Catalogue 2019

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Dräger Marine & Offshore has a long history of providing dedicated support to their customers, by
supplying a wide range of quality products and services to a global audience for marine and offshore.
This approach facilitates a Firefighting, Rescue and Safety (FRS) equipment and service capability
from a single source. The Dräger Marine & Offshore organization is built around a proven total care
FRS concept.

Dräger. Technology for Life®




3 Total FRS package
3 Fast delivery
3 24/7, 365 days support
3 Largest FRS product range
3 Top quality
3 Worldwide Dräger locations


Dräger Marine & Offshore has a long history of providing DEDICATED TO THE MARINE & OFFSHORE WORLD
dedicated support to their customers, by supplying a wide Years of experience and highly trained and certified
range of quality products and services to a global audien- technicians make Dräger an authority on firefighting,
ce for marine and offshore. This approach facilitates a rescue and safety projects for the marine and offshore.
Firefighting, Rescue and Safety (FRS) equipment and Our organization has a strong global presence and
service capability from a single source. The Dräger Marine meets all of the requirements of high safety and quality
& Offshore organization is built around a proven total care standards.
FRS concept.
Dräger Marine & Offshore is located at the center of the
Wherever people or assets are subject to danger, those Port of Rotterdam and at major North Sea Oil & Gas
who are responsible for their safety rely on the firefighting, ports which guarantees fast delivery of the FRS equip-
rescue and safety equipment from Dräger. Dräger Marine ment and services. Dräger is available 24 hours a day,
& Offshore has always recognized its responsibility as a seven days a week and 365 days a year.
supplier of safety systems and will continue to do
Meeting our customers needs is the cornerstone of our
everything we can to meet the needs of our customers,
organization. We clearly understand that longlasting
and keep Dräger customers safe.
relationships are built upon mutual trust and proven


Dräger. Technology for Life®
Dräger Marine & Offshore offers a complete portfolio of
firefighting, rescue and safety equipment, including service
and maintenance.
Dräger realizes that products that are used to protect and
save lives and minimise damage must function 100
We provide solutions for the Offshore, Sea Shipping,
Barge and Inland shipping.

Dräger Marine & Offshore specializes on sales and service ON BOARD SERVICE
in the field of firefighting, rescue and safety equipment. As Our field service engineers are fully equipped to help
part of the well known Dräger organi-sation we offer our you on site. Trained, skilled and ready to service all
customers first class products and support. portable firefighting equipment, fixed fire suppression,
We feel responsible for all firefighting, rescue and safety smoke detection and gas detection systems. These
equipment on board of your vessels and offshore installati- services will be carried out onboard wherever possible.
ons. Our service portfolio consists of supply, installation If equipment requires repair, refilling, hydrostatic
and maintenance of FRS equipment. pressure testing or if computerized diagnostic equip-
ment is required we will transport the equipment to our
workshop. Of course we will provide adequate exchange
equipment wherever possible to ensure the safety
onboard during the service period.
Ǹ one contact point for all firefighting, rescue and safety
Ǹ a service organization and structure dedicated to the
marine and offshore world
Ǹ service and support for both Dräger and non-Dräger Our workshop technicians use modern technology to
equipment test, refill and repair your FRS equipment. Modern
Ǹ clear pricing structure for all services diagnostic equipment ensures rapid and reliable
Ǹ one invoice for all FRS services elimination of all malfunctions in safety equipment.
Ǹ 90 days warranty on all services and repairs Certified calibration and test gases make the service on
Ǹ exchange equipment available during service to secure your gas detection equipment both traceable and
safety on board auditable.
Ǹ issuing of certificates on the services as a standard

24/7 AVAILABILITY 365 DAYS A YEAR We stock a wide range of parts for the FRS products
Our highly skilled service technicians are always there! We most commonly used onboard of global, commercial
have a continuous working schedule. Whenever you visit marine vessels. We service for both Dräger and
our ports, our organization is standing by to support you. non-Dräger equipment; from fire extinguishers to self
contained breathing apparatus; from portable gas
detectors to life jackets.
When we service FRS equipment we ensure that the
equipment is tested according to the manufacturer's
requirements and appropriate regulations. We are in close contact with all major classification
organisations. If our service requires a Class witness we
will contact the relevant Class surveyor and invite them
to attend and verify the inspection.
Via a rental pool Dräger makes all the safety-relevant
equipment required (during shutdown) available to you,
from communications technology or gas detection
devices to personal protection equipment.

Our Total Care Offshore and Marine Service is a service HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TESTING
strategy with a vision. The basis of this vision lies in the Hydraulic pressure testing is a mandatory requirement
quality of our people and organization. To be able to offer for fire extinguishers, CO2 installations and breathing air
high quality service from a single source we invest in or Oxygen cylinders. Performing a correct hydrostatic
qualified technicians, modern workshops together with our test requires the right equipment and the technicians
back office and logistics teams. who are skilled in performing its use. Our technicians
and equipment live up to these expectations. We are
able to hydrostatically test all equipment promptly in
BASIC INSPECTION combination with our refilling capacity without causing
The basic inspection forms the heart of our services. The delay in your normal port schedule.
basic inspection contains all activities you should expect
from quality maintenance.
The price for the basic inspection will cover the inspection REPAIRS
and testing of the equipment according to the applicable A key component of providing quality maintenance is the
test procedures. It will cover the administrative activities ability to affect repairs. Our technicians are trained to
like registration, service labels and anti-tamper tags. And fulfill this challenge. To support our customers our
finally it will cover for the certification and the issuing of personnel are qualified fire technicians, trained
the paperwork. If the equipment is in serviceable condition breathing protection and gas detection experts and
and no mandatory replacements are required then the educated in the service on lifesaving products. In
basic inspection is all you pay for. combination with our large spare part stock and the
ability to supply replacement products from our
warehouse; we ensure that we repair your fire fighting,
REFILLING rescue and safety equipment promptly and on a level you
In a number of situations refilling is part of the mandatory should expect from a quality maintenance provider.
maintenance schedule.
To provide quality maintenance you must have the right
equipment and service providers to fulfill this vital task. WARRANTY
Our workshops are fully equipped to refill the following As evidence of our high quality we offer a unique
equipment: warranty on service. On all of our service and repairs we
Ǹ Breathing air cylinders according to EN12021 provide warranty of 90 days subject to terms and
Ǹ Medical Oxygen cylinders up to 200 or 300 bar filling conditions. On new products we will provide a limited
pressure warranty of 12 months.
Ǹ Nitrogen bottles up to 200 bar
Ǹ Dry powder extinguishers; ABC or AB powder
Ǹ Fixed dry powder installation
Ǹ CO2 extinguishers and CO2 bottles from the CO2
Ǹ Foam extinguishers; AFFF or AB fillings
Ǹ Fixed foam installations
Ǹ Fire suppression systems FM200, foam, water etc.

Total Care means that we feel ourselves responsible for all Drägers product and service portfolio meets our
firefighting, rescue and safety equipment on board of your customers needs by extensive support by representa-ti-
vessels and offshore installation. Our service portfolio ves and service experts who are dedicated to the marine
consists of supply, installation and maintenance of FRS and offshore world.
Ǹ 25 cars for service transport
Ǹ 2x mobile inspection stations for extinguishers
Ǹ 1x mobile inspection station for BA sets
Firefighting Ǹ > 1.000 inspections of fire extinguishers
Ǹ Inspection of all types fire extinguishers Ǹ > 6.000 calibrations of gas detectors
Ǹ Inspection fixed fire suppression systems CO2 / DP / Ǹ > 3.500 inspections of BA and escape sets
Foam / FM200 / FS49C2 Ǹ > 250 testing of gastight suits
Ǹ Repair / Refill / hydro testing Ǹ > 7.000 cleaning / disinfecting of face masks
Ǹ Spares for extinguishers & systems on stock Ǹ > 2.000 inspections on inflatable life jackets
Ǹ Foam sample analyses Ǹ > 2.500.00 liters of air refill

Ǹ Inspection of all brands and types of life rafts
Ǹ Inspection of rescue boats & davits
Ǹ Inspection of lifejackets & immersion suits
Ǹ Inspection of hospital rescusitation
Ǹ Refill / hydro testing of oxygen bottles

Ǹ Inspection of breathing protection & EEBD’s
Ǹ Calibration of gas detectors & fixed system
Ǹ Refill / hydro testing of air cylinders
Ǹ Inspection / repair of air compressors
Ǹ Inspection of gas tight chemical suits
Ǹ Inspection of temperature & pressure equipment
Ǹ Inspection of UTI & MMC


We guarantee that the offered services are performed to We are your Fire fighting, Rescue and Safety partner
the very highest standards. The quality of our work and our who will provide solutions to meet your needs.
organization is safeguarded by certified Quality Manage- We clearly understand that longlasting relationships are
ment Systems ISO 9001:2000, ISO14001 and built upon mutual trust and proven reliability. Therefore
OHSAS18001. customer satisfaction is a key performance indicator for us.
During a contract period Dräger always commits itself to We constantly monitor our customer satisfaction level
keep the Quality Management System certified and valid. and strive to improve our performance, our procedures
In addition, we welcome an audit by your quality manager and general behavior based on your feedback. We have
at any time. a procedure in place which offers you the opportunity to
share your suggestions and/or concerns.

Safety on board is a key consideration for all professional SKILLED TECHNICIANS
operators. It is therefore reassuring that our service Employees are trained and skilled, our services will meet
technicians are all in possession of a basic safety certifica- the required standards and regulations of all major class
te. They understand the possible risks on board and they societies such as:
know what is expected from them to ensure the safety for Ǹ Lloyds
themselves, your crew and your assets. Ǹ DNV
Our safety management system ensures that our procedu- Ǹ BV
res and our behavior are regularly monitored and adjusted Ǹ GL
where required. Of course it is possible to audit our safety Ǹ ABS
system. Please ask your safety manager to contact us at Ǹ RINA
any time to make an appointment. Ǹ RMRS

Offshore teams are trained according to NOGEPA (NL)

As part of the world wide operating Dräger group
( our organization is in possession of a
liability insurance which cover our activities. On request MEMBERSHIPS
we can sent you a copy of the insurance policy. Dräger Marine & Offshore is a FPAL certified supplier
and registered on Shipserv.


Firefighting Equipment

Portable powder extinguishers 7

Portable CO2 extinguishers 19
Portable foam extinguishers 21
Portable water extinguishers 29
Portable wet chemical extinguishers 31


Movable powder extinguishers 32

Movable CO2 extinguishers 37
Movable foam extinguishers 39


Fire hoses 42
Spray nozzles and branch pipes (water) 45
Spray nozzles and branch pipes (foam) 50
Couplings and spanners 52
International shore connection 54


Monitors (foam and water) 55


Dräger firefighting monitors 56

Dräger fire protection deluge valves 57
Dräger foam proportioning equipment 58
Dräger fire spray nozzles 59
Dräger gaseous fire suppression systems 60


Foam making liquid 1% 61

Foam making liquid 3% 63
Foam making liquid 6% 67



Fire plan holder 70


Fireman's clothing 71
Fireman's helmets 85
Fireman's accessoiries 92


Fire blanket 106


Covers for all fire extinguishers 107

Wall brackets for fire extinguishers 109

Rescue Equipment

Rigid life jackets 111

Inflatable life jackets (single chamber) 113
Inflatable life jackets (double chamber) 122
Work life jackets 129


Immersion suits 130

Work suits 136
Transport suits 141
Thermal protective aid suits 142


Life jacket lights 143


Man Over Board Personal Locator 148



Electronic Distress Flare 150


Lifebuoys and lines 151

Lifebuoy brackets 154
Lifebuoy lights and MOB light 156


Hand flares 159

Parachute signal rocket 161
Smoke signal 163
MOB lights and smoke signals 165
Line throwing device 167
Life boat set 169
Bridge set 170


Diphoterine sterilize products 171

Oxygen resuscitator 172
First aid kit and backpack 173
Emergency defibrillator 175
Fire blanket 176
Thermal protective blanket 177

Stretchers 178
Accessories 184


Helicopter rescue equipment - according to CAP 437 186

Helicopter deck accessories 209

Safety Equipment

Single-gas detection equipment 213



Multi-gas detection equipment 227

Dräger X-am® pump 241
Dräger calibration and bump testing 243
Dräger detector tube pumps 249
Dräger tubes 252
Dräger fumigation kit 257
Dräger configuration and evaluation software 259


Wireless Solutions 260

Control systems 262
Detection of Toxic Gases and Oxygen 268
Detection of Flammable Gases and Vapours 273
System components 282


Alcohol screening devices 284

Drugs screening devices 292


Dräger breathing apparatus 296

Dräger full face masks for breathing apparatus 307
Dräger compressed air cylinders 310
Voice communication 314
Dräger emergency escape breathing devices 320
Dräger filter masks and cartridges 335
Airline breathing equipment 348


Breathing air compressors (movable) 359

Dräger Aerotest Simultan HP 364


Chemical splash suits 365

Dräger gas tight suits 369


Safety jackets and overalls 378



Safety helmets 381

Safety shoes and boots 386
Safety goggles and face shields 390
Safety gloves 393
Rain clothes 395


Safety harness and lines 397

Tripod and fall protection equipment 399


Safety showers and eye wash-stations 400

Eye wash bottles and holders 403


Disinfection of drinking water 406


Freshwater salinometer 407

Smoke and heat detectors 408
Fogmachine 410
Lightstick 411

FRS Cabinets

GRP DMO cabinets 413


Standard cabinets 426


Dräger Powder Extinguisher Composite 6 kgs ABC

(stored pressure)

The revolution in portable fire extinguishers: composite extinguishers are the latest development
in the quest for durable corrosion resistant and low maintenance extinguishers. The
extinguishers have EN3, CE and MED certification and a lifetime of 20 years. Powder
extinguishers cover type A, B and C fires.

General description feature is that the powder is not conductive to

The red outer HDPE mantle houses a electricity. The powder can be used to a
pressure vessel which is manufactured out of maximum voltage of 1000V and at a distance
HDPE. The valve is supplied in nickel plated of at least 1 meter.
brass. Hose clips, squeeze for action handle
and carrying handle are supplied in stainless Applications
steel. Due to these material and construction These extinguishers are extremely suitable for
choices replacement of the extinguisher harsh (outdoor, saline) conditions as found on
caused by corrosion, scratches and dents offshore installations, marine application and
belong to the past. Resulting into lower moist (production) spaces.
lifetime costs. In addition the extinguisher will
remain in good condition, offering greater Features
Dräger powder extinguisher composite 6 kgs reliability for the user when being deployed in - 10 year manufacturer guarantee
ABC firefighting tasks. These extinguishers are - durable and corrosion resistant
Stored pressure recyclable, reducing waste output at the end - reliable and ultra-strong composite material
of its service life. - 100% UV resistant
- ± 15% lighter than conventional
ABC Powder extinguishers
ABC-powder is suitable for fire extinguishing - cost reducing
of substances in fire class A (containing - better overview of cost control
carbons), fire class B (flammable liquids) and - environmentally friendly
fire class C (flammable gases). An additional - recyclable product


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / P50PM

Extinguisher Portable powder fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 6 kgs
Fire class / Rating 34A/183B
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 20 seconds
Throw length 5 meters
Working pressure 12 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC powder
Temperature range -20°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 8.5 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 9 kgs
Approx unit dimension 178 x 570 mm (d x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals EN3, MED, CE, Rijkskeurmerk 2211

Dräger Powder Extinguisher Composite 6 kgs ABC


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher composite 6 kgs ABC (stored pressure) 1 SG00163
Bracket for composite powder extinguisher 1 SG00335
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423

Dräger Powder Extinguisher Composite 9 kgs ABC (stored


The revolution in portable fire extinguishers: composite extinguishers are the latest development
in the quest for durable corrosion resistant and low maintenance extinguishers. The
extinguishers have EN3, CE and MED certification and a lifetime of 20 years. Powder
extinguishers cover type A, B and C fires.

General description feature is that the powder is not conductive to

The red outer HDPE mantle houses a electricity. The powder can be used to a
pressure vessel which is manufactured out of maximum voltage of 1000V and at a distance
HDPE. The valve is supplied in nickel plated of at least 1 meter.
brass. Hose clips, squeeze for action handle
and carrying handle are supplied in stainless Applications
steel. Due to these material and construction These extinguishers are extremely suitable for
choices replacement of the extinguisher harsh (outdoor, saline) conditions as found on
caused by corrosion, scratches and dents offshore installations, marine application and
belong to the past. Resulting into lower moist (production) spaces.
lifetime costs. In addition the extinguisher will
remain in good condition, offering greater Features
Dräger powder extinguisher composite 9 kgs reliability for the user when being deployed in - 10 year manufacturer guarantee
ABC firefighting tasks. These extinguishers are - durable and corrosion resistant
Stored pressure recyclable, reducing waste output at the end - reliable and ultra-strong composite material
of its service life. - 100% UV resistant
- ± 15% lighter than conventional
ABC Powder extinguishers
ABC-powder is suitable for fire extinguishing - cost reducing
of substances in fire class A (containing - better overview of cost control
carbons), fire class B (flammable liquids) and - environmentally friendly
fire class C (flammable gases). An additional - recyclable product


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / P50-9P

Extinguisher Portable powder fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 9 kgs
Fire class / Rating 43A/233B
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Throw length 5 meters
Working pressure 12 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC powder
Temperature range -20°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 11.7 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 12.7 kgs
Approx unit dimension 200 x 640 mm (D x H)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals EN3, MED, CE, Rijkskeurmerk 2211/01

Dräger Powder Extinguisher Composite 9 kgs ABC


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher composite 9 kgs ABC (stored pressure) 1 SG00164
Bracket for composite powder extinguisher 1 SG00335
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 6 kgs ABC (cartridge)

The Dräger powder extinguisher is an all-purpose fire extinguisher and is especially suited for
flammable liquids and fires involving flammable gases such as methane, propane, hydrogen,
natural gas and many others. Dry powder fire extinguishers are recommended for mixed fire
environments because they cover type A, B and C fires.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - standardized operation and spare parts for
offshore market all extinguishers of the Britannia line
- open air and deck areas - equipped with a rechargeable internal
- engine rooms pressure cartridge zinc coated
- accommodation rooms - high quality zinc coated treatment and red
polyester coating for excellent protection
Features against corrosion
- high extinguishing efficiency - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- allows intermittent and repeated operation (not included)
- large neck ring enables servicing and - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
refilling to be conducted with ease V, at minimum distance 1 m strike button
- diecast zinc colour coded headcap armature in combination with dosing
Dräger powder extinguisher 6 kgs ABC
- quality assured for long service life extinguishing pistol for assured immediately
Internal cartridge operated


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / BA6MED

Extinguisher Portable dry chemical powder fire extinguisher
Type Internal cartridge operated
Capacity 6 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC / 27A / 183B
Propellant gas Internal co2 cartridge
Discharge time 20 seconds
Throw length 5 meters
Working pressure 12 bar at 20° C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC dry powder
Temperature range -20°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 11.3 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 12.3 kgs
Approx unit dimension 165 x 525 mm (w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036, MED, BS EN 3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher 6 kgs ABC (cartridge) 1 SG00152
Marine bracket for powder extinguisher 6 kgs, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423
Brittania CO2 cartridge 115 gr 1 SG00402
Refill 6 kgs ABC powder 1 16120006

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 9 kgs ABC (cartridge)

The Dräger powder extinguisher is an all-purpose fire extinguisher and is especially suited for
flammable liquids and fires involving flammable gases such as methane, propane, hydrogen,
natural gas and many others. Dry powder fire extinguishers are recommended for mixed fire
environments because they cover type A, B and C fires.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - standardized operation and spare parts for
offshore market all extinguishers of the Britannia line
- open air and deck areas - equipped with a rechargeable internal
- engine rooms pressure cartridge zinc coated
- accommodation rooms - high quality surface treatment and red
polyester coating for excellent protection
Features against corrosion
- high extinguishing efficiency - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- allows intermittent and repeated operation (not included)
- large neck ring enables servicing and - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
refilling to be conducted with ease V, at minimum distance 1 m strike button
- diecast zinc colour coded headcap armature in combination with dosing
Dräger powder extinguisher 9 kgs ABC - Quality assured for long service life extinguishing pistol for assured immediately
Internal cartridge operated operation


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / BA9MED

Extinguisher Portable dry chemical powder fire extinguisher
Type Internal cartridge operated
Capacity 9 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC / 34A 233B
Propellant gas Internal co2 cartridge
Discharge time 26 seconds
Throw length 7 meters
Working pressure 12 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC dry powder
Temperature range -20°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 15.4 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 16.4 kgs
Approx unit dimension 190 x 570 mm (w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036, MED, BS EN 3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher 9 kgs ABC (cartridge) 1 SG00153
Marine bracket for powder extinguisher 9 kgs, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432
Britannia CO2 cartridge 150 gr 1 SG00403
Refill 9 kgs ABC powder, per 6 kgs 1 16120006

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 12 kgs ABC (cartridge)

The Dräger powder extinguisher is an all-purpose fire extinguisher and is especially suited for
flammable liquids and fires involving flammable gases such as methane, propane, hydrogen,
natural gas and many others. Dry powder fire extinguishers are recommended for mixed fire
environments because they cover type A, B and C fires.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - standardized operation and spare parts for
offshore market all extinguishers of the Britannia line
- open air and deck areas - equipped with a rechargeable internal
- engine rooms pressure cartridge zinc coated
- accommodation rooms - high quality zinc coated treatment and red
polyester coating for excellent protection
Features against corrosion
- high extinguishing efficiency - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- allows intermittent and repeated operation (not included)
- large neck ring enables servicing and - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
refilling to be conducted with ease V, at minimum distance 1 m strike button
- diecast zinc colour coded headcap armature in combination with dosing
Dräger powder extinguisher 12 kgs ABC - quality assured for long service life extinguishing pistol for assured immediately
Internal cartridge operated operation


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / BA12MED

Extinguisher Portable dry chemical powder fire extinguisher
Type Internal cartridge operated
Capacity 12 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC / 43A 233B
Propellant gas Internal co2 cartridge
Discharge time 34 seconds
Throw length 7 meters
Working pressure 12 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC Dry powder
Temperature range -20°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 18.7 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 19.7 kgs
Approx unit dimension 190 x 600 mm (w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036, MED, BS EN 3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher 12 kgs ABC (cartridge) 1 SG00154
Marine bracket for powder extinguisher 12 kgs, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethyleen fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432
2 x refill 6 kgs ABC powder 1 16120006
Britannia CO2 cartridge 150 gr 1 SG00403

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 2 kgs ABC (stored pressure)

This powder extinguisher is very effective in fuel fires, making these powder extinguishers
extremely suitable for the car. The extinguishers can be used universally for burning solids,
burning fluid and burning gas. Both high and low temperature applications are possible. Also
extinguishing operating electrical equipment does not pose any danger.

ABC Powder Features

ABC-powder is suitable for fire extinguishing - High rating
of substances in fire class A (containing - Squeeze grip design for enhanced
carbons), fire class B (flammable liquids) and discharge control
fire class C (flammable gases). An additional - Safety relief valve
feature is that the powder is not conductive to - Impact resistant plastic foot ring
electricity. The powder can be used to a - Full epoxy polyester coated steel shell for
maximum voltage of 1000V and at a distance high corrosion protection
of at least 1 meter. - Ergonomic design of discharge nozzle
- Includes a robust transport bracket
Applications - Pressure gauge, impact resistant
These extinguishers are extremely suitable for - Large diameter neck ring for easy
Dräger powder extinguisher 2 kgs ABC harsh (outdoor, saline) conditions as found on inspection
Stored pressure offshore installations, marine application and - Tested for safe use on electrical equipment
moist (production) spaces. up to 1000V at a distance of 1 meter


Manufacturer / Model Moyne Roberts / MP2

Extinguisher Portable powder fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 2 kgs
Fire class / Rating 13A/70B/C
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 10 seconds
Throw length 4 to 5 meters
Working pressure 13.5 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC powder
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Weight 3.8 kgs
Approx unit dimension 124 x 380 mm (d x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals EN3, MED, CE, Rijkskeurmerk 1818


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger 2 kgs ABC powder extinguisher (stored pressure) 1 SG00102

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 6 kgs ABC (stored pressure)

The Dräger powder extinguisher is an all-purpose fire extinguisher and is especially suited for
flammable liquids and fires involving flammable gases such as methane, propane, hydrogen,
natural gas and many others. Dry powder fire extinguishers are recommended for mixed fire
environments because they cover type A, B and C fires.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - equipped with a hose and plastic nozzle for
offshore market high maneuverability
- manifolds - pressure gauge for instant pressure
- open air and deck areas indication available
- engine rooms - pressure check valve equipped
- accommodation rooms - high quality surface treatment and red
polyester coating for excellent protection
Features against corrosion
- high extinguishing efficiency - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- allows intermittent and repeated operation (not included)
- brass valve and internal parts for longer - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
serviceability V, at minimum distance 1 meter
Dräger powder extinguisher 6 kgs ABC
Stored pressure


Manufacturer / Model Bavaria / VOLE-X-P 6

Extinguisher Portable dry chemical powder fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 6 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC / 34A 183B C
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 15 seconds
Throw length 6 meters
Working pressure 15 bar at 20 °C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent Ammonia Bicarbonate
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 9.6 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 10.2 kgs
Approx unit dimension 240 x 155 x 520 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher 6 kgs ABC (stored pressure) 1 SG00103
Marine bracket for powder extinguisher 6 kgs, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguihser cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423
Refill 6 kgs ABC powder 1 16120006

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 9 kgs ABC (stored pressure)

The Dräger powder extinguisher is an all-purpose fire extinguisher and is especially suited for
flammable liquids and fires involving flammable gases such as methane, propane, hydrogen,
natural gas and many others. Dry powder fire extinguishers are recommended for mixed fire
environments because they cover type A, B and C fires.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - equipped with a hose and plastic nozzle for
offshore market high maneuverability
- manifolds - pressure gauge for instant pressure
- open air and deck areas indication available
- engine rooms - pressure check valve equipped
- accommodation rooms - high quality surface treatment and red
polyester coating for excellent protection
Features against corrosion
- high extinguishing efficiency - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- allows intermittent and repeated operation (not included)
- brass valve and internal parts for longer - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
serviceability V, at minimum distance 1 meter
Dräger powder extinguisher 9 kgs ABC
Stored pressure


Manufacturer / Model Bavaria / VOLE-X-P 9

Extinguisher Portable dry chemical powder fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 9 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC / 43A 233B C
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 17 seconds
Throw length 6 meters
Working pressure 15 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC-Powder BAVEX
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 13.5 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 14.2 kgs
Approx unit dimension 240 x 190 x 525 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher 9 kgs ABC (stored pressure) 1 SG00173
Marine bracket for powder extinguisher 9 kgs, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 12 kgs ABC (stored pressure)

The Dräger powder extinguisher is an all-purpose fire extinguisher and is especially suited for
flammable liquids and fires involving flammable gases such as methane, propane, hydrogen,
natural gas and many others. Dry powder fire extinguishers are recommended for mixed fire
environments because they cover type A, B and C fires.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - equipped with a hose and plastic nozzle for
offshore market high maneuverability
- manifolds - pressure gauge for instant pressure
- open air and deck areas indication available
- engine rooms - pressure check valve equipped
- accommodation rooms - high quality surface treatment and red
polyester coating for excellent protection
Features against corrosion
- high extinguishing efficiency - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- allows intermittent and repeated operation (not included)
- brass valve and internal parts for longer - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
serviceability V, at minimum distance 1 meter

Dräger powder extinguisher 12 kgs ABC

Stored pressure


Manufacturer / Model Bavaria / VOLE X-P 12

Extinguisher Portable dry chemical powder fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 12 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC / 55A 233B C
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 21 seconds
Throw length 6 - 7 meters
Working pressure 15 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent ABC-Powder BAVEX
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 16.8 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 17.6 kgs
Approx unit dimension 240 x 190 x 595 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036

Dräger Powder Extinguisher 12 kgs ABC (stored pressure)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger powder extinguisher 12 kgs ABC (stored pressure) 1 SG00105
Marine bracket for powder extinguisher 12 kgs, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethyleen fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432
Polyethyleen fire extinguisher cabinet JBDE-85, red door 1 SG02436
2 x refill 6 kgs ABC powder 1 16120006

Dräger CO2 Extinguisher 2 kg B

The CO2 extinguisher is effective in fighting flammable liquids and electric fires. Carbon dioxide
extinguisher works by suffocating the fire. Carbon dioxide displaces oxygen in the air.The
extinguishing agent leaves no residue behind when used. CO2 extinguishers cover type B fires.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - allows intermittent and repeated operation
and offshore market - equipped with a brass valve head complete
- electrical switch boards with an overpressure safety valve
- bridge - equipped with a squeeze-type valve, conical
- welding areas snow horn, and carrying handle
- high quality surface treatment and red
Features polyester coating
- carbon dioxide is a clean agent that leaves - a flat wall mounting bracket is included
no traces, thus ideal for fighting fires
involving electronic & hi-tech equipment

Dräger CO2 extinguisher, 2 kgs

In fighting flammable liquids and electric fires


Manufacturer / Model Bavaria / Col X-K 2

Extinguisher Portable CO2 Fire Extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 2 kgs
Fire class / Rating 34B
Propellant gas CO2
Discharge time approx. 8 seconds
Throw length 3 - 4 meters
Working pressure 65 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent CO2
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 7.1 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 8.1 kgs
Approx unit dimension 250 x 110 x 550 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red, 100% polyester coating
Approvals DIN/EN3 MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger CO2 extinguisher 2 kg B, including a flat wall mounting bracket 1 SG00141
Marine bracket for CO2 extinguisher 2 kgs, including strap 1 SG00338
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432
Spray and hose: 2 kgs CO2 1 SG00382

Dräger CO2 Extinguisher 5 kgs B

The CO2 extinguisher is effective in fighting flammable liquids and electric fires. Carbon dioxide
extinguisher works by suffocating the fire. Carbon dioxide displaces oxygen in the air. The
extinguishing agent leaves no residue behind when used. CO2 extinguishers cover type B fires.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - allows intermittent and repeated operation
and offshore market - equipped with a brass valve head complete
- electrical switch boards with an overpressure safety valve
- bridge - equipped with a squeeze-type valve, conical
- welding areas snow horn, and carrying handle
- high quality surface treatment and red
Features polyester coating
- carbon dioxide is a clean agent that leaves - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
no traces, thus ideal for fighting fires (not included)
involving electronic & hi-tech equipment

Dräger CO2 extinguisher 5 kgs B

Designed for marine use


Manufacturer / Model Bavaria / COL X-K

Extinguisher Portable CO2 Fire Extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 5 kgs
Fire class / Rating 89B
Propellant gas CO2
Discharge time 15 seconds
Throw length 4 meters
Working pressure 65 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent CO2
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 14.2 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 14.7 kgs
Approx unit dimension 260 x 140 x 690 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger CO2 extinguisher 5 kgs B 1 SG00142
Marine bracket for CO2 5 kgs 1 SG00337
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432
Spray + hose: 5 kgs CO2 1 SG00383

Dräger Foam Extinguisher Composite 6 liter AB

(stored pressure)

The revolution in portable fire extinguishers: composite extinguishers are the latest development
in the quest for durable corrosion resistant and low maintenance extinguishers. The
extinguishers have EN3, CE and MED certification and a lifetime of 20 years. Another unique
feature: the extinguishing medium in these units needs to be replaced every 10 years as per
manufacturer specification. Foam extinguishers cover type A and B fires.

General description conductive to electricity. The foam can be

The red outer HDPE mantle houses a used to a maximum voltage of 1000 V and at
pressure vessel which is manufactured out of a distance of at least 1 meter.
HDPE. The valve is supplied in nickel plated
brass. Hose clips, squeeze for action handle Applications
and carrying handle are supplied in stainless These extinguishers are extremely suitable for
steel. Due to these material and construction harsh (outdoor, saline) conditions as found on
choices replacement of the extinguisher offshore installations, marine application and
caused by corrosion, scratches and dents moist (production) spaces.
belong to the past. Resulting into lower
lifetime costs. In addition the extinguisher will Features
remain in good condition, offering greater - 10 year manufacturer guarantee
Dräger foam extinguisher composite 6 liter AB reliability for the user when being deployed in - replacement of foam once every 10 years
Stored pressure firefighting tasks. These extinguishers are - durable and corrosion resistant
recyclable, reducing waste output at the end - reliable and ultra-strong composite material
of its service life. - 100% UV resistant
- ± 15% lighter than conventional
AB foam extinguishers
AB foam is suitable for fire extinguishing of - cost reducing
substances in fire class A (containing - better overview of cost control
carbons) and fire class B (flammable liquids). - environmentally friendly
An additional feature is that the foam is not - recyclable product


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / P50FM

Extinguisher Portable foam fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 6 liter
Fire class / Rating 27A/183B
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 40 seconds
Throw length 4 meters
Working pressure 12 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent Foam
Temperature range +5°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 8.5 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 9 kgs
Approx unit dimension 178 x 570 mm (d x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals EN3, MED, CE, Rijkskeurmerk 2212

Dräger Foam Extinguisher Composite 6 liter AB


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger foam extinguisher composite 6 liter AB (stored pressure) 1 SG00167
Bracket for composite powder extinguisher 1 SG00335
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423

Dräger Foam Extinguisher Composite 9 liter AB

(stored pressure)

The revolution in portable fire extinguishers: composite extinguishers are the latest development
in the quest for durable corrosion resistant and low maintenance extinguishers. The
extinguishers have EN3, CE and MED certification and a lifetime of 20 years. Another unique
feature: the extinguishing medium in these units needs to be replaced every 10 years as per
manufacturer specification. Foam extinguishers cover type A and B fires.

General description conductive to electricity. The foam can be

The red outer HDPE mantle houses a used to a maximum voltage of 1000 V and at
pressure vessel which is manufactured out of a distance of at least 1 meter.
HDPE. The valve is supplied in nickel plated
brass. Hose clips, squeeze for action handle Applications
and carrying handle are supplied in stainless These extinguishers are extremely suitable for
steel. Due to these material and construction harsh (outdoor, saline) conditions as found on
choices replacement of the extinguisher offshore installations, marine application and
caused by corrosion, scratches and dents moist (production) spaces.
belong to the past. Resulting into lower
lifetime costs. In addition the extinguisher will Features
remain in good condition, offering greater - 10 year manufacturer guarantee
Dräger foam extinguisher composite 9 liter reliability for the user when being deployed in - replacement of foam once every 10 years
AB firefighting tasks. These extinguishers are - durable and corrosion resistant
Stored pressure recyclable, reducing waste output at the end - reliable and ultra-strong composite material
of its service life. - 100% UV resistant
- ± 15% lighter than conventional
AB foam extinguishers
AB foam is suitable for fire extinguishing of - cost reducing
substances in fire class A (containing - better overview of cost control
carbons) and fire class B (flammable liquids). - environmentally friendly
An additional feature is that the foam is not - recyclable product


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / P50-9F

Extinguisher Portable foam fire extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 9 liter
Fire class / Rating 34A/183B
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 49 seconds
Throw length 7 meters
Working pressure 12 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent Foam
Temperature range +5°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 11.7 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 12.7 kgs
Approx unit dimension 640 x 210 mm (H x D)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals EN3, MED, CE, Rijkskeurmerk 2212/01

Dräger Foam Extinguisher Composite 9 liter AB


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger foam extinguisher composite 9 liter AB (stored pressure) 1 SG00168
Bracket for composite powder extinguisher 1 SG00335
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423

Dräger Foam Extinguisher 9 liter AB (cartridge)

The Dräger foam extinguisher is a multipurpose fire extinguisher that can be used in burning
liquids and solids. The Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) additive is a blend of perfluorinated
and hydrocarbon surfactants. It enables the formation of an aqueous film capable of spreading
on the surface of burning fuels, which prevents vapour production and seals the surface from
oxygen. Foam extinguishers cover type A and B fires.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - an AFFF charge is enclosed in a separate
and offshore market internal cartridge, that instantly mixes with
- engine rooms the water only at operation
- accommodation rooms - internally coated with special protective
polymer lining, affording full protection
Features against corrosion
- diecast zinc colour coded head cap - operated with a high pressure rubber hose
- large neck ring enables servicing and and pistol for high maneuverability and
refilling to be conducted with ease control
- high extinguishing efficiency - heat and electricity-isolated operation pistol
- allows intermittent and repeated operation and corrosion-proof base
- designed with an aluminium alloy head with - high quality surface treatment and red
Dräger foam extinguisher 9 liter an overpressure mechanical safety valve polyester coating
Internal cartridge operated - equipped with a rechargeable internal - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
pressure cartridge (not included)
- suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
V, at minimum distance of 1 meter


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / BAF9MED

Extinguisher Portable Foam Fire Extinguisher
Type Internal cartridge operated
Capacity 9 liter
Fire class / Rating AB / 13A 183B
Propellant gas CO2
Discharge time 49 seconds
Throw length 4 meters
Working pressure 12 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000V, min. distance 1m
Extinguishing agent AFFF foam
Temperature range +5°C to 60°C
Approx gross weight 15.7 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 16.7 kgs
Approx unit dimension 300 x 190 x 570 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036, MED

Dräger Foam Extinguisher 9 liter AB (cartridge)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger foam extinguisher, 9 liter AB (cartridge) 1 SG00157
Marine bracket for foam extinguisher 9 kgs, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432
Britannia CO2 Cartridge 75 gr 1 SG00401
Refill for Foam Extinghuiser 9 liter 1 SG01843

Dräger Foam Extinguisher 6 liter AB (stored pressure)

The Dräger foam extinguisher is a multipurpose fire extinguisher that can be used in burning
liquids and solids. The Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) additive is a blend of perfluorinated
and hydrocarbon surfactants. It enables the formation of an aqueous film capable of spreading
on the surface of burning fuels, which prevents vapour production and seals the surface from
oxygen. Foam extinguishers cover type A and B fires.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - pressure check valve equipped
and offshore market - internally coated with special protective
- engine rooms polymer lining, affording full protection
- accommodation rooms against corrosion
- high quality surface treatment and red
Features polyester coating for excellent protection
- high extinguishing efficiency against corrosion
- allows intermittent and repeated operation - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- chrome-plated brass valve and internal parts (not included)
for longer serviceability - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
- pressure gauge for instant pressure V, at minimum distance of 1 meter
indication available
Dräger 6 liter foam extinguisher
Stored pressure operated


Manufacturer / Model Bavaria / SORA X-S

Extinguisher Portable Foam Fire Extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 6 liter
Fire class / Rating AB / 27A 144B
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 22 seconds
Throw length 5 meters
Working pressure 15 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent Water + Foam AFFF
Temperature range 0°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 10.3 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 10.8 kgs
Approx unit dimension 240 x 155 x 595 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger foam extinguisher 6 liter AB (stored pressure) 1 01121006
Marine bracket for foam extinguisher 6 liter, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423

Dräger Foam Extinguisher 9 liter AB (stored pressure)

The Dräger foam extinguisher is a multipurpose fire extinguisher that can be used in burning
liquids and solids. The Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) additive is a blend of perfluorinated
and hydrocarbon surfactants. It enables the formation of an aqueous film capable of spreading
on the surface of burning fuels, which prevents vapour production and seals the surface from
oxygen. Foam extinguishers cover type A and B fires.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - pressure check valve equipped
and offshore market - internally coated with special protective
- engine rooms polymer lining, affording full protection
- accommodation rooms against corrosion
- high quality surface treatment and red
Features polyester coating for excellent protection
- high extinguishing efficiency against corrosion
- allows intermittent and repeated operation - to be used with a special marine wall bracket
- chrome-plated brass valve and internal parts (not included)
for longer serviceability - suitable for electrical equipment up to 1000
- pressure gauge for instant pressure V, at minimum distance of 1 meter
indication available
Dräger 9 liter foam extinguisher
Stored pressure operated


Manufacturer / Model Bavaria / SORA X-S

Extinguisher Portable Foam Fire Extinguisher
Type Stored pressure operated
Capacity 9 liter
Fire class / Rating AB / 27A 183B
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 24 seconds
Throw length 5 meters
Working pressure 15 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000 Volt
Extinguishing agent Water + Foam AFFF
Temperature range 0°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 14.3 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 14.9 kgs
Approx unit dimension 250 x 190 x 610 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger foam extinguisher 9 liter AB (stored pressure) 1 SG00107
Marine bracket for foam extinguisher 9 liter, including strap 1 SG00334
Cover for fire extinguisher 1 SG00322
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030

Amerex Watermist Extinguisher 9 liter A (stored pressure)

By the misty effect of the watermist extinguisher, a low electrical conductivity appears which
makes extinguishing of electricity fires possible. By the unique cloud radius, there is a very
adequate extinguishing with very low collateral damage for Class A fires (solids).

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - stainless steel handle

and offshore market - by high quality long life construction
- kitchens - fire lance with specially developed nozzle
- accommodation rooms - filled with distilled water
- very fine water mist for quick extinguishing
Features with a very low collateral damage
- stainless steel body, painted red and non- - the specially developed nozzle extinguish a
magnetic very fine watermist which is being produced
- brass valve with a protective layer of by cooling and eliminating oxygen
chromium - small bracket included

Amerex watermist extinguisher 9 liter A

(stored pressure)
Very low collateral damage for Class A fires


Manufacturer / Model Amerex / 272

Extinguisher Distilled water
Type Stored pressure
Capacity 9 liter
Fire class / Rating 13A
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 80 seconds
Throw length 4 meters
Working pressure 6.9 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 35 KV
Extinguishing agent De-ionized water
Temperature range 5°C to 60°C
Approx gross weight 11.9 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 12.9 kgs
Approx unit dimension 356 x 178 x 627 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red
Approvals CE / BS-EN3 / NL


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Amerex watermist extinguisher 9 liter A (stored pressure) 1 SG00192
Cover for fire extinguisher with logo 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethyleen fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432

Britannia Water Extinguisher 9 liter A (cartridge)

Water Extinguishers are suitable for class A fires caused by the combustion of solid materials,
mainly of organic origin, such as: wood, paper, straw, textiles, coal etc. General-purpose

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - 55 gram CO2 cartridge

and offshore market - all weather service indicator studs
- kitchens - additional anti-corrosion treatment available
- accommodation rooms - high quality internal polythene lining to
protect against corrosion
Features - frost protection to -10°C is available
- die cast zinc colour coded headcap
- large neck ring enables servicing, refilling
and internal inspection to be conducted with

Britannia Water Extinguisher

9 liter A (cartridge)


Manufacturer / Model Britannia / BW9MED

Extinguisher Water
Type Internal cartridge
Capacity 9 liter
Fire class / Rating 21A
Discharge time 67 seconds
Throw length 6 meters
Working pressure 12 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment No
Extinguishing agent Water
Temperature range +5°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 15.5 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 16.5 kgs
Approx unit dimension 568 x 190 x 570 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red RAL3000 UV protection
Approvals DIN EN3 & CE 0036, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Britannia Water Extinguisher 9 liter A (cartridge) 1 SG00182
Cover for fire extinguisher with logo 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432

Amerex Wet Chemical Extinguisher 6 liter AF (stored pressure)

Wet chemical extinguishers are the best restaurant kitchen appliance hand portable fire
extinguishers you can purchase. Each model has been tested and approved for the Class K
listing by UL specifically for restaurant kitchen hazards. They contain a special potassium acetate
based agent. Wet chemical extinguishers cover type A and F fires.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - nozzle grip design with 45° angle for easy
and offshore market “overhead” application
- kitchens - low PH agent discharged as fine mist helps
- accommodation rooms prevent grease splash and re-flash while
cooling the appliance
The recent trend to more efficient cooking - precise extinguishing agent application - no
appliances and use of unsaturated cooking dry chemical to clean up
oils dictates the use of a hand portable fire - excellent for use on all cooking appliances
extinguisher with greater fire fighting capacity including solid fuel charbroilers
and cooling effect to combat these very hot - tested on commercial deep fat fryers to
and difficult fires. ANSI / UL 711 test protocol and safe to use
on Class C fires
Amerex wet chemical extinguisher 6 liter AF Features - class 2A rated to meet fire code occupancy
Excellent for use on all cooking appliances - all metal valve construction hazard requirements
- swivel connection on hose allows nozzle to - bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels
be oriented for proper use


Manufacturer / Model Amerex / B260

Extinguisher Wet Chemical
Type Stored pressure
Capacity 6 liter
Fire class / Rating 13A / 75F
Propellant gas Nitrogen
Discharge time 53 seconds
Throw length 3 - 4 meters
Working pressure 6.9 bar
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 35 KV
Extinguishing agent Potassium acetate solution
Temperature range 0°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 9.6 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 10.6 kgs
Approx unit dimension 483 x 229 x 178 mm (l x w x h)
Color Red
Approvals CE, BS-EN3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Amerex wet chemical extinguisher 6 liter AF (stored pressure) 1 SG00191
Cover for fire extinguisher with logo 1 SG00322
GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35 1 SG02030
Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXF-83, red door 1 SG02432

Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 25 kgs ABC (cartridge)

Wheeled fire extinguishers are being used to extinguish large fires and during situations in which
portable fire extinguishers are not sufficient for a fire to extinguish. Its sturdy construction and
versatility make the mobile extinguisher rapidly deployed and operated by one person.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - quality stoved-enamel lacquer

and offshore market - easy-running, solid tyred steel wheels
- engine rooms - quick readiness for use and space-saving by
- deck rooms placing the hose around the powder
- heli decks container
- car decks - 5 meter high pressure hose with textile
Features - interruptible extinguishing pistol enables a
- suitable placing of supporting handle, axis dosed fire fighting
and supporting roll guarantees an optimal - painted inside
center of gravity of the apparatus as well as
a good mobility
Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 25 kgs ABC
External cartridge operated


Manufacturer / Model 14134

Extinguisher Dry Chemical Powder
Type Internal cartridge operated
Capacity 25 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC
Propellant gas CO2, 1.3 kgs
Discharge time 25 seconds
Throw length 11 meters
Working pressure 14 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000V
Extinguishing agent Powder MAP ABC 30
Length discharge hose 5 meters
Diameter wheels 300 mm
Material wheels Hard rubber / PVC
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 25 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 60 kgs
Approx unit dimension 535 x 430 x 1020 mm (l x w x h)
Color Cylinder red RAL 3000
Approvals EN 1866 / CE, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 25 kgs ABC (cartridge) MED 1 SG00261
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher 1 18107003
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher (made heavier by a galvanized chain) 1 SG00327
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher 25 kg (offshore) 1 18107020
Spare CO2 cylinder for Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 25 kgs ABC 1 SG00431

Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC (cartridge)

This wheeled extinguisher is designed for professional use under severe circumstances,
resulting in a high level of quality and ease of use. The cylinder, CE marked, has the welded
frame. Ease of mobility is achieved as a result of the large wheels with solid rubber tyres and
push bar also ensuring good stability during operation.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - easy-running, solid tyres steel wheels
and offshore market - quick readiness for use and space-saving by
- engine rooms placing the hose around the powder
- deck rooms container
- heli decks - 5 meter high pressure hose with textile
- car decks insert
- interruptible extinguishing pistol enables a
Features dosed fire fighting
- suitable placing of supporting handle, axis - with the mark "GS"= tested security
and supporting roll guarantees an optimal - can be used at low temperatures (-30°C)
center of gravity of the apparatus as well as - very mobile and easy to operate
a good mobility - painted inside
Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC
External cartridge operated


Manufacturer / Model 14163

Extinguisher Dry Chemical Powder
Type External Cartridge
Capacity 50 kgs
Fire class / Rating ABC
Propellant gas CO2, 2 kgs
Discharge time 41 seconds
Throw length 11 meters
Working pressure 14 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000V
Extinguishing agent Powder MAP ABC 30
Length discharge hose 5 meters
Diameter wheels 300 mm
Material wheels Hard rubber / PVC
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 50 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 85 kgs
Approx unit dimension 550 x 450 x 1050 mm (l x w x h)
Color Cylinder red RAL 3000
Approvals EN 1866 / CE, MED

Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC (cartridge)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC (cartridge) MED 1 SG00262
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher 1 18107003
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher (made heavier by a galvanized chain) 1 SG00327
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher 50 kg (offshore) 1 SG00321
Spare CO2 cylinder for Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC 1 SG00432

Norfolk Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC (cartridge)

Wheeled fire extinguishers are being used to extinguish large fires and during situations in which
portable fire extinguishers are not sufficient for a fire to extinguish. Its sturdy construction and
versatility make the mobile extinguisher rapidly deployed and operated by one person.

General Applications for marine, inland shipping and

The wheeled extinguisher is filled with 50 kg offshore market
ABC powder, and fitted with a 5 meter hose - machine rooms
and ergonomic pistol fire. These features - deck
combined with the high pitch length make the - helideck
extinguisher flexible and offers the user an - car deck (roro area)
efficient and reliable extinguishing agent.
ABC powder - great fire power
ABC powder is suitable for fighting class A - large casting length
fires (carbonaceous), class B fires (flammable - ergonomic extinguishing gun
liquids) and class C fires (flammable gases). - 5 meters long extinguishing hose
Dry Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs Powder is non-conductive and can be used in - easily maneuverable
ABC the presence of electricity up to 1000 volts at - balanced and stable
External cartridge operated a distance of at least 1 meter. It shuts off the - proven reliability
oxygen of the furnace which prevents re- - suitable for harsh conditions


Manufacturer / Model Britannia NRA50

Extinguisher Dry Powder
Type Internal Cartridge
Capacity 50 kgs
Fire class / Rating IIB
Propellant gas CO2, 1.35 kgs
Discharge time 35 seconds
Throw length 14 meters
Working pressure 11.5 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Up to 1000V
Extinguishing agent Powder ABC
Length discharge hose 5 meters
Diameter wheels 400 mm
Material wheels Hard rubber
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 94 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 85 kgs
Approx unit dimension 510 x 610 x 980 mm (w x d x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals EN 1866 / CE, MED

Norfolk Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC (cartridge)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Norfolk Powder Wheeled Extinguisher 50 kgs ABC (cartridge) 1 SG00252
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher 1 18107003
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher (made heavier by a galvanized chain) 1 SG00327
Cover for wheeled powder extinguisher 50 kg (offshore) 1 SG00321
CO2 Cartridge 1,35 kgs for Norfolk NRA50 1 SG00438

ABS CO2 Wheeled Extinguisher 10 kgs B

Wheeled extinguishers are designed for professional use under severe circumstances, resulting
in a high level of quality and ease of use.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - easy to service

offshore market - first in Europe in accordance with the new
- engine rooms (electrical appliances such as EN 1866 standards with CE approval
switch boards etc) - extremely high ratings on B class fire (liquid
- welding areas fuels)
- ease of mobility is achieved as a result of the
Features large wheels with solid rubber tyres and
- very mobile and easy to operate push bar also ensuring good stability during
- excellent quality, therefore a long operation
operational lifetime - high performance discharge horn
- good ergonomy, easy to drive - highly flexible hose with an excellent
- can be used at low temperatures (-30°C) resistance
ABS CO2 wheeled extinguisher 10 kgs B
Suitable for fires in electrical equipment in fire
class B


Manufacturer / Model ABS

Extinguisher CO2
Capacity 10 kgs
Fire class 144B
Propellant gas CO2
Discharge time 17 seconds
Throw length 4 meter
Working pressure 60 bar at 20°C
Extinguishing agent CO2
Length discharge hose 4 meters
Diameter of wheels 300 mm
Material wheels Felly: Polypropylene
Wheels: Polypropylene
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 38 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 65.3 kgs
Approx unit dimension 980 x 370 x 1060 mm
Color Cylinder: Red
Frame: Yellow, optional black or red
Approvals Directive 96/98/EC MED, EN 1866 and with CE-mark


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

ABS CO2 10 kgs B (stored pressure) MED 1 SG00271
Cover for wheeled CO2 extinguisher (made heavy by a galvanized chain) 1 SG00328

ABS CO2 Wheeled Extinguisher 20 kgs B

Wheeled extinguishers are designed for professional use under severe circumstances, resulting
in a high level of quality and ease of use.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - easy to service

offshore market - first in Europe in accordance with the new
- engine rooms (electrical appliances such as EN 1866 standards with CE approval
switch boards etc) - extremely high ratings on B class fire (liquid
- welding areas fuels)
- ease of mobility is achieved as a result of the
Features large wheels with solid rubber tyres and
- very mobile and easy to operate push bar also ensuring good stability during
- excellent quality, therefore a long operation
operational lifetime - high performance discharge horn
- good ergonomy, easy to drive - highly flexible hose with an excellent
- can be used at low temperatures (-30°C) resistance
ABS CO2 wheeled extinguisher 20 kgs B
Suitable for fires in electrical equipment in fire
class B


Manufacturer / Model ABS

Extinguisher CO2
Capacity 20 kgs
Fire class 233B
Propellant gas CO2
Discharge time 32 seconds
Throw length 4 meter
Working pressure 60 bar at 20°C
Extinguishing agent CO2
Length discharge hose 4 meters
Diameter of wheels 300 mm
Material wheels Felly: Polypropylene
Wheels: Polypropylene
Temperature range -30°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 70 kgs
Approx dispatch weight 65.3 kgs
Approx unit dimension 970 x 400 x 600 mm
Color Cylinder: Red
Frame: Yellow, optional black or red
Approvals Directive 96/98/EC MED, EN 1866 and with CE-mark


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

ABS CO2 20 kgs B (stored pressure) MED 1 SG00272
Cover for wheeled CO2 extinguisher (made heavier by a galvanized chain) 1 SG00328

Foam Wheeled Extinguisher 50 liters AB (cartridge)

Wheeled extinguisher is designed for professional use under severe circumstances, resulting in
a high level of quality and ease of use. The cylinder, CE marked, has the welded frame. Ease of
mobility is achieved as a result of the large wheels with solid rubber tyres and push bar also
ensuring good stability during operation.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - diameter cylinder 315 +0 -15 mm, material
offshore market AISI 304
- engine rooms - easy running diam. 400 wheels + additional
- car decks turning wheel for an easy movement
- heli decks - 5 meters length hose with foam making
nozzle and ball valve for the best possible
Features use and effectiveness on the fire by the
- suitable placing of handle and 400 mm operator
wheels + turning little wheel in order to - ¾ ball valve at the end of the hose for a
guarantee and optimal stability and easiness dosed projection of the extinguishing agent
of use, as well as a good mobility of the - on request available antifreeze -20°C or -
device 30°C
Foam wheeled extinguisher 50 liters AB - painted inside
External cartridge


Manufacturer / Model 14260 3

Extinguisher AFFF foam
Capacity 50 liter
Fire class / Rating AB
Propellant gas CO2, 1.3 kgs
Discharge time 47 seconds
Throw length 8 meters
Working pressure 14 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Not tested
Extinguishing agent AFFF foam
Length discharge hose 5 meters
Diameter wheels 300 mm
Material wheels Hard rubber / PVC
Temperature range +0°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 50 liter
Approx dispatch weight 85.0 kgs
Approx unit dimension 550 x 455 x 1145 mm (l x w x h)
Color Cylinder red RAL 3000
Approvals EN 1866 / CE, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Foam wheeled extinguisher 50 liters AB (cartridge) MED 1 SG00266
Cover for wheeled foam extinguisher (made heavier by a galvanized chain) 1 SG00327
Cover for wheeled foam extinguisher 45/50 liter, beige strip, made heavier 1 SG00325
Spare CO2 cylinder for foam wheeled extinguisher 50 liters AB 1 SG00431
Refill 50 liter foam wagon 1 SG00434

Foam Wheeled Extinguisher 150 liters AB (cartridge)

Wheeled extinguisher is designed for professional use under severe circumstances, resulting in
a high level of quality and ease of use. The cylinder, CE marked, has the welded frame. Ease
of mobility is achieved as a result of the large wheels with solid rubber tyres and push bar also
ensuring good stability during operation.

Applications for marine, inland shipping and - cylinder diameter 450 mm, material AISI
offshore market 304
- engine rooms - easy running diam. 400 wheels + additional
- car decks turning wheel for an easy movement
- heli decks - 5 meters length hose with foam making
nozzle and ball valve for the best possible
Features use and effectiveness on the fire by the
- suitable placing of handle and 400mm. operator
wheels + turning little wheel in order to - ¾ ball valve at the end of the hose for a
guarantee and optimal stability and easiness dosed projection of the extinguishing agent
of use, as well as a good mobility of the - on request available antifreeze -20°C or -
device 30°C
Foam wheeled wxtinguisher 150 liters AB - painted inside
External cartridge


Manufacturer / Model 14284 4

Extinguisher AFFF Foam, Sealfire
Capacity 150 liter
Fire class / Rating A IVB
Propellant gas CO2, 3.2 kg
Discharge time 150 seconds
Throw length 8 meters
Working pressure 13 bar at 20°C
Suitable for electrical equipment Not tested
Extinguishing agent AFFF Foam
Length discharge hose 5 meters
Diameter wheels 400 mm
Material wheels Hard rubber / PVC
Temperature range +0°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 150 liter
Approx dispatch weight 235 kgs
Approx unit dimension 900 x 700 x 1380 mm (l x w x h)
Color Cylinder red RAL 3000
Approvals En 1866 / CE, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Foam wheeled extinguisher 150 liters AB (cartridge) MED 1 SG00268
Cover for foam extinguisher offshore tyre 1 SG00326
Spare CO2 cylinder for foam wheeled extinguisher 150 liters AB 1 SG00433
Refill 150 liter foam wagon 1 SG00435

Norfolk Foam Wheeled Extinguisher 45 liter AB (cartridge)

Wheeled fire extinguishers are being used to extinguish large fires and during situations in which
portable fire extinguishers are not sufficient for a fire to extinguish. Its sturdy construction and
versatility make the mobile extinguisher rapidly deployed and operated by one person.

General Applications for marine, inland shipping and

The wheeled extinguisher is filled with 45 offshore market
liters AB foam and fitted with a 5 meter long - machine rooms
hose and ergonomic pistol fire. These - accommodation spaces
features combined with the high pitch length
make the extinguisher flexible and offers the Features
user an efficient and reliable extinguishing - great fire power
agent. - large casting length
- ergonomic extinguishing gun
AB foam - 5 meters long extinguishing hose
AB fire fighting foams are suitable for fighting - easily maneuverable
class A fires (carbonaceous) and class B fires - balanced and stable
Norfolk foam wheeled extinguisher 45 liters (flammable liquids). The foam can be used in - proven reliability
AB the presence of electricity up to 1000 volts at - suitable for harsh conditions
External cartridge a distance of at least 1 meter.


Manufacturer / Model Britannia Norfolk / NRAF45

Extinguisher AFFF Foam
Capacity 45 liters
Fire class / Rating IIB
Propellant gas CO2 0.8 kgs
Discharge time 60 seconds
Throw length 14 meters
Working pressure 11.5 bar at 20°C
Extinguishing agent AFFF Foam
Length discharge hose 5 meters
Diameter wheels 300 mm
Material wheels Hard rubber / PVC
Temperature range +5°C to +60°C
Approx gross weight 42.2 kg
Approx dispatch weight 88 kgs
Approx unit dimension 510 x 610 x 980 mm (w x d x h)
Color Red (RAL3000)
Approvals BS EN1866, MED, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Norfolk foam wheeled extinguisher 45 liter AB (cartridge) 1 SG00251
Cover for wheeled foam extinguisher (made heavier by a galvanized chain) 1 SG00327
Cover for wheeled foam extinguisher 45/50 liter, beige strip, made heavier 1 SG00325
Spare cartridge, 0.8 kg 1 SG00436

Dräger High Quality Fire Hose

The lay-flat fire hoses are extremely durable and very flexible to use. This hose is suitable for
intensive firefighting. This extruded hoses are resistant to oil, gasoline, salt solutions, acids and

Applications available with Storz pillars and in the color red.

For intensive use, such as the offshore. Other colors and/or columns on request.

Features Life span

The high quality hose made of PVC nitrile, has Hoses are available in different qualities.
an ozone, chemicals and acids resistant layer. Before purchasing, keep the usage frequency
The burst pressure is 50 bar. The rubber liner in mind. This will determine the life span of
on the inside is "extruded" with the outside. the hose. The Polydur has a long life.
The standard length is 20 meters. Standard

Dräger high quality fire hose

Good protection against ozone and
atmospheric weathering


Type Polydur
Material 100% high tenacity synthetic yarn circular woven
Temperature -35°C to +100°C
Working pressure 17 bar
Burtsting pressure 50 bar
Diameter Ø 52 mm
Length Standard: 20 meters
Other lengths on request
Approvals DIN 14811 Class 3, BS 6391:1983 Type III, Russian Maritime Register


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Storz - Pro / LM / N66 / 2,0" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00642
Storz - Pro / LM / N66 / 1,5" 20 meter, Red 1 02120072
Storz - Pro / MS / N66 / 2" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00647
Storz - Pro / LM / N66 / 2" 15 meter, Red 1 02120079
Storz - Pro / MS / N81 / 2" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00667
Storz - Pro / LM / N81 / 2,0" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00662
Storz - Pro / LM / N81 / 2,5" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00663
Storz - Pro / LM / N81 / 3,0" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00664
Storz - Pro / Instantaneous BA /2" 20 meter, Red 1 02120088
Storz - Pro / MS / N66 /2" 20 meter 1 02120092
Storz - Pro / MS / N66 /2" 20 meter, Blue 1 02120096
Storz - Pro / MS / N66 /2" 30 meter, Blue 1 02120097
Storz - Pro / USPIN 1.1 / 2" 20 meter 1 02120100

Dräger Standard Fire Hose

The lay-flat 500 Synthetic hose has a smooth outside PU coated making it more resistant to oils
and chemicals and abrasion resistant than uncoated fire hoses. This hose is widely used in
marine and offshore.

Applications pillars and in the color red. Other colors and /

For preventive use, low usage fequency. or columns on request.

Features Life span

The synthetic fire hose is a woven synthetic Hoses are available in different qualities.
material, has a burst pressure of 40 bar and Before purchasing, keep the usage frequency
has a rubber inner lining. The standard length in mind. This will determine the life span of
is 20 meters. Standard available with Storz the hose. The synthetic 500 has a medium to
long life.

Dräger standard fire hose

Low friction loss


Type Synthetic 500

Material Synthetic coating
Temperature -30°C to +80°C
Working pressure 17 bar
Bursting pressure 40 bar
Diameter 1" to 4"
Length Standard: 20 meters
Other lengths on request
Approvals DIN 14811 Class 3, BS 6391:1983 Type III, Russian Maritime Register


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Storz - Syn / LM / N66 / 2,0" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00542
Storz - Syn / LM / N66 / 1,5" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00541
Storz - Syn / LM / N81 / 2,0" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00562
Storz - Syn / LM / N81 / 2,5" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00563
Storz - Syn / LM / N81 / 3,0" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00564
Storz - Syn / MS / N66 / 1,5" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00546
Storz - Syn / MS / N81 / 2,0" 20 meter, Red 1 02110061
Storz - Syn / MS / N81 / 1,5" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00566

Dräger Budget Fire Hose

Uncoated delivery hose for fire brigades and industry.

Applications - inner lining: resistant to ozone and to

- municipal fire brigades external contact with oil products
- industrial fire brigades - produced with a very low twist
- shipboard - good abrasion resistance and long service
- refineries life
- construction sites - external resistance to oil, fuel and chemical
Features - low friction loss
- jacket: 100% polyester high tenacity yarn, - aging and ozone resistant, weather resistant
circular woven, warp threads 2-ply twisted, - lightweight and flexible, kink resistant
twill weave. Max. change in length: 3%. Max. - small coil diameter
change in diameter: 3% - minimum maintenance
Dräger budget fire hose - inner lining: two-component system - easy to repair
Smooth surface and low friction loss consisting of black SBR-synthetic rubber
and white NBR-synthetic adhesive


Type Top synthetic N/40

Material Uncoated natural white
Temperature range -30°C to +80°C
Working pressure 13 bar
Bursting pressure 40 bar
Diameter Ø 52 mm
Length Standard: 20 meters
Other lengths on request
Approvals DIN EN


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Storz LM / N66 / 2" 20 meter, White 1 SG00551

Multi-Purpose Spray Nozzle

A multi-purpose fog nozzle with very good performance for both fog and jet.

Features - three spray positions

- easy to handle multi purpose spray nozzle
- ideal for fire fighting departments and Delivery
general industrial use Delivery excluding connection.
- to be used with or without man shield

Multi-purpose spray nozzle

Easy to handle


Type CM aluminium CMM

Material Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloy
Switch position Stop - jet - spray Stop - jet - spray
Connection G 2" A G 2" A
Boring 12 x 9 12 x 9
Weight 1.16 kgs 1.50 kgs
Approvals DIN 14365 DIN 14365


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Multi-Purpose Spray Nozzle, with man shield, LM-2" 1 SG01002

Unifire Spray Nozzles

The Unifire V-nozzle series is a multi-purpose fog nozzle with very good performance for both
fog and jet. The V-nozzles are available in both long and short versions. The V-nozzle can be
combined with an attachable foam-tube for heavy and medium foam.

The Unifire V-nozzle is proven to be very Material
reliable. It's designed for heavy professional The nozzles is made of chrome plated brass,
use and no maintenance is required. The only red plastic cover and rubber bumper head.
spare part is the baffle and its crew.
The Unifire V-nozzles are available in sizes 7, Delivery excluding connection.
10, 12,14,16,18 and 20.

Unifire V-12 nozzle

Multi-purpose fog and jet nozzle


Fog 90° L/min M

Pressure 2 bar 184 / 10
Pressure 6 bar 325 / 13
Pressure 10 bar 400 / 14
Positions stop - jet - spray
Connection G2"A
Material Chrome plated brass, red plastic cover and rubber bumper head
Approvals Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas, Bureau Beritas, American Bureau of Shipping etc.


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Unifire spray V-12 Nozzle, jet / foam, 2" 1 SG01011
Unifire V-16 Nozzle, jet / foam 1 SG01012
Unifire V-20 Nozzle, jet / foam 1 SG01013

POK 400 Spray Nozzle

We believe that POK products have the ability to provide firefighters all over the world the proper
tools to save lives and to minimize property damage.

POK nozzles are quality products that have Features

been thoroughly tested. They meet the - tough anodized aluminium construction
current standards and requirements of the - swivel inlet
daily (professional) user. Both standard and - compact size for easy stowage
specialized nozzles are included in the range. - meets the needs of Forestry and Rural Fire
Depending on the application, on-site use, brigades where water conservation is
performance, characteristics and desirable
manufacturing material, the appropriate - multi flow selection
nozzle is to be chosen. The final result of POK - pattern detents for positive positioning
products comes after extensive testing of the - change flow without changing pattern and
products in consultation with users. This flush without shutting down
POK 400 DIN Spray Nozzle ensures that POK products meet the highest - excellent for application of A class foam
Tough construction quality and usability. - new inlet filter mesh prevents blockages
caused by stones
- each nozzle etched with a unique serial
number for identification


Material Aluminium alloy, stainless steel

Spray 10 m, full jet, spray 110°, flush
Full stray 34 meters
Connection G2"A
Adjustable 60, 130, 250, 400 l/min at 6 bar
Approvals DIN 14367, DIN 14367-6-400-3-C


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

POK: Debikador Spray Nozzle 400 - 2" DIN-14367 1 SG01021

Akron 3020 Spray Nozzle

The Akron 3020 spray nozzle is a combination fog and straight stream nozzle designed for more
efficiency with AFFF or water on board of ships.

Features - massive rubber-like bumper, handle and

- brass construction pistol grip
- self-adjusting seats - constant gallonage in all fog and straight
- molded teeth stream patterns
- flush without shutting down

Akron 3020 spray nozzle

Water or foam spray nozzle


Length 219 mm
Weight 3.5 kgs
Inlet size 38 mm
Flow at 100 PSI GPM 95, LPM 360
Approvals DIN 14367, DIN 14367-6-400-3-C


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Akron 3020 Spray Nozzle 1,5" 1 SG01032

HS nozzles D10, D12, D16, D20

Hollow stream nozzles with shut-off for the delivery of firefighting water in the form of full jet and
selectable spray jet.

Features Advantages
- HS nozzles can be conveniently and - Low weight
continuously adjusted from completely - Absolute corrosion resistance to seawater
closed via full jet to spray jet between 0 - - The simple design means the nozzle is not
120° by twisting the rubber coated head. prone to repair
- Switching sequence: Closed – full jet – - Low operating forces
spray jet. - Extremely sturdy
- The spray teeth have flat deflection surfaces - Completely maintenance-free
on the inside and produce a spray the centre
of which is directed forwards. This results in <bStructure of HS nozzles
a large spray jet throw distance. Large drops All bills of material have an identical structure.
for reach, small drops for cooling. As a The only difference between types HS10, 12,
result, universal and effective use of the HS 16, 20 is that they have different valve plates
nozzles is possible. at the front. These are marked at the front as
“D10”, “D12”, “D16” and “D20”.
HS nozzles D10, D12, D16, D20
Hollow stream nozzles


Operating head Rubber (NBR) and chrome-plated brass

Barrel Extremely impact-resistant plastic (POM)
Valve plate Polyamide
Valve rod Stainless steel
Dimensions with C-type adapter: 347 x 98 x 98 mm
Weight 1.1 kg (aluminium)
1.6 kg (brass)
Flow rate at 6 bar - full jet, litres/min - throw distance HS10 - 160-24
(meters) HS12 - 230-28
HS16 - 330-30
HS20 - 380-32
Flow rate at 6 bar - spray jet, litres/min - throw HS10 - 440-4
distance (meters) HS12 - 460-4.5
HS16 - 470-4.5
HS20 - 470-4.5
Flow rate at 2 bar - full jet, litres/min - throw distance HS10 - 90-16
(meters) HS12 - 130-17
HS16 - 170-18
HS20 - 220-21
Flow rate at 2 bar - spray jet, litres/min - throw HS10 - 250-4
distance (meters) HS12 - 265-4.5
HS16 - 275-4.5
HS20 - 275-4.5


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

HS nozzles D10, D12, D16, D20 1 SG01051

Delta Low Expansion Foam HV225 / S

Delta's "V" range of foam branch pipes are designed for the foams of the late '90s. All purpose
alcohol resistant, FFFP and AFFF foams.

General information - dot/Lloyds certified

The new style branch pipe is designed to first - optional on/off ball valve available
expand the foam and then accelerate it to
high velocity producing long throws beyond Construction
the capability of many older designs. - body: Light Alloy - internally and externally
powder coat
Delta's branch pipes are designed to match - finish: Epoxy Polyester International Orange
Delta variable inline foam inductors or - nozzle: Light Alloy
equivalent types. - inlet: HV 2" BSP Male

Features A wide range of International fittings are

- long throw available as an option.
Delta HV225 Branch pipe - self inducing models
Self inducing models - designed for all new technology foams Self inducing models are supplied with quick
- all international inlets release pick-up and stainless steel dip tube.


Nominal flow (L/min) 5 bar - 200

7 bar - 225
Foam Expansion 6-10
Range (metres) at 7 Bar 18-22
Length 740 mm
Weight 2.2 kgs
Approvals Lloyds certified and D.O.T. approved (M.S.A.) for marine use


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Delta Low expansion foam HV225 / S 1 SG01041

POK Mixy Eductor

Body manufactures in bronze with an inlet filter metering valve 0 to 6% with by-pass. The pick
up tube needs to be ordered separately.

Features A dispenser valve allows you to adjust the

The foam mixer works on the Venturi proportion of water / foam from 0% to 6%.
principle. The water pressure in the state,
creates a vacuum that causes the suction of A valve device ensures constant mixing rates,
the liquid. The device has a check valve ball even when the pressure varies.
which prevents any return of water into the
tank of foam concentrate.

POK Mixy Eductor

Tough construction


Setting aspiration 0 - 6%
Pressure drop 35%
Capacity 200 liters, 400 liters or 800 liters per minute


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

POK Mixy Eductor, 200 liter p/m, excluding coupling 1 SG01101
POK Mixy Eductor, 400 liter p/m, excluding coupling 1 SG01102
POK Mixy Eductor, 800 liter p/m, excluding coupling 1 SG01203
Pick up tube, 1.5 meters LM-N31 including suction bar 1 SG01211
Pick up tube, 1.5 meters LM-N31 excluding suction bar 1 SG01212

Couplings and o-rings

To couple a Storz connection, the two opposing couplings are pressed together such that the
hooks of each one are inserted into the slots in the flange of the other. Then they are rotated in
opposite directions until they are tight, or latched engages.

Features separated when the hooks and slots are

The Storz couplings create a water-tight aligned.
connection between the internal packing
gaskets. To uncouple them, the latches are Special wrenches are designed for assisting
released and the couplings are turned in the with Storz connectors.
opposite directions from coupling, and then

Couplings and o-rings

Various sizes available


Storz name NOK Male/Female thread Unit Sales Ordernr.

Storz connector with BSP thread, light metal with rubber seal
C 66 2.0" 1 SG00727
65 81 1.5" 1 SG00733
65 81 2.0" 1 SG00734
65 81 2.5" 1 SG00735
Storz connector with male thread BSP, light metal with rubber
D 31 1.0" 1 08113002
65 81 2.0" 1 SG00774
65 81 2.5" 1 SG00775
Storz hose connector included, light metal with rubber seal
C, hose adapter Ø 52 mm, L 90 mm 66 2.0" 1 SG00827
65, hose adapter Ø 52 mm, L 90 mm 81 2.0" 1 SG00834
65, hose adapter Ø 65 mm, L 90 mm 81 2.5" 1 SG00835
Storz blind lid, light metal with rubber seal
C 1 SG00704
65 1 SG00706
Storz rings, Perbunan
C 66 1 SG00864
65 81 1 SG00865

Coupling Spanners

Couplings spanners are used to attach fire hosed to hydrants, spray nozzles, monitors or other
equipment. Coupling spanner are available for o.a. Storz couplings.

- galvanized steel
- insulated hand grip

Coupling Spanners
Available for all Storz couplings


Sizes For all B and C type of Storz couplings

Other dimensions on request
Warranty 12 months


Coupling type Nakajiama 11/2"(40a), 61 Nakajiama, 2"(50a), 72 Nakajiama, 21/2"(65a), PINLUG, R2.1/2" Storz-spanner: not
mm mm 91 mm isolated BC, DIN 14829
Articlenr. 08143616 08143615 08143614 08143109 08117001

Coupling type Storz-spanner: isolated Storz-spanner: isolated

BC, DIN 14822 ABC, DIN 14822
Articlenr. SG00892 08117004

Shore connection - SM029

Connection to overcome international differences in couplings.

- complete with bolds and nuts

International Shore Connection

connection to overcome international
differences in couplings


Flange 178 mm
Material Bronze
Thread Bsp male


Coupling type International shore/wall International shore/wall

connection: 2 1/2" MS connection 2" MS
Articlenr. 09180025 09180026

Monitor TKW 3000

The TKW monitor is a good alternative for the roll-out hoses on deck. This solution increases
the safety of the crew on board.

Applications Advantages
- inland shipping - easy to install semi-permanent arrangement
- quick response time in case of an
Features monitor emergency
- deployable, both manned and without crew - secure, one man operation
- 360° rotation - the possibility of unmanned operation
- rotation, both horizontal as vertical reduces dangerous situations for the crew
- more time to assist other crew members and
Features branch pipe POK 400 spray nozzle emergency services
- adjustable spray pattern - increased safety level of the crew, less
- diameter spray nozzle 2" obstacles (hoses) on the deck
Monitor TKW 3000 - maximum spray: 110° - throw length depends on pump capacity
Easy to install, one man operation - connection 3" DIN - optional: foam
- POK branch pipe 400 DIN EN 15182-2 - from January 2013 ADN approval
- allowed at several terminals


Material Aluminium
Color Red
Lenght incl. branch pipe 850 mm
Lenght excl. branch pipe 560 mm
Width 390 mm
Max. flow 3.000 lpm @ 7 bar
Inlet flange DN 80, PN 16


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Monitor TKW 3000 1 SG01225
POK: Debikador Spray Nozzle 400 - 2" DIN-14367 1 SG01021
Adapter 2" Bi/2,5" Bi Aluminium 1 08180006

Dräger firefighting monitors

Our robust range of various flow firefighting monitors cover fixed monitors for a mixture of fire
suppression needs. Offering a variety of manual monitors, self-oscillating monitors, electric
monitors, electro-hydraulic monitors with accompanying monitor nozzles, monitor towers/ turrets,
trailers and control panels. The fire monitors are available with bronze body as standard it is
possible to have the full casting in Nickle Aluminium Bronze suitable for being used with sea
water or water foam solution within harsh industrial environments, chemical plants and offshore

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - various configurations from manual to
and offshore market electro hydraulic
- helideck - various nozzle selections including spray/fog
- foam firefighting and auto aspirating
- general fire protection on multiple locations - various options such as turrets, supports and
oscillating mechanisms
Features - various remote control options including
- bronze or Nickle Aluminium Bronze body stationary and wireless
- various models CE and ATEX approved

Dräger firefighting monitors

To be used within hars environments


Manufacturer SA Fire
Materials bronze / nickle aluminium bronze
Control manual / electric / electric + hydraulic
Capacity up to 20.000 L/min
Size up to 6"
Connections ANSI / UNI
Options non-standard painting systems on request
Approvals ATEX / CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Firefighting Monitors 1 On request

Dräger fire protection deluge valves

The deluge valves are able to control highly pressurised water flow in deluge, preaction, pressure
reducing and ON/OFF fire protection systems. The double chamber deluge valves (with a fully
redundant architecture) are compatible with hydraulic, electric, electro-pneumatic or pneumatic
release systems and ensure a low probability of failure on demand. Both single and double
chamber valves are available in Nickle Aluminium Bronze with Nickle Aluminium Bronze/ AISI
316L/ Monel K400 trim. All valves are in line with NFPA guidelines with UL listing, SIL 2 and
SIL 3 on selected valves.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - or stainless steel AISI 316 ASTM A351
and offshore market Gr.CF8M
- deluge systems - diaphragm material: EPDM fabric reinforced
- heli deck - nuts and bolts material: stainless steel AISI
- foam fire fighting 316
- general fire protection on multiple locations - flanges ANSI B16.24 or UNI EN 1092-
- water temperature: from 0,5 °C to 90°C
Features - validation certificate for SIL 3 systems
- double chamber valves allow inline issued by Bureau Veritas (Double chamber)
maintaince and overcome double failure - UL Listed (Double chamber under
- body materials to be selected among: nickel application)
aluminium bronze ASTM B14C958000,
Dräger fire protection deluge valves bronze EN 1982 – CC491K
To control highly pressurised water flow


Manufacturer SA Fire
Materials nickle aluminium bronze ASTM B148 C95800, bronze EN 1982 - CC491K, stainless steel AISI 316
Control electric / electric + pneumatic / ON / OFF
Size up to 8"
Connections ANSI / UNI
Options pressure reducing trims, diaphragm position monitoring system
proximity sensors for monitoring the posistion of the in-built isolation valves


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Fire Protection Deluge Valves 1 On request

Dräger foam proportioning equipment

Dräger foam equipment solutions include bladder tanks, branch pipes, foam pourers, foam
chambers, pump skids, portable foam trailers and foam concentrates as well as all the
complimentary accessories. The fire suppression equipment we offer delivers effective fire
protection through a series of low/ medium/ high expansion foam systems which are in
accordance with NFPA guidelines. Each piece is designed and manufactured with care. These
solutions are suitable for special hazard environments and are widely used in chemical,
petrochemical, pharmaceutical industries.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping Features

and offshore market - bladder tanks
- deluge systems - atmospheric tanks
- heli deck - inline inducators
- foam fire fighting - mixers
- general fire protection on multiple locations - proportioners
- branch pipes
- available in various materials
- complete system design
- engineering and calculations

Dräger foam proportioning equipment

Complete range of foam equipment


Manufacturer SA Fire
Materials bronze / stainless steel / various
Capacity up to 20.000 liters
Connections ANSI / UNI
Options various material selections


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Foam System Components 1 On request

Dräger fire spray nozzles

The range of water and foam nozzles are the effective first line of fire suppression. Our nozzles
are used in deluge water spray systems designed for cooling, vapour containment and water
curtains. We also offer reliable average and high velocity nozzles as well as nozzles for low,
medium and high expansion foam applications ensuring activation where needed to stop fire
from spreading.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping - various threads

and offshore market - various inlet sizes
- all the protected areas - various dispersion angles
- foam fighting - suitable execution for external installation in
marine environment and operation with sea
Features water and foam solutions
- stainless steel, bronze, nickle aluminium
bronze body

Dräger fire spray nozzles

Effective first line of suppression


Manufacturer SA Fire
Materials stainless steel / bronze/ nickle aluminium bronze
Velocity high / medium and low
Threads BSP and NPT
Flow rates Custom flow rates / K factors


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Fire Spray Nozzles 1 On request

Dräger gaseous fire suppression systems

Providing gas based fire suppression systems and all supporting hardware approved to
EN12094 and in line with NFPA guidelines. Our systems ensure total flooding and are extremely
effective at suppressing fire. We can supply accessories needed for complete systems including
valves, weighing systems, electric actuators, SIL 2, odorisers, control panels, cylinder racks and
cabinets ensuring a highly reliable fire suppression unit.

Applications for the marine, inland shipping Features

and offshore market - CO2 and Inergen solutions
- offshore platforms - skid supplied with various options including
- FPSO's heating and lighting
- gas turbines - monitoring system for filling
- generators - actuation with external cylinder or electro
- IT server farms magnetic
- electric rooms - various other option including painting and
multi zone systems
- various manifold selections
- various hose selections

Dräger gasesous fire suppression systems

Extremely effective at suppressing fire


Manufacturer SA Fire
Storage open rack or closed cabinet
Installation areas safe, zone 1 and 2 areas
Cylinder volumes 60, 67.5 and 200 liters
Valve materials brass and stainless steel
Declaration of conformity 97/23/CE - PED
305/2011 - CPR


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems 1 On request

Bio-Ex Filmopol 1x3 LT15

FILMOPOL 1X3LT15 is a fluorosynthetic foam AFFF-AR 1X3. The film-forming property AFFF
gives to FILMOPOL 1X3LT15 a high speed of extinction on hydrocarbon fires thanks to the
aqueous film which insulates the fuel surface from the air. The Alcohol-Resistant property
produces a thick layer – skin – if applied on any kind of fuels. The peculiar nature of our
fluoropolymer gives outstanding burnback resistance.

