d,φ , substitute estima-
tors λ̂d ,γ̂d ,γ̂d ,ψ̂d,0.5
d,φ for parameters λd ,γd ,γd ,ψ d,0.5,ψd,0.5 ,ψd,φ in
Yd,t,w = (1 − λd ) exp (μ + bt ) (1 − φd,t,w ) + λd exp (μ + bt ) + εd,t,w , (10.16)
where the Loewe index and its confidence intervals are computed only for φ <
1 − max (λ̂d ). An equation analogous to (10.15) is used to obtain an expression for
ψ̂d,φ .
While the equations given above may appear complex to some readers, the use of
the MixLow method is relatively straightforward. The R package mixlow can be
downloaded from the CRAN website, and a paper describing the package and its
use has been submitted (Boik and Narasimhan, 2008). In brief, the following six
steps are performed in sequence:
1. Design the experiment, collect the data, and prepare the data file. An example
data file is included with the R package.
2. Read the data file using the function readDataFile.
3. Prepare and subset the data using the function prepareData.
4. Obtain starting values for the fixed-effects parameters of the nonlinear mixed-
effects (NLME) model by using nonlinear least squares (NLS) analysis. This is
done using the function doNls.
estimated Loewe index
cont. interval
Estimated Loewe index
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fraction afftected
5. Use the estimated NLS parameters as starting values for the NLME model. The
mixed-effects model is estimated using the function doNlme.
6. Use the estimated NLME parameters to estimate the Loewe index. This is done
using the function doLoewe.
In summary, the process is: read data → prepare data → NLS → NLME →
Loewe. Figure 10.2 shows the Loewe index versus fraction-affected values for an
example data set. Confidence intervals of the index are shown by dotted lines. In
the figure, statistically significant synergism is occurring between fraction-affected
values of about 0.1–0.85 (the upper confidence interval is less than 1.0).
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Chapter 11
The Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs
for Chemoprevention and Treatment of Cancer,
Parkinson’s Disease, Heart Disease,
and Depression
Abstract In this chapter, we present recent advances on the use of several different
kinds of medicinal herbs to treat cancer, Parkinson’s disease (PD), heart disease,
and depression. These include recent studies on the use of Vaccinium spp. (blue-
berries and relatives) for cancer treatment and prevention; blueberries in the diet to
improve motor skills and cognitive ability in patients with PD; digitalis (foxglove)
to treat patients with heart disease; and St. John’s wort that is used to treat patients
with mild-to-moderate depression. The basic conclusion from these studies is that
rigorous, well-designed clinical trials are needed to validate the safe use of these
and other medicinal herbs for treatment of these and other diseases.
11.1 Introduction
In the last few years, medicinal plants with promise to impact human health have
undergone extensive laboratory and clinical testing. Many scientific methods of
analysis have been developed for the investigation of the constituents and bio-
logical activities of these constituents of plants. Various chromatographic, spec-
troscopic, and biological (e.g., anticancer, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant,
antioxidant, antiprotozoal, and antimicrobial) techniques are being used for medic-
inal plant research (Cseke et al., 2006). Advances in scientific methodology have
been made that contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms of action of
herbal constituents (see Chapter 10). Examples of active constituents of different
medicinal plants and their known activities are listed in Table 11.1 and can also be
found in Duke, J.A. Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Database; http://www.ars-
Although medicinal plants have been known for thousands of years and have
been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, understanding of the activity and
M. McKenzie (B)
Denali BioTechnologies, L.L.C., 35555 Spur Highway, PMB 321, Soldotna, Alaska 99669, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Table 11.1 Examples of constituents and their activities from different medicinal plants
Constituents Activity
Constituents Activity
mechanisms of action of their bioactive constituents is relatively new and not well
understood, particularly in connection with applications for human health benefits.
11.2 Cancer
A body of now firmly established research and epidemiological evidence has shown
overwhelmingly that dietary intake of berry fruits has a positive and profound
impact on human health, performance, and disease (Seeram, 2008a). Evidence from
tissue culture, animal models, and human studies suggests that flavonoid-rich fruits,
in particular, deeply colored berries, have promise to limit the development and
severity of diseases based on inflammatory processes including atherosclerosis and
ischemic stroke, neurodegenerative diseases of aging, and certain cancers. The first
report of the anticancer properties of “anthocyan” flavonoids from fruits and veg-
etables was published over 40 years ago and cited their significance as cell respira-
tory activators for cancer prophylaxis and therapy (Seeger, 1967). Early studies also
proposed enzymatic modulatory and anti-inflammatory activities and related pro-
cesses, including inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis, platelet-activating factor
(PAF)-induced exocytosis, and inflammatory cyclooxygenase activities, as well as
numerous therapeutic benefits of berry “anthocyanosides” and other flavonoids in
traditional medicine and the clinic (Cluzel et al., 1970; Amouretti, 1972; Lietti et
al., 1976; Jonadet et al., 1983; Tunon et al., 1995; Middleton et al., 2000).
compounds from Vaccinium and fruits from other genera toward the oxidation of
biomolecules were distinct, as the pattern of oxidation products varied with different
phenolic compounds. The extent of protein oxidation was measured by determining
the loss of tryptophan fluorescence and formation of protein carbonyl compounds,
and that of lipid oxidation, by conjugated diene hydroperoxides and hexanal anal-
yses. V. myrtillus phenolics possessed some of the best overall antioxidant activ-
ity toward protein oxidation. Anthocyanins found in V. myrtillus contributed most
to the antioxidant effect by inhibiting the formation of both hexanal and protein
carbonyls. V. macrocarpon proanthocyanidins were also found to provide potent
antioxidant protection toward oxidation of Trp residues. The antioxidant protec-
tion toward lipid oxidation was best provided by V. vitis-idaeaand V. myrtillus phe-
nolics, whereas proanthocyanidins, especially the dimeric and trimeric molecules,
from V. vitis-idaea, were among the most active phenolic constituents toward both
lipid and protein oxidation.
Crude extracts of Vaccinium were shown to be potent scavengers of chemi-
cally generated O2 ∗– and possessed inhibitory activity toward the enzyme xanthine
oxidase (Constantino et al., 1992). Tannins isolated from V. vitis-idaea exhibited
O2 ∗− scavenging and multiple antioxidant activities (Ho et al., 1999). Cinnam-
tannin B1 displayed the strongest anti-lipid peroxidation activity, proanthocyanidin
A-1 displayed the strongest superoxide scavenging activity, and epicatechin-(4beta
→ 6)-epicatechin-(4beta → 8, 2beta → O → 7)-catechin had the strongest anti-
superoxide formation effect. Subsequent work marked distinctions among various
antioxidants in their abilities to scavenge different reactive oxygen species (Wang
and Jiao, 2000). Juice from different cultivars of V. corymbosum, V. angustifolium,
and V. macrocarpon, as well as from various species in the family Rosaceae, was
assessed for antioxidant activities against O2 ∗− , H2 O2 , ‘O2 , and OH∗ radicals.
Vaccinium cultivars had high antioxidant capacity against all four reactive oxygen
moieties but, in general, were lower in antioxidant capacity inhibition of scavenging
activity than Rosaceae juices. V. macrocarpon had the lowest inhibition of hydrogen
peroxide moieties, while V. corymbosum had the lowest antioxidant capacity against
OH∗ and O2 .
The reactivities of 12 major anthocyanins identified in V. myrtillus extracts
toward nitric oxide (NO) and ONOO− were studied in vitro using capillary zone
electrophoresis (Ichiyanagi et al., 2004b). With the exception of delphinidin gly-
cosides, the reactivities of anthocyanins toward NO. were weaker than that of (+)-
catechin as a reference antioxidant under anaerobic conditions. Aglycon structure
or type of sugar moiety did not significantly affect the reactivities of other antho-
cyanins. Conversely, all anthocyanins and catechin showed significant enhancement
of reactivity under aerobic conditions, indicating that they reacted with other reac-
tive species secondarily generated from NO. Delphinidin glycosides showed rather
comparatively high reactivity toward ONOO− compared to other anthocyanins,
which also showed approximately two times lower reactivity than catechin. These
results were corroborated, in part, by others (Rahman et al., 2006). This group found
that antioxidant activities of 15 purified V. myrtillus anthocyanins, together with
pelargonidin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and 4 -O-methyl delphinidin 3-O-beta-D-
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 241
and O2 ∗− , despite the fact that soluble solids, titratable acids, antioxidant capacity,
and anthocyanin and phenolic contents varied between cultivars (Wang et al., 2005).
Among ethanol extracts of 10 edible berries, that from V. myrtillus fruit contained
the largest amounts of phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins, and showed the
greatest DPPH∗ -scavenging activity (Katsube et al., 2003). Cold-pressed V. corym-
bosum seed oil, along with seed oils from Rosaceae genera, was evaluated for its
fatty acid composition, carotenoid content, tocopherol profile, total phenolic content
(TPC) as gallic acid equivalents per gram, oxidative stability index (OSI), peroxide
value, and antioxidant properties (Parry et al., 2005). All tested seed oils contained
significant levels of alpha-linolenic acid, ranging from 19.6 to 32.4 g per 100 g of oil,
along with a low ratio of n–6/n–3 fatty acids (1.64/3.99). The total carotenoid con-
tent ranged from 12.5 to 30.0 μmoles·kg−1 oil. Zeaxanthin was the major carotenoid
compound in all tested berry seed oils, along with beta-carotene, lutein, and cryp-
toxanthin. Total tocopherol was 260.6–2276.9 μmoles·kg−1 oil, including alpha-,
gamma-, and delta-tocopherols. The lowest OSI was attributed to V. corymbosum
oil, and the highest TPC and ORAC values were achieved by various Rosaceae seed
oils. All tested berry seed oils directly reacted with and quenched DPPH∗ in a dose-
and time-dependent manner. These data suggest that the cold-pressed berry seed oils
may serve as potential dietary sources of tocopherols, carotenoids, and other natural
antioxidants. Seed flours from V. macrocarpon and other fruits were also examined
for their total fat content, fatty acid composition, total phenolic content (TPC), and
total anthocyanin content (TAC), against the peroxyl (ORAC) and stable DPPH rad-
icals, and chelating capacity against Fe2+ (Parry et al., 2006). Significant levels of
fat were detected in the fruit seed flours, and their fatty acid profiles may differ from
those of the respective seed oils. V. macrocarpon seed flour, compared to that from
other fruits, had the highest level of alpha-linolenic acid (30.9 g/100 g fat) and the
lowest ratio of n–6/n–3 fatty acids (1.2/1). The fruit seed flours also differed in their
TAC values and Fe2+ -chelating capacities; ORAC, which correlated significantly to
TPC values in this report, was not the highest in the flour of V. macrocarpon seed
A number of novel compounds, such as ortho-benzoyloxyphenyl acetic acid
ester, also called vaccihein A, isolated from the fruit of V. ashei, rare A-type
proanthocyanidin dimers and trimers from V. vitis-idaea, V.oxycoccus, V. myrtillus,
V. macrocarpon, and V. uliginosum, and uncommon anthocyanin derivatives, such
as anthocyanin-pyruvic acid adducts and vinylpyranoanthocyanin-catechins (por-
tisins) from V. myrtillus, have been identified and contribute to antioxidant capac-
ity, as measured in DPPH∗ scavenging and FRAP assays (Gu et al., 2003; Ono
et al., 2002; Faria et al., 2005; Määttä-Riihinen et al., 2005). The A-type proan-
thocyanidins inhibited the oxidation of methyl linoleate emulsion and human LDL,
whereas anthocyanin derivatives were able to inhibit lipid peroxidation induced by
2,2 -azobis (2-methyl-propanimidamide) dihydrochloride, in a liposomal membrane
The radical-scavenging activity of a V. macrocarpon extract, composed primarily
of flavonol glycosides, was the greatest compared to those with other compo-
nents derived from the whole fruit (Yan et al., 2002). Seven flavonol glycosides
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 243
were isolated and purified from whole fruit for further evaluation; the anthocyanin
cyanidin 3-galactoside was also purified for comparison with the flavonoids.
Three flavonol monoglycosides were newly identified by 13 C NMR as quercetin
3-xyloside, 3-methoxyquercetin 3-beta-galactoside (isorhamnetin), and myricetin
3-alpha-arabinofuranoside; the other four isolated were the previously identi-
fied quercetin 3-beta-galactoside, quercetin 3-alpha-arabinofuranoside, quercetin 3-
alpha-rhamnopyranoside, and myricetin 3-beta-galactoside. These compounds were
evaluated in vitro for DPPH∗ -scavenging activity. Most of the flavonol glycosides
showed antioxidant activity comparable or superior to that of vitamin E; cyanidin
3-galactoside showed activity superior to that of the flavonoids as well as vitamin E
or Trolox (the reference compound for the ORAC assay) in both antioxidant assays.
The antioxidative activities of proanthocyanidins from V. macrocarpon were found
to be much stronger than vitamin C or vitamin E in aqueous systems; the mech-
anisms for their antioxidative actions were shown to involve radical scavenging,
quenching, and enzyme-inhibiting actions (Ariga, 2004). Other authors identified
20 compounds in V. macrocarpon fruit, but those with potent antioxidant activity
in the μmolar range were quercetin, 3,5,7,3 ,4 -pentahydroxyflavonol-3-O-beta-D-
glucopyranoside, 3,5,7,3 ,4 -pentahydroxyflavonol-3-O-beta-D-galactopyranosi-de,
and 3,5,7,3 ,4 -pentahydroxyflavonol-3-O-alpha-l-arabinofuranoside (He and Liu,
Although anthocyanins were the main components, specific compounds such
as chlorogenic acid in V. corymbosum (cv. Sierra), and quercetin glycosides in
V. macrocarpon (cv. Ben Lear) and V. vitis-idaea (cv. Amberland) were found to
be present in relatively high concentrations (Zheng and Wang, 2003). Chlorogenic
acid, peonidin 3-galactoside, and cyanidin 3-galactoside were the most important
antioxidants in V. corymbosum, V. macrocarpon, and V. vitis-idaea, respectively.
The point has been made that the major metabolite of cyanidin, protocatechuic acid,
is largely responsible for its antioxidant and other effects in humans (Galvano et al.,
2007; Vitaglione et al., 2007). The total antioxidant capacity was generally depen-
dent on the structure of individual phenolics and content in the berries, and variabil-
ity was considerable. Important phenolics from Vaccinium, such as quercetin and
cyanidin, with 3 ,4 -dihydroxy substituents in the B-ring and conjugation between
the A- and B-rings, had highly effective radical-scavenging structures. Furthermore,
strong iron-binding properties have been confirmed for polyphenolic compounds,
but especially for those containing the “iron-binding motifs” identified in their struc-
tures (Guo et al., 2007). A build-up of iron in biological systems is believed to result
in the production of free radicals, leading to oxidative stress, cellular damage and
eventual cellular death via apoptotic signaling (apoptosis is a process also known
as “programmed cell death”). Quercetin, both at μmolar levels, and in the presence
of major cellular iron chelators like ATP or citrate, could suppress completely Fen-
ton chemistry, described as (1) Fe2+ + H2 O2 → Fe3+ + OH· + OH− and (2) Fe3+
+ H2 O2 → Fe2+ + OOH· + H+ , where ferrous iron (II) is oxidized by hydrogen
peroxide to ferric iron (III), a hydroxyl radical, and a hydroxyl anion. Iron (III) is
then reduced back to iron (II), a peroxide radical, and a proton by the same hydrogen
peroxide (disproportionation). However, the radical-scavenging activity of quercetin
244 M. McKenzie et al.
(Shabalina et al., 2001; Ariga, 2004; Dunlap et al., 2006; Kolosova et al., 2006;
Sinitsyna et al., 2006; Deyhim et al., 2007; Villarreal et al., 2007).
Mouse models have been employed to measure restraint-stress oxidation in liver
tissue (Bao et al., 2008b). Restraint stress may induce serious liver damage, with an
increase in plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level. A concomitant increase
in malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and lowered ORAC values in plasma and liver
were observed in restraint mice compared with starved mice. Oral administra-
tion of a V. myrtillus extract containing ∼42% anthocyanins remarkably decreased
plasma ALT level and, thus, alleviated stress-induced liver damage. In addition, the
extracts increased glutathione GSH and vitamin C levels and significantly decreased
MDA and nitric oxide (NO) levels in the liver tissues. These results suggest that
V. myrtillus extract plays an important role in protecting against restraint-stress-
induced liver damage by both free radical-scavenging activity and a lipid per-
oxidation inhibitory effect. This group also examined chemically induced organ
damage of the kidney by potassium bromate (KBRO3 ), an oxidizing agent used
as a food additive (Bao et al., 2008a). The mechanism of potent nephrotoxicity
has been hypothesized to occur through the generation of oxygen free radicals.
A single intraperitoneal administration to mice could induce serious kidney dam-
age, with an increase in serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels.
Intervention with V. myrtillus extract resulted in a reversal in serum BUN and crea-
tinine to normal levels and decreased kidney MDA, NO, and the enzyme, xanthine
oxidase, levels. Also, the extract improved ORAC levels in kidney tissue, which
showed that it reduced the degree of oxidative stress and kidney damage induced by
KBrO3 .
Sophisticated methods have been designed for analysis of ORAC and total
antioxidant status (TAS) values in plasma. In humans, in a single-blinded crossover
study performed with a group of eight middle-aged male subjects (38–54 years),
ingestion of freeze-dried V. angustifolium resulted in a significant increase in
ORAC and TAS (Kay and Holub, 2002). Post-prandial plasma antioxidant capac-
ity changes differed depending on the food consumed, and Vaccinium was shown
to influence hydrophilic and hydrophobic ORAC values in human plasma (Prior
et al., 2003; 2007). Conversely, consumption of an energy source of macronutri-
ents containing no antioxidants was associated with a decline in plasma antioxidant
In other investigations, Vaccinium species increased vitamin C and quercetin con-
centrations in human plasma, and some revealed correlation with FRAP, electron
spin resonance (ESR) values, and suppression of serum levels of advanced oxida-
tion protein and lipoprotein products (Erlund et al., 2003; 2006; Ruel et al., 2005;
Duthie et al., 2006; Valentova et al., 2007). Nonetheless, a comprehensive study in
healthy female human subjects compared the total phenol, anthocyanin, and cate-
chin content of V. macrocarpon supplements prior to ingestion and in the plasma
following ingestion, as well as the total antioxidant ability determined by ESR
spectrometry and by the FRAP assay (Duthie et al., 2006). Vitamin C, homocys-
teine (tHcy), and reduced glutathione (GSH) were measured by HPLC. Glutathione
peroxidase (GSH-Px), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities
246 M. McKenzie et al.
a wide range of fractions generated from a crude extract) that localized to one
particular proanthocyanidin-rich fraction from V. macrocarpon (Kandil et al., 2002).
The active anticarcinogenic fraction was found to contain the following compo-
nents: a series of oligomeric proanthocyanidins, seven flavonoids, mainly quercetin,
myricetin, the corresponding 3-O-glycosides, (–)-epicatechin, (+)-catechin, and
dimers of both gallocatechin and epigallocatechin types.
In further investigations, a proanthocyanidin-rich extract of V. angustifolium was
separated into fractions and was characterized by mass spectrometry and NMR
spectroscopy. One fraction, with an average degree of polymerization (DP) of 5.65,
had significant antiproliferation activity against human prostate and mouse liver
cancer cell lines (Schmidt et al., 2004). A significant positive correlation was estab-
lished between proanthocyanidin content of different fractions and biological activ-
ity. Proanthocyanidin-rich fractions from Vaccinium fruits demonstrated differential
inhibitory effects on the proliferation of LNCaP, an androgen-sensitive prostate can-
cer cell line, and DU145, a more aggressive androgen-insensitive prostate cancer
cell line. Two similar proanthocyanidin-rich fractions from V. corymbosum sig-
nificantly inhibited LNCaP growth in the mg·mL−1 range (Schmidt et al., 2006).
Only one fraction modestly inhibited the growth of DU145 cells. Differences in
cell growth inhibition of LNCaP and DU145 cell lines by V. corymbosum fractions
rich in proanthocyanidins indicate that its proanthocyanidins exert an effect through
mechanisms characteristic of androgen-dependent growth in prostate cancer cells.
An extract of V. myrtillus was effective at inhibiting the growth of HL60 human
leukemia cells and HCT116 human colon carcinoma cells in vitro (Katsube et al.,
2003). The extract induced apoptotic cell bodies in both, but to a far lesser extent
in HCT116 than HL60 cells, and caused nucleosomal DNA fragmentation only in
HL60 cells. Likewise, pure delphinidin and malvidin induced apoptosis in HL60
cells, as did related glycosides isolated from the extract. Only pure delphinidin and
its glycoside isolated from the V. myrtillus extract, but not malvidin and its glyco-
side, inhibited the growth of HCT116 cells.
Polyphenol-rich V. vitis-idaea extracts were screened for their antiproliferative
effectiveness in human cervical cancer (HeLa) cells (McDougall et al., 2008). In
this system, V. vitis-idaea and other berry extracts were effective with EC50 val-
ues in the range of 25–40 μg·mL−1 relative to phenol content. These extracts
were also effective against the human colon cancer cell line, Caco-2, which was
generally more sensitive at low concentrations, but conversely, less sensitive at
higher concentrations. Although some of the extracts share common polyphe-
nol constituents, especially the ellagitannins, shown to be effective antiprolifer-
ative agents, the bioactive components of V. vitis-idaea extracts are not known.
