Faculty Project Ideas - Fall2010

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Project Coordination Office

Senior Project Ideas by Faculty for Semester Fall 2010

Teacher Name: Mr. Aasim Ali

Idea 1:
Text based question (and answer) generator from the template. There are verbal
questions in GRE type tests, which are usually based on a specific arithmetic
formulation. Many questions following specific formulation generally have same
verbal pattern. If the values of these patterned questions can be produced using
random number generator then many questions can be automatically generated
using these templates.
Computation of answers for such questions (generated from templates) simply
requires using the randomly generated numbers into the specific formula.
Since these questions are used in MCQ fashion so generation of multiple options
is also part of this project. These “incorrect” options have to be logically
confusing with the “correct” one, and must not match with the “correct” answer.

Idea 2:
Computer Programming based Question Evaluator
Generally the evaluation of programming questions in the examination of
computer programming involves some pattern based mechanism. So, it may be
automated, with the facility of continued learning of new patterns.

Idea 3:
Sentence Aligner for Statistical Machine Translation
Automatic sentence alignment is the first step in Statistical Machine Translation
(SMT). Word count and character count based solutions exist for several language
pairs. There is a need of this utility for English-Urdu Parallel Corpus.

Idea 4:
English-Urdu parallel Corpus Development
Development of English-Urdu parallel corpus requires collection of English-Urdu
parallel text, along with appropriate tagging using standard schemes for tagging.

Idea 5:
Question paper setter
Every question paper has to be balanced in terms of time and complexity. There
may be multiple categories and multiple questions from each category. There may
be multiple complexity levels for these questions. There has to be a balance of all
these parameters.

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Idea 6:
Semantic Web (preferably for Urdu)
Every concept in this world is associated with a lot many concepts. The
development of this network of concepts is a huge effort, just like developing the
whole World Wide Web. Once available it can assist humans in automatic search
of what they wish, with the help of agent technology.

Idea 7:
Converting Pseudo-code to a programming language code
Pseudo-code is a sublanguage for writing algorithms, which can be analyzed to be
converted into any formal programming language.

Idea 8:
Computational grammar for Urdu
CFG (Context Free Grammar) is one of the most famous formalisms for writing
grammars. There are others including LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar), which
is quite appropriate for natural languages like English and Urdu. However, DG
(Dependency Grammar) is considered more appropriate for a free order language
that Urdu is. One can try to build a portion of Urdu grammar using any

Idea 9:
English-Urdu dictionary generator (using English-Urdu corpus)
This task requires a collection of sentences in English along with their Urdu
translation (or vice versa). Such a collection is termed as bi-lingual parallel
corpora of English-Urdu. It can be used to automatically learn the word-level
translation relationship on the basis of frequency and other parameters.

Idea 10:
OCR for Urdu
OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. It was initially used designed for
bar-code reading. Then recognition of characters/ligatures from the scanned
image of printed text proved to be an interesting implementation of the idea.
There is a large collection of scanned Urdu literature on the internet. But, it is not
searchable because it is not text. If OCR can successfully convert an image into
text then a number of printed books can be fed into the computer through scanner.

Idea 11:
Urdu text summarizer
Generating summary from a longer text is also an important application especially
when searching about a specific topic on internet. Size of output, ratio between
input and output, and relevant keyword to look for to prepare a relevant summary
may be some of the user-defined parameters for this tool.

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Idea 12:
Urdu text generator from given outline
This is sort of a reverse of summarizer. It uses some bits and pieces, to generate a
fabricated complete version of any type of text, e.g. essay, story, news, etc.

Idea 13:
Corpus collecting agent for Urdu
Corpus can be collected from internet. Today, we can develop programs which
can crawl through the web to assist in collection of text for our language. It is not
just collecting the data, but also involves identification of the language.

Idea 14:
Named entity recognizer for Urdu
There are proper names in the text do not have linguistic analysis like other items
(noun, verb, adjective, etc.). Such items are termed as Named Entity, and cannot
be translated usually. So identifying such items helps in identifying scope for
other linguistic processes.

