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Basic Command For Linux New PDF

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Basic Command For Linux New PDF

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Operating System

Operating system is act like a bridge between user and hardware, which
provides a platform where user can run their software application.

Operating system divided between two parts

1. Kernel
2. Shell

A kernel is a central component of an operating system. It acts as an
interface between the user applications and the hardware. The sole aim
of the kernel is to manage the communication between the software
(user level applications) and the hardware (CPU, disk memory etc).
The main tasks of the kernel are:
 Process management
 Device management
 Memory management
 Interrupt handling
 I/O communication
 File system...etc...

Types of Kernels

Kernels may be classified mainly in two categories
1. Monolithic
Earlier in this type of kernel architecture, all the basic system services
like process and memory management, interrupt handling etc were
packaged into a single module in kernel space. This type of architecture
led to some serious drawbacks like:
a) Size of kernel, which was huge.
b) Poor maintainability, which means bug fixing or addition of new
features resulted in recompilation of the whole kernel which could
consume hours
In a modern day approach to monolithic architecture, the kernel consists
of different modules which can be dynamically loaded and un-loaded.
This modular approach allows easy extension of OS's capabilities. With
this approach, maintainability of kernel became very easy as only the
concerned module needs to be loaded and unloaded every time there is
a change or bug fix in a particular module.
2. Micro Kernel
This architecture majorly caters to the problem of ever growing size of
kernel code which we could not control in the monolithic approach. This
architecture allows some basic services like device driver management,
protocol stack, file system etc to run in user space.
So, what the bare minimum that microkernel architecture recommends
in kernel space?
 Managing memory protection
 Process scheduling
 Inter Process communication (IPC) Apart from the above, all other
basic services can be made part of user space and can be run in the
form of servers.

The shell is a piece of software that provides an interface for
users. A Shell is a command interpreter and it can execute no of
commands with in single command in logical order known as
shell script. The shell acts as an interface between the user and
the kernel. When a user logs in, the login program checks the
username and password, and then starts another program called
the shell.
Type of Shell
1. CUI
CUI stands for character user interface.
In CUI user has to interact with the applications by making
commands, in CUI only one task can run at a time.
Everything is done by using commands.
Examples (DOS, UNIX)

2. GUI
GUI stands for graphical user interface.
It is a user interface which user interact with applications by
making use of graphics. In GUI more than one task can run
simultaneously. The user interacts by pointing the
applications using devices like mouse. It is a very user
friendly interface
Examples (Windows, Linux)

DOS (Disk Operating System)
Dos (Disk Operating System) is an operating system that runs
from a hard disk drive. A disk operating system must provide a
file system for organizing, reading, and writing files on the
storage disk. It is CUI based Operating system. It’s originally
written by Tim Paterson and in August 1981 Microsoft introduce
this OS and now DOS change to MS-DOS.

Some important information about popular Operating System

 In 80’s, Microsoft’s DOS was the dominated OS for PC
 Apple MAC was better, but expensive
 UNIX was much better, but much, much more expensive.
Only for minicomputer for commercial applications
 People was looking for a UNIX based system, which is
cheaper and can run on PC
 Both DOS, MAC and UNIX were proprietary, i.e., the
source code of their kernel is protected
 No modification is possible without paying high license

History of UNIX & Linux
UNIX is one of the most popular operating systems worldwide because of its
large support base and distribution. It was originally developed as a multitasking
system for minicomputers and mainframes in the mid-1970's with its high
performance and stability to support high cost computer with MIT and GE.

In 1965 Bell Labs was adopting third generation computer equipment and
decided to join forces with General Electric and MIT to create Multics
(Multiplexed Information and Computing Service).
In 1969 AT&T made a decision to withdraw Multics and go with GECOS (General
Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisor / System), with AT & T in Bells Lab
when Multics was withdrawn some of the programmers named Ken Thompson
and Dennis Ritchie decided to rewrite operating system in order to support low
cost computer. Later on in 1973 UNIX was rewritten in C programming

In 1984 Richard Stallman announces the GNU (Gnu is Not a Uniux) project to
develop the GNU operating system a complete Unix like operating system which
is a freeware for both Kernal and Program under FSF (Free Software Foundation)
which licensed under GPL (General Public License).

In 1987, under GPL license Andrew Tanenbaum developed inexpensive minimal

Unix like operating system named MINIX which is limiting it to educational use.
Hence in 1991 Linus Torvalds (16 yrs old) a Finnish student began to developed
Which is complete operating system. He launch this operating system on
internet under GPL license for freeware distribution. So anyone can obtain this
source codes and they can rewrite their own operating system.

First Article About Linux From:
torvalds@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Benedict Torvalds) Newsgroups:
comp.os.minix Subject: What would you like to see most in minix?
Summary: small poll for my new operating system Message-
Date: 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT
Organization: University of Helsinki
Hello everybody out there using minix I'm doing a (free) operating
system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for
386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since april, and is starting to
get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as
my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system
(due to practical reasons) among other things). I've currently ported
bash (1.08) and gcc(1.40),and things seem to work. This implies that I'll
get something practical within a few months, and I’d like to know what
features most people would want. A Any suggestions are welcome, but I
won't promise I'll implement them :-) Linus (torvalds@kruuna.helsinki.fi)
PS. Yes - it's free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs. It is
NOT protable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never will
support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that's all I have :-(.

GNU Project: Focused on creating a UNIX like operating
system that could be freely distributed. Established in 1984 by
Richard Stallman, who believes that software should be free
from restrictions against copying or modification in order to
make better and efficient computer programs
GPL: Global Public license (Copyleft)
The GNU General Public Licence (GPL) allows anybody to:
 use the software at no charge, without any limitations,
 copy, and distribute or sell unmodified copies of the
software in the source or binary form,
 use the software with propriatory (e.g., your own)
modifications, free of charge, as long as you do not
distribute or sell the modified version,
 modify, and distribute or sell a modified version of the
software as long as the source code is included and
licenced on the same terms as the original you received
(the GPL),
 sell support for the software, without any limitations.

Linux Distros
A Linux distribution, often simply distribution or distro, is a
member of the Linux family of Unix-like computer operating
Distros mainly based on ‘Look and Feel’ and Applications

Major Linux Distributors

1. Red Hat Linux : One of the original Linux distribution.
The commercial, non-free version is Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, which is aimed at big companies using Linux
servers and desktops in a big way. (NJIT)
Free version: Fedora Project.
2. Debian GNU/Linux : A free software distribution. Popular
for use on servers. However, Debian is not what many
would consider a distribution for beginners, as it's not
designed with ease of use in mind.
3. SuSE Linux : SuSE was recently purchased by Novell. This
distribution is primarily available for pay because it
contains many commercial programs, although there's a
stripped-down free version that you can download.
4. Mandrake Linux : Mandrake is perhaps strongest on the
desktop. Originally based off of Red Hat Linux.
5. Gentoo Linux : Gentoo is a specialty distribution meant
for programmers.
6. Slackware Linux
7. Turbo Linux
8. Vector Linux& many more……..

The benefits of Linux
Linux can give you:
 A modern, very stable, multi-user, multitasking
 Advanced graphical user interface. Linux uses a standard,
network-transparent X-windowing system with a
"window manager" (typically KDE or GNOME but several
are available).
 The graphical desktop under Linux can be made to look
like MS Windows (or probably ANY other graphical user
interface of your choice).
 Freedom from viruses. Linux has no viruses because it is
too secure an operating system for the viruses to spread
with any degree of efficiency.

