M 25 Lakshmi Infra
M 25 Lakshmi Infra
M 25 Lakshmi Infra
Name of Work : 0
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Dated : 28-12-2017
Qty. of
Sand in 20mm & d/s 12mm & d/s Plasticiser 3 days 7 days
CEMENT kgs Metal in Kgs Metal in Kgs WATER used per Compressiv Compressive
DETAILS OF w/c Ratio
IN KGS in kgs cum of e Strength Strength in
32.94% 33.52% 33.52% Concrete in in Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2
349 552 700 670 170.00 0.487 Nil 165.19 229.63
1.00 2.00 2.01 1.92 PLASTICISER USED : None
NOTE:- 1) This is mix design under controlled conditions. As per Specifications contractor must construct Trial Stretch and verify
the density of the concrete by adopting Core method.
2) Sampling of ingradients is not done by the Consultants.
3) The aggregates are assumed to be surface dry. If the aggregates are found to have water content, appropriate change
in the moisture content is to be made.
Page no1
Test Reports
Name of Work : 0
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Date of Testing:- 12-12-2017
Weight of Sample taken :- 5000
Sieve Analysis of Manufactured Sand
Wt. of Cumulative
aggregates Wt. % Wt. % of
I.S.Sieve Gradation REMARKS
retained in Retained in Retained Passing
gms gms
4.75mm 0 0 0.0 100.0 100
2.36mm 540 540 10.8 89.2 90-100
1.18mm 486 1026 20.5 79.5 75-100
600 microns 1170 2196 43.9 56.1 55-90
300 microns 860 3056 61.1 38.9 35-59 Zone II
150 microns 1107 4163 83.3 16.7 8-30
75 microns 786 4949 99.0 1.0 0-10
Pan 51 5000 100.0 0.0 0
Fineness Modulus(F.M) = = 2.20 Lies between 2 To 3.37
Hence O.K.
RESULT:- Sand can be used for Concreting works.
Page no2
Name of Work : 0
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Date of Testing:- 12-12-2017
Weight of Sample taken :- 5000
Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate (10 mm)
Wt. of Cumulative
aggregates Wt. % Wt.
I.S.Sieve % of Passing Gradation REMARKS
retained in Retained in Retained
gms gms
26.50mm 0 0 0.00 100.00 100
Page no3
Name of Work : 0
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Date of Testing:- 12-12-2017
Weight of Sample taken :- 5000
Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate (20 mm)
Wt. of Cumulative
aggregates Wt. % Wt. % of
I.S.Sieve Gradation REMARKS
retained in Retained in Retained Passing
gms gms
26.50mm 0 0 0.00 100.00 100
Page no4
Name of Work : 0
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Date of Testing:- 12-12-2017
Weight of Sample taken :- 5000
Combined Gradation
Deleterious Materials passing
Percentage passing through IS test Sieve
Lab Test Source of Size of by Weight / Max.
Sl No
No Aggregate Aggregate 19.00 9.50 4.75 600 75
26.50 mm Clay Lump Coal
mm mm mm micron micron
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15
20mm &
100 80-100 55-75 35-60 10-35 0-8 1 1
20mm &
1 100.00 72.28 48.32 15.40 7.72 0.52 - - -
12mm &
2 100.00 86.32 18.12 8.04 1.04 0.02 - - -
3 Sand 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 56.08 1.0 - - -
33.52 % of
33.52 24.23 16.20 5.16 2.59 0.17 - - -
20mm & d/s
Gradation of 33.52 % of
33.52 28.93 6.07 2.70 0.35 0.01 - - -
20mm & down 12mm & d/s
32.94 % of
32.94 32.94 32.94 32.94 18.47 0.34 - - -
Combined Gradation of 20mm & d/s 99.98 86.10 55.21 40.80 21.41 0.52 - - -
1 : Samples are collected and conveyed to the lab by the Client.
