Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Sciences
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
School Grade Level
Grades 1 to Teacher Learning Area DISS
DAILY Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines
The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations
The learners define Social Sciences as the study of society The learner distinguishes Social and Natural
Write the LC (HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-1) Sciences and Humanities (HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-2
code for each
A. References
23Teacher’s Guide
aterials pages
3. Textbook pages
23 Additional
Materials from
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Resource (LR)
23 Other Learning 5888 JOSE, MARY DOROTHY DL. AND ONG, JEROME A. “Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences.” Quezon
Resources City. Vibal Group, Inc. 2016. pp. 5 – 11.
5889 DELA CRUZ, ARLEIGH ROSS D., FADRIGON, CECILE C., and MENDOZA, DIANA J. “Discipline and Ideas in
the Social Sciences.” Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.2016. pp. 1- 8.
5890 Curriculum Guide, DISS. page 1 of 7
0 Reviewing INTRODUCE YOURSELF: REVIEW: (5 minutes) REVIEW: (5 minutes) REVIEW: (5 minutes)
previous lesson (15 minutes) Ask the learners to give a Ask the learners to define Ask the learners to
or presenting Ask the learners to introduce recap about what we social science as a study of define social science
the new lesson themselves and let the discussed yesterday. society. and natural science.
learners complete this Definition of Social
sentence upon introducing Sciences.
“Hello, my name is
_________. The object that
best represent me is a
___________ because
“Hello, my name is
The object that best represent
me is a POCKET WI-FI
because I CAN GIVE AND
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
0 Establishing a Teacher says: “Today, we are PICTURES INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY KWL Chart
purpose for the going to begin our lesson in CONCEPTUALIZATION: WORD IDENTIFICATION Completion
lesson Discipline and Ideas in Social (5 minutes) (10minutes): The teacher (5 minutes)
Sciences.” Ask the learners to give an will ask the students to Directions: Ask the
idea about the pictures identify if the word related learners to complete
Ask the learners to give their projected on wall. to social science or natural the KWL Chart about
ideas/concept when they science. the definition of social
heard the word Social science and natural
Sciences? Biology History science.
Anthropology What I What I What
Psychology Physics Already Want to Learn
Chemistry Political Sci Know Know
Mathematics Zoology
all academic disciplines
which deal with the man in
their social context.
0 A science which deals
with human behavior
in its social and
cultural aspects.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
concepts and minutes) PRESENTATION: (15 minutes): The class will be PRESENTATION (15
practicing new Directions: Divide the class minutes) grouped into two. Each minutes):
skills #1 into 4 groups and choose a Discuss Social group will perform Show different video
leader to explain what their Science as study of society. collaborative learning clips about the
presentation all about, each Ask the learners to answer (brainstorming) about the different cultures and
group will do a role play the following HOTS questions: words presented in the traditions in the
showing the different previous activity. A leader Philippines. Then, let
behaviors they noticed in the 0 How does social science should be assigned for the learners answer
community. related to society? each group to present their the following
(see attached rubrics) 1 What are the roles of social work. The teacher will questions:
Processing of the activity, Let science in the society? serve as the facilitator
the learners give their ideas during their discussion. 1. What are the
and concepts about the different cultures
activity. and traditions in the
Discuss the concept of Social 2. Are cultures and
Science. traditions related to
people? If yes,
0 Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
mastery (leads minutes) (10 minutes) COMPLETION Ask the learners to
to Formative Directions: Choose a partner The learner will be group into (10 minutes): define Humanities.
Assessment 3) and make a slogan showing three. Then, they will ask to fill The teacher will instruct
the relation of Social Science out a concept map showing the learners to complete
in the community. the definition of social science the diagram.
as a study of society.
Processing of output.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
______ 4. Social sciences
perspective can be used to
address issue or problem.
______ 5. Society refers to a
group of people who share a
culture and a territory.
23 Additional ASSIGNMENT:
activities for Teacher will ask students to
application or bring any indigenous or
remediation recycled materials or art
materials about the
community to be used in their
diorama activity for day 4.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to School Grade Level
12 Teacher Learning Area DISS
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different
23 Content Standards
24 Performance Standards The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
25 Learning Competencies/ Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of
inquiry, and methods. (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3)
Write the LC code for each
Define Anthropology, Describe Economics, Interpret Geography, Interpret History, identify the
identify the fields, areas identify the fields, identify the fields, areas fields, areas of inquiry and
of inquiry and methods areas of inquiry and of inquiry and methods of methods of History.
of Anthropology. methods of Economics. Geography.
Introducing the disciplines within the Social Sciences:
23 Anthropology
24 Economics
25 Geography
26 History
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
23 Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
23 Other Learning Resources Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc.,
pp. 20-37
23 Reviewing previous Ask the learners: Ask the learners: Ask the learners: Ask the learners:
lesson or presenting the 1. What are the 1. What are your 1. How do you find your 1. What is Geography?
new lesson differences among insights about budget for today? Have 2. What are the fields of
Social Science and yesterday’s lesson? you already planned Geography?
Natural Science and Establish the relevance how to manage it 3. Give a practical
Humanities? of anthropology as a wisely? application of Geography?
social science
(5 minutes) (3 minutes) (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
23 Establishing a purpose Teacher will present a GROUP ACTIVITY: GROUP ACTIVITY: From the assignment, the
for the lesson picture of man’s SOUNDS LIKE teacher will distribute paper
evolution. Group the class into five strips among learners and
Process questions: (5). The learners will be require them to write the
1. Are you familiar with grouped into five. news headlines that
the picture? List down 10 things Each group will be given happened on their
2. What element/s of the which you can’t live a chance to pick a set of birthdates. Then, the
picture captured your without. words that sound like learners will post it in the
attention? The groups will present specific geographic blackboard.
3. What branch of social to the class. features through their
science is responsible group representative. (3 minutes)
for this picture? (7 minutes)
Set of words
(5 minutes) 1. Mt. Everest= Mouth-
Eve- Rey- East
2. Sahara Desert= Saw-
Hour- Add- East- Earth
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
3. Pacific Ocean= Pass-
Safe- Pick- Oust- Sun
4. Bermuda Triangle=
Bear- Mode- At- Try-
5. Palawan= Foul- Awe-
(6 minutes)
examples/instances of DISCUSSION: QUESTIONS:
the new lesson SOCSCI PUZZLE Each group will describe 1. What happened on your
The learners will supply Each group will classify the completed set of birthday? or What was
the letters to reveal the what among the listed words Mt. Everest, happening on the day
meaning of things falls under the Sahara Desert …) then that you were born?
Anthropology. needs or wants. present it to the class 2. Share your insights
The learners will present about your birthday
(5 minutes) it to the class by group. (10 minutes) headline.
3. Which branch of Social
(8 minutes) Science does our
activity represents?
4. Define history?
(15 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
D. Discussing new concepts GROUP ACTIVITY: The teacher will ask the Based from the learners’ The teacher will discuss.
and practicing new skills #1 learners: analysis of the activity, History has different fields.
SOCSCI SORT 1. What is your own learners will be asked. Accomplish the Wheel
The learners will sort the ideas regarding 1. What is your idea Graphic Organizer by
pictures into the three Economics? about Geography? identifying the various
branches of branches of History that
Anthropology The keywords that may Elicit as many ideas as deals with the given
(5 minutes) arise will be written by possible from the themes, examples, or
the teacher on the board students interests. Write at the
to come up with a center your answer.
definition of Economics. Teacher then clarifies Example: Islam,
what Geography is. Christianity, Buddhism,
(10 minutes) Zoroastrianism, Hinduism
(10 minutes) = _____________ History
Different fields: Diplomatic,
Economic, Asian, World,
European, Environment,
Military, Legal, Cultural,
Modern, Women
(10 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
5888 Discussing new concepts The teacher will discuss The teacher will present The teacher will use COMPLETE THE
and practicing new skills #2 the methods used in a graphic organizer that power point presentation ANALOGY:
studying Anthropology shows the relationship of for the discussion about Scientist: test tube
Microeconomics and physical and human Teacher: chalk
(10 minutes) Macroeconomics. geography. Historian:
(10 minutes) (Presentation contains ______________________
pictures of different land Processing Questions:
forms and bodies of 1. What is the connection
water such as, Mt. between word-pairs?
Everest, Cordillera, 2. What is the tool of a
Bohol, Baguio, historian?
Tagaytay, Sahara 3. Why is a historian like a
Desert, Bodies of water detective?
such as Pacific Ocean, 4. What is Historiography?
coastal areas, rivers, 5. Differentiate primary
lakes etc.) sources from secondary
(5 minutes)
(10 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
0 Developing mastery GROUP ACTIVITY: CLASS ACTIVITY: GROUP ACTIVITY: The teacher will require
(leads to Formative Group Scenario PICK N STICK HUMAN TABLEAU learners to accomplish
Assessment 3) The teacher will assign The learners will In groups, learners will a worksheet. (See
each group to the classify words written perform human activities attachment)
different branches and on meta cards and post referring to a certain
let the learners relate it it on its corresponding place such as hilly, (3 minutes)
to the different methods field of Economics. mountainous, coastal,
used in Anthropology. rivers, lakes to show
(5 minutes) their way of life.
(15 minutes)
(8 minutes)
0 Finding practical The teacher will present Cite specific situation in Teacher will ask “How Do you find History useful
applications of concepts another scenario to the your life where you can does your environment to your daily lives? Why did
and skills in daily living learners: “If you are an apply the principles of affect your way of living? you say so?
anthropologist, what Macro and (5 minutes)
specific Filipino tradition Microeconomics. (3 minutes)
will you be interested (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
0 Making generalizations and The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask From all of the During this past week, what
abstractions about the learners about the the learners about the aforementioned, what were the hottest issues that
lesson definition, branches and definition and fields of is your understanding the different fields of
methods used in Economics. about Geography? History examined?
studying Anthropology
(10 minutes)
Answers: Answers: Answers:
23Anthropology is the Economics seeks to Geography is the study
study of humankind understand people’s of the features of the
243 branches: Physical activities concerning earth and the location of
or Biological, Cultural, production, distribution living things on the
and Archaeology and consumption of planet. It is divided into
goods and services. two main branches- the
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
3. Methods: Physical Geography and
Ethnography, The two fields of Human Geography.
Participant Economics are
Observation, Interview, Microeconomics and (3 minutes)
Focused group Macroeconomics.
discussion, life history
method, ocular (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning The teacher will ask the CONCEPT MAPPING: Paper and Pencil Test Final
learners to accomplish ECONOMICS (10-item quiz) Complete the sentence
the 5-3-1 Chart prompts.
