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BP Simulator Reference Guide

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Reference Guide

Table of contents
1. Introduction

Business Process Simulator is a web application of simulation software class for the
analysis of business processes.

Purpose of the Service

 Search for bottlenecks in the business process where lack of resources or of
 Evaluation of the resource utilization such as performers of the business
process functions;
 Estimation of cost of a process instance;
 Determination of the actual operation time from task statement until its
 Testing of "What-Ifs" hypotheses – what specifically is affected by quantitative
and qualitative changes of the input process parameters.

Key Benefits
 Simple visual modeling of business processes in EPC notation;
 Discrete-event simulation of the workflow at any time interval;
 Monitoring and analysis of the data on real-time dynamic simulation with
events log, dashboard and reports;
 Estimation of execution cost of business processes for drawing up of ABS-cost
 Import BPMN 2.0 models and Visio Diagrams;
 Export models and charts to PNG images;
 Google Drive™ and OneDrive support;
 Multilanguage interface and models (English, Russian, French and Spanish);
 Ability to work offline.

Principle of operation of business simulation doesn’t differ from existing analogues:

business activity is first "drawn" (modeled) on the working canvas (workspace)
gradually filling previously known business activity parameters and then the process of
online business simulation starts whereupon the data required to analyze the efficiency
of the business process is calculated.

This reference guide helps to learn how to use the application’s controls and perform
a full cycle of operations on modeling and analysis of the business processes. As the
development of the service progresses, this guide is brought up to date by adding new

2. Getting Started
Getting Started
 Greeting Screen
 Application Workspace
 Settings screen

Appearance and structure of the items of the application interface found herein may
differ from the published version.

Greeting Screen
Greeting screen appears when you first launch the application/refresh the application

Structure of Fields in Greeting Screen:

 Open Model – selects a model to open;

o New – create a new model;
o Demo – loads a demonstration model;
o Last Saved – opens the last model saved by a user.
 Language – selects an available application interface language.

Clicking "Apply" opens the selected model in the application workspace, the service
is ready to use.

Application Workspace
Whole space of the application is the workspace. All objects can be freely moved
around on the workspace. The workspace background may comprise a grid for visual
organizing of the items on the workspace.

Control Panel
Control panel contains all the control elements for models, model objects,
simulations and application appearance.

When you click on Control panel section, it opens, displaying contained in buttons.

When selecting the opening demonstration model on the Greeting Screen all sections
of the Control panel will be in the open state.

Model Section
This section contains the following buttons to control the current model:

 New - create a new model;

 Open - open the Open File dialog;
 Save - open the Save File dialog;
 Export as Image - Export the current model in image format PNG;

View Section
The next buttons opens a screens:

 Dashboard - open the Dashboard

 Settings - open the Settings screen
 Help - open the Brief Reference
 About - open the About screen
 Log - open the Log screen
 Summary - open Detailed report screen
 Object Library - open the Object Library screen

Data in the Dashboard and Log screens is available only after the beginning of model

General Section

 Private storage - selects of services for storage of models. When you select a
cloud storage will be asked authorize in it;
 Auto Save - enabling automatic periodic saving of the current model;
 Auto Open - automatic opening of the last saved model when the Welcome
Screen setting off;
 Welcome Screen - display the Welcome Screen when starting of the service
 Collect Logs - record data of the business process during simulation.

Interface Section

 Language - selects the application interface language

 Black & White - set two-color displaying of model
 Show grid - set the grid as the workspace background
 Snap to Grid - auto ordering of the objects to the grid cell size
 Grid Size - the grid cell size
 Objects Width - the width of the objects
 Show Last Log - show last events on an object
 Show Ads - switch display promotional ads

To save the settings, click "Apply". Saved settings are stored locally, when running
the application on another computer configuration is necessary to once again.

3. Design
o Process Mapping

Business Process Mapping

 Model objects
 Object properties
 Links of objects
 Keyboard shortcuts

Model objects
In the service bpsimulator.com for visual modeling using the original simplified
task-oriented notation of business process modeling, compatible with modeling
notation such as IDEF03, eEPC and BPMN.