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Lakshmi Infra
Combined Gradation
Deleterious Materials passing
by Weight / Max. Fineness
16 17 18
- -
- -
- - Combined
Gradation of
- - 20mm & d/s
- - Gradation.
- -
Page no6
Karnataka Material Testing and Research Centre, H
Mix Design For M-25 [ IS :10262-1982 ]
SP 23-1982; IS 383-1970; IS 456-2000
Design Stipulations
Characteristic compressive strength of 150mm cubes required in the field at 28-days 25.00
Condition of concrete exposure Moderate
Degree of workability/Consistency required 50 - 100
Limitation of maximum free water-cement ratio 0.45
Limitation of minimum cement content 300.00
River sand which shall not contain of dust, lumps, soft or flaky ma
Fine aggregates
other deleterious materials
Good as carefully stored cement and periodic tests, weigh batching of all the materials, c
Degree of quality control expected graded aggregates supplied, occasional grading and moisture tests, periodic check of w
strength, intermittent supervision and experienced workers.
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Page no7
Coarse aggregate
20 mm down. 2.89
10 mm down 2.76
Fine aggregate
Sand 2.62
Water absorption of aggregates.
Coarse aggregate
20 mm down. 1.21
10 mm down 1.25
Fine aggregate
Sand 1.53
Coarse aggregate
20 mm down. Nil
10 mm down Nil
Fine aggregate
Sand 2.17
Fine aggregate
Sand Grading Zone II
Coarse aggregate
20 mm down Individual
10 mm down grading
Since different cement and aggregate of different max. size, grading, surface texture, shape
and other characteristic may produce concrete of different relationship between the strength
and the free water-cement ration should actually to be used.From Curve-E of Figure-2 of IS 0.45
10262-1982, the free water-cement ratio for the target strength of 31.60N/mm 2 works out
to 0.5 by interpolation. This value is smaller than 0.65 stated above, hence it is selected for
designation.And the values of compacting factor related to this w/c ratio would change to
lower value (Since the slump of this w/c ratio would reduced)
Approximately 0.55
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Page no8
Selection of water content and fine to total aggregate ratio per cubic metre of
For the desired workability, the quantity of mixing water per unit volume of concrete and the
ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume are to be estimated for 20mm 186
nominal maximum size of aggregate.
Similarly from the same Table as referred to above, sand as a percentage of total aggregate
to absolute volume as 35% for concrete grade up to M-25.
Adjustment of Values in water content and sand percentage for other conditions:
The required adjustment are made for the change in condition stipulated
a) For sand conforming to grading zone-II
Adjustment to water content 0
Adjustment to sand content 0
b) For decrease in water cement ratio of 0.55
Adjustment to water content 0
Adjustment to sand content (Each 0.05 decrease ; - 1.0% in sand content) -1.6
c) For increase in compacting factor of 0.95
Adjustment to water content (Each 0.1 increase ; + 3.0% in water content) -0.9
Adjustment to sand content 0
Hence the required water content 167.4
Required sand content 32.1
Calculation of cement content:
The cement content per unit volume of concrete is calculated from the adjusted free water-
cement ratio and the selected w/c ratio.
This cement content so obtained shall be checked against the minimum cement content for
the requirements of durability, which in this case is 300 kg/m3. The greater of the two
values was taken for the design.
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Page no9
Estimation of Air Content:
Approximate amount of entrapped air to be expected in a normal concrete (non-entrained
concrete) is 2 % for 20mm maximum nominal size of the aggregate (entrapped air as a 0.02
percen tage of volume of concrete)
Determination of Coarse and fine aggregate contents:
With the quantity of water and cement content per unit volume of concrete and the ratio of fine to total aggregate already established
the following Equations:
V=[ W + C/Sc + 1/p*fa/Sfa]/1000
V=[ W + C/Sc + 1/1-p*Ca/Sca]/1000
V= Absolute volume of fresh concrete which is equal to gross volume in cum minus the
volume of the entrapped air.
