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Relationship between chloride concentration and electrical conductivity in

groundwater and its estimation from vertical electrical soundings (VESs) in
Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico

Article  in  Ciencia e investigación agraria · April 2012

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-16202012000100020


7 6,180

7 authors, including:

Héctor JOSÉ Peinado Guevara Carlos René Green Ruiz



Jaime Herrera-Barrientos Oscar Escolero

Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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Cien. Inv. Agr. 39(1):229-239. 2012
environmental and ecology

research note

Relationship between chloride concentration and electrical

conductivity in groundwater and its estimation from vertical electrical
soundings (VESs) in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico
Héctor Peinado-Guevara 1,6, Carlos Green-Ruíz2, Jaime Herrera-Barrientos3,
Oscar Escolero-Fuentes1, Omar Delgado-Rodríguez 4, Salvador Belmonte-
Jiménez5, and María Ladrón de Guevara5
Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 04510,
México, D.F., México.
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, C.P. 82040,
Mazatlán, Sin. México
Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, C.P. 22860,
Ensenada, B.C. México.
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP), C.P. 07730, Distrito Federal, México.
Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIIDIR), Unidad Oaxaca.
C.P. 71230, Oaxaca, México.
Escuela de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas (ECEA), Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, C.P. 81101,
Guasave, Sinaloa, México.


H. Peinado-Guevara, C. Green-Ruíz, J. Herrera-Barrientos, O. Escolero-Fuentes, O. Delgado-

Rodríguez, S. Belmonte-Jiménez, and M. Ladrón de Guevara. 2012. Relationship between
chloride concentration and electrical conductivity in groundwater and its estimation from
vertical electrical soundings (VESs) in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico. Cien. Inv. Agr. 39(1): 229-239.
Soils in arid or semi-arid areas often have salinity problems, so the quality of irrigation water
plays an important role in agricultural production. Groundwater quality analysis includes the
determination of chloride ions, which are toxic to plants in high concentrations. A total of 1358
groundwater samples were collected and analyzed in the period 1980-2008. Water electrical
conductivity [EC] and chloride ion concentration values were related by the linear equation
[Cl-] = 4.928 EC (R> 0.94), to estimate the concentration of chloride ions as a function of the
electrical conductivity of water in the study area. A geophysical survey was conducted through
34 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VESs) to calculate the water electrical conductivity from the
interpretation of the apparent resistivity data. Twenty-nine VESs were used to relate the resistivity
of the saturated formation (Ro) with that for the groundwater (Rw) by the linear equation Rw
= 0.427 Ro + 1.987. Then, EC was estimated as the inverse of Rw. Finally, the chloride ion
concentration was determined by the equation mentioned above. Following the same procedure
for the five remaining VESs, which were acquired in places where there are no wells, the chloride
ion concentration and the electrical resistivity of the saturated formation (Ro) and groundwater
(Rw and its inverse EC) were obtained without requiring a destructive technique.

Key words: Archie’s Law, chlorides, electrical conductivity, resistivity, vertical electrical
sounding (VES).

Received June 13, 2010. Accepted July 7, 2011.

