ME Mech-HVAC Final PDF
ME Mech-HVAC Final PDF
ME Mech-HVAC Final PDF
M.E. I to IV Semester
Two Year Post Graduate Degree Programme
Mechanical Engineering
Specialization in Heating, Ventilation and Air-
Conditioning (HVAC)
(With effect from the academic year 2019– 2020)
(As approved in the faculty meeting held on 25-06-2019)
Issued by
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500 007
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Scheme of Scheme of
Instruction Examination
S. No. Course Name
in Hrs
Theory Courses
1 Core Program Core – I 3 1 - 4 30 70 3 4
2 Core Program Core – II 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
3 Elective Professional Elective – I 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
4 Elective Professional Elective – II 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
5 MC or OE MC/Open Elective* 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
6 Audit Audit Course – I 2 - - 2 30 70 3 0
Practical/ Laboratory Courses
7 Lab-I Laboratory – I - - 2 2 25 50 3 1
8 PC 5254 HV Seminar - - 2 2 25 50 3 1
Total 17 01 04 22 230 520 18
PC: Program Core PE: Professional Elective OE: Open Elective AD: Audit Course
MC: Mandatory Course HS: Humanities and social science
1. Each contact hour is a Clock Hour.
2. The practical class can be of two and half hour (clock hours) duration as per the requirement of a
particular laboratory.
3. * If the Mandatory Course is offered in I-Semester, the Open Elective course should be offered in II-
semester. If Open Elective course is offered in I-Semester, then the Mandatory Course should be
offered in II- semester.
4. ** Open Elective Subject is not offered to the students of Mechanical Engineering Department.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Scheme of Scheme of
Instruction Examination
S. No. Course Name
in Hrs
Theory Courses
1 Core Program Core – III 3 1 - 4 30 70 3 4
2 Core Program Core – IV 3 1 - 3 30 70 3 4
3 Elective Professional Elective – III 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
4 MC or OE Open Elective/MC 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
5 Audit Audit Course – II 2 - - 2 30 70 3 0
Practical/ Laboratory Courses
6 Lab-II Laboratory – II - - 2 2 25 50 3 1
7 Lab-III Laboratory – III - - 2 2 25 50 3 1
8 PC 5255 HV Mini Project with Seminar - - 4 4 25 50 3 2
Total 14 02 08 24 300 450 18
PC: Program Core PE: Professional Elective OE: Open Elective AD: Audit Course
MC: Mandatory Course HS: Humanities and social science
1. Each contact hour is a Clock Hour.
2. The practical class can be of two and half hour (clock hours) duration as per the requirement of a
particular laboratory.
3. ** Open Elective Subject is not offered to the students of Mechanical Engineering Department.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Scheme of Scheme of
Instruction Examination
S. No. Course Name
in Hrs
Theory Courses
1 Elective Professional Elective – IV 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
2 Elective Professional Elective – V 3 - - 3 30 70 3 3
3 PC 5256 HV Major Project Phase – I - - 20 20 100 - 3 10
Total 06 - 20 26 160 140 16
Scheme of Scheme of
Instruction Examination
S. No. Course Name
Type/Code Contact
in Hrs
Theory Courses
Major Project Phase – II
1 PC 5257 HV - - 32 32 - 200 3 16
Total - - 32 32 - 200 16
PC: Program Core PE: Professional Elective OE: Open Elective AD: Audit Course
MC: Mandatory Course HS: Humanities and social science
1. Each contact hour is a Clock Hour
2. The practical class can be of two and half hour (clock hours) duration as per the requirement of a
particular laboratory.
3. ** Open Elective Subject is not offered to the students of Mechanical Engineering Department.
4. The students who are willing to register for MOOCs in the M. Tech (HVAC) III – semester instead of
Professional Electives – IV & V, should register for those of the courses, approved by the CBoS, OU and
respective college MOOCs Coordinator. Those students are strictly not permitted to appear for either
CIE or SEE of Professional Electives – IV & V if they abstain from attending the semester classwork.
Further, for students willing to appear for both MOOCS and Professional Electives, they should fulfil the
minimum attendance criteria.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Vapour Compression System: Analysis of vapour compression refrigeration cycle Reverse Carnot Cycle
for vapour. Effect of suction temperature and condensing temperature on cycle performance. Practical
refrigeration cycle, Sub cooled liquid and super-heated vapour refrigeration cycles, their effect on
performance. Multi-pressure system. Removal of flash gas, inter cooling. Compound compression Multi
vapour- Cascade system- dry ice system
Vapour Absorption System: Simple Vapour Absorption System-Actual vapour absorption cycle
representation on enthalpy concentration h-c diagram, Water lithium bromide absorption system. Electrolux
refrigerator- Aqua Ammonia Refrigeration System – Enthalpy Concentration Diagram
Aircraft Refrigeration: Thermodynamic Cycle – Different systems – Analysis – Comparison Un
Conventional Refrigeration: Thermoelectric refrigeration system, Vortex refrigeration system, Pulse
Steam jet water vapour system: Analysis and Exercises Industrial Refrigeration: Chemical and process
industries, Diary plants, Petroleum Refineries
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Refrigerants: Primary and secondary refrigerants. Designation of refrigerants, Desirable properties of
refrigerants such as solubility in water and lubricating oil. Material compatibility, Toxicity, Flammability,
Thermodynamic properties of refrigerants, Inorganic, Halocarbon refrigerants. Secondary refrigerants.
Refrigerants mixtures, Need for Alternate refrigerants – Retrofitting aspects
Suggested Reading:
1. Principles of Refrigeration / Roy. J. Dossat
2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / F. Stoecker & Jerold. W. Jones./ MGH Intrl 1982
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / C.P Arora./ TMG).
4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning /Manohar Prasad.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Psychrometry: Properties of moist air. Important Psychrometry properties, Dry bulb temperature, Humidity
ratio, degree of saturation, Dew point temperature and Enthalpy, Psychometric chart and ASHRAE chart.
Applied Psychrometry: Psychrometric processes in air conditioning equipment, Mixing, Bypass factor,
Heating and dehumidifying coils, Air washers. Cooling by dry and wet coils, Use of hygroscopic solution in
air washers, Adiabatic dehumidifiers. Humidifiers, Water injection. Steam injection.
Comfort Air Conditioning and Cooling Load Calculations: Sensible and Latent Heat Loads, sensible heat
factor. Use of Effective and grand sensible heat factor, Relationship between ESHF, ADP and BF.
Representation of All Fresh Air, Recirculated air, Bypassed Air and High Latent Heat Load systems on
Psychrometric Chart
Air Conditioning Systems: Commercial, Residential and Industrial Air-Conditioning; Summer, Winter and
Year round Air-Conditioning system, Hot and dry outdoor conditions. Hot and humid outdoor conditions.
Selection of outside and inside design conditions: Thermodynamics of human body. Body regulation
process against heat and cold. Comfort & Comfort chart, Effective temperature, Factors governing optimum
effective temperature, Design considerations. Air conditioning control systems: Basic elements of the control
system, Temperature, Humidity & Pressure controls, Refrigeration, Room thermostat.
Suggested Reading:
1. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / C.P. Arora / TMH
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
2. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / Arora & Domkundwar / Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / R C Arora / PHI / 2012
4. Hand Book of Air Conditioning System Design / Carrier
5. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / S.C. Jain / Chand and Co.
6. ASHRAE Hand Book / Volume 1& 2.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction: Fundamentals of good indoor air quality Need for building ventilation, Effects of R.H. in
building ventilation, Control of microbial growth, Psychometric performance of contact volume system.
Types of ventilation system. Supply system, Exhaust system.
Devices Used in Supply Systems: Air Inlet system. Filters heating & cooling equipment, Fans, Duct, Grills,
Diffusers, for distribution of air in the work place.
Exhaust Systems: General exhaust systems. Local exhaust system, Removal of pollutants and contaminated
air. Air cleaning devices, Fans.
Ventilation in Kitchen: Cooking, Exhaust flow, IMC (International Mechanical Code) Calculation of
appliances area, contaminated air, free foot area. Total air flow volume with example. Types of hood, Design
of hood. Design factors, integrated air curtains, Combination hood.
Ventilation of Commercial Buildings: Design of commercial, Residential ventilation system.