Red Hat
Red Hat Linux : One of the original Linux distribution.
The commercial, non-free version is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is aimed at
big companies using Linux servers and desktops in a big way. (NJIT)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux The leading open source platform for modern data
centers Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® delivers military-grade security, 99.999%
uptime, support for business-critical workloads, and so much more. Red Hat®
Enterprise Linux® Server fulfills core operating system functions and includes
additional capabilities that provide an infrastructure.

Red Hat run some Global certification:-

Red Hat System Administrator – I (RH124)
Red Hat System Administrator – II (RH134)
Red Hat System Administrator – III (RH255)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 Examination with Exam Code.

1. RHCSA (RedHat Certified System Administrator) – (EX200- 2 & half hours.)

2. RHCE (RedHat Certified System Engineer)-(EX300- 2hrs.)
3. RHCVA (Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator) – (EX318- 3hrs.)
4. RHSS (RedHat Certified Security Specialist) – (EX333- 6hrs. EX423- 4hrs.
EX429-3 and half hours.)
5. RHCA (Red Hat Certified Architect) – (EX333- 6hrs. EX401- 4hrs. EX423 or
EX318- 3hrs. EX436- 4hrs. And EX442- 4hrs.)
6. JBCAA (JBoss Certified Application Administrator)- (EX336- 4hrs.,)
7. RHCDS (Red Hat Certified Data Center Specialist) - (EX401- 4hrs. EX436- 4hrs.
EX423 or EX318-3hrs.)

Training Path
1. Windows Admin = RHSCA = (RHCSA-I (RH124) + RHCSA-II (RH135))

RHCE = (RHCSA-III with RHCSA and (RH255))

2. Linux/Unix Admin = RHCSA (Rapid Track Course with Exam RH200)

RHCE = (RHCSA-III with RHCSA and (RH255))

3. Sr. Linux Admin = RHCE (Rapid Track Course with Exam (RH300))
4. Solaris Admin = Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Solaris Administrators (RH290)

RHCE (Rapid Track Course with Exam (RH300))

Administration 1
Administration 2
Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux-7

1. Insert Your media and restart your system.

2. Go to the Boot menu and select media type for installation.
3. Now Installation screen will display.

4. Select “Install RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.0” by pressing up &

down arrow and enter.

5. Select language for the installation process.

6. Give Date & Time, Keyboard, Language Support setting.

7. Give Software selection and create partition

8. Now click on “Begin installation” button for begin the installation.

9. Give Root password and create user

10. Accept the license agreement, and click on finish configuration

11. Now if you want paid license so Register Red Hat , so click on
⃝Yes, I’d like to register now,

Otherwise click on

⃝ No, I prefer to register at a later time. And click on finish.

12. Your RHEL 7 is ready for use.

How to access CLI Interface
CLI is a text Based interface which can be used to input instructions to
a computer system. The linux command line is provided by a program
called the shell. The default shell for users in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
is the GNU Bourne-Again Shell (bash). Bash is an improved version of
one of the most successful shells used on UNIX-like systems, the
Bourne Shell (sh).
For Access bash go to Application menu Utilities Terminal
Users access the bash shell through a terminal.

GNOME-Shell (GNU Network Object Model Environment)
Graphical shell of Red Hat By default is GNOME-Shell. It is a GUI
interface on a Red Hat Linux. We using latest version of GNOME is
For GNOME Help press F1


Go to Application Documentation Help.


By running yelp command on terminal.

Password Cracking through rd.break
1. Start your system
2. And press “e” on normal mode

Press “e” here for editing

3. And put rd.break

Replacement this
to rd.break

4. Now press ctrl+x

5. Now run this command “mountØ-oØremount,rwØ/sysroot”

6. Now run this command to change shell “chrootØsysroot”

7. Now change the password of root

Sh-4.2# passwdØroot
8. Now relabel selinux

9. Now exit from shell

10. Now logout from the user

11. And relogin to root from new password


Getting Help in Redhat Enterprise Linux
Reading Documentation Using man command
man command is work as a manual guide and it is use for get
information about any packages ,service or command. Means how to
use any command for execute any task, like if you want know what is

“vim” and how to use, so run below command

Your Answer:

If you want set time and don’t what is right command to set time, so can get
information by keyword with man command.

# man Ø –k time
-k is a option for keyword

Your Answer:

Understanding “vim”
Vim Editor:
vim is a file editor. It is a improved version of “VI”, it use to create, read and edit any file.

1. Command Mode :- In this mode you can edit the files using basic
2. Insert Mode :- In this mode you can edit the file normally.
3. ESC Mode :- this mode is used to escape from certain mode. Eg.
Escape from insert mode and go to command mode.

Command Mode Commands

1. x To delete the character.
2. alt+u To undo the changes.
3. $ To take the cursor end of the line.
4. ^ To take the cursor start of the line.
5. { To take the cursor start of the paragraph.
6. } To take the cursor end of the paragraph.
7. ( To take the cursor start of the sentence.
8. ) To take the cursor end of the sentence.
9. w To take the cursor next word.
10. b To take the cursor back word.
11. k Used for up arrow key.
12. j Used for down arrow key.
13. h Used for left arrow key.
14. l Used for right arrow key.
15. yy To copy a specific no.’s of lines.
16.p To paste copied lines.
17. dd To delete specific no.’s of lines.
18. shift+r To replace the line
19. r To replace the character.
20. o To create a blank line below the cursor.
21. O To create a blank line above the cursor.
22. I Go to Insert mode
23. :q To exit without saving the file.
24. :q! To exit without saving the file forcefully.
25. :wq To save and exit the file.
26. :wq! To save and exit the file forcefully.

VI editor Tutorial
1. To create file using Vim
[root@server1~]# vim Øfilename
<PRESS I>to inter into insert mode and type the following text in it

Good Morning Everyone
Welcome to Aegis


[root@server1~]# cat Ø filename
Good Morning Everyone
Welcome to Aegis

2. To Copy and Paste the lines using Vim editor

[root@server1~]# vimØfilename
Good Morning Everyone move your cursor to specific line
which you want to copy and type
“yy” and move your cursor were you
want to paste that line
Welcome to Aegis and type p
Good Morning Everyone



3. To Delete the lines using Vi editor
*root@server1~+# vim Øfilename ………<PRESS ENTER>
Good Morning Everyone move your cursor to specific line
which you want to delete and type
Welcome to Aegis
Good Morning Everyone



4. Move the Cursor end of the line.

[root@server1~]# vimØ filename

Good Morning Everyone take your cursor start of the line and
type shift+$ to move end on the line
Welcome to Aegis



5. Move the Cursor start of the line.

[root@server1~]# vimØ filename

Good Morning Everyone take your cursor start of the line and
type shift+^ to move start on the line
Welcome to Aegis



6. Move the Cursor end of the paragraph.
*root@server1~+# vimØ filename ………<PRESS ENTER>

Good Morning Everyone take your cursor start of the line and
type shift+} to move end on the
Welcome to Aegis



7. Move the Cursor start of the paragraph.

[root@server1~]# vimØ filename
Good Morning Everyone take your cursor end of the
paragraph and type shift+{ to move
start of the paragraph
Welcome to Aegis



To replace the character.