Idea 15:
Part-of-speech (POS) tagger for Urdu
The process of identification of part-of-speech for a word is called POS tagging.
This process requires a pre-defined POS tagset. The selection/coining of tags
depend on the application or purpose for which the POS tagging is being
performed. It affects the scope of work, as well. One word can be used as several
POS tags, but deciding the most appropriate POS in a specific context is crucial
for this tool.

Idea 16:
IPA to speech generator for Urdu
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a script, which is used to write utterances
of a language in form of phones/phonemes. Phonetic transcription of an utterance
is free from phonological details and barriers. Therefore, it can be easily/directly
converted into speech.

Idea 17:
Transliterator for Urdu to/from English, IPA, Hindi, etc.
Transliteration means writing the sounds of a language using the script of another
language. Roman Urdu is transliteration of Urdu using English alphabets. A good
transliterator of Urdu (from Roman to Urdu script) may also help in collection of
email/sms data as a corpus.
If a good Urdu-IPA-Urdu transliterator is developed, and a good English-IPA-
English transliterator is also developed then Urdu-English transliteration can be

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achieved via IPA. This can be done for several languages thus using IPA as
common conversion hub.

Idea 18:
Speech searching (for any language)
Searching a speech pattern from a collection of speech files is also an interesting
area of research. It can be attached using image processing techniques of
searching into images or finding similar images on internet.

Idea 19:
Anaphora resolution for Urdu
Instance of a “pronoun” in a text certainly refers to a “noun” of any other element
that has already occurred. It is also an interesting investigation that how it can be
identified that which anaphora (the referring pronoun) refers to which antecedent
(the referred noun etc.).

Idea 20:
Time table assistant for PUCIT
It is a multi-dimensional resource that involves interaction of rooms, classes,
teachers, and other considerable factors, e.g. multimedia projector, installed
software, preferences and availability of teachers (especially the visiting faculty)
etc. This complicated communication entails resource clashes. The purpose of this
software is to facilitate all the stakeholders for finding the most appropriate
scheme that can accommodate maximum desires.

Work Plan:
Research projects require literature review to acquire understanding of the problem
domain. So if you opt for any of the above projects then your first semester will be used
on understanding of the problem. Then in the second semester you may become able to
produce something.
There is no question of capacity of a student. If you have interest in a specific question
then you are the source of solution, perhaps. Because, most of the times, it is the solution
that finds its place. Your efforts may not be rated as remarkable with the effort of one
year for some tasks, but your contribution may be useful and guiding for your juniors. So
let it all go: disbelief, fear and doubt! ☺
Just fulfill your part of responsibility and leave the consequences on Allah, for
acceptance of your sincere efforts. But remember that the efforts have to be sincere!

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Teacher Name: Muhammad Haris

Idea 1:
Title: Punjab University Research Paper portal
Abstract: A Web portal where students and teachers can upload their research
papers and share it with others.

Idea 2:
Title: SMS Alert system for PUCIT
Abstract: A central system form where information messages (alerts, updates,
meetings, holidays, lecture timings etc) could be sent to the relevant person
(teachers, students, administration, guards, lab and network persons etch). A
priority technique should be setup for sending messages.

Idea 3:
Title: Peer to Peer ANDROID application
Abstract: It should be a P2P application (in Java) for Google’s mobile OS i.e.
ANDROID using either Bluetooth or GPRS technology.

Idea 4:
Title: All wireless Via Bluetooth
Abstract: An embedded system related research for making all USB devices
wireless with the help of Bluetooth technology. The concept is to attach any USB
device with Bluetooth and that Bluetooth device should be able to pair wirelessly
with another Bluetooth device attached a system (PC, Laptop) and hence will
allow any wired USB device to become wireless via this paired Bluetooth

Below is the concept picture of this Idea.

