CHECKED - Practical Research 2

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Senior High School

Sibalom, Antique




In Partial Requirements

For the Subject

Practical Research 2


Emmanuel Basilio

Dominique Jan Obliga

Hellenne Raye Yoro

Yevgeny Lloyd Buton

Cyrill Love Dela Rosa

Richmon Cahilig

Ed Reinhart Tibang

Adrian Vedad

Willree Jerome Quimado

John Rey Horca

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

Chapter I

Introduction of the Study

Mobile legends is created by China developer is Moonton

Technology Co. Ltd and shanghai mulong network and technology Co.,ltd.

July 11, 2016. Mobile legend bang bang is a game designed which only for

phone, this game has two opposing teams to defend the fort so as not taken

over by the opponent. Besides, mobile legend is very popular and in

demand from various circles from teenagers to adults. This game is very

popular in Asian as many as ten million accounts are known to have

downloaded this game on the Google Play Store. The role is there are two

group fights to reach and destroy the enemy’s castle while defending their

own castle to defend the castle they have to control the path they pass

through. There are three lines the first is “Upper”, “Lower”, “Middle”. Those

lines connect the road to the castle. Someone who only plays the game is

called player, one of developer online games said if there

are 12.675.696 players who download that online game and the players

are dominated by teenagers and early adults aged 15-25 years. In online

games especially is Mobile legend the player can interact with the other

player to communicate and give ideas. There are features to support their

communication which are called chat room. In chat room, the player can

chat with team or enemy, therefore, they are usually 2 using a lot of

emerging special languages that are used in mobile legend game, called as

register. Register can be considered a different way language user in

different circumstances. According to (Wardaugh, 2006), register means

set of language items which are associated with social groups. Through

register, a community can be differentiated with another community

simply register is one of part of their identity. If it is so, register is a

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

common term inside some specific community, for example in a group of

indie fans, football club, airlines, banks, and so on. There have been some

studies related to register such as (Syahrir, 2017), (Rahmawati, 2014), and

(Sari, 2005). The first was conducted by (Syahrir, 2017). He investigated

registers used by gamers’ community in Point Blank Game. From this

study, he found 31 registers consisting of 20 formal registers and 11

informal registers. The second was conducted by (Rahmawati, 2014) with

the tittle Analysis of Register Used in Soccer Page of Social Media Facebook

she found 74 register which divided by its part of speech. Third was

conducted by (Sari, 2005) She studied about the register used by the

employees of shoe company Artisan Jaya Makmur Malang. She found 146

registers consisting of 142 formal registers and 4 informal. The researcher

decided to analyze register which found in Mobile legend player. The

researcher employs analysis of this research on player of Mobile legend,

with the title is ‘’Register found in Mobile Legend player”.

Background of the Study

An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily

played through the internet or any other computer network available.

Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms, including

PCs, consoles, and mobile devices, and span many genres including first

person shooters, strategy games, and massively multiplayer online role-

playing games. The design of online games can range from simple text-

based environments to the incorporation of complex graphics and virtual

worlds. The existence of online components within a game can range

from being minor features, such as an online leaderboards, to being part

of core gameplay, such as directly playing against other players. Many

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

online games create their own online communities, while other games,

especially social games, integrate the players' existing real-life

communities. Online games culture sometimes faces criticisms for an

environment that might promote cyber bullying, and violence. Some

gamers are also concerned about gaming addiction or social stigma.

Online games have attracted players from a variety of ages, nationalities,

and occupations. Online game content can also be studied in scientific

field, especially gamers’ interactions within virtual societies in relation to

the behavior and social phenomena of everyday life. It has been argued

that, since the players of an online game are strangers to each other and

have limited communication, the individual player's experience in an

online game is not essentially different from playing with artificial

intelligence players. Online games also have the problem of not being

permanently playable, unlike purchased retail games, as they require

special servers in order to function. Online games or video games can

ruined your life, if you’re addicted in playing online games you might end

up doing things that is different to the things that you’ve done in your

daily lives such as stealing, lying, sleeping late at night, gambling,

dropping in school, many more possible effects in playing online games.

