Icterele Nou-Nascutului Tradus
Icterele Nou-Nascutului Tradus
Icterele Nou-Nascutului Tradus
Jaundice is one of the most important events that require medical attention in newborns. The
yellow coloration of teguments and mucous membranes in newborns with jaundice is due to
accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin. Intensity or persistence of jaundice in the neonatal
period can be a first sign of subsequent pathology, that is why it should be very well assessed and
Definition : jaundice represents the yellow coloration of teguments and mucous membranes,
which occurs due to the increase of the concentration of the sero bilirubin. In new-born infant
jaundice becomes apparent to the values of the serum bilirubinei 5- 7 mg%.
There are 3 types of jaundice: physiological, pathological, nuclear material.
Metabolism bilirubinei:
1. The training system bilirubin reticulo-histiocitar (SRH) in the liver, spleen, bone marrow
2. The carriage bilirubin in blood
3. The metabolism of hepatic bilirubin
4. Excretion bilirubin in the intestin
The mechanisms involved in the accumulation bilirubin to new born: hepatic ligandina deficit,
the summary and low activity of UDP-GT, delayed, excretion hepatic circulation enterohepatic
circulation increased (6 x value to adult), increased activity of beta glucuronidazei (10 times
higher that the adult).
The intensity and severity of jaundice can be appreciated the clinical trial, always at the natural
light, using the strip Kramer (Table No. I). The absence of jaundice does not automatically mean
absence of hyperbilirubinaemia, but can be used for the prediction with accuracy of the new-born
infants who will not develop sever hyperbilirubinaemia. Clinical assessment of jaundice has no
value at babies that make phototherapy and the ones with constitutional hyperpigmentation.
I.Physiologic jaundice: Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia the value of the total bilirubin is
below 12 mg/100 ml serum and direct bilirubinemia value below 15%.
Jaundice appears after 48 hours from his birth, to a new-born with the general status of the good,
without hepatosplenomegaly, indirect bilirubin values below 12 mg/dl. It occurs at 50- 80% in
term newborn; the 90% at premature.
The physiological jaundice causes are: blood volume increased, short life of fetal erythrocytes,
ineffective erythropoiesis, poor hepatic conjugation, increased enterohepatic circulation.
Jaundice of prematurity
Shall be carried out by simple exaggerating neonatal simple jaundice.
The production of bilirubin increased (the deficit of vitamin E stressed the prematurely
→ hiperhemoliza more accentuated)
The capacity of the mounting plasma bilirubin is low by the shortage of albumin
(increase the risk of Jaundice nuclear material for the same values of unconjugated
Capturing glucuronoconjugarea hepatic, and excretion in the bile ducts bilirubinei ways
more deficiencies from the new born in the period
Special conditions circulatory problems (this thing liver part of circulating unconjugated
Prophylactic treatment: early: food at the breast, colostrum having purgative effect
curative: Phototherapy
II.Pathological Jaundice: Hyperbilirubinaemia published in the first 24 hours after birth, with
the total bilirubinemia over 12 mg/100 ml serum to the new-born infant and more than 15
mg/100 ml of serum from prematurely; or direct bilirubinemia over 1.5+2 mg%.
Jaundice extended with a duration of 10 days to the new-born infant and over 2 weeks at
diabetic fetophaty;
metabolic jaundice of Crigler-Najjar and Lucey-Driscol syndrome.
Clinical forms :
foeto placental anasarca, the most serious form of Rh isoimmunization, which frequently
unfavorable outcome. New baby has generalized edema, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly,
pale, heart failure, anemia, birth asphyxia.
haemolytic jaundice: the new-born infant is apparent normally at birth, has anemia, but
Hgb is above 12 mg%, increased jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, edema localized,
bilirubin has more than 3-4 mg%.
Congenital hemolytic anemia: the new-born infant shows small Apgar score, Hgb below
12 mg%, Bilirubin 3-4 mg% hepatosplenomegaly.
phototherapy and phenobarbital 5-8 mg / day, 3-4 days
exchange transfusion double-volume (160 ml/kg)
Whole blood (Htc 40-45%, OI group, Rh-negative or izogup the newborn, but negative
Monitoring of indirect bilirubin/ 6h, exchange transfusion is repeated if bilirubin
increases by 1 mg/h
Blood is extracted through the umbilical artery, umbilical vein transfused
III. Kernicterus - serious complication of hemolytic disease is installed, usually on the third day
of life. Kernicterus occurs due to indirect bilirubin passage across the blood-brain or blood-brain
barrier is broken.
A number of factors increase the risk of kernicterus: prematurity, because hypoalbuminemia;
acidosis, hypoxia hipercarbie and factors that increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.
The unbound free bilirubin to albumin, fat soluble substance is impregnated in the brain,
especially in the nucleus basalis, hippocampus and nucleus of the anterior horn of the spinal
cord. Microscopic highlighted phenomena of neuronal loss and gliosis with necrosis. Important
in the treatment of hemolytic jaundice, indirect bilirubin is maintaining below 20 mg / dL, above
this level considering the level of bilirubin toxicity.
Clinical signs of kernicterus: acute bilirubin encephalopathy occurs in term newborns with Rh
incompatibility, with bilirubin exceeding 20 mg / dl. From Clinically, there are three clinical
Stage 1: Hypotonia, lethargy, crying sharp and weak sucking reflex. Term newborns who are
treated at this stage have very good prognosis, with normalization of clinical signs after lowering
Stage 2: Extensor muscle hypertonia with opistotonus, stiffness, seizures oculogyric, fever and
convulsions, many of newborns dying at this stage or developing chronic encephalopathy.
Stage 3: Hipotonia replaced hipertonia after one week. Death is the most frequently at this stage.
Infants with significant hyperbilirubinemia (> 25 mg / dL) should be carried craniocerebral MRI
to highlight abnormal signals in the nuclei of basal and evoked installation auditors to detect
hearing loss. Chronic bilirubin encephalopathy is marked by classical clinical signs up tetrad
Perlstein: abnormal extrapyramidal partial or complete sensorineural deafness, limiting upward
gaze, deciduous teeth dental dysplasia.