Corresponding author: [email protected]
230 ciencia e investigación agraria

Introduction they provide electrical charges interacting as ions

in movement. EC can be easily measured by a
In saline soils, excess ions frequently include conductivity meter. The chloride concentration
chlorides, sulphates, bicarbonates, sodium, calcium is normally measured by silver nitrate titration
and magnesium. The effects from the presence (AgNO3), although this type of analysis is more
of all these ions on plant growth are generally expensive and takes longer than EC measurements.
evaluated by comparing the reaction of plants
growing in isosmotic solutions of different salts. Chloride ions are the main constituents in waters
A generalization of the toxic effect of salts and and saline soils that directly affect the EC values;
ions is not possible due to the different responses therefore, it is possible to find a strong correlation
among species and even among varieties of the between EC and Cl- concentrations, as found by
same plant species (Richards, 1954). many authors (Oteri, 1988; Hajrasuliha et al., 1991;
Xu and Eckstein, 1997; McNeil and Cox, 2000;
Chlorides widely distributed in nature include sodium Abyaneh et al., 2005; Alhumoud et al., 2010).
(NaCl), potassium (KCl) and calcium (CaCl2) salts. Hajrasuliha et al. (1991) found that the relation of
In the United States, aquifers prone to seawater the Cl- concentration in meq L-1 is approximately
intrusion are characterized by chloride contents in 6,83 times the EC for EC= 28 dS m-1 and 5,22
concentrations between 5 and 460 mg L-1, whereas for EC= 16 dS m-1; in other words, the gradient
the average concentration in contaminated wells in increases as the EC value increases. However,
the Philippines is 141 mg L-1. The levels of chloride Abyaneh et al. (2005) found that [Cl-] = 9 EC
in non-contaminated waters are frequently lower for an EC range of 0.15 and 39.9 dS m-1. Many
than 10 mg L-1 and sometimes lower than 1 mg L-1 studies have used the Cl- concentration in the
(WHO, 2003). Chlorides are considered important underground water to define the degree of saline
in the nutritional balance of plants, and there is a intrusion. Some authors state that a threshold of
frequent and remarkable lack of this chemical ele- chloride concentration ranging between 40 and
ment. The effects of chlorides on the control of root 300 mg L-1 is an indication of seawater invasion
and foliar diseases in some crops such as wheat and (Edet and Okereke, 2001).
barley also benefit vegetal nutrition (Crovetto, 1999).
Likewise, empirical relations between EC and
However, excessive chloride accumulation damages soil and water salinity expressed in the same
the leaves of fruit trees, such as avocado, almond, equation have been obtained (Reluy et al., 2004).
papaya, sapote, mango, cherimoya, vitis, walnut Additionally, water electrical resistivity (inverse
and citrus trees. The toxic level of chlorine accu- to EC) is related to the electrical resistivity of the
mulation in leaves is not yet well defined, as leaves saturated aquifer thickness (Ro), which may be
showing burn damage may have a lower chlorine estimated by electrical methods of geophysical
accumulation than leaves not showing it (Aceves, prospecting through Vertical Electrical Soundings
1979). The degree of ion chloride restriction (Cl-) (VESs) (Keller and Frischknecht, 1966).
in irrigation water with concentrations lower than 4
meq L-1 is considered light, between 4 and 10 meq The VES survey, supported by geological infor-
L-1 is moderate, and concentrations higher than 10 mation, is an essential tool in hydrogeological
meq L-1 are considered severe. The maximum limit studies, as it allows the characterization of large
is 30 meq L-1 (Palacios et al., 1997). extensions in a short time at reasonable costs.
The high resistive contrast among the formations
Water electrical conductivity (EC) is usually used involved allows the unit limits to be clearly defined
as a salinity indicator. The presence of dissolved and the degree of pore water mineralization and
salts in water is related to the value of its EC, as layer thickness to be estimated (Sosa and Pala-
VOLUME 39 Nº1 JANUARY - APRIL 2012 231

zzo, 2000). VESs and hydrochemical data have relation to hydrogeology studies, including stud-
been used to examine the degree of intrusion of ies of rocks with silt and clay areas.
salt water in aquifers (Edet and Okereke, 2001;
Kouzana et al., 2010) The Río Sinaloa Valley is a wide coastal plain
whose subsoil shows freshwater and saltwater
Archie (1942) found the following relation between bodies. The region is formed by a landscape
the resistivities of brine saturated sand (Ro) and composed of a smooth relief closely related to
brine (Rw) when he studied oil on clean sands the origin and nature of the rocks’ formation.
saturated by brine: The oldest rocks composing the geological
R0 basement are made up of shales and cherts. Tuff
F= , and sandstone formations and stratified and ce-
Rw mented conglomerates overlie these rocks. The
where F is the formation factor; Ro is the resis- subsoil plain was formed by a large sediment
tivity of the saturated formation; and Rw is the accumulation, reaching thicknesses greater than
resistivity of the pore water. When the materials 500 meters in the central valley and diminishing
are not clean sands, the calculated formation toward the Western Sierra Madre. The current
factor is called the apparent formation-factor delta plain is composed of gravel, sands, silt and
(Fa). Several authors (Norzagaray-Campos et al., clay deposited in deltas (CNA, 2002). The static
2002; Grellier et al., 2007; Peinado-Guevara et aquifer water level in the area varies between
al., 2009) have successfully applied the Archie´s 0.5 and 8 m (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Location of the study area.