(5-Methods, 3-Braches, Expected output: Definition, Etymology,
1-Definition) (Needs, Wants, Branches of Geography History is the study of
Microeconomics, ________.
(5 minutes) Macroeconomics) (7 minutes)
Among the fields of History,
(5 minutes) I am interested at _______
History because I’m
fascinated with
An example of primary
sources that I will deal with
_____________ History
are ________________.
An example of secondary
source that I will deal with
_____________ History
are ________________.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
(10 minutes)
J. Additional activities for The teacher will ask the
application or remediation learners to search the
internet for a significant
event that happened
during the day of their
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to School Grade Level
12 Teacher Learning Area DISS
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different
23 Content Standards
24 Performance Standards The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
25 Learning Competencies/ Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of
Objectives inquiry, and methods. (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3)
Write the LC code for each Define Linguistics, Describe Political Interpret Psychology, Interpret Sociology,
identify the fields, areas Science, identify the identify the fields, areas identify the fields, areas of
of inquiry and methods fields, areas of inquiry of inquiry and methods inquiry and methods of
of Linguistics. and methods of Political of Psychology. Sociology.
Introducing the disciplines within the Social Sciences:
II. CONTENT 23 Linguistics
24 Political Science
25 Psychology
26 Demography
A. References
2. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
23 Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
B. Other Learning Resources Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc.,
pp. 20-37.
23 Reviewing previous Ask the learners: Ask the learners: Ask the learners: Review on their
lesson or presenting the 23 What are the 1. What have we 1. Where do you think knowledge of the previous
new lesson different disciplines of discussed yesterday? the word Psychology lesson (Psychology).
social science that have came from? Guide question:
been discussed last (3 minutes) 1. In your own words, how
week? (3 minutes) will you define
(3 minutes) 2 Is Psychology important
in our daily life? How?
(5 minutes)
23 Establishing a purpose PINOY HENYO: In a ¼ sheet of paper, Teacher put meta cards
for the lesson Teacher group learners learners will write their (with respective fields or
Group Activity
into five (5); each will answers for the areas of discipline) in one
Group the learners into
have two representatives following: specific table; then ask
five (5).
to guess a word 1. Give 3 descriptive learners randomly to pick
Each group will pick a
particularly political icon. words of: the meta cards and paste
strip of paper with a
E.g. Pres. Duterte, a. LION it into the board where
statement written on it.
Governor Umali, etc. b. EAGLE they categorized
Representative of
c. OCEAN (Sociological or
each group will read
(10 minutes) Processing: Demographic)
what is written.
1. Answer to the first
The teacher will ask
pertains to how the (5 minutes)
the following questions:
person sees
23Do you understand
what is written on the
2. How others see
24 What do you
think is the language 3. Perspective in life
used in the statement
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
23 What do you (10 minutes)
think is the reason why
we have many
24 Where does
language came from?
(10 minutes)
23 Presenting Guide Question: Who The teacher will deliver Group the learners into 2
Group Activity:
examples/instances of are those a lesson that will tackle and with the aid of
the new lesson WEB MAPPING personalities? What is the goals and key Concept Pattern
Form a word map
common among them? concepts of psychology Organizer, each group will
using the word
identify the similarities
LIGUISTICS. From the (5 minutes) At the same time, and differences between
words, they formed the learners will be Sociology and
definition of Linguistics
introduced to the Demography.
will then be derived.
branches of Psychology.
(12 minutes)
(10 minutes)
23 Discussing new concepts Group Activity Group Activity Recitation: Presentation of the
and practicing new skills #1 Evolution of Language Directions: Each 5 learners will be lesson: Teacher will
From the previous group doing a role selected to answer the discuss the discipline and
groupings. The learners playing showing the following questions: fields of the latter. Base on
will be asked to: political scenario of 23How are the goals of the above activity.
23Cite 5 Filipino words the Philippines. Psychology related to
and determine their (See attached rubric for varying interests of
corresponding the evaluation). branches of Psychology
translations into Hippie, Processing of the activity,
jejemon, gay lingo, and Let the learners give their The teacher will ask
text language. ideas and concepts about for volunteers after the
Ex. the activity. 5 selected learners. If
Nanay- Ermats there are no more
(Hippie), (10 minutes) volunteers, the teacher
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
mudra (Gay can proceed to the
Lingo)-nnay (Text) next activity.
0 Use the 5 Filipino
words into a sentence (15 minutes)
using the Hippie,
jejemon, gay lingo, text
(15 minutes)
23 Discussing new concepts Discuss the importance
and practicing new skills #2 of the two fields and the
main areas of inquiry and
24 Developing mastery Class recitation in a Teacher will discuss the VIDEO CLIP: Learners The learners will
(leads to Formative form of Board Work disciplines of the social will be presented a analyze demographic
Assessment 3) The teacher will sciences (references: video clip that exhibits data prepared by the
randomly distribute 9 Political Science in the the different teacher and its effect on
words/phrases to the Philippines; A history of a perspectives of people the society.
class. The assigned discipline by: Remegio E. from all walks of life with
student will post it on Agpalo regards to Psychology
the board according to
its classification. (17 minutes) (10 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
(Morphology, Syntax,
and Phonology)
The class will check if
the given answers
are correct.
(5 minutes)
Finding practical Questions to be asked: The learners will choose Learners will write 2-3 From what they have
applications of concepts 0 How do you use any Government position sentences in their learned, learners will be
and skills in daily living language the wish to hold notebook about the asked to write an essay
appropriately in your someday. As a importance of on how they will apply
daily communication? Government official, studying Psychology. these in their daily lives.
(5 minutes) what would be your
priority project? (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
0 Making generalizations and Recitation Recitation: Learners will give a brief In their own words,
abstractions about the The following questions What is Political Science but precise explanation learners will
lesson will be asked: all about? How does it on the quotation: differentiate Sociology
⸀Ā our society? “We know what we are from Demography.
ᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀ0 Wh Political Science deals but not what we may
at is Linguistics all with the systems of the be.” –Ophelia in Hamlet
about? government, and the
Ȁ⸀ĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀ analysis of political (7 minutes)
ᜀȀĀȀ⸀ĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀ activities, political
ᜀĀᜀĀ1What are the thoughts and political
three fields of behaviors.
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Like or Unlike Five items quiz: True or Short Quiz
Teacher will read False The teacher will
statements to the class show pictures/ scenarios.
and learners will identify The learners will identify
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
if the statements are whether the picture /
correct or not by raising scenarios concern
0 thumbs-up and political science.
thumbs- down.
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to School Grade Level
12 Teacher Learning Area DISS
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.
B. Performance
The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
C. Learning Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods.
Objectives The learners compare and contrast the various The learners race the historical foundation and social
Write the LC code for Social Science disciplines and their fields, main context that lead to the development of each discipline
each areas of inquiry, and methods (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb- (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-4)
A. References
0 Teacher’s Guide
0 Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
23Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
23 Other Learning 23 Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp.
Resources 20-37.
24 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DSIdaTSG2Gg
23 Reviewing previous Ask the learners: COMPARE AND Matching type:
lesson or presenting Enumerate the CONTRAST: On the column A are the
the new lesson different disciplines Compare and contrast the social science disciplines
of Social Science various social science (Anthropology,
disciplines and their fields, Economics, Geography,
(5minutes) main areas of inquiry, and and History). On the
methods using a Venn column B are the historical
diagram. There will be four (4) foundations of each
sets of Venn Diagram. The discipline (time, date,
class is divided into four (4) place, event, and people).
groups; each will be given The students will match
metacards containing each description to what
descriptions of various discipline it belongs.
disciplines. Each group will
work on their assigned
diagram. Finished work will
be posted on the board and
group representatives will
explain it. This activity will last
for 10mins.
Establishing a Think- Pair- Share Short Video presentation: The teacher play a
purpose for the Direction Teacher will present the short dialectical song (e.g
lesson Student will look for a video entitled " An Animated Manang Biday) Student
partner. Introduction to Social will be asked 1. What is
They will be instructed Science" message of the song? 2.
to ask each other (4:35 minutes) Where the song came
about their from? 3. Who are the
Government officials in
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
similarities and https://m.youtube.com/watch? that particular province? 4.
differences. v=DSIdaTSG2Gg Upon hearing the song,
The teacher will ask what do you think is the
volunteers to share way of life of the people
their output. leaving in that place?
(10 minutes)
Presenting Photo Analysis Categorizing: Word mapping: (e.g.
examples/instances The teacher will show a What are the different Waray - Linguistic,
of the new lesson photo of Identical disciplines shown on the Governor Umali- Political
Twins. (Richard and video? Picture analysis (old Science, Farming-
Raymond Gutierrez) and new ways). Example: Sociology/ demography.
Question to be asked: Barter system (old) and
Do you think the Banking system (new).
Gutierrez twins The teacher will ask how
have similarities and economics started.
(10 minutes)
Discussing new The class will be Presentation of the lesson: Open discussion of the
concepts and grouped into Eight (8). Teacher discusses the word mapping
practicing new Each group will be historical foundation and
skills #1 collaborating on a social context that led to the
specific discipline. (e.g. development of the latter
group 1 Anthropology. .
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
.) and will be given discipline through power point
meta cards to write the presentation.
following definition and
(35 minutes)
Discussing new The teacher will post a The class will do their group The class will be divided
concepts and Compare and Contrast activity; Each group will show into five (5) groups; each
practicing new Template on the board for a free style creative group will fill-up an info
skills #2 students to accomplish. presentation (e.g. Rap, Song, sheet and will be asked to
Poem, Tableau, etc.) of each create a tabular task
Each group will discuss discipline that will show the sheet.
their output on the class. emergence of each discipline.
(20 minutes)
Developing mastery Each group will choose a Ask student randomly with The info sheet will be
(leads to Formative representative to compare the following questions: discussed in the group for
Assessment 3) and contrast their Who is the father of 2 minutes and afterwards
assigned discipline to Anthropology? will pass to the next
other disciplines of social Why was anthropology group. The activity will
science. developed? continue and end until all
What is the two main parts groups has discussed the
(20 minutes) of History of Geography? entire info sheet. Task
What is meant by history? sheet are expected to be
accomplished after ten
(10) minutes: Discussion:
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Finding practical Recitation: Think-Pair-Share: Reflection: Imagine Life
applications of Ask the learners: What are the anthropological, without language,
concepts and skills in Among all the economic, geographical and leaders, laws, family.
daily living disciplines of Social historical activities at home?
Science, what do you 5mins.
think would be the
most useful discipline?