Applications property authorizes its use even at low

FILMOPOL 1X3LT15 can be used with tap temperature and low pressure.
water, sea water and brackish water at 1% on
hydrocarbon and at 3% on polar solvents fires Foaming power
as well as on special chemicals : acids, HF, FILMOPOL 1X3LT15 is usable at Low,
HCl, amines, Butadiene, CS2. It is compatible Medium and High Expansion.
with dry extinguishing powders and it is
suitable with all kind of known equipment. Fuel fires
FILMOPOL 1X3LT15 is efficient on
Pseudoplastic hydrocarbon and polar solvents fires.
FILMOPOL 1X3LT15 is pseudoplastic: its
viscosity decreases when it is agitated. This Environment
FILMOPOL 1X3LT15 is easily biodegradable.


Reference Bio-Ex Filmopol 1X3LT15

Appearance white gel
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.03 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
Ph at 20° 7.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C (mPa.s) 2300 ± 200 mPa.s
Freezing point -15°C
Temperature of use +13°C / + 50°C
Surface tension at 1% (mN/m) 16 ± 2 mN/m
Interfacial tension at 1% (mN/m) 2 ± 1 mN/m
Foam Quality at 1%
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25 % > 10 minutes
Medium expansion > 30, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Foam Quality at 3%
Low expansion > 8, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25 % > 30 minutes
Medium expansion > 100, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
High expansion > 600, foam expansion values depend on the equipment


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Filmopol-AR: LT151x3 - 20 liter 1 25121031

Bio-Ex Fluofoam 1

FLUOFOAM 1 is a fluorosynthetic foam AFFF, based on the combination of surfactants selected

for their foaming property and their resistance to dehydration and heat. The film-forming property
AFFF gives to FLUOFOAM 1 a high speed of extinction on hydrocarbon fires thanks to the
aqueous film which insulates the fuel surface from the air.

Applications application. FLUOFOAM 1 is usable at

FLUOFOAM 1 can be used with tap water, Medium Expansion to create a foam blanket
sea water and brackish water at 1% on to protect against burnback.
hydrocarbon fires. It is compatible with dry
extinguishing powders and it is suitable with Fuel fires
all kind of known equipment. FLUOFOAM 1 is efficient on all hydrocarbon
fires, such as diesel, kerosene, petrol
Foaming power
FLUOFOAM 1 is usable at Low Expansion. Environment
This fluid foam is not contaminated on FLUOFOAM 1 is easily biodegradable.
hydrocarbons and enables a forceful

Bio-Ex Fluofoam 1
Efficient on all hydrocarbon fires


Reference Bio-Ex Fluofoam 1

Appearance yellow liquid
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.02 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
pH at 20°C 8.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C 6 ± 2 cStokes
Sediments 0%
Surface tension at 6% 17 ± 2 mN/m
Interfacial tension at 6% 3 ± 1 mN/m
Freezing point -20°C
Temperature of use -15°C to +50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25% > 2 minutes
Medium Expansion > 40, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Approvals EN 1568-3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Fluofoam: 1% - 20 liter 1 SG01911

Bio-Ex Hydropol 3

HYDROPOL 3 is a fluorosynthetic foam AR 3X3. The Alcohol Resistant property produces a

thick layer – skin – if applied on any kind of fuels. The peculiar nature of our fluoropolymer gives
outstanding burnback resistance. HYDROPOL 3 is pseudoplastic: its viscosity decreases when
it is agitated. This property authorizes its use even at low temperature and low pressure.

Applications Fuel fires

HYDROPOL 3 can be used with tap water, HYDROPOL 3 is efficient on hydrocarbon
sea water and brackish water at 3% on and polar solvents fires. HYDROPOL 3 can
hydrocarbon and polar solvents fires as well as keep its water for a very long period. This
for the keeping of gazeous fumes : acids, HCl, outstanding property makes it highly efficient
NH3. in Medium Expansion. It is suitable with on polar solvents fires.
all kind of known equipment.
Foaming power HYDROPOL 3 is easily biodegradable.
HYDROPOL 3 is usable at Low, Medium and
High Expansion.


Reference Bio-Ex Hydropol 3

Appearance yellow gel
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.05 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
Ph at 20° 7.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C (mPa.s) 1500 ± 200 mPa.s
Sediments < 0.1 %
Surface tension at 3% (mN/m) 23 ± 2 mN/m
Freezing point -15°C
Temperature of use -10°C + 50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25 % > 10 minutes
Medium expansion > 50, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
High expansion > 600, foam expansion values depend on the equipment


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Hydropol-AR: 3% per liter 1 SG01934
Bio-Ex Hydropol-AR: 3% per 20 liter per can 1 SG01932

Bio-Ex Filmopol 3

FILMOPOL 3 is a fluorosynthetic foam AFFF-AR 3X3. The film-forming property AFFF gives to
FILMOPOL 3 a high speed of extinction on hydrocarbon fires thanks to the aqueous film which
insulates the fuel surface from the air. The Alcohol-Resistant property produces a thick layer –
skin – if applied on any kind of fuels. The peculiar nature of our fluoropolymer gives outstanding
burnback resistance.

Applications authorizes its use even at low temperature

FILMOPOL 3 can be used with tap water, sea and low pressure.
water and brackish water at 3% on
hydrocarbon and polar solvents fires as well as Foaming power
on special chemicals : acids, HF, HCl, amines, FILMOPOL 3 is usable at Low, Medium and
Butadiene, CS2. It is compatible with dry High Expansion.
extinguishing powders and it is suitable with
all kind of known equipment. Fuel fires
FILMOPOL 3 is efficient on hydrocarbon and
Pseudoplastic polar solvents fires.
FILMOPOL 3 is pseudoplastic: its viscosity
decreases when it is agitated. This property Environment
Bio-Ex Filmopol 3 FILMOPOL 3 is easily biodegradable.
Efficient on hydrocarbon and polar solvents


Reference Bio-Ex Filmopol 3

Appearance white gel
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.00 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
Ph at 20° 7.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C (mPa.s) 2300 ± 200 mPa.s
Sediments <0.1%
Surface tension at 3% (mN/m) 16 ± 2 mN/m
Interfacial tension at 3% (mN/m) 2 ± 1 mN/m
Freezing point 0°C
Temperature of use +2°C / + 50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25 % > 10 minutes
Medium expansion > 30, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
High expansion > 400, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Approvals / standards EN 1568-3, EN 1568-4, Lastfire certificate, Bureau Veritas certifcate


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Filmopol-3 AR: 3% - 25 liter per can 1 25121035

Bio-Ex Filmopol 3x3

FILMOPOL 3LT15 is a fluorosynthetic foam AFFF-AR 3X3. The film-forming property AFFF
gives to FILMOPOL 3LT15 a high speed of extinction on hydrocarbon fires thanks to the
aqueous film which insulates the fuel surface from the air. The Alcohol-Resistant property
produces a thick layer – skin – if applied on any kind of fuels. The peculiar nature of our
fluoropolymer gives outstanding burnback resistance.

Applications property authorizes its use even at low

FILMOPOL 3LT15 can be used with tap temperature and low pressure.
water, sea water and brackish water at 3% on
hydrocarbon and polar solvents fires as well as Foaming power
on special chemicals: acids, HF, HCl, amines, FILMPOPOL 3LT15 is usable at Low,
Butadiene, CS2. It is compatible with dry Medium and High Expansion.
extinguishing powders and it is suitable with
all kind of known equipment. Fuel fires
FILMPOPOL 3LT15 is efficient on
Pseudoplastic hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires.
FILMOPOL 3LT15 is pseudoplastic: its
viscosity decreases when it is agitated. This Environment
Bio-Ex Filmopol 3 FILMPOPOL 3LT15 is easily biodegradable.
Efficient on hydrocarbon and polar solvents


Reference Bio-Ex Filmopol 3 LT15

Appearance white gel
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.03 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
Ph at 20° 7.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C (mPa.s) 2300 ± 200 mPa.s
Sediments <0.1%
Surface tension at 3% (mN/m) 16 ± 2 mN/m
Interfacial tension at 3% (mN/m) 2 ± 1 mN/m
Freezing point -15°C
Temperature of use -13°C / + 50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25 % > 10 minutes
Medium expansion > 30, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
High expansion > 400, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Approvals / standards EN 1568-3, EN 1568-4, Lastfire certificate, Bureau Veritas certifcate


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Filmopol-3 AR: 3% - 20 liter per can 1 SG01951
Bio-Ex Filmopol-AR: 3% - 200 liter per can 1 SG01952

Bio-Ex Fluofoam 3

FLUOFOAM 3 is a fluorosynthetic foam AFFF, based on the combination of surfactants selected

for their foaming property and their resistance to dehydration and heat. The film-forming property
AFFF gives to FLUOFOAM 3 a high speed of extinction on hydrocarbon fires thanks to the
aqueous film which insulates the fuel surface from the air.

Applications application. FLUOFOAM 3 is usable at

FLUOFOAM 3 can be used with tap water, Medium Expansion to create a foam blanket
sea water and brackish water at 3% on to protect against burnback.
hydrocarbon fires. It is compatible with dry
extinguishing powders and it is suitable with Fuel fires
all kind of known equipment. FLUOFOAM 3 is efficient on all hydrocarbon
fires, such as diesel, kerosene, petrol.
Foaming power
FLUOFOAM 3 is usable at Low Expansion. Environment
This fluid foam is not contaminated on FLUOFOAM 3 is easily biodegradable.
hydrocarbons and enables a forceful

Bio-Ex Fluofoam 3
Efficient on all hydrocarbon fires


Reference Bio-Ex Fluofoam 3

Appearance yellow liquid
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.01 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
pH at 20°C 8.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C 4 ± 2 cStokes
Sediments 0%
Surface tension at 3% 17 ± 2 mN/m
Interfacial tension at 3% 2 ± 1 mN/m
Freezing point -5°C
Temperature of use 0°C to +50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25% > 2 minutes
Medium Expansion > 40, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Approvals EN 1568-3, Bureau Veritas certificate


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Fluofoam: 3G% / LT15 - 20 liter, Freeze protected -15°C 1 SG01921
Bio-Ex Fluofoam: 3% - 20 liter 1 SG01915
Bio-Ex Fluofoam: 3% - 200 liter 1 SG01916

Bio-Ex Fluofoam 6

FLUOFOAM 6 is a fluorosynthetic foam AFFF, based on the combination of surfactants selected

for their foaming property and their resistance to dehydration and heat. The film-forming property
AFFF gives to FLUOFOAM 6 a high speed of extinction on hydrocarbon fires thanks to the
aqueous film which insulates the fuel surface from the air.

Applications application. FLUOFOAM 6 is usable at

FLUOFOAM 6 can be used with tap water, Medium Expansion to create a foam blanket
sea water and brackish water at 6% on to protect against burnback.
hydrocarbon fires. It is compatible with dry
extinguishing powders and it is suitable with Fuel fires
all kind of known equipment. FLUOFOAM 6 is efficient on all hydrocarbon
fires, such as diesel, kerosene, petrol.
Foaming power
FLUOFOAM 6 is usable at Low Expansion. Environment
This fluid foam is not contaminated on PROPOL 6 is easily biodegradable.
hydrocarbons and enables a forceful

Bio-Ex Fluofoam 6
Efficient on all hydrocarbon fires


Reference Bio-Ex Fluofoam 6

Appearance yellow liquid
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.01 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
pH at 20°C 8.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C 4± 2 cStokes
Sediments 0%
Surface tension at 6% 17 ± 2 mN/m
Interfacial tension at 6% 3 ± 1 mN/m
Freezing point -3°C
Temperature of use 0°C to +50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25% > 2 minutes
Medium Expansion > 40, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Approvals EN 1568-3: class IB, Bureau Veritas certificate


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Fluofoam: 6% - 20 liter 1 SG01918
Bio-Ex Fluofoam: 6% - 200 liter 1 SG01919
Bio-Ex Fluofoam: 3X - 20 liter, freeze protected -10°C 1 25121010

Bio-Ex Hydropol 6

HYDROPOL 6 is a fluorosynthetic foam AR 6X6. The Alcohol Resistant property produces a

thick layer – skin – if applied on any kind of fuels. The peculiar nature of our fluoropolymer gives
outstanding burnback resistance. HYDROPOL 6 is pseudoplastic: its viscosity decreases when
it is agitated. This property authorizes its use even at low temperature and low pressure.

Applications Fuel fires

HYDROPOL 6 can be used with tap water, HYDROPOL 6 is efficient on hydrocarbon
sea water and brackish water at 6% on and polar solvents fires. HYDROPOL 6 can
hydrocarbon and polar solvents fires as well as keep its water for a very long period. This
for the keeping of gazeous fumes: acids, HCl, outstanding property makes it highly efficient
NH3. in Medium Expansion. It is suitable with on polar solvents fires.
all kind of known equipment.
Foaming power HYDROPOL 6 is easily biodegradable.
HYDROPOL 6 is usable at Low, Medium and
High Expansion.


Reference Bio-Ex Hydropol 6 x 6

Appearance yellow gel
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.06 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
Ph at 20° 7.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C (mPa.s) 1000 ± 200 mPa.s
Sediments < 0.1 %
Surface tension at 6% (mN/m) 23 ± 2 mN/m
Freezing point -14°C
Temperature of use -10°C + 50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25 % > 10 minutes
Medium expansion > 30, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
High expansion > 400
Approvals EN 1568-1, EN 1568-2, EN 1568-3, EN 1568-4
Navy: Bureau Veritas certificate


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Hydropol-AR: 6% - 20 liter 1 SG01935
Bio-Ex Hydropol-AR: 6% - 200 liter 1 SG01936

Bio-Ex Filmopol 6x6

FILMOPOL 6 is a fluorosynthetic foam AFFF-AR 6X6.The film-forming property AFFF gives to

FILMOPOL 6 a high speed of extinction on hydrocarbon fires thanks to the aqueous film which
insulates the fuel surface from the air. The Alcohol-Resistant property produces a thick layer –
skin – if applied on any kind of fuels. The peculiar nature of our fluoropolymer gives outstanding
burnback resistance.

Applications authorizes its use even at low temperature

FILMOPOL 6 can be used with tap water, sea and low pressure.
water and brackish water at 6% on
hydrocarbon, on polar solvents fires as well as Foaming power
on special chemicals: acids, HF, HCl, amines, FILMOPOL 6 is usable at Low, Medium and
Butadiene, CS2. It is compatible with dry High Expansion.
extinguishing powders and it is suitable with
all kind of known equipment. Fuel fires
FILMOPOL 6 is efficient on hydrocarbon and
Pseudoplastic polar solvents fires.
FILMOPOL 6 is pseudoplastic: its viscosity
decreases when it is agitated. This property Environment
FILMOPOL 6 is easily biodegradable.


Reference Bio-Ex Filmopol 6x6

Appearance white gel
Specific gravity at 20°C 1.00 ± 0.02 kg/dm3
Ph at 20° 7.0 ± 1.0
Viscosity at 20°C (mPa.s) 1000 ± 200 mPa.s
Sediments <0.1%
Surface tension at 6% (mN/m) 16 ± 2 mN/m
Interfacial tension at 6% (mN/m) 2 ± 1 mN/m
Freezing point 0°C
Temperature of use +2°C / + 50°C
Low expansion > 7, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
Drainage time 25 % > 10 minutes
Medium expansion > 30, foam expansion values depend on the equipment
High expansion > 400, foam expansion values depend on the equipment


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bio-Ex Filmopol-AR: 6x6 - 20 liter 1 SG01947
Bio-Ex Filmopol-AR: 6x6 - 200 liter 1 SG01948

Fire Plan Holder

This UPVC holder with weatherproof screw end cap comes complete with fixings and has been
specifically designed to comply with the requirements of the SOLAS regulations. It hold fire
plans up to size A1 to be accommodated without the need to fold the plan.

Features - UPVC holder with waterproof screw end cap

- suitable for standard fire plan and safety - clear labeling for identification
plan sizes, maximum A1 format - complete with mounting brackets

Fire plan holder

UPVC material


Material UPVC
Capacity Holds folder of A1 format
Dimensions Diameter: 110 mm, length: 1 meter
Color Red
Approvals In accordance with SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire plan holder 1 SG04911

Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit

Dräger would like to present its new line of firefighting clothes designed to the highest standards
with one thing in mind: the firefighter. The new suit is the result of a close study of technical key
features and usability of suits that are currently available in the market: the suit has been
improved on eight key features as compared to the most readily available suits. Providing a safe
barrier "between human will and fire's forces".

Radiation heat barrier Comfort

A Kermel fleece that provides excellent The used layer system creates a lightweight,
thermal protection, these very thin layers durable and highly comfortable garment
found inside the layer concept, minimise the without compromises to the suits protective
amount of water that can replace the critical features.
insulation air space in the garment.
Quick Release Breakaway Zippers
Membrane Specially designed for military, firefighter and
A Hi-Tech polyurethane membrane coated on chemical suits. Ideal for situations where it's
the outer radiation heat barrier. Ensures desirable to tear the zipper open without
exceptional breathable characteristics and having to move the zipper all the way back.
unmatched durability. Up to a temperature of
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit 380°C, this membrane gives a good Anti Aqua
A lightweight, durable and highly comfortable protection against heat and chemicals and will High-Tech coated polyester fabric in sleeves,
suit not melt. trouser legs, storm flap, back piece and
pocket flaps. Prevents water and chemicals to
Liner easily enter the lining of the suit.
A combination of Nomex and Viscose. The
Nomex thread of this special weave method Eyelets
with the 2,5% Kevlar makes the liner strong. To quickly drain fluids from the suits pockets.
The fire retardant Viscose thread provides
comfort and transports moisture to the External padding
outside of the liner. The multi-layer The suit features external protective pads on
configuration ensures that each layer the knees and the elbows. Most other suits
accomplishes its part of the job. have their padding installed on the inside of
the pants and do not use padding for elbows.
Air layers and thermal barriers Using padding for both elbows and knees
The protective value of the "ESS® 5 layer increases user comfort. In addition using
system" in combination with the fabric padding on the outside helps to protect the
composite is found in the air between the fire suit from damages on its most fragile parts.
fighter and the heat source. Air itself is the
greatest single source of insulation qualities in Rounded pocket flaps
protective clothing. Sandwiching stitching By using rounded pocket flaps the chances of
inside the facing cloth is therefore never used. being caught behind protruding parts when in
All the layers are not stitched to each other; action are reduced. In addition the rounding of
this improves the thermal insulation value the corners reduces wear and tear on the
(TPP) by protecting the moisture barrier and fabric in everyday use.
creating multiple air spaces between the very
thin layers.


Type of material NOMEX® III, 220 g/m2

Inner material Jacket and trouser: NOMEX, 93% Meta-Aramide, 5% Para-Aramide, 2% Static Control
Stitching: NOMEX
Liner: NOMEX fleece (heat barrier), NOMEX fleece eith Hi-Tech PU breathable membrane, NOMEX
viscose FR lining

Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit

Pockets Jacket: Two side pockets with flaps, one inside pocket and one radio pocket on each chest Trousers: 2
box pockets on thighs. Inverse pocket in both sides
Color Orange with reflective striping
Sizes S - XXL
Approvals EN469:2005, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size S 1 SG03701
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size M 1 SG03702
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size L 1 SG03703
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size XL 1 SG03704
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size XXL 1 23110074

Dräger Fireman’s Suit Techs-Gold

A specially designed unique Techs-Gold fabric. Built from super strong filament yarn. A fabric
with an excellent resistance to wear and tear. The filament yarn is a completely Dutch product,
built from 53% Technora, 45% Teijinconex and 2% antistatic fibre. The new suit is the result of
a close study of technical key features and usability of suits that are currently available in the
market: the suit has been improved on eight key features as compared to the most readily
available suits. Providing a safe barrier "between human will and fire's forces".

Features Radiation heat barrier

- Quick release zip. A second Kermel fleece layer. To double the
- Perforated striping for increased water vapor heat resistance. This thin layer within the layer
permeability. system maximizes the water vapor
- Integrated hook for tools or gloves. permeability. The insulating air layers within
- Keprotec/Kevlar foam pads on crucial areas, the suit increase the heat resistance.
such as the shoulders and elbows.
Comfortable and durable for Liner
- the ultimate protection. A combination of Nomex and Viscose FR. The
- Increased water vapor permeability because Nomex threads of this special fabric with 2,5%
of strategically placed Orings. Kevlar make the lining stronger. The flame-
- Integrated pocket on the front, inside and retardant viscose threads provide an
both sides. Ideal for tools or other objects. unparalleled level of comfort. They transport
- Perforated striping for increased water vapor fluids and transpiration away from your body.
permeability. This multi-layer configuration provides a
Dräger Fireman's Suit Techs-Gold - Keprotec/Kevlar foam pads on crucial areas, perfect combination of features, each doing
A lightweight, durable and highly comfortable such as the shoulders and elbows. their part of the job.
suit Comfortable and durable for
- the ultimate protection. Air layers and thermal barriers
- Integrated zip for easier dressing and The outstanding protective features of the
undressing. “ESS®5 Layer System” are the result of an
ideal combination of fabric composition and
Radiation heat barrier stationary air between these layers. Stationary
A fleece layer of Basofil (Melamine), which air provides the best insulation. Because of
offers outstanding protection against heat. this we never sew our layers directly onto
This thin layer within the layer system each other. This provides the insulating quality
maximizes the water vapor permeability. The (TPP). The variety of layers each create
insulating air layers within the suit increase multiple stationary insulating layers of air
the heat resistance. between the thin layers.

Membrane Comfort
A Hi-Tech PTFE bico membrane coated on The layer system creates a light, although very
the radiation heat barrier. This layer provides durable and strong product. It?s very
the outstanding water vapor permeability of comfortable without having to compromise
the garment. This has an extraordinary the protective features of the product.
durability. This membrane provides excellent
protection against heat and chemicals. It will
not melt or disintegrate.


Type of material NOMEX® III, 220 g/m2

Inner material Jacket and trouser: NOMEX, 93% Meta-Aramide, 5% Para-Aramide, 2% Static Control
Stitching: NOMEX
Liner: NOMEX fleece (heat barrier), NOMEX fleece eith Hi-Tech PU breathable membrane, NOMEX
viscose FR lining

Dräger Fireman’s Suit Techs-Gold

Pockets Jacket: Two side pockets with flaps, one inside pocket and one radio pocket on each chest Trousers: 2
box pockets on thighs. Inverse pocket in both sides
Color Orange with reflective striping
Sizes S - XXL
Approvals EN469:2005, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Fireman’s Suit Techs-Gold , Size: S 1 SG03791
Dräger Fireman’s Suit Techs-Gold, Size: M 1 SG03792
Dräger Fireman’s Suit Techs-Gold, Size: L 1 SG03793
Dräger Fireman’s Suit Techs-Gold, Size: XL 1 SG03794
Dräger Fireman’s Suit Techs-Gold, Size: XXL 1 SG03795

SECO Fireman's Suit - Yellow

The SECO firemans suit is specifically designed for firefighting where protection from radiant
heat and direct flames is a priority.

Features - The lower leg is closed with touch and close

- The Seco suit is manufactured from fire straps.
resistant natural fibre. It has been treated
with Proban and a water repellent finish, Accessoiries
which can withstand 50 washes without The suit is manufactured in a universal size to
degradation. fit Large (up to 1,80m). The suit is delivered
- The jacket consists of a two layer in a holdall including all accessories such as
construction, high collar protection and hook helmet, boots, fire fighting gloves and
and loop fastener front fastening. electrician gloves for use when extinguishing
- The trousers consists of a two layer electrical fires.
construction and complete with a set of
SECO Fireman's Suit
Protection from radiant heat and direct flames


Color Yellow
Approvals EN 531/EN532/EN 20811: Suit
EN 443 : Helmet
EN 659 : Leather gloves
EN 60903 : Electrician gloves
EN 345 S5 : Rubber boots
MED approved


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

SECO Fireman's suit - Yellow - complete set, size: XL 1 23110040

SECO Fireman's Suit - Aluminised

It is specifically designed for firefighting where protection from radiant heat and direct flame is
a priority. This suit is manufactured in universal size, is waterproof and can be easily cleaned
after use.

Features cuff and 100% Kevlar Lining. Electrically

- jacket: unlined, high collar protection, hook non-conducting rubber gloves, 650 volt
and loop fastener fastening working.
- trousers: unlined, with adjustable braces - boots: electrically non-conducting rubber
- helmet: heavy duty Kevlar Helmet complete boots with steel mid-sole and toe cap
with chinstrap, sweatband, fully adjusting protection, approved to EN345 S5.
visor and aluminised neck cape protection - all above in Heavy Duty PVC Holdall
- gloves: heat, water, chemical and oil
resistant shearguard leather, with knitted

SECO Fireman's Suit

Waterproof and easy to clean


Color Aluminised
Approvals EN 531/EN532/EN 20811: Suit
EN 443 : Helmet
EN 659 : Leather gloves
EN 345 S5 : Rubber boots


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

SECO Fireman's suit - Aluminised - complete set, size: XL 1 23110011

Nomex Fireman's Coverall

The Nomex Fireman's coverall is a navy dark blue or orange suit with reflective striping. The
Nomex suit is manufactured from fire resistant natural fibre, It has a water repellent finish, which
can withstand 50 washes without degradation.

Features fastener for name/logo on left chest and an

- one piece coverall extra layer of knitting on shoulders
- front zipper extending to collar - knee pad pockets with pads and pre-bent
- lace intake at waist. Snap hook in right knees
pocket - elastic intake at waist on the back part of
- the coverall is provided with shoulder straps, trousers
microphone strap on right chest, loop - anti-wicking barrier at bottom of trouser legs

Nomex fireman's coverall

One piece fireman's coverall


Type of material NOMEX® III, 265 g/m2

Inner material Coverall: Quilted felt 175g/m 2+ NOMEX® / viscose 125g
Stitching: Aramid
Wristlets: NOMEX® knitted wristlet with thumb hole
Pockets Two side pockets with flaps, one inside pocket and one radio pocket on each chest.
2 box pockets on thighs. Inverse pocket in both sides.
Color Navy Dark Blue or Orange with reflective striping
Sizes S / M / L / XL / XXL
Approvals CE approved according to EN 469-2005 and 96/98/EC SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Nomex fireman's coverall, blue with striping 1 23110047
Available in sizes S - XXL, mention size when ordering

Fire fighter hood

Nomex hood for fire fighters.

Elastic inside at face opening.

Nomex hood
For fire fighters


Color Grey
Size One size
Material Nomex/Viscose knit, 50/50, 235 g/m2
Approvals EN 13911


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Flash hood: Nomex III 1 SG03881

Dräger Firemans Gloves

Best quality leather for the best protection.

General Features
These gloves are completely sewn with - Material: Cowskin and fire resistant grain
Kevlar. Between all seams, a leather tubing, leather
which protects the Kevlar, can be seen. This - Membrane: Porelle breathable liner
extends the lifespan of the glove. The palm - Liner: Knitted Kevlar (para Aramide fibre)
features an extra strong leather inside. - Cuff: Knitted Kevlar with Spandex for elastic
A piece of leather is sewn on the cuff as an - Stitching: Kevlar yarn
additional radial artery protection. The glove is - Standard sizes: 7/S – 8/M – 9/L-10/XL-11/
equipped with elastic so the glove will fit 2XL
Dräger fireman's gloves Porelle liner
Great protection for hands The Porelle breathable membrane ensures - Keeps you dry and comfortable
the user a breathability and protects the user - Innovative functional technology
against water and chemicals. - High moisture diffusion and drying ability
- Fire retardant and high capacity breathability
The knitted Kevlar lining provides high - Keeps your body temperature in balance
wearing comfort. The Kevlar elastic cuff fits
well around the wrist and provides great
protection for the user.


Color Yellow
Fabric Leather palm and backhand
Knitted wrist
Kevlar inner lining
Approvals EN 659, EN 420, EN 388, EN 407 and MED approved


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Firemans Gloves, size S, MED approval 1 SG03741
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size M, MED approval 1 SG03742
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size L, MED approval 1 SG03743
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size XL, MED approval 1 SG03744
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size XXL, MED approval 1 SG03745

Fireman's Boots

Comfortable boots with reinforced toes and mid sole. Heat and oil resistent rubber sole with
protection against penetrating nails. Approved according to EN345-2 and SOLAS/MED.

Safe Flexible - elastic and supple

The fireman's boot is an EC-approved safety In contrast to PVC, which is a stiff material,
boot and is produced in compliance with the especially at temperatures under 15°C, the
PrEN 345 standard, section 2, category S5. In flexibility of rubber makes the boots pleasant
this way our fireman's boot meets the most to wear. In addition the boots adjust to the feet
stringent heat- and flame resistance without pinching. The elasticity of rubber
requirements. Thanks to these specific combined with the cotton stretch lining
characteristics and their broad fit our boots increase comfort, while putting them on, when
are particularly appreciated among fire wearing them and when removing them. The
fighters, civil protection and rescue services. suppleness of rubber provides unequaled
wearing comfort. The natural spring
contributes to healthier ergonomics for the
Fireman's Rubber Boots feet.
Meets the heat and flame resistance


Color Black and yellow

Sizes 36 - 50
Type of construction Vulcanized rubber upper and sole
Rubber components Black/yellow in color, 65% natural rubber, 30% styrene butadiene rubber and 5% chloroprene rubber
Sole/heel Oil resistant - Immersion in iso-octane (22 hours at 22°C)
12% max change in volume
Abrasion resistant - DIN 53516: 250mm 3 max.
Hardness shore A: 65 ± 5
Steel midsole One piece stainless steel, meets CSA-Z195-02 sole penetration and EN345 flexing test
Steel toe Meets EN 345 impact and compression
Chemical resistant Upper - Resistant towards mild acids and alkali
Sole - Resistant towards mild acids
Approvals European standard, CE approved - EN 345-2: 1996 (SBFP-E-HRO-CI) and UK office A29, CSA Z195-
02 - Canadian standards association (PR EH), ANSI - American national standard Z41PT99 (I/75 C/


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fireman's Boots, size 36 1 SG03721
Fireman's Boots, size 37 1 SG03722
Fireman's Boots, size 38 1 SG03720
Fireman's Boots, size 39 1 SG03723
Fireman's Boots, size 40 1 SG03724
Fireman's Boots, size 41 1 SG03725
Fireman's Boots, size 42 1 SG03726
Fireman's Boots, size 43 1 SG03727

Fireman's Boots

Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fireman's Boots, size 44 1 SG03728
Fireman's Boots, size 45 1 SG03729
Fireman's Boots, size 46 1 SG03730
Fireman's Boots, size 47 1 SG03731
Fireman's Boots, size 48, SOLAS approved 1 SG03732

Fireman's Boots Herkules S3 5526-0

Comfortable boots for protection against heat and foot injuries and injuries caused by slipping,
pushing, pinching, falling or sliding objects.

Features - Steel toecap: protecting against impact with

- Upper material: natural, heat-resistant and energy up to 200J and 15kN crush force.
waterproof cowhide leather with smooth - Steel insole: resistant to puncture up to
grain, black colour. 1100N.
- Lining: natural cowhide leather - in addition - HI3: third level thermal resistance-level of
to the comfort, the properties of this leather heat insulation at 250°C/40 min.
increase hygiene of wear, because the - Double zipping system: zipper and laces.
moisture that appears during the use is - Zipper handle blocker
drained through the leather of the lining. As - Reflective inserts
a result, the skin of the feet does not - Easy donning
overheat, does not attrition and does not - Ventilated two-layer insole pad (outer part -
infuse, without causing discomfort to the natural leather, inner part - foam, both parts
user. swen together), with additional layer of
- Special construction of the tongue prevents special foam in the heel section to increase
the penetration of dust or dirt inwards the the comfort of use.
Fireman's Boots Herkules 5526-0 shoe. - Sole: top quality heatproof rubber, resistant
Meets the heat and flame resistance require- - F2A: footwear for firefighters type 2, with to high temperatures, oils, weak acid and
ments antistatic properties, construction type C. alkaline, antiskid SRC.
- An additional rubber cover protection sewn - Shock-absorber protection for shock
to the tip of the shoe prevents an attrition absorption in the heel part while walking.
and mechanical damages of leather at front - Assembly system: gluing
part of the upper.


Color Black
Sizes 36 – 48 (special sizes 49 and 50)
Sole/heel Molded rubber sole with 6 mm profile
Heat-resistant up to 300 °C
SRC rated slip resistant
Incorporated stainless steel soleplate
Weight 2.1 kgs
Height 22 cm in size 8
Approvals Protection class F2A HI3 SRC according to the requirements of European standard for firefighting
boots EN 15090:2012


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Herkules Fireman's Leather Boots, size 6 / 39 1 23112003
Herkules Fireman's Leather Boots, size 7 / 40 1 23112051
Herkules Fireman's Leather Boots, size 8 / 41 1 23112052
Herkules Fireman's Leather Boots, size 9 / 42 1 23112053
Herkules Fireman's Leather Boots, size 10 / 43 1 23112054
Herkules Fireman's Leather Boots, size 11 / 44 1 23112055
Herkules Fireman's Leather Boots, size 12 / 45 1 23112056

Fireman's SA Boots

Boots for emergency situation and fire with toxic chemicals emission.

Features - resistance to chemicals: fuels, oils, weak and

- safety toe cap diluted acids, solvents
- anti-perforation mid-sole - resistance to abrasion and cuts
- resistance to heat flow, heat contact, fire - used with chemical protective suits (satisfy
permeation tests according to EN 943-2)

Fireman's SA Boots
Meets the heat and flame resistance require-


Color Black
Sizes 36-50
Type of construction Elastomer: fireproofed NBR (fireproofed nitrile rubber)
Steel midsole Composite anti-perforation mid-sole
Toe Polymer toe cap
(steel toe for sizes 36, 37, 38)
Weight 1900g / pair (size 42)
Height 370mm (size 42)
Approvals EN 943-2
EN 15090 type 3 HI3
EN 13832-3 J P Q
EN 13287
Marine fire protection equipment certified by SEE-BG, notified body N°0736
MED approved


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fireman's Boots, size 36 1 SG03746
Fireman's Boots, size 37/38 1 SG03747
Fireman's Boots, size 39 1 SG03749
Fireman's Boots, size 40/41 1 SG03751
Fireman's Boots, size 42 1 SG03752
Fireman's Boots, size 43 1 SG03753
Fireman's Boots, size 44 1 SG03754
Fireman's Boots, size 45 1 SG03755
Fireman's Boots, size 46/47 1 SG03756
Fireman's Boots, size 48 1 23112026

Safety Boots - Cherokee - S3

There is a need for ‘basic’ footwear, stripped from all things that could be regarded as ‘luxury’,
but with all major safety and comfort properties ‘on board’.

Features - fine leather quality

- ankle support - extra rigid leather parts
- slip resistance - easy access zip
- S3 - anti-perforation textile Enigma T-system
- non-metallic - oil hydrocarbons resistant
- lightweight - anti-static

Safety Boots Cherokee

Slip resistance, S3


Manufacturer / Type Roots / Cherokee

Color Black
Sizes 38 - 50
Boot height 22.8 cm (9")
Toecap Multi-layer fiber glass 200J
Midsole Texon anti-perforation midsole S3
Sole Inner sole soft PU / outsole hard PU
Heat resistance sole Up to 170°C
Slip resistant modulus 0.41
Scuff cap Direct injected PU
Weight (EU43 / UK9) 1.72 kgs
Approvals UNI EN ISO 20345:2012, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety Boot, size 38 1 07107138
Safety Boot, size 40 1 07107140
Safety Boot, size 41 1 07107141
Safety Boot, size 42 1 07107142
Safety Boot, size 43 1 07107143
Safety Boot, size 44 1 07107144
Safety Boot, size 45 1 07107145
Safety Boot, size 46 1 07107146
Safety Boot, size 47 1 07107147
Safety Boot, size 48 1 07107148
Safety Boot, size 50 1 07107149

Dräger HPS 7000 Fireman's Helmet

The Dräger HPS 7000 firefighter’s helmet is in a class of its own thanks to its innovative, sporty
and dynamic design, ergonomic fit and components which make it a multi-functional system
solution. It provides you optimum protection during every operation.

Tailor-made fit for every head into the helmet shell and illuminates the whole
Two helmet shells for head sizes from 50 to working area. It is located in the centre of the
66 cm cover a wide range of individual head front plate and has an effective glare
and face shapes. With a weight of approx. 2012shield as well as intelligent battery
1,380 g as basic version, it is one of the management system. The interior fitting can
lightest helmets in its class. In addition to its be equipped with various audio/speech
comfortable interior fitting made of skin- headsets for different radios. This ensures
friendly, anti-allergic and flexible materials, the reliable communication even in loud
Dräger HPS 7000 stands out with its high environments.
level of operating and wearing comfort.
Highest safety - the material mix makes the
Comfort is a matter of position difference
Dräger HPS 7000 fireman's helmet The padded 4-point harness allows for safe Despite its low weight, the Dräger HPS 7000
Tailor-made fit for every head and easy adjustment to any head shape. The is one of the safest full-shell helmets in its
optimum balance of the helmet can be class. Its outer shell of composite material in
adjusted individually in the neck and chin combination with the PUR inner shell provides
area. The padding made of Nomex also reliable protection against thermal and
ensures a comfortable fit. The integrated mechanical influences. The plastic reinforced
comfort hairnet enables the height to be with glass fibre and aramide webbing resists
adjusted and assures a good climate inside extreme temperatures. It is even able to
the helmet. During operation, the head size withstand the enormous radiation heat and
can be adjusted quickly via an easy-to-operate flame engulfment of a flash over. The visors of
size adjustment wheel with safety mechanism high temperature resistant polyether sulphone
on the outer shell, even with wet and thick reliably protect your eyes and face against
gloves. high heat, particles and liquid chemicals.

Design at its strongest Nothing left to be desired

The ergonomic helmet design evenly A comprehensive accessory program
distributes the weight to the head and relieves completes the Dräger package. Reflective
the neck muscles. The large and modern strips improve your visibility under
facial protection visor offers unrestricted unfavourable conditions and allow for
protection with best visibility. For operations individual marking. matched to your clothing,
under chemical protective suits, the visor can the various neck protection versions reliably
be fixed permanently. A safe alternative is keep your back free. Separate helmet lamps
provided by the integrated and individually are attached with a lamp adapter on the right
adjustable protective goggles with integrated or left helmet side. A Nomex coating protects
softpad edge protection. Both visors leave your helmet in any training situation and
enough space for the simultaneous use of extends its service life. Helmet bags and
corrective glasses or respiratory masks. cases provide safe storage and transport.

Innovative system design Ready again in no time at all

As a provider of integrated system solutions, The Dräger HPS 7000 is easy and efficient to
Dräger sets new standards for the interaction service due to the minimum number of
of its products. The universally and individually components. The entire interior fitting can be
adjustable mask connection system of the removed and re-installed in just a few steps.
Dräger HPS 7000 creates a strong and safe You can replace individual components easily
helmet-mask combination. The full-face mask and quickly, using standard tools. All helmet
FPS 7000, the integrated mask components are cleaned and disinfected
communication unit FPS 7000 COM-PLUS manually or in industrial washing machine.
and the SCBA of the PSS series allow you to
optimally configure the overall system. The
light-weight LED helmet lamp is integrated

Dräger HPS 7000 Fireman's Helmet


Size H1: for head size 52 to 60 and optional for 50/51 (when using a separate padding strip),
H2: for head size 56 to 64/66, continuously adjustable via adjustment wheel (available 2014)
Weight Approx. 1,380 g (±5%)
Color Luminescent, pure white,red, signal blue, zinc yellow, black, bright yellow, other colors on request
Mask connection (only PRO version) Option to attach any adapter mask, e.g. Dräger FPS 7000, 4 positions adjustable
Interior fitting Flame-resistant and washable 4-point harness made of Nomex, sweat band of eco leather, head
support ring with wheel adjustment system (patent pending), integrated comfort hairnet, fixing lever for
facial protection visor and communication adapter
Material, outer shell composite consisting of glass fibre reinforced plastic (PA-GF) and additionally reinforced with aramide
webbing, high temperature resistant
Facial protection visor 2.5 mm polyether sulphone, anti-scratch coated (optional), approved acc. to EN 14458:2004 (±40 °C,
T, N, K, AT, R, E3) clear or gold-coated version
Protective goggles (only for PRO version) 2.5 mm polyether sulphone with softpad edge protection, anti-scratch coated (optional), approved acc.
to EN 14458:2004 (±40 °C, T, N, K, AT, R, E3), clear or tinted version, 2 positions adjustable
Approvals EN 443:2008 (type B 3b, C, E2, E3, -40 °C), mask-helmet combination acc. to DIN 58610


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger HPS 7000, luminescent 1 R79170
Dräger HPS 7000, white 1 R79171
Dräger HPS 7000, PRO luminescent/matt black 1 R79250
Dräger HPS 7000, PRO white/matt black 1 R79251
Dräger HPS 7000 - neck protection Nomex / Aluminium 1 R79145
Dräger HPS 7000 - neck protection Nomex / short 1 R79146
Dräger HPS 7000 - neck protection Nomex, neck curtain, three-layer 1 R79147
Dräger HPS 7000 - helmet lamp, LED, integrated 1 R79013
For Dräger HPS 7000 and HPS 7000 PRO, to attach the integrated LED helmet lamp, order separately: 1 R79226
E-kit front plate for Dräger HPS 7000 helmet lamp
Lamp holder Dräger HPS 7000 (for helmet lamps Dräger PX1) 1 R79129
Helmet lamp Dräger PX 1 LED 1 R62350
Helmet lamp Dräger PX 1 XENON 1 R57816

Dräger HPS 6200 Fireman's Helmet

The Dräger HPS 6200 – a firefighter’s helmet in a class of its own. Optimum protection even
at extreme temperatures. High wearing comfort and a good climate inside the helmet. A wide
range of accessories is available to complete the head-protection system.

High Termal The helmet with the least weight presently on

The Dräger HPS 6200 is characterised by the market according to the new standard EN
high thermal stability achieved through the 443:2008.
helmet shell being made of high-temperature
resistant Duroplast material reinforced with Wearer comfort
aramid fabric which can resist open flames as The padded interior ensures reduced
well as radiant heat. pressure on the wearers head during use and
the integrated flame and heat barrier ensures
Wearer protection a comfortable temperature within the helmet.
The HPS 6200 protects the head against The improved ear clearance at the chin strap
penetration and impact even under high provides optimised acoustics and thanks to
thermal stress. As the helmet shell has been the new hook and loop fastener fastener, the
Dräger HPS 6200 fireman's helmet compression-molded using the SMC method chin strap can be adjusted quickly and easily.
Fire fighter’s helmet in pure white with amber- and furnished with an optimised finishing, the
tinted visor Dräger HPS 6200 features an extremely high Accessories
protection levels. A wide range of accessories can be used with
the HPS6200: mask connections, varying
Adaptable use colours for helmet shells and front plates,
Adaptation systems allow the HPS 6200 to adapters for communication systems, lamp
be used in conjunction with the with the FPS holders or ear protectors are available. These
7000 or Panorama Nova full face mask. Three components will already be integrated into the
different helmet-mask adapters are available: helmet on receipt of order.
Supra-connection, S-fix or Q-fix connection.


Size Universal size, continiously adjustable for head sizes 52 to 64 or optionally 50/51 with additional pad
Weight Appr. 1,365 gr
Color Luminescent, pure white,red, signal blue, zinc yellow, black, bright yellow, other colors on request
Mask connection Suitable for connection of the Dräger FPS® 7000 masks and masks with Supra-adapter
Inner liner Flame-resistant, washable harness made of Nomex, headband of “eco-leather” head support ring with
quick-adjustment system for wearing of full-face masks with hairnet or 5-point harness
Fastening system 3-point chinstrap of Nomex/Aramide with padding, hook and loop fastener fastener and quick-release
Visor mm polysulfone (amber-tinted), anti-scratch coating and grip tabs on both sides approved to EN 14458;
2nd visor version (as described above), but gold-coated
Insulation resistance E2, E3
Radiant heat 14 kW/sq m
Low-temperature stability down to -40 °C
Approvals prEN 443:2006, EN 443:1997, mask-helmet combination to DIN 58610, Nord Test (as Dräger HPS

Dräger HPS 6200 Fireman's Helmet


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger HPS 6200, base version with ‘Romanic’ front plate (color: matt black), luminescent 1 R57255
Dräger HPS 6200, base version with ‘Romanic’ front plate (color: matt black), white 1 R57256
Dräger HPS 6200, base version matt black helmet front plate, white 1 R56530
Neck curtain, Nomex Aluminium with reverse side of Nomex III 1 R56622
Neck curtain, Wool Long (Dutch type), 100% wool, oil- and waterrepellant, flame-retardant, edged at bottom with Nomex 1 R56623
Neck curtain, Nomex short and tight fitting, Nomex impregnated with fluorocarbon 1 R56620
Helmet lamp Xenon 1 R57816
Lamp holder S-Fix, of high temperature resistant black plastic 1 R56700
Lamp holder Q-Fix, made of high temperature resistant black plastic 1 R56950
Mask adapter retrofit kit Q-Fix, fixing to position points on the helmet instead of the mounted plate for S-Fix 1 R56824
Chinstrap with hook and loop fastener fastening 1 R56536
Anti-fog agent, for all visors 1 R56542
Adapter ring for Savox coms 1 R56828
Adapter for communication system, Right 1 R56825
Spare parts set for mask attachment 1 R56144

Dräger HPS 4500 Fireman's Helmet

The Dräger HPS® 4500 is a traditional half-shell helmet with a modern design. Its robust outer
shell provides you with excellent protection against impact and extreme heat. With a modern
visor design, the helmet has superior wearer comfort due to ergonomic and lightweight internal
components. A comprehensive range of accessories make our solution a truly versatile helmet
across a variety of applications.

Hard shell Heat and scratch resistant visor

The outer shell is characterised by a robust The large visor of the HPS 4500 reaches
and resistant design. The combination of high- down to the chin area. It is made of thermally
temperature-resistant Duroplast and latest high-resistant Polyphenylsulfon material and
aramid fabrics protects you both against therefore suitable for interior fire fighting. The
falling debris and the heat of naked flames. visor is approved according to EN 14458 and
The outer shell, pressed using a special classified as “face guard”. Therefore the visor
method (SMC* method) provides the HPS® provides the greatest possible protection
4500 with exceptional stability. At the same without any interfere in your field of vision.
time it is one of the lightest helmets of its The visor has anti-scratch coating on both
Dräger HPS 4500 fireman's helmet class and meets the requirements of the new sides.
Comfortable and easily adaptabel standard EN 443:2008 – type A (half shell).
Comprehensive accessories for every
High wearing comfort and easy operation challenge
The HPS 4500 features modern and Dräger offers you a wide range of accessories
comfortable internal helmet components. The for the most varied applications during fire
4-point harness can be adjusted both in the fighting. You can optimize and individualize
neck area as well as in the temple area via a your helmet to these various challenges by
simple tensioning system. The convenient choosing between numerous versions of neck
adjusting wheel allows you to adjust the fit of guards, face protections, helmet lamps and
the helmet even with thick gloves. The communication systems – all of which can be
integrated hair net allows for height quickly and easily attached to the HPS 4500.
adjustment, and at the same time, ensures a - * SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) –
comfortable cool climate inside the helmet. Duroplast, reinforced with aramid fibre
The harness made of fire-resistant Nomex®/ cloths; for a higher performance of the entire
aramid fabric and the sweatband made of eco- helmet.
leather are washable using common - Nomex® is a registered trademark of
detergents. DuPont.
- Parasnap® is a registered trademark of
- Pinlock® is a registered trademark of


Size H2: 48 to 61, H3: 56 to 64, freely adjustable

Weight H2: 995 g +/- 5%, H3: 1,060 g +/- 5%
Outer shell GRP = Glass fibre reinforced duroplastic, high-temperature
resistant, specially reinforced with aramid fabric
Inner helmet components Flame-resistant and washable harness made of Nomex®/aramid,
eco-leather sweatband with PU foam padding, polyester hair net
Visors (optional selections) 2 mm Polyphenylsulfon (amber), anti-scratch coating on both
sides, approved according to EN 443:2008 and EN 14458:2004,
or 2 mm polycarbonate (clear), approved according to
EN 14458:2004
Insulation resistance E2, E3
Radiant heat 14 kW/m2
Cold resistance up to -40°C

Dräger HPS 4500 Fireman's Helmet

Approvals EN 443:2008 - Type A, shipping approvals in accordance with SOLAS and MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger HPS® 4500, luminescent, size H2 1 R62451
Dräger HPS® 4500, red, size H2 1 R62455
Dräger HPS® 4500, Áuorescent yellow, size H2 1 R62459
Visor - Dräger HPS® 4500-PC AS/AS, size H2 1 R62494
Visor - Dräger HPS® 4500, PPSU AS/AS, size H2 1 R62496
Neck guard, Nomex® short 1 R56620
Neck guard Nomex®, Belgian version (shell version), 4 layers 1 R56621
Neck guard, aluminium/Nomex® 1 R56622
Neck guard, wool, Dutch shroud 1 R56623
Neck guard Nomex®, Dutch shroud version (shell version) 1 R58015

Bullard Fireman's Helmet

Firedome FXE helmets are designed to give firefighters the extra edge that tips the odds in their
favor. Featuring contemporary styling, these helmets incorporate recommendations from veteran
fire professionals from around the world. The result is an integrated assembly of advanced
materials and quality components that provide outstanding head protection, superior comfort,
long-lasting durability and proven on-the-job performance.

Features - cost-effective maintenance - Bullard helmets

- superior comfort - A low center of gravity are designed from the start to make
provides the FXE with a balanced and stable maintenance simple and cost effective. For
fit, increasing overall comfort. example, the browpad can be easily
removed and cleaned. competitive helmets
- quick, easy sizing - Bullard's Sure-Lock® have browpad sewn into the headband
ratchet headband adjusts to wearer's head making an awkward cleaning and very
with a quick turn of the knob. Additional expensive replacement.
adjustment points permit custom fit,
personalised balance and interface with the - maximum visibility - FXE helmets feature
SCBA. 3M Scotchlite® striping which retains
reflectivity to 260° C (500° F). That makes
- tough and durable protection - The outer Scotchlite the toughest material available for
shell of the FXE is made of fiberglass and is helmet markings.
more resistant to chemical attack and more
Bullard Fireman's Helmet stable at extreme temperatures than those Unique face shield
Comfortable wear, quick and easy sizing made of thermoplastic. The color is molded FXE helmets also feature the unique R310
through the shell. optically-correct face shield. The R310
eliminates distortion and reduces eye stress
and fatigue.


Size 52-62
Colors Available in yellow, red, black and white
Approvals CE EN443


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bullard Fireman's Helmet FXE 1 SG03901
Bullard Fireman's Helmet, neck curtain, FXE 1 SG03904
Bullard Fireman's Helmet, face shield, FXE 1 SG03903
Bullard Fireman's Helmet, face shield mounting kit 1 SG03905

Dräger UCF 9000 Thermal Imaging Camera

The Dräger UCF 9000 thermal imaging camera is suitable for all offshore apps. The camera can
be used for rescue operations, technical assistance, hazmat operations, monitoring as well as
search for hot spots and hidden fire.

Always have a hand free - quick shutter: don’t miss information

The UCF 9000 is a compact design. The because the detector is calibrating itself or
holding hand also operates all functions. when switching to a different operating
Buttons and keys are quickly selected with mode
the thumb or index finger. With its robust
support the UCF is conveniently at hand even Eight additional image modes
while you are crawling on all fours: Simply - fire (fire fighting)
support yourself against the ground with the - persons (search and rescue)
device’s crawlplate support. - thermal scan (searching for hotspots)
- outdoors (searching for persons outside)
Crystal clear images - hazardous goods (leak detection and level
Even when the visibility is extremely poor, the indicators)
UCF 9000 will still deliver first-rate image - scan PLUS (searching for heat sources - in
quality and detailed precision. With its 384 x real image)
288 pixels it offers an extremely high - normal image (video camera)
resolution, and thus provides 44% more detail - user-defined 1
Dräger UCF 9000 Thermal Imaging Camera
than other fire fighting thermal imaging
Easy to use, small, light weight and EX ap-
cameras. Its 57° field of view (horizontal) Continued recording with full memory card
provides you with an extra-large overview of Should the recording capacity of approx. two
the situation. To bring the scene in even hours be exhausted, the black box of the UCF
closer, you have the option of using the 4x 9000 guarantees further use of the thermal
zoom in addition to the 2x zoom. imaging video. If the memory is full, the
camera will simply record over the beginning
Thermal image or real image mode of the recording. The recording continues
The UCF 9000 is capable of capturing films automatically.
and individual photos of not just the displayed
thermal images, but also from real digital Additional advantages
images. With this option, you can make a live - intuitive operation: easy and safe handling
recording of real operations and training even under rough conditions
situations and evaluate them on the display on - display brightness adjusts automatically to
site with the play function. environment
- easy-to-read status information
The UCF basic functions - modern lithium ion batteries provide approx.
- laser pointer: use the pointer to mark heat four hours operating time
sources or display the fill level of tanks - automatic stand-by for longer battery life
- snapshot-function: look around corners and - different attachment options (e.g. neck strap
freeze the image to assess the situation or retractable lanyard)
- extended dynamic range: clearly detect - wide range of accessories (e.g. transport
persons and objects even near fires case, vehicle installation kit, tripods, etc.)
- warmtebeeldcamera-oplader.jpg


Dimension of the camera 125 x 280 x 110 mm (w x h x d)

Weight 1.4 kgs incl. battery
Technology display Liquid crystal display (LCD)
Size display 9 cm
Application modes Standard, Fire, Persons, Thermal Scan, Outdoors, Hazardous Goods, Scan Plus, Normal Image, User
defined 1
Protection cover housing Rubber material EPDM

Dräger UCF 9000 Thermal Imaging Camera

Carrying loops housing High-temperature-resistant material

Housing material High-temperature-resistant plastic
Protection class IP67
Infrared type sensor a-Si Microbolometer Arry
Resolution infrared 384 x 288 pixels
IR spectral 7 to 14 um
Temperature sensivity Typically 0.035 °C
Picture frequency 50 Hz
Material optics Germanium
Focus optics 1 m to infinity
Field of view Horizontal: 57° / Vertical: 41° / Diagonal: 74°
Operation time (at 23°C) with battery Typically 4 hours
Operation time (at 23°C) with alkaline power pack Typically 2 hours
Temperature measurement Digital temperature display: -40°C to 1,000°C
Operating temperature 40°C to 85°C (inside camera), 150°C for 20 min., 260°C for 10 min.
Battery technology Rechargeable lithium ion batteries
Battery status display Precise 4-level battery indicator
Approvals IEC 60079-0:2007, IEC 60079-11:2006, EN 60079-0:2009, EN 60079-11:2007, EN 60079-11:2007,
ANS/ISA 12.12.01, CAN/CSA E60079-0, CAN/CSA E60079-11, I M2 / II 2G, Ex ib I Mb / Ex ib IIC T4
Gb, Flame test EN137:2006


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger UCF 9000 (50 Hz) 1 8321225
Transport Case 1 8321099
Neck strap 1 8323031
Retractable lanyard 1 8323032
Li-on battery (with Ex-approval) 1 8323075
Battery charger 1 8321247
Tripod 1 8321254
Universal clamp 1 8321259

Dräger REGIS® 300 and 500

Hands-free monitoring of respiratory protection of emergency and rescue teams: The boards
REGIS® 300 and 500 enable the incident manager to keep track of respiratory equipment
wearers and their deployment time. Thanks to an automatic intermediate alarm, monitoring can
be combined with other tasks. In co-usage with the external tracer, distances of up to 40 m are

Simultaneous monitring of three teams Name tags can be attached with snap hooks
With Dräger REGIS, the incident manager is to the lower end of the board for help in
able to monitor up to three teams visualizing the team members. The color of
simultaneously, with up to three wearers per the tags also provides information about the
team. Easy to read displays with countdown type of respirators used.
timers inform about the remaining
deployment time. The displays of both boards REGIS 500: Coding plugs for different
are illuminated with the touch of a button to applications
ensure all important data is easy to see even The deployment time may be shorter or
Dräger REGIS® 300 and 500 in difficult conditions. longer depending on the type of respirator
Hands-free monitoring of respiratory protec- used. With the coding plugs for standard and
tion More safety with intermediate alarms short time respiratory protective devices,
A continuous beep is emitted once the extended time respiratory protective device,
deployment time of a team is over. To aid with or closed-cycle respiratory protective devices,
assigning the right alarm with the right team, the monitoring board panel can adjust
the corresponding LED flashes. The acoustic automatically to a specific deployment time
and visual alarm tracer also emits an alert after between 25 and 120 minutes. Simply insert
1/3 and 2/3 of the deployment time has the coding plugs into the corresponding slots
expired. and the countdown starts automatically.

External tracer for more ease of movement Other advantages of the REGIS 300
Some incidents require that the person - three backlit displays
performing the monitoring must leave the - digital clock for real-time display
vicinity of the board. In these cases, a highly - customisable deployment time
visible external tracer can be combined with - deployment time with negative sign starting
the board as an additional module. The built- at 0 minutes on display
in transmitter reliably relays any alarm signals - made from durable plastic
emitted by the monitoring board to the - corner protectors made of rubber
external tracer for a distance of up to 40 - labeling field with intuitive symbols
meters. - clip to hold sheets and pen

Full deployment monitoring with simple Other advantages of the REGIS 500
documentation - integrated Digital clock for real-time display
Name of the equipment wearer, cylinder - additional intermediate alarm at deployment
pressure at the beginning of the deployment, halftime and remaining time of 10, 5, and 0
air supply, start and end of deployment time, minutes
as well as location: A clip attached to the - large backlit display
board holds a sheet for entering all necessary - rubber edge protectors on side and pen
data. The person performing the monitoring holder
can later detach and file this sheet as needed.


Dräger REGIS® 300: Size (h x w x d) 40 x 34,5 x 4,5 cm

Dräger REGIS® 300: Weight 1,5 kgs
Dräger REGIS® 500: Size (h x w x d) 24 x 23 x 5,8 cm
Dräger REGIS® 500: Weight 0,9 kgs

Dräger REGIS® 300 and 500


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger REGIS® 300 1 R55950
Dräger REGIS® 500 1 R54993

Univent Ventilation Saw 16"

Low Vibe System separates the handle from the engine, bar and chain. Effectively reduces tiring
vibrations. Air Injection Centrifugal Air Cleaning System for longer intervals between filter
cleaning. Reduces wear and operates smoother. Smart Start Decompression valve reduces
piston pressure when starting. Reduces required pulling force and makes starting easier.

Features - carburetor vapor lock isolation

- stainless steel muffler guard - automatic adjustable oiler
- advanced 2-Stage air filtration system
- .404/.063 heavy duty carbide chain There are two types of saws available:
- replaceable sprocket nosed guide bar - saw recommended for standard fire
- inertia activated chain break department ventilation and building
- insulated full wrap handle materials
- combined choke and throttle lock - saw recommended for harder materials such
- dual 2 X 2 transfer ports as metal buildings, roll up doors, nails, etc.
- side chain tensioning system This saw has twice as many teeth!

Univent ventilation saw 16"

Easy to handle, reduces vibrations


Cilinder displacement 75 cm
Horsepowder 6,5 PS
Noise level 104 dB (A)
Tank volume 0,75 liter
Oiltank volume 0,39 liter
No-load RPM 13.500/min
Weight 6,11 kg


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Univent Ventilation Saw 16" 1 22130002

POK Portable Oscillating Monitor

500 GPM Blitz Fire Attack Monitor. Quick locking ladder attachments are options.

Features small ground irregularities. It is intended for a

- 500 GDM Blitz Fire Attack monitor maximum flow of 2000 liters per minute.
- only one with full 360° rotation
- only one -20° to 80° vertical travel with built Site selection
in stop at 30° Safety operation of the monitor on the
- storage size of only 19"L x 7"W x 8"H portable base begins with site selection. The
- 0° to 60° automatic oscillating and quick site should be a safe distance from the fire yet
locking ladder attachments are options within the reach of the nozzle stream. Select
a flat even surface within 8 feet of a sturdy
Vertical elevation control and safety stop stationary object that can be used as an
release attachment point for the anchor strap. Set up
When mounted on a ladder attachment, the the portable base with the anchor point
nozzle may be lowered below the 30° stop. between the portable base and desired target
When the nozzle is raised back above 30°, the of the nozzle stream.
POK Oscillating Monitor spring loaded stop release will snap back into
Extremely compact and full 360° position automatically, limiting the elevation of Maintenance
the nozzle with respect to the base at 30°. A positive advantage of the POK monitor is
they require very little maintenance. However,
Portable base in order to maintain optimal functioning of
The portable base allows the monitor to be these monitors we advise you to apply grease
positioned in places that are not accessible to the greaser(s) frequently with the genuine
with a fire truck. The legs are made of titanium POK grease.You will find several greasers on
and will flex when in use to compensate for your monitor.


Flow 500 GPM at 100 PSI - 2000 l/mn at 7 bars

Weight 12 kg
Vertical range 80°
Material Aluminium
Leg Fold away titanium leg with carbide tips


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

POK Portable Oscillating Monitor 1 09122003

Insulated Fireman's Axe with Pouch

Insulated fireman's axe with leather pouch.

Applications Features axe

Firefighting department, axe is primary used - handle is made of rubber
for breaking down doors and windows. - can be carried in the fire fighting harness
- used by fire fighters in marine vessels

Insulated axe and pouch

For firefighting department


Material Blade: steel DIN EN 10083-2, class A DIN 7287
Tubular: steel EN 10083-2 - C45
Grip cover : impact proof, non-aging plastic
Length axe 32 cm
Weight Appr. 1 kgs
Insulation value Insulated handle tested to 10.000 volts
Color Black handle, red axe
Material Leather
Dimensions 230 x 215 mm
Weight 0.2 kg
Color Black


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Insulated Fireman's Axe, 32 cm, exluding pouch 1 SG03803
Leather Pouch 1 SG03804

Streamlight Propolymer 3N LED Flashlight

The 3N alkaline battery-powered flashlight features (3) three ultra bright white LEDs.

Features - Features an integral pocket clip

- Impact resistant polymer body and face cap - Available in red and grey
- Unbreakable polycarbonate lens with
scratch resistant coating Accessories
- Features momentary blink or constant “on” - Holster
tail switch - Lanyard
- Up to 120 hours continuous runtime

Streamlight LED Flashlight

ATEX zone 0 approved


Model Propolymer 3N LED Zone 0

Material Plastic
Light strength 30 Lumen
Maximum uptime 120 hours
Weight 60 gr
Dimensions 13.3 X 2.4 cm
Burn time light source 100.000
Approvals DEMKO 04 ATEX 0406954 II 1G EEx ia IIC T4


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Streamlight Propolymer 3N LED Flashlight, Zone: 0 1 SG04115
Battery, Duracel PC2400 LR3 Size: AAA 1 SG04103

Peli Super SabreLite™ Flashlight

The SabreLite™ flashlight has an exclusive state-of-the-art Laser Spot Xenon™ lamp module
that produces a tightly focused white light beam.

Features - accidental turn on and mechanical switch

- Super Sabrelite™ Zone 1 is made of failure is eliminated because of the rotary
unbreakable ABS material with a hi-impact on/off switch
polycarbonate lens. Its lamp module is made - it also includes a safety battery tray with 3C
of precision aluminium, high pressure cell Alkaline batteries (not included) in
Xenon™ fixed and sealed reflector with order to avoid accidents if the cells are
glass frontage that produces a focused inverted
collimated white light beam - submersible to 150 meters
- belt clip, stainless steel split ring and black
lanyard allowing the flashlight to be attached
to a pocket, belt or a hand

Peli Super SabreLite zone 1

ATEX approved


Light strength 12000 Candle Power

Weight (with batteries) 340 gr
Dimensions 50 x 120 mm
Battery time 5-6 hours at 10°C
Approvals II 2G EEx e ib IIC T4
ATEX Zone 1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Peli: Super SabreLite Flaslight Zone 1, ATEX 1 SG04111

Peli StealthLite 2460 Flashlight, Zone 1

Peli's Rechargeable StealthLite™ is a powerful indestructible flashlight with an unbreakable

corrosion proof ABS body and hi-impact polycarbonate lens. Its Laser Spot Xenon™ lamp
module gives an extremely bright white beam, which can cut through water, smoke, fog and rain,
making it a perfect light source for all applications. This flashlight is ATEX approved.

Features indicates the charge state of the battery and

It is a highly recommended flashlight to be eliminates overcharging and over heating. The
used within shipping, industrial and fire Rechargeable StealthLite™ has a one handed
applications because it is very powerful, light on/off locking switch plus a heavy-duty
weight and attachable to any work helmet. lanyard and is water resistant (not for diving
applications). It is for ATEX, FM and CSA
The state-of-the-art smart charger allows for a approved.
fast 2-3 hour charge time while the LED light

Peli StealthLite 2460 Flaslight, Zone 1

Very powerful and light weight


Light source LED

Lumen 112
Light strength 153 m
Length 17.8 cm
Volt 4,80
Operation time 4,5 hours
Batteries 4 Alkaline 'AA' Cells
Weight (without batteries) 120 gr
Weight (with batteries) 220 gr
Color Yellow
Approvals UL
ATEX, Zone 1 (Category 2)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Peli StealthLite 2460 Flashlight, Zone 1 1 04143030
Peli StealthLite Flashlight, 220V, including charger 1 SG04112
Peli Stealth Lite Flashlight Lamp module 1 04143032

Bright Star 200201 ATEX Flashlight

ATEX approved for use in hazardous locations.

Features Components
- a dual switch - rotating head or push button - contact strip: brass
- an impact resistant design that is able to - lanyard: braided nylon (black)
survive a 30 foot drop - belt clip: super - tough nylon
- Xenon bulb provides 30,000 Candlepower - switch boot: thermoplastic elastomer (TPE)
- pre-focused spot beam - tube: super - tough nylon
- non-conductive - lens: polycarbonate with thermoplastic
- key-ring lanyard and belt clip standard elastomer (TPE)
- xenon bulb - reflector: ultem 1000

Bright Star 200201 Flashlight

ATEX approved


Light strength 30,000 BC

Length 170 mm
Weight 200 gr
Power source 2 C Cell
Bulb Lamp Xenon
Lamp life 15 hours
Appr. burn time at continuous use 5 hours and 40 min
Appr. burn time at intermittent use 6 hours and 30 min
Battery time 30 hours
Color Orange, yellow or black
Approvals UL, CSA and MSHA


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Brightstar Flashlight ATEX Zone 1 / Orange 1 SG04113

Fire Proof Lifeline

Lifelines for firefighters outfit are intended of being attached by means of a snap-hook to the
harness of a firefighter. Especially suited for marine fire fighters, MED approved.

Features the wire rope. The end connection is with a

The lifeline has a carabiner hook with a screw thimble end the wire rope is pressed with a
cap hook on one side. For the end connection ferrule. A shrink hose is covering the ferrule.
the polyester cover is removed at the end of

Fire proof life line

MED approved


Material - Galvanized steel wire rope 6X19+PP core 5 mm according to specification 619N5 in tensile strength
of 1770 N/mm2
- woven cover sheet of Polyester yarns made out of Trevira CS of thickness approximately 1,5 mm
- Carabiner hook in acc. to DIN 5299 Form C 100 x 10 mm WLL 350 kg
Length line 30 meters
Approvals MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire Proof Life Line with hook, 30 meter, MED approved 1 SG03823
Fire Proof Life Line with hook, 40 meter, MED approved 1 SG03825
Fire Proof Life Line with hook, 45 meter, MED approved 1 SG03826
Fire Proof Life Line with hook, 50 meter, MED approved 1 SG03827

Fire Resistant Safety Belt

Fireman's work positioning belt is especially designed for fire brigades. They are exclusively
intended to prevent falls from a height in hazardous areas.

Features Usage
When putting on the fireman's work The fixed lanyard is used for work place
positioning belt, the belt itself is wrapped positioning (positioning or restraint purposes)
around the body and closed by pulling the and attaches to the anchor point by a
webbing end through the alloy frame, going carabiner snaphook. The anchor point has to
back with it through the two-pin buckle and be at or above waist level and should bear a
hooking the metal inserts into this. After that minimum load of 10 kN according to EN 795.
the webbing end is pulling through and fixed In fall hazardous areas the lanyard must
by the fitted webbing loops. The belt has to fit always be tensioned to limit the free room of
the body tightly. movement to maximum 0,6 meters.

Optional Important
Fire Resistant Safety Belt The belt is optional equipped with carabiners A fireman's work positioning belt is definitely
To prevent falls from a height with screw locking devices or Twistlocks. The not a full body harness. The positioning belt
multifunctional eye on the carabiner snaphook should be owned by the user individually and
of the fireman's work positioning belt is a is only allowed to be used by seriously trained
special feature for fire brigades and is personnel.
intended exclusively for use with trained
personnel. This multifunctional eye is for
guiding loads to upper or lower levels.


Carbine Twistlock
Weight 1.030 gr
Approvals DIN 14927


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire Resistant Safety Belt, size 3 1 SG03848

Bag for Fireman's Outfit

Bag to store fireman's outfit.

Suitable for - 1 x Seco fireman's gloves EN 659 (2003)

- 1 x Dräger Nomex Fireman’s Suit - 1 x Fireman's SA Boots
- 1 x Dräger HPS 4300 firefighter’s helmet

Fireman's bag
For fire fighters (equipment not included)


Color Yellow and red

Dimensions 60 x 36 x 35 cm
Material PVC Bisonyl


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bag for fireman's suit (equipment not included) 1 SG03882

Fire Blanket

A fire blanket is designed to smother a fire by cutting off its oxygen supply. The fire blanket is
placed in a plastic wall container.

Features - it consists of a sheet of fire retardant

- a fire blanket is a safety device designed to material which is placed over a fire in order
extinguish small starting fires to smother it
- fire blankets are folded in to a quick-release
container for ease of storage

Fire Blanket (normal)

To extinguish small fire


Material Composition E glass

Yarn: Warp: EC9 68 Ex
Yarn: Werft: EC9 68 Ex
Finish: 2 side white sillicone coating 2 x 35 gm/m2
Blanket sizes 1200 x 1200 mm: container size: 210 x 165 x 40 mm
1200 x 1800 mm: container size: 280 x 165 x 40 mm
1800 x 1800 mm: container size: 460 x 165 x 40 mm
Color Container: Red
Blanket: White
Approvals Kitemark: BS EN 1869 / BS EN ISO 9002


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire blanket, 100 x 100 cm 1 SG00481
Fire blanket, 120 x 120 cm 1 18101002
Fire blanket, 120 x 180 cm 1 SG00483
Fire blanket, 180 x 180 cm 1 SG00484
Users manual Fire blanket in English 1 SG00485

Covers for all fire extinguishers

Protection covers for portable and movable fire extinguishers. Designed for i.e. shipping and
offshore environments.

Features of protection covers for wheeled fire - cover made heavier by a galvanized chain
extinguisher covers which is fully enclosed in the bottom seam
- all seams double stitched to prevent the cover been blown off by
- heavy hook and loop fastener closings with strong winds
loops for quick removal in case of a - depending on the extinguish agent an
emergency appropriate stripping is marking the cover

Cover for portable and wheeled fire

Designed for shipping/offshore environments


Type Covers portable fire extinguishers

Material 650 gr/m2 flame retardant PVC
Color Red with white logo Red with white logo
Type Covers wheeled fire extinguishers
Material 650 gr/m2 flame retardant PVC
Color Cover: Red
Striping dry powder: Blue
Striping foam: Beige
Striping CO2: Black


Description Cover for portable fire Cover for wheeled dry Cover for wheeled dry Cover for wheeled Cover for wheeled foam
extinguisher 6-12 kg/liter powder extinguisher 25 powder extinguisher 50 powder extinguisher 100 extinguisher without
kg, blue strip, made kg, blue strip, made kgs, blue strip, made striping, made heavier
heavier heavier heavier
Articlenr SG00322 18107020 SG00321 18107013 SG00327

Covers for all fire extinguishers

Description Cover for wheeled foam Cover for wheeled foam Cover for wheeled CO2
extinguisher 45/50 liter, extinguisher 155 liter, extinguisher 10/20 kg,
beige strip, made heavier beige strip, made heavier black strip, made heavier
Articlenr SG00325 SG00326 SG00328

Brackets for all fire extinguishers

Wall brackets for 2 till 12 kgs fire extinguishers.

Marine bracket CO2 Marine bracket for powder / foam / water

Wall bracket for fire extinguishers 5 kgs and Wall bracket for fire extinguisher. Can be
6 kgs. Can be used for carbon dioxide used for dry powder, foam or water
extinguishers. Fitted with nylon securing strap extinguishers. Fitted with nylon securing strap
to keep the extinguisher in place under all to keep the extinguisher in place under all
conditions. conditions.

Marine bracket CO2

Fitted with nylon securing strap


Material bracket Bracket: mild steel / powder coated / Black

Material securing straps Securing straps: Nylon webbing with PVC snap lock
Dimensions 25 x 900 mm
Fixation CO2 extinguisher Bracket fitted with 3 predrilled holes 4 mm
Fixation powder/foam/water extinguisher Bracket fitted with 4 predrilled holes 5 mm


Description Universal bracket for CO2 bracket standard, 5 Marine bracket with Marine bracket with strap Galvanised bracket with 2
powder or foam kgs strap for dry powder, for CO2 for 5 kgs straps
extinguishers foam and water, 6 to 12 extinguishers
Articlenr 18108008 18108020 SG00334 SG00337 SG00339

Brackets for all fire extinguishers

Description Marine bracket with Inland shipping bracket

strap for CO2, 2 kgs for powder extinguisher
Articlenr SG00338 18108019

Hansen Sealife 150N Life Jacket

Hansen Sealife Life Jacket has a practical, space-saving design, which makes for a compact fit
in onboard cabinets. The volume is 30 to 35% less than most of other life jackets.

Features - floating buddy line in seperate pocket

- easy to don - life jacket safety light included
- waist belt suitable to lift wearer out of water
in emergency Available sizes: Adult - Child - Infant
- retro reflective tape (8 pieces) - Adult - Height: 155 cm, Weight: 43 kg
- light pocket - Child - Height: 100-150 cm, Weight: 15 - 43
- adjustable chin strap for correct head angle kg
- securely fastened whistle - Infant - Height: 100 cm, Weight: 15 kg
- easy adjustable belt

Hansen Sealife Life Jacket

For a compact fit


Type Solid life jacket

Color International approved 290 orange
Size Infant-child-adult
Dimensions (packed) 320 x 290 x 230 mm
Dimensions (unpacked) 1040 x 290 x 120 mm
Weight Hansen Sealife adult = 0.64 kgs
Hansen Sealife child = 0.56 kgs
Hansen Sealife infant = 0.48 kgs
Approvals MED, SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sealife Life Jacket, safety light included 1 SG05011

Hansen Sealife TP Life Jacket

Hansen Sea Life TP Life Jacket comes in adult and child models and is approved according to
the newest NMD (Norwegian Maritime Directorate) requirements as a thermal life jacket.

Features - derives as a regular jacket and is easy to put

- protects against drowning on
- insulation that counteracts hypothermia / - "impossible" to slip out of when properly
heat loss from the head, neck, chest and worn
groin - provides good sight and freedom of
- designed to protect vital body parts and movement
reduce cold shock - approved to the latest SOLAS/ IMO
requirements as a thermal life jacket

Hansen Sealife TP Life Jacket

With thermal protection


Type Solid life jacket

Color International approved 290 orange
Size child-adult
Dimensions (unpacked) 1040 x 290 x 120 mm, excluding size of thermal protection jacket
Approvals SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sealife TP Life Jacket, safety light included 1 SG05012

Secumar Golf 150N Life Jacket

A good value, this fully automatic inflatable life jacket is designed for tough jobs. Protective cover
made of robust nylon fabric. Very light weight and with a compact design. Buoyancy chamber
and protective cover are separate components and in the case of wear and tear can be replaced
independently of each other.

Applications Features
- water board authorities - the inflatable life jacket Golf 150 is available
- customs in an option with SPR-Protection cover for
- police welding and hard-wearing purposes
- locks (washable)
- dock workers - buoyancy chamber system: bright orange
- inland waterways buoyancy chamber in navy blue protective
- hydraulic engineering cover
Secumar Golf 150N Life Jacket - dredging - standard equipment: whistle
An inflatable life jacket for tough jobs - underground engineering
- sewerage works
- stevedoring


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of inflator Automatic inflator 3001S
Buoyancy 150N
CO2-cartridge size 32 gr
Color Navyblue, Orange (=SPR)
Closure Front buckle
Emergency light Optional
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Golf 150N Life Jacket, safety light not included 1 20110001
Seculux CFX-II Life Jacket light 1 SG05602

Secumar DV 150N Life Jacket

Its compact and ergonomic design makes it a very light jacket offering a great freedom of
movement. The protective stole and the buoyancy chamber are independentand can be changed
independently if worn.

Applications - buoyancy chamber system: bright yellow

- Suitable for high seas. For the wearers of buoyancy chamber in navy blue protective
foulweather clothing. cover
- The torque lock (Positorque®) prevents
Features autonomous release of the CO2 cartridge
- Two tones whistle with cord due to shaking and vibration. Three
- Multi-language instruction, service label indicators for all 3 necessary requirements:
- Transport bag SECUMAR pill inserted, CO2 cartridge
- 300 cm2 of M3 reflective strap inserted correctly and release lever secured
- Equipped with an oral valve correctly.
- Automatic inflator SECUMATIC 3001S - The service badge on the waist belt shows
- Automatic activation as the SECUMAR pills you at a glance when your lifejacket should
are in contact with water be serviced again in the SECUMAR service.
- Three green indicators show readiness of
the inflation device
Secumar DV 150N Life Jacket
Inflatable universal safety vest


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of inflator Automatic inflator 3001S
Buoyancy 150N
CO2-cartridge size 32 gr
Temperature range Storage: -54°C to +70°C
Use: -10°C to +70°C
Weight Approx. 0.8 kg
Color Navyblue, Yellow
Closure Front buckle
Emergency light Optional
Approvals DIN EN ISO 12402-3, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar DV 150N Life Jacket, safety light not included 1 20110012
Seculux CFX-II Life Jacket light 1 SG05602

Secumar Priva 275N L life jacket

This entry-level model has everything needed for safety on the waters. Favorable price in relation
to good technology, easy to refill and pack, and a reliable 3001S torque protection (against
patching of the cartridge) have contributed to this predicament.

Applications from being released independently by

- Universal application for inland and maritime vibration and vibration.
navigation. - Triggering element: SECUMAR pill
- Three indicators:
Cover - 1. Secumar pill inserted, 2. CO2 cartridge
- With integrated lifebelt / harness (according inserted correctly, 3. Trigger lever secured
to DIN EN ISO 12401) correctly.
- Loops (3.2 kN)
- Material: Polyamide fabric Equipment
- Color: Black This lifejacket comes complete with the
- Closed with: hook and loop fastener closure following equipment:
- Front fitting: stainless steel - Operation manual
- 2-tone flute
- Standard Float Optional accessories
Secumar Priva 275 L Life Jacket - Mouth valves For this rescue vest, we also offer the
An inflatable life jacket for tough jobs - Material: polyurethane-coated following accessories:
- Polyamide fabric - Replacement CO2 cartridge (56 g, TN 929)
- Color yellow
- Reflective strip: 400 cm2 (3M®) Features
- Buoyancy chamber system: Bright orange
Inflation buoyancy chamber in navy blue protective
SECUMATIC 3001S Automatic activation with cover
water contact. Torque protection - Standard equipment: Whistle
(Positorque®) prevents the CO2 cartridge


Weight ca. 1.1 kgs

Size Suitable for persons from 40 to 120 kgs
From 85 to 150 cms chest size
Temperature Storage temp.: -54° C to +70° C
Operating temp.: -10° C to +60° C
Type of buoyancy Inflatable
Method of inflator Automatic inflator 3001S
Buoyancy 275N
CO2-cartridge size 56 gr
Color Black and yellow
Closure Front buckle
Emergency light Optional
Approvals DIN EN ISO 12402-2, DIN EN ISO 12401, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Priva 275N Life Jacket, safety light not included 1 20110019

Secumar Golf 275N Life Jacket

A good value, this fully automatic inflatable lifejacket is for tough jobs. Protective cover made of
robust nylon fabric. Very light and with a compact design. Buoyancy chamber and protective
cover are separate components and in the case of wear and tear can be replaced independently
of one other.

Applications - underground engineering

- water board authorities - sewerage works
- customs - stevedoring
- police
- locks Features
- dock workers - buoyancy chamber system: Bright orange
- inland waterways buoyancy chamber in navy blue protective
- hydraulic engineering cover
- dredging - standard equipment: whistle

Secumar Golf 275N Life Jacket

An inflatable life jacket for tough jobs


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of inflator Automatic inflator 3001S
Buoyancy 275N
CO2-cartridge size 56 gr
Color Navyblue, Orange (=SPR)
Closure Front buckle
Emergency light Optional
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Golf 275N Life Jacket, safety light not included 1 20110009
Seculux CFX-II Life Jacket light 1 SG05602

Secumar Golf 275N Neon Life Jacket

A good value, this fully automatic inflatable life jacket is designed for tough jobs. Very light and
with a compact design. Buoyancy chamber and protective cover are separate components and
in the case of wear and tear can be replaced independently of each other. Closure at the front
by click batter.

Applications Features
- water board authorities - buoyancy chamber system: PU-buoyance
- customs chamber system, signal orange, protective
- police cover
- locks - standard equipment: whistle, 3M® -
- dock workers reflecting stripes
- inland waterways
- hydraulic engineering The Golf Neon distinguishes itself from a
- dredging standard Golf life jacket by a cover which is
- underground engineering provided with reflective material on the front
- sewerage works of the cover. As a result, a higher degree of
- stevedoring visibility is being provided. By making use of
smooth material, the cover foul less rapidly.

Secumar Golf 275N Neon Life Jacket

An inflatable life jacket for tough jobs


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of inflator Automatic inflator 3001S
Buoyancy Effectieve 280N
CO2-cartridge size 56 gr
Color Orange
Color cover Navyblue, yellow
Closure Front buckle
Emergency light Optional
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Golf 275N Neon Life Jacket, safety light not included 1 20110026

Secumar Golf 275 FR AC anti-static and flame retardant life


Proven universal commercial 275N life jacket with anti-static and flame retardant properties (EN
1149-3 / EN ISO 14116 Index 1) for all activities in an explosive environment around water with
fluorescent yellow cover and extra retro-reflective strips for higher visibility.

