Vol 52
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Though law is a necessary step, it does not solve the problem. The ban does not work. Is it
realistic? Will it be successful? Will the parents cooperate? Will the children give up their jobs so
easily if they are earning some livelihood? When the US banned carpet exports in 1990s, Nepalese
children turned to prostitution. When Bangladeshi garment industry suffered, children turned to
stone-crushing and similar hazardous work. In almost every case, children are forced into labour
either by economic or social compulsions or due to absence of choices and opportunities. The
parents of working children are either unemployed or do not get work for even 50-60 days in a
The policy makers must be aware of harsh realities of society. If children are completely
deprived of their employment and made to study in a school. They might study upto matriculation.
But what thereafter? Will they be assured of any job. In our country, it is not easy to get a job.
Instead, if children are learning a craft, they should be encouraged. At the same time appropriate
provision must be made for their education. They can be made to learn while they earn. They
must be given enough time to play. It is society’s responsibility to provide all facilities to our
children for their moral, emotional and physical development. Therefore, we have to look at it
from a holistic angle.
agsaysay Award NCPCR has a role in creating this is not just a coincidence. If it is
winner and public awareness on the issue of so obvious then why is it that none
Chairperson, violation of children’s right to of the documents on Education
N a t i o n a l food; receive complaints regarding Policy make no more than a passing
Commission malnourishment of children and reference to child labour?
for Protection of Child Rights press the state governments to act The most important reason
(NCPCR) Shantha Sinha feels no on them; hold public hearings on is that we don’t think we can
serious effort has been made to the issue and issue directives to the eliminate child labour. That is a
make children go to school. To State to take quick action; support problem to be solved another day
protect children’s rights, issues of and monitor the Supreme Courts in another realm. People are poor
nutrition and education should form directives and they need the income from their
the core of any government policy. to the states child’s labour. To eliminate child
In an exclusive interview to Anurag in ensuring labour you must eliminate poverty.
Misra, Chief Editor (Yojana), she that there is Otherwise people will starve. This
speaks about her concerns and a universal is the poverty argument. It is very
priorities of NCPCR. coverage of convincing.
India is having the largest all children
under six In every village there are a
number of malnourished number of poor parents sending
children, bypassing even Sub- years of age
through the their children to school while their
Saharan Africa. What will be better off counterparts are sending
the strategy/advocacy of the ICDS and
recommend adequate infrastructure them to work. How does one explain
NCPCR on this? that? Actually there is no ‘poverty
and facilities such as two anganwadi
SS It is unacceptable that India’s workers, decentralization of line’ below which all parents are
track record on malnourishment delivery of services, provision compelled to send their children to
of its children is so appalling. It of hot cooked meal and so on; , school. This is a pure myth. Parents’
is in the process of responding to NCPCR also proposes to conduct basic desire to ensure a better
the most vulnerable and in their public hearings on the mid day future for their children reduces
weakest moments viz. children who meal for all school going children the poverty threshold at which
are malnourished that democracy is up to primary schools; and work they MUST send their children to
tested. Continuous failure on this towards a legal framework that work to much lower levels than we
account has to be perceived as a imagine. It is only this that explains
assures that children have their
threat to the nation’s progress. This why many poor parents (though not
right to food. as many as we would want) actually
can be combated only through public
pressure and outrage on the failure You are quite vocal against send children to school today. To
of the system to keep children out child labour and in favour of understand the problem of child
of hunger and malnourishment. The sending each and every child labour and education therefore
government too must strengthen the to school. How would you like we must actually understand why
structures and processes that are to to handle this? children are in schools instead of
provide services to children’s access SS India has the largest number of
why they are not.
to food such as the ICDS and the mid children out of school. It also has Unfortunately because we
day meal program and is to be held the largest number of children in the believe in the Poverty Argument
accountable for malnourishment. work force. Most people agree that we also think every child who is
A Moral Conundrum
Shireen Miller
onali, has come For us, on the other side however,
back home to it is surprising and even horrifying
Sandeshkali in West that well informed, educated people
Bengal after two years. are still making excuses for child
She is 12 years old and has labour in 21st century India with
spent the last two years as a domestic its tales of run away economic
worker in Kolkata, cleaning a three- growth.
floor house and cooking for a five- And therein, lies the fundamental
member household. Her eyes brim point. Yes, India has laws and acts to
with tears as she shows her hand regulate and prohibit child labour,
that was burnt by her employer, perhaps not strong enough but no
who poured hot dal on it, as there doubt sufficient. However, until
was a delay in cooking dinner one there are people justifying, tolerating
We can day. Sonali earned Rs. 400 Per and indeed accepting child labour,
month. She fled with the help of a
be the first considerate neighbour.
no amount of legislation will make
any difference. What we need, is to
generation Activists against child labour are
change public opinion, to break the
tolerance and acceptance of child
to actually say often accused of being “bleeding
hearts”, of importing western concepts
labour and what is fundamentally
the gross exploitation of children.