(10 minutes)
Making generalizations Sentence Completion: Teacher ask student
and abstractions The teacher will ask the class randomly with the
about the lesson to complete the sentence, following question: 1. Is
Anthropology/Economics/Geo linguistic is a science?
graphy/History started during Explain? Is Politics a
________________ in Science? Who first used
Ask the students:
____________ because the term politics? Who
What is the significance of created the term
___________. Example:
studying Social Science? Psychology? How did
Economics started even
before the ancient time in psychology developed as
(5 minutes)
early civilizations because a science? Explain? What
during that time, people have sociology all about? Why
needs to be satisfied. They do we need study
started producing goods at demography? Explain?
the same time, exchange
goods with others.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
name, Time/Date, Place, discipline occur from the
People, and Event. perspective of history.
J. Additional activities
for application or
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to 12 School RAMON ENRIQUEZ HIGHSCHOOL Grade Level 11
LOG Teaching Dates and AUG-12-15 Quarter 2ND
Time 10-11
0 Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of Key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences
C. References
Teacher’s Guide
Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
0 Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)
Other Learning Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc.,
Reviewing previous The Teacher will ask the Teacher will ask the Following. The Teacher will ask the The teacher will
lesson or presenting students to give the different 1. Defined structural students write the manifest
the new lesson fields study under the social functionalism What was the lesson function and latent
sciences. 1. What keeps societies yesterday? function on the
(5 minutes) together? How was the lesson board and the
2. What other institutions can discussed? students will give
you consider as having (5 minutes) some examples of
particular function in the these two functions
society? and they will write
(5 minutes) their answer on the
(5 minutes)
Establishing a The Teacher will write the Group Activity. The teacher will post The Teacher will
purpose for word CONSENSUS on the Paper Tower jumbled letters on the board ask the students
the lesson board and each student will Group the learners into 5. Give and some student will What are your
write with his/her own idea each group an equal number of arrange the jumbled letters Strengths and
about CONSENSUS. papers. Ask them to erect a to make it right. Weaknesses? And
(concept map) tower. The highest paper tower (JUMBLED LETTERS) the students will
is the winner of the game. 1. SOCIAL FUNCTION write their answer
2. SOCIAL DYSFUNCTION on the board.
Processing Questions: 3. MANIFEST FUNCTION (5 minutes)
CONSENSUS 1. How were you able to build 4. LATENT FUNCTION
the tower appropriately? 5. SOCIAL EQUILIBRIUM
2. How does the activity relate (10 minutes)
to structural functionalism?
(Possible answer: The
(5 minutes) members have to cooperate in
order to achieve a common
(10 minutes)
Presenting The class will be divided Group discussion. Group Activity.
examples/instances into 5 groups. Each group The students will be divided The class will be
of the new lesson will present role playing that in to four groups. A social divided in to five
shows the role or function structure will be assign to groups and each
of the following in society each group (family, social will share their idea
FAMILY hierarchy, politics and about the Strength
CHURCH sports) The group will and weaknesses of
SCHOOL discuss the manifest and structural
GOVERNMENT latent function of the functionalism using
MEDIA structured assigned to them. “KWL approach”
(20 minutes) After the discussion, the after the group
group leader will share what discussion they will
they have discussed within write their output or
the group. idea in manila paper
(20 minutes) or cartolina.
(10 minutes)
Discussing new Processing questions. (Brainstorming) Processing questions. Processing
concepts and 1. How does each institution The class will be asked to What have you realized questions.
practicing new work in society according to share with their groups their from the activity? What are the
skills #1 structural-functionalism personal experiences about the Why are social structures strengths and
based on the activity? principles of structural and social functions weaknesses of a
2. How important are the functionalism on the assign important in structural functionalist theory
social functions of social institution. functionalism? of socialization?
structure to the stability of 1. FAMILY How do you differentiate What is the
society? 2. CHURCH social functions from defining factors that
3. SCHOOL social dysfunctions?
GOVERNMENT What are the differences separate strength &
MEDIA between manifest and weakness?
latent functions? What are the
(5 minutes) strengths and
weaknesses of this
(5 minutes)
Interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Science.
H. Performance Standards
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches
Reviewing previous lesson Ask the students to give Short review on the past Ask the students to briefly Teacher will review
or presenting the new examples of symbolic- lesson. Ask the students: explain the “Iceberg the rubrics to be
lesson interactionism. 1. Who is the proponent Model”. used in grading the
(3 minutes). of psychoanalysis? Guide question: presentation of
2. Define 1. What is the difference Social Experiment.
psychoanalysis? of the three structure of
(3 minutes) personality (Id, Ego, Video Presentation
and Superego)? of the learner’s
(3 minutes) Social Experiment.
B. Establishing a purpose Teaser Video: “Titanic” Situation Analysis Before moving further to
for the lesson A girl/boy went to the mall to the discussion, the
Teacher will ask question buy school shoes. Upon teacher will ask the
after the video presentation. entering the shoes section, a leaners:
1. What is the video all pair of ragged shoes caught
about? her/his attention. The girl/boy What do you usually do
2. What causes the titanic to was having a hard time to whenever you are upset
sunk? choose between school in a particular situation?
3. Why titanic was collided shoes or ragged shoes.
to the iceberg? (5 minutes) Example:
(7 minutes) You are not allowed by
http://www.youtube.com/wat your parents to attend
ch?v=7=Ff5CS27-Y a party?
How about your
classmates do not
allow you to copy their
(5 minutes)
Presenting Group Activity: Questioning: From the responses of
examples/instances Map Construction: Guide Question: the students, teachers
of the new lesson Learners will be group What was the situation all will inject that those has
into five. the about? specific terms called
Learners will divide and If you are in the same Defense Mechanism.
plot the three level of situation, what will you
awareness using the choose? Teacher will discuss
picture of Iceberg. some of the Defense
Instruct the learners to Mechanism.
discuss among their Projection
group mates regarding Displacement
the division of the Reaction
iceberg. Formation
Learners will present their Sublimation (5
output in the class. minutes)
(10 minutes)
Discussing new concepts Teacher will show pictures Group the students according Teacher will ask the
and practicing new that illustrate the three to their shoes preference. learners:
skills #1 parts of the mind. Group School Shoes From our discussion what
Group Ragged Shoes do you think is the
From the given pictures,
connection of structure of
leaners will be asked to Guide Question: personality to Defense
say “MINE” if it represents Mechanism?
Why did you choose
them otherwise say “NOT”. school shoes? Ragged (3 minutes)
Pictures will be group shoes?
according to the three
level of awareness.
(Responses will be written
Students with the same on the board) analyze the
answers will be grouped answers per group.
together and explain the
level of awareness Discuss the Psychoanalysis
where they belong. by Sigmund Freud
(10 minutes) particularly the Id,
Ego, and Superego.
(20 minutes)
Discussing new concepts
and practicing new
skills #2
Developing mastery Teacher will inject and Group Activity: Group Activity:
(leads to Formative further discuss the Picture Analysis Group the student into
Assessment 3) concept of the three level Group the students into five groups.
of awareness as part of three (3) groups. Ask them to cite one
the psychoanalysis. 0 Each group will be (1) situation
assigned to classify the happened in their life
Discuss brief background different pictures according wherein they used
of the proponent of to Id, Ego, and Superego. defense mechanism.
Psychoanalysis. (5 Students will justify their Let the groups identify
minutes) answers. the Id, ego, and
Rubric Attached superego in that
situation given by the
(9 minutes)
Finding practical applications Are there any instances that Give certain situations
of concepts and skills in you have experience wherein Id, Ego, and
daily living either one of these three Superego are evident?
levels of awareness?
In what particular situation
did you experience these
levels of awareness?
(5 minutes)
Making generalizations and Guide Question: What are the three (3) (Learners will be given
abstractions about the Who is the proponent of structure of personality? five (5) minutes review for
lesson Psychoanalysis? the summative test).
What are the three level of ID- is concerned only with
awareness? Briefly satisfying personal desires.
explain. The actions taken by the id
are based on the Pleasure
Sigmund Freud (1856- principle.
1939)- Jewish background,
though avowed atheist. EGO- the primary job of the
Lived in Vienna until Nazi ego is to mediate/ balanced
occupation in 1938. He had the demands of the Id and
a medical background the outer forces of reality.
wanted to do
“neurophysiologic research”. SUPEREGO- the moral
He had a private practice in arm of the personality, it
nervous and brain disorders. corresponds to one’s
He is the founding father of conscience.
Psychoanalytic theory is a
framework for understanding
the impact of the
unconscious on thoughts,
feelings, and behavior.
Conscious- contains
those thoughts of which
you are currently aware.
Preconscious- stores all
the thoughts of which you
could bring into
consciousness fairly easily if
you wanted to; thoughts that
can be easily recall without
special techniques.
J. Content Standards The learners demonstrate key concepts and approaches in the social sciences.
(5 minutes)
Establishing a purpose for The teacher will The teacher will show Video presentation of the Concept Mapping:
the lesson ask questions: current news regarding important functions of the The students will be
unemployment and major organs to a human asked or cite
Who among you want to underemployment. body and possible examples of Latent
finish a college education? (www.philstar.com) consequences if it dysfunctions from the
malfunctions… following institutions
What are the reasons The teacher will ask
why we want to finish our a question Heart Family
college degree someday? Why does the country Brain School
experiencing increase in Liver Government
The teacher will show number of unemployed Kidney Church/Religion
through power point and underemployed? Lungs Mass Media
presentation the objective
of the lesson regarding
manifest function in The teacher will write Processing Questions:
structural functionalism through the use of 1. what is the function of
blackboard and chalk the the heart? Worse thing
(5 min) objective of the lesson that will happen if the
regarding latent function in heart malfunctions?
structural functionalism
Brain, Liver, Kidney and
(5min) Lungs
Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and approaches in the Social
The learner interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social
Performance Standards Sciences
The learner shall be able to evealuate the strenghts and weaknesses of the approach
0 Learning Competencies/Objectives The learners analyze the social inequalities in terms of class conflict
Write the LC code for each HUMSS_DIS11-IIIg-2
Strength and
Marxism as an
Karl Marx weaknesses of Approach
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the Differentiate consensus Differentiate manifest Give the details about Explain Marxism as
new lesson and conflict theories (2 from latent functions. the life of Karl Marx one of the dominant
minutes) (2 minutes)
approach in Social
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The teacher will Song Analysis: Picture Perfect: Song: “Upuan” by
show the class a real “TATSULOK” by The class will be Gloc 9
object (e.g. bananas) Bamboo divided into 3. A 1. The tile of the
Expected scenario: the particular information song
class will a Group the class into and question about symbolizes
(3 minutes) two groups. Assign Karl Marx will be read what?
one facilitator and two by the teacher. Group
reporters who will who got the correct
discuss the message answer in the least time
of the song. (10 gets the point.
