Bamboo Based Agroforestry

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13 Bamboo Based Agroforestry

S. Tewari, Ratan Lal Banik, R. Kaushal,
D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi
and Anand Gupta

1. Introduction
Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants which have ability to survive in a wide
variety of climatic and edaphic conditions. It generally forms the under-storey in the
natural forests. There are 124 indigenous and exotics species, under 23 genera, found
naturally and/or under cultivation (Naithani, 1993). The bamboos occur as either an
under storey or in pure form in all other parts, except the Kashmir Valley. The bamboos
are widely distributed in India. It is found to grow practically all over the country,
particularly in the tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions where the annual
rainfall ranges between 1,200 to 4,000 mm and the temperature varies between 16o and
38oC. The most suitable conditions for occurrence of bamboo are found in between
770-1,080 m amsl. It can be also grown on marginal and degraded lands, elevated
grounds, along field bunds and river banks. Two-thirds of the growing stock of
bamboos in the country is available in the North-Eastern states. They abundantly occur
in Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Orissa, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh states. A few
species are also found scattered in other parts of the country both in the hills and the
plains. The main genera in India are: Arundinaria, Bambusa, Cephalostachyum,
Chimonobambusa, Dendrocalamus, Dinochloa, Gigantochloa, lndocalamus,
Melocanna, Naohouseaua, Ochlandia, Oxytenanthera, Plaioblastus, Phyllostachys,
Pseudostachyum, Schizostachyum, Semiarundinaria, Sinobambusa, Teinostachyum,
and Thamnocalamus. The exotic genera Guadua, Pseudosasa and Thyrsostachys are
also in cultivation. Clump forming bamboos constitute over 67 per cent of the total
growing stock in the country, out of which Dendrocalamus strictus has major share of
45 per cent followed by Bambusa bambos (13%), D. hamiltonii (7%), B. tulda (5%),
B. pallida (4%) and rest other species (6%). Melocanna baccifera, a non-clump
forming bamboo, accounts for 20 per cent of the growing stock and is found in the
262 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

North-Eastern states. India has the largest forest area of bamboos (13.96 M ha) in the
world. Also, the country is rich in diversity of bamboos.
Bamboos have thousands of economic applications, hence people call them
'green gold', 'poor man's timber', 'bamboo, friend of the people' and 'cradle to coffin
timber'. Bamboos play a major role in the livelihood of rural people and rural industry.
This green gold is sufficiently cheap and plentiful to meet the vast needs of human
populace from the 'child's cradle to the dead man's bier'. It is an excellent alternative to
wood and has the potential of being effective in carbon sequestration, thus, helping in
countering the emission of greenhouse gases, global warming and climate change.
Bamboos are now being used for wall panelling, floor tiles, briquettes for fuel, raw
material for housing construction, rebar for reinforced concrete beams, etc. The major
user of bamboo in India is paper industry which consumes sizeable proportion of their
total annual production. Bamboo leaves are normally utilized as fodder during
scarcity. Bamboos are peerless erosion control agent, their net like root system create
an effective mechanism for watershed protection, stitching the soil together along
fragile riverbanks, deforested areas, and in places prone to earthquakes and mud
slides. The various uses of bamboos have been depicted in Fig. 1.1.
Bamboos had been subjected to depletion by poor management practices. As a
result, reproduction cannot keep pace with exploitation and there is an urgent need to
secure regeneration; cultivate, protect and manage bamboos for sustainable
production. There is a huge gap between the present and potential yield due to non-

Fig. 1.1. Various uses of bamboos.

Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 263

availability of sufficient quantity of quality planting material for plantation, hence,

there is an urgent need to raise large scale plantations of bamboos.

2. Agroforestry
Agroforestry is the integration of woody plant with other agricultural enterprises such
as crop or livestock production to derive both economic and ecological benefits.
Agroforestry systems are the practice of mixed farming systems developed over
centuries. Most of them are the long term land management practices having a life
cycle of more than one year. They are the complex form of land management
practices both in the form of ecologically and economically than other land
management unit. A number of such systems are prevalent in India, of these the
major one are as depicted in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1. Major agroforestry systems in India.

For lands that are unsuitable for crops, agroforestry provides a way to remove the
unsuitable land from crop production over an extended period as the trees mature. It
also provides social benefits by functioning as a protective system that ensures
resource conservation, though, some of these are not directly measurable
(Nath et al., 2009).

3. Bamboos Based Agroforestry Systems

Bamboos based agroforestry can play an important role in enhancing productivity,
sustainability and resource conservation. Many of the useful bamboo species can
occupy the same ecological niche as trees and are well suited for agroforestry.
Bamboos have many advantages over trees such as, relatively short time span from
planting to harvest versatility of use which outmatches most tree species the ability to
provide building materials and edible products for many years or even decades. Its
264 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

growth rate is three times that of eucalypts and mature in just three years hence, there
are large scale efforts to promote bamboos under agroforestry system.
Bamboos require four to five years to yield first harvest, if grown from offsets,
which is much earlier than any other woody species. If raised from seedlings, first
harvest is obtained after seven years. This initial period can be sustainably utilized
for raising intercrops and enhancing sustainability and income of the growers.
Under agroforestry system, bamboos are also benefited due to sharing of resources
like irrigation, fertilizers, weeding, etc. with intercrops, as a result the quantity and
quality of bamboos are expected to be much higher as compared with monoculture
and unmanaged plantations. The bamboos based agroforestry practices which
indicate that the safest choice of agroforestry species have come from the native
vegetation, having a history of adoption to local precipitation regimes. Balaji
(1991) reported that the scope of bamboo in agroforestry is very wide because of the
uncertain weather conditions and increasing cost of labour. Bamboos, if properly
managed, can be grown in agrisilviculture, silvipastoral, agrisilvipastoral and
agrisilvihorticultural system.
Agroforestry plantations can be raised for socio-economic and ecological
considerations. They can be suitably grown for intercropping for enhancing productivity
and conservation of natural resources using monoculture plantations, wind breaks,
riparian filter, permaculture, etc. Bamboos of different heights and growth characters
may be used for integrating them with agriculture crops. The species to be selected for
agroforestry models should have light crowns such as Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys
and Thyrsostachys species (Banik, 2000). It has been emphasized that basic principles for
model establishment should have clear management objective, suitable management
strategy, positive relationship between the model and environment, and maintain
appropriate control of the compatibility and competition relationship among the
species and full use of resource (Fu Maoyi and Banik, 1996).

