Pathophysiology of DA - Clinical Impilcation
Pathophysiology of DA - Clinical Impilcation
Pathophysiology of DA - Clinical Impilcation
Jihyun Kim, M.D., Ph.D.,1–3 Byung Eui Kim, M.D., Ph.D.,2 and Donald Y. M. Leung, M.D., Ph.D.2
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common chronic inflammatory skin disease. Genetic predisposition, epidermal barrier
disruption, and dysregulation of the immune system are some of the critical components of AD. An impaired skin barrier may
be the initial step in the development of the atopic march as well as AD, which leads to further skin inflammation and allergic
sensitization. Type 2 cytokines as well as interleukin 17 and interleukin 22 contribute to skin barrier dysfunction and the
development of AD. New insights into the pathophysiology of AD have focused on epidermal lipid profiles, neuroimmune
interactions, and microbial dysbiosis. Newer therapeutic strategies focus on improving skin barrier function and targeting
polarized immune pathways found in AD. Further understanding of AD pathophysiology will allow us to achieve a more
precision medicine approach to the prevention and the treatment of AD.
(Allergy Asthma Proc 40:84 –92, 2019; doi: 10.2500/aap.2019.40.4202)
which supports its role that involves sensitivity to min- sponses (Table 1).9,10 FLG is highly downregulated in
imal stimuli and sustained itch in patients with AD.58 both lesional and nonlesional skin of patients with AD.65
In addition, the activation of STAT3 in the astrocytes of Recently, McAleer et al.66 demonstrated that FLG
the spinal dorsal horn has been reported to be involved breakdown products in the first year of life are lowest
in chronic pruritus via the generation of lipocalin-2.59 in the cheek compared with the elbow and the nasal
tip, and the slowest to achieve maturity levels, which
EPIDERMAL DYSFUNCTION supports the importance of FLG on the pathogenesis of
IL-4, IL-13, IL-31, IL-33, and high-mobility group box infantile AD. In that study, FLG processing enzymes
1 downregulate the production of epidermal barrier such as bleomycin hydrolase and calpain-1 were also
proteins, including FLG, keratins, loricrin, involucrin, increased at cheek skin by 1 month of age.64 This may
and cell adhesion molecules.14,15,60 – 62 A damaged epi- explain the predilection for AD at the cheeks initially in
dermal barrier not only leads to the development of early childhood. Epidermal FLG levels are also reduced
AD but also heightens sensitization to allergens and by environmental factors, including low humidity, sun-
contributes to the risk of Food allergy (FA) and airway burns, diesel exhaust particles, and skin irritants.67,68 In
hyperreactivity.7,12 Impairment of skin barrier function addition, loricrin and involucrin are downregulated by
at birth and at 2 months, as evaluated by transepider- overexpression of Th2 cytokines through a STAT6-
mal water loss (TEWL), can precede clinical AD by 12 dependent mechanism in AD skin.69 Corneodesmosin
months of age.63 Moreover, increased TEWL in the (CDSN) and tight junctions play a central role by sup-
early newborn period is associated with a higher inci- porting the adhesion between corneocytes and the in-
dence of FA at 2 years of age, which supports the tegrity of the skin barrier as an intercellular protein.9,70
concept of transcutaneous allergen sensitization.64 A recent study showed that CDSN was downregulated
Defects in epidermal barrier proteins, such as FLG, by IL-4, IL-13, IL-22, IL-25, and IL-31 in human kera-
transglutaminases, keratins, and intercellular proteins, fa- tinocytes, and the penetration of vaccinia virus was
cilitate dysregulated immune responses to external anti- enhanced in a CDSN-deficient skin model.69 In addi-
gens and drive skin and systemic inflammatory re- tion, claudin 1– deficient mice were reported to die
within 1 day of birth with wrinkled skin appearance sential because they are covalently bound to cornified-
and severe dehydration, which provides good evi- envelope proteins and cover the surface of each cor-
dence for the essential role of claudin for the skin neocyte.79 Th2 cytokines reduce levels of long-chain
barrier function.72 FFAs and EO ceramides with a STAT6-dependent
AMPs, including cathelicidin (LL-37) and human manner.17,18,20 The levels of long-chain ceramides were
-defensins, are produced by keratinocytes and play a decreased in patients with AD and who were colonized
pivotal role for host defense as well as control of host with S. aureus when compared with those who were
physiologic functions, such as inflammation and wound not colonized. TEWL was negatively correlated with
healing.73 AMP expressions are inhibited by Th2 cyto- levels of these ceramides.80
kines, which are highly produced in AD skin.74 The de-
creased expression of AMPs is associated with a higher MICROBIOME
predisposition to Staphylococcus aureus colonization, AD skin has decreased bacterial diversity associated
which can aggravate AD.75 It has been reported that with increased Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, and
human -defensins and LL-37 are chemoattractants for with reduced Streptococcus, Propionibacterium, Acineto-
T lymphocytes, monocytes, dendritic cells, and neutro- bacter, Corynebacterium, and Propionibacterium during
phils, and can induce cytokine production by mono- AD flares.81,82 Greater bacterial diversity with in-
cytes and epithelial cells.76,77 These immunomodula- creased abundance of Staphylococcus epidermidis and
tory properties of AMPs have important roles for host Streptococcus, Corynebacterium, and Propionibacterium
defense against infections through activation of im- species was observed after AD treatment and reduced
mune cells as well as their direct antimicrobial activity. eczema.82 Species-level investigation of AD has shown
a higher predominance of S. aureus in patients with
LIPIDS more-severe disease and an abundance of S. epidermidis
Lipids, such as ceramides, long-chain FFAs, and cho- in patients with less-severe disease.83 S. aureus colo-
lesterol, constitute the lipid matrix that is organized in nizes AD skin and has pivotal roles in the development
lamellar bodies and located between corneocytes.78 and exacerbation of AD.84 S. aureus can induce T-cell–
During epidermal differentiation, precursor lipids are independent B-cell expansion; upregulate proinflam-
stored in lamellar bodies within the upper cell layers of matory cytokines, such as TSLP, IL-4, IL-12, and IL-22;
the epidermis and extruded into the extracellular do- and stimulate mast cell degranulation, which results in
main.79 Subsequent enzymic processing produces the Th2 skewing and skin inflammation.85– 88
major lipid classes, which are necessary to maintain the A recent study demonstrated that epidermal thick-
integrity of the epidermal barrier. Altered lipid com- ening and expansion of cutaneous Th2 and Th17 cells
position is observed in lesional and nonlesional AD were induced when mice were exposed to S. aureus
skin.20 In particular, long-chain EO ceramides are es- isolates from patients with AD.83 Of note, methicillin-
sponses.96,118,119 However, there have still been contro- us to achieve a precision medicine approach to the
versies regarding these clinical effects of probiotics in prevention and the treatment of AD.
patients with AD, which might be due to a difference
in the strains of probiotics and the characteristics of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
host. It is noteworthy that the response to probiotics is We thank Samsung Medical Information and Media Services,
greater in patients with an immunologically active Samsung Medical Center for the preparation of figures for this
state characterized by high total immunoglobulin E article.
levels and increased expression of transforming growth
factor  and Treg cells.96 Analysis of these emerging data REFERENCES
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