Features Comfort and freedom of movement

The compact folded life jacket with removable Thanks to its compact construction, the
protective cover has a single buoyancy wearing of the life jacket is barely noticeable
chamber. Once inflated, the back strap and guarantees optimum freedom of
automatically holds the life jacket in the movement. Nevertheless, their buoyancy
correct position. With its adjustable waist belt chamber reaches a buoyancy of 280
and back strap the life jacket can be Newtons.
Secumar Golf 275 FR AC Life Jacket individually adjusted to the size of the user. By
Antistatic and flame retardant using anti-static and flame-retardant materials Donning and doffing
and covering all fittings GOLF 275 FR AC has Equipped with the patented SECUMAR
antistatic and flame retardant properties CLICK-buckle the donning and doffing of the
according to EN 1149-3 and EN ISO 14116 Golf 275 FR AC is very easy and is easy to
Index 1. In conjunction with appropriately operate even with gloves on.
approved protective clothing electrostatic
discharges are safely excluded. The highly Maintainability
visible cover in fluorescent yellow with extra Since the inflatable buoyancy chamber and
large reflective strip improves visibility. protective cover are detachable, servicing is
made much easier and the cover can be easily


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of inflator Automatic inflator 3001S
Buoyancy 275N, effective 280N
CO2-cartridge size 56 g
Color Orange
Color cover Yellow
Closure Front click buckle
Emergency light Optional
Approvals DIN EN ISO 12402-2
DIN EN 1149-3
DIN EN ISO 14116 Index 1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Golf 275 FR AC Antistatic and Flame Retardant Life Jacket 1 SG05482

Secumar Alpha 275N Window Neon Life Jacket

Almost 100% more buoyant compared to the Alpha 150. The Secumar Windows system: you
can see from the outside if the inflation machine is ready for use. You can also see on the outside
if the CO2 cartridge is full.

Applications Features
- water board authorities - the closure is from Secumar Click. Only
- customs when you press the two red buttons, the
- police lock will open. Opening by accident, for
- locks example, is prevented
- dock workers - improved fit so that the life jacket is better
- inland waterways accepted by the carrier and thus often worn
- hydraulic engineering even compared to the Alpha 150
- dredging - float system: signal orange float in navy blue
- underground engineering protective, patented folding
- sewerage works - standard equipment: storage pouch with
- stevedoring zipper, inspection window, storage box for
name, cruciate-loops, washable and
removable fleece collar, whistle and storage

Secumar Alpha 275N Window Neon Life

An inflatable life jacket for tough jobs


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of inflator Automatic inflator 4001S
Buoyancy 275N, effective 290N
CO2-cartridge size 60 gr, CO2 dock
Color Orange
Color cover Navyblue, yellow
Closure Click attachment
Emergency light Optional
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Alpha 275N Window Neon Life Jacket, safety light not included 1 SG05481

Secumar Golf 275 Twin SOLAS SPR PLB Life Jacket

275N SOLAS approved life jacket for industrial and professional application, for water
engineering, inland waterways, offshore, high seas. Suitable for work with particularly high
mechanical loads for the life jacket as well as for work on welding equipment. Integration
possibility for the EPIRB Sea Marshall sMRT AU9 and AU10.

Applications Marshall sMRT AU9 & AU10. By inflating

- Specifically developed life jacket for the the life jacket, the antennas will set up
requirements in the offshore use (oil and independently and enable the best possible
gas). dispersion of the signal. The PLB will be
- Due to a special coating of the protective activated automatically by contact with
cover the life jacket is extremely tear and water.
abrasion resistant and can even withstand
sparks and small metal splashes (according Features
to DIN EN 348). On the front there is a - Distress light SECULUX CFX-II
Secumar Golf 275 Twin SOLAS SPR PLB Life hook and loop fastener panel for attaching a - Two-tone-whistle
Jacket name tag. - Crotch strap
An inflatable life jacket for tough jobs - To improve the wearers comfort softer - Manual override (stowed in cover of inflation
material and a removable neck fleece was device)
used in the collar area. The back strap is - Buddy line
detachable and adjustable. - Spray hood
- Through the window in the protective cover - Fittings for antenna and bags for the PLB
the status of the PLB is visible at a glance. Sea Marshall sMRT AU9 & AU10
- The service zipper allows access to the
automatic 3001S and the manual override Standard equipment
and the operation of the PLB without fully Window and Service-Zipper for PLB, Service-
opening the protective cover. Zipper for inflation device, neck-fleece
- With the patented SECUMAR CLICK- (detachable), hook and loop fastener for
buckle the donning and doffing of the life name tag, detachable and adjustable back
jacket is very easy, it is donned like a normal strap, crutch strap loops, crutch strap,
jacket. The fitting opens only when you emergency light SECULUX CFX-II, Buddy-
press TWO keys - accidental opening by Line, two-tone-whistle, SECUMAR Click-
hanging is impossible. buckle, manual override, spray hood, fittings
- The buoyancy chamber is equipped with for antenna and pocket for PLB SeaMarshall
antenna mounts and bags for the PLB's Sea sMRT AU9 and AU10.


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of inflator Automatic Inflator 3001S and Manual Inflator SECU 301SM
Buoyancy 275N
CO2-cartridge size 60 gr
Color Yellow
Color cover Orange (SPR) / blue
Closure Click front buckle
Emergency light Yes
Approvals DIN EN ISO 12402-2 (CE-sign), SOLAS 74, IMO Res. MSC.81(70) amended by MSC.200(80),
MSC.207(81) and MSC.226(82)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Golf 275 Twin SOLAS SPR PLB Life Jacket 1 SG05483

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket 150N

The Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket is specially designed for use as a combined working/
abandonment life jacket.

Applications Features
The life jacket is designed to be worn when - patented interlocking lobe design
the user is wearing heavy duty clothing or with - 150N Newtons buoyancy
an abandonment suit - where it guarantees to - high visibility fabric
self right the wearer in less than 5 seconds. - wide range of options
The Patented interlocking lobe design also - contoured head and neck support
creates an effective wave barrier preventing - lightweight and comfortable to wear
water channeling into the airways. The life - automatic firing mechanisms
jacket design gives neck and head support - retro-reflective tape
which is particularly vital for an unconscious - whistle
wearer. - grab loop
- locational light

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket

Inflates automatically when it comes in contact
with water


Model 150N
Material PVC cover
Sizes XS-XXL
Color Black cover, yellow vest
Approvals SOLAS Chapter III 2010


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket, 150N, safety light included 1 SG05211

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket 275N Standard

The Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket is specially designed for use as a combined working/
abandonment life jacket.

Applications Features
The life jacket is designed to be worn when - patented interlocking lobe design
the user is wearing heavy duty clothing or with - 275N Newtons buoyancy
an abandonment suit - where it guarantees to - high visibility fabric
self right the wearer in less than 5 seconds. - twin chamber security
The Patented interlocking lobe design also - wide range of options
creates an effective wave barrier preventing - contoured head and neck support
water channeling into the airways. The life - lightweight and comfortable to wear
jacket design gives neck and head support - two independent chambers
which is particularly vital for an unconscious - automatic firing mechanisms
wearer. - retro-reflective tape
- whistle
- grab loop
- locational light

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket

Inflates automatically when it comes in contact
with water


Model 275N standard

Material PVC cover
Sizes XS-XXL
Color Black cover, yellow vest
Approvals SOLAS Chapter III 2010


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket, 275N, safety light included 1 SG05212

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket 275N Offshore

The Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket is specially designed for use as a combined working/
abandonment life jacket.

Applications - high visibility fabric

The life jacket is designed to be worn when - twin chamber security
the user is wearing heavy duty clothing or with - wide range of options
an abandonment suit - where it guarantees to - contoured head and neck support
self right the wearer in less than 5 seconds. - lightweight and comfortable to wear
The Patented interlocking lobe design also - two independent chambers
creates an effective wave barrier preventing - automatic firing mechanisms
water channeling into the airways. The life - retro-reflective tape
jacket design gives neck and head support - whistle
which is particularly vital for an unconscious - grab loop
wearer. - locational light

Features Including
- patented interlocking lobe design - spray hood
- 275N offshore Newtons buoyancy - crotch strap
Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket
Inflates automatically when it comes in contact
with water


Model 275N Offshore

Material PVC cover
Sizes XS-XXL
Color Black cover, yellow vest
Approvals SOLAS Chapter III 2010


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket, 275N Offshore, safety light included 1 SG05213

Secumar Alpha 275 Twin SOLAS Tetra 3D Life Jacket

The Secumar Alpha 275 3D life jacket is recommended for wearers of immersion suits, insulated
clothing or survival suits: Two triangular air chambers form a long lever which quickly turns the
body into a safe position on your back.

Applications Features
- water board authorities - buoyancy chamber system: Bright orange
- customs buoyancy chamber in 3D-Design in navy
- police blue protective cover, patented folding
- locks - standard equipment: Zip pocket, inspection
- dock workers window, pocket for name tag, crotch strap
- inland waterways loops, detachable neck fleece, whistle, mesh
- hydraulic engineering storage bag
Secumar Alpha 275 Twin SOLAS Tetra 3D - dredging
Life Jacket - underground engineering
To combine with immersion suits, insulated - sewerage works
clothing or survival suits - stevedoring


Type of buoyancy Inflatable

Method of Inflator 3001S 60g + 301SM 56g
Buoyancy 290N
CO2 cartridge size 60 gr
Color Navyblue
Closure Frontal click buckle
Approvals CE/MED/SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Alpha 275 Twin SOLAS Tetra 3D Life Jacket, safety light included 1 20110017

Secumar Twin Solas 275N Golf Life Jacket

Standard SOLAS life jacket with double chamber system for rugged use. Cover of durable nylon
fabric. The first chamber inflates automatically on. When there is a defect, the second chamber
is activated manually. The life jacket has a high buoyancy volume that it gives the wearer stability
in heavy seas as well as providing a large amount of freeboard and turning moment.

Applications - sewerage Works

- water board authorities - stevedoring
- customs
- ocean shipping Features
- police - side fastening
- locks - CO2 cylinder 2 x 56 g
- dock workers - distress light
- inland Waterways - lifting harness
- hydraulic Engineering - double-chamber system
Secumar Twin Solas 275N Golf Life Jacket - dredging - optional crotch strap
High buoyancy volume - underground Engineering - front fastening


Type of buoyancy / Method of inflator Inflatable / 3001S 60g + 301SM 56g

Buoyancy chamber system Bright orange buoyancy chamber with Dual-Chamber-Membrane Technology and overpressure valve in
navy blue protective cover.
Standard equipment Crotch strap loops, buddy line and whistle
Color Navy blue
Harness Option
Approvals SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Secumar Twin Solas 275N Golf Life Jacket, safety light included 1 SG05484

Challenger Offshore Interlock 275N Life Jacket

The Interlock 275 is specially designed for use as a combined working/abandonment life jacket.
With 300 Newtons it is designed to be worn when the user is wearing heavy duty clothing or
with an abandonment suit - where it guarantees to self right wearer in less than five seconds.
The Patented interlocking lobe design also creates an effective wave barrier preventing water
chaneling into airways. The life jacket design gives neck and head support which is vital for an
unconscious wearer.

Features - grab loop

- patented interlocking lobe design - locational light
- 300 Newtons buoyancy - hard wearing red nylon cover
- high visibility fabric
- twin chamber security Design options
- wide range of options - a wide range of cover options
- contoured head and neck support - including heavy duty PVC and Panotex fire
- lightweight and comfortable to wear proof covers
- deck harness system
Challenger Offshore Interlock 275N Life Specification - spray hood
Jacket - two independent chambers each with 300N - buddy line
Specially designed for use as combined - automatic firing mechanisms - strobe light
working/abandonment life jacket, with - retro-reflective tape - crotch strap
optional spray hood - whistle


Size Adult: one size fits all

Packing size 380 x 120 x 100 mm
Color Red
Approvals Fully complies with the latest amendments to SOLAS Champter III and approved by U.K.M.C.A and
M.E.D (Ship Wheel) plus EN399
NSN 4220-99-608-9320


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Challenger Offshore Interlock 275 N Life Jacket, safety light included 1 SG05451

ResQ Marine 275N interlock life jacket

This new life jacket is designed to meet the new SOLAS 2010 requirements listed in the IMO
resolution SOLAS chapter III 2010.

Features Specification
- new improved design - twin independent chambers each with 300N
- guarantees to self right the wearer in less - automatic firing mechanisms
than 5 seconds - retro-reflective tape
- 300 Newtons buoyancy - whistle
- high visibility fabric - grab loop
- twin chamber security - location light
- contoured head and neck support - buddy line
- lightweight and comfortable to wear - produced using components that conform to
- fully approved to the latest amendments in ISO 12402
SOLAS Chapter III 2010
ResQ Marine 275N interlock life jacket - comfortable wearing due to the new
designed back support


Size One size

Color Orange and yellow
Approvals Produced using components that conform to ISO 12402
SOLAS 2010


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

ResQ Marine 275N interlock life jacket 1 20112021

ResQ Marine 150N interlock life jacket

This new life jacket is designed to meet the new SOLAS 2010 requirements listed in IMO
resolution SOLAS chapter III 2010.

Features Specification
- new improved design - twin independent chambers
- guarantees to self right the wearer in less - automatic inflation system
than 5 seconds - retro-reflective tape
- interlocking lobe design - whistle
- high visibility fabric - grab loop
- twin chamber security - location light
- lightweight and comfortable to wear - buddy line
- fully approved to the latest amendments in - produced using components that conform to
SOLAS Chapter III 2010 ISO 12402
- the unique bladder shape features
ResQ Marine 150N interlock life jacket - comfortable wearing due to the new
designed back support


Size One size

Color Orange and yellow
Approvals Produced using components that conform to ISO 12402
SOLAS 2010


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

ResQ Marine 150N interlock life jacket 1 20112020

Work Life Jacket Stearns ILV-465

Stearns most versatile industrial flotation vest. Tough nylon shell with seven-piece foam design
for all-day comfort. Features four roomy pockets for accessories with full hook and loop closures
and a rustproof Vislon® zipper.

Features - 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material

- multiple foam inserts for exceptional SOLAS-grade 6755 for high visibility
flexibility and freedom - eyelets for attaching lights, badge, etc.
- quick-adjust side tabs for secure fit and - minimum 15-1/2 lb. buoyancy

Work Life Jacket Stearns ILV-465

Designed for all-day comfort


Color Orange
Size S to XXXL
Approvals USCG Approved Type III
NSN 4220-01-252-386


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Work Life Jacket Stearns ILV-465 1 SG05455

Hansen Sea Eco Immersion Suit

The Hansen Sea Eco Immersion Suit has been manufactured in waterproof flame retardant 4.5
or 5 mm neoprene, which provides insulation and buoyancy. Emergency suit for Fishing and
Merchant vessels. The immersion suit can be delivered vacuum packed, so the suit doesn't need
to be serviced for 10 years.

Features Basic Product

- double glued seams and approved reflector Suit with neoprene cuffs, gloves attached with
tape elastic band, attached hood, leg fasteners,
- leg fasteners keep feet in place in the boots neoprene face seal, approved reflector tape
- delivered with handy carrier bag or air-tight and attached hoodie.
- delivered as a one-size suit = standard (can Available sizes
be manufactured in x-large) - one size fits all: 150 - 200 cm
- can be delivered vacuum packed, so the suit - x-large: to 210 cm
doesn't need to be serviced for 10 years
Important notice

Hansen Sea Eco Immersion Suit

Provides insulation and buoyancy


Materials Flame retardant 4.5 or 5mm neoprene

Sizes One size fits all and x-large
Weight One size fits all: 4.5 kgs
XL: 5.0 kgs
Color International approved orange
Approvals IMO/SOLAS 2,3 and resolution MSC-152 (78) / MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Eco Immersion Suit, size standard 1 SG05412
Hansen Sea Eco Immersion Suit, size standard, vacuum packed 1 SG05416
Hansen Sea Eco Immersion Suit, size XL 1 SG05413
Hansen Sealife Life Jacket, safety light included 1 SG05011

Hansen Sea Eco Plus Immersion Suit

The Hansen Sea Eco + Immersion Suit has been manufactured in waterproof flame retardant 5
mm neoprene, which provides insulation and buoyancy. The immersion suit can be delivered
vacuum packed, so the suit doesn't need to be serviced for 5 years.

Features - hook and loop fastener tighteners in legs

- 6h - Immersion suit IMO/SOLAS - rubber soles for optimal grip on slippery
- buoyancy pillow in back ensures correct surface
floating position and freeboard - may be vacuum packed for extended service
- flame retardant 5 mm neoprene intervals (maximum 5 years)
- emergency light
- with buddy line and floating hook Available sizes
- lifting strap with stainless D-ring and - medium: 147 - 180 cm
carabine hook - standard: 150 - 200 cm
- easy donned, waterproof PU-zip - x-large: 180-210 cm
Hansen Sea Eco + Immersion Suit - approved reflective patches
Buoyancy pillow in back - fixed hood Important notice
- gloves attached by elastic bands


Material Flame retardant 5 mm neoprene

Sizes Medium, standard and x-large
Weight Medium: 4,4 kgs, standard: 5,4 kgs, x-large: 5,8 kgs
Color International approved orange (290)
Size packed in carrier bag Medium: 65 x 45 x 24 cm
Standard: 65 x 45 x 26 cm
X-large: 65 x 45 x 28 cm
Size packed in vacuum Medium: 65 x 45 x 20 cm
Standard: 65 x 45 x 20 cm
X-large: 70 x 45 x 18 cm
Colour of bag Medium: yellow, standard: red, x-large: green
Approvals IMO/SOLAS 2,3 and resolution MSC-152 (78) / MED, RMRS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Eco + Immersion Suit, size Standard 1 20115044
Hansen Sea Eco + Immersion Suit, size M 1 20115043
Hansen Sea Eco + Immersion Suit, size X-large 1 20115045

Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion Suit

The Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion Suit has been manufactured in waterproof flame retardant
5 mm neophrene, which provides insulation and buoyancy. The hood has an integrated inflatable
cushion to improve water tightness and allow variation of the floating position. Approved 6 hour
immersion suit with an anatomic self rightening unit. For fishing vessels, merchant ship and
offshore use. The immersion suit can be delivered vacuum packed, so the suit doesn't need to
be serviced for 5 years.

Features - The suit may be manufactured in size XL,

- Basic principle for design of this suit is and with fixed gloves with watertight zippers.
identical to the N6-Basic. The main
difference is that the suit shall be used Basic Product
without a life jacket as the required 120 mm Dry Suit with fixed hood, watertight cuffs,
freeboard is achieved by the suit alone. The attached gloves, leg fasteners, floating buddy
hood has an integrated inflatable cushion to line, lifting loop, light and reflective tape.
improve water tightness and floating
position. Available sizes
- The suit is complete with an approved - medium: 147 - 180 cm
emergency light, whistle, and retro reflective - standard: 150 - 200 cm
material. The suit features reinforced seams - x-large: 180-210 cm
. The suit is also fitted with a lifting loop and
a floating buddy line. A splash hood is an Optional Extra
optional extra and can be attached on Spray hood
delivery or later.
- Comes with light and handy carrier bag, or Important notice
vacuum packed for efficient storing on SUIT TO BE USED WITHOUT LIFE JACKET
Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion Suit
For offshore, merchant ships and fishing


Materials Waterproof flame retardant 4.5 or 5 mm neoprene

Color International approved 290 orange and reflectors
Sizes Medium, standard and x-large
Weight Medium: 5.5 kgs
Standard: 5.0 kgs
X-large: 6.0 kgs
Size packed in carrier bag Medium: 63x36x23cm, in yellow bag
Standard: 68x40x20cm, in orange bag
X-large: 75x43x20cm, in green bag
Size packed in vacuum Medium: 63x34x17cm
Standard: 68x39x17cm
X-large: 73x40x18cm
Approvals SOLAS, MED 96/98/EC

Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion Suit


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion Suit, size standard 1 SG05452
Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion Suit, size M 1 SG05452
Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion Suit, size XL 1 SG05452
Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion, size standaard, comes with sprayhood 1 SG05422
Hansen Sea Nordic Immersion, size XL, comes with sprayhood 1 20115042

Hansen Sea Arctic Immersion Suit

The Hansen Sea Arctic Immersion Suit has been approved 6 hour immersion suit with an
anatomic self righting unit. Suit to be used without life jacket. Emergency suit for fishing vessels,
merchant ships and offshore installations. The immersion suit can be delivered vacuum packed,
so the suit doesn't need to be serviced for 5 years.

Features floating buddy-line. The splash hood is

The Hansen Sea Arctic Immersion Suit removable and fitted by means of heavy duty
passes NMD requirements for self-righting hook and loop fastener.
insulated immersion suits for installations on
the Norwegian Offshore sector. Comes with light and handy carrier bag, or
vacuum packed for efficient storing on board.
The Sea Arctic Immersion Suit has a self-
righting unit with automatic activation. The Basic Product
elastic cover keeps it out of the way after use. Dry Suit with fixed hood, watertight cuffs,
attached gloves, leg fasteners, floating buddy
The suit shall be used without a life-jacket as line, lifting loop, light, reflective tape, spray
the required 120 mm freeboard is achieved by hood and self-righting unit.
the suit alone. The hood has an integrated
inflatable cushion to improve water tightness Available sizes
and allow variation of the floating position. - medium: 147 - 180 cm
- standard: 150 - 200 cm
The suit is complete with an approved - x-large: 180-210 cm
emergency light, whistle, and retro reflective
Hansen Sea Arctic Immersion Suit
material. The suit features reinforced seams. Important notice
Immersion suit with an anatomic self righting
The suit is also fitted with a lifting loop and a TO BE USED WITHOUT LIFE JACKET


Materials Waterproof, flame retardant 5mm neoprene

Sizes Medium, standard and x-large
Weight Medium: 5.8 kgs
Standard: 6.3 kgs
X-large: 7.0 kgs
Size packed in carrier bag Medium: 72x46x18 cm, in yellow bag
Standard: 74x48x20 cm, in orange bag
X-large: 76x50x22 cm, in green bag
Size packed in vacuum Medium: 70x40x18 cm
Standard: 72x42x20 cm
X-large: 74x44x20 cm
Color International approved 290 orange and reflectors
Approvals IMO/SOLAS 2,3 and resolution MSC-152 (78) Norwegian NmD-rules for "mobile offshore units"


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Arctic Immersion Suit, size standard 1 SG05461
Hansen Sea Arctic Immersion Suit, size medium 1 SG05461
Hansen Sea Arctic Immersion Suit, size XL 1 SG05461
Hansen Sea Arctic Carrier Bag 1 20115046

Viking immersion suit PS2007

PS2007 is a neoprene immersion suit with built-in buoyancy. The built-in buoyancy gives
excellent freeboard and ensures that the suit can be used without a lifejacket. This is an
advantage in emergency situations with little time to put on a lifejacket.

Features Application areas

The suit is made of highly flexible, high quality - Cargo vessels
neoprene to ensure easy donning and fit. This - Fishing vessels
also gives the product a longer lifespan. The - Navy
suit has extended zipper providing the suit a - Offshore personnel
better in-water performance and ensures
quick donning. The extended zipper provides Design features
more comfort for the user and minimizes - Lifting becket with snap hook and covered
water ingress. D-ring on breast
The yellow colour ensures high visibility. - Buddy line
Some of the main features are integrated - Semi-integrated neoprene gloves
neoprene boots with rubber soles, three - SOLAS approved emergency light
fingered neoprene gloves, buddy line, lifting - Extended zipper
becket and a SOLAS approved emergercy - Whistle
light. All suits are produced in-house - Comes in a bag
Viking immersion suit PS2007 according to stringent manufacturing
Immersion suit with built-in buoyancy requirements.


Materials Neoprene, 5 mm
Size 58/Oversize: Height from 170 cm to 210 cm, weight from 80 kg to 160 kg
Weight One size: 6.3 kgs
XXL: 7 kgs
Packing size 700 x 500 x 150 mm / comes in storage bag or airthight packaging
Color High visibility yellow and reflectors
Approvals MED SOLAS, RMRS, Transport Canada


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Viking Immersion Suit PS2007 Solas Oversized 1 20115015

Hansen E-300-2 Work Suit

The Hansen E-300-2 Work Suit is suitable for rescue personnel for the evacuation of ships and
for use on MOB vessels. The outer material is flame retardant, waterproofed textile in
international orange. It is thus a warmth reflecting material.

Applications - detachable inner lining

Underneath is a layer of foam with closed cells - watertight zip and hood closure
which both insulates and provides buoyancy. - PVC reinforcements on elbows, knees and
All the seams are sewn and welded. Cuffs with seat
adjustable straps and gloves in separate - boots with steel toe cap
pockets on the arms. Reinforced at the knees, - cuffs with adjustable straps
elbows and seat. Comes with light and boots - integral safety harness with stainless steel
with a steel toe-cap and approved reflectors. ring and carbine hook
- zip and elastic on legs for tight fit
Features - liaison line
- PU coated flame retardant, waterproof - whistle
Oxford nylon - 2 side pockets
- Tyvec body warmth reflecting inner layer - 9 reflective strips
- 3 mm flotation foam with closed cells for - neoprene gloves and emergency light
insulation and buoyancy

Hansen E-300-2 Work Suit

For heavy duty work on deck and for use in
MOB operations


Persons height, weight suit Suit size Boot size

155-165 cm, 5.7 kgs XS 41
165-175 cm, 6.1 kgs S 43
175-185 cm, 6.6 kgs M 46
185-195 cm, 7.0 kgs L 46
195-205 cm, 7.1 kgs XL 46
Color International approved 290 Orange
Approvals IMO/SOLAS, MED 96/98/EC AES (Anti Exposure Suit)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen E-300-2 Work Suit 1 SG05419
When ordering, please mention the prefered suit size

Hansen SeaMOB Work Suit

SeaMob SOLAS approved anti-exposure work suit / survival suit for extreme cold water

Applications - Lifting strap with D-ring and carbine hook

- Perfect for MOB boats - Integrated manually inflatable buoyancy lung
- Elastic and good fit for floating position and freeboard
- Three fingered gloves in sleeve pockets - Sleeve pockets for gloves
- Leg tightening zips to adjust fitting - Boots may be used with flippers
- Integral /manually inflatable buoyancy lung. - Buddy line with floating hook, whistle and
emergency light
Features - Neoprene gloves and double neoprene cuffs
- For rescue personnel during evacuation and - Radio Pocket
MOB Operations - SOLAS approved and in accordance with
- 3 mm flame retardant, waterproof neoprene Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC
providing insulation and buoyancy (MED-B) AES (Anti-exposure Suit),
- Waterproof PU zip designed to be worn without a lifejacket
- Double-welded seams
- Solas approved reflective patches IMPORTANT NOTICE
- Reinforcements on elbows, knees and seat Approved for use without a lifejacket.

Hansen SeaMOB Work Suit

For rescue personnel, evacuation and MOB


Persons height, weight suit Suit size Boot size

140-150 cm, 5.6 kgs XS 41
150-165 cm, 5.8 kgs S 41
165-180 cm, 5.8 kgs M 43
180-190 cm, 6.2 kgs L 45
190-198 cm, 6.6 kgs XL 47
199-205 cm, 6.6 kgs XXL 47
Color International approved 290 Orange
Approvals IMO/SOLAS, MED 96/98/EC, AES (Anti Exposure Suit)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea MOB Work suit, size M 1 SG05431
Hansen Sea MOB Work suit, size L 1 SG05432
Hansen Sea MOB Work suit, size XL 1 SG05433
Hansen Sea MOB Work suit, size XXL 1 SG05434

Hansen Sea Wind Work Suit

The Sea Wind suit is designed for personnel working with offshore wind farms and for offshore
rope access technique operators.

Features and comfort for the wearer. It is approved to

- designed for optimal ergonomy meet the IMO/SOLAS regulations for an 1
- tested to meet the IMO/SOLAS regulations hour immersion suit without internal
for 1 hour immersion suit buoyancy. The IMO/SOLAS buoyancy
- optimised for use of all fall arrest and seat requirement will be covered when the user
harness puts on an IMO/SOLAS life jacket. Hansen
- special life jacket (Hansen Sea Lion 275N) Protection will in addition to the regular
available and needs to be ordered separatly inflatable life jacket range offer a specially
- super light weight designed life jacket that can be integrated to
- breathable fabric (Gore Tex) the suit in order to ensure necessary
- drysuit w/feet and easy access buoyancy and freeboard.
- soft waterproof zip
- pit-zips for enhanced ventilation Higher safety
- hi-vis colour The Sea Wind suit is fitted with watertight pit-
- reinforcement at exposed areas zips to help ventilation and regulate the
- mesh Pockets with room for hood, gloves wearers temperature. Further it is fitted with a
and necessities (PLB, pens etc) + inner number of pockets to store tools and
pocket communication equipment or PLB, gloves,
Hansen Sea Wind Work Suit
- construction with special attention to hood, a whistle and a buddy line. The suit will
Ultra light weight, 1.6 kgs only
freedom of movement be delivered with watertight socks so the
- super Soft Neoprene closures in neck and wearer can choose footwear of own choice.
Ultra light
Maximum comfort Sea Wind is made of high performance Gore-
The Sea Wind suit is very light and Tex fabrics with good waterproof breathable
constructed to offer maximum ergonomics properties. Ultra light, 1.6 kg only!


Materials Highly breathable GoreTex

Size XS to XXXL
Weight 1.6 kgs
Color Black and yellow
Approvals Suit: Certification as a 1 hour Suit acoording to IMO/Solas LSA Code (MSC 207 (81) MSC 226 (82)
class D) and EN ISO 15027-1 (Constant Wear Suit) Status: Certification testing finished and OK
Integrated life jacket: Twin chamber IMO/Solas LSA Code 150N/275N.
Harness: Harness certified acc. to EN 361
Underwear: FR (wool/viscose) according to EN ISO 11612 (TBA)
Shoes: EN ISO 2035, Hard toe, GoreTex, Energy absorbent, Oil resistant


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Wind Work Suit - Size S 1 SG05427
Hansen Sea Wind Work Suit - Size M 1 SG05471
Hansen Sea Wind Work Suit - Size L 1 SG05472
Hansen Sea Wind Work Suit - Size XL 1 SG05473
Hansen Sea Wind Work Suit - Size XXL 1 20115054
Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket, 275N, safety light included 1 SG05212

Hansen Sea Breeze CTV SOLAS

SeaBreeze CTV - A constant wear 1 hour Solas suit for tough and demanding environments.
Designed with focus on ergonomics, comfort and durable light weight fabrics, making it an ideal
alternative for CTV wind farm transfer.

Features - For easy integration with safety equipment

- SOLAS approved 1 hr 5°C water such as harness and/or SeaLion lifejacket,
- Ergonomic – pre-shaped construction with the suit has no details on chest and back
100% freedom of movement - Socks
- Breathability – durable HP superlight fabrics - Seperate soft comfortable neoprene hood
with highly breathable properties stored on back
- Lightweight shell to reduce weight - Neoprese gloves in forearm pockets
- Waterproof zip in neoprene neck seal for - Knee and seat reinforcement
easy donning and comfort
- Pockets - roomy waterproof pocket placed Must be worn with warm clothing and in
to ensure ease of access conjunction with a compatible approved
lifejacket only

Hansen Sea Breeze SOLAS

For tough and demanding environments


Sizes S-XXL
Color Yellow and gray
Approvals SOLAS, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Breeze SOLAS - Size S 1 20115055
Hansen Sea Breeze SOLAS - Size M 1 20115056
Hansen Sea Breeze SOLAS - Size L 1 20115057
Hansen Sea Breeze SOLAS - Size XL 1 20115058
Hansen Sea Breeze SOLAS - Size XXL 1 20115059

Hansen Sea Work Suit

Hansen Sea Work is a work-suit/constant wear suit developed in close contact with demanding
user-groups in the maritime environment. The suit is intended for use by maintenance workers
in exposed areas. The suit is highly ergonomic in construction and offers the user several extra
features compared to a conventional abandonment suit for emergency use only.

Features - boots with steel toe cap

- PU coated flame retardant, waterproof - cuffs with adjustable straps
Oxford nylon - integral safety harness with stainless steel
- Tyvek® body warmth reflecting inner layer ring and carbine hook
- 3mm buoyancy foam with closed cells for - buddy line
insulation and buoyancy - whistle
- detachable inner lining - 3 arm and 2 leg pockets
- watertight zip - reflective tapes
- soft Neoprene hood, enables the use of hard - neoprene five finger gloves and emergency
hats for protection light
- reinforcements on elbows and knees

Hansen Sea Work Suit

For heavy duty work on deck and for use in
MOB operations


Sizes XS-XXL
Color International approved 290 Orange
Approvals IMO/SOLAS, MED 96/98/EC AES (Anti Exposure Suit)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Work Suit, Anti Exp. Suit - 3 hour 1 20115034
When ordering, please mention the prefered suit size
Hansen Sea Work Suit, Immersion Suit - 1 hour 1 On request
When ordering, please mention the prefered suit size
Hansen Sea Work Inner Lining 1 On request
Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket, 275N, safety light included 1 SG05212
Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket, 150N, safety light included 1 SG05211
Hansen Sea Lion Life Jacket, 275N Offshore, safety light included 1 SG05213

Hansen Sea Air Transport Suit

For offshore, helicopter transport and as a personal abandonment suit on the installation.

Features - lightweight and soft fixed boots with extra

- outer layer in 100% waterproof, flame insulation
retardant fabric - integrated manually inflatable buoyancy lung
- inner lining that provides insulation and and emergency re-breathing system
buoyancy. An Intelligent fabric stabilise the (ERBS)
inside temperature of the suit and reduces - prepared for approved automatic self-
body sweat significantly righting system
- double-welded seams and approved - designed for improved sitting comfort
reflective tape - integrated HPL-1 Emergency locator
- approved emergency light, buddy line, beacon
integrated lifting strap and open collar for - hood in super elastic neoprene laminate
rescue - spray hood
- insulated three finger gloves with waterproof
zipper and inside cuffs with pulse warmer

Hansen Sea Air Transport Suit

Cools in the heat and warms in the cold


Material outer layer in 100% waterproof, flame retardant fabric

Size XS - 4XL
Weight 5.1 - 7.1 kgs
Color International approved 290 Orange
Approvals SOLAS, MED 96/98/EC, ETSO, NMD


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Air Transport Suit - When ordering, please mention the prefered suit size 1 20115040

Hansen Sea Pass Passenger Suit

The Hansen emergency suit on board of passenger vessels and recreational vessels.

Features - approved reflective tape

- PU coated Nylon - the suit with approved life jacket is approved
- required use of additional approved life as substitute to thermal life jackets
jacket on the outside of the suit according to NMD regulations
- insulated hood - supplied in a vacuum watertight packed bag,
- front zipper with waterproof inner lining takes a minimum of space
- attached 5-finger gloves - tested and approved in accordance with
- adjustable ankle straps ISO/SFD requirements for non-insulated
- allows for use of shoes both inside as well as immersion suits
on the outside

Hansen Sea Pass Passenger Suit

On board of passenger and recreational


Materials Pu coated Nylon

Size 50 - 100 cm / 100-150 cm / 150 - 200 cm
Weight 0.3 kgs / 0.7 kgs / 0.9 kgs
Color 200 Fluor Orange


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Hansen Sea Pass Passenger Suit - 1 SG05466
Available sizes: baby, junior/child, standard

Daniamant W4-A Life Jacket Light

The light activates automatically when in water and can be turned off manually if required.

General information lights. Now Daniamant have designed a light

We offer lithium based technology survivor that can be used on any jacket, you just
location lights as our preferred choice of choose the clip/receptacle that you want to
battery technology. This is due to lithium’s match your jacket requirement.
superior power and ability to work at extreme When fitted to the 50mm belt clip, the light
temperatures, whilst having a longer life once can attach to almost any lifejacket. When
activated. This light currently lasts for over 60 fitted to the inflator tube clip, the light can
hours at the required 0.75cd light output. attach to almost any inflatable jacket. When
The light activates automatically when fitted to the recessed receptacle, the light
immersed in water and will remain lit once maintains the unique ultra-low profile that was
Daniamant W4-A Lifejacket Light water activated to allow for rescue scenarios specifically designed for lifejackets used on
Manually / Automatically involving an unconscious survivor. The light vessels with evacuation chute systems for
can be turned off manually if required by mass evacuation of passengers.
pressing the switch.
One light fits all The DAN W4-A units are maintenance free,
In addition to this Daniamant present a new but some checks should be made annually,
lifejacket light concept. Previously you could please see our user instructions for more
buy a light for recessed jackets or for details.
inflatable jackets but this was two different


Types Daniamant W4-A

Color Orange
Light output Minimum 0.75 cd
Light duration Minimum 8 hours
Light type White flashing LED
Material ABS & Polycarb
Storage temperature -30°C to + 65°C
Operational temperature -1°C tot + 30°C
Storage life 5 years
Weight - nominal 42 gr
Battery Alkaline
Activation Water / manual
Dimension 60.9 x 29.9 x 21.2 mm (l x w x h)
Approvals SOLAS / MED / USCG


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Daniamant W4-A Life Jacket Light 1 SG05736

Daniamant W3 Life Jacket Light

Water activated. Approved according to EC and USCG.

General information ultra low profile dome, making the light less
All Daniamant life jacket lights are designed susceptible to damage during evacuation.
to deliver, as a minimum standard, the 0.75cd Easily fitted with two different backing plates,
output specification and 8 hour duration one to go over a thin strap and one to go over
required by IMO SOLAS regulations. a 5cm belt. This is the automatic version of
Dan M3. The light activates automatically
Features of the light when in water and can be turned off manually
This new, low profile light is a single compact if required. The light has the same attachment
flashing unit. The light is emitted through an arrangement as DAN M3.

Daniamant W3 Life Jacket Light

Life jacket light with clip


Color light Blue

Light – Output Minimum 0.75 cd
Light – Duration Minimum 8 hours
Light – Type Flashing LED
Material ABS Polycarbonate / TPE
Storage Temperature -30°C to + 65°C
Operating Temperature -1°C to + 30°C
Storage Life 5 years
Weight – Nominal 35 gr
Battery Type Lithium Manganese Dioxide
Activation Water / Manual
Approvals SOLAS / MED / USCG


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Daniamant W3 Life Jacket Light 1 SG05603

Seculux CFX-II Life Jacket Light

Automatic SOLAS life jacket light, 75 cm cable between battery and light, at least 4 years. For
all inflatable life jackets and foam life jackets.

Function Features
The life jacket light SECULUX CFX II - fully automatic water-activated light works in
functions in sea and fresh water at low both fresh water and seawater
temperatures, and has a manual off switch. - lightweight, compact design for easy
The light and battery are separate stowage
components, there are various easy ways of - easy to secure with built-in attachment clip
fitting the light, and it is easily stowed in your - classed as non hazardous transportation
life jacket. - can be used with all Secumar life jackets

Seculux CFX-II Life Jacket Light

Manual switch off


Diameter of lightbase 37 mm
Dimensions of battery 25 x 35 x 45 mm
Light intensity 0,75 candela
Light duration 8 hours
Weight 80 gr
Power source Lithium battery, 2x 3 Volt
Wire length 75 cm
Lifetime 5 years from date of manufacture
Approvals EC Type Approval (‘Wheelmark’)
SOLAS #161.112/56/0
US Coast Guard #161.012/56/0


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Seculux CFX-II Life Jacket Light 1 SG05602

ACR HemiLight™3 Life Jacket Light

The choice of cruise lines worldwide, the ACR Auto HemiLight™3 flashing survival light attaches
to almost any style life jacket to safely meet USCG, MED and SOLAS requirements.

Design can be deactivated simply by pushing the red

Smaller than other approved lights, the button.
HemiLight™3 features rounded edges to
maintain the integrity of inflatable life jackets. Installation
Attachment loops accommodate up to 5 cm Installation is quick and easy, the HemiLight™
(2 in) wide webbing, and the marine tough 3 can be retrofitted to almost any style life
design ensures years of useful service. jacket in a matter of seconds.

20+ hours activation Configurations

The high-intensity flashing LED light Available in two configurations: the
automatically activates for 20+ hours when it HemiLight™3 offers a basic strobe mode
comes in contact with salt or fresh water, and which can be activated either manually or

ACR HemiLight™3 Life Jacket Light

Operates in fresh and salt water


Dimensions 6.19 x 30.2 x 2.87 cm

Weight 28 gr
Materials Polycarbonate
Color Yellow
Activation Automatic when in contact with water (fresh or salt), deactivate via manual off button.
Waterproof Water tight to 3 meters
Meets IMO standard
Beam angle All directions of the upper hemisphere
Operational life Exceeds 8 hour requirement
Typical operational life of 20 hours
Operating temperature -1°C to 30°C
Stowage type -30°C to 65°C


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

ACR HemiLight™3 Life Jacket Light 1 SG05601

Alcares Jack Life Jacket Light

The light is an automatic water activated light type with a manual on/off switch and a constant
light type.

Function Features
The light is an automatic water activated light - with a height of only 16 mm this light can
type with a manual on/off switch, and a easily fit into any life jacket without
constant light type. It is activated by moving hampering movement of life jacket material
the activation arm around the comer - this extremely visible LED light is an
clockwise thereby enabling the automatic automatic water activated light with a
mode. The light will then tum on, if in contact manual on/off switch
with water. After being activated, the light - the light can be equipped with two different
stays turned on disregarding the water types of clips to meet different requirements
contacts are lifted out of the water. The light for attachment rounded edges ensure life
is deactivated by moving the activation arm jacket integrity
Alcares Jack Life Jacket Light around the comer anti clockwise. If the light - light intensity is well above the O,75 cd
Manual switch on/off after disruption is brought back to automatic approved standard
mode, and water contacts are dry, splash - do not recharge, incinerate or dismantle the
water on the contacts and the light goes on light! Disposal of lights should be done in
again. Activation and deactivation is clearly accordance to regulations
marked on the label.


Types Alcares / Jack AF or Jack AL-ALK

Dimensions 88 x 42 x 16 mm / 85 x 42 x 16 mm (l x w x h)
Height dome 9 mm / 9 mm
Material Polycarbonate / Polycarbonate
Weight 56 gr / 67 gr
Battery Nonharzardous lithium / Alkaline
Storage life battery 5 years storage life (store between -30°C and
Operational life 8 hours / 8 hours
Operational temperature - / -1°C tot + 30°C
Light intensity - / minimum 0.80 candela
Approvals Jack AF: Solas MED 96/98/EC, USCG, TC, AMSA, RS
Jack AF - ALK: Solas MED 96/98/EC


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Alcares Jack Life Jacket Light, type: Jack AL-ALK 1 SG05604

Man Over Board MOB1 personal locator device

The worlds smallest personal locating AIS Man Over Board device with integrated DCS. The
MOB1 is intended to be installed within the life jacket and will activate automatically on inflation,
sending the first alert within 15 seconds. In an emergency MOB1 provides two methods of rapidly
communicating your location back to the vessel, plus providing visual indication.

Rapid rescue additional feature of the MOB1, is its ability to

The best chance of rapid rescue if you fall activate the DSC alarm on your vessels VHF,
overboard comes from your own vessel. Your alerting your crew to the situation.
crew needs to be immediately aware of the
incident and keep track of your position whilst Compatibility
recovery is carried out. Even in the most Most modern AIS plotters and DSC VHF
moderate seas it is alarming how quickly a comply with the standards required to receive
visual sighting of a man overboard can be lost. the MOB transmissions. It is recommended
that you check compatibility with the
Precise location equipment manufacturer, particularly if you
Once activated your MOB1 will transmit an are using older equipment.
alert to all AIS receivers and AIS enabled
MOB1 Man Over Board plotters in the vicinity. The integrated GPS Strobe light
Personal locator device ensures precise location is sent to your vessel The integrated strobe light ensures maximum
and any others that may be assisting. An visibility in low light conditions.


Communication method AIS (Automatic Identification System)

DSC (Digital Selective Calling)
Dimensions Height 134 mm
Diameter 38 mm
AIS transmission Transmit Power 1Watt
Frequency 161.975/162.025MHz
DSC Transmission Transmit Power 0.5Watt
Frequency 156.525MHz
Messages Individual Distress Relay Distress Alert (by single call made on press of the activation button)
Temperature range -20°C - +55°C (operational)
Temperature range -30°C - +55°C (storage)
Waterproof 10 meter depth
Weight 92 grams
Battery lifetime 7 years
Approvals RTCM SC11901, EN303 098-1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Man Over Board MOB1 personal locator device 1 SG05811

Sea Marshall AU9X PLB

Within 2 - 5 seconds of immersion in water, the Sea Marshall AU9X sends a distress signal on
121.5MHz which is then tracked using a sMRT SARfinder base unit. The Sea Marshall AU9X is
intrinsically safe and has ATEX approval for Zone 2 areas.

Function Features
The Sea Marshall AU9X works in seconds, - worldwide ATEX Zone 2 approval
sending an emergency alert and tracking on - lightweight and easily integrates in to a life
121.5 MHz, after automatic or manual jacket
activation. All nearby vessels will receive the - 2 second auto-activation via immersion in
alert and be able to track, using their water or manual operation
SARFinder 121.MHz homing signal, to quickly - minimum of 12 hours emergency
locate and track the man overboard (MOB) transmission on 121.5 MHz - International
casualty. Search and Rescue frequency
- LED light on antenna for visual tracking
- automatic low battery indicator
- test function to check signal transmission
Sea Marshall AU9X
and battery power
Personal locator device


Tx frequency 121.5 MHz (Test Units: 121.65 MHz )

Bandwith 25KHz (in alignment with ETSI)
Modulation Continuous swept tone A3X
Alerting radius Surface-to-surface: 2 to 3 nautical miles (100mW) depending on sea state, atmospheric conditions and
altitude/height of receiving antenna
121.5 MHz Tx Power Output 100mW
Time to Auto-Activation from READY 2 seconds
Time to Water-Activation Override from OFF 40 seconds
Battery type 2 x CR-AA 3V battery pack
Operating time minimum 12 hours
Battery service life 1 year (at 20°C)
Operating temperature -20°C - +55°C
Storage temperature -55°C - +70°C
Dimensions 90 x 80 x 35 mm, antenna length: 105 mm
Antenna lenght 105 mm
Weight 250 gr including atenna
Internal loudspeaker 80dB
Environmental resistance IP68, Eurocae ED-14F
Approvals CE, FCC, ATEX Zone 2 II 3G (AU9-X)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Sea Marshall: AU9X personal beacon locator 1 SG05801
Sea Marshall: AU9X harnas 1 SG05802

Electronic Distress Flare EDF1

The EDF1 electronic distress flare offers users a safe and long-lasting solution to visual signaling
in an emergency.

Advanced LEDs Repeatedly usage

The unique lens design combined with the Unlike single use pyrotechnic flares the
use of advanced LEDs and highly efficient rescueME EDF1 can be used repeatedly in
circuit technology ensures a constant level of any of its four modes, ensuring continued
light output throughout the life of the user visibility is maintained over a longer period.
replaceable battery. The unit is both safe to store and operate
while also eliminating any worries associated
Light coverage with disposal.
The light output is a beam of over 30°
throughout the full 360° azimuth, providing in Grab bag
excess of 6 times more light coverage than The compact size and rugged design means
other electronic flares. Light is also distributed the rescueME EDF1 is the perfect safety
Electronic Distress Flare EDF1 throughout the hemisphere above the unit to product for a grab bag, life raft or hiker’s
Visual signaling in an emergency ensure visibility from the air. backpack.


Type Lithium Primary

Chemistry LiMn02
AIS transmission Transmit Power > 6 hours
Temperature range 20°C to +55°C (operational)
Temperature range 30°C to +70°C (storage)
Waterproof 10 meters at +20°C
Weight 155 grams
Size 187 mm x 42 mm
Modes of operation 4 plus SOS signaling
Reach 7 mile / 11,2 km
Battery Easy change replaceable battery


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Electronic Distress Flare EDF1 1 20121003

Lifebuoys, 2.5 and 4 kgs

Inherent buoyant lifebuoy for use on board of vessels or offshore installations. Durable synthetic
material, reflective striping and grab line.

Features - the name and the port of registry of the ship

- Solas 2.5 kg lifebuoy: the lifebuoy may be - two last digits of year affixed
fitted with a light & smoke signal - not less then 50mm high
- Solas 4 kg lifebuoy: the lifebuoy may be
fitted with a light & smoke signal Important notice
Buoy 2.5 kg: not to be used where light and
Marking for identification smoke signal is to be fitted and maximum
The lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals permitted fall height is 30 metres. The 2.5 kg
of the Roman alphabet with: lifebuoy is the standard for inland shipping.

2.5 kg and 4 kg


Outer diameter 751 mm +/- 2%

Inner diameter 450 mm +/- 2%
Reflective tape yes
Materials Buoy ring: EUROPOL RCC 128P
Grab line: polyethylene 10 mm
Maximum installation height 60 meter
Color International orange
Approvals EC / SOLAS / MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Lifebuoy 2.5 kgs 1 20120066
Lifebuoy 4 kgs 1 20120065
Lifebuoy lanyard, 30 meter 1 SG05722
Lifebuoy cabinet Polyethyleen 30" 1 20120009
Lifebuoy Y bracket, Stainless steel 1 SG05753
Lifebuoy bracket, Stainless steel 1 SG05751
Lifebuoy, lettering 1 20120027

Lifebuoy Lanyard

Orange lifebuoy lanyard; meets all stringent demands.

A safety line to attach to a lifebuoy to pull back
the lifebuoy.

Lifebuoy lanyard
Safety line


Material Lanyard: Polypropylene

Ring: Rubber
Color Orange
Weight App. 1.5 kgs for 50 meters


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Lifebuoy lanyard with ring, with 20 meter line 1 SG05721
Lifebuoy lanyard with ring, with 30 meter line 1 SG05722
Lifebuoy lanyard with ring, with 50 meter line 1 20120030
Lifebuoy lanyard with ring, with 60 meter line 1 20120033
Lifebuoy lanyard excluding ring, with 30 meter line 1 SG05724

Encapsulated Safety Line

It is an encapsulated safety line of 30 meter to suit 24" or 30" lifebuoys.

Features diameter of the buoy providing a good

It is an encapsulated line made of stowage facility and protection of the line from
polypropylene orange rope with a breaking environmental deterioration.
strain of 250 kgs which fits neatly in the inner

Lifebuoy safety line

Providing a good stowage facility


Material Polypropylene
Color Body: White
Rope: Orange


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Encapsulated Safety Line, 30 meter line 1 SG05723

Lifebuoy Bracket Stainless Steel, standard

Chrome finished steel lifebuoy Y-bracket for installation of a life buoy against the railing or the

- bracket is pre-drilled

Lifebuoy bracket stainless steel, standard

For installation against railing or the wall


Dimensions Appr. 720 x 380 x 110 mm

Material 3 mm stainless steel
Color Stainless steel


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Lifebuoy bracket chrome 1 SG05753
Lifebuoy bracket chrome, J shape 1 SG05752

Lifebuoy, MOB and lifeline bracket, stainless steel

Stainless steel bracket to mount lifebuoy against railings or walls.

Features - predrilled installation plate for easy fixation

- rigid offshore design will keep buoy in place with u-bolts to the railing
under the worst weather conditions - bracket for lifeline
- predrilled bracket for various lifebuoy lights

Lifebuoy bracket
Stainless steel


Dimensions Appr. 720 x 380 x 110 mm

Weight 5.5 kg
Materials 4 mm stainless steel 316
Color Non-coated


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Lifebuoy bracket, Stainless steel 1 SG05751

Daniamant L90 Lifebuoy Light

The Daniamant L90 uses five alkaline batteries, offering a life of one year. Robust and reliable,
the Daniamant L90 is automatically activated after release.

Features - minimum 2 hour light duration

- the Daniamant L90 is supplied complete - fully MED approved
with a 2.5m lanyard - IMO SOLAS approved
- minimum 2 cd light output

Daniamant L90 Lifebuoy Light

Actived after release


Weight 1080 gr
Dimensions 380 mm
Lamp 4 Volt, 0.6 Amp.
Batteries 5 1.5 Volt LR20
Activation Self-activating by tilt switch
Approvals IMO / SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Daniamant L90 Lifebuoy Light, bracket and battery included 1 SG05731
Bracket for Daniamant L90 Lifebuoy Light 1 SG05732

Daniamant L160 Lifebuoy Light

The L160 lifebuoy light is a water-activated system designed for automatic actuation by the act
of releasing the lifebuoy to which the unit is attached, such that the battery is unsealed ready
for use when the light is pulled from the housing. The light illuminates when the unsealed battery
is immersed.

Features activated unless removed from the container

- the L160 lifebuoy light has a 5-year storage and floated in fresh or salt water
life and uses the famous water-activated, - the lamp is sealed inside a tough,
silver chloride-magnesium batteries first polycarbonate dome
developed by McMurdo, for intrinsically safe - in addition to its other advantages, the
operation McMurdo L41B has been designed
- the L160 is both corrosion and tamper- specifically to be highly resistant to
proof, so the batteries cannot be removed or accidental damage onboard ship and to
expended accidentally, nor can they be deflect rope impacts

Daniamant L160 Lifebuoy Light

Designed to be smaller and highly resistant


Weight Light 184 gr

Complete assembly 310 gr
Dimensions 185 x 70 mm Ø
Approvals IMO / SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Daniamant L160 Lifebuoy Light 1 SG05733

Daniamant L161 Lifebuoy Light

The Lifebuoy light is designed to deliver, as a minimum standard, the 2cd output specification
and 2 hour duration required by IMO SOLAS regulations.

Features - 76 meter drop height, exceeding SOLAS

- five year life requirement
- no maintenance or replacement batteries - easy fitting
are required - LED technology
- compact size - exempt from Class 9 transport requirements
- ATEX Ex proof

Daniamant L161 Lifebuoy Light

The only water actived intrinsically safe
Lifebuoy light


Weight 300gr
Dimensions 185 x 106 mm
Storage temperature -30°C to + 65°C
Operating temperature -1°C to + 30°C
Light output 2 candela
Approvals SOLAS / MED /ATEX


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Daniamant L161 Lifebuoy Light, ATEX proof 1 SG05735

Comet red hand flare

The Comet Red Handflare conforms to SOLAS 74/88 as amended. Designed to withstand
exceptional environmental exposure and to perform reliably even after immersion in water.
Featuring a unique telescopic handle with improved grip, making it very compact for stowage.
Easily extended for safe handling and operation by pull wire igniter. Produces hot red flame for
60 seconds at 15000 candela.

Applications Storage
For use day or night the Comet red hand flare Ideally, both products should be stored in the
is a short-range distress signal used to robust, specially designed Polybottle, or in a
pinpoint position. May be carried on the ship’s dry, easily accessed location at ambient
bridge and is a requirement in ship’s lifeboats temperature.
and life rafts. The hand flare is suitable for use
on other commercial and recreational boats. Operation
Also available is the Comet White Collision 1. Pull out red end until telescopic tube is fully
Warn-off hand flare which is for use day or extended and engaged.
Comet red hand flare
night when a collision danger exists or for the 2. Unscrew red end cap and point away.
Designed to withstand exceptional
illumination of small areas outside. 3. Pull ball out sharply to fire.
environmental exposure
4. Hold at arms length. Point Downwind. End
plug ejects after 2 seconds delay.


Length 175 mm (6.9 ins)

Length with handle pulled out 280 mm (11 ins)
Diameter 28 mm (1.1 ins)
Weight 160 gr (5.6 oz)
Light intensity 15,000 candela
Burning time 60 seconds
Ignition Pull-wire igniter
Net explosive content 61 gr (2.14 oz)
Approvals SOLAS 74/88 as amended, IMO resolution MSC. 81(70) Part 1, (MED) 96/98/EC, SBG 426.004,
BAM PT1 -1108, USCG


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Comet red hand flare 1 SG05901

Pains Wessex hand flare

Red hand-held, short range distress signal. Used to pinpoint location by day or night.

Features Applications
Burns for 60 seconds at 15,000 candela. - use to signal distress by day or night.
Features a unique telescopic handle making it - hand-held and short range flare used to
very compact and space saving when stowed. pinpoint position.
Easily extended and pull wire operated. - typically 6 hand flares are required to be
fitted in SOLAS/commercial life rafts and
Pains Wessex hand flare
Used to pinpoint location


Length 175 mm (6.9 ins)

Length with handle pulled out 280 mm (11 ins)
Diameter 28 mm (1.1 ins)
Weight 160 gr (5.6 oz)
Light intensity 15,000 candela
Burning time 60 seconds
Color of light Red
Ignition Pull-wire igniter
Net explosive content 61 gr (2.14 oz)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Pains Wessex Handflare 1 06130009

Comet Parachute Signal Rocket, Red

The Comet Red Parachute Signal Rocket conforms to SOLAS 74/88 as amended. Designed to
withstand exceptional environmental exposure and to perform reliably even after immersion in
water, the pull wire igniter and improved grip provides easy handling.
Ejecting a red Flare suspended on a parachute at 300m (1000ft), burning for 40 seconds at
30,000 candela.

Applications - if damaged or dented do not use

A day or night long-range distress signal. May - do not dismantle
be carried on the ship's bridge and is a - keep away from source of heat
requirement in ship's lifeboats and life rafts, - do not use after expiry date
also suitable for use in other commercial and
recreational boats. Disposal
Pyrotechnics must be treated as hazardous
Comet Red Parachute Signal Rocket, red Storage waste and must be disposed of responsibly in
Designed to withstand exceptional Ideally, should be stored in the robust, accordance with local regulations.
environmental exposure specially designed Polybottle, or in a dry,
easily accessed location at ambient Operation
temperature. - hold signal firmly by ribbed handle. Unscrew
RED bottom cap. Do not point at people or
Warning property
- ejects rocket projectile - do not point at - hold rocket vertically above head pointing
people or property away from body
- do not fire in a confined space - ensure hands remain clear of top. To fire -
- keep out of reach of children pull red ball sharply down
- only for emergency use at sea


Dimensions 295 x 38 mm Ø
Weight 270 gr (9.45 oz)
Light intensity 30,000cd candela
Burning time 40 seconds
Ignition Pull-wire igniter
Altitude 300 m (985 ft)
Approvals SOLAS 74/88 as amended, IMO Resolution 96/98/EC. SBG 425.005. USCG


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Comet Parachute Signal Rocket, red 1 SG05902

Pains Wessex Red Rocket

Pains Wessex red rocket.

Applications wire igniter and improved grip provides easy

A day or night long-range distress signal. 12 handling. Ejecting a red flare on a parachute
should be carried on the ship’s bridge and 4 at 300m (1000ft), burning for 40 seconds at
are requiremed in ship’s lifeboats and life 30,000 candela.
rafts, also suitable for use in other commercial
and recreational boats. Usage
Remove red end cap. Hold firmly, vertically
Pains Wessex Red Rocket Features above head at arms length. Turn head away
Easy handling The Pains Wessex Para Red MK8A Rocket and pull toggle. Rocket is ejected
conforms to SOLAS 74/88 as amended. instantaneously with a loud report and slight
Designed to withstand exceptional recoil. Be careful not to direct towards people
environmental exposure and to perform or property.
reliably even after immersion in water, the pull


Length 295 mm
Diameter Diameter at handle: 38 mm
Diameter: 32 mm
Weight 235 gr
Light intensity 30,000 candela
Burning time 40 seconds
Altitude 300 m
Ignition Pull-wire igniter
Net explosive content 84 gr


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Pains Wessex Red Parachute Signal Rocket 1 06130005

Comet Smoke Signal, Orange

The Smoke Signal Orange is a compact, daylight distress signal designed to be easy and safe
to handle. It provides effective position marking during rescue operations and can be used to
indicate wind direction, producing dense orange smoke for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Application Storage
The Comet orange smoke signal is a small This compact unit is ideally stored in a water-
and compact distress signal for daylight use resistant locker at ambient temperature
designed for stowage in liferafts and lifeboats. allowing easy access in an emergency or in
SOLAS requires 2 smoke signals per raft/ the robust, specially designed polybottle.
Features Operation
- signal for position marking during rescue - 1. Remove plastic cap. Point away from
operations body.
- indicates wind direction - 2. Pull tab firmly away from canister. Ensure
Comet Smoke Signal, orange - safe use on oil or petrol covered water hand remains clear of HOT END.
Designed to be easy and safe to handle - conforming to SOLAS 74 as amended - 3. Throw life smoke overboard immediately.
- ideal also for leisure boats Smoke will be emitted after a 2 second


Dimensions 114 (h) x 82 (Ø) mm

Weight 370 gr (13.05 oz)
NEC 239 gr (8.43 oz)
Burning time 3 minutes minimum
Colour of smoke orange
Ignition percussion ignitor with 2 seconds safety delay
Approvals SOLAS 74 as amended, Res. MSC 81 (70). Approvals: CE 0589, BAM–P1-0191, 0589-P1-0324, BGV
MED 423.008, USCG 160.122./21/0, 160.022/21/0, and other major maritime authorities worldwide.


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Comet Smoke Signal, Orange 1 SG05904

Pains Wessex Orange Smoke Signal

Pains Wessex Orange Smoke Signal.

Applications Features
The Pains Wessex life smoke MK8 is a small The Pains Wessex life smoke MK8 is a
and compact distress signal for daylight use compact, flat top, day time distress signal
only, designed for stowage in life rafts. Signal designed to be easy and safe to handle. It
for position marking during rescue operations. provides effective position marking during
Indicates wind direction. Safe to use on oil or rescue operations and can be used to indicate
petrol covered water. Conforming to SOLAS wind direction, producing dense orange
74/88 as amended. Two signals are required smoke for a minimum of 3 minutes.
carriage in SOLAS life rafts and lifeboats. Two
Pains Wessex Orange Smoke Signal are supplied in RORC and Offshore leisure Usage
Small and compact kits. Peel off top cap, pull string sharply away from
body. A 2 second delay allows time to throw
the canister downwind into the water.


Dimensions 100 x 84 mm Ø
Weight 370 gr (13 oz)
NEC 200 gr (7 oz)
Burning time 3 minutes minimum
Color of smoke Orange
Ignition pull-wire igniter with 2 seconds safety delay


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Pains Wessex Orange Smoke Signal 1 06130006

Comet Light Smoke Signal MOB

The comet light and smoke lifebuoy marker features 15 minutes of dense orange smoke and a
self-activated lighting system which far exceeds solas requirements for light output and
duration.It is mounted on a ships bridge wing with the bracket supplied and is attached by line
to a lifebuoy.The signal is used to mark the position of a man overboard by day or night. It can
be automatically deployed by releasing the attached lifebuoy, or manually activated.

Application Operation
- Day and night signal attached to 4kg - 1. Signal and lifebuoy mounted on bridge
lifebuoy and used in emergency to mark wing in ready to fire position.
position of man overboard - 2. Release locking pin and lifebuoy falls,
- Provides 15 minutes of dense orange smoke automatically deploying marker.
- Far exceeds SOLAS requirements of 2 - 3. Alternatively, manually throw lifebuoy
hours at 2 candela for light output and overboard.
- Safe to use on petrol or oil covered water Warning
- Lithium battery sealed for life - no annual - Produces dense orange smoke - do not
replacement inhale.
- Automatic or manual deployment - Do not fire in a confined space
- Universal stainless steel mounting bracket. - Keep out of reach of children
Usually mounted on a ships bridge wing - Only for emergency use at sea
- Tested to survive a 60m drop into water - If damaged or dented do not use
(SOLAS 30m) - Do not dismantle
- Ideal for use on ships or rigs with high free - Keep away from source of heat
board - Do not use after expiry date
Comet light and smoke lifebuoy marker
Used in emergency to mark position of man
Storage Disposal
This compact unit is ideally stored in good Pyrotechnics must be treated as hazardous
magazine conditions in an upright position, waste and must be disposed of responsibly in
mounted to its stainless steel bracket in our accordance with local regulations.
original packaging.
Onboard vessel: two units are normally Conforms to SOLAS 74/88 as amended. IMO
required to be carried. Mounted inverted and Resolution MSC 81 (70) part 1. MED.96/98/
attached to a Lifebuoy. Usually positioned on EC. SBG 422.006 and other maritime
each Bridge wing and need a clear, authorities worldwide.
uninterrupted drop into the water.


Height 453 mm (17.83ins)

Diameter 275 mm (10.83ins)
Weight 4.7 kgs (10.36 lbs)
Weight - including bracket 6.7 kg (14.77 lbs)
Lamps (bulbs) 2 x 2.4v 1.2A
Operating temp range -1°C - + 30°C
Storing temp range -30°C - + 65°C
Colour of light White
Burning time 15 minutes
Duration 2 candela for 2 hours
Use with lifebuoy weighing 4.0 kgs (8.82lbs)
Attach to lifebuoy with line 4 m (13ft) long, 9.5 mm (0.37ins) diameter

Comet Light Smoke Signal MOB


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Comet Light Smoke Signal MOB 1 SG05910

Comet Line Throwing Device

A self-contained line-throwing appliance consisting of a weatherproof plastic casing with end

cap, twist-grip trigger assembly, rocket and line. Fully compliant to the latest international
SOLAS legislation, the device has a throwing range of between 230m and 250m and meets
world-wide approval standards. A solid propellant is used which guarantees a highly accurate
flight path even in strong side winds.

Applications Storage
The Comet line thrower 250 is designed for This compact appliance is ideally stored in a
ease of operation in the most extreme water-resistant locker at ambient temperature
weather conditions. It can be used in all allowing easy access in an emergency. The
situations where a line is required to be set of 4 appliances normally carried onboard
passed accurately and quickly. can be dispersed in strategic positions
throughout the vessel.
- all line-throwing operations at sea between Operation
vessels, ship-to-shore, shore-to-ship and - 1. Remove the front cover and point in the
shore based rescue services desired flight direction.
- rescue of swimmers in distress - 2. Pull out safety pin.
- line carrying across obstacles and rough - 3. Aim over the top of target. Be prepared
terrain for recoil.
- 4. Turn grip to left or right to fire.
- 5. If misfire occurs hold unit in firing position
for one minute, then dispose of overboard.
Comet line throwing device
Designed for ease operation


Dimensions 330 x 313 x 205 mm Ø

Weight 4.3 kgs
Explosive content 113 gr
Line breaking strain >2 kn
Approvals SOLAS 74/88 as amended, IMO resolutions MSC. 81(70) Part 1, (MED) 96/98/EC, SeeBG MED 424.
002, SAS S010012, USCG


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Comet Line Throwing device 1 SG05907

Pains Wessex Line Thrower

Pains Wessex Line Thrower 250 meters.

Features from ship to ship and ship to shore or for

A self-contained line-throwing appliance rescuing a swimmer in distress. Ships typically
consisting of a plastic case with an end cap have to carry 4 units to comply with SOLAS
and 250m of line , an integral striker regulations. Rocket propels line 250 meter in
mechanism plus a rocket. Fired by a twist grip calm conditions.
and used for passing a 4 mm diameter. line
Pains Wessex Line Thrower
Self-contained rocket propelled line throwing


Dimensions 330 x 313 x 205 mm Ø

Weight 4.2 kgs
Explosive content 113 gr
Line breaking strain >2 kn
Approvals SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Pains Wessex Line Thrower 1 06130002

Comet Life Boat Set

Container for the safe and dry storage of various pyrotechnics in marine environment like
lifeboats or MOB boats.

Contents for a lifeboat set - 2x Comet Smoke Signal

- 6x Comet Hand flare - 1x Container
- 4x Comet Parachute signal

Comet life boat set

For safe and dry storage


Dimensions 220 x 410 mm
Material specs PVC container with screw off lid
Rubber seal in lid


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Comet Life Boat Set 1 SG05906
Extra watertight Comet container: width 218 mm, height 400 mm, diameter 218 mm, 12 liter 1 SG05909

Comet Bridge Set

Container for the safe and dry storage of pyrotechnics in marine environment like lifeboats or
MOB boats.

Contents for the bridge set

- 12x Comet Parachute rockets
- 1x Container

Comet bridge set

For dry and safe storage


Dimensions 220 x 410 mm
Material specs PVC container with screw off lid
Rubber seal in lid


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Comet Bridge Set 1 SG05905

Diphoterine sterilize products

Diphoterine deactivates and eliminates the aggressive product. It is a composition of an

absorbent material which immediatly reacts to the the hazardous liquid chemicals, and then
drains away. The residues formed in this way are not corrosive, and are naturally removed.

Features - application: local (hands, face, ...)

Diphoterine, a particularly fast and effective
absorbing agent is a "chelating amphoteric MICRO DAP: Diphoterine aerosol of 100 ml
(sequestrate) agent". One of the properties of - Same as MINI DAP, however, in portable
this molecule with multiple opportunities to leather belt holder
multiply, is that the aggressive molecules
attract both irritant as caustic substances. DAP: Diphoterine portable device with
Water is unable to do so. Diphoterine is capacity of 5 liters
available in various models with additional - suitable for placing in operation or vehicle
accessories. sustainability of Diphoterine is 1 - application: for the whole body
year. - refilling possible
- optional: anti-freeze
Diphoterine sterilize products LIS Sterilised eye fluid
Deactivates and eliminates the aggressive - 50 ml (excl belt holder) IMPORTANT
product - anywhere to bring When using the Diphoterine products, LIS,
- readily available, ensuring optimum MINI MICRO DAP and DAP it is important
efficiency that you use all the contents. Even if you
- ergonomic and easy to use immediately feel relief, you need to continue
- economic treatment (see instructions on the label and
- optimally efficient: <10 seconds follow them!). You should also bear in mind
that as "sour" products contain flour, you
MINI DAP: Diphoterine in spray 200 ml should use Hexafluorine instead of
- is used against the use of tools and tool box Diphoterine. Prices of Hexafluorine are (also)
is kept on request.
- gives a very fine mist


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

LIS Sterilised eye fluid, 50 ml (excluding belt holder) 1 SG04663
MICRO DAP: Diphoterine aerosol of 100 ml 1 SG04664
MINI DAP: Diphoterine in spray 200 ml 1 SG04665
DAP: Diphoterine portable device with capacity of 5 liters 1 SG04662
Refill Diphoterine 1 SG04661
Polyethylene safety cabinet, type JBWA-70, green door 1 SG02421

Dräger Acute 2003

The Acute 2003 is a complete, quick-to-use resuscitation unit which will be of equal interest in
emergency services, general practitioners and hospital personnel. The device concept drew on
experience from all areas.

Features Equipment
Among the outstanding features of the Acute Inside the Acute no space is wasted, as all the
are the 100% by volume oxygen delivery, the contents are ergonomically arranged. The
simultaneous operation of several pack contains everything emergency
components and a "one-third hatch" which ventilation requires - the main component is a
offers easy access to the main accessoiries 2.5 L oxygen cylinder equipped with an Alduk
even in confined spaces. I compact pressure reducer. This features two
5 bar outlets and an inhalation nipple which is
Even from a distance, the robust, highly adjustable in steps between 0-15 L/min using
condensed polyethylene case is clearly visible the flow regulator.
thanks to its bright orange colour. Depending
on how much space is available at the scene Additional components
of the emergency the pack can be used either - Oxidem 3000 demand valve for flow-
in upright or horizontal position. Both sections controlled
of the lid can be opened out of 180°C. - resuscitator 2000 manual ventilation bag,
including masks
- sujector 2000 bronchial aspirator
- an inhalation mask
Dräger Acute 2003
- all connections hoses needed for operation
Quick to use resuscitation unit


Dimensions 600 x 200 x 240 mm

Weight incl contents Approx. 7 kgs
Pack material Polyethylene, highly condensed
Clip fasteners Polyethylene, replaceable
Capacity O2 cylinder 2 liter
Filling pressure O2 cylinder 200 bar
Material O2 cylinder Steel


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Acute 2003 1 38S1802

First Aid Kit

First aid kit in plastic container. Container fitted with wall bracket. First aid kit container suitable
for mechanical workshops.

Features - the rubber seal ensures that resources are

- orange plastic first aid kit protected from dirt and dust
- made from high quality ABS plastic, so it's - size 33 cm x 23 cm
sturdy and shockproof - content according to directive and regulation
- the kit can be mounted to a wall with the wall BHV and inland shipping
- the two-section kit is fitted with Plexiglas Important
sheets inside to prevent the contents from The kit should always be within reach. It is
falling out when opening important that the contents of the kit regularly
- the bag is waterproof (checked) and if necessary replaced.

First aid kit

Suitable for shipping


Dimensions 330 x 230 mm

Color Orange


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Toolsan First Aid Kit 1 SG04811
Complete refill, without tweezers and scissors 1 19110024

First Aid Backpack

Compact handy backpack with first aid content. Equipped with reflective cross and triangle on
the front pocket. The content is separated. The first aid backpack can also be used as a shoulder
bag and is easy to hang on the wall. The backpack is waterproof and suitable for emergency
response and first aid. Content is according to the guidelines of the Orange Cross.

Contents - 2 Triangular bandage non woven

- 3 First aid dressing 6 x 8 cm sterile - 1 Roll adhesive plaster
- 4 First aid packet medium sterile - 1 Assortment plaster bandages
- 4 Gauze compress sterile 5 x 8,5 cm - 1 Plaster bandage elastic 100 x 6 cm
- 4 Non-woven compress sterile 10 x 10 cm - 1 Life saving kiss resuscitation mask
- 3 Synthetic wadding 3 m x 10 cm - 1 Lister bandage scissors 14 cm
- 5 Aluminium wound dressing 10 x 10 cm - 4 Latex gloves non sterile
- 2 Elastic bandage 4 m x 6 cm - 1 Rescue sheet gold/silver 160 x 210 cm
- 10 Wound closure strips 3 x 7,6 cm - 1 Splinter tweezer Feilchenfeld 8,5 cm
- 2 Self-Adhesive Fixation Bandage 4 m x 8 - 1 Tick-out tick tweezer
cm - 1 Disinfection liquid lotion 1%
- 3 Ideal supportive bandage 5 m x 8 cm - 1 First aid advice step by step leaflet

First Aid backpack

All first aid kit contents


Dimensions 340 x 100 x 380 mm

Material Nylon 1680D
Color Red
Packaging Per piece in a bag


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

First Aid Back Pack 1 19110018

Zoll AED Plus

A cardiac arrest or cardiac fibrillation is always sudden and, at that moment it is necessary to act
immediately. Of course, one of the first things one should do is contact professional help. Zoll
AED Plus does not only alert you when a transient is needed, also tells you if the heart massage
is deep enough and runs at the right motion.

Features - makes use of special CPR-D padz; a

For the victim however, it is of the highest pressure point mounted to the electrodes ,
importance that directly first aid is granted. with which the pressure and the pace of the
This first aid exists in the base from CPR and heart massage is controlled
rescue breathing: an AED can increase the - a good step-by-step-resuscitation guidance
survival rate of the victim. with understandable icons and clear voice
- a lifetime of batteries and electrodes of 5
Dräger has consciously chosen for the Zoll's years without maintenance
AED Plus. - the Zoll AED Plus is also the only AED
using normal batteries, these are easy to
This AED distinguishes itself from other replace and cheap to run the Zoll AED has
brands a standard LCD screen 7 x 3 cm with,
- ignores vibrations and movements of the optionally, text or ECG-view.
Zoll AED Plus vessel, making a good analysis -
With a good step-by-step resuscitation - based on IP55


Particle and wateringress IP-55

Battery life 5 years
Display LCD display, 70 x 30 mm
Dimensions 133 x 241 x 292 mm
Weight 3.1 kg
Operating temperature 0°C to +50°C
Storage temperature -30°C to +60°C
Cable length 1.1 m
Recharge time Less than 10 seconds when using new batteries
Energy level shock 120J-150J-200J
Warranty 7 years
Approvals UL2601, AAMI DF-39, IEC 601-2-4, EN 60601-1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Zoll AED Plus, complete with carrying bag 1 19130027
Zoll AED cabinet, clear 1 19130029

Fire Blanket

A fire blanket is designed to smother a fire by cutting off its oxygen supply. The fire blanket is
placed in a plastic wall container.

Features - it consists of a sheet of fire retardant

- a fire blanket is a safety device designed to material which is placed over a fire in order
extinguish small starting fires to smother it
- fire blankets are folded in to a quick-release
container for ease of storage

Fire Blanket (normal)

To extinguish small fire


Material Composition E glass

Yarn: Warp: EC9 68 Ex
Yarn: Werft: EC9 68 Ex
Finish: 2 side white sillicone coating 2 x 35 gm/m2
Blanket sizes 1200 x 1200 mm: container size: 285 x 160 x 36 mm
1200 x 1800 mm: container size: 360 x 160 x 36 mm
1800 x 1800 mm: container size: 460 x 160 x 36 mm
Color Red
Approvals Kitemark: BS EN 1869 / BS EN ISO 9002


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire blanket, 100 x 100 cm 1 SG00481
Fire blanket, 120 x 120 cm 1 18101002
Fire blanket, 120 x 180 cm 1 SG00483
Fire blanket, 180 x 180 cm 1 SG00484

Thermal Protection Blanket

Protection of people against rain, wind and cold to prevent hypothermia.

Thermal Protective Blanket

Protection against rain, wind and cold


Color Yellow
Approvals IMO and SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

TPA-SO: Thermal protective aid 1 SG04921

Stretcher Spencer Scoop

The Spencer scoop stretcher telescopes to accommodate the tallest patient and folds for
compact storage designed so attendants can uncouple either end of the stretcher and gently
scoop up the patient using scissors. Tubular aluminum construction with extruded aluminum

Features Material
Thanks to the scoop action carried out by two Special attention has been given to the choice
longitudinal edges it is possible to position the and definition of the material used in
stretcher below the patient without having to construction, which have to respond to certain
move him/her. The scoop stretcher can be needs: lightness, mechanical resistance,
used to lift, transfer or transport the majority trustworthiness and durability.
of patients.
Folding Spencer Scoop Grey Available types
Also for tall patients The silhouette of the scoop stretcher has - gray Spencer scoop stretcher
been studied to improve the insertion below - orange Spencer scoop stretcher
the patient’s body and at the same time
stabilise when transferring or transporting.


Length minimum 167 cm

Length maximum 201 cm
Width 42,5 cm
Depth folded 9 cm
Weight 10 kgs
Load capacity 170 kgs


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Stretcher Spencer Scoop 1 SG04721
Bracket for Stretcher Spencer Scoop 1 SG04722
Storage bag for Stretcher Spencer Scoop 1 SG04723
Shoulder Strap (2Pcs) for Stretcher Spencer Scoop 1 SG04724

Stretcher Spencer Shell Basket

This shell is a design for a wide range of rescue situations. The shell is built from high density
cross linked polyethylene, this avoids splintering and cracking. The surface is impervious to body
fluids and petroleum products. Easy to keep clean. Especially usable rescue operations in mines
and in water.

Applications advantages are evident in the corners, curves

The Spencer basket stretcher Shell, has been and on the base, exactly where the other
studied to confront the most difficult of bodies prove to be more fragile. The body is
emergency situations. It is ideal for rescue resistant to damage and corrosion and has
operations in mines, at altitude and in water. been joined to an aluminium framework to
Spencer Shell basket Thanks to its robust form, resistance and guarantee a demanding use and safe
Ideal for rescue operations in mines, at flexibility of use, it is indispensable anytime transportability in helicopters.
altitude and in water that a reliable and safe stretcher is needed. The moulding technology used for this shell
offers consistency and uniformity of thickness,
Features the resistance to damage and corrosion much
A revolutionary technique has been used in its higher than that attained with other forms of
realization which ensures uniform thickness of moulding, especially in the areas where the
the entire length of the stretcher. The shell is other systems are more usually more fragile
in high-density polyethylene and is joined to and delicate (corners, tapering).
an aluminium framework that aims to Thanks to a modification of the structure
consolidate its strength. The handles for material the lifetime of the Spencer basket
transport, which are part of the structure itself, stretcher shell has been doubled from 5 to 10
are placed along the entire perimeter. The years.
grommets for the fixing of the spring catches
of the harnessing are in stainless steel. Lifting bridle systems
Inside the shell there is a removable mattress, Adjustable lifting bridle used for horizontal
applied with hook and loop fastener®, made in and vertical lifting situations. Constructed from
closed-cell EPDM, which makes it durable woven nylon with sound steel
impermeable to both blood and water. The attachment hardware and brass locking
use of high-density polyethylene for this shell mechanisms.
guarantees not only that it is shatterproof but
also an exceptional sanitization. The Spencer Including
Shell can contain a spine board. - nylon rope along entire perimeter
- three 50 mm nylon belts with quick-release
Safety Technology buckles
The use of high density polyethylene moulded - water resistant, closed-cell mattress
with this technology, gives a consistency to - footrest in pre-formed polyethylene with
the thickness that is much higher than that position regulator
achieved with other forms of moulding; the - optional hoist strap


Dimensions 217 x 62 x 18.5 cm

Width 62 cm
Height 18,5 cm
Weight 13.5 kgs
Load capacity 278 kgs

Stretcher Spencer Shell Basket


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Stretcher Spencer Shell Basket 1 SG04711
Lifting Spin Stretcher Spencer Shell Basket 1 SG04701
Storage bag for Basket Stretcher 1 SG04713

Ferno KED stretcher

The Ferno K.E.D.® is a versatile, improved means of immobilizing and extricating patients from
auto accidents or tight spaces.

The wrap-around design provides horizontal - adapts to a hip and pelvic splint by simple
flexibility for easy application and vertical inversion
rigidity for maximum support of the spine, - adjustable, fold-back sides permit easy
neck, and head during extrication. The access to patient's chest
K.E.D.® immobilizes the torso, head and - can be used for multiple patient sizes,
neck, enabling prompt extrication while including children and pregnant women
minimizing risks of further injury. X-rays or - color-coded, sewn-in securing straps and
advanced life support procedures can be snaplock buckles for quick, easy application
performed with the K.E.D.® in place. - effective in immobilization of pediatric
Features - ideal for immobilizing and extricating
- wraparound design provides horizontal patients from auto accidents or confined
Ferno KED Stretcher flexibility for easy application and vertical spaces
Easy application rigidity for maximum support of the spine, - does not interfere with the application of
neck, and head during extrication anti-shock trousers
- built-in handles enable rescuers to get a firm
grip on the patient and K.E.D.® as one unit


Dimensions 83 x 80 x 14 cm
Weight 3 kgs
Load capacity 227 kg


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Ferno KED stretcher 1 P912WG096

Neil Robertson Stretcher

The Neil Robertson Stretcher & Carry Bag is constructed from strong spliced slats and tough
cotton. It ensures the patient is secure and stable before and during lifting.