To add a new object to the model you need to press or move of his image from the
Control Panel. Objects can be moved over the entire of application workspace. The
following table provides a description of all possible objects of the model:

Object Description Example Properties

General Elements

Set of  Name
targeted  Repair of
 Duration
water supply
actions to be  Rule
 Acceptance
performed by distribution
one or more of tasks
Object Description Example Properties

executors in  Sending a from

one role message suppliers
 Rule
of tasks to
 Probability
of tasks to
 Time of
delivery a
task to
 Cost of the
per task
 Local
 Joint

 Name
Position or  Number of
role of those employees
responsible  Motorman  Cost of
for the  Board member using of the
execution of resource
the function  Operating

Service or  Name
tools needed  Machine-tool  Cost of
to perform  Software using of the
the function resource
Object Description Example Properties

global tasks
of the  Name
 Client request
business  Operating
for a loan
process of a periods
 Received
certain type  Tasks count
with a certain  Global
interval for priority
the simulation

element for  Completing
monitoring the approval
the process stage
parameters at  Completion of  Name
different the process in  Filter tasks
stages its due to
execution and inconsistencies
control of detection
tasks flow

EPC Elements
Cause or an
 Client's visit
intangible  An error was  Name
result of a detected

directly  Manuals
 Name
 Federal Law
related to the
conditions or
Object Description Example Properties

results of the

Material or
information  Blank
necessary to  Name
 Statement
perform the

Material or
generated or
acquired  Part
 Name
additional  Conclusion
properties as
a result of the

Set of
 Applications
performance processing
features for a  Name
 Approval of
particular documentation

 Temporary
element condition
model for  Name
 Proposed
clarifications improvements
or comments

Detail level when modeling depends on the purpose of the simulation. For example,
to generate regulations of a process required in almost all objects modeling, except
Tasks Generator, but for calculating the the costs enough functions and resources:
executors and resources.
To delete or copy an object to press the "Delete" or "Copy" on its Properties screen
described in the next section.

Object properties
the Properties screen is opened in the Control Panel by double-clicking on the object
of model. Listed below are all available properties.

Property Type Description

Text description of the object. Example of

Name Text
function name: "Payroll preparation"

The minimum and maximum duration of the

function. For example, the duration of the
Duration Number
function "Processing of details" is from 20 to 30

Logical rule for processing of tasks, received from

its predecessors function. If the value is XOR
function will be assigned to the execution of tasks
on delivery from any predecessor on model. If the
value is AND function will not be executed until
by a links of all predecessors functions do not will
distribution of
AND/XOR come the same task. Example:
tasks from

Rule Logical rule for distribution of completed tasks to

distribution of consumers of the function. If the value is AND a
AND/XOR completed tasks will be distributed to all
tasks to
consumer customer's functions. If the value is XOR task will
be distributed to the consumer with a
Property Type Description

certain Probability distribution of tasks to

consumer. Example:

Percentage that determines the probability

Probability distribution of tasks to a consumer of the function.
distribution of The sum of all percent probability distribution of
tasks to the output of one function must be equal to 100%
consumer with value of Rule distribution of tasks to
consumer is XOR.

Minimum and maximum value of the time

required for transporting completed tasks to the
Time of
next consumer of the function. For example
delivery a task Range
transfer time from the back-office signed copies
to consumer
of the contract to the customer is from 12 to 24

In case of set up determines the costs of resource

Cost of the
use to perform a single task, regardless of the time
resource per Currency unit
spent. For example the delivery of goods by
courier to the city costs 200 currency unit.

The actual number of staff positions in the

organizational structure or appointed as an
Number of
Number executive of the functions. For example, 5
employees of call center to answer the incoming
Property Type Description

Pay rate hours of operation of the resource. For

Cost of using
example, the make-up artist working hour is
of the Currency unit
worth 1000, and lease of cloud storage just 0.0001
of currency unit.