[root@server1~]#vimØ filename move your cursor to specific
word which you want to
Welcome to Aeges replace and press r and do the

Welcome to Aegis

Editing text file with “vim”
# vim “file name”

Now press “i” for enable typing in to the file

To save file press “Esc” key and “: wq”.

Understanding globing and wildcard

Using Globbing and wildcard
#ls file or folder name

#ls host*

# ls ?ost*

# ls *[0-9]*

Configuring the Date and Time
In latest operating system distinguish between two types of clocks
1. A real-time clock (RTC), commonly referred to as a hardware
clock, (typically an integrated circuit on the system board) that is
completely independent of the current state of the operating
system and runs even when the computer is shut down.
2. A system clock, also known as a software clock, that is
maintained by the kernel and its initial value is based on the real-
time clock. Once the system is booted and the system clock is
initialized, the system clock is completely independent of the real-
time clock.
Using the timedatectl Command
This command is use for control date and time setting. Timedatectl
may be used to query and change the system clock and its
Displaying the Current Date and Time
~]$ timedatectl

change the current time, type the following at a shell prompt as
~]# timedatectl Øset-time ØHH:MM:SS

Changing the Current Date

To change the current date, type the following at a shell prompt as
~]# timedatectl Øset-time ØYYYY-MM-DD

Changing the Time Zone

To list all available time zones, type the following at a shell prompt:
~]#timedatectl Ø list-timezones

To change the currently used time zone, type as root:

]#timedatectlØ set-time Øzone time_zone

Synchronizing the System Clock with a Remote Server

The NTP service can be enabled and disabled using a command as
~]#timedatectlØ set-ntp Øyes (enable=yes, disable=no)
Using the date Command
The date utility is available on all Linux systems and allows you to
display and configure the current date and time.
To display the current date and time, run the date command with
no additional command line options:

To display the current date and time in UTC, type the following at a
shell prompt:
~]$ date Ø –utc
Mon Sep 16 15:30:34 UTC 2017
To customize the output of the date command, type:
~]$ date Ø +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
2017-01-16 17:30
Changing the Current Time
To change the current time, run the date command with the --set
or -s option as root:
~]#date Ø --set Ø HH:MM:SS
Changing the Current Date

To change the current date, run the date command with the --set
or -s option as root:
~]#date Ø --set Ø YYYY-MM-DD

Using the hwclock Command

hwclock is a utility for accessing the hardware clock, also referred
to as the Real Time Clock (RTC). This utility is used for displaying
the time from the hardware clock. hwclock also contains facilities
for compensating for systematic drift in the hardware clock.

Displaying the Current Date and Time

Running hwclock with no command line options as the root user
returns the date and time in local time to standard output.

Setting the Date and Time

When you need to change the hardware clock date and time, you
can do so by appending the --set and --date options along with
your specification:
~]hwclock Ø --set Ø --date Ø "dd mmm yyyy HH:MM"

Basic Command For Linux
1. cat = It use to create file.
2. mkdir= It use to create directory
3. mv = It use to rename file name
4. rm=This command is use to remove file
( –f option is use for forcefully)
5. vi=it is a file editor
6. vim= it is also a file editor improved version of vi
7. cd=it use to access any directory
#cdØdirectoryname or directorypath
8. ls=To list file and directory.
9. lsØ-l=To list file and directory with their permission.
10. ll= work same as a lsØ-l
11. lsØ-lh=To list file and directory with permission with file size.
12. Stat=This show statistics of file or folder
#statØfilename or folder
13. cdØ..=To exit from any directory
14. cdØ~=To go home directory
15. rmdir= To remove empty directory
16. rmdirØ-P=To remove recursive directory
#rmdirØ-PØdirectory path
17. useradd=is use to create user
18. usermodØ--login = this command is use to rename user name.
19. usermodØ-L=This command is use to lock user
20. pwd=This command is use for current location.
21. chmod=This command change access mode for files
22. whoami=This command use see current user
23. chownØ-R=This command use for change ownership of
24. history=This command keep the record or execute command
25. top=This show running process
26. cp=This command is use for copy file or folder from one place
to another
27. man= This command is use to get any information about any
28. Echo=display a line of text.
29. wcØprint the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files
30. who – show who is logged on
31. ps – report a snapshot of the current processes
32. kill – to kill a process(using signal mechanism)
#killØprocess id
33. du – estimate file space usage
34. df – report filesystem disk space usage
#dfØ-ah(-a for all,-h for human readable)

35. reboot – reboot the system
36. poweroff – power off the system
37. whoami-this command show the username
38. whoØamØi-this command show the username with loggen on
39. echoØ$SHELL- use to see user shell
40. find – search for files in a directory hierarchy
41. history – prints recently used commands
42. locate – find or locate a file
43. file – this command is use see type of in the file

Managing Users and Groups
The control of users and groups is a core element of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux system administration. This chapter explains
how to add, manage, and delete users and groups in the
graphical user interface and on the command line, and covers
advanced topics, such as creating group directories

Introduction to Users and Groups

While users can be either people (meaning accounts tied to
physical users) or accounts which exist for specific applications
to use, groups are logical expressions of organization, tying
users together for a common purpose. Users within a group
share the same permissions to read, write, or execute files
owned by that group.
Each user is associated with a unique numerical identification
number called a user ID (UID). Likewise, each group is
associated with a group ID (GID). A user who creates a file is
also the owner and group owner of that file. The file is
assigned separate read, write, and execute permissions for the
owner, the group, and everyone else. The file owner can be
changed only by root, and access permissions can be changed
by both the root user and file owner.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses a user private group (UPG)
scheme, which makes UNIX groups easier to manage. A user
private group is created whenever a new user is added to the
system. It has the same name as the user for which it was
created and that user is the only member of the user private

User private groups make it safe to set default permissions for
a newly created file or directory, allowing both the user and
the group of that user to make modifications to the file or
The setting which determines what permissions are applied to
a newly created file or directory is called a umask and is
configured in the /etc/bashrc file. Traditionally on UNIX-based
systems, the umask is set to 022, which allows only the user
who created the file or directory to make modifications.
Under this scheme, all other users, including members of the
creator's group, are not allowed to make any modifications.
However, under the UPG scheme, this “group protection” is
not necessary since every user has their own private group.
A list of all groups is stored in the /etc/group configuration file
Shadow Passwords
In environments with multiple users, it is very important to
use shadow passwords provided by the shadow-utils package
to enhance the security of system authentication files. For this
reason, the installation program enables shadow passwords
by default.
The following is a list of the advantages shadow passwords
have over the traditional way of storing passwords on UNIX-
based systems:
Shadow passwords improve system security by moving
encrypted password hashes from the world-readable
/etc/passwd file to /etc/shadow, which is readable only by the
root user.

Shadow passwords store information about password aging.
Shadow passwords allow the /etc/login.defs file to enforce
security policies.
Most utilities provided by the shadow-utils package work
properly whether or not shadow passwords are enabled.
However, since password aging information is stored
exclusively in the /etc/shadow file, some utilities and
commands do not work without first enabling shadow
Managing Users in a Graphical Environment
The Users utility allows you to view, modify, add, and delete
local users in the graphical user interface.
Using the Users Settings Tool
Application Setting Users

Add Remove

When a new user is created, the account is disabled until a

password is set. The Password dropdown menu, “The Password
Menu”, contains the options to set a password by the
administrator immediately, choose a password by the user at the
first login, or create a guest account with no password required to
log in. You can also disable or enable an account from this menu.