Features - strong and supportive head restraints offer

A well proven rescue stretcher, the Neil stability to the head when vertical lifting is
Robertson provides comfort and security to necessary
the casualty whilst enhancing the rescue - features cotton straps with a traditional
effort. Designed for use in instances where buckle and regularly spaced eyelets which
the casualty needs to be lowered or lifted to assist in holding the casualty safely in place
safety, this stretcher is widely used by the - support ropes manufactured from durable
Royal Navy, Merchany Navy, Mining, Industry manilla enhance rescuer confidence and
and Emergency Rescue Services. offers a high degree of resistance to chafing
- an optional carrying bag is available for
Specially designed features include convenient storage of the stretcher when
Neil Robertson Stretcher - constructed from spliced, ramin slats with a not in use
A well proven rescue stretcher tough rot proof cotton exterior


Dimensions 1500 x 1000 x 40 mm

Dimensions folded 1500 x 310 x 180 mm
Weight 9.8 kgs
Load capacity 136 kg


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Neil Robertson Stretcher 1 SG04731

Paramedics Rescue PAC Stretcher

Advanced rescue stretcher for use in difficult access areas, for example rescue operations in
water, in mountains, collapsed buildings and earthquakes. The patient is safely secured in a way
that makes it possible to lift the stretcher horizontally or vertically.

Features Use
The Paramedics Rescue Pac is made of Lifting: the stretcher can be lifted horizontally,
strong PVC coated fabric with fibre glass vertically or in "suit case mode". Horizontal
reinforced bottom plate stability. Straps of lifting is made with attached shoulder straps.
polyester to secure and lift the patient.
Aluminium rods along the sides for horizontal X-ray: the Paramedics Rescue Pac allows x-
lifting. To safely secure the patient, the ray examination without removing the patient.
Paramedics Rescue PAC Stretcher stretcher is equipped with a sectionalised
For use in difficult areas head guard with adjustable headband, Materials
adjustable feet rest with built-in protection and - fabric: PVC coated polyester fabric
straps for securing arms and legs. - bottom plate: fibre glass reinforced polyester
- rods: aluminium
Comes with a bag. - straps: polyester


Lenght minimum 190 cm

Lenght maximum 205 cm
Width 55 cm
Length packed 90 cm
Height packed 20 cm
Weight 16 kgs
Colors Bright yellow and orange
Approvals CE-marked according to the European directive for Medical device 93/42/EEC and registered by the
Swedisch Medical Products Agency


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Paramedics Rescue PAC 1 SG04732

Stretcher Blanket

Blanket to cover victims in case of an accident.

Simple blanket to be used on stretcher.

Stretcher Blanket
To cover victims


Material Cotton/polyester fabric

Delivery Sealed in PE bag
Size 1300 x 2100 mm


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Stretcher Blanket, 210 x 130 cm 1 SG04741

Basket Stretcher Storage Bag

With the STX 40/10, Spencer offers a professional solution for practical, easy and robust
stocking and protection systems for basket stretchers.

General information front will help you identifying the stretcher

The bags are made out of Spentex® and also in situations with limited visibility. The
equipped with useful pockets for various bags are supplied with comfortable hand grips
accessories required as supports of rescue and some models can be used as a backpack.
activities. A reflecting strip and a logo on the Reinforced rings for secure wall fixation.

Basket Stretcher Storage Bag

Protection systems


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Storage bag for Basket Stretcher 1 SG04713

Adjustable wrench

Wrench Swedish made by BAHCO tools B.V., adjustable to 12 thumbs. Combination of pipe grip
facility, one side serrated, may be used as a pipe wrench. Left-reading, measurement scale in

Adjustable wrench
May be used as a pipe wrench


Material Phosphated. Precision-hardened and anti-corrosion treated

Dimensions length: 305mm; thickness:18mm
Maximum opening 34 mm
Weight 665 gr
Color Black
Approval DIN 3117


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Adjustable wrench 1 SG03842

Large Aircraft Axe

Big fire axe for use in combination with the helicopter crash kit.
Extremely durable and rigid.

Features - head and sleeve of axe manufactured from

- large aircraft axe with a protective shield steel with wooden handle
below non-wedging pattern head - an optional cover is available for the head

Large Aircraft Axe

Ideal for offshore helideck rescue equipment


Overall length axe 74 cm

Weight 2.6 kgs


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fireman axe: Aircraft Large, Non-Wedging 1 SG03807

Bolt cutter

Very robust and strong, made by using a special process with mangan-vanadium steel which
contains high carbon levels. Induction hardened out of Rockwell HRC 55-60. Knifes are parallel
adjustable. Gummy hand grips.

Bolt cutter
Very robust and strong


Material Mangan-vanadium steel

Dimensions 450 x 1050 mm
Weight 1700 - 8600 gr
Color Red
Approval DIN


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bolt cutter 1 SG03856

Crow bar

Crow bar made of hardened steel, very robust.

Crow bar
Very robust


Material Steel
Size 90 cm
Color Black


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Crow bar 1 SG03849

Grab hook

Long grab hook which makes it suitable for most rescue situations. Can be stored in two pieces
which means it does not take in a lot of space when not in use.

Grab hook
Ideal for offshore helideck rescue equipment


Material Wooden shaft; brass connection and steel tip

Length 415 cm


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Grab hook 1 SG04907

BAHCO hack saw

Durable hacksaw supplied with 3 spare blades. An easy-to-handle compass saw. The
interchangeable blade can be positioned at eight different angles by turning the screw in the
handle. The 321 is supplied with a SANDFLEX® Bi-metal blade, 24 TPI.

BAHCO hack saw



Material Metal
Color Orange
Weight 330 gr
Approval DIN


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

BAHCO hack saw 1 SG03857

Fire Blanket

A fire blanket is designed to smother a fire by cutting off its oxygen supply. The fire blanket is
placed in a plastic wall container.

Features - it consists of a sheet of fire retardant

- a fire blanket is a safety device designed to material which is placed over a fire in order
extinguish small starting fires to smother it
- fire blankets are folded in to a quick-release
container for ease of storage

Fire Blanket (normal)

To extinguish small fire


Material Composition E glass

Yarn: Warp: EC9 68 Ex
Yarn: Werft: EC9 68 Ex
Finish: 2 side white sillicone coating 2 x 35 gm/m2
Blanket sizes 1200 x 1200 mm: container size: 210 x 165 x 40 mm
1200 x 1800 mm: container size: 280 x 165 x 40 mm
1800 x 1800 mm: container size: 460 x 165 x 40 mm
Color Container: Red
Blanket: White
Approvals Kitemark: BS EN 1869 / BS EN ISO 9002


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire blanket, 120 x 180 cm 1 SG00483


This ladder can be used as a lean-to or stepladder, as a workbench or as a lean-to ladder with
support. When folded, it can be stowed in almost any vehicle. It is adjusted by six automatic steel
hinges. The ladder steps are equipped with rubber shoes. The ladder is GS-tested and complies
with EN 131.

To be used as lean-to or stepladder


Steps 4x3
Length 350 cm
Working height 430 cm
Stepladder height 170 cm
Workbench height 94 cm
Packing dimensions 855 x 970 x 260 mm
Carrying weight 150 kg
Weight 12.5 kg


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire blanket, 100 x 100 cm 1 SG03854

Fire Proof Lifeline

Lifelines for firefighters outfit are intended of being attached by means of a snap-hook to the
harness of a firefighter. Especially suited for marine fire fighters, MED approved.

Features the wire rope. The end connection is with a

The lifeline has a carabiner hook with a screw thimble end the wire rope is pressed with a
cap hook on one side. For the end connection ferrule. A shrink hose is covering the ferrule.
the polyester cover is removed at the end of

Fire proof life line

MED approved


Material - Galvanized steel wire rope 6X19+PP core 5 mm according to specification 619N5 in tensile strength
of 1770 N/mm2
- woven cover sheet of Polyester yarns made out of Trevira CS of thickness approximately 1,5 mm
- Carabiner hook in acc. to DIN 5299 Form C 100 x 10 mm WLL 350 kg
Length line 30 meters
Approvals MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire Proof Life Line with hook, 30 meter, MED approved 1 SG03823

BAHCO pliers

Side cutting plier with progressive edges designed to cut hard material such as piano wire close
to the joint and to cut softer material as copper wire and plastic insulated wire at the tip.

BAHCO pliers
Designed to cut hard materials


Material Chrome-Vanadium steel. PVC coated handles without return spring

Finish Black oxidised, anti-corrosion treated
Color Red/black


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

BAHCO pliers 1 SG03858

Screwdriver set

Set of screw drivers for all kinds of maintenance or rescue operations, specially fitted with
ergonomic handles for supreme grip and comfort.

Screwdriver set
Supreme grip and comfort


Material Rubber grip, steel shaft with hardened tip

Finish Anti-corrosion treated
Color Red/black
Approvals DIN


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Screwdriver set 1 SG03859

Rescue knife

Patented rescue knife from the USA for fire brigade, police and rescue services. Extremely
sturdy metal structure.
Two replaceable blades are securely anchored in the "V". The rounded edges prevent injuries
to the rescue victim. The heavy head can even smash thick panes of glass. The shape of the
handle prevents the device from falling out of your hand.
The special DZUS connection makes it possible to open aircraft and vehicle doors.

Rescue knife
For fast rescue


Weight 460 gr
Length 240 mm


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Rescue knife 1 SG03802

Power Cutting Tool Lukas

Combination tool with integrated hand pump cuts and spreads. Highly portable for rescue
operations in areas difficult to access. Rotatable tool head can be adjusted in any desired angle
for 360 degrees.

Applications Features
- rescue operations - no external power source is required
- disaster management - lightweight and highly portable
- rescue operations on top of ladder or in - cutting and spreading with one tool
wilderness areas - easy to operate, automatic change over from
- moving and lifting of obstacles low pressure to high pressure
- opening doors and deforming metal - for use in areas with explosive risks
structures - intrinsically safe
- cutting of metal constructions, vehicle parts,
pipes, sheet metal etc
Power Cutting tool Lukas
Combination tool with integrated hand pump
cuts and spreads


Cutting force up to 45,800 lbs / 204 kN

Round steel up to dia 22 mm
Blade opening 182 mm
Spreading force up to 136 kN
Spreading distance 259 mm
Dimensions 833 x 170 x 150 mm
Weight 10.9 kgs


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Power Cutting tool Lukas LKS 31 1 SG03811

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-55

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store Options

- Helideck crash equipment (excl. ladder/ - Ventilation
rescue hook) - Flame retardant version
- Fall protection equipment / descent units - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
(donut type) - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-55

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 1024 x 500 x 600 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 910 x 359 x 560 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 20 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-55 Hinged Lid 1 SG02110
Add. Costs DMO-55: Fire retardant 1 SG02111

Dräger Firemans Gloves

Best quality leather for the best protection.

General Features
These gloves are completely sewn with - Material: Cowskin and fire resistant grain
Kevlar. Between all seams, a leather tubing, leather
which protects the Kevlar, can be seen. This - Membrane: Porelle breathable liner
extends the lifespan of the glove. The palm - Liner: Knitted Kevlar (para Aramide fibre)
features an extra strong leather inside. - Cuff: Knitted Kevlar with Spandex for elastic
A piece of leather is sewn on the cuff as an - Stitching: Kevlar yarn
additional radial artery protection. The glove is - Standard sizes: 7/S – 8/M – 9/L-10/XL-11/
equipped with elastic so the glove will fit 2XL
Dräger fireman's gloves Porelle liner
Great protection for hands The Porelle breathable membrane ensures - Keeps you dry and comfortable
the user a breathability and protects the user - Innovative functional technology
against water and chemicals. - High moisture diffusion and drying ability
- Fire retardant and high capacity breathability
The knitted Kevlar lining provides high - Keeps your body temperature in balance
wearing comfort. The Kevlar elastic cuff fits
well around the wrist and provides great
protection for the user.


Color Yellow
Fabric Leather palm and backhand
Knitted wrist
Kevlar inner lining
Approvals EN 659, EN 420, EN 388, EN 407 and MED approved


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Firemans Gloves, size S, MED approval 1 SG03741
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size M, MED approval 1 SG03742
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size L, MED approval 1 SG03743
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size XL, MED approval 1 SG03744
Dräger Firemans Gloves, size XXL, MED approval 1 SG03745

Dräger Nomex Fireman’s Suit

Dräger would like to present its new line of firefighting clothes designed to the highest standards
with one thing in mind: the firefighter. The new suit is the result of a close study of technical key
features and usability of suits that are currently available in the market: the suit has been
improved on eight key features as compared to the most readily available suits. Providing a safe
barrier "between human will and fire's forces".

Radiation heat barrier Comfort

A Kermel fleece that provides excellent The used layer system creates a lightweight,
thermal protection, these very thin layers durable and highly comfortable garment
found inside the layer concept, minimise the without compromises to the suits protective
amount of water that can replace the critical features.
insulation air space in the garment.
Quick Release Breakaway Zippers
Membrane Specially designed for military, firefighter and
A Hi-Tech polyurethane membrane coated on chemical suits. Ideal for situations where it's
the outer radiation heat barrier. Ensures desirable to tear the zipper open without
exceptional breathable characteristics and having to move the zipper all the way back.
unmatched durability. Up to a temperature of
Dräger Nomex Fireman’s Suit 380°C, this membrane gives a good Anti Aqua
A lightweight, durable and highly comfortable protection against heat and chemicals and will High-Tech coated polyester fabric in sleeves,
suit not melt. trouser legs, storm flap, back piece and
pocket flaps. Prevents water and chemicals to
Liner easily enter the lining of the suit.
A combination of Nomex and Viscose. The
Nomex thread of this special weave method Eyelets
with the 2,5% Kevlar makes the liner strong. To quickly drain fluids from the suits pockets.
The fire retardant Viscose thread provides
comfort and transports moisture to the External padding
outside of the liner. The multi-layer The suit features external protective pads on
configuration ensures that each layer the knees and the elbows. Most other suits
accomplishes its part of the job. have their padding installed on the inside of
the pants and do not use padding for elbows.
Air layers and thermal barriers Using padding for both elbows and knees
The protective value of the "ESS® 5 layer increases user comfort. In addition using
system" in combination with the fabric padding on the outside helps to protect the
composite is found in the air between the fire suit from damages on its most fragile parts.
fighter and the heat source. Air itself is the
greatest single source of insulation qualities in Rounded pocket flaps
protective clothing. Sandwiching stitching By using rounded pocket flaps the chances of
inside the facing cloth is therefore never used. being caught behind protruding parts when in
All the layers are not stitched to each other; action are reduced. In addition the rounding of
this improves the thermal insulation value the corners reduces wear and tear on the
(TPP) by protecting the moisture barrier and fabric in everyday use.
creating multiple air spaces between the very
thin layers.


Type of material NOMEX® III, 220 g/m2

Inner material Jacket and trouser: NOMEX, 93% Meta-Aramide, 5% Para-Aramide, 2% Static Control
Stitching: NOMEX
Liner: NOMEX fleece (heat barrier), NOMEX fleece eith Hi-Tech PU breathable membrane, NOMEX
viscose FR lining

Dräger Nomex Fireman’s Suit

Pockets Jacket: Two side pockets with flaps, one inside pocket and one radio pocket on each chest Trousers: 2
box pockets on thighs. Inverse pocket in both sides
Color Orange with reflective striping
Sizes S - XXL
Approvals EN469:2005, MED


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size S 1 SG03701
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size M 1 SG03702
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size L 1 SG03703
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size XL 1 SG03704
Dräger Nomex Fireman's Suit, size XXL 1 23110074

Fireman's SA Boots

Boots for emergency situation and fire with toxic chemicals emission.

Features - resistance to chemicals: fuels, oils, weak and

- safety toe cap diluted acids, solvents
- anti-perforation mid-sole - resistance to abrasion and cuts
- resistance to heat flow, heat contact, fire - used with chemical protective suits (satisfy
permeation tests according to EN 943-2)

Fireman's SA Boots
Meets the heat and flame resistance


Color Black
Sizes 36-50
Type of construction Elastomer: fireproofed NBR (fireproofed nitrile rubber)
Steel midsole Composite anti-perforation mid-sole
Toe Polymer toe cap
(steel toe for sizes 36, 37, 38)
Weight 1900g / pair (size 42)
Height 370mm (size 42)
Approvals EN 943-2
EN 15090 type 3 HI3
EN 13832-3 J P Q
EN 13287
Marine fire protection equipment certified by SEE-BG, notified body N°0736
MED approved


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fireman's Boots, size 36 1 SG03746
Fireman's Boots, size 37/38 1 SG03747
Fireman's Boots, size 39 1 SG03749
Fireman's Boots, size 40/41 1 SG03751
Fireman's Boots, size 42 1 SG03752
Fireman's Boots, size 43 1 SG03753
Fireman's Boots, size 44 1 SG03754
Fireman's Boots, size 45 1 SG03755
Fireman's Boots, size 46/47 1 SG03756
Fireman's Boots, size 48 1 23112026

Dräger HPS 7000 Fireman's Helmet

The Dräger HPS 7000 firefighter’s helmet is in a class of its own thanks to its innovative, sporty
and dynamic design, ergonomic fit and components which make it a multi-functional system
solution. It provides you optimum protection during every operation.

Tailor-made fit for every head into the helmet shell and illuminates the whole
Two helmet shells for head sizes from 50 to working area. It is located in the centre of the
66 cm cover a wide range of individual head front plate and has an effective glare
and face shapes. With a weight of approx. 2012shield as well as intelligent battery
1,380 g as basic version, it is one of the management system. The interior fitting can
lightest helmets in its class. In addition to its be equipped with various audio/speech
comfortable interior fitting made of skin- headsets for different radios. This ensures
friendly, anti-allergic and flexible materials, the reliable communication even in loud
Dräger HPS 7000 stands out with its high environments.
level of operating and wearing comfort.
Highest safety - the material mix makes the
Comfort is a matter of position difference
Dräger HPS 7000 fireman's helmet The padded 4-point harness allows for safe Despite its low weight, the Dräger HPS 7000
Tailor-made fit for every head and easy adjustment to any head shape. The is one of the safest full-shell helmets in its
optimum balance of the helmet can be class. Its outer shell of composite material in
adjusted individually in the neck and chin combination with the PUR inner shell provides
area. The padding made of Nomex also reliable protection against thermal and
ensures a comfortable fit. The integrated mechanical influences. The plastic reinforced
comfort hairnet enables the height to be with glass fibre and aramide webbing resists
adjusted and assures a good climate inside extreme temperatures. It is even able to
the helmet. During operation, the head size withstand the enormous radiation heat and
can be adjusted quickly via an easy-to-operate flame engulfment of a flash over. The visors of
size adjustment wheel with safety mechanism high temperature resistant polyether sulphone
on the outer shell, even with wet and thick reliably protect your eyes and face against
gloves. high heat, particles and liquid chemicals.

Design at its strongest Nothing left to be desired

The ergonomic helmet design evenly A comprehensive accessory program
distributes the weight to the head and relieves completes the Dräger package. Reflective
the neck muscles. The large and modern strips improve your visibility under
facial protection visor offers unrestricted unfavourable conditions and allow for
protection with best visibility. For operations individual marking. matched to your clothing,
under chemical protective suits, the visor can the various neck protection versions reliably
be fixed permanently. A safe alternative is keep your back free. Separate helmet lamps
provided by the integrated and individually are attached with a lamp adapter on the right
adjustable protective goggles with integrated or left helmet side. A Nomex coating protects
softpad edge protection. Both visors leave your helmet in any training situation and
enough space for the simultaneous use of extends its service life. Helmet bags and
corrective glasses or respiratory masks. cases provide safe storage and transport.

Innovative system design Ready again in no time at all

As a provider of integrated system solutions, The Dräger HPS 7000 is easy and efficient to
Dräger sets new standards for the interaction service due to the minimum number of
of its products. The universally and individually components. The entire interior fitting can be
adjustable mask connection system of the removed and re-installed in just a few steps.
Dräger HPS 7000 creates a strong and safe You can replace individual components easily
helmet-mask combination. The full-face mask and quickly, using standard tools. All helmet
FPS 7000, the integrated mask components are cleaned and disinfected
communication unit FPS 7000 COM-PLUS manually or in industrial washing machine.
and the SCBA of the PSS series allow you to
optimally configure the overall system. The
light-weight LED helmet lamp is integrated

Dräger HPS 7000 Fireman's Helmet


Size H1: for head size 52 to 60 and optional for 50/51 (when using a separate padding strip),
H2: for head size 56 to 64/66, continuously adjustable via adjustment wheel (available 2014)
Weight Approx. 1,380 g (±5%)
Color Luminescent, pure white,red, signal blue, zinc yellow, black, bright yellow, other colors on request
Mask connection (only PRO version) Option to attach any adapter mask, e.g. Dräger FPS 7000, 4 positions adjustable
Interior fitting Flame-resistant and washable 4-point harness made of Nomex, sweat band of eco leather, head
support ring with wheel adjustment system (patent pending), integrated comfort hairnet, fixing lever for
facial protection visor and communication adapter
Material, outer shell composite consisting of glass fibre reinforced plastic (PA-GF) and additionally reinforced with aramide
webbing, high temperature resistant
Facial protection visor 2.5 mm polyether sulphone, anti-scratch coated (optional), approved acc. to EN 14458:2004 (±40 °C,
T, N, K, AT, R, E3) clear or gold-coated version
Protective goggles (only for PRO version) 2.5 mm polyether sulphone with softpad edge protection, anti-scratch coated (optional), approved acc.
to EN 14458:2004 (±40 °C, T, N, K, AT, R, E3), clear or tinted version, 2 positions adjustable
Approvals EN 443:2008 (type B 3b, C, E2, E3, -40 °C), mask-helmet combination acc. to DIN 58610


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger HPS 7000, luminescent 1 R79170
Dräger HPS 7000, white 1 R79171
Dräger HPS 7000, PRO luminescent/matt black 1 R79250
Dräger HPS 7000, PRO white/matt black 1 R79251
Dräger HPS 7000 - neck protection Nomex / Aluminium 1 R79145
Dräger HPS 7000 - neck protection Nomex / short 1 R79146
Dräger HPS 7000 - neck protection Nomex, neck curtain, three-layer 1 R79147
Dräger HPS 7000 - helmet lamp, LED, integrated 1 R79013
For Dräger HPS 7000 and HPS 7000 PRO, to attach the integrated LED helmet lamp, order separately: 1 R79226
E-kit front plate for Dräger HPS 7000 helmet lamp
Lamp holder Dräger HPS 7000 (for helmet lamps Dräger PX1) 1 R79129
Helmet lamp Dräger PX 1 LED 1 R62350
Helmet lamp Dräger PX 1 XENON 1 R57816

Dräger X-plore® 1300

The Dräger X-plore® 1300 combines proven and reliable respiratory protection with intelligent
new ideas ensuring a high level of comfort and ease of use.

Efficient particle protection CoolMAX™ exhalation valve (optional)

Dräger X-plore 1300 is the new generation of Small details, big effect: Breathe easy and
pre-formed particle filtering face pieces for comfortably, thanks to the extremely low
effective protection against fine dust as well breathing resistance. The valve directs humid
as solid and liquid particles. For use in and warm exhaled air away from the user and
applications where exposure to dust is out of the mask – preventing heat build-up
unavoidable the X-plore 1300 is available in all and keeping them cool.
three EN protection classes FFP1, FFP2 and
FFP3. Odour stopping versions equipped with A secure seal
an activated carbon layer are ideal for users Alongside the filter performance, a secure
that battle with unpleasant nuisance odours. seal, without leakage, is decisive in how
effective the masks' protection really is. The
CoolSAFE™ filter material X-plore 1300 is the ideal combination of an
The specially developed CoolSAFE™ filter ergonomic mask body combined with an
material combines various high-performance integrated nose seal and nose clip. This gives
filter media to achieve an excellent filter the wearer a tailor-made fit and a secure seal.
performance. Coarse and fine particles are Additionally, the good seal keeps safety
effectively stopped in the various filter layers. glasses from fogging.
Dräger X-plore® 1300
At the same time, the breathing resistance
Respiratory protection
remains very low, allowing the user to work Colour coding for fast recognition of the
easily and without tiring for longer periods. In protection class
addition, the face pieces were subjected to Fast recognition without confusion: the colour
the increased requirements of the (optional) coded nose clip and valve classify the three
dolomite dust test. Their resistance to EN protection levels dark-blue (FFP1), light-
clogging under high exposure to dust was blue (FFP2) and white (FFP3). Providing
successfully tested. During activities with high easy recognition when selecting the right
exposure to dust (e.g. mining), this gives the mask.
face pieces a longer service life and reduces
costs for the user, while maintaining a high Special features of X-plore 1330
degree of wearing comfort. - Practical and comfortable: The VarioFLEX™
head harness with a four-point adjustment
VarioFLEX™ head harness with EasyStop and extra-wide textile straps ensures the
Easy to don/doff and adjust with a pressure- best possible fit.
free fit. The continuous-looped tear-proof - Quick and easy to use: The straps are
textile strap eliminates the need for clips – arranged for fast donning. An integrated
preventing uncomfortable pressure and safeguard prevents straps from slipping out
allergic reactions. EasyStop allows the wearer of place.
to individually adjust the harness as required, - Secure and comfortable: Integrated, all-
while ensuring ease of use and a secure, around comfort sealing.
comfortable seal. Experience ultimate comfort - Clean and hygienic: Each face piece is
with the extra-wide slip-proof harness of the individually packaged in its own plastic bag.
Dräger X-plore 1330. - Individually adjustable: Available in two
different sizes S/M and M/L – the right size
for different face shapes.


Filter material CoolSAFE™ for protection against solid and liquid non-volatile particles
Odour versions With additional activated carbon layer against nuisance organic odours below the limit value
Marking D Successfully passed the dolomite dust test against

Dräger X-plore® 1300

Marking NR The mask can only be used for a maximum of one work shift
Approvals All versions meet the conditions of the EU guideline 89/686/EWG and are permitted as particle
filtering half masks in accordance to the increased requirements of the revision of EN
149:2001+A1:2009 (test of filter performance for aerosol exposure with 120 mg paraffin oil). Australian
Standard AS/NZS 1716:2003 certified (SAI Global)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore 1310 FFP1 NR D 1 3951211

Fire fighter hood

Nomex hood for fire fighters.

Elastic inside at face opening.

Nomex hood
For firefighters


Color Grey
Size One size
Material Nomex/Viscose knit, 50/50, 235 g/m2
Approvals EN 13911


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Flash hood: Nomex III 1 SG03881

Helideck Closed Marker

Marker for the helideck in offshore quality.

Helideck Closed Marker

Marker 4 x 4 mtr


Material PVC 630g/m2

Dimensions 4x4 m , stripe width: 0.5m
Fixation Every 0,5m a brass fixation eye


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Helideck Closed Marker, 4 x 4 mtr 1 SG04902

Helideck Wheel Block

Wheel block for use on the helideck.

Wheel blocks for helicopter


Material Rubber
Dimensions Appr.: 230 x 210 x 160 mm (HxDxW)
Weight 4.8 kgs
Other Galvanized chains for fixation


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Wheel block for helicopter, including chain 1 SG04901

Helideck Ty down Straps

Straps for the securing of a helicopter on the helicopter-deck.

Features - easy – quick – secure lashing for flats, tilts,

- LOAD-LOK® 50 mm high strength containers, rail wagons
polyester webbing lashing systems for heavy - suitable for road/rail/ sea/air
general - can be supplied with various end fittings
- loads suitable for the majority of lashing points and
Ty down strap for helicopter produced at a length ‘made to measure’


Material Polyester
Webbing width 50 mm
Lashing capacity 2.000 kgs
Breaking strength 5.000 kgs
Approval EN 12195-2


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Helideck Ty down Straps 1 SG03860

Helideck Landing Officer vest

Helideck Landing Officer Nomex III Vest.

Features - two hook and loop fasteners

- conform to EN-471 - with HLO reflections

Landing officer vest

Nomex III


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Helideck Landing Officer Vest, size XL, HLO text on chest and back 1 SG03867
Helideck Landing Officer Vest, size XXL, HLO text on chest and back 1 SG03868
HDA Vest Nomex, size XL, HDA text on chest and back 1 SG03871
Helideck Landing Officer Jacket, Nomex, orange with striping, size L 1 SG03862
Helideck Landing Officer Jacket, Nomex, orange with striping, size XL 1 SG03863

Dräger Pac® 3500

Accurate and easy to use, the Dräger Pac 3500 is ideal for industrial personal monitoring
applications. Providing quick detection of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide or oxygen, this
robust single gas detector has a lifetime of 2 years and is made specifically to fit industrial safety

Small and robust housing policy or standardized with the use of Dräger
Dräger Pac 3500’s impact-resistant housing software.
features a protective rubber coating and is
impervious to corrosive chemicals. Dräger Event logger
Pac 3500 meets the requirements of IP 65 to Complete with an infrared interface and able
ensure operation even when projected with to store up to 60 events with dates and times,
water. A crocodile clip securely fastens the the Dräger Pac 3500 can be easily linked to
instrument to the user’s clothing and can be a PC via a connecting cradle. This means that
adjusted to allow for individual preferences. significant events such as switching on or off,
gas and battery alarms, error codes,
Safety first configuration changes, fresh air calibrations
To ensure continuous operation even when and bump tests can be downloaded, printed
the gas inlet is accidentally covered, the and stored centrally for future reference or
instrument’s sensor has been carefully reporting purposes.
positioned to allow gas intake from both the
top and the front of the device. Quick and reliable bump testing
Bump or function tests are necessary to
Dräger PAC 3500
Miniature sensor technology check if the instruments are functioning
Handy, reliable with large display
Incorporating the latest miniature Dräger XXS correctly. Most national regulations require
sensor technology, the Dräger Pac 3500 has users to test equipment against a known gas
been specifically developed for use in concentration on a regular basis. Featuring
personal monitoring and handheld adjustable bump test and calibration intervals,
applications. The robust and pressure the Dräger Pac 3500 alerts the user when
compensated sensors reliably detect CO, H2S bump tests or calibration are required. If this
and O2 and because of the very low sensitivity warning is ignored or a test is unsuccessful,
drift, the Dräger Pac 3500 can be used over the instrument automatically displays an “out
a 2 year period without calibration. of order” error message.

Clear display Performed together with the Dräger Bump

Easily seen at a glance, the large display Test Station, a typical bump test takes
shows both the gas concentration and the between 8 and 15 seconds and requires no
measurement unit. Alternatively, the additional power so that the test can be
instrument can be configured to show only the performed on site. Each test result is
gas detected. The concentration is then only automatically stored in the event logger and,
displayed when the set alarm level has been should hard copies be required, an optional
exceeded. mobile printer can be used.

Language-free to avoid any If necessary, a fresh air calibration can be

misunderstanding, this continuous numeric carried out during the start-up sequence. All
display can also be back-lit to improve other calibration options are only accessible
readability in darker conditions. Colored labels via a password-protected menu.
are also available to distinguish the instrument
at a distance.

Alarms and warnings

In addition to a vibrating alarm, the Dräger
Pac 3500 emits an audible, multi-tone signal
and a clear, 360° visual alarm via bright,
flashing LEDs at the top and base of the
instrument. The alarm threshold levels can be
individually adjusted to adhere to company

Dräger Pac® 3500


Dimensions 84 x 64 x 25 mm
Weight 120 gr
Temperature -30 °C to +50 °C
Pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 90 % r. h.
Ingress protection IP 65
Display Language-free LCD display, continuous indication of concentration, remaining life and/or operating
time, notice and alarm functions
Instrument life and guaranty 2 years
Battery life (typical at 25° C, 8 hours of use per day, 1 CO, H2S > 2 years
minute alarm per day) O2 > 12 months
Alarms Visual (360° flashing LEDs at top and bottom), audible (multi-tone >90 dB at 30cm;1ft), vibrating
Event logger Storage of up to 60 events including concentration levels, date and time
Approvals CE-Sign (89/336/EEC, 94/9/EC)
ATEX I/II M 1/1 G EEx ia I/IIC T4
UL: Class I, II Div 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Temp. Code T4
cUL: Class I, II Div 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Temp. Code T4
IECEx Ex ia II C T4
GOST 51330.0-99 ( 60079-0-98); 51330.10-99 ( 60079-11-99); ExiaI / 0ExiaIICT4


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAC 3500 CO 1 8322001
Dräger PAC 3500 O2 1 8322005
Dräger PAC 3500 H2S LC 1 8322003
Dräger PAC 3500 leather carrying case 1 4543822
Dräger PAC 3500 calibration adapter 1 8318588
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger PAC 3500, not including gas cylinder 1 8317410
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger PAC 3500, complete with one test gas cylinder 58L (gas and concentration 1 8318586
variable), excluding PAC 3500
Connecting Cradle, complete with USB cable and Dräger PAC Vision software 1 8318587
E-Cal instrument module for connection of 4 Dräger PAC 1000 to 7000 to a Dräger E-Cal Master Station or to Module 1 8318589
Dräger PAC 3500 lithium battery: 3V CR 123A 1 4543808
Dräger PAC 3500 water and dust filter 1 8323615

Dräger Pac® 5500

Longer assignments are its speciality: the single gas instrument, Dräger Pac® 5500, has no
lifetime limitation, and is ideal for fast and accurate personal monitoring and the detection of
carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide or oxygen.

Tailor-made for tough industrial assignments Event logger for 60 events

Dräger has specifically designed the Pac® The Dräger Pac 5500 can store up to 60
5500 to meet tough industrial requirements. events, along with their dates and times.
The shock-proof rubber casing offers reliable Events such as activation and deactivation,
protection against external, mechanical gas and battery alarms, error modes,
influences and corrosive chemicals. The configuration adjustments, etc. can be loaded
device meets the requirements of IP68. onto a PC via the infrared interface, and then
can be analysed in detail.
Large, language-free display
The large LCD display is particularly user Fast function test
friendly, and shows both the gas Regular function tests are prescribed to
concentration and unit of measurement. It is ensure that the device always works
also possible to activate the device's status flawlessly. Using the cost-efficient Dräger
display. In this case, the display only shows Bump Test Station, these tests can be
the concentration when the configured alarm performed within a matter of seconds.
threshold has been exceeded. Additional
background lighting ensures that the display Safety in any situation
is always readable. Within the device, the sensor has been
Dräger PAC 5500
specially positioned to allow gas access at
Handy, reliable with large display
Reliable sensor technology featuring low both the top and the front of the device. Even
operating costs when the unit is placed in a pocket, or the gas
The Dräger Pac 5500 is equipped with the entry has been accidentally covered, it is still
Dräger XXS sensor technology. These possible to take a reliable reading.
innovative sensors offer an extremely high
performance, with fast reaction times of only Simple differentiation of the devices
ten seconds. The XXS sensors offer a long The Pac 5500 is equipped as standard with a
functional life of in excess of four years, silver foil covering the keyboard. Foils in
including the Oxygen sensor, thus providing different colours help the users to distinguish
lower operating costs. the devices and therefore the measured
gases easily and especially from a distance.
You can choose the coloured foils directly
with your order.


Dimensions 84 x 64 x 25 mm
Weight 120 gr
Temperature -30 °C to +50 °C
Pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 90 % r. h.
Ingress protection IP 65
Display Language-free LCD display, continuous indication of concentration, notice and alarm functions
Instrument life No lifetime limitation
Battery life (typical at 25°C, 8 hours per day, 1 minute CO, H2S > 2 years
alarm per day) O2 > 12 month
Alarm Visual (360° flashing LEDs at top and bottom), audible (multi-tone >90 dB at 30cm;1ft), vibrating

Dräger Pac® 5500

Approvals CE-Sign (89/336/EEC, 94/9/EC)

ATEX I/II M 1/1 G EEx ia I/IIC T4
UL Class I, II Div 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Temp. Code T4
cUL Class I, II Div 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Temp. Code T4
IECEx Ex ia II C T4
GOST 51330.0-99 ( 60079-0-98); 51330.10-99 ( 60079-11-99); ExiaI / 0ExiaIICT4


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAC 5500 CO 1 8322009
Dräger PAC 5500 O2 1 8322013
Dräger PAC 5500 H2S 1 8322011
Dräger Pac 5500 leather carrying case 1 4543822
Dräger Pac 5500 calibration adapter 1 8318588
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger Pac 5500, not including gas cylinder 1 8317410
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger Pac 5500, complete with one test gas cylinder 58L (gas and concentration variable) 1 8318586
Connecting Cradle, complete with USB cable and Dräger Pac Vision software 1 8318587
E-Cal instrument module for connection of 4 Dräger Pac 1000 to 7000 to a Dräger E-Cal Master Station or to Module 1 8318589
Dräger Pac 5500 lithium battery: 3V CR 123A 1 4543808
Dräger Pac 5500 water and dust filter 1 8323615

Dräger Pac® 6000

The disposable personal single-gas detection device, Dräger Pac® 6000, measures CO, H2S,
SO2 or O2 reliably and precisely, even in the toughest conditions. The robust design, quick
sensor response times, and a powerful battery ensure maximum safety for up to two years with
virtually no maintenance required.

Strong performance for maximum safety reaches a volume of 90 dB. The display can
You can rely on the Dräger Pac 6000: The show the peak concentration measured at any
personal single gas detection device warns given moment. Earlier alarms registered can
against hazardous concentrations of carbon also be retrieved at a later time even if
monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide acknowledged. The Pac 6000 with oxygen
or oxygen with precision and reliability. sensor has two additional alarm thresholds in
Powerful sensors with a very low t-90 addition to the standard alarm threshold
response time ensure quick reactions. The setting.
Pac 6000 is versatile thanks to its wide
measurement range. For example, the CO Event logger for analyses and reports
Dräger Pac 6000 sensor measures concentrations from 1 to The Dräger Pac 6000 logs concentrations
Robust design, quick sensor response time 1,999 ppm, and the H2S sensor from 0.4 to and events along with date and time. The data
100 ppm. can be downloaded to a PC via an interface
and processed further there.
Easy handling thanks to clear user guidance
The D-Light indicates whether the Economical operational costs
functionality of the device has been tested All of the versions of the Pac 6000 are
and that it is ready to use. The housing is also equipped with extremely durable
designed with your safety in mind: each DrägerSensors® and a powerful battery.
sensor variant of the Dräger Pac 6000 Neither the sensor nor the battery need to be
features a clear, well visible colour coding, changed for the entire two-year maintenance-
thereby minimising the chance of mistakes. free service life of the H2S, SO2 and CO
versions. The service life of the Dräger Pac
Robust design – even for the toughest 6000 starts when it is Àrst activated. The
conditions device automatically switches off after two
The Pac 6000 can easily handle even years. The Pac 6000 is protected against
extreme conditions: depending on the sensor, water, dust and other foreign bodies by a
temperatures from -40°C to 55°C and air special membrane Àlter. When the Àlter
pressures between 700 and 1,300 mbar can becomes heavily soiled you can quickly and
be tolerated. A membrane Àlter protects the easily replace it yourself. The device is then
sensor from foreign matter such as dust and ready to use again in no time.
liquids. The shock-proof, chemical-resistant
housing meets the requirements speciÀed in Fast function test saves time and money
the IP68 standard rating. Function tests and calibrations can be carried
out especially efficient using the Dräger X-
User-friendly display with all important dock® calibration station. The automatic
information bump tests in the X-dock are a cost-efficient
The large display is non-verbal and clearly and convenient solution thanks to short test
indicates the respective gas concentration. duration and extremely low test gas
Other important information, such as consumption. The Dräger Pac 6000 is simply
remaining operating time and battery capacity, placed in the bump test station and
is also displayed. The bright backlighting automatically selects the correct setting.
ensures clear reading of all values in the dark.

360° alarm with various functions

If the Dräger Pac 6000 measures hazardous
gas concentrations, it sets off an audible,
visual, and noticeable vibrating alarm. Two
bright, Áashing LEDs on the top and bottom
of the device ensure that the alarm is easily
visible from all sides. The acoustic alarm

Dräger Pac® 6000


Dimensions 64 x 84 x 20 mm (w x h x d)
Weight Approx. 106 g (113 g with clip)
Device service life 2 years from Àrst activation
Battery service life 2 years (O2 min. 12 months)
Ingress protection IP68
Air pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Air humidity 10 to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing
Temperature -30 °C to +55 °C (brieÁy down to -40 °C for 1 hr, depending on sensor)
Approvals cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Pac 6000 CO LC 1 8326321
Dräger Pac 6000 H2S LC 1 8326320
Dräger Pac 6000 O2 1 8326322

Dräger Pac® 6500

The robust Dräger Pac® 6500 is your reliable companion under tough conditions. The personal
single-gas detection device measures CO, H<sub2S, SO2 or O2 quickly and precisely. Quick
sensor response times and a powerful battery also ensure safety.

Strong performance for maximum safety 360° alarm with various functions
You can rely on the Dräger Pac 6500: the If the Dräger Pac 6500 measures hazardous
personal single-gas detection device warns gas concentrations, it sets off an audible,
against hazardous concentrations of carbon visual and perceptible vibrating alarm. Two
monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide bright, flashing LEDs on the top and bottom
or oxygen with precision and reliability. of the device ensure that the alarm is easily
Powerful sensors with a very low t-90 visible from all sides. The acoustic signal
response time ensure quick reactions. The reaches a volume of 90 dB. The display can
Pac 6500 is versatile thanks to its wide show the peak concentration measured at any
measurement range. For example, the CO given moment. Earlier alarms registered can
Dräger PAC 6500 sensor measures concentrations from 1 to also be retrieved at a later time even if they
Quick sensor respone time and powerful 1,999 ppm, and the H2S sensor from 0.4 to have been acknowledged. The Pac 6500 with
battery 100 ppm. oxygen sensor has two additional alarm
thresholds in addition to the standard alarm
Easy handling thanks to clear user guidance threshold settings.
The D-Light indicates whether functionality of
the device has been tested and whether it is Data logger and event logger for analyses and
ready to use. The housing is also designed reports
with your safety in mind: each sensor variant The Dräger Pac 6500 logs concentrations
of the Dräger Pac 6500 features clearly and events along with the date and time. The
visible colour coding, thereby minimising the data can be loaded on a PC via an interface
chance of mistakes. and processed further there.

Robust design – even for the toughest Economical operating costs

conditions All versions of the Pac 6500 are equipped
The Pac 6500 can easily handle even with extremely durable DrägerSensors® and a
extreme conditions. Depending on the sensor, powerful battery. Neither the sensor nor the
temperatures from -40 °C to 55 °C and air battery need to be changed over the two-year
pressures between 700 and 1,300 mbar can maintenance-free service life of the H2S, SO2
be tolerated. A membrane filter protects the and CO versions. The Pac 6500 is protected
sensor from foreign matter such as dust and against water, dust and other foreign bodies
liquids. The shock-proof, chemicalresistant by a special membrane filter. When the filter
housing meets the requirements specified in becomes heavily soiled in use, you can quickly
the IP68 standard rating. and easily replace it yourself. The device is
then ready to use again right away.
User-friendly display with all important
information Fast function test saves time and money
The large display is word-free and clearly Function tests and calibrations can be carried
indicates the respective gas concentration. out especially efficient in the Dräger X-dock®
Other important information, such as the calibration station. The automatic bump tests
battery capacity, is also displayed. The bright in the X-dock are a cost-efficient and
backlighting ensures that all values are clearly convenient solution thanks to the short test
legible in the dark. duration and the extremely low consumption
of test gas. The Pac 6500 is simply placed in
the bump test station and automatically
selects the correct setting.

Dräger Pac® 6500


Dimensions 64 x 84 x 20 mm (w x h x d)
Weight Approx. 106 g (113 g with clip)
Battery service life 2 years (O2 min. 12 months)
Ingress protection IP68
Air pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Air humidity 10 to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing
Temperature -30 °C to +55 °C (brieÁy down to -40 °C for 1 hr, depending on sensor)
Approvals cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Pac 6500 CO LC 1 8326331
Dräger Pac 6500 H2S LC 1 8326330
Dräger Pac 6500 O2 1 8326332

Dräger Pac® 7000

Safety at the workplace always takes priority: depending on the sensor selection, the single gas
detector, Dräger Pac® 7000, provides a reliable warning against dangerous concentrations of
14 different gases. Unique: the optional 5-year warranty for the H2S, O2 and CO versions.

Features the new sensors. The sensor is positioned

The detector is an impressive instrument, inside the housing such as to allow gas to
offering a high level of reliability and rapid reach it from above and from in front. This
warning against harmful concentrations of CO, positioning minimizes the danger of the gas
CO2, Cl2, HCN, H2S, NH3, NO2, O2, PH3, inlet opening being accidentally covered.
Alarm / warning functions
Small and robust In conjunction with a vibration alarm, a visual
With its compact, handy, pocket-sized design, and audible alarm is triggered if the two
Dräger Pac 7000 is tailor-made for personal adjustable alarm thresholds are exceeded (or
monitoring in daily work activities. Dräger Pac if oxygen levels fall below the set value). For
7000 was specially designed as a small and optimum perception a two-tone alarm is used.
robust instrument to meet work requirements. Furthermore, Dräger Pac 7000 features an
The impact-resistant housing features a adjustable TWA alarm and STEL alarm. A
protective rubber coating and is resistant to warning is likewise given at the end of the
corrosive chemicals. Dräger Pac 7000 meets battery capacity or in the event of a device
the requirements of IP 65. What is more, error.
protection against electromagnetic effects
Dräger PAC 7000
was specially optimized, while a stable and Bump test mode
High performance and unlimited use
tightly locking crocodile clip made of stainless The safety of personnel must always have the
MED approved
steel allows the instrument to be fastened first priority. Their safety depends on
securely to the wearer's clothing. To allow for measurement and warning equipment
individual preferences, the crocodile clip can functioning perfectly, which is why national
be turned and the two alarm lights are regulations demand regular testing of
positioned diagonally opposite at the corners equipment function using a known gas
of the instrument. Easy battery and sensor concentration. Dräger Pac 7000 is equipped
replacement are key factors to ensure a long with a bump test mode. When a bump test
instrument life. (function test or challenge test) needs to be
performed, a notice icon appears on the
Concentration display screen. The bump test interval can be set by
The concentration display uses no written text the user. The result of the bump test is saved
(to avoid language problems), showing all in the The instrument is equipped with an IR
information in the form of large numerals or interface and can be linked to a PC via the
symbols. In case of an alarm, or at the push of connecting cradle or E-Cal system. Dräger
a button, the display can be backlit for better Pac Vision or Dräger CC Vision software
readability. The currently measured installed on the PC enables configuration of
concentration is displayed continuously, as all functions, as well as calibration and
are notice and warning functions. In addition, download of the stored data.
the respective peak concentration, average
concentration (TWA value) and short-term Adjustable operating time
exposure limit (STEL) relating to the In addition, the instrument allows an individual
measurement period can be accessed. operating time to be set (in days), e.g. a
calibration interval, inspection interval or
New sensor technology "en miniature" individual operating time end.
Dräger Pac 7000 boasts the latest in sensor
technology. The small size of the sensor Data logger
supports the application-oriented design of The Pac 7000 features a data logger in which
the instrument. Any gas hazards that may all concentrations and events are stored.
occur are displayed immediately thanks to the
very short diffusion paths inside the
instrument and the extremely quick
electrochemical reaction times achieved by

Dräger Pac® 7000


Dimensions 64 x 84 x 20 mm
Weight 120 gr
Temperature -30°C to +50°C
Pressure 700 tot 1300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 90% r.v.
Ingress protection IP 65
Display Language-free LCD display, continuous indication of concentration, peak concentration, TWA- and
STEL-concentration, operating time, notice and alarm functions
Battery life 5500 hours (O2 version: 2700 hours)
Data logger Storage of concentration und events with date and time
(120 hours @ 1 data set per minute)
Acoustic alarm Two-tone-alarm, typical > 90 dB at a distance of 30 cm
Approvals CE-Sign (89/336/EEC, 94/9/EC)
ATEX II 1 G EEx ia IIC, T4
I M 1 EEx ia I, T 4
UL Class I, II, Div 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Temp. Code T4
cUL Class I, II, Div 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Temp. Code T4
IECEx EEx ia IIC, T4
Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC
Measurement Performance Certificate (acc. to ATEX) EN 45544 (CO, H2S), EN 50104 (02), EN


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Pac 7000 O2 1 8318675
Dräger Pac 7000 CO 1 8318676
Dräger Pac 7000 H2S 1 8318677
Dräger Pac 7000 PH3 1 8318974
Dräger Pac 7000 CO2 1 8318975
Dräger Pac 7000 SO2 1 8318976
Dräger Pac 7000 H2S LC 1 8321004
Dräger Pac 7000 leather carrying case 1 4543822
Dräger Pac 7000 calibration adapter 1 8318588
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger Pac 7000, not including gas cylinder 1 8317410
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger Pac 7000, complete with one test gas cylinder 58L (gas and concentration variable) 1 8318586
Connecting Cradle, complete with USB cable and Dräger Pac Vision software 1 8318587
E-Cal instrument module for connection of 4 Dräger Pac 1000 to 7000 to a Dräger E-Cal Master Station or to Module 1 8318589
Dräger Pac 7000 lithium battery: 3V CR 123A 1 4543808
Dräger Pac 7000 water and dust filter 1 8323615

Dräger Pac® 8000

With the robust Dräger Pac® 8000, you'll be well equipped for tough conditions: this non-
disposable, personal single-gas detection device is a reliable and precise instrument, which
detects hazardous concentrations of 29 different gases, including special gases like NO2, O3 or

Strong performance for maximum safety displayed. The bright backlighting ensures
You can count on the Dräger Pac 8000 to that all values can be clearly read off in the
give you reliable, precise readings at any time dark.
even in extreme conditions. Our powerful
sensors with a low t-90 response time ensure 360° alarm with various functions
quick reactions. In addition to the standard If the Dräger Pac 8000 measures hazardous
alarms, you can define extra alarm thresholds gas concentrations, it sets off an audible,
for TLV®* and STEL*. * TLV® = Threshold visual and noticeable vibrating alarm. Two
Limit Values, STEL = Short Term Exposure bright, flashing LEDs on the top and bottom
Limit of the device ensure that the alarm is easily
Dräger PAC 8000 visible from all sides. The acoustic signal
Detects 29 different gasses Sensors for special gases reaches a volume of 90 dB. The display can
The Pac 8000 can be fitted with sensors for show the peak concentration measured at any
carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorine gas (Cl2), given moment. Earlier alarms registered can
hydrogen cyanide (HCN), ammonia (NH3), also be retrieved at a later time even if
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), phosphine (PH3) and acknowledged.
organic vapours (OV or OV-A). The Dräger
Pac 8000 performs especially well when Data logger and event logger for analyses and
detecting different special gases: it can detect reports
ozone (O3) from concentrations as low as The Pac 8000 logs concentrations and events
0.02 ppm and phosgene (COCL2) from 0.01 along with date and time. The data can be
ppm. The Pac 8000 detects nitrogen dioxide downloaded to a PC via an interface and
(NO2) from concentrations as low as 0.04 processed further there.
Economical operational costs
Robust design – even for the toughest All of the versions of the Dräger Pac 8000 are
conditions equipped with extremely durable Dräger
The Pac 8000 can easily handle even sensors® and a powerful battery. The Pac
extreme conditions. The sensors can tolerate 8000 is protected against water, dust and
air pressures between 700 and 1,300 mbar. A other foreign bodies by a special membrane
membrane filter protects the sensor from filter. When the filter becomes heavily soiled
foreign matter such as dust and liquids. The in use, you can quickly and easily replace it
shock-proof, chemical-resistant housing yourself. The device is then ready to use again
meets the requirements specified in the IP68 in no time.
standard rating.
Fast function test saves time and money
Easy handling thanks to clear user guidance Function tests and calibrations can be carried
The D-Light indicates whether functionality of out especially efficiently in the Dräger X-
the device has been tested and that it is ready dock® calibration station. The automatic
to use. The housing is also designed with your bump tests in the X-dock are a cost-efficient
safety in mind: each sensor variant of the and convenient solution thanks to short test
Dräger Pac 8000 features clear, well visible duration and the extremely low test gas
colour coding, thereby minimising the chance consumption. The Pac 8000 is simply placed
of mistakes. in the bump test station and automatically
selects the correct setting.
User-friendly display with all important
The large display is non-verbal and clearly
indicates the respective gas concentration.
Other important information, such as the unit
of concentration and battery capacity, is also

Dräger Pac® 8000


Dimensions 64 x 84 x 20 mm (w x h x d)
Weight Approx. 106 g (113 g with clip)
Battery service life 2 years
Ingress protection IP68
Air pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Air humidity 10 to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing
Temperature -30 °C to +55 °C (brieÁy down to -40 °C for 1 hr, depending on sensor)
Approvals cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Pac 8000 HCN 1 8326353
Dräger Pac 8000 NH3 1 8326354
Dräger Pac 8000 PH3 1 8326355
Sensorfilter 8x00 (sensor grid, silver), set of 4 pieces 1 8326852
Sensorfilter 8x00 (housing silver), set of 40 pieces 1 8326859

Dräger Pac® 8500

The Dräger Pac 8500® single-gas detection device is a reliable and precise instrument even
under the toughest of conditions. The device can be equipped with a hydrogen-compensated
CO sensor or a Dräger dual sensor. This gives you the option of measuring two gases at once:
either H2S with CO or O2 with CO.

Strong performance for maximum safety shock-proof, chemical-resistant housing

You can count on the Dräger Pac 8500 to meets the requirements specified in the IP68
give you reliable, precise readings at any time standard rating.
even under extreme conditions. Our powerful
sensors with a low t-90 response time ensure Easy handling thanks to clear user guidance
quick reactions. In addition to the standard The D-Light indicates whether functionality of
alarms, you can define extra alarm thresholds the device has been tested and if it is ready to
for TLV®* and STEL*. The Pac 8500 also use. The housing is also designed with your
provides a data and event logger for logging safety in mind: each sensor variant of the
concentrations and events along with the date Dräger Pac 8500 features clearly visible
Dräger PAC 8500 and time. The data can be loaded on a PC via colour coding, thereby minimising the chance
Measuring two gases at once an interface and processed further there. * of mistakes.
TLV® = Threshold Limit Values, STEL =
Short Term Exposure Limit User-friendly display with all important
Convert to two-gas detection device using a The large display is word-free and clearly
dual sensor indicates the respective gas concentration.
Your single-gas detection device can become Other important information, such as the unit
a two-gas device when a dual sensor is used. of concentration and battery capacity, is also
The Dräger Pac 8500 series offers the displayed. The bright backlighting ensures
following sensor combinations: hydrogen that all values are clearly legible in the dark.
sulphide with carbon monoxide or oxygen with
carbon monoxide. Dual sensors enable 360° alarm with various functions
detection of even low concentrations – and all If the Dräger Pac 8500 measures hazardous
in one and the same handy device. Measuring gas concentrations, it sets off an audible,
two gases at the same time reduces visual and perceptible vibrating alarm. Two
downtime as well. You can take vol.% bright, flashing LEDs on the top and bottom
measurements of oxygen and ppm of the device ensure that the alarm is easily
measurements of carbon monoxide visible from all sides. The acoustic signal
simultaneously using just one sensor. reaches a volume of 90 dB. The display can
show the peak concentration measured at any
Measurement of carbon monoxide with given moment. Earlier alarms registered can
significantly reduced cross sensitivity also be retrieved at a later time even if they
In industries where carbon monoxide needs to have been acknowledged. The Pac 8500 with
be measured with hydrogen as a background oxygen sensor has two additional alarm
gas, the measured value for carbon monoxide thresholds in addition to the standard alarm
may be falsified by cross sensitivity. Thanks to threshold settings.
the special hydrogen-compensated CO
sensor from Dräger, this cross sensitivity to Economical operating costs
hydrogen is significantly reduced in the All of the versions of the Dräger Pac 8500 are
display of carbon monoxide. equipped with extremely durable
DrägerSensors® and a powerful battery. The
Pac 8500 is protected against water, dust and
other foreign bodies by a special membrane
Robust design – even for the toughest filter. When the filter becomes heavily soiled
conditions in use, you can quickly and easily replace it
The Pac 8500 can easily handle even yourself. The device is then ready to use again
extreme conditions. The sensors can tolerate right away. Thanks to the powerful battery, the
air pressures between 700 and 1,300 mbar. A Pac does not require charging on a daily basis
membrane filter protects the sensor from and is easy to handle.
foreign matter such as dust and liquids. The Fast function test saves time and money

Dräger Pac® 8500

Function tests and calibrations can be carried duration and the extremely low consumption
out especially efficient in the Dräger X-dock® of test gas. The Pac 8500 is simply placed in
calibration station. The automatic bump tests the bump test station and automatically
in the X-dock are a cost-efficient and selects the correct setting.
convenient solution thanks to the short test


Dimensions 64 x 84 x 20 mm (w x h x d)
Weight Approx. 106 g (113 g with clip)
Battery service life 2 years
Ingress protection IP68
Air pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Air humidity 10 to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing
Temperature -30 °C to +55 °C (brieÁy down to -40 °C for 1 hr, depending on sensor)
Approvals cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Pac 8500 CO LC / H2 LC 1 8326365
Dräger Pac 8500 CO LC / O2 1 8326366
Sensorfilter 8x00 (sensor grid, silver), set of 4 pieces 1 8326852
Sensorfilter 8x00 (housing silver), set of 40 pieces 1 8326859

Dräger X-am® 2500

The Dräger X-am 2500® was especially developed for use as personal protection. The 1 to 4
gas detector reliably detects combustible gases and vapours, as well as O2, CO, NO2, SO2 and
H2S. Reliable and fully mature measuring technology, durable sensors and easy handling
guarantee a high degree of safety with extremely low operating costs.

Durable electrochemical sensors bump tests of 8 to 15 seconds1 with very low

Fully developed, high performance Dräger gas consumption. This significantly reduces
sensors in an extra small format for CO, H2S, your equipment operating costs.
O2, SO2 and NO2 gases enable safe use in - 1) With standard sensors: CH4, O2, CO, H2S
industry, mining and in refineries. The
impressive hydrogen sulphide sensor has a Diffusion or pump
high resolution, so it can reliably measure For clearance measurements for tanks and
even very low workplace limits. The non- shafts or when searching for leaks, an optional
consumptive and lead-free sensor for oxygen external pump with a hose up to 30 m long is
is characterized by an especially long service the optimum solution. When the measuring
life of more than 5 years. Our CO and H2S instrument is inserted, the pump function
sensors also have this long service life starts automatically. The switch from diffusion
expectation, so they contribute to especially to pump operation can be handled quickly and
low operating costs. easily without tools or screws.

Poison-resistant Ex Sensor Ergonomic and robust

The innovative, catalytic Ex sensor is Thanks to its low weight and ergonomic
impressive due to its high resistance to design, the Dräger X-am 2500 offers a high
Dräger X-am 2500
silicone and hydrogen sulphide. Together with degree of wearing comfort. The practical two
Robust 1- to 4-gas detector for personal
the high degree of drift stability, this button control panel and easy menu
resistance enables an extraordinarily long navigation allow the instrument to be used
service life of more than 4 years. Its high intuitively, despite its comprehensive
sensitivity with regard to flammable gases and functionality. The integrated protective rubber
vapours is confirmed by technical approval for coating and sensors that are not sensitive to
measuring according to IEC/EN 60079-29-1 shock provide additional safety in case of
from methane to nonane. This approval also impacts or vibrations. Moreover, the Dräger X-
demonstrates the suitability of this instrument am 2500 is not sensitive to electromagnetic
for use in refineries and in the chemical radiation, e.g. from wireless devices. The
industry as well. Dräger X-am 2500 is water and dust resistant
in accordance with protection class IP 67, so
Maximum safety full functionality is guaranteed even if it falls
The Dräger X-am 2500 has Ex approval for into the water.
zone 0, so it is clearly designed for very high
user safety in areas subject to explosion Reliable power supply
hazard. The functional design ensures that The Dräger X-am 2500 can operate with
gas can enter from above and from the side – either alkaline batteries or with rechargeable
even if the instrument is inside a pocket or if NiMH batteries. This enables a reliable power
the front gas entry is accidentally covered. supply for more than 12 hours, and with the
high capacity battery pack more than 13
Fast, easy and inexpensive hours. Depending on the requirements, the
From functional test to complete batteries can be charged either in the
documentation, users have access to practical workshop or in a vehicle. Operating time
solutions that provide safety for without Ex sensor is typically more than 250
implementation at any time. The Dräger hours.
Bump Test Station, which does not require a
local power source, and the automatic Dräger
X-dock testing and calibration station for
comprehensive equipment management are
ideal system additions that save time and
effort. Together with the Dräger X-dock, the
high quality Dräger sensors enable quick

Dräger X-am® 2500


Dimensions 48 x 130 x 44 mm
Weight 220 - 250 gr
Temperature -20°C to +50°C
Pressure 700 tot 1300 mbar
Humidity 10 to 95% r.h.
Alarms Visual 360°, Audible Multi-tone > 90 dB at 30 cm, Vibration
Ingress Protection IP67
Operating time > 12 hours (without Ex sensor > 700 hours)
Charging time < 4 hours
Data logger Retrievable using an infrared interface > 1000 h with 4 gases at a recording interval of 1 value per
Approvals ATEX: II 2G EEx ia d IIC T4/T3; I M2 Eex ia d I
CE mark: 89/336/EEG


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-am 2500 Ex/O2, exl. charger and incl. battery 1 8323900/2
Dräger X-am 2500 Ex/O2/CO/H2S, exl. charger and incl. battery 1 8323900/3
Dräger X-am 2500 Ex/O2/CO/H2S (LC), exl. charger, incl. battery 1 8323900/4
Charging kit - (NiHM battery T4, charger) 1 8318785

Dräger X-am® 3500

The Dräger X-am® 3500 was especially designed for clearance measurements. The 1 to 4 gas
detector reliably detects flammable gases and vapours as well as O2, CO, H2S, NO2 and SO2.
The innovative signalling design and extensive range of accessories ensure optimum safety and
easy handling.

Specially designed for use with a pump, which explicitly indicate the presence of
optimised for clearance measurement explosive or toxic gas hazards, for example.
The Dräger X-am 3500 is equipped with a This allows the user to easily recognise the
very powerful pump. It can be connected with type of hazard based purely on the symbol
hoses of up to 45 metres in length. A pump displayed.
adapter makes it easy to switch between
diffusion and pump mode at any time. This Economical Fleet Management
means the pump is only operated when you Bumptest and calibration are carried out
actually need it. That saves energy, reduces simply and quickly using the Dräger X-dock®
wear and tear, and thereby extends the calibrating station. Its low test gas
Dräger X-am 3500 lifespan of the pump. Handy and durable, the consumption keeps operating costs to a
especially designed for clearance Dräger X-am 3500 is intuitive to operate minimum. Its reporting function and numerous
measurements single-handedly using three function keys. other useful features make the X-dock
The easy-to-read colour display clearly lays Manager PC software a smart addition to any
out all the information for you. Thanks to its fleet management operation. To identify the
compact and robust construction, the device devices in the fleet, you can either use tried
can withstand even the harshest conditions. and tested barcodes or an integrated RFID
Clear signalling design
The signal system of the Dräger X-am 3500 Inductive charging protects against wear and
is based on a clear colour code, in accordance tear
with the requirements of the EN 60079-29-1, The X-am 3500 features inductive charging.
EN 45544-1 and EN 50104: - Red light = gas This makes it easier to operate and increases
alarm, - Yellow light = device-related alarm, the lifespan of the device. Issues like
e.g. low battery, - Green light = device is ready corrosion and contact problems in the
for use. The green glow of the D-light allows charging cradle are a thing of the past. You
you to see from a distance whether the device can charge (outside of explosion-hazard
has been properly tested and is ready for use. zones) and measure at once, e.g, when in use
In case of an alarm, the X-am 3500 alerts you inside vehicles or on machinery. The charging
with colourful alarm LEDs, a loud horn (100 cradle can connect with one another, taking
dB(A) at a distance of 30 cm), and clearly up minimal space, and are compatible with
palpable vibration. Optionally, four preset existing Dräger X-am® series cradles.
hazard symbols are available for the display


Dimensions 179 x 77 x 42 mm (h x w x d)
Weight Approx. 495 g, depending on sensor conÀguration, without strap, without pump Approx. 550 g,
depending on sensor conÀguration, without strap, with pump
Temperature -20°C to +50°C
Pressure 700 to 1.300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 90% (short-term up to 95%) r.h.
Ingress protection IP67
Energy supply Lithium-ion battery, rechargeable, inductive charging
Charging times Typically 4 hours after use during a shift of max. 10 hours
Alarms Visual: 3 LED 'red' (gas alarms), 3 LED 'yellow' (device alarms)
Acoustic: Multi-tone, typically 100 dB(A) at 30 cm

Dräger X-am® 3500

Start-up times Typically <60 seconds for standard sensors

Data storage 12 MB, e.g. at 10 minutes per hour of gas exposure with measuring values changing by the second on
all 4 channels: approx. 300 hours
Pump operation Max. hose length 45 m
Approvals ATEX / IECEx: I M1, II 1G Ex da ia I Ma, Ex da ia IIC T4 Ga, Metrological approval pending
EAC (Please contact Dräger regarding availability.): PO Ex da ia I Ma X Ex da ia IIC T4 Ga X
cCSAus (Please contact Dräger regarding availability.): Class I, Zone 0, AEx da ia IIC T4 Ga Div 1, Gr. E,
F, G T4
CE labelling


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-am 3500 Basic 1 8328420
Dräger X-am® 3500 Ex, O2 1 (without charging equipment) 1 8328412
Dräger X-am® 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC, H2S LC1 Set (with charging equipment) 1 8328419

Dräger X-am® 5000

The Dräger X-am 5000 belongs to a new generation of gas detectors, developed especially for
personal monitoring applications. This 1 to 5-gas detector reliably measures combustible gases
and vapors as well as O2 and harmful concentrations of O3, Cl2, CO, CO H2-CP, CO2, H2, H2S,
HCN, NH3, NO, NO2, PH3, SO2, COCl2, organic vapors, Odorant and Amine.

Ergonomic mobile phone design External pump

Despite its advanced functionality, the Dräger The optional external pump, which operates
X-am 5000's practical mobile phone design with a hose up to 30 (98 feet) meters long,
and light weight make it comfortable to carry. makes it possible to use the detector for pre-
Reduced to its essentials, the two button entry measurements into confined spaces
control panel and easy to follow menu allow such as tanks, shafts, etc. The pump starts
for intuitive use. automatically when the detector is inserted.

Flexible sensor exchange Area Monitoring

It is easy to exchange, upgrade or calibrate In combination with the Dräger X-zone 5000
the sensors to other gases. The ability to the gas detector can be used for various area
customize the Dräger X-am 5000's sensors monitoring applications. Up to 25 Dräger X-
makes more applications possible, including zone 5000 units can be automatically
rental equipment. interconnected to form a wireless fenceline.
Dräger X-am 5000 This interconnection of the area monitoring
The smallest gas detection instrument for 5 Poison-resistant Ex Sensor devices allows for the fast securing of larger
gases For improved safety when facing unknown areas, e.g. pipelines or industrial tanks – even
and potentially explosive hazards – the Dräger within the scope of industrial shutdowns.
X-am 5000 provides dependable warnings in
the event of explosive atmospheres thanks to Optimum solutions for function or bump tests
the high level of sensitivity of the innovative and calibrations
catalytic Ex sensor. It not only responds Simple, fast and professional: from a function
quickly to explosive gases and combustible or bump test to complete documentation,
organic vapors, but is also highly resistant users can choose from a range of practical,
against sensor poisons such as silicone and on-site solutions that offer maximum safety for
hydrogen sulfide. In combination with its long every application. The Dräger E-Cal automatic
term stability this offers an extraordinary long test and calibration station and the Dräger
expected sensor lifetime of more than 4 years. Bump Test Station are ideal system
This will reduce your operational costs. extensions that save time and reduce
workload. Fresh air, mixed gas and single gas
Durable Sensor technology calibrations can be done directly using the
Equipped with durable XXS sensor Dräger X-am 5000 menu.
technology, the Dräger X-am 5000 offers
maximum security at extremely low Flexible power supply
operational costs. The sensor's resistance, in The Dräger X-am 5000 can be used with
combination with its long term stability, either the standard alkaline or rechargeable
provides the sensor with a lifetime in excess NiIMH batteries. In addition, it can be fitted
of four years, which can help reduce your with a T4 battery that can be charged while
operational costs. still inside the instrument. An optional Save
Energy Mode makes it possible to increase
Robust and water-tight the operating time of Dräger X-am 5000 to
The Dräger X-am 5000 is water and dust more than 40 hours. This is done by selecting
resistant according to IP 67 standards. This a measurement interval of either 1 second
means that the detector remains fully (the standard), 10 or 20 seconds for the
functional and ready for use even after being CatEx sensor.
dropped into water. The integrated rubber
protection and shock-proof sensors provide
additional resistance to impact and vibration.
Moreover, the Dräger X-am 5000 is resistant
to electromagnetic interference.

Dräger X-am® 5000


Dimensions 48 x 130 x 44 mm
Weight approx. 220 gr
Temperature -20°C tot +50°C
Pressure 700 tot 1300 mbar
Humidity 10 to 95% r.v.
Ingress Protection IP 67
Operating times > 12 hours (without Ex sensor > 700 hours) when using the Save Energy Mode > 40 hours
Charging times < 4 hours
Data logger Can be read out via Infrared > 1,000 hours with 5 gases and a recording interval of 1 value per minute
Pump operation Maximum hose length 30 meter
Approvals ATEX I M1 Ex ia I
II 1G Ex ia IIC T3 (Zone 0)
I M2 Ex d ia I
II 2G Ex d ia IIC T4/T3

Measurement performance certificate according to:

- EN 50104 (2002) + A1 (2004) O2
- EN 45544 CO & H2S
- EN 60079-29-1:2007 Methane to Nonane
- EN 50271:2001 Software and Documentation

UL Class I & II, Div. 1 Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G T.-Code T4/T3

CSA Class I, Div. 1 Group A, B, C, D T.-Code T4/T3
IECEx Ex ia I
Ex ia IIC T3
Ex d ia I
Ex d ia IIC T4/T3
CE-mark Electromagnetic compatibility Directive 2004/108/EG; EN 50270:2006
MED Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-am 5000 Ex/O2, including battery / charger 1 8320000/2
Dräger X-am 5000 Ex/O2/H2S LC, including battery / charger 1 8320000/3
Dräger X-am 5000 Ex/O2/CO/H2S LC, including battery / charger 1 8320000/4
DrägerSensor Cat-Ex 125 1 6812950
DrägerSensor XXS CO LC 1 6813210
DrägerSensor XXS H2S LC 1 6811525
DrägerSensor XXS O2 1 6810881
DrägerSensor XXS CO 1 6810882
DrägerSensor XXS CO2 1 6810889

Dräger X-am® 5600

Featuring an ergonomic design and innovative infrared sensor technology, the Dräger X-am®
5600 is the smallest gas detection instrument for the measurement of up to 6 gases. Ideal for
personal monitoring applications, this robust and water-tight detector provides accurate, reliable
measurements of explosive, combustible and toxic gases and vapors as well as oxygen.

Small and yet robust be used in areas where, until now, only
Small, light and easy to use - the robust and catalytic Ex sensors have been used.
water-tight Dräger X-am 5600 is designed for
single-handed operation in tough industrial Various monitoring possibilities
environments. Water- and dust proof Thanks to the combination of innovative
according to IP 67 and with an integrated infrared technology and the latest
rubber boot, the device provides optimal electrochemical Dräger XXSminiature
functionality even under harsh conditions. sensors, this 1-to-6 gas detector reliably
detects explosive, combustible and harmful
Durable infrared technology concentrations of O2, Cl2, CO, CO2, H2, H2S,
Thanks to the high stability and a resistance HCN, NH3, NO, NO2, PH3, SO2 and organic
to contamination, Dräger infrared sensors can vapors.With the PC software Dräger CC-
generally be used for up to eight years. This Vision, the sensors can easily be exchanged,
advanced technology reduces the cost of calibrated or converted to meet the needs of
ownership considerably because less different applications.
Dräger X-am 5600 replacement sensors are needed. In addition,
Small, light and tough for single-handed a sensor calibration is only necessary every 12 Flexible use
detection of up to 6 gases months which reduces maintenance costs. This small gas detection instrument is
perfectly suited as a personal monitor. The
Single or dual sensor - accurate measurement simple two-button control panel allows for the
results intuitive use of the device. The gas inlets – on
The new Dräger infrared sensors can be used the upper and front side – provide optimal
for the measurement of explosive substances measurement accuracy even if they are
or CO2. The infrared sensor IR Ex allows the inadvertently placed in a pocket or a gas inlet
measurement of explosive, combustible is covered.
hydrocarbons in the range of the lower
explosive limit. With this sensor, An optional external pump which can be
measurements in the range of 0-100 Vol.-% operated with hoses up to 20 m or 65 ft. in
for methane, propane and ethylene are also length is the perfect solution for pre-entry
possible. measurements in tanks or pipelines. To
monitor entire areas, the Dräger X-am 5600
The infrared sensor IR CO2, with a can be used in combination with the
measurement resolution of 0.01 Vol.-%, innovative Dräger X-zone 5000.
provides safe and exact measurements as
well as a warning against toxic concentrations Suitable for EX zone 0
of carbon dioxide in the ambient air. For those The small and reliable gas detector is suitable
applications where the reliable measurement for use in areas classified as zone 0, which are
of explosive substances and CO2 is areas where explosive atmospheres are
specifically needed, the advantages of both always to be expected.
can be achieved by a dual sensor (Dual IR Simple solution for bump tests
CO2/Ex). Simple, quick, and professional: From bump
testing to complete documentation, users can
Also in combination with Hydrogen choose from a range of practical, on-site
Besides hydrocarbons, hydrogen can also be solutions for optimal safety in every
an explosive gas. Because sensors based on application. Both the Dräger E-Cal automatic
infrared technology do not warn against test and calibration station and the Dräger
hydrogen explosion dangers, the Dräger X-am Bump Test Station are ideal system
5600 combines two sensor signals (Infrared extensions that save costs and time.
Ex and electrochemical H2) for reliable
hydrogen detection. The X-am 5600 provides
the advantages of poison-free technology to

Dräger X-am® 5600


Dimensions 47 x 130 x 44 mm
Weight 250 gr
Temperature -20 °C to +50 °C
Pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 95 % r. h.
Ingress protection IP 67
Operating time ~10 h or rather ~12 h
Charging time < 4 hours
Data logger Can be read out via Infrared > 1000 hours with 6 gases and a recording interval of 1 value per minute
Pump operation Maximum hose length 30 m
Alarm Visual 360°, Audible Multi-tone > 90 dB at 30 cm, Vibration
Approvals ATEX I M1 Ex ia I Ma
II 1G Ex ia IIC T4/T3 Ga
IEC Ex ia l Ma
Ex ia llC T4/T3 Ga for MQG 01**
MED (0736-YY)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-am 5600 1 8321373
Consisting of: basic instrument with an integrated data logger and manufacturer's and calibration certificates. A functional
instrument must include up to 4 sensors and a power supply unit.
DrägerSensor Dual IR Ex/CO2 1 6811960
DrägerSensor IR Ex 1 6812180
DrägerSensor IR CO2 1 6812190
External pump (max. 20 meter hose length), exluding x-am device 1 8319400
Confined space entry set, with an external pump and 3 m or 9 ft. viton hose 1 8319399
Carrying case Dräger X-am 5600 external pump 1 8319385
NiMH Power Pack T4 1 8318639
Dräger x-am 5600: Battery NIMH HC T4 1 8322244
Dräger E-Cal Module for Dräger X-am 5600 1 8318754
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger X-am 5600 (without testcilinder) 1 8319131
Dräger Bump Test Station for Dräger X-am 5600, (including testgas cilinder 58L) 1 8319130

Dräger X-am® 7000

Dräger X-am 7000 is the innovative solution for the simultaneous and continuous measurement
of up to five gases. A combination of more than 25 sensors allows flexible solutions to individual
monitoring tasks. It is the ideal companion in a variety of applications where the reliable detection
of oxygen, toxic and combustible gases and vapors is necessary.

Flexibility through sensor variety Strong integrated pump

The extensive portfolio of over 25 different The built-in high-performance pump makes it
DrägerSensors allows the detection of more possible to sample gas using a hose up to 45
than 100 gases and vapors. The measuring m/150 ft. long. The operation of the pump is
range of the EC, Cat-Ex, IR and PID sensors continuously monitored, and the instrument
can be changed to another gas within a list of will generate an alarm if the flow of gas
gases by a push of a button – without the reduces. The instrument is equipped with an
necessity of re-calibrating. In this way the internal plug and play pump pump included
instrument can be adapted easily to various adapter. This powerful pump allows sampling
applications. DrägerSensors are renowned for via a hose or tube up to 45 m.
fast response, minor cross sensitivities, high
Dräger X-am 7000 accuracy and long life. Intuitive software functions
Modular, rugged and waterproof The software menu within the Dräger X-am
Intelligent and interchangeable sensors 7000 was designed in partnership with our
Each sensor is recognized automatically by customers making it simple and easy to use.
the instrument. All sensors are pre-calibrated, With the help of Dräger CC-Vision software,
and a reconfiguration of the Dräger X-am up to 5 different detection applications can be
7000 is done by simply changing a sensor. I.e. saved within the instrument. By doing so, the
no additional service or maintenance is use of different instrument configurations can
necessary. Intuitive software functions The be set for that specific application. During
software menu of the Dräger X-am 7000 was operation, a simple change between these set
designed in partnership with our customers parameters can be done via the instrument's
making it simple and easy to use. Functions menu.
such as TWA and STEL values, as well as
functions, like peak hold can be viewed or Strong Built-in Pump
switched on quickly and with minimal training. The built-in high power pump allows to
sample gas through an up to 45 m/150 ft. long
tube. The operation of the pump is
continuously monitored, and the instrument
will generate an alarm if the flow is too low.


Dimensions 150 x 140 x 75 mm

Weight Instrument: 600 gr
Rechargeable battery: 490 gr (3.0 Ah); 730 gr (6.0 Ah)
Temperature - 20 to + 55 °C, short-term - 40 to + 60 °C
Pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 95 % r. h.
Ingress protection IP 67
Typical battery life NiHM (4.8 V / 6.0 Ah): >20 hours
Audible alarm >100 dB (A) at a distance of 30 cm
Charging time 3.5 to 7 hours, depending on battery type
Pump mode Maximum length of tubing 45 m
Approvals MED

Dräger X-am® 7000


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger x-am 7000 basic instrument, exclusive battery, including pump and datalogger 1 8317400
DrägerSensor XS 2 O2 1 6810375
DrägerSensor H2S 1 6810370
DrägerSensor CO 1 6810365
DrägerSensor IR EX 1 6810460
DrägerSensor Smart CatEx PR 1 6812980
DrägerSensor Smart PID 1 8319100
NiMH-power pack 4,8V/3,0Ah 1 8317408
Charging module 1 8316487
Single charger (worldwide) for E-Cal module, max. 1 charge module 1 8315635
Leather carrying case 1 8317683
5 meter extension hose and driver for Dräger X-am 7000 1 8318371

Dräger X-am® 8000

Clearance measurement was never this easy and convenient: the Dräger X-am® 8000 measures
up to seven toxic as well as Áammable gases, vapours and oxygen all at once — either in pump
or diffusion mode. Innovative signaling design and handy assistant functions ensure complete
safety throughout the process.

Specially designed for use with a pump, during clearance measurements more
optimised for your requirements efficiently.
The Dräger X-am® 8000 is equipped with a
very powerful pump. It can be connected with Clear signalling design
hoses of up to 45 metres in length. A pump The signal system of the Dräger X-am 8000
adapter makes it easy to switch between is based on a clear colour code:
diffusion and pump mode at any time. This - Red light = gas alarm
means the pump is only operated when you - Yellow light = device-related alarm, e.g. low
actually need it. That saves energy, reduces battery
wear and tear, and thereby extends the - Green light = device is ready for use
lifespan of the pump. Handy and durable, the
Dräger X-am® 8000 is intuitive to operate Economical Fleet Management
single-handedly using three function keys. Bumptest and calibration are carried out
The easy-to-read colour display clearly lays simply and quickly using the Dräger X-dock®
out all the information for you. Standard calibrating station. Its low test gas
accessories include a sturdy shoulder strap, consumption keeps operating costs to a
so you can comfortably carry the X-am 8000. minimum. Its reporting function and numerous
Thanks to its compact and robust other useful features make the X-dock
Dräger X-am 8000
construction, the device can withstand even Manager PC software a smart addition to any
Up to 7 toxic measurements
the harshest conditions. Áeet management operation. To identify the
devices in the Áeet, you can either use tried
Clearance measurement, release and and tested bar codes or an integrated RFID
documentation in no time transponder.
The X-am 8000 effectively supports various
applications with specially developed assistant Specialist for high and low hydrocarbon
functions that guide you through each concentrations
process step by step. During clearance To measure hard-to-detect hydrocarbons, you
measurement, for example, the smart can Àt the Dräger X-am 8000 with one of two
assistant calculates the necessary Áooding high-performance PID sensors. The PID HC
time for the device and probe (FKM hose) covers a measurement range of 0 to 2,000
based on parameters such as measuring ppm (Isobutene). The PID LC ppb is
gases, temperature limits, and the indicated particularly suited for a measurement range of
hose length. When monitoring for high 0 to 10 ppm (Isobutene) with a low resolution
methane concentrations, an optional in the range below 1 ppm. For benzene-
automatic measurement range switch makes speciÀc measurements, the X-am 8000 can
it easier to take a reading: if the Cat-Ex sensor be used with a pre-tube. The advantage: you
measures values above 100% LEL, the display only need one measuring device for this
switches to the range of 0 to 100 vol%. An application, which significantly reduces the
additional useful tool is CSE Connect. It costs of purchasing, maintaining and
combines an Android app, specially designed transporting devices in use. The use of the
for the X-am 8000, with a cloud-computing pre-tubes is supported by a built-in assistant.
solution. Measuring jobs can be quickly and
easily transferred to the app using an online Inductive charging protects against wear and
application. An optional Bluetooth® module in tear
the Dräger X-am 8000 enables measured The X-am 8000 features inductive charging.
values to be transferred automatically to the This makes it easier to operate and increases
CSE Connect app. You can also easily and the lifespan of the device. Issues like
conveniently use the app to create corrosion and contact problems in the
measurement reports. This saves time and charging cradle are a thing of the past. You
helps you manage your measuring tasks can charge (outside of explosion-hazard
zones) and measure at once, e.g, when in use

Dräger X-am® 8000

inside vehicles or on machinery. The charging up minimal space, and are compatible with
cradle can connect with one another, taking existing Dräger X-am® series cradles.


