18-58 The Channel of Judgement

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18 The

_ Channel of
58 Judgement
A design of Insatiability
CIRCUIT: The Understanding Circuit
CHANNEL TYPE: Projected channel
QUICK REFERENCE THEME: As someone who loves to challenge everything in life, you are
recommended not to offer your criticism unless asked. Once asked, you will never encounter
resistance from others.
SEXUALITY KEYNOTE: The Channel of Correction.
WHOLE CHANNEL: These people are perfectionists. These are logical people who are here to
‘bring judgement’ in order to improve things for the sake of the whole. They are insatiable in
their energy to improve. The trick for them is to realise that their drive to find perfection is
designed to only be of service in the public sector, rather than in their personal life. When they
have no one or nothing to challenge, their sense of dissatisfaction can turn itself inwards,
either on themselves or their friends and families. These people can end up with all kinds of
relationship and family problems if they are constantly challenging their closest allies.
As with all the channels between the Root centre and the Spleen, these people have a
regular need for physical exercise in order to burn energy.
Without the 48th gate, these people can show where things have gone wrong and are ready
to work on potential improvements, but they do not know what to replace an established
pattern with. In other words, their role is not to come up with a solution, but only to show
where the fault lies.
They have to learn that it is the perfecting process that is important 18

rather than the results. For true perfectionists perfection can never
actually exist. There are only ascending levels of mastery. 58

58 10 11 26 58 10 11 26
54 38 5 9 54 38 5 9
61 34 61 34
60 60
41 14 41 14
19 43 19 43
13 1 13 1
49 44 49 44
30 28 30 28
50 50
55 55
32 32
37 37
63 57 63 57
48 48
22 22
36 18 36 18
46 46
25 25
6 6
17 17
47 47
21 21
64 64
51 51
42 40 42 40
3 59 3 59
27 29 27 29
24 4 24 4
2 7 2 7
23 33 23 33
8 31 8 31
20 56 20 56
16 62 16 62
35 45 53 35 45 53
12 15 52 39 12 15 52 39

18 Quarter of Duality 58 Quarter of Mutation

Theme: Relationships Theme: Transformation

The Understanding Circuit: The Channel of Judgement

QUICK REFERENCE THEME: People with a gift for always seeing the
faults in everything in order to make improvements
DESCRIPTION: These people always see what is wrong with things. They naturally know when any
pattern is flawed and feel happiest when challenging it. These are gifted critics. However, without the 58 their
tendency is only to see the faults in things without having the drive to do anything about them.
It is through this gate that we receive out deepest conditioning from our parents (regardless of whether we have it
defined or not). The greatest conditioning will always come from the parent of the opposite sex. People with
definition in this gate or channel have to confront their parental conditioning over the course of their lives. They need
to learn that the very conditioning they received as children is actually the source of their gift of criticism. This gate
represents the fear of authority and the challenge to that authority.
Awareness Processing Gate - what is worth challenging or Awareness Stream – Stream of Taste (Potential for correction)
not. Gate of Fear – Fear of Authority
Foundation of Hexagram – 18.1 - Conservatism Gate of Sexuality (Caring) – Gate of Instructive Caring, a
Personality Sun Crosses – Service, Correction, Upheaval design of challenging
Genetic Codon Group – Alanine (57,48,18,46) Other Keynotes – Gate of Bitching, Gossip, Perfectionists


QUICK REFERENCE THEME: People with a love of challenging
authority simply for the joy of the challenge.
DESCRIPTION: These people have a zest for life which manifests as the drive to improve
things in the world around them. This gate represents the vitality to challenge conditioning and is
rooted in not being satisfied in the Now. This is the channel of insatiability, and this gate is the source of that energy.
Without the 18, these are people whose love of life makes them desperate to be of service in some wider way. They feel
the pressure of needing to commit their energy to a process, but on their own they do not possess the clear awareness
of how improvements can be made. If they follow their strategy, they will naturally draw the 18’s into their lives.
Pressure Gate – the pressure to be of service Gate of Sexuality (Caring) – Gate of Caring Vitality, a design of
Foundation of Hexagram – 58.1 – The Love of Life speculating
Personality Sun Crosses – Service, Vitality, Demands Gate of Love – The Love of Perfection
Genetic Codon Group – Serine (58,54,53,39,52,15) Other Keynotes – Fuel for repetition
Awareness Stream – Stream of Taste (Fuel of Vitality)


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