The time period available resources to perform

Operating the functions. For example, to account for the
periods availability of dinner break necessary two periods:
09:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00.

The number of tasks formed by the generator at a

certain period of work. For example, to simulate
Tasks count Number the arrival rate of new tasks 1 times per minute
necessary to set the frequency to 60 tasks per

Distribution type of the count of new tasks in the

period of the Task Generator. For example, most
Timing List
of the requests could be received at the beginning
of each hour.

Priority of task assignment subject to availability

of queued for processing multiple tasks of
Number different types. Such as priority of tasks for debt
collection of customers, who the first time

Priority of task assignment subject to availability

of queued for processing multiple tasks from
Local priority Number
different previous functions. For example priority
for tasks returned for revision.

Joint To perform a function necessary to assign one by

fulfillment one employee from available resources. For
Property Type Description

example for piano four hands require two pianist

(left and right) together.

The list of Tasks Generators tasks of which will

Filter tasks List be transported to the next object of flow. An
empty list allows passing any tasks.

The number of tasks created by a generator or

executed by a function at a time. For example a
Batch Size Number
blood analyzer loaded one container with 5 tubes
with biomaterial.

Attribute the need to fully fill the entire batch

Filling Boolean size of tasks to get started. For example not warm
up the oven until it delivered enough material.

Not necessarily immediately to fill all the available properties of the object. For
example, if there is no need to calculate the cost of the process instance then cost
parameters of resources do not need to complete.

Links of objects
All objects in the model should be at least one link to another object. To create a
link between objects, you must first double-click on the object - the source of links, and
then click on the object - the recipient, link will be created with an arrow on the side of
the second object. Link means a direct impact or relationship of one object from
another. Not all objects can be linked to each other. The group of objects: Tasks
Generator, Function, Events, Procedure and Check Point can be suppliers
(predecessors) or consumers (followers) of each other. Other objects only as the impact
on function, as shown below the diagram:
An "X" and "+" at the beginning or end of the link means allocation rules "XOR" or
"AND" accordingly. The numbers at the beginning of the arrows correspond to the
value of the Probability distribution of tasks to consumer.

To delete an existing links must be selected by double-clicking one of the objects,

all of his links will be displayed as dotted line. When you click on such a link, it will be

All manipulations with the objects of the model are reversible and can be reversed
by a visual component at the bottom of the screen or pressing Ctrl+Z on the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts
 Ctrl+C - copy of selected objects to the clipboard
 Ctrl+S - save the model
 Ctrl+V - paste of copied objects
 Ctrl+Z - undo the last action on the object of model
 Ctrl+Shift+Z - redo the last action on the object of model
 Delete, Backspace - remove of selected objects
o Types of tasks distribution over time

Types of tasks distribution over time

 Table of Types
 The combination of types

In the real world, tasks arrive at the input of a business process at random and with
a certain regularity. For example, customer service queues may be above average at the
beginning of a business day, after a lunch break, and before the office is closed. If you
do not take into account such patterns, then at the business process analysis, you will
not be able to see the peak load of resources at these moments. In order to be able to
accurately simulate the pattern of task appearance, the BP Simulator service supports
several types of task distribution in the period of the Task Generator operation.

Table of Types
Descripti Applyin
Type Description Chart
on g

Distrib interval
ution of betwee
the n new
total tasks is
number used to
of tasks simulat
Period e
of the
time periodi
interval c
with a events
fixed or
period. debug

type of
tion of
tion of
Unifor tasks
mly during
a time
of tasks
in a
in the
e of

m Rando
normal m
distribu distribu
tion of tion
the with
number the
Norm of tasks most
al over a new
time task in
interval the
with middle
expecta of the
tion in time
the period.
of the

Rando distribu
m tion
normal with
distribu the
tion of most
the new
number task at
of tasks the
over a beginni
time ng of
interval the
with time
expecta period.
tion at For
the exampl
beginni e - the
ng of beginni
the ng of
period. the
g day.
tion of
task at
Rando of tasks
the end
m over a
of the
Rising time
tion at
e - the
the end
end of
of the
g day.