232 ciencia e investigación agraria

This study aims to generate a tool for estimating aquifer water (electrical conductivity and chloride
the chloride concentration in the underground concentration). The five remaining VESs were
water of the Guasave region, Sinaloa, Mexico, performed at sites without wells to verify the
using subsoil resistivity values obtainned from applicability of the method.
VES method, and the relation between the EC and
the chloride concentration in the water based on The apparent resistivity (ra) versus the AB/2
the statistical analysis of the parameters obtained function is obtained by implementing the
in wells. device mentioned above. The subsoil resistiv-
ity can be obtained from field data; therefore,
it is assumed that the subsoil is stratified in
Materials and methods horizontal, homogeneous and isotropic layers
in regard to the electrical resistivity (Orellana,
A total of 1,358 water well samples from different 1982). In other words, the VESs allow readings
locations of the Guasave municipality were used of electrical currents and voltage differences in
to determine the Cl- and EC concentrations. From the field. These readings are transformed into
the total analyzed samples, 66 were collected apparent electrical resistivity values, providing
and analyzed in October 2008, corresponding the true electrical resistivity of the subsoil by
to wells for domestic use; 44 correspond to the inverse numeric modeling methods assuming
western portion of the Sinaloa river and 12 to the the geological medium composed of horizontal,
eastern portion (Figure 1). Information regard- homogeneous and isotropic layers. The theoreti-
ing the 1,292 remaining samples (period 1980- cal solution of this problem consists in solving
2005) was provided by the Comisión Nacional the Laplace equation with boundary conditions.
del Agua. The geographic coordinates of each The data on apparent resistivity from each VES
well were determined using a portable Garmin collected in the field were modeled with the
eTrex H GPS. program Resix-Plus version 1.31 (Advanced
Geosciences, Inc, U.S.A., 1992), which was
The chloride concentrations of the water samples used to process the data by an algorithm based
were determined by silver nitrate tritation at on the method of successive approximations
the laboratory of the Departamento de Aguas or interactions until the best mathematical
Subterráneas from District 063 of the Comisión response or solution to the curve of the data
Nacional del Agua. The EC was determined of apparent resistivity was reached, by which
in the field using a Hanna conductivity meter the true subsoil resistivity was obtained. The
(model HI98130, Hanna Instruments, Instruction resistivity (Ro) of saturated thickness is obtained
Manual HI 98129 and HI 98130. http://www.han- by modeling the processing of VES and cor- relating it with pore water resistivity (Rw) by
The water samples correspond to the aquifer a linear function. Models of linear, polynomial
formation, as they were obtained during the and potential regression were used to relate the
pumping of the wells. EC with the Cl- concentration.

Thirty-four VESs were conducted using the Seven 4 m-deep drills were made to colect soil
Schlumberger array with a maximum spacing samples. The subsoil samples were extracted at
of the current electrodes of AB/2 = 50 m (Orel- different depths and were subject to a drying
lana, 1982). Twenty-nine of the VES arrays were and homogenization process to determine their
placed near a well, contrasting the values of the texture (silts, sands and clay content) by the
subsoil resistivity with the characteristics of the Bouyoucos method.
VOLUME 39 Nº1 JANUARY - APRIL 2012 233