“No” to child into India, of being dreamers. How
While poverty may be the
could we even possibly suggest that
labour to stop child labour should be eradicated in background within which children
a country such as India? work, it can no longer be a
children being justification for child labour, in a
One is then presented with the country with 9% growth rates. Most
exploited or argument that if children do not children who work come from the
work, they will starve, and surely
die of hunger work is better than starvation?
poorest areas of India such as UP,
West Bengal and Bihar and from
The author is with ‘Save the Children’.
he number of children The report, which concentrates Pratham says states like
between the age of six and on education in rural India, says the Himachal Pradesh have performed
14 who are out of school number of children in rural India remarkably, which has led to
is coming down steadily. It was who are going to private schools is the overall increase. “In some
6.6 per cent in 2006 and has come increasing. While it was 18.7 per states like Himachal Pradesh, the
down to 4.2 per cent in 2007. This cent in 2006, it increased to 19.3 percentage of government school
is one of the findings of the “Annual per cent in 2007. But Pratham says children taking private tuitions
State of Education Report 2007” this is related more to affordability has come down in a major way,”
released by NGO Pratham. rather than the quality of education Chavan said.
“The positive trend can be in government schools. H o w e v e r, t h e l e v e l o f
attributed to some states like Bihar, mathematics education is coming
“There is an increasing trend here
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh which down.The percentage of children
were performing badly some years but we cannot say this is a failure
from Class III to V who can do
back. Now, winds of change are of the government machinery. simple mathematics like subtraction
sweeping these states,” said Madhav The tendency among the parents was 65.2 per cent in 2006. This
Chavan, director, Pratham. is to send their children to private plunged to 59.4 in 2007.
schools as there is a perception that
The survey, which covered There is still a need for further
267 districts and 16,000 villages, they deliver more,” he said. improvement, says Pratham.
indicates the attendance of chldren The quality of education is also “The SSA should concentrate on
and teachers is up. So is the teacher- encouraging. The report says the teacher attendance, which has
student ratio. been ignored till now. In Bimaru
percentage of children in Class I
states, the attendance of children is
“The positive trends can be and II who can read letters, words still very low. This year, much of
attributed to the Sarva Shiksha or more in their own language in the time was wasted by states and
Abhiyan (SSA), which has focused 2007 is 78.3 per cent. This was just the Centre in deciding the funding
on building schools and recruiting 73.1 per cent in 2006. pattern of the SSA.” q
teachers,” Chavan said.
Kailash Satyarthi
hink about a regulation enforcement, poverty
child - don’t give her and child exploitation. How to
the responsibility to address the child labour causes
earn a living for her so as to eradicate that practice in
family, don’t punish India? To what extent legislation
her for being born into poor can be recalled by the stakeholders,
illiterate family, try not to strangle and to what extent can the child
her freedom with the rope of current situation be reversed?
underdevelopment and poverty,
this is not her fault. India has been implicitly
recognized as the world’s safe
In 1986, the Child Labour
haven for child labour, which is
(Prohibition and Regulation) Act
wrongly justified by one of the
came into force, establishing the
most recurrent myths behind this
awaited framework to abolish
problem that falls blindly on the
child labour in India. Eleven
We have years later, the issue remains poverty and the underdeveloped-
c o u n t r y a rg u m e n t , w i t h o u t
unsolved, the legal framework
to provide that has been created is openly acknowledging the entangled
dynamics surrounding the child
children with overlooked by the employers
and the enforcement apparatus is labour problem. Some of the
an environment still inexistent. The government, misguided justifications for
in the last notification only child labour include the idea
for their recognized 6669 child labourers that poor families need children
to contribute economically to
full and against the 12.67million child
labourers in India. This situation their survival, since it may be a
harmonious unfolds a series of questions that priority to have something to eat
demand urgent explanations for before even thinking on investing
development understanding the gap between in education or that the cheaper
The author is President, Bachpan Bachao Andolan.
between poverty and child labour financing gaps for developing
oday six crores children are is not direct neither proportional, countries.
working. One child labourer
but certainly important. In
is earning approximately Secondly, there is the overall
this sense, the fact that a big
Rs 10 per day which means that Dakar Education For All (EFA) goal,
percentage of the population
they all are earning Rupees 60 with UNESCO the lead agency.
remains under the poverty line
crore which is just one fifth of UNICEF is also undertaking major
certainly increases the propensity
GDP of our country. On the other initiatives to bring girl children into
hand if an adult is working than he to employ children whose parents
would be earning six to eight times cannot find jobs because of the
more. With which he will be able lack of opportunities and the Thirdly, the International Labour
to fulfill his family’s needs and lack of professionalization, Organization (ILO) is involved in
send his children to school. This but it is not exclusive of poor putting an end to the worst forms of
will help our country to be free countries but associated to low child labour through its Convention
from unemployment, illiteracy human development, since 182.
and poverty. This will bring not education is not widespread, not
even in the elementary level, H o w e v e r, c o o r d i n a t i o n a n d
only social justice and peace in
sanitary facilities are limited, integration among the three
the country but will make it child
opportunities restricted to portion processes are very rare. In relation
friendly too.
