YouTube - Video Best Practices

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The document discusses different types of YouTube interactivity like call-to-action overlays, end screens, info cards, and shortened URLs that can be used to drive users to take actions like learning more, visiting websites, or subscribing.

YouTube interactivity like call-to-action overlays, end screens, and info cards can be used to invite users to take actions like learning more, visiting websites, subscribing, or buying products across different devices. Shortened URLs can also be included in video descriptions.

YouTube analytics and tools like Google Analytics can be used to track metrics like card clicks, CTA overlay clicks, end screen views, total clicks, and post-click data using tracking parameters. This allows measuring the effectiveness of different interactivity elements.


06s (Bumpers) & 15s Videos

GET THE BASICS RIGHT: set your video up for discoverability and success on YouTube.
❏ TITLE: Grab attention, but be concise. Titles that are 45 characters or less are optimal for Search
and user viewability. (Ex, Brand Name: Unique Video Title)
❏ THUMBNAILS: Compel clicks visually by using custom thumbnails to make your videos stand out,
while accurately identifying the content and your brand.
❏ DESCRIPTIONS: Get to the point. Answer the basic user question, “What am I watching?” and insert
key links to drive users to take action.
TIP: Videos take 24-48 hours to index on YT Search, include time in launch timelines to account for this.


USE YOUTUBE INTERACTIVITY: for videos that are .06s (bumpers) and 15s videos, use the
following tools to invite users to take an immediate next step across all screens.

A) CALL TO ACTION OVERLAY: an auto-expanding lever enabling brands to invite immediate, actionable
and measurable next steps from every video.
❏ Use Cases: invite users to “Learn more,” “Visit the website,” “Buy now.” etc, drive users down funnel
while also including more upfront branding with image/logo.
❏ Quickspecs: Headline: 1 line of 25 characters maximum. Display URL: URL that will be shown
Destination URL: can be a tracking url, can be a redirect and/or link to an external site.Thumbnail:
must be hosted on YouTube, JPG or GIF only, 74x74 pixels. Learn More: Call To Action Overlays.
B) SHORTENED URLS: Use as a supplement to Interactivity by inserting key links in video description
(before character cut-off) to invite users to next steps. Learn More: Shortened Url
❏ Use Cases: invite users to “Learn more,” “Visit the website,” “Buy now.” etc, drive users down funnel
and use tracking links to further measure post-click/post-watch.

MEASURE: Insert tracking levers like third-party tags to monitor post-click data.

❏ Post-Click/Post-View: Reporting for CTA Overlays is available in YT Analytics and in Adwords.

❏ Use Tracking Parameters: use additional tracking mechanisms such as Google Analytics UTM
codes, appended to the end of click-through urls within these levers. This will enable tracking of
post-click data.

Google Confidential & Proprietary Questions? Contact Saina Shelton ([email protected])

GET THE BASICS RIGHT: set your video up for optimal discoverability and success on YouTube.
❏ TITLE: Grab attention, but be concise. Titles that are 45 characters or less are optimal for Search
and user viewability. (Ex, Brand Name: Unique Video Title)
❏ THUMBNAILS: Compel clicks visually by using custom thumbnails to make your videos stand out,
while accurately identifying the content and your brand.
❏ DESCRIPTIONS: Get to the point. Answer the basic user question, “What am I watching?” and insert
key links to drive users to take action.
TIP: Videos take 24-48 hours to index on YT Search, include time in launch timelines to account for this.


USE YOUTUBE INTERACTIVITY: for videos that are .06s (bumpers) and 15s videos, use the
following tools to invite users to take an immediate next step across all screens.
A) CALL TO ACTION OVERLAY: an auto-expanding lever enabling brands to invite immediate, actionable
and measurable next steps from every video.
- Use Cases: invite users to “Learn more,” “Visit the website,” “Buy now.” etc, drive users down funnel
while also including more upfront branding with image/logo.
B) END SCREENS: End Screens are a cross screen feature that appears on the last few frames of a videos.
- Use Cases: Invite users to “Buy Now,” “Get the App,” “Watch More,” “Subscribe,” “Visit your website”
C) SHORTENED URLS: Use as a supplement to Interactivity by inserting key links in video description
(before character cut-off) to invite users to next steps. Learn More: Shortened Url
- Use Cases: invite users to “Learn more,” “Visit the website,” “Buy now.” etc, drive users down funnel
and use tracking links to further measure post-click/post-watch.