A user
n can
The both
distribu calcula
tion te the
rule is probabi
Custo specifie lity of
m d by an a new
externa task
l user appeari
functio ng or
n. use
s. For
e - the
of tasks
ng days
of the

The graphs depict examples of the distribution of 60 tasks in the time range of 0-60
minutes. The number of distributed tasks is determined by the setting of the number of
tasks Task Generator attribute.

The combination of types

The ability to configure several periods of the Task Generator with different types
of task distribution allows you to accurately simulate the flow of incoming tasks of a
business process. The following example of setting up periods for the Task Generator
shows an example of such a combination.
 09:00-10:00 - the growth of the flow of tasks at the beginning of the working
 12:00-13:00 - the growth of the flow of tasks before the lunch break
 14:00-15:00 - the growth of the flow of tasks after lunch break
 17:00-18:00 - the growth of the flow of tasks before the end of the working day

o Import BPMN

Import of models in BPMN notation

 Requirements
 Import of model
 Rules of transformation
Bpsimulator.com service provides the ability to upload business process models
created in other applications. This compatibility provided by support BPMN modeling
notation with BPMN 2.0 specification. Below is an example of one business process
models in different services (bpmn.io and bpsimulator.com) and in different notations
(BPMN and EPC-like).

Example of BPMN models in the interface of bpmn.io service

Example of the same model in the interface of bpsimulator.com service

You can import any model in a XML-format, created in accordance with the
requirements of Process Modeling Conformance of BPMN 2.0 specification. The
service supports only import a Process diagram objects.

Import of model
Starting from an XML-import file is possible in several ways, depending on the
method of file storage.

Import local file

The menu item "Open" for call Select file window is located at the Model section of
Control Panel.
Import file from a cloud storage

To import a file that is available to open when Google Drive™ need to select the
menu item "Open with" and select item "BP Simulator" in the context menu of the file
in a web interface of the service. If the menu item "BP Simulator" is not listed, an
application "Business Process Simulator" you need to find and to connect in the menu
item "Connect more apps" in the Business Tools section of the app catalog.
Import model after selecting a file is done automatically. At the end of imports, with
no read errors, the model appears in the workspace and is ready to work in the service.

Rules of transformation
When you import a model automatically converting elements from BPMN notation
in EPC-like notation of the service. The following table shows all of an element
transformation rules.

Element BPMN Element bpsimulator.com Comment

Start Event Task Generator

End Event Check Point

Element BPMN Element bpsimulator.com Comment

Intermediate Event Event

Task Function

Resource Executer

Converted to execution or
Exclusive Gateway distribution rules in
Parallel Gateway upcoming or follow
functions of the process

Inclusive Gateway
Abstract functions with
Complex Gateway Function
zero duration
Event-Based Gateway

An elements of BPMN model not listed in the table are ignored. To add support for
artifacts or expanding the specifications please contact to our technical support.

o Object Library

Object Library
Object Library is intended to simplify visual modeling and actualization of business
processes. Centralized repository functionality allows storing of shared objects in a
library, such as: executors, resources, input/output and regulations. When designing a
new model, you can add objects directly from the shared library without creating them
again. When resources of the organization has changed, such as changing the amount
of personnel in an unit, after updating the library these data will be available to upgrade
in all involved business processes. The BP Simulator service provides a simple tool of
single repository to improve the productivity of process modeling.

The menu item "Object Library" is located in the "View" section of the Control
Panel of an application.
The Object Library screen includes of the following components:

1. Filter of the objects list

2. The modeling objects list
3. Toolbar
The filter of the objects list displays current filtered types of objects: executors,
resources, input/output and regulations. To select a specific object type, click on its

The list of objects displays all objects of a certain type of objects stored in a library.
List item can be placed on an editable field model by clicking or dragging to a process
model. The existing element of model can't be added. To copy a model objects use the
Copy button on the object's settings screen.

