WLP#28 English8 2019-2020

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Basic Education Department

Pampanga Campus


S.Y. 2019-2020
Grade Level and Subject Title: Grade 8-English Date of Implementation: January 6-10
Core Value for the month: Hard-working and Honorable No. of hours/Week: 4 hour per week

The Literature of Grade 8 At the end of the Shows picture  Routine (Opening prayer, Classroom Generalization
Mainland English lesson, the students of about the literature Management, Checking of Attendance) Summarize the
Southeast Asia Communicatio grade 8 are expected of Mainland  Motivation lesson that they
n to: Southeast Asia  Anticipatory Sets have tackled.
Arts and Skills  identify the five  Review
Literature countries in  The teacher will recall the previous Assessment
Through World Mainland topic. Quiz#8
Literature Southeast Asia  Lesson Proper
Milagros G.  differentiate the  Introduce the Mainland Southeast
Lapid literatures of the Literature
1st DAY

Phoenix five countries in  Discuss the influences of the five

Publishing Mainland countries of Mainland Southeast Asia in
House Southeast Asia the Philippines
DepEd K-12  Differentiate the culture of the five
Curriculum countries
Guide Values Integration: The students will
enhance their knowledge and skills by doing
hard work and relevant challenges that they can
 Routine (Pack away your things, Pick-up
the pieces of paper, Closing prayer)
The Literature of Grade 8 At the end of the Flash the pictures  Routine (Opening prayer, Classroom Generalization How can you say
Thailand English lesson, the students of of the famous Management, Checking of Attendance) Summarize the that the works of
Communicatio grade 8 are expected actors and actresses  Motivation lesson that they the Thai came
n to: of Thailand  Anticipatory Sets have tackled. from various
Arts and Skills  identify the  Review sources? What
Literature Literature of  The teacher will recall the previous Assessment were the bases for
Through World Thailand topic. Quiz#9 the works?
Literature  define the poetry of  Lesson Proper
Milagros G. Thailand  Introduce the Literature of Thailand
Lapid  appreciate the most  Explain the culture of Thailand
Phoenix  Discuss the tonal language of Thai
Day 2

current popular
Publishing literary forms that  Elaborate the Klon’s pet tons and
House the Thai utilize of Ramakien
DepEd K-12 their works  Differentiate the uses and importance of
Curriculum Klon’s pet tons and Ramakien for Thai
Guide  Explain Thai Mythology
Values Integration: The students will
enhance their knowledge and skills by doing
hard work and relevant challenges that they can
 Routine (Pack away your things, Pick-up
the pieces of paper, Closing prayer)
The Gold Grade 8 At the end of the Do you believe in  Routine (Opening prayer, Classroom Generalization Answer
Harvest English lesson, the students of magic? If yes, Management, Checking of Attendance) Summarize the Vocabulary
Communicatio grade 8 are expected why? If no, why  Motivation lesson that they Building on page
n to: not?  Anticipatory Sets have tackled. 223 of your
Arts and Skills  identify the  Review textbook.
Day 3

Literature characters in the  The teacher will recall the previous Assessment
Through World story topic. Quiz #10
Literature  define the  Lesson Proper
Milagros G. characteristics of  Introduce the story of Thailand “The
Lapid each characters in Gold Harvest”
Phoenix the story  Identify the characters with their
Publishing  appreciate the characteristics by asking and
House culture of entertaining questions from the students
DepEd K-12 Thailand  Discuss the culture of Thai of having
Curriculum meal
Guide  Understand the story by appreciating
the culture of Thailand
Values Integration: The students will
enhance their knowledge and skills by doing
hard work and relevant challenges that they
can appreciate.
 Routine (Pack away your things, Pick-up
the pieces of paper, Closing prayer)
Literature of Grade 8 At the end of the Name, Photo of  Routine (Opening prayer, Classroom Generalization No assignment
Myanmar English lesson, the students of yourself, family if Management, Checking of Attendance) Summarize the
Communicatio grade 8 are expected possible  Motivation lesson that they
n to: Topic:  Anticipatory Sets have tackled.
Arts and Skills  identify -Why are you  Review
Literature studying?  The teacher will recall the previous Assessment
Through World -What city are you topic. Quiz #11
Literature from?  Lesson Proper
Milagros G. What are your  Show the map of Myanmar (Burma)
Lapid career-future  Introduce country quick facts about
Day 4

Phoenix plans? Myanmar

Publishing  Discuss and explain brief history of
House Myanmar
DepEd K-12  Explain the culture of Myanmar
Curriculum - Language
Guide - Government
- Key Issues
- Economics
- Gender-Role of girls/boys-
- National Festivals
- Foods
- Traditional Dance
Values Integration: The students will
enhance their knowledge and skills by doing
hard work and relevant challenges that they
can appreciate.
 Routine (Pack away your things, Pick-up
the pieces of paper, Closing prayer)

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Ms. Angelica Joy M. Quiambao ________________ Ms. Maria Lourdes M. Diaz
Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator School Principal

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