Dimensions (HxWxD) 179 x 77 x 42 mm

Weight Approx. 495 g, depending on sensor conÀguration, without strap, without pump
Approx. 550 g, depending on sensor conÀguration, without strap, with pump
Temperature -20 °C to + 50 °C
Pressure 700 to 1300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 90% (short-term up to 95%) r.h.
Ingress protection IP 67
Energy supply Lithium-ion battery, rechargeable, inductive charging
Alarms visual: 3 LED 'red' (gas alarms), 3 LED 'yellow' (device alarms)
acoustic: multi-tone, typically 100 dB(A) at 30 cm
Charging time Typically 4 hours after use during a shift of max. 10 hours
Pump operation Maximum length of tubing 45 m
Approvals ATEX / IECEx, MED / DNV GL, Class I, Zone 0, AEx da ia IIC T4 Ga, CE labelling
Warranty 3 years for the device, 1 year for the power supply, sensors: see DrägerSensor & Portable Instruments


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger x-am 8000 basic instrument 1 8325800

Dräger X-Zone 5500

State-of-the-art area monitoring – the Dräger X-zone® 5500 in combination with the Dräger X-
am® 5000, 5100 or 5600 gas detection instruments can be used for the measurement of up
to six gases and extends the portable gas detection technology to a unique system with many

Innovative area monitoring Other benefits

The Dräger X-Zone® 5500 transforms the - 360° gas entry
Dräger personal gas detection instruments X- - approval for Ex-Zone 0 (with Switch On or
am® 5000, 5100 and 5600 into innovative Switch Off for Ex-Zone 1)
area monitoring devices for a wide range of - daily function test and calibration not
applications. A patented combination for required after single on-site testing
increased safety – in addition to the personal - individually configurable with the Dräger CC-
air monitors carried on the body, these area Vision PC software (e.g. alarm frequency)
monitors are positioned where gas hazards - inductive charging station: easy and
are expected. convenient non-contact charging

Clear warning Data interface modus

Even from a distance, the illuminated green - Integration in a control room system
LED ring indicates that the air is free of toxic - Connection to external displays, such as
and combustible gases. Upon detection of gas Dräger RVP 5000
hazards, the LED color changes from green to
red, thus providing a clear visual warning that Simply connected - informed everywhere
gas is present. Additionally, a loud and highly The new Dräger X-zone® 5500 with X-zone
Dräger X-Zone 5500
audible evacuation alarm is emitted. The Com GSM module, sends all data and alarms
Easily transportable, robust and water-proof
Dräger X-zone 5500 gas entry is located that to your location – by email, SMS and to the
the gas can diffuse into the Dräger X-am Cloud.
5000, 5100 or 5600 from all sides.
The more secure type of area monitoring
Wireless fenceline Time, place and gas concentration are the
Up to 25 Dräger X-Zone 5500 can be most important data in the event of a gas leak.
automatically interconnected to form a In an emergency, every second counts.
wireless fenceline. The interconnection of the Therefore we have developed a more efficient
area monitoring devices allows for rapid and significantly safer type of area monitoring
establishment of safety networks for larger with the Dräger X-zone 5500, including X-
areas. A Dräger X-zone 5500 detecting a gas zone Com. With these you can receive and
alarm transmits the alarm signal to all view the measured data and alarms outside of
interconnected units. A red flashing master the danger zone.
alarm in the mother unit detecting gas
contrasts with red/green flashing alarms of The new x-zone com GSM-module
the connected daughter units providing This module allows you to access the Dräger
simple recognition of alarm status and the X-zone 5500 data wirelessly over the GSM
actual location of the hazard. network. Be it status requests or alerts via
SMS using a periodic delivery of data via e-
With the corresponding configuration, the mail to a FTP server or a cloud service – the
maximum gas concentration in the monitored X-zone Com GSM module sends all data
area is shown on the display. Combined with directly to the device of your choice.
the display of the X-zone ID a clear In combination with an X-zone Com up to 15
containment of the hazard area is possible. Dräger X-zone can automatically connect
themselves to a wireless alarmchain to
Continuous operation for up to 120 hours accurately and comprehensively monitor large
The 24 Ah battery of the Dräger X-zone 5500 areas. For this only a single X-zone Com is
provides up to 120 hours of continuous required to retransmit the data of the entire
operation – a complete working week. chain. All relevant information such as
maximum values of the measured gas type will
reach those responsible within seconds.

Dräger X-Zone 5500

Additional functions values. This ensures that no data is lost.

On the laptop data of the Dräger X-zone 5500 Analysis of trends are simply in the cloud
group can also be displayed via Bluetooth®. possible. Thus, all important measures
With the integrated GPS module, the position covering evacuation and protection as well as
of the X-zone Com and thus the location of the elimination of the problem and the
the hazard source is transmitted. A data resumption of work can be implemented
logger continuously stores the measured quickly, efficiently and, above all, safer.


Dimensions 490 x 300 x 300 mm

Weight 10 kg (24 Ah battery)
Temperature Max +40°C
Pressure 700 to 1,300 hPa
Humidity 10 to 95 % r.h.
Ingress protection IP 67
Alarm Visual 360° LED (illuminated ring)
Audible 360°; > 108 dB in a distance of 1 m (30 ft.), 120 dB in a distance of 30 cm (1 ft.)
Configurable alarm patterns, frequencies and volumes
Life signal Green status display (360°), illuminated ring (LED)
Operating time Approx. 120 h (24 Ah battery)
Depending on sensor equipment / configuration of the life signal
Charging times Approx. 14 h
Flexible power supply: External 100 – 240 V charger (worldwide) or inductive wireless charger
Alarm output Potential-free alarm contact for intrinsically safe circuits (6-pole); < 30 V to 0.25 A (0.15 A constant
current), resisting load
Radio transmission Worldwide license-free ISM frequencies
Digital radio, robust and interference-free transmission up to 100 m
Approvals ATEX: I M1 Ex ia I Ma
II 1G Ex ia IIC T3 Ga
II 2G Ex ia d IIC T4 Gb
IECEx: Ex ia IIC T3 Ga
Ex ia d IIC T4 Gb
Ex ia I Ma
CSA/US: Class I, zone 0, AEx ia IIC T3 Ga
(Approval pending)
Class I, zone 1, AEx ia d IIC T4 Gb


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-zone® 5500, 868 MHz, 24 Ah battery with diffusion cap 1 8324819
Dräger X-zone® 5500 with integrated pump, 868 MHz, 24 Ah battery with diffusion and pump cap 1 8324821

Dräger X-am® pump

The Dräger X-am® pump is an external pump for the portable gas detectors Dräger X-am®
2500, 5000, and 5600 – designed for clearance measurement, for example in tanks and shafts.
The pump automatically switches on when it is connected to a running X-am® device. The
change from pump mode to diffusion mode is fast and easy.

Easy to use tank systems. The pump has been optimised

The pump is attached onto the X-am 2500/ for hoses with a diameter of 3 mm – for fast
5000/5600 and fastened with a clip. response times and low power consumption.
Pumping starts automatically once pump and The use of the pump in combination with a X-
running gas detection device are connected. am device ensures you of consistently precise
The pump turns off automatically once it is measuring results – even in the most
removed from the device. Using the X-am with demanding situations. Because the pump has
the pump has no effect on the measuring an explosion protection approval for Ex zone
performance for standard gases. 0. In combination with the Dräger X-am
2500/5000/5600, which are likewise
Charging via USB approved for Ex zone 0, the X-am pump
The pump battery can be recharged using allows for secure and continuous monitoring
the micro USB port. A standard cellphone of enclosed areas.
Dräger X-am® Pump charger can be used for connecting. The
For Dräger X-am® 2500, 5000 and 5600 charge status is indicated by an LED on the Long operating time for long deployments
pump. A full charge requires approximately six The pump is not only highly resilient on the
hours. outside but also inside. The battery capacity
lasts for three workweeks at 8 measurements
Handy and robust per day (i.e. up to 20 hours of continuous
The pump’s easily manageable 17.5 cm operation). Convenient: The operating time of
device height and a weight of only 200 g the X-am is not decreased when the pump is
permit easy carrying and stowage. The Dräger in operation. Moreover, the entire pump
X-am pump is dust and water resistant operating time can be evaluated using CC-
according to the IP67 protection classification. vision software.
It performs reliably even at temperatures
down to -40 °C. The battery is solid cast to Data logger
protect against damage due to dropping or Pump operating time, charge status, battery
impact. warnings, and flow alarm are displayed on the
Dräger X-am and stored in the data logger.
Effective range of measuring results: with This makes it possible to display the results of
explosion protection the clearance measurements separate from
The pump can reach the ambient the evaluations of personal monitoring.
atmosphere in inaccessible places – up to a
distance of 45 m, e.g. in channels, shafts, or


Dimensions 67 x 175 x 38 mm (without X-am®),

67 x 220 x 55 mm (with X-am®)
Weight approx. 200 g
Operating temperature -20 °C to 50 °C (briefly -40 °C)
Temperature when charging 0 – 35 °C
Charging time < 6 hours
Operating time up to 20 hours, depending on type of application and temperature
Maximum hose length 45 m
Air flow volume 0.4 L/min
Storage temperature Up to 1 month -20 °C to 60 °C, otherwise -20 °C to 45 °C
Pressure 700 to 1,300 hPa

Dräger X-am® pump

Air humidity 0 to 95 % RH
IP protection class IP67
Approvals c CSA us, ATEX/IECEx (Zone 0 T4 and M1), DNV-GL, CE label


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-am pump 1 8327100
Dräger X-am pump incl. USB charger and shoulder strap 1 8327115
USB power supply 1 8327102
Shoulder strap 1 8319386
Leather case for Dräger X-am® pump 1 8327103
Case for Dräger X-am® pump 1 8327104
CSE set Dräger X-am® pump, for remote measurement 1 8327105
Dräger X-am® 2500 CSE-Kit, for remote measurement 1 8327106
USB 10x multi-charger 1 8327113
Filter for fresh air pump inlet for X-am 1/2/5x00 1 8319364
Telescopic probe ES 150 1 8316533
Float probe 1 8327654
5 m FKM hose (diameter 3 mm) 1 8325705

Dräger Bump Test Station

Easy to use, stand-alone and portable. With the Bump Test Station, functionality tests of gas
detection and warning devices can be carried out easily and quickly.

Easy to use Reliable results

The Bump Test Station has no requirement of To test the device using a known gas
any power source and can thus be used at any concentration is the only way to guarantee a
location. The easy to use Bump Test Station reliable, precise measurement and
checks whether the instrument in question is functionality against a gas hazard and to
responding to a known concentration of gas. ensure correct warnings against them.
The gas provided by the Bump Test Station
flows through the dust and water filter to the Automatic calibration
sensor(s) confirming correct functionality of If the test is not completed successfully, the
the gas detector ensuring compliance with device has to be adjusted/calibrated. This
country-specific requirements and calibration is capable of being carried out
regulations, standards, recommendations, etc. automatically on the Bump Test Station.
Dräger Bump Test Station
Reliable and accurate detection


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger bump test station for X-am 1/2/5x00, including test cylinder 1 8319130
Dräger bump test station for X-am 2/5/5X00, excluding test cylinder 1 8319131
Dräger bump test station for X-am 7000, excluding test cylinder 1 8318909
Dräger bump test station for X-am 7000, including calibration gas cilinder 58 liters 1 8319072
Dräger bump test station for PAC serie 1 8317410

Dräger Mobile Printer

The Dräger Mobile Printer prints breath alcohol and drug test measurement results without
using a dedicated power supply. The Mobile Printer documents measurement results of the
Dräger the Dräger DrugTest® 5000.

Documenting results printing technology, eliminating the need for

The Dräger Mobile Printer documents ribbons or ink, ensuring low on-going running
measurement results of the Dräger Alcotest® costs.
6810, the Dräger DrugTest® 5000 and the
Dräger Bump Test Station. Long-term stable printouts
High-quality, long-term stable thermal paper
Wireless data transfer is used for printouts. The user can select
Wireless data transmission from the Dräger between a paper with a long-term stability of
Alcotest 6810 Dräger Mobile Printer is via an 7 or 25 years.
optical transmission. The Dräger DrugTest®
5000 utilises an IR interface for data Flexible power supply
Dräger Mobile Printer transmission. The Dräger Mobile Printer can be run with
High-quality, long-term stable thermal paper Alkaline or NiMH batteries.
Easy operation
The device is operated via a single button. Data storage
Changing the paper is simple. In addition, the For data storage, the device can be
Dräger Mobile Printer uses heat transfer connected to a PC and a keyboard.


Operating Temperature -5°C to 45°C

Storage Temperature -20°C to 50°C
Humidity 100%, not condensing
Atmospheric Pressure 600 to 1050 mbar
Dimensions 109 x 61 x 206 mm
Weight 0.45 kgs
Power supply 4 x 1.5V alkaline (AA) batteries


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger mobile printer 1 8319310
Paper, thermal, 7 years shelf-life, 5 pieces 1 8319002
PC connection cable with mini USB 1 8318857
Netwerk adapter 1 8319348
Batteries 1890092

Dräger X-dock®

The Dräger X-dock series provides you with full control of your portable Dräger gas detection
instruments. Automatic bump tests and calibrations with reduced test gas consumption and
short testing times save time and money. Comprehensive documentation and evaluations
provide you with a clear overview.

As versatile as your requirements pump only, resulting in the need for less wear
The X-dock is available in a wide variety of and tear parts. The valves automatically switch
versions. The X-dock 5300 includes a master the test gases and – when connected – the
station including a module for a gas detection compressed air as well.
instrument from the X-am 1/2/5x00 or Pac
family. It is immediately ready to use. The X- Significant time savings
dock 6300 and 6600 versions can be Up to 10 modules can be connected to the X-
configured freely. They consist of a master dock at any given time, allowing you to test
station and can be expanded with up to 10 gas detection instruments simultaneously but
modules for X-am 1/2/5x00 and/or Pac 1 gas also independently of each other. The
detection instruments. automatic bump test also saves time, because
the test only takes 8 to 15 seconds 2. All
Dräger X-dock Easier than ever before Dräger test gas cylinders are already stored in
Provides you with full control of your portable Insert the device, close the lid and remove it the database – entering the part number will
Dräger gas detection instruments. when the indicator goes "green" – a test with automatically fill in the fields required for the
the X-dock is just that simple. It immediately gas configuration. This eliminates the need for
detects all sensor combinations. Furthermore, manual data entry.
the X-dock automatically tests and adjusts
when all required test gases are connected. Overview of results
The station works independently and can be The additional "X-dock Manager" software
configured and used without a PC. The station offers you even more comfort: It produces a
is operated via an integrated touchscreen. A detailed evaluation of the data in the
gas detection instrument is detected as soon calibration system and gas detection
as it is inserted, and all data is documented in instruments, and presents the information in
the database. various graphics and statistics – providing you
with a complete overview of all results. All
More safety thanks to complete connected X-dock systems can be connected
documentation in one network. Therefore, the data is not only
Do you need to document whether or not your stored locally in the system, but in a central
devices are ready for operation? Who tested database as well. With the X-dock manager
which device when, and what the result was? you are always in control.
The X-dock stores all of the relevant data and
reads the collected information from the gas Further benefits
detection instruments for subsequent - Touchscreen operation at the master station
evaluations – providing you with complete - Up to three configurable test routines
control every step of the way. You can use the - Automatic leak tests
reporting function (report wizard) to create - Automatic tests of alarm elements (acoustic,
customised reports. Furthermore, you can visual and vibration alarms)
print a calibration certificate right at the - Optional charging function for X-am 1/2/
stations, since the X- dock series supports 5x00
standard PostScript-compatible USB printers. - Replaceable seal cartridge
This functionality allows the user to manage - 12V operation (e.g. in vehicles) possible
all requirements of EN 60079-29-1 and EN - Can be subsequently expanded with up to
60079-29-2. 10 modules (X-dock 6300/6600)
- Evaluation of sensor response time
Automatically reduced costs
With a reduced gas flow (300 mL/min The X-dock manager offers much more
instead of 500 mL/min) per module, you save - Gas exposure in specific areas, number of
costs on test gases. Short testing times conducted tests, device availability, overview
reduce the overall maintenance efforts. The of created and sent reports
valve concept (patent pending) requires one - Templates for regular reports

Dräger X-dock®

- An issue and return function to allocate gas - Overview of devices: direct access to test
detection instruments to specific individuals reports and device configuration
- Monitoring of stations within the network: All - Notifications, also via email, e.g. if test gases
connected systems can be monitored (e.g. are running out
information on the gas configuration) - VLAN capable


Operating Temperature -5°C to 45°C

Storage Temperature -20°C to 50°C
Humidity 100%, not condensing
Atmospheric Pressure 600 to 1050 mbar
Dimensions 109 x 61 x 206 mm
Weight 0.45 kgs
Power supply 4 x 1.5V alkaline (AA) batteries


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Ready to use
Dräger X-dock 5300 X-am 1/2/5, 3 gas connections, limited to one module, including adapter 1 8321880
Dräger X-dock 5300 PAC 1/2/5, 3 test gas connections, limited to one module, including charger 1 8321881
Master versions
Dräger X-dock 6300 Master, 3 test gas connections, can be expanded to 10 modules 1 8321900
Dräger X-dock 6600 Master, 6 test gas connections, can be expanded to 10 modules 1 8321901
Modular versions
Dräger X-dock module X-am 1/2/5 1 8321890
Dräger X-dock module X-am 1/2/5+, allowing charging X-am 1/2/5 devices 1 8321891
Dräger X-dock module PAC 1 8321892
X-dock Manager
Dräger X-dock manager standard 1 8321860
Dräger X-dock manager professional, standard functions plus instrument handout and return function and reporting centre 1 8321870
Additional licence for Dräger X-dock managers (both versions) 1 8321857
5 additional licences for Dräger X-dock managers (both versions) 1 8321858

Dräger E-cal

Check, control and calibration of portable gas measuring devices at any time: Dräger E-Cal, the
automatic test and calibration system is made for it.

Reduce costs, expenditure & downtime system and allows communication to the PC
Dräger E-Cal, the automatic test and and switching between different gases.
calibration system, can include up to ten
different device modules. As the calibration Optimum protection and performance
and adjustment of the Dräger measuring Using the Dräger E-Cal for regular
instruments can be carried out maintenance and servicing as well as for
simultaneously, the devices can be calibration tasks ensures that the Dräger
maintained and serviced effectively in terms of measuring instruments function properly at all
time and cost. times. This ensures optimum protection and
performance of the instruments.
Modern instrument management
Dräger E-cal In addition to the device modules, the modular Central database
Optimum protection and performance design of the Dräger E-Cal also includes a A central database of calibrations, which is
Master Station, this is the control center of the stored on the PC, provides the capability of
analysing and documenting data at any time.


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger E-cal Hoofd Stations
(incl. Dräger CC Vision E-Cal, main dapter and accessories for connection of up to 10 modules)
Master Station 6 USB (for up to 6 gases) 1 8316456
Master Station 12 USB (for up to 12 gases) 1 8316412
Modules (incl. accessories)
E-Cal instrument module for connection of 4 Dräger Pac 1000 to 7000 to a Dräger E-Cal Master Station or to Module 1 8318589
Dräger PAC Ex 2 Module 1 8316539
Dräger X-am 1/2/5000 E-cal Module 1 8318754
Dräger X-am 7000 E-cal Module 1 8317705
Complete list of accessoires is available via our sales department

Calibration gas

Calibration of equipment will ensure safe operation and functionality of equipment and will also
meet with the applicable regulations and codes of practice. Various calibration options are
available to provide this facility.

Single gas and mixtures of reliable quality calibration tasks and function tests can easily
Dräger provides single gases and gas be carried out in the workshop or on site.
mixtures of reliable, constant quality. These
are available in a range of different size Tailor-made for Dräger gas measuring devices
cylinders. The Dräger calibration gases are specifically
tailored to meet the requirements of the range
Recyclable cylinders of gas measuring devices.
The gases are supplied in small, light and
recyclable disposable cylinders. Therefore,

Calibration gas
Calibration of equipment will ensure safe
operation and functionality of equipment


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Calibration gas 60 liter cylinder, 57% LEL CH4, 100 ppm CO, 15 PPM H2S, 17% O2, N2 58 L 24 months 1 6811130
Calibration gas 122 liter cylinder, 57% LEL CH4, 100 ppm CO, 15 PPM H2S, 17% O2, N2 116 L 24 months 1 6812375
Calibration gas 103 liter cylinder 2,2 VOL% CH4, 18 VOL% O2 1 3801411
Calibration gas 60 liter cylinder 2,2 VOL% CH4, 18 VOL% O2, 25 ppm H2S 1 3811126
Calibration gas 58 liter cylinder 2,2Vol% Ch4-18Vol% O2-25ppm H2S/N2 1 3810030
Calibration gas 112 liter VOL% H2 1 6810388
Calibration gas 60 liter 2,5 VOL% CO2 1 6810391
Calibration gas 60 liter 20 PPM H2S 1 6810393
Calibration gas 112 liter 99 VOL% N2 1 6810394
Calibration gas 60 liter 50 PPM NH3 1 6811352

Dräger Accuro®

Measurements are often taken under extreme conditions: on ladders, in shafts, at spots difficult
to access, often with additional respiratory protection. For your own safety, one hand must always
remain free. Accuro® is robust, inexpensive and easy to service, and can be operated single-

Safety management with one single hand direct-reading diffusion tubes and badges
Often measurements need to be done in whose measurement process does not
difficult areas. For those kind of situations the require a gas detection pump. Sampling tubes
Dräger Accuro is the perfect measurement are used when the user has no knowledge of
tool. the hazardous substance composition.

The Dräger tube Applications

The Dräger-Tube system is an established They can be used in an extremely wide range
method for measuring and detecting of applications, from the monitoring of
contaminants in the soil, water and air. Today workplaces and living areas, ventilation
we distinguish between short-term detector systems or emission sources, to process
tubes, long-term detector tubes and long-term control and quality control. Dräger-Tubes are
Dräger Accuro® measurement systems. Short-term detector kept current at all times through the
Robust, inexpensive and easy to service tubes require anything from 10 seconds to 15 continuous development and rapid adaptation
minutes. Long-term tubes perform to new legal requirements such as limit
measurements in 0.5 to 8 hours. Among the values, as well as research into new detection
long-term measurement systems are the techniques.


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Accuro 1 6400000
Dräger Accuro adapter 1 6400076
Dräger Accuro extension hose: 3 meter 1 6400077
Dräger Accuro extension hose: 10 meter 1 6400078
Dräger Accuro extension hose: 15 meter 1 6400079
Dräger Accuro soft side kit (in carrying case) 1 8317186

Dräger X-act® 5000

The automatic tube pump Dräger X-act 5000 is the first all-in-one solution designed for
measurements with Dräger short-term tubes and for sampling tubes and systems. Ease of
operation and a high degree of reliability compliment the measurement and sampling of gases,
vapors and aerosols.

Versatile and robust Automatic transfer of measurement

The Dräger X-act 5000 introduces a new era parameters
of gas measurement: Only one device is A barcode printed on the label on the
necessary for measuring and sampling. The backside of a Dräger Short-term Tube box
automatic tube pump is compatible with contains all relevant measurement
Dräger short-term tubes as well as sampling parameters. Simply sliding the barcode over
tubes and systems. The robust housing the barcode reader of the pump, automatically
supports the use of the pump to perform the transfers the name of the substance to be
daily measuring tasks under tough conditions. measured, the number of strokes, and the
The IS approved (pending) Dräger X-act measuring range to the display. The required
5000 can be used for confined space steps to carry out the measurement are
applications and in explosive gas simplified with the Dräger X-act 5000 and the
atmospheres. possibility of making an error is reduced to a
Dräger X-act® 5000 minimum.
Versatile and robust New pump concept
The key principle is the ability to provide the Measurement in technical gases
required flow characteristics of the Dräger To evaluate measurements in technical gases,
Short-term Tubes, while also providing the the properties of the technical gas must be
option to be used with Sampling Tubes and taken into consideration. Technical gases
Systems requiring constant flow. Compared to have a different viscosity than ambient air.
the Dräger accuro hand pump, this new Therefore, the flow of the pump must be set
concept reduces the average measurement accordingly. Following the operating steps in
time of the Dräger Short-term Tubes in case the mode „Measurement in Technical Gases“,
of a high number of strokes. The internal the Dräger X-act 5000 will automatically be
pump is also designed to use extension hoses adjusted to the required flow parameter and
up to a length of 30 meters (98 ft.). the measurement result can be read directly.

Simplicity of operation Direct settings for sampling

The handling of gases, vapors and aerosols Depending on the Sampling Tubes or
has never been easier. The automatic tube Systems, the required parameters for the test
pump Dräger X-act 5000 directs the air to be can be set directly, without the need for an
measured through the appropriate Dräger- external flow meter. The Dräger X-act 5000
Tubes effortlessly. It is comfortably carried automatically adjusts the flow rate. After
with one hand or using the shoulder strap and setting the sampling time the pump can
is easily operated, even wearing protective immediately be started. At the end of the
gloves. A simple and intuitive menu structure measurement the pump will stop
provides the user efficient operation with just automatically. The set data, the elapsed time
a few button presses. Using the password- and the pumped volume will be indicated on
protected menu repetitive operating modes the display.
can be set.


Short-term measurements, number of strokes adjustable, 1 to 199 strokes

Short-term measurements, stroke volume 100 ml
Flow rate range, sample taking 0.1 to 2.0 L/min
Resolution 0.1 to 1.0 L/min: 0.1 L/min ± 5%
Resolution 1.0 to 2.0 L/min: 0.2 L/min ± 5%

Dräger X-act® 5000

Sampling time adjustable, up to 12 hours, depending on flow rate

Resolution in steps of 15 minutes (default) or 1 minute
Display Two parts: segment and matrix
Menu languages Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish
Use of extension hose up to 30 meter (98 ft.)
Dimensions (H x W x D) approx. 175 x 230 x 108 mm (7“ x 9“ x 4.25“)
Weight (without battery pack) approx. 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs)
Temperature during storage -20 to 55 °C (-4 to 131 °F)
Temperature during operation 5 to 40 °C (41 to 104 °F)
Humidity 0 to 95% r. h., non-condensing
Pressure 700 to 1300 hPa (10.2 to 18.9 psi)
Approvals ATEX: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga, Ex ia I Ma, I M 1 / II 1G
MED: Steering Wheel approval 96/98 EC
UL: Class I, Div. 1, Group A, B, C, D, Class II, Div. 1, Group F, G, 5 °C ” Ta ” + 40 °C Temp. Code T4 Ex
cUL: Class I, Div. 1, Group A, B, C, D, Class II, Div. 1, Group F, G, 5 °C ” Ta ” + 40 °C Temp. Code T4
Ex ia
IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
CE-mark: according to 2004/108/EC and 94/9/EC


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-act® 5000, shoulderstrap without power supply 1 4523500
NiMH accu, T4 (rechargeable) 1 4523520
Alkaline Battery Pack, T4 w/o Batteries (6 batteries required) 1 4523525
Wall-Wart Charger 100 – 240 VAC (worldwide) 1 4523545

Dräger Tubes

Tried and tested a million times: worldwide, the Dräger short-term detector tubes have proven
to be a very cost-effective and reliable way for the measurement of gas.

What is the Drager Tube® system? Easy to use

DrägerTubes are glass vials filled with a The short-term Dräger tubes are employed
chemical reagent that reacts to a specific manually together with the Dräger Accuro gas
chemical or family of chemicals. A calibrated detection pump or automatically together with
100 ml sample of air is drawn through the the pump Accuro 2000 or the compact
tube with the Dräger Accuro® bellows pump. microprocessor-controlled Quantimeter 1000.
If the targeted chemical(s) is present the
reagent in the tube changes color and the Field applications
length of the color change typically indicates A great number of different gases and vapors
the measured concentration. The Dräger can be measured by the short-term Dräger
Tubes System is the world's most popular tubes. These tubes are used e.g. for the
form of gas detection. determination of concentration peaks, the
measurement of exposures in the inhalation
Fast and reliable measuring area, the determination of possible leakages
More than 200 different Dräger-tubes are as well as for the analysis of air in sewers,
available make spot measurements for over shafts, tanks or other confined spaces.
500 gases and vapors.
Dräger Tubes
Fast and reliable measuring


Dräger tubes Default measuring range Time of measurement Unit Sales Articlenr.
for shorttime measurements [20°C, 1013 hPa] [min.]
Dräger tube: Acetaldehyde 100/a 100-1000 ppm 5 10 per box 6726665
Dräger tube: Acetic acid 5/a 5-8 ppm 30 s 10 per box 6722101
Dräger tube: Acetone 40/a 400-800 ppm 1 10 per box 8103381
Dräger tube: Acetone 100/b 100-12000 ppm 4 10 per box CH22901
Dräger tube: Acid Test qualitative 3s 10 per box 8101121
Dräger tube: Acrylonitrile 0.2/a 0.2-4 ppm 10 per box 8103701
5-50 ppm
Activation tube for formaldehyde 0,2/a 10 per box 8101141
Dräger tube: Alcohol 100/a 100-3000 ppm 1,5 10 per box 8103761
Dräger tube: Alcotest 0.5 promille 10 per box CH00222
Dräger tube: DT Methanol 25/a 20-5000 ppm 2 10 per box 8103801
Dräger tube: Amine test qualitative 5s 10 per box 8101061
Dräger tube: Ammonia 0,25/a 0,25-3 ppm 1 10 per box 8101711
Dräger tube: Ammonia 0,5%/a 0,5-10 Vol.-% 20 s 10 per box CH31901
Dräger tube: Ammonia 2/a 2-30 ppm 1 10 per box 6733231
Dräger tube: Ammonia 5/a 5-70 ppm 6s 10 per box CH20501
50-700 ppm
Dräger tube: Ammonia 5/b 5-100 ppm 10 s 10 per box 8101941
Dräger tube: Ammonia 20/a-d 2.5-1500 ppm 10 s 10 per box 8101301
Dräger tube: Analine 0,5/a 0,5-10 ppm 4 10 per box 6733171
Dräger tube: Analine 5/a 1-20 ppm 3 10 per box CH20401
Dräger tube: Arsine 0,05/a 0,05-3 ppm 6 10 per box CH25001
Dräger tube: Benzene 0,5/a 0,25-3 ppm 15 10 per box 8103691
Dräger tube: Benzene 1/a 0,5-3 ppm 15 10 per box 8103641

Dräger Tubes

Dräger tubes Default measuring range Time of measurement Unit Sales Articlenr.
for shorttime measurements [20°C, 1013 hPa] [min.]
Dräger tube: DT Benzene 0,25/a 0,25-2 ppm 5 10 per box 8103691
2-10 ppm 1
Dräger tube: Benzene 2/a 2-60 ppm 8 5 per box 8101231
Dräger tube: Benzene 5/a 5-40 ppm 3 10 per box 6718801
Dräger tube: Benzene 15/a 15-420 ppm 4 10 per box 8101741
Dräger tube: Benzene 5/b 5-50 ppm 8 10 per box 6728071
Dräger tube: Benzene prefilter 1 per box 8103511
Dräger tube: Butadiene 10/a-d 10-300 ppm 10 per box 8101161
Dräger tube: DS PRB N-Butanol 10/a 10-250 ppm 10 per box 8103861
250-2.000 ppm
Dräger tube: Carbon dioxide 0,1%/a 0,5-6 Vol.-% 30 s 10 per box CH23501
Dräger tube: Carbon dioxide 0,5%/a 0,5-10 Vol.-% 30 s 10 per box CH31401
Dräger tube: Carbon dioxide 1%/a 1-20 Vol.-% 30 s 10 per box CH25101
Dräger tube: Carbon dioxide 100/a 100-3000 ppm 4 10 per box 8101811
Dräger tube: Carbon dioxide 5%/a 5-60 Vol.-% 2 10 per box CH20301
Dräger tube: Carbon disulphide 3/a 3-95 ppm 2 10 per box 8101891
Dräger tube: Carbon disulphide 5/a 5-60 ppm 3 10 per box 6728351
Dräger tube: Carbon monoxide 2/a 2-60 ppm 4 10 per box 6733051
Dräger tube: Carbon monoxide 8/a 8-150 ppm 2 10 per box CH19701
Dräger tube: Carbon monoxide 0,3%/b 0,3-7 Vol.-% 30 s 10 per box CH29901
Dräger tube: Carbon monoxide 5/c 100-700 ppm 50 s 10 per box CH25601
Dräger tube: Carbon monoxide 10/b 10-250 ppm 1,5 10 per box CH20601
Dräger tube: Carbon preset tubes CH24101
Dräger tube: Carbon tetrachloride 0,1/a 0,1-5 ppm 8 10 per box 8103501
Dräger tube: Carbon tetrachloride 1/a 1-15 ppm 6 10 per box 8101021
Dräger tube: Chlorine 0,2/a 0,2-3 ppm 3 10 per box CH24301
Dräger tube: Chlorine 0,3/b 0,3-5 ppm 8 10 per box 6728411
Dräger tube: Chlorobenzene 5/a 5-200 ppm 3 5 per box 6728761
Dräger tube: Chlorodioxide 0,025/a 0,025-10 ppm 10 10 per box 8103491
Dräger tube: Chloroform 2/a 2-10 ppm 9 5 per box 6728861
Dräger tube: Chloroformates 0,2/b 0,2-10 ppm 3 10 per box 6718601
Dräger tube: Chloropicrine 0,1/a 0,1-2 ppm 8 10 per box 8103421
Dräger tube: Chloroprene 5/a 5-60 ppm 3 10 per box 6718901
Dräger tube: Cyanide 2/a 2-15 mg/m3 2,5 10 per box 6728791
Dräger tube: Cyclohexane 40/a 40-200 ppm 75 10 per box 8103671
300-3000 ppm 15
Dräger tube: Chromic acid 0,1/a 0,1-0,5 mg/m3 8 9 per box 6728681
Dräger tube: Diesel Fuel 25-200 mg/m3 3 10 per box 8103475
Dräger tube: Diethyl ether 100/a 100-4000 ppm 3 10 per box 6730501
Dräger tube: Dimethyl sulphate 0,005/c 0,005-0,05 ppm 50 9 per box 6718701
Dräger tube: Dimethyl sulphide 1/a 1-15 ppm 15 5 per box 6728451
Dräger tube: Dimethyl formamide 10/b 10-40 ppm 3 10 per box 6718501
Dräger tube: Epichlorohydrin 5/b 5-50 ppm 8 10 per box 6728111
Dräger tube: Ethyl acetate 200/a 200-3 000 ppm 5 10 per box CH20201
Dräger tube: Ethyl benzene 30/a 30-400 ppm 2 10 per box 6728381
Dräger tube: Ethyl glycol acetate 50/a 50-700 ppm 3 10 per box 6726801
Dräger tube: Ethylene 0,1/a 0,2-5 ppm 30 5 per box 8101331
Dräger tube: Ethylene 50/a 50-2 500 ppm 4 10 per box 6728051
Dräger tube: Ethylene glycol 10/a 10-180 mg/m3 7 5 per box 8101351

Dräger Tubes

Dräger tubes Default measuring range Time of measurement Unit Sales Articlenr.
for shorttime measurements [20°C, 1013 hPa] [min.]
Dräger tube: Ethylene oxide 1/a 1-15 ppm 8 5 per box 6728961
Dräger tube: Ethylene oxide 25/a 25-500 ppm 6 10 per box 6728241
Dräger tube: Formaldehyde 0,2/a 0,5-5 ppm 1,5 10 per box 6733081
Dräger tube: Formaldehyde 2/a 2-40 ppm 30 s 10 per box 8101751
Dräger tube: Formic acid 1/a 1-5 ppm 3 10 per box 6722701
Dräger tube: Petroleum Hydrocarbons 100/a 100-2500 ppm 30 s 10 per box 6730201
Dräger tube: Halogenated Hydrocarbons 100/a 100-2600 ppm 1 8 per box 8101601
Dräger tube: Hexane 10/a 10-200 ppm 3 10 per box 8103681
300-2500 ppm
Dräger tube: Hydrazine 0,01/a 0,01-0,4 ppm 10 per box 8103351
0,5-6 ppm
Dräger tube: Hydrazine 0,25/a 0,25-10 ppm 1 10 per box CH31801
Dräger tube: Hydrocarbons 2/a 2-24 mg/m 3 5 10 per box 8103581
Dräger tube: Hydrocarbon 0,1%/c 0,1-1,3 Vol.-%Propane 10 per box 8103571
0,1-1,3 Vol.-%Butane
0,1-1,3 Vol.-%mix 1:1
Dräger tube: Hydrochloric/Nitric acid 10 per box 8101681
Dräger tube: Hydrochloric acid 0,2/a 0,2-3 ppm 2 10 per box 8103481
Dräger tube: Hydrochloric acid 1/a 1-10 ppm 2 10 per box CH29501
Dräger tube: Hydrochloric acid 50/a 500-5000 ppm 30 s 10 per box 6728181
Dräger tube: Hydrogen acid 0,2%/a 0,2-2,0 Vol.-% 1 10 per box 8101511
Dräger tube: Hydrogen acid 0,5%/a 0,5-3,0 Vol.-% 1 10 per box CH30901
Dräger tube: Hydrogen fluoride 0,5/a 0,5-15 ppm 2 10 per box 8103251
10-90 ppm 25 s
Dräger tube: Hydrogen fluoride 1,5/b 1,5-15 ppm 2 10 per box CH30301
Dräger tube: Hydrogen peroxide 0,1/a 0,1-3 ppm 3 10 per box 8101041
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide + Sulphur dioxide 0,2%/a 0,2-7 Vol.-% 2 10 per box CH28201
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 0,2%/a 0,2-7 Vol.-% 2 10 per box CH28101
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 0,2/a 0,2-5 ppm 5 10 per box 8101461
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 0,2/b 0,2-6 ppm 55 10 per box 8101991
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 0,5/a 0,5-15 ppm 6 10 per box 6728041
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 1/c 10-200 ppm 20 s 10 per box 6719001
1-20 ppm 3,5
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 1/d 10-200 ppm 1 10 per box 8101831
1-20 ppm 10
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 100/a 100-2000 ppm 30 s 10 per box CH29101
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 2%/a 2-40 Vol.-% 1 10 per box 8101211
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 2/a 20-200 ppm 20 s 10 per box 6728821
2-20 ppm 3,5
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 2/b 2-60 ppm 30 s 10 per box 8101961
Dräger tube: Hydrogen sulphide 5/b 5-60 ppm 4 10 per box CH29801
Dräger tube: Mercaptan 0,1/a 0,1-2,5 ppm, 3-15 ppm 10 10 per box 8103281
Dräger tube: Mercaptan 0,5/a 0,5-5 ppm 5 10 per box 6728981
Dräger tube: Mercaptan 20/a 20-100 ppm 2,5 10 per box 8101871
Dräger tube: Mercury vapour 0,1/b 0,05-2 mg/m3 10 10 per box CH23101
Dräger tube: Methyl acrylate 5/a 5-200 ppm 5 10 per box 6728161
Dräger tube: Methyl bromide 0,2/a 0,2-2 ppm 5 10 per box 8103391
2-8 ppm 2
Dräger tube: Methyl bromide 0,5/a 5-30 ppm 2 10 per box 8101671
Dräger tube: Methyl bromide 5/b 5-50 ppm 1 10 per box CH27301

Dräger Tubes

Dräger tubes Default measuring range Time of measurement Unit Sales Articlenr.
for shorttime measurements [20°C, 1013 hPa] [min.]
Dräger tube: Methylene chloride 20/a 20-200 ppm 7 10 per box 8103591
Dräger tube: Natural gas test qualitative 40 s 5 per box CH20001
Dräger tube: Nickel tetracarbonyl 0,1/a 0,1-1 ppm 5 9 per box CH19501
Dräger tube: Nitric acid1/a 5-50 ppm 2 10 per box 6728311
1-15 ppm 4
Dräger tube: Nitrogen dioxide 2/c 5-100 ppm 1 10 per box 6719101
2-50 ppm 2
Dräger tube: Nitrogen dioxide 0,1/a 0.1-30 ppm 1 10 per box 8103631
Dräger tube: Nitrous fumes 0.2/a 0.5-6 ppm 10 per box 8103661
Dräger tube: Nitrous fumes 2/a 5-100 ppm 1 10 per box CH31001
2-50 ppm 2
Dräger tube: DR Nitrous fumes 50/b 10 per box 8101941
Dräger tube: Oil mist 1/a 1-10 mg/m3 25 10 per box 6733031
Dräger tube: Olefine 0,05%/a 5 10 per box CH31201
-Propyleen 0,06-3,2 Vol.-%
-Butyleen 0,04-2,4 Vol.-%
Dräger tube: Oxygen 5%/b 5-23 Vol.-% 1 8 per box 6728081
Dräger tube: Oxygen 5%/c 5-23 Vol.-% 1 10 per box 8103261
Dräger tube: Ozone 0,05/b 0,05-0,7 ppm 3 10 per box 6733181
Dräger tube: Ozone 10/a 20-300 ppm 20 s 10 per box CH21001
Dräger tube: Pentane 100/a 100-1 500 ppm 3 10 per box 6724701
Dräger tube: Perchloorethyleen 0,1/a 0,5-4 ppm 3 10 per box 8101551
0,1-1 ppm 9
Dräger tube: Perchloorethyleen 2/a 20-300 ppm 30 s 10 per box 8101501
2-40 ppm 3
Dräger tube: Perchloorethyleen 10/b 10-500 ppm 40 s 10 per box CH30701
Dräger tube: Petroleum hydrocarbons 10/a 10-300 ppm 1 10 per box 8101691
Dräger tube: Petroleum hydrocarbons 100/a 100-2500 ppm 30 s 10 per box 6730201
Dräger tube: Phenol 1/b 1-20 ppm 5 10 per box 8101641
Dräger tube: Phosgene 0,02/a 0,02-1 ppm 6 10 per box 8101521
0,02-0,6 ppm 12
Dräger tube: Phosphine 0,01/a 0,1-1 ppm 2,5 10 per box 8101611
0,01-0,3 ppm 8
Dräger tube: Phosphine 0,1/b in Acetylene 1-15 ppm 20 s 10 per box 8103341
0,11-1 ppm 4
Dräger tube: Phosphine 0,1/c 0,1-1 ppm 10 per box 8103711
0,5-3 ppm
Dräger tube: Phosphine 1/a 20-100 ppm 2 10 per box 8101801
1-20 ppm 10
Dräger tube: Phosphine 50/a 50-1000 ppm 2 10 per box CH21201
Dräger tube: Phosphoric acid ethers 0,05/a 0,05 ppm Dichloorvos 5 10 per box 6728461
Dräger tube: Polytest qualitative 1,5 10 per box CH28401
Dräger tube: PRB i-Propanol 50/a 50-4.000 ppm 10 per box 8103741
10-200 ppm
Dräger tube: Prussic Acid 0,5/a 0,5-5 ppm 2,5 10 per box 8103601
5-50 ppm 30 s
Dräger tube: Pyridine 5/a 5 ppm 20 10 per box 6728651
Dräger tube: Styrene 10/a 10-200 ppm 3 10 per box 6723301
Dräger tube: Styrene 10/b 10-250 ppm 3 10 per box 6733141
Dräger tube: Styrene 50/a 50-400 ppm 2 10 per box CH27601
Dräger tube: Sulphur dioxide 0,1/a 0,1-3 ppm 20 10 per box 6727101

Dräger Tubes

Dräger tubes Default measuring range Time of measurement Unit Sales Articlenr.
for shorttime measurements [20°C, 1013 hPa] [min.]
Dräger tube: Sulphur dioxide 0,5/a 1-25 ppm 3 10 per box 6728491
Dräger tube: Sulphur dioxide 1/a 1-25 ppm 3 10 per box CH31701
Dräger tube: Sulphur dioxide 20/a 20-200 ppm 3 10 per box CH24201
Dräger tube: Sulphur dioxide 50/b 400-8000 ppm 15 s 10 per box 8101531
50-500 ppm 3
Dräger tube: Sulphuric acid 1/a 1-5 mg/m3 100 9 per box 6728781
Dräger tube: Tetrahydrothiophene 1/b 1-10 ppm 10 5 per box 8101341
Dräger tube: Toluene 100/a 100-1800 ppm 1,5 10 per box 8101731
Dräger tube: Toluene 5/b 50-300 ppm 1 10 per box 8101661
5-80 ppm 5
Dräger tube: Toluene 50/a 50-400 ppm 1,5 10 per box 8101701
Dräger tube: Toluene diisocyanate 0,02/a 50/a 0,02-0,2 ppm 20 9 per box 6724501
Dräger tube: Trichloroethane 50/d 50-600 ppm 2 5 per box CH21101
Dräger tube: Trichloroethylene 2/a 20-250 ppm 1,5 10 per box 6728541
2-50 ppm 2,5
Dräger tube: Triethylamine 5/a 5-60 ppm 2 10 per box 6718401
Dräger tube: Vinyl chloride 0,5/b 5-30 ppm 30 s 10 per box 8101721
0,5-5 ppm 3
Dräger tube: Vinyl chloride 100/a 100-3000 ppm 4 10 per box CH19601
Dräger tube: Water vapour 0,1 1-40 mg/L 2 10 per box CH23401
Dräger tube: Water vapour 0,1/a 0,1-1,0 mg/L 1,5 10 per box 8101321
Dräger tube: Water vapour 1/b 20-40 mg/L 20 s 10 per box 8101781
1-15 mg/L 40 s
Dräger tube: Xylene 10/a 10-400 ppm 1 10 per box 6733161
Dräger tube: Simultaneous Test-Set I 1 8101735
Dräger tube: Simultaneous Test-Set II 1 8101736
Dräger tube: Simultaneous Test-Set III 1 8101770
Dräger: Tubes book English - edition 18 - 1 9092086
Dräger: Aerotest Carbon dioxide 100/a-P 100-3000 ppm 10 10 per box 6728521
Dräger: Aerotest Carbon monoxide 5/a-P 5 -150 ppm 10 10 per box 6728511
Dräger tube: Aerotest Oil 10/a-p 0,1-1 mg/m3 25 10 per box 6728371
Dräger: Aerotest Waterfog 20/A-P 20 -1500 mg/m3 10 10 per box 8103061
Dräger: Aerotest Water Vapour 5/a-p 5 -200 mg/m3 10 per box 6728531
Dräger Areotest: Impaktor 0,1-1 mg/m3 10 1 8103560
Dräger Aerotest: Adapter Impactor 1 8103557
Dräger Aerotest: Holder 1 CH07000

Dräger Fumigation Test Kit

The Dräger-Tube® measurement system provides an easy method for testing containers and
other spaces for the presence of fumigation agents. A specially developed measuring strategy
allows for the detection of fumigants even when the chemical is unknown. The Dräger
Fumigation Test Set can be equipped with all of the necessary components for this

Hazards caused by fumigants Easy to use

To prevent goods from being damaged by For several decades, Dräger-Tubes have
animals such as insects and other disease been renowned for their ease of use and high
carriers, containers are flooded with toxic or degree of measurement accuracy. Even
suffocating gases. without special training, the Dräger Tubes,
which were especially developed for this
Fumigants are highly toxic and harmful to the application, provide reliable test results.
health in many ways. To ensure adequate Dräger-Tubes are ready for use at any time.
protection, the concentration of the fumigants All that is needed are the corresponding
used must be measured. tubes, the Dräger accuro® hand pump, and
the Dräger bar probe. By comparing the color
Relevant for all personnel present during: change within the detector tube to the printed
- the start or finish of the fumigation process scale, an estimation of the concentration can
- the opening of transport containers or other be made.
confined spaces
- the loading or unloading of fumigated Recommended measurement strategy
products from transport containers If the fumigant is known, the corresponding
- the removal of fumigated goods from Dräger-Tube is chosen and the measurement
Dräger Fumigation Test Kit
packaging materials carried out as instructed. If the measurement
Quick and easy way to determine whether a
- transportation (in case of leakages) result is too high, then the container or space
container has been fumigated
should be ventilated. A new measurement
Determine the type and concentration of should be taken at periodic intervals and,
fumigants when the concentration is low enough, the
Suitable measurement instruments are used container or room can be released for entry. If
to determine the type and concentration of the concentration detected is below the
fumigants before opening a container or defined maximum limit, the container or room
entering other spaces. Thereby, it is important can be opened and entered.
to check the Oxygen concentration in the
container or other spaces. When inert gases The measurement of fumigants should take
have been used, they will displace Oxygen place while the container is still closed. To do
and this results in a very high probability of this, insert the Dräger Bar Probe (order code
suffocation. A leakage in one individual 83 17 188) e.g. through the rubber seal of the
package is one example of a relatively simple container door. The probe should be used to
cause for this. lift the rubber seal of the container at its
lowest point and pushed as far as possible
Mobile and quick into the container. The Dräger-Tubes should
The well-known Dräger-Tube measuring then be prepared for measurement and
method is an easy way to perform attached to the bar probe. The necessary
measurements. In only a few minutes, the pump strokes for the measurement should
concentration of the fumigants within the then be made by using the Dräger gas
container can be determined. Depending on detection pump.
the concentration measured, the decision can
be made whether the container or space can If the fumigant is not known, the use of the
be entered or ventilated. Dräger Simultest Fumigation is
Even when a container has not been declared recommended to determine which chemical
correctly or the labeling is no longer legible, has been used. This test set allows for the
the Dräger measuring strategy will assist in measurement of five typical fumigation agents
the identification and detection of the at the same time:
fumigation agents.

Dräger Fumigation Test Kit

Ammonia or Ethylene Oxide, Methyl Bromide, air before entry and individual Dräger Tubes
Hydrocyanic Acid, Phosphine and used to test the concentrations of the
Formaldehyde. corresponding gases periodically.

Use of Dräger Tubes If personnel should be equipped with personal

In addition, the following Dräger Tubes should air monitors for the measurement of Oxygen,
be used for the measurement of Ethylene Dräger offers a complete line of measurement
Oxide, Carbon Dioxide, and Sulfuryl Fluoride: and warning devices equipped with
Ethylene Oxide 1/a Measuring range from 1 to electrochemical sensors for this purpose.
15 ppm, Carbon Dioxide 0,1 %/a Measuring To determine a potential risk of explosion,
range from 0.1 to 1.2 Vol.-% and Sulfuryl Dräger measurement and warning devices
Fluoride 1/a Measuring range from 1 to 5 ppm. equipped with an infrared Ex-sensor should
be used. Gas detectors that use catalytic ex-
Additional information sensors are not appropriate as they do not
When one or more gases are present, the operate in inert atmospheres.
container or space should be ventilated with


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Accuro 1 6400000
Bar Probe 400 for the measurement of fumigants in containers 1 8317188
Extension hose for Dräger accuro, 1 meter 1 6400561
Adapter Dräger Simultest, consisting of cutting holder and adapter 1 6400090
Spare parts set for Dräger accuro 1 6400220
Dräger tube: Ammonia 5/a 10 per box CH20501
Dräger tube: DT Benzene 0.25/a 10 per box 8103691
Dräger tube: Carbon Dioxide 0.1%/a 10 per box CH23501
Dräger tube: Chloropricine 0.1/a 10 per box 8103421
Dräger tube: 1,2-Dichlorethane (using Dräger-Tube Methyl Bromide 0.2/a) 10 per box 8103391
Dräger tube: Ethylene Oxide 1/a 5 per box 6728961
Dräger tube: Oxygen 5%/C 10 per box 8103261
Dräger tube: Phosphine 0.01/a 10 per box 8101611
Dräger tube: Phosphine 0,1/c 10 per box 8103711
Dräger tube: Sulfuryl Fluoride 1/a 10 per box 8103471
Dräger tube: Toluene 5/b 10 per box 8101661

Dräger Configuration and Evaluation Software

Save measurement results, professionally configure gas detection instruments and viewing
performance data – all that is possible with the tailor-made Dräger software.

Configuration of gas detectors - In conjunction with X-dock Manager,

The software CC-Vision is the premium GasVision 7 gets data logger read out by X-
choice to configure your portable gas dock with a simple mouseƅclick.
detector: easy use, comprehensive
possibilities for configuration and saving Calibration
individual settings. Moreover, CC-Vision can CC-Vision can show the response curve
generate templates, used by X-dock to during calibration and can document the
configure complete gas detector fleets. The calibration results. If you don't own an X-dock
best: CC-Vision is free of charge! system for calibration, CC-Vision is the next
best way to ease your life.
Dräger CC-Vision and GasVision Data evaluation
Customized software The software GasVision 7 is the key to a Real time measurements
benifical analysis of data collected by portable GasVision 7 supports most of the Dräger
gas detectors. Analysing the graph, portable gas detectors in regards to real time
calculating average and finding peak values, measurements. See the values immediately
creating excel exports and printing tables and on your PC while the gas detector is
charts - GasVision 7 is the ideal tool. measuring it.


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Gasvision 7 software - license key - software GasVision 1 8325646
Download via Dräger website (free of charge during 45 days)
USB DIRA cable 1 8317409
Dräger CC Vision - free for download via www.

GS01 Hydrocarbon IR Detector

Truly wireless, the GasSecure GS01 combines single-beam triple-wavelength infrared (IR)
technology with extremely low power consumption, to provide fast hydrocarbon gas detection in
the most demanding and hazardous of settings. The GS01 creates value for the customer with
dramatically reduced installation cost and time, reliable infrared operation, and calibration-free

GS01 wireless gas detector Features

GasSecure offers the world’s first truly - Significant cost and time savings when
wireless IR gas detector for demanding compared to wired detection system
industrial applications. The GS01 is used to - No cabling means hugely improved
detect the presence of hydrocarbon gases installation flexibility
and warn operators of the risk of fire or - Reduced maintenance overheads due to
explosion. Its ultra-low power design and small lifetime calibration
integrated battery pack enables up to two - Easily transferrable between projects (eg.
years of continuous operation.* Customers shutdowns, maintenance)
have seen up to 60 – 80% savings on total - No sensor drift due to lifetime calibration –
project costs because of dramatically reduced therefore no false alarming
GS01 Hydrocarbon IR Detector installation cost and time. The wireless - Rapid response times mean early warning
Wirelessly reduces project costs by 60-80% communication is based on the open ISA100 and increased plant safety
Wireless™ standard – which means simplified
integration with other commercially available Applications
field wireless devices. The GS01 is proven in the field to be a flexible
and cost efficient solution for plant
Features expansions, revamps, upgrades and new
- Truly wireless, no cables greenfield projects. Just some of the
- No recalibration required applications include:
- Fail-safe IR detection with triple wavelength - Oil & gas production platforms
including heated optics - Oil & gas exploration rigs
- Suitable for SIL 2 systems – 3rd party - Storage tank farms
verification of detector and wireless - Shutdown and end of life operations Ɔ
communication for safety applications Petrochemical plants & refineries
- Fast gas detection response of ”5 seconds - Gas terminals & processing plants Ɔ FPSO
- Hazardous area intrinsically safe design / FLNG vessels
- Low power, lightweight gas detector with
intrinsically safe field replaceable battery Technology
pack Infrared sensor technology is taken to the next
- Up to 2 years battery life (depending on level using patented MEMS (Micro
environmental conditions) Electromechanical System) optical filters. The
device filters, focuses and switches light
Benefits continuously, thereby establishing the gas and
Adding capacity or upgrading facilities often reference measurement. GS01 technology
entails expansion or modernization of existing achieves fast and ultra-low power operation
gas detection systems. Wireless is a perfect with life-long zero point stability. The
solution since it can be integrated into legacy innovative hardware design is supported by
systems without the need to install new or GasSecure’s patented SafeWireless™
additional cabling and increase plant uptime. communication system that meets the
requirements of reliability, fast response
times, availability and power efficiency – all
with full control of network traffic.


Detection method Single beam, triple wavelength IR

Detectable gases Hydrocarbons, 0 to 100% LEL - Available configurations: Methane, Propane

GS01 Hydrocarbon IR Detector

Calibration Factory-set, no field calibration

Response time ”5 sec.
Accuracy ±3% LEL or ±10% of reading (whichever is greater) - Refers to Methane
Zero-point stability ±3% LEL (lifelong)
Operating temperature -30 to +50°C (extended range to +65°C on request, contact GasSecure)
Storage temperature -40 to +65°C
Humidity 0 to 100% RH
Ingress protection IP66 and IP67
Dimensions 300 × 110 × 170 mm
Weight 2.8 kg (incl. battery)
Mounting With bracket for 8 mm or 5/16" bolts
Approvals ATEX, IECEx: II 2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb (-40 to +65°C)
Safety level: SIL 2 certified to IEC 61508 Ed.2.0
Battery type Lithium-Thionyl Chloride
Average power 5 mW
Battery lifetime Up to 2 years
RF power 10 dBm (10 mW)
Communication type IEEE802.15.4 in 2.4 GHz ISM band
Communication protocol ISA100 Wireless™
Communication gateway output Standard: Modbus TCP/RTU, OPC
Optional: PROFINET (SIL2)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GS01 Hydrocarbon IR Detector 1 On request

Dräger Regard 2400 and 2410

Dräger Regard 2400 and 2410 are flexible small control units for detection of toxic gases and
oxygen as well as combustible gases and vapours. Combined with the Dräger transmitters or
sensing heads Dräger Regard 2400 or 2410 forms a low-maintenance gas detection system for
reliable protection.

Flexibel control unit modules such as an input-output module and

Dräger REGARD 2400 and 2410 are suitable a relay module via its built-in Modbus
for 4 transmitters. 4 to 20 mA transmitters as interface. Initial configuration of the Dräger
well as Dräger Polytron SE Ex sensing heads REGARD 2400 or 2410 is done via a PC. The
can be connected. The Dräger REGARD necessary interface connection cable and
2400 with wall-mounted enclosure is pre- software are available as accessories.
installed including terminals, 2.5 A power
supply units and fuses. It can be mounted Details
directly onto a wall. The Dräger REGARD - wall-mounted (2400) or small rail mounted
2410 has been designed for easy set-up, low- (2410) control unit
cost mounting onto DIN rails in existing - up to 4-channel control for toxic and
switching or wall cabinets. The units are combustible gases, and oxygen, can be
ATEX approved. easily configured
Dräger Regard 2400 and 2410 - 2 gas alarm relays, 1 acoustic alarm relay
Flexible and small control units for detection Customized configuration and 1 fault relay
of a.o. toxic gases Dräger REGARD 2400 and 2410 can be - flexible gas and alarm evaluation
freely configured. Two internal relays for gas - easy to operate
alarm thresholds or gas alarm groups can be - configuration via PC/laptop
allocated to the respective measuring - ATEX approval
channels. Additional relays are available for - via Modbus 12 additional relays (optional)
acoustic alarm and fault status. Additionally, - via Modbus 6 digital inputs and 6 analogue
the Dräger REGARD 2400 and 2410 are (4 to 20 mA) outputs (optional)
equipped with two digital inputs - e.g. for horn
reset or flow control. Finally Dräger REGARD
2400 and 2410 can be connected to external


Central unit Independent 4-channel wall-mounted (2400) or rail-mounted (2410) control unit in accordance with
DIN EN 50022
Power supply 24 VDC +/– 10 % (2410)
24 VDC / 110 to 230 VAC 50 to 60 Hz (2400)
Inputs 2-wire/3-wire 4 to 20 mA transmitter or Dräger Polytron SE Ex sensing heads via signal converter
Outputs Potential-free relay contacts of the 2 gas alarm relays plus one acoustic alarm relay and one failure relay
each for 250 VAC, 2 A (2400 DPCO and 2410 SPCO)
Temperature – 20 °C to + 60 °C
User interface 3-pushbutton operation, Dot-matrix display, LEDs, RS 232 for configuration software, Modbus interface
Dimensions 105 x 86 x 72 mm (W x H x D) (2410)
185 x 213 x 118 mm (W x H x D) (2400)
Ingress protection IP20 (2410), IP54 (2400)
Approvals EMC (89/336/EWG), Low voltage (73/23/EWG and 93/68/EWG), Ex II (2) G according to TPS 04
ATEX 1 001 X

Dräger Regard 2400 and 2410


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Polytron Regard 2410 1 SC00011
Dräger Polytron Regard 2400 1 SC00014
Internal converter module SE Ex (only Dräger REGARD 2400), one required per SE Ex channel 1 SC00016
Power Supply 5A, DIN Rail Mounting 1 4208746

Dräger Regard 3900

The devices of the Dräger REGARD® 3900 series can be used as standalone controllers. You
can configure up to 16 measuring channels. In addition, the modular setup enables you to
customise the control units to the demands of your plant. You can also embed further features
to existing alarms.

Input modules 3900 via laptop or PC. For new installations

You can connect up to four 4 to 20 mA the configuration is prepared offline and
transmitters with 2 or 3-core cables to an uploaded during the commisioning. For
input module. Up to a total of four input maintenance you can download the system
modules per controller can be installed. Each configuration for a check. You can get the
module is populated with three relays. These neccessary cable as an accessory. By using
relays offer common “Fault”, “Alarm 1” and the push buttons on the front panel, the
“Alarm 2” SPOC outputs. In addition, the two REGARD 3920 can be easily adjusted. The
alarm levels are fully configurable and can be configuration menu is easy to understand.
set as rising or falling and latching or non-
Dräger Regard 3900 latching. A third alarm is possible by using the Mounting and installation
Standalone controller for up to 16 measuring relay module. The robust housing of REGARD 3900 and
channels 3920 is dust-tight and protected against
Relay module water jets (IP 65). Thus these control units
You can add two relay modules to the can be installed in safe area. The REGARD
controller of the REGARD 3900 series. Each 3910 is equipped with built-in display and
module is populated with eight relays. The backplane. You can easily mount it into a
first relay is dedicated as a “Fault” relay and cabinet. The modules can be intalled there as
cannot be reconfigured. The remaining seven well.
relays can be configured as “Single”,
“Common” or “Voting” alarms. An additional Gateway solution
“Alarm 3” is offered by the relay module along The REGARD 3900 Modbus Gateway is an
with a second fault threshold. You interface that converts a CAN bus protocol
acknowledge the alarm relays via the push into a Modbus RTU protocol. Due to this
buttons on the front panel. The relays work factor, the gateway allows the communication
with open-circuit current or close current. between the control unit of the REGARD
3900 series (CAN bus) with RVP 3900
Output module (Repeater module) (Remote Visualisation Panel) or other
Each 4 to 20 mA output repeats the signal of systems (Modbus RTU). Other possible
up to eight inputs. This allows indication or gateways are: Modbus TCPIP and
recording of gas levels by other control units. PROFIBUS® Gateway. You can use these to
You can install up to two analogue output transfer data to third party control systems.

You configure your control unit quickly and
easily with the configuration software Config


Type Control unit for location in a non-hazardous area

Gas and ranges Toxic, oxygen and combustible gases with user deÀnable measuring ranges. Refer to transmitter type
for ranges, name and engineering units. All conÀgurations by Laptop computer.
Inputs 2 or 3 wire 4-20 mA transmitters, remote reset, 24 VDC supply
Outputs Alarm 1, Alarm 2 and Fault as standard
Warning and inhibit relays on optional relay module
Single, common or voted alarms on optional relay module
Acknowledgeable relays on optional relay module
Repeat 4-20 mA via optional Repeat Board

Dräger Regard 3900

Display 4 line, 40 character back-lit LCD

Active, Fault, Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 LED’s per input
DC and AC power LED’s
Inhibit LED
Power supply External 24 VDC
Internal 2.5 A, 5 A or 10 A power supply @ 110/240 VAC
Weight 3 kg / 6.6 lbs, depending upon installed power supply
Dimensions 420 x 300 x 190 mm / 16.5" x 11.8" x 7.5" (W x H x D)
Temperature 0 to 55 °C / 32 to 130 °F
Ingress Protection IP 65, ABS – OV material of construction
Approvals ATEX, II (2)G Acc. to Directive 94/9/EC, CE Mark, Electromagnetic compatibility (directive 89/336/
EEC), Low voltage directive (72/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger REGARD 3900 Basic Unit 1 4208780
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (1x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 1x Relay Module) 1 4208810
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (1x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 2x Relay Module) 1 4208811
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (2x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 0x Relay Module) 1 4208812
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (2x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 0x Relay Module) 1 4208813
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (2x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 2x Relay Module) 1 4208814
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (3x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 0x Relay Module) 1 4208815
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (3x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 1x Relay Module) 1 4208816
Dräger REGARD® 3900 (4x 4 to 20 mA Input Module + 0x Relay Module) 1 4208817

Dräger REGARD-1

The Dräger REGARD-1 is a standalone, self contained single channel control system for the
detection of Toxic, Oxygen and Ex hazards. The control system is fully configurable for a single
input from either a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a Dräger Polytron SE Ex measuring head.

High flexibility alarm states via a digital interface. To ensure

The Regard-1 can either be connected to a 4- the operation of the Regard-1 during a power
20-mA transmitter or to Polytron-SE-Ex mV failure, two batteries of 1.2 Ah each can be
sensing heads. There are three fully inserted into the integrated battery
configurable alarm relays: rising or falling, compartment. Depending on the transmitter
latching or non-latching. The alarm status is used, they will enable an operating time from
displayed via three LEDs. They will flash with 30 minutes up to two hours. The batteries are
a new alarm, light up continuously to display re-charged by the Regard-1.
an acknowledged alarm situation or extinguish
if there is no alarm. The gas concentration is Robust enclosure
Dräger REGARD-1 displayed continually on a large LC display. If The robust IP65 enclosure enables the
Standalone, self contained single channel the alarm thresholds are exceeded or if a fault installation of the control system at virtually
occurs, the integrated audible alarm will any location within safe areas.
sound. To indicate a transmitter or system
fault, a fault relay is provided, a separate fault Certifications
led is provided on the panel which will flash In accordance with the ATEX directive, the
under new fault condition, light continuously system is certified to EN 61779-1/4/5 and EN
under acknowledged fault condition or will be 50104 for explosion monitoring and oxygen
extinguished under normal or healthy measuring and, therefore, also suitable for
conditions. During maintenance, the applications which require the measuring
maintenance or inhibit relay can be used to function for explosion protection (primary
report this special status via a remote display. measure in accordance with EN 1127-1,
paragraph 6). In addition, the system was also
Useful additions tested independently to EN 45544 for the
The Regard-1 can be equipped with an monitoring of toxic gases.
optional TWA control module. This module
enables the output of a TWA alarm as well as
the repeat of a 4 to 20mA signal and the


Central unit Independent 4-channel wall-mounted (2400) or rail-mounted (2410) control unit in accordance with
DIN EN 50022
Power supply 24 VDC +/– 10 % (2410)
24 VDC / 110 to 230 VAC 50 to 60 Hz (2400)
Inputs 2-wire/3-wire 4 to 20 mA transmitter or Dräger Polytron SE Ex sensing heads via signal converter
Outputs Potential-free relay contacts of the 2 gas alarm relays plus one acoustic alarm relay and one failure relay
each for 250 VAC, 2 A (2400 DPCO and 2410 SPCO)
Temperature – 20 °C to + 60 °C
User interface 3-pushbutton operation, Dot-matrix display, LEDs, RS 232 for configuration software, Modbus interface
Dimensions 105 x 86 x 72 mm (W x H x D) (2410)
185 x 213 x 118 mm (W x H x D) (2400)
Ingress protection IP20 (2410), IP54 (2400)
Approvals EMC (89/336/EWG), Low voltage (73/23/EWG and 93/68/EWG), Ex II (2) G according to TPS 04
ATEX 1 001 X

Dräger REGARD-1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger REGARD-1, 4 - 20 mA 1 4208585
Dräger REGARD-1, SE Ex 1 4208600
Rechargeable battery kit 1 4208586
Options board (4 to 20 mA repeater, RS 232, TWA alarm relays) 1 4208583
Display board with datalogger 1 4208636

Dräger Polytron® 5720 IR

The Dräger Polytron® 5720 IR is a cost-effective explosion proof transmitter for the detection
of carbon dioxide in volume percentage or ppm. It uses a high-performance infrared Dräger PIR
7200 sensor that can be submerged in water without damage. A 3-wire 4-to-20 mA analogue
output with relays makes it compatible with most control systems.

Same design, same operating principles an additional cable between the transmitter
The Polytron 5720 belongs to the Dräger and central controller.
Polytron 5000 series. All transmitters in this
series have the same design and user Safe, robust housing for every application
interface. This allows for uniform operation The Polytron 5720 features a Class I, Div. 1-
with reduced training and maintenance rated explosion proof enclosure made from
requirements. The backlit LCD display shows aluminum or stainless steel, making it suitable
status information clearly with quick access to for a wide range of environmental conditions.
functions, using a non-intrusive magnetic A protection type “e” version includes a
wand. The gas concentration and convenient docking station enabling
measurement unit are displayed during installation in hazardous atmospheres without
Dräger Polytron 5720
normal operation. Coloured LEDs (green, running conduit (where approved).
To detect carbon dioxide
yellow and red) provide additional alarm and
status information. Make the impossible possible with the remote
Three relays for controlling external equipment An available remote sensor condulet housing
The Dräger Polytron 5720 can also be allows the PIR sensor to be installed up to 30
supplied with three integrated relays on metres away from the Polytron transmitter. A
request. This enables you to use it as an special Flow Cell accessory allows one person
independent gas detection system with two to perform the full calibration of a remote
adjustable concentration alarms and one fault sensor from the transmitter.
alarm. Audio alarms, signal lights or similar
devices can thus be controlled locally without


Type Explosion proof / Áameproof enclosed transmitter (“d”) or combined with increased safety (“d/e”)
Gases Carbon dioxide
Measuring range 0 to 10 Vol. -% (standard)
0 to 2000 ppm … 30 Vol.-% (conÀgurable)
Display Backlit graphic LCD; 3 Status LEDs (green/yellow/red)
Signal output analogue Normal operation: 4 to 20 mA
Power supply 10 to 30 V VC, 3-wire
Temperature -40 to 77°C without relay
Dimensions (H x W x D), approx. 280 x 150 x 130 mm (w/o docking station)
280 x 180 x 190 mm (w docking station)
Weight, approx. 3.9 kg (w/o docking station, aluminum)
5.7 kg (w/o docking station, SS316 L stainless steel)
5.2 kg (w/ docking station, aluminum)
7.1 kg (w/ docking station, SS316 L stainless steel)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Polytron 5720 IR d A 1 8344200

Dräger Polytron® 7000

The Dräger Polytron® 7000 is a gas detector that can satisfy all toxic and oxygen gas
measurement applications on a single platform. It is meeting the requirements of the compliance
market as well as the high specification requirements of customized solutions.

Easy operation temperature and pressure compensation

Dräger developed the simple and structured gives the DrägerSensor its unsurpassed
software menu of the Polytron 7000 in measurement performance. This also allows
collaboration with its customers. The big the Polytron 7000 to accept pre-calibrated
graphic display shows status information with sensors, with minimal operator intervention,
the help of icons and plain text, and guides the the Dräger Polytron 7000 is a virtually
user through calibration and configuration. maintenance free transmitter.

Communication interfaces Software options

The wide range of outputs, 4 to 20 mA, With three different software dongles, a range
HART®, LON, PROFIBUS® or of functions are incorporated into the
Dräger Polytron 7000
FOUNDATION Fieldbus™, enables the use of transmitter adjusting it to user or application
To measure toxic and oxygen gas
the Polytron 7000 on either a control system specific requirements.With the sensor test
from the Dräger Regard family, or third party dongle, the Dräger Polytron 7000 performs
control systems. The modular design allows many different patented sensor tests that
for the subsequent retrofit onto any of the ensure the reliability and functionality of the
mentioned interfaces. sensor and gas detection system. With the
new sensor diagnosis function (including the
Remote Sensor sensor test), operational demands and the
With the Polytron 7000 remote sensor remaining sensor life time is estimated so that
adaptor and lead it is possible to mount the maintenance and exchange schedules can be
sensor up to 30 metres from the polytron created. A data and event saving option is
7000 transmitter. This enables the user to integrated into the data dongle. This saves the
read and operate the transmitter from a safe measured values and events such as alarms
area, or detect toxic gasses and oxygen levels and warnings. The data can be downloaded
in difficult to reach areas, whilst still being able onto a PDA m515-Ex via an IR interface and
to view and configure the Polytron 7000 from evaluated on a PC with the Dräger GasVision
a convenient location. A duct mount kit softwareor at the push of a button, a 15 minute
enables the remote sensor to be mounted concentration history is shown on the
direct in elevated pipe work. transmitter display.

Relay module Pump module

The Dräger Polytron 7000 can be equipped The inclusion of a pump module enables the
with a relay module. With two gas alarm Polytron 7000 to draw gas samples from
relays, and one fault alarm relay, the difficult to reach areas, the gas sample is then
transmitter can either be used as a stand passed across the DrägerSensor for
alone gas detector with no need for a detection. The pump unit, like all accessories
controller; or alarm devices can be activated in the Polytron 7000 range is modular, and
locally saving costs in cabling to and from a can be retrofitted into existing transmitters.
controller. The analogue signal can still be (Not suitable for use in hazardous areas)
transmitted back to a controller if desired.
(Not suitable for use in hazardous areas)

Intelligent sensors
The Dräger Polytron 7000 can detect over
100 different gases. DrägerSensors are
specifically designed for the demands of 24
hours per day, 365 days per year operation.
The large DrägerSensor size gives them their
renowned long life. The built-in sensor data
memory containing all the relevant gas and
calibration information, together with on board

Dräger Polytron® 7000


Central unit Independent 4-channel wall-mounted (2400) or rail-mounted (2410) control unit in accordance with
DIN EN 50022
Power supply 24 VDC +/– 10 % (2410)
24 VDC / 110 to 230 VAC 50 to 60 Hz (2400)
Inputs 2-wire/3-wire 4 to 20 mA transmitter or Dräger Polytron SE Ex sensing heads via signal converter
Outputs Potential-free relay contacts of the 2 gas alarm relays plus one acoustic alarm relay and one failure relay
each for 250 VAC, 2 A (2400 DPCO and 2410 SPCO)
Temperature – 20 °C to + 60 °C
User interface 3-pushbutton operation, Dot-matrix display, LEDs, RS 232 for configuration software, Modbus interface
Dimensions 105 x 86 x 72 mm (W x H x D) (2410)
185 x 213 x 118 mm (W x H x D) (2400)
Ingress protection IP20 (2410), IP54 (2400)
Approvals EMC (89/336/EWG), Low voltage (73/23/EWG and 93/68/EWG), Ex II (2) G according to TPS 04
ATEX 1 001 X


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Polytron 7000, several variations possible, ask our sale department for support 1 Op aanvraag

Dräger PIR 7200

The Dräger PIR 7200 is an explosion proof point infrared gas detector for continuous monitoring
of carbon dioxide. Designed for the industrial use, the transmitter offers drift-free optics. And
due to its robust product design the PIR 7200 can be operated even in harsh environments.

Advanced signal stability device exactly to the customer’s needs and

Almost two decades after launching the first preferences.
fixed infrared gas detector – followed by a
great market success with more than 100,000 Maximum reliability – SIL 2 certified
units sold – Dräger now introduce the Dräger Years of experience in manufacturing gas
PIR 7200 which encompasses the latest in detectors using infrared technology lead to a
revolutionary technology. continuously enhanced product quality. Now,
Based on patented innovations, the Dräger the Dräger PIR 7200 is further advanced as
PIR 7200 combines a maximum light the total product has been developed inline
collecting construction with a 4-beam signal with the Functional Safety standard EN
stabilising system. The total optical system 61508. This is applicable to both the devices
Dräger PIR 7200
uses no light beam split, simply a set of hardware and software. Furthermore, the
An explosion proof point infrared gas detector
various reflectors. This double-compensating excellent parameters as detailed in the SIL 2
for continuous monitoring of carbon dioxide
optical system is very resistant towards known (Safety Integrity Level) certificate, issued by
influences such as dust, fog or insects the German TÜV, show that only 2 % from the
frequently found in the measuring cuvette or entire SIL 2 budget is allocated to the field
by dirt accumulation on the optical surfaces. device, thus providing flexibility to choose
Due to its non-imaging construction, the control systems and actuators. This is a new
measuring signal is not affected by a partial understanding of reliability – not only fulfilling
beam block. but exceeding the SIL 2 requirements
This innovative optical system ensures that significantly.
the Dräger PIR 7200 fulfils the customer
requirements in industrial applications of “no Functions
false alarms”, longer service intervals and a - Linearised response characteristics for
drift-free signal output. carbon dioxide
- Multiple configuration capabilities of all
Fast response special signals (in accordance with NAMUR
Equally important is being informed about a NE 43)
potential hazard as early as possible. An early - Precise and stable measurement
and reliable gas alarm allows for safety - Fastest response of less than 1 second
measures to be initiated on site. - Beam block warning signal in the case of
To support this, the Dräger PIR 7200 offers a contaminated optics for predictive
configurable response mode which allows the maintenance
end user to choose between “normal” or “high - Long maintenance intervals
speed” response subject to the application. - Extended temperature range of up to +77 °C
Using the “high speed” option, and combining / + 170 °F
it with the lowest feasible alarm threshold, the - Double-compensating and non-imaging
Dräger PIR 7200 shortens the reaction time optics (with 4-beam technology)
in case of an alarm. Leakages can be - Single cable multidrop capability using
detected at the earliest stage of their HART® communication
existence. - Conventional 4 to 20 mA analogue signal
Multiple configuration capabilities - Hermetically sealed stainless steel 316L
The Dräger PIR 7200 is delivered with the enclosure
optimum default settings, but remains fully - No moving parts
flexible to meet with the customers demands - Resistant towards shock and vibration up to
on an application-by-application basis. 4G
Whether it be reduced or increased - Continuous self-testing in the context of the
measuring ranges or configurable special IEC/EN 61508 standard
signals (fault, beam block warning, - Developed and manufactured according to
maintenance) – these features of the Dräger the SIL guidelines, SIL 2 certified by TÜV
PIR 7200 offer the possibility to set up every

Dräger PIR 7200

- Ex approvals for worldwide application:

- Dust ex approval for zone 21 and 22
- Typical lifetime greater than 15 years


Type Explosion proof gas transmitter with infrared sensor technology

Principle of operation Temperature-compensated infrared absorption, 4-beam technology
Gases and ranges Carbon dioxide (CO2) - 0 to 10 % vol. (default)
0 to 2,000 ppm … 30 % vol. (conÀgurable)
Output signals 4 to 20 mA, HART®
Temperature 40 to +-77 °C (operating)
Material Stainless steel SS 316 L
Dimension 160 mm × Ø 89 mm
Ingress protection IP66 and IP67, NEMA 4X
Approvals ATEX, IECEx, UL, Safety Integrity Level, CE mark


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PIR 7200 1 Op aanvraag

Dräger PEX 3000

The transmitter Dräger PEX 3000 detects flammable gases and vapours in concentrations
below their lower explosive limit. Its DD-sensor provides a long-term stable measuring signal and
responds to gas within a few seconds.

Six variants of transmitters Explosion Protection

You can choose between two measuring The Dräger PEX 3000 is approved according
ranges (0 ... 100 or 0 ... 10 %LEL) and two to the EU-Directive 94/9/EC to be operated
different junction box sizes. The larger at ambient temperatures ranging from - 40 up
junction box provides optional horizontal or to + 65 °C. This applies to both explosive gas
vertical cable entry. Where the application atmospheres and explosive dust atmospheres
asks for the sensor to be mounted remote (Zones 1, 2, 21, and 22).
from the junction box then it is possible to use
the remote cable assembly combined with the Low gas concentrations
sensing head of type Polytron SE Ex. For applications where it is necessary to
Dräger PEX 3000 detect low concentrations then the
Detects flammable gases and vapours in Simple installation transmitters Dräger PEX 3000 type XTR
concentrations The three core screened cable from the 0010 or XTR 0011 with their special low-drift
control system terminates within the junction LC sensor are very suitable. These
box of the Dräger PEX 3000 by means of transmitters reliably detect gas leaks of
three Ex-approved spring terminals. The concentrations up to 10 %LEL.
sensor connects to three different Ex-
approved spring terminals. Ex-approved Newly developed: DD sensor
spring terminals are not selfloosening and are The new DD sensor is based on the well-
inherently more reliable then standard screw known catalytic bead technology from Dräger
terminals, therefore self-loosening is no and is designed and manufactured by Dräger
longer an issue! for long term stability and resistance against
sensor poisons. Furthermore, the new DD
One-man Calibration sensor uses an innovative non-sintered disc
Owing to the state-of-the-art design of the gas inlet therefore the reaction time towards
Dräger PEX 3000 it is possible to open the the target gas in now only a few seconds. This
Ex e junction box in the hazardous area to fast speed of detection allows for
perform maintenance and calibration. Using countermeasures to be initiated earlier,
the two internal push buttons and the internal therefore guarding against the formation of an
seven segment digital display you can perform explosive atmosphere.
many different activities including one-man
calibration. No additional hardware is
required, e.g. a hand held terminal.


Type 4-to-20-mA-transmitter with catalytic bead sensor

Gases and vapors Flammable gases and vapors in the ambient air such as acetone, acetylene, ammonia, benzene, 1.3-
butadiene, n-butane, n-butyl acetate, diethyl ether, dimethyl ether, ethanol, ethyl acetate, ethylene
(ethene), ethylene oxide, n-hexane, hydrogen, methane, methanol, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), methyl
methacrylate, nnonane, n-octane, n-pentane, petrol 065/095, propane, i-propanol, propylene (propene),
propylene oxide, toluene and o-xylene
Measuring range Typ XTR 0000, XTR 0001: 0 to 100 %LEL
Typ XTR 0010, XTR 0011: 0 to 10 %LEL
Power supply 12 to 30 V d.c. (nominal 24 V d.c.), max. 110 mA at 24 V
Signal output Normal operation 4 to 20 mA - Maintenance 3.4 mA - Fault condition < 1.2 mA
Cabling 3-core, shielded, core cross-section 0.75 to 1.5 mm2, outer diameter 7 to 12 mm
Max. cable length (at 24 V, 250 Ohms) 2400 m at 3 x 1.5 mm2, 1600 m at 3 x 1.0 mm2, 1200 m at 3 x 0.75 mm2

Dräger PEX 3000

Response time (at 25°C, methane) Type XTR 0000, XTR 0001: t50: 3 ... 5 s, t90: 8 ... 10 s
Type XTR 0010, XTR 0011: t50 < 9 s, t90 < 20 s
Ambient conditions Temperature: - 40 to + 65 °C (depending on temperature class)
Pressure: 700 to 1300 hPa
Humidity: 5 to 95 % r. H.
Housing material glass fiber reinforced polyester (GRP)
Ingress Protection IP 66
Dimensions (W x H x D) Type XTR 00x0: ca. 80 x 130 x 55 mm
Type XTR 00x1: ca. 135 x 110 x 55 mm
Weight ca. 600 g
Expected sensor lifetime typical > 3 years
Explosion protection except XTR 009x: II 2G Ex de IIC T6/T5/T4 Gb, II 2D Ex t IIIC, T80/95/130 °C Db IP6X, - 40 ” Ta ”
+ 40 / 55 / 65 °C
XTR 009x: II 2G Ex de IIC T6 Gb, II 2D Ex t IIIC T80 °C Db IP6X, - 40 ” Ta ” + 65 °C
Performance approval acc. to EN 60079-29-1 for the a.m. gases and vapors (100 %LEL variants only)
Functional Safety (100 %LEL variants only) Average probability of failure on demand (TP = 1 year), PFD = 5.56E-04
Safe failure fraction (HFT = 0, Type B), SFF = 90.4 %


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

PEX 3000, Type XTR 0000, small housing, 0 to 100 %LEL 1 8318280
PEX 3000, Type XTR 0001, medium-sized housing, 0 ... 100 %LEL 1 8318360
PEX 3000, Type XTR 0010, small housing, 0 ... 10 %LEL 1 8318290
PEX 3000, Type XTR 0011, medium-sized housing, 0 ... 10 %LEL 1 8318370
PEX 3000, Type XTR 0090, small housing, remote transmitter without sensor 1 8318380
PEX 3000, Type XTR 0091, medium-sized housing, remote transmitter without sensor 1 8318390
Dust filter for DrägerSensor PR M DD (PE-disks, 10 pieces) 1 6810537
Calibration adapter (PE) 1 6806978
Process adapter (stainless steel) for PEX 3000 XTR 0000, XTR 0001 1 6812470
Process adapter (stainless steel) for PEX 3000 XTR 0010, XTR 0011 1 6812465

Dräger Polytron Pulsar 2

The Dräger Polytron Pulsar 2 is the latest infrared technology in open path gas detection.
Equipped with all the same functions as the standard Dräger Pulsar, Pulsar 2 is fitted with an
ABS moulded cover and is supplied with either a junction box or certified connector to provide
complete flexibility during installation.