3.1. Bamboo Based Agroforestry for Productivity Enhancement

On the basis of experiences from South China, more or less similar to the environment
and bamboo types growing in South Asian countries, Fu Maoyi and Banik (1996)
described bamboo based agroforestry models. Some of the models being practiced in
India and worldwide have been categorized and discussed as under:

3.1.1. Bamboos in homegardens

In homesteads, they are either found mixed with a large number of other tree species or
pure in patches (Krishankutty, 1988). Bamboos in the village homesteads mostly
occupy the backyard and periphery of the holdings and are one of the most important
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 265

crop to the farmers. Most of the species in homegardens are usually clump forming,
congested in nature with large, tall branchy culms. Bamboos easily grow as inter- and
under- crop with many trees.
In moist humid zones of north-east India, West Bengal and Odisha, genus Bambusa is
most commonly cultivated. B. balcooa, B. bambos, B. nutans, B. tulda and B. vulgaris are
common bamboos species in the homestead in this part. Crops like siris, aonla, bakain,
banana, beetelnut, coconut, neem and semul are grown in combination with bamboos. It
has been estimated that 15-30 per cent of total plant crown present in homestead in Assam,
Tripura and West Bengal contains bamboos (Banik, 2000). Gangopadhyay (2003)
surveyed the home gardens in 13 sample villages in five districts of M.P. in India and
reported that about 15.13 per cent of families were having D. strictus on their fields. In less
moist to semi-drier parts of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, B.
bambos and D. strictus are commonly cultivated along with
B. balcooa, B. tulda and B. nutans. In cooler parts of north-east region like Tripura,
Meghalaya, Tamenglong (Manipur), some areas of Assam, Arunanchal and north
Bengal, D. hamiltonii is grown naturally in the moist sites. In Himachal Pradesh and
Uttarakhand, D. hamiltonii and B. nutans are grown by farmers in mid hills. Species
like bhimal (Grewia optiva), khirak (Celtis australis), shetoot (Morus alba), kachnar
(Bauhinia variegata) are also found growing with these bamboo species.In tarai region
of Uttarakahnad, Bengali migrants are cultivating B. balcooa, B. nutans, B. tulda and
D. hamiltonii with bael, citrus, kathal, moringa, neem and semul in their homesteads.
At higher altitudes of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, temperate species like
Drepanostachyum falcatum (ghad ringal), Himalayacalmus falconeri (deo ringal),
Thamanocalamus spathiflorus (thaam ringal), Thamnocalamus jaunsarensis (jamura
ringal) are usually found. In drier parts like Punjab, western Maharastra, drought
tolerant species like B. bambos and D. strictus are cultivated. In Karnatka, Goa, Andhra
Pradesh and western Kerala, Pseudoxytenanthera stocksii is cultivated which is not
found in other parts of India.

3.1.2. Block plantation / agrisilviculture system

In this model, bamboos are planted at a spacing varying from 4 m x 4 m (for small sized
bamboos) to 9 m × 9 m (for large sized species). The interspace is utilized for raising
annual crops. It has been well documented that bamboos and tree species gradually
become more competitive with age and, thus, progressively the crop yield is reduced
(Behari, 2001; Shanmughavel and Francis, 2001; Ahlawat, 2014). Intercropping, with
crops employed in bamboos + trees model, should have a bamboo plant to have 1 m2 in
area to ensure adequate moisture and nutrition supply. Intercropping with bamboos,
however, can be done for a maximum of four years after bamboo planting, after which
there is huge competition for the resources. Bamboo species can be chosen depending
266 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

on climatic conditions and soil type of the area. In planting bamboos, full soil
preparation may be employed on plain land. On sloping land, strip preparation leaving
alternate unprepared strips to prevent water and soil erosion is recommended. It is
necessary to place adequate fertilizer in the pits before planting. Under agrisilviculture
system, soya bean, niger, mustard, wheat, urd and arhar and some of the important
intercrops of the initial stages. Raising of shade tolerant crops such as pineapple,
ginger, turmeric, shade tolerant variety of sweet potato, cinnamon, etc. within a stand
of adult bamboo clumps is technically feasible and economically viable (Banik, 1997).
By adopting wider spacing of bamboos and judicious manipulation of bamboos
canopy, the period of intercropping could be extended further. Intercrops can also be
taken by keeping large spacing between lines and less spacing between plants or
within lines of bamboos. In Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh seedlings of B. bambos,
B. nutans and D. strictus, were successfully intercropped with either maize or soya
bean. In Thailand, the bamboo species are also intercropped with maize and peanut. In
Sikkim, farmers grow D. hamiltonii and D. sikkimensis in agriculture fields all along
the irrigation channels and stream banks to meet the fodder needs of their livestock. B.
vulgaris and B. nutans have been grown on homesteads throughout Bangladesh
(Banik, 2000; Banik et al., 2008). B. arundinacea is planted by farmers in depressed
and water logged sites in Andhra Pradesh. Seshadri (1985) concluded that
cultivation of soya bean (Glycine max) along with D. strictus was technically
feasible and economically viable. The period of intercropping can be extended by
adopting wider spacing of the bamboo culms and judicious manipulation of the
bamboo canopy.

3.1.3. Bamboo + conifer + broadleaf timber trees

This model can be established by either converting semi-naturally mixed stands or
planting new ones. The ratio of bamboos to trees is important, and in semi-naturally
mixed stands this may be 7:3 or 8:2 for bamboos and broadleaf trees. The planting
time for bamboos and trees should be determined based on the growth rate of the
tree species involved. The tree species best adapted to bamboo crops are Albizzia
sp., Gmelina arborea, Tectona grandis, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Anogeissus
latifolia, Phyllanthus emblica, Zizyphus xylocarpa, Bombax ceiba,
Stereospermum suaveolans, Melia azedarach, Aegle marmelos, Lannea grandis,
Spondius pinnata, Erythrina indica, eucalypts, poplars, Dalbergia sissoo, etc.,
owing to their peculiar deciduous light crowns. Areca catechu with its narrow
crown is also found to grow satisfactorily together with bamboo clumps. All
species with deep umbrageous crowns like Adina cordifolia, Ficus spp., Mangifera
indica, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Litchi chinensis, etc. should be avoided (Banik,
2000; Banik et al., 2008).
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 267

3.1.4. Bamboos + tea model

In this model, bamboos are often planted at spacing of 6 m x 4 m and tea plants at 2 m x
0.5 m. Intercropping of seasonal agriculture crops such as soya bean and vegetables can
be done for one to three years after planting. However, care should be taken to leave
enough space for unhindered growth of bamboos and tea plants.

