Cornelius Reid Professor of Voic

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Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 2, Number 4, Winter 1993

Professor of Voice Cornelius Reid

' T he singer must orchestrate to create a dialo gue'

Cornelius Reid has been teaching
voice since 1934. He is the author
of five books including "Bel 'When you sing a musical
Canto: Principles and Practices, "
composition, even a simple
"The Free Voice, " the encyclope­
dic "Diction a ry of Voca l song, you orchestrate it with
Terminology, " and most recently, your voice. And you can only
"Essays on the Na t u re of
Singing. " He has lectured and do that if you understand how
presented master classes on voice to utilize the different
in the United States, in Germany,
registers. If we vary the pitch
and in England. He has been on
the facu lty of Ma rym o u n t from the original, the human
College, Genera l Theologica l singing registers will shift in
Sem inary, a n d most recently,
different places from that
Teach ers Co llege, Colu m b ia
Un iversity I n Ma nhatta n . which the composer intended,
Mr. Reid has made a lifelong and we undermine the entire
in vestigation of the old Italian
teaching methods which first cre­ principle according to which
ated bel canto, to try to resurrect the composer created the
it today. This interview was con­
composition in the first place.'
ducted by Kathy Wolfe on March
13, 1993 in New York City.

Fidelio: Singers are familiar with your could see the larynx. Fidelio: So it's very clear on the organ
books, Bel Canto and The Free Voice, Unlike today, the concept of vocal j ust what a new register is ? And this
but would it be possible to summarize registers, registration, was the basic phi­ concept of register, and shift from one
your basic precepts for the interested losophy and understanding upon which register to a distinct register, has been
layman ? the old Italian teachers operated and clear for hundreds of years ?
Reid: They 're simple. I got i n to this built their entire system, throughout the Reid: Yes, I pul1 out the stop and
because I was disenchanted as a voice era of high bel canto in the eighteenth mechanical processes g o o n which put
student with poor instruction years ago, and early nineteenth centuries. I n fact air into different pipes, and the charac­
so I started reading boo k s , a n d read the only dispute prior to Garcia's inven­ ter of the pipes, their shape and dimen­
back into the bel canto era, and discov­ tion, was whether there were two regis­ sion produces a particular tone quality.
ered there w e r e c o m m o n p r i n c i p l e s ters, or three. So a register is really a mechanical
bel ieved b y t h e teachers of t h e time, The whole idea of the term register action. And therefore, what is common­
rather than today, when teachers "do is t h e s a m e as t h e y h a d in t h e o l d ly believed today is incorrect, that i s ,
their own thing." organs, which w e still have i n the organ that tone quality, pitch range, sensation,
today, in which you change the register. are causal or occur by themselves. None
Fidelio: You discovered what appeared T h i s is done by p u l l i n g out the stop, of those things are causative, j ust as the
to be a universal principle ? pul1ing a lever which triggers a sounds which come out of the organ are
Reid: O h , absol u t e l y . I n m y new mechanical action, as a result of which, not caused by those things.
D i c t i o n a r y o f V o c a l T e r m i n ology I a i r is s e n t th rough a d i ffe r e n t set of The causative factor obviously is the
describe how the basic Italian method pipes. There is a physical mechanism in mechanical process according to which
went to Germany, to France, England, the i n s t r u m e n t w h i c h , w h e n c a l 1 e d I ' v e pulled out a stop and activated a
and all over the world, and that those upon, activates a different set of pipes, particular pipe. So, therefore, instead of
p r i n c i p l e s were i n ta c t u n t i l M a n u a l which produce a different tone quality, considering the registers to be sensa­
G a r c i a i n v e nted the lary ngoscope i n the product of the different shaping of tions, vibrations in the head, for exam­
1 8 5 4 , w h e n for the fi r s t t i m e people pipes, and their size and dimensions. ple, or pitch ranges, higher or lower in