Suggested Reading:
1. Ventilation Systems: Design and Performance/ Hazim B. Awbi. / Routledge / 2007.
2. Portable Ventilation Systems Hand Book / Neil McManus / CRC Press / 2000.
3. Design of Industrial Ventilation Systems / John L Alden / Industrial Press / 5th Edition.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
4. Industrial Ventilation Applications / ISHRAE Hand Book / 2009.
5. Engineering bulletin / TRANE Company.
6. HVAC Hand book / ISHRAE.
7. Industrial Ventilation Applications / ASHRAE Hand Book / 2009.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
- 3 1 - - 30 70 4
Course Objectives
To calculate direct, diffuse and reflected radiation as well as to understand clearly about various
incident radiation related parameters
To calculate angle of incidence for horizontal, vertical and tilted surfaces such as walls
To compare and contrast the conventional cooling and heating load calculations
To understand the concept and application of various air heating systems as well as to make aware
the various trouble shooting measures for common arising problems
To classify and contrast the various water heating systems based on piping arrangement and water
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
1. List the factors that impact the heating & cooling loads in buildings
2. Understand the internal and external cooling loads on a building by separating sensible and latent
3. Calculate the heating & cooling loads using CLTD/CLF method
4. Analyse the various HVAC systems available and selecting the most appropriate one
5. Choose appropriate air heating system for a particular location and application
6. Design an HVAC system for a residential or commercial building
Heat Transfer Through Building Structures: Building Survey, Periodic heat transfer through walls and
roofs. Empirical methods to calculate heat transfer through walls and roofs; Heat gain through glass,
calculation of solar heat gain through ordinary glass tables, shading devices, effect of shading devices.
Equivalent temperature difference method, Thermal resistance of various building materials, Infiltration,
stack effect, wind effect.
Heat Load Calculations: Winter heating load calculation, heat losses through structure, heat losses due to
infiltration, Effects of solar radiation and internal heat sources on heating loads. Methods for estimating
energy requirements for heating.
HVAC System Design: Principles of HVAC system design and analysis; component and system selection
criteria including room air distribution, fans and air circulation, humidifying and dehumidifying processes,
piping and ducting design. Air quality standards. Control systems and techniques; operational economics.
The engineering principles and key factors influencing the thermal environments and quantification of these
factors, functional requirements of utilities, and the design of systems to local codes.
Air conditioning systems: Ventilation Systems; Space Heating Systems; Automatic control;
Commissioning, operation and maintenance; Introduction to HVAC & R analysis. Thermal equipment
performance; Direct contact heat and mass transfer; Component modelling and simulation; Performance
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
analysis and optimization of environmental plant systems. Part-load and year-round operation, system
performance and operational problems; Ventilation systems: outdoor air control, ventilation effectiveness,
ADPI, fan-duct network; filtration systems
Systems: Primary and secondary water loops, constant and variable flow; System control: air side control,
water side control; Energy requirement: cooling load profile, fan and pump power, system operation for
energy effectiveness and heat recovery, chiller optimization. Thermal environment; Air quality; Energy
conservation measures; Energy codes; Noise and vibration control
Suggested Reading:
1. HVAC Fundamentals Volume-l / James E. Brumbou / Audel / 4th Edition
2. Fundamentals of HVAC Systems / Robert Mcdowall / Academic Press / 2007
3. Home Heating & Air Conditioning systems / James Kittle / MGH
4. HVAC Fundamentals / Samuel C. Sugarman / Fairmont Press / 2005.
5. Principles of Refrigeration – Dossat, Pearson
6. R&AC Hand Book by ISHRAE
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction: Principles of energy management. Managerial organization, Functional areas for i)
manufacturing industry, ii) Process industry, iii) Commerce, iv) Government, Role of Energy manager in
each of these organizations. Initiating, Organizing and managing energy management programs
Energy Audit: Definition and concepts. Types of energy audits, Basic energy concepts, Resources for plant
energy studies. Data gathering, Analytical techniques.
Energy Conservation: Technologies for energy conservation, Design for conservation of energy materials,
Energy flow networks. Critical assessment of energy usage. Formulation of objectives and constrains,
Synthesis of alternative options and technical analysis of options. Process integration.
Economic Analysis: Scope, Characterization of an investment project. Types of depreciation, Time value of
money. Budget considerations, Risk analysis.
Methods of Evaluation of Projects: Payback, Annualized costs, Investor's rate of return, Present worth,
Internal rate of return, Pros and cons of the common method of analysis, Replacement analysis.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Alternative Energy Sources: Solar Energy, Types of devices for solar energy collections, Thermal storage
system, Control systems. Wind Energy, Availability, Wind Devices, Wind Characteristics, performance of
turbines and systems.
Suggested Reading:
1. Energy Management Hand Book / W. C. Turner (Ed)
2. Energy Management Principles / CB Smith/ Pergamon Press
3. Energy Management / W. R. Murthy and G. Mc. Kay / BS Publication
4. Management / H. Koontz and Cyrill Donnel / McGraw Hill
5. Financial Management / S. C. Kuchhal / Chaitanya Publishing House
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
- 3 - - - 30 70 3
Course Objectives
Learning the mechanical properties, methods to protect the cryogenic fluids
To describe liquefaction system for Neon, Hydrogen and Helium
To explain the cryogenic gas separation and purification system
To explain the cryogenic refrigeration systems
To embark on a research career in Cryogenic Engineering
Course Outcomes
1. List the applications of cryogenic systems
2. Understand the principles of cryogenics engineering
3. Analyse the performance of cryogenics gas liquefaction system
4. Analyse performance of cryogenics gas separation and purification system
5. Evaluate material properties at cryogenic temperature
6. Design the cryogenic storage system & cryo coolers
Introduction to Cryogenic Systems: Mechanical Properties at low temperatures. Properties of Cryogenic
Fluids. Gas Liquefaction: Minimum work for liquefaction. Methods to protect low temperature. Liquefaction
systems for gages other than Neon. Hydrogen and Helium.
Liquefaction Systems for Neon, Hydrogen and Helium: Components of Liquefaction systems. Heat
exchangers. Compressors and expanders. Expansion valve, Losses in real machines.
Gas Separation and Purification Systems: Properties of mixtures, Principles of mixtures, Principles of gas
separation, Air separation systems.
Cryogenic Refrigeration Systems: Working Medium, Solids, Liquids, Gases, Cryogenic fluid storage &
transfer, Cryogenic storage systems, Insulation, Fluid transfer mechanisms, Cryostat, Cryo Coolers
Applications: Space technology, In-Flight air separation and collection of LOX, Gas industry, Biology,
Medicine, Electronics.
Suggested Reading:
1. Cryogenic Systems/ R.F. Barren/ Oxford University Press
2. Cryogenic Engineering- Thomas Flynn- CRC Press-2nd Edition
3. Cryogenic Research and Applications: Marshal Sitting/ Von Nostrand/ Inc. New Jersey
4. Cryogenic Heat Transfer/ R.F.Baron
5. Cryogenic Engineering Edit / B.A. Hands/ Academic Press, 1986
6. Cryogenic Engineering/ R.B. Scottm Vin Nostrand/ Inc. New Jersey, 1959
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
7. Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics- O.K. White, Oxford Press, 1968
8. Cryogenic Process Engineering/ K. D. Timmerhaus & TM Flynn/ Plenum Press, 1998
9. Hand Book of Cryogenic Engineering – J.G. Weisend –II, Taylor and Francis, 1998
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction to Building Climatology: Climate and built form interaction. Global Climatic factors,
elements of climate, macro and micro climate; challenge of rapid, extreme environmental change
Tropical Climates: Definition, classification of tropical climates, characteristics of different climatic zones,
Design considerations for warm-humid, hot-dry, composite and upland climates.
Thermal Comfort: Thermal comfort factors, Physiological aspects, Body heat balance, Heat flow through
Buildings: Basic principles of heat transfer through buildings, performance of different materials, Periodic
heat flow.
Sun and the Design process: Solar geometry, Solar charts, Sun angles and shadow angles, orientation for
sun, shading devices, building form and heat gain, basic principles of day lighting, sunlight and glare.
Natural Ventilation: Air movement around and through buildings, Orientation for wind, stack effect,
Induced ventilation.
Passive Cooling:
Passive methods of Cooling, roof pond, desiccant cooling, evaporative Cooling, and earth sheltered buildings
etc. Site Planning (including landscaping) and building planning and design considering climate factors.
Detailed appraisal/analysis of climatological performance of an existing residence and or a workplace;
followed by redesigning or the same to improve climatological performance.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Suggested Reading:
1. Koenigsberger, O.H. and Others. Manual of Tropical Housing and Building. Orient Longman,
Chennai, 2003.
2. Konya, Allan. Design for Hot Climates.
3. Kukreja, C.P. Tropical Architecture. Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1978.
4. Markus, T.A. and Morris. E.N. Buildings, Climate and Energy. Pitman Pub. Ltd., London, 1980.
5. Olgyay and Olgyay. Solar Control and Shading Devices.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Compressors: Types, constructional details of reciprocating compressors, volumetric efficiency factors
affecting volumetric efficiency, effects of evaporator and condenser pressures, centrifugal compressor,
constructional details, applications: Comparison with reciprocating compressors, screw compressors,
working principle, single screw and double screw compressor, lubricating oils, rotary compressor, single
vane and multi vane compressor surging, Electric motors and control circuits.
Condensers: Types - water cooled & air cooled condensers-evaporative type, thermal design of compressor-
temperature distribution and heat flow in a condenser, pressure drop, fouling factor, LMTD correction factor.