Addiction, defined by Webster dictionary as a "compulsive need for and

use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-

defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal" was traditionally used

to depict a person's dependence on the substance. The problem of online

games addiction evolves together with the development and spread of the


As adolescents (12 – 17 years) and emerging adults (18– 29 years) access

the Internet more than any other age groups and undertake a higher risk

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

of overuse of the Internet, the problem of online games addiction disorder

is most relevant to young people.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the impact of online games on

academic performance of senior high school students when group

according to age in Sibalom National High School.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How Mobile Legends affect the Senior High School students in their

academic performance?

2. How many senior high students are addicted in playing online



Based on the problems, this hypothesis was tested:

1. Mobile Legends has no significant effect to the academic

performance of Senior High School students of Sibalom National

High School.


This part presents a review of some studies undertaken in the local setting

and outside the school. It also includes Literature and Theories, which

serve as underpinnings of the present study. A discussion of the

Conceptual Framework is also part of this chapter.

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique


This study further concerned on cognitive ability of the students and

their performance in the actual classroom interaction being affected by

online gaming.

1. Game theory is the study of how intelligent individuals interact.

It looks at models of how the researcher make decisions and interact with

others to achieve goals in both cooperative and none-cooperative

situations. Research is applied to various types of games including zero-

sum, where one side’s game is another’s loss, to complex combinatorial

games that look at multiple combinations of moves to determine the

optimal strategy and path forward. Game theory was originally developed

and applied to economics to determine the behaviors of consumers and

markets but is now used to study of human behaviors in a multitude of

situations and constraints


Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. Playing Online Games is the

Independent Variable while the Students’ Academic Performance is the

Dependent Variable. Spending more time playing online games may affect

the student’s academic performance.

Paradigm of the study

Mobile Legends STUDENTS

Characteristic ACADEMIC
(Independent variable)
(Dependent Variable)

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Sibalom National High School Students. The result of the study will

help the Sibalom National High School students to have an idea on how

online games affect their academic performance in school.

Parents. This study is significant to them to give them knowledge

about the effects of online gaming to their children. And help them to guide

and monitor the relation of their children to their cellphones.

Online Gamers. This study can help them realize that online gaming

is one of the reasons why there are difficulties in their academic


Future Researchers. This study will serve as a baseline and

framework for the future researchers. Study will enable the researcher to

be more resourceful and studious in the field of the study. This will also

serve as the background and added information to their future studies.

Scope and Limitations

This study will be conducted among the senior high school students of

Sibalom National High School, as the respondents of this research. This

research paper will find out about the impacts of online gaming to the

academic performance of senior high school students of Sibalom National

High School, with 10 Students each section in Senior High as


Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of this study, the following

terms are being operationally defined:

Online Gaming- in this study, it refers to the game played by senior

high school students of Sibalom National High School through internet or


Academic Performance- in this study, it refers to the senior high

school students’ performance in Sibalom National High School.

Impact- in this study, it is defined as the effect or influence of online

gaming to senior high school students of Sibalom National High School.

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies.

This discusses the following topics: (1) Psychological Factor, (2)

Computer Games Addiction, and (3) Internet Addiction, (4) Online

Games/Video Games, (5) Student Engagement and Sociological Effects,

(6) Intelligence Benefits, (7) Positive Effects of Video Games, (8) Computer

Game Addiction.

Psychological Factor

These researches study about the psychological factor, whether

that is factor to the online game addiction among students. Unlike with

substance abuse, the biological aspect of video game addiction is

uncertain. Research suggests gambling elevates dopamine, but there’s

more to addiction than brain chemistry. The addict suffers from

psychological component to the addiction. Online gaming allows a

person to escape the real world and change the perception of self-worth

(Rooij, Online video game addiction: identification of addicted, 2010).

An online gaming addiction is not that far from drug addiction. Both

are searching for a way to make them feel better. The lure of a fantasy

world is especially pertinent to online role-playing games. A player

assumes the role of a fictional character and interacts with other

players in a virtual world in these games. An intelligent child who is

unpopular at school can feel dominant in the game. The virtual life

becomes more appealing than real life. Too much gaming may seem

relatively harmless compared with the dangers of a drug overdose, but

experts say video game addiction can ruin lives. Children who play four

to five hours per day have no time for socializing, doing homework, or

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

playing sports leaving little time for normal social development.