MEASURE: Insert tracking levers like third-party tags to monitor post-click data.
❏ Post-Click/Post-View: Reporting for CTA Overlays is available in YT Analytics and in Adwords.
❏ Use Tracking Parameters: use additional tracking mechanisms such as Google Analytics UTM
codes, appended to the end of click-through urls within these levers. This will enable tracking of
post-click data.

Google Confidential & Proprietary Questions? Contact Saina Shelton ([email protected])


ADJUST VIDEO CREATIVES: modify the video for the digital canvas on YouTube before the upload
❏ THE FIRST 5s: Insert audio and visual branding elements with clear call to actions to grab the user’s
attention in the first five seconds. TIP: Use a consistent/template for branding frames for easy
implementation across all TVCs.
❏ CONSIDER THE CANVAS: Creating custom thumbnails, graphics, logos or other creative elements
(detailed below), optimize for viewing across multiple screen sizes and devices.

❏ END WITH ACTION: Extend video with 5 -20 seconds (depending on length) of branding frames at the end
with logo positioned in the center to accommodate the addition of End Screens after upload to

MASTER THE BASICS: set your video up for optimal discoverability

❏ TITLE: be concise, limit to 45 characters or less for SEO and viewability, label brands/series.
❏ THUMBNAILS: use custom, click-compelling, visually accurate and unique images for every video.
❏ DESCRIPTIONS: keep it short with 1-2 lines answering “What am I watching?”& insert shortened urls
to drive users to take action before the character cut-off to “show more” on watch pages (more info below).

DRIVE ACTIONS: Prompt users to take an immediate next step across all screens

❏ CALL-TO-ACTION OVERLAY (30s, 15s): Ideal for shorter content, use this auto-expand lever on
videos where there is an actionable next step and DR/performance goals.
❏ INFO CARDS (60+s): Use with longer brand content to offer the user multiple next steps or keep
them moving within the purchase funnel. Examples include: “Learn more,” “Download the app,” “Buy
now,” “Watch more,” etc…
❏ END SCREENS (30s, 60s+): Make your final frames count on every video. Add important links such
as “Watch more,” “Learn more,” “Subscribe,” etc… to encourage user interest in your brand.
❏ SHORTENED URLs (all): Insert key links in video description (before character cut-off) to drive users
to where you want them to go and track which destinations are resonating with YouTube viewers.

MEASURE: Insert tracking levers to track actions, monitor post-click data and optimize campaigns.

❏ YOUTUBE ANALYTICS: Reporting for Info Cards, Call-to-Action Overlays, and End Screens are all
available in YouTube Analytics.
❏ TRACKING PARAMETERS: use additional tracking mechanisms such as Google Analytics UTM
codes, appended to the end of click-through urls within these levers. This will enable tracking of
post-click data.

Google Confidential & Proprietary Questions? Contact Saina Shelton ([email protected])

DISCOVERABLE: Get the basics right to set your video up for optimal discoverability and success.

❏ TITLE: Grab attention, but be concise. Titles that are 45 characters or less are optimal for Search
and user viewability. (Ex, Brand Name: Unique Video Title)
❏ THUMBNAILS: Compel clicks visually by using custom thumbnails to make your videos stand out,
while accurately identifying the content and your brand.
❏ DESCRIPTIONS: Get to the point. Answer the basic user question, “What am I watching?” and insert
key links to drive users to take action.

ACTIONABLE: Prompt users to take an immediate next step across all screens.

