Cell Phone Tracking
Cell Phone Tracking
Cell Phone Tracking
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… in the beachfront neighborhoods
of Los Angeles ...
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… in secure facilities like
the Pentagon …
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… at the White House …
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… and at Mar-a-Lago, President
Trump’s Palm Beach resort.
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Every minute of every day, everywhere on the planet, dozens of
companies — largely unregulated, little scrutinized — are logging
the movements of tens of millions of people with mobile phones
and storing the information in gigantic data files. The Times
Privacy Project obtained one such file, by far the largest and most
sensitive ever to be reviewed by journalists. It holds more than 50
billion location pings from the phones of more than 12 million
Americans as they moved through several major cities, including
Washington, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
If you lived in one of the cities the dataset covers and use apps that
share your location — anything from weather apps to local news
apps to coupon savers — you could be in there, too.
If you could see the full trove, you might never use your phone the
same way again.
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A typical day at Grand Central Terminal
in New York City
Satellite imagery: Microsoft
The data reviewed by Times Opinion didn’t come from a telecom or
giant tech company, nor did it come from a governmental
surveillance operation. It originated from a location data company,
one of dozens quietly collecting precise movements using software
slipped onto mobile phone apps. You’ve probably never heard of
most of the companies — and yet to anyone who has access to this
data, your life is an open book. They can see the places you go
every moment of the day, whom you meet with or spend the night
with, where you pray, whether you visit a methadone clinic, a
psychiatrist’s office or a massage parlor.
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Freaked Out?
3 Steps to Protect Your Phone
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“The seduction of these consumer products is so powerful that it
blinds us to the possibility that there is another way to get the
benefits of the technology without the invasion of privacy. But
there is,” said William Staples, founding director of the Surveillance
Studies Research Center at the University of Kansas. “All the
companies collecting this location information act as what I have
called Tiny Brothers, using a variety of data sponges to engage in
everyday surveillance.”
In this and subsequent articles we’ll reveal what we’ve found and
why it has so shaken us. We’ll ask you to consider the national
security risks the existence of this kind of data creates and the
specter of what such precise, always-on human tracking might
mean in the hands of corporations and the government. We’ll also
look at legal and ethical justifications that companies rely on to
collect our precise locations and the deceptive techniques they use
to lull us into sharing it.
Today, it’s perfectly legal to collect and sell all this information. In
the United States, as in most of the world, no federal law limits
what has become a vast and lucrative trade in human tracking.
Only internal company policies and the decency of individual
employees prevent those with access to the data from, say, stalking
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an estranged spouse or selling the evening commute of an
intelligence officer to a hostile foreign power.
None of those claims hold up, based on the file we’ve obtained and
our review of company practices.
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Yes, the location data contains billions of data points with no
identifiable information like names or email addresses. But it’s
child’s play to connect real names to the dots that appear on the
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The data included more
than 10,000 smartphones tracked
in Central Park.
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Here is one smartphone, isolated
from the crowd.
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Here are all pings from
that smartphone over the period
covered by the data.
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Connecting those pings reveals a diary
of the person’s life.
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Note: Driving path is inferred. Data has been additionally obscured. Satellite imagery: Maxar Technologies, New York G.I.S., U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency, Imagery, Landsat/Copernicus and Sanborn.
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[Work in the location tracking industry? Seen an abuse of data? We
want to hear from you. Using a non-work phone or computer,
contact us on a secure line at 440-295-5934, @charliewarzel on Wire
or email Charlie Warzel and Stuart A. Thompson directly.]
The data set is large enough that it surely points to scandal and
crime but our purpose wasn’t to dig up dirt. We wanted to
document the risk of underregulated surveillance.
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Watching dots move across a map sometimes revealed hints of
faltering marriages, evidence of drug addiction, records of visits to
psychological facilities.
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Mary Millben has performed for three presidents during her singing career. Getty Images
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cathedral while members of both parties joined together in prayer.
All the while, the apps on her phone were also monitoring the
moment, recording her position and the length of her stay in
meticulous detail. For the advertisers who might buy access to the
data, the intimate prayer service could well supply some profitable
marketing insights.
“To know that you have a list of places I have been, and my phone
is connected to that, that’s scary,” Ms. Millben told us. “What’s the
business of a company benefiting off of knowing where I am? That
seems a little dangerous to me.”
Like many people we identified in the data, Ms. Millben said she
was careful about limiting how she shared her location. Yet like
many of them, she also couldn’t name the app that might have
collected it. Our privacy is only as secure as the least secure app on
our device.
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The writers of this piece, Stuart A. Thompson and Charlie Warzel, are
available to answer your questions.
0 words
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data, pings at the protest connected to clear trails through the data,
documenting the lives of protesters in the months before and after
the protest, including where they lived and worked.
Senior Defense Department official and his wife identified at the Women’s March
Note: Animated movement of the personʼs location is inferred. Satellite imagery: Microsoft and DigitalGlobe.
The official’s data trail also led to a high school, homes of friends, a
visit to Joint Base Andrews, workdays spent in the Pentagon and a
ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall with President
Barack Obama in 2017 (nearly a dozen more phones were tracked
there, too).