(No problems) Cooling Towers: Classification, performance of cooling towers, analysis of counter flow
cooling towers, enthalpy-temperature diagram of air and water. Cooling ponds: types, cross flow cooling
towers, procedure for calibration of outlet conditions.
Evaporators: Types - flooded & dry evaporators, natural & forced convection type, shell &tube, shell &
coil, plate type-secondary evaporators, temperature distribution and heat flow in evaporators-pressure drop,
fouling correction factor, (no problems)
Expansion Devices - Capillary tube, thermostatic expansion valve, float valve, automatic expansion valve,
solenoid control valve, pipe design, general-water piping, refrigerant piping & steam piping water treatment
corrosion control, scale formation control-Refrigerant flow controls.
Installation of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System: evaluation & dehydration, testing for
leakages, charging, adding oil defrosting, methods-material, automatic, periodic defrosting-solid & liquid
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
adsorbents; water defrosting, defrosting by reversing the cycle, automatic hot gas defrosting-thermo balance
defrosting, electric control defrosting (no problems)
Suggested Reading:
1. Principles of Refrigeration/Roy J. Dossat
2. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning / C. P. Arora/
3. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning / Stoecker/ TMGH 1982
4. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning / Domkundwar/Danapath Rai
5. ASHRAE guide & data book application
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Overview of the significance of energy use and energy processes in building: Indoor activities and
environmental control, Internal and external factors on energy use and the attributes of the factors,
Characteristics of energy use and its management, Macro aspect of energy use in dwellings and its
Indoor environmental requirement and management: Thermal comfort, Ventilation and air quality, Air-
conditioning requirement, Visual perception, Illumination requirement, Auditory requirement.
Climate, solar radiation and their influences: Sun-earth relationship and the energy balance on the earth's
surface, Climate, wind, solar radiation, and temperature, Sun shading and solar radiation on surfaces, Energy
impact on the shape and orientation of buildings.
End-use, energy utilization and requirements: Lighting and day lighting, End-use energy requirements -
Status of energy use in buildings Estimation of energy use in a building. Heat gain and thermal performance
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
of building envelope, Steady and non-steady heat transfer through the glazed window and the wall, Standards
for thermal performance of building envelope, Evaluation of the overall thermal transfer.
Energy management options: Energy audit and energy targeting, Technological options for energy
Suggested Reading:
1. J. Krieder and A. Rabl, Heating and Cooling of Buildings - Design for Efficiency, McGraw Hill,
2. S.M. Guinnes and Reynolds, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, Wiley, 1989.
3. Shaw, Energy Design for Architects, AEE Energy Books, 1991.
4. ASHRAE, Handbook of Fundamentals, Atlanta, 1997.
5. Donald W. Abrams, Low Energy Cooling – A Guide to the Practical Application of Passive
6. Cooling and Cooling Energy Conservation Measures, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1986.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Brief Introduction to Different Modes of Heat Transfer: Conduction: General heat Conduction equation-
initial and boundary conditions.
ID Steady State Heat Conduction – Composite Systems – Systems with Heat Generation – Fins
2D Steady State Heat Conduction – Analytical solution for simple boundary conditions – Product Solution
Transient heat conduction: Lumped system analysis-1D Transient Heat Conduction, Heisler charts, semi-
infinite solid, use of shape factors in conduction.
Finite Difference Methods for Conduction: ID & 2D steady state and simple transient heat conduction
problems-implicit and explicit methods.
Forced Convection: Equations of fluid flow-concepts of continuity, momentum equations-derivation
of energy equation-methods to determine heat transfer coefficient: Analytical methods-dimensional
analysis and concept of exact solution. Approximate method-integral analysis.
External Flows: Flow over a flat plate: integral method for laminar heat transfer coefficient for different
velocity and temperature profiles. Application of empirical relations to variation geometries for laminar and
turbulent flows.
Internal flows: Fully developed flow: integral analysis for laminar heat transfer coefficient, types of
Flow, constant wall temperature and constant heat flux boundary conditions, hydrodynamic &thermal entry
lengths; use of empirical correlations.
Free Convection: Boussinesque approximation, different geometries, combined free and forced convection.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Boiling and condensation: Boiling curve, correlations for different regimes, Condensation: Film and
Dropwise condensation, Nusselts theory of film condensation on a vertical plate, assumptions & correlations
of film condensation for different geometries.
Radiation Heat Transfer: Radiant heat exchange in grey, non-grey bodies, with transmitting.
Reflecting and absorbing media, specular surfaces.
Suggested Reading:
1. Heat Transfer - A basic approach- Necati Ozisik –TMH
2. Fundamentals of Heat & Mass transfer- Incropera, Dewitt, Bergman, Lavime - wiley Publication
3. Heat Transfer/ P.S. Ghoshdastidar/ Oxford Press
4. Heat Transfer-S. P. Sukhatme - Univeristies Press
5. Fundamentals of Engineering Heat Transfer-R.C. Sachdeva-New Age Science.
6. Heat Transfer/ P. K. Nag /TMH
7. Engg. Heat & Mass Transfer/ Sarit K. Das/Dhanpat Rai
8. Introduction to Heat Transfer/SK Som/PHI
9. Principals of Heat Transfer/Frank Kreith/Cengage Learning
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Air Conditioning Systems: All-water, All-air, air-water system. Unitary System, window air conditioner,
split and central air conditioning system, cooling load calculations, occupancy load, lighting load, appliance
load, product load, difference between summer & winter load calculations.
Air Distribution: Room Air distribution - types of supply air outlets, mechanism of flow through outlets,
selection and location of outlets, general considerations. Distribution patterns of outlets, ducts, Definition
and types - materials for ducts and its specification, friction loss in ducts, grills, diffusers, registers,
rectangular equivalent of circular duct. Air duct designs, duct construction, duct design procedure.
Thermal Insulation for A/C System: Method of heat transfer, desired properties of ideal insulating
materials, types of insulating materials. Heat transfer through insulation, economic thickness of insulation.
Insulation of heated buildings, Insulation for cooling building and cold storage, pipe insulation.
Air Conditioning Apparatus: Fans and blowers, types of fans, fan characteristic, centrifugal fans, axial
fans, fan arrangements, filters, sources of noise and control, static pressure calculation for selection of motor
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
and fan. Water supply pipe sizing calculations, piping network for supply and return water line, pipe fittings,
lining and insulation, piping system as per ASHRAE standards
Applications: Air conditioning systems for automobiles (cars, buses, etc.), Air conditioning systems for
trains, ships, & aircraft; Special applications: Computers, hospitals, cold storages, printing, textiles and
leather industries.
Suggested Reading:
1. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning by Domkundwar
2. Refrigeration &Air-Conditioning by V.K. Jain
3. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning by C.P. Arora
4. ASHRAE Hand Book
5. Hand Book of Air Conditioning System design by Carrier
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
- 3 - - - 30 70 3
Course Objectives
To understand location of automotive air-conditioning components.
To acquire knowledge of controlled air conditioner heating system.
To study the different control systems.
To provide the knowledge of servicing of AC equipment.
Course Outcomes
After completing the course, the students will able to
1. Define the fundamental principles and parts of refrigeration and air-conditioning system
2. Understand the controlled air conditioner & heating system in automotives
3. Demonstrate the knowledge of refrigeration system diagnosis, refrigerant leakage etc.
4. Analyse refrigerant flow, controlling the temperature of refrigerant as per requirement.
5. Judge the servicing of air conditioner by repairing and / or replacing of parts.
6. Design the automotive air conditioning system.
Air Conditioning Fundamentals: Basic air conditioning system - location of air conditioning components
in a car, schematic layout of a refrigeration system, compressor components, condenser and high pressure
service ports, thermostatic expansion valve, expansion valve calibration, controlling evaporator temperature,
evaporator pressure regulator, evaporator temperature regulator.
Air Conditioning – Heating Systems: Automotive heaters, manually controlled air conditioner, heater
system, automatically controlled air conditioner and heater systems, automatic temperature control, air
conditioning protection, engine protection.
Refrigerant: Containers handling refrigerants, tapping into the refrigerant container, refrigeration system
diagnosis, diagnostic procedure, ambient conditions affecting system pressures.
Air Routing and Temperature Control: Objectives, evaporator airflow through the recalculating unit,
automatic temperature control, duct system, controlling flow, vacuum reserve, testing the air control and
handling systems.
Air Conditioning Service: Air conditioner maintenance and service, servicing heater system removing and
replacing components, trouble shooting of air controlling system, compressor service.
Suggested Reading:
1. William H. Crouse and Donald I. Anglin - “Automotive Air conditioning” - McGraw Hill Inc. -
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
2. Mitchell information Services, Inc - “Mitchell Automatic Heating and Air Conditioning Systems” -
Prentice Hall Ind. - 1989.
3. Paul Weiser – “Automotive Air Conditioning” – Reston Publishing Co., Inc., - 1990.
4. MacDonald, K.I., - “Automotive Air Conditioning” – Theodore Audel series – 1978
5. Goings. L.F. – “Automotive Air Conditioning” – American Technical services – 1974.
6. Boyce H. Dwiggins – “Automotive Air Conditioning” – Delmar – 2002.
7. “Principles of Refrigeration”; Roy J Dossat: Pearson Education Inc.