Bluetooth Device

Bluetooth Device
Bluetooth Device

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Idea 5:
Title: Web Media API’s Integration
Abstract: A multimedia oriented web application, where data comes from a
multifarious data sources using the available free Web Media API’s e.g. (Flicker,
Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Panoramia etc.)

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Teacher Name: Fareed UL Hassan Baig
Idea 1:
TITLE: Class/Lab Scheduler
Abstract: Teachers usually face a problem in PUCIT in which a class consists of
students belonging to 3-4 different batches (a typical add/drop class) and teacher
want to schedule a makeup class for them.
Under current scenario I will have to waste a lot of time on finding out a slot
which is suitable (no time table clash) for students and then I have to go to
program coordinator to find out whether some room is available at that time/date
or not. If I would be lucky I will get it otherwise I have to repeat the consultation
process again.
This problem can be sorted out by having a time table of all the students and
compare them automatically and finding clash free slots and then at the same time
software also allows me to find out some available class room for it.
Note: It is just one major part of software. Feel free to discuss in detail about
other cosmetics of this project.

Idea 2:
TITLE: Web Password Hashing
Abstract: The detail is given on the following links

Idea 3:
TITLE: Run Keeper
Abstract: Detail is given on the following link http://runkeeper.com/
Requirements: IPhone and Mac Book

Idea 4:
TITLE: Library Management Using RFID
Detail about RFID’s and its usage in Library can be found at
Requirements: RFID and RFID reader

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Teacher Name: Asim Rasul
Idea 1:
Project Title: Distributed Relational Query Processor
Abstract: A relational query processor which transform a high level query into an
equivalent lower level query. The lower level query actually implements the
equivalent execution strategies for the query. And the optimizer part of query
processor must determine the optimal execution strategy for the query. Also
implements all layers of distributed query processor: Query decomposition, Data
localization, Global optimization and local optimization.

Idea 2:

Project Title: Distributed DBMS

Abstract: A DBMS which manage distributed database in a transparent manner,

and also include all components of distributed DBMS are: User interface
Handler, Semantic Data controller, Global query optimizer, Global execution
monitor, Local query processor, Local recovery manager and Runtime support

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Teacher Name: Arif Butt
Idea 1:
Title: Enhancing an open source project “Bypass”
Requirements: Strong Operating System concepts and C-programming skills in
UNIX environment
Description: Bypass is a tool built by Douglas Thain (University of Wisconsin)
SYSTEM. This is research based project which will take the current source
code of bypass which does not maintain state between system calls and tries to
make it stateful.
Idea 2:
Title: Future of Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
Requirements: Strong background knowledge of Operating System Concepts
and Computer Security.
Description: An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a specialized tool used for
security that knows how to read and interpret the contents of log files from
routers, firewalls, servers, and other network devices. Students are required to
first deploy various operating systems on machines and then attack them
exploiting their known vulnerabilities. Later students will carry out their research
on various existing commercial, open source and research prototypes of IDS/IPS
and deploying some of them to overcome the attacks. Finally students are
required to research on the future trends of IDS/IPS in the computer security

Idea 3:
Title: High Throughput Computing using Condor
Requirements: Strong Operating System concepts and C-programming skills in
UNIX environment
Description: Partial work on this project has been done by Fall 06 students. Fresh
students are welcome to study this project and enhance the functionalities of the
existing project. Details of the project can be found at
The goal of a high-throughput computing (HTC) environment is to provide large
amounts of fault tolerant computational power over prolonged periods of time by
effectively utilizing all resources available to the network. In this environment,
the Condor project was born at the University of Wisconsin; Miron Livny
combined his doctoral thesis on cooperative processing. The result was Condor, a
new system for distributed computing. It is an open source project and University
of the Wisconsin-Madison, University of Berkeley and University
of Notre Dame are working on it.
Condor is a high-throughput distributed batch computing system. Like other batch
systems, Condor provides a job management mechanism, scheduling policy,
priority scheme, resource monitoring, and resource management. Users submit
their jobs to Condor, and Condor subsequently chooses when and where to run
them based upon a policy, monitors their progress, and ultimately informs the user
upon completion.