Although anthocyanin-enriched fractions were considerably less effective than the
crude extract, antiproliferative activity was retained in the tannin-rich fraction com-
posed almost entirely of proanthocyanidins of type A and B linkages. Others found,
through statistical analyses, that anthocyanin chemical structure affected chemopro-
tection, with non-acylated monoglycosylated anthocyanins having greater inhibitory
effect on proliferation of another colon cancer cell line, HT-29, whereas antho-
cyanins with pelargonidin, triglycoside, and/or acylation with cinnamic acid exerted
248 M. McKenzie et al.
the least effect (Jing et al., 2008). They concluded that anthocyanins played a major
role in chemoprotection and exerted an additive interaction with the other phenolics
Freeze-dried preparations of two V. ashei cultivars (cv. Tifblue and cv. Premier)
were sequentially extracted with solvents of various polarities and shown to pos-
sess in vitro antiproliferative activity against CaSki and SiHa cervical cancer cell
lines and MCF-7 and T47-D breast cancer cell lines (Wedge et al., 2001). Prolifer-
ation inhibitory and apoptosis-inducing effects of polyphenolic compounds from
V. ashei (cv. Briteblue, cv. Tifblue, and cv. Powderblue) were also assessed in
a systematic study of Caco-2 and HT-29 (Yi et al., 2005). Extracts were further
separated into phenolic acid, tannin, flavonol, and anthocyanin-enriched fractions,
and some individual phenolic acids and flavonoids were identified by HPLC with
>90% purity in anthocyanin fractions. The dried extracts and fractions were tested
for antiproliferation activities and induction of apoptosis by addition to the cell
culture medium. Flavonol and tannin fractions resulted in 50% inhibition of cell
proliferation, whereas the phenolic acid fraction showed relatively lower bioactiv-
ities with 50% inhibition at higher concentrations of test preparations in both cell
lines. The greatest antiproliferation effect among all four fractions was from the
anthocyanin fractions, which significantly inhibited cell growth by >50% at con-
centrations in the μg·mL−1 range. Anthocyanin fractions also induced apoptosis
resulting in —two to seven times increase in DNA fragmentation. Anthocyanin frac-
tions from V. ashei cultivars, principally containing delphinidin, cyanidin, peonidin,
petunidin, and malvidin, increased apoptosis as determined by DNA fragmenta-
tion and cysteine–aspartic acid protease, caspase-3, activity assays (Srivastava et al.
2007). DNA fragmentation increased at anthocyanin concentrations from 50 to 150
μg·mL−1 with cv. Tifblue and cv. Powderblue, but a prominent ladder was apparent
in cells treated with 50–100 μg·mL−1 of the anthocyanin fraction of cv. Bright-
blue and cv. Brightwell as compared to cells treated with 150 μg·mL−1 . Apoptosis
related caspase-3 activity in the control cells and the cells treated with anthocyanins
from all four cultivars demonstrated a significant positive difference.
Extracts of six popularly consumed berries, including V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon, as well as Rubus and Fragaria species, were analyzed for their
phenolic constituents using high-performance liquid chromatography with ultra-
violet detection (HPLC-UV) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-
ESI-MS) detection, and evaluated ability to inhibit the growth of human oral (KB,
CAL-27), breast (MCF-7), colon (HT-29, HCT116), and prostate (LNCaP) tumor
cell lines (Seeram et al., 2006). At concentrations in the μg·mL−1 range, increasing
concentration of berry extract was shown to increase inhibition of cell proliferation
in all of the cell lines tested, but with different degrees of potency between cell
lines. All berry extracts were also evaluated for their ability to stimulate apoptosis
of the inflammatory cyclooxygenase (specifically, COX-2) expressing HT-29 cells,
but Rubus and Fragaria were most effective. V. corymbosum (cv. Bluecrop) leaf
extract was highly inhibitory in vitro against a drug-sensitive promyelocytic HL60
human cell line, although it was much less effective against multi-drug resistant
sublines exhibiting two different MDR phenotypes: HL60/VINC (overexpressing
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 249
higher than that of the control group. Induction of apoptosis in MCF-7 cells was
observed in a dose-dependent manner after exposure to extracts for 4 h. A dose of
50 mg·mL−1 resulted in a 25% higher ratio of apoptotic cells to total cells as com-
pared to the control groups. These results suggest that extracts of V. macrocarpon
possess the ability to suppress the proliferation of MCF-7 cells, which can be
attributed, at least in part, to both the initiation of apoptosis and the G1 phase arrest.
Novel purified triterpene cinnamates from V. macrocarpon, identified as
cis (1) and trans (2) isomers of 3-O-p-hydroxycinnamoyl ursolic acid, were
bioassayed in human tumor cell lines in vitro (Murphy et al., 2003). The
cis isomer showed slightly greater activity than the trans moiety in most
cell lines, with a GI50 of approximately 20 μM in MCF-7, ME180 human
cervical epithelial, and PC3 androgen-independent human prostate tumor cell
lines. The GI50 value is a redefinition of the IC50 value, the concentration
that causes 50% growth inhibition, corrected for the cell count at time zero
(http://dtp.nci.nih.gov/docs/compare/compare_methodology.html). Quercetin was
slightly less active than cis-3-O-p-hydroxycinnamoyl ursolic acid, while cyanidin-
3-galactoside exhibited much lower cytotoxicity, with greater than 250 μM in
all cell lines. Antiproliferative activities of isolated V. macrocarpon compounds
against MCF-7 and HepG2 human liver cancer cells were also evaluated through
bioactivity-guided fractionation (He and Liu, 2006). Among the compounds iso-
lated, ursolic acid, quercetin, and 3,5,7,3 ,4 -pentahydroxyflavonol-3-O-beta-D-
glucopyranoside showed potent inhibitory activity toward the proliferation of
MCF-7 cells, with EC50 values of 11.7 ± 0.1, 137.5 ± 2.6, and 23.9 ± 3.9
μM, respectively. Ursolic acid, quercetin, and 3,5,7,3 ,4 -pentahydroxyflavonol-3-
O-beta-D-glucopyranoside showed potent antiproliferative activities against HepG2
cell growth, with EC50 values of 87.4 ± 2.7, 40.9 ± 1.1, and 49.2 ± 4.9 μM,
In hormone-dependent tumor cell lines, an extract of V. macrocarpon presscake
(material remaining after squeezing juice from the berries) containing flavonoids
inhibited proliferation of eight human tumor cell lines of multiple origins (Ferguson
et al., 2004). The androgen-dependent prostate cell line LNCaP was the most sen-
sitive of those tested, but other human tumor lines originating from breast (MCF-
7), skin (SK-MEL-5), colon (HT-29), lung (DMS114), and brain (U87) were less
sensitive. An estrogen-independent breast line (MDA-MB-435) and an androgen-
independent prostate line (DU145) were the least sensitive and required compar-
atively high doses of extract to inhibit proliferation. Nonetheless, the extract was
able to block cell cycle progression in MDA-MB-435 cells and induce cells to
undergo apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner as demonstrated by using flow cyto-
metric analyses of DNA distribution (cell cycle) and annexin V-positivity (apop-
tosis marker). These authors also reported that V. macrocarpon presscake was
shown to decrease the growth and metastasis of tumors in mice bearing human
breast tumor MDA-MB-435 cells. Subsequently, explants of human tumor cell
lines glioblastoma multiforme (U87), colon carcinoma (HT-29), and androgen-
independent prostate carcinoma (DU145) were shown to be sensitive to a flavonoid-
rich fraction and a more purified proanthocyanidin-rich fraction of V. macrocarpon
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 251
(Ferguson et al., 2006). Both significantly slowed the growth of explant tumors of
U87 in vivo, but the proanthocyanidin-rich fraction inhibited growth of HT-29 and
DU145 explants, inducing complete regression of two DU145 tumor explants. Flow
cytometric analyses of in vitro-treated U87 cells indicated that both fractions also
could arrest cells in G1 phase of the cell cycle and induce cell death within 24–48 h
of exposure, consistent with in vivo results. V. macrocarpon seed flour extracts were
found also to significantly inhibit HT-29 cell proliferation, although specific com-
pounds were not cited for this effect (Parry et al., 2006).
Studies in animal models. The chemopreventive efficacy of V. macrocarpon juice
concentrate in an experimental in vivo model of urinary bladder cancer was evalu-
ated using female Fischer-344 rats (Prasain et al., 2008). The animals received N-
butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine (OH-BBN) and, following treatment, a dose-
dependent preventive effect of juice concentrate was observed, with a reduced
number of urinary bladder cancers (38%) versus those observed in the control
group. Serum and urine were collected after the administration of the juice con-
centrate, and quercetin, as well as its methylated derivative, was detected in the
urine samples. As a consequence of poor bioavailability, no quercetin was detected
in the serum samples. Although quercetin moieties were detected predominantly,
the authors conclude that many components of V. macrocarpon juice concentrate
may be responsible for some of the observations.
Experiments designed to study the inhibitory effect against the formation of
colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) pre-neoplastic lesions of pterostilbene, an impor-
tant compound in Vaccinium fruits, were conducted in Fisher 344 male rats (Suh
et al., 2007). Animals were treated with the colon carcinogen, azoxymethane
(AOM), and were fed experimental diets with or without pterostilbene. At sacrifice,
colons were evaluated for ACF formation, for inhibition of inducible nitric oxide
synthase (iNOS) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and for effects on mucin gly-
coprotein (MUC2). Administration of pterostilbene significantly suppressed AOM-
induced formation of ACF and multiple clusters of aberrant crypts. Importantly,
dietary pterostilbene also suppressed AOM-induced colonic cell proliferation and
iNOS expression, with the latter effect being confirmed in cultured human colon
cancer cells. To test directly the chemopreventive potential of fruit rich in pterostil-
bene, another study examined the possible effects of V. corymbosum and V. macro-
carpon juice, as well as other fruit preparations, on AOM-induced ACF in Fisher
344 male rats (Boateng et al., 2007). The rats received subcutaneous injections of
AOM and, upon sacrifice, total ACF numbers assessed in the rats fed control diet,
V. corymbosum, and V. macrocarpon were, respectively, 171.67 ± 5.6, 11.33 ± 2.85,
and 39.0 ± 15.31, with numbers from other types of flavonoid-rich fruits ranging
from 15.67 ± 1.86 to 33.67 ± 0.89. Total glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activ-
ity in the liver of the rats fed fruit preparations was significantly higher as compared
with the control. Although juice from V. macrocarpon was effective, among all fruits
and fruit juices, V. corymbosum juice induced the most significant reductions in the
formation of AOM-induced ACF.
The chemoprotective activity of anthocyanin-rich extracts (AREs) from
V. myrtillus and other fruits was assessed with multiple biomarkers of colon cancer
252 M. McKenzie et al.
in male rats treated with AOM (Lala et al., 2006). Fischer 344 male rats were fed
the AIN-93 diet (control) or AIN-93 diet supplemented with AREs for 14 weeks.
Biomarkers that were evaluated included the number and multiplicity of colonic
aberrant crypt foci (ACF), colonic cell proliferation, urinary levels of oxidative
DNA damage, and expression of COX-2 genes. To assess the bioavailability, lev-
els of anthocyanins in serum, urine, and feces were evaluated; total ACF were
reduced in all treatment groups compared with the control group. The number
of large ACF, colonic cellular proliferation, and COX-2 mRNA expression was
decreased by V. myrtillus in ARE-fed rats. High levels of fecal anthocyanins and
increased fecal mass and fecal moisture occurred in ARE-fed rats. There was also
a significant reduction in fecal bile acids in ARE-fed rats. The levels of urinary
8-hydroxyguanosine were similar among rats fed different diets. These results are
consistent with other studies and suggest a protective role of AREs in colon car-
cinogenesis through multiple mechanisms of action. Collectively, these observations
provide insights into pivotal mechanisms of anthocyanin- and stilbene-mediated
antitumor effects and support recommending consumption of fruits and prepara-
tions rich in these for colon cancer chemoprevention and, potentially, for treatment
of human gastrointestinal tract cancer.
Prevention studies in the estrogen-sensitive female ACI rat model allowed iden-
tification of agents that are effective against estrogen-induced mammary tumorige-
nesis (Aiyer et al., 2008). Compared with the control group, V. corymbosum powder
showed a 40% reduction in tumor volume, whereas pure ellagic acid reduced tumor
volume by 75% and tumor multiplicity by 44%. This is the first report showing
the significant efficacy of both ellagic acid and berries in the prevention of solely
estrogen-induced mammary tumors.
found in V. myrtillus and other deeply pigmented fruits, an array of phenolic or non-
phenolic phytochemicals is responsible for the antiproliferative activity of berries.
The juice of 14 different berries, including four Vaccinium species, was evalu-
ated for antioxidant capacity, antiproliferative activity, induction of apoptosis and
cell cycle arrest, and anti-inflammatory activity (Boivin et al., 2007). The growth
of various cancer cell lines, including those of stomach, prostate, intestine, and
breast, was strongly inhibited by V. angustifolium, V. myrtilloides, and V. macro-
carpon juices, but not (or only slightly) by V. corymbosum juice. No correlation was
found between the antioxidant capacity and antiproliferative activity of the juice.
The inhibition of cancer cell proliferation appeared to involve cell cycle arrest, not
caspase-dependent apoptosis, as evidenced by downregulation of the expression of
calmolulin-dependent kinases, cdk4 and cdk6, cyclin D1 and cyclin D3. Approx-
imately half of the berries evaluated, including those of Vaccinium, significantly
inhibited the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced activation of COX-2 expres-
sion and activation of NF-kappaB. Interestingly, berry juices have a pronounced
distinction in their potential chemopreventive activity, and thus, consumption of a
variety of berries may prove useful for preventing or delaying the onset of tumor
V. vitis-idaea extracts produced a dose-dependent inhibition of transcription acti-
vator protein-1 (AP-1) and NF-kappaB induced by either TPA tumor promoter
or ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation in JB6 P+ mouse epidermal cells (Wang et al.,
2005). Both proteins play an important mechanistic role in ultraviolet (UV)-induced
skin carcinogenesis in mice. Pretreatment of cells with extracts blocked UVB-
induced phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-signaling
members, extracellular kinase signal-regulated kinases (ERK1 and ERK2), stress-
activated protein kinase (p38), and extracellular signal-regulated ERK kinase
(MEK1/2), but not c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). The c-Jun protein is synonymous
with AP-1 and is an important regulator of cell cycle progression and apoptosis. The
extract also prevented TPA-induced phosphorylation of ERK1, ERK2, and MEK1/2
and TPA-induced neoplastic transformation of JB6 P(+) cells was also suppressed in
a dose-dependent manner in soft agar assays. In addition, extracts promoted apop-
tosis of human leukemia HL-60 cells in a dose-independent manner. These results
suggest that ERK1, ERK2, and MEK1/2 may be the primary targets of V. vitis-idaea
extracts that result in suppression of AP-1, NF-kappaB, and neoplastic transforma-
tion in JB6 P(+) cells and that cancer cell death is caused by an apoptotic mechanism
in human leukemia HL-60 cells. In other mouse epidermal cells, methanol extracts
of Vaccinium were unable to inhibit AP-1 and NF-kappaB activation by UVB and
short UV radiation, UV-C (Huang et al., 2007). Different berry extracts were able
to exert this inhibitory effect. These results suggest that berries differ in their com-
position, and hence, ability to influence signaling pathways leading to activation of
NF-kappaB and AP-1 when using UV light as the inducer. Another group inves-
tigated whether V. myrtillus and quercetin, notably abundant in this fruit, have the
ability to induce transcription of Fos-related antigen 1 (Fra-1), which contains two
EpREs in its promoter (Myhrstad et al., 2006). Fra-1 is a member of the AP-1 fam-
ily of transcription factors and, due to the lack of transactivation domain Fra-1, can
254 M. McKenzie et al.
(15–30%), but V. vitis-idaeaalso reduced tumour size by over 60% and, as compared
to the control, resulted in a larger proportion of small adenomas with a smaller pro-
portion of large adenomas. On the molecular level, beta-catenin and cyclin D1 pro-
tein levels in the adenomas and in the normal-appearing mucosa were determined
by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Early changes in gene expres-
sion in the normal-appearing mucosa were analyzed by Affymetrix microarrays.
V. vitis-idaea increased the level of cyclin D1 in the large adenomas. Affymetrix
microarrays revealed changes in genes implicated in colon carcinogenesis, includ-
ing the decreased expression of the adenosine deaminase, ecto-5f-nucleotidase and
prostaglandin receptor PGE2 subtype EP4. Ellagic acid had no effect on the number
or size of adenomas in the distal or total small intestine, but it increased adenoma
size in the duodenum when compared with the control diet. The ellagitannins did not
have any effect on the adenoma formation. Taken together, the results of these three
groups, the efficacy of berry preparations, Mirtoselect from V. myrtillus, and C3G
in the Min/+ mouse, warrant the further development of anthocyanins as potential
human colorectal cancer chemopreventive agents.
Data from numerous cell culture and animal models indicate that Vaccinium
flavonoids are potent anticarcinogenic agents and are protective at several sites
in the carcinogenic development pathway. In the majority of in vitro and in vivo
studies, the concentration of extract or phytochemical employed is non-nutritional
(Duthie, 2007). Precisely which berry constituents are cancer chemopreventive
remains uncertain, and evidence for an anticarcinogenic effect in human studies
also remains weak, albeit promising for future work.
Intervention studies in healthy human subjects with V. corymbosum/blended fruit
juice compared to one of their principal components, quercetin, have demonstrated
protection in vitro and ex vivo against induction of oxidative DNA damage from
hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2) and formation of bulky DNA adducts of benzo(a)pyrene
(B(a)P) formed through its diol-epoxide metabolite (BPDE) (Wilms et al., 2005).
Human lymphocytes were pre-incubated with various concentrations of quercetin,
followed by incubation with hydrogen peroxide, and protection against oxidative
DNA damage was evaluated by the use of the single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet)
assay. Quercetin-treated human lymphocytes were challenged by treatment with
B(a)P, and adduct formation was measured by 32 P-post-labeling. In these assays,
a significant dose-dependent protection by quercetin was observed against both the
formation of oxidative DNA damage and of BPDE–DNA adducts. Also, lympho-
cytes from female volunteers who consumed a quercetin-rich juice mixture for 4
weeks were treated ex vivo with an effective dose of H2 O2 and B(a)P, respectively,
before the intervention. Juice intervention led to a significant increase in the total
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 261 Conclusions
Compiled results show promise for the cancer chemopreventive and possible ther-
apeutic applications of Vaccinium preparations and derived phenolic acids, antho-
cyanins, catechins, stilbenes, and several other flavonoids. Although promising, the
differences in occurrence and amounts of flavonoids between species make appro-
priate selection of preparations difficult for a given application. Likewise, effects on
cancer, both positive and negative, and the various proposed mechanisms through
which the chemicals exert their effects, may obfuscate future directions for research,
health-care professional recommendations for use of Vaccinium-based products, and
public confidence in their benefits. Although most of the work done to date indicates
a chemopreventive activity of these compounds, there are some studies that show
cancer-inducing or no effects. Perhaps the most fundamental of these concerns is
the ability to distinguish between the in vitro and the in vivo antioxidant activities
of dietary anthocyanins in relation to human health. But, despite outstanding ques-
tions regarding the relevance of in vitro antioxidant capacity to in vivo antioxidant
protection from deleterious ROS and health consequences, Vaccinium flavonoids
have demonstrated other mechanisms for anti-aging and anticancer potential (Wil-
son et al., 2006; Neto, 2007). These include effects on proliferation, apoptosis, cel-
lular differentiation, and effects on proteins and enzymes that are involved in these
processes at a molecular level, and other various effects through altered immune
function and chemical metabolism (Nichenametla et al., 2006). Several common
mechanisms by which these chemicals exert their effects appear to be conducive
to additive, synergistic, or antagonistic interactions. Further long-term clinical trials
will be required to translate these experimental observations and resulting hypothe-
ses into a potential decreased risk of aging, chronic disease, or cancer chemopre-
vention and treatment in the general population.
remarkable in light of the fact that manifold studies conducted by Dr. James Joseph
USDA, Agricultural Research Service Research Physiologist at the Neuroscience
Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Ageing
at Tufts University, Boston, MA and colleagues, using a rat model system, have
shown how a blueberry-rich diet, in comparison with placebo, elicits significant
improvement in motor skills and cognitive ability in rats induced to manifest PD
symptoms (Lau et al., 2006; Emborg, 2004). Similar results have been reported by
Strömberg et al. 2005 following injury of the rat nigrostriatal dopamine system.
What is the basis for blueberries having beneficial effects for PD, aside from
their nutritional value? Blueberries contain an array of anthocyanins and polyphe-
nols which have high antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory activity. It is pos-
sible that these kinds of constituents act synergistically at target sites of action
(Cseke et al., 2006) as we have shown recently for sour cherry products. However,
no one yet knows how blueberries act at target sites in the human brain to ameliorate
the severe deleterious effects of PD on cognitive ability and motor skills. A well-
designed human-based clinical trial using blueberries (as whole berries or blueberry
juice) versus placebo is certainly needed to help answer this question.
V. myrtillus preparations are documented for their anthocyanin content and
improvement of cerebral functions, neurotransmitter levels, emotional stress, and
progression of neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
diseases (Rahman et al., 2008). History
For centuries, cardiac glycosides have been used to treat congestive heart failure,
since it has the ability to increase the power of contraction of the failing heart (Norn
and Kruse, 2004). However, ancient Romans and Syrians might have used squill
or sea onion, a seashore plant, to treat their patients with edema, or water in their
tissues (Norn and Kruse, 2004).
