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8 reasons to eat amla every day

December 10, 2019

in Diet
Medically Reviewed by Sumita Thomas, Masters in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics


It has eight times more vitamin C than an orange, twice the antioxidant power of acai berry and
around 17 times that of a pomegranate. The humble Indian gooseberry, commonly known as amla,
truly deserves its superfood status.

The translucent green fruit, which derives its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’ meaning
“nectar of life”, can protect us against countless ailments, be it the common cold, cancer or
infertility. Ayurveda doctors claim that amla can help balance the three doshas (Kapha/vista/pitta)
in the body and eliminate the underlying cause of many diseases.
If you are not already convinced, read this long list of amla’s health benefits and you would know
why you should indulge in this sour treat daily.

1.It helps fight the common cold

The vitamin C in amla is absorbed more easily by the body compared to store-bought supplements.
Mix two teaspoons of amla powder with two teaspoons of honey and have it three to four times a
day for instant relief when you have a cold or a cough, or consume once daily for permanent


2.It improves eyesight

Studies have showed that the carotene in amla improves vision. Daily consumption has also been
linked to improvement in overall eye health as amla can reduce cataract problem, intraocular
tension (the pressure you feel) as well as prevent reddening, itching and watering of eyes.

3.It burns fat

This is the least talked-about yet most exciting benefit of amla. A protein present in amla helps
prevent cravings. Regular consumers say drinking a glass of amla juice before a meal fills them
up and make them eat less. Nutritionists say amla boosts metabolism too, making one shed weight
faster. Amla has a high fibre content and acids like tannic which help relieve constipation and
make you look less bloated.
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4.It builds immunity

Amla’s antibacterial and astringent properties boost one’s immune system. A significant number
of health problems including cancer are caused by oxidative damage –when body cells use oxygen,
they leave harmful by-products called free radicals behind. Considering amla is a potent
antioxidant agent, it can prevent and repair the damage.

5.Amla beautifies hair

Amla, like curry leaves, is a proven tonic for hair. It slows down graying, prevents dandruff,
strengthens hair follicles and increases blood circulation to the scalp thereby improving hair
growth. Amla also acts as a natural conditioner giving you soft shimmering locks. You could apply
amla oil or mix amla powder into henna for a hair pack.

6.It improves skin

Amla is the best anti-ageing fruit. Drinking amla juice with honey every morning can give you
blemish-free, healthy and glowing skin.

7.It helps manage chronic conditions

Amla is loaded with chromium which aids in reducing bad cholesterol and also helps stimulate
insulin production, thereby reducing the blood glucose level of diabetics. Drinking amla juice early
every morning or when one’s blood pressure is raised helps keep the blood pressure level under
control, too.

8.It relieves pain

Be it arthritis-related joint aches or painful mouth ulcers, amla can provide relief owing to its anti-
inflammatory properties. For ulcers, you simply need to dilute amla juice in half cup of water and
gargle with it.

How to use amla

Drinking the juice of fresh amla is the best way to reap the benefits of this fruit. Amla is easily
available from December through April. However, if you can’t handle the sour shot, try these tasty
Deseed and chop amla into small pieces. Mix with a little salt and leave to dry in sunlight for a
few days. Once it is completely dehydrated, store in a dry jar for an ideal on-the-go snack.

Make a spicy amla achaar or a sweet murabba by soaking amla in sugary water.

Spinach Benefits and Recipes: Why

and what you need to be eating!
July 5, 2019

in Diet

Medically Reviewed by Alpa Momaya, PG Diploma in Dietetics, Registered Nutritional Practitioner

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that can significantly reduce oxidative stress. Known as palak
in India, it can also fight cancer growth, regulate blood pressure levels and maintain eye health
too. Scientifically known as Spinacia Oletacea, it is one such vegetable that fosters good health
as it’s loaded with antioxidants and minerals. What originated in Persia is now readily grown in
almost every part of the world, prominently in the United States and China. There are three
varieties of the vegetable namely semi-savoy, crinkly savoy, and smooth-leaf spinach.

Benefits of adding Palak to your diet

Interestingly, in every 100 grams of the vegetable, one can find 91.4% water, 2.9% protein, 3.6%
carbs and only 23 calories. Moreover, fresh spinach is a rich source of magnesium, iron, Vitamin
A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, beta-carotene, folic acid or Vitamin B6, and calcium. In addition to
that, it contains several other vitamins and minerals like potassium, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin E.
It is also a good source of significant plant compounds such as quercetin, kaempferol, nitrates
lutein, and zeaxanthin. The antioxidants present in the leaves of this vegetable helps to fight free
radicals in one’s body. Eventually, this prevents chronic disease and premature aging. Being an
insoluble fiber, it also aids digestion.

Raw vs. cooked spinach – What’s better?

If cooked the right way, one can obtain several benefits from this green, leafy vegetable. Raw
spinach contains oxalic acid which can interfere with the absorption of specific nutrients like iron
and calcium. In addition to this, oxalic acid also attaches itself to other vital nutrients. Therefore,
the long-term consumption of food rich in this organic compound can lead to a large scale
deficiency of nutrients. However, when one heats this vegetable, oxalic acid is broken down.
Hence there isn’t any loss of nutrients in sautéed or steamed spinach. Although, this doesn’t
mean the vegetable in its raw form is entirely harmful so let’s consider the advantages of both.