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Teacher Name: Shahid Fareed
Title: Excellent AVI Player
Description: The idea is to develop an avi player. This player will have certain features
that are helpful to the scientists of Image Processing and Computer Vision. The main
characteristics of the player are:
• It should play avi media file.
• Capable of playing files at different rate (frame per second).
• It should also provide the facility to extract a particular frame from the video.
• And convert the whole video into its constituent frames.
• Should be able to make a movie from given set of frames; images.
• Also provide the feature to rotate any frame in the video at any angle.
• Should also provide the feature to play a video reverse order or make it reverse.

Optional but good features:

• Can embed sound to a video
• Can extract sound from a video
• Can record video from an attached camera (live stream recording and

• Any group who is good at programming in C# or Java may contact me and I am
keen to have one such group for this project.

The player will be uploaded at PUCIT website for public use.

Title: AdBlaster
Description: This is a browser plug-in that gets rid of ads from the pages you browse. It
could also be implemented as a filter on TCP/IP, independent of the browser. That is a
simpler environment, but makes interaction with the user more difficult. How does an
AdBlaster recognize ads?

1. You tell it which ads offend you by clicking on them. It remembers their URLs
and suppresses loading in future.
2. It loads suspect frames in the background without displaying them. If they contain
nothing but an animated GIF or if they contain certain ad buzzwords, they are
3. Any time multiple frames pop up, the AdBlaster suppresses all but the last.
4. Marked obnoxious ads can be collected from users of an AdBlaster, verified and
added to a database.
5. Sites known to dispense nothing but ads can be blacklisted.
6. Offsite graphics can be presumed to be ads, especially banner sized ones.

Help: Visit this website http://mindprod.com/project/adbuster.html or contact me.

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Title: Locating and Tracking After a License Plate
Description: The objective of this project is to create a driver assistance system. Drivers
need to pay attention to a lot of things simultaneously and to estimate a lot of
measurements without exact information, which can be a problem if the driver is tired.
This system would estimate the distance from the vehicle in front the driver and in
principle could alert if the vehicle is to close, thus taking some of the pressure of his
In order to estimate the distance we should be able to identify some object in the car that
we know its properties, thus - knowing its size in the picture (in pixels ) we could know
the distance. It appears that the only object that most of the cars have in common is the
license plate. All other features change from design to design.
The problem is actually two problems: finding the license plate and then keeping track of
it. The system can be integrated into a more comprehensive driver assistance system.
Note: You should only take this project if you have good knowledge of image processing
and computer vision.
Title: Distance Estimation

Description: The system recognizes an object and marks its position in the pictures that
were taken by the cameras. Each camera “sees” only a two-dimentional picture, and the
estimation given is based on the angels from each camera to the object.

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The algorithm:

The implementation will be executed in six phases:

A) Calibration of the system – the system is quite sensitive to it’s initial condition, and in
order to get reasonable results we have to calibrate the camera’s position.

B) Sampling pictures from two video cameras. Using an application for video signal
sampling, we take pictures sampled from the video camera. We operate it once for each
of the two cameras simultaneously

C) The user chooses an object, and marks it in the upper picture by a red square.

D) Image possessing - Object recognition. Using least square error method, the program
identifies the object, which was chosen and marks it by Blue Square.

E) Using a lookup table, we find the angles of the object from each of the cameras. For
each of the cameras, we get two angles: one in a vertical and the other in a horizontal

F) Mathematical calculation of the distance, based on the angles we found in the previous
step, and the distance between the cameras – which was given to the system in the first
(initiation) step.

For more help contact me or visit http://visl.technion.ac.il/projects/2001s17/

Note: A good knowledge of image processing and computer vision is required.

Teacher’s Name: Shahid Farid

Title: Customizable Faculty Portfolio
Description: This is a customizable web site for faculty.
End User: me
Help: contact me.