According to Lan Ying Huang (2003), by playing the online game

features, online gamer participants may view the games as source of

providing diversion and filling time. “The biggest risk factor for

pathological video game use seems to be playing games to escape from

daily life,” said Joe Hilgard, lead author of the study and a doctoral

candidate in the Department of Psychological Sciences at

Missouri. “Individuals who play games to get away from their lives or to

pretend to be other people seem to be those most at-risk for becoming

part of a vicious cycle. These gamers avoid their problems by playing

games, which in turn interferes with their lives because they are so busy

playing games (Peters 7 et al, 2007). Internet addiction gives the gamer

to the unique psychological properties, which is the users increase their

use of these internet services, the utility they gain from each usage does

not diminish, leading not only to self-destructive addiction but also to

social ills. When a problem, playing video games can interfere with real-

life obligations such as work, and players can end up lying about

playing video games. The study found that “problematic” video game

use could have similar effects as other addictive activities, such as

abusing alcohol (Inwon Kang, 2011).

Computer Games Addiction

Games addiction shows the bad effect among the people

nowadays. Addiction to the internet shares some of negative aspects of

substance addiction and been shown to lead to consequences such as

failing school, family and relationship problem (Brian. D. NG, M.S &

Peter. W. H, 2005). It can make the people who has addicted will feel

that the games can provide opportunities for achievement, freedom and

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

even a connection to the players. Those benefits trumped a shallow

sense of fun, which does not keep gamers as interested (online gamers

anonymous, 2008). The role of media in advertising the games also

make more cause why the games addicted will be more interested with

those games. In 2005, advertiser spent $80 million to reach game

players, this spending is expected to top $400 by 2009 (Park Associate


Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is a relatively new phenomenon in which social

workers and psychologists are unaware of and are thus unprepared to

treat at present. Mu (2006) points out that some of the main symptoms of

Internet and online game addictions, including the decrease in friend and

face-to-face interactions with others, become infrequent while the member

of friends in the virtual world exponentially increases. Ultimately, the

psychokinetic becomes weaker and weaker over time. This means that

after a long time of playing online games, the players begin to realize the

dangers of online gaming. At this point players generally try to play less as

they try to orient themselves back to the demands of society. However, this

is mostly unsuccessful as it usually ends up failing. Zhang (2007) and

Zhou (2007), who researched on the same topic, reported different results

on the online game addiction and the finding supported the same

symptoms. About undergraduate students who were addicted to the

Internet or online games, Zhang (2007) indicated that most of these

students had bad grades in their universities. Moreover, Zhou (2007)

stated that the physical symptoms of Internet and online game addiction

were cervical spondylitis, neurasthenia and insomnia. Cervical

spondylitis, a common symptom of many MMOG players, is essentially a

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

spinal injury that results from keeping the same sitting position for hours

while playing games. This situation is more often than not leads to injuries

to the cervical vertebra on the spinal cord. Neurasthenia on the other hand

is a neurological disorder that results from when players engage in hours

and hours of game playing with no virtually sleep intervals in between.

Even though players may end up playing games for a long time before

going to sleep, their brains still keep running and experiencing phantom

excitement from playing games even when they are asleep. This causes

sleep sensitivity and disorders which induce addicted players to wake up

several times during the night and as such this leads them suffering from

insomnia that can cause mental anxiety and eventually result in nervous

breakdowns and general tiredness. Once the nature of physical and

mental symptoms that manifest in MMOG addicts had been determined,

we perused in various literatures on this topic to discover the ways

through these addiction could be evaluated. One of the useful information

sources has obtained from Young (1999), who conducted a study aimed at

enabling social workers to better understand, detect and treat Internet

addiction. The research by Young focused on the complications that

precede an Internet addiction diagnosis. About this research, it is relevant

in determining the criterion through which to evaluate our interviewees. It

would help us to determine whether the individuals were addicted to online

games or not. To create a more holistic point of view this thesis also aims

to identify the negative consequences associated with using the Internet

and the ways to assess and identify the reasons causing the onset of

pathological Internet use.