Results and discussion Figure 4 shows the results obtained in the 29

parametric VESs and the analysis of the ground-
The lateral and vertical variation of sediment can water samples. Figure 4 shows a linear function
be observed from the profile traced in the study directly proportional between the saturated layer
area. Figure 2 shows that the presence of clays in resistivity (Ro) and the groundwater resistivity
the featured section is relatively low compared (Rw); as the pore water resistivity increases, the
with the concentrations of silt and sand; such ma- formation resistivity also increases. The value
terial saturated with slightly brackish or brackish of the linear correlation coefficient (R) is higher
water satisfies the conditions for the application than 0.9, according to the following equation:
of Archie’s Law.
Rw = 0,427 Ro + 1,987 (1)
As result of VES interpretation process, the re-
sistivity and thickness values of the aquifer layer The relationships between the chloride concentra-
were obtained. Figure 1 shows the distribution tions and electrical conductivity for the different
of 34 VESs that were made on both sides of the regression models proposed are shown in Figure
Sinaloa River. The model obtained for VES 1 is 5. The correlation coefficients obtained for the
illustrated in Figure 3 along with corresponding different fit types are presented in Table 1. In
data of apparent resistivity. The first layer, with general, the linear model was more practical in
a 4.3-m thickness, corresponds to a silt-loam its simplicity, showing a correlation coefficient
soil, and the second sandy layer, with a 11.7-m very similar to the other models. The models
thickness corresponds to the aquifer. fitted for the 1,358 underground water samples
are the following:

Polynomial [Cl-] = 0.008 EC2 + 8.87 EC (2)

Linear [Cl-] = 9.222 EC (3)
Potential [Cl-] = 7.35 EC1,062 (4)

When the fit was made with only the 66 well

water samples collected and analyzed in 2008,
the relations were as follows:
Figure 2. Clay content profile perpendicular to the Sinaloa
Polynomial [Cl-] = -0.0785 EC2 + 5.288 EC (5)
Linear [Cl-] = 4.928 EC (6)
Potential [Cl-] = 5.271 EC0,947 (7)

Figure 3. Vertical electrical sounding (VES) with the fitted

model and the resulting lithological column. Figure 4. Relation between Ro and RW.
234 ciencia e investigación agraria

Table 1. Correlation coefficients for the different models.

EC (dS m-1) Cl- (meq L-1) R

Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Polynomial Linear Potential

1358 95 0.15 900 0.5 0.965 0.965 0.967

661 8.08 0.18 40 0.6 0.948 0.946 0.948

Samples taken in October 2008.


Figure 5. Water electrical conductivity vs chloride concentration. a) Fits for 1358 samples collected from 1980 to 2008, b)
Fits only for the 66 samples collected in 2008.

The 1358 analized samples correspond to the Cl- concentration, which is the linear model,
Guasave municipality, Sinaloa; therefore, the because it is a simple application. Because Rw
range corresponding to the values of the EC is and EC are inversely proportional, and by a unit
wider, with values between 0.15 dS m-1 and 95 conversion, the equation is:
dS m-1 and with a chloride concentration of 0.5
meq L-1 at 900 meq L -1. The relation obtained (8)
for the water samples analyzed in the 66 wells
in October 2008 corresponds to the area under The results obtained by applying equation (8) are
study, with values varying between 0.18 and 8.08 presented in column 9 of Table 2, where the 29
dS m-1 for the EC and 0.6 meq L-1 at 40 meq L-1 VESs can be observed with the corresponding
for the chloride concentration. Rw, EC and Cl- values and the corresponding
values calculated from Ro.
Finally, the water EC and chloride concentrations
were calculated based on the results obtained from The Rw and Cl- values determined by electrical
the five VESs (saturated thickness resistivity (Ro)) measurements were correlated by the values deter-
at the sites without drilling and using relations mined in the field (Rw) and laboratory (Cl-), showing
(5), (6) and (7). The Rw value was obtained us- a considerable dispersion in regard to the identity
ing equation 1 and the water EC as the inverse expected Y=X (Figure 6). The correlation between
of the Rw. Equation 6 was used to estimate the the Rw and Cl- values measured and calculated is
VOLUME 39 Nº1 JANUARY - APRIL 2012 235