Presenting examples/instances of the new 1.How would you Do you have a Marxism Marxism: Strength
lesson describe the situation? personal experience (PowerPoint and Weaknesses
2.Why do you think this that is similar to the Presentation) (PowerPoint
scenario occurred? message of the song (10 minutes) Presentation)
What did you realize that we have (10 minutes)
after doing the activity? analyzed? How did
Can you give other you cope up with the
situations/circumstances experience that you
similar to this? encountered? Why do
(5 minutes) you think that
situation happened to
you? Do you think
other members of our
society experienced
the same situation?
(10 minutes)
Discussing new concepts and practicing Conflict perspective Class Discussion about Class Discussion
new skills #1 Envisions society as Class Discussion Marxism about the strength
an arena of inequality about the life of Karl and weaknesses of
that generates conflict Marx Marxism
and change.
(8 minutes)
Discussing new concepts and practicing Class Discussion
new skills #2 (5 minutes)
Developing mastery (leads to Formative Picture Analysis: Show (5 minutes) Ask the Debate: Group the T-Chart or a Venn
Assessment 3) an editorial cartooning learners the class into 2. Diagram is presented
about social following questions: Resolved: Should the in the class. Each
inequalities. What are the details Philippine government group will provide the
How can our personal of Karl Marx life increase the daily strength and
and social experiences that led him to minimum wage in the weaknesses of
about social inequality formulate his country? Marxism
help us understand theory? (Rubrics is provided)
others and our society Was there a social
as a whole? (3 minutes) phenomenon that
happened during
Karl Marx lifetime
that motivated him
to formulate his
Finding practical applications of concepts and What do you think are How can our personal Is Marxism still relevant Why do you think the
skills in daily living the reasons why social and social in today’s world? importance of
inequalities exist in the experiences about Support your answer. assessing Marxism in
society? (3 minutes) social inequality help terms of its Strength
us understand others and Weaknesses?
and our society as a
whole? (3 minutes)
Making generalizations and abstractions How can you relate What do you think are Why did Marxism exist What are the positive
about the lesson conflict theory to Karl the reasons why as one of the points of Marxism?
Marx? (3 minutes) social inequalities dominant approaches What are the
exist in the society? in Social Science? negative points of
(5 minutes) Marxism?
Evaluating learning Write a one-paragraph Reflection paper: Poster Making: Advocacy Campaign.
essay about the How our society Group the class into 5. Each group will
problems that may result influence or affect an Each group will make present an advocacy
from the existence of individual’s principle? a poster with the campaign supporting
social inequalities. (10 minutes) theme” Marxism in or antagonizing the
(14 minutes) today’s society” usefulness of
Marxism in the
Philippine society
Additional activities for application or Read about Karl Marx remediation Research about
Grades 1 to 12 School REHS Grade Level 11
Teaching Dates and Time SEPT 9-12 (10-11 PM) Quarter 2ND
Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and approaches in the social
The learner shall be able to:
Performance Standards
interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences,
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the approach
Symbolic Interactionism- The learners appraise the meanings that people attach to
everyday forms of interaction in order to explain social behavior. HUMSS_DIS11-IIIh-3.
The learners interpret
The learners explain
personal and social
approaches and
0 Learning Competencies/Objectives The learners interpret experiences using
understanding of
Write the LC code for each The learners define scenario/everyday Symbolic
symbolic interactionism. forms of interactions as Interactionism; and
Interactionism of
a symbolic meaning. evaluate the
various sociologists
strengths and
and advocates. weaknesses.
(10 minutes)
Discussing new concepts and practicing Brainstorming and The learners (by
new skills #1 Graphic Organizer. grouped) randomly
The learners will be share their learning
grouped into five (5). experience outside
Each group shall be the class among their
assigned one group for 5 minutes
symbolic answering these
interactionist. They guide questions:
will be given ten (10) 1. What went well
minutes to make a and not?
graphic organizer on 2. What is your
Symbolic symbolic
Interactionism of the interpretation of
assigned proponent the scenario?
to the group. 3. How was
They will be given interactionism
cartolina/manila portrayed?
paper and art 4. Vote for the first 5
materials in images to be
presenting their presented
work. One or two
representatives will (15 minutes)
explain their output
(20 minutes)
Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
Developing mastery (leads to Formative The teacher collects The teacher throws Presentation of
Assessment 3) inputs from the the following output.
learners using meta- questions: One or two members
cards and marker. How can these of the group will
Learners right down perspectives on share their work
their ideas in one Symbolic randomly.
phrase about the Interactionism be
activities and post it applied in daily The following are the
on the board. (The living in the aspect guide questions:
teacher uses a tarp- of: 1. Why did you
designed graphic a. Culture; come up with
organizer [semantic b. Social Classes; these images?
web], if applicable). c. Societal Aspect; 2. How do you
d. Political Aspect. consider these
The teacher then scenarios/ever
asks the learners: (10 minutes) yday forms of
Based from the interactions as
graphic organizer, portrayal of
how will you symbolic
define symbolic interactionism?
interactionism? 3. What symbols
triggered you in
(15 minutes) interpreting the
(15 minutes)
Finding practical applications of concepts and Does symbolic
skills in daily living interactionism affect
our daily life? Why?
(5 minutes)
Making generalizations and abstractions The teacher calls a The teacher asks The teacher throws
about the lesson volunteer learner to the learners to this question:
recap their learning generalize all the
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Formative Formative Formative Performance Task.
Assessment. assessment assessment. The teacher
Define symbolic Pera o Bayong The teacher presents assesses learners’
by answering in
interactionism these
your salient
Concept: points “How can
his own scenario we
in performance and
journal. (particularly
A=Mead the interpret symbols in
the society which the output utilizing
1. Did you enjoy the common
B= Blumerconcern) day-to-day
students identify how rubrics.
(5 minutes) ofC= Cooley various interactions
symbolic in our
2. What is the most sociologists
D=Goffman and society?”
significant proponents
E= Hochschild of approach is used.
learning in today’s symbolic
The teacher throws (at least three (3)
activity? interactionism.
a statement as the students
(5 minutes) shall
3. Given the inputs student chooses answer the following
from everyone, - George Robert questions)
what Mead- People
considerations cope with the *Symbols are
were considered reality of things interpreted based on
in defining according to the primary
symbolic their experience of an
interactionism? comprehension individual. It can be
of the situation. changed through
- experience in subsequent
given situations. experiences. These
vary from an
(5 minutes) individual’s
perception on these
who among the
described symbolic
J. Additional activities for application or Research on the The teacher presents Log all your
remediation following (with images): and introduce learners records/photos/experi
1. Symbolic grouped performance ences in your journal
interactionism tasks stipulated in the and portfolio
sociologist: curriculum guide. The answering this guide
a. Robert Mead; learners will choose questions:
b. Herbert among the following: 1. Did you enjoy
Blumer; a. Dramatization/rol your
c. Charles e play/simulation; performance?
Cooley; b. Music Video; Why?
d. Erving c. Painting/Photogra 2. Did you properly
Goffman; phy; interpret personal
e. Arlie Russell d. Collage; and social
Hochschild. e. Diorama; experiences
Write/paste them down f. Radio Drama; using Symbolic
on your journal. g. Short Story; Interactionism?
(Note: Bring materials How?
necessary in carrying 3. What are the
out the performance possible
chosen. Learners will strengths,
also make their own weaknesses,
rubrics for grading opportunities,
subject to teachers’ and threats of
ratification. In the symbolic
absence of one, the interactionism?
teacher uses his own (relate to the
rubrics). second
performance task
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
B. Other Learning Resources 1) Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 71
– 74
Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross D., PhD., et.al.,Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc., pp. 55 – 60
Voss, T., Abraham, M., & Sales, A. (2000). Rational Choice Theory in Sociology: A Survey. In S. R.
Quah (Ed.), The International Handbook of Sociology (pp. 50-83). London, UK: Sage
Green, S. L. (2002). Rational Choice Theory: An Overview, A lecture on Rational Choice Theory,
Personal Collection of Green, S. L., Department of Economics, Baylor University, Waco, TX
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask learners: What is the Ask learners: What is Recall previous Written Work: 10-item
presenting the new lesson difference among Id, Ego Rational Choice Theory? session’s lesson through quiz (multiple choice)
and Superego? (2 minutes) matching type. (5 items) covering the topic on
(2 minutes) (2 minutes) Rational Choice
(5 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask: Activity: Loop-A-Word Activity: FACT or BLUFF
the lesson 1.Why did you take the where some of the key which would dwell on
track you are enrolled in? concepts can be found. facts pertaining to social
2.What are your desired Write the formed words sciences in general. (3
goal or outcome, on the board for later to 4 facts)
alternatives and discussion. (3 minutes)
strategies? (8 minutes)
(5 minutes)
C. Presenting examples/instances of Have the students read Video presentation on Picture analyses of
the new lesson a scenario and answer any key concept in situations/instances
the questions that follow Rational Choice Theory where strengths and Learners regroup to
using the worksheet which includes utility weaknesses of the prepare for their
(Under Pressure) maximization, structure Rational Choice Theory presentation.
provided. of preferences, decision- will be depicted. (20 minutes)
making under conditions (2 minutes)
of uncertainty, and the
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Note: Scenario and centrality of individuals
Worksheet on a separate in the explanation of
sheet attached hereto. collective outcomes.
(7 minutes) (5 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask students to share Let students answer As processing
practicing new skills #1 their output. Ask the the following questions, ask the
following questions: processing questions: students:
Did you make the What did the What did the
same choice or video tell you? video/picture tell
decision? Why or What do you think you?
why not? prompted the What do you think
How was the whole (subject) to do as prompted the
experience of he/she did? (subject) to do as
assessing your Finding yourself in he/she did?
options? Was it that Finding yourself in
difficult? Was it situation/instance, that
easy? would you do the situation/instance,
Would you say that same? Why or would you do the
you applied why not? same? Why or
rationality when (5 minutes) why not?
making that final (5 minutes)
choice or
(3 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to Discuss using LCD and Have learners utilize the Cite the strengths and
Formative Assessment 3) projector: K-W-L to arouse their weaknesses of the
Positivist interest on the topic but Rational Choice Theory
Paradigm only up to the K and W, through a Venn diagram.