It is widely believed that game players who spend playing too

many hours (above 10 hours a day) are at high risk of being addicted to

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

video games (Anand, 2007). Previous studies have shown that video

game addiction among adolescents gamers is highly correlated with

psychosocial problems such as time spent on games (i.e., usage), life

satisfaction, loneliness, social competence , and aggression (Lemmens

et al., 2009). For example, Peters and Malesky (2008) further support

the relationship between addiction of World of Warcraft players to the

game and the time they spend playing online, the relationship that is

also supported among adolescents who are addicted to online games in

general (Gentile, 2009; Xu et al., 2012). However, due to the lack of

research on the causal relationship among game addiction and these

psychosocial variables, the authors avoid making conclusions

regarding the direction of the relationships. Gentile (2009), compare

pathological gamers versus non-pathological gamers among 1,178

American adolescents (aged between 8 and 18) regarding their

psychosocial behavior. The results show that pathological gamers are

twice as likely as non-pathological gamers to have attention problems

such as attention deficit disorder. However, the author avoids making

conclusion regarding the direction of causality between pathological

gameplay and attention problems. In a study on a large sample of

adolescents (13-16 years old) in the Netherlands, van Rooij et al. (2011)

show that compared to non-addicts, video game addicts have

significantly higher levels of depressive moods, loneliness and

significantly lower levels of self-esteem. In this study, the results of this

comparison for social anxiety level are not significant.

Although playing video games is one of the most popular leisure

activities in the world, research into its effects on players, both positive

and negative, is often trivialized. Some of this research deserves to take

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

seriously, not least because video game playing has implications for

health. One innovative application of video games in health care is their

use in pain management. The degree of attention needed to play such

a game can distract the player from the sensation of pain, a strategy

that has been reported and evaluated among pediatric patients. One

case study reported the use of a handheld video game to stop an 8-year-

old boy picking at his face. The child had neuron dermatitis and

scarring due to continual picking at his upper lip. Previous treatments

had failed so the boy was given a hand held video game to keep his

hands occupied. After two weeks, the affected area had healed.

Controlled studies using both randomized controlled trials and

comparison with patient’s own baseline measures show that video

games can provide cognitive distraction for children during

chemotherapy for cancer and treatment for sickle cell disease. All these

studies reported that distracted patients had less nausea and lower

systolic blood pressure than controls (who were simply asked to rest)

after treatment and needed fewer analgesics. Video games have been

used as a form of physiotherapy or occupational therapy in many

different groups of people. Such games focus attention away from

potential discomfort and, unlike more traditional therapeutic activities,

they do not rely on passive movements and sometimes-painful

manipulation of the limbs. Video games have been used as a form of

physiotherapy for arm injuries, in training the movements of a 13-year-

old child with Erb’s palsy, and as a form of occupational therapy to

increase hand strength. Therapeutic benefits have also been reported

for a variety of adult populations including wheelchair users with spinal

cord injuries, people with severe burns, and people with muscular

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

dystrophy. Video games have also been used in comprehensive

programs to help develop social and spatial ability skills in children and

adolescents with severe learning disability or other developmental

problems, including autism; children with multiple handicaps (for

example severely limited acquisition of speech) and children with

impulsive and attention deficit disorders. However, there has been no

long term follow-up and no robust randomized controlled trials of such

interventions. Whether patients eventually tire of such games is also

unclear. Furthermore, it is not known whether any distracting effect

depends simply on concentrating on an interactive task or whether the

content of games is also an important factor as there have been no

controlled trials comparing video games with other distractors. Further

research should examine factors within games such as novelty, users’

preferences, and relative levels of challenge and should compare video

games with other potentially distracting activities. While playing video

games have some benefits in certain clinical settings, a growing body of

evidence highlighting the more negative aspects of play—particularly on

children and adolescents. These include the risk of video game

addiction, (although the prevalence of true addiction, rather than

excessive use, is very low) and increased aggressiveness. There have

been numerous case reports of other adverse medical and psychosocial

effects. For instance, the risk of epileptic seizures while playing video

games in photosensitive individuals with epilepsy is well

established. (Graf, et Al. 1994) Report that seizures are most likely to

occur during rapid scene changes and when games include patterns of

highly intense repetition and flickering. Seizures and excessive or

addictive play do not seem to be linked directly, however, as occasional

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

players seem to be just as susceptible. Other case studies have reported

adverse effects of playing video games, including auditory

hallucinations, enuresis, encopresis, wrist pain, neck pain, elbow

pain, tenosynovitis, hand-arm vibration syndrome, repetitive strain

injuries, peripheral neuropathy, and obesity. Some of these adverse

effects seem to be rare and many resolve when the patients no longer

play the games. Furthermore, case reports and case series cannot

provide firm evidence of cause and effect or rule out other confounding

factors. On balance, given that video game playing is highly prevalent

among children and adolescents in industrialized countries, there is

little evidence that moderate frequency of play has serious acute

adverse effects from moderate play. Adverse effects, when they occur,

tend to be relatively minor and temporary, resolving spontaneously with

decreased frequency of play. We need more evidence on excessive play

and on defining what constitutes excess in the first place. There should

also be long-term studies of the course of video game addiction.

