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NEURAL NETWORKS AND SOCIAL for storing experimental knowledge and making it

NETWORKS available use.”

Social networks and neural networks are interrelated Neural Network can be likened in two ways:
concepts because both deal with identifying and tracing
patterns, trends, connection and relations. Social network First, knowledge is acquired by the network from its
looks into the relations of a group of social entities and environment through a learning process.
any information with regard to each actor including the Second, interneuron connection strengths, known as
relations within the network while neural networks synaptic weights, the human brain as a biological neural
develop meaning from complex or inaccurate patterns. network which is made up of a signal. The basic
Neural networks can be considered as an application of computing units of the nervous system are called
the social network analysis because neural networks can neurons or nerve cells. The most common of these
be used to effectively identify connections and relations. classes of cells which are intermixed with neurons in the
It can be utilized to extract patterns and trace trends and central nervous system are the glia or glue cells.
connections that are very complicated for human to
The perceptron is invented by Frank Rosenblatt at the
CHARACTERISTICS OF NEURAL NETWORK Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory in 1957. A perceptron
Neural Network have three major characteristics. It is the simplest neural network. It is a computational
processes information like the human brain. It is a model of a single neuron. A perceptron is made up of
connectional computer system and it has the ability to one or more inputs, a professor, and a single output. A
learn. perceptron follows the "feed-forward" model.

1. Process information like the human brain - Neural In this model the inputs are sent into the neuron. Then
networks process information like the human brain. It is they are processed and the result are shown in an output
composed of " a large number of highly interconnected (Shiftman,2012). In the diagram below, this means the
processing elements (neurons) working in parallel to network or one neuron reads from left to right: inputs
solve a specific problem. " come in: output goes out.

2. "Connectionist" computational system - The THE DENDRITE AND THE AXON

computational systems are procedural. A program starts The basic computing units of the nervous system are
at the first line of the code, then executes it, and it goes called neurons or nerve cells. In understanding neural
on to the next, following instructions in a linear manner. networks, connection is necessary. Each neuron in the
However, a neutral network does not follow a linear human brain contain hundreds and even thousands of
direction. connections to other neurons whose total number could
3. How the ability to learn - One of the key elements of a reach up to times 1014 or 1015. Neurons are very
neural network is its ability to learn. A neural network is sensitive that is way they readily respond to any form of
not just a composite system but a complex adaptive pressure. this characteristic of the neuron serves as the
system that can alter its internal structure based on the basis for a number of sensory receptors.
information flowing through it. Usually, this is done There are other types of cells in the nervous system. The
through the adjustment of weights. most common of these classes of cells which are
THE BRAIN AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AS A intermixed with neurons in the central nervous system
NEURAL NETWORK are the glia or glue cells. These cells serve as an
important support function for neurons, both metabolic
Simon Haykin (1999, 2) defines neural network as “A and physical, because they form a matrix in which
massively parallel distributed processor made up of neurons grow. (Anderson 199,5-6.)
simple processing units, which has a natural propensity

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