Using Command Line Tools

Adding a New User
To add a new user to the system, type the following at a shell
prompt as root:
#useraddØ [options]Ø username
Set password

The command-line options associated with the usermod

command are essentially the same. Note that if you want to
add a user to another supplementary group, you need to use
the -a, --append option with the -G option. Otherwise the list
of supplementary groups for the user will be overwritten by
those specified with the usermod -G command.
Adding a New Group
To add a new group to the system, type the following at a
shell prompt as root:
#groupaddØ [options] Øgroup_name

Creating Group Directories
System administrators usually like to create a group for each
major project and assign people to the group when they need
to access that project's files. With this traditional scheme, file
management is difficult; when someone creates a file, it is
associated with the primary group to which they belong.
When a single person works on multiple projects, it becomes
difficult to associate the right files with the right group.
However, with the UPG scheme, groups are automatically
assigned to files created within a directory with the setgid bit
set. The setgid bit makes managing group projects that share a
common directory very simple because any files a user creates
within the directory are owned by the group that owns theCont………
For example, a group of people need to work on files in the
/opt/myproject/ directory. Some people are trusted to modify
the contents of this directory, but not everyone.
1. As root, create the /opt/myproject/ directory by typing the
following at a shell prompt:
#mkdir Ø/opt/myproject
2. Add the myproject group to the system:
3. Associate the contents of the /opt/myproject/ directory
with the myproject group:
#chown Øroot:myproject Ø/opt/myproject
4. Allow users in the group to create files within the directory
and set the setgid bit:
#chmod Ø2775 Ø/opt/myproject 46
At this point, all members of the myproject group can create
and edit files in the /opt/myproject/ directory without the
administrator having to change file permissions every time
users write new files. To verify that the permissions have been
set correctly, run the following command:
# ls -ld Ø/opt/myproject
drwxrwsr-x. 3 root myproject 4096 Mar 3 18:31 /opt/myproject

5. Add users to the myproject group:

usermod Ø-aGØmyprojectØusername
Additional Resources
For more information on how to manage users and groups on
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, see the resources listed below.
Installed Documentation
For information about various utilities for managing users and
groups, see the following manual pages:
useradd(8) — The manual page for the useradd command
documents how to use it to create new users.
userdel(8) — The manual page for the userdel command
documents how to use it to delete users.
usermod(8) — The manual page for the usermod command
documents how to use it to modify users.
groupadd(8) — The manual page for the groupadd command
documents how to use it to create new groups.
groupdel(8) — The manual page for the groupdel command
documents how to use it to delete groups.

groupmod(8) — The manual page for the groupmod command
documents how to use it to modify group membership.
gpasswd(1) — The manual page for the gpasswd command
documents how to manage the /etc/group file.
grpck(8) — The manual page for the grpck command
documents how to use it to verify the integrity of the
/etc/group file.
pwck(8) — The manual page for the pwck command
documents how to use it to verify the integrity of the
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files.
pwconv(8) — The manual page for the pwconv, pwunconv,
grpconv, and grpunconv commands documents how to
convert shadowed information for passwords and groups.
id(1) — The manual page for the id command documents how
to display user and group IDs.
For information about related configuration files, see:
group(5) — The manual page for the /etc/group file
documents how to use this file to define system groups.
passwd(5) — The manual page for the /etc/passwd file
documents how to use this file to define user information.
shadow(5) — The manual page for the /etc/shadow file
documents how to use this file to set passwords and account
expiration information for the system.

Basic File Permissions.
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux, all files have file permissions that
determine whether a user is allowed to read, write, or
execute them.

There are two method of set permission on file and folder

1. Symbolic=r(read)w(write)x(execute)
2. Numerical=4(read)2(write)1(execute)
Note:(lsØ-lØfile and foldername is use see file and
folder permission).
There are 3 column of permission
1=for owner permission
2=for group permission
3=for other permission
chmod- This command use to change the file permission
ex=chmodØ777Øfile and folder

(1 2 3)
1=owner permission
2=group permission
3=other permission

Basic File Access Permissions

Each file and directory has three user based permission
1) owner (Users)- The Owner permissions apply only the
owner of the file or directory, they will not impact the actions
of other users.

2) group - The Group permissions apply only to the group that

has been assigned to the file or directory, they will not effect
the actions of other users.

3) all users (Others)- The All Users permissions apply to all

other users on the system, this is the permission group that
you want to watch the most.

Permission Types
Each file or directory has three basic permission types:
1) read - The Read permission refers to a user's capability to
read the contents of the file.
2) write - The Write permissions refer to a user's capability to
write or modify a file or directory.
3) execute - The Execute permission affects a user's capability
to execute a file or view the contents of a directory.

When you issue the command ls -l, the first column of

information contains these file permissions. Within this first
column are places for 9 letters or hyphens.


[root@server1 ~]#ll
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 may 25 2011

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 A. The first space is either a hyphen, the letter d, or the

letter l.
a) A hyphen ( _ ) means it is a file.
b) A letter d means it is a directory.
c) A letter l means it is a symbolic link to a directory
somewhere else on the file system.

1 B.The next nine spaces are divided into three sets

of permissions are as follows :-
a) rwx – Read, Write and Execute permission for the owner of
the file or directory.
b) r-x – Read and Execute permissions for the group owing file
or directory.
c) r-w – Read and Execute permissions for all other users for
file or directory.

2. 3 – its link
3. root = Owner name of the file or Directory.
4. root = Group name of the file or Directory.
5. 4096 = File or Directory size.
6. may = Month
7. 25 = Date
8. 2011 = Year
9. Documets = File or Directory name
Methods of Implementing Permission
1. Symbolic Mode :- in Symbolic Mode file or directory
permissions are denotes as follows :-
Read Permission = r
Write Permission = w
Execute Permission = x
Example :
Digits Permission
x execute
w write
r read
wx write + execute
rx read + execute
rw read + write
rwx read + write + execute

2. Absolute Mode or Octal Value :- in Absolute Mode file or

directory permissions are denotes as follows :-
Read Permission = 4
Write Permission = 2
Execute Permission = 1
Example :
Digits Permission
0 none
1 execute
2 write
4 read
3 (2+1) write + execute
5 (4+1) read + execute
6 (4+2) read + write
7 (4+2+1) read + write + execute

Default File Permission :- When the file is get created with the
help of cat, vi, or touch command it will get the permission
for the as –rw-r—r-- or 644
Example :-
[root@server1 ~]#touch Øfile1 Øfile2
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-r--r--. 3 root root 0 may 25 2011 file1
-rw-r--r--. 3 root root 0 may 25 2011 file2

1 2 3
1. rw- = read-write permission for the owner of the file.
2. r-- = read permission for the owner’s gorup of the file.
3. r-- = read permissionfor the others.

Default Directory Permission :- When the directory is get

created with the mkdir command it will get the permission for
the as drwxr-xr-x or 755
Example :-
[root@server1 ~]#mkdir dir1 dir2
[root@server1 ~]#ll
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 0 may 25 2011 dir1
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 0 may 25 2011 dir2

1 23
1. rwx = read-write-execute permission for the owner of the
2. r-x = read-execute permission for the owner’s gorup of the
3. r-x = read-execute permission for the others.