of the population and policies are to multilateral and bilateral aid,
On the other hand we can favouring other priorities which developing countries are supposed
find some other arguments that respond to traditional economic to implement Poverty Reduction
in addition to poorly analyzing development paradigms such as Strategy Papers (PRSPs) and
the problem, they support the economic growth rates. country plans. Ironically, child
child labour as a right under the labour eradication hardly figures
specific conditions of being well At the policy making level, the in the PRSP of any country. For
paid and avoiding hazardous lack of understanding, compromise the implementation of Education
situations, claiming that children and connectedness in addressing for All, each country is supposed
need some specialized training education, poverty alleviation and to make concrete and time-bound
before becoming active members child labour is a “top-down” matter. national action plans to achieve
of the national unprofessional It starts with intergovernmental the goals by 2015. But poverty
labour force. Each of these organizations and reaches all reduction programmes in most
statements fails to notice the the way “down” to local self- countries do not have strong
underlying problem, which is not governance. linkages with EFA.
unidirectional but multilayered,
and implies a vicious circle In policy making, regarding he same applies to the
that can derive into a virtuous programme delivery, poverty work of many civil
one if and only if coordination, alleviation is now dealt with s o c i e t y o rg a n i z a t i o n s
conceptualization and proper largely under the umbrella of and government institutions
acknowledgment is internalized the Millennium Development at national level. They tend to
Due to unavoidable reasons, the column “Economic Indicators” is suspended for the time being.
– Chief Editor
Expenditure between 2005-07 under The National Child Labour Project (NCLP)
In Rs.
States 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
AP 2,32,220,831 2,11,610,829 1,41,635,611
Assam 6,86,500 1,246,8000 1,240,3500
Bihar 2,82,05,834 4,338,6910 14,267,9960
Chhattisgarh 2,308,0814 36,857,738 31,107,540
Goa 5,92000 0 0
Gujarat 21,53500 44,04,800 15,549,200
Haryana 4,58,500 171,8000 0
J&K 4,58,500 5,92000 0
Jharkhand 19,285,773 37,280,078 18,382,939
Karnataka 33,101,388 50,651,674 52,567,717
M.P. 44,521,226 36,826,745 29,409,567
Maharashtra 16,848,418 19,255,655 27,828,784
Orissa 131,264,355 134,419,118 110,792,590
Punjab 18,404,902 15,528,577 90,20,900
Rajasthan 44,303,713 68,613,939 11,626,9919
Tamil Nadu 72,462,692 98,404,201 62,730,916
U.P. 70,736,376 15,189,2537 18,664,7881
Uttarakhand 61,368 t59,2000 0
West Bengal 74,236,099 83,128,311 99,140,687
Total 813,082,789 100,763,1112 105,616,7711
Meghnad Desai
he q uestion o f The issue is whether we can
child labour in India is give children a choice whether
a complex one. At one to work or not, and also as to the
level, there can be no conditions under which they work.
excuse for employing The tragedy of child labour is that
children who should be enjoying the children are compelled to work, due
normal pleasures of a child’s life- to poverty mainly, but also because
schooling, playing, friendships and some craftsmen families routinely
their parents’ company. India is far induct children into work which
short of guaranteeing all its children they carry out at home. This work
that ideal first best situation. in zari production or carpet weaving
or bidi making is hazardous and
Some people may argue that
may permanently maim a child
children not working is not at all
or make him/her myopic. Thus,
natural or even desirable. They
Better consider the criticism of child
while work may be good for all, it
has to be asked whether the work
labour as a Western fashion adopted
it is to by the developed countries who
is voluntary, and whether it is
focus on have had the ‘benefits’ of child
labour during their growing period There are enough laws on the
the and are now acting holier than thou. statute book to prevent exploitation
I do not agree with this perspective of children. But we all know that
deprivation at all. It may be good for children child labour is a reality. It is also
of education to combine education with work.
After all Gandhiji’s Basic Education
true that as far as many employers
are concerned, there is no shame in
and health Scheme required this. It may also be employing children. We use them
that there is an element of putting as domestic labour, often saying
and non-tariff barriers on the part of proudly how well we take care
fix that rich countries when they object to
child labour.
of them, and how we help them
out with extra money for special
The author is emeritus Professor at the London School of Economics and a member of British House of Lords.
itinerant teachers at workplace or if be a payment per child to a family.
he answer to the problem To make it effective and cheat proof,
they employ enough children, they
of child labour is not easy. it should be paid to all parents, rich
should provide schooling facility
This is because not only is or poor. Rich parents may not claim
on the premises. For doing these
there no widespread feeling that it, but middle income and poor
things, employers should be paid a
it is illegal or even immoral, but parents will claim it. A child benefit
subsidy per child educated.
many applaud it as good in itself. can be calibrated to compensate
Of course, children work because It may sound shocking to say parents to keep their children away
they come from poor families. Of that employers of children should be from work and in schools.
course, they could starve if they subsidised. But the subsidy is not for There are no free lunches in
did not work. It is also true that employing them, but for filling the economics; there is not even fast
despite the best intentions on part gaps which are there in the child’s food. Thus, the proposals will have
of the government, prevention will life, and which will affect its future side effects which are negative.
be difficult. development. Paying sums of money The costs of employing children
to ensure that these gaps are filled with will go up, and some firms may go
The answer in my view is to
proper inspection and indeed hoping out of business. While this may be
turn the question on its head. Let
it is effective gives the employers welcomed by some, many employers
us not ask whether children should
incentive to do the right things. Sticks of children are themselves small
work or not. We should ask what
do not work ; carrots may just work. firms struggling to stay in business.
