Types of Computer

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Name : anabiyah wasi

Father Name : Wasiuddin Siddiqui

School Name : Little Folk’s School
Class : 7th
Section : B
Roll No. : 5
A supercomputer is the fastest computer in the world that can process a significant
amount of data very quickly. The computing Performance of a "supercomputer" is
measured very high as compared to a general purpose computer. The computing
Performance of a supercomputer is measured in FLOPS (that is floating-point
operations per second) instead of MIPS. The supercomputer consists of tens of
thousands of processors which can perform billions and trillions of calculations per
second, or you can say that supercomputers can deliver up to nearly a hundred
quadrillions of FLOPS. They have evolved from grid to cluster system of massively
parallel computing. Cluster system computing means that machine uses multiple
processors in one system instead of arrays of separate computers in a network.
These computers are most massive concerning size. A most powerful supercomputer
can occupy few feet to hundreds of feet. The supercomputer price is very high, and
they can vary from 2 lakh dollar to over 100 million dollars. The supercomputer can
support extremely high computation speed of CPUs. They can operate on pairs of
lists of numbers instead of pairs of numbers. They can support more than a hundred
users at a time.

Analog computer is that computer, which is use to process continuously varying
data. Everything we see and hear is change continuously. This changeable continuous
stream of data is called analog data. Analog computer can be used in scientific and
industrial applications such as measure the electrical current, frequency and
resistance of capacitor, etc. Industrial applications such as measure the electrical
current, frequency and resistance of capacitor, etc. Analog computer that performs
arithmetical operation by measurable quantities, such as mechanical movement, the
rotation of gears rather than by number. In Analog computers, data is transmitted for
its operation in the form of continuous signals, while in digital computers in the form
discrete signals or discontinuous signal. Examples of analog computer are
temperature, pressure, telephone lines, Speedometer, resistance of capacitor,
frequency of signal and voltage etc. The word analog is derived from the Greek Ana-
logon, meaning "according to a ratio." Analog computer use Analog signal that can
be represented as a sine wave or continuous wave and that contains time-varying
quantities. An analog signal may vary in signal amplitude or frequency. The analog
wave's amplitude value is the measure of a wave's intensity, related to the highest
point (called a crest) and lower points of the wave's, while the frequency (time) value
is physical length from left to right.

A minicomputer is also known as mini. It is a class of small computers that was
introduced into the world in the mid-1960s. A minicomputer is a computer which has
all the features of a large size computer, but its size is smaller than those.
A minicomputer lies between the mainframe and the microcomputer because its
size is smaller than the former one and larger than the latter one. A minicomputer is
also called as a mid-range computer. Minicomputers are mainly multi-users systems
where more than one user can work simultaneously. Minicomputer can support
multi-users at a time or you can say that minicomputer is a multiprocessing system.
Also, the power of processing of minicomputers is not larger than the power of
mainframe and supercomputers. These minicomputers can do time-sharing, batch
processing, and online processing. The size of minicomputers can range from 12
inches in width to less than 7. This small size is especially attractive to students
because they can use it anywhere they want. The term minicomputer was come to
know in the 1960s and through that time only the small computers are made by
making the use of transistors and core memory technologies. The first minicomputer
which was developed was known as Digital Equipment Corporation, which was
made by using transistors and it costs from the US $16000.

A server is a computer program or device in the network that provides resources,
data, services, or programs to the client computer such as login requests processing,
files access and storage, internet access, printing access and many other types of
services. This architecture is called the client-server model. Servers are often referred
to as dedicated. In computing, the specialized machine that processes request and
delivers data over a network connection is also frequently referred to as a server.
Servers mostly equipped with extra hardware such as plenty of external memory
(RAM), more data store capacity (hard disks), high processing speed, and other
In the client/server programming model, a server is an instance of a computer
program that provides services to another program on a local area network (LAN) or
a wide area network (WAN) over the Internet, which may be running in the same or
other computers. Servers are often dedicated, meaning that they perform no other
tasks besides their server tasks. A given application in a computer may function as a
client with requests for services from other programs.

Mainframe has shifted from its original reference to the main housing, or frame,
that contained the central processing Unit (CPU) of the compute. In those days, all
computers were big-like the size of a garage and the frame for the CPU might have
been as big as a walk-in closet. Now mainframe refers to the kind of large computer
that runs an entire corporation. While "large" can still mean as big as a room, most
of today's "mainframes" are much smaller, although they're still quite a bit bigger
than a personal computer or even a minicomputer. A mainframe has an enormous
storage space on disk and tape (like thousands of kilobytes, measured in gigabytes),
and an enormous amount of main memory. Theoretically, it works a lot faster than
the fastest personal computer. A mainframe also costs big bucks, from half a million
or so on. In today’s world where all the business, transactions, communications are
real time. So to perform all this task, a powerful computer requires on the server side,
which processes the instructions and provides the output in seconds. According to the
usage of computers in today’s world, we can categories computer in Supercomputer,
Mainframe Computer, and Minicomputer and microcomputer categories. A
mainframe computer is the fastest computer after supercomputer to execute complex
and lengthy calculations. A mainframe computer is more powerful than Mini and
Microcomputer, but less powerful than Supercomputer. A mainframe computer is
used in the large organization. A mainframe computer is a combination of
memory (RAM) and many processors. It acts as a central processing unit for many
workstations and terminals connected with it. A mainframe computer is used to
process the large and huge amount of data in petabytes. It can control thousands of
users. Name ‘Mainframe’ means that a frame for holding a number of processors
and main memory. Mainframe computer plays a significant role in e-business where
hundreds to thousands of people connect to a server to precede their request in a real
time. Mainframes are tended by special technicians who feed them the programs they
run and who scramble around trying to fix them whenever they stop working, which
is often. All mainframes are multi-tasking, multi-user machines, meaning they are
designed so many different people can work on many different problems, all at the
same time.

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