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Teacher Name: Muhammad Idrees
Idea 1:

Title: Services Providers and Consumers interaction application.

Abstract: A web application, where service providers (individual and groups)

like tutors / tution center / home delivery can register and consumers can access
them from web and hand held devices.

Special Instructions: Nil.

Technologies: .NET or JAVA

Idea 2:

Title: Scheduling of resources for teaching institute.

Abstract: An MIS for the management of resources like teacher, courses, rooms,
timing and like. The system should consider the priorities of teacher and
generated the best schedule. It either resolves the conflicts or get input from user
through drags and drops.

Special Instructions: Nil.

Technologies: .NET or JAVA

Idea 3:

Title: Disaster Management System.

Abstract: An MIS for the management of every type of updated information

disasters like Tsunami, Floods and Quacks using the state of arts technologies
including web services accessible from desktop, web and hand held devices.

Special Instructions: Nil.

Technologies: .NET or JAVA

Idea 4:

Title: Traffic Challan Management System.

Abstract: An MIS for Traffic Challans management using the state of arts
technologies including web services accessible from desktop, web and hand held

Special Instructions: Nil.

Technologies: .NET or JAVA

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Idea 5:

Title: Integration of Alchemi to IIS/ASP.NET for computation hungry web


Abstract: Alchemi is an open source, .NET based grid computing system to run
computation hungry programs. Basic objective is to integrate the Alchemi with an
ASP.NET application to scale out, when needed.

Special Instructions: Nil

Technologies: .NET and/or JAVA

Idea 6:

Title: Framework/Plugins for IE/Chrome/Firefox.

Abstract: Developing a framework/plugin which can simulate a static website like

DB aware web application.
Special Instructions: Student must be the topers of the session, good is
programming and get approved form me before taking this project.
Technologies: .Javascript/xhtml/css/xml

Idea 7:

Title: Computerization of Stars School System ‐SHAHDRA.

Abstract: A complete MIS for Stars School System has to be developed. Main
focus is on the recording of daily/weekly/monthly and other periodic activities
related to the grading/performance of students and faculty. Other book keeping
system may be incorporated as optional part.

Special Instructions: Student must be the topers of the session, good is

programming and get approved form me before taking this project.

Technologies: .NET or JAVA Muhammad Idrees, Assistant Professor

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Idea 8:

Title: Exploration of google apps and its use to group collaboration specially for
education institutes .

Abstract: Google apps is providing a hosting infrastructure for web applications.

Applications can be developed using various languages. The project is to explore
the facilities deep and develop a prototype application on the google

Special Instructions: Student must be the topers of the session, good is

programming and get approved form me before taking this project.

Technologies: Python/GQL and related. Optionally Java/.NET.

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Teacher Name: Sadia Shahzad
Title: CITY Information System
Abstract: This project is about having an information system about a city/any
subarea. This information system is proposed to be a map based system. This
system will serve to provide location of different places. finding a specific place.
Analyzing data to find facts about counts of certain types of places e.g. no. of
primary schools. total number of KFCs etc. Finding shortest paths towards a
certain place from a given place etc.

Special instructions:
I propose this project to be developed with collaboration of GIS center. GIS
center have final projects in which they have created and digitized maps of
different cities of Punjab. We may select one or two sample areas to develop the
system and may be extended afterwards.

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Teacher Name: Sadeeqa Khan
Idea 1:
Project Title: Development of Time Table Generation System
This project is aimed at developing a Time Table Generator for Colleges.
Colleges are supposed to make time tables for each semester which used to be a
very tedious job. Each teacher and Student must be eligible for viewing his own
timetable once they are finalized for a given semester.
• List of Courses to be offered in this semester
• List of teachers available in this semester
• Course preferences by the teachers (from the list of courses to be offered in
this very semester)
• Information about number of students enrolled in each course
• Number of available class rooms with seating capacity and other resources
like multimedia etc
• A calendar should be there shows the public and nation holidays
• And other specific rules must be taken into consideration (as per college
policies) like:
o Maximum credit hours assigned to one teacher
o Maximum number of lectures in a day
o Maximum number of lectures for a teacher in a day

The time table will be generated accordingly.
The time table must be viewed for specific
• Student
• Teacher
• Course
• Day

An auto generated email should be sent to all the persons concerned (teachers and
students) that timetable is scheduled.