3.1.5. Bamboo as windbreak

Bamboos can be planted as windbreaks on the boundaries of agriculture field and
orchards for protecting them from high speed wind. The practice is very common
among the farmers in different part of the country. Mango orchards in tarai areas of
Nepal are intercropped with agriculture crops, and the boundaries of orchards are
planted with one or two rows of D. sissoo and D. strictus. In Cooch Behar, Dinajpur,
Haldibari, Mayanaguri and Jalpaiguri areas in India, the clumps of B. balcooa, B.
bambos and B. nutans have been cultivated in close spacing in one to two rows along
the north western sides of rice fields as windbreaks against the dry and cold wind
blowing from Nepal and Bihar (Banik et al., 2008).

3.1.6. Bamboo + Medicinal Plants

The model is suitable for hilly areas in the sub-tropical monsoon climatic zone that has
a mild climate and adequate rainfall. The medicinal plants are chosen to suit the
topography of the site. Shade loving plants of family Araceae and Zingiberaceae can be
selected for intercropping as per the choice of demand and market (Banik, 2000).
Species like Aloe vera, Catharanthus roseus, Cassia angustifolia, Curcuma domestica,
Plantago ovata, Withania somnifera, etc. can tolerate shade and are suitable to grow as
intercrop due to wide adaptability.

3.1.7. Bamboo + crops + fish ponds

This model is usually made on the plain and wetlands where fish ponds are built. One to
three rows of shoot-producing sympodial bamboos may be planted on the banks of
pond, and crops such as soya bean and rye intercropped between bamboo clumps to
form a complete food chain. Crops can be harvested as food of fish feed. Bottom mud
from the ponds may be dug out in winter and used as fertilizer for bamboo clumps. The
clumps of major cultivating bamboo species (B. balcooa, B. mabbosa, B. nutans,
B. vulgaris and D. strictus, etc.) of south Asian countries may be replanted at 20-25
years of age for improving the productivity.

3.1.8. Bamboo + edible fungi

There are a large number of edible fungi (Dictyophora tomentosa, Planrotus ostreatus
and Auricularia auricula-judoe) regarded as natural food rich in vegetable proteins
grown in south China. Inoculation of Dictyophora sp. is done in September for varieties
268 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

that grow in normal temperature and in May-June for those that require a higher
temperature. Harvest is after four to eight months, depending on the fungus variety.
P. ostreatus is inoculated in March and harvested two months later.
A. auricula-judoe needs to be cultured in bags filled with the growth medium and hung
on the bamboo (Fu Maoyi and Banik, 1996).

3.1.9. Bamboo + poultry/dairy farm

Bamboos can be used to ameliorate problems associated with the containment of
animal wastes, nitrate concentration and slurry storages during dairy, beef and
poultry operations. Bamboos can tolerate enormous N sources and turn it into
marketable biomass. Bamboos-chicken agroforestry system is a new and common
pattern in the hilly regions of Southern China and has high potential for extension
throughout China. Soil nutrients and earthworm dynamics under this system have
been evaluated and found that soil nutrients were improved but soil organism
indicators were more sensitive than chemical ones. Earthworm quantity and mass
between bamboos-chicken system and only bamboo forest were significant. While
exploring a number of forage crops that hold the potential of supplying forage during
lean period for dairy cattle and goats, bamboos have become a prime candidate as a
perennial forage species making dormant seasons harvest possible. Having high
protein content (12-19%), bamboos are comparable to alfalfa in nutritional value
yet, they do not require intensive cutting, drying and storage processes of an
annual crop.

3.1.10. Bamboo Based Agroforestry Models in India North Zone
In a study conducted at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pantnagar, cowpea was intercropped for first two years with eight different bamboo
species planted at 5 m x 5 m spacing (GBPUAT, 2010). Results revealed that during
initial two years, maximum height of 12.5 m was attained by B. balcooa followed by
D. hamiltonii. Grain yield was highest in open plots. Yield of cowpea was lowest under
D. hamiltonii in both the years. Under different bamboo species, maximum yield of
cowpea was recorded under D. asper which was closely followed by B. tulda.
Reduction in yield of cowpea under D. hamiltonii can be attributed to fast growth of
this species as compared to others. In third year, the conditions were not favourable for
growing of cowpea due to heavy shade (Table; Fig.
In another study conducted at Pantnagar, D. asper grown at 5 m x 5 m spacing was
intercropped with soybean (Fig. The results revealed that soya bean was
successfully taken as intercrop for first three years. The yield of soya bean was highest
(22.7 q ha-1) in first year. In second year, the yield was 17.3 q ha-1and in third year it
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 269

Table Growth performance of bamboos and cowpea in agrisilviculture system

-1 -1
Species Culm ht (m) No. of culms Diameter (cm) Grain (q ha ) Straw (q ha )
I yr II yr I yr II yr I yr II yr I yr II yr I yr II yr
Bambusa balcooa 6.43 12.5 8.8 6.1 4.56 6.05 9 8.2 14 12.6
B. bambos 2.65 9.5 9.7 6.0 2.67 4.46 8.5 6.5 13.5 10.3
B. nutans 4.43 9.5 10.0 12.3 2.99 3.82 8.2 6.2 12.5 9.3
B. tulda 1.58 3.2 20.3 34.3 1.15 1.11 9.1 7.1 14 10.8
B. vulgaris 2.5 6.5 3.3 5.1 2.05 4.46 10.2 9.2 16 14.2
Dendrocalamus asper 1.37 3.5 21.7 42.1 0.78 1.27 10.8 8.8 16.5 13.4
D. hamiltonii 5.96 11 6.3 11.1 5.02 7.01 7.1 5.1 11 7.9
D. strictus 3.07 8 9.2 18.3 3.18 4.78 8.5 6.5 13.1 10.3
Control - - - - - - 12.8 12.0 20.0 18.1