Some examples of this permissions.
Permissions :-
Read (r = 4) Write (w = 2) Others (x = 1)

Owner Group Other

1. rwx rwx rwx
7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1)
2. rwx rwx rw
7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1) 6(4+2)
3. rwx rwx rx
7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1) 5(4+1)
4. rwx rwx r
7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1) 4
5. rwx rwx wx
7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1) 3
6. rwx rwx w
7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1) 2
7. rwx rwx x
7(4+2+1) 7(4+2+1) 1
8. rwx rw rwx
7(4+2+1) 6(4+2) 7(4+2+1)
9. rwx rw rw
7(4+2+1) 6(4+2) 6(4+2)
10. rwx rw rx
7(4+2+1) 6(4+2) 5(4+1)

Umask :-The user file-creation mode mask (umask) is use to
determine the file permission for newly created files. It can be
used to control the default file permission for new files. Only
the root user can set UMASK. It is a four-digit octal number. A
umask can be set or expressed using:

1. Symbolic values = u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx

2. Octal values = 0022

[root@server1 ~]#umask
[root@server1 ~]#umask Ø-S

[root@server1 ~]#umask Ø –S u=rwx,g=r,o=r

[root@server1 ~]#umask
[root@server1 ~]#touch Ø 1
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-r—r--. 1 root root 0 jun 12 21:28 1

[root@server1 ~]#umask Ø –S Ø u=rwx,g=w,o=w

[root@server1 ~]#umask
[root@server1 ~]#touch Ø 2
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw--w--w-. 1 root root 0 jun 12 21:28 2
[root@server1 ~]#umask Ø –S Ø u=rwx,g=x,o=x
[root@server1 ~]#umask

[root@server1 ~]#touch Ø 3
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-------. 1 root root 0 jun 12 21:28 3
[root@server1 ~]#umask Ø –S Ø u=rwx,g=rw,o=rw
[root@server1 ~]#umask
[root@server1 ~]#touch Ø 4
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 0 jun 12 21:28 4

File and Directory Permissions Tutorial.

1. To view file or directory permissions.
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-r--r--. 3 root root 0 may 25 2011 file1
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 0 may 25 2011 dir1

2. To change file permission of Users.

[root@server1 ~]#useradd Ø u1
[root@server1~]# passwd Ø u1
Changing password for user username.
New password: * * * * *
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a directory word
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication token updated successfully.
[root@server1 ~]#useradd Ø u2
[root@server1~]# passwd Ø u2
Changing password for user username.
New password: * * * * *
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a directory word
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication token updated successfully.

[root@server1 ~]#useradd Ø u3
[root@server1~]# passwd Ø u3
Changing password for user username.
New password: * * * * *
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a directory word
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication token updated successfully.

[root@server1 ~]#cat Ø > Ø f1

Welcome to Aegis
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-r--r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f1
[root@server1 ~]#chmod Ø u+rwx Ø f1
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rwxr--r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f1

3. To change file Ownership of Users.

[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rwxr--r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f1
[root@server1 ~]#chown Ø f1 Ø /home/u1

Now login with that user from another console.

Server1 Login : u1
Password: ******
[u1@server1 ~]$ll
-rwxr--r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f1
[u1@server1 ~]$cat Ø f1
Welcome to Aegis
[u1@server1 ~]$cat Ø >> Ø f1
-bash: f1: Permission denied

Now login with root user so that he can change users ownership.
Server1 Login : root
Password: ******
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rwxr--r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f1
[root@server1 ~]#chown u1 f1

Username Filename
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rwxr--r--. 3 u1 root 22 may 25 2011 f1

4. To change file Permission of Group.

[root@server1 ~]#cat Ø > Ø f2
Welcome to Aegis
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-r--r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f2
[root@server1 ~]#chmod Ø g+rw Ø f1
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-rw-r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f2

5. To change file Ownership of Groups.

6. To change file permission of Others.

7. To change the file permission of User, Group and Others together.

8. To change file permission using absolute mode.

[root@server1 ~]#cat Ø > Ø f6
Welcome to Aegis
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rw-r--r--. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f6
[root@server1 ~]#chmod Ø760 Ø f1
Owner Permission Others Permission

Group Permission
[root@server1 ~]#ll
-rwxrw----. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 f6

9. To change directory permission of Others.

[root@server1 ~]#mkdir Ø dir1
[root@server1 ~]#ll
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 dir1
[root@server1 ~]#chmod Ø g+w Ø f1
[root@server1 ~]#ll
drwxrwxr-x. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 dir1

10. To change the directory permission of User, Group and Others

[root@server1 ~]#mkdir Ø dir2
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 dir2
[root@server1 ~]#chmod u+rwx,g+rw,o+x f1
[root@server1 ~]#ll
drwxrw---x. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 dir2

11. To change directory permission using absolute mode.

[root@server1 ~]#mkdir Ø dir3
[root@server1 ~]#ll
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 dir3
[root@server1 ~]#chmod Ø760 Ø f1

Users Permission Others Permission

Group Permission

[root@server1 ~]#ll
drwxrw----. 3 root root 22 may 25 2011 dir3

Chown=This Command use to change the owner of file and

Example chownØownernameØfilename and folder name
chgrp=This command use to change the group of file and folder.
Example:chgrpØgroupnameØfile and foldername.

Installing and Managing Software
There are two manager to manage software
1. RPM (Red hat Package Manager)
2. YUM (Yellow Dog Update Modifier)
rpm is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to
build, install, query, verify, update, and erase individual
software packages. A package consists of an archive of files
and meta-data used to install and erase the archive files. The
meta-data includes helper scripts, file attributes, and
descriptive information about the package. Packages come in
two varieties: binary packages, used to encapsulate software
to be installed, and source packages, containing the source
code and recipe necessary to produce binary packages.
One of the following basic modes must be selected:
Query, Verify,Install/Upgrade/Freshen, Uninstall, Set
Owners/Groups, Show Querytags, and Show Configuration.
All software on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system is divided
into RPM packages, which can be installed, upgraded, or
removed. This part describes how to manage packages on Red
Hat Enterprise Linux using Yum.

(Yellow Dog update modifier)
Yum is the Red Hat package manager that is able to query for
information about available packages, fetch packages from
repositories, install and uninstall them, and update an entire system
to the latest available version. Yum performs automatic dependency
resolution when updating, installing, or removing packages, and thus
is able to automatically determine, fetch, and install all available
dependent packages.
Configuring Yum and Yum Repositories:
The configuration information for yum and related utilities is located
at /etc/yum.conf. This filecontains one mandatory [main] section,
which enables you to set yum options that have global effect, and can
also contain one or more [repository] sections, which allow you to set
repositoryspecific options. However, it is recommended to define
individual repositories in new or existing.repo files in the
/etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. The values you define in individual
[repository] sections of the /etc/yum.conf file override values set in
the [main] section.
This section shows you how to:
• Set global yum options by editing the [main] section of the
/etc/yum.conf configuration file;
• Set options for individual repositories by editing the [repository]
sections in /etc/yum.conf and .repo files in the /etc/yum.repos.d/
• Use yum variables in /etc/yum.conf and files in the
/etc/yum.repos.d/ directory so that dynamic version and architecture
values are handled correctly;

• Add, enable, and disable yum repositories on the command line; and
• Set up your own custom yum repository.



