Ssep 1

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1. As per MARPOL Annex -1 definition Special area means:

A. Some specific areas where coastal state legislation doesnt allow any bilge
water/slop discharges
B. Areas as defined by Annex-1 where no bilge water/slop discharges are
C. Areas as defined by Annex-1, where special mandatory methods are adopted
for the prevention of sea pollution by oil
D. Areas as defined by Coastal state regulations (e.g. OPA-90), where special
mandatory methods are adopted for the prevention of sea pollution by oil

2. In which of the following documents on board, authentic information about the

circumstances and procedures to obtain Radio Medical Advice can be found?
A. Safety Management Manual
B. The Ship Captain's Medical Guide
C. First Aid Booklet
D. Code of safe working practices

3. Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the SOLAS
A. Fire control plan/booklet
B. Maneuvering booklet
C. Minimum safe manning document
D. Records of hours of rest

4. When using the rainwater collection tubes on a liferaft, the FIRST collection should be
A. passed around so all can drink
B. poured overboard because of salt washed off the canopy
C. saved to be used at a later time
D. used to boil food

5. Which of the following is not an exception provided under MARPOL, Annex-1,

regarding the discharge of oil or oily mixture into the sea?
A. Discharge for the purpose of securing safety of a ship
B. Discharge for the purpose of saving life at sea
C. Discharge resulting due to damage to the ship because of Master???s fault
even if the Master/Owner of the ship has taken all reasonable precautions to
prevent/minimize discharge
D. Discharge resulting due to damage to the ship not because of Masters fault,
but because of a third partys fault and action awaited by Master from that
third party to prevent /minimize discharge


6. Under OPA 90, who is responsible for mobilizing Oil Spill Removal Organization
(OSRO), in the event of spill of oil or Noxious liquid Substances?
A. Master
C. Qualified Individual
D. Technical Superintendent

7. As per definition of MARPOL Annex-1, a Crude oil tanker means a tanker designed to
A. Crude oil and other dirty oils
B. Crude oil along with some refined products
C. Crude oil only
D. Crude oil, but alternatively may carry at times dirty and clean oil products

8. Which of the following organs of IMO consists of all member states?

A. Council
B. Assembly
C. Facilitation Committee
D. None of the above

9. The maximum allowable weight of a portable fire extinguisher is ______________

A. 13.5 Kgs
B. 23 Kgs
C. 9 Kgs
D. 46 Kgs

10. Under which maritime instrument is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR)

A. CLC 1992
B. Fund convention
D. OPA 1990

11. If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel
transfer operations on a MODU, which of the listed actions should be taken first?
A. Wait for the person-in-charge to act.
B. Notify the ballast control operator.
C. Shutdown the transfer operations
D. Sound the fire alarm.


12. As per the definition of MARPOL, Annex-1, a combination carrier means a ship
designed to carry:
A. Crude oil and refined oil products at the same time in different tanks
B. Refined oil products and chemical products at the same time in different
C. A combination of different products at the same time, sometimes also known
as a parcel tanker
D. Either oil or solid cargoes in bulk

13. As per Marpol requirements, Every crude oil tanker of ______________ tones deadweight
and above delivered after 1st June 1982, shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system
using _______________
A. 5000, Sea Water Washing
B. 10000, Fresh Water Washing
C. 20000, Crude Oil Washing
D. 30000, Bilge Water Washing

14. As per requirements of Marpol Annex -1, all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above:
A. Can carry fuel oil in fore peak, aft peak tanks and deep tanks
B. Cannot carry fuel oil in fore peak tank
C. Can carry fuel oil forward of collision bulkhead or aft of machinery space
forward bulkhead, but not in the cargo area in case of tankers
D. Cannot carry more than 600 m3 of oil fuel in any single fuel tank

15. Which of the following is a man overboard maneuver?

A. Neil Robertson turn
B. Williamson turn.
C. Hard port
D. Hard starboard.

16. The parent instrument of IMO is:

A. UNCLOS I, 1958
B. UNCLOS II, 1960
D. The IMO convention

17. After a person has been revived by artificial respiration, they should be
A. walked around until he is back to normal
B. given several shots of whiskey
C. kept lying down and warm
D. allowed to do as he wishes


18. The angular movement of a vessel about a horizontal line drawn from its bow to its
stern is
A. pitching
B. rolling
C. heaving
D. swaying

19. To prevent oil from escaping into the sea when ballasting through the cargo piping
system, you should FIRST
A. open sea suction valves, then start the cargo pump
B. start the cargo pump, then open sea suction valves
C. open block valves, then start the cargo pump
D. open sluice valves, then start the cargo pump

20.Prior to entering a cargo pump room, you should ensure that

A. the forced ventilating system is operating
B. the cargo pumps are secured
C. no mono carbon gases are present
D. the oily water separator is de-energized
21. Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL
A. IOPP certificate
B. Oil Record Book
D. Safety Management Certificate.

22. When a vessel is floating upright, the distance from the keel to the metacenter is
called the
A. metacentric differential
B. height of the baseline
C. height of the metacenter
D. righting arm

23. Voyage data recorders (VDR) or simplified voyage data recorders (S-VDR) are
required to be installed on board certain ships as per_____________
A. ISPS code
B. ISM code
C. Chapter V of Solas
D. None of the above

24. Which of the following is not found inside a lifeboat?

A. Sea anchor


B. Fishing tackle
C. Drinking water cans
D. Life Jacket

25. As per STCW code, the abilities specified under standards of competence are grouped
under _______ functions, for the purpose of issuing certificates of competency.
A. Seven
B. Four
C. Six
D. Three

26. Under which IMO convention is Voyage Data Recorder- Certificate of compliance
A. COLREG 1972
B. SAR 1979
C. SOLAS 1974

27. As required by Reg.31 of Annex 1 of Marpol the ODMCS should be provided with a
recording device for ____________ recording the discharge in litres per nautical mile and
total quantity discharged. This discharge should be kept onboard at least for a period of:
A. Intermittent, 1 year
B. Continuous, 1 year
C. Intermittent, 3 years
D. Continuous, 3 years

28. Changing rescuers while carrying out artificial respiration should be done
A. without losing the rhythm of respiration
B. only with the help of two other people
C. by not stopping the respiration for more than 5 minutes
D. at ten minute intervals

29. As per definition of MARPOL Annex-1, a product tanker is one which can carry:
A. Oils and chemicals
B. Oils other than crude oils
C. Oil product and occasionally crude oils
D. Mainly chemical products but at times refined oil products

30. Which of the following statements is false?

A. A ship security plan is made by the CSO
B. A ship security plan is a confidential document.
C. A ship security plan needs to be approved by the flag state administration


D. None of the above

31. In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to
personnel who are
A. thirsty
B. sick or injured
C. wet
D. awake

32. Which of the following conditions can lead to degradation of foam compounds?
A. Exposure to excessive heat.
B. Mixing of different grades of foam.
C. Exposure to air.
D. None of the above.

33. In which of the following conditions, the IG blower fans should shut down
A. Oxygen content above 8%
B. Low water level in deck seal
C. Low water level in the scrubber tower
D. High scrubber water level

34. As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above
shall be provided with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
A. 150 tonnes deadweight
B. 150 gross tonnage
C. 400 tonnes deadweight
D. 400 gross tonnage

35. Life buoy self-activating smoke signals should emit smoke of visible colour for at least
______________ in calm waters.
A. 5 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 60 minutes

36. Emergency generators should be capable of being started at ambient temperature of

______________________ deg Centigrade. If lower temperatures are expected then
___________________should be provided.
A. zero, cold starting spray
B. -5, heating arrangements
C. Zero, heating arrangements


D. -5,cold starting spray

37. Divisions constructed of steel which can withstand a standard fire test for 30min
without passage of flame or smoke are classified as____________________
A. B class divisions
B. A class divisions
C. A30 class divisions
D. B 30 class divisions

38. When applying chest compressions on an adult victim during CPR, the sternum should
be depressed about
A. 1/2 inch or less
B. 1/2 to 1 inch
C. 1 to 1 1/2 inches
D. 1 1/2 to 2 inches

39. As per requirements of Marpol, Annex 1, all ships delivered on or after 1st Aug. 2010
with an aggregate oil fuel capacity 600 m3 and above, the oil fuel can be carried in:
A. Any of the tanks without any restriction
B. Deep tanks and Double bottom tanks
C. Deep tanks in protective locations
D. Double bottom tanks not extending upto the ship???s side

40. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The installation of an IMO approved incinerator is mandatory on all ships.(for
B. The installation of an incinerator is mandatory on all ships above 400 GRT.
C. The installation of an incinerator is not a mandatory requirement.
D. The installation of incinerators is mandatory only for dry ships

41. The purpose of inert gas systems aboard tank vessels is to __________.
A. allow sufficient oxygen in the tank to sustain life
B. prevent outside air from entering the tank
C. provide increase in cargo discharge pressure
D. comply with double hull pollution prevention regulations

42. In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is
when ________
a. you first start to receive fuel
b. hoses are being blown down
c. final topping off is occurring
d. hoses are being disconnected


43. An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to __________.

a. aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
b. increase the rate of discharge of cargo
c. force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside
d. lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly

44. Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container containing an inflatable liferaft has bobbed to
the surface upon functioning of the hydrostatic release. Which action should you take?
a. Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container down.
b. Swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes
c. Take no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and
open the container.
d. Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump.

45. The atmosphere in a tank is too lean if it is __________.

a. incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content
is below the LFL (LowerFlammable Limit)
b. capable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is
above the UFL (UpperFlammable Limit)
c. capable of supporting a fire once started
d. not safe for ballasting

46. Inflatable liferafts are less maneuverable than lifeboats due to their __________.
a. shape
b. shallow draft
c. large sail area
d. All of the above

47. What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere
within a cargo tank is explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?
a. Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank.
b. Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
c. Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
d. Use an explosimeter

48. Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must __________.
a. secure the engine room ventilation
b. secure the machinery in the engine room
c. evacuate all engine room personnel


d. All of the above

49. You are fighting a fire in the electrical switchboard in the engine room. You should
secure the power, then__________.
a. use a portable foam extinguisher
b. use a low-velocity fog adapter with the fire hose
c. use a portable CO2 extinguisher
d. determine the cause of the fire

50. The minimum concentration of a vapor in air which can form an explosive mixture is
called the
a. auto-ignition point
b. flash point
c. lower explosive limit (LEL)
d. threshold limit value (TLV)

51. The deck water seal of the inert gas system __________.
a. cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanks
b. acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the
safe working pressure inthe hazardous zone
c. prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areas
d. relieves sudden large overpressures in the system

52. The explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is __________.
a. 0% to 1%
b. 1% to 10%
c. 10% to 15%
d. 12% to 20%

53. Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which will stop __________.
a. oil from flowing out of the tank vent
b. air from entering the tank vent
c. vapors from leaving the tank vent
d. flames on deck from entering the tank vent

54.Dumping of wastes at sea is controlled by which of the following IMO conventions?

A. Marpol 73/78
B. London convention
C. Hongkong convention
D. Kenya convention
55. The horizontal port, or starboard movement of a vessel is called


A. yaw
B. sway
C. surge
D. heave

56. When two people are administering CPR to a victim, how many times per minute
should the chest be compressed?
A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. 80


1. Personnel who are moving or handling material aboard ship should NOT follow which
of the listed practices?
A. Signaling that all personnel are clear before lifting or lowering material.
B. Examining material for sharp edges or protruding points before handling.
C. Closing, tagging, or securing valves that permit entrance of steam, water, or
air into a fitting or other equipment.
D. Throwing materials from high places to the deck

2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Ballast water exchange at mid ocean eliminates completely the risks
associated with introduction of non-native organisms and pathogens in alien
B. In the flow through method, the water pumped through a tank should be at
least 3 times the tank volume.
C. Over pressurization of a tank cannot take place during the flow through
D. Air pipes on ballast tanks are designed for continuous overflow.