reduced to 14.3 q ha-1. The succesful intercropping in this species is attributed to slow
growth of D. asper (GBPUAT, 2010).
In north India, cost-benefit analysis of D. strictus plantation at Gual Pahari,
Haryana revealed that this system yielded better economic returns (Rawat et al., 2002).
Studies on production of vermicompost was done at Garhmukteswar, Uttar Pradesh in
D. asper stand planted at 5 m x 5 m spacing. After sixth year, the net production was 370
t yr-1 and 45.9 t yr-1 for vermicompost and bamboo culm with a net revenue of Rs.
251,600 and Rs. 83,667, respectively from 1.6 ha of land. After deduction of total
plantation establishment and maintenance cost (Rs. 192,000), the net profit became Rs.
143,267 after sixth year. The consolidated profit for seventh year onwards was
expected to be Rs. 335,267; i.e., Rs. 83,817 per acre (NMBA, 2006).
In study conducted under mid hill temperate conditions of Himachal Pradesh, two
species, viz., D. hamiltonii and P. pubescens were evaluated for their growth
performance under agroforestry with different medicinal plants during initial stages.
Results revealed that D. hamiltonii exerted superiority in respect of most of traits, viz.,
height (m), diameter (cm), average crown spread, culm dry weight and development of
the clump biomass than P. pubescens. However, the number of tiller formation per
clump was about four times higher in P. pubescens than D. hamiltonii. The
accumulation of the biomass (2.68 t ha-1) was also higher in D. hamiltonii than
P. pubescens (Table; Fig. and
Yield of tulsi, soya bean, Aloe vera, wheat and pea as intercrop was reduced under different
bamboo species. Rhizome yield of turmeric and ginger, however, were enhanced when
grown in association with the D. hamiltonii and P. pubescens (Table
In sub-montane and low hill subtropical conditions of Himachal Pradesh at
Dhaulakuan (Sirmour) and Kangra average yield of tulsi was found to be higher when it
270 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

Table Survival, growth, development and returns from bamboo species under mid-hill
temperate conditions of Himachal Pradesh
Parameter D. hamiltonii P. pubescens
Survival (%) 100 100
Average height (cm) 1.85 1.60
Average diameter (cm) 2.50 1.20
Average no. of tillers per clump 5.6 20.70
Average crown spread (m2) 4.0 3.25
Average culm dry weight (kg) 2.16 0.85
Average clump weight (kg/clump) 12.09 10.55
Average dry biomass (t ha -1) 2.68 2.34
Average leaf biomass (t ha -1) 0.335 0.351
Average return (leafy fodder + vegetable shoot) 1,578 3,497

was grown in association with bamboo species than under monocropping after four
years of establishment of bamboos. Maximum herbage yield (210 q ha-1 at Jachh and
137 q ha-1at Kangra) of tulsi crop was recorded; when it was grown in association
with D. asper followed by D. hamiltonii and B. vulgaris. In mid hills sub-humid
condition at Solan in Himachal Pradesh, the herbage yield of tulsi was affected
when grown in association with D. asper, B. balcooa, D. strictus and D. hamiltonii,
and in comparison to monoculture.
At Dhaulakuan, maximum rhizome yield of turmeric and ginger was 138.2 q ha-1
and 320 q ha-1, respectively when grown in association with D. asper, closely followed
by D. hamiltonii, B. vulgaris and open plot, respectively. At Kangra, ginger, however,
performed better when intercropped with D. hamiltonii followed by D. strictus,
D. asper and open plot, respectively. In mid-hills sub-humid condition at Nauni,
rhizome yield of turmeric and ginger were better under D. asper. soya bean displayed
better yield performance when grown in association with bamboo species, viz.,
D. asper, D. hamiltonii at all the three locations. At Kangra, maximum soya bean yield
(11.37 q ha-1) was recorded in association with D. asper followed by D. strictus,
D. hamiltonii and open plot. Yield of wheat, pea and Aloe vera declined drastically
when grown as intercrop at all the three locations.

Table Yield of intercrops under different bamboo species in mid hill temperate region
Intercrop yield (q ha- 1)
Bamboo Tulsi Turmeric Ginger Soybean Aloe vera Wheat Pea
Herbage Rhizome Rhizome Grain Fresh Grain Grain
D. hamiltonii 56.48 291.6 43.00 23.84 822 13.25 14.50
Phyllostachys 68.24 301.6 38.00 21.93 644 12.75 15.50
Open plot 80.00 280.0 35.00 24.00 850 14.00 16.34
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 271

Fig. B. balcooa intercropped with Fig. D. asper intercropped with
cowpea (2nd year). soya bean (2nd year).

Fig. Bamboo+tulsi. Fig. Bamboo+ turmeric. South zone

In an investigation on systematic plantation of bamboos intercropped with mango,
cashew nut, jack fruit, kokum and rubber in the Konkan region of Karnataka, bamboos
were reported to be the most profitable among the crops studied and cashew nut and
mango ranked next to bamboos (Wagh and Rajput, 1991). In Kerala, Jayashankar et al.
(1997) reported B:C ratio >1 (indicating profitability) in B. bambos, Thyrostachys
oliveri and D. strictus when grown in intercropping in Kerala. The high B/C ratio of
bamboos was due to negligible inputs and high farm price. Among the three species, T.
oliveri showed better returns. In similar conditions, Krishnankutty (2004) also reported
B. bambos as profitable crop in mixed homegarden.
In Tamil Nadu, Shamunghavel and Francis (1999) recorded higher annual net
return (Rs. 13,300) when pigeon pea was intercropped with B. bambos in 1:1 rows at 3
m × 3 m spacing (250 plants ha-1) in comparison to 1:2 rows spaced at 2 m × 2 m (500
plants ha-1). In similar conditions, Shanmughavel and Francis (2001) studied
intercropping performance of four crops, viz., pigeon pea, soya bean, ginger and
turmeric with B. bambos and observed intecroping of pigeon pea and soya bean to be
more productive than ginger and turmeric. The LER was 1.2 in the bamboos/pigeonpea
and bamboos/soya bean models, but 1.1 in the bamboos/turmeric and bamboos/ginger
models. The average annual recruitment of bamboo culms was found greatest in pure
stands as compared to intercropped stands.
272 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

