BDRRMFIP Resolution
BDRRMFIP Resolution
BDRRMFIP Resolution
Hon…………………………………………………………………Punong Barangay
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon………………………………………………………………… SK Chairperson
Absent: None
Series of 2019
WHEREAS: the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund shall be
Itemized and had been the integral part of the Annual Budget pursuant to R.A. 7160;
WHEREAS, upon the review of Sangguniang Barangay, the Plan Covers the four (4)
thematic areas of Disaster which is Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster
Preparedness, Disaster Response and Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery which also
corresponds to the structure of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council;
APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY._________________________.
Barangay Secretary
Barangay Kagawad
Punong Barangay
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Iloilo Barangay
Municipality of San Miguel Logo
Barangay ________
Article I - Title
This order shall be known as an order “Reorganizing the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Committee (BDRRMC) Of Barangay ___________, San Miguel, Iloilo.”
Article II - Definition of Terms
Disaster Response - Provide life preservation and meet the basic subsistence needs of affected
population based on acceptable standards during or immediately after a disaster.
Disaster Preparedness - Establish and strengthen capacities of communities to anticipate, cope and
recover from the negative impacts of emergency occurrences and disasters.
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation - Avoid hazards and mitigate their potential impacts by reducing
vulnerabilities and exposure and enhancing capacities of communities.
Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery - Restore and improve facilities, livelihood and living
conditions and organizational capacities of affected communities, and reduced disaster risks in accordance
with the “building back better” principle.
Disaster - Natural or man-made events wherein communities experience severe danger and incur
loss of lives and properties causing disruption in its social structure and prevention of the fulfillment of all
or some of the affected community’s essential functions.
Hazard - any phenomenon that has the potential to cause disruption or damage to humans and their
environment. Or an event or occurrence that has the potential for causing injury to life, property and
Vulnerability - factors of the community that allows a hazard to cause a disaster. Or the result of a
number of factors that increase the chances of a community being unable to cope with an emergency.
Capacity -quantitative assessment of human and material resources.
Article III – Composition of BDRRMC
The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee shall be composed of the following;
Barangay Administrative Support:
- Preside the BDRRMC meetings and design programs and coordinate activities consistent with the
national council’s standards and guidelines;
- Formulate and implement a comprehensive and integrated Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan in accordance with the national / city / municipal framework and policies on disaster
risk reduction in close coordination with the Barangay Development Council;
- Submit reports to the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office and to other
agencies concerned on BDRRM activities and implement programs and project lined-up for BDRRM.
Administrative Support:
Ensures that all BDRRMC requirements are in place and are in good order, such as legal documents,
forms to be used to provide immediate support and necessary actions to carry out a barangay
activity or project;
Ensures that all plans, activities, Memorandum of Agreements / Memorandum of Understandings,
BDRRM Plans and policies pertaining to DRRM and CCA are in place and available anytime.
The Four Sub-committee (based on the four thematic area of DRRM)
(1) Prevention and Mitigation / Research
Conducts research and study on developing initiatives related to DRR and CCA;
Recommend measures on the implementation of environmental laws, such as but not limited to
RA 10121, RA, 10821, RA 9729 and RA 9003;
Assists in the implementation of laws, programs, projects and activities to prevent or mitigate the
impact of natural or human-induced hazards;
Initiates forest and mangrove planting and rehabilitation; and
Conducts risk, exposure, vulnerability and capacity assessments,
Transportation Team
Ensures that there is a readily available functional transportation system in the barangay that can
be used before, during and after emergency or disaster;
Conducts regular inventory of available transportation vehicle and its capacity to transport
population from high risk to safe areas;
Coordinates private or business sectors for possible use of their vehicle especially during
evacuation movement or any disaster related activities within the barangay;
Ensures that the private or business sectors are agreed to use their vehicle in times of emergency
or disaster through a Memorandum of Agreement or Understanding.
Education Team
Ensures that children and youth are included in community-based disaster risk reduction and
management and climate change adaptation activities in the community;
Ensures that the private and public organizations and agencies are involved in DRR and CCA
Educates people especially the most vulnerable groups in the community on disaster risk
reduction and management and climate change adaptation;
Develops information education campaign materials on DRR and CCA and share these to the
public; and
Coordinates regularly to education sectors in the community for possible partnership on DRR
and CCA advocacy and project implementation.
Protection Team
Ensures that all disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation
programs, projects and activities did not violate the rights of the people especially children,
women, persons with disability, elderly and other vulnerable sectors or groups in the
Ensures that the vulnerable groups or sectors such as children, youth, women, pregnant and
lactating mother, elderly, people with disability, indigenous people are protected and free from
any harm before, during and after emergency or disaster; and
Assures compliance with the legal procedures for the implementation of disaster risk reduction
and management and climate change adaptation laws in the barangay and other protocols,
policies and guidelines related to DRRM.
Livelihood Team
Conducts study together with other groups or sectors in the barangay on the economic impacts
brought about by the hazards or disaster;
Provides recommendations or solution about what they have learned and what long term
solutions people can make in collaboration with higher government offices or agencies that
people’s recovered or rehabilitated their livelihood.
The council shall meet once every three (3) months or as necessary, which shall be presided over
by the chairperson, and in his/her absence, any of the Vice Chairpersons of Four (4) sub-committees will
preside the meeting. In the absence of the Chairperson and the four Vice Chairpersons, the members present
constituting a quorum shall elect among themselves who may preside for such meeting only. But in cases
where the presence of the Chairperson or Vice chairpersons is required by law or by the rules and
regulations of the council, the meeting must only presided by the Chairperson or Vice Chairpersons
The affirmative vote of a majority of the members present in a meeting shall be necessary to
approve an action of the council. The presiding officer shall not join in the voting except to break a tie.
A quorum shall mean the presence of a majority of the members.
The direction, command and control of all disaster operations in the barangay level will be
exercised by the Chairperson of the BDRRMC who shall be assisted by the Vice Chairman’s of the four
(4) sub-committees. The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center shall be
located at_________________, San Miguel, Iloilo.
This Executive Order supersedes Executive Order No. ____, s.201___ and shall take effect
immediately and shall be valid until revoked or amended.
Punong Barangay
Chairperson, BDRRMC
Office of the Mayor
MLGOO, this municipality
Municipal DRRM Office/ Council
Republic of the Philippines Insert
Province of Iloilo Barangay
Municipality of San Miguel Logo
Barangay ___________
Hon…………………………………………………………………Punong Barangay
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon…………………………………………………………………Barangay Kagawad
Hon………………………………………………………………… SK Chairperson
Absent: None
Series of 2019
WHEREAS, the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee aims to reduce or
to minimize the effect brought by any natural calamities and to strengthen the availability and
capacity of the BDCC members through trainings/seminars and formulation of the BDRRM Plan for
all hazards identified in the barangay;
WHEREAS, the BDRRM PLAN serves as our tool/basis how to be well organize the
community and citizen in times of natural calamities/disaster hit our barangay;
APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY._________________________.
APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY._________________________.
Barangay Secretary
Barangay Kagawad
Punong Barangay