3. The most common cause of engine room fires is:

A. Spontaneous combustion of oily rags
B. Back fire of boilers
C. Ignition sources coming in contact with stored fuel /lubes
D. Oil leakage coming in contact with hot exposed surfaces

4. A fuel tank on a barge has been certified by a marine chemist as being "Safe for Men"
and "Safe for fire". This condition may change if:
A. the ambient temperature changes


B. a product leaks into the certified tank

C. muck, sludge, or scale in the tank give off additional vapors
D. all of the above

5. As per MARPOL annex-1, the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content means:
A. The rate of discharge of oil-water mixture in litres per hour at any instant
divided by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant
B. The rate of discharge of oil in litres per hour at any instant divided by the
speed of the ship in knots at the same instant
C. The average rate of discharge of oil-water mixture in litres per hour divided
by the average speed of the ship in knots
D. The average rate of discharge of oil mixture in litres per hour divided by the
average speed of the ship in knots

6. Which of the following statements about LRIT is False?

A. Regulation on LRIT is included in Chapter V of SOLAS
B. LRIT has longer range than AIS
C. LRIT, like AIS, is a broadcast system that transmits information about
ship's identity, location date and time of position to all in range
D. LRIT and AIS should not have any interface

7. Pyrophoric ignition may occur_____________

A. On introduction of air in tanks deficient in oxygen.
B. In oxygen rich atmospheres.
C. In nitrogen rich atmospheres.
D. Only when an ignition source is introduced

8. Which of the following conditions need NOT be satisfied while discharging oil or oil
mixtures from ships into the sea?
A. The ship must be proceeding en route
B. The ship must be at a distance of 12 nautical miles from the nearest land
C. The oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment as per Reg.
14 of Annex-1
D. The oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 ppm

9. As per MARPOL annex I requirements:

A. Only crudes and petrochemical products come within the definition of Oil
B. All items mentioned in Appendix 1 of annex 1 come under the category of oil
C. Only crude oil and black oils have restrictions on pumping out, the remaining
products can be pumped out at sea in limited quantities
D. Anything having viscosity greater than that of water is considered to be oil


10. As per Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, which of the following entries should be
made in official log book of ships?
A. Every case of illness, hurt or injury to a member of the crew
B. Every case of death on board
C. Every birth happening on board
D. All of the above

11. Which of the following instruments set out carrier's obligations and liabilities with
respect to carriage of goods?
A. Hague Rules
B. Hamburg Rules
C. Hague- Visby rules
D. All of the above

12. Where would you find a list of the lifesaving equipment onboard your supply boat?
A. Ship's articles
B. Station bill
C. Certificate of Inspection
D. U. S. Coast Guard Regulations

13. Which of the following statements is false?

A. Purging is an essential operation to carry out before gas freeing is done prior
to man entry.
B. Purging makes sure that the mixture in a cargo tank never enters the
flammable range, when air is introduced.
C. Purging can be carried out by both displacement and dilution methods.
D. None of the above

14. When administering artificial respiration, it is of the utmost importance to

A. use the mouth-to-mouth method
B. clear airways
C. use rhythmic pressure method
D. know all approved methods

15. Which of the following codes has been issued under both SOLAS and MARPOL
A. STCW code
B. IMDG code
C. IGC code
D. ISM code

16. Dispatch means


A. A.owner to charter after

B. owner to charter before
C. C.Charter to owner after
D. Charter to owner before
17..convention not yet forced
B. ……………..
C. ………….
D. ……………..

18.How many annex in MARPOL including newly added

A. 6
B. 8
C. 7

19.Who provide charter to ship

A. .Agent
B. .Broker
C. .Chandler
D. .None

20.Sewage (disinfected )and communited sewage can be discharged from how many
A. 3 NM from land provided if enroute

21. Helicopter convention

b. B.Indian aviation

22. Certificate of insurance on financial during bunkering oil spill damage comes under
A. A.CLC 1969 convention
B. B.Marpol convention
C. C.Bunker convention
D. D.CLC 1992

23. According to Indian merchant ship act 1958, registrar of ports of

A. A.DG shipping
C. C.Principle officer respective MMD
D. D.surveyer


24. International shore connection under which convention

D. solas

25.What is the minimum percentage of oxygen required before making an entry into an
enclosed space?
A. 20%
B. 18%
C. 11%
D. 21%

26.Selective catalytic reduction is a secondary method for reduction of which of the

following emissions?
C. Carbon oxides
D. All of the above

27. Air is removed from refrigration sytem by (1)________ at reciver after

(2)________(3)________ Gas in receiver. Humidificaton is process of adding water/moiture to
discharged airof AC blower. Demumidification is process of removing water/moisture
from air supplied from AC system. For colecting gas in receiver you need to close the
outlet valve of receiver with compressor running

28. One of the important precautions against cold injuries and frost bite would be:
A. Wear several layers of light clothing rather than one heavy layer of clothing
B. Wear tight fitting gloves
C. Rub numb areas of body to warm them up
D. Work while facing the wind

29. Where would you look to find out what your duties are during a fire?
A. Ship's articles
B. Station bill
C. Certificate of Inspection
D. U.S. Coast Guard Regulations

30. Ship Security Alert System is a requirement under __________________

A. Part B of ISPS Code


B. SOLAS Chapter XI-2

C. SUA convention, 1988
D. None of the above

31. When administering only mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, you should continue the
victim's ventilation rate at how many inflations per minute?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 12
D. 20

32. Freight paid by charterers on a quantity of cargo short-shipped, i.e quantity agreed
upon but not loaded by the charterer, is called:
A. Pro-rata freight
B. Back Freight
C. Dead freight
D. None of the above

33. Which of the following extinguishing medium should never be used when fighting fire
involving magnesium?
a. Halon
b. Dry Chemical powder
c. Water
d. CO2

34. Under which Convention is Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate (OPIC) a statutory oil
pollution insurance cover requirement?
C. Fund convention
D. Athens Convention

35. In refrigeration system vegetable room and meat rooms are maintained at different
A. Different expansion valves
B. By putting solenoid valves
C. By boiling the refrigerant at different pressures
D. By using smaller evaporator
36. The working duration of a 1200 litres SCBA bottle, after allowing for a reserve of 10
mins is____________________ (if 1800litres =40mins)
A. 30 mins
B. 40 mins
C. 20 mins


D. 50 mins

37. Principle of fire fighting onboard is

A. * watering of fire
B. * starving of fire
C. * cooling
D. * smothering of fire

38. The number within bracket of a resolution, say A.526 (13) refers to ____.
a. The serial No. of the resolution.
b. The session No. in which the resolution was adopted.
c. The sub paragraph of the resolution.
d. The No. of clauses in the resolution

39. Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for
bunker oil pollution damage is issued under what?
A. CLC 1969.
B. MARPOL convention.
C. Bunker convention 2001.
D. CLC 1992.

40. Cyclic Up & Down Movement of Vessel Along the VERTICAL AXIS…
a. Heaving,
b. yawing,
c. Swaying,
d. pitching

41. The stretcher normally used for rescue of casualties from engine room spaces, holds,
pump-rooms etc., is known as _____________________
A. Williamson stretcher
B. Neil Hobson stretcher
C. Neil Robertson stretcher
D. Stokes stretcher

42. Rolling is the angular motion of the vessel about what axis?
A. Longitudinal
B. Transverse
C. Vertical
D. Centerline

43. When entering a compartment which is on fire,

A. you must wear rubber gloves


B. the flames should be beaten back from the door with water fog
C. a straight stream of water should be used to cool the door
D. a straight stream of water should be used to cool the fire fighters

44. When the height of the metacenter has the same value as the height of the center of
gravity, the metacentric height is equal to
A. height of the metacenter
B. height of the center of gravity
C. same as half the height of the metacenter
D. zero

45. The emergency generator should be capable of being started and be able to supply
required load within a maximum of ________________
A. 30 seconds
B. 1 min
C. 45 seconds
D. 2 mins

46. Which of the following kinds of total flooding system is most suited for very large
spaces like car carrier car decks?
A. High pressure multi cylinder type CO2 installation
B. Low pressure bulk storage tank type CO2 installation
C. Low expansion foam systems
D. Fixed pressure water spraying systems

47. You are the 4th engineer of a ship. Your 3rd engineer handsover the watch to you and
informs you that the OWS is running with the ppm showing as zero. After taking over the
watch and during your rounds you find out that the rinsing fresh water to 15 ppm device
was crack open. After closing the same you find that the ppm rose to 15 and the OWS
stopped after giving alarm. What should you do?
A. Nothing, as Marpol regulations are satisfied till the oily water is being
pumped through OWS and oil content is below 15 ppm
B. Should suspend the operation immediately, inform the Chief engineer about
the same and take appropriate action to restore correct OWS operation
C. Should never touch OWS and any stoppages to be informed either to Chief
Engineer or 2nd engineer
D. If no visible traces of oil are seen on the sea surface and oily water mixture is
being pumped through an OWS, then there is no harm in pumping out with
fresh water crack open, to keep the OWS running as it may give false alarm
without Fresh water. This is a practical approach to run O WS without any
trouble without violating Marpol regulations


48. All entries in the Oil record Book part-I are to be:
At least in English, Spanish or national language
At least in English, Spanish or French
At least in English or Spanish
At least in English or national language

49. Plasma reduction system is a secondary method of reduction of which of the following
kinds of emissions?
B. Greenhouse gases
D. All of the above

50. Back flow towards machinery spaces of cargo vapours in an Inert gas system is
prevented by_____________________
A. Pressure vacuum breaker
B. High velocity vents
C. Deck water seal
D. Pressure vacuum valves

51. Which of the following is not a requirement under MARPOL Annex VI, for new
A. All engines above 130 KW to be tested and issued with EIAPP certificate and
Nox Technical file.
B. Life boat engines and emergency diesel engines to be also tested and issued
with EIAPP certificate and Nox Technical File
C. Periodical verification of EIAPP certificate is mandatory even when there has
been no modification in the engine
D. Engines installed prior to the Nox technical code being applicable will not be
subject to certification and testing unless they undergo major conversion

52. An oil record book Part-I shall be retained onboard for a period of:
A. 1 year since the last entry has been made
B. 1 year since the first entry has been made
C. 3 years since the first entry has been made
D. 3 years since the last entry has been made
53. The life boat engine should be capable of starting at _______________________
A. -15 deg Celsius ambient temperature within 2 mins
B. -5 deg Celsius ambient temperature within 5 mins
C. -5 deg Celsius ambient temperature within 2 mins
D. 0 deg Celsius ambient temperature within 2 mins


54. A straight stream of water should be used to extinguish

A. galley grease fires
B. fuel oil fires
C. burning bedding materials
D. a fire in the paint locker

55. The maximum capacity of an Oil fuel tank for any ship built on or after 1st Aug. 2010
as restricted by Marpol, Annex 1 is: (minimum capacity 600m3)
A. 600 m3
B. 1200 m3
C. 2500 m3
D. 3000 m3

56. Each fire pump on a MODU must have a pressure gage located
A. at the pump discharge
B. at the manifold connection
C. at each fire station discharge
D. at the pump station

57. Which of the devices listed must be used in conjunction with the portable in-line foam
proportioner to produce foam?
A. A plain or common fire hose nozzle
B. The mechanical foam nozzle
C. Any low velocity applicator
D. An all-purpose nozzle

58. As per the Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, which of the following statements
about ownership of Indian Flag ships is False?
A. A company or body established by or under any Central or State Act, which has
its principal business in India, may be registered as owner by its name
B. Joint owners shall be considered as constituting one person
C. A person can be registered as owner of a fractional part of a share in a ship, the
number of shares being ten
D. Not more than the names of Ten individuals shall be entitled to registered at the
same time as joint owners of any one ship

59. The external flotation bladder on an immersion suit should be inflated

A. before you enter the water
B. after you enter the water
C. after one hour in the water
D. after you notice that your suit is losing buoyancy



1. Following should not be done to a person in frostbite.

a. Rubbing effected area.
b. Ask him to rest.
c. Remove wet cloths
d. Give him something warm to drink.

2. Procedure to obtain radio medical advice can be found in _____.

a. First aid box.
b. Code of safe working procedure.
c. Safety management manual.
d. The ship captain medical guide.

3. EEDI is the Technical measure adopted by IMO to reduce ___.

a. Greenhouse gas.
b. SOx
c. NOx
d. None of the above

4. What Agreement of hire called, in which the owner agreed to transport an agreed
volume of cargo over a specific period. The charter designates cargoes and loading date
but owner nominate suitable vessel which are not normally named in agreement.
a. Time charter.
b. Voyage charter.
c. Bare boat charter.
d. Contract of frightment.

5. When performing CPR, we must do chest compression_____.

a. 12 to 15 times/min.
b. 16 to 18 times/min.
c. 2 to 5 times/min.
d. 18 to 19 times/min.

