Review of Related Literature and Studies

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This Chapter presents related data taken from books, unpublished theses,
journals and electronic sources. These help in the formulation of the premise and
concept of the study.

Related Literature

Sample of research was made of full-time students of maritime

specialties’ studying at Lithuanian Maritime Academy. It is clearly proved
statistically that one reason that student chooses profession is to follow their dreams
to become a captain or chief mechanic and etc.) factors. Leech (2007).

According to Ramirez and Dizon, 2014. They may sometimes consider the
people and the information they receive within their environment. There are several
factors that may affect the decision of students and parents, where it can be a good
source of insight for private higher education institutions to offer quality services
that will suit to the needs, expectations and demands of the community.

According to Vaz and Mansori, 2013 Therefore, the competitive edge,

uniqueness and quality must be established in educational marketing through image
building while helping and guiding the parents towards the achievement of their
desire for the success of their children.

Freeman et al. (2007) People have a fundamental need to feel connected or

related to other people. In an academic environment, research shows that students
who feel they 'belong' have a higher degree of intrinsic motivation and academic
confidence, their sense of belonging is fostered by an instructor that demonstrates
warmth and openness, encourages student participation, is enthusiastic, friendly and
helpful, and is organized and prepared for class.
Related Studies

Career choice is an important and often a difficult issue for adolescents.

Several recent studies unfold adolescents’ self-doubt, anxiety and uncertainty in
career decision-making process (Negru-Subtirica, Pop, & Crocetti, 2015; Vignoli,
2015). The perception of negative aspects of the profession (barriers) has an
influence in career choice (Albeit & Luzzo, 1999). High-school students have been
found to perceive very soon barriers to their future college attendance and work lives
(McWhirter, 1997; McWhirter, Hackett & Bandalos, 1998). In Latvia there are many
students in grade 11 and 12 who have not yet even begun to explore career
possibilities seriously (Lubneko & Sebre, 2007). A recent study states that among
Latvian students finishing secondary school, there are quite a lot of respondents
whose career choice is rather unclear” (Jurgena, Gedrovics & Cedere, 2014, p.527).
This delay in career decision may be an obstacle for future career development ,
especially in maritime field, which requires a strong personal and academic
involvement from the very first study year.

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