W= Mass of water in kg per cum of concrete. 167.40
C= Mass of cement in kg per cum of concrete. 372.00
Sc= Specific gravity of cement 3.12
p= Ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume 0.32
fa, ca= Total mass of fine and coarse aggregate in kg per cum of of concrete respectively.
Sfa = Specific gravities of saturated surface dry fine aggregate 2.40
Sca= Specific gravities of saturated surface dry coarse aggregate 2.83
Substituting these values we get,
V=[ W + C/Sc + 1/p*fa/Sfa]/1000, 525.05
V=[ W + C/Sc + 1/1-p*Ca/Sca]/1000 1414.82
Hence the total aggrgates per 1 m or indicating the percentages 1939.87
fine aggregate % 27.07
coarse aggregate % 72.93
Total aggregate % 100.00
Mix proportion designed as above
The mix design proportion is stipulated in the table below.
Cement Fine Agg CA 20mm CA 10mm
372 525 707 707
Cement Fine Agg CA 20mm CA 12mm
1 1.41 1.9 1.9
When actually computing the required actual quantities of mixing water and the weight of aggregates in the field before concreting wo
(surface) moisture contributed by sand and coarse aggregate. Then the value of water obtained in Equation above should be corrected
and fine aggregate. On the other hand, for dry aggregates, the amount of mixing water should be increased by amount equal to the m
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Page no10
Actual quantities of various ingradients required per bag (50kg) of cement for
trial mix purposes
For every bag of cement
Cement, kg Fine Agg, kg 20mm Agg, kg 10mm Agg, kg
50 70.6 95.1 95.1
a) Quantity of water to be added due to water absorption
for coarse aggregate 20mm down size 1.15
forcoarse aggregate 10mm down size 1.19
for sand , its water absorption has been included in its free moist cont. 0.00
Therefore water to be added 2.34
b) Quantity of water to be deducted for the free moisture present
for all coarse aggregate 0.00
for fine aggregate (sand) 1.41
Therefore water to be deducted 1.41
c) Hence the actual quantity of water to be added after corrections 23.43
Fine aggregate
d) Actual quatity of fine aggregate (sand) required after allowing for the mass of free moisture 71.98
Coarse aggregate
e) Actual quantity of coarse aggregate required after adjustment for moisture
In case of coarse aggregate 20mm down size 93.93
In case of coarse aggregate 10mm down size 93.89
Therefore actual total of coarse aggregate 187.82
Summary of actual quantities of different ingradients required for the mix per
Per 50kg cement
Cement, kg 50
Water, kg 23.43
Fine aggregate (Sand), kg 71.98
Coarse aggregate 20mm down, kg 93.93
Coarse aggregate 10mm down, kg 93.89
Therefore, by using this correctod proportion, a trial mix will be conducted and it was marked as M25c Additional trial mixes, will be co
to reach the desired workability and strength where in the same time the cement content also could be reduced to a reasonable quant
Typical trial mix proportion
Trial Mix No. Mix W/C ratio Cement, kg
Design 0.450 372.00
Corrected 0.469 372.00
Design 0.460 363.91
Corrected 0.479 364
Design 0.480 348.75
Corrected 0.488 349
Design 0.490 341.00
Corrected 0.509 341.00
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Page no11
Trial mix test result
Without admixture ;
M25a Cohesive
Initial 105, after 30 min 85
Without admixture ;
M25b Cohesive
Initial 85, after 30 min 55
Without admixture ;
M25c Cohesive
Initial 75, after 30 min 55
With admixture @ 7 ;
M25d Cohesive
Initial 60, after 30 min 40
As seen from above that the mix Proportion of M25c satisfies the required workability and confidential compressive strength criteria ba
of the target mean strength respectively. Therefore the design mix proportions as stipulated below would be the FINAL JOB MIX FORM
Water, kg
Cement, kg
Fine aggregate (Sand), kg
Coarse aggregate (20mm), kg
Coarse aggregate (10mm), kg
16.00 Remark
The selected design mix should be recalculated for allowences of current free moisture content and water absorption of aggregates.