6. Movement of ship about an imaginary line joining aft and fore perpendicular is?
a. Pitching
b. Heaving
c. Sway
d. roll

7. Which of the following anti fouling paint is an accepted alternative to now banned
TBT based paint.


a. DOT based anti fouling paint.

b. Arsenic based anti fouling paint.
c. Mercury based anti fouling paint.
d. Copper based anti fouling paint.

8. Oil or oily mixture discharge into the sea from E/R of ships of 10,000 GRT & above,
in special areas is _______.
a. Not allowed.
b. Allowed, provided ship is proceeding en route & discharge through oil
filtering equipment with oil content less than 15ppm except in Atlantic
c. Allowed, provided ship is proceeding en route & discharge through oil
filtering equipment with oil content less than 5ppm except in Atlantic
d. Allowed but outside 12Nm from the Nearest Land.

9. Which of the following Convention is also known as Minimum Standard

a. Maritime Labor Convention.
b. ILO convention no. 147.
c. STCW Convention 1978.
d. STCW Convention 1995.

10. ORB has to be regularly updated without delay and each completed page has to be
a. Signed by officer in charge and chief engineer.
b. Signed by officer in charge and Master.
c. Signed by chief engineer and master.
d. Signed by chief officer and chief engineer.

11. Number of maximum sprinkler head in a section should be _____.(minimum = 150)

a. 200
b. 150
c. 100
d. 250

12. Each section on a sprinkler system should not contain more than _____sprinkler
a. 200
b. 150
c. 100
d. 250


13. First rain water collected over canopy rain water harvesting arrangement has to
be ____.
a. Rationed to each member.
b. Given to sick and injured.
c. Thrown overboard.
d. Given to any one member.

14. In which of the following condition FD fan of Inert gas generator will be tripped?
a. Low sea water level in Deck water seal
b. Low sea water level in scrubber tower

15. Under following,which is not mandatory


16. sewage air compressor, freq of starting

A. A.every 18 hrs
B. B.Every 24 hrs
C. C.Continously
D. D.Once in two weeks

17. the resourse zone, not a security zone is

A. A.Inland water
B. B.terristrial water
C. C.Contigeous areas
D. D.Continental self

18. Demurrage means

A. A.Charter to owner before time expired
B. Charter to owner after time expired
C. C.owner to charter before time expired
D. owner to charter after time expired

19. What is to be checked 1st when entering into dry dock?

A. engine room crane
B. engine room lift
C. gantrry crane
D. all of the above.


20. Intact capacity of foam min capacity.

A. 5lt.
B. 9lt.
C. 20lt.
D. none

21. Intact stability book is provided by...:

A. a.. SOLAS
C. c..Load Line Convention
D. d.. Load line Protocol

22. Shipboard incineration of which of the following substances is allowed?

A. Poly chlorinated Biphenyls(PCB s)
B. Refined petroleum products containing halogen residues
C. Sewage sludge
D. Cargo residues(of Annex I, II and III of MARPOL convention)

23. Compliance with which of the following ILO conventions is checked during Port State
Control Inspections?
A. ILO convention no.134-Prevention of accidents convention
B. ILO convention no.147- Minimum Standards Convention
C. ILO convention no.178 -Labor inspection convention
D. All of the above

24. A coastal can take necessary action on the high seas to mitigate, prevent or eliminate
danger of OIL pollution to its coastline following a maritime casualty. Which IMO
guarantees this right to the coastal state?

B. MARPOL 73/78
D. London Convention
25. Probably the largest amount of information covering the various aspects of oil spill
response in one place on the net. Which of the following codes is mandatory for chemical
tankers constructed on or after 1July 1986? ( before July 1986 for BCH code)
A. IGC code
B. BCH code
C. IBC code
D. IMDG code


26. A clean ballast tank is one which:(if SBT option A)

a. Is not allowed to carry any oil cargo and solely to be used for the purpose
of carriage
of ballast water
b. Is used for the carriage of oil cargo, but has to be cleaned thoroughly prior
carriage of
ballast water during ballast voyage
c. Is allowed to carry some white and clean oil cargoes and has to be cleaned
up thoroughly
for the carriage of ballast water
d. Is a tank which was previously being used for the carriage of oil cargo, but
converted to a ballast tank during last dry-docking, but still has a common
pumping system
for remaining cargo tanks and the converted clean ballast tank

27. A representative sample of fuel oil delivered on board during bunkering is to be

retained on
board ________________________
A. For a period of 6 months
B. Till the time the oil is substantially consumed
C. For a period of 12 months
D. Till the time the oil is substantially consumed but not less than 12

28. The validity of which of the following certificates is not 5 years?

A. Safety equipment certificate
B. Load line certificate
C. Tonnage certificate
D. Safety radio telegraphy certificate

29. U r fighting with fire with jet hose and multiple fire where wil u first impinge water
a) Direct jet on mid of fire
b) Direct gog jet on mid of fire
c) Top of fire to absorb some heat
d) Bottom of bulkhed

30) Primary Element Of Isps Part A Mandatory Section Comes Under –



31. anti – static additives in petroleum products.

A. Increase conductivity
B. Reduce conductivity
C. Increase accumulation of charge
D. Reduce friction drag

32. what declare under SOLAS convection

C. Procedure and arrangement manual
D. Bulk carrier booklet

33.what coastal zone can extend beyond 200nm from baseline.

A. Exclusive economic zone
B. Continuers’ zone
C. Fisher zone
D. Continental zone

34. DPA requires under

A. STCW code
C. MARPOL73/78
D. ISM code

35. latest annex VI incorporate the marpol convention

A. Annex 6
B. Annex 7
C. Annex 8
D. Annex 9

36. minimum no of life bouys of cargo ship of 200m and more.

A. 12
B. 14
C. 18
D. 24

37. EEBD service time

A. 15
B. 10
C. 20
D. 30


38. cause liability of ship occurs in case of loss of life.

A. CORE 1974
B. CLC 1969
C. FUND 1971
D. LLMC 1976

39. annex I regulation 12 sludge takes concentration

A. Bilge pump to OWS
B. No line direct connection to OBD other than discharge give in regulation 13
C. No direct connection to OBD
D. Have direct connection to OBD all the valve to be close and sealed

40. the presence of toxic gases is measured by

A. Explosive meter
B. O2 analyser
D. none

41. immersion suit donning time without assistance

A. 30sec
B. 1min
C. 3min
D. 2min

42. Annex I collection of residue tank washing and also oily mixture to be
A. Bilge tank
B. Sludge tank
C. Oily bilge tank
D. Slop tank

43. class D fire

A. Fire in metal
B. Fire in liquid
C. Fire in electrical system
D. None

44. minimum capacity of SCBA

A. 1800L
B. 1200L
C. 1500L
D. 600L


45. parent instrument for the mandatory ISM code


46. A state party to treaty or convention after the convention been recognized and signed
by other parties and enter into force this action is called.
A. Ratification
B. Acceptance
C. Approval
D. Accusation

47. in special areas any discharge of oil and oil mixtures from machinery spaces
A. Prohibited
B. Enroute and min 12NM
C. En route and min 50NM
D. En route with oil filtering equipment

48. standard discharge connection flange as per MARPOL ANNEX I Regulation( od-pcd-th)
A. 200,185,15
B. 215,183,20
C. 205,185,50
D. 200,183,20


1. Recharging a previously used cartridge-operated dry chemical fire extinguisher is

accomplished by ______________.
a. authorized fire equipment servicing personnel only
b. replacing the propellant cartridge and refilling it with pyrotechnic
c. puncturing the cartridge seal after installation
d. recharging the cartridge and then refilling it with powder

2. A load line for a ship is assigned by the ______________.

a. Port health inspector
b. Assessors and Arbitrators
c. Institute of Marine Engineers
d. A recognized classification society approved by the Administration.
e. Company of Master Mariners.


3. In the event of a galley fire on board a general cargo ship, most dry chemical or
carbon dioxide portable extinguishers are automatically activated through the action of a
stainless steel cable, spring and a ____________.
(a) fusible link of tritium, gallium arsenide alloy
(b) stack switch with sensors
(c) thermostat of bimetallic type
(d) pyrostat with activation of pyrotechnics
(e) none of the above

4. The stability of a vessel is normally the greatest when all fuel and water tanks are
full because the _____________.
(A) center of gravity is lowered
(B) center of buoyancy is lowered
(C) reserve buoyancy is unchanged
(D) hull freeboard is increased

5. To operate a portable foam fire extinguisher, you should _____________.

(a) puncture the CO2 cartridge
(b) open the handwheel
(c) pull the pin and squeeze the trigger
(d) turn it upside down and bump the deck

6. If deck cargo is carried, it should be stowed so that it _____________.

(a) is not higher than 30cm above the deck
(b) does not block access to the fire station hydrant
(c) will cover no more than 25 % of deck space
(d) will be easily visible from the bridge
(e) is sufficient to enable the cadet to stroll through
(f) gives a clear view to the bridge for navigation

7. Which of the listed systems related to an engineer's signal alarm panel is required
to be indicated by a continuously illuminated light?
(a) Deaerating tank low level
(b) Shaft alley bilge high level
(c) Port or starboard steering gear motor running
(d) No. 1 diesel generator low lube oil pressure

8. Which fire extinguisher is most prone to freezing when stowed in low

(a) Halon 1211
(b) Carbon dioxide


(c) Foam
(d) Dry chemical

9. Bunker "C", a grade "E" combustible liquid, will _______.

(A) give off flammable vapors below 800F (26.70C)
(B) have a Reid vapor pressure of 14 psi (96.5 kPa) or more
(C) self-ignite at temperatures below 150˚F (65.50C)
(D) have a flash point of 150̊˚F (65.5̊C) or more

10. Which of the following statements describes the advantage of using a Halon fire
extinguisher versus a CO2 fire extinguisher?
(A) Halon cools rather than smothers a fire.
(B) Halon is more effective than CO2.
(C) Halon can extinguish combustible metal fires.
(D) Halon is not toxic and safe to breathe under all conditions.

11. You may improve a vessel's stability by ___________.

(A) keeping the fuel tanks topped off
(B) increasing the free surface effect
(C) keeping the fuel tanks at least half full
(D) keeping at least one fuel tank empty for slops

12. In order to find out which lifeboat you are assigned, you should look at the
(A) Certificate of Inspection
(B) Muster stations Chart
(C) Ship's Articles
(D) Fire Control Plan

13. Which of the following statements is true concerning Halon 1301?

(A) The agent is extremely toxic in any concentration.
(B) The agent leaves no residue.
(C) The agent extinguishes a fire by smothering.
(D) All of the above.

14. What is the usual effect of moving weight from the main deck to a position lower
in the vessel?
(A) The stability of the vessel is increased.
(B) The trim of the vessel is changed substantially.
(C) The stability of the vessel is significantly decreased.
(D) The vessel will list in proportion to the volume of the cargo shifted.


15. The inclining experiment conducted on a merchant ship is the method for
determining the exact location of the __________.
(A) ship's displacement in seawater
(B) position of the ship's center of gravity
(C) position of the ship's center of buoyancy
(D) position of the ship's metacenter

16. Vessel stability can be adversely affected by ___________.

A. increasing the free surface effect
B. decreasing the free surface effect
C. ballasting down by the bow
D. ballasting down by the stern

17. While wearing a demand-type self-contained breathing apparatus the alarm bell
begins ringing. Which of the following conditions does this indicate?
A. There is a 4-5 minute supply of air remaining in the air cylinder.
B. There is approximately 500 psi (3.5 MPa) of pressure left in the air cylinder.
C. The wearer should immediately leave the contaminated area.
D. All of the above.

18. You are replacing a section of heavy piping on deck and using a chain fall to lift the
pipe. Which of the following precautions should be taken to prevent personal injury?
A. Position several men under the pipe so they can catch it if it falls.
B. Attach lines to the ends of the pipe and have your helpers steady the load.
C. Place an old mattress under the hoist to prevent the load from hitting the
D. Have a first aid kit at the job site.

