Communication Studies IA

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Reflective piece…………………………………………………….

The successful completion of this research (study) would not have been possible
without the contribution of a number of persons. As such the researcher would
like to extend her kindest gratitude to the following persons:

 Her parents for providing the necessary material for the completion of
this study.

 Her Communication Studies teacher for taking time in explaining this

Internal Assessment to the best of his abilities.

 Her friends for their encouragement.

 The heavenly Father for giving her the health and strength to complete
this Internal Assessment.

Theme: how do teenagers between the ages of 14 to 19 view lesbians,

bisexuals, gays and trans genders?

 How theme is treated in exposition and reflective piece:

 Theme and purpose of portfolio: the theme, Views of LBGTs, is
a social dilemma in todays’ society that isn’t given enough
attention. Persons of a certain social status are recipients of verbal
and physical abuse on a daily basis. This portfolio is based on the
perception of adolescence on lesbians, bisexuals, gays and trans
genders. The purpose of this portfolio is to create an awareness of
treatment of individuals of a certain status; understand why
persons view individuals in this manner.
 How theme relates to academic interest: the candidate is
currently studying communication studies which deals with the
interaction of individuals. However barriers exist that prevent
ideal communication. Persons of such lifestyle choices face many
barriers therefore perceptions is being studied.
 How theme relates to work-related interest: the researcher
wishes to become a doctor and an understanding of such lifestyles
will greatly help in communicating and relating to such
individuals providing an environment where individuals can feel
comfortable and be treated accordingly.
 How theme relates to personal interest: the researcher seeks to
shed light on persons who have chosen said lifestyle and also
because the way such individuals are viewed is a largely avoided
topic. The researcher wishes to have a better understanding of
such choices.

Society views individuals differently. LBGTs are viewed differently by

individuals everywhere. The following reflective piece will take the
form of a short story titled “WHY?’. This reflective piece will highlight
the different views society has of person who choose such lifestyles. The
fictional characters portrayed in this reflective piece will enlighten
readers of such views through their interaction with each other.
The reflective piece is intended for an audience made up of teenagers
14 and older. However, the candidate in preparing this reflective piece
had two target groups in mind and they are:

 Teenagers
LBGTs: this group was selected as a target audience since they are the
main reason for this research. The researcher composed a short story
which highlights the different ways in which persons of said lifestyle are
viewed. The reflective piece is one which readers of said lifestyle would
be able to relate to.
Teenagers between the ages of 14 and 19: this group was also chosen as
a target audience since it is at this age that perceptions of right and
wrong is solidified. Also teenagers are very expressive and this
reflective piece serves to caution teenagers when sharing their opinions.
Expressing themselves should be done in a manner which will not
offend or hurt others.

