Good Governance and Social Responsibility Prelims

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GOOD GOVERNANCE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility

-used interchangeably worldwide by individuals and

corporations to show their associations with the
activities carried out for the betterment of the society.
-to ensure that both work together, there is a wide range
of legal perspectives that have to be studied to
understand in detail the effectiveness of these policies.
-The government has to design Code of Governance for
various enterprises such as voluntary, commercial,
community and social that is developed on six basic
- inter-linked that aim to give protection to the interests
of the stakeholders so that they can get benefited from four types of responsibilities
the decision making processes of existing entities 1. economic responsibility- to be profitable.
especially corporations. 2. legal responsibility - to obey the laws set forth by
Social responsibility & its legal perspective 3. ethical responsibility- to do what is right even when
-an ethical or ideological theory in which an entity that business is not compelled to do so by law.
can be an individual or an organization has a 4. Philanthropic responsibility
responsibility of acting on behalf of the society. (discretionary responsibility)- best described by the
-Business ethics and social responsibility are closely resources contributed by corporations toward social,
related concepts that address how companies should educational, recreational and/or cultural purposes.
conduct themselves. Business ethics is a general term
that comprises an overall approach to moral and ethical Good governance
decisions and activities. -the complete set of principles or rules that have to be
 a term that is used to explain the contract, either developed with the passage of time for meeting new
written or verbal, that a corporation is required to challenges in various areas such as quality, commerce,
accomplish in its business environment. reputation, risk, probity, accountability and finance
 Every company has to ensure compliance with (Charity Commission, 2010).
specific standards that are set by the customers, -the process of strategic decision making in which careful
society and investors. (Lockwood, 2010) analysis of available options is carried out and ensured
 It is an obligation of the firm’s management to that the decision is implemented appropriately
make decisions and implement actions that will (Kaufmann, Kray & Mastruzzi, 2010).
improvise the interest and welfare of the society.
‘governance- can be applied to local, national, corporate
Rules that are set by the government (Thomson, Panwar and corporate governance or even to the interactions
& Hansen, 2010) that take place between various sectors of the society
1) civil rights of the citizens,
2) provide human rights to the employees, importance of good governance- deemed important in
3) offer authentic and genuine products and services to all sectors of the country i.e. private, public and
the customers, voluntary. All the corporations especially voluntary and
4) make available their financial statements to the community organizations are driven by the altruistic
investors for ensuring transparency values and they are working for the public benefit, they
5) protecting the environment by carrying out activities need to be governed by appropriate code of ethics that
in an environmental-friendly way and will ensure that they conduct their operations
6) making valuable contribution in the country’s appropriately and are held accountable as well (Bullivant
economy et al., 2012).

 an organization has to ensure that it does not Principles of Good Governance

exploit the rights of its employees -government and other stakeholders have collectively
 The government has to set laws related to industrial increase the efforts of improving the lives of citizens.
relations, protection of employees, protection of -good governance is not solely about the government; it
customers, tax compliance, quality standards comprises of the political parties, the media, civil society
maintenance, competition policy, transparency and the judiciary.
principle and others -leaders, citizens and public institutions work together to
bring changes within the community.
Corporate governance
-process and structure used to direct and manage the
business and affairs of the company towards enhancing
business prosperity and corporate accountability with
the ultimate objective of realizing long-term
shareholders value, whilst taking into account the
interest of other stakeholders.
-shareholders, creditors and other stakeholders of a
corporation ensure that management enhances the
value of the corporation , as it competes in an
increasingly global market place.
-system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm
is directed and controlled
-balancing the interest of a company’s many
stakeholders, such as shareholders, senior management
executives, customers, suppliers, financiers, the
government, and the community. \

Fundamental objectives of corporate governance

1. Improvement of shareholders value Better relations
will lead to an increase in shareholders wealth and
expand their business and in turn become source of
competitive advantage.
2. Conscious Consideration of the interests of other
stakeholders. When a company meets the objective
of increasing the shareholders value it have a greater
internally generated resources improving its
commitment in meeting its environmental, community
and social obligations. It can pay taxes well; reward,
train and retain key staff, and enhance employee

What Promotes Good Governance

1. Transparency- it maintains investors, consumers
and other stakeholders confidence.
2. Accountability- is the recognition and assumption
of responsibility for the decisions, actions, policies,
administration, governance and implementation of
programs and plans of the corporation and people
involved , including the obligation to report, explain and
be answerable for its resulting consequence.
3. Prudence- care, caution and good judgement as well
as wisdom in looking ahead. the board of directors , who
will be the body responsible in safeguarding the interest
of the organization through good planning and
management of finance and other resources of the

BENEFITS OF Good governance

-To input it into perspective
-Reduced vulnerability

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