Rational with the L to be
Choice as one of the completed during the Strengths:
approaches under the evaluation. Weaknesses:
Positivist Paradigm Generality
Heretics’ critique
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
The historical From the entries given Parsimony
context of the Rational by the students, add Sociologists’ critique
Choice Theory the key concepts and Predictive
(25 minutes) the thinkers with their Psychologists’ critique
contributions to the W
column. Political
(25 minutes) Science’s critique
(25 minutes)
(Key concepts were
enumerated above
and thinkers include
Gary Becker and
George Homans.)
G. Finding practical applications of Ask: Aside from your Have learners answer Ask learners: How does
concepts and skills in daily living choice of which track to the question the statement “it is not
enroll in, cite an instance individually and orally: from the benevolence of
in your daily life wherein Why do you help the butcher, the brewer,
you applied rationality in someone in need? or the baker, that we
making a final choice or (Expected answers: expect our dinner, but
decision. Elaborate your because of empathy, from their regard to their
answer by giving not only conscience dictates it, own interest” explain Time for the learners
your choice and the he/she is a loved one rational choice? to present their
option/s available but or a relative, and (3 minutes) interpretations of their
also the reason for your *he/she was rewarded personal and social
choice. Do this on your for helping someone in experiences using the
journals. the past) rational choice theory
(4 minutes) (3 minutes) approach.
(24 minutes - 8
(Expected answers: go *Homans’ groups @ 3
straight home after class Exchange Theory minutes each)
vs. playing
doing household chores
vs. doing the homework,
attending church on
Sunday vs. visiting
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Allow learners to share
their answers with the
class before collecting
their notebooks for
(4 minutes)
H. Making generalizations and Ask learners to answer Guide learners in Ask learners to
abstractions about the lesson orally: answering the following enumerate the strengths
(1) What is rational questions: and weaknesses of the
choice theory? 1. What are the key Rational Choice Theory.
Rational choice refers concepts in
to the idea that social Rational Choice Strengths of the Rational
interaction can be Theory? Choice Theory include:
considered as social 2. Give the major generality, parsimony
exchange, which is contributors and and predictive.
patterned on economic their contributions
action that people are to the rational Whereas, weaknesses
motivated by the rewards choice theory. consist of the critiques After each
and costs of actions and forwarded by the
presentation, ask the
by the profits that they Key concepts in Rational heretics, sociologists,
group: How does
can make at the lowest Choice Theory include: psychologists, and
rational choice theory
possible costs. (1) utility maximization; political scientists.
explain human
(2) structure of (2 minutes)
or preferences; (3)
(4 minutes)
decision-making under
How do people make conditions of
decisions according to uncertainty; and
rational choice? (4) centrality of
According to rational individuals in the
choice, people make explanation of collective
decisions according to outcomes.
what would give them the
greatest satisfaction at Gary Becker
the lowest costs possible. investigated human
behavior and
interactions such as
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
(2) What gave rise to discrimination, crime
Rational Choice Theory and punishment, human
as a dominant approach capital, families, and
in explaining human organ market.
The beginnings of George Homans
rational choice can be espoused the Exchange
traced back to the age of Theory.
reason. (5 minutes)
(3 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning A five-item quiz on the Guided by the teacher, Ask students to draw a Use rubric to evaluate
meaning and historical the students write in the concept map of Rational each presentation.
context of Rational L column of the K-W-L Choice Theory: Criteria for the rubric
Choice Theory. chart. Entries should meaning, concepts, should have been
(7 minutes) include, but not limited description of concepts explained and
to, the key concepts and (10 minutes) discussed at the start
thinkers. of the session. (7
(7 minutes) minutes)
J. Additional activities for application Students are grouped
or remediation according to their
intended mode of
presentation (multiple
intelligences) for their
performance task which
would show their
interpretation of
personal and social
experiences using the
Rational Choice Theory.
(8 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to 12 School REHS Grade Level 11
LOG Teaching Dates and SEPT 16-19 (10-11AM) Quarter 2ND
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of the key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences.
-Animated Infographic
Feminist Theory
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Short Review about Short Review about Checking of
presenting the new lesson Institutionalism Feminist Theory. Assignment:
Cabbage Roll will be The teacher will use the The students will share
used as an activity. strategy their answers regarding
-The teacher will play a “Two Truths and One the assigned poem.
music, and when the Lie”.
music stops, they will The teacher will present (3 minutes)
recite to the class what three statements
they have learned about regarding Feminism.
institutionalism The students will
answer/ find the “One
(3 minutes) Lie” statement.
1. Feminism is the belief
that women should have
equal rights to men.
2. Women are still
represented in a
negative and
stereotypical way.
Feminism advocates
superiority of women.
(3 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for Activity: Guess Who? Activity: Students will be Activity: “The Who”
the lesson divided into two (One Names will be posted on
The teacher will show group for Male and the the board:
pictures of women who other for the Female Heidilyn Diaz
became famous in their students) Jang Geum
own field of endeavor Amelia Earheart
(e.g. Angelina Jolie; The students will work Florence Nightangle
Mother Theresa; as a group and identify Then, the teacher will
Corazon Aquino ; Alyssa their respective roles as ask the students what
Valdez ) a Male and as a Female are the similarities/
individual. characteristics among
The students are tasked the given names.
to describe the women (6 minutes)
and answer how these After that, the teacher
women influence other will emphasize that the
people. names given were
(3 minutes) women who made an
impact in their time and
(5 minutes)
C. Presenting examples/instances of Activity: Picture Analysis The teacher will let the Activity: Video Clip
the new lesson students report in front Analysis
The students will of the class their work. (Excerpted from the
analyze the pictures movie “300” that shows
given and somewhat how men treat women
relate to the new topic during ancient times)
which is Feminist Theory The students will
(5 minutes) analyze the video,
(2 minutes) keeping in mind the
guided questions
What is the video all
What are your
reactions regarding
the video presented?
(5 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will present The teacher will group The teacher will discuss
practicing new skills #1 a short video clip and the students into 5 and gender inequality.
they will be given guided will perform a tableau.
questions The teacher will also cite
Each tableau must show some trends regarding
What is the video all the roles of men and gender inequality in
about? women in the society different parts of the
How did the concept of world.
Feminist Theory started? (10 minutes) Examples:
(10 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to 1. The teacher and the Activity: Picture Analysis The teacher will divide
Formative Assessment 3) student will give the The teacher will present the class into 5 groups.
definition of Feminist pictures depicting the Each group will have an
Theory. concept of Gender assigned task to
2.Using a chart, well Ideology accomplish by means of
known- feminists and (men fulfilling their draw lots.
their significant family roles through
breadwinning activities
contributions will be and women fulfilling Students are expected
discussed their roles through to cite instances of
homemaker and gender inequality in their
(20 minutes) parenting activities etc.) assigned area.
The teacher will School
discuss the concept of Market
Gender Ideology Church
(10 minutes)
H. Making generalizations and How did the How does Gender As a student, how can
abstractions about the lesson feminists create an Ideology affect our you contribute in
impact in society? society? promoting gender
equality? in your own
(5 minutes) family? in your society?
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Activity: Matching Type Editorial Cartooning Essay
0 Content Standards The learners demonstrate key concepts and approaches in the social sciences.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area DISS
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
A. Content Standards The learner understands the key concepts in the Social Sciences rooted in Filipino language/s and experiences
B. Performance
The learner shall be able to carry out an exploration of personal and social experiences using indigenous concepts.
C. Learning
Competencies/ The learners examine the social ideas of Filipino Value the role of interpersonal relations in Philippine
Objectives thinkers starting from Isabelo de los Reyes, Jose Rizal,
culture. (HUMSS_DIS11-IVe-2)
Write the LC code for each and other Filipino intellectuals. (HUMSS_ DIS11-IVe-1)
Institute of Philippine Culture’s Study on
II. CONTENT Filipino Social Thinkers
Philippine Values
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Reviewing previous 4-pics One Word: Present Ask the learners to Charade What are the
lesson or presenting at least four associated recapitulate the lesson Select students will domains of
the new lesson pictures of 6 Filipino yesterday through the activity perform the pakikipagkapwa
thinkers (e.g. Jose Rizal, “Call a Friend” in which the significant role of the according to
Isabelo de los Reyes, teacher will call someone to social thinkers and Sikilohiyang
Pedro Paterno, Andres start the review. After that their classmates will Pilipino?
Bonifacio, Zeus A. learner finished his review he guess who. Why do you think
Salazar, and Virgilio will call someone to continue (5minutes) these are
Enriquez) to the learners the recap and so on. important and
and ask them to identify considered as
their names. (e.g. cover Review questions: What is distinct Filipino
of Noli Me Tangere, our lesson yesterday? How values?
outline of Rizal’s face, was the lesson discussed? (5minutes)
cover of El Filibusterismo, What did you discover?
Luneta Park)
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
(Note: If possible,
contextualize or localize
the Filipino thinkers that
you will include in the
activity and the lesson.)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Why is there a need for
us to understand their
ideas? (2 minutes)
Presenting Provide the learners with . Discussion:
examples/instances handouts containing the . Pakikipagkapwa
of the new lesson biographies of the according to Sikolohiyang
presented Filipino Pilipino (p.188)
thinkers and lessons . 1. Kapwa as ibang tao
about social ideas. (7 . 2. Kapwa as hindi ibang
minutes) tao
Discussing new Class Brainstorming: 1. Show to the learners the Group Activity:
concepts and After giving them time to specific contribution of the 1. Pakikisangkot Perform a creative
practicing new read the text again, (5 given Filipino thinkers in the 2. Pakikipagkaisa presentation showing
skills #1 minutes) Ask the learners society through pictures. (e.g. that you value the
to give the gist of the El Filibusterismo, El Folk-lore (20minutes) role of interpersonal
material’s content about Filipino, etc.) relations in Philippine
the social ideas of each culture. You may
Filipino thinker. (7 2. Ask: What is/ are the choose from the
minutes) relations of their social ideas following for your
to their contributions? presentation:
(Recitation) a. role playing
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
(8 minutes) b. talk show
c. panel discussion
Developing mastery Group Activity Differentiated Task How do interpersonal
(leads to Formative Group the learners into Group the learners into 3 relations affect
Assessment 3) (or 6 if the time permits). (or six if the time is still Philippine culture?
Assign two Filipino sufficient) and assign each
thinkers for each group. with 2 Filipino thinkers. OR
Ask them to complete a Instruct the learners to make
graphic organizer that an analysis or examination of How were
summarizes their the practicality and interpersonal relations
ideologies and the social acceptability of the social practiced in Philippine
ideas. (10 minutes) ideas of these thinkers in the culture? (5minutes)
past and in the present
Ask the learners to community. The following will
present their work in front be the assignment.