264 M. McKenzie et al.
For many centuries, foxglove had been used for various purposes, but had fallen
out of use by 1745 due to inappropriate use (Wilkins et al., 1985). Dr. William
Withering introduced foxglove back to the medical profession in An Account of the
Foxglove and Some of Its Medical Uses: With Practical Remarks on Dropsy, and
Other Diseases in 1785. In this book, he took the first steps in transforming digitalis
into a modern drug with his observation that foxglove, Digitalis purpurea L., was
the active ingredient chosen from more than 20 substances that could treat many
diseases, including dropsy, or congestive heart failure (Drury, 1984; Hauptman and
Kelly, 1999; Breckenridge, 2006). Unaware of its effect on heart failure, he believed
that digitalis was a diuretic (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade, 2002a).
Early in the 20th century, digitalis was found to be useful for treating patients
with heart failure and normal cardiac rhythm (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade, 2002a,b).
The pharmaceutical activity of foxglove was found to be influenced by when the
leaves were harvested and how the plant was grown (Goldman, 2001). In 1906,
the potencies of 16 commercial digitalis preparations were found to vary over a
fourfold range (Goldman, 2001). In the 1927, animal and human studies demon-
strated the hemodynamic effects of digitalis on failing myocardium (Eichhorn and
Gheorghiade 2002a,b). Ultimately, digoxin was found to be the preferred form of
digitalis for treating heart problems in humans (Goldman, 2001).
During the 1970s, the effects of digoxin on heart failure were further elucidated
(Eichhorn and Gheorghiade, 2002b). However, three challenges to digoxin therapy
were discovered: an increase among patients with digoxin intoxication due to ele-
vated serum levels, the development of newer drugs to treat heart failure, and a
perceived increase in mortality due to the use of digoxin. During the 1980s, inter-
est in using digoxin was renewed with a decrease in cases of digoxin intoxication,
newer heart failure drugs demonstrating poorer survival rates, and the discovery that
digoxin might benefit patients with heart failure and normal cardiac rhythm (Eich-
horn and Gheorghiade 2002a). During the late 1980s, digoxin was discovered to
have, in addition to its hemodynamic effects, neurohormonal modulating effects.
However, the utility of digoxin was questioned because of the development of new
neurohormonal modulators for heart failure and the lack of mortality data on digoxin
(Eichhorn and Gheorghiade 2002b).
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, several randomized placebo-controlled trials
demonstrated the utility of digoxin in patients with heart failure and normal cardiac
sinus rhythm (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade 2002a). By 1990, one of the first system-
atic reviews of seven large-scale randomized controlled trials concluded that digoxin
prevented clinical deterioration in patients with heart failure (Hood et al., 2004). In
1997, a large clinical trial showed digoxin had no effect on mortality but it decreased
hospitalizations for heart failure (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade, 2002b). By the 1990s,
digoxin became the most commonly prescribed cardiac glycoside by physicians
for both heart failure and atrial fibrillation due its flexible routes of administra-
tion, the ability to measure its serum levels, and an intermediate duration of action
(Hauptman and Kelly, 1999). Because digoxin is inexpensive and well tolerated,
it may result in considerable medical cost savings (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade,
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 265
the frequency of hospitalizations rather than survival for patients with heart failure
in normal rhythm (The Digitalis Investigation Group, 1997). Mechanism
The underlying physiologic mechanism for digoxin is that it provides positive
inotropic support, meaning it increases the contractility of heart muscle by prevent-
ing the movement of sodium and potassium across the cellular membrane by inhibit-
ing sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), a cell surface transport
enzyme that regulates the quantity of sodium and potassium inside cells (Carey
et al., 1998; Fauci, 1998; Sanborn, 2007). Inhibition of this enzyme leads to an
increase in the intracellular concentration of sodium and then an increase in the
intracellular concentration of calcium (Sanborn, 2007). The increased myocardial
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 267
After some 200 years of use, digoxin still appears to have utility in treating
heart failure and atrial fibrillation (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade, 2002a,b). In the mid-
1990s, the results of several studies prompted the Food and Drug Administration to
approve the current regulations for physicians to prescribe digoxin for the treatment
of heart failure (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade, 2002a), which is in agreement with a
recent American College of Cardiology/American Health Association (ACC/AHA)
Guidelines for Chronic Heart Failure (Young, 2005). Physicians prescribe digoxin
for patients with symptomatic heart failure despite the availability of angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or diuretics, or for patients with atrial fibril-
lation with or without heart failure for rate control (Eichhorn and Gheorghiade,
11.5 Depression
Hypericum, an extract of the flower of St. John’s wort, has been used for the treat-
ment of depression for centuries (Mischoulon, 2007). St. John’s wort is the common
name for the flowering plant, Hypericum perforatum L. (Gaster and Holroyd, 2000),
a member of the Hypericaceae family. Its yellow flower has been gathered for the
feast of St. John the Baptist and the word “wort” is the Old English word for plant
(Gaster and Holroyd, 2000). History
The use of St. John’s wort has risen dramatically in the United States (Gaster
and Holroyd, 2000) as well as worldwide (Mischoulon, 2007). European physi-
cians have used hypericum to treat mild-to-moderate depression for some time
(Mischoulon, 2007). In the United States, St. John’s wort accounts for about 10% of
all herbal medicine sales (Williams et al., 2000) and currently is one of the largest
selling “natural” remedies (Mischoulon, 2007). The three top-selling herbal prod-
ucts in the United States are Ginkgo biloba L., St. John’s wort, and ginseng (Ernst,
2002). Depression
Depression is an international public health issue that will continue to grow in
importance. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence
of major depressive disorder is increasing internationally, with an estimated 120
million persons experiencing a depressive episode in a year (Sarris, 2007). The
American Psychiatric Association defines major depressive disorder, or unipolar
depression, as depressed mood or reduced interest or pleasure accompanied by at
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 269
least four other additional symptoms such as weight or appetite change, fatigue,
psychomotor agitation, insomnia or hypersomnia, i.e., excess sleep, lack of concen-
tration, suicidal ideation, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and low libido (Sarris,
2007). However, major depression has also been defined as a clinical syndrome with
at least 2 weeks of depressed mood and at least five additional symptoms, such as
depressed mood most of the day, nearly everyday; loss of interest in nearly all activi-
ties most of the day; significant weight loss or gain or appetite disturbance; insomnia
or hypersomnia; psychomotor agitation or retardation; inappropriate guilt; difficulty
in concentrating or making decisions; or recurring thoughts of death, including sui-
cidal ideation (Snow et al., 2000).
The use of complementary medicines by patients with psychiatric disorders has
been estimated to range from 8 to 57%, with use most frequently reported for those
with depression or anxiety (Werneke et al., 2006). In one study from the United
States, seven percent of respondents reported severe depression with 54% of these
individuals using complementary medicines (Kessler et al., 2001).
imipramineTM , the rate ratio was 1.03 (95% CI 0.93–1.14), signifying no difference
in effect. In clinical trials comparing St. John’s wort to selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs), such as sertralineTM and fluoxetineTM , the rate ratio was 0.98
(95% CI 0.85–1.12), signifying no difference in effect (Linde et al., 2005a).
One major limitation of this systematic review is that publication bias could not
be excluded (Linde et al., 2005a). Publication bias is the likelihood that published
studies, likely to have positive results, might in aggregate have different results from
unpublished studies, which are likely to have negative results. It is possible that the
published studies included in the systematic review might overestimate the effect
of St. John’s wort. However, a search of unpublished trials revealed few additional
relevant trials (Linde et al., 2005b).
The results of the systematic review suggest non-uniform findings because of
the “inconsistent and confusing” data (Linde et al., 2005a). When clinical trials
did not use a strict diagnosis of major depression, St. John’s wort demonstrated
greater effectiveness when compared to placebo (Mischoulon, 2007). Clinical tri-
als that closely adhered to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-
orders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) criteria for depression demonstrated less robust
findings (Mischoulon, 2007). Extracts of St. John’s wort had minimal effects on
treating major depression, a more severe form of depression, when compared
to placebo and likely no benefit among patients with chronic depression (Linde
et al., 2005a). However, extracts of St. John’s wort had similar effectiveness as
standard anti-depressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
and tri- or tetracyclic antidepressants, but were more effective than placebo for
treating mild-to-moderate depression in adults (Linde et al., 2005a; Linde et al.,
The Cochrane reviews are an internationally known highly regarded source
of evidence about the effects of health-care interventions. Since 1996, system-
atic reviews prepared and maintained by the Cochrane Collaboration have been
published in The Cochrane Library. The Cochrane Collaboration, a loose-knit
organization of experts in conducting systematic reviews who voluntarily con-
tribute to the Collaboration, is an international attempt to develop evidence-based
research guidelines about different treatment modalities. The Cochrane Library,
also called The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Starr, 2003), contains
more than 5,000 randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) and more than 60
systematic reviews of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies
(Hughes, 2001). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, available at the
web site http://www.update-software.com/cochrane, provides high-quality informa-
tion to health-care providers and patients and those in research, teaching, funding,
and administration.
The randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) has become the objective sci-
entific standard for evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic procedures in humans
(Talalay, 2001). The ultimate source of evidence is the double-blinded randomized
placebo-controlled clinical trial (RCT) since the research subjects are randomly allo-
cated into the treatment group and a control group that receives placebo. Appropri-
ate randomization should result in the treatment and control groups being uniform
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 271
and Holroyd, 2000). The response rate to St. John’s wort ranged from 23 to
55% higher than placebo, but compared to imipramineTM and amitriptylineTM , the
response rate ranged from 6 to 18% lower than the response rate to these tricyclic
antidepressants (Gaster and Holroyd, 2000). This means that St. John’s wort was
more effective than placebo, but less effective than the tricyclic antidepressants for
treating mild-to-moderate depression (Gaster and Holroyd, 2000).
In a review of systematic reviews and randomized controlled clinical trials, the
evidence suggests that St. John’s wort is superior to placebo for the short-term treat-
ment of mild-to-moderate depression (De Smet, 2002). One of the studies demon-
strated that St. John’s wort was significantly more efficacious than placebo and as
effective as imipramineTM , an antidepressant, for treating moderate depression (De
Smet, 2002). However, in studies of major depression, two methodologically rigor-
ous randomized controlled trials of an 8-week treatment with St. John’s wort did not
demonstrate statistically significant differences when compared to placebo for out-
patients with major depression of moderate severity (De Smet, 2002). Limitations
of this review included the methodologic quality of the randomized controlled clin-
ical trials under review and potential publication bias (De Smet, 2002). In addition,
most trials excluded severely depressed patients (Goldman, 2001). This researcher
concluded that based on the evidence cited, St. John’s wort should not be substituted
for a conventional antidepressant in patients with moderately severe or severe major
depression (De Smet, 2002).
In the most recent review of systematic reviews and randomized controlled
clinical trials in 2007, the evidence suggests that St. John’s wort has greater effi-
cacy than placebo and equal efficacy to low-dose tricyclic antidepressants, such as
imipramineTM , in most trials for treating mild-to-moderate depression (Mischoulon,
2007). In the last 5–6 years, about 10 randomized controlled double-blinded stud-
ies compared St. John’s wort to the newer antidepressants, the selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), as well as placebo. St. John’s wort demonstrated equal
efficacy compared to SSRIs and placebo in more recent studies, but this is likely
because more severely and/or chronically depressed patients were recruited to
the more recent studies (Mischoulon, 2007). Several other studies indicated that
St. John’s wort was as effective as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
for treating depression (Jorm et al., 2002).
In summary, most of the evidence suggests that St. John’s wort was more effec-
tive than placebo, but as effective as standard antidepressants, for treating mild-to-
moderate depression (Werneke et al., 2006; Sarris, 2007). The evidence for major
depression is less well defined. Mechanism
The mechanism of action for St. John’s wort is still under investigation (De Smet,
2002; Mischoulon, 2007). Constituents of extracts of St. John’s wort under inves-
tigation as the effective pharmacologic agents include hypericins, hyperforin (De
Smet, 2002), polycyclic phenols, and pseudohypericin (Mischoulon, 2007). Some
11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention 273
studies indicate that the antidepressant activity of St. John’s wort might be related
to hyperforin (Goldman, 2001; Werneke et al., 2006; Mischoulon, 2007). It has been
proposed that hyperforin inhibits the synaptic reuptake of several neurotransmitters,
including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine (Mischoulon, 2007). Hypericin
has not been confirmed as the active ingredient for St. John’s wort (Goldman,
2001). Hypericin might decrease the production of cortisol or inhibit reuptake of
neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine (Mischoulon,
potential HIV treatment failure (Piscitelli et al., 2000). Following this report, the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a public health advisory warning
that St. John’s wort appeared to induce cytochrome P-450 enzymes, liver enzymes
responsible for the metabolism of many prescription medications including those
used to treat heart disease, depression, seizures, and cancers, or to prevent trans-
plant rejection or pregnancy (oral contraceptives). These prescription medications
lose their therapeutic effects when given with St. John’s wort (Talalay, 2001).
In an authoritative systematic review of 35 randomized controlled double-blinded
studies, part of an update of a meta-analysis by the authoritative Cochrane Col-
laboration, experts on systematic reviews, on the use of hypericum extracts for
depression, the rate of dropouts and adverse effects for patients receiving hyper-
icum extracts was similar to placebo, less than that for older antidepressants
such as amitriptylineTM and imipramineTM , and similar to selective serotonin-
reuptake inhibitors (Knuppel and Linde, 2004). Data from published case reports
and national drug surveillance agencies suggest that the most relevant adverse
effects of hypericum extracts were related to drug interactions and dermatologic
reactions (Knuppel and Linde, 2004). Hypericum extracts had documented interac-
tions with cyclosporineTM in transplant patients, warfarinTM (an anti-clotting drug),
and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) resulting in serotonin syndrome
(Knuppel and Linde, 2004). A potential mechanism for this drug interaction is the
induction of a hepatic enzyme through the activation of the P450 cytochrome system
which metabolizes drugs (Ernst, 2002) and the induction of P-glycoprotein which
results in increased drug excretion (Knuppel and Linde, 2004). This mechanism
could lead to decreased plasma levels of the drugs. The majority of other adverse
effects were related to skin and allergic reactions, such as erythema (redness), der-
matitis, urticaria (hives or itching edematous wheals), hyperesthesia (abnormally
acute sensitivity to sensation such as touch or pain), and neuropathy (Knuppel and
Linde, 2004). The authors conclude that hypericum extracts are well tolerated and
safe if they are taken under the supervision of a physician who is aware of its poten-
tial risks. Further, the authors suggest that self-medication by patients might be
acceptable for those with very mild depressive symptoms and who are not taking
any other medication (Knuppel and Linde, 2004).
St. John’s wort, unlike all medications prescribed by physicians, St. John’s wort is
not subject to randomized clinical trial testing for efficacy. Unlike prescription med-
ications, no animal investigations, clinical trials, or post-marketing surveillance are
required before herbal treatments are marketed to the public. Dietary supplements
can be sold to the public without Food and Drug Administration approval.
With the high potential for adverse effects and drug interactions, clinicians should
treat patients in a safe, evidence-based fashion. Because extracts of St. John wort
might have adverse interactions with other drugs, individuals taking other drugs
should consult their physician before using St. John wort (Linde et al., 2005a,b;
Mischoulon, 2007). With nearly 70% of patients who use alternative therapies not
informing their health-care providers about their use of herbal products (Eisenberg
et al., 1993) it is imperative that health-care providers inquire into their patients’ use
of herbal treatments.
Health-care providers and their patients should proactively discuss the use or
avoidance of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. They
should formally discuss patient’s preferences and expectations, and in order to mon-
itor for toxicity of CAM therapies; they should ask patients to maintain a symp-
tom diary and see patients in follow-up visits (Eisenberg, 1997). Both patients and
health-care providers must acknowledge that data on CAM therapy efficacy and tox-
icity remain incomplete and that recommendations remain a matter of best judgment
and not fact.
Health-care providers should be vigilant about potential interactions between
herbal products and prescription medications. Health-care provider can report
potential interactions by calling FDA’s MedWatch hotline at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
using the web site http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/report/hcp.htm. The MedWatch
program allows health-care providers to report problems possibly caused by FDA-
regulated products such as drugs, medical devices, and medical foods in addition
to dietary supplements. The identity of the patient is kept confidential. Patients
may also report an adverse event or illness they believe to be related to the
use of a dietary supplement by calling the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or using
the web site http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/report/consumer/consumer.htm. Health-
care providers should recognize and report suspected interactions between herbal
therapies and prescription medications since this leads to increasing knowledge
and awareness of herbal treatment and medication interactions and ultimately, to
improvement in the quality of patient care.
Future well-designed controlled studies of St. John’s wort should address fur-
ther clinical issues such as standardization of dosing and extracts of St. John’s wort
(Werneke et al., 2006), more specific reporting of adverse effects (Werneke et al.,
2006), comparison with other antidepressant agents, including other selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors (Snow et al., 2000), effects of acute short-term and long-
term therapy, effects on measures of functional status and quality of life (Gaster
and Holroyd, 2000), efficacy in treating severe depression (Gaster and Holroyd,
2000), and efficacy in treating adolescents (Sarris, 2007) and minority populations.
More studies are needed to test the efficacy of St. John’s wort for treating major
depression and its efficacy compared to other antidepressants (Gaster and Holroyd,
276 M. McKenzie et al.
2000). Future well-designed controlled studies of St. John’s wort should address
epidemiologic methods issues such as using an improved definition of depression
as an inclusion criteria (Werneke et al., 2006), strict use of the diagnostic criteria
for defining major depression using DSM-IV criteria (Mischoulon, 2007), having
longer observation periods, and further elucidating mechanisms of action.
In summary, studies of St. John’s wort show promise as a potential treatment for
mild-to-moderate depression (De Smet, 2002; Werneke et al., 2006; Mischoulon,
2007). However, St. John’s wort might be less effective for treating severe depres-
sion or chronic depression though more research should be conducted (Mischoulon,
2007). The current lack of regulation by the Food and Drug Administration and lack
of standardization of commercially available preparations remain a major barrier to
implementing recommendations for physicians to prescribe St. John’s wort to treat
patients with depression (Gaster and Holroyd, 2000).
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Chapter 12
Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants –
Toward Modification of Plant Metabolism for
Human Health
Ilan Levin
Abstract Plants constitute a major component of our diet, providing pigments and
additional phytonutrients that are thought to be essential for maintenance of human
health and are therefore also referred to as functional metabolites. Several fruit and
vegetable species already contain high levels of several of these ingredients, while
others do not. Nevertheless, efforts have been devoted to increasing and diversifying
the content of phytonutrients, such as carotenoids, flavonoids, and vitamins, even
in plants that normally produce high levels of such nutritional components. These
efforts rely on transgenic and non-transgenic approaches which have exposed com-
plex regulation mechanisms required for increasing the levels of functional metabo-
lites in plants. The study of these regulatory mechanisms is essential to expedite
improvement of levels of these metabolites in fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes,
and starchy roots or tubers. Such improvement is important for the following rea-
sons: (1) to increase the efficiency of the industrial extraction of these compounds
that are later being used as natural food supplements or fortifiers and as a source of
natural colors to replace the chemical alternatives; (2) to improve and diversify the
diet in populations of developing countries, where malnutrition may occur through
lack of variety in the diet; (3) to provide fresh agricultural products such as fruits
and vegetables highly enriched with certain phytonutrients to possibly substitute the
chemically synthesized food supplements and vitamins; and (4) to provide an array
of new and attractive colors to our diet.
Three basic approaches to modifying a biosynthetic pathway to increase amounts
of desirable phytonutrients are available: (1) manipulation of pathway flux, includ-
ing increasing, preventing, or redirecting flux into or within the pathway; (2)
introduction of novel biosynthetic activities from other organisms via genetic
engineering; and (3) manipulation of metabolic sink to efficiently sequester the end-
products of particular metabolic pathways. These approaches have been effectively
demonstrated in relation to the flavonoid and carotenoid biosynthetic pathways in
I. Levin (B)
Department of Vegetable Research, Institute of Plant Sciences, The Volcani Center,
Bet Dagan, Israel 50250
e-mail: [email protected]
12.1 Introduction
Table 12.1 Examples of phytonutrient-rich plant foods and the principle phytonutrients they
Several plant foods already contain high levels of certain phytonutrients, while
others do not (Davies, 2007). Nevertheless, efforts have been invested in increas-
ing and diversifying the content of phytonutrients, such as carotenoids, flavonoids,
and vitamins in several plant species, even in those that already contain high levels
of one or several of these ingredients. The tomato fruit, for instance, is consid-
ered to be a good source of lycopene, vitamin C, β-carotene, folate, and potassium
(Davies and Hobson 1981; Willcox et al., 2003). The tomato could also potentially
be a good source for flavonoids as well (Jones et al., 2003; Willits et al., 2005;
van Tuinen et al., 2006; Sapir et al., 2008). Nevertheless, efforts have been invested
in increasing the content and diversifying phytonutrients, such as carotenoids and
flavonoids, in the tomato fruit (Verhoeyen et al., 2002; Fraser and Bramley, 2004;
Levin et al., 2004).