The feasibility of bamboo (D. brandisii) in abandoned paddy fields in Coorg,

Karnataka revealed that bamboo at 6 m x 6 m spacing when intercropped with ginger
had the highest NPV (net present value) and LEV (land expectation value) which was
attributed to low input costs associated with bamboo farming and higher market value
of the produce over a longer period (Viswanath et al., 2007).
In Dharwad, Karnataka, intercropping studies of D. strictus was done with cotton
at 10 m x10 m and 12 m x10 m spacing. After first year, yield of cotton crop was
reduced significantly under bamboos. It ranged from 8.5 (10 m x10 m spacing) to
11.15 q ha-1 (12 m x10 m spacing) as compared to 15.8 q ha-1 in sole cropping. Results
further revealed that growth parameters of bamboos, viz., height, diameter and
number of new culms were however, significantly reduced under intercropping
(NRCAF, 2014). East Zone
Singh et al. (1992) studied the effect of B. nutans on the yield of some agriculture
crops at mid hills of eastern Himalaya and reported that crops like ginger,
turmeric, large cardamom, orchards grass and dinanath grass (Pennisetum
pedicellatum) can be effectively grown up to a distance of 11-15 m from the
bamboo rows. Rice, finger millet, soya bean, nandi setaria and fine stylo were
suitable crops beyond this distance.
In degraded jhum land of Mizoram, Jha et al. (2004) reported that intercropping of
soya bean with Melocanna baccifera and D. longispathus is feasible and gave better
results than pure bamboo stands. Jha and Lalnunmawia (2003) reported that
intercropping ginger under three fertilized edible clump forming bamboos was
beneficial for both the components under degraded soil condition of NE India. In
North-East India, Singh (2002) suggested cultivation of bamboo along water springs
as an agroforestry intervention for enhancing farmers' income.
Bamboos based agroforestry system for red and laterite zone of West Bengal
involving two bamboo species (B. balcooa and B. tulda) was studied by Banerjee et al.
(2009). Results revealed that agricultural crops like paddy (upland), groundnut,
cowpea, okra, bottle gourd, pigeon pea, turmeric, elephant foot yam and colocasia
were found to be successfully grown as intercrop at wide spacing of 12 m x 10 m and
10 m x 10 m. Growth attributes of bamboo plants, irrespective of species and spacing,
were significantly higher when grown with intercrops than sole plantation. No
significant difference was observed when planted at closer and wider spacing. Further,
they reported that the yield of all intercrops was higher in wider spacing (12 m × 10 m)
as compared to closer spacing (10 m × 10 m) which is attributed to the fact that wider
distance between two bamboo plants results into better utilization of sunlight, space,
moisture and nutrients by the intercrops with minimum competition among them and
between agricultural crops.
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 273

In Jharkhand, Sinha (2010) conducted intercropping study of five-year-old

D. asper plantation spaced at 5 m x 5 m with potato, tomato and pea during the rabi
season and with ginger during the kharif season. The monoculture of bamboos and
vegetables was also carried out to compare the yield data. Results revealed that in
general, the yield of all crops, with the exception of pea, decreased when cultivated in a
bamboo plantation as compared to the data from the monoculture plantation. The
reduction in yield was attributed to increased competition for growth resources like
sunlight, moisture and nutrients in bamboo plot. Growth of bamboos intercropped with
vegetables was better than the monoculture of bamboos and on the average, an
additional three culms per clump emerged from intercropping of bamboos and
vegetables. It was concluded that growing of vegetables with D. asper would increase
productivity of the plantation or farm and provide additional income to farmers. The
study also stressed on exploring the allelopathic effect of D. asper with the other crops
which results in reduced yield.
In rainfed upland conditions of Odisha, studies on bamboo (D. strictus) based
agroforestry systems were carried at two different spacings, viz., 10 m x 10 m and 12 m
x 10 m. Bamboo + blackgram was found best agroforestry system followed by bamboo
+ greengram, bamboo + sesame and bamboo + cowpea under 10 m x 10 m spacing. The
number of new culms ha-1 in agroforestry ranged from 872 - 894 at 10 m x 10 m while
746 - 776 at 12 m x 10 m spacing. In pure bamboo plantation, it was 700 and 588 ha-1 at
10 m x 10 m and 12 m x 10 m spacing, respectively. The root intensity of bamboos with
different crops was higher over the bamboo grown as pure. The root intensity of
bamboos was found to be 330 m-2 at 1m distance while, it was 20 m-2 at 4m distance from
the clump. It decreased with increase of distance from clump and increase of soil depth.
Maximum rooting intensity was observed at 10-15 cm depth of soil. It was also
concluded that intercrops should not be raised within 0.5m radius of the bamboo
clumps because it not only results in a negligible or no yield of intercrop, but also may
affect the root system of the clump (NRCAF, 2014).
In Sonitpur (Assam), different intercrops, viz., mustard, sesame, ginger, soya
bean, French bean, papaya, banana, pigeon pea, tea, citronella, vetiver and lemon grass
were evaluated under different bamboo species, viz., B. balcooa, B. nutans, B. tulda
and D. hamiltonii. Yield performance of the intercops revealed that there was
significant decrease in three years average yield of all intercrops over control. The
reduction was comparatively less in ginger, turmeric, tea and lemon grass. The first
year results indicated that all crops including field and horticulture crops can be
successfully grown without any significant difference from the control. C:B ratio was
highest in papaya (7.69) followed by banana (6.56). It was also reported that
ginger+bamboos system can provide annual income of Rs. 448,060 upto 4th year as
compared to Rs. 101,800 from sole bamboo crop (Sharma, 2012). Intercropping
274 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