Idea 2:
Project Title: Development of an Online Survey Tool (OST)
This project is aimed at developing an online Survey Tool that is of importance to
either an organization or an institute. The Online Survey Tool System (OST) is an
Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the institute. This
system can be used to launch surveys (such as Hostel Feedback, Library Usage
and so forth) and record user responses. The surveys responses report is to be

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automated. There are features like email notifications of surveys, publishing of
survey results, report generators etc in this system.
• All the students and employees of the Institute are the users of the OST
• Any user can request for conducting survey. Some of the users are admins and
are approvers for launching a survey and publishing results. (Approver can be
the Principal)
• Surveys could be at the Institute level, Department level, Individual level (for
specific students or teachers) etc.
• As soon as a survey request /cancellation request /withdrawal /approval
/rejection / is made by the person, an automatic email should be sent to the
person and the approver giving details about the action.
• The number of days for a survey to be open can be set and e-mail notification
regarding the same be sent to the target audience automatically.
• Surveys will have any number of questions.
• A summary report of the survey results can be generated (eg in excel or word,
or text).
• A calendar giving the surveys of the organization/college should be available
on the system

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Teacher Name: Abdul Mateen
Idea 1:
Title: Autonomic Network Management for IP-based Wireless Sensor
The project aims at developing a prototype for an autonomic network manager for
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We integrate policy-based network
management with network state inference and design a prototype for a self-
managing architecture. A manager-agent model shall be used to collect the
network information through monitoring agents, inference techniques shall be
used to develop the network context and self-management operations shall be
applied. We shall define a small set of scenarios and policies against these
scenarios. Then we’ll implement the scenarios to have a working prototype.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are becoming increasingly important because
of their reduced cost and a range of real world applications. IEEE standard
802.15.4 has emerged as a strong technology for wireless sensor networks
to morph Personal Area Networks (PANs) into Low power Personal Area
Networks (LoWPANs). LoWPANs are characterized by low data rates, low
power consumption, low cost, autonomous operations and flexible topologies.
The introduction of LoWPANs is considered as the beginning of a new generation
of applications. WSNs are also a suitable choice for an infrastructure to
provide ubiquitous and robust connectivity to users. Easy deployment and
unattended operation make them favorites for military applications and other risk-
associated applications. The WSNs may be deployed in the terrains where manual
management is not feasible. However, to keep such networks always
operational, robust network management architecture is needed. On the other
hand the continuous growth factor of WSNs makes the manual management
even harder and, demands autonomous or selfmanagement architecture which
would support self-configuration, self-healing, self-security management,
selfperformance management, and self-accounting features. So far, the self-
management architectures proposed are poised for wired networks especially for
high end computing devices. A comprehensive architecture with granular
architectural details, for WSNs is still needed.
The ideal person to take this project is a good C++ / Java programmer who has
special interest in solving real life
problems. The knowledge of wireless networks and statistics shall be a huge plus.

Idea 2:
Title: Network State Adaptive Quality of Service Provisioning in IP-based
Wireless Adhoc networks
This project aims at design and development of a Network State Adaptive Quality
of Service (QoS) provisioning mechanism for ad-hoc networks. The solution shall
implement the user-defined policies for QoS requirements and will be loosely