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Inauguration Day weekend was marked by other protests — and
riots. Hundreds of protesters, some in black hoods and masks,
gathered north of the National Mall that Friday, eventually setting
fire to a limousine near Franklin Square. The data documented
those rioters, too. Filtering the data to that precise time and
location led us to the doorsteps of some who were there. Police
were present as well, many with faces obscured by riot gear. The
data led us to the homes of at least two police officers who had
been at the scene.
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amplified. Whatever protections existed in the location dataset can
crumble with the addition of only one or two other sources.
There are dozens of companies profiting off such data daily across
the world — by collecting it directly from smartphones, creating
new technology to better capture the data or creating audience
profiles for targeted advertising.
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Sources: MightySignal, LUMA Partners and AppFigures.
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reviewed. “We don’t feel like anybody should be doing that because
it’s a risk to the whole business,” he said.
States are starting to respond with their own laws. The California
Consumer Protection Act goes into effect next year and adds new
protections for residents there, like allowing them to ask
companies to delete their data or prevent its sale. But aside from a
few new requirements, the law could leave the industry largely
The companies are required to disclose very little about their data
collection. By law, companies need only describe their practices in
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their privacy policies, which tend to be dense legal documents that
few people read and even fewer can truly understand.
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for a targeted ad or notification, but then repurposed indefinitely
for much more profitable ends, like tying your purchases to
billboard ads you drove past on the freeway. Many apps that use
your location, like weather services, work perfectly well without
your precise location — but collecting your location feeds a
lucrative secondary business of analyzing, licensing and
transferring that information to third parties.
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The data contains simple information like date, latitude and longitude, making it easy to
inspect, download and transfer. Note: Values are randomized to protect sources and device
For many Americans, the only real risk they face from having their
information exposed would be embarrassment or inconvenience.
But for others, like survivors of abuse, the risks could be
substantial. And who can say what practices or relationships any
given individual might want to keep private, to withhold from
friends, family, employers or the government? We found hundreds
of pings in mosques and churches, abortion clinics, queer spaces
and other sensitive areas.
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place me to see where I work and live — that’s weird.” That we
could so easily discern that Mr. Broili was out on a job interview
raises some obvious questions, like: Could the internal location
surveillance of executives and employees become standard
corporate practice?
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Ben Broiliʼs interview at Amazon was captured in the data. Grant Hindsley for The New York Times
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Mr. Broili wasn’t worried about apps cataloguing his every move,
but he said he felt unsure about whether the tradeoff between the
services offered by the apps and the sacrifice of privacy was worth
it. “It’s an awful lot of data,” he said. “And I really still don’t
understand how it’s being used. I’d have to see how the other
companies were weaponizing or monetizing it to make that call.”
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While these pointillist pings don’t in themselves reveal a complete
picture, a lot can be gleaned by examining the date, time and
length of time at each point.
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with other information like your name, home address, email, phone
number or even an identifier tied to your Wi-Fi network.
The data can change hands in almost real time, so fast that your
location could be transferred from your smartphone to the app’s
servers and exported to third parties in milliseconds. This is how,
for example, you might see an ad for a new car some time after
walking through a dealership.
That data can then be resold, copied, pirated and abused. There’s
no way you can ever retrieve it.
Location data is about far more than consumers seeing a few more
relevant ads. This information provides critical intelligence for big
businesses. The Weather Channel app’s parent company, for
example, analyzed users’ location data for hedge funds, according
to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles this year that was triggered by
Times reporting. And Foursquare received much attention in 2016
after using its data trove to predict that after an E. coli crisis,
Chipotle’s sales would drop by 30 percent in the coming months. Its
same-store sales ultimately fell 29.7 percent.
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data to third parties for years. Last year, Motherboard, Vice’s
technology website, found that once the data was sold, it was being
shared to help bounty hunters find specific cellphones in real time.
The resulting scandal forced the telecom giants to pledge they
would stop selling location movements to data brokers.
But they could also sit on an app and collect location data while
providing no real service back to the app. Location companies may
pay the apps to be included — collecting valuable data that can be
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“If you have an S.D.K. that’s frequently collecting location data, it is
more than likely being resold across the industry,” said Nick Hall,
chief executive of the data marketplace company VenPath.
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Data companies say users consent to tracking when they agree to
share their location. But those consent screens rarely make clear
how the data is being packaged and sold. If companies were clearer
about what they were doing with the data, would anyone agree to
share it?
What about data collected years ago, before hacks and leaks made
privacy a forefront issue? Should it still be used, or should it be
deleted for good?
If it’s possible that data stored securely today can easily be hacked,
leaked or stolen, is this kind of data worth that risk?
Until then, one thing is certain: We are living in the world’s most
advanced surveillance system. This system wasn’t created
deliberately. It was built through the interplay of technological
advance and the profit motive. It was built to make money. The
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greatest trick technology companies ever played was persuading
society to surveil itself.
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The Times's practices and continued steps to increase
transparency and protections.
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Illustrations by Yoshi Sodeoka; Getty Images.
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