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the tone compass, a register is actually a That i s very simple. Once you put make all sorts of sounds without telling
muscle system. them together, i n the m i d d l e portion them how. But should we ?
There are only two such muscle sys­ where the register shifts or breaks, the The voice functions either within its
tems in the larynx: the cricothyroids, two combine their textural and qualita­ law, nature's l a w , or beyond its law.
and the arytenoids. They are both sup­ tive properties, and they create a third And when it's beyond its law, then you
p l i e d w i th s e n s o r y and motor n e r v e quality, to the ear. p a y t h e p e n a l t y . It d o e s n ' t m a t t e r
impulses, as is much of the respiratory whether it's your living habits, o r your
system, by the Vagus nerve. The func­ F i d e l i o : P e r h a p s t h a t ' s why the o l d singing habits, or your reasoning habits.
tion of the cricothyroids is exclusively school often called t h e middle register This thing we sing with is an organ­
confined to regulating pitch, and they the "center of the voice " ? ic system. And an organic system does
are innervated by the superior branch of Reid: Quite possibly. Now coming back what ? It reacts to environmental pres­
the Vagus nerve. But the Vagus nerve to Manual Garcia, after he invented the sures. As I wrote in the essay, to me a
splits off, and its second lower branch, laryngoscope, he looked in and thought beautiful tone is no different in princi­
which is the longer branch, goes down he saw three distinct physical conforma­ ple than a beautiful rose that blooms on
under the aorta and up to the larynx, tions of the vocal folds, and that started my rose bushes when I am at my place
supplying the remaining muscles a debate which became a source of error.
including the arytenoids. He did not recognize the fact that a reg­
From that we can extrapolate two i s t e r is a m u s c l e s y s t e m , b e c a u s e h e

'The voice functions either within its law, nature's law, or
beyond its law. And when it's beyond its law, then you
pay the penalty. It doesn't matter whether it's your living of
Vocal Terminology
habits, or your singing habits, or your reasoning habits.
There is a certain arrangement, in certain compositions,
of pitch, intensity, and vowel combinations, which is
congenial to the vocal ease of the vocal organs.'
Cornelius L. Reid
things: the two registers are the two c o u l d n o t s e e a n d t h e r e fo r e d i d n o t
muscle systems, each of which is sup­ know at that time that the actual muscle
plied with neurological impulses by two systems were only two.
different branches of a nerve.
Second, although the cricothyroids Fidelio: How does the rising modern
and arytenoids are both intrinsic mus­ pitch affect the registers ? Does it cause a
cles of the larynx-that is, these muscles problem ?
w h i c h control the v o c a l fol d s [ v o c a l Reid: As with all natural laws, you can in the country. It is the product of care­
c o r d s ] a r e i n v o l u n t a r y m u s c l es­ go a l ittle bit this way and a little bit that ful cultivation and that which is organi­
because, h o w e v e r , t h e V a g u s n e r v e way without damaging the fundamental cally correct relative to the environment
branches off into two, w e have the abili­ functioning. But the question which I to which it has been exposed.
ty, to isolate the crycothyroids from the c o u l d n ' t a n s w e r before w a s : to w h a t So then you say, what is the vocal
arytenoids, to access the one or the other extent ? A n d certainly y o u a r e right, that e n v i ro n m e n t ? E v e rybody k n o w s i t ;
muscle system. We also have the option if you h a v e m u s i c t h a t ' s w r i tten, fo r everybody knows that this piece is vocal
of putting them together and teaching example, if Verdi wrote it, in a certain and this piece is unvocal and therefore
t h e m h o w to w o r k toge t h e r , e v e n context, and a certain pitch range, difficult. But there is a certain arrange­
though they are absolutely, totally invol­ then . . . ment, in certain compositions, of pitch,
untary, and two totally separate muscle intensity, and vowel combinations,
systems. Fidelio: You can't j ust change it arbi­ which is congenial t o the vocal ease of
Now: if there are only two branches trarily ? the vocal organs.
of the Vagus nerve, which supply only Reid: W e l l you c a n , but ought you ?
two m u s c l e s s y s t e m s , h o w do we Talk about vocal textures. We could do F i d e l i o : And has t h i s o v e r a l l v o c a l
account for all the masters who heard this arbitrarily. I could pull out stops environment been affected b y t h e big
three registers ? with my pupils and I can make them problem we have today of rising pitch ?