Increasing the levels of phytonutrients, such as lycopene in the tomato fruit,
is highly justified from the perspective of the extraction industry due to cost-
effectiveness reasons (Levin et al., 2006). Further enriching phytonutrients in plant
species that already contain high levels of such ingredients is also directed to possi-
bly substitute the chemically synthesized food supplements and vitamins in human
populations that normally consume such supplements (Sloan, 2000; Levin et al.,
292 I. Levin
12.2 Carotenoids
Carotenoids are orange, yellow, and red pigments that exert a variety of critical
functions in plants. They comprise a class of lipid-soluble compounds within the
isoprenoid family, which is one of the largest classes of natural products in the plant
kingdom with over 22,000 known constituents (Connolly and Hill, 1992; Britton,
The isoprenoid family also includes gibberellins, phytosterols, saponins, toco-
pherols, and phylloquinones. Chlorophylls also contain an isoprenoic component,
formed from the same precursor of the carotenoid metabolism, geranylgeranyl
diphosphate (GGDP) (Fig. 12.1). In addition to their many functional roles in pho-
tosynthetic organisms, carotenoids have many industrial applications as food and
feed additives and colorants, in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, and as nutritional
supplements (Galili et al., 2002). Carotenoids are C40 hydrocarbons with polyene
chains that contain 3–15 conjugated double bonds. These double bonds are respon-
sible for the absorption spectrum, and therefore the color of the carotenoid, and for
the photochemical properties of the molecule (Britton, 1995).
The carotenoid backbone is either linear or contains one or more cyclic β-ionone
or ε-ionone rings or, less frequently, the unusual cyclopentane ring of capsan-
thin and capsorubin that impart the distinct red color to peppers. Non-oxygenated
carotenoids are referred to as carotenes, whereas their oxygenated derivatives are
designated as xanthophylls. The most commonly occurring carotenes are β-carotene
in chloroplasts and lycopene as well as β-carotene in chromoplasts of some flow-
ers and fruits, e.g., tomatoes. The most abundant xanthophylls in photosynthetic
plant tissues (lutein, violaxanthin, and neoxanthin) are key components of the light-
harvesting complexes.
Carotenoids are synthesized in the membranes of nearly all types of the plant
plastids and accumulate to high levels in chromoplasts of many flowers, fruits,
294 I. Levin
and roots (Howitt and Pogson, 2006). They are involved in photosystem assem-
bly, light harvesting and photoprotection, photomorphogenesis, non-photochemical
quenching, lipid peroxidation, and affect the size and function of the light-harvesting
antenna and seed set (Pogson et al., 1998; Havaux and Niyogi, 1999; Niyogi,
1999; Davison et al., 2002; Kulheim et al., 2002; Lokstein et al., 2002; Holt
et al., 2004, 2005; Cuttriss and Pogson, 2006; Wang et al., 2008). In chromoplasts,
carotenoids serve as pigments that furnish fruits and flowers with distinct colors in
order to attract insects and animals for pollination and seed dispersal (Fraser and
Bramley, 2004).
Animals as well as humans are unable to synthesize carotenoids de novo and
rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has
been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in
alleviating age-related diseases in humans, propelling a market with an estimated
yield of 100 million tons and a value of about US $935 million per annum (Fraser
and Bramley, 2004). Although key carotenoids can be chemically synthesized, there
is an increasing demand for the natural alternatives mainly those which are being
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 295
extracted or consumed from plants (Sloan, 2000). This attention has been mir-
rored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the
genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing their levels in
the diet.
During the past decade, a near-complete set of genes required for the synthesis of
carotenoids in photosynthetic tissues has been identified, primarily as a result of
molecular genetic- and biochemical genomics-based approaches in the model organ-
isms such as Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and several agricultural crops such
as the tomato. Mutant analysis and transgenic studies in these and other systems
have provided important insights into the regulation, activities, integration, and evo-
lution of individual enzymes and are already providing a knowledge base for breed-
ing and transgenic approaches to modify the types and levels of these important
compounds in agricultural crops (Dellapenna and Pogson, 2006).
In higher plants, carotenoids are synthesized from the plastidic isoprenoid
biosynthetic pathway (Lichtenthaler, 1999; Fraser and Bramley, 2004, DellaPenna
and Pogson, 2006). They are biosynthetically linked to other isoprenoids such
as gibberellins, tocopherols, chlorophylls, and phylloquinones via the five-carbon
compound isopetenyl pyrophosphate (IPP). Two distinct pathways exist for IPP
production: the cytosolic mevalonic acid pathway and the plastidic mevalonate-
independent methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway. The methylerythritol
4-phosphate pathway combines glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and pyruvate to form
deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate, and a number of steps are then required to form IPP
and dimethylallylpyrophosphate (DMAPP) (Lichtenthaler, 1999). IPP is subject to
a sequential series of condensation reactions to form geranylgeranyl diphosphate
(GGDP), a key intermediate in the synthesis of carotenoids, tocopherols, and many
other plastidic isoprenoids (Fig. 12.1).
The initial steps of plant carotenoid synthesis and their chemical properties
have been thoroughly discussed in several prior reviews (Cunningham and Gantt
1998; Hirschberg, 2001; Cunningham, 2002; Fraser and Bramley, 2004; Cuttriss
and Pogson, 2006). Briefly, the first committed step in plant carotenoid synthesis
is the condensation of two molecules of GGDP to produce phytoene (Fig. 12.1)
by the enzyme phytoene synthase (PSY). Phytoene is produced as a 15-cis isomer,
which is subsequently converted to all-trans isomer derivatives. Two plant desat-
urases, phytoene desaturase (PDS) and ζ -carotene desaturase (ZDS), catalyze sim-
ilar dehydrogenation reactions by introducing four double bonds to form lycopene.
Desaturation requires a plastid terminal oxidase and plastoquinone in photosynthetic
tissues (Beyer, 1989; Norris et al., 1995; Carol et al., 1999). Bacterial desatura-
tion differs from plants in that a single enzyme, crtI (phytoene desaturase), intro-
duces four double bonds into phytoene to yield all-trans-lycopene (Cunningham
and Gantt, 1998). This bacterial enzyme was therefore used as a target to increase
lycopene and other carotenoids content in plant species as will be further outlined.
296 I. Levin
Until recently, the higher plant desaturases were assumed sufficient for the pro-
duction of all-trans-lycopene. This conclusion was reached despite the accumula-
tion of tetra-cis-lycopene in tangerine (t) tomato and algal mutants (Tomes et al.,
1953; Cunningham and Schiff, 1985) and biochemical evidence to the contrary from
daffodil (Beyer et al., 1991). Recently, the carotenoid isomerase gene, CRTISO, was
identified in Arabidopsis and tomato, which catalyzes cis–trans isomerizations and
resulting in all-trans-lycopene (Isaacson et al., 2002; Park et al., 2002).
In plants, the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway diverges into two main branches
after lycopene, distinguished by different cyclic end-groups. Two beta rings lead
to the β,β branch (β-carotene and its derivatives: zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, anther-
axanthin, and neoxanthin), whereas one beta and one epsilon ring define the β,ε
branch (α-carotene and its derivatives). These initial reactions are carried out by two
enzymes: β-lycopene cyclase (βLCY) and ε-lycopene cyclase (εLCY) (Fig. 12.1).
βLCY converts lycopene into β-carotene which is later converted to zeaxanthin by
β-carotene hydroxylase (βOHase). An epoxide group is introduced into both rings of
zeaxanthin by zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZE) to form violaxanthin. Conversion of vio-
laxanthin to neoxanthin is performed by the enzyme neoxanthin synthase (NXS).
Both the β- and ε-lycopene cyclase enzymes (βLCY and εLCY, respectively) are
initially required to form α-carotene (Cunningham and Gantt, 1998; Pogson et al.,
1996), which is being converted to lutein, via zeinoxanthin, by β-carotene hydroxy-
lase (βOHase) and ε-carotene hydroxylase (εOHase) (Fig. 12.1).
Unlike the flavonoid pathway (see herein below), the regulation of carotenoid
biosynthesis at the gene and enzyme level is poorly understood. No regulatory
genes involved in carotenoid formation have been isolated thus far. It was rea-
soned that a heavily branched pathway such as that of carotenoids formation from
isoprenoid precursors is unlikely to be controlled by a sole regulatory process
(Fig. 12.1). Instead, it was suggested that control points, yet to be identified, are
likely to exist at each branch point which probably involve both transcriptional
and post-transcriptional regulation events (Fraser and Bramley, 2004). Despite this
apparent complexity, several examples exist which resulted in an exceptional up-
regulation of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway by transgenic (“golden” rice)
and non-transgenic approaches (the Or gene identified in cauliflower and the light-
responsive hp mutations identified in tomato). These examples underlie the great
potential of current knowledge to modulate levels of these important phytonutrients
for the benefit of human health and will, therefore, be separately discussed in a later
part of this chapter.
12.3 Flavonoids
Flavonoids comprise a group of plant polyphenols that provide much of the flavor
and color to fruits and vegetables (Ross and Kasum, 2002). They are a large fam-
ily of low-molecular-weight secondary metabolite compounds that are widespread
throughout the plant kingdom, ranging from mosses to angiosperms (Koes et al.,
1994). Their basic chemical structure, a C6 −C3 −C6 configuration, consists of two
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 297
aromatic rings joined by a three-carbon link. This makes the flavonoids good hydro-
gen and electron donors. Based on their core structure, the aglycone, the flavonoids
can be grouped into different classes, such as flavones (e.g., apigenin, luteolin),
flavonols (e.g., quercetin, myricetin), flavanones (e.g., naringenin, hesperidin), cat-
echins or flavanols (e.g., epicatechin, gallocatechin), anthocyanidins (e.g., cyanidin,
pelargonidin), and isoflavones (e.g., genistein, daidzein) (Ross and Kasum, 2002).
Within each group, single or combinatorial modifications of the aglycones, such as
glycosylation, methylation and acylation, contribute to the formation of individual
Flavonoids are mainly responsible for the blue to purple, red, and yellowish col-
ors in plants. Proanthocyanidins and their monomer units, catechins (Fig. 12.2),
are the natural substrates of polyphenol oxidases and are, therefore, involved in the
browning phenomenon of fruits.
To date, more than 6,000 flavonoids have been described and the number is still
increasing. Notably, most of them are conjugated to sugar molecules and are com-
monly located in the upper epidermal layers of leaves and fruits as well as in seed
coats (Stewart et al., 2000, Willits et al., 2005). In plants, flavonoids are involved in
many aspects of growth and development, including pathogen resistance, pigmen-
Fig. 12.2 A schematic presentation of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway and its struc-
tural genes. Gene abbreviations: ANR = anthocyanidin reductase, ANS/LDOX = anthocyani-
din synthase, C4H = cinnamate 4-hydroxylase, 4CL = 4-coumarate-COA ligase, CHS =
chalcone synthase, CHI = chalcone isomerase, DFR = dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, F3H =
flavanone 3-hydroxylase, FLS = flavonol synthase, 3GT (UFGT) = UDPG-flavonoid-3-O-
glucosyltransferase, LAR = leucoanthocyanidin reductase, LDOX = leucoanthocyanidin dioxy-
genase, PAL = phenylalanine ammonia lyase, 3RT = anthocyanidin-3-glucoside rhamnosyl trans-
298 I. Levin
The flavonoid biosynthetic pathway has been almost completely elucidated and
comprehensively reviewed (e.g., by Dooner et al., 1991; Koes et al., 1994; Holton
and Cornish, 1995; Mol et al., 1998; Weisshaar and Jenkins, 1998; Winkel-Shirley,
2001). Many of the genes controlling this pathway have been cloned from several
model plants including maize (Zea mays), snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), petunia
(Petunia hybrida), gerbera (Gerbera hybrida), and more recently, Arabidopsis (van
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 299
der Krol et al., 1988; Goff et al., 1990; Taylor and Briggs, 1990; Martin et al., 1991;
Tonelli et al., 1991; Shirley et al., 1995; Elomaa et al., 1993, Helariutta et al., 1993,
1995; Holton and Cornish, 1995). These genes can be divided into two classes: (1)
structural genes which encode enzymes that directly participate in the formation
of flavonoids and (2) regulatory genes that control the expression of the structural
An overview of the flavonoid pathway is presented in Fig. 12.2. Flavonoids
are synthesized via the phenylpropanoid pathway, generating organic compounds
that are biosynthesized from the amino acid phenylalanine. Phenylalanine ammo-
nia lyase (PAL) catalyzes the conversion of phenylalanine to cinnamate. PAL also
shows activity by converting tyrosine to p-coumarate, albeit with a lower efficiency.
The cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) catalyzes the synthesis of p-hydroxycinnamate
from cinnamate, and 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL) converts p-coumarate to its
coenzyme-A ester, activating it for reaction with malonyl-CoA. The flavonoid
biosynthetic pathway starts with the condensation of one molecule of 4-coumaroyl-
CoA and three molecules of malonyl-CoA, resulting in the yellow-colored narin-
genin chalcone. This reaction is carried out by the enzyme, chalcone synthase
(CHS), the key enzyme for flavonoid biosynthesis. In most plants chalcones are not
the end-product, as the pathway proceeds with additional enzymatic steps to gen-
erate other classes of flavonoids, such as flavanones, dihydroflavonols, and finally,
anthocyanins, the major water-soluble pigments in flowers and fruits and root crops
like beets. Other flavonoid classes, i.e., isoflavones, aurones, flavones, proantho-
cyanidins, and flavonols, represent side branches of the flavonoid pathway and are
derived from intermediates in anthocyanin formation (Fig. 12.2).
Naringenin chalcone is isomerized to the flavanone naringenin by the enzyme
chalcone isomerase (CHI). Even in the absence of CHI, naringenin chalcone may
spontaneously isomerize to form naringenin (Holton and Cornish, 1995). From these
central intermediates, the pathway diverges into several side branches, each result-
ing in a different class of flavonoids. Flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H) catalyzes the
stereospecific 3β-hydroxylation of flavanones to dihydroflavonols. For the biosyn-
thesis of anthocyanins, dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR) catalyzes the reduction of
dihydroflavonols to flavan-3,4-diols (leucoanthocyanins), which are converted to
anthocyanidins by anthocyanidin synthase (ANS). The formation of glucosides is
catalyzed by UDP glucose-flavonoid 3-O-glucosyl transferase (UFGT), which sta-
bilizes the anthocyanidins by 3-O-glucosylation (Harborne, 1994; Bohm, 1998).
Diet is believed to play an important role in the development of chronic human dis-
eases (Willcox et al., 2003; Lila, 2007). It is now becoming recognized that certain
fruits and vegetables can help prevent or treat chronic human diseases (Heber and
Bowerman, 2001; Sloan, 2000; Lila, 2007). However, this recognition is primarily
supported by in vitro and epidemiological studies, but by only a limited number of
in vivo studies (Willcox et al., 2003). Nonetheless, it is currently believed that not
300 I. Levin
cholesterol synthesis both in vitro and in a small clinical study suggesting a hypoc-
holesterolemic effect. Other possible mechanisms include enhanced LDL degra-
dation, effect on LDL particle size and composition, plaque rupture, and altered
endothelial functions (Rao, 2002).
Several studies focusing on dietary assessment suggest that the intake of toma-
toes and tomato products may also be associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer.
It is possible that lycopene is one of the compounds in raw and processed tomato
products that may contribute to the lower risk of that type of cancer. However, this
hypothesis remains to be further investigated. A recent study has also found an asso-
ciation between higher plasma lycopene concentrations and lower risk of prostate
cancer, among older participants (>65 years of age) without a family history of
prostate cancer (Wu et al., 2004). Several carotenoids have also been shown to have
an effect on the immune response: β-carotene, lutein, canthaxanthin, lycopene, and
astaxanthin are active in enhancing cell-mediated and humoral immune responses
in animals and humans (Chew and Park, 2004).
There is an increasing evidence suggesting that flavonoids, in particular those
belonging to the class of flavonols (such as kaempferol and quercetin), are poten-
tially health-protecting components in the human diet as a result of their high antiox-
idant capacity (Rice-Evans et al., 1997; Lean et al., 1999; Sugihara et al., 1999;
Dugas et al., 2000; Duthie and Crozier, 2000; Ng et al., 2000; Proteggente et al.,
2002) and their ability, in vitro, to induce human protective enzyme systems (Cook
and Samman, 1996; Manach et al., 1996; Janssen et al., 1998; Choi et al., 1999;
Frankel, 1999; Hollman and Katan, 1999; Shih et al., 2000). Based on these find-
ings, it was postulated that flavonoids may offer protection against major diseases
such as coronary heart diseases and cancer (Hertog and Hollman, 1996; Steinmetz
and Potter, 1996; Trevisanato and Kim, 2000; Singh and Agarwal, 2006). In addi-
tion, several epidemiological studies have suggested a direct relationship between
cardioprotection and consumption of flavonols from dietary sources such as onion,
apple, and tea (Hertog et al., 1993; Keli et al., 1996). In this respect, anthocyanins
have received particular attention because of their very strong antioxidant activity
as measured by the oxygen radical absorbing capacity (ORAC) assay. Antioxidants
such as carotenoids and flavonoids are potentially useful agents in the management
of human neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s dis-
ease, and schizophrenia because one of the factors increasing the incidence of those
diseases is accumulation of oxidative damage in neurons (Levin et al., 2006).
The antioxidant activity of flavonoids is thought to slow the aging of cells and to
protect against lipid peroxidation. In vitro studies have also shown that flavonoids
can inhibit, and sometimes induce, enzymatic systems. They are thought to reduce
the proliferation of certain types of tumor cells (Zava and Duwe, 1997; Kawaii et al.,
1999) and to be involved in the apoptosis of HL-60 leukemia cells (Ogata et al.,
The flavonoid quercetin, also present in the tomato fruit, was shown to have
a strong inhibitory action against cholesterol oxidation, a process leading to
the formation of oxysterols, a potentially cytotoxic, mutagenic, atherogenic, and
possibly carcinogenic compound found in many commonly processed foods. A
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 303
supplementation with quercetin was shown to have a blood pressure lowering effect
on spontaneously hypertensive rats (Duarte et al., 2001).
As outlined above, flavonoids comprise a group of plant polyphenols. Polyphe-
nols are in general related to human health and were recently related to the
French paradox. The French paradox refers to the observation that the French
suffer relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease, despite having a diet
relatively rich in saturated fats (Ferrières, 2004). This low incidence of coro-
nary heart diseases was ascribed to consumption of red wine and was ini-
tially attributed to resveratrol, a non-flavonoid polyphenol naturally present
in red wine. However, a recent study has identified a particular group of
flavonoid polyphenols, known as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (condensed tan-
nins) (Fig. 12.2), which are believed to offer the greatest degree of protection
to human blood vessel cells and, therefore, to reduced coronary heart diseases
(Corder et al., 2006).
In contrast to their suggestive positive effects, potential risks have been asso-
ciated with excessive intake of carotenoids and flavonoids as supplements. For
instance, harmful properties were found for β-carotene (provitamin A) in partic-
ular when given to smokers or to individuals exposed to environmental carcino-
gens. It was hypothesized that under these circumstances β-carotene was acting as
a pro-oxidant rather than an antioxidant (Omenn, 1998). Flavonoids, at high doses,
may also act as mutagens, pro-oxidants that generate free radicals, and as inhibitors
of key enzymes involved in hormone metabolism. For example, although the pro-
tective effect of the flavonoid, quercetin, from oxidative stress has been strongly
implied, its excessive intake is suggested to have an adverse effect on the body
(Formica and Regelson, 1995; Skibola and Smith, 2000; Galati and O’Brien, 2004;
Bando et al., 2007). It was further found that catechol-type compounds, includ-
ing quercetin, are able to act as pro-oxidants by generating reactive oxygen species
(ROS) and semiquinone radicals during the autocatalytic oxidation process (Guohua
et al., 1997; Metodiewa et al., 1999; Kawanishi et al., 2005). Thus, the effect of
dietary supplement of phytochemicals on human health should be further investi-
gated, taking into account genetic and environmental factors, as well as specific
sub-populations such as smokers. Nevertheless, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as
a natural source for those health-promoting phytochemicals is recommended (Heber
and Bowerman, 2001; Riboli and Norat, 2003; Key et al., 2004; Srinath and Katan,
2004; Lila, 2007).
Table 12.2 Gene identification and map location for selected mutants that increase or modulate
carotenoid content in ripe tomato fruits
Fruit quality has been a major focus of most classical tomato breeding programs
during the past century (recently reviewed by Foolad, 2007). Color and nutri-
tional quality are among the major tomato fruit quality characteristics of interest.
The attention to tomato fruit color has recently increased as the health benefits of
lycopene, the major carotenoid in tomato that is responsible for the red fruit color,
have become more obvious (Di Mascio et al., 1989; Levy et al., 1995; Stahl and
Sies, 1996; Gerster, 1997; Kohlmeier et al., 1997). Several major genes with sig-
nificant contribution to high contents of fruit lycopene (e.g., the genes encoding
the hp and ogc mutant phenotypes) and other carotenoids (e.g., beta-carotene, B)
were previously phenotypically identified and mapped onto the classical linkage
map of tomato (Wann et al., 1985; Stevens and Rick, 1986). In addition, during
the past two decades, numerous QTLs (quantitative trait loci) and candidate genes
with significant effects on fruit color and/or lycopene content were identified in
tomato wild accessions such as S. pimpinellifolium, S. peruvianum, S. habrochaites,
S. chmielewskii, and S. pennellii and mapped onto tomato chromosomes along with
the previously identified genes (Foolad, 2007). While some of the identified QTLs
mapped to the chromosomal locations of many of the known genes of the carotenoid
biosynthesis pathway, many mapped to other locations (Liu et al., 2003). It was
therefore suggested that there might be more genes affecting fruit color in tomato
than those known to affect the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway (Liu et al., 2003).