Easy adjustment and commissioning

Designed for one man installation and High performance
commissioning through use of a hand-held The Pulsar receiver communicates to the
terminal the Pulsar 2 transmitter and receiver transmitter via a digital link which allows the
can be accurately aligned, gas level zeroed receiver to identify and adjust to fluctuating
and commissioned with maximum efficiency. environmental conditions. The microprocessor
The factory calibration of the Polytron Pulsar built into the receiver unit instructs the
2 makes manual setting and test gas transmitter unit to increase the flash rate for
superfluous. increased performance and accuracy. The
Pulsar is immune to influences such as
Dräger Polytron Pulsar 2 System stability sunlight, gas flares, arc welding or resonance
Open path gas detection The detector is designed so that no fault effects due to vibrations of rotating parts, as
remains undetected. During normal operation, well as to environmental influences such as
the output signal is between 4 to 20 mA, mist, drizzle or snow. The flash rate is also
depending on the measured gas increased upon the detection of gas to ensure
concentration. A signal of < 1 mA represents both accuracy and fast response.
a fault due to a constant beam block or
hardware failure requiring immediate Heated optics
attention. However, a signal of 2 mA identifies Regulated internal lens heaters protect
a beam block and will go to fault if this persists against build up of ice and snow under
for more than 60 minutes. The Pulsar will also adverse weather conditions. They also prevent
output a 3.5 mA signal to indicate pre-warning condensation on the lenses eliminating
where the optics may be dirty or miss-aligned. interference with the measurement function.
During the period which the Pulsar displays
‘Pre-warning’ it will still detect gas allowing HART-communication
the customer to schedule maintenance on the The HART-Communication of the Polytron
detector therefore reducing down time. With Pulsar allows for digital communication
no unrevealed faults, the Pulsar 2 is SIL 2 between the explosion-proof and the secure
capable. areas. Without additional cabling, you can
obtain real-time access to the status of
In-built database individual detectors and to the configuration
The receiver logs records and details a report and historical data of each device.
of the last seven working days and a summary
of the last 32 weeks. These reports contain Worldwide Approvals
important information such as measuring The Polytron Pulsar Duct Mount holds a
values, i.e. ‘beam block’, gas readings, performance approval from FM, and global
warning signals, signal strength, adjustments, product approvals including ATEX, IECEx,
supply voltage and operating temperature. CSA and UL.

Extensive access to data from safe areas

The optional Polytron Pulsar Software can
provide easy access to configuration, current
measured values and the internal data-logger
from a non-hazardous area through Digital
Communication. For large and complex
installations, the Pulsar software can allow
integration of several devices via the AI5000.
Up to 32 AI500's can be multi dropped;
therefore allowing access to up to 128 pulsars
- useful for planning service and maintenance

Dräger Polytron Pulsar 2


Type Explosion proof Open Path gas detector utilizing dual wavelength infrared absorption technic
Gases Wide range of hydrocarbons including the alkane series from methane to hexane, propylene, ethanol
and methanol
Range From 0 to 4 up to 0 to 8 LEL*m
Factory calibration Methane or propane, selectable. Other hydrocarbon gases on request
Operating distance 4 to 60 m, 30 to 120 m or 100 to 200 m, 13 to 197 ft, 98 to 394 ft or 328 to 656 ft separation of
transmitter and receiver
Signal output Analog - Measuring 4 to 20 mA
Supply voltage ATEX - 18 to 30 VDC, UL/CSA - 18 to 27 VDC
Power consumption Max. 0.95 A @ 24 V, with full heating and all source lamps operating
Response time t95 <2s
Ambient conditions Temperature: - 40 to + 60 °C
Pressure: 800 to 1,100 hPa, 23.6 to 32.5 inch Hg
Humidity: 0 to 100 %RH, non-condensing
Enclosure IP66, stainless steel
Dimensions (W x H x D) 260 x 340 x 220 mm
Weight ca. 6 kg
Approvals ATEX, IECEx, FM/ANSI, DNV, IEC 60079-29-4, UL, CSA


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Polytron Pulsar 2 - variations by max. opearting range and approval - transmitter and receiver, each fitted with an 1 On request
ABS moulded cover. Supplied with EEx e junction box or EEx d certified plug and socket. Our Sales department supports
you with the configuration of this product.

Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR

The Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR is a cost effective explosion-proof transmitter for the detection
of flammable gases in the lower explosive limit (LEL). It uses a high performance infrared Dräger
PIR 7000 sensor that will quickly detect most common hydrocarbon gases. A 3-wire 4 to 20-
mA analogue output with relays makes it compatible with most control systems.

Same design, same operating principles installation in hazardous atmospheres without

Polytron 5700 belongs to the Dräger Polytron running conduit (where approved).
5000 series. All transmitters in this series
have the same design and user interface. This Make the impossible possible with the remote
allows for uniform operation with reduced sensor
training and maintenance requirements. The An available remote sensor condulet housing
backlit display shows status information allows the PIR sensor to be installed up to 30
clearly with quick access to functions using a metres away from the Polytron transmitter. A
non-intrusive magnetic wand. The gas special calibration flow cell accessory enables
concentration and measurement unit are one person to perform a full calibration of a
Dräger Polytron 5700 IR displayed during normal operation. Coloured remote mounted sensor from the transmitter.
For the detection of flammable gases in the LEDs (green, yellow and red) provide
lower explosive limit additional alarm and status information. The Dräger PIR 7000 is efficient, stable and
Three relays for controlling external equipment With its stainless steel 316L enclosure and
The Dräger Polytron 5700 can also be drift-free optics, the Dräger PIR 7000 is built
supplied with three integrated relays upon to withstand the harshest industrial
request. This enables you to use it as an environments, offshore installations for
independent gas detection system with two example. The unique 4 beam signal stabilizing
adjustable concentration alarms and one fault system makes the sensor resistant to dust or
alarm. Audio alarms, signal lights or similar dirt deposits on the optical surfaces.
devices can thus be controlled locally without Environmental and ageing effects ensure a
an additional cable between the transmitter long term, drift-free operation. The integrated
and central controller. gas library with up to 100 gases provides a
high degree of application flexibility. Each of
Safe, robust housing for every application the listed gases can be picked from a menu
Polytron 5700 features a Class I, Div. 1 rated and automatically crosscalibrated with a
explosion proof enclosure made from standard calibration gas such as methane or
aluminum or stainless steel, making it suitable propane. No need to consult the factory when
for a wide range of environmental conditions. applications change.
A protection type “e” version includes a
convenient docking station which allows


Type Explosion-proof / Áameproof enclosed transmitter (“d”) or combined with increased safety (“d/e”)
Gases Flammable gases and vapours
Measuring ranges Methane, propane, ethylene: 0 to 20.... 100 %LEL
Methane: 0 to 100 vol. %
Display Backlit graphic LCD; 3 Status LEDs (green/yellow/red)
Signal output analogue Normal operation: 4 to 20-mA
Temperature -40 to 77°C without relay
Dimensions w/o docking station: 280 x 150 x 130 mm
w/ docking station: 280 x 180 x 190 mm
Weight Aluminium w/o docking station: 3.9 kg
SS316 L w/o docking station: 5.7 kg
Aluminium w/ docking station: 5.2 kg
SS316 L w/ docking station: 7.1 kg

Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR

Approvals UL, CSA, IECEx, ATEX, CE marks


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 334 d A 1 8344220
Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 334 d A relay 1 8344221
Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 334 e A (incl. Docking Station) 1 8344224
Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 334 e A relay (incl. Docking Station) 1 8344225
Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 340 d A 1 8344240
Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 340 d A relay 1 8344241
Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 340 e A (incl. Docking Station) 1 8344244
Dräger Polytron® 5700 IR 340 e A relay (incl. Docking Station) 1 8344245

Dräger PIR 3000

The Dräger PIR 3000 is an explosion proof infrared gas detector for continuous monitoring of
combustible gases and vapors. Based on a stainless steel SS 316 enclosure as well as on a good
measuring performance, this transmitter offers an excellent price-performance-ratio.

Failsafe infrared technology and low cost of Through optional accessories – e.g. the
ownership process adapter or the duct mount set – a
The superior performance characteristics of multitude of measuring tasks can be
infrared technology (such as poison immune performed professionally.
and "fail-safe" operation) have been known
and valued in gas detection for many years. Suitable for the harshest conditions
The PIR 3000 now offers these performance Based on its exceptional product quality, the
benefits more affordably, combined with low PIR 3000 offers high reliability and excellent
maintenance costs and a long life time of measuring performance, in relation to long-
more than 15 years, cost of ownership is term stability. With GRP junction box and 316
Dräger PIR 3000 significantly reduced. stainless steel enclosure, a temperature range
Explosion proof infrared gas detector of - 40 to + 65 °C (- 40 to + 149 °F) and
Smart and flexible heated measurement optics driving off
The PIR 3000 offers a gas library with three compensation from the lens, the PIR 3000 is
gas categories: methane, propane and suitable for all the worlds climate zones.
ethylene. Therefore, nearly all hydrocarbons
are detectable. In addition, temperature-
compensated linearisation curves allow for
signal output for individual substances.


Type Explosion proof gas detector with infrared sensor technology

Working principle Temperature-compensated infrared absorption
Gases and ranges Methane, propane, ethylene: 0 to 100 %LEL (further substances on request)
Measuring performance (Methane) Digital resolution: 0.5 %LEL, Repeatability: appr. 2 %LEL, Response time t0...90: < 30 seconds (with
splash guard and calibration adapter)
Output signal 4 to 20 mA
Temperature – 40 °C to + 65 °C
Material Stainless steel, SS 316
Dimensions 170 mm x Ø 37 mm
Ingress protection IP 65, IP 66 and IP 67
Approvals ATEX, IECEx, UL, CSA, CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PIR 3000 (M25) 1 6810810
Dräger PIR 3000 (NPT) 1 6811080
Dräger PIR 3000 complete set e 1 6811160
Dräger PIR 3000 complete set e2 1 6811270
Dräger PIR 3000 complete set d 1 6811180
All transmitters are equipped with splash guard and calibration adapter. The complete set contains a junction box, already

Dräger PIR 7000

The Dräger PIR 7000 is an explosion proof point infrared gas detector for continuous monitoring
of flammable gases and vapours. With its stainless steel SS 316L enclosure and drift-free optics
this detector is built for the harshest industrial environments, e.g. offshore installations.

Dräger PIR 7000 on an application-by-application basis.

Two models of the Dräger PIR 7000 are Whether it be reduced measuring ranges,
available – type 334 and type 340. Each configurable special signals (fault, beam block
model works with a different measuring warning, maintenance), adjustable LEL values
wavelength, thus giving the broadest possible (values which are different across regions) all
range of detectable substances with superior coupled with the configurable gas library (for
accuracy. other substances to be monitored) – all these
features of the Dräger PIR 7000 offer the
Advanced signal stability possibility to set up every device exactly to the
Following the success of the most stable point customer’s needs and preferences.
infrared gas detector worldwide – the Dräger
Dräger PIR 7000 Polytron IR – Dräger now introduce the Maximum reliability – SIL 2 certified
Explosion proof point IR detector Dräger PIR 7000 which encompasses the After almost two decades of experience with
latest in revolutionary technology. Based on infrared technology, leading to a continuously
patented innovations, the Dräger PIR 7000 enhanced product quality, the Dräger PIR
combines a maximum light collecting 7000 is further advanced as the total product
construction with a 4-beam signal stabilising has been developed in line with the
system. The total optical system uses no light Functional Safety standard EN 61508. This is
beam split, simply a set of various reflectors. applicable to both the devices hardware and
This double-compensating optical system is software.
very resistant towards known influences such Furthermore, the excellent parameters as
as dust, fog or insects frequently found in the detailed in the SIL 2 (Safety Integrity Level)
measuring cuvette or by dirt accumulation on certificate, issued by the German TÜV show
the optical surfaces. Due to its non-imaging that only 2 % from the entire SIL 2 budget is
construction, the measuring signal is not allocated to the field device, thus providing
affected by a partial beam block. This flexibility to choose control systems and
innovative optical system ensures that the actuators.
Dräger PIR 7000 fulfils the customer This is a new understanding of reliability – not
requirements of ›no false alarms‹, longer only fulfilling but exceeding the SIL 2
service intervals and a drift-free signal output. requirements significantly.

Fast response - configurable gas library – methane, propane
Equally important is being informed about a and ethylene fixed, up to 10 additional
potential hazard as early as possible. An early substances can be uploaded
and reliable gas alarm allows for safety - multiple mounting and configuration
measures to be initiated on site. To support capabilities (signals acc. to NAMUR NE 43)
this, the Dräger PIR 7000 offers a - precise and stable measurement
configurable response mode which allows the - fastest response of less than 1 second
end user to choose between ›normal‹ or ›high - beam block warning in case of dirty optics
speed‹ response subject to the application. for preventive maintenance
Using the ›high speed‹ option, and combining - long maintenance intervals
it with the lowest feasible alarm threshold, the - extended temperature range of up to + 77
Dräger PIR 7000 shortens the reaction time °C / + 170 °F
in case of an alarm. Leakages can be - double-compensating, non-imaging optics
detected at the earliest stage of their (using 4-beam technology)
existence. - single cable multidrop capability using
HART® communication
Multiple configuration capabilities - conventional 4-to-20-mA analogue signal
The Dräger PIR 7000 is delivered with the output
optimum default settings, but remains fully - hermetically sealed SS 316 L enclosure
flexible to meet with the customers demands - integrated tag holder for individual labelling

Dräger PIR 7000

- no moving parts - ex approvals for worldwide application:

- resistant towards shock and vibration up to ATEX, IECEx, UL, CSA
4G - dust approval for zone 21 and 22
- continuous self-testing in the context of the - typical lifetime greater than 15 years
IEC/EN 61508 standard
- developed and manufactured according to
the SIL guidelines, SIL 2 certified by TÜV


Type Explosion proof gas transmitter with infrared sensor technology

Principle of operation Temperature-compensated infrared absorption, 4-beam technology
Gases and ranges Methane, propane, ethylene: 0 to 20…100 %LEL
Methane: 0 to 100 % vol.
Further substances and measuring ranges on request
Measuring performance (type 334, methane, 0 to 100 Digital resolution: 0.5 %LEL
%LEL) Repeatability: ” ± 1 %LEL
Response time: t- 0…90 - ” 4 seconds (“normal response”), < 1 second (“fast response”)
Long-term drift: ” ± 1 %LEL after 12 months
Electrical data Output signals: 4 to 20 mA, HART®
Fault signal: ” 1.2 mA (configurable)
Beam block warning signal: 2 mA (configurable)
Maintenance signal: 3 mA (configurable)
Power supply: 13 to 30 V DC, 3-wire
Power consumption: 5.6 W (typical)
Ambient conditions Temperature: – 40 to + 77 °C / – 40 to + 170 °F (operating), – 40 to + 85 °C / – 40 to + 180 °F
Humidity: 0 to 100 %RH
Pressure: 700 to 1300 hPa / 23.6 to 32.5 inch Hg
Enclosure Weight: 2.2 kg (without accessories)
Dimensions: 160 mm x Ø 89 mm / 6.3 '' x Ø 3.5 ''
Ingress protection: IP 66 and IP 67, NEMA 4X
Approvals ATEX, IECEx, UL, SIL2, CE Mark


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PIR 7000 type 334 (NPT) HART® 1 6811552
Dräger PIR 7000 type 334 (M25) HART® 1 6811550
Dräger PIR 7000 type 334 (M25) HART®, complete set 1 6811817
Dräger PIR 7000 type 340 (NPT) HART® 1 6811562
Dräger PIR 7000 type 340 (M25) HART® 1 6811560
Dräger PIR 7000 type 340 (M25) HART®, complete set 1 6811819

Dräger SAM 3100 3200

The Dräger sampling units were designed to measure the concentrations of toxic and potentially
explosive substances in locations where access is difficult. All required components are already
fitted to a mounting plate. To achieve maximum flexibility for a variety of applications, all Dräger
transmitters with process adapter can be used.

Easy installation Variable sampling concepts

All electrical connections lead directly to the The Dräger SAM 3100 and Dräger SAM
components, and cables can be routed 3200 units come equipped as standard with a
individually to suit the situation in hand. High non-explosion-proof sampling pump. From the
quality compression fittings on the mounting same series, an explosion-proof pump can be
plate make it quick and easy to connect the chosen as an option. If process air is available,
sample gas or air extraction line. another alternative is to use a wear-free – and
therefore maintenance-free – injector with
Straightforward one-man assembly pressure regulator. The gas flow to be
The sampling system comes fully assembled, measured is reliably monitored via the ring
and the plate can be attached in just a few initiator with integrated connection housing.
simple steps by one person. Predrilled holes
Dräger SAM 3100 3200 for fixing screws make easy work of wall-
To achieve maximum flexibility for a variety of mounting and customer- specific assembly.
applications The sample gas tubes can be installed quickly
and easily without the need for screwdrivers.


Mounting plate Stainless steel, fitted with measurement head on request (see separate data sheet)
Dimensions 500 x 500 mm
Gas pump
Air transport Via membrane valves
Flow rate 7.5 L/min
Max. neg. pressure 140 mbar
Max. pos. pressure 1.5 bar
Weight 3.1 kg
Voltage / frequency 230 V AC / 50 Hz
Wattage 70 watts
Current consumption 0.45 A
Filter element
Filter element length 75 mm
Filter surface area 70 cm2
Deadspace volume 65 cm3
Materials Filter head: PVDF/PTFE
Filter body: Glas
Filter element: PTFE
Connections 3 x G 1/4" (1x sealed)
Measurement accuracy ± 2.5 % as per VDI/VDE 3513
Working pressure 10 bar max.
Connections 1/4“ NPT internal thread
Cone Borosilicate glass
Float Nickel chromium steel

Dräger SAM 3100 3200


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger SAM 3100 1 On request

Dräger Alcotest 3820

The Dräger Alcotest® 3820 offers responsible drivers a reliable way to test their breath alcohol
and gives them the assurance of being legal to drive. This is ensured by precise measurement
technology identical to that used by the police: over 30 million breath alcohol tests a year.

Precision for over 60 years: the measurement be used for each person being tested.
technology used by the police Additional mouthpieces are available as
Dräger has been the world market leader and accessories. The air channel passes the
professional supplier of breathalcohol exhaled air over the device, and only a small
measuring devices for the police and industry sample of this air is drawn for analysis. This
for over 60 years. The measurement ensures that there is no residual alcohol in the
technology in the Alcotest® 3820 is identical device and that all measurements remain
with that in devices used for highly precise precise and reliable. The same method is also
breath alcohol tests. used by the police.

Consistent advances in technology over six Always ready for use

decades have made the Alcotest 3820 On cool winter nights or a hot summer day:
incomparably fast and reliable today. As a The device is ready for use almost
private user or professional driver you can immediately. The temperature range for
simply pre-empt unpleasant surprises if your measurements ranges from -5 °C to +50 °C.
Dräger Alcotest 3820 breath alcohol concentration is checked.
Professional alcohol testing device for Handy and discreet
personal use Over 30 million breath alcohol measurements Thanks to its compact design, the Alcotest
are performed with Dräger instruments 3820 fits into a trouser pocket. Therefore you
around the world each year. The high quality can take a measurement discreetly at any
devices are Made in Germany. time—no matter where you are. You always
obtain a precise result when measuring the
Fast and easy sampling residual alcohol value, whether after a
The measurement function is simply activated business lunch, at a party or the morning after.
with the back-lit function button. Optional
audible feedback provides additional Designed for years of use
orientation. The device is ready to use in - The Alcotest 3820 is Made in Germany and
seconds and the breath test can be performed meets the highest quality standards. Regular
immediately. The same button is used to calibration of the
navigate through the menu. - device ensures that the measurement
technology will remain precise for a long
Replaceable mouthpiece time. The worldwide, regional
The mouthpiece is intuitive to fit and - Dräger service network ensures that you
protected by a cap. A new mouthpiece should can keep using the device for many years.


Measuring principle Electrochemical Dräger sensor for 1/4" technology, alcohol specific
Measuring range 0 to 5.00 ‰; if the limits of the measuring range are exceeded, a message is displayed
Sampling Automatic sampling when minimum volume resp. blow time is reached;
Automatic sampling when end of breath is reached;
depending on configuration
Ready for use Approx. 4 seconds after switching on
Display of the measurement results After approx. 3 s (at 0.00 ‰);
after approx. 10 s (at 1.00 ‰, room temperature)
Operating temperature -5 to +50 °C / 23 to 122 °F
Relative humidity 10 to 100 % relative humidity (non-condensing and in operating state)
Ambient pressure 600 to 1,300 hPa / 17.7 to 38.4 inch Hg
Display Graphic backlit LCD display; 32 x 22 mm / 1.3" x 0.9" (128 x 64 pixels)

Dräger Alcotest 3820

LED 1 light emitting diode (LED) to support the indication of results and warning message
Audible signal Various acoustic signals to support messages and warnings on the display
Datalogger Memory of last 10 tests
Power supply 1 x CR123A-Battery, charge level indicator in display, with one battery approx. 1,500 breath tests can be
Mouthpiece Hygienically and individually packed
Operating concept Measurement functions can be performed using just one button
Calibration Wet gas or dry gas calibration
Housing Impact resistant ABS/PC
Dimensions (W x H x D), weight Approx. 50 x 133 x 29 mm / approx. 130 g, incl. Battery
Vibration and shock EN 60068-2-32
CE marking 2004/108/EC (electromagnetic compatibility)
Norms EN 16280, EN 15964, NHTSA, FDA Conformity, depending on configuration
Integrated clock To show calibration interval
IP protection class IP52


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Alcotest 3820 1 8324922
Mouthpieces, 5 pieces 5 8325250

Dräger Alcotest 5000

The Dräger Alcotest® 5000 is a professional breath-alcohol tester which detects the presence
of alcohol. The high-speed breathalyser lets you perform numerous tests in no time. Its special
funnel reduces the back-flow of expired air to a minimum, preventing the risk of infection to
subsequent test subjects.

Maximum control in minimum time with our latest generation of Dräger's proven, simple-
fastest ever breathalyser to-operate alcohol testing devices. Using its
With the Alcotest® 5000, you can test up to two additional arrow buttons, you can navigate
12 people a minute to determine whether they easily and for example: view the latest test
have consumed alcohol or not. Especially for results, reset the test counter, check for the
police and private security professionals, next scheduled calibration date, or set the
testing large numbers of people for menu to a different language. The instructions
intoxication in a short period of time presents for the test process are languageneutral and
a major challenge: for example, during large- easy to understand, thanks to symbols on the
scale operations, entrance checks at work display.
sites, and stadiums, entry points to public
transport and airport security checks. In the Breath-alcohol testing at a distance
case of a positive test result, exact blood- Where the tester and the test subject are not
alcohol levels can be calculated if necessary adjacent (for example, a driver seated in the
using Dräger alcohol screeners or court- cab of a lorry), the Alcotest 5000 features a
approved evidential devices. ¼" thread on the back of the device where a
standard selfie stick can be attached. This
High-precision rapid alcohol testing with speeds up the breath-alcohol testing process.
Dräger Alcotest 5000
hygienic funnel design With just one change of batteries, the Alcotest
Professional alcohol testing device
The alcohol test takes place without the need 5000 can perform over 5,000 tests, whether
for bodily contact with the test subject. There actively (the test subject actively blows into
is no need to attach and detach mouthpieces, the funnel attachment) and / or passively (for
because testing requires the subjects simply example, measuring alcohol in ambient air or
to blow into a funnel. With its unique design, suspicion of alcohol in beverages).
this special Dräger Alcotest 5000 funnel
prevents the back-flow of the subject's own Breath-alcohol testing at a distance
expired air and the inhalation of any With over 65 years of experience, Dräger is
pathogens from previous test subjects. After the global market leader in the field of breath-
use, the funnel attachment is easily alcohol testing. Police in many countries use
exchanged, providing assurance of a hygienic devices from the Alcotest product series in
solution. everyday traffic monitoring. The Alcotest
5000 is made in Germany and meets the
Alcohol testing with simple operation and highest standards of quality. It uses the same,
convenient oversight professional EC sensor technology, ensuring
With its easy-to-use, single-button operation precise test performance and secure results.
via the OK button, the Alcotest 5000 is the


Measuring range 0 to 0.029 mg/L - Ƭ “Tick mark” symbol on the display screen means “No Alcohol Detected”, visually
supported by a green LED.
From 0.030 mg/L - Ƭ “X” symbol on the display screen means 'Alcohol Detected', visually supported by
a red LED.
From 2.5 mg/L - Ƭ Measuring range exceeded (ƫƫƫ)
Standard sampling Sampling starts automatically when the minimum volume or predefined blowing time is reached.
Passive sampling can be done with or without a funnel.
Sampling can be triggered manually while the test subject blows into the funnel.
Start-up time Ready to use approx. 4 sec. after switching on

Dräger Alcotest 5000

Display of the measurement results After approx. 2 sec. (at 0 to 0.029 mg/L);
after approx. 6 sec. (at e.g. 0.5 mg/L, at room temperature).
Measurement basis Electrochemical DrägerSensor®, alchohol-specific
Display Graphic LCD display with backlight 32 x 22 mm (128 x 64 pixel)
LEDs Two-colours, for supporting test results and warning messages on the display
Acoustic signals Various signal tones for supporting display and warning messages
Memory Stores the latest 500 test results with test number, date and time
Energy supply 3x AA batteries, charge status shown on display; with the battery life from 3x AA batteries, more than
5,000 tests can be performed.
Funnel intake Click adapter for funnel
Funnel Hygienic, individually packaged with air outlets for minimising back-flow of expired air
Operating design Test functions are started with the “OK” button; two arrow buttons are used to navigate through the
Calibration Wet- or dry-gas calibration with the Alcotest 5000 calibration adapter
Exterior Impact-proof ABS/PC
Dimensions (W x H x D), Weight Approx. 63 x 219 x 41 mm; approx. 245 g incl. funnel and batteries
Vibration and impact resistance EN 60068-2-27, EN 60068-2-6; EN 60068-2-64
CE marking EMC Directive
Standards Contactless breath-alcohol testing devices are currently not subject to any standards
Internal clock Warning 30 days before service interval expires
Service interval 24 months
Operating temperature -15 °C to +50 °C
Air humidity 10 to 100 % relative humidity (not condensed and in operation)
Ambient pressure 600 to 1,300 hPa


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Alcotest® 5000 1 8327701
Alcotest® 5000 funnels, 10 pc., individually hygienically packaged 1 8327718

Dräger Alcotest 5820

The Dräger Alcotest® 5820 allows the professional user to perform a breath alcohol test with
speed and precision. The measuring technology of this small and user-friendly portable
measuring device has already proven in over 200,000 units in use worldwide today.

Breath alcohol testing made easy to perform the test. The large back-lit display
The device is ready to use within seconds. is easy to understand due to its full-text
This means that you can perform an (active) messages which guide you securely through
test on a subject at any time. It is also possible the alcohol test. An LED and audible signal
to measure alcohol in the ambient air complement the display and indicate the end
(passive), in which case a mouthpiece isn‘t of a measurement process. Two menu
required. buttons are used to navigate through the
All functions required for a measurement are menu, enabling you to perform functions such
activated with the convenient green OK as reviewing the last test results.
button, while two menu buttons are used for
navigation. Simply hygienic: the Slide‘n‘click mouthpiece
The sophisticated product design meets the
Versatile and tough requirements for performing the breath
The tried and tested electro-chemical Dräger alcohol test quickly, easily and hygienically:
sensor in the Alcotest 5820 is distinguished The shape of the Slide‘n‘click mouthpiece
Dräger Alcotest 5820 by its very fast response times and a long allows you to intuitively fit it correctly, even in
Professional alcohol testing device service life. It operates with extreme precision the dark. The Alcotest 5820 is ready to use
and reliability. The analysis is reliable even at again immediately after changing the
temperatures of -5 to +50 °C / 23 to 122 °F. mouthpiece. Furthermore, attempts at
The sensor also delivers reliable results obstruction are consistently rejected by the
quickly in case of a high alcohol content, for device: The air outlet cannot be closed, foiling
both active and passive measurements. any attempts to manipulate the device when
giving a breath sample.
Convenient to use A spacer on the mouthpiece keeps the lips of
Dealing with intoxicated people requires a the person being tested from coming into
high degree of attention and concentration. contact with the device’s housing. The spacer
An intuative operation of the device is an can also be used as a mouthpiece ejector if
important aspect for ease of use and smooth necessary. Mouthpieces with return valve are
breath testing procedures. also available upon request.
All measurement functions can be operated
with just one button to make it easier for you


Measuring principle Electrochemical Dräger sensor for 1/4" technology, alcohol specific
Measuring range 0 to 2.5 mg/L; if measurement range limit is exceeded, a message is displayed
Sampling Standard: automatic sampling when minimum volume resp. defined blow time is reached;
Passive sampling without mouthpiece or manual initiation of sampling possible
Ready for use Approx. 2 s after switching on
Display of the measurement results After approx. 3 s (at 0 mg/L);
after approx. 10 s (at 0.5 mg/L, room temperature)
Operating temperature -5 to +50 °C / 23 to 122 °F
Relative humidity 10 to 100 % relative humidity (non-condensing and in operating state)
Ambient pressure 600 to 1,300 hPa / 17.7 to 38.4 inch Hg
Display Graphic backlit LCD display; 32 x 22 mm / 1.3" x 0.9" (128 x 64 pixels)
LED 2-colour, to support display of results and warning messages
Audible signal Different signal tones to support display messages and warnings
Datalogger Storage of last 100 tests with test numbers

Dräger Alcotest 5820

Power supply 1 x CR123A-Battery, charge level indicator in display, with one battery approx. 1,500 breath tests can be
Mouthpiece adaption Improved Slide’n’click mouthpiece attachment; can be fitted for right or left orientation
Mouthpiece Hygienically, individually packaged, with tamper-proof, tamperproof air outlet, mouthpiece ejector and
spacer between mouth and instrument housing
Operating concept Measurement functions can be performed using just one button; menu navigation is via two menu
Calibration Wet gas or dry gas calibration
Housing Impact resistant ABS/PC
Dimensions (W x H x D), weight Approx. 50/60 x 141 x 31 mm / 2"/2.4" x 5.6" x 1.2";
approx. 150g / 0.33 lbs, incl. battery
Instrument configuration Direct menu-guided configuration of instrument settings (PIN required) No additional PC software
Vibration and shock EN 60068-2-27, EN 60068-2-6; EN600-2-64
CE marking 2004/108/EC (electromagnetic compatibility)
Norms EN 15964, NHTSA, FDA Conformity, depending on configuration
Warning or deactivation after end of service interval


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Alcotest 5820 1 8325200
Protection cover 1 8324999
Dräger Alcotest mouthpiece (Slide‘n‘click) - Package with 100 pieces 1 6810690
Mouthpieces 'slide'n click', 250 pieces per unit 1 6810825
Mouthpieces 'slide'n click', 1,000 pieces per unit 1 6810830
Lithium battery (CR123A) 1 4543808

Dräger Alcotest 6820

Alcotest 6820 is the logical successor to the successful Alcotest 6810. The compact hand-held
measuring instrument Alcotest is quickly ready for use and is adaptable to international
guidelines. With an even more sturdy enclosure and the proven Dräger sensor, Alcotest 6820
is a reliable partner for breath alcohol analyses.

High-quality workmanship High user comfort

A professional breath alcohol testing device Testing intoxicated people requires a high
must be able to withstand some abuse. The degree of concentration. This is where the
Alcotest 6820 new design and quality true value of an easy to operate device comes
workmanship make this unit ideal for use in into play. All measurement functions are
demanding conditions. Thanks to its durable controlled with a single button. Easily
material it is highly resistant to rough weather understandable full-text messages on a large,
conditions such as cold or moisture, and it backlit display guide you safely through the
satisfies protection class IP 54. alcohol test. An LED display and acoustic
signals support the visual display and report
Proven quality the completion of a test measurement. Two
Alcotest 6820 is also equipped with the menu buttons are used for navigation and the
proven electrochemical Dräger sensor. This collection of statistical data.
sensor is characterised by very short
response times coupled with precision and Practical design
durability. Test results are always reliable Alcotest 6820 offers a balanced, ergonomic
regardless whether the temperature is -5 °C design. Its compact form makes it especially
or +50 °C. Even with a high alcohol content, easy to hold and operate with only one hand.
Dräger Alcotest 6820
the sensor provides fast accurate results. And The mouthpiece of the Alcotest 6820 unit is
Adapted to determine breath alcohol
this is true for both active as well as passive easily snapped into the holder even when it’s
measurements. dark thanks to its intuitive shape - regardless
whether you are right-handed or left-handed
"Slide'n'Click" mouthpiece or whether testing traffic moving on the right
The patented Dräger mouthpieces prevent or left side of the road. The display is always
any manipulation attempts. The optional in clear view. After use, the mouthpiece is just
return valve simultaneously ensures maximum as easily and hygienically removed again.
hygiene. Alcotest 6820 uses the same
reliable mouthpieces such as Alcotest models Data processing and documentation
6510 and 6810. The expanded memory capacity of Alcotest
6820 is able to record up to 5000 test results.
Optional accessories An optical interface enables wireless
A wide strap supports safe and comfortable transmission of data to the Dräger mobile
use of the Alcotest 6820 testing device. The printer directly on site. Data is transferable to
strap can be attached to your belt or around the PC via USB connection and the same
the wrist and secured with either buckles or connection can be used to configure the
hook and loop fastener. Reflectors make it device.
easier to locate the device in the dark.


Measuring principle Electrochemical sensor

Measurement range 0 to 2.5 mg/L
Calibration interval 6 months
Sensitivity drift Typically 0.6 % of measured value per month
Dimensions 80 x 140 x 35 mm
Weight Approx. 195 gr

Dräger Alcotest 6820


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Alcotest 6820 (test unit, 3 mouthpieces, 2 batteries, hand strap, plastic case) 1 8322660
Dräger Alcotest mouthpiece (Slide‘n‘click) - Package with 100 pieces 1 6810690
Dräger Alcotest mouthpiece (Slide‘n‘click) - Package with 250 pieces 1 6810825
Dräger Alcotest mouthpiece (Slide‘n‘click) - Package with 1.000 pieces 1 6810830
PSU (power source) 600 mA, 11 V, for charging NiMH batteries 1 8316991
PC connection cable for Dräger Alcotest Screener USB 1 8319715

Dräger DrugTest 5000 analyzer

The Dräger DrugTest® 5000 system comprising two main components: the Dräger DrugTest®
5000 Test Kits and the Dräger DrugTest® 5000 Analyzer. The system is a fast, accurate means
of testing oral fluid samples for drugs of abuse, such as amphetamines, designer amphetamines,
opiates, cocaine and metabolites, benzodiazepines and cannabinoids, as well as precise
diagnostic evaluation and data management.

Features Data management

Reliable and easy to use, the Dräger The Dräger DrugTest® 5000 Analyzer, with
DrugTest® 5000 Analyzer is a mobile its simple three-key operation, can also be
measurement device for providing qualitative easily linked to a wide variety of data
detection of drugs in the oral fluids collected recording devices such as a PC, printer or
using the Dräger DrugTest® 5000 Test-kits. barcode scanner. In addition to data
management, a built-in self-test capability
Reliable and easy to use controls temperature, optics and general
Providing reliable and precise analysis of the operation such divers photo- and tilt sensors.
Test Kit sample within just few minutes, this With easily configured software, the flexible
state-of-the-art optoelectronic system weighs menu can also be quickly configured to meet
less than 4.5 kg. the needs of different applications.

Display Accessories
Featuring a user-friendly, menu-driven, With its carry bag and transportation box, this
Dräger DrugTest 5000 analyzer illuminated display which can be easily read, mobile system is suitable as complete
Easy, fast, reliable and safe drug detection even at acute angles. Eliminating the possible “substance abuse monitoring” setting for on-
misinterpretation of results by ensuring that the-spot measures, supplied with Mobile
the only result visible is an accurate one, the Printer, keyboard, DrugTest® 5000 test kits,
full colour, user display interface can show breath alcohol testing device, mouthpieces,
one of five installed languages at any one system documentation among other supplies.
time, this selection can be customized. The
analyzer's integral data memory allows for up
to 500 individual measurements to be stored.


Supply voltage 12 V DC (11 TO 15 V DC)

Current consumption typically 3 A
Dimensions 200 x 250 x 220 mm
Weight 4.5 kg
Temperature Operation: 5 to + 40°C
Storage/transport: – 20 to + 60°C
Moisture range 5 to 95 %rh, non condensing
Interfaces optical IRDA (printer), PS/2, USB Slave
Duration of one measurement 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the type of test
Storage capacity 500 data sets

Dräger DrugTest 5000 analyzer


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger DrugTest 5000 Analyzer, including power and connection cable 1 8319900
Dräger DrugTest Kit (6-panel), set for 20 testkits, for detection of amphetamine (AMP), cocaine (COC), 1 8319830
methamphetamine (METH), opiates (OPI), cannabis (THC) and benzodiazephene (BENZO's)
Keyboard "Compact" (PS/2, size appr. 28,2 x 13,2 x 2,4 cm) "QWERTY"- US international 1 8315497
Dräger Saliva Confirmation Kit 1 8323880
Dräger DrugTest 5000 carry bag, with extra space for Drugtest testkits, Dräger Alcotest 6510/6810, mouth pices and 1 8322675
mobile printer
Vehicle cable 12V 1 8312166
USB connection cable 1 AG02661

Dräger DrugCheck 3000

Use the Dräger DrugCheck® 3000 to find out within minutes if a person recently consumed
certain drugs. The compact and quick saliva (oral fluid) based drug test yields reliable results
affordably and easily. The non-invasive drug test kit does not require electricity and can therefore
be used anywhere.

Drug test - obtain samples easily and safely compounds to identify (THC = delta-9-
The Dräger DrugCheck 3000 consists of two tetrahydrocannabinol). This is why the Dräger
components: an absorbent collector for DrugCheck 3000 was optimised to detect
obtaining a saliva sample, and a test cassette THC, and now offers two measurement
for the analysis. The test cassette contains the options: depending on the chosen waiting
buffer liquid and a window with two test strips, time (pre-incubation) of the test there is a fast
which displays the control and test lines. The option with a higher or sensitive option with a
drug test itself is performed in three easy low THC cut-off. The entire drug test only
steps: swab the saliva sample, shake the test takes 3 – 5 minutes.
kit, wait for a brief incubation period, and then
start the test. A colour indicator on the swab Unambiguous on-the-spot drug screening
Dräger DrugCheck 3000 disappears as soon as it has absorbed enough Its compact pocket sized design makes the
Easy, fast, reliable and safe drug detection oral fluid for a test. DrugCheck 3000 easy to transport. It can be
made ready for use quickly and easily, and is
As soon as the control lines appear in the suitable for flexible use applications such as
window, you can read the results. If the test roadside checks and testing in safetyrelevant
result is negative, a line will appear alongside workplaces*. The test kit has no electrical
the respective substance class (drug). This parts, which makes the drug tester safe to use
means that none of the target substance was in hazardous areas and even as point-of-care-
detected in the sample. If a line fails to appear testing (POCT).
next to one of the substance classes, then the
result for this substance is positive. Additional benefits
Dräger has decades of experience in alcohol
Fast and sensitive drug analysis measuring equipment and drug detection
Check individuals for up to six substance methods. For the DrugCheck 3000, Dräger
classes simultaneously with Dräger employed the testing principle of the proven
DrugCheck 3000: cocaine, opiates, Dräger DrugTest® 5000 system, which
amphetamine, methamphetamines/designer reliably detects even minute traces of THC.
drugs (e.g. Ecstasy, MDMA), benzodiazepines The disposable DrugCheck 3000 test kit
(e.g. in prescription medicines) and cannabis cannot be manipulated and is hygienic to use.
(THC). Of all the substance classes listed,
cannabis is the drug consumed most *The DrugCheck 3000 is sold only for law
frequently and also the most difficult of all enforcement purposes in the USA.


Dimensions (w x h x d) 32 x 111 x 57 mm
Weight < 30 g
Operating range Operation: 0 °C to 30 °C (32 °F to 86 °F) at 5% to 95% relative humidity
Storage / transportation 4 °C to 25 °C (39 °F to 77 °F)
Time of measurement Fast measurement: analysis < 3 minutes
Sensitive measurement: analysis < 5 minutes
Selecting the measurement mode Depending on the selected pre-incubation time and the desired
THC cut-off fast or more sensitive reading.
Licenses / standards Licensed as a medical product within the EU in accordance with Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro
diagnostic medical devices (IVD). Outside of the European Union for non-medical use (Non-IVD) or for
forensic use (only USA).

Dräger DrugCheck 3000


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

DrugCheck® 3000 STK 5 IVD, 20 testkits in one package 1 8325500

Dräger PA91 Plus

The Dräger PA91 Plus is a highly capable, yet reasonably priced, compressed air breathing
apparatus set. The Dräger PA91 Plus breathing apparatus is ideal for use when working in
environments where fire and smoke, toxic gases or a lack of oxygen is present. Designed and
manufactured by the world leader in the field of respiratory protective equipment, the PA91 Plus
provides you with the highest level of performance in a simple but effective package.

Comfortable carrying system litres up to 12 litres in capacity. The strong

The carrying system has been orthopaedically polyester strap can also accommodate a twin
designed and follows the contours of the pack cylinder arrangement as an option.
back, ensuring the weight of the breathing There are no special tools or procedures
apparatus set is concentrated on the hips and required for adjustment, which uses a secure,
therefore reducing the risk of backstrain and proven cam-lock mechanism.
fatigue. The backplate is constructed using a
strong, moulded, composite polyamide Pneumatic design
material with carbon fibre and is anti-static, The high performance balanced first stage
chemical and impact resistant. The harness is reducer can be used with 200 or 300 bar
made from flame retardant polyester webbing, cylinders and provides excellent flow
with centre adjustable buckle and characteristics using a small, lightweight
independent shoulder straps. Moulded reducer body. It incorporates a unique,
handles on the backplate provide greater patented safety pressure relief valve and
manageability when transporting the set. allows for the easy connection of accessories.
Servicing is made easier due to simple plug-
First breath activated in connections.
The Dräger positive pressure Lung Demand
Dräger PA91 Plus
Valve is of a balanced piston design and is Warning whistle and pressure gauge
A high level of performance
first breath activated. This provides a stable air The PA91 Plus comes complete with Dräger’s
supply with low breathing resistance and is unique medium pressure operated warning
extremely quite in use. It has a wrap around whistle, which provides a low pressure
silicone cover for added impact protection and warning in excess of 90 dBa and is consistent
is easy to service, clean and disinfect. The down to 10 bar. There is a fully luminescent
Lung Demand Valve also features a centrally gauge and the whistle warning unit assembly
positioned, easily located, positive pressure is fully integrated into the gauge / hose.
‘switch off’ push button.
Complete compatibility The PA91 Plus can be used with any Dräger
The carrying system incorporates an full facemask and incorporates Dräger’s latest
adjustable cylinder strap, which can Plus Lung Demand Valve.
accommodate cylinders of all sizes from 4


Weight 2.14 kgs

High pressure connection 200 bar or 300 bar, standard G5/8 as per EN 144-02. Other connections available to National
Wistle warning unit Pre-set by Dräger to between 560 bar to 600 bar
Approvals MED, EN 136 and EN 137, 89/686/EEC (PPE), 97/23/EC (PED)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PA91 Plus 1 3350683
Dräger PA91 Plus: LDV with hose 1 3338702

Dräger PAS Lite

For use in industrial applications where a simple, robust and easy to use breathing apparatus is
required, the Dräger PAS® Lite Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) combines
reliability with comfort and performance, as well as excellent service life and easy to maintain.

Advanced technology including the harness which is attached to the

With a proven design and using the same high space-frame by a simple single-piece
quality pneumatics as found in professional retention method. The reducer is contained in
firefighter breathing apparatus, the Dräger the space-frame for added protection and can
PAS Lite ensures consistent high easily be removed with simple tools. The
performance and reliability over the lifetime of harness is also highly resistant and impervious
the apparatus with minimal maintenance. The to chemicals, making decontamination and
carrying system features an ultra lightweight, cleaning a simple, straightforward task.
high strength carbon composite space-frame
having excellent impact, heat and chemical Proven, robust and flexible
resistance, as well as outstanding durability. In line with other Dräger breathing apparatus,
the Dräger PAS Lite allows users to take
Integrated hose design advantage of the tried and tested systems that
Both the air supply and gauge hoses are lie behind the best breathing apparatus in the
Dräger PAS Lite mounted into the space-frame, thus reducing world. Developed as a result of years of
Reliable and constant performance the risk of snagging and entanglement. This research and extensive user consultation,
enables the user to change the hose position these benefits include the use of the same
from one side to another to suit individual advanced pneumatics as used in the whole
preference. The fully integrated hose design professional firefighting range of Dräger.
also means that hoses can be replaced easily
and cost effectively. The Dräger PAS Lite can be further adapted
to suit specific industrial applications. As well
Efficient load distribution as standard fit easy to clean harness,
Incorporating new materials that are shaped integrated Lung Demand Valve (LDV) and
and formed to provide maximum comfort at pneumatic gauge complete with high
both the shoulders and the waist, the carrying pressure whistle warning unit at the base of
system has been developed to reduce back the space-frame, electronic monitoring
strain, stress and fatigue. The innovative (Bodyguard II) or airline ready options such as
harness design ensures an excellent weight the Dräger PAS ASV can be specified.
distribution at the shoulders. The inclusion of Integrating easily with all Dräger PAS Airline
durable rubber coated fabric provides equipment, this flexible breathing apparatus is
excellent wearing comfort and chemical also fully compatible with Dräger Panorama
resistance, whilst also performing well during and FPS 7000 Face Mask ranges. Our SCBA
the flame engulfment test in line with EN137 is designed for use with single steel or carbon
Type 2. composite cylinders rated at 4 to 9 L, 200 and
300 bar. A number of secondary supply
Service friendly connections are available for use in rescue,
A number of unique design features ensure decontamination or airline applications. The
that downtime and costs are kept to a Dräger PAS Lite can also be fitted with a
minimum during repair and maintenance. All variety of electronic voice communication
major components of the Dräger PAS Lite are options.
quick and easy to assemble and disassemble,


Weight 2.7 kgs

Dimensions 590 x 290 x 160 mm
Input Pressure 0 - 300 bar
Nominal 1st stage output pressure 7.5
1st stage output flow > 1000 l/min

Dräger PAS Lite

LDV output flow > 400 l/min

Whistle Sound Level > 90 dBA
Approvals EN 137 2006 Type 2, EN 14593 pt1 (for PAS ASV), MED, SOLAS II-2, can be used in hazardous


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAS Lite - A 1 3357774
Dräger FPS 7000 M2-PC-CR 1 R56200
Dräger PAS Lite: LDV with hose 1 3338702

Dräger PSS 4000

The Dräger PSS 4000 one of the lightest professional self-contained breathing apparatus for
firefighters. Combining comfort with exceptional pneumatic performance, this SCBA is designed
for applications where simplicity and ease of use are crucial. Lightweight yet robust, and easy to
don, the PSS 4000 provides outstanding breathing protection.

Light, robust and simple to use innovative single-piece retention method. For
The Dräger PSS 4000 is one of the lightest added convenience, the first stage pressure
professional self-contained breathing reducer is integrated into the carrying frame.
apparatus on the market and contains the The closed, single piece harness and waist
same advanced technology and design pad design prevents excessive water
philosophy as seen in our leading range of absorption, which reduces cleaning and
standard and extended duration professional drying time, whilst optimising energy
breathing apparatus. Supported by a carrying efficiencies.
harness with a quick release fastener and
simple pull forward mechanism you can Integrated hoses
quickly and easily adjust the carrying harness. The medium pressure air supply and gauge
Dräger PSS 4000 hoses are completely integrated into the
Light, robust and simple to use Enhanced carrying system carrying-frame in order to reduce the risk of
The extremely durable carrying system snagging and potential entanglement. This
features our ultra-lightweight, high strength substantially improves security and safety
composite carrying space frame, which while entering and working in confined
provides outstanding thermal, impact and spaces. An additional benefit is the ability to
chemical resistance properties. The re-route the hoses from one side to the other
professional carrying system of the harness in order to suit customer preferences for
follows the natural contours of the body, gauge access. This design feature also
improving stability and reducing back strain, facilitates the easy replacement of each hose.
stress and fatigue. The system offers optimal
comfort for the wearer’s shoulders and waist Wireless option
with an even load distribution, which is Enhance your safety in the field with the
comfortably and securely in line with the Dräger Bodyguard 1500, an advanced
body‘s centre of gravity. Aside from maximum personal alert safety system (PASS). This
comfort, the Dräger PSS 4000 also uses the breathing protection control and non-motion-
most rugged and durable materials available detector generates visual and acoustic alert
in order to minimize the impact of even the signals if you are in distress. Furthermore the
most hostile of environments. system provides a wireless data transmission
between the pass and the monitoring devices.
Maximum performance harness material The backlit Tx Gauge wirelessly transmits its
The Dräger PSS 4000 utilizes state-of-the-art pressure data to the Bodyguard 1500 and
harness materials, which have been designed also to the Dräger FPS 7000 Head-Up-
to withstand the high wear and tear fire Display (HUD) if being used. This feature
fighters face every day, while providing an provides automatic visual notification from the
enhanced level of comfort. By incorporating Tx Gauge and acoustic notification from the
hardwearing stainless steel buckles and long- PASS when the air supply drops below user-
life blend webbing made from aramid fibre, it defined limits.
is ideally suited for extended wear and Additional options
frequent use. The flexible, user-friendly high performance
system combines both new and proven
Easy to maintain and service innovative technology. The Dräger PSS 4000
Aside from being quick and easy to service, guarantees a lifetime of dependable service
the Dräger PSS 4000 comes with various, simultaneously minimizing the costs of
innovative design features that help reduce ownership, while offering a broad choice of
downtime and unnecessary maintenance options for every eventuality.
costs. This can be seen in all major
components, which are simple and quick to
remove and re-assemble. The harness is
attached to the carrying frame by an

Dräger PSS 4000


Weight PSS4000 Pneutmatic gauge: 3 kgs

PSS4000 Tx gauge: 3.15 kgs
Dimensions 590 x 290 x 160 mm
Input Pressure 0 - 300 bar
Normal 1st stage output pressure 7.5 bar
1st stage output flow > 1000 l/min
LDV output flow > 400 l/min
Whistle activation pressure 50 - 60 bar
Whistle sound level >90 dBa
Approvals EN 137:2006 Type 2, ATEX 94/9/EC (I M1/II 1GD EEx ia I/IIC T4) (Ta = -30 °C to +60 °C), EN
61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PSS 4000 - Pneumatic Gauge 1 3363988
Dräger PSS 4000 SCS - TX Gauge 1 3363990
This is a modulair product, ask our Sales department for support: telephone +31 (0)10 - 295 2740.

Dräger PSS 5000

The Dräger PSS® 5000 SCBA is a new generation high performance breathing apparatus for
the professional firefighter. Combining advanced ergonomics with a wide range of configurable
options the Dräger PSS® 5000 provides the user with the comfort and versatility to meet the
demands of first responders whenever breathing protection is required.

Utilizing the established Dräger PSS - closed, single piece harness and waist pad
Pneumatics and cylinder strap design, the design to prevent excessive water
Dräger PSS 5000 combines established - absorption, reducing cleaning and drying
technology, state-of-the-art materials and time.
innovative thinking to create a SCBA for
virtually any application. Integrated and versatile hose routing
To minimize the risk of snagging and to guard
Ergonomic carrying system against physical damage, both the gauge and
The Dräger PSS 5000 has been designed to air supply hoses are integrated within
be not only comfortable but also extremely channels in the Dräger PSS 5000 back plate.
stable during use in harsh firefighting The LDV, Gauge and Rescue hoses can now
environments. Incorporating a rigid harness be routed over the left and/or right shoulders
connection to a fixed-height back plate, (2 hoses per side), allowing the Dräger PSS
advanced harness materials and a pivoting 5000 to be configured to any standard.
waist belt, the Dräger PSS 5000 remains in Conventional waist mounted hoses can also
position regardless of the task in hand. be fitted making the Dräger PSS 5000 one of
the most versatile SCBA’s available.
Advanced harness choice
Dräger PSS 5000
The Dräger Standard (DS) harness is a cost Wide variety of syste, configurations and
For professional firefighting
effective option for everyday use, offering a accessories
high level of comfort and durability. Easy to Dräger has revolutionized the use of breathing
don and doff materials and simple pull forward apparatus by creating a range of components
and down adjustment mechanisms make the that can be selected in combination to meet
DS harness a versatile option for a wide the specific needs of the firefighter regardless
variety of applications. of the task.
The Dräger Professional (DP) utilizes
materials to withstand the high wear and tear It is also possible to add:
that firefighters face daily, whilst providing an - Dräger Bodyguard 7000 electronic
enhanced level of comfort and function over monitoring
the DS harness. Incorporating hardwearing - twin cylinder configuration
stainless steel buckles and long-life Aramid - quick-Connect (QC) cylinder connection
blend webbing, the DP is ideally suited to - chargeair quick filling
extended wear and frequent use. - secondary supply connections for rescue,
decontamination and/or airline use
Service friendly & easy to maintain - PSS Merlin Modem
- to keep downtime and costs to a minimum - PSS Rescue Hood
during service and maintenance, the Dräger - And many more… (for a full list and
PSS 5000 incorporates a number of unique information please refer to the Dräger
design features; CABE Family Catalogue)
- Dräger’s innovative Harness “slide and lock”
mechanism facilitates fast and simple Electronic monitoring with the Dräger
harness and waist pad connection/removal Bodyguard® 7000
from the back plate, without the use of tools. The Dräger PSS 5000 has been designed to
- the first stage reducer snap fit connection be fully compatible with the globally
allows the pneumatics to be fitted or established Dräger Bodyguard 7000
removed quickly and easily from the set. electronic signal and warning unit, and the
- push in and out” hose clips allow swift newly integrated PSS Merlin Modem. For
removal of hoses from the harness pads for maximum protection The Dräger Bodyguard
cleaning, without the need to remove the 7000 has an innovative compact design that
clip itself. integrates the power supply and pressure
sensor modules within the back plate,

Dräger PSS 5000

creating a balanced weight distribution. Real- facemask-mounted Head’s Up Display

time monitoring of essential information such (HUD). Simultaneously this information can
as timeto- whistle (based on current air be transferred to an Entry Control Board via
consumption) and cylinder pressure is the PSS Merlin Modem, further enhancing
communicated via a lightweight handheld firefighter and fire ground safety.
electronic gauge and display and/or, a


Weight 3.85 kgs

Input Pressure 0 - 300 bar
Normal 1st stage output pressure 7.5 bar
1st stage output flow > 1000 l/min
LDV output flow > 400 l/min
Whistle activation pressure 50 - 60 bar
Whistle sound level >90 dBa
Approvals EN 137:2006 (Type2)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PSS 5000 DS Bodyguard 7000, single cylinder strap, excluding LDV S Plus & Holder 1 3358349
Dräger PSS 5000 DP Pneumatic Gauge, single cylinder strap 1 3357845
Dräger PSS 5000 DS SCS , single cylinder strap 1 3357858

Dräger PSS 7000

Developed by professionals for professionals the new Dräger PSS 7000 represents a major leap
forward in the evolution of breathing apparatus for the professional fire fighter.

Complete, state-of-the-art personal safety - The first stage reducer snap fit connection
system solution allows the pneumatics to be fitted or
Highlights include: removed quickly and easily from the SCBA.
- Ready for telemetry operation with PSS - “Push in and out” hose clips allow rapid
Merlin system removal of hoses from the harness pads for
- Available with standard mechanical gauge or cleaning without the need to remove the clip
Bodyguard 7000 electronic monitoring itself.
- Comfortable yet highly durable shoulder and - Closed, single piece harness and waist pad
waist belt padding featuring a secure, high- design to prevent excessive water
friction surface to reduce slippage absorption, reducing cleaning and drying
- Sliding and pivoting waist belt assembly time.
- 3-point height adjustment
- Breathing hoses integrated in the backplate Versatile integrated hose routing
- Reflective and photo-luminescent hose To minimize the risk of snagging and to
sleeves for improved visibility protect against physical damage, both gauge
- Quick release pneumatics, shoulder and and air supply hoses are run through
waist belt assemblies for easy service and integrated channels in the PSS 7000
maintenance backplate. The LDV, gauge and rescue hoses
Dräger PSS 7000
- Optional Quick-Connect cylinder system for can now be routed over the left and/or right
For professional fire fighting
rapid exchange in the field and in the shoulders (2 hoses per side), allowing the
workshop PSS 7000 to be configured to any standard.
Conventional waist mounted hoses can also
Height-adjustable carrying system be fitted, making the PSS 7000 one of the
The PSS 7000 has been designed for most versatile SCBA’s available.
maximum comfort and stability during use in
harsh fire fighting environments. Incorporating Wide variety of system configurations and
a rigid harness connection to a 3-point-height accessories
adjustment backplate, advanced harness Dräger has revolutionized the use of breathing
materials and a pivoting waist belt, the PSS systems by creating a range of optional
7000 remains firmly in position regardless of components that can be selected in
the task in hand. combination to meet the fire fighter’s specific
needs regardless of the task. In addition to the
Maximum performance harness material standard features of the PSS 7000, it is also
The PSS 7000 utilizes new state-of-the-art possible to add:
harness materials which have been specially - Dräger Bodyguard 7000 electronic
designed to withstand the high level wear and monitoring system
tear fire fighters subject them to on an almost - Twin cylinder configuration
daily basis. Incorporating sturdy stainless steel - Quick-Connect (QC) cylinder connection
buckles and long-life Aramid blend webbing, - Chargair quick filling
it is well suited to extended wear and frequent - Secondary supply connections for rescue,
use. decontamination and/or airline use
- PSS Merlin Modem for telemetry
Service friendly, low maintenance applications
To keep both downtime and costs to a - PSS Rescue Hood
minimum during service and maintenance, the - and many more
PSS 7000 incorporates a number of unique
design features: The Dräger Quick-Connect is a revolutionary,
- Dräger’s innovative “slide and lock” harness fast-action cylinder exchange system which
mechanism facilitates fast and simple features a dual mechanical and pressure seal
harness and waist pad connection/removal safety mechanism designed to prevent
from the backplate without the need for accidental cylinder disconnect from the
tools. SCBA.

Dräger PSS 7000

- The pressure seal locks the cylinder to the The PSS 7000 has been designed to be fully
SCBA while the system is pressurized. compatible with the globally established
- The mechanical seal requires a dual action, Dräger Bodyguard 7000 electronic signal and
twisting push motion to remove the cylinder warning unit as well as the PSS Merlin
from the reducer. telemetry system. The Dräger Bodyguard
7000 features an integrated design concept
With Quick-Connect, a cylinder can be which integrates both power supply and
securely attached to the reducer with a simple pressure sensor modules within the
push down action. Exchange times can be backplate. This not only creates a balanced
reduced from minutes to seconds which can weight distribution, but also provides
make all the difference in an emergency maximum component protection. Real-time
situation. The danger of cross threading or monitoring of essential information such as
thread stripping is eliminated, and workshop time to whistle (based on current air
maintenance is greatly facilitated. consumption) and cylinder pressure is
communicated via a lightweight, handheld
Electronic monitoring with the Dräger electronic gauge and display
Bodyguard 7000 - and/or by a facemask-mounted head up
display (HUD).


Weight of complete set approx 11.9 kgs, for Dräger PSS 7000 pneumatic gauge
Complete with Dräger FPS 7000 facemask, lung demand valve and Dräger 6.8 litre 300 bar carbon
composite cylinder (20 year design life)
Input Pressure 200 or 300 bar
Normal 1st stage output pressure 8 bar
1st stage output flow > 1000 l/min
High pressure whistle activation pressure 50 - 60 bar
Whistle sound level >90 dBa
Whistle frequency range 2000 - 4000 Hz
Bodyguard sound level N/A
Operating temperature range -32°C up to + 70°C
Approvals EN137; 2006 Type 2 vfdb 0802

Atex I M 1 / II 1 GD IIC T6 (Ta -30°C to +60°C):

for the Dräger PSS 7000 and Dräger Panorama Nova masks with triplex visor

Atex I M 1 / II 1 GD IIB T6 (Ta -30°C to +60°C):

for Dräger PSS 7000 with all other Dräger Safety breathing apparatus masks


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PSS 7000 with standard cylinder strap 1 3355068
Dräger breathing apparatus S Plus 1 3338700
Lung Demand Standard type P 1 3357527

Dräger REGIS® 300 and 500

Hands-free monitoring of respiratory protection of emergency and rescue teams: The boards
REGIS® 300 and 500 enable the incident manager to keep track of respiratory equipment
wearers and their deployment time. Thanks to an automatic intermediate alarm, monitoring can
be combined with other tasks. In co-usage with the external tracer, distances of up to 40 m are

Simultaneous monitring of three teams Name tags can be attached with snap hooks
With Dräger REGIS, the incident manager is to the lower end of the board for help in
able to monitor up to three teams visualizing the team members. The color of
simultaneously, with up to three wearers per the tags also provides information about the
team. Easy to read displays with countdown type of respirators used.
timers inform about the remaining
deployment time. The displays of both boards REGIS 500: Coding plugs for different
are illuminated with the touch of a button to applications
ensure all important data is easy to see even The deployment time may be shorter or
Dräger REGIS® 300 and 500 in difficult conditions. longer depending on the type of respirator
Hands-free monitoring of respiratory used. With the coding plugs for standard and
protection More safety with intermediate alarms short time respiratory protective devices,
A continuous beep is emitted once the extended time respiratory protective device,
deployment time of a team is over. To aid with or closed-cycle respiratory protective devices,
assigning the right alarm with the right team, the monitoring board panel can adjust
the corresponding LED flashes. The acoustic automatically to a specific deployment time
and visual alarm tracer also emits an alert after between 25 and 120 minutes. Simply insert
1/3 and 2/3 of the deployment time has the coding plugs into the corresponding slots
expired. and the countdown starts automatically.

External tracer for more ease of movement Other advantages of the REGIS 300
Some incidents require that the person - three backlit displays
performing the monitoring must leave the - digital clock for real-time display
vicinity of the board. In these cases, a highly - customisable deployment time
visible external tracer can be combined with - deployment time with negative sign starting
the board as an additional module. The built- at 0 minutes on display
in transmitter reliably relays any alarmm - made from durable plastic
signals emitted by the monitoring board to the - corner protectors madeof rubber
external tracer for a distance of up to 40 - labeling field with intuitive symbolsn
meters. - clip to hold sheets and pen

Full deployment monitoring with simple Other advantages of the REGIS 500
documentation - integrated Digital clock for real-time display
Name of the equipment wearer, cylinder - additional intermediate alarm at deployment
pressure at the beginning of the deployment, halftime and remaining time of 10, 5, and 0
air supply, start and end of deployment time, minutes
as well as location: A clip attached to the - large backlit display
board holds a sheet for entering all necessary - rubber edge protectors on side and pen
data. The person performing the monitoring holdery
can later detach and file this sheet as needed.


Dräger REGIS® 300: Size (h x w x d) 40 x 34,5 x 4,5 cm

Dräger REGIS® 300: Weight 1,5 kgs
Dräger REGIS® 500: Size (h x w x d) 24 x 23 x 5,8 cm
Dräger REGIS® 500: Weight 0,9 kgs

Dräger REGIS® 300 and 500


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger REGIS® 300 1 R55950
Dräger REGIS® 500 1 R54993

Dräger Panorama Nova Standard P

The Panorama Nova full-face mask has been successful in the market worldwide for decades
and provides reliable and secure protection. In combination with a compressed air breathing
apparatus or rebreather it is used as a tried and tested face piece by firefighters and in mining.

Comfortable fit combined with double sealing Robust and durable

line For decades the mask has fared well in any
Features a double sealing line for maximum extreme and rough condition in which the
safety which adapts well to different head and different target groups and user groups
face shapes. (industry, firefighters and mining) operate and
has withstood many different impacts.
Many different uses
With the different connection piece options, System integration
the Panorama Standard can be used as a With the option to choose a mask with
standard mask for filters, compressed air different connections and wearing systems, as
breathing apparatus, airline systems as well straps or helmet adapters, it will fit perfectly
rebreathers for firefighters, mining or, in into the system, consisting of helmet, mask
industrial applications. and respiratory system (compressed-air
breathing apparatus, closed-circuit breathing
apparatus or filter).

Dräger Panorama Nova Standard P

Meets the highest demands for reliability


Material of mask body Highly resistant and hypoallergenic EPDM

Weight Approx. 500 gr
Visor Scratch-proof PMMA (Plexiglas) with 180° wide-angle
Connection Made of robust plastic with inhalation and exhalation valve. Dräger plug-in connector for positive-
pressure lung demand valve
Approvals EN 136 Class 2 (CE mark), NIOSH, AS/NZS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Panorama Nova Standard P 1 R54450
Anti-fog agent, for all visors 1 R56542
Panorama Nova: spectacle kit 1 R51548
Transportbox Mabox II 1 R54610

Dräger Panorama Nova P

If the oxygen content drops below 17% by volume during hazardous duties, the Panorama Nova
P mask, e.g. in connection with our compressed-air breathing apparatus, supplies its carrier
quickly and safely with vital breathing air.

Applications plug-in connector. The mask is immediately

Special accessories, the simple maintenance supplied with air from compressed-air
of all mask parts and possible adaptation to cylinders or stationary compressed-air
the Dräger HPS 6100 fireman’s helmet mean systems (both positive pressure).
that the Panorama Nova P full mask can be
used over a wide range of applications. Safety
The double sealing frame of the Panorama
Features Nova P ensures a particularly comfortable and
If less than 17% by volume oxygen (depending tightly sealed fit. Furthermore the positive
on regional regulations) is available at the pressure in the mask prevents hazardous
workplace or the hazardous substances and/ substances from penetrating.
or their concentrations are unknown or to
high, the Panorama Nova full face mask is User safety is therefore distinctly increased.
deployed. A special harness ensures that the To match the specific type of duty and
mask is particularly easy to don. requirements, the mask body is made either
of silicone or EPDM, the visor is either made
Quickly and comfortably a lung demand valve of polycarbonate or triplex.
is then connected by means of the mask’s
Dräger Panorama Nova P
Can be used over a wide range of applications


Mask body material Either EPDM or silicone

Visor material Either impact-resistant polycarbonate, coated polycarbonate or particularly chemical-resistant triplex
Connection Made of robust plastic with inhalation and exhalation valve. Dräger plug-in connector for positive-
pressure lung demand valve
Weight Approx. 550-650 g (depending on the visor)
Approvals in accordance with EN 136 (CE symbol) and NIOSH


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Panorama Nova P EPDM 1 R52972
Dräger Panorama Nova P Triplex 1 R52992

Dräger FPS 7000

The Dräger FPS 7000 full-face mask series sets new standards in terms of safety and wearing
comfort. Thanks to its enhanced ergonomics and the availability of multiple sizes, it offers a large,
optimized field of vision and a very comfortable, secure fit.

Field of vision and mask body the unintentional release of the attachment.
The modern full-face mask Dräger FPS 7000 Integrated accessories The newly developed
has a large distortion-free polycarbonate visor, communication system Dräger FPS-COM
which provides you with an exceptional wide optimally adapts to the design and
field of vision, even in difficult situations. The ergonomics of the mask. Depending on what
visor does not mist due to a well thought-out is required, it can be chosen with different
air circulation and is available with different modules and offers the optimal solution for
coatings. The mask body made of either each communication in the field. Whether
hypoallergenic Silicone or EPDM provides an radio, voice, amplifier or head-up display,
especially comfortable fit. everything can be directly integrated into the
mask and is easy to use.
The full-face mask Dräger FPS 7000 has an Modularity
outstanding head and face fit. The ergonomic Naturally, Dräger Safety pays close attention
Dräger FPS 7000 head harness and the double sealing line to our customers needs. The full-face mask
Large field of vision ensure a secure and comfortable fit on all face Dräger FPS 7000 is not only safer and more
shapes and contours. The head harness of the comfortable; it also has more flexible options
Dräger FPS 7000 also ensures that the mask than previous models. Whatever may be
can be donned and doffed easily and quickly. needed during operation: It is quickly attached
and ready for use.
Mask-helmet combination
For those who use mask-helmet combinations Maintenance
the newly developed adapter offers a new The special accessories and simple
level of safety. For example, when combining maintenance of all mask parts make the
the Dräger HPS 6200 / 7000 with the new Dräger FPS 7000 not only very economical
full-face mask, the newly developed and and easy to service, but also flexible and
patented Dräger Q-fix connection prevents versatile in its use.


Mask body Convenient, hypoallergenic and flexible silicone or EPDM (dermatologically tested)
Harness 5-point connection with a large contact surface area at the back of the head, alternatively a hairnet
Mask-helmet combination 2-point connection for Dräger HPS 6200 either with Dräger Q-fix (with safety button) or with Dräger S-
fix (without safety button) connection
Size Mask body in 3 sizes (S, M and L) compatible with inner mask in 3 different sizes
Visor polycarbonate visor available with different coatings
Connector P, RA, ESA, PE and RP
Weight approx. 600 gr (varies according to version)
Approval EN 136 Class 3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger FPS 7000 P-EPDM-M2-PC-CR 1 R56200
Dräger FPS 7000 M2-PC-Q-fix, size M 1 R56850
Dräger FPS 7000 S1-PC-CR 1 R56249
Dräger FPS 7000 L2-PC-CR 1 R56300

Dräger Marine Cylinder Steel EFV

Steel, seamless cylinder complete with Excess Flow Valve (EFV) and protective cap.

Excess flow valve (EFV) excess flow valve have a grey hand wheel in
An excess flow valve (EFV) is an option most countries.
available for air cylinders. When fitted, the
excess flow valve is a safety device which Safe transport
prevents uncontrolled release of high- Furthermore we advise to fit a protective valve
pressure air in case of cylinder valve or high- cap when cylinders are strored or transported.
pressure air pipe damage. The excess flow When carrying the cylinder, you can hold it at
valve also activates if the cylinder valve is the bottom of the valve. Do not carry the
opened when the cylinder valve outlet is open cylinder by holding the hand wheel.
to atmosphere. Cylinder valves containing an

Dräger Marine Cylinder Steel EFV

Designed for 300 bar


Fill pressure 300 bar

Wire type cylinder neck M 18 x 1.5
Valve connection 5/8"G conform DIN 477
Capacity 6 liter
Weight 7.1 kgs
Dimensions 510 x 140 mm
Colors Yellow with black and white patches on cylinder
Approval CE-0045


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Marine Cilinder Steel EFV, 6 liters, 300 bar 1 3355002

Dräger Marine Cylinder Steel

Steel, seamless cylinder.

designed for 300 bar pressure

Dräger Marine Cylinder Steel

Designed for 300 bar


Fill pressure 300 bar

Wire type cylinder neck M 18 x 1.5
Valve connection 5/8"G conform DIN 477
Capacity 6 liter
Weight 7.1 kgs
Dimensions 510 x 140 mm
Colors Yellow with black and white patches on cylinder
Approval CE-0045


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Marine Cilinder Steel, 6 liters, 300 bar 1 38S1109

Dräger Composite Air Cylinders

Designed using leading technology and advanced materials, Dräger’s range of Composite
Cylinders can be used in any application where breathing becomes difficult or impossible.

Features subsequently over wrapped with carbon and

Through continuous product improvement glass fibres. The aluminium liner is cold drawn
and investment in technology, Dräger from AA 6061 aluminium plate and then
provides the highest quality pneumatics, wrapped with carbon fibre in an epoxy matrix,
carrying systems and high performance, ultra using a computer controlled 4 axis wrapping
lightweight, carbon composite cylinders. machine.
Because Dräger manufacture all elements of
the breathing apparatus system – masks, Glass fibre
carrying systems, pneumatics and cylinders – An external layer of glass fibre in an epoxy
you can be assured of the highest quality and matrix is then wrapped onto the cylinder. This
maximum performance. external layer of glass fibre is applied to
enhance the resistance of the cylinder to
Dräger cylinders are manufactured and tested impact and abrasion in service. Following a
using automated, computer controlled high temperature curing of the epoxy matrix,
processes. Continuous re-investment in plant an external gel coat is applied to the surface
and equipment ensures that Dräger cylinders of the cylinder. This coating provides a
are manufactured and tested in accordance smooth, easily cleaned surface for the
with the most technologically advanced cylinder. Every batch of 200 cylinders is
Dräger Composite Air Cylinders
processes available. Automatic data collection subjected to exhaustive testing in accordance
Can be used in any application where
ensures full traceability of materials used and with the legislative design and manufacturing
breathing becomes difficult or impossible
the effective monitoring of critical process codes (EN 12245 and 97/23/EC), under the
parameters. supervision of a Notified Body. All relevant
production data is retained electronically for
Aluminium liner the full working life of the cylinder.
These ranges of cylinders are manufactured
from a seamless aluminium liner, which is


Water Capacity 6 liters

Free Air Capacity 1.636 liters
Working Duration 41 min
Nominal Duration 31 min
Service Pressure 300 bar
Weight 3.7 kg
Dimensions 492/495 x 152.5/154.0 mm
Design Life 20 years
Thread M18 x 1.5
Approval EN12245:2002


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Composite Air Cylinder, 6 liters, 300 bar 1 3353732
Dräger Cylinder KSF 6.8 liter, 300 bar 1 3353733
Dräger Cylinder KSF 9.0 liter, 300 bar, STD 1 3353734
Dräger Cylinder Carbon Composite, 9 liter, 200 Bar 1 3354631

Dräger Cover for Air Cylinder

Dräger Nomex cover for air cylinder.

Features - protects air cylinder against mechanical and

- nomex cover with Kevlar closing cord heat stress
- retro reflective striping for better visibility

Dräger Cover for Air Cylinder

Protection against mechanical and heat stress


Material Nomex
Color Blue


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Cover for Air Cylinder for 6 liter 1 3811016
Dräger Cover for Air Cylinder for 6.8 liter 1 3811017

Dräger FPS-COM 5000

Because there is no time for misunderstandings in an emergency: The Dräger FPS®-COM

5000 communication unit has been specifically developed for the full-face mask Dräger FPS®
7000 and ensures clear communication through a voice amplifier unit or radio device – even
under extreme conditions.

Voice only - nothing else that your equipment is ready for use when
The Dräger FPS-COM 5000 allows you to needed.
communicate without any interference, even
in the loudest environment. The digital noise Communication lasts several hours
reduction technology filters out any In combination with the Dräger PSS BG 4
interference that may reach the microphone plus, which can supply you with breathing air
inside the mask or any acoustic feedback that for up to four hours, the Dräger FPS-COM
may occur. In particular, breathing sounds are 5000 also keeps you in contact with your
not transmitted to the voice amplifier or the colleagues during extended missions. Even
radio. This prevents any misunderstanding so during complex tasks, you can discuss the
you can fully concentrate on your mission. subsequent procedure with your mission
leader without having to interrupt your task.
Open to different communication channels
Use the attached jack to connect the Dräger Assembly without special tools
FPS-COM 5000 to more than 350 different With the newly developed click-lock system,
radio sets via the external Dräger C-C440 the Dräger FPS-COM 5000 is attached and
Dräger FPS-COM 5000
push-to-talk button or the Dräger C-C550 removed in just a few steps. Nevertheless, the
For clear audibility by voice amplifier or radio
remote speaker microphone. Alternatively, communication unit does not need to be
you can connect the Dräger FPS-COM 5000 removed for manual cleaning as it is protected
directly to the radio and use the built-in, push- against the ingress of water or humidity
to-talk button. To reduce the risk of snagging, according to IP67.
the device can also be connected to specified
radio sets via Bluetooth. Perfect fit for clear speech
The earpiece must fit as closely as possible to
High reliability, low costs make sure important information is not lost
Did you forget to turn off the Dräger FPS- and that no radio messages need to be
COM 5000 after work? No problem: the repeated during a mission. The flexible
communication unit shuts off automatically if gooseneck earpiece of the Dräger FPS-COM
there is no breathing sound for ten minutes 5000 can therefore be adapted individually to
(after a pre-alarm). This increases the battery suit your head shape – for a perfect fit and
life, lowers maintenance costs, and ensures excellent audio quality.


Weight depending on variant 250 to 320 g (without battery)

Battery types 2 x AAA
Operation time approx. 32 hours (dependent on talk activity)
Ambient conditions for storage -15 °C to +25 °C, 700 to 1,300 hPa, 10 to 95% relative humidity
Protection class IP 67
Approvals CE, EN 136, EN 137 Type 2, EN 145, IEC 60079-11: Ex I 1 M1 ia IIC T4/Ex ia IIC T4 Ga T=-30 °C ... +50
UL913: Class I, II, III, Div 1 Group A-G

Dräger FPS-COM 5000


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger FPS®-COM 5000 1 R62700
Dräger FPS®-COM 5000 with negative pressure face mask 1 R62701
Dräger FPS®-COM 5000 with positive pressure face mask 1 R62702
Dräger FPS®-COM 5000 with a rebreather face mask 1 R62703

Dräger FPS-COM 7000

The Dräger FPS®-COM 7000 provides hands-free communication for all wearers of respiratory
protection devices during a mission. Excellent voice quality is achieved by removing interfering

For missions under the harshest conditions that only one member of the group needs a
For missions requiring respiratory protection tactical radio while everyone is still informed
you have to expect extreme conditions: thick immediately.
smoke and noise-obstacles that not only
cause stress but also significantly hinder any Easy operation and individual setup options
form of communication. This is even more The Dräger FPS-COM 7000 was developed
difficult if a chemical protective suit is with a focus on ergonomic handling and
required: these suits restrict movement and intuitive operation. The set radio group is
suppress your voice. The Dräger FPS-COM announced via the earphones. In addition,
7000 in connection with the proven full-face different alarm tones warn of low battery
mask Dräger FPS 7000 was developed status or if you are out of range from the team
especially for these applications. Each word is communication. An optional software allows
transmitted clearly and intelligibly to the numerous setting options with which you can
members of the team. adapt the system to your precise operation.
You can, for example, define the number of
Noise suppression for optimum voice quality groups. With the integrated switch you can
Dräger FPS-COM 7000 The newly developed digital noise reduction switch between up to seven groups during the
For clear audibility by voice amplifier or radio automatically suppresses ambient noises and mission.
only transmits your voice. In particular,
breathing noise is filtered out preventing it Robust and balanced
from being transmitted to the voice amplifier The robust communication unit adapts
or the radio. The integrated loudspeakers, seamlessly to the Dräger FPS 7000. The
with which you can interact directly with the robust design of the Dräger FPS-COM 7000
injured people and team members without can resist even strong shocks and impacts. It
radio equipment, also have this function. is resistant to extreme temperatures and has
protection class IP67. This means the Dräger
Wireless connection to the incident FPS-COM 7000 is waterproof and can be
commander easily cleaned after the operation. In addition,
Each Dräger FPS-COM 7000 has an the balanced weight distribution prevents
integrated PTT button (push-to-talk) to neck muscles from straining and increases
operate a radio that can be connected as an wearing comfort – without restricting
option. You can communicate using a tactical movement or limiting your field of view.
radio by pressing just one button. The tactical
radio can be connected with a cable or Flexibility before, during and after the mission
Bluetooth. The latter means that there are no Thanks to its click connection that is easy to
cables that could become entangled; reducing operate, the Dräger FPS-COM 7000 can be
the risk of snagging. attached and removed in only a few steps –
within seconds and without special tools. This
Hands-free team communications allows greater flexibility to interchange
The Dräger FPS-COM 7000 allows fast and between different face masks which can
efficient communication within one group or quickly be ready to operate by simply
among different ones. And it works without removing the protective cap. Therefore, you
pressing a single button. This improves your do not require a separate communication unit
safety by not distracting you from your task. for every face mask. The device is easy to
The voice-activated function also provides full- clean and maintain due to its easy assembly
duplex communication. This means that you and distanced position between microphone
can talk and listen at the same time – as if you and face seal.
were on the phone.
If there is only one radio for the entire group,
the system allows the automatic transfer of
the received instructions for up to ten group
members via short-range radio. This means

Dräger FPS-COM 7000


Weight depending on model 250 - 320 g (without battery)

Wireless frequencies 863 – 865 Mhz or 902 – 928 Mhz (Country specific, dependant on frequency allocation plan)
Transmission power 10 mW
Radio coverage approx. 100 m free field, approx. 30 m in indoor
Number of talk Groups configurable, max. 10 in one device
Communication type voice-activated, duplex
Battery types 2 x AA batteries
Operation time approx. 8 hrs (Dependent on talk activity)
Ambient conditions for storage -15 °C to +25 °C, 700 to 1,300 hPa, 10 to 95 % rel. humidity
Protection class IP 67
Approvals EN 136 class 3 EN137 type 2
ATEX: Ex II 1 G, Ex ia IIC T4/ T3 Ga (Ta = -30 °C ... +50 °C)
IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4/ T3 Ga (Ta = -30 °C ... +50 °C)
CAN/CSA: Class I, Div. 1, Groups A-D T3/T4
CE 2004/108/EC, 1999/5/EC, 94/9/EG


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger FPS®-COM 7000 1 R61100
Dräger FPS®-COM 7000 with positive pressure face mask 1 R61300
Dräger FPS®-COM 7000 with negative pressure face mask 1 R61350

Dräger C-C440

Control unit with large Push-To-Talk button for easy handling of the radio transmitter. Tough and
robust design according to IP67 / MIL-STD-810G standards. Specially designed for deployments
using chemical protective suits. ATEX versions available.

