1 - A Novel MEMS Capacitive Microphone Using Spring-Type Diaphragm
1 - A Novel MEMS Capacitive Microphone Using Spring-Type Diaphragm
1 - A Novel MEMS Capacitive Microphone Using Spring-Type Diaphragm
In this paper, we present a new design of diaphragm that supported by frog arms for MEMS capacitive microphone
structure. The proposed diaphragm reduces the air damping and diaphragm stiffness to improve the microphone sensitivity.
The behaviour of the microphones with clamped and supported diaphragm by frog arms are analysed and simulated using
finite element method (FEM). The structure has a perforated aluminium diaphragm with a thickness of 3 lm, a diaphragm
size of 0.5 mm 9 0.5 mm, and an air gap of 1 lm. According to the results, the mechanical sensitivity of the new
microphone is 9.893 nm/Pa and pull-in voltage is 2.25 V whereas the clamped one with same diaphragm size has a
mechanical sensitivity of 0.309 nm/Pa and pull-in voltage of 44.6 V. By introducing the frog arms around the diaphragm,
the mechanical sensitivity increased 32 times. The results also yield a capacitance sensitivity of 0.15 fF/Pa for clamped
microphone and 27.45 fF/Pa for supported one with frog arms. The pull-in voltage of the supported microphone by frog
arms has decreased about 95% compared with clamped one.
Microsystem Technologies
Microsystem Technologies
Fig. 3 A schematic springs modeling of whole diaphragm Determination of pull-in voltage is very important in
MEMS capacitive structure. To calculate pull-in voltage,
The spring constant of each guided-end beam is: the structure is assumed to be in a vacuum. A lumped
element model of a capacitor with movable is shown in
EW1 ðt1 Þ3
K1 ¼ ð1Þ Fig. 5.
ðL1 Þ3 According to Newton law, the acceleration is related to
EW2 ðt2 Þ3 forces and mass which is expressed as:
K2 ¼ ð2Þ X
ðL2 Þ3 F ¼ ma: ð8Þ
Microsystem Technologies
The maximum voltage is taken by dV/dx = 0 and then The simulations are performed using IntelliSuite MEMS
the distance, where the pull-in is occurred, can be obtained simulation tool. The objectives of the simulation are to
as: verify the deformation of the diaphragm due to the applied
voltage between the diaphragm and the back plate and also
xpullin ¼ : ð13Þ to consider the microphone capacitance. The MEMS
3 capacitive microphone with a clamped perforated dia-
The system becomes unstable at the pull-in voltage, phragm and perforated diaphragm with frog arms have
where the movable plate is displaced about one-third of the physical parameters as given in Table 2. Square perforated
original gap. After solving Eq. (11) for xPi and choosing diaphragm is used for new structure. A DC bias voltage is
the stable root, the pull-in voltage for parallel plate struc- applied between the diaphragm and the back plate. The
ture can be obtained as: bias voltage is chosen 60% of pull-in voltage.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The essential characteristics of the structure, such as pull
8Keq d3 in voltage, mechanical sensitivity, capacitive sensitivity
Vpullin ¼ ð14Þ
27eAeff and resonance frequency are simulated using finite element
method (FEM). Figure 6 shows the simulated diaphragm
Keq is the total spring constant of diaphragm which is
deflection versus applied pressure (40 Pa) for clamped
obtained from Eq. (7) and Aeff is the effective area of the
diaphragm and the maximum central deflection of the
diaphragm which is calculated as:
clamped simple diaphragm is 0.00862 lm. Figure 7 shows
Aeff ¼ A Aholes ¼ w2d na2h ð15Þ the simulated diaphragm deflection versus applied pressure
(40 Pa) for proposed diaphragm and the maximum
Where n and ah are the number of diaphragm holes and deflection of proposed diaphragm is 0.321357 lm. It can
hole length, respectively. Substituting Eqs. (7) and (15) be seen that the diaphragm with frog arms has more
into (14) yields the pull-in voltage for proposed deflection than the clamped one under same load. Indeed,
microphone. by introducing the frog arms around the diaphragm, the
4 2 K 0 d3 deflection increased by 37 times.
Vpullin ¼ : ð16Þ Figure 8a shows the simulated clamped diaphragm
3 3 er e0 ðw2d na2h Þ
deflection and Fig. 8b shows the simulated new diaphragm
deflection versus applied voltage. It can be seen that the
3.3 Resonance frequency pull-in voltage of microphone with new diaphragm is
2.25 V, whereas the pull in voltage of the microphone with
The resonance frequency of the structure depends on clamped perforated diaphragm is 44.6 V. Then the pull-in
geometry and material properties. The resonance frequency voltage of the supported microphone with frog arms has
of the microphone diaphragm can be defined as follows: been decreased about 95% compared with clamped one.
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Thus the new microphone is proper for low voltage
1 Keq applications. In our simulations, the upper limit of the
fres ¼ ð17Þ
2p m linear range is about 60% of pull in voltage, thus the bias
where Keq is the equivalent spring constant of the voltage is 26.76 V for clamped microphone and 1.35 V for
new one.
Microsystem Technologies
Microsystem Technologies
Fig. 10 Deflection vs. pressure under bias voltage for microphones Fig. 11 Capacitance vs. pressure under bias voltage for microphones
Microsystem Technologies
Table 3 A comparison between microphone with proposed diaphragm and clamped one
Structure of perforated Size Pull in Resonance frequency under Capacitive sensitivity under Mechanical sensitivity under
diaphragm (mm2) voltage bias (kHz) bias (fF/Pa) bias (nm/Pa)
Table 4 Comparison of
Pull-in voltage (V) Resonance frequency without bias (kHz)
calculated and simulated results
for proposed microphone Calculated results 2.77 26.7973
Simulated results 2.25 22.983
Microsystem Technologies
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