Radio Drama Performance Rubric

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NAME _____________________________ DATE___________ PER ______

Radio Drama Performance Rubric

Mastery - 4 Proficient - 3 Emerging - 2 Beginning - 1

Diction and Actor could be Actor could be Consistently Actor could

Projection heard and heard and difficult to hear hardly be heard.
understood the understood most and/or It was rare to be
entire time. of the time. understand the able to both hear
actor. and understand.

Emphasis In the scene, there In the scene, There was one There were no
were at least two there were at word or phrase words or
words or phrases least two words emphasized. phrases
clearly or phrases Meaning was not emphasized.
emphasized. The somewhat clear. The They may have
emphasis emphasized. emphasis may attempted to
supported or The emphasis have been incorporate this,
clarified character did not support unclear or but it was not
relationships known seemed without clear.
and/or plot circumstances or a purpose.
development. seem to fit in the

Pitch, Quality Actor provided Actor provided Actor did not Actor did not
and Rate written justification written provide written provide written
added to for why they chose justification for justification, but justification and
character the vocal pitch, why they chose did incorporate their character
quality, and rate the vocal pitch, pitch, rate, and voice was
that they did. The quality, and rate quality into their indistinguishable
written justification that they did. performance. from their normal
was clear and The written speaking voice.
supported in their justification was
performance. unclear or not
supported by

Sound Effects Group incorporated Group Group Group

and Music sound effects and incorporated incorporated 1-2 incorporated
at least one music sound effects sound effects or either one sound
selection. There and a music music but none effect or one
were at least 3 and selection. There were created music selection.
1 was created were 1 or two manually.
manually (using effects and at
voice and/or least one was
props). created

Total ___________/ 16 points

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