(3 mins. per group)
Group 1: (Rizal & Bonifacio)
Present through a debate.
Group 2: (Reyes & Paterno)
Share the details through a
talk Show
Group 3: (Salazar
& Enriquez)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Present through a panel
discussion. (simulation)
Finding practical Processing Question: Processing Questions: How will you apply the
applications of Ask: How can these Ask: How will you apply domains of
concepts and social ideas affect your some of the striking social pakikipagkapwa in your
skills in daily living perspectives in life? (2 ideas of our Filipino thinkers daily life? Cite instances
minutes) in your life? wherein each domain of
(2 minutes) pakikipagkapwa should be
Making generalizations Wrapping Up: Wrapping Up: What are the roles of
and abstractions Ask: Why is there a need Ask: Why do we need to interpersonal relations in
about the lesson for us to determine the examine the social ideas of Philippine Culture?
social ideas of our own our own thinkers? (2 minutes)
Evaluating learning thinkers? (2 minutes) (5minutes)
Reflection 1. Essay Explain the meaning of the
Paper/Learning Log Write: Choose one among the domains of Individual Activity:
Write: Compose a 6 Filipino thinkers. Enumerate pakikipagkapwa with its
reflection paper. Highlight at least 3 social ideas and appropriate translation in Journal Writing Why
the Filipino thinker you examine their significance the English language.
is there a need
like the most and justify based on the practicality and Pakikitungo
to value the role of
at least 2 of his social acceptability of the social Pakikisalamuha
interpersonal relations
ideas you agree with. (5 ideas of these thinkers in the 0 Pakikilahok
in Philippine culture?
minutes) past and in the present 1 Pakikibagay
community. (15 minutes) 2 pakikisama (10minutes)
Provide a scoring pakikipagpalagayang-
rubric. 2. Provide a scoring rubric. loob
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
7. pakikisangkot
8. pakikipagkaisa
J. Additional activities
for application or
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level GRADE 11
DAILY LESSON Teacher Group 4 Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter
Time Fourth
Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in the Social Sciences rooted in Filipino
language/s and experiences.
The learner shall be able to carry out an exploration of personal and social experiences using indigenous concepts.
The learners evaluate the person’s personality using the core values of Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
Write the LC code for (HUMSS-DIS 11-IVf-3)
Evaluate the person’s Carry out an
II. CONTENT Subtask: Define the exploration of personal
Identify the core values personality using the core
nature Sikolohiyang and social
of Sikolohiyang Pilipino values of Sikolohiyang experiences using
Pilipino. indigenous concepts.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Other Learning
Jose, M.D. & Ong, J. A. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. QC: Vibal Group, Inc.
Reviewing previous Review: Call a Friend Learners recapitulate Ask this question: What is Picture Presentation
lesson or presenting The teacher will call yesterday’s lesson through an the core value of Present the learners
the new lesson someone to start the activity: FOREIGNOY. Sikolohiyang Pilipino? with 3 photos that will
review, then he will call Teacher will group the class in represent
someone to continue the 3 and will ask leader to pick Activity 1: Knowing the 8 pakikipagkapwa,
recap and so on. from 3 countries (America, Manners of Pakikipag- kagandahang-asal at
Name distinguished Spain and Japan) students kapuwa pagtulong as kapwa.)
Filipino social thinkers. should identify their influence The class will be divided into Ask the learners (at
What are their in our country in a continuous 5 groups. Each group will least 3) to make a
respective social manner. Next, Students will choose 2 members to recapitulation of the
ideas? (5 minutes) be asked to identify the represent their group in lesson using the 3
characteristic which are doing the first activity. In this photos. (Based on
considered truly Pinoy “tatak activity, the teacher will post the photos, review
Pinoy”. Students will be asked several Filipino manners on the lessons
again to give their idea in a the board. The students’ task discussed yesterday.)
continuous manner by group. is to identify which among of (5 minutes)
(5 minutes) these words are the 8
manners of social interaction
(pakikipagkapuwa) based on
Sikolohiyang Pilipino core
value. After identifying, they
will post it on the concept
map then 2 representatives
will discuss their answer.
Processing questions:
What do you see from the
What does the picture try to
What is common with all the
pictures shown?
(5 minutes)
Discussing new Activity 3:
concepts and Core Values Word Pool and T-chart
Discuss the meaning of Documentary Analysis
practicing new Provide a word pool
Sikolohiyang Pilipino. Kapwa The class will watch the
skills #1 that contains the
documentary film entitled
Sikolohiyang Pilipino or The concept of kapwa (shared indigenous concepts in
“Pobreng Mayaman.”
Indigenous Filipino identity) is the core of Sikolohiyang Pilipino:
Individually, they are task to
Psychology is also known Sikolohiyang Pilipino and (i.e. hiya, utang na
answer the following guided
heart of the structure of loob, pakikisama,
as Kapwa Psychology. questions:
Filipino values. pakikisalamuha, amor
Kapwa Psychology draws What are the qualities of
Pakikipagkapwa means propio, pagaabuloy,
from folk practices as Aling Eli?
treating the other person bayanihan,
much as from modern What are the qualities of
as kapwa or fellow human pagdadamayan,
theory. It perceives no people around Aling Eli?
being. palaksan, etc.)
contradiction between After doing their individual
Two Categories, 8 levels Ask the learners to post
indigenous folk beliefs task, the students need to
of interaction. each word in the
and modern group themselves into 4,
Ibang Tao (outsider) appropriate part of the
psychological concepts then, they will make 2 T-
Pakikitungo: T-chart. (Left: Strength,
and scientific norms. charts (for Aling Eli and the
civility middle: both weakness
It includes in its study the People around her). Using T-
Pakikisalamuha act of and strength, right:
IKSP of healing from the chart, they can list on the left
mixing weakness.)
Babaylan and Albolaryos side all qualities which
(native shamans and
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
healers) as well as the Pakikilahok act correspond with the core Ask the learners to
religio-political of joining value or the 8 manners of explain their responses.
approaches of the Filipino Pakikibagay: Filipino social interaction, The facilitator gives
mystics and folk heroes conformity while, on the right side, they his/her input on the
and other ancestral ways Pakikisama: can list all the qualities which activity.
of knowing. Kapwa Being united with the not correspond to the core (10 minutes)
psychology implies a call group value. They will be given 2
for social action. Scholars Hindi Ibang Tao (“one-of- minutes to finish this task
and students are us”) and after that, 1 per each
encouraged to go to the Pakikipagpalagayang-loob: group will report their activity.
villages to learn from the Act of mutual
people and in turn serve trust
them with the gain Pakikisangkot:
knowledge. Act of joining
(15 minutes) Pakikipagkaisa:
being one with
(10 minutes)
Discussing new Discussing new concepts
concepts and
and practicing new skills
practicing new
skills #2
Examples of Filipino
Hospitality - the friendly and
generous reception and
entertainment of guests,
visitors, or strangers
Utang na loob – debt of
Bahala na – fatalism or
determination and being
risk taker. Bahala na
ang Diyos (God will take
care of us)
(5 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Developing mastery Picture Perfect Spoken Poetry
(leads to Formative 1. Group the students
Assessment 3) Group the class into 5 into 5.
groups. 2. Assign each group
Scenarios will be given with indigenous
you, for you to analyze. concepts.
You will be given 30 Activity 4: HuLarawan The a. group 1: utang na
seconds to process the teacher will show 6 pictures. loob
scenario. Using their understanding b. group 2: pakikisama
Once the time ends, and learning from the and pakikisalamuha
students will freeze discussion, the students’ c. group 3: bayanihan
projecting the scenario task is to evaluate if d. group 4: hiya
Activity: Video clip
given. following pictures show the e. group 5: pagdamay
Identify the Filipino traits core value of Sikolohiyang
One group will act as the
that you observed? Pilipino. In doing this, per 3. Instruct the learners
critic in each scenario.
Why do we need to group, they can say AHA if it to carry out an
study Sikolohiyang During your celebration of is an example of core value, exploration of these
Pilipino? barangay feast, your and AHU if it is not. indigenous concepts by
(10 minutes) relatives from another presenting personal or
place came to celebrate social experiences of
with you. What will you these terms in their
do? most artistic way.
A son/daughter taking care of (spoken poetry) (7-10
his/her parent as a sign of minutes)
giving back for the 4. Present the learners
sacrifices they’ve made. the scoring rubric/s.
Picture that depicts 5. Ask the learners to
“BAHALA NA” Filipino present their output in
values. class (3 mins for each
(10 minutes) presentation).
Finding practical Activity: Recitation Think this Over
applications of As a student how would • How will it be
concepts and
Ask the students: When does
you apply or use when there is
skills in daily living a Filipino Value become
Sikolohiyang Filipino for Activity 5: Pick-a-Pic awareness of the
positive or negative. (5 strengths and
the betterment of your
minutes) weaknesses in Filipino
daily life?
(5 minutes) values? How these
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Each table will choose 1 values help you as
representative and their task a senior high
is to pick or choose one school? (2 minutes)
picture on the teacher’s
table. Afterwards,
they will share
their experiences
on how they possessed the 8
manners or the core value in
the same event or situation.
Making generalizations What is Sikolohiyang Filipino Core Values Activity 6: KAPUWA The Wrapping Up
and abstractions Filipino? Kapwa- concept ofkapwa teacher will post the blank Why is there a need to
about the lesson Why is Sikolohiyang (shared identity) is the man named KAPUWA. By determine the
Filipino considered a core of Sikolohiyang this time, every student is strengths and
Filipino social science Pilipino and heart of the free to write everything weaknesses of Filipino
perspective? structure of Filipino values. they’ve learned from the values? (2 minutes)
(5minutes) Pakikipagkapwameans discussion either manner,
treating the other person definition, or the likes.
as kapwa or fellow human
Hospitality - the friendly KAPUWA
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level GRADE 11
DAILY LESSON Teacher Group 4 Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter
Time Fourth
Carry out an exploration of personal and social experiences using indigenous concepts
0 Learning
Competencies/ The learners explain the significance of using a particular The learners critique dominant approaches
Objectives Write language for discourse using Filipino perspectives.
the LC code for HUMSS_DIS11-IVg-4 HUMSS_DIS11-IVg-5
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Estrope, Carmela R.(2016), Group Kadamay shifts campaign to take over idle units to housing project in
Bocaue town, INQUIRER.NEThttp://newsinfo.inquirer.net/881695/group-kadamay-shifts-campaign-to-take-over-
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
(12 minutes)
Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
Developing mastery Group the learners into Group the learners into 4. Answer this question: There are two stations,
(leads to Formative The groups will The groups will perform a 3- In what ways do the the LIKE and DISLIKE.
