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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi www.skillon.


Good or bad BaZi 好命和劣命.
Neutral 五行中和.
Smooth 秀气流行.
Strong 用神有力.
Rich or poor BaZi富命和贫命.
Wealth is inviting 财气甬门户.
Wealth is real 财气要真.
Ta Yun is timimg 命好还须运来扶.
Noble or humble BaZi 贵命和贱命.
Wealthy and rich 富贵
Authority and power 官贵
BaZi - The 8 steps of quality 推算格局高彽八步骤
1. Day Master 日主旺弱.

2. Ten Gods 十神喜忌.

3. Three satisfactions 喜神是否符合三要.

4. Harmony 地润天和.

5. Smooth 秀气流行.

6. Stems “TianGan” 天干生克制化.

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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

7. Branches “DiZhi” 地支会合刑冲.

8. Calamity 落入凶格.

Ta Yun - The 3 steps of quality 推算岁运吉凶三步骤

Stems and Branches 天干地支吉凶.

Palaces 宫位克合刑冲.

Ten Gods 十神妻财子禄.

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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

After finishing the basic and fundamental in BaZi, now you can finally put aside those
boring stuff like BaZi fundamental, plotting BaZi and Ta Yun, five elements productive
and destructive cycle, what combine with what and the rest.

Theory and principle although important but they are can be quite boring. But don’t
worry; the exciting parts will soon begin.

In fact, in the beginning when you start to learn you are concern about your future and
because out of curiosity; you want to know more about others, your girlfriend
(boyfriend), husband (wife), friends, parents, brothers and sisters; slowly when you are
getting better and more profound and the accuracy increase and people around you start
to ask you to read their BaZi for them. Even some are willing to pay you and it seems like
an invisible force pushing you into the direction of becoming a master in BaZi.

In BaZi research, the process of plotting BaZi, determining the structure, plotting the Ta
Yun is only the beginning the prelude, only the fundamental, the basic. The reason for the
BaZi module – theory is for the early student to have a set of fundamental and basic
knowledge --- learn how to read the “Ten Thousand Year calendar”, plot the BaZi and Ta
Yun, match the Ten Gods, and clearly understand all the relationship and mechanism,
determine the structure and get the auspicious and inauspicious correct.

However after finishing the whole bunch of stuff, your motive has not been achieved.
Your have not yet to know what is a good BaZi and which one can bring great wealth and
what is a bad BaZi which will bring calamity; which one will bring good and bad at the
same time and so on. When come to BaZi there are million of changes.

Student of BaZi who already have finished the BaZi module – theory will find this
invaluable. For the newcomers this course will provide some invaluable information and
it will be your good companion in your BaZi life and destiny journey.

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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

Good or bad BaZi 好命和劣命.

“BaZi is the foundation and Ta Yun and Years is the time table”

Do you have the quality? Your BaZi will tell you whether you have the quality for you
to become famous, whether you can be rich and whether you can be powerful. Your BaZi
also can tell you how famous you can be, you much wealth you can gain and how
authoritative and noble you can be. All these qualities are projected from you BaZi.

If you have the quality the next question is when? The answer to when you can
achieve your fame, be wealthy or when can you have authority and power will come from
your Ta Yun and years. Ta Yun and years is called 岁运 “Sui Yun”. “Sui” means year
“Yun” means Ta Yun.

After you have determined the structure of the Bazi, have found the favorable and
hostiles gods, have determined the useful gods now it is time to decode the destiny. But
first you must decide what defined a good BaZi.

The definition of a good BaZi.

What counts as a ‘good BaZi or good life’? You have enough money to spend, have
family members that love you dearly, have meaningful relationships, you have your
routine job, you are happy and you have good health and without any major disasters. If
this is the definition, then we can categorize a good BaZi to have the following.

1. Five elements are neutral 五行中和.

2. The flow of Qi is smooth 秀气流行.
3. Useful Ten Gods are strong 用神有力.
4. BaZi chart does not have too many suppresses, clashes, punishments, assembles
and combinations 没有太多克冲刑合.

