Women Rights in Islam - CSS Essay

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Women Rights in Islam | CSS Essay

Man and woman are the two wheels of human civilization. They both spring from the same
root and draw their life support from the same source.

One cannot survive without the other; the welfare of one is the welfare of the other. Their
mutual indispensability requires reciprocal feelings and sentiments for each other.

In fact, nature has devised a system in which their role is closely interlinked in the social
set-up of society. They support each other in procreation, sustainability and in the
development of future generations. Thus, their interplay is crucial to the whole scheme of

However, in most societies, the woman is considered to be weaker and a victim of social
injustice, perhaps more so in Muslim societies. Some prejudiced forces erroneously link the
unequal status of women in Muslim countries to Islamic teachings.

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But Islam accords due importance, dignity, respect and honour to women. Even during its
early years it remained supportive of elevating women’s social status and challenged many
spurious and anti-women traditions of pre-Islamic Arab society.

The Holy Quran often abhors the disgusting attitude of the Arab tribes, especially towards

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Women Rights in Islam | CSS Essay

women. For example, in Surah 16, verses 58-59 it is mentioned that when a female baby is
born and the news is received by the [father], his face turns dark and the heart is filled with
inward grief; he hides himself from society and being sad, thinks continuously of evilness.
He ponders whether he should keep the baby girl alive with disgrace or bury her in the
earth. The Quran equates the latter decision with evilness.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) worked hard to change their mindset, transform society and raise
the status of women in society. He got a little over 22 years for his mission to reform Arab
society — a society which was deep in the ocean of ignorance. He transformed the highly
male-dominated patriarchal society into a humane one where men and women worked

They were made equal partners and women in particular were given rights to own property.
Besides, they were given a share in inheritance from the father’s property, a choice to
refuse marriage against their will, and a right to demand dower and maintenance allowance
from the husband etc. These were the revolutionary changes introduced by the Prophet in
seventh-century Arab society.

The reason for victimization of women in most societies, including Pakistan, is machismo.
Frequent mistreatment of women in certain areas of the country through outdated cultural
practices like swara, vani, watta satta and ‘marriage’ with the Quran, etc is causing much
harm to Pakistan.

In some areas of Pakistan, women are not allowed to cast their vote, while their economic
activities are not counted in the national index. They are barred from getting an education
and in the matter of marriage; they are forced to accept what is offered rather than to
choose. In some areas, they are considered a saleable commodity and our media very
frequently reports crimes against women in society.

The Quran makes it clear that both the male and female are created from a single soul (4:1)
and declares them equal as far as their spiritual obligations are concerned. They are equally
accountable in the hereafter for whatever they do in their material existence, but there is a
promise of a good life for doing good deeds (16:97).

They have been equally awarded the spiritual and intellectual potential to develop.
However, biologically they have a different make-up with different functions. In society, they
are to fulfil their respective roles and responsibilities.

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Women Rights in Islam | CSS Essay

Abolition of patriarchal practices

Islam abolished many practices that were prevalent in Arabia at that time including female
infanticide, prostitution and absolute power of divorce with men. Islam gave the respect to
women that one could never expect at that time by raising her status as to be an equal and
honorable partner of man in life.

Right to choose her spouse

Islam has ordained women with the right to choose their spouses independently on their
own will without being forced by the male heads of the family.

Economic rights
Islam gave complete economic rights to women in their individual capacity as evident from
the very example of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hazrat Khadija (RA).

Political rights
Islam has also given political rights to women within the code of conduct that it has
prescribed for its followers.

Right to inheritance
Though the proponents of so-called modern ethics argue against the law of inheritance of
Islam but never present a viable alternative. Their main point of the argument is that Islam
gives women half the share compared to men but never recognize the fact that Islamic has
made it compulsory for men to provide food and fulfill the daily needs of women. Similarly,
women have been given the right to pursue their business activities without any
responsibility of carrying out the burden of family matters.

Right to knowledge
Islam stresses heavily upon the importance of obtaining education for both men and women
and has shown no distinction in this all-important human need. In fact, women have been
enticed to get compulsory knowledge that can prove to be of vital importance in the care
that she has to display towards their spouses, children, family and towards the whole
community at a larger level.

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Women Rights in Islam | CSS Essay

Head of the family

Though man and woman have been advised to lead their family lives through mutual
consultation yet the woman has been given the status of head of the family in most matters.
A man has been held responsible for carrying out the responsibility of generating income for
the family; a woman has been termed responsible for taking care of the household. These
are the just separation of jobs to provide man and woman with a mutually beneficial
relationship on the basis of shared responsibility and rights.

Why distinction?
Islam emphasizes the equality of both genders based upon the divine law however with
separation of duties for both. The purpose of separation of duties and distinction of jobs is to
provide them with a plane in which they prove to be mutually complementary for each other
instead of competing with each other. The physical weakness and emotional mindset of
women best suit her for the roles that Islam has assigned her. Similarly, the physical
strength of a man is more suited to hard and laborious jobs.

Islam is a natural religion and encourages us to think of nature and its systems. Every
individual (male and female) is indebted to a woman for his or her existence in the material
world. It is the woman who conceives, holds and embraces every child and nurses him or
her immediately after birth. Almost every child grows under the supervision of a woman
who also provides company through thick and thin.

Keeping in view a woman’s crucial role in the building of future society, it is absolutely
necessary that the nation must give priority to female health and education and elevate the
social status of women. If a woman is healthy, then society will be healthy and the nation
will reap the benefits of her good health. Similarly, if a woman is educated, the whole nation
will subsequently benefit from her education.

In order to improve and elevate the status of women in our society, it is necessary that
school curricula must be updated. All material believed to promote gender discrimination
should be replaced with chapters about creating harmony between males and females.

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