Personality Theory Beck

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Personality Theory (Beck)

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Which of the following is not an antidepressant drug?

a) Tricyclic antidepressants.

b) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

c) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

d) Antinoamine tritase rehibitor (ATRs).

2) Anxiolytic drugs are used to treat:

a) The symptoms of depression and mood disorder.

b) The symptoms of anxiety and stress.

c) The symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia.

d) None of the above.

3) What is a major side effect of Prozac?

a) Loss of sexual desire.

b) Loss of hair.
c) Weight loss.

d) Weight gain.

4) antipsychotics do which of the following?

a) Alleviate Major positive symptoms (such as thought disorder

and hallucinations).

b) Alleviate Major negative symptoms (such as social


c) Reducing the burden of institutional care.

d) All of the above.

5) Beck's Cognitive therapy for depression requires the individual to:

a) Make an objective assessment of their beliefs.

b) Keep a dream diary.

c) Keep a mood diary.

d) Set attainable life goals.

6) Behaviour analysis is based upon the principles of:

a) Classical conditioning.
b) Operant conditioning.

c) Dream analysis.

d) All of the above.

7) Behaviour modification is a type of:

a) Behaviour therapy.

b) Cognitive behavioural therapy.

c) Humanistic therapy.

d) Client centred therapy.

8) Drugs called Benzodiazepines are used to treat:

a) Depression.

b) Anxiety disorders.

c) Schizophrenia.

d) Mood disorders

9) Client centred therapy is a type of:

a) Humanistic therapy.
b) Psychodynamic therapy.

c) Cognitive therapy.

d) Behavioural therapy.

10) Which of the following might be considered as the central tenets of Client-Centred

a) Empathy.

b) Unconditional positive regard.

c) Congruence.

d) All of the above.

11) It is generally considered that Cognitive behavioural therapy changes:

a) Thought processes.

b) Behaviour.

c) Thoughts and behaviour.

d) Mood states.

12) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is generally perceived as:

a) Phenomenological.
b) Psychodynamic.

c) Humanistic.

d) Evidence-based.

13) Which of the following is not a Behaviour Therapy technique?

a) Flooding.

b) Counter transference.

c) Counterconditioning.

d) Systematic desensitisation.

14) The principle of extinction assumes that emotional problems can be:

a) Unlearned.

b) Removed from your mental lexicon.

c) Derived from childhood experiences.

d) Become prehistoric.

15) Counterconditioning is an exposure therapy technique which involves:

a) Learning that one negative event may be linked to another.

b) Exposing the client to the feared stimulus.

c) Learning that an event or situation is no longer threatening.

d) Helping the client to see that their behaviour is


16) Contininual professional development (CPD) demonstrates that a therapist:

a) Relies on information from informal sources.

b) Regularly updates their knowledge of recent developments in

treatment techniques.

c) Relies solely on research literature as a way of updating their

therapeutic skills.

d) Attends all therapeutic conferences.

17) Counselling is a profession that aims to:

a) Promote personal growth and productivity.

b) Provide a successful diagnosis in psychopathology.

c) Ensure that clients are on the correct medication.

d) Solely address behaviour.

18) According to the psychodynamic view dream analysis is one of the central tenets of:
a) Psychoanalysis.

b) Cognitive behaviour therapy.

c) Humanistic therapy.

d) Client centred therapy.

19) Empathy involves:

a) Feeling sorry for someone.

b) Putting others before yourself.

c) Putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

d) Putting yourself before others.

20) An encounter group:

a) Enables individuals to interact with others in a social setting.

b) Encourages team building.

c) Aids the therapist in diagnosis.

d) Encourages therapy and self-growth through disclosure and


21) Group therapy can be advantageous when an individual:

a) May need to work out their problems in the presence of others
(e.g. in the case of emotional problems relating to
relationships, feelings of isolation, loneliness and rejection).

b) May need comfort and support from others.

c) May acquire therapeutic benefit from observing and watching


d) All of the above.

22) Which of the following possibilities makes email a useful adjunct to face to face

a) Monitor treatment from a distance.

b) Monitor behaviour daily.

c) Intervene in a crisis.

d) All of the above.

23) Family therapy is generally used to:

a) Improve communications between members of the family.

b) Resolve specific conflicts - for example between adolescents

and their parents.

c) Attempts to understand the family as a social system.

d) All of the above.

24) Systems theory involves:

a) Uses computer based programs for therapy'

b) Attempts to understand the family as a social system.

c) Uses data analysis systems as a diagnostic tool.

d) Relies on self-report measures.

25) Faulty learning involves:

a) Acquiring psychological disorders through poor school


b) Acquiring psychological disorders through low self esteem.

c) Acquiring psychological disorders by exposure to aversive


d) All of the above.

26) Functional analysis is a therapy based on:

a) Classical conditioning.

b) Humanistic principles.

c) Operant conditioning.

d) Psychodynamic principles.
27) Token Economy is an influential intervention based upon:

a) Classical conditioning.

b) Implicit learning.

c) Operant conditioning.

d) Client centred therapy.

28) When determining whether a treatment works because of the principles it contains it
is known as:

a) Ecological validity.

b) Reliability.

c) Internal validity.

d) Internal consistency.

29) Meta-analysis is often used to compare the effectiveness of studies that have used:

a) Different procedures.

b) Different numbers of participants.

c) Different types of control procedures.

d) All of the above.

30) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are effective for the treatment of:

a) Schizophrenia.

b) Major depression.

c) Obsessive compulsive disorder.

d) Generalized anxiety disorder.

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