Online Games/ Video Games

Playing video games is often associated in our society with poor

academic performance. This anecdotal idea is supported by some

research. A 2000 study found a negative correlation between GPA and time

spent playing video games (Anderson & Dill, 2000). The correlation was

relatively small. Time alone accounted for a 4% variance in GPA, yet the

findings are significant. However, several older studies contend that the

results of research have been mixed. A 1997 study suggests that “there is

no clear causal relationship between video game playing and academic

performance” (Emes, 1997, p. 413). It goes on to say that the research is

“sparse and contradictory” (Emes, 1997, p. 413).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

The effect that interactive digital media has on the learning process is not

completely negative. It is not that the medium itself is inherently flawed,

but much of the information that gets transmitted through it may be. As

was noted in a 2008 study on media attention and cognitive abilities,

“content appears to be crucial” (Schmidt & Vanderwater, 2008, p. 63). If

the content being consumed is positive, then positive results can be

expected. If the content is negative, then negative results can be expected.

The study examined research from many sources in arriving at this


Student Engagement and Sociological Effects

Research on the social effects of video games is also mixed

(Allison, Wahlde, Shockley, & Gabbard, 2006). Some studies have found

that video games are similar to addictions such as gambling which create

negative social effects. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games

(MMORPGs) have been called “heroin ware” because they are

“simultaneously competitive and highly social” (Allison, Wahlde, Shockley,

& Gabbard, 2006, p. 383). Other studies have noted positive aspects of the

games such as the ability to experiment with aspects of individual identity

which do not come out in public.

MMORPGs have been criticized for hampering academic and job

performance. The FCC has specifically accused World of Warcraft, one of

the most popular games, as leading to college dropouts (Somaiya, 2009).

Students can become obsessed with these games and become disengaged

from schools, friends, and life in general. Video games can also have

positive social effects. One measure of this which has significant research

is that of prosaically behavior. Prosaically behavior is defined as when one

person acts to help another. While research on this topic is mixed, there

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

is evidence that games which focus on prosaically behavior lead to

prosaically results (Schie & Wiegman, 1997).

Intelligence Benefits

According to All Academic Research, playing computer games may

not be all that bad for your children. Peng Wei states that educational

games can be effective assisting tools in the educational areas of

management, medicine and science. If you choose the right educational

computer games, your child may learn better problem-solving skills and

eye-hand coordination. Your child may also get the ability to think fast

and think of multiple things all at once. Skills obtained from playing

computer games may help your child learn quickly when it comes to his

studies. If your child is struggling in one of his school subjects, there are

many educational computer games available for him. There are math and

reading related games that may help boost your child’s skills. These games

can be both fun and educational for your children.

Positive Effects of Video Games

When your child plays video games, it gives his brain a real

workout. In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract

and high level thinking. These skills are not even taught at school. Some

of the mental skills enhanced by video games include following

instructions, Problem solving and logic (When a child plays a game such

as The Incredible Machine, Angry Birds or Cut The Rope, he trains his

brain to come up with creative ways to solve puzzles and other problems

in short bursts), Hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills. In

shooting games, the character may be running and shooting at the same

time. This requires the real-world player to keep track of the position of

the character, where he/she is heading, his speed, where the gun is

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

aiming, if the gunfire is hitting the enemy, and so on. All these factors need

to be taken into account, and then the player must then coordinate the

brain's interpretation and reaction with the movement in his hands and

fingertips. This process requires a great deal of eye-hand coordination and

visual-spatial ability to be successful. Research also suggests that people

can learn iconic, spatial, and visual attention skills from video games.