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coupled with the underlying routing protocol. The developed solution shall
autonomously ensure, under the changing network states, that the applications get
their required resources to exhibit best possible performance under severe
network conditions. The output of the project shall be a solution that is simple to
implement yet minimizes the degradation of the best effort traffic at a
considerable level. The challenge is to make sure that QoS provisioning
mechanism adapts well in ad-hoc environments when multiple services are
contending for limited resources.
The provision of ubiquitous services in ad-hoc networks (Mobile ad-hoc networks
/ sensor networks) is a great challenge, considering the bandwidth, mobility, and
computational-resources constraints exhibited by these networks. Incorporation of
modern delay-sensitive applications has made the task even harder. The
traditional Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning techniques are not applicable
because these networks are highly dynamic in nature. The described inherent
characteristics of ad-hoc networks implicate newer requirements and technical
challenges for the management of such networks. The incorporation of modern
real time services, like transfer of audio and video concomitant to delay-agnostic
services has further increased the management complexity. On one hand, ad-hoc
nodes have limited resources to share amongst contending services, on the other
hand such services need and expect high priority on the network in order to meet
higher user expectations about their reliability and quality. In this project we
design Network State Adaptive QoS provisioning algorithm that is independent of
routing protocols and can integrate with most of the routing protocols. It
implements the high-level policies for QoS provisioning and exhibits a balanced
trade-off between network control traffic and QoS provisioning. On one hand it
provides the high level control in form of policies and on the other hand it is
independent of underlying routing protocol.
This project shall provide a great opportunity for students to design and develop a
solution for a challenging research problem. The ideal person to take this project
is a good C++ / Java programmer who has a special interest in solving real life
problems and implementing algorithms.

Idea 3:
Title: Service discovery in Ubiquitous Environments
This project aims at developing a service discovery architecture which can help
find services across a variety of communication networks e.g., Wi-Fi, 3G, Ad-hoc
and wireless networks. The main idea is to design a model which can help us to
provide a cooperative service discovery mechanism across what we call
cooperative urban networks. In realization a cooperative urban network shall be
the integration of various communication networks which can communicate with
each other to share data and other resources. This project involves solving real life
research and technical problems. The output of the project shall be a model

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framework for service discovery and request routing in the context of cooperative
urban networks. The validity of models shall be verified using simulations.
The recent technological developments in communication networks have resulted
into a broad range of networks, e.g., Wi-Fi, Mobile ad-hoc networks, 3G and
other cellular networks, and wireless sensor networks, to name a few.
Unfortunately, these networks do not cooperate with each other to fully utilize the
available data and network resources. We believe that all different brands of
communication technologies should be able to cooperate with each other forming
cooperative urban networks. This integration would make the resource sharing
possible within various networks, maximizing the utilization of available data and
other resources. Service discovery across the networks is essential to achieving
such sophistication. A service discovery mechanism enables devices and services
to properly discover, configure, and communicate with each other. Provisioning
of such a cooperative service discovery and network selection brings in various
challenges for its architectural framework designers. Over the past few years,
many organizations have designed and developed service discovery protocols but
none of existing protocols explicitly addresses the idea in the context of
cooperative urban networks. We plan to design a model framework that helps
finding the services and forwarding request routing across cooperative urban
This project shall provide a great opportunity for students to design and develop a
solution for a challenging real-life
problem. The ideal person to take this project is a good C++ / Java programmer
who has a special interest in design
and analysis of algorithms. The knowledge of a simulation tool shall be a huge

Idea 4:
Title: Social Network User Customizable
This is web-based development project. There are several social networks
available lacking customization a lot. Therefore, the idea is to perform
requirement engineering to get user’s requirements and according to those
requirements later social network is to be developed. For example instead of
single page multiple pages can be provided for general, relatives, friends etc.
Similarly sharing list can be controlled.

Idea 5:
Title: Softwares for Children Elementary Education
This project can be web-based as well desktop to provide software for children
basic education. In this project again through requirement engineering is required
mainly school teachers and parents. Depending on the needs and requirements a
number of projects can be done from Pre-Nursery to Nursery and Prep classes and

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even further classes. The idea is to provide a basic platform where one can
(especially teacher) design course. That includes lessons, homework, tests etc.


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