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1.From the style perspective, how would you describe Mark’s leadership?
The style approach focuses specifically on individual’s actions and behavior. The style
approach is divided into two different types of behaviors: task behavior and relationship
behavior. In this case, Mark’s leadership style is currently relationship based. Mark’s social
relation-ships with his subordinates demonstrates his value in making those under him feel
2. How did his style change over time?
Mark’s style changed overtime by developing from being task oriented to relationship orient-
ed. During the beginning stages of his position as the head of the painting department, Mark
was a self-proclaimed drill sergeant and focused all on the tasks at hand. He set goals and put
forth and motivated all efforts to achieve them.

3. In general, do you think he is more task oriented or more relationship oriented?

In general, he is more relationship oriented from now on, but he started to be highly task
oriented. As a leader, he has become more connected to empower his team and motivate them
to achieve superior results.
4. What score do you think he would get on Blake and Mouton’s grid?

In the Blake and Mouton grid, he is likely to get a score of (8,8) 8 for task focus and 8 for
team focus, as he focuses on production and relationship in a balanced way. By doing so, he
is able to effectively manage his team and build a team of committed and motivated staff.


According to the style approach, how would you describe Susan’s leadership?
Susan’s leadership style can be categorized as task oriented. She runs the business with
mostly college students, which means that most of the employees are not long term
2. Why does her leadership style create such a pronounced reaction from her
Subordinates who are also goal oriented have lot to learn from her and appreciate the
opportunity. Since Susan makes tasks and goals very clear for everyone and keeps them busy
end of the day they feel good about everything they’ve accomplished. Subordinates who pay
attention to people relationship may not like Susan’s style because she focuses on the tasks
rather than people relationship.

Victor Ponce 26/11/2019

3. Do you think she should change her style?
In Susan’s case she is dealing with temporary employees. And hence to some extent
employee relationship or employee satisfaction is not impacting the business as much. With
her leadership style she is passing the message to potential employees that “to work at
Marathon sports you must be task and goal oriented”. She only needs 10 employees to run
the business. What works for Susan may not work for bigger businesses. She can continue
with her leadership style and drive the same amount of growth every year.
4. Would she be effective if she changed?
Susan is not able to balance her work and personal life. She works very hard at the store and
is struggling with her personal life. Her current model is not sustainable model since it is
offbalance. To bring balance in her life Susan must focus on bringing in few long-term
employees, train them and delegate some of the work. She must start focusing on relationship
style and take interest in her employees, value their individuality and respond to their needs.
Susan will not have to beat herself up every day if she can find dedicated employees whom
she can count on and train them to perform at the same level as she does.

Victor Ponce 26/11/2019

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