Tomato mutant accessions with divergent color phenotypes in their fruits were
the subject of molecular genetic studies, leading to the identification of genes
responsible for such phenotypes. A selection of such mutants, their gene identifi-
cation, and map location are presented in Table 12.2, while their characteristic color
is shown in Fig. 12.3. The sequence of these genes can now serve as recombination-
free DNA markers to expedite breeding toward altering pigmentation and enhanc-
ing nutritional value of plant foods. Of particular interest are the light-responsive hp
mutations that will be dealt with herein below. Another mutant that is becoming of
special interest is t (tangerine), which produces orange-colored fruits accumulating
prolycopene (7Z,9Z,7’Z,9’Z-tetra-cis-lycopene) instead of the all-trans-lycopene
that accumulates in regular red-fruited tomatoes (Fig. 12.3; Isaacson et al., 2002).
cis isomers of lycopene, thought to be powerful antioxidants, have been shown
to be more bioavailable than the trans isomer, indicating that they are more effi-
ciently absorbed and, therefore, deliver lycopene into the plasma more effectively.
This might be interpreted to mean that cis isomers of lycopene are more beneficial
and, therefore, more valuable to human health than the trans isomer (Ishida et al.,
2007). Results recently published support the hypothesis that lycopene cis isomers
are highly bioavailable and suggest that special tomato varieties can be utilized
to increase both the intake and the bioavailability of health-beneficial carotenoids
(Unlu et al., 2007). Because light-responsive hp mutants are characterized by higher
total fruit carotenoids, hp-1/hp-1 t/t double mutant fruits share almost double the
content of cis isomers of lycopene, in comparison to non-hp, +/+ t/t, mutant fruits,
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 307
Fig. 12.3 Tomato fruit color mutants related to carotenoids biosynthesis. Abbreviations are
as follows: at = apricot, yellow-pink color of fruit flesh; B = beta-carotene, high β-carotene,
low lycopene in ripe fruit; DEL = delta, Reddish-orange mature fruit color, due to inhibition of
lycopene, and increase of delta-carotene; hp-1 = high pigmen-1, chlorophyll, carotenoids, ascorbic
acid content of fruit intensified; og = old gold, increased fruit lycopene content; r = yellow flesh,
yellow color of ripe fruit flesh; sh = sherry, fruit flesh yellow with reddish tinge; t = tangerine;
fruit flesh and stamens orange colored
demonstrating the power of classical breeding to both modulate the profile and
increase the content of selected carotenoids in the tomato fruit (Levin I, personal
Despite the relative success obtained in increasing flavonoid content in tomato fruits
by transgenic modifications, there is an ongoing interest in breeding a high flavonoid
tomato without genetic engineering (Willits et al. 2005). This interest is motivated
by customers’ reluctance to consume transgenic fruits and vegetables.
As recently summarized (Jones et al. 2003; Sapir et al., 2008), fruits of several
tomato accessions, as well as species which are closely related to the cultivated
308 I. Levin
Fig. 12.4 Tomato fruit color phenotypes related to flavonoid biosynthesis. (A) Anthocyanin
fruit (Aft) from S. chilense, (B) Aubergine (ABG) from S. lycopersicoides, (C) S. peruvianum (PI
128650), (D) Purple Smudge introgressed from S. peruvianum, (E) fruits of a double homozygous
AFT/AFT hp-1/hp-1 plant, (F) fruit skin from a tomato y mutant, and (G) fruit skin from regular
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 309
The economic value and health-promoting properties related to the tomato fruit
make it an important target for increasing nutritional content either by traditional
breeding or genetic manipulation. In view of the health-promoting properties of
carotenoids and flavonoids, many attempts have been made to genetically modify
the tomato fruit into overproduction of these phytochemicals. In most cases, this
was achieved by modulating the expression of structural genes encoding biosyn-
thetic enzymes of the dedicated pathway. In the carotenoid biosynthesis path-
way, phytoene synthase (PSY), the enzyme that catalyzes the first committed step
(Fig. 12.1), has been a preferred target for gene manipulation of the carotenoid
biosynthetic pathway (Fraser and Bramley, 2004). The choice in PSY as such a tar-
get gene was also due to the fact that it exhibits the highest flux control coefficient
among enzymes of the pathway, suggesting that it possess the greatest control
over flux through the pathway (Fraser et al., 2002). Constitutive expression of
310 I. Levin
while CHS and FLS enzymes are required for the production of flavonols in flesh
tissue. Therefore, it was reasoned that, in order to achieve increased flavonol accu-
mulation throughout the tomato fruit, ectopic expression of three genes encoding
the biosynthetic enzymes CHS, CHI, and FLS would be needed. Indeed, cross har-
boring these three genes accumulates increased levels of quercetin glycosides in
peel and kaempferol glycosides in flesh (Colliver, unpublished results). It is also
noteworthy that a similar phenotype can be achieved by crossing tomatoes contain-
ing LC and C1 transgenes with tomatoes containing the CHI transgene – the only
structural gene for the production of kaempferol-type flavonols and pelargonidin-
type anthocyanins that was not strongly induced by the LC/C1 transcription factors
(Muir, unpublished results).
Further, T-DNA activation-tagging experiments in tomato identified a MYB tran-
scriptional regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis, termed ANT1, which shares high
homology with Petunia AN2 (Mathews et al., 2003). These ant1 mutant tomato
Fig. 12.5 Phenotypes obtained by overexpression of the ANT1gene in tomato and tobacco.
(A) Transgenic tomato fruits (upper two fruits) in comparison to a non-transgenic fruit (lower fruit),
(B) transgenic tomato seedlings (left) in comparison to their non-transgenic counterparts (right),
(C) transgenic tomato seeds (left) in comparison to their non-transgenic counterparts (right), (D) a
transgenic tobacco fruit (left) in comparison to its non-transgenic counterpart (right), (E) a trans-
genic tobacco flower (left) in comparison to its non-transgenic counterpart (right), (F) a transgenic
tomato flower (left) in comparison to its non-transgenic counterpart (right), and (G) a transgenic
tobacco seedling (upper) in comparison to its non-transgenic counterpart (lower)
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 313
plants yielded fruits with purple spotting on the fruit epidermis and anthocyanin-
pigmented leaves and flowers. Overexpression of ANT1, controlled by the cassava
vein mosaic promoter, generated similar phenotypes in Micro-Tom tomato plants
and anthocyanin-pigmented leaves in tobacco plants. We have recently transformed
the ANT1 gene under the control of 35S promoter and obtained much stronger
phenotypes in transformed Moneymaker tomato plants and similar phenotypes in
tobacco plants. These results, which are presented in Fig. 12.5, visually demon-
strate the immense potential of up-regulating the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway by
transcription factors.
Recently, transgenic tomato plants accumulating new flavonoid compounds in
their fruit peel were engineered using structural flavonoid genes from different
plant sources (Schijlen et al., 2006). In this study, structural flavonoid genes (encod-
ing stilbene synthase, chalcone synthase, chalcone reductase, chalcone isomerase,
and flavone synthase) from different plant sources were used to produce transgenic
tomatoes accumulating new phytochemicals. Biochemical analysis showed that the
fruit peel contained high levels of stilbenes (resveratrol and piceid), deoxychalcones
(butein and isoliquiritigenin), flavones (luteolin-7-glucoside and luteolin aglycon),
and flavonols (quercetin glycosides and kaempferol glycosides). Using an online
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) antioxidant detection system, it
was possible to demonstrate that, due to the presence of the novel flavonoids, the
transgenic tomato fruits displayed altered antioxidant profiles. In addition, total
antioxidant capacity of tomato fruit peel with high levels of flavones and flavonols
increased more than threefold.
Plants respond to light intensity, direction, duration, and spectral quality by modu-
lating their developmental processes in an array of interactions that are referred to
as photomorphogenesis. Photomorphogenic mutants have proven to be an excellent
tool in the study of the complex interactions between light and plant development,
and some of them have also been harnessed in several breeding programs of agricul-
tural crops. Photomorphogenic mutants have been reported in a number of species,
including Arabidopsis, Sorghum, Brassica, tobacco, tomato, and pea. In general,
these mutants may be classified either as defective in photoreceptors or altered in
some element of the light signal transduction pathway (Chory, 1993).
Several photomorphogenic mutants have been described in tomato (van Tuinen
et al., 1997). Among these, mutants carrying the monogenic recessive high-pigment
(hp-1, hp-1w , hp-2, hp-2j , and hp-2dg ) mutations are characterized by their exagger-
ated light responsiveness. These mutants display higher anthocyanin levels, shorter
hypocotyls, darker foliage, and higher fruit pigmentation than their isogenic nor-
mal counterparts (Mochizuki and Kamimura, 1984; Wann et al., 1985, Peters et al.,
1989, Mustilli et al., 1999; Levin et al., 2003). The high pigmentation of fruits of
these mutants is due to significantly elevated levels of chlorophylls at most of their
314 I. Levin
pre-mature developmental stages. The mature ripe-red fruits of these mutants are
characterized by an intense red color which is mainly due to increased levels of
carotenoids, primarily lycopene. Because of their effect on fruit color, attributed to
enhanced lycopene content, hp mutations have been introgressed into several com-
mercial processing and fresh-market tomato cultivars that are currently marketed
as lycopene-rich tomatoes (LRT) (Wann, 1997; Levin et al., 2006). The process-
ing tomato varieties are primarily cultivated for the purpose of lycopene extrac-
tion, which is further used as food additive, food supplement, and food colorant
in many processed products (http://www.lycored.com/). Current processing tomato
cultivars harboring such mutations can reach a remarkable up to 3.5-fold increase
in fruit lycopene content (from 80 to 280 μg·g−1 FW). Interestingly, this increase
is higher than that reported thus far using the genetically modified alternatives dis-
cussed herein above.
The origins of hp-1, hp-1w , hp-2, hp-2j , and hp-2dg mutations have been lately
extensively summarized (Lieberman et al., 2004; Levin et al., 2006). Further, the
hp-2, hp-2j , and hp-2dg mutations were mapped to the gene encoding the nuclear
protein DEETIOLATED1 (DET1), a central negative regulator of photomorphogen-
esis (Mustilli et al., 1999, Levin et al., 2003). The gene encoding the hp-1 and hp-1w
mutant phenotypes has also been recently identified (Lieberman et al., 2004) and
later independently confirmed by an additional laboratory (Liu et al., 2004). Results
show that hp-1 and hp-1w are alternative alleles at the tomato gene encoding UV
DAMAGED DNA BINDING protein 1 (DDB1), recently shown to interact both
biochemically and genetically with the DET1 protein (Schroeder et al., 2002, Liu et
al., 2004). DDB1 is a protein evolutionally conserved from fission yeast to humans.
It was initially identified, together with DDB2, as a subunit of a heterodimeric pro-
tein complex that recognizes the UV-induced DNA lesions in the nucleotide exci-
sion repair pathway. Mounting evidence has now established a major role of DDB1
as a substrate-recruiting subunit of the Cullin 4(CUL4)-based E3 ubiquitin ligase
complexes that also contain RBX1 (also named ROC1), DET1 and, in the case of
Arabidopsis, COP10 as well (Wertz et al., 2004; Hu et al., 2004; Bernhardt et al.,
2006; Chen et al., 2006).
Tomato hp mutations (hp-1, hp-1w , hp-2, hp-2j , and hp-2dg ) are best known for
their positive effect on carotenoid (lycopene and carotenes) levels in ripe-red fruits
(Mochizuki and Kamimura, 1984; Wann et al., 1985, Levin et al., 2003). Interest-
ingly, however, mature fruits of plants carrying the hp-1 mutation were also found to
exhibit a 13-fold increase of the flavonoid, quercetin, in tomato fruit pericarp (Yen
et al., 1997) and also some increase in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (Mochizuki and
Kamimura, 1984). In a study carried out during a summer season, similar increases
were identified in quercetin levels in the fruit peel of the tomato mutants hp-2 and
hp-2j compared to their isogenic normal counterparts (Levin et al., 2006). These
results suggest that other metabolites may be increased in tomato hp mutants. To
validate this hypothesis, the overall metabolic modifications between hp-2dg tomato
mutant fruits and their isogenic non-mutant counterparts were compared (Bino et al.,
2005). Targeted metabolite analyses, as well as large-scale non-targeted mass spec-
trometry (MS)-based metabolite profiling, were used to phenotype the differences
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 315
components of the light signal transduction machinery also influence fruit pigmen-
tation and thus represent powerful tools for the manipulation of tomato fruit nutri-
tional quality. Because light signaling genes are evolutionarily highly conserved, it
seems reasonable that they may have an impact on the nutritional quality in plant
species other than the tomato, including species that are distantly related to the
Fig. 12.6 Phenotypes of the Ormutant and the “golden” rice. (A) Regular cauliflower, (B) Or
mutant cauliflower, (C) regular rice, and (D) “golden” rice
promoter, and in order to localize the gene product to the plastids (site of carotenoid
biosynthesis), CrtI was designed as a fusion with the transit peptide of RUBISCO
(ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) small subunit under the control
of 35S promoter. An alternative construct was made by co-transformation with con-
structs carrying the PSY/CrtI gene, as described above, and the LCY gene under
the control of a glutelin promoter. By the latter approach, the carotenoid content of
edible rice endosperm was about 1.6 μg·g−1 dry weight (Ye et al., 2000).
In 2005, “golden” rice 2 was developed and the β-carotene content was increased
up to 23-fold (about 37 μg·g−1 dry weight) compared to the original “golden” rice,
a level adequate to provide the recommended dietary allowance of provitamin A for
children in an average daily consumption of rice. The higher β-carotene content was
achieved by choosing the maize PSY gene rather than the PSY genes from Arabidop-
sis, daffodil or the carotenoid-accumulating vegetables such as tomato, bell pepper,
and carrot (Paine et al., 2005).
Recently, a similar approach has been employed to successfully produce
“golden” potato tubers (Diretto et al., 2007). Earlier, seed-specific overexpression
of a bacterial phytoene synthase gene (crtB) in a seed-specific manner produced
12 Regulating Phytonutrient Levels in Plants 319
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Chapter 13
Risks and Benefits Associated with Genetically
Modified (GM) Plants
Abstract Genetically modified (GM) plants are those whose genomes have been
modified by the introduction of foreign DNA constructs derived from bacteria,
fungi, viruses, or animals. The most common genetically modified plants include
soybeans, maize/corn, rapeseed mustard, potatoes, cotton, sugarcane, tomato, rice,
and aspen/Populus.
In this chapter, we list 16 goals of genetic engineers in developing GM plants.
These are plants that manifest frost hardiness; insect and herbicide tolerance; virus
resistance; altered starch, cellulose, and lignin production; altered levels and kinds
of oils and proteins in seed crops; higher levels of antioxidants in edible fruits,
synthesis of new metabolites like beta-carotene in rice grains and vaccines in non-
edible plants; and sequestration of hazardous wastes from polluted (“brown field”)
The next section of this chapter includes a discussion of the purported benefits and
risks of GM plants. Our goal here is to present this information in as balanced a
fashion as possible.
Lastly, we address important questions and answers concerning GM plants and
food products.
Genetically modified (GM) plants are those whose genomes have been modi-
fied by the introduction of foreign DNA constructs derived from bacteria, fungi,
viruses, or animals. The most common genetically modified plants include soy-
beans, maize/corn, rapeseed mustard, potatoes, cotton, sugarcane, tomato, rice, and
aspen/Populus. It is important to emphasize here that the generation of transgenic
plants can modify natural selection-induced evolution of plants.
crops or to trace the use of approved GM crops. GM plants must go through a rigor-
ous stepwise screening process involving both confined and unconfined field trails.
In general, plants with novel traits are regulated on the basis of the characteristics
of the product, not the specific process by which the product is made. More specif-
ically, when the next novel plant is assessed, emphasis is placed on the insertion of
the novel gene(s) into the plant genome; the number of sites of integration (loci); the
copy numbers; presence of rearrangements; the stability; the expression; alterations
of metabolic pathways; the activity of an inserted gene product in the plant; and the
activity of the gene product in the environment. Potential altered interactions of the
novel plants involve identifying changes to the relative phenotype with respect to
stress adaptation, composition, toxins, and agronomic characteristics.
A list of potential ecological benefits (Daily, 1999; Dyson, 1999) and risks of
selected GM crops is presented in Table 13.1. It provides a framework that makes
Table 13.1 Examples of the potential ecological benefits and risks of selected GM crops
it easier to screen for the possible combinations of technology, crop, and ecological
contexts that are likely to be relatively benign or hazardous. However, constructing
such lists is only the first step in a risk assessment. These risks need to be quantita-
tively assessed for specific organisms in different contexts on a case-by-case basis.
Various groups of ecologists have developed a methodology for evaluating the use of
GM crops (Tiedje et al., 1989, Scientists’ Working Group on Biosafety, 1998). They
recommend an incremental, tiered approach to risk assessment that moves from the
laboratory to greenhouse and field trials, and finally, to gradually increased, moni-
tored use.
While field trials are a necessary step in evaluating GM crops on their own,
they are insufficient. A more comprehensive analysis is required that includes an
assessment of the relative benefits and risks of GM crops for other ecosystems and
for people. To illustrate this approach, we provide a partial list of the questions
for assessment in Table 13.2. Comprehensive risk assessments could allow people
to reap substantial benefits from GM crops while avoiding or mitigating serious
risks (Arber, 2009).
Table 13.2 Questions to assess the relative benefits and risks of a GM crop
Agricultural and Are alternatives available that Are risks minimized through good
industrial provide greater agronomic, design; e.g., Is it certain that genes
economic, social, and ecological inserted into chloroplast
benefits? DNA cannot escape through
Does the GM crop prevent some pollen?
specific harm to humans or to Has the organism been examined in
ecosystems; e.g., Does it reduce order to determine whether genetic
pesticide use? modifications to produce a desired
trait have not also inadvertently
produced risky changes?
Ecological Does the GM crop help to solve an Does the modified trait have the
existing environmental problem; potential to increase the fitness
e.g., Does it produce sterile feral ofthe organism outside of the
animals to control pests (Walker managed environment; e.g.,
and Lonsdale 2000)? Does it impart herbivore
resistance or increase the
reproductive rate?
In the locale of release, can the trait
spread to other species; i.e., Can the
species hybridize with other species
Social Will the benefits of this GM Is a mechanism in place for
organism be widely shared? surveying possible negative
Does the GM crop provide some effects after widespread release
specific benefit to humans or of the GM crop has occurred?
ecosystems; e.g., Does it Do institutions exist that could
enhance human nutrition or help mitigate the potential harmful
to restore degraded land? impacts of GM crops?
13 Risks and Benefits Associated with GM Plants 339
The questions and answers cited below have been prepared by the World Health
Organization (WHO) in response to questions and concerns by a number of (WHO)
Member State Governments with regard to the nature and safety of genetically mod-
ified food. They have been modified substantially for presentation here.
Q5. What are the main issues of concern for human health?
While theoretical discussions have covered a broad range of aspects, the three main
issues debated are tendencies to provoke allergic reaction (allergenicity), gene trans-
fer, and outcrossing.
342 P.B. Kaufman et al.
LMOs that are capable of transferring or replicating genetic material. The corner-
stone of the CPB is a requirement that exporters seek consent from importers before
the first shipment of LMOs intended for release into the environment.
Q13. Are there implications for the rights of farmers to own their crops?
Yes, intellectual property rights are likely to be an element in the debate on GM
foods, with an impact on the rights of farmers. Intellectual property rights (IPRs),
especially patenting obligations of the TRIPS Agreement (an agreement under the
World Trade Organization concerning trade-related aspects of intellectual property
rights), have been discussed in the light of their consequences on the further avail-
ability of a diversity of crops. In the context of the related subject of the use of gene
technology in medicine, WHO has reviewed the conflict between IPRs and an equal
access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits. The review has considered
potential problems of monopolization and doubts about new patent regulations in
the field of genetic sequences in human medicine. Such considerations are likely to
also affect the debate on GM foods.
need to examine the potential negative effects on human health of the consump-
tion of food produced through genetic modification, also at the global level. It is
clear that modern technologies must be thoroughly evaluated if they are to consti-
tute a true improvement in the way food is produced. Such evaluations must be
holistic and all-inclusive and cannot stop at the previously separated, non-coherent
systems of evaluation focusing solely on human health or environmental effects in
Work is therefore under way in WHO to present a broader view of the evaluation
of GM foods in order to enable the consideration of other important factors. This
more holistic evaluation of GM organisms and GM products will consider not only
safety but also food security, social and ethical aspects, access, and capacity build-
ing. International work in this new direction presupposes the involvement of other
key international organizations in this area.
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Tiedje, J.M., Colwell, R.K., Grossman, Y.L., Hodson, R.E., Lenski, R.E., Mack, R.N., Regal, P.J.
1989. The planned introduction of genetically engineered organisms: ecological considerations
and recommendations. Ecology 70: 298–315.