Table 2. Comparison between parameters Rw, EC and Cl- determined in the laboratory and calculated from measurements
of electrical resistivity.
Coordinates Measured Calculate
RO Rw EC Cl- EC Cl-
VES East North (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (dS m-1) (meq L-1) Rw (ohm-m) (dS m-1) (meq L-1)
1 753371 2827530 27.6 9.7087 1.03 6.4 13.7722 0.7261 3.6
2 754177 2827355 35 11.1111 0.9 2.4 16.932 0.5906 2.9
3 754342 2826767 89 34.4828 0.29 2 39.99 0.2501 1.2
4 755202 2824048 18.6 12.5 0.8 2.6 9.9292 1.0071 5
5 756563 2826061 29.3 12.1951 0.82 3.6 14.4981 0.6897 3.4
6 751213 2828331 17.3 7.1942 1.39 5 9.3741 1.0668 5.3
7 749540 2826163 9.8 4.329 2.31 7.6 6.1716 1.6203 8
8 748447 2842366 7.9 4.329 2.31 14 5.3603 1.8656 9.2
9 749141 2840885 9.1 5.848 1.71 10 5.8727 1.7028 8.4
10 748361 2839944 4.4 3.2051 3.12 22 3.8658 2.5868 12.7
11 748098 2838923 17 5.618 1.78 10.8 9.246 1.0815 5.3
12 748130 2837838 14.7 7.4627 1.34 9 8.2639 1.2101 6
13 748780 2837301 12.2 12.3457 0.81 4 7.1964 1.3896 6.8
14 750155 2835871 17.7 8.6957 1.15 5.6 9.5449 1.0477 5.2
15 753959 2834461 13.1 11.9048 0.84 4.8 7.5807 1.3191 6.5
16 752741 2835073 100 55.5556 0.18 2 44.687 0.2238 1.1
17 756946 2821707 16.8 12.1951 0.82 3 9.1606 1.0916 5.4
18 759204 2822998 2.3 1.992 5.02 20 2.9691 3.368 16.6
19 757726 2825404 23.4 12.0482 0.83 3.6 11.9788 0.8348 4.1
20 756976 2827402 27.8 10.8696 0.92 3.4 13.8576 0.7216 3.6
21 757488 2827872 14.9 6.5359 1.53 3.4 8.3493 1.1977 5.9
22 748010 2830201 25.6 20.8333 0.48 2.6 12.9182 0.7741 3.8
23 747412 2830762 14.3 7.4074 1.35 8 8.0931 1.2356 6.1
24 746509 2831053 15.5 14.9254 0.67 4 8.6055 1.162 5.7
25 744133 2832380 3.8 7.8125 1.28 9.6 3.6096 2.7704 13.7
26 745854 2835272 6.9 4.4444 2.25 15.4 4.9333 2.027 10
27 757217 2830041 40.4 15.625 0.64 2.2 19.2378 0.5198 2.6
28 756999 2831404 43.6 11.236 0.89 3.4 20.6042 0.4853 2.4
29 752596 2833660 20.1 14.7059 0.68 2.6 10.5697 0.9461 4.7

observed in Figure 6. The location of sites with VES according to Palacios et al. (1997). The degrees
points without drilling is shown in Table 3, which of restriction for irrigation water are observed in
helped to determine the Ro value, which was used Figure 7; with a higher effect in both parameters
as a reference to determine the Rw, EC and Cl-. of the East side of the Sinaloa River. In regard to
the ion chloride concentration and the ground-
The effect of salinity and the chloride concentra- water electrical conductivity, the water quality
tion on usable water in cultivation was analyzed, to the east side of Sinaloa river is more saline,
236 ciencia e investigación agraria

Table 3. Rw values (obtained from resistivity of saturated depth), electrical conductivity and chloride concentrations.
Coordinates Rw EC [Cl-]
VES (ohm-m) (dS m-1) (meq L-1)
East North (ohm-m)
Ec. 1 Ec. 8 Ec. 6
30 754098 2831998 16 8.82 1.13 5.59
31 744999 2821205 9.4 6.00 1.67 8.21
32 744265 2836239 7.8 5.31 1.88 9.27
33 743629 2835038 9.87 6.20 1.61 7.95
34 753500 2824016 10.16 6.32 1.58 7.79

Figure 6. Correlation between measured and calculated values of Rw and Cl-.