Reid: Frankly, I j ust recently became gotten the book from you. That made they should be sung and played at the
consciously aware of it as an issue when me aware of it. And I was doubly inter­ original pitch.
I read the Schiller Institute's Manual on ested because she got friendly with one O n e of t h e t h i n g s I r e l a te to m y
Tuning and Registration . My concern of the oboists in the orchestra, and said pupils is the fact that when you sing a
was reinforced, because I had a pupil that the oboist, too was com p l a i n i ng m u s i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n , be i t a s i m p l e
who sang the Kaiserin in Austria at the about h a v i n g a t e r r i b l e t i m e getting song, you orchestrate i t with your
Salzburg Music Festival last summer. through the performance. The oboist's voice. A n d you can only do that if you
That goes from low G to C# and then a embouchure, her lips, were so disturbed understand how to utilize the different
sustained D-al l in the space of about by having to put that excessive tension registers.
five m inutes of singing. Now George into the playing, that she said she simply I f we vary the pitch from the origi­
Solti was the conductor, and Solti took could not both play a ful l rehearsal in n a l , the human singing registers w i l l
the orchestra up to 448 Hz. She said it the afternoon and then play the perfor­ shift in different places from that which
was just too difficult to sing. mance at night. the composer had intended. We thus
This happened to her j ust after I had So that's what put it in my mind; I undermine this entire principle, accord­
ing to which the composer has created
the composition in the first place.
In great classical compositions, each
musical line, each individual pitch has a
specific emotional quality in the human
voice, which is distinct from every other
s u n g n o t e . E a c h p i t c h has a s p e c i fi c
emotional i mpact on t h e l istener. The
human voice when i t sings a Bb has a
textual quality, an emotional quality,
w h i c h i s d i s t i n c t fr o m that o f a B � .
CRICO-APYtENOIO Thus, of course, i f the composer writes
something a t a certa i n pitch, and we

'U nlike today, the concept of vocal registers,

registration, was the basic philosophy and
understanding upon which the old Italian teachers
built their entire system throughout the era of
Metro SoprAn.
high bel canto. The idea is the same as in the organ:
you change the register by pulling out the stop,
hohtr &,nm.
pulling a lever which triggers a mechanical action.
There is a physical mechanism in the instrument
which produces a different tone quality.'

quite agree. If the texture that the move the pitch around, either up-or
composer had in his mind was the down-we destroy the composer ' s
Thllilrt.-'I'enor. texture when the tuning pitch was intentions. And therefore a s Verdi said,
thus and so---a nd then you raise the we cannot have a situation where the
pitch four or eight hertz or more, note which is called A in Paris, should
you get to the point where the tex­ become a Bb in Rome.
t u r e t h a t he h a d in m i n d i s This is integral to the poetic singing
destroyed, because the voice pro­ of a text. One of the most i m portant
"'Wit« 1 t lknHlIISu\I,j/.ing tJ� rdal/I'e fXH!ltiOAA tlfthe. dJi:Sl. fmsclw IUtfl heMd .wee t'l Ute fmm! nwRl', N/JlJrlt'd
� � c#rly WTilC:.-H U;; flt'fng apl)Ik.�hlj;) to IIJI wjk�' Iypes, male ft.lld (flYlm DMt'i/I, G�It<.'la'.. �hu!C, duces another texture at the higher p r i n c i p l e s fo r the singing student to
Kkr 01... Kun!>1 � Go:••o.dg...., )
pitch. learn i s that, j ust a s a conductor w i l l
Illustrationsfrom "A Dictionary of Vocal The works of a great composer orchestrate t h e string voices distinctly,
Terminology. " cannot be transposed, and therefore to create a dialogue as heard against the