Push-To-Talk button Robust and water-repellent

The large pressure area enables secure voice The C-C440 has been designed to be
transmission in any situation, even when the particularly sturdy and robust for many
C-C440 is operated via the equipment or different applications as well as being
worn under protective clothing. watertight, complying with IP67 / MIL-STD-
810G requirements.
Sturdy connection socket
As a sturdy and robust quick-connect socket, ATEX approved
the C-C440 can be combined with any of the Should the system need to be used in
upper units allowing connection to different environments where there is a potential
types of radio devices. explosion hazard, the C-C440 is designed in
such a way that it meets ATEX requirements
Dräger C-C440 and has ATEX approval.
Easy to operate


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger C-C440 Communication Unit 1 On request
Contact our Sales department for order information.

Dräger C-C550

Control unit for the tactical transmitter with integrated loudspeaker and microphone. Can be
hooked up to a number of receiver models. Its strong and robust design is IP67 / MIL-STD-810G
approved. Allows for independent deployments with the radio receiver (also without attached
headset). User-friendly with two PTT buttons. ATEX versions available (regardless of radio
transmitter type).

Integrated microphone and speaker watertight, complying with IP67 / MIL-STD-

The integrated microphone and the integrated 810G requirements.
speaker enable the use of the C-C550
without the upper unit. ATEX approved
Should the system need to be used in
Sturdy connection socket environments where there is a potential
As a sturdy and robust quick-connect socket, explosion hazard, the C-C550 is designed in
the C-C550 can be combined with any of the such a way that it meets ATEX requirements
upper units allowing connection to different and has APEX approval.
types of radio devices.
Two large Push-To-Talk buttons
Robust and water-repellent The two large push-to-talk buttons enable
The C-C550 has been designed to be secure voice transmission whether the C-
particularly sturdy and robust for many C550 is operated via the equipment or worn
different applications as well as being under protective clothing.

Dräger C-C550
Transmitter with integrated loudspeaker en


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger C-C550 Communication Unit 1 On request
Contact our Sales department (+31 10 295 2740) for more information about this product.

Dräger Saver CF15

The Saver range of Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus has been designed using the latest
technologies available whilst still bearing in mind our three leading principles; reliability, quality
and ease of use. The Saver CF constant flow emergency escape breathing apparatus allows
safe, effective and uncomplicated escape from hazardous environments with the minimum of
user training.

Automatic activation Design

The unit is automatically activated on opening Utilises a simple fail-safe reducer system with
the carrying bag and can be simply re-set in excellent flow characteristics giving a
the event of false alarm. consistent air flow rate at all cylinder pressure
levels. The combined diffuser and exhalation
Long life neck seal valve account for excellent air supply
The air hood neck seal is ozone resistant combined with a very streamlined hood
ensuring high levels of protection, even after profile. The easy to don flame retardant hood
storage. incorporates a wide visor for enhanced
peripheral vision and a long life ozone
Dräger Saver CF15, with storage box High visibility resistant neck seal.
Designed with one thing in mind, to save lives The unit is contained in an instantly
recognisable orange carrying bag, The Saver CF is extremely compact in design
incorporating photo luminescent panels providing greater freedom of movement.
allowing the unit to be seen at very low
ambient light and visibility levels. Carrying bag
The high visibility orange carrying bag
Easy inspection incorporates photo luminescent panels, is
The cylinder contents gauge is clearly visible interchangeable for either chestbag or
without any dismantling or adjustments to the bandoleer positions, washable, flame
unit due to a transparent viewing window retardant and allows water to self-drain.
located on the side of the bag. This allows for
quick and simple cylinder contents inspection. Low contents warning
A warning whistle sounds when the unit is
Made to measure nearing the end of its air supply.
The Saver CF has been especially designed
to be as easy to don as is possible, regardless Optional: Storage box
of face shape or size and is suitable for users Storage box for EEBD complete with photo
with glasses or facial hair. luminescent sign.


Dräger Saver CF15

Dimensions 490 x 160 x 250 mm
Weight 5.2 kgs
Max. pressure 200 bar
Working temperature -15°C to 60°C
Storage box
Dimensions 740 x 280 x 220 mm (l x w x d)
Weight 1.3 kgs

Dräger Saver CF15


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Soft bag version: Dräger Saver CF15 1 3359735
Soft bag version: Dräger Saver CF15 (SE) Anti-Static 1 3359743
Hard case version: Dräger Saver CF15 1 3359740
Cabinet for Dräger Saver CF15 1 3351823
Saver CF15: Storage bag 1 3350519
Saver CF15 SE: Anti-static bag 1 3360341
Saver hood and hose assembly 1 3350441
Saver CF: Valve Assy 1 3350484
Safety Wash, 5 liter dispenser 1 3380166
Safety Wash, refill 5 liter 1 3380167

Dräger Saver PP15

The Dräger Saver range of Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus has been designed using
the latest technologies available whilst still bearing in mind our three leading principles; reliability,
quality and ease of use. The Dräger Saver PP provides breathing air for 10 or 15 minutes,
according to cylinder size.

Safe harness on the Dräger Panorama Nova

The Dräger Saver PP is a positive pressure means the escape set is easier and quicker to
Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus don in emergency situations.
(EEBA), incorporating a Panorama Nova
facemask. Developed with safety in mind it Features
has been especially designed to be used in - the Dräger Panorama Nova positive
conjunction with other forms of Personal pressure face mask offers a higher level of
Protective Equipment like safety helmets and protection, providing low exhalation
ear protectors, with little or no encumbrance. resistance
- a close and comfortable fit
Compact - self demisting visor for clear vision
The Dräger Saver PP is extremely compact in
Dräger Saver PP15
design providing greater freedom of Warning whistle
Positive pressure emergency escape
movement and ease of storage. The unit is During an escape situation a warning whistle
contained in an instantly recognisable orange sounds when the unit is nearing the end of its
carrying bag, incorporating photoluminescent air supply, this is to help ensure the user
panels. This allows the unit to be seen at very knows when they need to be in a safe
low ambient light and visibility levels. breathing environment.

The carrying bag is interchangeable for either The proven reliability of the pneumatic
chestbag or bandolier wearing positions. It’s principles used on the Dräger PA90 and
also washable, flame retardant and Dräger PA90 Plus, have been adapted for use
waterproof. throughout the Dräger Saver range.

Activation This design provides extremely low breathing

Activation and donning are made as resistance and a consistent air flow rate at all
uncomplicated as possible to allow for a safer cylinder pressure levels.
escape. Simply open the carrying system and
the Dräger Saver PP is instantly activated. It Low cost of ownership
can be easily re-set in the event of false alarm. - no mandatory routine service is required for
a period of 10 years
The Dräger Saver PP comes equipped with - the cylinder can be charged using standard
the Panorama Nova facemask, part of the charging connectors with no special tools or
Dräger product portfolio. The elasticated head adaptors to national regulations


Dimensions 490 x 160 x 250 mm

Weight 6.18 kgs
Cylinder Free Capacity 600 liters
Cylinder Water Capacity 3 liter
Maximum Working Pressure 200 bar
Medium Pressure 6-9 bar
Airflow to Hood Potentially 500 liters per minute
Operating Temperature Range -15°C to +60°C
Approvals EN402, Lloyd’s Register Certificate of Fire Approval and Lloyd’s Register Certificate of Type Approval.
The Dräger Saver PP also complies with SOLAS Chapter I I-2, The Marine Equipment Directive and
The Pressure Equipment Directive

Dräger Saver PP15


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Saver PP15 1 3350403
Cabinet for Dräger Saver CF15 1 3351823
Safety Wash, 5 liter dispenser 1 3380166
Safety Wash, refill 5 liter 1 3380167

Dräger Oxy 3000/6000 MK II

Robust and always under control: the oxygen self-rescuers Dräger Oxy® 3000 and 6000 MK II
are designed to handle the harshest conditions. The Safety Eye provides an additional level of
security: the status window allows the user to assess whether the device is operational within

Breathing air for 30 or 60 minutes Less maintenance, lower costs

- The Dräger Oxy devices supply employees Thanks to their robust construction, the
with oxygen during an incident. In the case Dräger Oxy 3000 MK II and the Dräger Oxy
of oxygen deficiency, smoke or dangerous 6000 MK II can be used maintenance-free for
gases, these devices provide the user with up to ten years. The quick, uncomplicated
more time to reach the next safe area or visual inspection of the exterior shell and the
complete a successful escape. The Safety Eye provide certainty about the
availability of a 30-minute and a 60-minute functionality of the device. These features
device provide more options in your allow the user to not only reduce the risk for
emergency planning concept. employees, but also operating costs.

Robust thanks to a double housing product Additional advantages

concept - Compact, ergonomic shape
The metal/plastic exterior shell with an interior - Worn with a hip belt, shoulder strap or hand
integrated shock absorber protects the KO2 belt
cartridge against damage in harsh - Opening mechanism with one-handed
environments such as mining, sewage work operation for right-handed or left-handed
and within the petrochemical industry. The wearers
Dräger Oxy 3000/6000 MK II
exterior shell will be left behind when the - Optional rubber abrasion protection to
Great usability
device is activated. This feature allow protect against wear and tear
employees safe, effective and uncomplicated - Immediate activation of starter when
escape from hazardous environment. donning the device
- Light, compact functional unit
Safety duo: Crumple zone and Safety Eye - Comfort bite mouthpiece for high wearing
In what condition is your Dräger oxygen self- comfort
rescuer? Based on the position and depth of - Anti-static breathing bag
the dent in the exterior shell, the user can - For your safety training: Dräger Oxy 3000/
estimate the mechanical stresses the device 6000 MK II training device (optional
has been subjected to. In addition, a glance simulator for inhalation temperature and
through the Safety Eye is enough to ascertain breathing resistance available)
if the KO2 cartridge is undamaged. The user - Disposal of old devices by Dräger
is able to immediately identify if moisture or petrochemical
KO2 fragments are present inside the unit,
without the need to use test equipment.


Temperature -30 °C to +50 °C (-22 to 122 °F) for storage and transport
-30 °C to +70 °C (-22 to 158 °F)
for a maximum of 24 h during transport
(not when the device is in use)
-5 °C to +70 °C (23 to 158 °F) during use
Inhalation temperature Maximum +50 °C (122 °F) in accordance with DIN EN 13794
Breathing bag volume > 8 liters
Service life 10 years @ 5 days/week and 8hrs/shift
Duration Dräger Oxy® 3000 MK II: 30 min (35 L/min breathing minute volume)
Dräger Oxy® 6000 MK II: 60 min (35 L/min breathing minute volume)

Dräger Oxy 3000/6000 MK II

Inhalation/exhalation resistance Dräger Oxy® 3000 MK II: +10 hPa or -10 hPa (maximum exhalation resistance), Ű 16 hPa (at the end
of the running time)
Dräger Oxy® 6000 MK II: +7.5 hPa or -7.5 hPa (maximum exhalation resistance), Ű 13 hPa (at the end
of the running time)
Weight Dräger Oxy® 3000 MK II:
without options 2.5 kg/ 88.2 oz.
with support ring (hip) 2.7 kg/ 95.2 oz.
with support ring & abrasion protection 2.9 kg/ 102.2 oz.
in use 1.7 kg/ 59.9 oz.

Dräger Oxy® 6000 MK II:

without options 3.3 kg/ 116.4 oz.
with support ring (shoulder) & belt 3.7 kg/ 130.5 oz.
with support ring, belt & abrasion protection 3.9 kg/ 137.6 oz.
in use 2.4 kg/ 84.7 oz.
Dimensions Dräger Oxy® 3000 MK II:
without options 219 x 190 x 109 mm / 8.62 x 7.48 x 4.29 in.
with support ring (hip) 225 x 190 x 122 mm / 8.86 x 7.48 x 4.80 in
with support ring & abrasion protection 230 x 194 x 122 mm / 9.06 x 7.64 x 4.80 in
in use 170 x 200 x 80 mm / 6.69 x 7.87 x 3.15 in

Dräger Oxy® 6000 MK II:

without options 246 x 213 x 125 mm / 9.69 x 8.39 x 4.92 in
with support ring (shoulder) & belt 265 x 213 x 125 mm / 10.43 x 8.39 x 4.92 in
with support ring, belt & abrasion protection 265 x 217 x 125 mm / 10.43 x 8.54 x 4.92 in
in use 190 x 240 x 100 mm / 7.48 x 9.45 x 3.94 in
Approvals Dräger Oxy® 3000 MK II:
DIN EN 13794
AS/NZS 1716:2012 (MDG 3609:2010)

Dräger Oxy® 6000 MK II:

DIN EN 13794
AS/NZS 1716:2012 (MDG 3609:2010)
SANS 10338:2009


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Oxy® 3000 MK II, standard 1 6305800
Dräger Oxy® 6000 MK II, standard 1 6306800

Dräger PARAT® 4700

The Dräger PARAT® 4700 industrial escape hood was developed in cooperation with users –
always with the focus on offering the fastest possible escape. Optimized operation and wearing
comfort, a robust housing and a tested ABEK P3 filter guarantee that the wearer of the Dräger
PARAT® 4700 is protected from toxic industrial combustion gases, vapours and particles for at
least 15 minutes while escaping.

Ready for escape in only 3 steps 16 years of service life

Exceptionally innovative and intuitive: When Replacing the filter after 8 years will extend
opening the packaging, the filter plug is the service life of the Dräger PARAT Escape
automatically released from the filter. The Hood to 16 years in total. For this, Dräger
filter is then deployed into operational position offers filter replacement service or an expert
and the hood can be immediately donned. training for your employees.
Thanks to the self-adjusting internal head
harness, no additional tightening is required. Sturdy and ergonomic at once
All you have to do is: open the packaging, Both, ergonomics and wearing comfort were
remove and don the hood – and leave the considered when designing the packaging of
danger zone. the Dräger PARAT Escape Hoods. The
escape hood can be carried with a belt,
Reliable protection shoulder strap, grip clip or belt clip. The
The high-performance combination filter PARAT Hard Case can also be mounted on
reliably protects against a wide range of toxic the wall using a wallholder. Additionally, the
industrial gases, vapours and particles. The robust packaging of the Dräger PARAT
Dräger PARAT 4700 ABEK P3 filter is approved according to the Escape Hoods protects the device from
Industrial escape hood DIN 58647-7 for filtering escape devices; damage.
additionally, the filter is tested in accordance
with the EN 14387:2004 for gas and Different packaging types
combined filter (s). Particularly convenient: You can select between two packaging types:
The security seal on the packaging shows if The Hard Case provides splash water
the unit has been opened. In addition, the protection (IP54) – the Soft Pack provides
filter is tightly sealed with two filter plugs. dust protection (IP5). Both packaging types
have a viewing window to check the filter
expiration date and the condition of the


Dimensions PARAT® 4720: 245 x 160 x 110 mm (l x w x h)

PARAT® 4730: 249 x 156 x 115 mm (l x w x h)
Weight PARAT® 4720: 675 g
PARAT® 4730: 740 g
Filter performance ABEK P3 combination filter against toxic industrial gases, vapours and particles
Approved duration At least 15 minutes
Approvals according to DIN 58647-7 (filter additionally tested in accordance with EN 14387:2004)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PARAT® 4730, Hard Case 1 R59431

Dräger PARAT® 5500

The Dräger PARAT® 5500 fire escape hood was developed in cooperation with users – always
with the focus on offering the fastest possible escape. Optimized operation and wearing comfort,
a robust housing and a tested CO P2 filter guarantee that the wearer of the Dräger PARAT®
5500 is protected from toxic fire-related gases, vapours and particles for at least 15 minutes
while escaping.

Ready for escape in only 3 steps 16 years of service life

Exceptionally innovative and intuitive: When Replacing the filter after 8 years will extend
opening the packaging, the filter plug is the service life of the Dräger PARAT Escape
automatically released from the filter. The Hood to 16 years in total. For this, Dräger
filter is then deployed into operational position offers filter replacement service or an expert
and the hood can be immediately donned. training for your employees.
Thanks to the self-adjusting internal head
harness, no additional tightening is required. Sturdy and ergonomic at once
All you have to do is: open the packaging, Both, ergonomics and wearing comfort were
remove the and don hood – and leave the considered when designing the packaging of
danger zone. the Dräger PARAT Escape Hoods. The
escape hood can be carried with a belt,
Reliable protection shoulder strap, grip clip or belt clip. The
The high-performance combination filter PARAT Hard Case can also be mounted on
reliably protects against a wide range of toxic the wall using a wall holder. Additionally, the
fire-related gases, vapours and particles.The robust packaging of the Dräger PARAT
CO P2 filter is approved according to the EN Escape Hoods protects the device from
standard 403:2004. In addition, the filter is damage.
Dräger PARAT 5500
tested for use against H2S (at 2500 ppm) in
Fire escape hood
accordance with DIN 58647-7. Particularly Different packaging types
convenient: The security seal on the You can select between three packaging
packaging shows if the unit has been opened. types: The Hard Case provides splash water
In addition, the filter is tightly sealed with two protection (IP54) – the Soft Pack provides
filter plugs. dust protection (IP5) – or select the Single
Pack with the standard filter plug system.
Both, the Hard Case and the Soft Pack have
viewing windows to check the filter expiration
date and the condition of the device.


Dimensions PARAT® 5510: 190 x 135 x 90 mm (l x w x h)

PARAT® 5520: 215 x 155 x 105 mm (l x w x h)
PARAT® 5530: 241 x 143 x 107 mm (l x w x h)
Weight PARAT® 5510: 590 g
PARAT® 5520: 660 g
PARAT® 5530: 720 g
Filter performance CO P2 combination filter against toxic fire-related gases, vapours and particles
Approved duration At least 15 minutes
Approvals according to EN 403:2004, additionally tested for the use against H2S (at 2,500 ppm) in accordance
with DIN 58647-7

Dräger PARAT® 5500


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PARAT® 5510, Single Pack 1 R59415
Dräger PARAT® 5520, Soft Pack 1 R59425
Dräger PARAT® 5530, Hard Case 1 R59435

Dräger PARAT® 5550

The Dräger PARAT® 5550 is a fire escape hood packaged in a flame-retardant holster. It was
specifically developed for fire rescue teams for use in victim rescue. The main advantage: The
PARAT® 5550 is system approved together with Dräger breathing apparatus according to EN
137:2006, Type 2.

”Ready to act” increases safety with ease, even when wearing gloves — and
With its EN 137:2006, Type 2 and EN helps the person being rescued to don it. A
403:2004 approved combination of breathing clearly visible pictogram further illustrates the
apparatus, fire escape hood and holster, donning procedure.
Dräger is going one step further in victim
rescue. The fire escape hood can be carried More than just an accessory
along (e.g. on the breathing apparatus) With its reflective stripes, the holster is clearly
without restricting the rescuer's freedom of visible from a distance. The material used is
movement. When it is needed, it is there. The suitable for cleaning in washing machines.
fast deployment of the Dräger PARAT 5550 The inner label can also be used for
contributes to the safety of the person being personalization, meaning that the holster can
Dräger PARAT 5550 rescued. be marked with an individual’s identification.
Escape hood The holster can be attached to the breathing
Always available, always ready apparatus using the integrated belt loop with
As it is not always clear in advance whether or emergency release or the approved
not people are inside the burning object, it is accessories like the shoulder harness or the
recommended to carry a fire escape hood at carabiner hook. Optional accessory pockets
all times. For at least 15 minutes, a fire escape (small and large) for further equipment like
hood protects against highly toxic fire-related wedges or loops can be ordered separately.
gases, like CO, as well as vapors and particles.
Carried at all times, the PARAT 5550 can also Cost efficiency through long service life
save lives in a respiratory protection The PARAT 5550 has an eight year service
emergency, for example in the event of a life time and the filter is well protected
disconnected air supply. through the filter plugs during this time. So it
is uncritical if the unit is stored for some time
Easy opening, intuitive use before use. The filter expiration date is visible
The Dräger PARAT 5550 system solution from the outside of the foil pouch enabling
keeps carrying, opening and donning the fire cost-effective maintenance. Due to the filter
escape hood simple: The wearer opens the plugs, the product can still be used in the
holster, removes the foil pouch containing the event the foil pouch is punctured.
escape hood, opens it along the perforation —


Dimensions PARAT® 5550: 201 x 160 x 130 mm (h x w x d)

Weight 706 gr
Filter performance CO P2 combination filter against toxic fire-related gases, vapours and particles
Approved duration At least 15 minutes
Approvals NEN-EN 137:2006, type 2
NEN-EN 403:2004

Dräger PARAT® 5550


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PARAT® 5550 Fire Escape Hood with Holster (without accessory pockets) 1 R59445
Dräger PARAT® 5550 Holster (without fire escape hood or accessory pockets) 1 R59490
Dräger PARAT® 5550 Accessory Pocket large 1 R59491
Dräger PARAT® 5550 Accessory Pocket small 1 R59492
Dräger PARAT® 5550 Shoulder Strap 1 R59462
Dräger PARAT® 5550 Refill Pack (fire escape hood enclosed in a perforated foil pouch) 1 R59476
Carabiner Hook (10 pcs.) 1 R55573

Dräger PARAT® 7500

The combined fire and industrial escape hood Dräger PARAT 7500 was developed in
cooperation with users – always with the focus on offering the fastest possible escape. Optimized
operation and wearing comfort, a robust housing and a tested ABEK CO P3 filter guarantee that
the wearer of the Dräger PARAT® 7500 is protected from toxic industrial and fire-related gases,
vapours and particles for at least 15 minutes while escaping.

Ready for escape in only 3 steps Hood to 16 years in total. For this, Dräger
Exceptionally innovative and intuitive: When offers filter replacement service or an expert
opening the packaging, the filter plug is training for your employees.
automatically released from the filter. The
filter is then deployed into operational position Sturdy and ergonomic at once
and the hood can be immediately donned. Both, ergonomics and wearing comfort were
Thanks to the self-adjusting internal head considered when designing the packaging of
harness, no additional tightening is required. the Dräger PARAT Escape Hoods. The
All you have to do is: open the packaging, escape hood can be carried with a belt,
remove and don the hood – and leave the shoulder strap, grip clip or belt clip. The
danger zone. PARAT Hard Case can also be mounted on
the wall using a wallholder. Additionally, the
Reliable protection robust packaging of the Dräger PARAT
The high-performance combination filter Escape Hoods protects the device from
reliably protects against a wide range of toxic damage.
industrial gases, vapours and particles. The
Dräger PARAT 7500 ABEK P3 filter is approved according to the Different packaging types
Combined fire and industrial escape hood DIN 58647-7 for filtering escape devices; You can select between two packaging types:
additionally, the filter is tested in accordance The Hard Case provides splash water
with the EN 14387:2004 for gas and protection (IP54) – the Soft Pack provides
combined filter (s). Particularly convenient: dust protection (IP5). Both packaging types
The security seal on the packaging shows if have a viewing window to check the filter
the unit has been opened. In addition, the expiration date and the condition of the
filter is tightly sealed with two filter plugs. device. There is an additional version of the
PARAT 7500: A hood which has an
16 years of service life elastomeric neck seal – for an even higher
Replacing the filter after 8 years will extend level of protection.
the service life of the Dräger PARAT Escape


Dimensions PARAT® 7520: 235 x 160 x 115 mm (l x w x h)

PARAT® 7530: 249 x 156 x 115 mm (l x w x h)
Weight PARAT® 7520: 770 g
PARAT® 7520e: 850 g
PARAT® 7530: 830 g
PARAT® 7530e: 900 g
Filter performance ABEK CO P3 combination filter against toxic gases, vapours, particles and fire-related gases
Approved duration At least 15 minutes
Approvals According to EN 403:2004 and DIN 58647-7 (filter additionally tested in accordance with EN

Dräger PARAT® 7500


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PARAT® 7520, Soft Pack 1 R59427
Dräger PARAT® 7530, Hard Case 1 R59437

Dräger PARAT® 3000 Filtering Escape Devices

When hazardous substances are present at a work place it has to be taken into account that
these substances can suddenly leak out into the air in concentrations that cause severe health
impairment or even death.

The filtering escape devices Dräger PARAT Dräger PARAT® 3200

3000 have a single but vital task to perform: Mouth piece/nose clip assembly – for very low
They ensure that the user is provided with leakage.
protection along his escape route into a safe,
breathable atmosphere. Therefore these Benefits
devices are robust, compactly designed and - ABEK 15 Filter – protection against a wide
safe and easy to handle. The filtering escape range of toxic gases and vapours
devices are designed for a minimum of 15 - robust, ergonomic case – for long service
minutes of escape time and approved to the life even in rough work environments
only standard world-wide for industrial escape - transparent cover with mounting clip – easy
devices (DIN 58647-7). to service and carry along for daily use
- long service life - 12 years total life time
Dräger Parat 3000 Dräger PARAT® 3100 (filter change every 4 years)
Protects the user from harmful gases and Half mask with 2-point harness – quick
smokes donning, comfortable use and good


Filter performance ABEK 15 gas filter for protection against organic and anorganic gases and vapours, approved in
accordance to DIN 58647 part 7
Dimensions Dräger PARAT 3100: 170 x 110 x 90mm
Dräger PARAT 3200: 170 x 110 x 60mm
Weight Dräger PARAT 3100: approx. 360g
Dräger PARAT 3200: approx. 330g
Duration of use At least 15 minutes
Shelf life 4 years free of service, filterexchange every 4 years, total shelf life 12 years
Approvals Approved in accordance to DIN 58647 part 7 (CE mark 0158)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PARAT 3100 1 R57981
Dräger PARAT 3200 1 R57982

Personal Grab Bag

Grab bag with personal escape aid to abandon the installation in case of a fire. The personal
grab bag is mostly used on offshore platforms. To be used in the event of a fire.

Contents has been successfully proven in use and

- grab bag with carrying strap and photo public building and with fire departments,
luminescent identification strip helping to rescue others, giving you minimum
- Dräger Parat 5510 smoke hood 15 minutes of escape protection in fire
- heat resistant gloves situations.
- cyalume light stick
Light stick
Dräger PARAT 5510 The 6'' EASY-LIGHT is a pure European
A fire along with the hazardous smoke and product. Thanks to its elegant design, it is a
fumes it gives off, can take you by surprise. good alternative to the 6'' GLOWSTICK. The
The Dräger PARAT 5510 Fire Escape Hood "alligator" hook helps to clip this light sticks on
Personal Grab Bag is designed to help you escape the fire safely many supports. Combine the 6'' EASY-LIGHT
Personal escape aid by filtering out the toxic smoke and fumes in with a lanyard and it becomes a glowing
the fire, allowing you to breathe easily while pendant. On special events, imprint the 6''
getting to safety. The Dräger PARAT 5510 EASY-LIGHTS to adapt more personally.


Dräger PARAT 5510

Dimensions Dräger PARAT 5510 single pack: 19,5 x 14 x 9 cm (H x L x W)
Weight approx. 600 gr
Filter performance Combination cartridge (gas & particle filter) provides protection against smoke, gases and particles,
Filter Type CO-P2
Approved duration minimum of 15 minutes
Approval EN 403:2004, additionally tested against H2S (at 2.500ppm) in accordance with DIN 58647-7. CE
Light stick
Dimensions 150 x 11 mm
Weight 0.0133 kg
Color Green
Duration of use up to 12 hours
Approval EN 71 1-2-3
Heat restistant gloves
Operating temperature 150°C
Approval EN388 CAT-1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Grab bag (empty) 1 SG06154
Dräger PARAT 5510, single pack 1 R59415
Heat resistant gloves 1 SG06152
Cyalome stick 1 SG06153

Dräger X-plore® 1300

The Dräger X-plore® 1300 combines proven and reliable respiratory protection with intelligent
new ideas ensuring a high level of comfort and ease of use.

Efficient particle protection CoolMAX™ exhalation valve (optional)

Dräger X-plore 1300 is the new generation of Small details, big effect: Breathe easy and
pre-formed particle filtering face pieces for comfortably, thanks to the extremely low
effective protection against fine dust as well breathing resistance. The valve directs humid
as solid and liquid particles. For use in and warm exhaled air away from the user and
applications where exposure to dust is out of the mask – preventing heat build-up
unavoidable the X-plore 1300 is available in all and keeping them cool.
three EN protection classes FFP1, FFP2 and
FFP3. Odour stopping versions equipped with A secure seal
an activated carbon layer are ideal for users Alongside the filter performance, a secure
that battle with unpleasant nuisance odours. seal, without leakage, is decisive in how
effective the masks' protection really is. The
CoolSAFE™ filter material X-plore 1300 is the ideal combination of an
- The specially developed CoolSAFE™ filter ergonomic mask body combined with an
material combines various high-performance integrated nose seal and nose clip. This gives
filter media to achieve an excellent filter the wearer a tailor-made fit and a secure seal.
performance. Coarse and fine particles are Additionally, the good seal keeps safety
effectively stopped in the various filter glasses from fogging.
Dräger X-plore® 1300
layers. At the same time, the breathing
Respiratory protection
resistance remains very low, allowing the Colour coding for fast recognition of the
user to work easily and without tiring for protection class
longer periods. In addition, the face pieces Fast recognition without confusion: the colour
were subjected to the increased coded nose clip and valve classify the three
requirements of the (optional) dolomite dust EN protection levels dark-blue (FFP1), light-
test. Their resistance to clogging under high blue (FFP2) and white (FFP3). Providing
exposure to dust was successfully tested. easy recognition when selecting the right
During activities with high exposure to dust mask.
(e.g. mining), this gives the face pieces a
longer service life and reduces costs for the Special features of X-plore 1330
user, while maintaining a high degree of - Practical and comfortable: The VarioFLEX™
wearing comfort. head harness with a four-point adjustment
and extra-wide textile straps ensures the
VarioFLEX™ head harness with EasyStop best possible fit.
Easy to don/doff and adjust with a pressure- - Quick and easy to use: The straps are
free fit. The continuous-looped tear-proof arranged for fast donning. An integrated
textile strap eliminates the need for clips – safeguard prevents straps from slipping out
preventing uncomfortable pressure and of place.
allergic reactions. EasyStop allows the wearer - Secure and comfortable: Integrated, all-
to individually adjust the harness as required, around comfort sealing.
while ensuring ease of use and a secure, - Clean and hygienic: Each face piece is
comfortable seal. Experience ultimate comfort individually packaged in its own plastic bag.
with the extra-wide slip-proof harness of the - Individually adjustable: Available in two
Dräger X-plore 1330. different sizes S/M and M/L – the right size
for different face shapes.


Filter material CoolSAFE™ for protection against solid and liquid non-volatile particles
Odour versions With additional activated carbon layer against nuisance organic odours below the limit value
Marking D Successfully passed the dolomite dust test against clogging
Marking NR The mask can only be used for a maximum of one work shift

Dräger X-plore® 1300

Approvals All versions meet the conditions of the EU guideline 89/686/EWG and are permitted as particle
filtering half masks in accordance to the increased requirements of the revision of EN
149:2001+A1:2009 (test of filter performance for aerosol exposure with 120 mg paraffin oil). Australian
Standard AS/NZS 1716:2003 certified (SAI Global)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore 1310 FFP1 NR D 1 3951211
Dräger X-plore 1310 FFP1 NR D V (with valve) 10 3951212
Dräger X-plore 1320 FFP2 NR D 20 3951213
Dräger X-plore 1320 FFP2 NR D V (with valve) 10 3951214
Dräger X-plore 1330 FFP3 NR D V size M/L (with valve) 5 3951217

Dräger X-plore® 3300

A perfect combination of durability, protection and comfort. For harsh conditions and long
duration use, the Drager X-plore 3300 half mask is the first choice.

Flexible nose area for nose fit weight and pressure distribution resulting in
The special design of the nose sealing strip increased wearer comfort.
ensures leak free sealing and an optimal fit
with safety glasses. Three sizes (S,M, L) Innovative DrägerFlex material
ensure a perfect fit for every type of face. Specially developed for the mask body of the
Dräger X-plore® 3500, the "DrägerFlex"
Low profile design material combines hypoallergenic properties
The swept-back position of the filters with excellent chemical resistance and
guarantees a wide field of vision free from protection.
obstruction and ensures optimal fit for use
Dräger X-plore 3300 under protective visors. Furthermore, the Drop down harness
Durability, protection and comfort comfortable design leads to the highest level Allows you to remove the mask without
of user acceptance. removing a hard hat or faceshield. By simply
opening the neck clips the respirator slides
FlexiFit head harness down from your face. While in the drop-down
The new smooth material provides an position, the mask sits close to your body,
excellent fit to your head without hair protected from dirt and grime.
entanglement. You won´t even notice it under
your hard hat. Versatile use
The Dräger X-plore® 3500 is equipped with
Easily adjustable head harness two lateral bayonet connections for use with
The innovative X-guided (cross over) strap the comprehensive Dräger X-plore® bayonet
system is easy to adjust and ensures an even filter series.


Material of mask body Soft-TPE – friendly to the skin, comfortable to wear, lightweight, translucent grey
Sizes Small (S), medium (M), large (L)
Filter connection Two side-positioned bayonet connectors for use with the Dräger X-plore® filter range
Weight Approx. 95 gr
Maintenance Spare parts available for Dräger X-plore® 3500
Extras Drop down harness system and resealable storage bag (with Dräger X-plore® 3500)
Approvals CE-certified (EN 140), Australian Standard AS/NZS 1716, NIOSH 42 CFR 84


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore 3300 half mask, (size S) 1 R55331
Dräger X-plore 3300 half mask, (size M) 1 R55330
Dräger X-plore 3300 half mask, (size L) 1 R55332

Dräger X-plore® 3500

A perfect combination of durability, protection and comfort. For harsh conditions and long
duration use, the Dräger X-plore 3500 half mask is the first choice.

Flexible nose area for secure fit weight and pressure distribution resulting in
The special design of the nose sealing strip increased wearer comfort.
ensures leak free sealing and an optimal fit
with safety glasses. Three sizes (S, M, L) Innovative "DrägerFlex" material
ensure a perfect fit for every type of face. Specially developed for the mask body of the
Dräger X-plore 3500, the "DrägerFlex"
Low profile" design material combines hypoallergenic properties
The swept-back position of the filters with excellent chemical resistance and
guarantees a wide field of vision free from protection.
obstruction and ensures optimal fit for use
Dräger X-plore 3500 under protective visors. Furthermore, the "Drop down" harness
Excellent chemical resistance and protection comfortable design leads to the highest level Allows you to remove the mask without
of user acceptance. removing a hard hat or faceshield. By simply
opening the neck clips the respirator slides
"FlexiFit" head harness down from your face. While in the drop-down
The new smooth material provides an position, the mask sits close to your body,
excellent fit to your head without hair protected from dirt and grime.
entanglement. You won't even notice it under
your hard hat. Versatile use
The Dräger X-plore 3500 is equipped with
Easily adjustable head harness two lateral bayonet connections for use with
The innovative X-guided (cross over) strap the comprehensive Dräger X-plore® bayonet
system is easy to adjust and ensures an even filter series.


Material of mask body Soft-TPE – friendly to the skin, comfortable to wear, lightweight, translucent grey
Sizes Small (S), medium (M), large (L)
Filter connection Two side-positioned bayonet connectors for use with the Dräger X-plore® filter range
Weight Approx. 95 gr
Maintenance Spare parts available for Dräger X-plore® 3500
Extras Drop down harness system and resealable storage bag (with Dräger X-plore® 3500)
Approvals CE-certified (EN 140), Australian Standard AS/NZS 1716, NIOSH 42 CFR 84


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore 3500 (size S) 1 R55351
Dräger X-plore 3500 (size M) 1 R55350
Dräger X-plore 3500 (size L) 1 R55352

Dräger X-plore® 4740

The Dräger X-plore® 4700 is the robust half mask which offers excellent comfort and
outstanding leak tightness for demanding applications. Thanks to the wide range of filters
available for protection against gases, vapours and particles, it is ideally suited for use in a variety
of industries.

Flexible nose area for secure fit The silicone version is also available in two
The combination of soft mask body, specially sizes. Two different connectors can be
shaped nose seal and a sturdy plastic frame ordered, either for use with Dräger X-plore®
offers key advantages during long term use: a Rd40 filters (as per EN 148-1), or Dräger X-
perfect fit on different face shapes and sizes, plore® Rd90 filters (Drägerspecific). A wide
superior leak tightness, and virtually no range of gas, particle and combination filters
pressure points. The ergonomic FlexiFit head are available for both connectors.
harness makes the mask easy to don and doff
without hair entanglement or unnecessary Benefits
pressure. The mask can be removed simply - outstanding comfort
by releasing the neck hook, without taking off - excellent fit
the safety helmet ("drop down" strap system). - virtually no pressure points
Dräger X-plore 4740 The exhalation valve is positioned low and - TPE version is free of paint-affecting
Excellent comfort reliably removes moisture, maintaining a dry substances
and pleasant atmosphere inside the mask. - choose between two different sizes and filter
Two high quality materials are available to connectors
choose from: TPE or extremely comfortable - wide range of filters
silicone, especially good for sensitive skin.


Material of mask body Soft-TPE – friendly to the skin, comfortable to wear, lightweight, translucent grey
Sizes Small (S), medium (M), large (L)
Filter connection Standard thread connection Rd40 (RA) as per EN 148-1 (Dräger X-plore® 4740)
Dräger-specific thread connection Rd90 (Dräger X-plore® 4790)
Weight Dräger X-plore® 4740: 160 g bzw. 175 g
Dräger X-plore® 4790: 180 g bzw. 195 g
Head harness Flexible and robust neoprene strap (CR/NR), two adjustment points, FlexiFit TPE head harness, drop-
down option
EH-version: elastic harness made of sturdy, chemical resistant neoprene
Spare parts Available
Approvals CE certified (EN 140), AS/NZS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-Plore 4740 RA M/L Silicones 1 R55874
Dräger X-plore 4740 S/M 1 R55875

Dräger X-plore® 5500

Whether in the chemical, metal, or automotive industries, ship building, maintenance, supplies,
or disposal: The Drager X-plore® 5500 full face mask is the right solution for environments
where not only increased respiratory protection is required, but also a clear vision is mandatory.

Safe and comfortable fit Easy recording, servicing and management

A double sealing frame with threefold sealing One universal size simplifies logistics and
edges offers safe protection and a secure fit storage. An inside barcode allows for ease of
for almost all face shapes. The mask body recording and servicing the mask inventory.
from durable EPDM ensures a great level of
wearing comfort even during prolonged use. Efficient ventilation system
The efficient ventilation system with separate
5-point harness interior half mask ensures a fog-free lens and
The harness allows quick and easy donning unobstructed view.
and doffing of the mask without hair
entanglement. Additionally, the wide strap Large field of vision
design prevents the development of pressure The swept-back position of the filters
Dräger X-plore® 5500 points on the head. guarantees the user's field of vision is free
Safe and comfortable fit from obstruction.
Large field of view due to 180° from PC or
Triplex Versatile use
The distortion-free lens with 180° wide angle The Dräger X-plore® 5500 is equipped with
guarantees a large field of view with excellent two lateral bayonet connections for use of the
peripheral vision. There is a choice of impact- comprehensive Dräger X-plore® bayonet filter
proof polycarbonate material (with plastic series.
frame) or scratch-proof and chemical-
resistant Triplex glass (with extra stable
stainless steel frame).


Material of mask body EPDM with high ageing resistance, extremely hypoallergenic
Visor Polycarbonate with wide field of vision
Filter connection Two side-positioned bayonet connections for use of the X-plore® Bayonet Filter range
Weight Approx. 540 gr
Maintenance Spare parts available
Approvals EN136 Cl.2 with CE mark and NIOSH


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore 5500 EPDM / PC full face mask, (universal size) 1 R55270
Wikov carrying case for full face masks 1 R51019

Dräger X-plore® 6300

The Dräger X-plore® 6300 is the efficient yet low-cost full face breathing mask intended for
price-conscious users not wishing to compromise on comfort or quality. This full face mask is
the successor to the Panorama Nova Standard, a mask which has proven itself over decades of
use worldwide – redesigned and improved with fresh colours and an integrated bar code.

Applications not only ensures that the mask can be donned

The Dräger X-plore 6300 is designed for use easily and quickly, but is wide enough to
by professionals in industry, and meets the prevent any pressure points on the wearer's
highest demands for reliability, fit and comfort. head.

Together with the respiratory filters from The scratch-proof and distortion-free PMMA
Dräger's comprehensive range, it has proven Plexiglas visor with 180° wide-angle
suitable for a wide range of different guarantees a large field of vision with
applications. Versatile in use, this mask can panoramic view. The robust frame is made of
be used either in combination with Dräger X- extra-light plastic, and the intelligent
plore Rd40 filters or together with the Dräger ventilation system ensures that the visor
powered air purifying respirators (e.g. X-plore remains fog-free.
7300 or 7500 series).
Features A barcode inside the mask makes checking
The mask body, which is made of robust and inventories and carrying out mask
hypoallergenic EPDM, features a double- maintenance easy. Valves can even be
Dräger X-plore 6300 layer face seal with triple sealing action for a serviced without tools. A full range of
Meets the highest demands for reliability secure and comfortable fit on just about any accessories and spare parts are available.
shape of face. The mask comes in a universal High quality materials and careful
"one size fits all", making logistics and storage workmanship ensure mask longevity, making
easy. The comfortable five-point head harness the masks highly cost effective.


Material of mask body Highly resistant and hypoallergenic EPDM

Weight Approx. 500 gr
Visor Scratch-proof PMMA (Plexiglas) with 180° wide-angle
Connection Sturdy plastic with inhalation and exhalation valve, standard thread connection Rd 40x1/7" as per EN
Approvals EN 136 Class 2 (CE mark), NIOSH, AS/NZS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore 6300 1 R55800
Wikov carrying case for full face masks 1 R51019

Dräger X-plore® 6530 Full Face Masks

The Dräger X-plore® 6530 is the most widely used full face mask from professionals in a wide
variety of applications. It meets the highest demands for quality, reliability, secure fit and comfort.
This full face mask is the successor to the Panorama Nova masks, a range which has proven
itself over decades of use worldwide.

Safe and comfortable fit Versatile use

A double sealing frame with threefold sealing The X-plore 6530 is equipped with an Rd40
edges offers safe protection and a secure fit connection in accordance with EN 148-1 for
for almost all face shapes. The mask body use of the Dräger Xplore ® Rd40 filter series.
made from durable EPDM ensures a great
level of wearing comfort even during 5-point harness
prolonged use. The comfortable five-point head harness not
only ensures that the mask can be donned
Large field of vision easily and quickly, but is wide enough to
The distortion-free lens with 180° wide angle prevent any pressure points on the wearer's
guarantees a large field of vision with head.
excellent periphial vision. You have the choice
Dräger X-plore® 6530 EPDM/PC between a lens made from impact-proof Simple servicing and logistics
With PC visor and plastic frame polycarbonate (with either a plastic or One universal size simplifies logistics and
stainless steel lens frame) or an extremely storage. An inside barcode allows for ease of
scratch-resistant Triplex lens with high recording and servicing the mask inventory.
chemical resistance (with stainless steel lens
frame). Clear voice communication
An integrated stainless steel voice diaphragm
Efficient ventilation system facilitates good communication.
The efficient ventilation system with separate
inner half mask ensures a fog-free lens and
unobstructed view.


Material of mask body Highly resistant and hypoallergenic EPDM

Weight Approx. 550 – 650 g (depending on visor/frame)
Visor Choice of impact-resistant polycarbonate or extremely temperature- and chemical-resistant triplex
Connection Sturdy plastic with inhalation and exhalation valve, standard thread connection Rd 40x1/7" as per EN
Approvals EN 136 Class 3 (CE mark), NIOSH (PC), AS/NZS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore® 6530 EPDM/PC, with PC visor and plastic frame 1 R55795
Dräger X-plore® 6530 EPDM/Triplex, with triplex visor and stainless steel frame 1 R55810
Wikov carrying case for full face masks 1 R51019
Protex mask bag, set of 4 pieces 1 R54939
Anti-fogging gel “klar-pilot” (50 ml) 1 R52560
Lens covers (set of 25), self-adhesive 1 4055092
Mask spectacles kit 1 R51548
Welding shield 1 4053437
DAISYquick cleaning cloths (pack of 10) 1 R54134

Dräger X-plore® 6570 Full Face Masks

The Dräger X-plore® 6570 is the high comfort silicone full face
mask used by professionals in a wide variety of applications. It meets the highest demands for
quality, reliability, secure fit and comfort. This full face mask is the successor to the Panorama
Nova masks, a range which has proven itself over decades of use worldwide.

Silicone mask body for safety and wearing Versatile use

comfort The X-plore 6570 is equipped with an Rd40
A double sealing frame with threefold sealing connection in accordance with EN 148-1 for
edges offers safe protection and a secure fit use of the Dräger Xp lore ® Rd40 filter series.
for almost all face shapes. The mask body is
made of durable and hypoallergenic silicone 5 point harness
(blue or yellow colour) which provides non- The comfortable five-point head harness not
compromising wearing comfort - even during only ensures that the mask can be donned
prolonged use. easily and quickly, but is wide enough to
prevent any pressure points on the wearer's
Large field of vision head.
The distortion-free lens with 180° wide angle
provides a large field of view with excellent Simple servicing and logistics
periphial vision. The lens is made from impact- One universal size simplifies logistics and
proof polycarbonate with either a plastic or storage. The inside barcode allows for ease of
stainless steel lens frame available. recording and servicing the mask inventory.
Dräger X-plore® 6570 Full Face Masks
With PC visor and stainless steel frame
Efficient ventilation system Clear voice communication
The efficient ventilation system with separate An integrated stainless steel voice diaphragm
inner half mask prevents the visor from facilitates good communication.
misting up and provides a clear view.


Material of mask body Particularly skin-friendly silicone, which is highly flexible at high/low temperatures
Weight Approx. 520 – 620 g (depending on visor/frame)
Visor Choice of impact-resistant polycarbonate or extremely temperature- and chemical-resistant triplex
Connection Sturdy plastic with inhalation and exhalation valve, standard thread connection Rd 40x1/7" as per EN
Approvals EN 136 Class 3 (CE mark), NIOSH (PC), AS/NZS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-plore® 6570 SI/PC, with PC visor and stainless steel frame 1 R51535
Wikov carrying case for full face masks 1 R51019
Protex mask bag, set of 4 pieces 1 R54939
Anti-fogging gel “klar-pilot” (50 ml) 1 R52560
Lens covers (set of 25), self-adhesive 1 4055092
Mask spectacles kit 1 R51548
Welding shield 1 4053437
DAISYquick cleaning cloths (pack of 10) 1 R54134

Dräger X-plore® Half-mask Filters

Experience a new dimension of comfort and safety in respiratory protection: the Dräger X-plore®
Twinfilter series. It sets the benchmark in comfort and use. The utilization of modern materials
coupled with an attractive design guarantees maximum comfort and user acceptance.

Innovative and comfortable Many possibilities

The extensive X-plore Bayonet filter series is The gas cartridges can be upgraded to
an innovative line of twin filter respiratory operate as combination cartridges by using
protection products for all major applications various pad attachments or Dräger X-plore®
which combines modern design with Pure with an adapter. The additional particle
enhanced wearer comfort. The off-center filters can be replaced independently from the
arrangement of the bayonet connections gas cartridge. An optional course particulate
enables a wide and unobstructed field of view. prefilter prevents premature clogging of to the
The filters are suitable for use with Dräger X- combination cartridge with grit or spray paint.
plore 3300/3500 half masks and Dräger X-
plore 5500 full face masks with Dräger Durable plastic housing
bayonet connection. All bayonet filters are equipped with a robust
plastic housing.
Easy and secure attachment
The filters are equipped with a secure and CE marking
Dräger X-plore half-mask filters quick-release bayonet catch which provides All filters are CE-marked in accordance with
High level of user safety easy guidance until they click into place. The EN 14387 and/or EN 143.
P3 particle filters have a white housing for
easy identification. Supporting cartridge selection
The Dräger VOICE database of hazardous
substances offers comprehensive support for
selecting cartridges (


Filter Type Weight Order Ordernr.

Particle Filters
P3 R** 35 gr/pc 6738011
Gas Filters
A1 90 gr/pc 6738005
A2 90 gr/pc 6738873
A2B2 120 gr/pc 6738775
A1B1E1K1 110 gr/pc 6738816
Combination Filters
A1B1E1K1Hg P3 D** 140 gr/pc 6738817
A2B2E2K2Hg P3 D* ** 210 gr/pc 6738819
* only for use with full face mask
** labelling "R": certified for reuse (more than one shift)
labelling "D": successfully passed dolomite test

Dräger X-plore® Rd40-filters

Whether used in chemical industry or automobile industry, shipbuilding, metal processing

industry or by public utility services – for decades Dräger respiratory protection filters have been
a synonym for experience and safety worldwide. They clean breathable air from contaminants in
a low-cost and effective manner.

Broad filter range Aluminium housing

The X-plore Rd40 filter series offers various The aluminium housing ensures that any
filter types for major applications and protects damage to the filter is easily detected,
against many hazardous substances – from therefore providing extra security.
phosphine to tear gas to particulates.
CE marking
Long life All filters are CE-marked in accordance with
The gas filters and combination filters have a EN 14387 and/or EN 143.
shelf-life of 6 years and the particle filters a
shelf life of 12 years from date of manufacture. Rd40 thread connection
The filters are suitable for use with half and
Dräger X-plore filters Resealable individual packaging full face masks with standard thread
Clean breathable air from contaminants in a The filters are packed individually to ensure connection Rd40 according to EN 148-1.
low-cost optimum protection of the unused filter. For
storage, the packaging is resealable. Supporting filter selection
The Dräger VOICE database of hazardous
substances offers comprehensive support for
selecting filters (


Material ABS plastic housing

Shelf life Gas and combination filters 6 years, particle filters
12 years, pads 3 years
Approvals EN 14387, EN 143:2000/A1:2006


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger filter 680 P3 Rd40 25 6732974
Gas filter 940 A2 1 6738855
Gas filter 900 A2B2 1 6738779
Gasfilter 105 AX 1 6738863
Gasfilter 900 K2 1 6738856
Gasfilter 940 A2B2E2K1 1 6738802
Gasfilter 1140 A2B2E2K2 1 6738804
Combination filter 1140 A2B2-P3 RD 1 6738783
Combinatiefilter 1140 A2B2E2K2 Hg-P3 RD 1 6738797

Dräger X-plore® Rd90-filters

Clean air for tough jobs. The filters of the Dräger X-plore® Rd90 series protect from hazardous
gases and vapors, have a long life and can be used for many different masks.

Extensive filter range Individual packaging

The X-plore Rd90 filter series offers an The filters are packed individually to ensure
extensive range of various filter types for all optimum protection of the unused filter.
major applications and protects against many
gases and vapors. Aluminium housing
The aluminium housing ensures that any
Universal fit damage to the filter is easily detected,
The filters have been designed for use in the therefore providing extra security.
Dräger half masks, X-plore® 4390 and 4790.
With the 40/90 filter box adapter they can CE marking
also be used for any mask with a Rd40 All filters are CE-marked in accordance with
connection in accordance with EN 148-1. EN 14387 and/or EN 143.

Long life Supporting filter selection

The gas filters and combination filters have a The Dräger VOICE database of hazardous
shelf-life of 6 years and the particle filters a substances offers comprehensive support for
shelf life of 12 years from date of manufacture. selecting filters (
Dräger X-plore filters
Rd40 thread connection
Clean air for tough jobs
The filters are suitable for use with half and
full face masks with standard thread
connection Rd40 according to EN 148-1.


Material ABS plastic housing

Shelf life gas and combination filters 6 years, particle filters 12 years, pads 3 years
Approvals CE-marked in accordance with EN 14387 and/or EN 143:2000


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Partikel filter 990 P3 R 5 6737190
Gas filter 990 A1B1E1K1 5 6738810
Combinatie filter 990 A2B2-P3 RD 5 6738773
Combinatie filter 990 A1B1E1K1-P2 RD 5 6738811
Combinatie filter 990 A1B1E1K1Hg-P3 RD 5 6738812

Wikov carrying case for full face masks

Wikov carrying case for easy and accessible storage of full face mask and filter.

Features - ergonomic shape

- made out of tough plastic - including adjustable belt
- shockproof to -30°C - designed for full face masks

Wikov storage box

For full face masks


Material Plastic
Shelf life gas and combination filters 6 years, particle filters 12 years, pads 3 years
Approvals CE-marked in accordance with EN 14387 and/or EN 143:2000


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Wikov carrying case for full face masks 1 R51019

Dräger PAS Colt - EN 402

Combining versatility, ease of use and the latest in breathing apparatus design, Dräger’s PAS
Colt is among the most technologically advanced short duration and emergency escape units

Ergonomically designed harness Modular Drop-down facility

The PAS Colt is a hip-mounted unit with a Equipped, as an option, a unique ‘drop down’
distinctive, sophisticated harness design feature, whereby the cylinder can be un-
which retains its form, making it easy for the clipped from the waistbelt, makes the PAS
wearer to don the apparatus simply and Colt ideal for use in confined space entry
quickly. The procedure for donning the applications.
apparatus is evident at first glance, even to the
inexperienced user. Machine washable harness
The PAS Colt is machine washable and easy
to maintain.

Dräger PAS Colt - EN 402

Sophisticated harness


Minimum dimensions 790 x 500 x 70 mm

Maximum dimensions 950 x 500 x 70 mm
Weight 2 kgs
Input pressure cylinder 200 or 300 bar
Input pressure airline 6 - 9 bar
Nominal 1st stage output pressure 7 bar
1st stage output flow >600 bar
LDV output flow >400 bar
Whistle activation pressure 4 - 5 bar
Whistle soundlevel >90 dBA
Whistle frequency range 2000 - 4000 Hz
Operating temperature range -32°C to +70°C


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAS Colt EN 402 1 3352744

Dräger PAS Colt - EN 137

Combining versatility, ease of use and the latest in breathing apparatus design, Dräger’s PAS
Colt is among the most technologically advanced short duration and emergency escape units

Ergonomically designed harness Modular Drop-down facility

The PAS Colt is a hip-mounted unit with a Equipped, as an option, a unique ‘drop down’
distinctive, sophisticated harness design feature, whereby the cylinder can be un-
which retains its form, making it easy for the clipped from the waistbelt, makes the PAS
wearer to don the apparatus simply and Colt ideal for use in confined space entry
quickly. The procedure for donning the applications.
apparatus is evident at first glance, even to the
inexperienced user. Machine washable harness
The PAS Colt is machine washable and easy
to maintain.

Dräger PAS Colt - EN 137

Sophisticated harness


Minimum dimensions 550 x 500 x 70 mm

Maximum dimensions 640 x 500 x 70 mm
Weight 2.5 kgs
Input pressure cylinder 200 or 300 bar
Input pressure airline 6 - 9 bar
Nominal 1st stage output pressure 7 bar
1st stage output flow >600 bar
LDV output flow >400 bar
Whistle activation pressure 55 - 60 bar
Whistle soundlevel >90 dBA
Whistle frequency range 2000 - 4000 Hz
Operating temperature range -32°C to +70°C


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAS Colt EN 137 3352634

Dräger PAS Airpack 1 Trolley

Designed using leading technology and materials, Dräger’s range of heavy-duty airline apparatus
is ideal for use where an extended duration of breathing air is called for. Chemical tank cleaning,
toxic spillages or certain tasks when working on offshore installations are all made easier and
more comfortable when using the Dräger PAS® AirPack 1.

Increased freedom of movement The Dräger PAS AirPack 1 Trolley module

Uninterrupted air supply is provided by the incorporates the following pneumatic
trolley-mounted cylinder(s) to the wearer via a elements;
hose reel. As the PAS AirPack can be easily - Pressure reducer suitable for connecting
re-located and therefore positioned in a safe breathable quality air at an input pressure of
zone which is in close proximity to working either 200 or 300 bar.
area, the user need only wear a lightweight - Pressure reducer suitable for supplying
harness, such as Dräger’s PAS Colt, during breathable quality air at an outlet medium
operation. This allows the wearer a greater pressure of 8 bar nominal. (6 to 10 bar)
freedom of movement, and less stress and - Vent valves, to allow for the independent
fatigue than they would be subjected to if charging if an individual cylinder.
wearing a conventional self-contained - High Pressure (HP) gauge, indicating
breathing apparatus unit. cylinder pressure.
- Medium Pressure (MP) gauge, indicating
A well thought trough system cascade system or ring main pressure.
The Dräger PAS AirPack 1 is able to
accommodate up to four compressed air Safety features
cylinders of up to 12 litres in capacity and is - Pressure relief valve, to relieve medium
Dräger PAS AirPack 1
constructed from an anti-static powder coated pressure from air hoses.
Extended duration breathing apparatus at its
steel material. - Whistle Warning Unit – High pressure
A 50 metre length of hose is supplied with the (HPWWU), indicating cylinder pressure to a
PAS AirPack 1 as standard, this can be volume of approximately 55 bar
extended to a length of 100 metres with a - Whistle Warning Unit – Medium pressure
range of extension hoses. The trolley hose (MPWWU) for use with independent air line
reel connector is protected with a cover to source. Indicating cascade system or ring
minimise inadvertent damage being caused. main pressure at approximately 4.5 bar.
The hose reel is equipped with a winding - Suitable for use in explosive atmospheres
handle to allow the hose to be easily re-wound (ATEX zone 1)
onto the reel after use. Outgoing hose
distribution is also controlled with a braking Performance
system in order to prevent unnecessary The high performance pressure reducer
unwinding and potential entanglement. assembly of the Dräger PAS AirPack 1 is
The Dräger PAS AirPack 1 benefits from the incorporated in the main pneumatic manifold
world renowned, tried and tested, pneumatics assembly located behind the control panel.
system used on Dräger’s successful PSS Functioning at inlet pressures of 200 or 300
range of compressed air breathing apparatus. bar the reducer provides a controlled outlet
The system incorporates a safety pressure operating medium bar-pressure supply of 8
relief valve and the pressure reducer is bar nominal. (6 to 10 bar).
shrouded in a protective plate for additional A pressure relief valve, incorporated into the
safety. manifold, ensures that any ‘over pressure’
The PAS AirPack has been ergonomically (possible failure of the reducer) will not enter
designed to facilitate ease of operation, the mediumpressure airline system.
general handling and mobility.
The Module comprises of:
- Robust welded durable steel frame coated,
for corrosion protection, with a tough black
anti-static polymeric powder coating.
- Stainless steel fittings.


Dräger PAS Airpack 1 Trolley


Input Pressure Cylinder 200 or 300 bar

Input Pressure Airline 6 - 9 bar
Airline Whistle Activation Pressure 4 - 5 bar
Whistle Sound Level >90 dBA
Operating Temperature Range -32°C to +70°C


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAS Airpack 1, including 50 meter hose 1 3352228

Dräger PAS Airpack 2 Trolley

Designed using leading technology and materials, Dräger’s range of heavy-duty airline apparatus
is ideal for use where an extended duration of breathing air is called for. Chemical tank cleaning,
toxic spillages or certain tasks when working on offshore installations are all made easier and
more comfortable when using the Dräger PAS® AirPack 2.

Increased freedom of movement shrouded in a protective plate for additional

Uninterrupted air supply is provided by the safety.
trolley-mounted cylinder(s) to the wearer via a
hose reel. As the PAS AirPack 2 can easily be Pneumatics
relocated and therefore positioned in a safe The Dräger PAS AirPack 2 Trolley module
zone which is in close proximity to working incorporates the following pneumatic
area, the user only needs to wear a elements:
lightweight harness, such as Dräger’s PAS - Pressure reducer suitable for connecting
Colt, during operation. This allows the wearer breathable quality air at an input pressure of
a greater freedom of movement, and less either 200 or 300 bar.
stress and fatigue than they would be - Pressure reducer suitable for supplying
subjected to if wearing a conventional self- breathable quality air at an outlet medium
contained breathing apparatus unit. pressure of 8 bar nominal (6 to 10 bar).
- Vent valves, to allow for the indepen dent
A well thought through system charging of an individual cylinder.
The Dräger PAS AirPack 2 is able to - High Pressure (HP) gauge, indicating
accommodate one or two compressed air cylinder pressure.
cylinders of up to 50 litres in capacity and is - Medium Pressure (MP) gauge, indicating
Dräger PAS AirPack 2
constructed from an anti-static powder coated cascade system or ring main pressure
Extended duration breathing apparatus at its
steel material.
The unit can be supplied with a fully approved Safety features
lifting eye, enabling safe transfer when - Pressure relief valve, to relieve medium
elevated working areas may be unavoid able. pressure from air hoses.
The rear wheel of the trolley also incorporates - Whistle Warning Unit – High pressure
an easy to administer foot brake, which (HPWWU), indicating cylinder pressure to a
prevents any inadvertent movement of the volume of approximately 55 bar
unit during operation. - Whistle Warning Unit – Medium pressure
It is available with either one or two pre s sure (MPWWU) for use with independent air line
reducers and two hose reels allowing joint use source. Indicating cascade system or ring
of the system or for two completely main pressure at approximately 4.5 bar.
independent systems to run concurrently. A - Suitable for use in explosive atmospheres
50 metre length of hose is supplied with (ATEX Zone 1).
Dräger PAS AirPack 2 as standard, this can
be extended to a length of 100 metres with a Performance
range of extension hoses. The high performance pressure reducer
The trolley hose reel connector is protected assembly of the Dräger PAS AirPack 2 is
with a cover to minimise inadvertent damage incorporated in the main pneumatic manifold
being caused. The hose reel is equipped with assembly located behind the control panel.
a winding handle to allow the hose to be easily Functioning at inlet pressures of 200 or 300
rewound onto the reel after use. Out going bar the reducer provides a controlled outlet
hose distribution is also controlled with a operating medium bar-pressure supply of 8
braking system in order to prevent bar nominal (6 to 10 bar).
unnecessary unwinding and potential A pressure relief valve, incorporated into the
entanglement. manifold, ensures that any ‘over pressure’
The Dräger PAS AirPack 2 benefits from the (possible failure of the reducer) will not enter
world renowned, tried and tested pneumatics the mediumpressure airline system.
system used on Dräger’s successful PSS
range of compressed air breathing apparatus.
The system incorporates a safety pressure
relief valve and the pressure reducer is

Dräger PAS Airpack 2 Trolley


Weight Depending on pneumatics

Hose reel and lifting eye 57.5 to 83.5 kg
Input Pressures Cylinder 200 - 300 bar
Output Pressures Airline 6 - 9 bar
Airline Whistle Activation Pressure 4 - 5 bar
Whistle Sound Level >90 dBA
Operating Temperature Range -32°C to +70°C


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAS Airpack 2 Trolley, including 2x hose reel and 2x 50 meter hose and lifting eye 1 3352236

Dräger PAS® Filter Airline Equipment

PAS® Filters reliably clean air, e.g. from an existing high-pressure network, from liquid and solid
particles, including oil vapour and smell. This means that you get breathing air which even
exceeds the specifications of DIN EN 12021.

Wall-mounted or portable Compatible with all Dräger breathing air

The PAS Filters can be mounted to the wall systems (e.g.):
or placed on the floor. This enables users of - Dräger PAS Lite
breathing apparatus to move in all directions - Dräger PAS Colt
without kinking the hoses. The portable - Dräger PAS Micro
version with carrying handle and side - Dräger PAS AirPack
connections has three legs which prevent it - Dräger ABIL
from becoming dirty. They also ensure a firm
hold on uneven surfaces. Further advantages
- two connection options: for max. three (760
Manually adjustable air pressure L/min) or max. five persons (1,080 L/min)
The primary pressure from the line can be - included in the scope of supply: active
easily adjusted at the filter using a key. This carbon and particle filters for solid and liquid
means that you can connect compressed air particles incl. humidity, oil droplets and
breathing apparatus according to DIN EN smells
14594 for positive pressure and normal - optional: Pre-filter for heavy soiling
pressure masks. The set pressure is displayed - robust, stable housing made of polyethylene
on the manometer directly at the filter.
Dräger PAS Filter Airline Equipment
For reliable clean air


Dimensions (H x W x D) 430 x 280 x 162 mm

Weight 4.5 kg - 6.5 kgs
Maximum capacity 760 / 1,080 L/min
Coalescing filter Yes
Activated carbon filter Yes
Maximum inlet pressure 16 bar
Inlet F3000/3500: 1/4“ BSP (female)
Outlet 3 / 5 x CEJN


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger PAS F3500 P 1 3359922
760 (L/min) with pre-filter 3 x CEJN portable 6.0 kg

Airline Hoses

For the new range of compressed line breathing apparatus you can chosse from compressed
air hoses of various lengths. The hoses are available with CEJN couplings and 1/4" external
thread to alow other coupling systems to be used too.

Applications - the hose is free of paint-affecting

These compressed hoses make for optimal substances (e.g. silicone)
conditions when working in confined spaces - also suitable for use in difficult conditions:
such as when cleaning the deck on a ship, hoses do not kink and can withstand being
tanks and working in sewers. Additionally, stepped on and pulled
these hoses are well-suited to paint jobs - for use at temperatures from -30°C to
because they are free of paint-affecting +60°C
substances (e.g. silicone). - chemical resistant

Flexibility and low weight Electrostatic properties

What is special about these hoses is their - Cover 1 KŲ /m – 100 MŲ/m
flexibility and low weight. In highly polluted - Tube 1 KŲ /m – 100 MŲ/m
environments where there is little oxygen, the
Airline hoses wearer van work with a high degree of Hose coupling
Flexible hoses, suitable for heavy work breathing comfort and little additional physical - End 1 - Dräger standard Rectus 96KS
stress. series male coupling: Interchangeable with
CEJN 341/342 series and Parker CJ series
Benefits - End 2 - Dräger standard Rectus 95KS
- light, flexible hoses, suitable for heavy work series female coupling: Interchangeable with
- electrical conductivity of the entire hose, CEJN 341/342 series and Parker CJ series
including couplings (anti-static)


Hose material Reinforcement: PVA

Inside: NBR
Outside: NBR/PVC
Colour Black
Inside diameter 7,0mm ± 0,4mm
Outside diameter 16,4mm ± 0,6mm
Concentricity Max 0,5mm
Weight 0,218g/m
Operating pressure 30 BAR (60 Bar burst pressure)
Operating temperature -30°C to +100°C
Tensile strength 1000N minimum
Bend radius 1000N minimum
Approvals EN14593-1:2005, EN14594:2005


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Compressed airline hoses 3 meter, CEJN couplings 1 3352463
Compressed airline hoses 5 meter, CEJN couplings 1 AL01260

Airline Hoses

Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Compressed airline hoses 10 meter, CEJN couplings 1 AL01261
Compressed airline hoses 20 meter, CEJN couplings 1 AL01262
Compressed airline hoses 30 meter, CEJN couplings 1 3352467
Compressed airline hoses 45 meter, CEJN couplings 1 AL01263
Compressed airline hoses 50 meter, CEJN couplings 3352468

Dräger ABIL R Valve System

Simple, but effective protection: the compressed airline system ABIL-R offers comfortable
respiratory protection during long-term stationary applications.

Constant air inlet Individually adjustable

Breathing resistance is low due to a constant Because the valve can be regulated, the air
air inlet. inlet of the device can be individually adjusted.
At 8 bar operating pressure, 300 to 1000
Low weight liters per minute are supplied.
The ABIL-R weighs approximately 450 grams
and is therefore especially light. Without consumables
The compressed airline system is particularly
Can be combined with mask cost-effective because it has a modular design
The device can be combined with a full face and no consumables.
Dräger ABIL R mask or half mask and is particularly well-
Low cost maintenance suited for the supply from stationary Suitable for narrow spaces
compressed air systems. The device is well-suited for work in narrow
Optional output
The ABIL-R has an optional output for
compressed-air tools.


Compressed air supply hose max. 50 m

Breathing air according to EN 12021, do not use oxygen or oxygen-enriched air
Temperature - 10°C to + 60° C, in use
Operating pressure 7 to 10 bar
Air volume flow 300 L/min to 1000 L/min
Tensile strength >1000 N
Approval EN 139


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger ABIL-R-1 1 AL01265

Dräger Automatic Switch Over Valve

Fully automatic switching from external air to SCBA air and from SCBA air to external air.
Provides an uninterrupted air supply to the wearer.

Warning device During the switch over operation the Dräger

A warning device warns that the wearer is now ASV maintains positive pressure within the
breathing from cylinder compressed air. facemask at all times.

Uninterrupted air supply Low profile and light

If the external air supply fails, then the unit will Due to its compact design the Dräger PAS
automatically switch to the compressed air ASV can be used easily in confined spaces.
breathing apparatus for its supply of air.

Dräger Automatic Switch Over Valve

Uninterrupted airsupply


Weight 350 gr
Dimensions 130 x 54 x 32 mm
Supply pressures Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus - Nominal 7.5 bar
External air source -6 to 10 bar
Switching pressures From external source -4.0 to 5.0 bar
To external air source -5.0 to 5.8 bar
Warning device volume 90dba
Operating temperature range -30°C to +70°C
Approvals Approved to prEN14593 pt1 and EN139
For use with Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus approved
to EN137 and EN402


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Automatic Switch Over Valve - PAS Colt 1 3354140
Dräger Automatic Switch Over Valve - Permanent fit Breathing Apparatus 1 3354142

Poseidon PE 100

The Poseidon edition stands for an excellent price/performance ratio at very high quality. This
unit range has been developed for reliable operation combining proven core components from
Bauer with a simple and robust chassis. The PE 100 is by far the smallest and lightest
compressor unit of the PE range. With its three drive variants petrol, three-phase and single-
phase alternating current it is suitable for a wide variety of applications, whether ashore, in
vehicles or on the high seas.

Mobile and versatile in application used to provide an air quality markedly better
Whether as a breathing air compressor for than the strict safety limits of the breathing air
diving groups, fire brigades and on ships, or standards DIN EN 12021.
for filling cartridges for competition
marksmen, the possible applications of the Quality and service
PE 100 are almost unlimited. Due to its low The compressor block of the PE 100 is
weight, compact design and small manufactured by Bauer. Over 50,000
dimensions, the PE 100 is easy to transport examples of this model have been sold over
and fits comfortably into almost any car trunk. the last 15 years and perform their task
The petrol driven version can be operated worldwide with their legendary reliability. The
Poseidon PE 100 without an electric power supply even in the sophisticated technology makes particularly
Reliable operation remotest places. With an alternating current long maintenance intervals possible. This is
drive it is suitable for the normal house mains. easy on the purse and helps to limit the
annoying shutdown times of the compressor
Pure breathing air during necessary service works to a minimum.
In the new purification system P11, the
sophisticated filter technology from Bauer is


Weight Approx. net 44 kgs

Dimensions 660 x 350 x 420 mm
Pressure 200/300 bar
Drive 3-phase 200/300 bar 400 V, 60 Hz
F.A.D. 100 l/min
C.F.M. 3,5
Filling rate 2,0
Drive kW 2,2
Drive HP 3,0


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Poseidon PE 100-TE (200 bar) 1 84053201
Poseidon PE 100-TE (300 bar) 1 84053202
Poseidon PE 100-TW (single phase, 230 V, 60 Hz) 1 84053203

Poseidon PE 250 HE

Horizontal design, for a space-saving installation. The PE 250 HE horizontal model is by far the
most compact high pressure breathing air compressors in its class.

Space-saving condensate is drained when the unit is

Owing to the space-saving arrangement of switched on and off, as well as at regular
block and drive, the HE range requires a intervals during operation.
minimum of floor space in spite of its high - elapsed time meter for reading off the
throughputs. The standard version comes pending maintenance and service intervals
already equipped with automatic condensate
drain and easy-to-use control. P-Purification system
- a filter technology perfected over a decade
Robust compressor block guarantees breathing air of superior in
- piston rings made of a newly developed quality to DIN EN 12021
hightech synthetic material offer outstanding - our original cartridges safely remove
wear values humidity, oil and pollutants from the
- oil cooling in the final compression stage for compressed air
minimal wear and tear and for a longer life
- interstage and afterstage coolers made of Control at a glance
Poseidon PE250 HE stainless steel against corrosion - exclusive from BAUER and unique
For space-saving installation - robust low pressure oil pump with oil filter worldwide: the B-TIMER (optional) for
for effective lubrication and extended oil monitoring required filter changes and
change intervals maintenance intervals
- the minicomputer counts the operating
Automatic operation hours and indicates reliably the remaining
- a control in conjunction with the final life time
pressure cutout controls the independent - pending cartridge changes or maintenance
switching-off of the compressor intervals are conspicuously indicated
- convenience in use is achieved by means of
an automatic condensate drain: the


Weight Approx. net 230 kgs

Dimensions 1100 x 690 x 990 mm
Drive 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz
F.A.D. 250 l/min
R.P.M. 1450 min.
Filling rate 0.8 min.
Drive kW 5.5
Drive HP 7.5
Purification system Triplex® P31 / P42


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Poseidon PE 250 HE 1 BK0PEHE250

Poseidon PE 300 HE

Horizontal design, for a space-saving installation. The PE 300-HE horizontal model is by far the
most compact high pressure breathing air compressors in its class.

Space-saving condensate is drained when the unit is

Owing to the space-saving arrangement of switched on and off, as well as at regular
block and drive, the HE range requires a intervals during operation.
minimum of floor space in spite of its high - elapsed time meter for reading off the
throughputs. The standard version comes pending maintenance and service intervals
already equipped with automatic condensate
drain and easy-to-use control. P-Purification system
- a filter technology perfected over a decade
Robust compressor block guarantees breathing air of superior in
- piston rings made of a newly developed quality to DIN EN 12021
hightech synthetic material offer outstanding - our original cartridges safely remove
wear values humidity, oil and pollutants from the
- oil cooling in the final compression stage for compressed air
minimal wear and tear and for a longer life
Poseidon PE300 HE - interstage and afterstage coolers made of Control at a glance
For space-saving installation stainless steel against corrosion - exclusive from Bauer and unique worldwide:
- robust low pressure oil pump with oil filter the B-TIMER (optional) for monitoring
for effective lubrication and extended oil required filter changes and maintenance
change intervals intervals
- the minicomputer counts the operating
Automatic operation hours and indicates reliably the remaining
- a control in conjunction with the final life time
pressure cutout controls the independent - pending cartridge changes or maintenance
switching-off of the compressor intervals are conspicuously indicated
- convenience in use is achieved by means of
an automatic condensate drain: the


Weight Approx. net 250 kgs

Dimensions 1100 x 690 x 990 mm
Drive 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz
F.A.D. 300 l/min
R.P.M. 1800 min.
Filling rate 0.7 min.
Drive kW 7.5
Drive HP 10.0
Purification system Triplex® P31 / P42


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Poseidon PE 300 HE 1 BK0PEHE300

Bauer Junior II - E Compressor

The most compact highly mobile one of our diving compressor range. Due to its toughness and
reliability the Junior has become a global classic. The Bauer Junior II offers an even more
compact design and numerous improvements in details. The patented TRIPLEX® filter system
guarantees purest breathing air according to DIN EN 12021 (formerly DIN 3188).

Invest in Bauer Quality Toughness

The Bauer Junior II is a product based on - durable, long-life compressor block
more than 50 years of experience and strict - new fan and pulley protection made of
Bauer. Quality Management according to DIN unbreakable
EN ISO 9001. This is the uncompromising - UV-resistant special plastic, which improves
quality down to the last detail that has made cooling air flow for increased compressor
us the global market leader for breathing air efficiency
compressor units. - filling device: stainless steel; filling hose:
Easy Handling
- due to symbolic figures it is child's play to Safe Handling
operate the compressor - moving parts such as v-belt, pulley and fan
- comprehensive documentation facilitates have optimal protection
maintenance work - the GS-sign certifies the observation of all
relevant safety regulations

Bauer Junior II Compressor

Uncompromising quality


Medium Air
Intake Pressure Atmospheric
Intake Temperature +5°C to +45°C
Ambient Temperature +5°C to +45°C
Setting of safety valve 225 or 330 bar
Filling pressure 200 or / and 300 bar
Capacity 100 l/min measured at bottle filling 0 to 200 bar
Tolerance ± 5% at +20°C Ambient Temperature
Speed 2300 1/min
Number of Compression stages 3
Number of Cylinders 3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bauer Junior II-EH Compressor 400V 50Hz 1 BK0J3EH00

Bauer Oceanus

For a professional performance, which offers toughness, mobility and greater air capacity. Bauer
Oceanus is designed to go on vessels, diving boats and expeditions.

Durable and extremely tough Safe handling

- for best possible resistance to corrosion Moving parts such as v-belt, pulley and fan are
frame, handle and safety-filling device are fully protected.
made of stainless steel. Filling hose is made
of kevlar. Inter- and after coolers are made Resistance to corrosion
of galvanized steel. The use of stainless steel and kevlar for frame
- piston rings made of a newly developed and filling device ensures extreme resistance
high-tech synthetic material offer to corrosion.
outstanding wear values
- the new low-pressure lubrication guarantees Weight
an even higher life span of all moving parts The light weight and compact unit is portable
by a single person and fits in every boot.
Extremely seaworthy
The large capacity of the oil sump allows 1. Max. allowable inclination of petrol version
operation in extreme inclinations of up to 30° 20° only due to Honda engine.
1). 2. Available with switch over device 330 / 225
Bauer Oceanus bar or 225 bar/330 bar alternatively.
Designed to go on vessels, diving boats and 3. With telescopic intake tube and HONDA
expeditions motorwith telescopic intake tube and HONDA


Weight net 47 kgs

Dimensions 790 x 350 x 420 mm
Type max. 330 bar 2) OCEANUS - B
Drive 4 - stroke petrol 3)
FAD l/min *) 140 *) cylinder filling from 0 to 200 bar
min -1 2300
Filling rate min **) 1.4 **) filling rate for 1 l cylinder capacity from 0 to 200 bar
Engine kW 4.0
Engine HP 5.5


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Bauer Oceanus 1 BK0OCE000

Dräger Aerotest Simultan HP

Dräger Aerotest Simultan HP is used to determine the quality of respiratory air in high-pressure
applications. In combination with the new Dräger Oil Impactor the system offers a unique quality
level for the monitoring of compressed air.

Monitored breathing air Fast and simple application

By using the Dräger Aerotest Simultan HP, Using normal tools, the measuring instrument
the quality of the breathing air from a can be connected via a G 5/8 connector to
compressor or a compressed air cylinder can the high-pressure air network. It takes five
be tested. The application of the test system minutes until the Aerotest displays an
ensures the reliable testing in accordance indication about the degree of contamination
with the purification standard EN 12 021. The of the filled breathing air.
Aerotest product family is based on the well
known Dräger-Tubes® - a reliable and quick The Dräger Oil Impactor
test method to detect and measure possible The new Dräger Oil Impactor is especially
toxic gases. The Dräger Aerotest Simultan designed to detect oil aerosols in compressed
HP enables the quantitative detection of air. It is a system that, besides measurements
various potentially harmful substances, e.g. of normal oils, enables the measurement of
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water vapor synthetic oils independent of the oil type and
and oil in dispersing compressed air. The viscosity. Quantitative results are easily visible
values can either be determined individually via a tiered structure.
or simultaneously.
Dräger Aerotest Simultan HP Always ready for use
All necessary components in one complete All components of the Dräger Aerotest
system Simultan HP are arranged in a carrying case
and therefore always ready for use.


Dimensions (L x W x H) 350 x 300 x 85

Weight approx. 3.0 kgs
Supply Pressure 200/300 bar
Connection G 5/8
Flow 0.2 and 4.0 L/min


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Aerotest Simultan HP 1 6525951

Dräger SPC 3800

Chemical protective suits are used whenever and wherever a person’s skin has to be protected
from the harmful effects of hazardous liquids. If there is a risk that the entire body may come
into contact with solid or liquid chemicals, complete coveralls are the only way to ensure full

Light and comfortable can be alternatively worn on or underneath

The Dräger SPC 3800 (Splash Protective the double sealing frame of the mask. The
Clothing) is a light and comfortable, liquid- Dräger SPC 3800 uses the same face cuff as
tight protective suit. It is made of Tychem® F the Dräger CPS 7800. Due to the separate
material and is designed for disposable use. packaging, the user can very easily identify if
The donning and doffing procedures are a suit has already been used. The one-piece
especially easy because of the zippering coveralls with liquid-tight heat-sealed seams
concept from shoulder to shoulder at the back are optimized for use with full face masks
protected by a double flap which is made of together with a breathing apparatus, powered
the same Tychem® F material. Furthermore, air purifying respirator or compressed airline
the zipper does not interfere with the wearer’s equipment.
work and provides perfect protection during
the operation and decontamination phase. Reliable protection
These coveralls provide protection against
You choose ultra-fine dusts and powders, against many
The Dräger SPC 3800 will be available in the inorganic acids and alkalis as well as a broad
Dräger SPC 3800 colours grey and orange. The grey version is spectrum of organic chemicals in liquid form.
Splash protection equipped with heat-sealed laminated safety The Dräger SPC 3800 is CE certificated and
gloves. The orange version has Butyl gloves classified according to category III as chemical
attached. The feet are protected by flexible protective suit type 3, 4, 5 and 6.
socks with cuffs which are also made of the Furthermore, the suit meets all requirements
Tychem® F material. Dräger also offers a suit of the SOLAS approval. The main customer
with a modified sock that optimises groups are within industrial applications and
conductivity. the shipping market. The coveralls are
available in six sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL,
Flexible use XXXL).
The handling and wearing comfort is provided
by the thin flexible form. Thereby, the face cuff


Material Tychem® F
Sizes Size M: body height from 1.68 m to 1.76 m
Size L: body height from 1.74 m to 1.82 m
Size XL: body height from 1.80 m to 1.88 m
Size XXL: body height from 1.86 m to 1.94 m
Weight 840 g
Color orange
Zipper with double flap horizontal on backside
Gloves Butyl® gloves
Temperature -73 °C to +98 °C
Approvals EN 14605 Category III, Type 3 and 4, EN ISO 13982-1 Category III, Type 5, EN 13034 Category III,
Type 6
EN 1073-2, EN 14126, EN 1149-1, SOLAS

Dräger SPC 3800


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger SPC 3800, size M 1 R57375
Dräger SPC 3800, size L 1 R57376
Dräger SPC 3800, size XL 1 R57377
Dräger SPC 3800, size XXL 1 R57378

Dräger SPC 2400

Chemical protection overalls are always used when it is important to protect a person's skin from
harmful influences or hazardous, liquid substances. The Dräger SPC 2400 Flexothane provides
light protection against low concentrations of acids, logs and ammonia. Resistant to crude oil,
machine oil, petroleum, benzine and diesel.