are the things that a working child
This would require creating a special If the subsidy is paid to them, then
is deprived of ? The most important
cadre of itinerant teachers and para- this negative impact is avoided. If
things in view of his/ her future life
medics, who would visit workplaces parents are paid, then there may
are health and education. Working
and look after children. Yet that is be a withdrawal of labour. This
from a young age could be harmful
the best way to deliver the education situation should be foreseen, and
to health, and it takes a child
and health needs effectively at the some alleviation formula should
away from school. A child, who is
place of work. be found for the employers. It is a
deprived of these things, will grow
up to be an adult, ill-equipped to Of course, another way is to fallacy to think that the employers
earn a decent living. Thus, while pay the parents of working children of child labour are invariably fat
current poverty may drive children the same subsidies for ensuring cats who make hugh profits from
to work, it does nothing to cure their health and education. In many employing children.
future poverty. cases, parents are also employers .
f course the subsidies or
Here there is no contradiction. If a
Thus, the first guideline about benefits will have to be
way could be found to ensure that
child labour is to ask if we can devised carefully, and they
parents will satisfy their children’s
ensure that whether in work or not, will take some time to work. This
health and education needs , such
a child gets schooling and that the is where my fast food argument
a supplement is the best of both
child gets a health check regularly. comes sin. There is no instant
worlds. Poor parents don’t need
Both these things are easier said solution to the child labour problem
to take children away from work,
than done since primary schools since it is just another form of the
and, at the same time, they are
often don’t have teachers and poverty of the country. Quick fix
encouraged to look after the needs
primary health centres are under- solutions like banning child labour
of their children.
staffed. My proposal is to make will not work and may cause much
it worthwhile for the employers What I propose above is not the misery. Better it is to focus on
of children to seek these things. first best which is to take all children the deprivation of education and
Every child who works should get a away from work. It accommodates health and fix that. q
health check every fortnight from a itself to the problem. A better way in
certified primary health care centre the same spirit would be to create (Email : [email protected])
n Article 24 of the Constitution says: “No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any
factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment.”
n Article 39(f) of the Constitution says: “The State shall, in particular direct its policies towards securing that
children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom
and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material
n Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 prohibits the employment of children below the
age of 14 in factories, mines and in other forms of hazardous employment.
Rajasthan 371 14 0
Punjab 1,142 162 23
l In some states, rescued children were sent back
Tamil Nadu 1,683 20 2 to their parents or guardians or admiitted in
Tripura 336 4 0 government homes and schools
Uttar Pradesh 1,669 556 0 l Many states are yet to file a single case against
those tho violated the law, or file a status report
West Bengal 983 15 6
on the action taken
Kiran Sharma
eepak, a 12-year- of balpanchayats, or children’s
old from Chinchtakli forums, in the village. Taking
village in Gangakhed turns, the balpanchayat members
block of Parbhani befriended Deepak and told him
district (Maharashtra) about the fun they had in school.
had to drop out of school due to his They also spoke about the vital role
family’s poverty. Deepak’s father of education. Enthused by their talk,
had taken a loan for his sister’s Deepak borrowed the children’s
marriage and the family was deeply text books, and started to read as
in debt. Deepak had to help bring the goats grazed.
in extra income by rearing goats Then SEDT and the balpanchayat
Taking on Responsibility : Bal panchayats have belonging to other households, organised a school enrolment
been successful in sending children from 220 along with the family’s goats. For programme in the village. Deepak
villages back to school
this work, he received Rs 500 per was asked to be present at the rally.
Balpanchayats Subsequently he and his parents
were persuaded to attend a block-
In early 2007, Deepak’ story
are spreading came to the knowledge of Datta level rally held in June 2007.
(Email : [email protected])
Change of Societal
Attitude Imperative
Dhurjati Mukherjee
hild labour at work compared to 19-20 per
represents a fundamental cent in Asia. Similarly within South
abuse of child rights Asia, the intensity of child labour
and a violation of varies with India having the largest
international and number of such workers. But it
national laws. Many working needs to be pointed out that. most of
children who are employed as these children work to support their
bonded labourers or prostitutes families due to dire necessity.
are engaged in occupations that
negatively affect their physical, Despite legislative and policy
Children mental or moral well-being and measures and institutions geared
to addressing child labour, its
are below their country’s minimum
are the age for employment. Meanwhile magnitude in the Region has
not declined. This indicates that
future reports of rampant physical abuse of
children in various ways have been more needs to be done in making
Torch-bearers received from different countries, poverty-focused programmes
including India. effective as also spreading the
of the country network of basic education to the
South Asia is the home to the rural and backward areas of the
and they have largest number of child labourers Region, which unfortunately has
to be cared in the world. Even the most
conservative estimates suggest
not been accomplished to the extent
and that there are 30 million children
at work in the Region’s five large There are powerful arguments
nurtured countries. However the intensity for elimination of child labour for
properly of the problem is highest in the
Sub-Saharan Africa where 20 to
only then can a healthy society take
shape. Not only is child labour an
30 per cent children under 15 are effect of poverty, it is also a major
The author is associated with, State Habitat & Environment Forum, Kolkata.