19. With regards to the load line marks, the reason for the placement of mark "WNA"
is ______________.
A. more severe weather is expected in the North Atlantic in winter
B. more freeboard is required in the North Atlantic in winter
C. less draft is allowed in the North Atlantic in winter
D. all of the above

20. Many uninspected vessels require load lines to indicate the maximum
A. reserve buoyancy under any condition
B. amidship's draft to which a vessel can be lawfully submerged
C. angle of reduced freeboard for subdivision calculations
D. freeboard for the light ship displacement


21. The safe and efficient use of the face piece of a demand-type self-contained
breathing apparatus is directly influenced by ____________.
A. the donning of the facepiece
B. the stowing of the facepiece
C. he maintenance of the facepiece
D. all of the above

22. immediately after abandon ship vessel, look out in life raft for
A. Survivors in water
B. Food and water
C. Land
D. none

23. What is placed on the underside of an inflatable liferaft to help prevent it from being
skidded by the wind or overturned?
A. A.Ballast bags
B. B.A keel
C. C.Strikes
D. D.Sea anchor

24. Highest body of IMO…

A. Council,
B. Assembly,
C. Safety Committee
D. Pollution prevention committee

25. Executive Body Of IMO…

A. Council,
B. Assembly,
C. Safety Committee
D. Pollution prevention committee

26. In the event of a collision, watertight integrity may be lost if _____________.

(A) the sounding tube cap from a damaged tank is missing
(B) the dogs on a manhole cover are secure
(C) you have recently replaced a gasket in a watertight door
(D) you operate the dewatering system from a flooded compartment

27.The hand break of a life boat which is ___________

A.Manually disengaged when hoisting a boat
B.applied by dropping the counterweighted lever
C.controlled by the centrifugal brake mechanism


D.automatically engaged if lowering speed is excessive

28. During loading and discharging operation in addition o when the cargo tanks have
been properly filled each inert gas system must be capable of maintaining a minimum gas
pressure of________.
a. 50 millimeters of water pressure
b. 25 millimeters of water pressure
c. 100 millimeters of water pressure
d. 5 millimeters of water pressure

29. The physical data term on a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ‘hat indicates if the
vapor formed by the material is lighter or heavier than air is called _______
A. Vapor pressure
B. Vapor gravity
C. Vapor level
D. Vapor density

30.Which of the following certificates issued to a ship does not have predetermined
validity for limited period?
A. International Load Line Certificate
B. International tonnage certificate (it is valid until ship is sent for scrap.)
C. Cargo Ship safety certificate
D. Safety Management Certificate

31.which of these devices prevents the back flow of hydrocarbon??

A. pv breaker
B. pv valve
C. deck water seal
D. scrubber

32.The flammable limit of methane by volume is 5%to 15%,if the combustible gas
indicator reading is 50% when sampling a compartment containing methane a flammable
vapour concentration at the sample point is
1. 0.5% by volume
2. 2.5% by volume
3. 7.5% by volume
4. 50% by volume

33.The explosive range of methane is 5% to 15% by volume in air ,This mean a vapor/air
mixture of
1. 3% methane by volume is too rich to burn
2. 20% methane by volume is too lean to burn


3. 10% methane by volume is too rich to burn

4. 5% methane by volume will give a reading of 100% LEL on a combustible gas

34.Intact stability booklet comes under

3.Loadline convention
4.Tonnage convention

35.. Jurisdiction over ships in high seas lies with

a. nearest coastal state
b. port state of last port
c. port state of next port
d. flagstate

36.Every U.S crude oil tanker with a keel laying date on or after 1/1/75, shall be equipped
with an inert gas system if the tonnage is more than
1.100,000DWT(Long tons)
2.100,000DWT(metric tons)
3.50,000DWT(Long tons)
4.50,000DWT(metric tons)

37.Damage suffered by a passenger in vessel

1.LLMC 1976 Convention
2.LLC 1969
3.Athens convention
4.Fund 1971

38.Emergency Steering Test and pre- arrival/pre departure steering tests are
requirements under:
B. SOLAS Chapter V
C. Under USCG rules only in US waters

39.Which requirement regarding Oil Record Book Part ???I is correct?

A. All entries are to be signed by Chief engineer and Master
B. All entries are to be signed by Chief engineer and each completed page by the Master
C. All entries are to be signed by officer or officers in charge concerned and each
completed page by the Master


D. All entries are to be signed by officer or officers in charge concerned, the Chief
engineer and the Master

40.Which of the following IMO conventions has entered into force?

A. Hong Kong Convention

B. Nairobi WRC 2007 ( for shipwreck in Kenya)
C. BWM Convention 2004
D. Bunkers Convention 2001 *

41.Post Nox emission test bed trial and approval of an engine, periodic Nox emission limit
verification is normally done by:
A. Emission tests at regular intervals
B. Engine parameters/settings check method (for single choice)
C. By running the engine at full load and sending a sample of exhaust gas for analysis
D. By checking emission monitors installed on exhaust outlet


1) The number within bracket of a resolution, say A.526 (13) refers to ____.
a. The serial No. of the resolution.
b. The session No. in which the resolution was adopted.
c. The sub paragraph of the resolution.
d. The No. of clauses in the resolution.

2) The alfbate a , say A.526 (13) refers to a means assembly

3)What Agreement of hire called, in which the owner agreed to transport an agreed
volume of cargo over a specific period. The charter designates cargoes and loading date
but owner nominate suitable vessel which are not normally named in agreement.
a. Time charter.
b. Voyage charter.
c. Bare boat charter.
d. Contract of frightment

4)Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must

a. secure the engine room ventilation

b. secure the machinery in the engine room
c. evacuate all engine room personnel


d. All of the above

5)Under OPA 90, who is responsible for mobilizing Oil Spill Removal Organization
(OSRO), in the event of spill of oil or Noxious liquid Substances?
C.Qualified Individual
D.Technical Superintendent

6)The maximum allowable weight of a portable fire extinguisher is ______________

A.13.5 Kgs
B.23 Kgs
C.9 Kgs
D.46 Kgs

7). Under following,which is not mandatory

(a) LSA

8)Which of the following identification particulars of a ship will never change even with
change of owner or flag?
A. Name of the ship
B. Official number of the ship
C. IMO identification number
D. Call Sign

9)As per the Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, which of the following statements
about ownership of Indian Flag ships is False?
A. A company or body established by or under any Central or State Act, which has its
principal business in India, may be registered as owner by its name
B. Joint owners shall be considered as constituting one person
C. A person can be registered as owner of a fractional part of a share in a ship, the
number of shares being ten .
D. Not more than the names of Ten individuals shall be entitled to registered at the same
time as joint owners of any one ship.

10)Which of the following IMO conventions has entered into force?

A. Hong Kong Convention
B. Nairobi WRC 2007


C. BWM Convention 2004

D. Bunkers Convention 2001

11)Compliance with which of the following ILO conventions is checked during Port State
Control Inspections? B or d
A. ILO convention no.134-Prevention of accidents convention
B. ILO convention no.147- Minimum Standards Convention
C. ILO convention no.178 -Labor inspection convention
D. All of the above

12)Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the SOLAS
A. Fire control plan/booklet
B. Maneuvering booklet
C. Minimum safe manning document
D. Records of hours of rest

13)Which of the following are resource zones and not security zones?(mcq)
A. Inland waters
B. Territorial seas
C. Contiguous zone
D. Continental shelf

14)Which of the following codes has been issued under both SOLAS and MARPOL
A. STCW code
B. IMDG code
C. IGC code
D. ISM code

15)Which requirement regarding Oil Record Book Part I is correct?

A. All entries are to be signed by Chief engineer and Master
B. All entries are to be signed by Chief engineer and each completed page by the Master
C. All entries are to be signed by officer or officers in charge concerned and each
completed page by the Master
D. All entries are to be signed by officer or officers in charge concerned, the Chief
engineer and the Master

16)in special areas any discharge of oil and oil mixtures from machinery spaces
A. Prohibited
B. Enroute and min 12NM
C. En route and min 50NM


D. En route with oil filtering equipment

17)Intact stability book is provided by...:

c.Load Line Convention
d. Load line Protocol

18)Number of maximum sprinkler head in a section should be _____.

a. 200
b. 150
c. 100
d. 250

19)As per STCW code, the abilities specified under standards of competence are grouped
under _______ functions, for the purpose of issuing certificates of competency.

20)Which of the following conditions need NOT be satisfied while discharging oil or oil
mixtures from ships into the sea?
A. The ship must be proceeding en route
B. The ship must be at a distance of 12 nautical miles from the nearest land
C. The oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment as per Reg. 14 of
D. The oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 ppm

21)annex I regulation 12 sludge takes concentration:

A. Bilge pump to OWS
B. No line direct connection to OBD other than discharge given in regulation 13
C. No direct connection to OBD
D. Have direct connection to OBD all the valve to be close and sealed

22)Which of the following statements is false?

A. A ship security plan is made by the CSO
B. A ship security plan is a confidential document.
C.A ship security plan needs to be approved by the flag state
D. None of the above


23)Which of the following statements about LRIT is False?

A.Regulation on LRIT is included in Chapter V of SOLAS
B.LRIT has longer range than AIS
C.LRIT, like AIS, is a broadcast system that transmits information about ship's identity,
location date and time of position to all in range
D.LRIT and AIS should not have any interface.

24)You as a fourth engineer have taken over watch from third engineer. He said OWS is
running in 0 ppm. But after taking over watch you observed that fresh water flushing
valve is crack open. After closing it, suddenly the oil content has exceeded 15ppm. What
will you do?
a. shut the OWS & inform CEO
b. shut the OWS but no need to inform anyone.
c. Don't touch the appratus& inform CEO.
d. Just check that there is no visible colour/oil traces in sea water so don't have to
inform anyone

25)Which of the following instruments set out carrier's obligations and liabilities with
respect to carriage of goods?
A.Hague Rules
B.Hamburg Rules
C.Hague- Visby
D.All of the above

26)Which of the following anti fouling paint is an accepted alternative to now banned
TBT based paint.
a. DOT based anti fouling paint.
b. Arsenic based anti fouling paint.
c. Mercury based anti fouling paint.
d. Copper based anti fouling paint.

27)Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for

bunker oil pollution damage is issued under what?
a. CLC 1969.
b. MARPOL convention.
c. Bunker convention 2001.(correct)
d. CLC 1992.

28)Oil or oily mixture discharge into the sea from E/R of ships of 10,000 GRT & above, in
special areas is _______.
a. Not allowed.
b. Allowed, provided ship is proceeding en route & discharge through oil filtering


equipment with oil content less than 15ppm except in Atlantic Ocean.
c. Allowed, provided ship is proceeding en route & discharge through oil filtering
equipment with oil content less than 5ppm except in Atlantic Ocean.
d. Allowed but outside 12Nm from the Nearest Land.

29)ORB has to be regularly updated without delay and each completed page has to be
a. Signed by officer in charge and chief engineer.
b. Signed by officer in charge and Master.
c. Signed by chief engineer and master.
d. Signed by chief officer and chief engineer.

30)Intact capacity of foam min capacity.

A. 5lt.
B. 9lt
D none

31)Life boat should be capable of starting at ____.

a. - 15 dgr within 2min
b. - 5 dgr within 2min.
c. 15 dgr within 2min.
d. 5 dgr within 2min.

32)In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is
when ________
a. you first start to receive fuel
b. hoses are being blown down
c. final topping off is occurring
d. hoses are being disconnected

33) When giving mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing to an adult, you should breathe at the
rate of how many breaths per minute?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12
d. 20

34)An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to __________.

a. aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
b. increase the rate of discharge of cargo
c. force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphere


d. lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly impossible

35) Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container containing an inflatable liferaft has bobbed
to the surface upon functioning of the hydrostatic release. Which action should you take?
a. Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container down.
b. Swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes down.
c. Take no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflateand open the
d. Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump.

36) The atmosphere in a tank is too lean if it is __________.

a. incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is below the
LFL (Lower
Flammable Limit)
b. capable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is above the UFL
Flammable Limit)
c. capable of supporting a fire once started
d. not safe for ballasting

37)Inflatable liferafts are less maneuverable than lifeboats due to their __________.
a. shape
b. shallow draft
c. large sail area
d. All of the above

38)What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere

within a cargo tank is explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?
a. Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank.
b. Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
c. Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
d. Use an explosimeter

39) Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must __________.
a. secure the engine room ventilation
b. secure the machinery in the engine room
c. evacuate all engine room personnel
d. All of the above

40)You are fighting a fire in the electrical switchboard in the engine room. You should
secure the power, then __________.


a. use a portable foam extinguisher

b. use a low-velocity fog adapter with the fire hose
c. use a portable CO2 extinguisher
d. determine the cause of the fire

41) The minimum concentration of a vapor in air which can form an explosive mixture is
called the__________.
a. auto-ignition point
b. flash point
c. lower explosive limit (LEL)
d. threshold limit value (TLV)

42) The explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is __________.
a. 0% to 1%
b. 1% to 10%
c. 10% to 15%
d. 12% to 20%

43) Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which will stop __________.
a. oil from flowing out of the tank vent
b. air from entering the tank vent
c. vapors from leaving the tank vent
d. flames on deck from entering the tank vent

44)Surging, Swaying, Yawing, Pitching, Rolling, Heaving…Definitions Related Questions?

