Commodity Stacking Guidelines

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Commodity Stacking GUIDELINES

1. Determine how many stacks are needed.

• Make a different stack for each different shipment number.

• Make a different stack for each different type of commodity (e.g., maize, wheat).
• If applicable, make separate stacks for commodity from the same shipment but with
different BUBDs.
• Stack reconstituted commodity separately, by commodity type and shipment number.

(commodity volume) x (MT of commodity)

2. Calculate floor area needed for each stack:
(stacking height in meters)

Volume Maximum
(m3/MT) Stacking Heighta.

bagged grain/beans (50-kg bags) ~ 1.5 4 meters

bagged flour/meal/blended foods (25-kg bags) ~2 m3 3.5 metersb.
edible oil in tins ~ 1.4 m3 10 tins
edible oil in cans (25-kg cartons of 6 cans each) ~2 m3 8 cartons
a.Maximum stacking height depends crucially on the packaging materials (including
outer packages/cartons), the climatic conditions, the equipment used for stacking,
and the skill of the workers. The figures shown are only rough guidelines. Check any
specific recommendations given by the suppliers (and perhaps printed on cartons).
Polypropylene bags supplied by local millers may be irregular in size or shape,
reducing the maximum stacking height.

3. Using chalk or paint, mark out the required floor space for each stack. Allow sufficient space
around the stacks for loading, unloading, inspecting, fumigating, and counting.

• Stacks should be at least one (1) meter from the walls.

• If possible, leave a two (2) meter passage between stacks.
• Do not block access to stacks that have been stored for the longest period of time (as they
will be dispatched first).

4. Apply a residual pesticide to the floor within–and one (1) meter beyond–the delineated stack

5. Lay pallets–all of equal size–in the delineated stack area. (Pallets protect the commodity from
dampness, allow ventilation, and facilitate fumigation.) Ensure the pallets are level and free of
protruding nails or splinters that could damage commodity.

Examples of pallets:


1.5 m

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Commodity Stacking GUIDELINES

6. Set the bottom layer of the stack carefully on the

pallets. This layer is fundamental for maintaining
uniform, stable stacks, and facilitating physical
• Line up bags/containers with pallet edge.
• Place bagged commodity so the “open end”
seam is to the inside of the stack. (If any
spillage occurs, the commodities will fall inside
the stack and not on the warehouse floor.)
• Place oil cartons or tins in the upright position. (warehouse aisle side)

• Place the longest side of the unit parallel to the

longest side of the stack facing outward.
• Interlace bags by alternating the direction of
each row. (bottom layer as seen from above)

7. Construct subsequent stack layers in an orderly manner, so that the quantity of commodity in
the stacks can be easily counted.
• Place the same number of items on each layer.
• Ensure the sides of the stack are flush.
• “Bond” layers (in other words, orient each layer
at right angles to the layer below) to prevent
stack from shifting and falling.

8. Do not exceed the maximum stacking height for the commodity. Also:
• Do not stack whole grains or beans higher than 30–40 layers.
• Do not stack flour and meals higher than 20 layers.
• Do not stack fiberboard cartons of oil tins higher than 8 layers.
• Do not stack containers of oil higher than 10 layers.
• Leave at least 1 meter of circulation space between the top of the stack and the eaves of the
warehouse roof.

9. Complete the stack card, and attach it to the side of the stack, in a visible and accessible

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