Walker, B., Lonsdale, M. 2000. Genetically modified organisms at the crossroads: Comments on
“Genetically modified crops: risks and promise” by Gordon Conway. Conservation Ecology 4:
12. URL: http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss1/art12.
Chapter 14
Risks Involved in the Use of Herbal Products
Abstract The use of different herbal products can involve several kinds of risks
that include improper labeling or failure to provide the correct constituents; inad-
equate testing of the herbal product in clinical trials; failure to provide the stated
amounts of active constituents; contraindications between known herbs and syn-
thetic prescription drugs used to treat the same disease; overdosing or underdos-
ing; contamination of herbal preparations with pathogens, pesticides, and heavy
metals; expired shelf life; and problems with formulations that render them inef-
fective (e.g., ineffective dried preps in capsules versus effective formulations
taken as tinctures). In this chapter, we shall address many of these issues. They
are basically issues of quality control that involve the latest advances in plant
• Herbs obtained from different sources (countries, regions, and growers) are
mixed in order to make commercial preparations.
• Herbs are not grown under uniform field or greenhouse conditions from year to
• Herbs are not collected at the optimum stage of development.
• Herbs collected are adulterated with other herbs, some of which may be toxic or
devoid of the same biological activity.
In order to mitigate these problems, growers and processors need to use standard
conditions and guidelines for growing, harvesting, formulating, and packaging of
herbal preparations. Good sources for this kind of information are found in Ody
(1993) and Moore (1995).
Many medicinal herbs have not yet been subjected to testing in human clinical trials.
Instead, they are promulgated for use based on animal (nonhuman) models or based
on oral tradition or practices of shamans.
Even if human clinical trials are conducted, they can suffer from improper design.
For example, this can include the following:
• Failure to use a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial pro-
• Failure to include greater than a single biologically active dose. The best judg-
ment here is to include half optimum, optimum, and twice optimum levels/doses
of the herb.
• Failure to include a sufficient number of time points to do good kinetics or to
obtain meaningful data.
• Failure to carry out the study for a sufficient length of time. This is especially crit-
ical for many herbal preparations, which often tend to be slow acting or require
administration of prescribed doses over an extended period of time (not hours or
days, but weeks).
The use of medicinal herbs to treat specific human disease can involve risks,
especially when used in combination with different kinds of synthetically pro-
duced prescription drugs. Patients taking herbal medicines as well as prescrip-
tion drugs to treat a specific ailment must consult their doctor before using such
Examples (cited in The Merck Manual of Medical Information, second home edi-
tion, 2004, by Mark H. Beers) of such adverse interactions are given in Table 14.1.
14 Risks Involved in the Use of Herbal Products 349
Milk thistle Drugs that decrease blood sugar Milk thistle may intensify the
levels (hypoglycemic drugs) effects of these drugs, causing
an excessive decrease in blood
sugar levels
Saquinavir Milk thistle decreases blood levels
of saquinavir, making it less
Saw palmetto Estrogen replacement therapy and Saw palmetto may intensify the
oral contraceptives effects of these drugs
St. John’s wort Benzodiazepines St. John’s wort may reduce the
effectiveness of these drugs in
reducing anxiety and may
increase drowsiness and the risk
of side effects such as
Cyclosporine St. John’s wort may reduce blood
levels of cyclosporine, making it
less effective, with potentially
dangerous results (such as
rejection of an organ transplant)
Digoxin St. John’s wort may reduce blood
levels of digoxin, making it less
effective, with potentially
dangerous results
Indinavir (a drug used to treat St. John’s wort may reduce blood
AIDS) levels of indinavir, making it
less effective
Iron St. John’s wort may reduce iron
MAOIs St. John’s wort may intensify the
effects of MAOIs, possibly
causing very high blood
pressure that requires
emergency treatment
Photosensitizing drugs (such as When taken with these drugs,
lansoprazole, omeprazole, St. John’s wort may increase the
piroxicam, and sulfonamide risk of sun sensitivity
Selective serotonin reuptake St. John’s wort may intensify the
inhibitors (such as fluoxetine, effects of these drugs
paroxetine, and sertraline)
Warfarin St. John’s wort may reduce blood
levels of warfarin, making it less
effective and clot formation
more likely
Valerian Anesthetics Valerian may prolong sedation
Barbiturates Valerian may intensify the effects
of barbiturates, causing
excessive sedation
352 P.B. Kaufman et al.
Kava kava is a herbal ingredient derived from the plant Piper methysticum G. Forst.,
which is a member of the pepper family (Piperaceae). It is native to many Pacific
Ocean islands. The leaves and the root of the plant are used in herbal food and
medicinal products. In recent years it has become popular in Europe in herbal reme-
dies used to treat anxiety, tension, and restlessness.
It is considered a sacred plant by many of the traditional Polynesian cultures and
has been used in prayer and ritual as well as for a wide variety of ailments ranging
from asthma and rheumatism to weary muscles and sleeplessness. The main active
components in kava kava (kavalactones) are found in the root of the plant. Kavalac-
tones are thought to affect levels of neurotransmitters in the blood, which can affect
the body’s fight-or-flight response. While kava root was traditionally chewed or
made into a beverage, it is now primarily taken as a natural anxiety remedy in cap-
sule, tablet, beverage, tea, and liquid extract forms.
Evidence has mounted that in rare cases the use of products containing kava
kava (mostly in the form of herbal medicines) has been associated with severe liver
damage. Research indicates that this may be largely due to the use of stems and
leaves in dietary supplements, which were not used indigenously. The occurrence of
liver damage is unpredictable and the mechanism is unclear. Some of the compounds
found in Kava extracts block several subtypes of the enzyme cytochrome P450,
which may result in adverse interactions with concomitant use of other drugs and
alcohol (Mathews et al., 2002). Because of these reports, regulatory agencies in
Europe and Canada now warn consumers of the potential risks associated with kava
kava and even remove kava-containing products from the market. Based on these
and other reports in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
issued a consumer advisory in March of 2002 regarding the “rare” but potential risk
of liver failure associated with kava-containing products.
on whether the safety evidence thus far warrants further restrictions. By itself, the
existing evidence is insufficient to link these products conclusively with death and
other serious health problems. However, an analysis of the existing studies and their
shortcomings suggests that a more definitive answer to questions about ephedra’s
safety could be obtained by doing what is called a “case–control” study.
Such a study would compare ephedra use by individuals who suffered death or
another illness with use by similar individuals who have not suffered severe health
problems. A study of this type could also be used to compare the safety of ephedra-
containing supplements and products containing ephedrine. Finally, a case-control
study could help answer safety questions quickly, thus avoiding the expense and
time that would be needed to conduct a large-scale randomized controlled trial and
potentially saving lives.
juice > red wine > Vitis x labruscana (Concord grape) juice > V. corymbosum
(blueberry) juice > Prunus serotina Ehrh. (black cherry) juice, Euterpe oleracea
Mart. (a,caí) juice, V. macrocarpon (cranberry) juice > Citrus sinensis (L.)
Osbeck (orange) juice, iced tea beverages, Malus domestica Borkh. (apple)
While these results are interesting and arguably legitimate, different sample
brands could alter readily the order of observed antioxidant potency. In many prod-
ucts, the amount of Vaccinium included is often very low, although its contribution
to the final product may be inflated through labeling in order to use it as the market-
ing “handle.” Furthermore, the quality of Vaccinium preparations used in a finished
product, whether in dried or extract forms, may be inconsistent. The fresh fruit
source is of utmost importance, as notable differences have been documented not
only between species but also between cultivars, growth conditions, harvest time,
storage, and ultimate processing – even for the same species. Drying technologies
differ in terms of temperature and time required for the process, and the amount
of flavonoids retained, especially the anthocyanins, significantly decreases under
harsher conditions. Similarly, the yield of bioactive flavonoids is dependent upon
the method employed to produce an extract. In recent years, advanced analytical
methods have become available to assess the authenticity and quality of Vaccinium
compositions for research purposes and standardization of commercial products for
dietary supplements and clinical applications (Zhang et al., 2004; Määttä-Riihinen
et al., 2004; Tian et al., 2005; Burdulis et al., 2007; Cassinese et al., 2007; Harris
et al., 2007; Lin and Harnly, 2007; Grant and Helleur, 2008). Whereas the quality
control of herbal medicinal products used by health-care practitioners is regulated
in detail (e.g., German Commission E), no uniform requirements for food-derived
supplements currently exist. A standardized preparation, typically an extract,
is one with a consistent and guaranteed percentage of a definable bioactive com-
pound or group of compounds. For Vaccinium dietary supplements, standardization
is a voluntary effort by manufacturers to offer a high-quality product. The princi-
pal components of interest from Vaccinium, anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins,
are notoriously difficult among all flavonoids to analyze quantitatively with accu-
racy (Krenn et al., 2007). Yet other biotechnological methods have been devel-
oped to improve yield and composition and mitigate against detrimental effects
of storage and processing on the stability of flavonoids from Vaccinium in foods,
nutraceuticals, and phytopharmaceutical dosage forms (Kalt et al., 1999; Connor
et al., 2002; Gunes et al., 2002; Wang and Stretch, 2002; Lyons et al., 2003; Zheng
et al., 2003; Lohachoompol et al., 2004; Vattem et al., 2005; Song and Sink, 2006;
Srivastava et al., 2007; Puupponen-Pimiä et al., 2008; Brambilla et al., 2008; Wang
et al., 2008).
Since flavonoids are known to be potent antioxidants, and compartments such as
plasma, tissues, and urine have been shown to increase in antioxidant capacity fol-
lowing consumption of flavonoid-rich substances, a reasonable assumption is that
they are readily bioavailable (Cao and Prior, 1998; Prior and Cao, 1999; Prior and
Cao, 2000; Vinson et al., 2008). In fact, flavonoids are relatively abundant micronu-
trients in the diet, but bioavailability differs greatly from one type to another. Thus,
356 P.B. Kaufman et al.
the most abundant dietary flavonoids are not necessarily those leading to the highest
concentrations of active metabolites in target compartments.
Employing data from 97 studies, based on a single ingestion of pure compound,
extract, or whole food/beverage, one group of investigators calculated mean values
for the maximal plasma concentration, the time to reach the maximal plasma con-
centration, the area under the plasma concentration–time curve, the elimination of
half-life, and the relative urinary excretion for 18 major flavonoids (Manach et al.,
2005). They found gallic acid and isoflavones to be the best absorbed flavonoids, fol-
lowed by catechins, flavanones, and quercetin glucosides, but with different kinet-
ics. The least well-absorbed polyphenols are proanthocyanidins, galloylated tea
catechins, and anthocyanins. Data were too limited for the assessment of hydrox-
ycinnamic acids and other polyphenols. As a result of digestive and hepatic activ-
ity, the metabolites present in blood usually differ from the parent compounds.
Depending on the flavonoid, plasma concentrations of total metabolites ranged from
0 to 4 μmol·L−1 from an intake of 50 mg aglycone equivalents, and the relative uri-
nary excretion ranged from 0.3 to 43% of the ingested dose.
Intervention studies have indicated the type and magnitude of effects among
humans in vivo, on the basis of short-term changes in biomarkers. A review
of 93 such studies led workers to conclude that flavonoids have varying physi-
ological effects (Williamson and Manach, 2005). They propose that isoflavones
(i.e., genistein and daidzein) have weak hormonal effects, but significant ones
on processes affecting bone health in postmenopausal women. Monomeric cate-
chins, which occur in exceptional amounts in tea, influence energy metabolism
as well as plasma antioxidant biomarkers. Proanthocyanidins, which are widely
distributed in many foods, red wine, and supplements such as Pycnogenol
(http://www.pycnogenol.com), have pronounced effects on the vasculature that are
not limited to antioxidant activity. Quercetin, the principal flavonol in plant-based
foods, red wine, and Ginkgo supplements, appears to influence certain markers of
carcinogenesis and exerts small effects in vivo on plasma antioxidant biomark-
ers; nonetheless, some studies failed to corroborate those findings. In fact, the
largest randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial ever conducted
on a botanical medicine failed to show that extracts of Ginkgo biloba L. prevented
dementia. Five academic medical centers in the United States between 2000 and
2008 evaluated 3069 community volunteers aged 75 years or older with normal
cognition (n = 2587) or MCI (mild cognitive impairment; n = 482) (Dekosky et al.,
2008). Proponents of Ginkgo may argue that this study does not undermine what has
already been observed with regard to the usefulness of Ginkgo extract in providing
symptomatic relief in persons who already suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s
disease or prevent progression in younger, middle-age subjects.
Other workers have found an apparent lack of correlation between the effec-
tiveness of anthocyanins, such as those derived from Vaccinium, in laboratory
model systems and in humans, especially as cancer chemopreventive agents, as
evidenced by epidemiological studies, further illustrating the importance of study
design (Wang and Stoner, 2008). A discrepancy exists in the antioxidant and other
bioactivities of flavonoids, which are powerful in assays conducted in vitro; the
14 Risks Involved in the Use of Herbal Products 357
measured in vivo activities are far more subtle. The reasons for incongruity are cited
as (1) lack of validated in vivo biomarkers, especially in the area of carcinogenesis;
(2) lack of understanding or consideration of bioavailability and the inherent com-
plexity of flavonoid interactions in the in vitro experiments, which are subsequently
used for the design of in vivo studies; and (3) lack of long-term observations. In the
design of in vitro and in vivo studies, these issues mandate careful consideration.
The length of human intervention studies should be increased, particularly to more
closely reflect the consequences of long-term dietary consumption of flavonoids.
The Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) for Herbal Medicines is an authori-
tative source for efficacy and safety guidelines regarding phytotherapeutics and
plant-based dietary supplements (Gruenwald et al., 2007). Although PDR does
not endorse specific brands, a select few have contributed indirectly to its con-
tent through academic and independent citations therein. PDR employs a consistent
format for reporting data, and the categories mirror those for FDA-approved pre-
scription pharmaceuticals. The basic data include a plant’s common name and Latin
binomial. A description section follows and specifies the medicinal part(s), botanical
characteristics, and features of the flower and fruit, leaves, stems and roots, habitat,
production, and alternative (common) names. Next is a section on actions and phar-
macology that lists known compounds present in the medicinal parts, with a sub-
section on effects. Clinical trials, if available, comprise the third section, followed
by six sections that encompass indications and usage (segregated by approved and
unproven uses), contraindications, precautions and adverse reactions, drug interac-
tions, dosage, and, lastly, supporting literature citations.
Three Vaccinium species presented in the PDR include V. myrtillus (European
bilberry), V. macrocarpon (cranberry), and V. uliginosum (bog bilberry). The PDR
cites their beneficial effects but, notably, these presumably innocuous fruits also
possess clear risks. V. myrtillusis contraindicated during pregnancy and should not
be used while breastfeeding, whereas V. macrocarpon is contraindicated for use in
patients with aspirin allergy, atrophic gastritis, diabetes (when product, such as juice,
is sweetened with sugar), hypochlorhydria, and kidney stones. Use of the latter dur-
ing pregnancy has been reviewed, in light of possible mitigation against elevated
risk of urinary tract infections associated with this condition, and no adverse events
came to light in a survey of 400 women (Dugoua et al., 2008). Alternatively, no
evidence is available for safety during lactation. Although contraindications are not
cited for V. uliginosum, an overdosage warning is given for signs of poisoning after
consumption of large quantities and includes nausea, vomiting, states of intoxica-
tion, feelings of weakness, and visual disorders. Presumably, these untoward effects
may be traced back to natural contamination of the fruit by a fungus.
Precautions and adverse reactions for V. myrtillus include side effects relating to
the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. Digestive complaints, includ-
ing nausea, are due to the substantive tannin content of the fruit. High doses and
prolonged use may lead to chronic intoxication; chronic administration to animals
(1.5 g·kg−1 per day minimum) has been reported to be fatal. V. macrocarponis gen-
erally well tolerated, but high doses may also cause gastrointestinal upset and diar-
rhea. Since scientific evidence is not available for use during pregnancy, precaution
358 P.B. Kaufman et al.
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Chapter 15
Risks Associated with Overcollection
of Medicinal Plants in Natural Habitats
M. McKenzie (B)
Denali BioTechnologies, L.L.C. 35555 Spur Highway, PMB 321, Soldotna, Alaska 99669, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
and, at the same time, help to provide a livelihood for many people who depend
upon these products for their income.
• Extinct: the last remaining member of the species had died or is presumed beyond
reasonable doubt to have died.
• Extinct in the wild: captive individuals survive, but there is no free-living, natural
• Critically endangered: faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate
• Endangered: faces a very high risk of extinction in the near future.
• Vulnerable: faces a high risk of extinction in the medium term.
• Least concern: no immediate threat to the survival of the species.
National Parks: Natural resource policies aim to provide people the opportunity
to enjoy and benefit from natural environments evolving by natural processes with
minimal influence by human actions. The National Park Service ( NPS) will ensure
that lands are protected within park boundaries. Where parks contain nonfederal
lands, the NPS uses cost-effective protection methods. Preservation of character and
resources of wilderness areas designated within a park, while providing for appro-
priate use, represent the primary management responsibility. The National Parks
and Conservation Association is a national nonprofit membership organization ded-
icated to defending, promoting, and enhancing our national parks, and educating the
public about the NPS. It was established in 1919 to protect parks and monuments
against private interests and commercialism and to block inappropriate development
within parks. Most recently, this organization has done a magnificent job of mobi-
lizing citizen action to prevent clear-cutting of timber and mining within and adja-
cent to the national parks. They have also helped to protect these parks from undue
human intrusion with recreational vehicles, helicopters, campers, and “vehicles” of
all types (including boats, jeeps, motorcycles, mountain bikes, snowmobiles, and
dune buggies). Limiting access to the national parks because of “people pressure”
and consequently over-crowding has become the norm. Together, these efforts help,
but citizen action groups, such as the National Parks and Conservation Associa-
tion, the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the Wilderness Society, the Natural
366 M. McKenzie et al.
Resources Defense Fund, and the many other organizations who operate in the indi-
vidual states, must be ever vigilant and ready for concerted action.
Sustainable Biopreserves for Indigenous Peoples: Based on a recent United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), the United States
has placed forest management and protection as a priority of UNCED. Further, dis-
cussions by the US government agencies and nongovernmental organizations have
concluded that a provision needs to be included on the needs of indigenous peo-
ples who use the forests for their livelihood, social organization, or cultural identity,
and who have an economic stake in sustainable forest use (Plotkin and Famolare,
1992). Actions include promoting means for indigenous peoples and members of
local communities to actively participate in decision-making processes for any pro-
posed forest-related actions where their interests are affected (Plotkin and Famolare,
1992). Other propositions are to identify ways to enhance the value of standing
forests through policy reform, more accurately reflecting the costs and benefits of
alternative forestry activities, in addition to identifying economically valuable forest
species, including timber and nontimber species, and the development of improved
and sustainable extraction methods (Moran, 1992).
Nabhan (1992) has indicated that the following criteria offer the best guidelines
for ensuring that indigenous peoples and other peasant communities benefit from
applied ethnobotanical development, and that projects sustain rather than deplete or
destroy biodiversity.
• The project should attempt to improve the objective and subjective well-being
of local communities rather than seeking cheap production sites and importing
inexpensive labor.
• Cultivation in fields or agroforestry management should be considered if there
are threats that wild harvests will deplete the resource.
• Wildland management and sensitive harvesting practices should be introduced
in cases where the resource might sustain economic levels of extraction in the
• The plant(s) chosen should offer multiple products or be adapted to diversified
production systems.
• When possible, programs should build on local familiarity, use, and conservation
traditions for the plant being developed.
• If possible, these programs should be based on locally available genetic
resources, technologies, and social organizations to enable local people to retain
control over the future of the resource.
Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, United Kingdom. The People and Plants Initia-
tive is creating support for ethnobotanists from developing countries who work with
local people on issues relating to conservation of plant resources and indigenous
ecological knowledge. Rather than promoting the discovery and marketing of new
products, emphasis is placed on subsistence use and small-scale commercialization
of plants which benefit rural communities. In cases of large-scale commercialization
of wild plants, emphasis is on improving harvesting methods and mechanisms which
allow communities an increasing share of profits (The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
One example is provided by the Kuna Indians of Panama. They have success-
fully established the world’s first internationally recognized forest park created by
indigenous people. The reserve provides revenues directly to the Kuna from the
sale of research rights, and from ecotourists who come to learn about the rainfor-
est. Coupled with this, it helps protect and preserve their native heritage. Scientists
conducting research in the park are required to hire the Kuna to assist and accom-
pany them during their stay. The Kuna control access to sites and require reports on
all research. These terms allow the Kuna to patrol and protect outlying areas while
learning from the scientists.
Head and Heismann (1990) in Lessons of the Rainforest, tell about the organiza-
tion called Environmental Restoration in Southern Colombia (CRIC). It is composed
of 56 Indian communities that are organized to protect Indian lands, resources, cul-
ture, and rights in an area where the forest has been destroyed by mines and cattle
ranches. CRIC began a forestry program with three tree nurseries which provided
seedlings to those communities that agree to plant a minimum of 1000 trees of native
species. To date, one community has completed nine reforestation programs.
and protect the global environment. It helps to create and enlarge national parks,
preserve forests, designate wilderness areas, halt dams, and prevent destruction of
priceless habitats. The Sierra Club helped save Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge from imprudent utilization by oil companies, establish National Park and
Wilderness Preservation Systems, and safeguard more than 132 million acres of
public land.
This organization launched the Critical Ecosystems Program, which is designed
to protect and restore 21 regional ecosystems in the United States and Canada. This
program is involved in designing protection for public and private lands that are
the core habitats for native species. It established task forces for each ecoregion,
drawing together activists with expertise in various areas to develop strategies to
save those regions. What are these strategies for the different ecoregions?
• Atlantic Coast and Great Northern Forest – preserve biodiversity by restoring and
sustaining habitat for the full array of native plants and animals, establish sound
forestry policy, and preserve wilderness.