45)What is the size of Sea water suction pipe? 2/3 d

46) The purpose of inert gas systems aboard tank vessels is to __________.
a. allow sufficient oxygen in the tank to sustain life
b. prevent outside air from entering the tank
c. provide increase in cargo discharge pressure
d. comply with double hull pollution prevention regulations

47)As per MARPOL Annex -1 definition, Special area means:

A.Some specific areas where coastal state legislation doesn???t allow any bilge
water/slop discharges
B.Areas as defined by Annex-1 where no bilge water/slop discharges are allowed
C.Areas as defined by Annex-1, where special mandatory methods are adopted for the
prevention of sea pollution by oil
D.Areas as defined by Coastal state regulations(e.g. OPA-90), where special mandatory
methods are adopted for the prevention of sea pollution by oil


48)In which of the following documents on board, authentic information about the
circumstances and procedures to obtain Radio Medical Advice can be found?
A.Safety Management Manual
B.The Ship Captain's Medical Guide
C.First Aid Booklet
D.Code of safe working practices

49)When using the rainwater collection tubes on a liferaft, the FIRST collection should be
A.passed around so all can drink
B.poured overboard because of salt washed off the canopy
C.saved to be used at a later time
D.used to boil food

50)Which of the following is not an exception provided under MARPOL, Annex-1,

regarding the discharge of oil or oily mixture into the sea?
A.Discharge for the purpose of securing safety of a ship
B.Discharge for the purpose of saving life at sea
C.Discharge resulting due to damage to the ship because of Masters fault even if the
Master/Owner of the ship has takenall reasonable precautions to
D.Discharge resulting due to damage to the ship not because of Master???s fault, but
because of a thirdparty???s fault and action awaited by Master from that third party to
prevent /minimize discharge

51)Under OPA 90, who is responsible for mobilizing Oil Spill Removal Organization
(OSRO), in the event of spill of oil or Noxious liquid Substances?
C.Qualified Individual
D.Technical Superintendent

52)As per definition of MARPOL Annex-1, a Crude oil tanker means a tanker designed to
A.Crude oil and other dirty oils
B.Crude oil alongwith some refined products
C.Crude oil only
D.Crude oil, but alternatively may carry at times dirty and clean oil products also

53)Which of the following organs of IMO consists of all member states?



C.Facilitation Committee
D.None of the above

54)Under which maritime instrument is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR)

A.CLC 1992
B.Fund convention
D.OPA 1990

55)If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel
transfer operations on a MODU, which of the listed actions should be taken first?
A.Wait for the person-in-charge to act.
B.Notify the ballast control operator.
C.Shutdown the transfer operations
D.Sound the fire alarm.

56)As per the definition of MARPOL, Annex-1, a combination carrier means a ship
designed to carry:
A.Crude oil and refined oil products at the same time in different tanks
B.Refined oil products and chemical products at the same time in different tanks
C.A combination of different products at the same time, sometimes also known as a
parcel tanker
D.Either oil or solid cargoes in bulk

57)As per Marpol requirements, Every crude oil tanker of ______________ tones deadweight
and above delivered after 1st June 1982, shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system
using _______________
A.5000, Sea Water Washing
B.10000, Fresh Water Washing
C.20000, Crude Oil Washing
D.30000, Bilge Water Washing

58)As per requirements of Marpol Annex -1, all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above:
A.Can carry fuel oil in fore peak, aft peak tanks and deep tanks
B.Cannot carry fuel oil in fore peak tank
C.Can carry fuel oil forward of collision bulkhead or aft of machinery space forward
bulkhead, but not in the cargo area in case of tankers
D.Cannot carry more than 600 m3 of oil fuel in any single fuel tank

59)Which of the following is a man overboard maneuver?


A.Neil Robertson turn

B.Williamson turn
C.Hard port
D.Hard starboard.

60)The parent instrument of IMO is:

A.UNCLOS I, 1958
D.The IMO convention

61)After a person has been revived by artificial respiration, they should be

A.walked around until he is back to normal
B.given several shots of whiskey
C.kept lying down and warm
D.allowed to do as he wishes

62)Dumping of wastes at sea is controlled by which of the following IMO conventions?

A.Marpol 73/78
B.London convention
C.Hongkong convention
D.Kenya convention

63)To prevent oil from escaping into the sea when ballasting through the cargo piping
system, you should FIRST sea suction valves, then start the cargo pump
B.start the cargo pump, then open sea suction valves block valves, then start the cargo pump sluice valves, then start the cargo pump

64)Prior to entering a cargo pump room, you should ensure that

A.the forced ventilating system is operating
B.the cargo pumps are secured monocarbon gases are present
D.the oily water separator is de-energized

65)Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL
A.IOPP certificate
B.Oil Record Book
D.Safety Management Certificate


66)When a vessel is floating upright, the distance from the keel to the metacenter is
called the
A.metacentric differential
B.height of the baseline
C.height of the TRANVERSE metacenter
D.righting arm

67)Voyage data recorders (VDR) or simplified voyage data recorders (S-VDR) are
required to be installed on board certain ships as per_____________
A.ISPS code
B.ISM code
C.Chapter V of Solas
D.None of the above

68)Which of the following is not found inside a lifeboat?

A.Sea anchor
B.Fishing tackle
C.Drinking water cans
D.Life Jacket

69)Under which IMO convention is Data Recorder- Certificate of compliance issued?

B.SAR 1979
C.SOLAS 1974

70)As per definition of MARPOL Annex-1, a product tanker is one which can carry:
A.Oils and chemicals
B.Oils other than crude oils
C.Oil product and occasionally crude oils
D.Mainly chemical products but at times refined oil products

71)Which of the following statements is false?

A.A ship security plan is made by the CSO
B.A ship security plan is a confidential document.
C.A ship security plan needs to be approved by the flag state administration
D.None of the above

72)In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to
personnel who are


B.sick or injured

73)Which of the following conditions can lead to degradation of foam compounds?

A.Exposure to excessive heat.
B.Mixing of different grades of foam
C.Exposure to air.
D.None of the above.

74)When a vessel is floating upright, the distance from the keel to the metacenter is
called the
A.metacentric differential
B.height of the baseline
C.height of the metacenter
D.righting arm

75)Under which maritime instrument is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR)

issued?( a or d)
A.CLC 1992
B.Fund convention
D.OPA 1990

76)The deck water seal of the inert gas system __________.

a. cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanks
b. acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the safe
working pressure inthe hazardous zone
c. prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areas
d. relieves sudden large overpressures in the system

77)Under which IMO convention is Voyage Data Recorder- Certificate of compliance

B.SAR 1979
C.SOLAS 1974

78)In which of the following conditions, the IG blower fans should shut down


A.Oxygen content above 8%

B.Low water level in deck seal
C.Low water level in the scrubber tower
D.High scrubber water level

79)The stretcher normally used for rescue of casualties from engine room spaces, holds,
pump-rooms etc., is known as _____________________
A.Williamson stretcher
B.Neil Hobson stretcher
C.Neil Robertson stretcher
D.Stokes stretcher

80)As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above
shall be provided with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
A.150 tonnes deadweight
B.150 gross tonnage
C.400 tonnes deadweight
D.400 gross tonnage

81)Life buoy self-activating smoke signals should emit smoke of visible colour for at least
______________ in calm waters.
A.5 minutes
B.15 minutes
C.30 minutes
D.60 minutes

82)Emergency generators should be capable of being started at ambient temperature of

______________________ deg Centigrade. If lower temperatures are expected then
___________________should be provided., cold starting spray
B.-5, heating arrangements
C.Zero, heating arrangements
D.-5,cold starting spray

83)Divisions constructed of steel which can withstand a standard fire test for 30min
without passage of flame or smoke are classified as____________________
A.B class divisions
B.A class divisions
C.A30 class divisions
D.B 30 class divisions

84)Which of the following statements is true?


A.The installation of an IMO approved incinerator is mandatory on all ships.

B.The installation of an incinerator is mandatory on all ships above 400 GRT.
C.The installation of an incinerator is not a mandatory requirement. (correct)
D.The installation of incinerators is mandatory only for dry ships

85)The angular movement of a vessel about a horizontal line drawn from its bow to its
stern is

A. pitching
B. rolling
C. heaving
D. swaying

86)Part I of the Oil Record Book deals with

A. Cargo operations
B. Cargo and ballast operations
C. Machinery space operations
D. Cargo,ballast and machinery space operations

87) Which of the following statements concerning Water Ingress Detection Equipment is

A.The equipment is mandatory for bulk carriers under SOLAS Chapter XII
B.The equipment consists of two alarms Pre alarm and main alarm
C. Bakkast spaces forward of collisiom bulkhead need to have only one main alarm at
10% depth
D.The main alarm in holds is set at 15% depth but not exceeding 0.5m

88)Who has exclusive jurisdiction over a ship in high seas,in normal circumstances?
A.Nearest Port State
B.Nearest Coastal State
C.Flag state
D.United Nations

89)When applying chest compresssions on an adult victim during CPR,the sternum

should be depressed about
A.1/2 inch or less
B.1/2 to inch
C.1 to ½ inches
D.1 ½ to 2 inches


90) Under OPA 90, who is responsible for mobilizing Oil Spill Removal Organization
(OSRO), in the event of spill of oil or Noxious liquid Substances?
C.Qualified Individual
D.Technical Superintendent

91) Loss of a limb in an accident can lead to death due to_________________

A. Blood loss leading to shock
B. Cardiac failure resulting from sudden and severe mental agony and trauma
C. Gangrene
D. All of the above

92) When a State becomes a party to a treaty or convention after the convention has been
negotiated and signed by other parties and the convention has been put into force, such
an action would be called ________________
A. Ratification
B. Acceptance
C. Approval
D. Accension

93) A segregated ballast system is a system where

A. All ballast is processed through the oily Water separator
B. Ballast is taken on and discharged through a separate main deck riser
C. Ballast and cargo tanks are separated by cofferdams
D. All ballast lines,tanks,and pumps are independent of those used for oil(correct)
94) Safety standards and guidelines for helicopter operations and rescue can be found
in the:
A. Training manual
B. Safety manual
C. International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO)publication

95)For the first 20 seconds CO2 is being released into the space
A. Vomiting
B. Blue color and lack of breathing
C. Irregular breathing
D. Unconscious condition

96) Post Nox emission test bed trial and approval of an engine, periodic Nox emission
limit verification is normally done by:
A. Emission tests at regular intervals


B. Engine parameters/settings check method

C. By running the engine at full load and sending a sample of exhaust gas for analysis
D. By checking emission monitors installed on exhaust outlet

97) The life boat engine should be capable of starting at _______________________

A. -15 deg Celsius ambient temperature within 2 mins
B. -5 degcelsius ambient temperature within 5 mins
C. -5 degcelsius ambient temperature within 2mins
D. 0deg Celsius ambient temperature within 2 mins

98) While wearing a life jacket, swimming is best performed as _____________

A. Breast stroke
B. Free style
C. Back stroke
D. Butterfly stroke

99) When the height of the metacenter has the same value as the height of the center of
gravity, the metacentric height is equal to
A. Height of the metacenter
B. Height of the center of gravity
C. Same as half the height of the metacenter
D. Zero

100) You are the 4th engineer of a ship. Your 3rd engineer handsover the watch to you and
informs you that the OWS is running with the ppm showing as zero. After taking over the
watch and during your rounds you find out that the rinsing fresh water to 15 ppm device
was crack open. After closing the same you find that the ppm rose to 15 and the OWS
stopped after giving alarm. What should you do?

A. Nothing ,asmarpol regulations are satisfied till the oily water is being
Pumped through OWS and oil content is below 15ppm
B. Should suspend the operation immediately,inform the chief engineer about the same
and take appropriate action to restore correct OWS operation
C. Should never touch OWS and any stoppages to be informed either to chief engineer or
2nd engineer
D. If no visible traces of oil are seen on the sea surface and oily water mixture is being
pumped through on OWS,then there is no harm in pumping out with
Fresh water crack open, to keep the OWS running as it may give false alarm without
fresh water.This is a practical approach to run OWS without any trouble without
violating marpol regulations

101) How many member states constitute the Council of the IMO?