❏ CALL-TO-ACTION OVERLAY: Ideal for shorter content, use this auto-expand lever on videos where
there is an actionable next step and DR/performance goals.
❏ INFO CARDS: Use with longer brand content to offer the user multiple next steps or keep them
moving within the purchase funnel. Examples include: “Learn more,” “Download the app,” “Buy now,”
“Watch more,” etc…

❏ END SCREENS: Make your final frames count on every video. Add important links such as “Watch
more,” “Learn more,” “Subscribe,” etc… to retain user interest in your brand.
❏ SHORTENED URLs: Insert key links in video description (before character cut-off) to drive users to
where you want them to go and track which destinations are resonating with YouTube viewers.

MEASURABLE: Insert tracking levers like third-party tags to monitor post-click data.

❏ POST-CLICK TRACKING: Reporting for Info Cards, Call-to-Action Overlays, and End Screens are all
available in YouTube Analytics.
❏ TRACKING PARAMETERS: use additional tracking mechanisms such as Google Analytics UTM
codes, appended to the end of click-through urls within these levers. This will enable tracking of
post-click data.

TIP: Videos take 24-48 hours to index on YouTube Search, pad your media launch timelines to account for this.

Google Confidential & Proprietary Questions? Contact Saina Shelton ([email protected])

Making Every Video Actionable & Measurable

Interactivity Description Devices Serves Specifications Measure

Link title: 50 characters

Use with longer content to Call-to-Action text: 30
offer multiple next steps. desktop: ✓ TrueView & characters. Image: must be Youtube Analytics: teaser,
Examples include: “Learn tablet: ✓ organic hosted on YT, JPG or GIF card clicks, CTR. Post-Click
more,” “Download the app,” m-app: ✓ Recommend: .15s, (non-animated) only, 800x800 Tracking: insert tracking
“Buy now,” “Watch more,” m-web: .30s+ pixels, 5 MB Max File size. Link param at the end of the url
etc... URL: The URL can be a redirect
or link to an external site.

Headline: 1 line of 25 characters

Ideal for shorter content desktop: ✓ maximum. Display URL: URL that Youtube Analytics: CTR,
TrueView, will be shown Destination URL:
with DR/performance goals, tablet: ✓ CTAs shown, total clicks.
CALL TO ACTION organic, embeds can be a tracking url, can be a
use this auto-expand lever m-app: ✓ redirect and/or link to an
Post-Click Tracking: insert
OVERLAYS on videos where there is an m-web (Ipads
Recommend: Use
tracking param at the end
for .06s, .15s & .30s external site.Thumbnail: must be
actionable next step. only): ✓ hosted on YouTube, JPG or GIF of the url
only, 74x74 pixels.

Make your final frames Image Specs: .jpg, .gif, or .png

TrueView & Youtube Analytics: CTR,
count on every video. format and no larger than 5MB.
desktop: ✓ Organic Title: 50 characters limit. CTAs: End screens shown, total
Add important links such as Recommend: Use
tablet: ✓ Learn more, Visit, Sign up, Shop, clicks.
END SCREENS “Watch more,” “Learn for: .30s - TrueView
m-app: ✓ Order, Buy, Download.Elements: Post-Click Tracking: insert
more,” “Subscribe,” etc… to in-stream, discovery
Max 4 elements shown 5-20s
m-web: ads, all video ads tracking param at the end
retain user interest in your depending on video length,
(reservation) of the url
brand. Video must be 25s or longer.

Insert key links in video

Track: total clicks, referrer
description (before desktop: ✓ Organic & Paid,
data browsers, countries,
SHORTENED character cut-off). tablet: ✓ Embed Google URL shortener
URLs Supplement with in-video m-app: ✓ Recommend use = Paste your URL → Click Shorten
levers by giving users links m-web:✓
to the next step.



Learn more about Call to Action Overlays Learn more about Cards Learn more about End Screens

Tip: Insert frames to the end of

videos and avoid obscuring the other
interactivity levers like Cards, Branding
Watermark and End Screens by placing the
logo in the middle.
Learn more about Shortened URLs

Google Confidential & Proprietary Questions? Contact Saina Shelton ([email protected])

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