wind voices a n d so o n , so the s i nger right, has the right textural properties sound as textures which have their own
must orchestrate the interpretation of an for the given pitch ranges, and the com­ emotional quality.
aria, such that the many hues and tex­ poser has written music that brings out And this is one of the reasons why
tures of the human voice create differ­ those properties, and demands for its you don't get many people who can sing
ent musical voices. These different poet­ expression those particular textural a song and really move you.
ic voices are based on the d i ffe rence properties, those a r e the properties that
between the various vocal registers, each elevate the meaning of the composition Fidelio: When you teach, do you talk
of which are produced by distinct physi­ fa r above the l i te r a l m e a n i ng of the about this with students ?
ological means. words themselves. Reid: Sometimes I do. If they're inter­
I f you do that and the voice is free esting or if a point comes up and I feel it
enough to do it, then you end up with Fidelio: As Keats said, "heard melodies appropriate.
the texture and the quality that the com­ are sweet, but those unheard are sweet­ But almost everything I've ever
poser had in m i n d , and also th rough er." Also sometimes described as learned o r written about comes out of
that you have basically a sense of the "singing i n between the notes. " my experience at the piano, teaching.
feeling that he had at the same time. So Reid: Yes. T h i s is i m portant. I n I t ' s a l l things I've thought about that
instead of this modern "brighter" feel­ Japanese philosophy there i s that which came out of the experience of teaching.
ing, he wanted something different, for is called the ma, which has to do with Because, theoretically, you can teach
example, a warmer feeling. That's the the space between . And that's what's somebody to sing, which is not the best
way the music was supposed to sound. important. What happens in between. It way of doing it, because it's emotionally
It's j ust texturally wrong, to forget can be silent. threatening to the pupil, and he m ight
what the composer wants. The com­ W h a t happens in that moment of e v e n t h i n k y o u ' r e an i d i o t and don't
posers that w r o te fo r t h e v o i c e a n d
wrote well knew that, for example, o n a
certain pitch and a certain vowel, at a 'Just as a conductor will orchestrate the string voices
certain l e v e l of i n t e n s i t y , w i t h i n the
framework of the phrase, that vowel, to create a dialogue against the wind voices, so the singer
that pitch and that intensity and that must orchestrate the interpretation of an aria, such that
tonal texture were exactly right for con­
the many hues and textures of the human voice create
veying the emotion that was contained
within the phrase. different musical voices. These different poetic voices
Now, since, j ust as when you raise are based on the difference between the various
the tuning pitch of the piano or the vio­
l i n , you make the tone brighter, so vocal registers, each of which is produced
when you raise the tuning pitch for the by distinct physiological means.'
voice singing that same composition, the
higher tuning takes away and diminish­
es those textural properties. So, forget­
ting the fact that it was not what the silence has more to say than the music have any ideas.
composer intended, the real point of itself. Because even beyond music, it is But theoretically, you don't have to
importance is that the emotional content the unspoken word that has so many converse any more than you do coming
that's present in the tonal texture as the d imensions that i t can't even be mea­ back to the rose on the rose bush. You
composer heard it, the l istener is sured or put down in terms of music. don't have to tell the rose bush how to
deprived of the emotional experience Recently I heard an interview on the grow. And you don't have to tell the
that comes out of identifying with that radio about this nonsense: It's all in the bloom how to bloom. And you really
content. word s . Wel l , that s i m p l y means that don't have to tell people how to sing.
anybody can sing a beautiful song recital Because what you can tell about it, that,
Fidelio: What's the effect on the com­ because a lot of people can stand up and it is not.
pose r ' s i n te n t i o n t h a t c e r t a i n poetic recite the words quite beautifully. But
statements be heard ? it's done i n such a way that there's a Fidelio: And yet somehow you have to
Reid: I n great m u s i c the poetry i s supposition that Schubert never wrote communicate it.
enhanced because the verbal text has a m u s i c that was r e a l l y worthwh i l e to Reid: Well, I communicate in the same
given meaning. But the verbal text­ stand by itself, that there's no such thing w a y . I put my rose b u s h not o n the
t h i s goes a ga i n s t w h a t e v e r y b o d y as musical form, there's no such thing as north side of my house up in the coun­
believes today, but this is true, take m y sensitivity for phrasing, there's no such t r y , w h e r e the w i n d s a r e b r u t a l a n d
word for i t-the verbal text is illumi­ thing as an artistic commitment to the attempt t o kill i t . I p u t it on t h e south
nated because, when the voice sounds making of sound and the awareness of side, where it's protected.


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