A. All
B. 10
C. 20
D. 40

102)Air is removed from refrigeration system by (1)________ at receiver after

(2)________(3)________ Gas in receiver. Humidification is process of adding water/moisture
to discharged air of AC blower. Dehumidification is process of removing water/moisture
from air supplied from AC system. For collecting gas in receiver you need to close the
outlet valve of receiver with compressor running

A. Purging
B. Collecting
C. condensing

103) When using the rainwater collection tubes on a liferaft, the FIRST collection should
A. Passes around so all can drink
B. Poured overboard because of salt washed off the canopy
C. Saved to be used at a later time
D. Used to boll food

104)which of the following extinguishing medium should never be used when fighting
fire involving magnesium?
A. Halon
B. Dry chemical powder
C. Water
D. CO2

105) The principle personnel hazard unique to Halon fire extinguishers is

A. Displacement of oxygen
B. Skin irritation
C. Inhaling toxic vapors produced when exposed directly to aflame for extended periods
Eye irritation produced immediately After discharge from cylinder

106)which of the following is considered to be the safest protection from static electric
discharge,when connecting or disconnecting cargo hoses and metal arms?
A. Insulating flange or a length of non-conducting hose
B. Switching off ICCP
C. Ship shore bonding cable


D. None of the above

107)Where would you look to find out what your duties are during a fire?
A. Ship’s articles
B. Station bill
C. Certificate of inspection
D. U.S>Coast Guard regulations

108)The horizontal fore and aft movement of a vessel is called

A. Yaw
B. Sway
C. Heave
D. Surge

109) Under which Convention is ???Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate??? (OPIC) a

statutory oil pollution insurance cover requirement?
A. CLC(correct)
C. Fund convention
D. Athens Convention

110) Plasma reduction system is a secondary method of reduction of which of the

following kinds of emissions?
B. Greenhouse gases
D. All of the above

111) Dry chemical fire extinguishers may be effectively used on which of the listed
classes of fires?
A. Class “A” only
B. Class “B” only
C. Class “B” and “C” only
D. Class”A” and “C” only

112) As required by Reg.31 of Annex 1 of Marpol the ODMCS should be provided with a
recording device for ____________ recording the discharge in litres per nautical mile and
total quantity discharged. This discharge should be kept onboard at least for a period of:
A. Intermittent,1year
B. Continuous,1 year
C. Intermittent,3years


D. Continuous,3 yearS

113)Despatch is normally:
A. Payable by the charterers to owners if cargo operations are completed after expiry of
lay time
B. Payable by owners to charterers if cargo operations are completed before expiry of lay
C. Payable by the owners to charterers if cargo operations are completed after expiry of
lay time
D. Payable by charterers to owners if cargo operations are completes before expiry of lay

114) Changing rescuers while carrying out artificial respiration should be done
A. Without losing the rhythm of respiration
B. Only with the help of two other people
C. By not stopping the respiration for more then 5 minutes
D. At ten minute intervals

115)Which of the following wastes are not permitted to be dumped or disposed at sea
under the London convention?
A. Dredged material
B. Sewage Sludge
C. Fish waste
D. None of the above

116) As per revised Marpol Annex II, substances have been recategorized as per their
hazard potential. The categories are_________________________
A. A,B,C,D and appendix III
B. X,Y and Z
C. X,Y,Z and OS
D. A,B,C and D

117)which of the following identification particulars of a ship will never change even
with change of owner or flag?
A. Name of the ship
B. Official number of the ship
C. IMO identification number
D. Call sign

118)The parent instrument of IMO is:

A. UNCLOS I, 1958
B. UNCLOS II, 1960



D. The IMO convention

119)Which of the following is a man overboard manoeuvre?

A. Neil Robertson turn
B. Williamson turn.
C. Hard port
D. Hard starboard.

120)Which of the following statements about LRIT is False?

A.Regulation on LRIT is included in Chapter V of SOLAS
B.LRIT has longer range than AIS
C.LRIT, like AIS, is a broadcast system that transmits information about ship's identity,
location date and time of position to all in range
D.LRIT and AIS should not have any interface

121)Which of the following instruments set out carrier's obligations and liabilities with
respect to carriage of goods?
A.Hague Rules
B.Hamburg Rules
C.Hague- Visby rules
D.All of the above
122)Under which maritime instrument is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR)
A. CLC 1992
B. Fund convention
D. OPA 1990

123)Segregated ballast tank Regulation Annex 1 chap4 reg 18______ ?

124)EEDI is the Technical measure adopted by IMO to reduce ___.

a. Greenhouse gas
b. SOx
c. NOx
d. None of the above

125)Which of the following statements is true?

A.Ballast water exchange at mid ocean eliminates completely the risks associated with
introduction of non-native organisms and pathogens in alien habitats.
B.In the flow through method, the water pumped through a tank should be at least 3
times the tank volume.


C.Over pressurization of a tank cannot take place during the flow through method.
D.Air pipes on ballast tanks are designed for continuous overflow.

126) Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which will stop __________.
a. oil from flowing out of the tank vent
b. air from entering the tank vent
c. vapors from leaving the tank vent
d. flames on deck from entering the tank vent

127)Intact stability book is provided by...:

c.Load Line Convention
d. Load line Protocol

128)Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for

bunker oil pollution damage is issued under___________________
A. CLC 1969 convention
B. MARPOL convention
C. Bunker convention 2001
D. CLC 1992 convention
129)Which of the following is not a requirement under MARPOL Annex VI, for new
A. All engines above 130 KW to be tested and issued with EIAPP certificate and Nox
Technical file.
B. Life boat engines and emergency diesel engines to be also tested and issued with
EIAPP certificate and Nox Technical File
C. Periodical verification of EIAPP certificate is mandatory even when there has been no
modification in the engine
D. Engines installed prior to the Nox technical code being applicable will not be subject
to certification and testing unless they undergo major conversion

130)Following should not be done to a person in frostbite.

a. Rubbing effected area.
b. Ask him to rest.
c. Remove wet cloths
d. Give him something warm to drink.

131) Angular motion of a vessel about longitudinal axis is called________.

a. Heaving
b. Pitching
c. Rolling


d. sway

132)Imo convention for voyage data recorder (VDR).

a. COLRAG 1972.
b. SAR 1972.
c. SOLAS 1974. (CHAPTER V)
d. SALVAGE 1981

133)When performing CPR, we must do chest compression_____.

a. 12 to 15 times/min.
b. 16 to 18 times/min.
c. 2 to 5 times/min.
d. 18 to 19 times/min.

134)Which of the following can leads to degradation of foam? –MULTIPLE CHOICE

a. Exposure to excess of heat.
b. Mixing of different grade of foam.
c. Exposure to air.*
d. None of the above.

135)Which of the following will lead to automatic stopping of IG blower?

a. Low water level in deck water seal.
b. Oxygen content above 8%.
c. Low water level in scrubber tower.
d. High water level in scrubber tower.
136)Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for
bunker oil pollution damage is issued under what?
a. CLC 1969.
b. MARPOL convention.
c. Bunker convention 2001.
d. CLC 1992.

137) As per MARPOL Annex 1 all ships delivered on or after 1st August 2010 with an
aggregate oil fuel capacity of 600 m3 & above, the fuel can be carried in _____.
a. Any of the tanks without any restriction.
b. Deep tanks and double bottom tanks.
c. Deep tanks in protected location.
d. Double bottom tank & peak tanks.

138)First rain water collected over canopy rain water harvesting arrangement has to be


a. Rationed to each member.

b. Given to sick and injured.
c. Thrown overboard.
d. Given to any one member.

139)As per MARPOL annex I requirements:

A. Only crudes and petrochemical products come within the definition of Oil
B. All items mentioned in Appendix 1 of annex 1 come under the category of oil
C. Only crude oil and black oils have restrictions on pumping out, the remaining
products can be pumped out at sea in limited quantities
D. Anything having viscosity greater than that of water is considered to be oil

140)Pyrophoric ignition may occur_____________

A.On introduction of air in tanks deficient in oxygen.
B.In oxygen rich atmospheres.
C.In nitrogen rich atmospheres.
D.Only when an ignition source is introduced

141)The most common cause of engine room fires is

A.Spontaneous combustion of oily rags
B.Back fire of boilers
C.Ignition sources coming in contact with stored fuel /lubes
D.Oil leakage coming in contact with hot exposed surfaces

142)Which of the following Convention is also known as Minimum Standard Convention?

a. Maritime Labor Convention.
b. ILO convention no. 147.
c. STCW Convention 1978.
d. STCW Convention 1995.

143)Dumping of wastes at sea is controlled by which of the following IMO conventions?

A.Marpol 73/78
B.London convention
C.Hongkong convention
D.Kenya convention

144)A straight stream of water should be used to extinguish

A. Galley grease fires
B. Fuel oil fires
C. Burning bedding materials


145)In refrigeration system vegetable room and meat rooms are maintained at different?
A. Different expansion valves
B. By putting solenoid valves
C. By boiling the refrigerant at different pressures
D. By using samller evaporator

146)The parent instrument of IMO is:

A. UNCLOS I, 1958
B. UNCLOS II, 1960
D. The IMO convention

147)Which of the following instruments set out carrier's obligations and liabilities with r
espect to carriage of goods?
A.Hague Rules
B.Hamburg Rules*
C.Hague- Visby rules
D.All of the above
148)Which of the following will lead to automatic stopping of IG blower?
a. Low water level in deck water seal.
b. Oxygen content above 8%.
c. Low water level in scrubber tower.
d. High water level in scrubber tower.

149)in any discharge of oil and oil mixtures from machinery spaces
A. Prohibited
B. Enroute and min 12NM
C. En route and min 50NM
D. En route with oil filtering equipment

150) a fuel tk on a barge has been certified by amarine chemist as being safe fr men and s
afe for fire
Conditions may change if
a)ambient temp changes
b)a product leakes in to the certified tank
c)musk, sludge, scale in the tank give off additional vapours
d)all the above

151) As per MARPOL Annex -1 definition, Special area means(c or d)

A.Some specific areas where coastal state legislation doesnt allow any bilge water/slop di
B.Areas as defined by Annex-1 where no bilge water/slop discharges are allowed


C.Areas as defined by Annex-1, where special mandatory methods are adopted for the p
revention of sea pollution by oil
D.Areas as defined by Coastal state regulations(e.g. OPA-90), where special mandatory
methods are adopted for the prevention of sea pollution by oil

152) the horizontal of aft and forward moment of a vessel is called

Ans) surge

153) the horizontal moment of port and starbod moment is called sway

154) which of the following documents carried by ship is nt issued by solas

Ans)record of hours of rest

155)vol and mass of CO2 in CO2 pilot bottles is 2.2kg

156)EEDI= energy efficiency design index

157)SEEMP=ship energy efficiency management plan

158)procedure to obtain radio medical advice can b found in ship captain medical guide

159) the working duration of 1200 lts SCBA bottle, after allowing for a reserve of 10 mis
is 20 min

160)which convention is not adopted by IMO is OPA

161) what is the size of fire hose1 ½ inches or 2 ½ inches

162)life boat engine starting requirements, at what temp it should start -15 deg

163)if one person has frost bite then what we should not do of the following do not rub
the effected area

164) all entries in oil record book part 1 are to be atleast English Spanish or French

165)Selective catalystic reduction is secondary method of reduction of which of the

following emission
d) allthe above


166)highest body of IMO assembly

167) units of PPm is ml/m3

168)in the reference of accidental pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is
when final topping off is occurring

169)Freight paid by charterers on a quantity of cargo short-shipped, i.e quantity agreed

upon but not loaded
by the charterer, is called:
A. Pro-rata freight
B. Back Freight
C. Dead freight
D. None of the above

170)ship security alert system is a requirement under

a)part B of ISPS code
b)SOLAS chapter xi-2
c)SUA convention 1988
d)non of the above

171) which of the devices is listed must b used in the conjunction with the portable in-
line foam propotioner to produce foam?
Ans-The mechanical foam nozzle

172) Which of the following statements concerning Water Ingress Detection Equipment is
a. The equipment is mandatory for bulk carriers under SOLAS Chapter XII
b.The equipment consists of two alarms ??? pre alarm and main alarm
c. Ballast spaces forward of collision bulkhead need to have only one main alarm at 10%
d. The main alarm in holds is set at 15% depth but not exceeding 0.5 m

173) SCABA LITERS--- 1250 lts

174) Indian shipping act ---- 1958

175)imo shipping act commtting how many members?10

176) shore coupling outer dia ----178mm

177) instantaneous oil mixture means -----average rate of flow / avg


176) Movement of ship about an imaginary line joining aft and fore perpendicular is?
a. Pitching
b. Heaving
c. Sway
d. roll

177)One of the important precautions against cold injuries and frost bite would be:
A. Wear several layers of light clothing rather than one heavy layer of clothing = answer
B. Wear tight fitting gloves
C. Rub numb areas of body to warm them up
D. Work while facing the wind

178)Ship Security Alert System is a requirement under __________________

A. Part B of ISPS Code
B. SOLAS Chapter XI-2
C. SUA convention, 1988
D. None of the above
179)The external flotation bladder on an immersion suit should be inflated
A. before you enter the water
B. after you enter the water
C. after one hour in the water
D. after you notice that your suit is losing buoyancy

180)What is the Fresh Water Allowance?