There have been even studies with adults showing that experience with

video games is related to better surgical skills. Also, a reason given by

experts as to why fighter pilots of today are more skillful is that this

generation’s pilots are being weaned on video games. Planning, resource

management and logistics. The player learns to manage resources that

are limited, and decide the best use of resources, the same way as in real

life. This skill is honed in strategy games such as SimCity, Age of Empires,

and Railroad Tycoon. Notably, The American Planning Association, the

trade association of urban planners and Maxis, the game creator, have

claimed that SimCity has inspired a lot of its players to take a career in

urban planning and architecture. Multitasking, simultaneous tracking of

many shifting variables and managing multiple objectives. In strategy

games, for instance, while developing a city, an unexpected surprise like

an enemy might emerge. This forces the player to be flexible and quickly

change tactics. (Daphne Bavalier)

Quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions. Sometimes

the player does this almost every second of the game giving the brain a

real workout. According to researchers at the University of Rochester, led

by Daphne Bavelier, a cognitive scientist, games simulating stressful

events such as those found in battle or action games could be a training

tool for real-world situations. The study suggests that playing action video

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Sibalom, Antique

games primes the brain to make quick decisions. Video games can be used

to train soldiers and surgeons, according to the study. Importantly,

decisions made by action-packed video game players are no less accurate.

According to Beveller, "Action game players make more correct decisions

per unit time. If you are a surgeon or you are in the middle of a battlefield,

which can make all the difference." Accuracy - Action games, according to

a study by the University of Rochester, train the player's brain to make

faster decisions without losing accuracy. In today’s world, it is important

to move quickly without sacrificing accuracy. Strategy and anticipation -

Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad is good for you: How Today's

Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter, calls this "telescoping."

The gamer must deal with immediate problems while keeping his long-

term goals on his horizon. Situational awareness - – Defense News

reported that the Army include video games to train soldiers to improve

their situational awareness in combat. Many strategy games also require

the player to become mindful of sudden situational changes in the game

and adapt accordingly. Developing reading and math skills – The young

gamer reads to get instructions, follow storylines of games, and get

information from the game texts. Also, using math skills is important to

win in many games that involves quantitative analysis like managing

resources. Perseverance – In higher levels of a game, the player usually

fails the first time around, but he keeps on trying until he succeeds and

move on to the next level. Pattern recognition – Games have internal logic

in them, and the player figures it out by recognizing patterns. Estimating

skills. Inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing - James Paul Gee,

professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, says that

playing a video game is similar to working through a science problem. Like

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

a student in a laboratory, the gamer must come up with a hypothesis. For

example, the gamer must constantly try out combinations of weapons and

powers to use to defeat an enemy. If one does not work, he changes

hypothesis and try the next one. Video games are goal-driven experiences,

says Gee, which are fundamental to learning. Mapping (The gamer use in-

game maps or build maps on his head to navigate around virtual worlds.)

Memory - Playing first person shooter games such as Call of Duty and

Battlefield series enables the player to effectively judge what information

should be stored in his working memory and what can be discarded

considering the task at hand, according to a study published in the

Psychological Research. Concentration, A study conducted by the

Appalachia Educational Laboratory reveal that children with attention-

deficit disorder who played Dance Revolution improve their reading scores

by helping them concentrate Improved ability to rapidly and accurately

recognize visual information - A study from Beth Israel Medical Center NY,

found a direct link between skill at video gaming and skill at keyhole, or

laparoscopic, surgery. Reasoned judgments, Taking risks - Winning in any

game involves a player's courage to take risks. Most games do not reward

players who play safely. How to respond to challenges, How to respond to

frustrations, How to explore and rethink goals, Teamwork and cooperation

when played with others – Many multiplayer games such as Team Fortress

2 involve cooperation with other online players in order to win. These

games encourage players to make the most of their individual skills to

contribute to the team. According to a survey by Joan Ganz Cooney Center,

teachers report that their students become better collaborators after using

digital games in the classroom. Management – Management simulation

games such as Rollercoaster Tycoon and Zoo tycoon teach the player to

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

make management decisions and manage the effective use of finite

resources. Other games such as Age of Empires and Civilization even

simulate managing the course of a civilization. Simulation, real world

skills. The most well-known simulations are flight simulators, which

attempt to mimic the reality of flying a plane. All of the controls, including

airspeed, wing angles, altimeter, and so on, are displayed for the player,

as well as a visual representation of the world, and are updated in real


Computer Game Addiction

Because there is no official diagnosis of computer game

addiction, there is obviously no universally agreed upon list of symptoms.

