School Contingency Plan

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Event to Plan: Disruption and Water Supply

Root/ Cause Early warning signs Triggering factors SDRR Initiatives Response

Suspension of Classes Official reports from the Terrorism ( domestic Identify an alternate
proper authorities and foreign) learning space or area
that could accomdate
WASH ( Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Hralth Nutrition and Psychological Services

Concern Root/ Cause Early warning signs Triggering factors SDRR Initiatives Rsponse

Morality and Contamination, Physiological Dehydration, Deployment of Contact LDDRMO

morbidity due to Humidity, food changes medical teams, Hotline for
High Humidity,
illnesses intake activities School awareness deployment of
Poor sanitation ( symposia) assets,
Deployment of
School Medical
Food Poisoning Contaminated and Nausea/ vomiting/ Exposed on School awareness Do
spoiled foods LBM/ Abdominal bacteria (symposia)

Heat stroke and High Humidity Shortness of School awareness School awareness Do
exhaustion breath/ over fatigue/ (symposia) (symposia)
headache/ cold



The school shall be responsible for disaster risk reduction and management following the issuane of the delegation of
authority from the School Chief Executive (President, Principal, Head Teachers) by organizing theri wn School Disaster Risk
Reducation Management Committee Council.
The School DRRMC shall oversee the emergency preparedness, activities and direct
Consequence management on human induces disasters that may occur in theri respective schools during Martial Laww. In
case of situation escalation, the School DRRMC shall alert and rrequestassistance of the Barangay DRRMC and Municipal


1. School Head

 Organize their School Risk Reucation Management Committee Council

 Act as lead on providing Emergency Preparedness and Response Services all through out the duration of the Martial Law.
 Conduct risk assessment on venues/ areas in close coordination of the EOD, K-9, PNP, AFP
 Prepare contingency plan
 Engage all students, Faculty and Staff in DRRM activities
 Lead in consequence managment operations on human -induces disaser response for any mass casualty accident.
 Lead in the Managment of the Dead and Missing

2. PNP
 Act as lead of Security and Public Cluster
 Asist in mass casualty evacuation
 Assist in the management of the Dead and Missing
 EOD will assist in bomb related situation

3. Bureau of Fire and Protection (BFP)

 Act as lead on Fire and Public sSafety Cluster to ensure fire safety compliance in all engagement areas.
 Leads Search, Rescue and Retrieval Operation

4. Health (RHU)
 Act as the Lead of the Medical Emergency Management Cluster of the Local level.
 Organize and deploy medical teams to respond to emergency medical needs of participants in all engagement areas.
 Handle cases relative to emerging and re- emerging contagious diseases
 Ensure coordination has been established with private hospitals to includ Medical Practitioner to receive and treat casualties.
 Ensure WASH implementation

5. Camp Coordination and Management (MSSDD)

 Act as Lead of Management Camp Cluster
 Assist in the identification of safe areas to serve as evacuation camps

6. Coordination Protocols:
 Activation School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee
 Implementation of Contingeny Plan
 Monitor and coordinate all activities to the proper authorities
 Submission of Contingency Plans to the AFP, PNP, BFP and LDRRMO

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