8. “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”; Arora and Damkondwar: Dhanpat Rai and Company.
9. “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, C. P. Arora: Tata McGraw Hills Pub.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Vibration and Acceleration Measurement: Vibration and acceleration measuring instruments - linear
acceleration using strain gauges, capacitive, mechanical and electronic tachometers.
Pressure Measurement: Resistive, magnetic, capacitive pressure transducers - Thermal conductive gauges-
Mc-leod gauge, ionization gauge - pressure, measurement using strain gauges.
Flow Measurements: Different types of flow transducers - Magnetic flow meters -interferometer for
visualization - Rotameter other conventional types of obstruction meters.
Level Indicators: Magnetic type float gauge - Oscillator type detectors-liquid and solid level measurement by
variation of capacitance.
Cryogenic Instrumentation: Low temperature measurements, measurement of micro-temperatures.
Measurement of Strain: Use of resistance strain gauge in measuring different mechanical input systems.
Air-Conditioning Controls: Introduction - Types, direct & reverse acting thermostats, with receiver
controller - liquid valves, fail safe design, throttling range - dampers, outdoor air control – freeze protection -
building up a control system, humidi stats and humidifiers- valve characteristics and selection.
Suggested Reading:
1. Instrumentation for engineering measurement /R.H. Cerrni & L.E. Foster/ wily 1982
2. Instrumentation in Scientific research/K.S, Lion/ Megravv Hill
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
3. Automatic process control/ D.P. Eckman /Wiley
4. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning/W.F. Stooecker, J.W. Jone/ McGraw Hill 1982
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Refrigeration Equipment & Application: Elementary knowledge of refrigeration & air conditioning
equipments e.g. compressors, condensers, evaporators & expansion devices, Air washers, Cooling towers &
humidifying efficiency, Food preservation, cold storage, Refrigerate Freezers, Ice plant, Water coolers,
Elementary knowledge of transmission and distribution of air through ducts and fans, Basic difference
between comfort and industrial air conditioning.
Erection of R & AC Systems: Erection methodology, foundation, padding, network analysis, critical path,
interconnections; safety precautions, air handling equipments, locations in the systems, corrosion, noise,
vibration monitoring and control.
Testing of Equipments: Testings/ISI standards, testing of compressors, condensers, evaporators, and
cooling towers. Testing of control systems, circuitry and trouble shoot, condition monitoring.
Preventive Maintenance: TPM Principles, Corrective and preventive measures, Reliability analysis,
Signature analysis, Different types of preventive maintenance procedures, Practical hints, Failure Mode and
Effect Analysis, Problem Solving Techniques.
Maintenance Aspects: Maintenance procedures, leak detection, vacuumising, charging, trial run,
prevention, lubrication, different methods. Studies on different maintenance schedules followed by various
Suggested Reading:
1. Robert C. Rosciler, HVAC Maintenance, and operations Hand Book, McGraw. Hill, 1997.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
2. Althouse A.D. and Turnquist C. H., Modern Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Good HeartWilcoz
Co Inc., 2004.
3. ISHRAE Hand book on Refrigeration & Air conditioning, ISHRAE Bangalore, 1998.
4. Nelson C. W., Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
5. Reed G. H., Refrigeration, A Practical Manual, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, 1982.
6. Russel E. Smithy, Electricity for Refrigeration, Heating and Air-conditioning, Duxbury Press,
Massachusetts, 1980.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction to refrigeration systems: methods of refrigeration, units of refrigeration, COP. Introduction to
nonconventional refrigeration technologies, Thermoelectric refrigeration, magnetic refrigeration, pulse tube
refrigeration, acoustic refrigeration, steam jet refrigeration, vortex tube refrigeration. Review of vapour
compression refrigeration system, vapour absorption system and adsorption systems.
Thermoelectric refrigeration: principle, thermoelectric properties, Seabeck effect, Peltier effect and
Thompson effect. System description, performance, analysis, Applications. Advanced vapour compression
systems, compound compression, multistage evaporation. Solar based refrigeration technologies, absorption
and adsorption.
Introduction to Magnetic refrigeration: magneto-caloric effect, magnetic materials, magnetic refrigeration
near room temperature cooling, advantages over traditional refrigeration system, clean refrigeration in future,
pulse tube refrigerator, principle, analysis.
Principles and application of steam jet refrigeration system: performance analysis, vortex tube
refrigeration system, system description, Applications. Modern refrigerants, Need for alternative refrigerants,
eco-friendly refrigerants, properties of mixtures of refrigerants, modifications required for retrofitting, safety
precautions and compatibility of refrigerants with the materials.
Solar thermo-mechanical refrigeration system: Carnot refrigeration cycle, solar electric compression air
conditioning, simple Rankine cycle air conditioning system. Absorption refrigeration, Thermodynamic
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
analysis, Energy and mass balance of Lithium bromide water absorption system, Aqua-ammonia absorption
system, Calculations of COP and second law efficiency. Solar desiccant dehumidification.
Suggested Reading:
1. Arora C. P Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2004
2. Arora: Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, PHI, Eastern Economy Edition, 2012
3. Gosney W. B Principles of Refrigeration, Cambridge University Press, 1983
4. Stanley W Angrist Direct Energy conversions, Allyn & Bacon, 1982
5. HJ Goldsmid, Thermoelectric Refrigeration, Springer, 1st Ed. 1995
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Classification of Heat Exchangers: Introduction, Recuperation & regeneration, Tabular heat exchangers,
Double pipe, shell & tube heat exchanger, Plate heat Exchangers, Gasketed plate heat exchanger. Spiral plate
heat exchanger, Lamella heat exchanger, Extended surface heat exchanger, Plate fin and Tabular fin.
Basic Design Methods of Heat Exchanger: Introduction, Basic equations in design, Overall heat transfer
coefficient, LMTD method for heat exchanger analysis, Parallel flow, Counter flow. Multipass, cross flow
heat exchanger design calculations
Double Pipe Heat Exchanger: Film coefficient for fluids in annulus, fouling factors, Calorific temperature,
Average fluid temperature, The calculation of double pipe exchanger, Double pipe exchangers in series
parallel arrangements.
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Tube layouts for exchangers, Baffle heat exchangers, Calculation of shell
and tube heat exchangers, Shell side film coefficients, Shell side equivalent diameter, The true temperature
difference in a 1-2 heat exchanger. Influence of approach temperature on correction factor. Shell side
pressure drop, Tube side pressure drop, Analysis of performance of 1-2 heat exchanger and design of shell &
tube heat exchangers, Flow arrangements for increased heat recovery, the calculation of 2-4 exchangers.
Condensation of Single Vapours: Calculation of horizontal condenser, Vertical condenser, DeSuper heater
condenser, Vertical condenser-sub-Cooler, Horizontal Condenser-Sub cooler, Vertical reflux type condenser.
Condensation of steam.
Vaporizers, Evaporators and Reboilers: Vaporizing processes, Forced circulation vaporizing exchanger,
Natural circulation vaporizing exchangers, Calculations of a reboiler. Extended Surfaces: Longitudinal fins.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Weighted fin efficiency curve, Calculation of a Double pipe fin efficiency curve. Calculation of a double
pipe finned exchanger, Calculation of a longitudinal fin shell and tube exchanger.
Direct Contact Heat Exchanger: Cooling towers, relation between wet bulb & dew point temperatures, The
Lewis number and Classification of cooling towers, Cooling tower internals and the roll of fill, Heat Balance.
Heat Transfer by simultaneous diffusion and convection, Analysis of cooling tower requirements, Deign of
cooling towers, Determination of the number of diffusion units, Calculation of cooling tower performance.
Suggested Reading:
1. Process Heat Transfer/D.Q.Kern/ TMH
2. Heat Exchanger Design/ A.P.Fraas and M N. Ozisicj/ John Wiley & sons, New York.
3. Cooling Towers / J.D. Gurney
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Theories and Method of Chilling: Freezing and free de-humidification, Preparation for freezing, Freezing
methods. Commercial freezing methods, Sharp, quick and air blast freezing, Freezing drying, Methods of
pre-cooling fruits and vegetables, Hydro cooling, Forced air cooling and Vacuum cooling.
Processing of Meat Products: Refrigeration systems for carcass chilling and holding, Chilled brine spray,
Sprayed coil, Dry coil systems. Chilling and freezing variety meats, overnight chilling, quick chilling. Effect
of freezing temperature on quality of meat products. Fishery Products: Icing of fish. Saltwater icing.
Freezing methods, Slow freezing Blast freezing, Plate Freezing and Immersion freezing offish.