Psychologists and other mental health professionals initially adapted the

diagnostic criteria for gambling addiction and used this as a rough

assessment tool for computer game addiction. This classification approach

is rarely used today and for better or for worse, it is essentially up to the

individual researcher or clinician to define the symptoms of computer

addiction. Still, there are some signs and behaviors that are almost always

included in definitions of computer addiction, such as: Significant

interference with school, work, or relationships. Often avoiding other

commitments in order to keep playing, Frequently turning down social

invitations in favor of gaming, Using most or all of one's free time for

gaming, Regularly playing late into the night and which results in poor

sleep habits, Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, Regular

gaming "binges" of 8 hours or more nonstop.

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique



This chapter discusses the research design, locale of the study, the

respondents, the gathering instrument/s, data gathering procedure and

data analysis procedure.

Research Design

This is a quantitative research utilizing case study research design.

Locale of the Study

This was conducted in Sibalom National High School within the

Municipality of Sibalom in the province of Antique for School Year 2019-


Population and Sampling

This research is conducted on students in Sibalom National High

School (SNHS).

In this case, the sampling for this study is some Senior High

School students of SNHS. Therefore, accessible sampling for this study

will be students who meet the designated criteria and who are available

for the research study.

The Respondents

The subjects of this study were the selected Senior High School

students of Sibalom National High School enrolled in the school year


Probability sampling was employed in this study. A Simple

Random sampling is a type of probability sample which the main

objective is to produce a sample that can be logically assumed to be

representative of the population (Encyclopedia of Survey Research

Methods, 2008).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

In this study, 10 Senior High School students per section of

Sibalom National High School were taken as respondents.


The data-gathering instrument used was a researcher made

questionnaire. Information and answer sheets were attached to

questionnaire for respondents to fill out their name and grade level.

Data Gathering Procedure and Time Frame

The following steps composed the conduct of this research study:

Reading for input. Researchers had a wide reading on various

related questions to be their basis in making questionnaire.

Developing the test. The collected information were integrated and

evaluated to create the desired interview guide.

Validation. The jury made up of one (1) member duly validated the

questionnaire. The validator was the subject teacher himself of Sibalom

National High School.

Questionnaire Distribution. Permission to distribute the

questionnaire in Senior High School with 10 respondents in each section.

Then, researchers personally administered the test to the respondents in

their respective classrooms. They were given at least twenty (20) minutes

to finish answering the questionnaire-checklist.

Analysis Plan

After the data were gathered, we separated their answers based on

the given questions.

Then the researchers use their questionnaires to state their

questions from their answers to be easy to the researcher to understand

what the respondent is trying to say.

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

Next, the researcher identified every respondents’ ideas that have

similarities to the idea of another respondent or looking for some pattern

from their answers.

Finally, we, as researchers look for idea that has the most

information answered by our respondents and combined those

information and made it as their final answers.

Validity and Reliability

After gathering data/ conduct questionnaire among respondents in

Sibalom National High School students, the data were analyzed from the

answer of the respondents.

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the findings of the study as revealed the

impact of Mobile Legends influencing Senior High School Students in

Sibalom National High School that over-playing mobile legends that

affects their academic performance when group according to age.

The objectives of the study were to determine if there is an impact

that affects senior high school student’s academic performance in

Sibalom National High School.

 Knowledge about the impact of Mobile Legends in Academic

Performance of Senior High School students of Sibalom National

High School when group according to age.

 Requirements for informing the issues about failing grades caused

by overplaying Mobile Legends.

The questions were given to Senior High School students of Sibalom

National High School who are playing Mobile Legends. After indicating

their willingness to participate in the study, these students completed

the questions in questionnaire.

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 1, in terms of age level of Senior High School

students of Sibalom National High School who are playing Mobile


Table 1

Age F

16 20

17 32

18 26

19 4

20 5

21 2

23 1

The age of Senior High School students of Sibalom National High School

playing Mobile Legends are “18 years old” in research the weighted mean

is (M=5.9).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 2, the researcher will determine the no. of failed

grades of Senior High School students of Sibalom National High School.

Table 2

No. of Failed Grades F

0 75

1 6

2 6

3 3

The No. of failed grades of Senior High School students of Sibalom

National High School playing Mobile Legends are “1 failed grade” in

research the weighted mean is (M=3.7).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 3, the researcher will determine the time average of

Senior High School students of Sibalom National High School spent their

time playing Mobile Legends.