studies were undertaken in Kahikuchi (Assam), with B. balcooa and B. tulda were
undertaken for intercropping studies. B. tulda was grown at 10 m x 10 m while B.
balcooa was grown at 12 m x10 m spacing. Three intercrops, viz., banana, pinapple and
turmeric were grown as intercrops. Results revealed that pineapple as intercrop with B.
tulda registered fruit yield of 63 q ha-1 while with B. balcooa, fruit yield was only 10.7 q
ha-1 because of less flowering. Fruit yield was maximum (60.2 q ha-1) in pineapple at 4.0 m
away from the base of B. tulda. Similar results were observed in B. balcooa. Banana as
intercrop in B. tulda and recorded fruit yield of 16.0 q ha-1 while in B. balcooa, fruit yield
was 15.4 q ha-1. Turmeric as intercrop yielded 77.0 q ha-1 and 222.8 q ha-1 with B. balcooa
and B. tulda, respectively. There was no significant difference among the treatment in respect
of soil nutrient builds up after three years of experimentation both in B. balcooa and B. tulda.
However, the lowest amount of organic carbon and available N were recorded in the soil
under sole bamboos (NRCAF, 2014). Central and West Zone
Tiwari (2001) conducted a study to determine the financial feasibility of bamboos
based agroforestry system in Kheda district of Gujarat (India) using seven
management models. Results indicated that the profitability of bamboo was very high
and that the crop was financially feasible even at very high discount rate. In a study
conducted at JNKVV, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), B. arundinacea and D. strictus
were intercropped with green gram, soya bean, paddy and sesame. Different
intercrops showed no significant effect on morphological growth of bamboos upto 30
month age. Results further revealed that yield of intercrops were more in open
condition as compared to when grown with bamboos. The reduction was marginal
(3.68-7.73 %) during first year, moderate (14.9-19.5%) in second year and severe
(17.5-47.8%) in the third year which was mainly attributed to shade. The area
occupied by bamboo plants in first to third year increased from 5 to 60 per cent,
respectively (JNKVV, 2014). In another study in similar condition, B. arundinacea and
D. strictus were grown with grasses, viz., Pennisetum purpureum, Panicum maximum,
Cenchrus ciliaris and Dicanthum annulatum for three years. During the first year in the
first cutting P. maximum recorded significantly higher yield. In the second year, P.
purpureum recorded significantly higher green fodder (450.8 t ha-1) followed by P.
maximum (271.1 ha-1) and C. ciliaris (150.6 t ha-1). The lowest yield was recorded in D.
annulatum (110.3 t ha-1). In the third year, P. purpureum recorded significantly higher
yield in first cutting (32. 49 t ha-1) and second cutting (7.30 t ha-1) closely followed by P.
maximum and C. ciliaris. D. annulatum recorded significantly lower yield in both, first
cutting (5.9 t ha-1) and second cutting (2.36 t ha-1) (JNKVV, 2014).
In Dapoli, Maharastra, Pseudoxytenanthera stocksii was planted in two spacings
(10 m x 10 m and 12 m x 10 m) with two different agricultural systems. In first system,
finger millet was cultivated in kharif followed by cowpea in rabi. In second system,
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 275

only sweet potato was intercropped with bamboos in kharif. After two years, bamboo
showed luxuriant growth when intercropped with agricultural crops. After two years,
more number of new culms emerged from the bamboo intercropped with finger
millet/cow pea (7), followed by sweet potato (5) and without intercrop (3). Growth
parameters, viz., culm basal diameter, culm height, internode length, however, did not
vary among the various bamboos-agricultural crop combinations. Yield of finger millet
ranged from 7.4 - 10.0 q ha-1 when intercropped with bamboo whereas in sole cropping
the yield was 14.2 q ha-1. The yield of sweet potato under bamboo ranged from
5.8- 6.5q ha-1 where as in sole cropping the yield was 6.7 q ha-1 (NRCAF, 2014).
At Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh, intercropping of black gram and wheat was found
to have a favourable effect on the growth of D. strictus (6 m x 4 m spacing) and
B. nutans (6 m x 5 m spacing). Yield of wheat ranged from 14.9-17.3 q ha-1 under
bamboo in 4th year as compared to 22.5 q ha-1 in control plots. Further, it was observed
that pruning treatment yielded more number of harvestable bamboo culms and
enhanced yield of wheat (TFRI, 2014).
Intercropping studies were conducted in Raipur (Chhattisgarh) with B. bambos
and D. strictus (Naugraiya, 2014). In kharif, rice and soya bean while, in rabi wheat,
mustard and linseed crops were grown at 8 m x 3 m spacing in 2009-10 and at 8 m x 6 m
in 2010-11 and 2011-12 . Spice crop of turmeric was also taken on the bund between the
bamboo clumps. The results obtained are given in Table which indicates the
feasibility of growing agriculture crops below bamboos during initial years.
Under similar condition, the production of pasture crop under bamboo based
silvipasture system (at 10 m x 5 m spacing) was recorded maximum with B. nutans
(134.6q ha-1) followed by B. vulgaris (126.1 q ha-1) and minimum under B. bambos
(93.7q ha-1) during third year (Naugraiya, 2014).
Ahlawat (2014) studied the economic viability of bamboo (D. strictus) based
agroforestry system during 2007-2010 in semi-arid region of central India. The growth

Table Grain yield in different crops under bamboo based agroforestry
Crops 2009-10 (8 m x 3 m) 2010-11 (8 m x 6 m) 2011-12 (8 m x 6 m)
Open Under Bamboo Open Under Bamboo Open Under
Wheat 21.47 10.59 15.95 10.17 18.83 6.74
Mustard 9.93 2.42 3.66 2.37 3.46 1.79
Linseed 7.9 2.14 2.18 2.03 2.91 2.87
Rice - - 40.52 29.76 31.58 25.01
Soya bean - - 58.05 42.97 69.06 51.9
Turmeric 127.29 135.53 137.39 133.82
Source: Naugraiya, 2014.
276 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

and quality of D. strictus, planted at 10 m × 10 m and 12 m × 10 m spacing, did not vary

