ECE1005 - Sensors and Instrumentation

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C


Prerequisite: PHY1001 - Engineering Physics

Course Objectives:
 To provide basic understanding of measurement and instrumentation systems.
 To offer thorough knowledge about the variety of measuring instruments and the methods of
measurement and the use of different sensors.

Expected Course Outcome:

The student will be able to
 Gain the basic idea of measurements and the errors associated with measurement.
 Differentiate between the types of sensors available.
 Select a suitable sensor for a given application.
 Apply the knowledge about the measuring instruments to use them more effectively.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 2,6,14

Module:1 Measurements Concepts and Classification of 1 hour SLO: 2

General concepts and terminology of measurement systems, Sensors and transducers,
Classification of sensors.

Module:2 Characteristics of Sensors: 2 hours SLO: 2

Static and dynamic characteristics, Mathematical model of sensor - Zero, I and II order.

Module:3 Variable Resistance Sensors: 2 hours SLO: 6

Resistive potentiometric, Strain gauge, Thermistor, Light dependent resistor.

Module:4 Variable Inductance and Variable Capacitance 2 hours SLO: 6

Linear variable differential transformers (LVDT), Characteristics and applications of LVDT,
Capacitive sensor.

Module:5 Special Purpose Sensors: 2 hours SLO: 14

Piezoelectric sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Hall effect sensor.

Module:6 Introduction to Instrumentation: 2 hours SLO: 2

Fundamental concepts, Types of instruments, Calibration and standard.

Module:7 Electrical Measurement Instruments: 2 hours SLO: 2

Current and voltage measurement instruments - Moving coil, Moving iron, Rectifier type.
Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours

Total Lecture Hours: 15 hours

Text Books:
1. A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, “A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and
Instrumentation”, 2014, Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd., New Delhi, India.
2. Ramon Pallas-Areny, John G. Webster, “Sensors and Signal Conditioning”, 2012, Wiley,
Reference Books:
1. Albert D. Helfrick and William D. Cooper, “Modern Electronic Instrumentation and
Measurement Techniques”, 2016, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, Noida, India.
2. David A. Bell, “Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements”, 2013, 3rd Edition, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, India.
3. Ernest O Doebelin and Dhanesh N. Manik, “Measurement Systems”, 2017, 6th Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, New delhi, India.
4. H.S. Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation”, 2017, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Education, New
delhi, India.
5. Patranabis D, “Sensors And Transducers”, 2011, 2nd Edition (reprint), Phi, New delhi, India.

Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test –I (CAT-I), Continuous Assessment Test –II
(CAT-II), Digital Assignments/ Quiz / Completion of MOOC, Final Assessment Test (FAT).

Typical Projects: SLO: 2, 14

1. Electronic Nose for IoT
2. Monitoring Room Temperature
3. Pressure Monitoring
4. Reverse Car Parking System for IoT
5. Water Tank Level Control for IoT
6. Humidity Measurement
7. Air Quality Measurement for IoT
8. Heart Beat Measurement
9. Fall Detection System
Mode of evaluation: Review I, II and III.

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