PIPING GUIDE - Typical Questions For Piping Engineer's Knowledge Testing (With Answers)

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A Unique blog for Oil and Gas Professionals covering topics related to Piping and Process.

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

Typical Questions For Piping Engineer’s Knowledge Testing (With

Note: Each answer will appear to be wrong to some readers and right to others. Some questions will
have what seems to be an absolute right answer. Others will not. So if you have got any good answer
for below questions, leave us a comment. Find more details see at the end of article.

1. Can you explain in detail three or more major differences between code ANSI B31.1 and code ANSI

Answer: There is only one major difference between the two, B31.1 is for Power Piping and B31.3 is for
Refinery/Chemical Plant Piping.

2. There is a power plant inside a Process refinery. Where exactly the ANSI B31.1 & ANSI B31.3 scope
break occurs?

Answer: Based on my experience there were two cases. Case #1, B31.1 stopped at the Power Plant
Unit block valves. Thus all piping inside the Power Plant was B31.1. Case #2, B31.1 stopped at the
equipment (Boiler) isolation block valves and then all other piping was B31.3. This is normally the
choice of the owner/operator/client.

3. Which of the following piping system is more health hazardous. A) Fuel oil piping b) Process piping
with Caustic c) process piping with HF acid d) Sulphuric acid piping.

Answer: c) process piping with HF acid

4. There is a steam piping with low pocket but without steam trap. What will be worst consequence of
this layout?

Answer: There will be a build up of condensate to the point that a slug will be pushed by the steam
flow. This slug of condensate will cause “water hammer” and could rip the piping apart.

5. In what circumstance, the reducer of a pump suction piping will be in bottom flat position. Explain
why the reducer should be so.

Answer: When reducers are placed in pipe Rack they are generally bottom side flat to maintain BOP to
facilitate supporting. (Answer Credit: Samir Kumar)
6. A P&ID shows a spec break (at Flange) between carbon steel & stainless steel specification. What
additional arrangements you have to make for that dissimilar material flange joint?

Answer: Use the Gasket and bolts from the SS spec.

7. A stainless steel piping specification mentions Galvanized carbons steel bolts. What is your first
reaction ti this and how do you rectify it?

Answer: If that is what the Spec call for then that is what I am supposed to use. But, I would ask the
Piping Material Engineer (PME) why he/she specified galvanized bolts.

8. How many types of piping specialty items do you know? Why it is called a piping special? Why not
we include them in standard piping specification.

Answer: I could possibly count 50 or more depending on the PME and how the piping material specs
were developed. They are called them SP items because they are NOT written into the normal Piping
Material (Line Class) Specifications. They are not included because they are normally of limited use,
purchased from a limited product line vendor and are often after thoughts.

9. Draw a typical steam trap station layout and explain why the existence of a by-pass line around the
trap is not a good idea, when the condensate is returning to a condensate header?

Answer: (No drawing) It is not advisable to have a bypass around a steam trap because the block valve
could be left open and defeat the purpose of the trap.

10. Explain what is a “Double block & Bleed” valve? Why we need a bleed valve? When do we use this?

Answer: The primary purpose of a “Double Block & Bleed” is Safety. However it is not fail safe. The next
better “Safety” set-up would be Double Block Valve with a Spec Blind between the valves. The higher
level of safety would be double block valves with a removable spool for absolute isolation.

11. In a typical tie-in where should the spectacle blind be inserted? a) after block valve and towards
existing plant b) before block valve and towards new plant. Explain why.
Answer: The Spec Blind shall be placed on the Unit side of the Unit Block valves. This placement
allows for the closing of the Unit isolation block valve, the unit side is depressured and drained. Then
the spec blind can be installed for isolation of the unit.

12. “Stress intensification factor (SIF)” Where do we use this? Explain this term. How many types of
these SIF’s exist?

Answer: Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) is a multiplier on nominal stress for typically bend and
intersection components so that the effect of geometry and welding can be considered in a beam
analysis. Stress Intensification Factors form the basis of most stress analysis of piping systems. As
for the quantity, ask a Stress Engineer.

13. When all design parameters are same, whose thermal expansion is higher among the following? A)
Carbon steel b) Stainless steel c) Duplex steel d) Cast Iron e) Galvanized Carbon steel.

Answer: b) Stainless steel

14. In a hose station the hose couplings used for water, air & steam should be different type. Do you
agree? Explain your view.

Answer: I agree. If they are all the same then the hoses can be connected to the wrong services and
could result in the injury of an operator (i.e.: thinking the hose is connected to water when it is
connected to steam).

15. What is your view on the usage of Metallic expansion joints? When they become necessary and
when they could be avoided?

Answer: I do everything I can as a piping designer to avoid the use of all types of expansion joints.
Expansion joints are always the weakest point in any system where they are used.

16. A water cooler heat exchanger, located on a 20 m high structural platform. Water header is located
u/g. What precaution do you take, in case of Pressure loss in cooling water header?

Answer: I do not understand this question it does not appear to be a piping issue. I would assume that
the cooling water system has a (loss of) pressure sensor and the plant shut-down alarms and
sequence would be activated.

17. In what order do you arrange the pipes in the Pipe rack and why? How much % of area should be
reserved for Future expansion? Specify a range.

Answer: The largest hottest lines on the outside edge of the pipe rack working in with cooler lines in
towards the middle of the rack. This allows the longer loop legs as you lay the loops back over the
other lines to the other side of the rack and back. The lower temperature loops would be “nested”
inside the larger, hotter loops. 

“Future rack space” is normally at the direction of the Client. It may be anything from 0% to as much as
18. When a utility line (like condensate or water etc) is connected permanently to a process piping
what precaution we have to take to avoid cross contamination?