A. 5TPC cm;
B. 40TPC cm
C. 10TPC cm;
D. 20TPC cm

181)Why the frictional resistance increases when the draft increases?

A. Dead weight of the vessel increases.
B. Length of water plane increases.
C. Wetted surface increases.
D. Temperature of water reduces as draft increases.

182).U r fighting with fire with jet hose and multiple fire where wil u first impinge water
A. Direct jet on mid of fire
B. Direct gog jet on mid of fire
C. Top of fire to absorb some heat
D .Bottom of bulkhead


183)Which of the following IMO conventions has entered into force?

A. Hong Kong Convention
B. Nairobi WRC 2007
C. BWM Convention 2004
D. Bunkers Convention 2001

184) .Which of the following are resource zones and not security zones?
A. Inland waters
B. Territorial seas
C. Contiguous zone
D. Continental shelf

185) .Which of the following codes has been issued under both SOLAS and MARPOL
A. STCW code
B. IMDG code
C. IGC code
D. ISM code

186)CHEMICAL COMPOUND that prevents caking in DCP type fire extinguisher__________


187) Which of the following codes is mandatory for chemical tankers constructed on or
after 1July2010
A. IGC code
B. BCH code
C. IBC code
D. IMDG code

188) free fall life boat testing frequency

a)3 month
b)6 month
c)every month
d)every year

189) 20% co2 will cause....



190) A straight stream of water should be used to extinguish

a.galley grease fires
b.fuel oil fires
c.burning bedding material
d.paint locker

191) .What is the minimum percentage of oxygen required before making an entry into
an enclosed space?
A. 20%
B. 18%
C. 11%
D. 21%

192)Which of the following wastes are not permitted to be dumped or disposed at sea
under the London Convention?
a.dredged material
b.sewage sludge waste

d. none of the above

193)Selective catalytic reduction is a secondary method for reduction of which of the

following emissions?
C. Carbon oxides
D. All of the above

194) One of the important precautions against cold injuries and frost bite would be:
A. Wear several layers of light clothing rather than one heavy layer of clothing
B. Wear tight fitting gloves
C. Rub numb areas of body to warm them up
D. Work while facing the wind

195) Segregated ballast tank Regulation________ ?

Annex1 chapter 4 regulation 18

196) You may improve a vessel's stability by ___________.

(A) keeping the fuel tanks topped off
(B) increasing the free surface effect


(C) keeping the fuel tanks at least half full

(D) keeping at least one fuel tank empty for slops

197) A representative sample of fuel oil delivered on board during bunkering is to be

retained on
board ________________________
A. For a period of 6 months
B. Till the time the oil is substantially consumed
C. For a period of 12 months
D. Till the time the oil is substantially consumed but not less than 12 months

198) Damage suffered by a passenger in vessel

1.LLMC 1976 Convention
2.LLC 1969
3.Athens convention
4.Fund 1971
199) which is considered safest protection from static electric
disharge when connecting or disconnecting cargo hoses or
metal arms??
a.insulating flange or length of non conducting hose.
b.switching off iccp
c.ship shore bonding cable use.
d.none of the above.

200) As per MARPOL annex-1, the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content

A. The rate of discharge of oil-water mixture in litres per hour at any instant divided
by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant

B. The rate of discharge of oil in litres per hour at any instant divided by the speed of
the ship in knots at the same instant

C. The average rate of discharge of oil-water mixture in litres per hour divided by the
average speed of the ship in knots

D. The average rate of discharge of oil mixture in litres per hour divided by the
average speed of the ship in knots

201) Why is it important to seek permission from bridge before soot blowing


A. To ascertain whether local regulations allow soot blowing

B. To ascertain that the ship is well beyond territorial waters.

C. To ascertain no fire hazard to mooring ropes etc due to hot soot/sparks falling on
same, due to wind direction, course change etc.

D. All of the above

202) Which of the following IMO conventions has entered into force?

A. Hong Kong Convention

B. Nairobi WRC 2007

C. BWM Convention 2004

D. Bunkers Convention 2001

203) psc comprises of

a) solas
d)all of the above

204) territorial water is similar to

2.contiguous zone
3.continental shelf

205) annex I regulation 12 sludge takes concentration:

A. Bilge pump to OWS

B. No line direct connection to OBD other than discharge give in regulation 13
C. No direct connection to OBD
D. Have direct connection to OBD all the valve to be close and sealed

206 Helicopter rescue operation is given in which convention ?

International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue


207) A fire in an electrical generator is considered to be

1.class a
2.class b
3.class c
4.class d



209) Appointment of a designated person ashore (DPA) is a requirement under which

of the following instruments?

A. STCW code

B. ISPS code

C. Marpol 73/78

D. ISM code

210)Minimum number of lifebuoys that need to be carried on cargo ships of length 200
m and above is_______________

A. 24

B. 18

C. 14

D. 12

211) Minimum number of rocket parachute flares required to be carried on board


212) The validity of which of the following certificates is not 5 years?

A. Safety equipment certificate.
B. Load line certificate.


C. Tonnage certificate
D. Safety radio telegraphy certificate

213)Under which Convention is Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate(OPIC) a statutory oil

pollution insurance cover requirement?



C. Fund convention

D. Athens Convention

214) Which of the following IMO conventions has entered into force?

A. Hong Kong Convention

B. Nairobi WRC 2007

C. BWM Convention 2004

D. Bunkers Convention 2001

215) Under the Indian Merchant shipping act 1958, the maximum number of members
that can be appointed by the Central Government of India to the National Shipping
Board is:

A. 6

B. 16

C. 4

D. 2

216) Appointment of a designated person ashore (DPA) is a requirement under which

of the following instruments?

A. STCW code

B. ISPS code


C. Marpol 73/78

D. ISM cod

217) which is considered safest protection from static electric

disharge when connecting or disconnecting cargo hoses or
metal arms??
a.insulating flange or length of non conducting hose.
b.switching off iccp
c.ship shore bonding cable use.
d.none of the above

218) annex I regulation 12 sludge takes concentration:

A. Bilge pump to OWS

B. No line direct connection to OBD other than discharge give in regulation 13
C. No direct connection to OBD
D. Have direct connection to OBD all the valve to be close and sealed

219) Which of the following kinds of total flooding system is most suited for very large
spaces like car carrier car decks?

High pressure multi cylinder type CO2 installation

Low pressure bulk storage tank type CO2 installation

Low expansion foam systems

Fixed pressure water spraying systems

220) As per Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, which of the following entries should
be made in official log book of ships?

Every case of illness, hurt or injury to a member of the crew



Every case of death on board

Every birth happening on board

All of the above

221) In firefighting the term PROTECTING EXPOSURES means

A. protecting firefighters from the direct exposure to heat
B. keeping flames from burning at the tank vents
C. protecting exposed area of the superstructure from flames
D. taking measures to prevent the spread of fire from the involved compartment to an
adjacent compartment

222) ) The maximum capacity of an Oil fuel tank for any ship built on or after 1st Aug.
2010 as restricted by Marpol, Annex 1 is:

600 m3

1200 m3

2500 m3

3000 m3

223) What is added to Co2 cylinder to avoid from freezing at subzero temp in an
inflatable liferaft?
2)Silica Gel
4)none of the above

224). Under ISM code ,who on board is responsible for reviewing and suggesting
changes to SMS:
a. Chief Engg.
b.Chief Mate


d. Designated Safety Officer

225) Subsequent to a oil spill in Engine Room and ingress of oil in the bilge wells ,the
best course of action is to _______________________________
A.Use oil spill dispersant chemical in the bilge wells
B.Transfer the oily mixture and let it settle in the bilge holding tank/bilge separator
C.Transfer the oily mixture using a portable pneumatic pump to a waste oil tank and
then physically demuck and clean the bilge wells using environment friendly cleaner
D.Dilute the bilge wells by flooding with water and then use the general service pump
to pump out the bilges

226) Safety standards and guidelines for helicopter operations and rescue can be found
in the:

A. Training manual
B. Safety manual
C. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) publication
d. International standards of maritime search and rescue



228) Freight paid by charterers on a quantity of cargo short-shipped, i.e quantity

agreed upon but not loaded by the charterer, is called:

A. Pro-rata freight Pro rata freight is an ancient form of settling payment for carriage
of goods by sea when ship was not able to reach her final destination,
B. Back Freight A payment that is owed to a maritime shipping company when the
transportation of goods extends beyond the contracted destination ...
C. Dead freight Charge payable on space booked on a ship but not utilized by the
charterer or the shipper
D. None of the above

229) Post Nox emission test bed trial and approval of an engine,
periodic Nox emission limit verification is normally done


A. Emission tests at regular intervals

B. Engine parameters/settings check method
C. By running the engine at full load and sending a sample
of exhaust gas for analysis
D. By checking emission monitors installed on exhaust

230)annex I regulation 12 sludge takes concentration:

A. Bilge pump to OWS

B. No line direct connection to OBD other than discharge give in regulation 13
C. No direct connection to OBD
D. Have direct connection to OBD all the valve to be close and sealed

231) An airplane wants a vessel to change course and proceed towards a vessel in
distress. The actions of the aircraft to convey this message will NOT include __________.
a. circling the vessel at least once
b. heading in the direction of the distress location
c. flashing the navigation lights on and off
d. crossing ahead and rocking the wings

232). Reporting of near misses, incidents and accidents is a requirement under:

a. ISO 9001:2001 code
b. ISM code
c. ISO 14001

233)Which of the following statements is true?

A. Ballast water exchange at mid ocean eliminates completely the risks associated
with introduction of non-native organisms and pathogens in alien habitats.
B. In the flow through method, the water pumped through a tank should be at least 3
times the tank volume.
C. Over pressurization of a tank cannot take place during the flow through method.
D. Air pipes on ballast tanks are designed for continuous overflow.

234) Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel's fire extinguishing systems
shall be kept on board __________.

a. for 1 year
b. for 2 years


c. until the next Coast Guard inspection

d. until the vessel's Certificate of Inspection expires

235)by using which of the tank we can change the draft but not changing trim of the
a]peak tank,
b]DB tank,
c) deep tank
d) top side tk

236).M/C space opening are to have _____door with ______ position.

A. watertight , 450mm
b. water tight, 350mm
C. water tight, 600mm
D. Weather tight , 600mm

237). A Suezmax vessel will have the following maximum limitations:

A. B=34 m, d=10 m
B. B=44 m, d=12 m
C. B=54 m, d=14m
D. B=64 m, d=16 m

238).What is normally used to pass a mooring line to a dock?

A Distance line
B Gantline
C Heaving line
D Tag line

239).Panting frames are located in the __________.

A) after double bottoms
B) centerline tanks on tankships
C) fore and after peaks
D) forward double bottoms

240) kg of ship increases with...

a) adding weight above on present kg
b)balasting db tank
c)moving weight in transverse direction
d)moving weight in frwd direction

241)The difference between the starboard and port drafts due to wind or seas is called


A) list
C) trim
D) flotation

242)Which of the devices listed must be used in conjunction with the portable in-line
foam proportioner to produce foam?

A. A plain or common fire hose nozzle

B. The mechanical foam nozzle
C. Any low velocity applicator
D. An all-purpose nozzle

243)Minimum possible no. of watertight bulkheads in ships with machinery space

amidships is
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 5

244)Following cant be burnt in incinerator

Shipboard incineration of the following substances shall be prohibited:
(a) Annex I, II and III cargo residues of the present Convention and
related contaminated packing materials;
(b) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);
(c) garbage, as defined in Annex V of the present Convention,
containing more than traces of heavy metals; and
(d) refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds.