Assessment 3) perform a 3-minute skit minute skit. Each group will Filipino perspectives The teacher will
regarding on how apply some informal and differ from dominant present some
language help one to formal words in context. (The approaches? perspectives of each
make a discourse teacher will choose the dominant approaches
successful on the words) (5 minutes) and each student will
following context. choose if it can be
applied to Filipino
business society or not by
school choosing from the LIKE
church and DISLIKE stations.
(7 minutes)
2. Provide the learners a
scoring rubric before the
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Structural functionalism
Ask the learners to sees society as a
present the performance. complex whose parts
work together to
(3 mins each group) promote solidarity
and stability.
Conflict perspective or
Marxism sees
society as an arena
of two conflicting
depends on the
symbolic meaning
developed by
people in the
process of
system deals with
broader studies into
the intricate nature
of mutual
interactions and
feedbacks between
humans on the
environment and
the effect of the
environment on
Feminism promotes the
belief that women
and men should be
treated equally and
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
steps have to be
taken to realize
the goal of gender
(2 minutes)
Finding practical Think this Over Think this Over Ask this question: The teacher will present
applications of Q1: As a social science 5 pictures of social
concepts and How significant is the use How significant is the use of student, what issues. The student’s
skills in daily living of a particular language formal language for approaches/perspectives will task is to choose 1 from
for discourse? (2 discourse? you use by analyzing and these pictures and they
minutes) (2 minutes) examining the society? will try to analyze using
Why? the most appropriate
dominant approach
(5 minutes) suited to this issue.
(5 minutes)
Making generalizations Wrapping Up Wrapping Up Ask the following
and abstractions questions:
about the lesson Why is there a need to be Why is there a need to think Q1: What is the
very particular when it of a proper language for importance of
comes to the choice of discourse? examining dominant
words in discourse? (2 (2 minutes) approaches from the
minutes) eyes of Filipino
Evaluating learning (3 minutes)
Ask the learners to Reflection Paper Read the article
enumerate the entitled: Group
hindrances in Ask the learners to Kadamay shifts
communication and compose a reflection paper campaign to take
the possible solution for the question below: over idle units to
for those problems. housing project in
How does our language affect Bocaue town from
Language the message that we want to INQUIRER.NET.
Hindrances Solution express? Why is the use of Analyze this article
1 specific language significant? using one or two social
2 science dominant
3 approaches by
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
answering the following
4 questions:
Q1: How is this article
relevant to your chosen
Q2: Is your chosen
approach/es suited to
Filipino perspective?
(20 minutes)
J. Additional activities
for application or
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area DISS
LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter
A. Content Standards
The Role of Social Science in the real World.
Illustrate situations and context in which Social Science can be applied.
0 Learning Determine how Social Science can be used to address Recognize multidisciplinary and/or
Competencies/ social concerns. interdisciplinarity as an approach to looking at
Objectives HUMSS_DIS11-IVh-6 society.
Write the LC code for HUMSS_DIS11-IVh-7
each Determine how a certain Understand how Social
profession addresses social Science helps to analyze
concern/s. social problems.
CONTENT Applications and Intersections of the approaches in addressing social problems.
A. References
Teacher’s Guide
Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Sociology: Basic Concepts https://www.youtubejnm Sociology: Basic Arleigh Ross D. dela
Resources and Perspectives Manuel B. p4.com/downloadphp?v? Concepts and Cruz, Cecile D.
Garcia =eli15zfoyVxoHW2AprH Perspectives Manuel B. Fadrigon, and Diana
12ed. Garcia Mendoza,
“Applications and
Arleigh Ross D. dela www.arj.no/2012/03/12/d Intersections of the
Cruz, Cecile D. isciplinarities-2/ Approaches in
Fadrigon, and Diana J. Addressing Social
Mendoza, “Applications Problems”, in
and Intersections of the Disciplines and Ideas
Approaches in in the Social
Addressing Social Sciences (Quezon
Problems”, in Disciplines City, Philippines:
and Ideas in the Social Phoenix Publishing
Sciences (Quezon City, House, Inc., 2016),
Philippines: Phoenix pp. 205-225.
Publishing House, Inc.,
2016), pp. 195-196. Jose Rizal, “Sobre la
indolencia de los
Filipinos” (Madrid: La
Solidaridad, 1890).
Accessed on 12 May
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
A. Reviewing previous Ask the students to explain Ask the learners: Review of the past lesson After reminding the
lesson or presenting the significance of knowing *Give the different about all the disciplines students to arrange
the new lesson how to critique dominant professions that we within the Social Science. their seats and tidy
approaches using Filipino discussed yesterday? up their immediate
perspectives. (2 minutes) Name the disciplines of surroundings, the
What is the the Social Science. teacher checks
importance of using (5 minutes) attendance. S/he
your Mother tongue in briefly asks some
any discourse? students concerning
What is the their understanding
importance of using of multidisciplinary in
Filipino language in the social sciences.
any discourse? (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
B. Establishing a Activity: “Gusto Kong A minute video entitled, Group Activity: - 5-minute video
purpose for the lesson Maging…” “Social Problems in the Metaphor-make introducing the
The learners will be asked of Philippines” will be Meaning(MMM) issue will be shown:
their dream profession and shown in class. Have the students unlock
share before the class. The https://www.youtubejnm the social science by https://www.youtube.
following guide questions will p4.com/downloadphp?v identifying the symbol com/watch?v=UNLQ
be asked: ?=eli15zfoyVxoHW2Apr behind the pictures. NgjOr08
1. What profession do H12ed. Sample pictures
you want to pursue (5 minutes)
five (5) years from
2. Why do you want it?
3. How do you think it
will help the society?
(5 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Processing Questions:
(10 minutes)
C. Presenting A video presentation of Video analysis: (6 “Word within a Word” Activity: Symposium
examples/instances of different societal problems minutes) (WWW Activity) / Panel Discussion
the new lesson will be presented/flashed via 1. Based on the Have the students
LCD projector. video, what are enumerate words that A group of students
*personally, made by the the existing social start with the words multi will serve as a panel
teacher concerns/problem and inter. Then, have a of experts
(5 minutes) s in the generalization. [anthropologist,
Philippines? Processing Question: economist, historian,
Processing Question: 2. What do you Based on the list of words political scientist,
think are the you’ve given, what is the psychologist, &
What is the video all about? underlying causes meaning of multi and sociologist] analyzing
of the problems inter? the issue of the
(7 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
shown from the perceived indolence
video? of the Filipinos.
3. In your own idea,
how can these (30 minutes)
problems be
(6 minutes)
D. Discussing new The learners will be grouped Discussion on the roles Teacher will flash the
concepts and into four (4). of Social Sciences in definition of the
practicing new skills Ask: List down maximum of solving the social multidisciplinary and
#1 ten (10) social concerns. interdisciplinary
concerns/issues that they (10 minutes) approach.
see, observe or experience Have the students
in the society or community Examples: underline the keywords
where they belong in a from the given definition
manila paper and marker to distill the essence of
using a concept map in the the word.
manila paper provided. Multidisciplinary
Approach – The world
Sample Venn Diagram has many different
disciplines each of which
attempts to explain “the
same” phenomena from
their respective
disciplinary viewpoints.
Approach – Looking at
*Learners will choose one to “the same” issue/s from
two representatives in multiple disciplinary
explaining their work and perspectives, in a way
elaborate what they have that tries to integrate or
listed. make holistic sense of the
various explanations of
(10 minutes) “the same” phenomena
that are generated from
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
each of the disciplinary
perspectives. (7
Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
Developing mastery Each group will be given two Create an The teacher asks the
(leads to Formative minutes to choose a authentic Discussion using Venn students: “Were you
Assessment 3) social concern and discuss presentation Diagram. able to see the
its causes and effects based on the Sample Venn diagram differences in the
among the group and identified social perspectives of the
another two (2) minute in concerns from the various social
presenting their work. previous meeting: sciences?” (5
Ask each group to minutes)
The teacher will give make an artistic (10minutes)
additional inputs presentation (role
regarding the causes and playing, poster
effects of different social making, dance,
concerns. song
(10 minutes) etc.) on a
particular social
concern that has
been observed by
each group in
class for 3-4
Each group must
highlight the
roles of Social
Sciences in
solving these
social concerns.
(20 minutes)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
G. Finding practical With the same group, they The learners will write a Ask:
applications of will be asked to present letter to the President, 1.How inter/multi-
concepts and skills in possible solutions to the informing him about the disciplinary approach can
daily living problem by presenting a social concerns that they be applied in your life?
short talk show role playing have identified. The Between the 2
of the chosen profession learners will also approaches, which do
(15 minutes) suggest possible you find more useful in
solutions to the your daily life? Why?
problems. (7 minutes)
(5 minutes)
H. Making Ask: In your opinion, Based on the Create a flowchart using The teacher
generalizations and assuming you already discussions, in what ways popsicle sticks and shape elaborates on the
abstractions about the practice such profession can Social Science help cut-outs to illustrate the following points
lesson today, what would be your in solving the social distinction between the 2 (10 minutes):
role in solving these social concerns in the country? approaches. Social analysis makes
concerns? *The teacher will show an Note: Circles- Social use of the tools of
illustration to summarize Science Discipline the various social
“Social problems can be the lesson Squares- Insights/ sciences to look at
addressed and solved by Solution Popsicle – Lines historical and
simple citizens especially (variation: use rubber structural causes of
those who have (7 minutes) bands) an issue involving
institutionalized professions. Use the 8 popsicle sticks social inequality.
So, everyone is encouraged and the shape cut-outs to The various social
to dream big, pursue those show your understanding. sciences serve as
dreams and participate in You don’t need to use all different “lenses” to
nation-building and solving 8. provide a
the unending problems in the (Sample output: see multifaceted view of
society.” attachments) a single issue.
(5 minutes) Interdisciplinarity
involves multiple
disciplines [i.e.,
social sciences]
working together to
provide a richer
perspective of social
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
I. Evaluating learning Formative Assessment: Formative Formative Assessment: Formative
Make a reflective paper on assessment: Have the students Assessment:
“My Profession and the (10 minutes) accomplish the flow chart. Make an essay on
Society”. Assign one social (9 minutes) “Social Sciences:
concern for each group Different
This may also be considered and causes, effects, and Perspectives”.
as an additional activity for possible solutions of the
application if not finished. following social This may also be
concerns. Choose one considered as an
Rubrics related will be given and identify three issues additional activity for
and explained before. involving the said application if not
(5 minutes) concern. finished.