Answer: Option #1, double block valve with a drop-out spool.

Option #2, Double block valve with a spec blind.
Option #3, double block valves with a bleed valve.

19. A air fin cooler (2 air coolers with each having 2 inlet nozzles) needs a Typical piping arrangement.
How many types of piping arrangement is possible.

Answer: There are a number of ways to pipe a Fin-Fan cooler depending on what the P&ID call for?

Thanks to (for the answers)

Mahathir Che Ap Piping Designer


Still some answers are not so much satisfactory with total explanation, so if any of you does not agree
with any of the above answers, give me feedback by leaving comments on this article or mail me the
answers at [email protected] When i would receive the answers from any source, i would publish
it here & would update the article accordingly.
Ankit Chugh at 10:19 AM


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5 years ago
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Answer to no.7: The combination of zinc and carbon on the galvanized carbon steel bolts are not good for
use on stainless steel piping and would result in iron particle contamination and/or zinc attack on the
stainless steel items. The bolts should be replaced with stainless steel bolts to prevent dissimilar metal
8△ ▽ Reply

5 years ago
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Answer to qustion 5- Normally Flat side bottom reducer used for slurry pump suction line so as to avoid the
accumulation of solids inside the suction lines.
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Harry > Neetaj

2 months ago
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and (When flow to suction come from elevated tank bottom air pocket generation chances are nil then)
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Piping engineer
6 years ago
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For Question number: 6 - the answer is wrong.

The right answer is "Insulating gasket kit".
Reason:  It is used in order to avoid stray currents generated due to contact of dissimilar metals which would
result in galvanic corrosion on the flanges. this may lead to the failure of the piping system.
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GeorgeT > Piping engineer

5 years ago
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The answer to no. 6 is not wrong and is the usual practice in the process piping industry globally-the bolts
and gaskets of the higher grade material, i.e. stainless steel material, should be used. Why? Though
galvanic corrosion could set in because of dissimilar metals, the use of insulating kits may not be
feasible at all times especially when higher temperatures are concerned. Insulating kits are made of
composite materials (phenol or fiberglass) and have limited usage at higher temperatures normally
encountered in process plants.
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Sunday > GeorgeT

2 years ago
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weld overlay with stainless steel material on the carbon steel flange is best practise
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Engr Michael Goodluck Bassey > Sunday

2 years ago
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What are the likely questions for Design coordinator mechanical engineer
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Robert Matthews > Sunday

2 years ago
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Yes agree George, and we only really use Isolation Gasket kits when lines are routed from above
ground to underground.
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Ankit Chugh > Piping engineer

6 years ago
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Thanks for correcting us Piping Engineer :) I'll make the proper modifications in post as required now.
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pinakin mistry
5 years ago
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answer to question no 16
please to be put loop for liquid holdup at discharge side if pressure drop in header then sufficient amt of
liquid hold are there in cooler.
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Amol Parihar
4 years ago
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Ans For que. No. 5: Actually at the pump inlet reducers are flat site down to avoid the cavitation at the pump
inlet which would damage impellers and gives abnormal sound and leads to damage of pump casing too.
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Robert Matthews > Amol Parihar

2 years ago
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I disagree, all pump suctions should be flat side up to reduce cavitation, if it was flat side down as you say
an air bubble would form at the point where the line reducers. We only use flat side down in a solid
service to avoid particle build-up.
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Dev Anand > Robert Matthews

a year ago
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I agree with you

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5 years ago
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Answer to no.19: The answer is quite honest. One basic fact regarding aircooler piping design is to know
how it is constructed, how it is supported and knowing the allowable loads per API 661. Most aircoolers are
constructed (there are other ways that may need verification with equipment engineer) very much like how a
cassette tape slides into a slot. The whole aircooler box (containing the finned tubes) are installed on huge
C-shape slots permitting the aircooler to slide a few inches lengthwise, sideways and even upward (usually
1/4" or 6 mm) with thermal expansion caused by attached piping. For the most part, a "waterfall" piping
arrangement or what I call a "piano" arrangement wherein pipes flow down from a header to the nozzles, is
the most ideal for airfin coolers. The routing has to be reasonably arranged with a few elbows and pipe
length for pipe flexibility to ensure nozzle loads on airfin coolers (which are commonly low) are not
exceeded. Some companies would require that aircoolers be at least twice or three times the allowable
loads per API 661.
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Halo > GeorgeT

3 years ago
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Hi George, I just finished my piping engineering course form hyd, can you guide me as to any job
openings? i am a mechanical engineer graduate n have also done a fire n safety course
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Raju Kandpal
3 years ago
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Ans 1 One major differecne is the safety of Factor 31.1 is more conservative than 31.3

31.1 allowable stresses are based upon a factor of safety of 4 and B31.3 allowable stresses are based upon
a factor of safety of 3

Ans 5. A case where there is no horizontal spool in the suction line which is dropping vertically, . FSB reducer
with a upward elbow will prevent air trapping in the system
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1△ ▽ Reply

− ⚑
3 months ago
How to fix pump suction nozzle?
Any one please explain ?
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Jandanagger Laterobinson
2 years ago
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What is the origin of the name "bull plug" ?

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Athar Ali
2 years ago
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two material having same chemical composition than there hardness value same or different?
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Robert Matthews
2 years ago
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For Question 9 : I don't agree with the answer, we do require a by-pass around the steam trap. this serves 2
1. During start-up we would close the valve before the steam trap and use the bypass valve until the line
comes up to temperature, then close the bypass valve (which is a Globe Valve) and open the flow through
the Steam Trap.
2. We would use the By-pass to do maintenance on the steam trap.
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