• Central Appalachia, Southern Appalachian Highlands, and American Southeast –
saving from development, as much as possible, the shoreline stretching 2000
miles (3200 km) from Florida to the mouth of the Rio Grand River.
• Interior Highlands, Great Lakes, Great North American Prairie – establish a sys-
tem of national parks, reform Forest Service policies on grazing, oil and gas
development, and coal mining on grasslands.
• Mississippi Basin, Rocky Mountains, and Colorado Plateau – enact legislation
to protect 5 million roadless acres in Utah, eliminate timber sales that threaten
old-growth ponderosa pine stands, do away with subsidized timber sales in all
national forests, and protect the Grand Canyon by restricting development on its
• Southwest Deserts, Great Basin/High Desert, Sierra Nevada, Pacific Northwest,
and Pacific Coast – permanently protect the remaining ancient forests on federal
• Alaska Rainforests (Tongass and Chugach National Forests), the Boreal Forest
extending from Alaska to Newfoundland, Hudson Bay/James Bay Watershed,
the Arctic, and Hawaii – prevent further destruction of endangered and threatened
plant and animal habitats (Elder, 1994).
York Botanical Garden currently grows 10 species of plants in the Federal Endan-
gered Species List. They are striving to preserve rare and endangered plants and
participate with other institutions in doing this. The Garden is a Participating Insti-
tution in the Center for Plant Conservation (CPC), serving as a rescue center for six
native plant species that are imminently threatened, which form part of the National
Collection of Endangered Plants, and are grown and studied to be conserved (The
New York Botanical Garden, 1995). The CPC is located at the Missouri Botanical
Garden in St. Louis, MO. This center is dedicated to conserving rare plants native
to the United States in an integrated plant conservation context through a collabo-
rative program of ex situ plant conservation, research, and education. It is made up
of a consortium of 25 botanical gardens and arboreta (Center for Plant Conserva-
tion, 1996). A national survey by the CPC in 1988 found that over three-quarters of
the endangered flora of the United States is in six areas: Hawaii, California, Texas,
Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. It has designated these areas as con-
servation priority regions. The CPC Priority Regions Program addresses the need
for conservation through programs of land conservation, management, offsite col-
lection in seed banks, botanical gardens and other institutions, research, and site
surveys (Center for Plant Conservation, 1996). The National Collection of Endan-
gered Plants contains seeds, cuttings, and whole plants of 496 rare plant species
native to the United States. The collection is stored at 25 gardens and arboreta that
form part of the CPC.
The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, United Kingdom, support six ex situ and
in situ conservation projects. The activities range from acting as the UK Scientific
Authority for Plants for CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), cooperating in the recovery and reintroduction of
endangered species, and in production of management plans for sustainable devel-
opment and protected areas (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1996b).
The Wrigley Memorial and Botanical Gardens at Catalina Island, CA, is still
another example. The garden places its emphasis on California island endemic
plants. Many of these plants are extremely rare, with some listed on the Endangered
Species List.
and arboreta around the world. Where conditions allow, some tissue-cultured plant
material can be used to reintroduce species that have become lost or extinct in
the wild.
The different techniques of plant tissue culture offer certain advantages over tra-
ditional methods of plant propagation including
• the production of exact copies of plants that produce particularly good flowers,
fruits, or have other desirable traits;
• to quickly produce mature plants;
• the production of multiples of plants in the absence of seeds or necessary polli-
nators to produce seeds;
• the regeneration of whole plants from plant cells that have been genetically
• the production of plants in sterile containers that allows them to be moved with
greatly reduced chances of transmitting diseases, pests, and pathogens;
• the production of plants from seeds that otherwise have very low chances of ger-
minating and growing, i.e., orchids and nepenthes; and
• to clean particular plant of viral and other infections and to quickly multiply these
plants as “cleaned stock” for horticulture and agriculture.
Plant tissue culture relies on the fact that many plant cells have the ability to regen-
erate a whole plant (totipotency). Single cells, plant cells without cell walls (proto-
plasts), pieces of leaves, or (less commonly) roots can often be used to generate a
new plant on culture media given the required nutrients and plant hormones.
Plant tissue culture is performed under aseptic conditions under filtered air. Liv-
ing plant materials from the environment are naturally contaminated on their sur-
faces (and sometimes interiors) with microorganisms, so surface sterilization in
chemical solutions (usually alcohol or bleach) is required of starting materials. The
tissue which is obtained from the plant to start the culture is called an explant.
Explants are then usually placed on the surface of a solid culture medium, but are
sometimes placed directly into a liquid medium, particularly when cell suspension
cultures are desired. Solid and liquid media are generally composed of inorganic
salts plus a few organic nutrients, vitamins, and plant hormones. Solid media are pre-
pared from liquid media with the addition of a gelling agent, usually purified agar.
The composition of the medium, particularly the plant hormones and the nitrogen
source (nitrate versus ammonium salts or amino acids), has profound effects on the
morphology of the tissues that grow from the initial explant. For example, an excess
of auxin will often result in a proliferation of roots, while an excess of cytokinin
may yield shoots. A balance of both auxin and cytokinin will often produce an
unorganized growth of cells or callus, but the morphology of the outgrowth will
depend on the plant species as well as the medium composition. As cultures grow,
pieces are typically sliced off and transferred to new media (subcultured) to allow
for growth or to alter the morphology of the culture. As shoots emerge from a culture
(Fig. 15.1), they may be sliced off and rooted with auxin to produce plantlets which,
372 M. McKenzie et al.
when mature, can be transferred to potting soil for further growth as normal plants
in the greenhouse.
The skill and experience of the tissue culturist are important in judging which
pieces to culture and which to discard. Based on work with certain model systems,
particularly tobacco, it has often been claimed that a totipotent explant can be grown
from any part of the plant. However, this concept has been vitiated in practice. In
many species, explants of various organs vary in their rates of growth and regenera-
tion, while some do not grow at all. The choice of explant material also determines
if the plantlets developed via tissue culture are haploid or diploid. Also the risk of
microbial contamination is increased with inappropriate explants. Thus, an appro-
priate choice of explant made prior to tissue culture is very important.
The specific differences in the regeneration potential of different organs and
explants have various explanations. The significant factors include differences in
the stage of the cells in the cell cycle, the availability of or ability to transport
endogenous growth regulators, and the metabolic capabilities of the cells. The most
commonly used tissue explants are the meristematic ends of the plants like the stem
tip, auxiliary bud tip, and root tip. These tissues have high rates of cell division
15 Risks Associated with Overcollection of Medicinal Plants 373
• A plant breeder may use tissue culture to screen cells rather than plants for advan-
tageous characters, e.g., herbicide resistance/tolerance.
• Large-scale growth of plant cells in liquid culture inside bioreactors as a source
of secondary products, like recombinant proteins used as biopharmaceuticals.
• To cross distantly related species by protoplast fusion and regeneration of the
novel hybrid.
• To cross-pollinate distantly related species and then tissue culture the resulting
embryo which would otherwise normally die (embryo rescue).
• For production of doubled monoploid plants from haploid cultures to achieve
homozygous lines more rapidly in breeding programs, usually by treatment with
colchicine which causes doubling of the chromosome number.
• As a tissue for transformation, followed by either short-term testing of genetic
constructs or regeneration of transgenic plants.
• Certain techniques such as shoot apical meristem tip culture (mericloning) may
be employed that can be used to produce clean plant material from virused stock,
such as potatoes and many species of soft fruit. Commercial Seed Companies That Save and Sell Heirloom Seeds
of Rare and Endangered Medicinal and Other Plants
Because of the loss of crop diversity with the advent of the green revolution and
the breeding of crop varieties grown as monocultures, we have lost thousands of
varieties of plants because they are no longer available for sale. This has happened
with rice, wheat, and maize. Also witnessed with the loss of crop diversity, is a
loss in disease and insect pest resistance, a loss or protein and essential nutrients in
many of the grain crops, a loss in desirable flavor and texture in many vegetables,
and an increase in the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water. Many of the
desirable cultivars of apples and roses, once grown very widely, almost completely
disappeared from commercial seed or nursery catalogues.
The situation today is changing rapidly. Many of the “old-fashioned” rose cul-
tivars or apple cultivars are now reappearing in the catalogues, primarily driven
by consumer demand for more plant diversity and varieties that do not require so
much in the way of fertilizer, pesticide, and water inputs. The same can be said
for cucurbits (squash and melon), maize, legume crops (peas, beans, and their rel-
atives), herbs, prairie plants, medicinal plants, woodland wild flowers, native trees
and shrubs useful in landscaping and in forest restoration projects, aquatic plant
species used in ponds to purify water polluted water from sewage treatment plants,
and species of plants which are good scavengers of heavy metal pollutants in soils.
Let us cite just a few examples of sources of seeds of rare and endangered plants.
15 Risks Associated with Overcollection of Medicinal Plants 377
• Henry Doubleday Institute at Ryton Gardens, Coventry, UK, has a heritage seed
program whereby it distributes heirloom and rare varieties of seed plants which
are generally not commercially available. The seed is not registered with the
European Community, so, it cannot be sold, but it can be donated. We do not
know if their seeds are exportable to the United States.
• The Seed Guild is an organization located in Lanark, UK, which buys seed
from botanical gardens throughout the world, making them available to amateur
gardeners and commercial outlets. The guild provides an opportunity to obtain
unusual and rare seeds which are not generally on commercial seed lists. Their
annual newsletter provides information on seed collecting expeditions and new
sources of seed supply.
• Three commercial seed companies: Redwood Seed Company (PO Box 361, Red-
wood City, CA 94064) is an alternative seed company; Sandy’s Exotic Plant Seed
Company (7179A Nebraska, Fairchild, WA 99011) has available rare, exotic, and
unusual seeds from around the world; and Prairie Moon Nursery (Route 3, Box
163 Winona, MN 55987) sells seeds of rare ferns, cacti, forbs (herbaceous plants),
grasses, sedges, rushes, trees, shrubs, vines, and prairie mixtures.
Botanical Garden, and the University of Chicago have all contracted with private
pharmaceutical companies and public research organizations to provide samples of
biodiversity for pharmaceutical development. It is important that pharmaceutical
companies involved in such contracts return an equitable share of their profits from
any plant-derived drugs they develop from such plants to the indigenous peoples
from whom these plants and the knowledge about their medical uses are obtained.
Good role models are provided by DENALI BioTechnologies, LLC (DENALI),
Kenai, Alaska 99611, and the former Shaman Pharmaceuticals from South San
Francisco, CA.
and harvesting practices. Working with elders and healers, plants in the Alaska flora
have been prioritized based on documentation of medicinal efficacy, abundance,
sustainability of harvest, and potential economic value to the Native cultures who
used them for subsistence purposes. Priority plants are harvested in small quantities
(e.g., 1 quart to 2.5 gallon Zip-loc R bags) and specimen locations are marked by
global positioning satellite (GPS) technology. Less than one-third of the biomass
in any location is harvested at a given time in order to preserve material for future
collection. Specimens are stored frozen prior to undergoing low-volume extraction,
typically with 5–10 g of tissue per extraction and five solvents of highly different
polarity. Subsequently, extracts are fingerprinted by high-performance liquid chro-
matography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry. If the occurrence of a specific com-
pound is sought, HPLC analyses are conducted in the presence and absence of a
reference standard (e.g., artemisinin in wormwood (Artemisia spp.) extracts).
Fractions containing novel compounds are pursued in assays that demonstrate
bioactivity. In the event a bioactive(s) is identified, locations that were previously
harvested are revisited; but, for large harvests (up to 1,000 kg), numerous locations
are added in order to obtain additional biomass while minimizing the “footprint” of
collection activity. The biomass is immediately dried by a rapid and gentle process
known as Refractance Window R Drying (MCD Technologies, Inc., Tacoma, WA)
and vacuum sealed so as to maintain stability for at least 3 years. This material
is extracted on a larger scale with the preferred solvent and conditions delineated
on a small scale (as above) to obtain the pure “lead” compound or “new chemical
entity” (NCE) of interest. At this point, the compound is ready to undergo pre-
clinical evaluations in animal models and early phases of human trials.
Today, Alaska Natives appreciate the need to integrate into the fabric of modern
life, but they strive to maintain their resources and traditional knowledge of use
and management. Examples of traditional medicinal plants under investigation and
development include devil’s club, also called Alaska ginseng (Oplopanax horridus
C.A. Mey.), wormwood, also known by an alternative common name, stinkweed,
(Artemisia tilesii Ledeb.), and blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) (Fortuine, 1988).
Devil’s club is the panacea plant of the Tlingit, Haida, and Gitskan of Southeast
Alaska and British Columbia (Fortuine, 1988; Moerman, 1998; Johnson, 2006). Tra-
ditionally, it is used for treatment of a variety of ailments including, but not limited
to, wounds, infections, colds, cough, fever, arthritis, and diabetes. Due to protest
over its special cultural significance, commercialization of the plant has not occurred
on an industrial scale. Tribal elders and healers recognize that devil’s club requires
many years to reach maturity and medicinal value; thus, overcollection would be
devastating to this species which currently grows abundantly in its natural habitat.
Modern science has demonstrated in vitro antioxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-
bacterial, anti-tubercular, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral activity
against respiratory syncytial virus; this is consistent with traditional uses
(McCutcheon et al., 1995; Kobaisy et al., 1997; Tai et al. 2006; Inui et al., 2007).
Notably, authentic ginsengs are used for very similar medicinal purposes. Devil’s
club constituents resemble those of authentic ginseng species and, as a result, it
has been discussed as a substitute to overcollected ginseng species (Panax spp.)
15 Risks Associated with Overcollection of Medicinal Plants 381
for medicinal and nutritional supplement purposes. A partial list of bioactive com-
pounds found in devil’s club through HPLC profiling of extracts includes trans-
nerolidol, sterols, including daucosterol and beta-sitosterol, syringin, a series of
triterpenoid saponins, and a group of polyynes (Kobaisy et al., 1997; Gruber et al.,
2004). Some of these compounds, known also to occur in Panax species, were iden-
tified in closely related Oplopanax elatus Nakai (as judged by sequences in ITS
regions of nuclear rDNA), which is indigenous to the Russian Far East (Zhang et al.,
1993; Wang et al., 1996; 1997; 2004; Artiukova et al., 2005).
The major bioactive ingredients of ginseng are ginsenosides, which are also clas-
sified as triterpene saponins. Because ginseng cultivation is relatively expensive,
time-consuming, and labor-intensive, and because the productivity of ginseng cell
and tissue culture is low, it has become important to provide alternatives to ginseng
propagation through other biotechnological methods (Liang and Zhao, 2008).
Ribosomal and biosynthesis-related gene sequence analyses offer taxonomic
positioning of devil’s club in the family Araliaceae (Artiukova et al., 2005). Fur-
ther taxonomic proximity may be established through comparison of conserved
DNA sequences in the ribosomal ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region between authentic gin-
seng, already characterized in six species, Panax ginseng C. A. Mey., Panax quin-
quefolius L., Panax japonicus C. A. Mey. (Japanese ginseng), Panax notoginseng
(Burkill) F. H. Chen (Sanchi), Panax trifolius L., and Panax major Ting (Ngan et al.
1999). Once established as a ginseng, or close relative, the possibility for using
devil’s club (also referred to as Panax horridus C. A. Mey.) as a surrogate for gin-
senoside production becomes viable.
Ongoing research strives to understand and improve ginsenoside levels in Panax
by metabolic engineering that is based on the biosynthetic pathway of ginsenosides.
Candidate enzymes include squalene synthase, oxidosqualene cyclase, involved in
the cyclization reaction of 2,3-oxidosqualene, cytochrome P450 isoforms, various
glycosyltransferses and, in particular, dammarenediol-II synthase, the first dedicated
enzyme for dammarane-type ginsenoside biosynthesis, versus oleanane-type com-
pounds that also occur in the genus Panax (Jung et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2004). DNA
sequences that encode enzymes of ginsenoside biosynthesis should be compared
between Panax species and devil’s club. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) provide
a valuable tool that can be used to identify secondary metabolite-associated genes
and help to predict the potential for ginsenoside production in devil’s club (Jung
et al., 2003). Because devil’s club offers similarities to overcollected Panax, and is
unthreatened in the wild, it may prove to be an acceptable substitute for metabolic
engineering of a ginsenoside pathway in preparation of responsible cultivation and
management in its natural habitat.
Wormwood is the most important medicinal plant of the Yu’pik Eskimos of the
Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region and the Athabascans of Interior Alaska. Worm-
wood has been used traditionally for many of the same purposes as devil’s club,
although it belongs to the family Asteraceae and is, taxonomically, quite dis-
similar. As its common name would imply, some of the most interesting tradi-
tional uses were as an anti-parasitic and ethnoveterinary anti-helminthic for sled
dogs. The closely related Chinese species, Artemisia annua L. (sweet wormwood),
382 M. McKenzie et al.
has received extensive scientific and medical attention because of its compound,
artemisinin, which is active against the malaria parasite, Plasmodium (Weina, 2008).
These clues, derived from thousands of years of medicinal use, should trigger a
similar investigative program on wormwood as that described above for devils’
club. Recent research on A. annua is focused on secondary metabolite biosyn-
thetic pathways for enhancement of artemisinin yield. As an unthreatened, prolific
Artemisia species, Alaska wormwood may prove to be an alternative natural source
of artemisinin, amenable to metabolite engineering for artemisinin production, or as
a reservoir of other promising novel bioactive molecules, most of which await study
and development.
2004). There are currently over 180 Vaccinium phytopharmaceutical products avail-
able worldwide. As these medications become increasingly popular, European crops
can no longer meet the global demand. In response to this shortfall, extracts of gen-
erally similar North American V. angustifolium are now being considered as an alter-
native to more expensive V. myrtillus extracts (Kalt and Dufour, 1997).
Three species that are not currently used in commerce, but stand out with regard
to their recognized importance in the subsistence diets of Native Americans and
Alaska Natives, are Vaccinium ovatum Pursh (evergreen huckleberry), Vaccinium
ovalifolium Sm. (Alaska black huckleberry), and V. uliginosum. Although V. ovatum
possesses a remarkable array of flavonoids with beneficial properties (Taruscio et al.,
2004), its occurrence within its natural range and adaptability to cultivation is con-
sidered too limited to be commercially viable. V. ovalifolium is equally remarkable
as V. ovatum in its profile of flavonoid compounds (Taruscio et al., 2004) and, like
V. uliginosum, grows prolifically without cultivation of any sort, throughout Alaska.
Some experts estimate that hundreds of millions of pounds of Vaccinium species are
available each growing season (Matz, 1996).
V. ovalifolium forms dense thickets up to subalpine levels, and is the most com-
mon woodland and coastal forest berry, providing most of those picked in maritime,
rainforest habitats of Alaska. V. uliginosum occurs on vast expanses of wet tun-
dra habitat throughout the state, and is a ubiquitous, low spreading, dwarf, alpine
species, and is the best-known and most-used berry in Alaska for food purposes
(Hulten, 1968; Matz, 1996). Despite spectacular annual yield, these berries are cycli-
cal in year-to-year productivity, and occur in remote areas with extremely rugged
terrain that makes harvest of large quantities difficult and expensive. As a result,
picking machinery cannot be employed and berries must be hand-gathered with
claw-like implements. While these physical obstacles are considerable, there is the
additional inherent danger of gathering berries where grizzly and black bears are
eating voraciously in preparation for hibernation.
Irrespective of barriers to large-scale commercialization, DENALI has gathered
sufficient quantities of V. ovalifolium (which in the wild extensively introgresses
with the closely related species Vaccinium alaskaense How.) and V. uliginosumto
formulate its first nutraceutical product, AuroraBlue R
. Replete with flavonoids,
including 15 prominent anthocyanins, a multitude of polyphenolics, high levels
of monomeric, oligomeric, and, most importantly, high molecular weight proan-
thocyanidin polymers, AuroraBlue is comprised of biomass from >90% V. ovali-
folium/V. alaskaense, <10% V. uliginosum and subspecies, and <1% of various other
Vaccinium species that occur concomitantly in wild stands. The unique profile con-
tributed to AuroraBlue by V. ovalifolium×V. alaskaense suggests a chemotaxonomic
position for this species somewhere between the blueberry, bilberry, huckleberry,
and cranberry, with the individual health-promoting characteristics of each bundled
into one (DENALI BioTechnologies, 2008). Very recent studies reveal that prepa-
rations of wild V. ovatumand V. ovalifolium are the most effective oxygen radical
scavengers in the Ericaceae and V. ovalifolium specimens growing at high latitudes
(greater than the 55th parallel) have the highest oxygen radical absorbing capac-
ity (ORAC) values of any Vaccinium species tested to date (Taruscio et al., 2004;
DENALI BioTechnologies, 2008).
384 M. McKenzie et al.
on a 2-year cycle for fruiting. The stands seem to display a modest subsequent gain
in plant density, as well as in fruit density per plant. In general, Vaccinium seeds
are thought to be poorly viable, although refrigerated and frozen fruit can be used
to begin seedlings for over 10 years after being held in storage (Tirmentein, 1990).
Interestingly, refrigerated berries appear as fresh as when picked for up to 6 months
at 4◦ C. As a result of these observations, thinly populated stands are enriched with
seeds from plants originating in nearby more heavily populated stands. Since these
seeds are likely to be borne on plants emergent from the same rhizome system, they
are considered to be genetically comparable.