Subhash Sharma
Devendra Mishra
oday at the national It is delighted to note that Laxmi
and international scene, Niwas Steel Mitta, Tata Jindal,
the ever growing middle Azim Premji, Ambani and several
class in general is others have emerged as global
enthusiastic about the industrialists and their names have
attractive and provocative figured in the Fortune and Forbes.
song and dance programmes of It is jubilant that Indian girls like
Michael Jackson, Hritik Roshan, Aishwariya Ray, Priyanka Chopra
Rakhi Sawant and others, or is and Sushmita Sen were crowned
mesmerized by ads like ‘Thanda Miss World or Miss Universe and
Matlab Coca Cola’, ‘Yeh Pyas the whole world has recognized
Hai Badi’ and so on. It is busy in the Indian beauty. It is proud of
watching reality shows, laughter Indian software technology under
shows, Jack pots, K.B.C., or mega the able leadership of Narayan
serials like ‘Kahani Ghar Ghar Murty, is extremely happy that the
The Government Ki’, ‘Kasauti Zindagi Ki’, ‘Saas
Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’, etc. on T.V.
sensex is constantly scaling new
heights and, therefore, India would
and all its screens, or it is happy that Amitabh emerge as a developed country
Bachchan was awarded a doctorate
agencies degree honoris causa (by Delhi
on the world map very soon. It
is highly impressed with the new
should look at and Leicester Universities) for
his contribution to Indian cinema
magic bullets of liberalization,
privatization and globalisation
child labour following which the ‘Big B’ is
(LPG) as a panacea for all. the ills
generously handing out autographs
eradication not as to the crowd of teachers, researchers
of Indian economy and society.
and students of Delhi University. It But unfortunately such a huge
sympathy but as a is overjoyed to see the big malls middle class, not to talk of the small
social necessity and chain of stores of international
standard at various metropolitan
but most powerful upper class, is
actually a confused lot. It mistakes
cities of India and considers these mineral water for purity, cold/soft
as a yardstick of India’s prosperity. drinks for healthy snacks, laughter
The authors are senior civil servants.
= That child labour is inevitable
and development. This includes
he conscience of the upper and irreplaceable. Such notion
children working in any sector,
and middle classes is not is blemished because many
occupation or process, including the
shaken when they see developed countries of Europe
formal and non-formal, organized
children of 5 to 14 years of tender have eliminated child labour
and unorganized, within or outside
age working day and night in and even in Kerala (South
the family” Thus we believe that
different activities ranging from India) the magnitude of child
any child who is deprived of school
agriculture to manufacturing and labour is extremely low.
education is an example of child
service sectors, losing out on their
= That child labour is essential labour even if he/she is not working
childhood. At first they do not
for learning new skills and outside the family.
even consider children working in
techniques and childhood the
agriculture as a form of child labour The domestic child labour in
appropriate age for learning.
because, in their view, agriculture is India. Governmet. of India (Ministry
But actually there is no fixed
the ‘given’ or ‘natural’ culture and of Labour) has banned the domestic
age for learning, rather it is a
context of their life or because it is child labour/servants along with
life-long process. Learning skill
not considered hazardous to them. child labour in teashop, dhaba,
as a child labour at a tender
Similarly they consider domestic restaurant and entertainment centers
age results into educational
child labour as non-hazardous with effect from 10th October 2006,
deprivation and perpetuation
hence it is to be continued. Further through a notification (in total
of low-income job forever.
they perceive that girls are meant 15 occupations and 59 industrial
for doing domestic chores and = That child labour cannot be processes have been declared
taking care of their siblings. But eliminated till the income hazardous for children below 14
these are myths that need to be poverty is totally eliminated. years). Consequently, if child
demystified and dejargonised for But this at best, is a half- labour is found in such activities
calling spade a spade. truth. For elimination of the employers will be penalized
child labour, distribution and with one year’ imprisonment or a
Social and intellectual myths proper management of fund fine of twenty thousand rupees or
= That childhood is part and as well as good governance is both. Here domestic child labour
parcel of every individual’s more important than the total means paid work by children for
personality and it is not eradication of poverty in one others outside the family. They are
separable from adulthood. This go. Kerala is a suitable example engaged in various tasks which
however, is as incorrect premise in this regard. families have to do as a routine
because childhood is not only a
= That inequality is given and like washing clothes and utensils,
separate category but also the
inevitable, hence child labour cleaning the house (including the
golden period for formation of
personality and children are the is essential for social cohesion, outdoor front and toilets), fetching
future citizens of every society- harmony and equilibrium. This water, cooking, marketing, taking
child is the father of man’. is not true because inequality is grains to flour mills for grinding,
more of a socio-economic and baby sitting, elders’ care, looking
= That child labour is necessary political creation than a natural after the pets as well as gardens,
for the socialization of one. Inequality actually leads to taking children to schools, grazing
children-learning the ins and social tension and disharmony and tending cattle, etc. Following
outs of new expected roles and and child labour reflects such characteristics of domestic child
functions with positive effect. an inequality. labour are notable here:
This too, is not wholly true
because there is a distinction Hence we tend to agree with l Most of the activities that child
between socialization and a broad definition of child labour labourers carry out relate to
exploitation and child labour to include: “children prematurely drudgery, monotony, dirt and
efore the partition of the elected legislator, she is in politics to work in the absence of their
country in 1947, Kashmiri by virtue of being the wife of the menfolk who became prey to the
women had little social role Congress Member of Parliament, mindless violence, thus breaking
to play. While those belonging to Mr Lal Singh, who vacated his the stereotypes related to women,
the aristocratic families would seat for his wife when he won the especially in the background that
remain confined to their homes, parliamentary election. The other they had no work experience
the rural women would participate two, Ms khem Lata Vakhloo and and were forced to support their
in almost every domestic and Ms Shanti Devi, are nominated families and take over as head of
agricultural chores - working in the members. the family.