significantly either grown as sole or with intercrops. However, total culms were higher
in sole bamboo and growth of bamboo was better in 10 m × 10 m spacing. Reduction in
grain yield of sesame was 9.2, 20.2, 19.8 per cent and in chickpea was 4.5, 6.9, 8.2 per
cent over that of sole crop after one, two and three years of plantation, respectively.
Maximum reduction in intercrop yield was recorded nearby (0.5 m distance) of
bamboo clumps, while there was no reduction in crop yield at ≥3 m distance from
bamboo clump. The economics of the bamboo based system indicated that during
initial three years, benefit-cost ratio (B:C ratio) of chickpea intercrop varied from
2.05-2.86 as compared to B:C ratio (2.13-3.60) of sole crop. The B:C ratios of sesame
intercrop varied from 1.14-1.95 as compared to B:C ratio 1.43-2.43 of sole crop. Soil
pH, organic carbon and available phosphorus increased, while EC decreased in sole
bamboo and intercropped area. Maximum improvement in soil quality was under sole
Rahangdale et al. (2014) conducted intercropping study in three years old
plantation of B. arundinacea and D. strictus planted at a spacing of 5 m x 5 m during
rainy season. Four different intercrops, viz., green gram (TM-99-37), soya bean (JS-
335), paddy (JR-201) and sesame (TKG 21) were sown under bamboo and in open
plots. Result revealed nonsignificant differences among the bamboo species. Growth
and yield attributing characters of different intercrops were found highest in the open
condition as compared to bamboo based agrisilviculture system. Among the different
intercrops, soya bean showed highest yield reduction (67.9 and 49.2%) in the
magnitude for grain and straw followed by green gram (61.1 and 47.2%), sesame (50.6
and 39.7%) and paddy (36.5 and 19.8%). The economic analysis of the system further
revealed that the economic feasibility of bamboo based agrisilviculture system (Rs.
21,029 ha-1) as it gave higher monetary return as compared to sole crop (Rs. 9,801 ha-1).
Growing of green gram with bamboo species gave significantly higher net monetary
return (Rs. 27,736 ha-1) but at par with sesame (Rs. 23,365 ha-1) and was found
significantly superior to paddy (Rs. 19,693 ha-1) and soya bean (Rs. 13,322 ha-1) under
bamboo based agrisilviculture system.

3.2. Bamboo Based Agroforestry for Resource Conservation

3.2.1. Controlling erosion
Bamboos can reduce erosivity of rainfall/runoff and erodibility of soil through
dissipation of rainfall energy by canopy, surface litter, obstructing overland flow and
root binding. Bamboo protects riverbanks by arresting strong currents during flood
periods by their extensive fibrous root system. Bamboos have an interlocking rhizome
system and extensive fine fibrous root system which ramifies horizontally and
vertically binding the soil particles together (Sujatha et al., 2008).
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 277

On account of extensive shallow root system and accumulation of leaf mulch,

bamboo stands are effective for the control of soil erosion, stream bank protection,
reinforcement of embankments and drainage channels, etc. Bamboo grows well on
steep hillsides, road embankments, gullies and on the banks of ponds and streams.
Sharp curves in rivers can be protected with a revetment of bamboos culm cuttings and
further reinforced with clumps of bamboos planted behind the revetment (White and
Childers, 1945). A study estimated that a single bamboo plant can bind up to 6 m3 of soil
(HD, 1997) while in Jiulongjang and Dayingjang Rivers in China it was found that each
clump could protect 12 m of river embankment besides yielding shoots and bamboo
timber (Fu Maoyi and Banik, 1996). The root of B. tulda, were found to extend horizontally to
a distance of 5.2 m (White and Childers, 1945). For monopodial species, the total length of
living rhizome per hectare of P. heterocycla, P. viridis and P. nigra ranged from 50 to 170, 90
to 250 and 200 to 320 km, respectively (Xiao, 2002; Zhou, 2005).
Bamboo's efficacy as a soil binder was successfully used in Puerto Rico.
B. vulgaris planted at certain strategic points along the course of river was effective in
checking the erosion problem forever. In China, bamboos were found effective in
protecting riverbanks after soil-rock engineering efforts, while planting of other trees
failed to protect the river banks (Banik, 2010). Bamboos were also found effective in
controlling landslide in Puerto Rico.
In India, bamboos have been tested for protecting severely eroded gullies of ravine
class VI and VII lands with promising production potential (Dhruva Narayana, 1993).
Some species of Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, and Melocanna baccifera are usually
planted on the lands susceptible to floods and along riverbanks for embankment
protection near the villages in Eastern India. During 2003 to 2004, a demonstration
plantation had been raised from the seeds of M. baccifera on hill slopes for controlling
erosion (Banik, 2010). For checking soil erosion, bamboos should be grown at close
spacing (Banik, 2000). Biological live check dams can stabilize the eroded lands. On
slopes, bamboo rhizomes tend to develop uphill side thus, stabilizing them.

3.2.2. Rainwater retention and soil moisture conservation

Bamboos, due to evergreen nature, dense foliage and large culms, can intercept more
rainfall as compared to any tree species, thereby, checking the velocity of the rain drops
and soil erosion. The high stem flow and funnelling ratio of bamboo plants in
comparison to deciduous and coniferous plants make them better rainfall absorbent and
hydrologically best suited plantation. Rao et al. (2012) reported that in D. strictus,
throughfall varied from 43 to 72 per cent, stem flow varied from 7 to 22 per cent and
interception losses varied from 12 to 50 per cent of the rainfall.
Bamboos take care of both excess water due to high intensity rainfall and lack of
water due to extended drought periods through addition of soil organic matter by litter
278 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

decomposition which helps in absorbing higher amount of water without causing

surface run off and improving water absorption capacity during extended drought. The
litterfall amount varies with the composition of the mixed forest, the stand density and
human activity. Litter in bamboos in India varies from 4.2-11.2 t ha-1 yr-1 (Tripathi and
Singh, 1994; Shanmughavel and Francis, 1996). The litter of bamboo stand has the
capacity to absorb the moisture 2.7-2.9 times of its dry weight (Zhou et al., 2005). A
study in China proved that temperate bamboos and leaf litter can intercept 25 per
cent rainfall and the leaf litter up to 0.7 mm of rainfall, which is much higher than
other conifer and broadleaf tree species (Banik, 2010). Shading by bamboo canopy
reduces evapo-transpiration and helps in conserving soil moisture. Bamboo stands
also filter gravel and coarse sediment (Gupta, 1979) and the water infiltration is
enhanced because of their dense rooting system (Sujatha et al., 2008). Further,
larger quantity of culm stumps, dead rhizomes and roots remain in bamboo forests
after felling, leaving lots of non-capillary pore which can retain large amount of