245). The proper stimulant for an unconscious person is a/an

a.vigorous shaking
b.sequence of back blows
c.precardial thump
d.ammonia inhale


1. Recharging a previously used cartridge-operated dry chemical fire extinguisher is

accomplished by ______________.
a. authorized fire equipment servicing personnel only
b. replacing the propellant cartridge and refilling it with pyrotechnic powder
c. puncturing the cartridge seal after installation


d. recharging the cartridge and then refilling it with powder

2. A load line for a ship is assigned by the ______________.

a. Port health inspector
b. Assessors and Arbitrators
c. Institute of Marine Engineers
d. A recognized classification society approved by the Administration.
e. Company of Master Mariners.

3. In the event of a galley fire on board a general cargo ship, most dry chemical or
carbon dioxide portable extinguishers are automatically activated through the action of a
stainless steel cable, spring and a ____________.
(a) fusible link of tritium, gallium arsenide alloy
(b) stack switch with sensors
(c) thermostat of bimetallic type
(d) pyrostat with activation of pyrotechnics
(e) none of the above

4. The stability of a vessel is normally the greatest when all fuel and water tanks are
full because the _____________.
(A) center of gravity is lowered
(B) center of buoyancy is lowered
(C) reserve buoyancy is unchanged
(D) hull freeboard is increased

5. To operate a portable foam fire extinguisher, you should _____________.

(a) puncture the CO2 cartridge
(b) open the handwheel
(c) pull the pin and squeeze the trigger
(d) turn it upside down and bump the deck

6. If deck cargo is carried, it should be stowed so that it _____________.

(a) is not higher than 30cm above the deck
(b) does not block access to the fire station hydrant---?
(c) will cover no more than 25 % of deck space
(d) will be easily visible from the bridge
(e) is sufficient to enable the cadet to stroll through
(f) gives a clear view to the bridge for navigation

7. Which of the listed systems related to an engineer's signal alarm panel is required
to be indicated by a continuously illuminated light?
(a) Deaerating tank low level


(b) Shaft alley bilge high level

(c) Port or starboard steering gear motor running
(d) No. 1 diesel generator low lube oil pressure

8. Which fire extinguisher is most prone to freezing when stowed in low

(a) Halon 1211
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Foam
(d) Dry chemical

9. Bunker "C", a grade "E" combustible liquid, will _______.

(A) give off flammable vapors below 800F (26.70C)
(B) have a Reid vapor pressure of 14 psi (96.5 kPa) or more
(C) self-ignite at temperatures below 150˚F (65.50C)
(D) have a flash point of 150̊˚F (65.5̊C) or more
10. Which of the following statements describes the advantage of using a Halon fire
extinguisher versus a CO2 fire extinguisher?
(A) Halon cools rather than smothers a fire.
(B) Halon is more effective than CO2.
(C) Halon can extinguish combustible metal fires.
(D) Halon is not toxic and safe to breathe under all conditions.

11. You may improve a vessel's stability by ___________.

(A) keeping the fuel tanks topped off
(B) increasing the free surface effect
(C) keeping the fuel tanks at least half full
(D) keeping at least one fuel tank empty for slops

12. In order to find out which lifeboat you are assigned, you should look at the
(A) Certificate of Inspection
(B) Muster stations Chart
(C) Ship's Articles
(D) Fire Control Plan

13. Which of the following statements is true concerning Halon 1301?

(A) The agent is extremely toxic in any concentration.
(B) The agent leaves no residue.
(C) The agent extinguishes a fire by smothering.
(D) All of the above.


14. What is the usual effect of moving weight from the main deck to a position lower
in the vessel?
(A) The stability of the vessel is increased.
(B) The trim of the vessel is changed substantially.
(C) The stability of the vessel is significantly decreased.
(D) The vessel will list in proportion to the volume of the cargo shifted.

15. The inclining experiment conducted on a merchant ship is the method for
determining the exact location of the __________.
(A) ship's displacement in seawater
(B) position of the ship's center of gravity
(C) position of the ship's center of buoyancy
(D) position of the ship's metacenter

16. Vessel stability can be adversely affected by ___________.

A. increasing the free surface effect
B. decreasing the free surface effect
C. ballasting down by the bow
D. ballasting down by the stern

17. While wearing a demand-type self-contained breathing apparatus the alarm bell
begins ringing. Which of the following conditions does this indicate?
A. There is a 4-5 minute supply of air remaining in the air cylinder.
B. There is approximately 500 psi (3.5 MPa) of pressure left in the air cylinder.
C. The wearer should immediately leave the contaminated area.
D. All of the above.

18. You are replacing a section of heavy piping on deck and using a chain fall to lift
the pipe. Which of the following precautions should be taken to prevent personal injury?
A. Position several men under the pipe so they can catch it if it falls.
B. Attach lines to the ends of the pipe and have your helpers steady the load.
C. Place an old mattress under the hoist to prevent the load from hitting the deck.
D. Have a first aid kit at the job site.

19. With regards to the load line marks, the reason for the placement of mark "WNA"
is ______________.
A. more severe weather is expected in the North Atlantic in winter
B. more freeboard is required in the North Atlantic in winter
C. less draft is allowed in the North Atlantic in winter
D. all of the above


20. Many uninspected vessels require load lines to indicate the maximum
A. reserve buoyancy under any condition
B. amidship's draft to which a vessel can be lawfully submerged
C. angle of reduced freeboard for subdivision calculations
D. freeboard for the light ship displacement

21. The safe and efficient use of the face piece of a demand-type self-contained
breathing apparatus is directly influenced by ____________.
A. the donning of the facepiece
B. the stowing of the facepiece
C. he maintenance of the facepiece
D. all of the above

22. immediately after abandon ship vessel, look out in life raft for
A. Survivors in water
B. Food and water
C. Land
D. none

23. What is placed on the underside of an inflatable liferaft to help prevent it from being
skidded by the wind or overturned?
A. A.Ballast bags
B. B.A keel
C. C.Strikes
D. D.Sea anchor

24. Highest body of IMO…

A. Council,
B. Assembly,
C. Safety Committee
D. Pollution prevention committee

25. Executive Body Of IMO…

A. Council,
B. Assembly,
C. Safety Committee
D. Pollution prevention committee

1. In the event of a collision, watertight integrity may be lost if _____________.

(A) the sounding tube cap from a damaged tank is missing


(B) the dogs on a manhole cover are secure

(C) you have recently replaced a gasket in a watertight door
(D) you operate the dewatering system from a flooded compartment

2.The hand break of a life boat which is ___________ ?

A.Manually disengaged when hoisting a boat
B.applied by dropping the counterweighted lever
C.controlled by the centrifugal brake mechanism
D.automatically engaged if lowering speed is excessive

3. During loading and discharging operation in addition o when the cargo tanks have been
properly filled each inert gas system must be capable of maintaining a minimum gas
pressure of________.
a. 50 millimeters of water pressure
b. 25 millimeters of water pressure
c. 100 millimeters of water pressure
d. 5 millimeters of water pressure

4. The physical data term on a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ‘hat indicates if the
vapor formed by the material is lighter or heavier than air is called _______
A. Vapor pressure
B. Vapor gravity
C. Vapor level
D. Vapor density

5.Which of the following certificates issued to a ship does not have predetermined
validity for limited period?
A. International Load Line Certificate
B. International tonnage certificate (it is valid until ship is sent for scrap.)
C. Cargo Ship safety certificate
D. Safety Management Certificate

6.which of these devices prevents the back flow of hydrocarbon??

A. pv breaker
B. pv valve
C. deck water seal
D. scrubber

7.The flammable limit of methane by volume is 5%to 15%,if the combustible gas
indicator reading is 50% when sampling a compartment containing methane a flammable
vapour concentration at the sample point is
1. 0.5% by volume


2. 2.5% by volume
3. 7.5% by volume
4. 50% by volume

8.The explosive range of methane is 5% to 15% by volume in air ,This mean a vapor/air
mixture of
1. 3% methane by volume is too rich to burn
2. 20% methane by volume is too lean to burn
3. 10% methane by volume is too rich to burn
4. 5% methane by volume will give a reading of 100% LEL on a combustible gas

9.Intact stability booklet comes under

3.Loadline convention
4.Tonnage convention

10. Jurisdiction over ships in high seas lies with

a. nearest coastal state
b. port state of last port
c. port state of next port
d. flagstate

11.Every U.S crude oil tanker with a keel laying date on or after 1/1/75, shall be equipped
with an inert gas system if the tonnage is more than
1.100,000DWT(Long tons)
2.100,000DWT(metric tons)
3.50,000DWT(Long tons)
4.50,000DWT(metric tons)

12.Damage suffered by a passenger in vessel

1.LLMC 1976 Convention
2.LLC 1969
3.Athens convention
4.Fund 1971

13.Emergency Steering Test and pre- arrival/pre departure steering tests are
requirements under: (solas chapter v reg 26 para 4)
B. SOLAS Chapter V
C. Under USCG rules only in US waters



14.Which requirement regarding Oil Record Book Part ???I is correct?

A. All entries are to be signed by Chief engineer and Master
B. All entries are to be signed by Chief engineer and each completed page by the Master
C. All entries are to be signed by officer or officers in charge concerned and each
completed page by the Master
D. All entries are to be signed by officer or officers in charge concerned, the Chief
engineer and the Master

15.Which of the following IMO conventions has entered into force?

A. Hong Kong Convention

B. Nairobi WRC 2007 ( for shipwreck in Kenya)
C. BWM Convention 2004
D. Bunkers Convention 2001 *
16.Post Nox emission test bed trial and approval of an engine, periodic Nox emission limit
verification is normally done by:
A. Emission tests at regular intervals
B. Engine parameters/settings check method
C. By running the engine at full load and sending a sample of exhaust gas for analysis
D. By checking emission monitors installed on exhaust outlet

17. Life raft light usually what type

A. Galvanic Battery
B. Solar
C. Sea Water---ans
D. None

18. ISM code come under


19. Type of fire detector in machinery space

A. Flame detector
B. Obscuration smoke detector
C. Ionization smoke detector
D. Rise in temperature

20. Oily water separator discharge en route


A. 50 NM from nearest land

B. 50 NM from coast line
C. 12 NM from nearest land
D. No such distance criteria

21. In case of frostbite, First aid will be

A. wet cloth remove
B. shoe socks remove
C. clean affected area with warm water
D. None

22. What convention about enter into force

A. Oprc
B. Afs convention
C. Bunker convention
D. Hong kong convention

23. MARPOL Annex 1 and IOPP certificate is mandatory for

A. All types of ships
B. Oil tanker 150 ton dead weight and above
C. All ship 150 ton dead weight and above
D. Oil tanker 150 gross ton and above

24. Clean ballast tank is one which

A. Not allowed any oil
B. Carriage oil cargo
C. Some white and clean oil
D. Last dry docking converted clean ballast tank

25.Reporting Near misses is encouraged under which maritime instrument?

A. Code of Safe Working Practices
B. ISM code
C. SOLAS Chapter II-2
D. All of the above

26.Which of the following conditions will allow for a work vest to be substituted for a
lifejacket in the total count of the required lifesaving gear?

A. When it is approved by the Coast Guard

B. When working near or over the water
C. When stowed away from the ring buoys
D. Never


27.Lifebuoys are subject to which of the following tests?

A. Drop test
B. Fire test
C. Flotation test
D. All of the above

28.Which of the following should never be done as a precaution against cold

injuries/frost bite?
A. Cover heads and ears
B. Wear several layers of light clothing
C. Rub numb parts of the body to warm them up
D. Keep dry

29. Which of the following are resource zones and not security zones?
A. Inland waters
B. Territorial seas
C. Contiguous zone
D. Continental shelf

30.Water Ingress Monitoring Equipment, for detecting water ingress in cargo holds is a
requirement under:
A. MARPOL convention
B. SOLAS Chapter XII
C. BC code
D. BLU code

31.The most common cooling agent used for fighting fires on tank vessels is
A. carbon dioxide
B. flue gas
C. water
D. steam smothering

32.Greater the hazard, smaller the parcel size. As per this principle of IBC code what is the
allowable parcel size in Type 1 chemical tankers?
A. 3000 m3
B. 1500 m3
C. 1250 m3
D. 1650 m3

33.Which of the following is considered to be the safest protection from static electric
discharge, when connecting or disconnecting cargo hoses and metal arms?


A. Insulating flange or a length of non-conducting hose

B. Switching off ICCP
C. Ship shore bonding cable
D. None of the above

35.Who sets the security level of the ship?

A. Ship Security Officer
B. Company Security Officer
C. Port Facility Security Officer


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