Dairy Products: Milk processing, Handling, Diary plant procedure. Standardizing, Pasteurization,
Homogenizing, and Container filling. Fruit Juice Concentrations: Processing and quality control selection,
Grading and handling of fresh fruit, Washing, Juice extraction, Heat Treatment, Flavour fortification,
Packing storage and distribution, Convection methods, freezing and mechanical separation. Low temperature
vacuum evaporation, Direct refrigerant contact method. Indirect refrigerant contact methods, High
temperature short time evaporations.
Refrigerated Warehouse: Factors affecting warehouse design, Building location, Design reduction.
Shipping and receiving plant forms. Utility space, Controlled atmospheric storage rooms. Jacketed storages.
Automated warehouse insulation, Cold storage doors.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Refrigerated Trucks, Trailers & Containers: Temperature control methods, Body Design & construction,
Auxiliary equipment, Types of refrigeration systems. Railway refrigeration cars.
Suggested Reading:
1. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning / C. P. Arora/ Dhanpat Rai & Co.
2. Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice / Peter Fellows / Woodhead Publishing / 3rd
Edition / 2009
3. Guide and Data Book / ASHRAE.
4. Hand Book of Air-Conditioning system design/Carrier.
5. Basic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning – P.N. Ananathanarayanan – McGraw Hill
6. Principles of Refrigeration/ Dossat-Pearson
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Refrigeration Cycles – analysis: Development of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle from Reverse
Carnot Cycle- conditions for high COP-deviations from ideal vapour compression cycle, Multi-pressure
Systems, Cascade Systems-Analysis.
Refrigerants: Classification of Refrigerants, Designation of Refrigerants, Desirable properties of
refrigerants including solubility in water and lubricating oil, material compatibility, toxicity, flammability,
leak detection, cost, environment and performance issues. Thermodynamic properties of refrigerants.
Synthetic and natural refrigerants. Comparison between different refrigerants vis a vis applications. Special
issues and practical implications. Montreal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol
Refrigerant Mixtures: Introduction, The Need for replacement refrigerants, Binary mixtures- composition,
temperature composition, and enthalpy-concentration diagram, refrigerant mixtures, evaluation of
thermodynamic properties, zeotropic and azeotropic mixtures, temperature glide. Charging procedure and
Safety rules for the preparation of refrigerant mixtures. Advantages and limitations of refrigerant mixtures.
Assessment of Natural Refrigerants: Opportunities for the application of natural refrigerants, Use of
hydrocarbons as working fluids in heat pumps and refrigeration equipment, Conversion of various HCFC-22
systems to hydrocarbon, Experimental assessment of HC-290 as a substitute to HCFC-22 in a window air
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Tools & Servicing Practices Tools: Different Types of Refrigeration Tools, Evacuation and Charging Unit,
Recovery and Recycling Unit, Vacuum Pumps. Servicing Practices: Contaminants, Moisture on
condensables, Servicing RAC systems, Evacuation, Purging, Leak detection,
Suggested Reading:
1. Natural Refrigerants Sustainable Ozone- and Climate-Friendly Alternatives to HCFCs, Proklima
International, 2008
2. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology, By William C. Whitman, William M. Johnson, John
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by C P Arora, McGraw-Hill edition
4. Alternatives to HCFCs in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector - Practical Guidelines and
Case Studies for Equipment Conversion, Retrofit and Replacement, UNEP
5. R & AC -Manohar Prasad
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction to renewable energy resources, Energy Scenario, Survey of energy resources. Classification and
need for conventional energy resources.
Solar Energy: The Sun-sun-Earth relationship, Basic matter to waste heat energy circuit, Solar Radiation,
Attention, Radiation measuring instruments.
Solar Energy Applications: Solar water heating. Space heating, Active and passive heating. Energy storage.
Selective surface. Solar stills and ponds, solar refrigeration, Photovoltaic generation.
Geothermal Energy: Structure of earth, Geothermal Regions, Hot springs. Hot Rocks, Hot Aquifers.
Analytical methods to estimate thermal potential. Harnessing techniques, Electricity generating systems.
Direct Energy Conversion: Nuclear Fusion: Fusion, Fusion reaction, P-P cycle, Carbon cycle, Deuterium
cycle, Condition for controlled fusion, Fuel cells and photovoltaic. Thermionic & thermoelectric generation,
MHD generator.
Hydrogen Gas as Fuel: Production methods, Fuel condition, Properties, I.C. Engines applications,
Utilization strategy, Performances.
Bio-energy: Biomass energy sources. Plant productivity, Biomass wastes, aerovic and Anaerobic
bioconversion processed, Raw metrical and properties of bio-gas, Bio-gas plant technology and status, the
energetics and economics of biomass systems, Biomass gasification
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Wind Energy: Wind, Beaufort number, Characteristics, Wind energy conversion systems, Types, Betz
model. Interference factor. Power coefficient, Torque coefficient and Thrust coefficient, Lift machines and
Drag machines. Matching, Electricity generation.
Energy from Oceans: Tidal energy. Tides. Diurnal and semi-diurnal nature, Power from tides, Wave
Energy, Waves, Theoretical energy available. Calculation of period and phase velocity of waves, Wave
power systems, Submerged devices. Ocean thermal Energy, Principles, Heat exchangers, Pumping
requirements, Practical considerations.
Suggested Reading:
1. Non-conventional Energy Resources – Khan – McGraw Hill
2. Energy Resources Utilization and Technologies – Y Anjaneyulu and Francis Tuluri, BS Publications
3. Solar Energy – Sukhatme & Nayak – McGraw Hill
4. Alternative Energy Sources & Systems – Steeby – Cengage Learning
5. Renewable Energy Source – Tasneem & S.A. Abbasi - PHI
6. Non-conventional Energy Resourses - Sawhney-PHI
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Research Methodology: Objectives and Motivation of Research, Types of Research, research approaches,
Significance of Research, Research Methods Verses Methodology, Research Process, Criteria of Good
Research, Problems Encountered by Researchers in India, Benefits to the society in general. Defining the
Research Problem: Selection of Research Problem, Necessity of Defining the Problem
Literature Survey and Report writing: Importance and purpose of Literature Survey, Sources of
Information, Assessment of Quality of Journals and Articles, Need of Review, Guidelines for Review,
Record of Research Review.
Report writing: Meaning of interpretation, layout of research report, Types of reports, Mechanism of
writing a report. Research Proposal Preparation: Writing a Research Proposal and Research Report,
Writing Research Grant Proposal.
Research Design: Meaning of Research Design, Need of Research Design, Feature of a Good Design,
Important Concepts Related to Research Design, Different Research Designs, Basic Principles of
Experimental Design, Developing a Research Plan, Steps in sample design, types of sample designs.
Data Collection and Analysis: Methods of data collection, Data organization, Methods of data grouping,
Diagrammatic representation of data, Graphic representation of data. Importance of Parametric, non-
parametric test, testing of variance of two normal populations, use of Chi-square, ANOVA, F-test, z-test
Intellectual Property Rights: Meaning, Nature, Classification and protection of Intellectual Property, The
main forms of Intellectual Property, Concept of Patent, Patent document, Invention protection, Granting of
patent, Rights of a patent, Licensing, Transfer of technology.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Suggested Readings:
1. C.R Kothari, Research Methodology, Methods & Technique‖; New Age International Publishers,
2. R. Ganesan, Research Methodology for Engineers‖, MJP Publishers, 2011
3. Y.P. Agarwal, Statistical Methods: Concepts, Application and Computation‖, Sterling Publications
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004
4. G.B. Reddy, Intellectual Property Rights and the Law 5th Ed. 2005 Gogia Law Agency
5. Ajit Parulekar and Sarita D’Souza, Indian Patents Law – Legal & Business Implications, Macmillan
India Ltd, 2006
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction and Overview of the Strategic Cost Management Process: Cost concepts in decision-
making; Relevant cost, Differential cost, Incremental cost and Opportunity cost. Objectives of a Costing
System; Inventory valuation; Creation of a Database for operational control; Provision of data for Decision-
Project: meaning, Different types, why to manage, cost overruns centers, various stages of project
execution: conception to commissioning. Project execution as conglomeration of technical and non-technical
activities. Detailed Engineering activities. Pre project execution main clearances and documents Project
team: Role of each member. Importance Project site: Data required with significance. Project contracts.
Types and contents. Project execution Project cost control. Bar charts and Network diagram. Project
commissioning: mechanical and process.
Cost Behavior and Profit Planning Marginal Costing: Distinction between Marginal Costing and
Absorption Costing; Break-even Analysis, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Various decision-making problems.
Standard Costing and Variance Analysis.
Pricing strategies: Pareto Analysis. Target costing, Life Cycle Costing. Costing of service sector. Just-in-
time approach, Material Requirement Planning, Enterprise Resource Planning, Total Quality Management
and Theory of constraints.
Activity-Based Cost Management: Bench Marking; Balanced Score Card and Value-Chain Analysis.
Budgetary Control; Flexible Budgets; Performance budgets; Zero-based budgets. Measurement of Divisional
profitability pricing decisions including transfer pricing.