Page no 10
Page no12
aterial Testing and Research Centre, Hubli
esign For M-25 [ IS :10262-1982 ]
25.00 N/mm Table 2 of Is 456:2000
Moderate Table 3 of Is 456:2000
50 - 100 mm
0.45 Table 5 of Is 456:2000
300.00 kg/m
Table 5 of Is 456:2000
which shall not contain of dust, lumps, soft or flaky materials, mica or
other deleterious materials
20.00 mm
River sand
Zone II Table 4 of IS 383 1970 to be used in calculation
Page no13
2.89 g/cm3
2.76 g/cm
2.62 g/cm3
Tested at laboratory following method of IS 2386-
1.21 %
1.25 %
1.53 %
Tested at laboratory following method of IS 2386-
2.17 %
Tested at laboratory following method of IS 2386-
Approximately 0.55
Page no 6
Page no14
186 kg/m3 Table 4 of IS:10262:1982
35 %
372 kg/m3
Page no 7
Page no15
0.02 Table 3 of IS 10262:1982
the ratio of fine to total aggregate already established, the total aggregate content per unit volume of concrete is calculated from
the following Equations:
167.40 kg/m3
372.00 kg/m3
3.12 as per Clause 6.5.1 of IS:1199-1959
2.40 g/cm3
2.83 g/cm3
525.05 kg/m3
Volume of aggregates
1414.82 kg/m3
1939.87 kg/m3
27.07 %
72.93 %
100.00 %
Agg/C W/C
5.2 0.45
Agg/C W/C
5.2 0.45
weight of aggregates in the field before concreting work perfomed,allowance shall be made to this mix design for the free
water obtained in Equation above should be corrected (reduced) by an amount equal to the free moisture contributed by coarse
g water should be increased by amount equal to the moisture likely to be absorbed by the aggregates.
Page no 8
Page no16
Agg/C Water, kg
5.2 22.5
1.15 kg
1.19 kg
2.34 kg
0.00 kg
1.41 kg
1.41 kg
23.43 kg
71.98 kg
187.82 kg
was marked as M25c Additional trial mixes, will be conducted following the design mixes per m 3 as stipulated in the table below
t content also could be reduced to a reasonable quantity.
Page no17
Compressive strength N/mm2
3 days 7days
ability and confidential compressive strength criteria based on archivement of 3 and 7 days compressive strength of 50% and 70%
s stipulated below would be the FINAL JOB MIX FORMULA.
Per 1 m3
Page no18
Name of Work : 0
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Date of casting:- 15-12-2017
Date of Testing:- 18-12-2017
Type of cement O.P.C 43 Grade
Proportion of concrete 1:2:3.93
3 Days Concrete compression test
Dimension Compressive
Cube No Weight Density Test Area Max Load
LxWxH Strength
Page no19
Name of Work : 0
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Date of casting:- 15-12-2017
Date of Testing:- 22-12-2017
Type of cement : O.P.C 43 Grade
Proportion of concrete : 1:2:3.93
7 Days Concrete compression test
Dimension Compressive
Cube No Weight Density Test Area Max Load
LxWxH Strength
Page no20
Name of Work :
Agency : Lakshmi Infra
Date of Testing:- 13-12-2017
Weight of Sample taken :- 350 gm
Type of cement OPC 43 grade
Standard Consistency
Trial Wt. of Cement Percent of Wt. of Water Initial reading Final reading of Differences
No (gm) Water added (gm) of Pluger (mm) Plunger (mm)
(%) (mm)
1 350 28.0 98 0 14 14
2 350 29 101.5 0 12 12
Initial setting time 180.0 minutes
Final setting time 250.0 minutes
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