The "Library" button is used to select the data source of library. By clicking the
button opens a file selection dialog, which is designed for data storage library. Interface
of a file selection window depends on the "Personal storage" properties of
an application settings. The data source is special created in the application file with the
"json" extension.

The "Update Model" button compares the list of all libraries objects and the current
model objects. When the coincidence of an object instance, the model object data will
be updated the same data of a library object. The operation is reversible by using
the Undo command.

The "Update Library" button create or update instances of objects in the library from
the current process model. If the file repository libraries have not been set, it will first
be asked to create it. The operation is irreversible, use the backup functionality of data
storage to restore the library state.

o Recommendations

Modeling recommendations
 The identification of business process stage
 Combining actions in a function
 Separation of a function
 ABC costing

The identification of business process stage

For use a model of existing or development business process it is necessary for
modeling correctly. Before modeling must first identify the business process, i.e. to
determine it begins and ends (process boundaries), a result (process goals) and the role
of its participants (resources of a process) that from the beginning of the business
process by interacting progressively reach the process targets.

The following diagram shows an example of an incorrect identification of the

functions of interaction with the customer:

Disadvantages of such a model:

 It is impossible to understand the goals of the process;

 No continuity of the process;
 Disrupted function execution sequence;
 Different periodicity of functions performing.

Let's try a little change the model:

List of changes:

 Identified three procedures (a gray figures): Сustomer engagement, Sale and

Contract Follow-up, each function refers to the its procedure;
 Event "Customer call" transformed into the "Incoming call acceptance"
 The Sale procedure follows the event (a red figure) "Customer agrees to sign a
contract", which is a boundary of procedures;
 Performance of functions of the Contract Follow-up procedure depends on
various conditions.

This sample identification is not complete and correct, it serves to illustrate the
results of step. For detailed information on how to identify the business processes of
the organization can be found in specialized literature on Business Process Management
or to receive consultation online from www.bpsimulator.com.
Combining actions in a function
If the actions are performed by one person continuously, you can combine them into
a single function. For example, application procedure:

Both actions can be combined into a single function because they individually have
no value for a process:

Examples of when combining may be unacceptable:

Yet another example:

Separation of a function
Another kind of errors that can be found only by instrumental - failure to comply an
agreement on the level of detail of a business process model. For Example:
If the operating time on the preparation of an act cannot be more than an hour, why
the answer comes just a day (24 hours)?

Only at this detail level can be seen where most of the time is spent on the task.

ABC costing
When conducting Activity-based costing analysis is necessary to clarify from a
consultant what kinds of costs should be included in the calculation of the cosr of
process. This affects the model:
In this case the licenses of software refers to the capital costs, however such
resources should not be included in a model.

o Modeling examples

Business Process Modeling Example -

Multiplication of tasks
When modeling business processes, there are often situations when the correct
modeling options are either unknown or there are several, and only one of them needs
to be selected. In this article we'll look at one process and various versions of its
execution and modeling in the BP Simulator service.

Modeling of the basic procedure for the analysis of

As a demonstration process, let's take a simplified procedure for analyzing the
biomaterial in a medical laboratory. For the analysis result the patient must give blood,
and the Laboratory of conduct its analysis and inform the patient. We simulate this
procedure by placing the following objects of the business process model on the model:

 Task Generator "Handling patient" - each client who applies for the analysis
forms a task for the laboratory. Pay attention, the patient himself is not the
executor of the business process, therefore he is not applied to the model.
 Function "Biomaterial sampling" - the lab technician must take the patient's
blood into the test tube.
 Function "Blood test" - placing a sample of biomaterial in the analyzer and
conducting the study. Despite the fact that the performer of this and the
previous function can be the same, it is impossible to combine these functions,
because between them can be the waiting/preparation time of the instrument or
the executor may be changed.
 Function "Patient notification" - at the end of the analysis, the laboratory
assistant sends the result of the analysis to the patient. For a similar reason, we
will not combine this function with the previous one.