Quantitative techniques for cost management: Linear Programming, PERT/CPM, Transportation
problems, Assignment problems, Simulation, Learning Curve Theory.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Suggested Readings:
1. Cost Accounting – A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Charles T. Horngren and George Foster, Advanced Management Accounting
3. Robert S Kaplan Anthony A. Alkinson, Management & Cost Accounting
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Business analytics: Overview of Business analytics, Scope of Business analytics, Business Analytics
Process, Relationship of Business Analytics Process and organization, competitive advantages of Business
Statistical Tools: Statistical Notation, Descriptive Statistical methods, Review of probability distribution
and data modelling, sampling and estimation methods overview.
Trendiness and Regression Analysis: Modelling Relationships and Trends in Data, simple Linear
Regression. Important Resources, Business Analytics Personnel, Data and models for Business analytics,
problem solving, Visualizing and Exploring Data, Business Analytics Technology.
Organization Structures of Business analytics, Team management, Management Issues, Designing
Information Policy, Outsourcing, Ensuring Data Quality, measuring contribution of Business analytics,
Managing Changes. Descriptive Analytics, predictive analytics, predicative Modelling, Predictive analytics
analysis, Data Mining, Data Mining Methodologies, Prescriptive analytics and its step in the business
analytics Process, Prescriptive Modelling, nonlinear Optimization.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Forecasting Techniques: Qualitative and Judgmental Forecasting, Statistical Forecasting Models,
Forecasting Models for Stationary Time Series, Forecasting Models for Time Series with a Linear Trend,
Forecasting Time Series with Seasonality, Regression Forecasting with Casual Variables, Selecting
Appropriate Forecasting Models.
Monte Carlo Simulation and Risk Analysis: Monte Carle Simulation Using Analytic Solver Platform, New-
Product Development Model, Newsvendor Model, Overbooking Model, Cash Budget Model.
Decision Analysis: Formulating Decision Problems, Decision Strategies with the without 8 Outcome
Probabilities, Decision Trees, The Value of Information, Utility and Decision Making.
Recent Trends in Embedded and collaborative business intelligence, Visual data 4 recovery, Data
Storytelling and Data journalism.
Suggested Readings:
1. Business analytics Principles, Concepts, and Applications by Marc J. Schniederjans, Dara G.
Schniederjans, Christopher M. Starkey, Pearson FT Press.
2. Business Analytics by James Evans, persons Education.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Overview of Embedded System Architecture, Challenges & Trends of
Embedded Systems, Hardware Architecture, Software Architecture. Application areas of Embedded Systems
and Categories of Embedded Systems. Embedded System Design and Co-Design issues and Design Cycle
PIC 18: Family Overview, Architecture, Instruction Set, Addressing modes. Timers, interrupts of PIC 18,
Capture/Compare and PWM modules of PIC 18
ARM Architecture: ARM Design Philosophy, Registers, Program Status Register, Instruction Pipeline,
Interrupts and Vector Table, Architecture Revision, ARM Processor Families. Instruction Set: Data
Processing Instructions, Addressing Modes, Branch, Load, Store Instructions, PSR Instructions, Conditional
ARM Thumb Instruction Set: Register Usage, Other Branch Instructions, Data Processing Instruction
Single-Register and Multi Register Load-Store Instructions, Stack, Software Interrupt Instructions. Exception
and interrupt handling.
ARM Memory Management: Cache Architecture, Polices, Flushing and Caches, MMU, Page Tables,
Translation Access Permissions, Context Switch.
Embedded Software Development Tools, Host and Target Machines, Linkers/Locators for Embedded
Software, Getting Embedded Software into the Target System. Debugging Techniques.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Case Studies: Design of Embedded Systems using Microcontrollers – for applications in the area of
communications and automotives. (GSM/GPRS, CAN, Zigbee)
Suggested Readings:
1. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems – Architecture, Programming and Design, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2008.
2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ARM Systems Developer’s Guides – Designing &
Optimizing System Software, Elsevier, 2008.
3. Mazidi, MCKinlay and Danny Causey, PIC Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems, Pearson
Education, 2007
4. David.E. Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 1999
5. Jonathan W. Valvano, Embedded Microcomputer Systems, Real Time Interfacing, Thomas
Learning, 1999.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction to Energy from Waste: Classification of waste as fuel – Agro based, Forest residue,
Industrial waste - MSW – Conversion devices – Incinerators, gasifiers, digestors. Biomass Pyrolysis:
Pyrolysis – Types, slow fast – Manufacture of charcoal – Methods - Yields and application – Manufacture
of pyrolytic oils and gases, yields and applications.
Biomass Gasification: Gasifiers – Fixed bed system – Downdraft and updraft gasifiers – Fluidized bed
gasifiers – Design, construction and operation – Gasifier burner arrangement for thermal heating – Gasifier
engine arrangement and electrical power – Equilibrium and kinetic consideration in gasifier operation.
Biomass Combustion: Biomass stoves – Improved chullahs, types, some exotic designs, fixed bed
combustors, Types, inclined grate combustors, Fluidized bed combustors, Design, construction and
operation - Operation of all the above biomass combustors.
Biogas: Properties of biogas (Calorific value and composition) - Biogas plant technology and status - Bio
energy system - Design and constructional features - Biomass resources and their classification - Biomass
conversion processes - Thermo chemical conversion - Direct combustion - biomass gasification - pyrolysis
and liquefaction
Biochemical conversion: Anaerobic digestion - Types of biogas Plants – Applications - Alcohol
production from biomass - Bio diesel production - Urban waste to energy conversion - Biomass energy
programme in India.
Suggested Readings:
1. Non-Conventional Energy, Desai, Ashok V., Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1990.
2. Biogas Technology - A Practical Hand Book, Khandelwal, K. C. and Mahdi, S. S., Vol. I & II,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1983.
3. Food, Feed and Fuel from Biomass, Challal, D. S., IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1991.
4. Biomass Conversion and Technology, C. Y. WereKo-Brobby and E. B. Hagan, John Wiley &
Sons, 1996.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Industrial safety: Accident, causes, types, results and control, mechanical and electrical hazards, types,
causes and preventive steps/procedure, describe salient points of factories act 1948 for health and safety,
wash rooms, drinking water layouts, light, cleanliness, fire, guarding, pressure vessels, etc., Safety colour
codes. Fire prevention and firefighting, equipment and methods.
Fundamentals of maintenance engineering: Definition and aim of maintenance engineering, Primary and
secondary functions and responsibility of maintenance department, Types of maintenance, Types and
applications of tools used for maintenance, Maintenance cost & its relation with replacement economy,
Service life of equipment.
Wear and Corrosion and their prevention: Wear- types, causes, effects, wear reduction methods,
lubricants-types and applications, Lubrication methods, general sketch, working and applications, i. Screw
down grease cup, ii. Pressure grease gun, iii. Splash lubrication, iv. Gravity lubrication, v. Wick feed
lubrication vi. Side feed lubrication, vii. Ring lubrication, Definition, principle and factors affecting the
corrosion. Types of corrosion, corrosion prevention methods.
Fault tracing: Fault tracing-concept and importance, decision tree concept, need and applications, sequence
of fault finding activities, show as decision tree, draw decision tree for problems in machine tools, hydraulic,
pneumatic, automotive, thermal and electrical equipment’s like, I. Any one machine tool, ii. Pump iii. Air
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
compressor, iv. Internal combustion engine, v. Boiler, vi. Electrical motors, Types of faults in machine tools
and their general causes.
Periodic and preventive maintenance: Periodic inspection-concept and need, degreasing, cleaning and
repairing schemes, overhauling of mechanical components, overhauling of electrical motor, common
troubles and remedies of electric motor, repair complexities and its use, definition, need, steps and
advantages of preventive maintenance. Steps/procedure for periodic and preventive maintenance of: I.
Machine tools, ii. Pumps, iii. Air compressors, iv. Diesel generating (DG) sets, Program and schedule of
preventive maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment, advantages of preventive maintenance.
Repair cycle concept and importance.
Suggested Readings:
1. Maintenance Engineering Handbook, Higgins & Morrow, Da Information Services.
2. Maintenance Engineering, H. P. Garg, S. Chand and Company.
3. Pump-hydraulic Compressors, Audels, McGraw Hill Publication
4. Foundation Engineering Handbook, Winterkorn, Hans, Chapman & Hall London
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Academic Writing: Meaning & Definition of a research paper– Purpose of a research paper – Scope –
Benefits, Limitations – outcomes.
Research Paper Format: Title – Abstract – Introduction – Discussion – Findings, Conclusion – Style of
Indentation – Font size/Font types – Indexing – Citation of sources.
Research Methodology: Methods (Qualitative – Quantitative) Review of Literature. Criticizing,
Paraphrasing & Plagiarism.
Process of Writing a research paper: Choosing a topic - Thesis Statement – Outline – Organizing notes -
Language of Research – Word order, Paragraphs – Writing first draft –Revising/Editing - The final draft and
proof reading.