Table 3

What is the time average you’ve F

spent in playing Mobile Legends in
a day?
15-30 mins. 16

30-1 hour 32

1-3 hours 24

3 hours above 18

The time average of Senior High School students of Sibalom National

High School they spent playing Mobile Legends are “1-3 hours” in

research the weighted mean is (M=2.5).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 4, the researcher will determine the total money of

Senior High School students of Sibalom National High School spent in

playing Mobile Legends in a week.

Table 4

What is the total money you’ve F

spent in playing Mobile Legends in
a week?
10 to 20 pesos 17

20 to 50 pesos 32

50 to 100 pesos 28

100 pesos above 13

The total money of Senior High School students of Sibalom National High

School they spent playing Mobile Legends are “50 to 100 pesos” in

research the weighted mean is (M=2.6).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 5, the researcher will know if there is any

possibility that Senior High School students of Sibalom National High

School skip their meals just to play Mobile Legends.

Table 5

Do you skip your meals just to play F

Mobile Legends?
Always 5

Seldom 5

Sometimes 40

Never 40

The possibility that Senior High School students of Sibalom National

High School skip their meals just to play Mobile Legends are

“Sometimes” in research the weighted mean is (M=3.2).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 6, the researcher will know if there is any

possibility that Senior High School students of Sibalom National High

School skip their classes just to play Mobile Legends.

Table 6

Do you skip your classes just to F

play Mobile Legends?
Always 2

Seldom 2

Sometimes 18

Never 68

The possibility that Senior High School students of Sibalom National

High School skip their classes just to play Mobile Legends are

“Sometimes” in research the weighted mean is (M=3.6).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 7, the researcher will determine the how long

Senior High School students of Sibalom National High School they’ve

played Mobile Legends since they started.

Table 7

How long have you played Mobile F

legends since you’ve started?
A week 11

A month 29

A year 39

2 years above 11

The Senior High School students of Sibalom National High School since

they’ve started playing Mobile Legends are “A year” in research the

weighted mean is (M=2.4).

Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 8, the researcher will determine the Senior High

School students of Sibalom National High School friends are playing

Mobile Legends.

Table 8

How many of your friends plays F

Mobile Legends?
1-2 6

3-4 18

5-6 13

7 above 53

The Senior High School students of Sibalom National High School friends

that plays Mobile Legends are “7 above” in research the weighted mean is


Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique

As presented in Table 9, the researcher will determine if Mobile Legends

may affect the Senior High School students of Sibalom National High

School academic performance.

Table 9

In your thoughts, do you think that F

playing Mobile Legends affects your
academic performance?
Yes 15

No 75

Supposedly, Senior High School students of Sibalom National High

School do not think that playing Mobile Legends affect their academic


Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations derived from the study.

Summary of Findings

This study aimed to determine the impact of online games on

academic performance of senior high school students when group

according to age in Sibalom National High School.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How Mobile Legends affect the Senior High School students in their

academic performance?

2. How many senior high students are playing online games?

The respondents of the study were 90 Senior High School students of

Sibalom National High School in municipality of Sibalom.

The data gathering instrument used in this study was a

questionnaire-checklist on research from the study.

Frequency and mean were employed as descriptive statistics.

Findings of the study were the following:

1. Mobile legends affects the Senior High school Students through

their academic performance that cause failing grades and loss of

concentration on their study as revealed in this study.

2. Approximately, 21.3% from total population of Senior High School

Student of Sibalom National High School are playing Mobile


Senior High School
Sibalom, Antique


Based on the upper mentioned findings the conclusions were


1. The result of this study shows that playing Mobile Legends has an

impact to their academic performance when they give all there time

and effort in playing rather than study that cause failing grades

and loss to their study. Otherwise Mobile Legends has no negative

impact in academic performance as long as they can manage their

time, money and effort if they have self-discipline and knowing

their limitation.

Based on the hypothesis written on Chapter 1 the conclusions


It was claimed that there is no significant effect to the academic

performance of Senior High School students of Sibalom National

High School.


1. Parents should advice their children to manage their time in

playing Mobile Legends. Parents must observe or watch out on

their children over all activities that should pursue studying rather

that playing.

2. To find new hobbies rather than playing Mobile Legends and self-

discipline, they can play Mobile Legends only for holidays and


3. Parents should convince their children that playing Mobile Legends

won’t cause any good to their future.


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