Example of business process

modeling - Analysis of biomaterial

Version #1: 1 client and 2 required parallel tasks

Let's consider the possibility of modeling such cases when the process instance is
one (one client launched one process), and there are several parallel tasks to complete
the procedure. For example, a patient needs to make two different blood tests. We will
not consider the variant with sequential fence and analysis in this article, although this
can often be a good variant of modeling, but in this case we add a new condition that
affects the duration of the function:

 The Analysis №1 lasts 1 hour

 The Analysis №2 lasts 2 hours

Rename an analysis function and add to the model another similar function "Blood
test №2", running them in parallel immediately after blood collection. One tube with
biomaterial is placed in one apparatus, with a duration of 1 hour, and the second tube
in the second one.
Example of modeling 1 client and 2 parallel tasks with a distribution rule AND

The advantages at the input of the "Patient notification" function mean that the
function should wait for the results of both analyzes, and not send a new notification
each time with the result. Learn more about the Rule distribution of tasks from

Version #2: 1 client and 2 excluding parallel tasks

Now consider an example where the patient needs to do not two analyzes, but only
one of them. Let's change the Rule distribution of tasks to consumer of the "Biomaterial
sampling" function on OR with a 50% probability. This means that the patient with the
same probability will be made either by Analysis No.1 or Analysis No.2.
Example of modeling 1 client and 2 parallel tasks with exclusive-OR allocation rule (XOR)

Version #3: 1 client and 2 non-exclusive parallel tasks

And how to simulate the option, when the doctor can prescribe analyzes # 1 and # 2
with independent probability relative to each other? This distribution rule is called non-
exclusive OR and is not implemented by the service functionality. But you can
implement the OR gate with a combination of XOR rules and an additional model
object, as shown in the following figure.
Example of
modeling 1 client and 2 parallel tasks with a non-exclusive OR

Here, as an unused route recipient, an object of the Checkpoint type is used, but any
of the objects involved in routing, for example an Event can be applied.

Version #4: compliance with EPC notation

Let's bring this model, corrected for simulation, to the notation of EPC business
process modeling. For this you need to add:

 Events that start or end each function

 Input information or document required to perform the function
 Output or document resulting from the function
 Position or role of Executive function
 Resource - material, information system, which are expended on the
performance of the function
The final model of the procedure for analyzing the biomaterial in EPC notation

4. Simulation
o Simulation Modeling

Business Process Simulation Modeling

 How does it work
 Simulation control
 Indicators of the object
 Checkpoints
 Events Log

Business process simulation modeling is a experiments on the business model by

interaction of her with the model of the environment. As a business model used by a
business process model, as a model of an environment - the service of bpsimulator.com
platform through the introduction in the model external entities - Task Generators. The
platform simulates the the occurrence of certain time in the real world, and calculates
the state of the business process in the the time slice. To collect of complete data
necessary to carry out such an analysis for each point in time during the term of the task
execution, the work shift or the duration of the project. The service provides the most
simple tool for simulation, available for users with any qualification.

How does it work

By the time of the process (time of model of the environment) occurs a consistent
calculation of model states of objects, such as:

1. At 9:00 AM of the process time

o Tasks Generator generates a task №1 "Customer contact"
o The function "Checkout" checks for incoming tasks, one task is №1
"Customer contact" and checked availability of all necessary of
o For the resource "Manager" a working shift started at 9:00 AM so it is
free and is assigned to perform the function "Checkout" with duration of
2 minutes.
2. At 9:01 AM of the process time
o Tasks Generator generates a task №2 "Customer contact"
o Not have free resources to perform the function "Checkout", task is
assigned to the waiting queue of the function "Checkout" until the
process time will be 9:02 AM
3. At 9:02 AM of the process time
o Tasks Generator generates a task №3 "Customer contact"
o Task №1 "Customer contact" completed in the function "Checkout" and
transferred to perform in the following functions of the process
o The resource "Manager" is assigned to execution of the function
"Checkout" with the task №2 "Customer contact"
o Task №3 "Customer contact" is transferred to the waiting queue of the
function "Checkout"

Start time of the process and duration of the simulation are set before the simulation
and the time period between steps simulation is calculated automatically.
Simulation control
Control panel "Simulation" is placed in the Control Panel of the service.