Research Paper Publication: Reputed Journals – National/International – ISSN No, No. of volumes,
Scopus Index/UGC Journals – Free publications - Paid Journal publications – Advantages/Benefits
Presentation Skills: Developing Persuasive Presentations, Structure of Presentation, Presentation Slides,
Presentation Delivery, role of the audience, what to search and cite, how to establish credibility.
Suggested Readings:
1. C. R Kothari, Gaurav, Garg, ―Research Methodology Methods and Techniques‖, 4/e, New Age
International Publishers.
2. Day R, ―How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper”, Cambridge University Press, 2006
3. MLA Hand book for writers of Research Papers‖, 7/e, East West Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
4. Lauri Rozakis, Schaum’s, Quick Guide to Writing Great Research Papers‖, Tata McGraw Hills
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction: Disaster: Definition, Factors and Significance; Difference between Hazard and Disaster;
Natural and Manmade Disasters: Difference, Nature, Types and Magnitude.
Repercussions of Disasters and Hazards: Economic Damage, Loss of Human and Animal Life,
Destruction of Ecosystem.
Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Volcanisms, Cyclones, Tsunamis, Floods, Droughts and Famines,
Landslides and Avalanches, Man-made disaster: Nuclear Reactor Meltdown, Industrial Accidents, Oil
Slicks and Spills, Outbreaks of Disease and Epidemics, War and Conflicts.
Disasters Prone Areas in India: Study of Seismic Zones; Areas Prone to Floods and Droughts,
Landslides and Avalanches; Areas Prone to Cyclonic and Coastal Hazards with Special Reference to
Tsunami; Post-Disaster Diseases and Epidemics
Disaster Preparedness: Monitoring of Phenomena Triggering a Disaster or Hazard; Evaluation of Risk:
Application of Remote Sensing, Data from Meteorological and Other Agencies, Media Reports:
Governmental and Community Preparedness.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Disaster Risk: Concept and Elements, Disaster Risk Reduction, Global and National Disaster Risk
Situation. Techniques of Risk Assessment, Global Co-Operation in Risk Assessment and Warning,
People’s Participation in Risk Assessment. Strategies for Survival. Meaning, Concept and Strategies of
Disaster Mitigation, Emerging Trends in Mitigation. Structural Mitigation and Non-Structural Mitigation,
Programs of Disaster Mitigation in India.
Suggested Readings:
1. R. Nishith, Singh AK, “Disaster Management in India: Perspectives, issues and strategies”, New
Royal Book Company.
2. Sahni, Pardeep (Eds.), “Disaster Mitigation Experiences and Reflections”, PHI, New Delhi.
3. Goel S. L., “Disaster Administration and Management Text and Case Studies”, Deep & Deep
Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction to Sanskrit Language: Sanskrit Alphabets-vowels-consonants- significance of Amarakosa-
parts of Speech-Morphology-creation of new words-significance of synonyms-sandhi-samasa-sutras-active
and passive Voice-Past/Present/Future Tense-Syntax-Simple Sentences (elementary treatment only)
Role of Sanskrit in Basic Sciences: Brahmagupthas lemmas (second degree indeterminate equations), sum
of squares of n-terms of AP- sulba, sutram or baudhayana theorem (origination of Pythagoras theorem)-value
of pie-Madhava’s sine and cosine theory (origination of Taylor's series).
The measurement system-time-mass-length-temp, Matter elasticity-optics-speed of light (origination of
Michaelson and Morley theory).
Role of Sanskrit in Engineering-I (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering):
Building construction-soil testing-mortar-town planning-Machine definition-crucible-furnace-air blower-
Generation of electricity in a cell-magnetism-Solar system-Sun: The source of energy, the earth-Pingala
chandasutram (origination of digital logic system)
Role of Sanskrit in Engineering-II (Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology):
Computer languages and the Sanskrit languages-computer command words and the vedic command words-
analogy of pramana in memamsa with operators in computer language-sanskrit analogy of physical sequence
and logical sequence, programming.
Role of Sanskrit in Engineering-III (Bio-technology and Chemical Engineering): Classification of
plants- plants, the living-plants have senses-classification of living creatures, Chemical laboratory location
and layout- equipment-distillation vessel-kosthi yanthram
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Suggested Readings:
1. M Krishnamachariar, History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, TTD Press, 1937.
2. M.R. Kale, A Higher Sanskrit Grammar: For the Use of School and College Students, Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers, 2015.
3. Kapail Kapoor, Language, Linguistics and Literature: The Indian Perspective, ISBN- 10:
8171880649, 1994.
4. Pride of India, Samskrita Bharati Publisher, ISBN: 81-87276 27-4, 2007.
5. Shri Rama Verma, Vedas the source of ultimate science, Nag publishers, 2005.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Human Values, Ethics and Morals: Concept of Values, Indian concept of humanism, human values;
Values for self-development, Social values, individual attitudes; Work ethics, moral and non- moral
behaviour, standards and principles based on religion, culture and tradition.
Value Cultivation, and Self-management: Need and Importance of cultivation of values such as Sense-of
Duty, Devotion to work, Self-reliance, Confidence, Concentration, Integrity & discipline, and Truthfulness.
Spiritual outlook and social values: Personality and Behavior, Scientific attitude and Spiritual (soul)
outlook; Cultivation of Social Values Such as Positive Thinking, Punctuality, Love & Kindness, avoiding
fault finding in others, Reduction of anger, forgiveness, Dignity of labour, True friendship, Universal
brotherhood and religious tolerance.
Values in Holy Books: Self-management and Good health; internal & external cleanliness, Holy books
versus Blind faith, Character and Competence, Equality, Nonviolence, Humility, Role of Women.
Dharma, Karma and Guna: Concept of soul; Science of Reincarnation, Character and Conduct, Concept of
Dharma; Cause and Effect based Karma Theory; The qualities of Devine and Devilish; Satwic, Rajasic and
Tamasic gunas.
Suggested Readings:
1. Chakroborty, S.K., Values & Ethics for organizations Theory and practice‖, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi, 1998.
2. Jaya Dayal Goyandaka, Srimad Bhagavad Gita with Sanskrit Text, Word Meaning and Prose
Meaning‖, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, 2017.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
History of Making of the Indian Constitution: History, Drafting Committee, (Composition & Working)
Philosophy of the Indian Constitution: Preamble, Salient Features.
Contours of Constitutional Rights & Duties: Fundamental Rights, Right to Equality, Right to Freedom,
Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, Right to
Constitutional Remedies, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties.
Organs of Governance: Parliament, Composition, Qualifications and Disqualifications, Powers and
Functions, Executive, President, Governor, Council of Ministers, Judiciary, Appointment and Transfer of
Judges, Qualifications. Powers and Functions.
Local Administration: District’s Administration head: Role and Importance, Municipalities: Introduction,
Mayor and role of Elected Representative CEO of Municipal Corporation, Panchayat raj: Introduction, PRI:
Zilla Panchayat, Elected officials and their roles, CEO Zilla Panchayat: Position and role. Block level:
Organizational Hierarchy (Different departments), Village level: Role of Elected and Appointed officials,
Importance of grass root democracy.
Election Commission: Election Commission: Role and Functioning. Chief Election Commissioner and
Election Commissioners. State Election Commission: Role and Functioning. Institute and Bodies for the
welfare of SC/ST/OBC and women.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Suggested Readings:
1. The Constitution of India, 1950 (Bare Act), Government Publication.
2. Dr. S. N. Busi, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar framing of Indian Constitution, 1st Edition, 2015.
3. M. P. Jain, Indian Constitution Law, 7th Edn., Lexis Nexis, 2014.
4. D.D. Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Lexis Nexis, 2015.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Introduction and Methodology: Aims and rationale, Policy background, Conceptual framework and
terminology - Theories of learning, Curriculum, Teacher education - Conceptual framework, Research
questions, Overview of methodology and Searching.
Thematic Overview: Pedagogical practices followed by teachers in formal and informal classrooms in
developing countries - Curriculum, Teacher education
Evidence on the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Practices: Methodology for the in depth stage: quality
assessment of included studies - How can teacher education (curriculum and Practicum) and the school
curriculum and guidance material best support effective pedagogy? - Theory of change - Strength and nature
of the body of evidence for effective pedagogical practices - Pedagogic theory and pedagogical approaches –
Teachers attitudes and beliefs and pedagogic strategies.
Professional Development: alignment with classroom practices and follow up support - Support from the
head teacher and the community – Curriculum and assessment - Barriers to learning: Limited resources and
large class sizes.
Research Gaps and Future Directions: Research design – Contexts – Pedagogy - Teacher education -
Curriculum and assessment – Dissemination and research impact.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Suggested Readings:
1. Ackers J, Hardman F, Classroom Interaction in Kenyan Primary Schools, Compare‖, 31 (2): 245 –
261, 2001.
2. Agarwal M, Curricular Reform in Schools: The importance of evaluation, Journal of Curriculum
Studies, 36 (3): 361 – 379, 2004.