Wild species are preferably relocated directly to ranching stands through hard-
wood cuttings, bare root specimens, or by container (USDA, NRCS, 2004). Speci-
mens are transferred from their native habitat during dormancy, typically before the
snow has melted in the spring and after leaves have dropped in the fall. Compared
to cultivated highbush blueberries that thrive at a planting density of 1400–1700 per
acre (Dailey, personal communication, 2005), wild stock prefers a higher planting
density of 2700–4800 per acre. Like cultivated Vaccinium species, wild species can
be propagated vegetatively through hardwood cuttings that are rooted and raised in
a greenhouse for about 1 year before planting out, but will require at least 2–3 years
of acclimation before fruiting. Although tissue-cultured plants also succeed in the
field, they may have a different form than plants derived from hardwood cuttings,
tending to spread at the base, making ultimate machine harvesting difficult, whereas
hardwood cuttings will grow more upright. Tissue-cultured stock is no longer con-
sidered wild, and that distinction may lower the market value in certain segments
of berries used for nutraceutical grade AuroraBlue. Similarly, genetically modified
Vaccinium may not represent the most valuable source material for products based
on totally natural marketing messages but, conversely, may serve as valuable sources
of extractable flavonoids for pharmaceutical/phytopharmaceutical formulations.
Despite the target market for the above-said product, ranching will provide a
more economical approach to provision of commercial quantities of truly wild
Alaskan berries. As a result of these efforts, Alaska will be able to develop a sustain-
able economic sector based on a renewable resource that is far more environmental
friendly than the traditional industries of oil drilling and extraction, logging, mining,
fishing, and tourism. Valuable relationships are being formed between DENALI and
state and borough economic development organizations, rural villages, native cor-
porations and associations, and private landholders to create an emergent nutraceu-
tical industry in Alaska. This industry will provide benefits to all who produce and
consume wonderful Vaccinium fruits for their widely appreciated health-promoting
Akerele, O., Heywood, V., Synge, H. 1991. Conservation of Medicinal Plants. Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, Cambridge, UK.
ANCSA, The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. 1971. United States Code, Title 43, Chapter
33, December 18, l971.
386 M. McKenzie et al.
Artiukova, E.V., Goncharov, A.A., Kozyrenko, M.M., Reunova, G.D., Zhuravlev, Yu.N. 2005. Phy-
logenetic relationships of the Far Eastern Araliaceae inferred from ITS sequences of nuclear
rDNA. Genetika 41: 800–810.
Bamberg, J.G., Huaman, Z., Hoekstra, R. 1995. International cooperation in potato germplasm.
Crop Sci Soc Amer 23: 177–182.
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Guide to Herbal Medicine. American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
Botanic Gardens Conservation International. 2008. Surrey, United Kingdom, http://www.
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Chapter 16
The Potential of Biofumigants as
Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for the Control
of Pest Infestation in Grain and Dry Food
Abstract Fumigation is still one of the most effective methods for the protection of
stored grain and dry food from insect infestations. Phosphine and methyl bromide
are the most widely used fumigants for the control of stored-product insects. Phos-
phine is mainly used today, but there are repeated reports that a number of storage
pests have developed resistance to this fumigant. Methyl bromide has been identi-
fied as a contributor to ozone depletion by the United Nations World Meteorological
Organization in 1995 and, thus, was phased out in most developed countries. Thus,
there is an urgent need to develop alternatives with the potential to replace these
The primary aims of the current study are to evaluate the potential use of essential
oils obtained from aromatic plants as insect fumigants and to evaluate the toxic-
ity of the known isothiocyanates (ITCs) as compared to a new ITC isolated from
Eruca sativa (salad rocket) as fumigants for the control of stored-product insects.
Also, the biological activity of carbon disulphide (CS2 ), methyl iodide (CH3 I), and
benzaldehyde (C7 H6 O) is evaluated.
The toxicity of the various fumigants was assessed against adults, larvae, and
pupae of six major stored-product insects. Two essential oils isolated from Lami-
aceae plants were found to be the most potent fumigants as compared with a
large number of other essential oils. ITCs are also potential candidates, especially
methylthio-butyl isothiocyanate, the main bioactive component in E. sativa, because
of its low toxicity. Comparative studies with CH3 I, CS2 , and C7 H6 O showed that
CH3 I was the most active compound against stored-product insects, followed by
CS2 and C7 H6 O. CH3 I was also found to be less sorptive and less penetrative in
wheat than CS2 .
E. Shaaya (B)
ARO, the Volcani Center, Department of Food Science, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
16.1 Introduction
In developing countries, the post-harvest losses of cereals and other durable com-
modities caused by insect damage and other bio-agents range from 10 to 40% (Raja
et al., 2001).
Fumigation with methyl bromide or phosphine is a quick and effective tool for
the control of stored-product insect pests. In view of the scheduled phaseout of
methyl bromide under the Montreal protocol, the role of phosphine in grain pro-
tection has increased and stands as the main alternative to methyl bromide. Lately,
insect resistance to phosphine has become an important issue for effective grain
treatment (Nakakita and Winks, 1981; Tyler et al., 1983; Rajendran and Karanth,
2000). A global survey of pesticide susceptibility demonstrated that 9.7% of the
strains tested showed resistance to phosphine (Champ and Dyte, 1976). Another
compound, 2,2 dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate, which is widely used as a fog
fumigant for insect control in empty structures, is classified by the US Environ-
mental Agency as a possible human carcinogen (Mueller, 1998). Therefore, there
is an urgent need for new strategies. Thus, in recent years, research has focused on
a search for alternative fumigants for the control of stored-product insects. In this
chapter, we present a comprehensive laboratory and semi-field studies to evaluate
the potential use of essential oils (EOs) obtained from aromatic plants and isothio-
cyanates (ITCs), methyl iodide (CH3 I), carbon disulfide (CS2 ), and benzaldehyde
(C7 H6 O) for the control of stored-product insects.
During previous centuries, traditional agriculture in developing countries has
developed effective means for insect control using botanicals. Their efficiency and
optimal use still need to be assessed in order to make these means of insect control
cheap and simple for users. Lately, a new field has evolved which emphasizes the
use of phytochemicals for insect pest management. The bioactivity of essential oils
(EOs), the major volatile in aromatic plants, and their constituents, has been well
documented against a large number of insect pests. An example is the EO obtained
from the leaves of Thugopsis dolabrata hondai which was found to have high bioac-
tivity against the cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa), the mite (Dermatophagoids
farinae), and the termite (Coptotermes farmosanus) (Asada et al., 1989; Lee, 2004).
Some EOs were found to exhibit repellent activity against various insects (Kalemba
et al., 1991; Hassalani and Lwande, 1989; Mwangi et al., 1992). Others were found
to be potent growth inhibitors and anti-feedants (Jermy et al., 1981; Koul et al.,
1990). These essential oils were also found to be effective as nematicidal (Oka et al.,
2000), anti-bacterial (Matasyoh et al., 2007), virucidal (Schuhmacher et al., 2003),
and repellents against ectoparasites (Mumcuoglu et al., 1996).
The efficacy of essential oils as fumigants for the control of pest infestations
in grain and dry food products was also evaluated. EOs and their constituents are
known to possess insecticidal (Wilson and Shaaya, 1999; Shaaya et al., 1997) and
insect repellent activity (Jilani et al., 1988) and to cause a reduction in progeny
(Regnault-Roger and Hamraoui, 1995). For example, the fumigant toxic activity,
anti-feedant, and reproduction inhibition induced by a number of EOs and their
monoterpenoids were evaluated against the bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus
16 Biofumigants for the Control of Pest Infestation 391
The materials and methods employed in the current study are described as follows.
The tested stored-product insects were laboratory strains of S. oryzae, Rhyzop-
ertha dominica, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, T. casteneum, Trogoderma granarium,
Plodia interpunctella, and Ephestia cautella.
The isothiocyanates (ITCs) are obtained by putting 100 g ground seeds into round
bottom flask containing buffer solution (1% ascorbic acid). The flask is held in a
water bath (temperature = 70◦ C) for 2 h to facilitate the hydrolysis of sinigrin to
ITC by the enzyme myrosinase which is found inside the seeds. The second step
is steam distillation with use of the Dean–Stark apparatus (Leoni et al., 1997). The
yellow upper layer is then separated and extracted with petroleum ether. Finally,
the petroleum ether is evaporated under a stream of air. The unknown ITC obtained
392 E. Shaaya and M. Kostyukovsky
from the seeds of E. sativa was identified as methyl thio-butyl isothiocyanate by gas
chromatography (GC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and infra-red (IR) spec-
troscopy. CS2 , CH3 I, and C7 H6 O were purchased from Sigma Chemical Company,
St. Louis, MO, USA. The essential oils from the aromatic plants were obtained from
freshly harvested leaves and stems by steam distillation.
Three types of bioassays were performed to evaluate the activity of the fumi-
gants. The first screening of the compounds was space fumigation in glass chambers
of 3.4-L capacity (for details see Shaaya et al., 1991). The highly active compounds
were then assayed in 600-mL glass chambers, filled to 70% by volume with wheat
(11% moisture content). Pilot tests were carried out in simulation glass columns of
10 cm in diameter × 120 cm in height, filled to 70% by volume with wheat (11%
moisture content). The insects were introduced in cages, each holding 20 insects
of the same species together with food. Groups of four cages were suspended by a
steel wire at different heights from the bottom of the column. Percentage of insect
mortality was then determined.
The essential oils (EOs) of aromatic plant families are volatiles that can be easily
extracted by hot water vapors. The main components of the EOs are monoterpenes
and, to a lesser extent, sesquiterpenes (Brielmann et al., 2006). The majority of EOs
contain a limited number of main constituents, although minor compounds in the
oil can also play an important role in the fragrance and biological activity.
In order to isolate bioactive EOs, we screened a large number of EOs extracted
from aromatic plants and isolated their main constituents by methods cited in
Shaaya et al. (1991, 1994, 1997). Using space fumigation methodology, the two
EOs obtained from our experimental Lamiaceae plants were found to be the most
potent fumigants as compared with all other essential oils obtained from a large
number of aromatic plant species tested against stored-product insects (Table 16.1)
Table 16.1 List of aromatic plants whose essential oils were tested for bioactivity
Table 16.2 Fumigant toxicity of SEM76 and pulegone on some stored-product insects (space
The main component of one of the oils was pulegone and of the other is not yet
totally identified, and it is called SEM76. In space fumigation, these two volatiles
caused total mortality of all adults tested at very low concentrations of 0.5 μL·L−1
air and exposure time of 24 h. A higher concentration of 4 μL·L−1 air was needed
to kill larvae of Tribolium, Trogoderma, and Plodia. Limonene which is regarded as
active monoterpene has much lower activity (Table 16.2).
Table 16.3 Fumigant toxicity of SEM76, with and without CO2 , against five stored-product
insects on winter wheat, in columns 70% filling, in pilot tests
Pilot tests in simulation glass columns filled to 70% volume with wheat, under
conditions similar to those present in large grain bins, showed that SEM76 at a con-
centration of 70 μL·L−1 air (equivalent to 70 g·m−3 ) and 7 days exposure time
caused 100% kill of adults of Sitophilus and Oryzaephilus, but not of Rhyzop-
ertha and Tribolium (Table 16.3). Supplementation of 15% CO2 (200 g·m−3 ) caused
reduction in the effective volatile concentration. A concentration of 50 μL·L−1 air
was enough to cause 96–100% kill of all adult insects tested. For pupae and larvae
of Tribolium and Plodia, a higher concentration is needed (Table 16.3).
Mustard family (Brassicaceae) seeds contain ITCs, volatile essential oils that are
known to possess insecticidal activity. By screening a number of various species of
Brassicaceae seeds, namely, Brassica nigra, B. carinata, B. tournefortii, Lepidium
Table 16.4 The fumigant toxicity of four active isothiocyanates compared with methylthio-butyl
ITC against adults of major stored grain insects. (Space fumigation)
sativa, Sisymbrium irio, Sinapis alba, S. arvensis, E. sativa, and Diplotaxis spp.,
only in the last three species was it possible to isolate from the seed oil an unknown
ITC at concentrations of 98, 92, and 33%, respectively. Later, this compound was
identified as methylthio-butyl ITC. In space fumigation, the biological activity of
this compound was compared with four common ITCs, namely, allyl, methyl, butyl,
and ethyl. Allyl and methyl ITCs were found to be the most active against adults of
four stored-product insects. A concentration of 1 μL·L−1 air and exposure time of
3 h were enough to kill all the tested adult insects. The activity of methylthio-butyl
ITC was comparable to that of allyl and methyl ITCs except for Tribolium, which
was found to be much more susceptible to the two ITCs (Table 16.4).
In the case of Plodia larva also, a concentration of 1.5 μL·L−1 air of the three
active ITCs and exposure time of 3 h were enough to get 100% kill. For larvae of
Tribolium and Trogoderma, a higher concentration of 2.5 μL·L−1 air and exposure
time of 3 h were needed. The pupae of these three insect species were the most
resistant to the ITCs tested (Table 16.5).
Using high columns filled to 70% wheat to evaluate the toxicity of allyl ITC
in grain, we could show that 20 μL·L−1 air (=20 g m−3 ) and exposure time of
1 day were not effective in killing the insects at the bottom of the column when the
fumigant was applied at the upper layer of the grain. Addition of CO2 and circulation
caused 100% kill at the different heights. Increasing the exposure time to 4 days and
cycling was enough to obtain 100% kill (Table 16.6).
Table 16.5 The fumigant toxicity of four active isothiocyanates compared with methylthio-butyl
ITC against larvae and pupae of major stored grain insects. (Space fumigation)
Table 16.6 Toxicity of allyl ITC against stored-product insects, using high columns filled with
70% wheat with and without CO2
Table 16.7 Toxicity of CH3 I against stored-product insects, in space fumigation and in 600-mL
chambers filled with 70% wheat
were needed (see Table 16.8). The large difference in the activity between the two
compounds was probably due to higher sorption rate of CS2 in wheat, as compared
with that of CH3 I. In the pilot tests, in glass columns filled to 70% wheat, CH3 I again
showed higher activity than CS2 , when circulation was applied. A concentration of
5 μL·L−1 air and exposure time of 3 h were enough to obtain 100% kill (Table 16.9)
as compared with 20 μL·L−1 air CS2 and 24 h exposure time (Table 16.10). In grav-
ity applications, CS2 penetrated better than CH3 I, but needed a higher concentration
and exposure time to achieve total mortality (Tables 16.9 and 16.10). It should be
mentioned that for methyl bromide fumigation the recommended concentration is
30–50 g·m−3 .
16.5 Conclusions
Our findings, as well as those of other researchers, suggest that certain plant essen-
tial oils and their active constituents, mainly terpenoids, have potentially high bioac-
tivity against a range of insects and mites. They are also highly selective to insects,
since they are probably targeted to the insect-selective octopaminergic receptor, a
398 E. Shaaya and M. Kostyukovsky
Table 16.8 Toxicity of CS2 against stored-product insects, in space fumigation and in 600-mL
chambers filled with 70% wheat
non-mammalian target. The worldwide availability of plant essential oils and their
terpenoids, and their use in cosmetics and as flavoring agents in food and beverages,
is a good indication of their relative safety to warm-blooded animals and humans.
They are also classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). The ultimate goal
is the introduction of these phytochemicals with low toxicity, which comply with
health and environmental standards, as alternatives to methyl bromide and phos-
phine for the preservation of grain and dry food.
C7 H6 O was less active than CH3 I and CS2 in space fumigation bioassays. A
concentration of 3 μL·L−1 air and exposure time of 1 day caused 100% adult mor-
tality of Sitophilus, Rhyzopertha, and Oryzaephilus. In the case of Tribolium, 65%
mortality for adults and no effect on eggs and pupae were recorded (Table 16.11).
In the case of Ephestia, this concentration caused 100% mortality of the eggs, but
had no effect on pupae (data not shown). In studies with 600-mL fumigation cham-
bers, a concentration of 50 μL·L−1 air and exposure time of 7 days caused 100%
mortality of the adults tested except for Tribolium. Increasing the concentration to
100 μL·L−1 air yielded very low mortality of larvae, pupae, and adults of Tribolium
(Table 16.11).
16 Biofumigants for the Control of Pest Infestation 399
Table 16.9 Penetration of CH3 I in 120-cm high columns filled with 70% wheat by gravity or
ITCs are also potential candidates because only very low concentrations are
needed for the control of stored-product insects. It should be mentioned that
E. sativa (salad rocket) is used worldwide as a food supplement, and methyl thio-
butyl ITC, the main bioactive component in this plant, has lower mammalian
toxicity as compared to the other active ITCs tested. The lower toxicity makes
this fumigant a promising candidate for the disinfestation of grain and dry food
Comparative studies with CH3 I, CS2 , and C7 H6 O showed that CH3 I was the
most toxic compound to stored-product insects, followed by CS2 and C7 H6 O. CH3 I
was found to be less sorptive and less penetrative in wheat than CS2 . CH3 I is toxic to
humans and its use in food as a fumigant is therefore limited. It should be mentioned
that CS2 is flammable and used mainly as a supplement to increase the activity
of other fumigants. In fact, a mixture of trichloroethylene, carbon disulphide, and
carbon tetrachloride (CalandrexR ) in a ratio of 64:26:10, respectively, was developed
by us and was found to be effective against stored-product insects (Polachek et al.,
1960). C7 H6 O has low toxicity to mammals, but it is less effective against stored-
product insects than all other fumigants tested. CH3 I, CS2 , and C7 H6 O may play a
role mainly as supplements to increase the activity of other fumigants.
In this context, we should keep in mind that a general consensus is very difficult
to achieve in order to introduce broad-spectrum fumigants like methyl bromide or
Table 16.10 Penetration of CS2 in 120-cm high columns filled with 70% wheat by gravity or circulation
Insects’ % Mortality (7 days after treatment)
Concentration, Exposure height, cm
Method used μL·L-1 time, h (top–bottom) Rhyzopertha Oryzaephilus Sitophilus Tribolium
Table 16.11 Fumigant toxicity of benzaldehyde against various developmental stages of stored-
product insects using space fumigation and fumigation in 600-mL chambers filled with 70%
Adult mortality in control was less than 5. Third instar larvae and 3-day old pupae were used.
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A Bioenergy, 164
ABE fermentation, 186 Biofertilizer, 146, 150
Abiotic stress, 79, 81, 156–157 Biofuel, 164
Additive, 213 Biogas, 193–200
ADME, 214, 216 Biogasoline, 186
Agricultural sector, 107–116 Bioheat, 188
Agrol, 175 Bioinformatics, 20, 21
Alkaloids, 23 Biomass, 163
Allergenicity, 342 Biomethane, 193–194, 196, 199
American process, 182 Biopharming, 76
Anabolism, 29 Biopriming, 146
AND/OR logic gates, 218 Biotechnology, 3
Angiogenesis, 256 Bliss independence, 219–220
Antagonistic, 213 Blocking catabolism or competitive pathways,
Anthocyanidins, 297 29
Anthocyanins, 232, 383 Botanicals, 390
Anti-sense gene, 11, 24, 25, 26–27, 29 Brown fields, 119, 120
technology, 11
Apoplast, 53 C
Apoptosis, 218, 243 Calvin cycle, 70, 80
Aspirin, 290 Camelid serum antibody, 38
AtNHX1 transcripts, 31 Canada oil/Canola, 190
AuroraBlue, R 258, 383 Cancer, 233–262
Autoinducers, 156 Carbon neutral, 166
Auxins, 144 Carotenes, 293
Carotenoids, 233, 293
B Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB), 343
Bacillus thuringiensis (milky spore bacterium), Case-control study, 354
66, 334, 340 Catabolism, 29
Bagasse, 164, 170, 173–174 Catechins, 297
Bean, 73 Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (CaMV
Bean arc5-I promoter, 52 35S), 52, 73, 74, 75, 77, 81, 311
“B” factor, 187 Cellulolysis, 181, 183, 185
Bioaccumulation, 120 Cellulose, 26
Bioassays, 392 Cellulosic ethanol, 187
Biobutanol, 186 Center for Plant Conservation (CPC), 370
Biocontrol, 139 Choline oxidase, 31
Biodegradable substances, 113 C-Jun protein, 253
Biodiesel, 187–188 Classical plant biotechnology, 6–10
406 Index
Dehulling, 112 Generally recognized as safe(GRAS),
DENALI BioTechnologies, LLC (DENALI), 51, 398
379 Gene targeting, 51, 54
Depression, 268–276 Genetically modified(GM) plants, 4, 333
Dianthrone derivatives, 232 goals ofgenetic engineers in developing,
Diester, 189–190 334
Diterpenes, 232 risk assessment, 336
DNA microarray, 20–21 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 10,
Docking targets, 27 11, 45, 108, 116, 320, 340
Drug, 216 Gene transfer, 31, 342
Genomics, 19–22, 157
E Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 368
Elastin-like peptides (ELPs), 53 Gibberellins, 143–144
Elicitors, 137, 152 Glycine betaine, 31
Endangered (plant species), 364 Gober gas, 195
Endangered species list, 370 Green crude, 201–202
Endothermic reaction, 198 Green energy, 165
Energy Green fluorescent protein (GFP),
crisis, 164–167 18, 83, 157
crop, 169 Grow gardens, 110
security, 166
Enrichment, 384–385 H
Ephedra (ma huang), 352 Henry Doubleday Institute, 377
Ephedrine alkaloids, 352, 353 Heterologous gene overexpression, 28
Epidermal growth factor(EGF), 217 H/KDEL C–terminal tetrapeptide tag, 53
Epiphytic, 373 Human and Indigenous Rights, 378
Error function, 224 Hybridoma cell line, 37, 38
Index 407