The panel contains:

 Initial settings
o Start - starting time of the process in the a simulated environment
o Duration - the duration of the simulation to the time scale of the process
 Control buttons
o Next - moving to next time period of the process
o Run - automatic gradual moving to the next time period for the duration
of the simulation
o Forward - similarly Run operation with acceleration
o Pause - pause of automatic moving to the next time period
o Stop - full stop of the current simulation
 Monitoring (displayed during the simulation)
o Time of the process - state time of the business process
o Simulation progress - ratio of the process time to the simulation

The first time of move button is pressed or complete stop the previous cycle of
simulation time of the process is set to the time specified in the "Start" input. When
moving to the next time period of the process changing its external and internal state
and calculation are repeated.

To reduce the statistical error of the simulation results duration of the simulation
should be increased.

Indicators of the object

During the simulation, the state of the model objects changes constantly. Some of
the key status indicators of the object displayed on it during the simulation:

 Function
1. Tasks in the delivery - the number of tasks in the process of delivery to
2. In the processing queue - the number of tasks in the wait queue of free
3. Tasks in the work - the number of tasks assigned to execution
4. Tasks executed - the number of completed tasks

The processing queue states:

o Queue length is equal to the count of tasks in the work

o Queue length is more than the count of tasks in the work
 Executer
0. Utilisation ratio - the percentage of amount of assigned employees to
the total amount of employees of the resource
 Resource
0. Tasks executed - the total number of tasks which use the resource
 Task Generator
0. Tasks executed - the number created tasks
 Checkpoint
0. The average time from the start - the average lifetime of tasks that
have passed through the checkpoint
1. Amount of costs - the sum of the costs of execution of tasks that have
passed through the checkpoint

Inclusion in the model of the auxiliary object "Check Point" allows to solve the
following practical tasks:

The full and phased time of task execution:

The result of the simulation shows that despite the fact that the credit decision known
72 hours after сustomer contact, the customer will obtain credit only after 96 hours.
Estimating costs per unit of production:

With the cost of issuing a credit equal to 6010/5=$1202, operational expenses to

issue a credit equal (6010+3010)/5 =$1804.

Events Log
Events log viewer is located on View section of the Control panel for detailed
monitoring of progress simulation.
By clicking on the link with the name of the object in the events log will be selected
all lines containing the name of the of the object.

o Data Collection Plan

Storage of business process events

Business process events are collected for the purpose of logging process operations
and performance analysis. During the simulation, a large amount of "raw" information
is collected, for its storage supported modern browsers NoSQL IndexedDB. The
advantages of this approach are:

 Security - user data is stored locally

 Performance - asynchronous access to the storage does not slow down the
 Volume - is almost endless storage space.

When starting the service, the following databases are created:

 logs storage of business process logs

View and manage the contents of the service repository are available on the
Application/Storage/IndexedDB tab of DevTools.

Simulation Log Storage Structure

Task events (Task object storage)

Task events are stored to enable task-based analysis of the effectiveness of the
business process (in terms of the task).

Key Name Description

The digital value of the event type

directory app.options.types.eventType:

 taskNew - task created

 taskComplete - task completed
in Function
 taskDelivered - task delivered
to Object
 taskAssigned - task is assigned
kind Kind of event to Executor
 taskWaitQueue - task wait in
 taskFinished - task is finished in
 taskCostSpent - task spent cost
of Executor
 taskOperation -
 taskSupported - task spent

Name of kind of String value of the event

kindName event type app.options.types.eventType

ID of the business process model

source Event source object where the task event was

Name of event The name of the object - the source of

source the event at the time of the event
Key Name Description

Unique within the simulation session

task Task ID
task ID

Process time of event registration in

time Time of event
Unix Timestamp format

The amount of cash costs for the task

cost Cost execution by the performer. Filled if

The duration of the event. Filled if

duration Duration

Example of a task event object in JSON format

kind: 2
kindName: "taskDelivered"
source: "82493adc-f669-4d0e-a100-ca34b6ed"
sourceName: "Function №1"
task: 2
time: 1552889013000

The task event repository is completely cleared before the start of each new session
of the business process simulation.