fields, harvesting of paddy and so
on with their men. As professor Hari Om, a former This clearly gives us an insight
head of the history department, into the fact that they aren’t the
But even this active role did University of Jammu, and member, passive recipients of conflict as
not give them complete economic Indian Council for Historical most of the agencies see them
independence and higher social status research (ICHR), puts it: “The to be, but have an inborn, innate
as it was predominately a patriarchal only visible face in Kashmir resilience, the will to survive in the
society. They always remained politics has been that of Begum most challenging of situations.
under-represented in political and Sheikh Abdullah, wife of Sheikh
decision-making position; hence But then has anyone pondered
Abdullah who became a member
there could not be a perpetuation over why women are not part of
of Parliament twice, but that too
of policies and practices that could the dialogue processes that are
by virtue of being the Sheikh’s
serve the needs of women. now unfolding in the terrorism hit
wife. And now, Ms Mehbooba
state? No Kashmiri women, except
Mufti, MP, president of the People’s
After independence, Kashmiri the high profile PDP president,
Democratic Party and the daughter
women got a boost when reforms Ms Mehbooba Mufti, has been
of former Jammu and Kashmir
took place in various fields, included in Prime Minister Dr
chief minister Mufti Sayeed.”
including education, which Manmohan Singh’s five working
brought women out of the shackles. Prof Hari Om feels that these groups on Kashmir set up after the
Encouraged and motivated by the handful of women have been able to second Round Table Conference.
state government, many women carve out some political space only Not a single woman from the state
took up jobs in various fields during because of their political family was included in the conferences.
the past 60 years. background.
Does it mean that women are not
But even in these six decades, a Political patronage or background stake holders to the peace in Jammu
strong women’s political activism may be alright but what the Kashmiri and Kashmir?
is still not visible on part of the women have witnessed in the past
Kashmiri women. Women in Ask Professor Hameeda
17 years of violence in the Valley
the Valley are not only under- Nayeem, who teaches English
is something different. They have
at Kashmir University and is a
represented in political and social not only lived through political
founder-member of the Women
life, but the conservative Kashmiri turbulence but also negotiated and
Waging Peace, an initiative of
society is the main barrier and renegotiated their roles in the
Harvard University’s Kennedy
constraint in their participation. conflict that also does not remain School, and she responds: “In our
static but keeps on changing. society, there has been a cosmetic
Ironically, in the 89-member
state Assembly, there are just three In these past few years, the empowerment of women. Ours is
women members. While Ms Kanta women have donned a new role; a very parochial society. Even if
Andotra of the Congress is an they came out of their houses we assume women have a greater
Essay Contest
ojana in collaboration with Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India is organizing
an essay competition on consumer awareness in Hindi and English.
The theme is ‘Unethical Food Marketing to Children’. The prizes are sponsored by Department
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y the year 2005, India was So a large number of people may Chronic Fatigue or Parkinson’s
to have become polio- have had a minor dose of polio later in life.
free. Three years down without really being aware of it.
There are twelve other viruses
the line, one of the country’s The more severe the original flu-
that are closely related to polio
most successful immunisation like illness, the more chance there
and can cause paralysis. If they
campaigns is struggling to meet is of deterioration occurring later in
had been discovered before polio
that goal. Not only old suspect life (fatigue & weakness).
vaccines stopped polio they would
areas but newer regions are What are the different strains of probably have been recorded as
reporting cases. Recently, Capital polio? other polio types. At present there
Delhi reported a case carrying the is no vaccine for the other types as
PV3 strain. Will India be able to Paralytic polio can be caused by
everything is geared at eliminating
eradicate polio? Are oral drops, any of three closely related strains
the three known polio strains. But
an effective and cheap weapon (serotypes) of poliovirus – PV1
people are still being paralysed by
against it? Or do we need to (poliovirus1), PV2 and PV3. PV1 is
these other strains, now called acute
switch to the more expensive the most virulent and produces the
flaccid paralysis.
and painful injectable option? most servere paralysis. According
Here is a search for these probing to the Union Ministry of Health and Is there a cure for polio?
questions. Family Welfare, one out of every
No, there is no cure for polio.
200 children in India is infected
What is polio? Polio can only be prevented by
with this virus.
immunisation. The oral polio
Poliomyelitis is a highly People with PV2 are often first vaccine (OPV) is a safe and effective
infectious disease caused by diagnosed as having meaningitis protection. Given multiple times, it
the polio virus. It invades the and may have gone into a coma, protects a child for life. As for fear
nervous system, and can cause but often the paralysis is less severe. of side-effects, OPV is one of the
paralysis or even death in a Those who have PV2 are more likely safest vaccines ever developed. It
matter of hours. to have had encephalitic polio and is so safe that it can be given to
How is polio transmitted? possible coma. Damage to the brain sick children and newborns. It is
can lead to poor memory, problems believed to have saved millions
The polio virus (scientifically in keeping awake or falling and of children around the world from
known as the wild poliovirus or staying asleep. PV2 is a weaker paralysis.