Adhere to the above definition of a good BaZi, if a BaZi has all the above 4
characteristics then it is a good BaZi and in contrast if a BaZi does not satisfy any of the
above 4 characteristics then it is a bad BaZi.

The above definition said that you will have enough money to spend but it does not
necessary means wealthy, said that you have a good job but it does not necessary means
excellent career.

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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

Neutral 五行中和.

Five elements must are neutral 五行中和. The word “neutral’ has two meanings.

1. Balance. A Bazi that have all the 5 elements; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water
is called balance. They can either be the TianGan and at all the DiZhi main and
sub Qi. In BaZi practice we always mention starting from Wood and ends with
Water that is that production cycle Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

2. Harmony. The more important is to be harmony. All the elements must coexist in
peace; left, right, up and down without any major clash and suppression.

She was born on 21/8/1947 in the Dragon hour. (1947 七月 初六 辰時)

TianGan and DiZhi see a complete Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water or the complete
印劫伤财官. In term of 5 elements, her BaZi does not miss any you can call this as
balance. However is her BaZi harmonious? Look at her TianGan; 财杀食 three gods in
production cycle. 甲食 being separated by the day master and it is not hurting 杀–
TianGan harmony. Now look at DiZhi. 杀 produce卩 and卩 produce 比 – also
harmony.This BaZi by having “De ling”, “De di” and “Shi shi” making it a strong self.
Her three favorable gods all reveal and with the right Ta Yun she will achieve fame,
wealth and power. She is Margaret Chan from Hong Kong.

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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

Five elements neutral 五行中和 balance and harmony just merely saying that whole life
is without calamity but it does not necessarily be rich. When BaZi is balance and
harmony indicate that lesser clashes and punishments and when hostiles gods appears the
chances of direct and reverse attack are low. Therefore a neutral BaZi when one can be
content with one’s lot and be delightful; one can live a very comfortable and carefree life.

She was born on 11/11/1936 in the Tiger hour.

Self Ding丁Fire born in Hai 亥 month, “She ling”, “She di” and “De Shi” supposed to be
a weak 弱 self but 己食 has no root and 才官杀 are all hidden, rival gang is weak. Same
gang 丙劫 has root at 寅 and丁壬 combined to become 印 and has root at 寅, same gang
is stronger than the rival gang; this weak 弱 “rou”self turn into a strong 旺 “wang” self.

This BaZi have all the 5 elements with no missing of 印劫伤财官, we can say that this
lady entire life is very stable without any major calamity and she will have good health.
With the entire 5 elements you can also call this a balance chart but it is a good chart?
Her favorable Ten Gods 才官杀 do not reveal and 食 has no root, further more her
favorable Ten Gods are never enhance by her Ta Yun, she will never be rich, famous or
in power. Until today at the age of 79 she led a stable and comfortable life and she has
never work for others.

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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

There are many students emphasis solely on balance alone without the word harmony.
Balance alone is not good enough. Harmony is far more important that just balance. A
balance BaZi with all the elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and a complete of
Ten Gods 印劫伤财官 is only good when coexist in harmony and hostile gods are able
to support useful gods. In contrast when they are suppressing and clashing with each
others or all the useful gods and favorable are all hidden, it will not be a good BaZi and at
most just an average one.

Take an example. She was born on the 5 Jan 1966.

Jia 甲 born in Zi 子 month, “De ling”, “Shi Di”, “Shi shi” – a weak 弱 “rou” self. She
has the complete Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and all the Ten Gods. 印劫伤财官.
Her favorable 子印 is hidden and not reveal and 杀 is too far for support. These two 子印
being suppressed by 戊才 and they are clashing with 巳食 and 午伤. Her talent and
knowledge will be suppressed and she will not be very successful in her career. Her
favorable 乙劫 is clashing with it neighbor 戊才 and sitting on top of 巳食 and being
exhausted. This favorable 乙劫 has not root which means she cannot save money. At
most we can only say that she has an average BaZi.

There are many famous tycoons with incomplete element with only useful and favorable
Ten Gods in their chart but all the elements live in harmony.

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BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

This was picked from the actual

BaZi Correspondence Studies: Module 2 - The quality of BaZi

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