How to configure YUM

1. First create directory.
2. Copy all the packages from your media to that directory what
you created.
3. Now create repository file.
And entre below input on this file

Repo id
Repo name
Packages location
(Gnu privacy guard) for verify key (enable=1,disable=0)
For enable or disable

1 0

4. Now create index

#createrepoØ/directoryname (That directory where your all packages are storage)

5. Now check your repository


Note:- 1. If you want to search any package so use
2. If you want to remove package so use
3. yumØhelp-> will display installed and available packages
4. obtains and installs a software package, including any
5. for update the newer version of the software package,
including any dependencies.

Managing Services with system
Introduction to systemd
Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating
systems. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, systemd replaces
Upstart as the default init system. It provides a number of
features such as parallel startup of system services at boot
time, on-demand activation of daemons, support for system
state snapshots, or dependency-based service control logic.
Available systemd Unit Types:

Systemd Unit Locations

Main Features
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, the systemd system and service
manager provides the following main features:
Socket-based activation — At boot time, systemd creates
listening sockets for all system services that support this type
of activation, and passes the sockets to these services as soon
as they are started. This not only allows systemd to start
services in parallel, but also makes it possible to restart a
service without losing any message sent to it while it is
unavailable: the corresponding socket remains accessible and
all messages are queued. Systemd uses socket units for
socket-based activation.

Bus-based activation — System services that use D-Bus for

inter-process communication can be started on-demand the
first time a client application attempts to communicate with
them. Systemd uses D-Bus service files for bus-based
Device-based activation — System services that support
device-based activation can be started ondemand when a
particular type of hardware is plugged in or becomes
available. Systemd uses device units for device-based
Path-based activation — System services that support path-
based activation can be started ondemand when a particular
file or directory changes its state. Systemd uses path units for
pathbased activation.
System state snapshots — Systemd can temporarily save the
current state of all units or restore a previous state of the
system from a dynamically created snapshot. To store the
current state of the system, systemd uses dynamically created
snapshot units.

Mount and automount point management — Systemd
monitors and manages mount and automount points.
Systemd uses mount units for mount points and automount
units for automount points.
Aggressive parallelization — Because of the use of socket-
based activation, systemd can start system services in parallel
as soon as all listening sockets are in place. In combination
with system services that support on-demand activation,
parallel activation significantly reduces the time required to
boot the system.
Transactional unit activation logic — Before activating or
deactivating a unit, systemd calculates its dependencies,
creates a temporary transaction, and verifies that this
transaction is consistent. If a transaction is inconsistent,
systemd automatically attempts to correct it and remove non-
essential jobs from it before reporting an error.
Backwards compatibility with SysV init — Systemd fully
supports SysV init scripts as described in the Linux Standard
Base Core Specification, which eases the upgrade path to
systemd service units.
Comparison of the service Utility with systemctl
Comparison of the chkconfig Utility with systemctl

How to management service using systemctl
1. To Start any services use below command
]#systemctlØstartØservice name.service

2. To stop any services run below command

#systemctlØstopØservice name.service

3. To see the status of service run below

systemctlØstatusØservice name.service
Without the extension you can also manage any service

To find all aliases that can be used for a particular unit, use:
~]# lsØ -l Ø/usr/lib/systemd/system/* Ø| grepØ vsftpd

To list all currently loaded service units, type the following at a

shell prompt:
]# systemctlØlist-unitsØ--type service

You can also list all available service units to see if they are
enabled. To do so, type:
~]#systemctl Ølist-unit-files Ø--type service

Enabling and Disabling a Service

To configure a service unit that corresponds to a system
service to be automatically started at boot time,

To prevent a service unit that corresponds to a system

service from being automatically started at boot time

you can mask any service unit to prevent it from being

started manually or by another service.

To revert this action and unmask a service unit

Shutting Down, Suspending, and
Hibernating the System
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, the systemctl utility replaces a
number of power management commands used in previous
versions of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.
Comparison of Power Management Commands with

Shutting Down the System

The systemctl utility provides commands for shutting down
the system, however the traditional shutdown command is
also supported. Although the shutdown command will call the
systemctl utility to perform the shutdown, it has an advantage
in that it also supports a time argument.
To shut down the system and power off the machine
~]#systemctlØ poweroff

To shut down and halt the system without powering off the
~]#systemctlØ halt

Using the shutdown Command
To shut down the system and power off the machine at a
certain time
~]#shutdownØ --poweroffØ hh:mm

A pending shutdown can be canceled by the root user as

~]#shutdownØ –c

Restarting the System

To restart the system
~]#systemctlØ reboot

Suspending the System

To suspend the system
~]#systemctlØ suspend

Hibernating the System

To hibernate the system
~]#systemctlØ hibernate

Controlling systemd on a Remote Machine
In addition to controlling the systemd system and service
manager locally, the systemctl utility also allows you to
interact with systemd running on a remote machine over the
SSH protocol. Provided that the sshd service on the remote
machine is running, you can connect to this machine by
running the systemctl command with the --host or -H
command line option
~]#systemctlØ --hostØ user_name@host_name command

Additional Resources
For more information on systemd and its usage on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 7, see the resources listed below.
Installed Documentation:
systemctl(1) — The manual page for the systemctl command
line utility provides a complete list of supported options and
systemd(1) — The manual page for the systemd system and
service manager provides more information about its
concepts and documents available command line options and

environment variables, supported configuration files and
directories, recognized signals, and available kernel options.
systemd-delta(1) — The manual page for the systemd-delta
utility that allows to find extended and overridden
configuration files.
systemd.unit(5) — The manual page named systemd.unit
provides in-depth information about systemd unit files and
documents all available configuration options.
systemd.service(5) — The manual page named
systemd.service documents the format of service unit files.
systemd.target(5) — The manual page named systemd.target
documents the format of target unit files.
systemd.kill(5) — The manual page named systemd.kill
documents the configuration of the process killing procedure.

1. First install Http package
2. Now give webserver detail to httpd.conf file.
#viØ/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (go to last of the document and
put detail)
DocumentRootØ /var/www/html
3. Now check httpd syntax
4. Now host website in /var/www/html/ directory
(Note: httpd default directory is /var/www/html/)
5. Now start httpd service and enable service
6. Now on firewall port of http
# firewall-cmdØ--permanentØ--add-service=http
# firewall-cmdØ--reload
7. Now open your browser and check your web server

FTP Server
1.Install vsftpd package

2.Now check ftp configuration file


3.Now start your ftp service


4.Now on firewall

Note: FTP default directory is /var/ftp/pub
5.Store Data in /var/ftp/pub/ directory
6.Open browser and check ftp server

Accessing Network File Sharing Services
A network file system is a file system that, instead of being provided
by a block device like a hard drive, is provided by a network attached
storage server to multiple hosts over a network. Clients access the
remote storage through a special file system protocol and format.
There are two primary protocols which are used in Linux to access
network file systems: NFS and CIFS. NFS, the Network file system, acts
much like a standard file system for Linux, UNIX and similar operating
systems. CIFS the Common Internet File system, is the standard
network file system for Microsoft windows systems.

Samba Server
Samba use CIFS file system to mount a share between
window and Linux OS For that you have samba server and
other side clients.