3.2.3. Maintenance of soil health

The ability of bamboos to grow in a wide variety of soils, from marginal to semi-arid,
makes them perfect for soil rehabilitation (Nath et al., 2009). Due to high biomass
accumulation and abundant litterfall, bamboos help in maintaining and improving the
soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Bamboos have high silica, rich litter
production of leaves and twigs which slowly decomposes returning substantial
amounts of N, K, Mg, Ca and P (Shanmughavel et al., 2000). The high fine root content
helps in recovering most of the nutrients leached deeper in the soil profile (Christanty
et al., 1996). Improvements are also reflected through lower bulk density, lower
surface resistance to penetration, increased porosity, higher rain water infiltration and
greater aggregate stability. Canopy shade also alters soil conditions to promote
microbial activity and the rate of soil mineralization (Arunachalam and Arunachalam,
2002). The changes/improvements in soils are, however, species-specific and
dependent on size and age of the clump and site conditions. Singh and Singh (1999)
reported that D. strictus plantation has an efficient restoration potential and positive
rehabilitation effect on mine spoil land in a dry tropical region in India. It is also seen
that bamboo based agroforestry models improve ecological parameters of a highly
degraded basaltic tract of Jabalpur. In addition, bamboo based agroforestry system
also increases the biodiversity under its habitat (Behari et al., 2000).
Singh et al. (1992) studied the impact of 25-30 years old B. nutans clump raised in
agrisilviculture system on chemical properties of soil. He found that available
phosphorus (P) increased whereas exchangeable K and Ca, Mg decreased with
increased distance from the bamboos row; soil pH and soil organic matter did not vary
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 279

with distance. Patil et al. (2004) analyzed the effect of bamboo based agroforestry on
soil profile and surface soil properties and reported that organic carbon content of
these soils ranged from 0.43 to 0.72 per cent. Soil profile investigation showed that all
of nutrients increased in bamboo based agroforestry site. The organic carbon content
of these soils increased from 0.37 to 0.58 per cent and 0.63 per cent to 0.99 per cent,

3.2.4. Bamboos for microclimatic amelioration

Bamboos bring microclimate changes under their canopies by providing shade which
prevents the soil to become too dry and help in maintaining microclimate. Shade helps
in reducing soil and air temperature, solar radiation and wind speed which directly
influence the soil water evaporation and humidity. Study conducted by Arunachalam
and Arunachalam (2002) revealed that air and soil temperature were significantly
reduced and relative humidity was significantly higher under bamboos (Table
as compared to grasslands.
Nauguriya (2014) studied different microclimatic parameters under bamboos. At 8
m x 3 m spacing, the reduction in intensity of PAR under bamboo was minimum 7.47
per cent during end of September, but at the starting of rainy season (July to August) the
reduction ranged from 20.3 to 34.4 per cent, While during winter, reduction ranged
25.8 to 48.9 per cent (October to February). At 8 m x 6 m spacing, the reduction in
intensity of PAR under bamboo was minimum 11.7 per cent during end of 15th July, but
at the starting of rainy season (June to September) the reduction ranged from 27.8 to
33.4 per cent. While during winter, reduction ranged from 50.4 to 60.4 per cent
(October to February). Air temperature in open area up to 2 m height from the ground
was recorded in range of 24.9 to 43.03oC and it was recorded 18.2 to 40.9oC
under bamboo plantation (8 m x 3 m spacing). Variations in the relative humidity
between open field and bamboo plantation ranged from 3.34 to 9.5 per cent (September
to March). The highest variation was seen during the day hour's observations in
summer (21.29%).

Table Microclimatic variability under different species

Species Air Relative Light Soil
temperature humidity (%) intensity (lx) temperature
(°C) (°C)
B. arundinacea 26 54 690.0 19
B. nutans 25 57 1,680.0 22
D. hamiltonii 25 55 2,620.0 20
Grassland 28 47 2,800.0 24
LSD at 0.05 level 1.2 3.7 841.4 1.9
Source: Arunachalam and Arunachalam (2002).
280 S. Tewari, R.L. Banik, R. Kaushal, D.R. Bhardwaj, O.P. Chaturvedi and Anand Gupta

4. Constraints Related to Bamboo Based Agroforestry

Bamboo, being perennial grass, has higher root length densities than the dicots,
thereby, making them more competitive when grown in association with field crops in
agroforestry. Further, due to fast growth, bamboos close their canopy relatively in
less time as compared to other tree species and competes heavily with the intercrops
for light. Thus, before going for intercropping in bamboos, resource competition
needs to be given top priority. Resource competition in bamboos-based agroforestry
system can be checked by giving due consideration to the plant population and
geometry of planting. Root management practices like trenching can also be helpful
in reducing the below ground competition. In no case, bamboos should be grown at
close spacing, if intercropping need to be done. For agroforestry, bamboos should
be planted 8-9 m away. Trenching (30-40 cm wide and 50-60 cm deep) should be
done in case of boundary plantation, so that, new culm should not pass to the nearby
fields. Bamboo root competitiveness is usually a function of its rooting intensity with
crown radius. Larger clumps have wider foraging zones usually extending to about 8
to 9 m. Therefore, canopy reduction treatments such as pruning and culm thinning are
appropriate to surmount inter-specific competition. Pruning up to a height of 1.5 m
above the ground is recommended in plantations of 4 yr and above. Removal of dry
and dead culms from the centre of the clump to reduce congestion is also
recommended. For successful integration of bamboos in the cropping system, there is an
urgent need for screening the species of bamboo which are high yielding. The soil-
plant-water interaction in the bamboos based agroforestry also needs to be studied for
reducing competition. The SWOT analysis of bamboo based agroforestry is given in
Fig. 4.1.

Strength Weakness
 High diversity  Limited choice of species
 Ease to grow  Limited supply of raw material
 Large area under bamboo  Non-conventional in agroforestry
 High demand of bamboo products  Limited/poor market linkages
 Low production cost  High resource completion with intercrops
 Strong indigenous knowledge associated  Lack of genuine planting material
with growing bamboo
Bamboo Based Agroforestry Systems 281

5. Conclusion
Bamboo based agroforestry systems have wide scope to be integrated on farm lands,
homesteads, degraded lands, riparian filter, etc. They can help in augmenting the income
of farmers besides conserving the resources efficiently. The systems, however, are not
popular due to huge above ground competition with the intercrops. The competition,
therefore, needs to be reduced by making suitable choice of species, adopting wider
spacing or using canopy management practices. Interactions in bamboo based
agroforestry also need to be studied to scale up bamboo cultivation in the country.

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