Raw spinach benefits

Raw spinach has many essential nutrients that are present in higher portions when compared to
the cooked version. On consuming it raw, one can get more folate, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin C,
and potassium. If you’re aiming to specifically obtain these nutrients, then you can consume this
vegetable in its raw form to some extent. However, one must consume it in moderate amounts.
Cooked spinach benefits
The cooked version of these vegetables is definitely better as oxalic acid evaporates on heating.
Moreover, one can absorb higher levels of protein, zinc, thiamin, iron, Vitamins A and E,
calcium, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin on eating cooked spinach.

Spinach Recipes
Including this dark green leafy vegetable in your diet can provide you with several health
benefits. While spinach may not be a favourite amongst the general public, preparing it the right
way can make it a lot more enjoyable. We have put together a few lip-smacking recipes that will
make your mouth water.

Spinach and Chickpea Stew

In addition to being delicious, this dish is also packed with several nutrients. Both spinach and
chickpeas are good sources of calcium and iron whereas tomatoes contain powerful antioxidants,
potassium, folate and Vitamin K.
 One can prepare this lip-smacking stew by frying chopped onion and garlic in a flavoursome mix
of pepper, hot chili powder, brown sugar, cumin, and cloves.
 Once the mix is stirred properly, just add tangy tomato paste until the sauce thickens.
 When the ideal texture is obtained, add cooked chickpeas and fresh spinach. Fry this mixture
gently in a little oil and a fantastic stew is now ready.
 You can even sprinkle toasted almonds or parsley and serve this spinach and chickpea stew with
brown rice.

10 reasons why lauki should be

your best friend in summer
September 18, 2019

in Diet, Life

Medically Reviewed by Nahida, PG Diploma in Dietetics and Applied and Nutrition, Certified Diabetes
Educator, Registered Dietitian

It may not seem like it but bottle gourd – also known as dudhi or lauki – is one of the best things
about summer. Be it as juice, in a sabzi or in soup, you will reap benefits galore from this water-
rich vegetable. Backed by Ayurveda, this veggie is delightful, be it sweet, think Dudhi ka Halwa,
or spicy, as in Chana Dal and Lauki Curry.

We give you 10 reasons to put lauki on your weekly shopping list:

1. It is rich in nutrients

Include lauki in your diet to replenish the body with essential nutrients and fibres without popping
pills. It is low in saturated fats and cholesterol, and rich in nutrients such as riboflavin, zinc, iron,
magnesium, Vitamin C, etc. It also has anti-oxidation properties along with Vitamin B and C.

2. It keeps your body hydrated

Summer can deplete the body’s water content and cause dehydration. The loss of sodium causes
migraines, uneasiness and life-threatening heat strokes. Lauki, with 96 per cent water content, is
also high in sodium and potassium and replenishes the body, helping you beat the heat.

3. Skin care and protection

Lauki cleanses the skin from inside and controls the release of oil on face, thus regulating acne
breakouts caused by excessive sweating and oil generation in summer. It also controls and

soothes other skin disorders.

4. It helps you beat constipation

Loss of water during summers can result in indigestion and constipation. The bottle gourd has
soluble and insoluble fibre and water content that boosts the digestive system, treats constipation,
and reduces acidity and flatulence.

5. It helps regulate blood pressure

Blood pressure normally drops in summers and there is always the risk of it dropping it further for
low blood pressure patients. Lauki can regulate blood pressure and keep the heart healthy.

6. It may relieve summertime SAD

Summer often brings along seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which causes depression because
of the heat and longer days. Lauki soothes the body and mind, and has diuretic, sedative and anti-
bilious properties that beat stress.

7. It can promote weight loss

Summer is weight loss season and lauki is among the top foods that can aid weight loss in
summer. With only 12 calories per 100 gm and rich in water and filling fibre, this vegetable is a
must for anyone looking to lose weight.

8. It can protect against kidney stones & urinary disorders

The loss of fluids can cause kidney stones fluids and induce or aggravate urinary infections. Add
lauki to your diet to break calculus or stones in the body and serve as an alkaline mixture to treat
infections. It also helps in relieving liver inflammation.

9. It can help you sleep better

Summers can cause sleeplessness, unpleasant sleep cycle, and increase insomnia due to heat and
shorter nights. When mixed with sesame oil, Lauki has properties that can help with sleep-related
disorders. Remember that you need to eat, sleep and hydrate to recover from workouts.
10. It provides a cooling effect

Another extended therapeutic advantage is that the bottle gourd is an essential blend of fibre and
water that can cool the body temperature. The internal mechanism of your body will be calm and
soothed after you consume this vegetable.

A word of caution
Always test the bottle gourd by tasting a slice before making juice or consuming it in other forms.
If it is bitter, discard promptly as bottle gourd poisoning may affect you and your family.

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