WPV) enters the body through virus and has been eradicated from
water or food that has been Is injectable vaccine an option?
India; the last case was reported
contaminated with faecal material from Aligarh in 1999. OPV helps in mass
from an infected person. The virus immunication in densely populated
multiplies in the intestine. From PV3 is more likely to be found
and unhygienic conditions. Using
blood it may pass to the nerves where there are reports of sporadic
OPV, all the countries in the
of the brain stem and spinal cord. cases, not in epidemics. The rate
world except India, Pakistan,
The disease mainly affects children of infection in PV3 is one in 1,000.
Afghanistan and Nigeria have
under five years. This strain had been confined to
eradicated polio.
western Uttar Pradesh for the past
Only humans can catch polio. two years but has now spread to But all polio-free countries over
The incubation period is three-five other districts of the state and also a period of time have switched over
days for minor illness and one-two Bihar. Those who have PV3 seem to IPV (injectable polio vaccine).
weeks for paralytic symptoms. to be more prone to developing Unlike OPV, IPV gives individual
June ‘08
Next Issue
Climate Change
The Climate is Changing and the warmth of this planet is going beyond the tolerance level
day by day. It is the result of climate change and global warning.
Throwing light on the topic are eminent contributors:
- Nitin Desai, Deputy Secretary General of the Rio, Earth Summit and Secretary General
Johannesburg Summit.
- Shyam Saran, special envoy of PM on climate
- The issue also features on exclusive interview with R K Pachauri of TERI and Chairman,
Inter governmental Panel on climate change.
N uclear-capable surface-to-
surface missile Agni-I was
successfully test-fired on 23rd
path across the sky, climbed into
space and dived into the Bay of
Bengal, reaching a distance of 700
March from the Wheeler Island, km. Its re-entry system worked
off Damra village, on the coast flawlessly.
of Orissa. This is the fifth successful launch
A significant aspect of the test- of Agni-I, a product of the Defence
Research and Development
firing was that it was totally
executed by the Army, user of the
missile. This is the second time Avinash Chander, Mission
the Army is test firing the missile Director, said from the Wheeler
on its own. Island: “The launch went off
perfectly well and the performance
The missile soared majestically
at 10.15 a.m. from a road- of all systems has been exactly as
A Major Milestone :
mobile launcher, a huge truck, Agni-I blasting off from expected. The flight duration was
on the Integrated Test Range Wheeler Island, off the Orissa nine minutes, meeting all the
on the island. It cut a parabolic coast. mission objectives.” q
Readers’ Editor
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n 26th May 1765 the along with thirteen dancers are image and give it space in the self
East India Company mentioned. to move on, explore and create
troops had put the new possibilities. Such a woman
Maratha army to fight The authorities were concerned probably was Azizuneesa , the
and set up camps on about the well being of the soldier popular courtesan, whose memory
h e i g h t s o f J a j m a r, and yet were bound by their
to date is cherished by the people of
overlooking the Ganges… few limitations of the situation and its
the city that now gets by the name
miles down from the hamlet of implications. “I believe a great deal
of Kanpur.
Kankapura” This was to consolidate of unhealthiness (among soldiers)
into a strategic cantonment because arises from their being unmarried. According to most versions,
of its proximity to Bithur where There can be no question that Azizun was born in Lucknow –
the Marathas were stationed (and marriage opposes a barrier to the daughter of a courtesan. She
where the future and famous Rani immorality of a certain nature……” was trained as a singer and dancer,
But this solution had to be seen as besides being a poetess of repute.
Jhansi was born and brought up)
“simply a matter of finance…..The While the courtesan exiled outside
and Lucknow (where Hazrat Mahal,
condition of the public revenue the circumference of domesticity,
a Begum of Oudh was to create
will long probably ever forbid the she had a reacquired place in
history). In less than a hundred
spectacle of a standing army of society. The British who were the
years, this area was destined not
married men, either in England or outsiders were themselves intrigued
only to feel the presence and power
India” – Prichard Administration. by this institution. As the courtesan
of British might but also dissent
against this very power resulting in So the woman. The native existed outside the domain of
an upheaval of such magnitude that woman had an entry. She was marriage they termed them as
its reverberations can be sensed in permitted a place in this male women of easy nature, but could
the memory, psyche and culture of world where she existed at the not help noticing the respect and
this region. periphery, almost nondescript, status that they received according
shadowy and two dimensional. to custom. In a letter, P. Canneige,
The name Kanhapur gradually Clearly such a perception could Deputy Commissioner, Lucknow
lost its relevance as the area gained not define her and when in 1857 writes, ‘The only women on the tax
identity as Cawnpore, an urban the opportunity came, she stepped register in their own right were the
centre, market and access point to out and from the shadows to claim prostitutes classified as “dancing
Calcutta via the Ganges and hence the space that the times had the girls”. Prostitution is not a ‘lawful
to the sea and the world beyond. potential for. It was an act of trade’ but in Oudh we cannot be
According to the 1849 census of defiance – an act of transformation bound by regulation while by
Cawnpore, 6,628 persons were and of transcendence, almost like custom and by oriental consent this
occupied in trade and professions. moving out of one self to another trade is held in estimation not only
Amongst bankers, carpet makers, – destroying the self as if it were as not unlawful, but as a highly
cotton spinners, dyers, physicians an image so as to imbibe another respectable one and why therefore
The author is Professor in National School of Drama, New Delhi. She has also directed a play on the life of Azizun.