What Samba can do:
 Serve directory trees and printers to Linux, UNIX, and Windows
 Assist in network browsing (with NetBIOS).
 Authenticate Windows domain logins.
 Provide Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) name server
 Act as a Windows NT®-style Primary Domain Controller (PDC).
 Act as a Backup Domain Controller (BDC) for a Samba-based
 Act as an Active Directory domain member server.
 Join a Windows NT/2000/2003/2008 PDC/Windows Server 2012.
What Samba cannot do:
 Act as a BDC for a Windows PDC (and vice versa)
 File and Print Servers
 Act as an Active Directory domain controller
Samba Daemons and Related Services
Samba is comprised of three daemons (smbd, nmbd, and winbindd).
Three services (smb, nmb, and winbind) control how the daemons are
started, stopped, and other service-related features. These services
act as different init scripts. Each daemon is listed in detail below, as
well as which specific service has control over it.

The smbd server daemon provides file sharing and printing services to
Windows clients. In addition, it is responsible for user authentication,
resource locking, and data sharing through the SMB protocol. The
default ports on which the server listens for SMB traffic are TCP ports
139 and 445.The smbd daemon is controlled by the smb service.

The nmbd server daemon understands and replies to NetBIOS name
service requests such as those produced by SMB/CIFS in Windows-
based systems. These systems include Windows 95/98/ME, Windows
NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and LanManager clients. It also
participates in the browsing protocols that make up the Windows
Network Neighborhood view. The default port that the server listens
to for NMB traffic is UDP port 137.
The nmbd daemon is controlled by the nmb service.

The winbind service resolves user and group information received
from a server running Windows NT, 2000, 2003, Windows Server
2008, or Windows Server 2012. This makes Windows user and group
information understandable by UNIX platforms. This is achieved by
using Microsoft RPC calls, Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM),
and the Name Service Switch (NSS). This allows Windows NT domain
and Active Directory users to appear and operate as UNIX users on a
UNIX machine. Though bundled with the Samba distribution, the
winbind service is controlled separately from the smb service.
The winbind daemon is controlled by the winbind service and does
not require the smb service to be started in order to operate. winbind
is also used when Samba is an Active Directory member, and may also
be used on a Samba domain controller (to implement nested groups
and interdomain trust). Because winbind is a client-side service used
to connect to Windows NT-based servers, further discussion of
winbind is beyond the scope of this chapter.

How to create samba server
1. Install samba

2. Now create directory for sharing

#mkdirØ/directory name

3. Now enter sharing information in

smb.conf file.

Share ID

Share Name

Share Directory

User or group

4. Create user and set password for samba
# useradd Øu1
# passwd Øu1
Changing password for user u1.
New password: * * * * * (u1)
BAD PASSWORD: it is WAY too short
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password: * * * * *(u1)
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
5. Now set smb password also, so client can
access share by using smb password
# smbpasswd Ø-a Øu1
New SMB password:* * * * * (u1@123)
Retype new SMB password:* * * * *(u1@123)
Added user u1.
# smbpasswd-e Øu1
Enabled user u1.

6. Start the service of smb and nmb


7. Enable the service of smb and nmb


8. Now on the firewall port of samba and


9. Now set SElinux on share directory

Client side (linux)

1. Check the share

2. Install cifs-utils

3. Now create directory to mount


4. Mount the share on client

For window client machine:-
{Go to Start-Run-\\serverip\
type username and password
username - u1
password - *****(u1@123)

Now your are able to access kavi directory and files from it
& user u1 home directory as well.)}

Managing Partition

Simple Partition and file systems

Storage is a basic need of every computer system.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux includes powerful tools for
managing many types of storage devices in a wide range
of scenarios.
fdisk is a utility to manage disk partitions. You can view
disks and their partitioning by running the utility with
the -l option and the name of the disk (fdiskØ-l).(Note:
partition default directory is /dev)

harddisk sda

partition sda1

Disk Management.
Disk Partitioning :-
1. Primary Partition
2. Extended Partition
3. Logical Partition

How to create a new partition
1. Create partition
# fdiskØ/dev/sda

Command (m for help): m Command action

a toggle a bootable flag
b edit bsd disklabel
c toggle the dos compatibility flag
d delete a partition
l list known partition types
m print this menu
n add a new partition
o create a new empty DOS partition table
p print the partition table
q quit without saving changes
s create a new empty Sun disklabel
t change a partition's system id
u change display/entry units
v verify the partition table
w write table to disk and exit
x extra functionality (experts only)

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/sda: 42.9 GB, 42949672960 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 5221 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000d5093

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sda1 * 1 131 1048576 83 Linux
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 131 1437 10485760 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 1437 2742 10485760 83 Linux
/dev/sda4 2742 5222 19921920 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 2742 2873 1048576 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 2873 3003 1048576 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda7 3004 3134 1048576 83 Linux
/dev/sda8 3134 3160 204800 83 Linux
/dev/sda9 3160 3200 327200+ 83 Linux

Command (m for help): n

First cylinder (3003-5222, default 3003): 3201

Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (3201-5222, default 5222):


Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/sda: 42.9 GB, 42949672960 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 5221 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000d5093

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sda1 * 1 131 1048576 83 Linux
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 131 1437 10485760 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 1437 2742 10485760 83 Linux
/dev/sda4 2742 5222 19921920 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 2742 2873 1048576 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 2873 3003 1048576 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda7 3004 3134 1048576 83 Linux
/dev/sda8 3134 3160 204800 83 Linux
/dev/sda9 3160 3200 327200 83 Linux
/dev/sda10 3201 3250 401593+ 83 Linux

Command (m for help): w …….<PRESS ENTER>

The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.
The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at
the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)
Syncing disks
2. Now reboot your system
3. Now format your partition
4. Now create directory for mount the partition
5. Now mount your partition on that directory
6. Now add an entry to /etc/fstab #viØ/etc/fstab

Disk Quota Management
Disk Quotas are used to limit a user's or a group of users' ability to
consume disk space. This prevents a small group of users from
monopolizing disk capacity and potentially interfering with other users
or the entire system.Disk quotas are commonly used by ISPs, by Web
hosting companies, on FTP sites, and on corporate file servers to
ensure continued availability of their systems. Using disk quota
administrator can restrict user in two ways :-
1. Restricting user or group by creating files in a specific location.
2. Restricting user or group by the disk space in a specific location.

Disk Quota Terms

1. Soft Link = Disk space a user can use
2. Hard Link = Absolute limit a user can use
3. Grace Periods = Time duration till user can use hard limit
4. 1 inode = 1KB
5. dd = used to create a blank file of specific size
6. required RPM = quata-*
7. /etc/fstab option = userquota, grpquota
8. Quota files = aquota.user. aquota.group
9. Necessary Commands = mount, quotarun, quotacheck,
edquota, quotaoff, quotaon

This utility to manage partition means if you create partition you can’t
extend or shrink that partition normally. But through LVM you can do
this things LVM was first developed by HP for it HPUX operating
(Note: It is default volume management system in RHEL-7) you can
manage LVM through command line tools, It use a collection of disks,
the disks can be of different size, this disk referred as physical volume,
physical volume are collected in to volume groups, logical volumes
core component of LVM it contain file system and it created from
physical volumes. It done in online mean you need to reboot your
system after resizing LVM. LVS and PVS are broken-up in to chunks of
data known as extents LVMs can be grown or shrink by increasing or
decreasing the extents of disk space used in MBs or GBs, LVM provide
the backup facility through snapshots during the backup, no down
time is needed, the /boot cannot be placed on LVM.

Process for create LVM.