3. Akyeampong K, Teacher Training in Ghana – does it count? Multisite teacher education research
project (MUSTER), Country Report 1. London: DFID, 2003.
4. Akyeampong K, Lussier K, Pryor J, Westbrook J, Improving teaching and learning of Basic Maths
and Reading in Africa: Does teacher Preparation count? International Journal Educational
Development, 33 (3): 272- 282, 2013.
5. Alexander R J, Culture and Pedagogy: International Comparisons in Primary Education, Oxford and
Boston: Blackwell, 2001.
6. Chavan M, Read India: A mass scale, rapid, learning to read campaign, 2003.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Meaning and Definition of Yoga - Historical perspective of Yoga - Principles of Astanga Yoga by
Meaning and Definition of Stress - Types of stress - Eustress and Distress. Anticipatory Anxiety and
Intense Anxiety and depression. Meaning of Management- Stress Management.
Concept of Stress According to Yoga - Stress assessment methods - Role of Asana, Pranayama and
Meditation in the management of stress
Asanas- (5 Asanas in each posture) - Warm up - Standing Asanas - Sitting Asanas - Prone Asanas - Supine
asanas - Surya Namaskar.
Pranayama- Anulom and Vilom Pranayama - Nadishudhi Pranayama - Kapalabhati Pranayama - Bhramari
Pranayama - Nadanusandhana Pranayama.
Meditation Techniques: Om Meditation - Cyclic meditation: Instant Relaxation technique (QRT), Quick
Relaxation Technique (QRT), Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)
Suggested Readings:
1. “Yogic Asanas for Group Training - Part-I”, Janardhan Swami Yogabhyasi Mandal, Nagpur.
2. Swami Vivekananda, “Rajayoga or Conquering the Internal Nature”, Advaita Ashrama (Publication
Department), Kolkata.
3. Nagendra H.R and Nagaratna R, “Yoga Perspective in Stress Management”, Swami Vivekananda
Yoga Prakashan, Bangalore.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Neetisatakam – Holistic Development of Personality - Verses 19, 20, 21, 22 (Wisdom) - Verses 29, 31, 32
(Pride and Heroism) - Verses 26,28,63,65 (Virtue)
Neetisatakam – Holistic Development of Personality (cont’d) - Verses 52, 53, 59 (don’ts) - Verses
71,73,75 & 78 (do’s) - Approach to day to day works and duties.
Introduction to Bhagavadgeetha for Personality Development - Shrimad Bhagavadgeetha: Chapter 2 –
Verses 41, 47, 48 - Chapter 3 – Verses 13,21,27,35 - Chapter 6 – Verses 5,13,17,23,35 - Chapter 18 –Verses
45, 46, 48 Chapter – 6: Verses 5, 13, 17, 23, 35; Chapter – 18: Verses 45, 46, 48
Statements of Basic Knowledge - Shrimad Bhagavadgeetha: Chapter 2- Verses 56, 62,68 - Chapter 12 –
Verses 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 - Personality of Role model from Shrimad Bhagawat Geeta.
Role of Bhagavadgeetha in the Present Scenario - Chapter 2 – Verses 17 - Chapter 3 – Verses 36, 37, 42 -
Chapter 4 – Verses 18, 38, 39 - Chapter 18 – Verses 37, 38, 63.
Suggested Readings:
1. Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Swami Swarupananda Advaita Ashram (Publication Department), Kolkata
2. Bhartrihari’s Three Satakam (Niti-sringar-vairagya), P.Gopinath, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthanam,
New Delhi
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
List of Experiments:
1. Study and Performance of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle
2. To find performance of Refrigeration Test Rig by using different Expansion Devices
3. To find performance parameters of an Ice Plant
4. To find performance parameters of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration system
5. Performance analysis of Mechanical Heat Pump
6. Study of pull down characteristics of Domestic Refrigerator
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
List of Experiments:
1. Find out the COP and Cooling Capacity of window Air Conditioning System
2. Find out the efficiency of air washer test rig
3. Find out the Humidified efficiency and overall efficiency of the experimental Cooling tower
4. Find the COP, Cooling Capacity and bypass factor of the Air Condition test rig
5. COP of miniature centralized AC unit
6. Performance analysis of Vortex Tube Apparatus
7. Study of performance parameters using Ventilation Trainer
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
List of Experiments:
1. Understanding the various psychrometric processes on psychrometric chart
2. Simple Heating & Cooling Load Calculations using related software
3. Designing of ducts sizing using related software
4. Chilled water air-conditioning system pipe sizing using related software
5. Selection of air terminal outlets using related software
6. Indoor Air Quality assessment using related software
7. HVAC design and 2D drafting using AutoCAD software
8. Demonstration of the following HVAC design features in Commercial, Residential, & Industrial
a. Duct design
b. Coordination with MEP services
c. Plant room design
d. Mechanical room design
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
Seminar topics may be chosen by the students with advice from the faculty members and the student shall
read further relevant articles in the domain.
The seminar must be clearly structured and the power point presentation shall include following
1. Introduction to the field
2. Literature survey
3. Consolidation of available information
4. Summary and Conclusions
5. References
1. The seminar presentation should be a gist of at least five research papers from Peer-reviewed or
UGC recognised journals.
2. The seminar report should be in the following order: Background of work, literature review,
techniques used, prospective deliverables, discussion on results, conclusions, critical appraisal and
3. At least two faculty members will be associated with the seminar presentation to evaluate and award
4. Attendance of all the students for weekly seminar presentations is compulsory. If the student fails to
secure minimum attendance as per O.U. rules, the marks awarded in the seminar presentation shall
remain void.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
• As part of the curriculum in the II- semester of the programme each student shall do a mini project,
generally comprising about three to four weeks of prior reading, twelve weeks of active research,
and finally a presentation of their work for assessment.
• Each student will be allotted to a faculty supervisor for mentoring.
• Mini projects should present students with an accessible challenge on which to demonstrate
competence in research techniques, plus the opportunity to contribute something more original.
• Mini projects shall have inter-disciplinary/ industry relevance.
• The students can select a mathematical modeling based/Experimental investigations or Numerical
• All the investigations should be clearly stated and documented with the reasons/explanations.
• The mini-project shall contain a clear statement of the research objectives, background of work,
literature review, techniques used, prospective deliverables, and detailed discussion on results,
conclusions and reference
Guidelines for awarding marks in CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation): Max. Marks: 50
Evaluation by Max. Marks Evaluation Criteria / Parameter
20 Progress and Review
05 Report
05 Relevance of the Topic
05 PPT Preparation
Departmental Committee 05 Presentation
05 Question and Answers
05 Report Preparation
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
• The Project work will preferably be a problem with research potential and should involve scientific
research, design, generation/collection and analysis of data, determining solution and must
preferably bring out the individual contribution.
• Seminar should be based on the area in which the candidate has undertaken the dissertation work.
• The CIE shall include reviews and the preparation of report consisting of a detailed problem
statement and a literature review.
• The preliminary results (if available) of the problem may also be discussed in the report.
• The work has to be presented in front of the committee consists of Chairperson-BoS, Osmania
University and Head, Supervisor & Project coordinator from the respective Department of the
• The candidate has to be in regular contact with his supervisor and the topic of dissertation must be
mutually decided by the guide and student.
Guidelines for awarding marks in CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation): Max. Marks: 100
Evaluation by Max. Marks Evaluation Criteria / Parameter
30 Project Status / Review(s)
20 Report
Departmental Committee 10 Relevance of the Topic
(Chairperson BoS, Osmania 10 PPT Preparation
University and Head, 10 Presentation
Supervisor & Project 10 Question and Answers
coordinator from the respective
10 Report Preparation
department of the institution)
Note: The Supervisor has to assess the progress of the student regularly.
Faculty of Engineering, O.U. AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from Academic Year 2019-20
• It is a continuation of Major Project Phase – I started in semester - III.
• The student has to submit the report in prescribed format and also present a seminar.
• The dissertation should be presented in standard format as provided by the department.
• The candidate has to prepare a detailed project report consisting of introduction of the problem,
problem statement, literature review, objectives of the work, methodology (experimental set up or
numerical details as the case may be) of solution and results and discussion.
• The report must bring out the conclusions of the work and future scope for the study. The work has
to be presented in front of the examiners panel consisting of an approved external examiner and
Chairperson BoS, & Head, Osmania University and Supervisor from the Institute.
• The candidate has to be in regular contact with his/her Supervisor / Co- Supervisor
Guidelines for awarding marks in SEE (Semester End Examination): Max. Marks: 200
Evaluation by Max. Marks Evaluation Criteria / Parameter
10 Regularity and Punctuality
10 Work Progress
30 Quality of the work which may lead to publications
Analytical / Programming / Experimental Skills
10 Report preparation in a standard format
External Examiner 20 Power Point Presentation
and Chairperson, 60 Quality of thesis and evaluation
BoS & Head, Innovations, application to society and Scope for
Osmania University future study
(All together) 20 Viva-Voce