5. Analysis
o Analysis

Business Process Analysis

 Chart of created / completed tasks
 Throughput Time
 Performance
 Chart of queue length
 Summary

As a result of simulation collects a lot of data about the business process such as
function states, statuses of resources and tasks. These data allow to analyze the
efficiency of the process. For convenience of analysis to user already provided
consolidated data, displayed in one place - on the Dashboard. The dashboard located in
View section of the Control panel. Data on the dashboard are available as during the
simulation and at its end.

Chart of created / completed tasks

The chart is designed to analyze the timing receipts of new tasks and their
completion as a business process execution result.

Using this of char can be identify the time periods when the tasks arrives more than
capable of handling.
Throughput Time
The diagram "Throughput Time" shows the distribution of total operating time on a
task from its creation to completion.

 Processing - average amount of a functions executions duration

 Transportation - average amount of the transfer time from function to
 Queue time - average amount of time spent to the waiting of task processing

This diagram shows the possibility for improvements when necessary to reduce the
runtime of a business process.

Indicator "Performance" reflects the overall performance at time of the business

At 100% the value of the indicator are no problems with the overall performance of
the business process.

Chart of queue length

On the graph shows the distribution of the sums the number of tasks in the queue
for days.

Availability and growth of the queue length means that there is performance
bottlenecks of a business process in these periods.

The summary results of of simulation of a business process:

 Tasks created - amount of the generated tasks;

 Tasks completed - amount of tasks which have reached to the end of the
business process;
 Total Costs - amount of costs of executors and resources during the execution
of the business process;
 Takt time - calculation period between the generation of new tasks of a
business process, analog of indicator of the Lean methodology;
 Cycle time - average period between tasks which have reached the end of of a
business process, аanalog of indicator of the Lean methodology.

To export all elements at the Dashboard to graphics format push the "Save as Image"

o Reports

Reports List
 Utilisation Ratio
 Responsibility Matrix
Utilisation Ratio
The "Utilisation ratio" report is designed to analyze the degree of utilization and the
cost of executors who are involved in the business process. The report is based on the
business process simulation results. For each executor displays the following

 Employment time - the amount of time spent by resources to perform assigned

 Employment cost - the amount of costs spent on the resource to carry out
assigned functions. Currency value depends on the application language
 Utilisation ratio - the percentage of time of employment to the executor's shift

Responsibility Matrix
The "Responsibility Matrix" report is intended to form the matrix of performers of
the business process functions and is a component part of regulations for its
implementation. It contains a list of all functions of the business process and a list of all
executors. If the executor is involved in executing the function, the symbol "X" is placed
at the intersection. The report is based on the visual business process modeling results.
6. Install App

Instal BP Simulator
BP Simulator has been ported to a number of specialized platforms. This applications
can be vary by functionality and interface.

Web service

7. API examples
API usage examples
Business Process Model Object
Create a new model.
Open the model from the data variable. Data can be a string or an object. FileId
- identifier of the physical location of the file (file system path or storage
identifier in the cloud).
Save model to storage. Storage - storage identifier from the
list app.options.types.storage. Callback - event will fired at the end of the
Create a copy of the model.

Business Process Model Items

Create a new class model object app.options.types.objClass. Properties - object
with properties for rewriting base class.
api.model.items.copy(source, properties)
Create a copy of the source model object and rewrite the values with the
properties object.
Create a hard copy of the source model object.
api.model.items.import(source, properties)
Create a copy of the source model object and import properties into it.
Remove from the model an instance of an object with an ID.

Create a copy of the model in the application model change history. IsNew
(boolean) - create new change history model.
Open a copy of the model from the application model change history. Forward
(boolean) - Direction forward / backward relative to the current pointer.

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