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Elemen mesin 2

Referensi :
1. Juvinall, R. C., & Marshek, K. M. (2000). Fundamentals of
machine component design. New York: John Wiley.
2. Khurmi R.S. and Gupta J.K., (2008); “A Textbook of Machine Design”,
4th ed., New Delhi, India: S. Chand & Company Ltd.
3. Robert L Mott; Edward M Vavrek; Jyhwen Wang., “Machine
elements in mechanical design“, New York: Pearson
4. Budynas, Richard G., J. Keith Nisbett, and Joseph
Edward Shigley. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2011.
• A brake is a device by means of which artificial
frictional resistance is applied to a moving
machine member, in order to retard or stop the
motion of a machine.
• In the process of performing this function, the
brake absorbs either kinetic energy of the moving
member or potential energy given up by objects
being lowered by hoists, elevators etc.
• The energy absorbed by brakes is dissipated in
the form of heat. This heat is dissipated in the
surrounding air [2]
Main functions of braking system
 To stop the vehicle safely in shortest possible distance in case of
 To control the vehicle when it is descending along the hills
 To keep the vehicle in desired position after bringing in at rest

 Any other ?
Energy Absorbed by a Brake
• Pure Translation

• Pure Rotation

• Translation + Rotation
Energy Absorbed by a Brake
• Elevator, Hoists, etc
Energy Absorbed by a Brake
• The total energy absorbed by a brake must be equal with the
frictional force
• Let Frictional force

• Torque must be absorbed by the brake

Brake requirement
1. Brakes must be strong enough to stop vehicle with in a minimum
distance in an emergency.
2. Brakes must have good anti-fade characteristics.
i.e. their effectiveness should not decrease with prolonged
application. This requirement demands cooling of brakes should be
very efficient.

Factor of brake design/capacity :

Pressure, Friction coefficient, Velocity, Area, Heat dissipation ability
Braking heat dissipation
• The energy absorbed by the brake and transformed into heat must be
dissipated to the surrounding air in order to avoid excessive
temperature rise of the brake lining
• Highest permitted (recommended) temperature for particular brake
lining material
• Leather, fibre, wood facing = 65-70oC
• Asbestos, metal (slightly lubricated) = 90-105oC
• Automobile brakes with asbestos = 180-225oC
Braking heat dissipation
• Around 10 – 25 % of heat generated is immediately dissipated to the
surrounding air while the remaining heat is absorbed by brake drum
causing the temperature rise.
• When the temperature increases, the coefficient of friction
• At high temperature, there is a rapid wear of friction lining, which
reduces the life of lining.
• Therefore, the temperature rise should be kept within the
permissible range
Braking heat dissipation
• The energy absorbed or heat generated defined as
Braking heat dissipation
Braking heat dissipation
• The heat generated can be obtained by considering the amount of
mechanical energy as well
Braking heat dissipation
• Besides, the temperature rise of brake drum is stated as
Braking heat dissipation
• However, it’s hard to precisely calculate the temperature rise. In
preliminary design analysis, the product of p.v is considered in place
of temperature rise
Braking heat dissipation
The ability of brakes to absorb large
amount of energy without reaching
destructive temperatures can be
increased by
• Increasing exposed areas, i.e. fin
• Increasing air flow past these surfaces
• Increasing the mass and specific heat
of part
A vehicle of mass 1200 kg is moving down the hill at a slope of 1: 5 at
72 km / h. It is to be stopped in a distance of 50 m. If the diameter of
the tyre is 600 mm, determine the average braking torque to be applied
to stop the vehicle, neglecting all the frictional energy except for the
• If the friction energy is momentarily stored in a 20 kg cast iron brake drum,
What is average temperature rise of the drum? The specific heat for cast iron
may be taken as 520 J / kg°C.
• Determine, also, the minimum coefficient of friction between the tyres and
the road in order that the wheels do not skid, assuming that the weight is
equally distributed among all the four wheels.
A flywheel of mass 100 kg and radius of gyration 350 mm is rotating at
720 r.p.m. It is brought to rest by means of a brake. The mass of the
brake drum assembly is 5 kg. The brake drum is made of cast iron FG
260 having specific heat 460 J / kg°C. Assuming that the total heat
generated is absorbed by the brake drum only, calculate the
temperature rise.
Brake lining
• To produce the frictional force
Brake lining
Brake lining
Brake lining material should have the following characteristics :
• High friction coefficient with minimum fading
• Low wear rate
• High heat resistance
• High heat dissipation capacity
• Low thermal expansion
• Have adequate mechanical strength
• Not be affected by moisture and oil
Brake lining
Types of Braking System
• According to the Location
• Wheels or transmission break
• According to the Construction
• Drum brakes, Disc brakes
• According to the Actuation Method
• Hydraulics brakes, Mechanical brakes, Pneumatics brakes,
Electrical brakes
• According to the Purpose
• Primary/Service brake, Secondary brake
Types of Braking System
• Hydraulics
• Pneumatic
• Mechanical
• Electrical
Types of Braking System