Rural Development
Ishita G Tripathy
K K Tripathy
he run-up to Union of Defence (Figure 1), amongst
Budget 2008-09 was replete the social sector ministries, this
with media expectations allocation is the highest. The present
of it addressing concerns Budget’s outlay per head for people
like increasing rural below poverty line in rural areas
infrastructure, revamping agriculture works out to Rs. 2,137. This is in
and reviving allied and non-farm addition to the Rs. 6,183 that is
activities. Rightly so, because, the allocated per Indian citizen (which/
most recent estimates of Planning includes the rural poor as well).
Commission show that the incidence
While the share of the country’s
of rural poverty on the Head Count population living on agriculture
Ratio declined from 37.3 in 1993- and allied activities continues to
94 to 28.3% in 2004-05, a reduction be more than 60%, the contribution
of 9 percentage points over 11 years of agriculture to GDP has been
The emphasis (Table 1). declining (24% in 2001-02 to 17.5%
in 2007-08). In this backdrop, the
of the Further, this year’s budget has
stressed on rural India as reflected commitment of Budget 2008-09
to rural employment has been
Budget on in various allocations. The budget
provision (plan and non-plan), a positive move. Further, rural
employment has been given the
social sectors net of receipts and recoveries,
largest share of 30.5% within the
for this sector, particularly of
is aimed at Ministry of Rural Development and
total allocation for rural sector,
followed by rural roads and bridges
Ministry of Panchayati Raj, is 6.3%
ensuring (Rs. 47,211 crore) of the total
(15%) and rural housing (10%)
(Table 2). “
budgetary provision for 2008-09.
inclusive While the allocation of the rural The proposed expansion of
sector is the third highest after National Rural Employment
growth Ministry of Finance and Ministry Guarantee Act (NREGA,) to the
The authors belong to Indian Economic Service.
he twin issues of child Child labour is widely seen as a
labour and children’s right manifestation of poverty and the child’s
to education have become economic contribution to the household
key issues in development economy. Therefore, they are seen
debates internationally and as vital to meeting the basic needs
have also become a matter of the poor family. Thus there is a
of genuine concern globally. broad relationship between poverty and
These issues viz., children’s needs and children which is reinforced as well
welfare now occupy prominence as a as offset by the economic and social
central issue all over the world in global differentiation of the poor. Factors like
debates. The adoption of the United caste, religion, ethnicity and gender
Nation’s Convention on the Rights of act in conjunction with poverty as
the Child (CRC), has set a higher rate of well as independently of it, to explain
ratification by the nations of the world the variations in the incidence of child
than any other convention, which marks labour as well as absence or irregular
a new global awareness of the importance presence in the educational system. The
of this problem. While the adoption of poor are also economically differentiated
a rights based framework provides the by the security of their livelihoods.
basis for recognizing wide range of While many poor people can, and do,
deprivations in relation to children, it send their children to school when the
also draws attention to the enormity and right facilities are in place, the same is
complexity of the challenges ahead. less true of the poorest. As a result, a
disproportionate percentage of the child
The problems of child labour and labour and out-of-school children are
poor educational achievements have drawn from households characterized
assumed central importance in social by irregular savings and lack of assets,
policy discussions in present world savings or access to credit.
scenario. There are acknowledged The book has been written in a
problems in quantifying both phenomena conventional manner dealing with
because estimates of child labour tend various policies and measurers relating
to overlook activities in which children to the education of this huge reservoir
are disproportionately ‘represented, of child labour in developing countries.
while gross enrolment takes no account It provides an in-depth information on
of dropouts, failures to complete and this aspect citing empirical evidences
absenteeism. Nevertheless, there is no from South Asia. But the language used
doubt about the sheer magnitude of is quite difficult to grasp and understand
tITLE : Child labour and both problems in South Asian region. and thus cannot be read at a stretch. It
the right to Education in UNICEF (1999) calculations suggest does not comprise of any graphics such
South Asia that South Asia alone accounts for nearly as tables and diagrams and some relevant
50 percent of the estimated 130 million pictures which could have made it more
children with no access to basic education enthralling and interesting for the readers
Author : Naila Kabeer, Geetha
in the developing countries. Girls make of any field. Thus it cannot be read by
B. Nambissan and common man for gaining an insight into
Ramya Subramaniam- up around two of every three of these
this serious problem. It will be mostly of
Pages : 412 children. It also accounts for largest use for professionals, social scientists,
Price : Rs. 365/- number of children out of schools. Thus activists, policy makers etc who are
a large number of educational models involved in delivering education to such
for addressing the requirements of these children who are outside the formal
Publisher : Sage Publications, children who are outside the conventional schooling system.
New Delhi. schooling system, has also been evolved
in this region. – Abha Agarwal