Features The zip fastener runs vertically on the front of

The splash-proof or liquid-tight Dräger SPC the overall, and is protected by a double flap.
2400 chemical protection overalls are light This overall offers protection against crude oil,
and comfortable splash protection clothing, machine oil, petroleum, lubricants, etc. The
made from textile that is water-vapour light, water-vapour-permeable material offers
permeable or PVC- a high degree of comfort and maintains its
layered.<Pgfgroep omschr flexibility, even at very low temperatures.
The one-piece overalls, with heat-sealed
seams, are designed for use with disposable Dräger SPC 2400 PVC
masks, filter masks, full-face masks with The one-piece overall is equipped with an
compressed air breathing apparatus, or elasticated hood with a special fastening
compressed air line systems. beneath the chin. The sleeves have
elasticated ends and cuffs. The elasticated leg
Both overalls are washable, thus making them ends have a tie bar and cuffs that can be
reusable. Washing by hand is recommended, adjusted using hook and loop fastener strips.
however the Dräger SPC 2400 Flexothane Furthermore, the elbow and knee areas are
can also be washed by machine at a low reinforced.
washing movement.
Dräger SPC 2400
The vertical zip fastener with triple protection
Chemical protection overall
The overalls are CE certified and classified as is located on the front. This overall provides
chemical protection types 4 and 3. protection when cleaning, e.g. when using a
high-pressure cleaner or when cleaning tanks.
Dräger SPC 2400 Flexothane The robust material also offers protection
The one-piece overall is equipped with a hood when using cleaning agents, low
with drawstring, sleeves with elasticated ends concentrations of acids and base, and
and cuffs, as well as reflective strips on the inorganic salts.
upper arms. The ends of the legs can be
adjusted using press studs.


Dräger SPC 2400 - Flexothane

Weight 0.7 kg
Color Red /dark-blue
Material Water-vapour-permeable textile
Washability Restricted machine wash (max. 40° C)
Approvals NEN-EN 14605 (type 4)
Dräger SPC 2400 - PVC
Weight 2 kg
Color Yellow
Material Water-vapour-permeable textile
Washability Handwash max. 30° C
Approvals NEN-EN 14605 (type 3)

Dräger SPC 2400


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger SPC 2400 Flexothane, size M, 164 - 182 cm, chest size: 96 - 104 cm 1 R54522
Dräger SPC 2400 Flexothane, size L, 170 - 188 cm, chest size: 104 - 118 cm 1 R54523
Dräger SPC 2400 Flexothane, size XL, 170 - 188 cm, chest size: 112 - 120 cm 1 R54524
Dräger SPC 2400 Flexothane, size XXL, 176 - 194 cm, chest size: 120 - 128 cm 1 R54998
IIR gloves, size 10 (1 pair) 1 R53531
IIR gloves, size 11 (1 pair) 1 R53560

Dräger Workmaster-Pro Himex

For emergency response to hazardous materials, it is essential to prevent dangerous chemicals

causing permanent injury to personnel or damage to property and the environment. Such
responsible work demands equipment that matches the responsibility.

Applications glass. A ventilation system can also be

The Dräger WorkMaster pro-ET chemical integrated into the suit, and helps to keep the
protective suit protects the equipment wearer body cool and remove moisture. The wearer
from gaseous, liquid, aerosol and solid benefits from the agreeable conditions inside
chemicals. The breathing apparatus is worn the suit and can thus enjoy substantially
outside the suit. improved comfort. In addition, the suit can be
connected to an external source such as a
Features compressed air respirator.
The suit material consists of high-quality
HIMEX® substrate fabric, which features HIMEX® is a registered trademark of
extremely high mechanical strength and Drägerwerk AG, Lübeck.
chemical resistance and also withstands
darting flames. The Dräger WorkMaster pro-ET (ET =
Emergency Team) chemical protective suit is
The components of the protective suit can be a gas-tight, reusable, single-piece chemical
put together to suit specific applications with protective suit compliant with EN 943-1:2002,
the help of a modular system and can be Type 1b.
matched to the wearer to achieve maximum
Dräger Workmaster-pro Himex
comfort in the various work situations. A It is also tested and approved to EN 943-
For emergency response
choice of different suit sizes is available in 2:2002, Type 1b - (ET) and thus complies
both BLUE and ORANGE. The protective with the latest vfdb guideline 08/02:2002-
gloves and safety boots are chemical-proof, 11(3). Furthermore, the suit has the European
easily replaceable and joined to the suit. MED Steering Wheel approval (Marine
Equipment Directive) of the “GL
Full integration LUXEMBOURG” and the Japanese marine
The visor of the permanently integrated approval “NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI”.
fullface mask consists of composite safety


Sizes M from 160 cm - 175 cm

L from 170 cm - 185 cm
XL from 180 cm - 190 cm
XXL from 185 cm - 200 cm
Weight with hood approx. 6.5 kg
with integrated full-face mask approx. 7 kgs (without ventilation system)
Color outside / inside - blue / grey - orange / grey
Temperature in use -40 °C to +60 °C
in storage -5 °C to +25 °C
Suit material (substrate fabric) with HIMEX®/hybrid material


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger Workmaster-Pro Himex size M 1 R29400/M
Dräger Workmaster-Pro Himex size L 1 R29400/L
Dräger Workmaster-Pro Himex size XL 1 R29400/X
Dräger Workmaster-Pro Himex size XXL 1 R29400/XX

Dräger CPS 7900

Tailor-made for use under extreme conditions: The gas-tight Dräger CPS 7900 provides
excellent protection against industrial chemicals, biological agents, and other toxic substances.
Its innovative material qualifies the CPS 7900 equally well for work in explosive areas and for
handling cryogenic substances.

Protection in a class of its own offers its wearers with a body height of 1.50 m
The chemical protective suit Dräger CPS to 2.10 m the highest degree of mobility
7900 was developed to protect its wearer during a wide variety of activities and tasks.
when handling toxic or hazardous materials Moreover, the clearly lighter weight and better
and to provide much needed support for a drape of the suit material adjusts to the
variety of dangerous tasks. The suit material wearer's movements and offers the full range
D-mex offers unique resistance to various of flexibility.
substances as well excellent protection
against mechanical effects, liquefied gases, Ready at any time
and flash fires. The Dräger CPS 7900 meets Innovative materials and new service concepts
and exceeds the requirements of international made it possible to significantly reduce time
standards of fire departments, search and and expenses for regular testing and
rescue organizations, and industry for expenses. In addition, the suit can be easily
Dräger CPS 7900 reusable protection suits. cleaned and disinfected. This means the time
Gas suit, tailor-made for use under extreme and expense spent over the 15 years of
conditions D-MEX: 5-Fold safety service life of the suit is much less.
The suit's innovative and unique material D-
mex™ consists of five layers. An especially Ready for the extraordinary
sturdy elastomer layer as well as a barrier Accessories are available to customize the
layer resistant to chemicals is on the inside as chemical protective suit to meet your specific
well as the outside. This allows the suit to needs and requirements, thereby expanding
retain its full protective capacity even when your range of application options. Including
the material on the outside becomes pressure gauge holder, height adjustment,
damaged. Its electrostatic properties make it anti-fog visor and D-Connect.
possible to use the suit in all explosive areas.
If a spark occurs in spite of this remarkable Never again gasping for a breath
fabric, the flame-retardant and self- Breathing air is a scarce commodity when it
extinguishing material protects its wearer from comes to runs involving toxic materials or
serious burns. The flexibility of D-mex™ even hazardous atmospheres. The route to the
makes it possible to handle liquefied gases deployment location and the decontamination
such as ammonia at a contact temperature of location must be bridged. The actual tasks
-80°C. must be completed. This is followed by a
careful decontamination so that suits can be
Outstanding wearing comfort removed. The amount of air available in a
The chemical protective suit reduces the compressed air breathing apparatus often is
stress during the already difficult work in insufficient to cover both activities. For this
hazard zones and danger areas. With its new, reason the suit can be equipped with optional
ergonomic cut and five available sizes, the suit pass thrus.


Sizes Size S for body heights of 1.50 m to 1.65 m

Size M for body heights of 1.60 m to 1.75 m
Size L for body heights of 1.70 m to 1.85 m
Size XL for body heights of 1.80 m to 2.00 m
Size XXL for body heights of 1.95 m to 2.10 m
Color Blue or orange
Zipper Closes at top or bottom
Cover flap with hook and loop fastener fastener or snaps

Dräger CPS 7900

Integrated boots or socks Safety boots in size 43 to 50

Gas-tight socks in 3 sizes from 40 to 50
Gloves Previous EN combination in size 9 to 11
New EN combination in size 10 to 11
Approvals EN 943-1:2002 EU, EN 943-2:2002, BS 8467, EN 1073-2, EN 14126, SOLAS (pending), EX-


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger CPS 7900, Blue or Orange 1 R29500

Dräger CPS 7800

The reusable gas-tight Dräger CPS 7800 (type 1b) provides excellent protection against
gaseous, liquid, aerosol and solid hazardous substances even in explosive areas. Due to its
innovative material and the new suit design it offers increased flexibility and comfort when
entering confined spaces and working with cryogenic substances.

Reliable protection yourself, and shut the zip fasteners without

The Dräger CPS 7800 (Typ 1b) protects assistance.
against a multitude of possible dangers when
dealing with hazardous substances. The novel Always ready
antistatic material D-mex™ offers excellent Time and expense for regular testing could be
chemical resistance and protection against reduced significantly through innovative
mechanical influences. The Dräger CPS 7800 materials and new service concepts. The suit
exceeds the requirements of international can also be cleaned and disinfected
industry standards for reusable protective automatically without complications. This
suits. reduces the effort required to keep the suit
ready for use over its lifetime of up to 15 years.
D-mex™: 5-fold safety An unused suit with face cuff can even be
D-mex™, the unique suit material, consists of stored for five years without servicing. If repair
five layers and its reliability has been proven or maintenance is required, this can be
during hazardous substance deployments by performed by the service technician. Of
the fire service. Tear-proof textile forms the course, DrägerService is equally happy to
middle layer; on the inside and outside there perform these tasks.
is a particularly robust elastomer layer, as well
Dräger CPS 7800
as a chemically high-resistant barrier layer. Ready for the extraordinary
Chemical protective suit for industrial use
With this design, the suit retains its full With optional accessories, the Dräger CPS
protection performance even if the outer 7800 can be adapted to be even more
material is damaged. individual to meet your specific requirements
and in turn extend your deployment options
Fitted, flexible and comfortable further. The suit is available with an integrated
The Dräger CPS 7800 increases the wearing Panorama Nova full face mask or face cuff.
comfort even during difficult work in Stress reduction, especially during prolonged
hazardous areas. With its ergonomic cut and use, can be achieved by equipping the suit
five sizes to choose from it offers the highest with ventilation systems. The Dräger CPS
degree of flexibility for wearers ranging from 7800 features an optional ventilation system
1.50 m to 2.05 m in height. In addition, the with the integrated regulating valve PT 120 L
light and soft suit material adapts ideally for a that can be connected to different breathing
full range of movement. Offered as an option, air sources. The suit can also be printed with
individually adjustable braces provide even a customer-specific design, if desired. The
greater wearing comfort to the user and an Dräger CPS 7800 training suit permits you to
improved fit of the suit. A newly designed fit perform exercises in realistic scenarios
means you don the Dräger CPS 7800 with outside contaminated areas with the same
more ease, can put on and remove the suit by equipment characteristics.


Suit material D-mex™

Sizes Size S for body heights from 1.50 m to 1.65 m
Size M for body heights from 1.60 m to 1.75 m
Size L for body heights from 1.70 m to 1.85 m
Size XL for body heights from 1.80 m to 1.95 m
Size XXL for body heights from 1.90 m to 2.05 m
Color Blue or orange
Integrated boots or socks Safety boots in sizes 43 to 50
Gas-tight socks in 3 sizes from 40 to 50

Dräger CPS 7800

Face connection Face cuff (gas-tight)

Integrated full face mask
Gloves Previous EN combination (Viton) in sizes 9 to 11
Previous EN combination (Viton/Butyl) in sizes 9 to 11
New EN combination (Silvershield/Tricotril) in sizes 10 to 11
Weight With face cuff and socks approx. 3.5 kg without ventilation system
With face cuff and boots approx. 5.4 kg without ventilation system
With full face mask and socks approx. 4.3 kg without ventilation system
With full face mask and boots approx. 6.2 kg without ventilation system
Temperature in use -30 °C tot +60 °C
in storage -30 °C tot +60 °C
Approvals EN 943-1:2002, EN 943-2:2002 (ET), EN 1073-1/2, EN 14126, EN 14593, vfdb 08/01:2006-11, BS
8467, SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger CPS 7800, Blue or Orange 1 R29650/L
Dräger CPS 7800, Blue or Orange 1 R29650/M
Dräger CPS 7800, Blue or Orange 1 R29650/XL
Dräger CPS 7800, Blue or Orange 1 R29650/XXL

Dräger CPS 6800

If you are looking for protection against cryogenic hazardous substances and low concentrations
of acids and alkalis then the Dräger CPS 6800 chemical protective suit is the right choice. The
new and innovative suit design is more flexible and allows you to comfortably enter confined

Outstanding protection (PUR) closure system. Safety gloves and

With its external self-contained breathing safety boots are connected to the suit in a
apparatus the gas-tight Dräger CPS 6800 gas-tight manner and can be easily replaced.
protects against gaseous, aerosol-based, As an alternative to the securely attached
liquid and solid hazardous substances. The safety boots, the suit can also be equipped
Umex suit material guarantees mechanical with securely attached and gas-tight socks.
strength and provides maximum wearing Alongside the integrated full face mask, the
comfort. The outstanding flexibility of the Dräger CPS 6800 also allows for the fitting of
material makes the reusable suit ideal for a flexible, gas-tight face cuff. This allows you
handling cryogenic media and working in cold to easily switch between full face masks for a
environments. single suit. The integrated PT 120 L control
valve gives the Dräger CPS 6800 an optional
Snug, flexible and comfortable ventilation system for easy connection to
The Dräger CPS 6800 guarantees wearing various air sources. This allows the wearers to
comfort, even during difficult work in cool themselves down in order to reduce
hazardous areas. The CPS 6800 provides humidity in the suit.
maximum freedom of movement with its
innovative ergonomic cut in five different suit Always ready for use with low service
Dräger CPS 6800
sizes. In addition, the light and soft suit expenses
Chemical protective suit for industrial use
material adapts perfectly to your movements Regular inspection expenses have been
and offers outstanding flexibility. Optional considerably reduced by the new service
individually adjustable braces provide the user concept. Any repairs and maintenance work
with even more wearing comfort and ensure a can of course be carried out by Dräger – but
better fit. equally, be independently performed by your
own service personnel. The suit can be easily
Perfectly adapted to your needs cleaned and disinfected over its service life of
The Dräger CPS 6800 is equipped with a up to ten years.
radio pocket and has a gas-tight Polyurethane


Suit material Umex-material

Sizes Size S for body heights from 1.50 m to 1.65 m
Size M for body heights from 1.60 m to 1.75 m
Size L for body heights from 1.70 m to 1.85 m
Size XL for body heights from 1.80 m to 1.95 m
Size XXL for body heights from 1.90 m to 2.05 m
Color Red
Integrated boots or socks Safety boots in sizes 43 to 50
Gas-tight socks in three sizes from 40 to 50
Face connection Face cuff (gas-tight)
Integrated full face mask
Gloves Butyl gloves in sizes 9 to 11
Viton® / Butyl in sizes 9 to 11
Viton® gloves in sizes 9 to 11
Foil gloves with Tricotril® overgloves in sizes 10 and 11

Dräger CPS 6800

Weight Size S for heights between 1.50 m and 1.65 m

Size M for heights between 1.60 m and 1.75 m
Size L for heights between 1.70 m and 1.85 m
Size XL for heights between 1.80 m and 1.95 m
Size XXL for heights between 1.90 m and 2.05 m
Temperature in use -30 °C tot +60 °C (for short-term exposure up to - 80 °C)
in storage - 5 °C to + 25 °C
Approvals EN 943-1:2002, EN 1073-1:1998 / EN 1073-2:2002, EN 14126:2003, EN 14593-1:2005, EN
14594:2005, ISO 16602:2007, SOLAS


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger CPS 6800, size L, in transport bag: 1 R62021
Including face cuff, safety boots size 43 and gloves size 10
Dräger CPS 6800, size XL, in transport bag: 1 R62022
Including face cuff, safety boots size 46 and gloves size 11

Dräger CPS 5900

The Dräger CPS 5900 is the ideal disposable, gas-tight chemical protective suit for hazmat
incidents. Where complete protection against hazardous gases, liquids and particles is of the
utmost priority, this lightweight garment is the suit of choice.

The right level of protection apparatus. Available in 5 sizes, the suit is

The Dräger CPS 5900 provides excellent designed to fit both male and female users
protection against a broad range of industrial from 1.50 m to 2.10 m in height. Made of
chemicals as well as warfare agents. Zytron 500, the softest laminate material on
Specifically designed for low risk operations, it the market, each seam has been sewn and
can be used in a variety of applications such then hot-air taped internally and externally.
as when taking measurements or transferring The material and production quality allow for
hazardous substances in non-explosive a ten-year shelf life.
atmospheres. As the first chemical protective
suit to be approved to NFPA 1994, class2 and Meeting your needs
EN 943 part 1&2 (ET), the Dräger CPS 5900 - Fully encapsulating suit for
also complies with the requirements of the maximumprotection
SOLAS convention (pending). As a result, it - Wide front entry on left side for easy
fulfills the most demanding international donning & doffing
standards of fire fighters and industrial users - Zipper fastener (bottom up)
for limited use, gas-tight protective suits. - Double flap zipper protection
Where the potential risks might include - Flexible and foldable two-layer visor offers
mechanical stress and flash fire, the heavy almost natural field of vision
Dräger CPS 5900
duty Dräger CPS 7900 protective suit should - Integrated gas-tight socks with boot flaps for
Disposable chemical protective suit
be worn. use with multiple boot sizes
- Fixed gloves combine butyl outer with
Offering even more comfort laminate inner lining for increased protection
Featuring the new Dräger cut, the Dräger against chemicals and punctures
CPS 5900 offers improved ergonomics and - Kevlar over-glove for additional cut
optimized compatibility with various types of protection
personal protective equipment including the - Integrated waist belt for size adjustment
latest breathing apparatus, helmets and other - Optional with connector for external air
forms of PPE. It can also be worn with twin supply to extend decontamination phase
cylinders or closed circuit breathing


Sizes Size S: Body height from 1,50 m to 1,65 m

Size M: Body height from 1,60 m to 1,75 m
Size L: Body height from 1,70 m to 1,85 m
Size XL: Body height from 1,80 m to 2,00 m
Size XXL: Body height from 1,95 m to 2,10 m
Approvals NFPA 1994: 2007, EN 943-1:2002, EN 943-2:2002 (ET), SOLAS II-2, Reg.19 (pending)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger CPS 5900, size M, 160 - 175 cm 1 R57782
Dräger CPS 5900, size L, 170 - 185 cm 1 R57783
Dräger CPS 5900, size XL, 180 - 200 cm 1 R57784

Dräger CPS 5800

The Dräger CPS 5800 is a limited-use chemical protective suit for industrial applications and
operations on board that involve a gaseous, liquid or solid hazardous substance.

Comprehensive Protection of Zytron® 500, a very soft laminate material.

For emergencies or for routine work such as All seams are welded in- and outside. This
maintenance, repairs and tank cleaning – high quality material and the manufacturing
appropriate protection is always required. techniques provide a long service life of up to
With its external self-contained breathing ten years.
apparatus the gas-tight Dräger CPS 5800
(type 1b) protects against a multitude of Features
substances. The suit meets the highest - large opening for donning / doffing
international requirements of industry, fire (diagonally across the front); with no
departments and shipping. Therefore it fulfills additional assistance required
EN 943-1+2:2002, and the SOLAS - zipper with external chain and a downward
requirements, so that it is approved for the direction of fastening
use on board ships. As a limited-use - double flap with continuous hook and loop
protective suit its resistance against fastener strap protects zip fastener soft
mechanical influences and flames is not as Dräger face cuff
high as the one from the reusable Dräger - integrated gas-tight socks with boot flaps for
CPS 7800. use with multiple boot sizes fixed gloves
combine butyl outer with laminate inner
Dräger CPS 5800
Comfortable to wear lining for increased protection against
Disposable chemical protective suit
With the proven Dräger design, this suit is chemicals and punctures
very comfortable to wear and is equipped with - Dräger pressure relief valve for discharging
the flexible Dräger face cuff. The suit is made air from the suit


Temperature - 30 °C to + 60 °C in use
- 20 °C to + 25 °C in storage
Weight 2,2 kg
Approvals EN 943-1:2002 EU requirements for gas-tight protective suits for
EN 943-2:2002 (ET) industrial applications
SOLAS II-2, Reg. 19 EU requirements for gas-tight protective suits for
ISO 16602:2007 use by firefighters
Requirements for use on seagoing vessels
International requirements for chemical protective


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger CPS 5800, size L, 170 - 185 cm 1 R57788
Dräger CPS 5800, size XL, 180 - 190 cm 1 R57789

Parka Work Jacket

If you are looking for good protection against bad or cold weather, this Parka work jacket is a
good choice. Due to the removable lining, this dress is also ideal in spring and autumn.

Features Washing instruction

- flame retardant - maximum wash temperature is 40°C. The
- two loops for gas detection / radio lifetime is influenced by the type and dosage
equipment of detergents.
- two chest pockets - do not bleach
- concealed detachable hood - tumble dry not possible
- no ironing allowed
- dry cleaning not possible

Parka Work Jacket

Waterproof and low exhalation


Type Full Option waterproof Parka jacket

Color Navy - Yellow
Sizes S - XXXL
Material 99% cotton / 1% antistat - 250 gr/m2
Approvals rain tight according to EN 343 + A1: 2007
reflections according to EN 471 + A1: 2007 en GO RT 3279: 2008
anti-static according to EN 1149 - 5: 2008
chemical resistant according to EN13034: 2005 + A1: 2009
flame retardant according to EN ISO 14116: 2008


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Parka work jacket, size S 1 07115050
Parka work jacket, size M 1 07115051
Parka work jacket, size L 1 07115052
Parka work jacket, size XL 1 07115053
Parka work jacket, size XXL 1 07115054
Parka work jacket, size XXXL 1 07115055


The safest garment against flash fire. The safety boots need to be ordered separately.

Features - two hip patch pockets with rule pocket on

- FR reflective tape right leg
- central zip with press studs at top - pen pocket on left sleeve
- two zipped chest pockets - length leg: 84 cm, 79 cm, 74 cm
- two side swing pockets with trouser access - including logo

The safest garment against flash fire


Type Flamebuster Nordic

Color Dark Blue
Sizes 46 - 62
Material 99% cotton / 1% antistat - 350 gr/m2
Approvals EN340, EN1149, EN ISO 11611, EN ISO 11612, IEC 61482-2


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Coverall, size 46 1 SG03211
Coverall, size 48 1 SG03212
Coverall, size 50 1 SG03213
Coverall, size 52 1 SG03214
Coverall, size 54 1 SG03215
Coverall, size 56 1 SG03216
Coverall, size 58 1 SG03217
Coverall, size 60 1 SG03218
Coverall, size 62 1 SG03219


Well protected at work in hazardous environments. The overall is chemical resistant. The safety
boots need to be ordered separately.

Features Washing instruction

- fixed hood - maximum wash temperature is 30°C hand
- zip under double flap with snaps wash
- 100% waterproof - do not bleach
- windproof - tumble dry not possible
- very strong - no ironing allowed
- raglan sleeves - dry cleaning not possible
- PVC coated
- unlined lining
- acid resistant
- impermeable

Chemtex Overall
Safe working at high-risk areas


Type Botlek
Color Green J40
Sizes M - XXL
Material ChemTex: double PVC coated polyester fabric; ± 360 g / m²
Approvals EN 465, EN 343 class 3/1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Overall, size M 1 SG03332
Overall, size L 1 SG03331
Overall, size XL 1 SG03333
Overall, size XXL 1 07110004

Safety helmets

For optimal protection of the head, a safety helmet should be adjusted to the size of the head
of the user. The usefulness of the helmet duration is determined by , among others , cold, heat,
chemicals, sunlight and incorrect use.

EVO2® industrial safety helmet Electrical insulation

EVO2® features a traditional 6-point Meets the EN50365 Class 0 10KV standard.
polyethylene harness and OneTouch™ slip This standard is applicable to electrically
ratchet. The EVO2® offers the most insulated helmets used for working live or
economical top level protection. Conforms to close to live parts on installations not
EN397. exceeding 1000Vac or 1500Vdc.

Tough HDPE shell Universal slots

In tests the EVO2® proved far tougher than Enables firm fitting of a range of Surefit™
the EN397 standard required and far tougher safety visors and ear defenders.
Safety helmet than any of its competitors.
For comfort, performance and style Optional: Branding
Harness Extra large area for logos on the front, sides,
Traditional 6-point polyethylene harness. and rear.

Chamlon™ sweatband Instruction of use

Egyptian cotton core with porous PU coating - fit helmet on head and fasten strap to
for maximum sweat absorption. PH neutral, ensure fit
dermatologically tested. - for adequate protection this helmet must be
worn with peak facing forward
3D precision fitting - ensure the helmet is adjusted to the size of
Never before has such a precise fit been the user's head
attainable on an industrial safety helmet, using - after use the helmet may be cleaned with
the unique 1-2-3 point harness depth settings. the use of soap and warm water and dried
with soft cloth
OneTouch™ Slip Ratchet. Limitations of use
Any helmet subjected to severe impact should
be replaced immediately. Please check
instruction of use from the manufacturer.


Type Safety helmet JSP EVO2 / MK7

Size 53 to 63 cm
Color White, yellow, red or blue
Ventilation No
Weight helmet 350 gr
Material helmet Polyethylene HPDE (High Density Polyethylene)
Inner system 6-point harness
Approval Safety helmet: EN 397 (-30°C, 440V, MM)

Safety helmets


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety helmet JSP EVO2, red 1 SG03106
Safety helmet JSP EVO2, white 1 SG03104
Safety helmet JSP EVO2, yellow 1 SG03107
Safety helmet JSP EVO2, blue 1 SG03108

Safety helmet with integral visor

For optimal protection of the head, a safety helmet should be adjusted to the size of the head
of the user. The usefulness of the helmet duration is determined by , among others , cold, heat,
chemicals, sunlight and incorrect use.

Features never lost, whilst removing the need for

additional eye protection. Protects to
Attachments EN166.1.F.
Universal slots enable firm fitting of Surefit
Contour™ ear defenders and a range of Electrical insulation
Surefit™ safety visors for complete above the Meets the EN50365 Class 0 10KV standard.
head protection, meaning all your protection is This standard is applicable to electrically
to hand and easy to deploy. insulated helmets used for working live or
close to live parts on installations not
Comfort exceeding 1000Vac or 1500Vdc.
Extremely comfortable terylene webbing
moulds to the individual shape of the wearer’s Optional: Branding
Safety helmet with integral visor head. A rain channel directs rain away from Extra large area for logos on the front, sides,
For comfort, performance and style wearer’s face. and rear.

Short peak Instruction of use

Reduced peak available for better vision - fit helmet on head and fasten strap te
whilst working at heights. ensure fit
- for adequate protection this helmet must be
Adjustment worn with peak facing forward
Easyjust® slip ratchet. - ensure the helmet is adjusted to the size of
the user's head
Electrical Insulation - after use the helmet may be cleaned with
The Mk7 helmet is now available with the EN the use of soap and warm water and dried
50365 Class 0 10KV standard. This standard with soft cloth
is applicable to electrically insulated helmets - not suitable for use over other eyewear
used for working live or close to live parts on
installations not exceeding 1000Vac or Limitations of use
1500Vdc. Any helmet subjected to severe impact should
be replaced immediately. Please check
Retractaspec™ instruction of use from the manufacturer.
The helmet with integral visor ensures that
eye protection is on hand when needed and


Type Safety helmet JSP MK7

Size 53 to 64 cm
Color Yellow or white
Ventilation Yes
Weight helmet 390 gr
Material helmet Polyethylene HPDE (High Density Polyethylene)
Inner system 6-point harness
Approvals Safety helmet: EN 397
Safety visor: EN166.1.F

Safety helmet with integral visor


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety helmet JSP MK7, white, including safety class 1 SG03105
Safety helmet JSP MK7, yellow, including safety class 1 07105020

Safety helmet with integrated goggle

Safety helmet made of polyamide, complete with PC safety glasses.

Features Optional
Initial quality polyamide shaped helmet with Your logo can be placed in the helmet.
built-in folding safety glasses. The helmet is
equipped with comfortable 4-point interior
and two knobs for size adjustment.

Safety helmet
With integrated eye protection


Type Safety helmet Iris 2

Size 53 to 63 cm
Color White or Yellow
Weight helmet 410 gr
Material helmet polyamide
Weight goggle 65 gr
Material goggle transparant polycarbonate
Inner system 4-point with woven straps, with (2x) knob
Approvals safety helmet: EN 397 (-20°C, 440V, MM)
safety goggle: 2-1, 2 (OBX), 2 BKN 9-EN 166 389-B


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety helmet with integrated goggle, blue 1 SG03100
Safety helmet with integrated goggle, transparant 1 SG03101
Safety helmet with integrated goggle, orange 1 SG03102
Safety helmet with integrated goggle, yellow 1 SG03103

Safety Shoe

Low work shoe with loop and hook fastener closure and a steel toe.

Features Meets the requirements S2

- hook and loop fastener closure - closed heel
- Buk oiled leather - antistatic
- ergo-Tex lining - energy absorption capacity in the heel area
- clima-stream ® system insole - waterproof and water absorbent
- PPS cushioning system
- MPH XN sole technology
- EN 345 S2

Safety Shoe
Hook and loop fastener


Type Atlas Ergotex 400 S2 hook and loop fastener

Color Black / blue
Weight 1.2 kg
Sizes 40 - 48


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety Shoes S2, size 40 1 07107039
Safety Shoes S2, size 41 1 07107040
Safety Shoes S2, size 42 1 07107041
Safety Shoes S2, size 43 1 07107042
Safety Shoes S2, size 44 1 07107043
Safety Shoes S2, size 45 1 07107044
Safety Shoes S2, size 46 1 07107045
Safety Shoes S2, size 47 1 07107046
Safety Shoes S2 hook and loop fastener, size 48 1 07107047

Safety Shoes Loafer

The safety shoe has a sporty appearance and ensures maximum security and a perfect fit.

Features - dual density PU sole

- a lightweight, anti-static PU sole which is - EN 345 S2
heat resistant to 110 C
- resistant to oils and acids Meets the requirements S2
- equipped with the Tunnel System which - closed heel
provides optimal cushioning - anti-static
- full grain leather / nappa - energy absorption capacity in the heel area
- nappa / leather lining - waterproof and water absorbent

Safety Shoes S2


Type Bata Rotterdam / Concho Loafer S2

Color Black
Sizes 40 - 48


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 40 1 07107048
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 41 1 07107049
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 42 1 07107050
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 43 1 07107051
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 44 1 07107052
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 45 1 07107053
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 46 1 07107054
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 47 1 07107055
Safety Shoes S2 Loafer, size 48 1 07107056

Safety Boots - Chemical resistant

Safety boots protect the feet during work in a hazardous environment.

Features - remains flexible at low temperatures (down

- with steel toe cap and steel midsole to -20 ° C)
- sole is oil-, grease-, lye and acid resistant - extra ankle protection
- anti-static and anti-slip sole - reflective dot on the heel

Safety Boots
Chemical resistant


Type Dunlop S5
Color Black
Sizes 41 - 46


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety Boots S5, size 40 1 SG03510
Safety Boots S5, size 41 1 SG03511
Safety Boots S5, size 42 1 SG03512
Safety Boots S5, size 43 1 SG03513
Safety Boots S5, size 44 1 SG03514
Safety Boots S5, size 45 1 SG03515
Safety Boots S5, size 46 1 SG03516
Safety Boots S5, size 48 1 SG03518
Safety Boots S5, size 50 1 SG03519

Safety Boots - Cherokee - S3

We operate in a world where getting the best value for money is in the DNA of the companies
we deal with. There is a need for ‘basic’ footwear, stripped from all things that could be regarded
as ‘luxury’, but with all major safety and comfort properties ‘on board’.

Features - fine leather quality

- ankle support - extra rigid leather parts
- slip resistance - easy access zip
- S3 - anti-perforation textile Enigma T-system
- non-metallic - oil hydrocarbons resistant
- lightweight - anti-static

Safety Boots Cherokee

Slip resistance, S3


Manufacturer / Type Roots / Cherokee

Color Black
Sizes 38 - 50
Boot height 22.8 cm (9")
Toecap Multi-layer fiber glass 200J
Midsole Texon anti-perforation midsole S3
Sole Inner sole soft PU / outsole hard PU
Heat resistance sole Up to 170°C
Slip resistant modulus 0.41
Scuff cap Direct injected PU
Weight (EU43 / UK9) 1.72 kgs
Kennedy grating (dry/wet) 0.78 / 0.43
Scaffolding board (dry/wet) 0.95 / 0.71
Approvals EN ISO 20345:2011 S3, EN 12568:2010, EN ISO 20344/345
CSA-Z195-09, ASTM F2413-11


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety Boot, size 38 1 07107138
Safety Boot, size 40 1 07107140
Safety Boot, size 41 1 07107141
Safety Boot, size 42 1 07107142
Safety Boot, size 43 1 07107143
Safety Boot, size 44 1 07107144
Safety Boot, size 45 1 07107145
Safety Boot, size 46 1 07107146
Safety Boot, size 47 1 07107147
Safety Boot, size 48 1 07107148
Safety Boot, size 50 1 07107149

Dräger Protective Eyewear x-pect 8000

State-of-the-art protective spectacles and goggles - this is the Dräger X-pect 8000 protective
eyewear collection: combining the best possible wearer comfort, high safety and an attractive
design, providing special protection for the most important sensory organ: your eyes.

Avoiding irreparable damage Safety

Our eyes are particularly prone to injury when The Dräger X-pect 8000 collection is certified
working with liquids or in environments in accordance with EN 166:2001 and is CE
containing dust particles or fragments. compliant. This means that all spectacles
Chemical burns, lacerations or invasive meet high quality requirements. Additionally
foreign bodies can often cause long term many models from the Dräger X-pect 8000
damage, as e.g. impaired vision or even the series offer the highest UV protection
complete loss of vision in one or both eyes. In available and the best optical class for
a matter of seconds, irreparable damage may continuous work. Most models feature an anti-
occur, thus dramatically changing the rest of scratch and anti-fog coating to ensure clear
our lives. vision in the most arduous of situations.

A simple solution is available. Often all that is Design

needed is to wear well-fitting, stable protective What could be better? Effective protection
glasses or goggles which offer effective eye combined with an attractive stylish or sporty
Dräger X-pect 8000 protective eyewear protection against injury. However, protective design. Dräger's X-pect 8000 protective
Avoiding irreparable damage eyewear is only effective if used properly by eyewear is characterised by a modern and
the wearer. sporty look, making them extremely popular
among users in industry, trade or for private
Dräger X-pect 8000 use.
In developing our Dräger X-pect 8000
protective eyewear collection, we focused on A suitable model for each type of application
providing the best possible wearer comfort Whether in the laboratory, during grinding,
and high safety, combined with an attractive, machining or painting operations, or when
modern design. Wearer comfort Dräger's X- working with gases, vapors or smoke –
pect 8000 protective eyewear is Dräger's X-pect 8000 protective eyewear
characterised by superior quality and collection provides effective protection for
ergonomically designed lightweight materials. your eyes. A suitable model is available for all
Many models can be individually adapted to fit applications for professional or private use:
any face shape by adjusting the side arms. - cover spectacles (designed to be worn over
Part of the ergonomic design is the corrective glasses)
unrestricted field of vision. Excellent wearer - spectacles
comfort is also ensured in combination with - goggles
other personal protective equipment such as
ear protection or respiratory protection.


Model 8110 / 8120 / 8510

Lens material PC / PC / PC
Frame material PC / Nylon / PVC
UV yes / yes / yes
Lens color clear / clear / clear
Anti-scratch - / yes /yes
Anti-fog - / - /yes
Weight (g) 45 / 43 / 101

Dräger Protective Eyewear x-pect 8000


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger X-pect 8110, Cover spectacles 1 R58247
Dräger X-pect 8120, Cover spectacles 1 R58248
Dräger X-pect 8510, Goggles 1 R58373

Dräger Protective Eyewear x-pect 8320

The new generation: spectacle Dräger X-pect 8320. This safety goggle stands for fantastic
design, ultra light and highest comfort for intensive use.

Robust lightweight Large field of view

The material of the X-pect 8320 goggles is The panorama window of the X-pect 8320
very robust due to the applied polycarbonate goggles offers a wide field of view -
material, but is also the lightest weight in its comfortable and easy to use.
class. The break-resistant polycarbonate
provides long life and high comfort when Sporty appearance
intens use. The "wrap-around" design of the Dräger X-
pect 8320 and the optimal curve of 9.5
Soft nose piece provide effective eye protection and high
Dräger x-pect 8320
Featuring a soft nose piece provides the X- comfort. Also, the goggles have a distinctive
Protective eyewear
pect 8320 goggles high wearing comfort - modern and sporty look, which makes it very
even in extreme conditions such as heat and popular among users, both in industry and
cold. private.

Scratch and anti-fog UV resistant

The X-pect 8320 goggles have a special The X-pect 8320 offers the highest UV
scratch resistant coating and anti-fog coating protection available and the best optical class
to ensure clear vision in heavy use or harsh (class 1) for prolonged use. Also, the safety
environments. glasses according to EN 166:2001 and CE
standards. This means that all glasses meet
Flexible eyeglass legs the highest quality standards.
The X-pect 8320 spectacles has flexible legs
for minimal pressure against the head and a
high wearing comfort.


Type Dräger x-pect 8320

Lens material PC, polycarbonate
Frame material PC, polycarbonate
UV yes
Lens color clear
Anti-scratch yes
Anti-fog yes
Weight 21 gr


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Dräger x-pect 8320 protective eyewear 1 R58268

Neox Handgloves

Medium-duty chemical protection.

Recommended Usage - petrol refining

- chemical plants - cleaning and maintenance
- agriculture - soft, comfortable and absorbent

Neox hand gloves

Great protection


Dimensions Length: 355 mm

Thickness: 0.75 mm
Size 10
Color Black
Approvals Chemical restistant according to: EN388/EN374 & EN511


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Neox ® Handgloves, 36 cm 1 SG03182
Neox ® Handgloves, 30.5 cm 1 07103011

Frotté Handgloves

Medium heat protective handgloves.

Recommended Usage - petrol refining

- chemical plants - cleaning and maintenance
- agriculture - soft, comfortable and absorbent

Frotté handgloves
Great protection


Size 10
Fabric Frotté
Manchet style Knitted manchet
Color Natural


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Frotté Handgloves 1 SG06152

Rain Trouser

Lightweight and comfortable, flame retardant rain trouser. The rain jacket need to be ordered

Features - adjustable snaps

- reflection bands - lightweight and comfortable
- high frequency welded seams

Rain trouser
Flame retardant


Type Microflex flame retardant trouser

Color Blue
Sizes S - XXL
Material 50% polyamide / 50% polyurethane - 170 gr/m2
Approvals EN340, EN 343, EN 1149-5, EN ISO14116


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Rain trouser, size S 1 07115060
Rain trouser, size M 1 07115061
Rain trouser, size L 1 07115062
Rain trouser, size XL 1 07115063
Rain trouser, size XXL 1 07115064

Rain Jacket

Lightweight and comfortable, flame retardant rain jacket.

Features - zipper under storm flap with press studs

- reflection bands - adjustable press stud on sleeves
- high frequency welded seams - two patch pockets
- adjustable snaps - hood with drawstring, hidden in collar
- lightweight and comfortable - including logo

Rain jacket
Flame retardant


Type Microflex flame retardant jacket

Color Blue
Sizes S - XXXL
Material 50% polyamide / 50% polyurethane - 170 gr/m2
Approvals EN340, EN 343, EN 1149-5, EN ISO14116


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Rain jacket, size S 1 07115066
Rain jacket, size M 1 07115067
Rain jacket, size L 1 07115068
Rain jacket, size XL 1 07115069
Rain jacket, size XXL 1 07115070
Rain jacket, size XXXL 1 07115071

Safety harness

The safety harnesses offer all the necessary elements for a complete fall protection system and
allows the user to choose components based on personal preference and job constraints. In
addition to offering economical compliance, these safety harnesses are built with quality and
reliability, fall protection gear you can trust.

Features - covered identification labels: protects labels

- large back plate: for easy and efficient during the life of the harness
- fall indicator: clear indicator which shows Applications
that the harness should be retired (maintenance) activities on board of a vessel
- contrasting leg and shoulder straps: for easy or a rig.
and rapid donning

Safety harness
D-rings at front and back


Type AB17511UNI / AB17711UNI
Size Universal
D-ring locations Back / Back & Front
Body belt No
Leg strap buckle type Pass through buckle
iSafe equipped No
Physical weight 0.95 kg (2.1 lbs) / 1.05 kg (2.3 lbs)
Approvals CE, EN361


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety harness, d-ring on back, universal size 1 SG04251
Safety harness, d-ring on back & front, universal size 1 SG04251

Shock absorbing lanyard

A shock absorbing lanyard in combination with a safety harness offers all the necessary elements
for a complete fall protection system. It allows the user to choose components based on personal
preference and job constraints. In addition to offering economical compliance, these safety
harnesses are built with quality and reliability, fall protection gear you can trust.

Features Webbing
- protected identification label - polyester
- blue webbing - width: 45 mm
- scaffold hock (B) - strength > 2500 daN
- protective sleeve
- shock absorbing element Karabiner
- automatic twist-lock karabiner (A) - opening: (A): 17 mm / (B): 50 mm
- (A): high strength steel
Shock absorbing element - (B): high strength forged steel
- absorbing strap - strength: (A) > 2500 daN / (B) > 2300
Shock absorbing lanyard - engaging force > 2kN daN
With scaffold hook and twist-lock karabiner - impact force reduction < 6 kN
(maintenance) activities on board of a vessel
or a rig.


System breaking strength > 15 kN
Net weight 1.15 kg
Lenght 1.75 m
Approvals CE, EN355:2002


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Shock absorbing lanyard, 1.75 m with scaffold hook and twist-lock karabiner 1 SG04232
Safety harness, d-ring on back & front, universal size 1 SG04252
Safety line, 20 meters, Ø 10.5 mm, weight 1.6 kg, including swivel hook 1 SG04231

Rescue Tripod, aluminium

Aluminium rescue tripod with adjustable legs. This aluminium rescue tripod is designed for rapid
set up to be used with a Bracket Assembly on the rescue tripod leg and a Pulley Wheel
complete with karabiner, so an Fall Arrest Block can be used.

Aluminium Rescue Tripod the device to be used to lift or lower a casualty

Aluminium rescue tripod with adjustable legs post fall, or if they have become incapacitated
to EN 795 Class B. This aluminium rescue in a confined space.
tripod is designed for rapid set up to be used
with a Bracket Assembly on the rescue tripod The lifeline in this fall arrest block has been
leg and a Pulley Wheel complete with tested in a simulated fall over an edge and
karabiner, so an IKAR HRA Device can be passed the German draft amendment EN360.
used. However, not all "edges" will react in the same
way as the tested steel edge, so when using
Maximum user rating 2 persons or 1 person this fall arrest block, every effort must be
and a load winch to 250 Kg SWL. The rescue made to ensure that in the event of an
tripod is adjustable in height from 1.44 to 2.42 arrested fall, the lifeline does not pass over an
Rescue Tripod m. The set up diameter of the legs ranges edge.
Designed for rapid set up from 0.99 to 1.55 m. The weight of the rescue
tripod is 19 kgs. The dimensions of this block are: 630 x 275 x
110 mm. The weight of the block is: 16.0 kgs.
Fall Arrest Block
Fall Arrest Block HRA24 with an integral 41-54 Mounting Bracket
recovery mechanism, 15.0 m steel rope lifeline Mounting bracket for attaching a load winch
in an aluminium housing to EN360:2002 and 41-Z7 onto an aluminium tripod. This
EN1496 mounting bracket is bolted onto one leg of the
tripod and then allows the Load Winch to be
This aluminium housed fall arrest block is a attached to the tripod. The weight of the
sturdy, low maintenance device fitted with a bracket is 1.0 kgs.
steel rope lifeline, terminated with a steel
double action hook. The attachment Pully Wheel
anchorage point on the fall arrest block is an Swing cheek pulley and karabiner for
open steel handle, suitable for connection via attaching a HRA lifeline. This swing cheek
a Standard Karabiner type connector, or a pulley is clipped onto the eye bolt at the top
Standard Karabiner type connector with an of the tripod with the HRA lifeline passing
Anchorage Sling, or a Large Karabiner. through it. The pulley is made from stainless
steel and comes complete with screw gate
In addition to connecting the fall arrest block karabiner. The weight of the bracket is 1.1 kgs.
with recovery mechanism via the steel handle,
it can also be used in conjunction with a DB- Standard Karabiner
A2 aluminium tripod, to protect the user when Standard karabiner hook with screw gate for
ascending and descending a vertical shaft i.e. attaching fall protection equipment to a
entry into a sewer system. suitable anchorage point to EN362. This
standard karabiner hook is made from heat
This fall arrest block also has a built in treated steel and has a gate opening size of
recovery mechanism, which is engaged by 19 mm. The weight of the karabiner hook is
pulling a pin on the side of the block and 0.16 kgs.
engaging a winding handle. This then allows


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Rescue Tripod, aluminium, basic 1 SG04201
Stopmax/Ikar Rescue block: length 24 meters excl holder/adapter 1 SG04205
Stopmax/Ikar Rescue block: length 12 meters excl holder/adapter 1 SG04204

Emergency Tank Shower

Emergency Tank Shower incorporating a 1.200 litre tank with galvanised mild steel rectangular
hollow section frame and White GRP outer casing.

General information Available color

An integral immersion heater, controlled by a Also available with GRP casing in Green. Also
dual safety thermostat, maintains the water in available with stainless steel frame.
the insulated tank at a constant temperature
to deliver a guaranteed flow of warm water for Types
up to 15 minutes even when the mains supply Export Model EXP-MH-14K/1200. Insulated
has been disrupted. models available, without heating STD-J-14K/
1200, EXP-J-14K/1200.
Usage of the shower
The shower is activated when the casualty NOTE
stands on the optional Foot Panel or pushes An Earthquake proof version of this model is
the panic bar. A version is available with the available which has been designed to conform
Eye/Facewash Fountain mounted internally. to the California Building Code 1998 Chapter
Alternatively the Eye/Facewash can be 16, Division 1.

Emergency Tank Shower

1.200 litre tank


Manufacturer / Model STD-MH-14K/1200

Dimensions 3666 (H) x 1310 (W) x 1310 (D)
Tank size 1.200 litre
Weight 300 kgs, approx. dry weight
Water inlet 2" flange
Water pressure 2 bar G
Heating optional to specs
Cooling optional to specs


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Emergency Tank Shower 1 On request

Emergency Safety Shower with Eye/Facewash Fountain - in-


An unheated emergency safety showers and eye/facewash modes designed specifically for
export. With low level water inlet.

Features bleed pipe to drain water from the standpipe

The main shower valve is situated directly to reduce overheating by solar radiation.
above the water inlet and is complete with Available in galvanised or stainless Steel.

Emergency safety shower with eye/facewash

Indoor usage - unheated


Manufacturer / Model Hughes / EXP-18G/45G

Inlet connection size & type 1 1/4 inch BSP female
Piping and valve materials Galvanised carbon steel piping, brass valves
Shower operation Pull rod.
Eyebath operation Lift lid or press optional foot treadle
Operating pressure 2 bar G minimum
Flow at operating pressure Shower: 75 liters per minute
Eyebath: 20 liters per minute
Dimensions 750 (d) x 340 (w) x 2300 (h) mm
Weight 18 kgs


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety shower with eyebath - indoor 1 SG04622

Emergency Safety Shower with Eye/Facewash Fountain - out-


Emergency Safety Shower with Eye/Facewash Fountain, trace tape heated and pre-insulated.
Available in Galvanised or Stainless Steel. Available with extra heating.

Features The shower is jacketed and pre-insulated and

This shower is ideal for export and intended this models is suitable for usage in zone 1 & 2
for use throughout industry where there is a as well in non-flameproof areas.
possibility of water inside the shower freezing
or overheating.

Emergency safety shower with eye/facewash

Outdoor usage - heated


Manufacturer / Model Hughes / EXP-AH-5G/45G

Inlet connection size & type 1 1/4 inch BSP male
Piping and valve materials Galvanised mild steel pipework, brass valves
Shower operation Pull rod.
Eyebath operation Lift lid or press optional foot treadle
Operating pressure 2 bar G minimum
Flow at operating pressure Shower: 75 liters per minute
Eyebath: 20 liters per minute
Dimensions 850 (d) x 340 (w) x 2310 (h) mm
Weight 34 kgs
Heating type Chemelex trace tape
Heater load 57 watts
Optional electrical equipment suitable for use in non-flameproof or zone 1 & 2, gas groups IIA & IIB, temp class T3
areas classified as
Electric supply 240 or 110V, single phase, 50Hz


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety shower with eyebath - outdoor 1 SG04621

Barikos Eye Wash Bottle

The Barikos eye wash bottle is a maintenance-free wash bottle. In sealed state the eye wash
fluid can be kept ready for use two years.

Properties purpose. The spray is soft, broad and

Eyewash bottle with 620 ml of water. The effective. The used and polluted water exits
water is sterilized by gamma radiation. The through special openings in the bottle design.
contents of the bottle can be stored for two
years, as long as the bottle is unopened. The Optional
expiry date is mentioned on the seal. After use There are special wall mounts available to
the bottle is to be replaced by a new one. have a clear and clean storage of the eye rinse
The Barikos eye wash bottle is an easy to use
squeeze bottle, specially designed for this

Barikos eye wash bottle

Low maintenance eye wash bottle


Dimensions 100 x 250 x 50 mm

Material PVC wall container with transaprant cover.
Content 620 ml water
Approval DIN12930


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Barikos eye wash bottle 620 ml 1 SG04604
Barikos holder for 1 bottle 1 SG04602
Barikos holder for 2 bottles 1 SG04603
Barikos wire wall bracket 1 SG04601

Portable eyewash, face and body shower unit

Portable emergency Eye, Face and Body Shower unit.

Features - Fitted with pressure gauge and dual action

- Incorporating an Optiflex Hand Shower with safety valve to prevent over pressurisation
reinforced hose connected to a 14 litre and to allow user to vent the cylinder for
stainless steel cylinder When pressurised to cleaning and maintenance
8 bar via a schraeder tyre valve this unit will - 1.5 metre long flexible hose
deliver a copious quantity of water for two

Portable emergency unit

Eyewash, face and body shower


Manufacturer Hughes Safety Showers

Model No. STD-38G
Water Capacity 14 liter
Flow rate 7 l/minute
Duration of discharge 2 minutes
Tank materials Stainless Steel
Stored pressure or cartridge type Stored pressure
Storage pressure 8 bar
Cylinder test pressure 13.8 bar
Working Pressure (at discharge) 6.9 bar at 15 degrees C
Eye diffuser c/w cap & chain Confirmed
Dimensions 725 x 220 mm (h x w)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Portable eyewash, face and body shower unit 1 04130013

Tobin eyewash bottles

An eyewash should be quick, simple and safe to use. The unique shape of Tobin's eyewash
bottle insures that even a temporarily blinded and confused person can identify it as a safe

Applications - the fact that the bottle is single use is a very

Suitable when space is a problem or where important safety feature. Once the bottle has
several eyewash stations are required in the been opened, the liquid is no longer sterile.
same area. Supplied with bottles, wall screws The round ended bottle is designed to
etc. prevent people saving unused liquid or
refilling the bottle with other liquid. When
Features empty the bottle has a hole at both ends,
- provides 6 minutes washing time making it unsuitable for further use.
- the bottle is made from blow-moulded - tobins eyewash bottle has a round base and
plastic, filled with 1 liter of 0.9% saline, heat cannot stand alone. This is a particularly
sealed, and then sterilised. important safety feature that removes the
Tobin eyewash bottles - it has a 3 year shelf life and remains sealed temptation to take bottles from the stand
For a quick, simple and safe use and sterile until use. and place them close to bottles with other
- the bottle hangs from a wall mounted rack contents. Mix-ups should never occur.
by its cap. To open, simply break off the cap. - it’s important that everyone knows where
An unopened bottle can be removed or the bottles are when an accident occurs.
replaced in the stand at will. An opened
bottle cannot be replaced in the stand. Optional
- the eye is washed by a soft flow consisting Also available with a wall unit and two bottles
of six tiny streams. The gentle flow prevents of 1 liter each.
chemicals or foreign bodies being driven
further into damaged soft tissue


Contents 1 liter sterile saline solution of 0.9%

Dimensions 390 x 200 x 100 mm
Usage Disposable, single use
Storage temperature between 2 °C and 35°C
Shelf life An unopened bottle has a shelf life of 3 years
Expiry date Each bottle shows the recommended expiry date


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Tobin: two eye wash bottles, each 1 liter 1 SG04605
Tobin: wall display for cabinet 1 04135013
Tobin: wall display and two eye wash bottles of 1 liter each 1 SG04606

Disinfection of drinkwater in tanks and piping

The safety of drinking water cannot always be taken for granted. Hadex® is a safe, effective and
easily applied product that keeps the drinking water in good condition. Drinking water treated
with Hadex® remains fit for consumption.

Application - Hadex® starts disinfecting immediately

It is especially intended for disinfecting - available in 1, 2.5, 10 and 25 litre cannisters
drinking water in tanks and piping.
Features Hadex® is ready for immediate use as
- Hadex® is a safe, effective and easily delivered. Because it is a very pure, stable and
applied product: safe product, it facilitates swift and accurate
- food grade dosing. As it is a liquid product it mixes quickly
- it is easily stored and easily with water. Hadex® can be dosed
- it has a very long shelf life:at least eighteen manually and automatically by use of the
months under normal conditions (t =25 °C) specially designed Hadex® Dosing Unit. Next
and at least three years if stored cool (t = < to continuous dosing, Hadex® can also be
6 °C) used for shock treatment, cleaning all drinking
- it facilitates swift and accurate dosing water piping.
Disinfection of drinkwater
Especially suitable for tanks and piping


Manufacturer / Model Hadex

Available weight 1, 2.5, 10 and 25 liters cannisters
Approvals Dutch Ministry of Health (Ctgb registration No. 9574N)
Dutch Directorate General for Shipping and Maritime Affairs - Shipping
Inspection, Division NSI (Netherlands)
DOT (United Kingdom)
Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMD)
Germanischer Lloyd (Gy)


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Disinfection of drinking water, 1 liter 1 SG04671
Disinfection of drinking water, 2.5 liters 1 SG04672

Freshwater Salinometer SL8005

The salinometer measures and supervises the salinity (salt content) by conductivity
measurement in fresh water. The measured value is displayed as ppm and by comparing the
measured value to a user defined alarm setpoint value, relay outputs are available to indicate if
salinity is above or below the alarm setpoint value.

Features overcurrent by an external 250 mA slow-blow

- Salinity Monitor for Freshwater fuse.
- Measuring range: 0-200 ppm
- High salinity warning Alarm function
- Display for salinity and alarm level User defined alarm setpoint value (0 - 199
- 4-20 mA output ppm) is set using "+" and "-" buttons. When
- Built-in self-test measured value axceeds alarm setpoint,
- Temperature compensation 0-100 °C change-over relay contacts A and B are
- Wall or panel mounting activated. Alarm relay B may be enabled/
disabled from the front by pressing a button.
Freshwater Salinometer SL8005 Typical use
Measures and supervises the salinity in water In areas where fresh water generation or Test
purification is taking place and level of salinity Full electronics test when power is switched
in the fresh water must be monitored as well on and during run-time a test-button is
as in areas where a set level of salinity is available for testing the salinometers. The
requested in a process. Salinometers are test-button will disable the electrode and feed
used in: Freshwater Generators, Boilers, an internal 10ppm signal to the salinometer
Reversed Osmosis Fresh Water Systems (note that this will be seen an an actual
(RO) and other systems where salinity has to measurement, and alarms will respond to
be supervised. this). Connection to electrode is monitored
and error in this reported on the front
Main supply (malfunction + LED + display = "- - -").
85 - 265 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 VA typ. - 15 VA
max. Mains supply must be protected against


Mains supply 85-265 V AC, 50-60 Hz, 10 VA typ. - 15 VA max.

Mains current Mains supply must be protected against overcurrent by an external 250 mA slow-blow fuse
Power consumption Max. 10.0 W
Range of salinity 0 - 200 ppm, displayed as "000" to "199" and "HI" if value exceeds 200 ppm
Alarm level User defined alarm setpoint value (0 - 199 ppm)
Cable connections 1-2: Mains power input
3-5: Alarm relay A (change over function NO-C-NC)
6-8: Alarm relay B (change over function NO-C-NC)
11-15: Electrode
16-17: 4-20 mA output
Relay contacts 2 x Change-over relay contacts - capable of handling 4A (85 - 265 V AC or 24 V DC) load. Relays must
be protected against overcurrent by an external 4 A slow-blow fuse
Protection IP65


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Freshwater Salinometer SL8005 1 Op aanvraag

Heat Detector Testers SOLO 423/424 Series

Using the unique Cross Air Technology, air is heated and blown across the cup ensuring the
heat source is directed at the sensor and not the plastic components or casing.

General Features
Available in both 110 / 120 and 220 / 240 volt - Suit Fixed temperature, up to 90°C
versions the Solo 423 and 424 are the - Quickest activation times
professionals’ choice where cables and leads - Lightweight
are acceptable. Unconstrained by energy - Easy to use
availability they provide the quickest of test - Universal design suits the widest range
times and are, perhaps, most suitable for the detectors
highest temperature detectors. - Fur use at height, angles and low level
- Supplied with 5 mtr cable

Heat Detector Testers SOLO 423/424 Series

Professionals' choice


Dimensions 115 x 115 x 80 mm

Frequency 50/60 Hz
Weight 1200 grams
Max height 9 meters
Power ~ 70 W


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Heat Detector Tester SOLO 424 1 SG04482

Smoke Detector Testers SOLO 330

Testing equipment must be proven to be safe for the engineer and the system, it needs to be
cost-effective, versatile, portable, approved by all detector manufacturers and in compliance with
international codes and standards. The Solo Range meets all of these requirements.

General Features
Codes and standards require functional tests - UL Listed
to introduce (simulated) smoke through the - Spring loaded mechanism for effective,
detector vents and into the sensing chamber. economic aerosol delivery
The Solo 330 dispenser is the most popular - Clear Cup for viewing detector led
device for achieving this, benefiting as it does, - Easy to use
from a cup big enough for the great majority - Universal design suits the widest range
of detectors but still small enough not to be detectors
obstructive and unwieldy. - Fur use at height, angles and low level
- Lifetime Warranty

Smoke Detector Testers SOLO 330

Meets all of the requirements


Dimensions 115 x 115 x 80 mm

Frequency 50/60 Hz
Weight 1200 grams
Max height 9 meters


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Solo: Smoke Detector Tester SOLO 330 test cup 1 SG04483
Solo: A3 smoke detector testgas 350 grm/tin 1 SG04484

JEM ZR35 Fog machine

The JEM™ ZR35 is a mid-sized fog machine designed to deliver superior and uninterrupted
performance in demanding professional applications. Via its powerful 1,500 W heat exchanger,
the JEM ZR35 produces a fantastic peak output ideal for mid to large-sized venues.

General Features
The rugged yet weight optimized JEM ZR35 - 1,500 W heat exchanger
also features variable output control for more - 50 ml in 30 seconds peak performance
subtle effects and is fully up-to-date with - 800 m3/min fog output
digital remote, DMX and RDM. The entire - variable output control for subtle effects
JEM ZR range is compatible with a wide range - 8-9 minute warm-up time
of JEM Pro fog fluids. As machines designed - digital remote, DMX and RDM
and built to last, the JEM ZRs will continue to - compatible with a wide range of JEM Prof
perform with great output and low fog fluids
consumption. - floor standing or truss mounting (bracket
JEM ZR35 Fog machine included)
The most specified fog machine in the world - powerCON TRUE1
- 4-liter bottle (also compatible with a 5-liter


Dimensions 590 (l) x 395 (w) x 264 (h) mm

Weight, dry 15.5 kgs
Weight, filled 19.1 kgs
Coverage volume 800 m3 per minute
Fluid consumption 140 ml per minute
Control options integrated digital remote control, DMX, optional: analog remote control
Control parameters continuous or timer-controlled output
Fog variabele output control, 0-100%
Installation mounting: standing or hanging
AC power 220-240 V nominal, 50/60 Hz
Maximum ambient temperature 40° C
Construction Housing: Steel & aluminium, color: black
Approvals EN 60335-1+A15, EN 62233, EU EMC: EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-6-1


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

JEM ZR35 Fog machine 1 AT08-00-0

Cyalume lightstick

Easy to use safety lightstick.

General "alligator" -hook helps to clip this lightsticks on

The 6'0' EASY-LIGHT is a pure European many supports. Combine the 6'0' EASY-
product. Thanks to its elegant design, it is a LIGHT with a lanyard and it becomes a
good alternative to the 6'0' GLOWSTICK. The glowing pendant.

Cyalume lightstick
Safety lightstick


Dimensions 150 x 11 mm
Weight 133 grams
Colour Green
Approvals EN 71 1-2-3


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Cyalome stick 1 SG06153

Cyalume lightstick

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-01

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store
- Fireman's equipment (5 complete sets incl. Options
SCBA) - Shelves / bulkhead / clothing bar
- Survival suits (up to 40 pcs depending on - Ventilation
size) - Flame retardant version
- Life jackets (up to 70 pcs depending on - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
type) - Lighting (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Emergency response team equipment - Lettering
- Helideck crash equipment (incl. ladder &
grab hook)

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-01

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 1800 x 800 x 2030 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 1610 x 750 x 1760 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 95 kgs
Material GRP
Color Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-01 1 SG02010
Add. costs DMO-01: FE layout 1 SG02013
Add. costs DMO-01: Shelves / bulkhead 1 SG02012

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-01

Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Add. costs DMO-01: Fire retardent 1 SG02011
GRP FS Cabinet: DMO-01 -âRoller Shutter 1 SG02035
Add. Costs DMO-01 (RS): FE layout 1 SG02038
Add. Costs DMO-01 (RS): Shelves / bulkhead 1 SG02037
Add. costs DMO-01 (RS): Fire retardent 1 SG02036

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-05

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store - Helideck crash equipment (incl. ladder &

- Fireman's equipment (2 complete sets incl. grab hook)
- Fireman's clothing (4 sets) Options
- Survival suits (up to 20 pcs depending on - Shelves / bulkhead / clothing bar
size) - Ventilation
- Life jackets (up to 35 pcs depending on - Flame retardant version
type) - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Emergency response team equipment - Lighting (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-05

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 1035 x 800 x 2030 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 810 x 750 x 1750 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 57,5 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-05 1 SG02025
Add. costs DMO-05: Shelves 1 SG02002
Add. costs DMO-05: Fire retardent 1 SG02026
GRP FS Cabinet: DMO-05 Roller Shutter 1 SG02045
Add. costs DMO-05 (RS): Fire retardent 1 SG02046

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-07

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store - Ventilation

- Moveable fire extinguisher (50 kgs DP / - Flame retardant version
45ltr F) - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-07

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 1000 x 1050 x 1580 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 780 x 990 x 1410 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 55 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-07 1 SG02075
Add. costs DMO-07: Fire retardent 1 SG02076
Add. costs DMO-07: Shelves 1 SG02002

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-09

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store - Electrical safety kit

- Fire hydrant cabinet (4 hoses / spray - Fall protection equipment / descent units
nozzles / spanners) (donut type)
- Survival suits (up to 20 pcs depending on
type) Options
- Life jackets (up to 30 pcs depending on - Shelves
type) - Ventilation
- Fireman's clothing (4 sets folded) - Flame retardant version
- SCBA storage (2 sets + spare cylinder) - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Chemical protection equipment - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-09

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 825 x 602 x 1277 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 610 x 550 x 1010 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 30 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-09, single door 1 SG02015
Add. costs DMO-09: Shelves 1 SG02002
Add. costs DMO-09: Fire retardent 1 SG02016

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-11

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store Options

- Basket stretchers / Scoop stretchers - Shelves
- First aid kit - Ventilation
- Stretcher blankets - Flame retardant version
- Safety torches - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Radio's - Lighting (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Rescue materials - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-11

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 800 x 600 x 2400 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 615 x 545 x 2175 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 50 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-11, single door 1 SG02020
Add. costs DMO-11: Shelves 1 SG02002
Add. costs DMO-11: Fire retardent 1 SG02021
GRP FS Cabinet: DMO-11 Roller Shutter 1 SG02040
Add. costs DMO-11(RS): Fire retardent 1 SG02041

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-12

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store Options

- Basket stretchers / Scoop stretchers - Shelves
- First aid kit - Ventilation
- Stretcher blankets - Flame retardant version
- Safety torches - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Radio's - Lighting (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Rescue materials - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-12

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 800 x 300 x 2400 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 615 x 245 x 2175 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 40 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-12, single door 1 SG02050
Add. costs DMO-12: Fire retardent 1 SG02051
GRP FS Cabinet: DMO-12 (RS)âRoller Shutter 1 SG02055
Add. Costs DMO-12 (RS): Fire retardant 1 SG02056

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-21

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store - Ventilation

- Personal grab bag - Flame retardant version
- Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
Options - Lettering
- Shelve

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-21

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 280 x 280 x 170 mm (LxWxH)

Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 1.36 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP WM Cabinet: DMO-21 1 03120204

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-33

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store Options

- Eyewash bottles - Shelve
- Safety torches - Ventilation
- Escape masks - Flame retardant version
- Descent units (donut type) - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-33

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 600 x 300 x 600 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 525 x 225 x 260 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 11 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP WM Cabinet: DMO-33âSingle Door 1 SG02060
Add. costs DMO-33: Fire retardent 1 SG02061

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store - Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus

- Fire extinguisher (1 pcs DP/F/CO2)
- Survival suit (1 pcs) Options
- Life jacket (4 pcs inflatables) - Flame retardant version
- Escape masks (up to 10 pcs depending on - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
type) - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-35

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 475 x 250 x 980 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 335 x 210 x 830 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 12,5 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP WM storage cabinet: DMO-35, single door 1 SG02030
Add. costs DMO-35: Fire retardent 1 SG02031

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-36

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store - Fall protection equipment / descent units

- SCBA c/w cylinder and spare cylinder (donut type)
- Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus
(2pcs) Options
- Survival suits (up to 2 pcs depending on - Shelve
type) - Ventilation
- Life jackets (up to 4 pcs depending on type) - Flame retardant version
- Chemical protection equipment - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
- Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-36

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 475 x 350 x 980 mm (LxBxH)

Aperture dimensions 475 x 310 x 830 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 15 kgs
Material GRP
Color Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP WM Cabinet: DMO-36â Single Door 1 SG02070
Size: 980 x 475 x 350 mm (h x w x d)
Add. Costs DMO-36: Fire retardant 1 SG02071

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-37

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store - Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus

- Fire extinguisher (1 pcs DP/F/CO2)
- Survival suit (1 pcs) Options
- Life jacket (4 pcs inflatables) - Flame retardant version
- Escape masks (up to 10 pcs depending on - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
type) - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-37

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 380 x 278 x 810 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 230 x 210 x 650 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 10 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP WM storage cabinet: DMO-37, single door 1 SG02105
Add. costs DMO-37: Fire retardent 1 SG02106

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-55

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material, these cabinets are rated to IPX6 as certified by TÜV. All cabinets
are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges. The cabinets can be configured to suit
different storage requirements.

Room to store Options

- Helideck crash equipment (excl. ladder/ - Ventilation
rescue hook) - Flame retardant version
- Fall protection equipment / descent units - Heaters (conventional / ATEX approved)
(donut type) - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-55

IPX6 rated and TÜV certified


Dimensions 1024 x 500 x 600 mm (LxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 910 x 359 x 560 mm (LxWxH)
Angle of door opening 90°
Weight 20 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IPX6
Door catch Nylon
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE / TÜV


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-55 Hinged Lid 1 SG02110
Add. Costs DMO-55: Fire retardant 1 SG02111

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-130

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material. All cabinets are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges.
The cabinets can be configured to suit different storage requirements.

Room to store - Escape masks

- Grab bags
- Safety torches Optional
- Filter masks - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-130

To store e.g. grab bags, safety torches


Dimensions 136 x 280 x 280 mm (DxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 120 x 200 x 200 mm (DxWxH)
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 3 kgs
Material GRP
Color Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IP55
Door catch Stainless steel
Door handle Protex fastener
Hinges SS 316
Seal Neoprene
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-130 1 SG02080
Add. costs DMO-130, fire retardant 1 SG02081

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-131

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material. All cabinets are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges.
The cabinets can be configured to suit different storage requirements.

Room to store
- 2.5 kgs or 4.5 kgs lifebuoy Optional
- Throwing line - Lettering
- Safety light

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-131

To store lifebuoy


Dimensions 125 x 900 x 900 mm (DxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 125 x 900 x 900 mm (DxWxH)
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 27,5 kgs
Material GRP
Color Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IP55
Door catch Stainless steel
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Seal Neoprene
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-131 1 SG02085
Add. costs DMO-131, fire retardant 1 SG02086

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-132

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material. All cabinets are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges.
The cabinets can be configured to suit different storage requirements.

Room to store Optional

- PPE equipment - Lettering
- Breathing apparatus - Straps
- Fire hoses and nozzles - Shelve
- Ventilator

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-132

To store PPE, BA, fire hoses and nozzles


Dimensions 285 x 485 x 810 mm (DxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 275 x 410 x 740 mm (DxWxH)
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 12,5 kgs
Material GRP
Color Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IP55
Door catch Stainless steel
Door handle Protex fastener
Hinges SS 316
Seal Neoprene
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-132 1 SG02090
Add. costs DMO-132, fire retardant 1 SG02091

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-133

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material. All cabinets are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges.
The cabinets can be configured to suit different storage requirements.

Room to store
- PPE equipment Optional
- Electrical rescue kit - Lettering
- BA set - Shelve
- Fire hoses and nozzles - Ventilator

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-133

To store PPE or BA sets


Dimensions 350 x 675 x 1075 mm (DxWxH)

Aperture dimensions Not available
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 20 kgs
Material GRP
Color Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IP55
Door catch SS316
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Seal Neoprene
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-133 1 SG02095
Add. costs DMO-133, fire retardant 1 SG02096

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-134

Dräger Marine & Offshore cabinets are designed for tough offshore conditions. Manufactured
from durable GRP material. All cabinets are manufactured with stainless steel locks and hinges.
The cabinets can be configured to suit different storage requirements.

Room to store - Survival suit

- PPE equipment
- Escape masks Optional
- Life jacket - Lettering

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-134

To store PPE equipment, escape masks, life
jacket or survival suit


Dimensions 245 x 385 x 535 mm (DxWxH)

Aperture dimensions 235 x 370 x 515 mm (DxWxH)
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 7,5 kgs
Material GRP
Color Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
IP rating IP55
Door catch SS316
Door handle SS 316
Hinges SS 316
Seal Neoprene
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

GRP storage cabinet: DMO-134 1 SG02100
Add. costs DMO-134, fire retardant 1 SG02101

T-card cabinet: DMO-135

The T-card cabinet is being used for evacuation purposes on board of a platform.

Features - 148 Card slots, including t-cards

- Polyester laminate construction, 3 mm thick
- High gloss outside finish (RAL6002) Optional
- Inside fibre structure finish (RAL6002) - Fire retardancy
- 2 Stainless steel hinges - An other (RAL) colour
- 2 Stainless steel fasteners - EPDM seal
- Perspex window

T-card Cabinet
148 slots including t-cards


Dimensions 973 x 453 x 120 mm (HxWxD)

Aperture dimensions 575 x 410 x 115 mm (HxWxD)
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 10 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
Door handle Protex fastener
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

T-card Cabinet: DMO-135 1 SG02003

Firehose Safety Cabinet, polyester: DMO-136

Safety cabinet to store fire hose, branch pipe and Storz coupling spanners. If quality, finish and
design are important, the best choice is a polyester cabinet.

Features - Coupling
Dräger has a diverse range of fire hose - Coupling spanner
cabinets. The outside is finished to a high - All accessoiries need to be ordered
gloss (RAL 3000). The inside is finished fibre separately
structure also in RAL 3000. All the cabinets
are finished off with stainless steel hinges en Specific requirements
fasteners. All the cabinets can be finished off to your
own specific requirements. For example,
Accessoiries rivets (aluminium\stainless) stainless nuts,
- Fire hose bolts and other various hardware.
- Spray nozzle

Safety Cabinet, polyester

Fire hose, branch pipe and spanner cabinet


Dimensions 640 x 540 x 170 mm (LxWxD), type AP-V07

Aperture dimensions 540 x 490 x 155 mm (LxWxD), type AP-V07
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 7 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
Door handle Protex fastener
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Lettering White
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Firehose Safety Cabinet, type AP-V07 1 03110007
Firehose Safety Cabinet, type AP-V08 1 03110008
Fire hose - Storz - Syn / LM / N66 / 2,0" 20 meter, Red 1 SG00542
Unifire spray V-12 Nozzle, jet / foam 1 SG01011
Storz-arm: LM-N66-2" Bi (RA), with rubber seal 1 SG00727
Storz-arm: LM-N66-2" Bi (RA), with rubber seal 1 SG00892

Safety Cabinet for fireman's axe: DMO-137

Cabinet to store firemen's axe. Fireman's axe needs to be ordered separately.

Features - 2 Stainless steel fasteners

- Outside finished to a high gloss ral 3000
- Inside is finished fibre structure Optional extras
- Comes standard with perspex window - Fire retardancy
- Bracket for fire axe - An other (RAL) colour
- 3 Stainless steel hinges - EPDM seal

Safety Cabinet
To store fireman's axe


Dimensions 1020 x 420 x 100 mm (HxWxD)

Aperture dimensions 1000 x 380 x 90 mm (HxWxD)
Angle of door opening 100°
Weight 10 kgs
Material GRP
Colour Safety Green RAL 6002
Firefighting Red RAL 3000
Safety Orange RAL 2009
Lifesaving White RAL 9010
Door handle Protex fastener
Hinges SS 316
Reinforcement Core material
Approvals CE


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Safety Cabinet for fireman's axe, excluding axe 1 SG02005
Fireman's axe, 900 mm, Wood 1 SG03805
Leather pouch for fire axe 900 mm 1 SG03806

(Fire extinguishing) Equipment cabinet JBWE/A-70

These polyethylene cabinets can be used for multi purposes such as storage of fire or safety
equipment. Deliverable in various sizes, with a green or red door.

Applications - suitable for 6 kg fire extinguishers

- storage and transshipment - rubber seal and polycarbonate windows
- (international) shipping - left or right hinged mounting
- inland shipping - buckle web strap
- marine - plastic toggles, lynch pins and hinge pins as
- offshore standard
- petrochemical industry - fire extinguisher label supplied loose

Features Optional
- truck or wall mounting - strap for securing the extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher Cabinet JBWE/A-70

Deliverable with red or green door


Type Jonesco
Dimensions 300 x 700 x 253 mm
Color Cabinet : Black
Door: Red or green


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire Extinguisher Cabinet JBWE-70, red door 1 SG02423
Safety Cabinet JBWA-70, green door 1 SG02421

(Fire extinguishing) Equipment cabinet JBXE-83

These polyethylene cabinets can be used for multi purposes such as storage of fire or safety
equipment. Deliverable in various sizes, with a green or red door.

Applications - cabinet suitable for all types of portable

- (international) shipping extinguishers up to 12 kg
- inland shipping - wall mounting
- marine - fitted with poly carbonate window
- offshore - door seal rubber/epdm
- petrochemical industry - left or right hinged door
- plastic toggle, lynch pin and hinge pin as
Features standard
- made from environmental friendly and fully
recyclable PE Installation
- strong and light weight design Holes for fixation of the cabinet to be drilled
- resistant to UV and most chemicals during installation.
- high impact strength

(Fire extinguishing) equipment cabinet JBXE-

For dry powder, foam or CO2 extinguishers


Type Brandblusapparaat kast JBXE-83

Dimensions 830 x 330 x 265 mm
Color Cabinet : Black
Door: Red or green


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Polyethylene fire extinguisher cabinet JBXE-83, red door 1 SG02432

(Fire extinguishing) Equipment cabinet JBDE/A-72

Wall cabinet to hold all sorts of safety equipment such as emergency escape masks, filters,
protective clothing (helmets, gloves, overalls), first aid materials.The cabinets can be delivered
with a red or green door.

Applications - resistant to UV and most chemicals

- (international) shipping - high impact strength
- inland shipping - wall mounting
- marine - fitted with poly carbonate window
- offshore - door seal rubber/epdm
- petrochemical industry - left or right hinged door
- plastic toggle, lynch pin and hinge pin as
Features standard
- wall cabinet made from environmental
friendly Cabinet suitable for all sorts of safety
- fully recyclable PE materials
- strong and light weight design

(Fire extinguishing) equipment cabinet JBDE-

To store a fire extinguisher and hose with sup-


Dimensions 720 x 540 x 270 mm

Color Cabinet : Black
Door: Red


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire Extinguisher Cabinet JBDE-72, red door 1 SG02426
Safety Cabinet JBDA-72, green door 1 SG02425

(Fire extinguishing) Equipment cabinet JBDE/A-85

These polyethylene cabinets can be used for multi purposes such as storage of fire or safety
equipment. Deliverable in various sizes, with a green or red door.

Applications - material color and UV resistant

- (international) shipping - the cabinet is fitted with rubber seals
- inland shipping - equipped with 1 twist closure
- marine - very strong and lightweight material
- offshore - resistant to most chemicals and oils
- petrochemical industry - made of (recyclable) PE
- very suitable for placing in the open
Features - provided with rubber seal
- transport and wall cupboard for 2 fire
extinguishers to 12 kg or 1 and various Optional
extinguishing fire - strap for securing the extinguisher

(Fire extinguishing) equipment cabinet JBDE/

For 12 kilo dry powder or 9 liter foam or fire
hose and supplies


Type Jonesco
Dimensions Outside: 850 x 540 x 375 mm
Inside: 760 x 530 x 300 mm
Color Cabinet : Black
Door: Red or green


Description Unit Sales Articlenr

Fire Extinguisher Cabinet JBDE-85, red door 1 SG02436
Safety Cabinet JBDA-85, green door 1 SG02435
INDEX P. 439


A Fire plan holder 70 Portable water extinguishers 29

Fireman's accessoiries 92 Portable wet chemical extinguishers 31
Accessories 184 Fireman's clothing 71
Airline breathing equipment 348 Fireman's helmets 85 R
Alcohol screening devices 284 First aid kit and backpack 173
Foam making liquid 1% 61 Rain clothes 395
B Foam making liquid 3% 63 Rigid life jackets 111
Foam making liquid 6% 67
Breathing air compressors (movable) 359 Fogmachine 410 S
Bridge set 170 Freshwater salinometer 407
Safety gloves 393
C Safety goggles and face shields 390
G Safety harness and lines 397
Chemical splash suits 365 GRP DMO cabinets 413 Safety helmets 381
Control systems 262 Safety jackets and overalls 378
Couplings and spanners 52 Safety shoes and boots 386
Covers for all fire extinguishers 107 Safety showers and eye wash-stations 400
Hand flares 159 Single-gas detection equipment 213
D Helicopter deck accessories 209 Smoke and heat detectors 408
Helicopter rescue equipment - Smoke signal 163
Detection of Flammable Gases and according to CAP 437 186 Spray nozzles and branch pipes (foam) 50
Vapours 273 Spray nozzles and branch pipes (water) 45
Detection of Toxic Gases and Oxygen 268 Standard cabinets 426
Diphoterine sterilize products 171 Stretchers 178
Disinfection of drinking water 406 Immersion suits 130 System components 282
Dräger Aerotest Simultan HP 364 Inflatable life jackets (double chamber) 122
Dräger breathing apparatus 296 Inflatable life jackets (single chamber) 113
Dräger calibration and bump testing 243 International shore connection 54
Dräger compressed air cylinders 310 Thermal protective aid suits 142
Dräger configuration and evaluation L Thermal protective blanket 177
software 259 Transport suits 141
Dräger detector tube pumps 249 Life boat set 169 Tripod and fall protection equipment 399
Dräger emergency escape breathing Life jacket lights 143
devices 320 Lifebuoy brackets 154
Dräger filter masks and cartridges 335 Lifebuoy lights and MOB light 156
Dräger fire protection deluge valves 57 Lifebuoys and lines 151 Voice communication 314
Dräger fire spray nozzles 59 Lightstick 411
Dräger firefighting monitors 56 Line throwing device 167 W
Dräger foam proportioning equipment 58
Dräger full face masks for breathing Wall brackets for fire extinguishers 109
apparatus 307 Wireless Solutions 260
Dräger fumigation kit 257 Man Over Board Personal Locator 148 Work life jackets 129
Dräger gas tight suits 369 MOB lights and smoke signals 165 Work suits 136
Dräger gaseous fire suppression systems 60 Monitors (foam and water) 55
Dräger tubes 252 Movable CO2 extinguishers 37
Dräger X-am® pump 241 Movable foam extinguishers 39
Drugs screening devices 292 Movable powder extinguishers 32
Multi-gas detection equipment 227
Electronic Distress Flare 150
Emergency defibrillator 175 Oxygen resuscitator 172
Eye wash bottles and holders 403
F Parachute signal rocket 161
Fire blanket 106, 176 Portable CO2 extinguishers 19
Fire hoses 42 Portable foam extinguishers 21
Portable powder extinguishers 7

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