1. Create physical storage partition

2. Create physical volume

3. Create Volume Group

4. Create Logical Volume

LVM Definitions
Physical volume : A partition that marked as usable space for LVM on
an MBR disk, marked partition type 0X86.
Volume group: A collection of one or more physical volumes can be
thought of as a virtual disk drive.
Logical volume: It can be thought of as a virtual partition of the
volume group. This is formatted with file system and used like a
Physical Extent: A disks space is allocated from physical volume by the
volume group to logical volumes in large chunks called physical

How to create LVM
1. Create standard partition and give type 8e

Partition Size

Partition type

2. Now convert physical partition to physical volume


3. Now create a group of physical volume Name of group


4. Now create Logical volume


Name of lv Name of group

5. You create file system on it

6. Now mount your partition


7. Now entry this in /etc/fstab


LVM Basic Command

pvdisplay, pvs: This command use to see physical
volume details
vgdisplay, vgs: This command use to see volume
group details
lvdisplay, lvs : This command use to see logical
volume details

Swap Space Concepts
A swap space is an area of a disk which can be used with the
Linux kernel memory management subsystem. Swap spaces
are used to supplement the system RAM by holding inactive
pages of memory. The combined system RAM plus swap
spaces is called virtual memory.
Create Swap Memory
Now create SWAP partition from newly added disk using below

[root@localhost ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2).

Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.

Be careful before using the write command.

Device does not contain a recognized partition table

Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x989078c0.

Command (m for help): n

Partition type:

p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)

e extended

Select (default p): p

Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1

First sector (2048-2097151, default 2048): ENTER

Using default value 2048

Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-2097151, default 2097151): ENTER

Using default value 2097151

Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 1023 MiB is set

Command (m for help): t

Selected partition 1

Hex code (type L to list all codes): 82

Changed type of partition 'Linux' to 'Linux swap / Solaris'

Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Syncing disks.

[root@localhost ~]# partx -a /dev/sdb

partx: /dev/sdb: error adding partition 1

[root@localhost ~]# partx -a /dev/sdb

partx: /dev/sdb: error adding partition 1

2.You can verify your newly created SWAP partition by using fdisk
command as below.
[root@localhost ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 1073 MB, 1073741824 bytes, 2097152 sectors

Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk label type: dos

Disk identifier: 0x989078c0

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sdb1 2048 2097151 1047552 82 Linux swap / Solaris

3. Now format this newly created partition as SWAP using mkswap

[root@localhost ~]# mkswap /dev/sdb1

Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1047548 KiB

no label, UUID=4a28616d-065f-4123-b801-97d2b25019b7

4. After formatting the disk with SWAP, you will have to enable the
SWAP with swapon command and then you can verify it.
[root@localhost ~]# swapon /dev/sdb1

[root@localhost ~]#

5. Now to make newly added SWAP memory to be available at next
boot, put its entry in fstab file like below.
UUID=4a28616d-065f-4123-b801-97d2b25019b7 swap swap defaults 0 0

This is how you can increase or add SWAP memory in Linux 7

server easily.

(Security Enhanced Linux)
SElinux is an additional layer of system security. SElinux is secure our
data to system service which can compromised. Whenever we talk
about security we always point out on user based security which is
called (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. SElinux provide object
based security which control by policy & rules and is Mandatory
Access Control (MAC). SElinux is a set of security rules that determine
which process can access which files, directories, and ports.
Where SElinux can set
 User
 Process
 Folder & Files.
How SElinux work
SElinux confirm the Access according to matching of labels which
contain by files and folder with the appropriate service. Labels or
context is like sticker which you can find on the properties of files. If
you want to see labels of files & folder you can run below command
Example: # lsØ-ZØ/home.

SElinux labels have several context: user, role, type and sensitivity.
The targeted policy, which is the default policy enabled in RHEL, bases
its rules on the third context: the type context. Type context names
usually end with _t. The type context for the webserver is httpd_t .
The type context for files and directories normally found in /var/www/html
is httpd_sys_content_t . There is a policy rule that permits Apache (web
server process running as httpd_t) to access files and directories with a

Context normally found in /var/www/html and other web server
directories (httpd_sys_content_t).

The type contexts for files and directories normally found in /tmp and

/var/tmp is tmp_t.


SElinux modes
 Enforcing mode:
SElinux actively denies access to the web server attempting to
read files with tmp_t type context.
 Permissive mode:
This mode is often used to troubleshoot issues. In permissive
mode, SElinux allows all interactions, even if there is no explicit
rule, and it logs those interactions it would have denied in
enforcing mode.
 Disabled mode:
In this mode SElinux is disable no prevention and logs are
To display the current SElinux mode in effect, use the getenforce

How to change SElinux context of file and folder.
There are two command use to change
1. chcon (It use to change temporary SElinux )

2. semanage (It use to change permanently)

restorecon this command use for relabeling of SElinux context on

file and folder. If you want to set context you have to run this
command so system can relabel that context what you want to set on
particular file and folder. And it run after semanage command, so
system can permanently change SElinux context.
SElinux Booleans
SElinux Booleans are switches that change the behavior of the
SElinux policy. SElinux Booleans are rules that can be enabled or
disabled. They can be used by security administrators to tune the
policy to make selective adjustments.
The getsebool command is used to display SElinux Booleans and their
current value. The -a option causes this command to list all of the

Changing SElinux Modes
The setenforce command modifies the current SElinux mode:

Setting the default SElinux mode

The configuration file that determines what the SElinux mode is at
boot time is
/etc/selinux/config. Notice that it contains some useful comments:

Note: SElinux Troubleshooter is best utility for SElinux

So, please use SElinux Troubleshooter so you can easily manage
Location: Application sundry SElinux Troubleshooter

TigerVNC (Tiger Virtual Network Computing) is a system for graphical
desktop sharing which allows you to remotely control other
TigerVNC works on the client-server principle: a server shares its
output (vncserver) and a client (vncviewer) connects to the server.
vncserver is a utility which starts a VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
desktop. It runs Xvnc with appropriate options and starts a window
manager on the VNC desktop. vncserver allows users to run separate
sessions in parallel on a machine which can then be accessed by any
number of clients from anywhere
TigerVnc configuration
1. On Server side
 First install tigervnc-server package
Ex:# yumØinstallØtigervnc-server
 Now copy vnc configuration from
“/usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service” to
Ex:# cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service
 Now edit user name in vnc configuration file

Here, replace user

with exist username to
which you want to access

And save the setting

 To make the changes take effect immediately, issue the
following command:
# systemctl daemon-reload
 Set the password for the user or users defined in the
configuration file. Note that you need to switch from root
to USER first.
# suØ - username (exist user)
$ vncpasswd
 Now start and enable tigervnc service
# systemctlØenableØvncserver@:1.service
 Now enable tigervnc on firewall

2. Client side
 Install vnc viewer package
 Connecting to a VNC Server Using the CLI
Enter the viewer command with the address and display
number as arguments
 Connecting to a VNC Server Using the GUI Tool
Open vncviewer tool: Application Internet Tigervnc viewer

Server ip

file number

Additional Resources
For more information about TigerVNC, see the resources listed below.
Installed Documentation
vncserver(1) — The manual page for the VNC server utility.
vncviewer(1) — The manual page for the VNC viewer.
vncpasswd(1) — The manual page for the VNC password command.
Xvnc(1) — The manual page for the Xvnc server configuration options.
x0vncserver(1) — The manual page for the TigerVNC server for sharing
existing X servers.


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