1. Economic
(rubrics: see appendices) 2. Political
3. Education
4. Environmental
5. Health and
6. Gender Inequality
J. Additional activities for Assignment: Define Assignment: Search for
application or multidisciplinary and the different Social Issues
remediation interdisciplinarity. being observed at the
present time.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area DISS
LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter
0 Content
The role of Social Science in the real world.
1 Performance
Illustrate situations and contexts in which Social Science can be applied.
2 Learning Generate an analysis of a social phenomenon using at least two approaches from the Social
Competencies/ Sciences. (HUMSS- DIS 11-IVi-8)
Objectives Write Generate an analysis of a social phenomenon using Generate an analysis of a social phenomenon using
the LC code for one approach from the Social Sciences. another approach or other approaches from the Social
each Sciences.
A. References
Guide pages
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
from Learning
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Resource (LR)
Other Learning
A. Reviewing What is the role of Social Recapitulate by Recap the previous - How did Groups 1 and 2
previous lesson Science in addressing or answering the KWL lesson: analyze the social
presenting the social concerns? Chart. phenomena presented
new lesson (5 minutes) - How do the through different
What What different perspectives/approaches?
I I do approaches help an
Know not individual analyzing (5 minutes)
know a social
(*Based on the (5 minutes)
responses, give
attention on the things
that are not yet
understood by the
B. Establishing a Video Analysis: Learners will be asked to The learners will be How will the other groups
purpose for the The learners will be sit according to their divided into four analyze the social Phenomena
lesson grouped into four. They group. Each group will be groups. Each group assigned to them
will take view on a short given a news clip/article will be asked to (5 minutes)
video-clip about the about social issues. arrange the jumbled
different social letters to decipher the
phenomena in the Ask: What does that social issues currently
Philippines. picture show? happening in our
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) country.
(5 minutes)
C. Presenting Apart from the short video Students will be asked to The learners will be
examples/instanc clips presented, the give other social issues presented different
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
es of the new students will be asked to related to what the social phenomena
lesson think of other social picture/image depicts? such as:
phenomenon/relevant 1. Teenage
issues that are currently (5 minutes) pregnancy
happening? 2. Anti-Drug
(5 minutes) Campaign of
President Duterte
3. Extra-Judicial
4. Juvenile
5. Territorial Disputes,
(5 minutes)
D. Discussing new * Fill-in the Chart: Let the students analyze The representative of
concepts and Each group will identify the articles given by using the group will pick a
practicing new one social phenomenon at least two Social Science topic and perform an
skills #1 and analyze it by applying approaches. analysis using 2 or
Social Science more social science
approaches. (15minutes) approaches.
e.g. Twist in analyzing: (5 minutes)
Answers will be made
Social Issue through “Collage artwork
and be presented to the
class by each group’s
Analysis Approach/es representative.
(15 minutes)
Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
Developing mastery Presentation of the Presentation of output. Each of the groups Presentation of Groups 3 and
(leads to learners’ output. (scores will be obtained will perform their 4.
Formative through the use of analyses through the (20 minutes)
Assessment 3) Rubrics) following activities:
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Reporting of each group’s (20 minutes) - Infomercial
output will be delivered by - Role-playing
their - Pantomime
leader/representative. - Rap/Fliptop
- Poster/Slogan
Ask: What social Making
phenomena are - Newscasting
presented? - Etc.…
Then, let the learners Representative of
analyze the phenomena each group would
using other approaches. select their activities
(15 minutes) through “fish bowl”
Presentation of
Groups 1 and 2 only
J. Additional Homework:
activities for *Look for and bring an
application or article about the current
remediation social phenomena. Paste
it on your notebook.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
5 - Excellent 3 - Good 1 - Fair Score
Content is not
Content is accurately Content is accurately
accurately portrayed
portrayed as effective. portrayed as effective.
as effective.
Complete coverage of Adequate coverage of
Quality of Content Incomplete coverage
the topic including its the topic including its
of the topic including
strengths and strengths and
its strengths and
weaknesses weaknesses
Scenario was not
Scenario was realistic,
Quality of Scenario
Scenario was realistic realistic, class
class appropriate and
and class appropriate appropriate and well-
Presentation was well
organized. Smooth Presentation was fairly Presentation was not
flow of the transition well- organized well organized
was evident
Presentation fully Presentation engaged Presentation failed to
engaged the audience the audience engage the audience
All presenters spoke Most presenters spoke None of the presenters
spoke with appropriate
Presentation Skills with appropriate eye with appropriate eye
eye contact, gestures
contact, gestures etc. contact, gestures etc.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
5 - Excellent 3 – Good 1 - Fair Score
Content is accurately Content is accurately Content is not accurately
portrayed as effective. portrayed as effective. portrayed as effective.
Quality of Content Complete coverage of the Adequate coverage of the Incomplete coverage of
topic including its topic including its the topic including its
strengths and strengths and strengths and
weaknesses weaknesses weaknesses
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Under Pressure
Instruction: Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow using the worksheet (Under Pressure) provided.
Here is the scenario. You are on your way to an important job interview that is given only to shortlisted applicants which include you. You have waited long for
this job interview and prepared a lot for it. To miss the interview is to miss a very good chance at a job opportunity that you have dreamed of since you were a kid. You
are very excited and hopeful that you will get hired. You are on your way to the job interview when suddenly you receive a call from your younger brother/sister asking
for your help. Your brother/sister seems confused and sounds unintelligible over the phone, and you are worried! To add to your dilemma, your brother/sister is a person
with disability (PWD).
Your questions: What will you do? Would you rush to your brother/sister and forget about the job interview? Or would you ignore the distress call and proceed to
the interview and pretend you never received the call? Or do you have any options?
To help you answer the questions, please fill out the worksheet (Under Pressure) below. Each quadrant (A, B, C, and D) represents a situation wherein you need
to assess your options (strategies and alternatives) and make a choice or decision (action). Analyze and write the advantages (benefits) and disadvantages (risks or cost)
of each pair of options in each quadrant. Make sure that you also analyze the implications of each option to your preferences, and ultimately, to your goal. Once you
complete the table, you should be able to make a choice or decision.
Worksheet 1
Under Pressure
Processing Questions:
Proceed Not Proceed 1. Share your output with your classmates. Did you make
to the Job Interview to the Interview the same choice or decision? Why or why not?
2. How was the whole experience of assessing your
A B options? Was it difficult? Was it easy?
3. Would you say that you applied rationality when
Rush to your brother/sister making that final choice or decision?
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Content The student was able to choose one scenario and was 10
able to interpret personal and social experiences using
one of the three approaches discussed in this lesson.
Analysis Analysis was clear and concise based on the data 6
Organization The paper was well-written with ideas easily conveyed 4
to readers.
Total 20
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Content The content was well-founded with facts lifted from the 10
th th
Organization Work was well-organized starting from the 15 -18 5
century alchemist work until the present-day
advancements in chemistry.
Presentation The presentation was clear with the use of effective 5
audio-visual effects.
Total 20
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Content of Presentation The skit was able to effectively show how the 10
chosen profession helps in addressing a particular
societal issue.
Clarity The thought about the chosen societal issue and 6
the corresponding profession was well-conveyed
to the audience.
Preparedness The group exhibited preparedness with no or 4
minor problems throughout the presentation.
Total 20
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Content The student was able to explain the social issues and 10
analyze them using the assigned social science
Analysis Analysis was clear and concise based on the data 6
Organization The paper was well-written with ideas easily conveyed 4
to readers.
Total 20
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Attachment Number 1: POPSICLE FLOWCHART
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Rubric for Differentiated Task: (HUMSS- DIS 11-IVi-8)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
Rubric for Collage Artwork: (HUMSS- DIS 11-IVi-
8) 10 5
Category 20 One or two of the graphics or One or two graphics or The student did not make or
Creativity Several of the graphics or objects used in the collage objects were made or customize any of the items
objects used in the collage reflect creativity in their customized by the student, on the collage.
reflect an exceptional creation and/or display. but the ideas were typical
degree of student creativity rather than creative.
in their creation and/or
display. Graphics are trimmed to an Graphics have been Graphics are untrimmed or
Design Graphics are trimmed to an appropriate size and trimmed to an appropriate of inappropriate size
appropriate size and interesting shape and are size and interesting shape, and/or shape. It appears
interesting shape and are arranged with some items in but the arrangement of little attention was given to
arranged well, some in front front and others behind. items is not very effective. It designing the collage.
and some behind. Care has The canvass, however, appears there was not a lot
been taken to balance the does not appear balanced. of planning of the item
pictures across the canvass. placement.
Attention to Theme The group gives a The group gives a The group gives a fairly The group’s explanations are
reasonable explanation of reasonable explanation of reasonable explanation of weak and illustrate difficulty
how every item in the how most items in the how most items in the in understanding how to
collage is related to the collage are related to the collage are related to the relate items to the assigned
assigned theme. For most assigned theme. For many of assigned theme. theme.
items, the relationship is the items, the relationship is
clear without explanation. clear without explanation.
Number of Items The collage includes 15 or The collage includes 10- The collage includes 9 The collage contains fewer
more items, each different. 14 different items. different items. than 9 different items.
Titles and Text Titles and text were written Titles and text were written Titles and text were written Titles/and or text are hard to
clearly and were easy to clearly and were easy to clearly and were easy to read, even when the reader
read from a distance. Text read close-up. Text varied in read close-up. There was is close.
varied in color, size and/or color, size, and/or style for little variation in the
style for different text different text elements. appearance of text.
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
(HUMSS- DIS 11-IVi-8)
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga
ALONZO, DARWIN C. Science City of Muñoz GRAFIL, NELITA A. Bulacan
ANTONIO, WILLY M. Malolos City LADAO, LAWTON O. City of San Jose del Monte
AUSTRIA, EVELYN C. Bulacan LEPASANA, LUIS S City of San Jose del Monte
CATALAN, ANA GRACIA G. Tarlac MENDOZA, JIM D. City of San Fernando
CAYABYAB, REYNA ROSE B. Tarlac MINOR, WILHELMINA G. City of San Jose del Monte
ESTINOPO, RHODA J. Olongapo City SUNGA, MARVIN Z. Pampanga
FRANQUIA, ROLLY B. Baler TALON, VICTORIA P. City of San Jose del Monte
GINGA, JONALYN A. Meycauayan City
Prepared by CLASS B during the MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES, May 4-6, 15-20, 22-24, 2017 at the Otel Pampanga, San
Fernando City, Pampanga