• Hydraulics : Liquid-based.
• Obey the Pascal’s law
• Applied in passenger cars (mostly)
Types of Braking System

• Pneumatics : Gas-Based
• Using air pressure instead of
• Mostly applied in heavy load
Types of Braking System

Electrical : mostly used

where large amounts of
energy are to be
transformed while the brake
retarding the load, such as
high way trucks, locomotive.
Types of Braking System

• Mechanical : applying
mechanical force to brake.
• Usually applied in small
vehicles such as scooters,
bikes where small force is

• This lecture will solely focus

on Mechanical Brake
Mechanical Braking System
• Single Block/Shoe Block
• Pivoted Block
• Double Block
• Simple Band Brake
• Differential Band Brake
• Internal Expanding Brake
• Anti Lock Brake
Single Block
• It consists of a block or shoe which is
pressed against the rim of a revolving
brake wheel drum
• The block is made of a softer
material than the rim of the wheel
• This type of a brake is commonly
used on railway trains and tram cars
Single Block
• If the angle of contact is less than 60°, then it may
be assumed that the normal pressure between
the block and the wheel is uniform

Case 1
• When the line of action of tangential braking force
(Ft) passes through the fulcrum O of the lever, and
the brake wheel rotates clockwise
Single Block
Case 2
• When the line of action of the tangential
braking force (Ft) passes through a distance
‘a’ below the fulcrum O
Single Block
Single Block
Case 3
When the line of action of the
tangential braking force passes
through a distance ‘a’ above
the fulcrum
Single Block
A single block brake is shown in Fig. 25.5. The
diameter of the drum is 250 mm and the angle
of contact is 90°. If the operating force of 700 N
is applied at the end of a lever and the
coefficient of friction between the drum and the
lining is 0.35.
Determine the torque that may be transmitted
by the block brake.
Pivoted Block
when the angle of contact is greater
than 60°, then the unit pressure
normal to the surface of contact is less
at the ends than at the centre. In such
cases, the block or shoe is pivoted to
the lever
A rope drum of an elevator having 650 mm diameter is fitted with a brake
drum of 1 m diameter. The brake drum is provided with four cast iron brake
shoes each subtending an angle of 45°.
The mass of the elevator when loaded is 2000 kg and moves with a speed of
2.5 m / s. The brake has a sufficient capacity to stop the elevator in 2.75
metres. Assuming the coefficient of friction between the brake drum and
shoes as 0.2,
1. width of the shoe, if the allowable pressureon the brake shoe is limited to
0.3 N/mm2;
2. heat generated in stopping the elevator.
Double Block
It consists of two brake blocks applied at
the opposite ends of a diameter of the
wheel which eliminate or reduces the
unbalanced force on the shaft
When a force P is applied to the bell
crank lever, the spring is compressed
and the brake is released.
A double shoe brake, as shown in Fig. 25.11 is
capable of absorbing a torque of 1400 N-m. The
diameter of the brake drum is 350 mm and the angle
of contact for each shoe is 100°. If the coefficient of
friction between the brake drum and lining is 0.4;
find :
1. the spring force necessary to set the brake;
2. 2. the width of the brake shoes, if the bearing
pressure on the lining material is not to exceed
0.3 N/mm2
Simple Band Brake
consists of a flexible band of leather, one or more ropes, or a steel lined
with friction material, which embraces a part of the circumference of
the drum
Differential Band Brake
Internal Expanding Brake
Anti-lock Brake System
• Anti-lock braking system (ABS) is an automobile safety system that
allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to maintain tractive contact with
the road surface according to driver inputs while braking, preventing
the wheels from locking up and avoiding uncontrolled skidding.
• ABS generally offers improved vehicle control and decreases
stopping distances on dry and slippery surfaces.
• ABS modulates the brake line pressure independent of the pedal
force, to bring the wheel speed back to the slip level range that
is necessary for optimal braking performance.

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