Why wouldn’t they just leave? I’ve been sitting in this filthy washroom
for hours now. I can hear them out there loudly throwing obscenities my
way and their words feel like hot oil being poured on me. How could
things have gone so wrong in just two weeks?
“Smile for me Scarlet” whispered Cinder. My smile comes involuntarily
because she has been my escape for months now from my family and
school. I met Cinder on the first day of high school and four years later
she is not only my best friend but also my sanctuary. I remember the
first time I felt stirrings for her and I was so ashamed that I shoved those
feeling away. I kept seeing her smiles and crazy, childish laugh and I
began imagining what it would feel like to run my fingers through her
soft curls. As the days went by I couldn’t deny what I felt for her and the
need only grew with each passing day. One afternoon, unable to contain
myself, I kissed her.
Indescribable fear ran through my body as I waited for her reaction and
was rewarded with a response. Relief flowed over me like honey as I felt
her slowly respond to my kiss and I pressed further. Our kiss grew
hungrier and hungrier as the seconds went by so I began running my
fingers over her body savoring the feel of her under my hands. Desperate
to remove any space between us I grabbed her and pulled her closer
deepening our kiss. A need so painful was felt deep within my core and I
felt my body growing moist with anticipation of what was to come.
Cinder woke up feelings in me I didn’t know existed until now. Until
this very moment where our bodies are intertwined moving together in
unison. I began trailing kisses over her body and softly kissed her warm
breasts. Excitement filled me up as I gently sucked on her nipples and
was rewarded with a whimper. This only encouraged me further so I
ripped off her clothing. Finally she was here in all her glory and I
savored the sight of her, the feel of her soft, brown body vibrating under
my hands. I placed a soft kiss on her navel slowly creating a trail of wet
kisses along her tummy all the way to her thighs. The need in her eyes
only mirrored the need in mine. Capturing her virgin flesh in my mouth I
began massaging her with my tongue. Running my tongue slowly over
her womanly petals I suckled on her then became aggressive in my
strokes. I could feel the tension in her body building then she exploded
under my sweet torture. Not only could I feel her but also taste her, she
tasted like….
Unable to control this newfound experience we shared many more
evenings like this until it was all I ever needed.
“What will our parents say?” asked Cinder after one such occasion. I’ve
been dreading this conversation knowing that it was inevitable.
“We will figure it out” I responded with a sigh but I highly doubted it.
We both came from well-respected families that had fixed perceptions of
people who indulge in such activities.
I clearly remember dad having an uproar one evening because he was
approached by a gay man.
“This shell of a man thinks he can approach me. He is an abomination to
this world and should burn in hell” shouted dad.
“Stop it dad” says my brother Thorne, “people are allowed to do
whatever pleases them”.
“You will not live in this house and accept such people. I will not
tolerate it” dad shouted louder.
Fear was flowing through me as I sat there listening knowing that I had
chosen Cinder and was becoming more fearful because I knew I wasn’t
going to end the relationship. I would choose her over anything and my
resolve only solidified as the seconds went by.
This explosion at home unsettled me for days and consumed my mind
because I cared greatly for Cinder and wanted to be accepted. My peace
of mind was finally returning and this happened.
I can still hear them out there throwing harsh words my way. Tina and
her posse were very popular around school and well respected by many,
was well respected by me until now. An afternoon oblivious to the fact
that there was onlookers I kissed Cinder and sitting here in this dirty
washroom I regretted my inability to control myself.
“Come outta hay yuh coward” shouted Tina slamming the door. “Kissin
up gurls in d public. One set a nonsense yuh doin an mekin people talk
bad about we.”
“We gon teach yu a lesson caz dem this kina thing does catch an me aint
want it. People like yall is a infection to dis society” said a voice
sounding much like Lisa.
Why do they even care? It’s my life and who I choose to love is my
decision. I only hope right now Cinder isn’t going through the same
thing as me.
“Stop it” shouted a voice piercing through my thoughts. “Everyone has a
choice and it is our responsibility to respect that”
“Neva will we mix with such abomination to dis worl. All a dem gays
and lesbos deserve a lesson” responded Tina heatedly.
“Well I cannot stand here and let you harass a fellow student so please
leave” said the voice calmly again.
A series of cursing followed that statement but the murmuring and
profanity finally faded. Words cannot express my gratitude to this
unknown girl, I can only hope she isn’t targeted for defending me.
Walking out of the washroom I lift my face to the cool breeze and inhale
deeply. There is a familiar strawberry scent in the air and I turn around
to find the source.

“WHY?” is centered on a young lady, Scarlet, who was drawn to a

lifestyle that isn’t considered acceptable in society. She was under great
pressure both at home and at school so she found a sanctuary in her
relationship with her best friend, Cinder. She experienced rejection
because of her choice but came out stronger despite it. This reflective
piece utilizes the flashback technique and is narrated by the first person
omniscient voice. In this reflective piece communicative behaviors and
dialectical variation was used.
Communicative behaviors refers to communicating impressions to
others without being aware of doing so and without even wishing to do
so. Vocalics is a code of non -verbal communication which uses pitches,
volume and tone. Examples of vocalics in the story is the shouting and
whispering that took place when the characters interacted with each
other. The pitches and tones used by the character portrays their present
feelings and emotions.
Another element of communicative behavior is proxemics. This explains
how people perceive and use space to achieve communicative goals.
Examples of proxemics include Scarlet grabbing Cinder to remove any
space between them and Scarlet hiding away in the washroom from her
attackers. Scarlet grabbing Cinder to remove any space between them
would be the use of intimate distance. The physical distance between
communicators indicates the type of relationship they have. The removal
of space between the characters is a clear indication that their
relationship is one of an intimate nature. Scarlet hiding away is a clear
indication that she didn’t want to be in the presence of the attackers.
Dialectal variation refers to the change in language due to various
influences. In this story Standard English and creole was used. Cinder,
Scarlet and her family speaks Standard English. This indicates that they
are well educated and from wealthy backgrounds. Creole, specifically
mesolect variety, was used by Scarlet’s attackers indicating that they are
from a different background from Scarlet and their way of speaking is a
result of belonging to a different group factor. Communicative
behaviors and dialectal variation was successfully used in this reflective
piece to portray the theme.

In conclusion it could be said that the writer has effectively solidified

her purpose in identifying the views teenagers have of LBGTs.
All throughout the piece, the writer effectively uses various linguistic
criteria to appeal to the reader. These include language communicative
behaviors as well as dialectical variation. The reflective piece is centered
on a young woman who fell in love with her best friend and pursued a
relationship with her despite of the way her family viewed individuals
who choose such lifestyles. At school she was attacked and the way
others view people of that sexual nature was highlighted.
In the reflective piece, it is evident that the researcher effectively makes
use of dialectal variations, communicative behaviors and attitudes
towards the language.

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