with chloride concentrations higher than to the fit for the linear, polynomial, and potential models,
west, which is an indicator for new drill planning with R fit values higher than 0.94. Consequently,
considering the use of water, as well as the vul- an approximation of the chloride concentration is
nerability of zones near the portions considered possible with only the groundwater EC value. The
as water for irrigation, because overexploitation gradient of the linear model for the relation [Cl-]
of water may increase the contaminated area. against EC shows that the gradient tends to increase
as the chloride concentration increases (Figure 5).
The linear regression model between the groundwater
electrical conductivity and the chloride concentra- Finally, this work presents a rapid, reliable, and
tions proposed in this work for the 1358 samples is economical technique to estimate the concentra-
very similar to the results by Abyaneh et al. (2005): tion of chloride ions and the water EC, regardless
[Cl-] = 9 EC for 0.15<EC<39.9 dS m-1. The relation of drilling location around Guasave. Therefore,
in this work is [Cl-] =9.22 EC, for 0.15<EC<95 application of this method may result in more
dS m-1. On the other hand, the linear model [Cl-] successful drilling in search of fresh water.
= 4.928 EC, for 0.18<EC<8.08 dS m-1, for the 66
samples corresponding to the area under study
and collected in 2008, is also similar to the linear Acknowledgments
model proposed by Hajrasuliha et al. (1991): [Cl-]
= 5.22 EC, for EC=16 dS m-1. The different models To Comisión Nacional del Agua and Instituto
presented, where the water electrical conductivity de Geología of UNAM, for providing help for
was related to the chloride concentration, show good this work.
VOLUME 39 Nº1 JANUARY - APRIL 2012 237

Figure 7. Water restriction degree for agriculture according to (a) electrical conductivity and (b) concentration of chloride ion.


H. Peinado-Guevara, C. Green-Ruíz, J. Herrera-Barrientos, O. Escolero-Fuentes, O.

Delgado-Rodríguez, S. Belmonte-Jiménez y M. Ladrón de Guevara. 2012. Relación entre
concentración de cloruros y conductividad eléctrica en aguas subterráneas y su estimación
a partir de Sondeos Eléctricos Verticales (SEV) en Guasave, Sinaloa, México. Cien.
Inv. Agr. 39(1): 229-239. Los suelos de zonas de clima árido o semiárido a menudo tienen
problemas de salinidad, por lo que la calidad del agua para riego juega un papel importante en la
producción agrícola. Los análisis en agua subterránea incluyen la determinación del ión cloruro,
el cual en grandes concentraciones es tóxico para las plantas. Se analizaron en laboratorio 1358
muestras de agua subterránea tomadas en el periodo de 1980 – 2008 con lo que se determinó
la conductividad eléctrica y la concentración del ión cloruro. Estos resultados sirvieron para
obtener la ecuación de correlación lineal [Cl-] = 4.928 EC (R>0.94), con el propósito de estimar
la concentración del ión cloruro en función de la conductividad eléctrica del agua en el área
de estudio. Se realizó la prospección geofísica a través de 34 Sondeos Eléctricos Verticales
(SEV), para calcular la conductividad eléctrica del agua a partir de la interpretación de los
datos de resistividad aparente. Con 29 SEV se relacionó la resistividad del medio saturado
con la resistividad del agua subterránea mediante la ecuación lineal: Rw = 0.427 Ro + 1.987
Posteriormente, se calculó la conductividad eléctrica del agua, como inversa de su resistividad,
238 ciencia e investigación agraria

por último, la concentración del ión cloruro mediante la ecuación expuesta anteriormente para
el área de estudio. Siguiendo el mismo procedimiento, en los cinco SEV restantes efectuados en
lugares donde no hay perforaciones, se pudo estimar la resistividad eléctrica de la capa saturada
(Ro), la resistividad eléctrica del agua del acuífero (Rw, y su inverso EC) y la concentración del
ión cloruro, sin requerir el uso de una técnica destructiva.

Palabras clave: Cloruros, conductividad eléctrica, Ley de Archie, resistividad, sondeo eléctrico
vertical (SEV).

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